HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-07, Page 130, 1880. ' t MILLINERY. ;ALL & 00.15.; D HATS. helm nd in our 31OW ' ROOM )F— k AND BONNETS}. ,DOLLAR UP, any Other House. GOODS I `IALTY. Hats and Bonnets. enamed to Order on Ik GOODS. cape _anti Material in Pisses aid Children ns Disnstables, in School Hats, at ;0., 50c., 75e. and 11. FEATHERS Sprays. Ponpons. ,cv m French Flow - Ain, Ostrich Tips and 4G SILKS. "ek that approaches e, Extent or Variety. THE. NOVELTIES is and Satins Effects. • `i Brocades, &c. 'ties 'in - all the `tilt antic. JGALL & 00., :tf Staple and Fancy illinery, Mantles., et -c., &C. h and stone, or earth ~ones: let the job of u on -concession 6, op- ne,on 5thcel-ncessiell, i seg the same COM - ''11“ ;;g bo instructed to ,pposito lots 4 and. 5, between concessions . and covered • with wing were appointed ie current year Geo. ser, L. Thornton, ['diner, J. x'YCoCracken, ldson, S. McCurdy, :.\rd, Wrn. Isbister,. Fehet Jobeaston, M. i. Jos. Sellars, J. Mc- ),- Brackenridge., R. lston, McPherson, , J. Turney, Samuel instou, John Wilson,. Miles Miller, W. H. ire, Frazer Enzbery, strong; Thos. Bran - eon, G, Nicholson., T. 'heeler, J. Thomson;,. s: Campbell, F. Mc - caner, D. Currie, W. ii, Jas. Russel, ,J. om,be, H. Clark, D. McLeod, G. Robin - Kerr, S. Smith,: A. 'matelot}, 1I. Hanna, X. McCuteheon, Jr., Fvyre, J. Petcll, M. Kelly, J. White, D. trthur, F. Ashton, P. Scott, W. Mar - J. Dick, ar-.J.1lick, J. Wilson, George Snaith, JaJas.r11, J. R1Chfrxond, R. U.R. Shortreed, D. b J. Fulton. Fence- No.1----Jas. Pollock, )flit Richmond. Di- li urray , John Jack- 1iy. Division No: 3— e. Cardiff and Wm. No. 4 --John. Elston, raster. .Division No. S. Calbeck, Geo. epers-.-Jas. Logan, S. ptee. Geo. -Kelly,, J. ). 3. A. Geddes, J. ',,rbcs. The Tress- the Stile of $15 for necessary expenses ;. :fis to receive $5 for frcurtl Patterson's was ordered to be F. illiles, of Wing- • r vices rendered as e.selved to adopt the petitioned for at �i.d to have the salve lit was also resolved ll he detached frons etion and added. to :TEs, t}, The Council r again on the 29th s ago, •a little (laugh - Senior, of .Blyth, accident. She was all stick in her hand one end of the stiok 'kL)r the other end the eye, inflicting ;pile eye had' a rear - {' Tlint,TEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 64 EAFO • NEW GOODS, NEW GO -0 ' S alVIITE1 . "WM T ONTARIO DRY GOODS HO SE. LADIES—Will find our Dress • oods very handsome and cheap. S ecial valve in Cassimeres, Black and iColored , Brilliautines, Black , Col- ored, Plain and Figured.. a 'hey sell fast.. PRINTS—In great variety; Ame English and French designs, pronounced the prettiest in See them. _ can, and own. COTTONS—At old prices for- few days, only. Secure what y re- quire at cnce. G. LS' HATS — School Hats, a: oys' . Sailor's, and Sunshades in great variety. PARASOLS r Silk, Union, and from 25 cents upwards. GLOVES —Four buttoned Kids shades four buttoned Kids, ing shades -:large assortment YOUNG MEN—Can get the ich Clothing - from us, the ch Bats from us, and the best for the least money. BOOTS AND SHOES As al.rea vertised we are sellingoff ou of Boots a.nd Shoes, and 'aro quentl_v offering Goods at which will: pay to secure at o IN EVERY DEPARTMENT— at selling Goods at the Prices, which we can well a do, as we sell for cash only. CLOSE CASH PRICES 'HAVE N &D ONTARIO. HOUSE VERY POPUL SMITH eC WEST, ST, SEAF .Opposite CariaichaeI's Hot Mr. Pringle's Farew LS.noton1 the Seed Wheat Ouesticri. Ms. EDiTOI1,— ear Sir .flow me to sympathize with ou in,I per galea dis- appointment, I was alfr i you; ere too=lubilanit over he prosect of id ting two week's bread for of i . g. ' I does not do to set one' .min .o h on the things ;of thi worl , a. tlier are many slips betwe:n th ' •up 1a d the lip;" It also app-.ared o ••,e you were inclined to take t a o m c • or gr ted: •Although yatmea has a• god eect ou the human: fa •, ily, it • • :s n, t folow that Arisetka por •dge w•u d ' have the saline b nefichar :sults ; h . _ ice you Were not jus . ified in b ing i li g tto luta r the risko taking it, a t'e: being au- tioned by the 'Sco h armee," by "Obser er " and, myself : s to its; in- jurious eff cls. The ' S •o ch Farmer" proved its indig:stible n: t re by show- ing the t e seed was ak : f it the "Warne ' of an Eg, ptia . ME , which proves hat the human s o .:itch has no power over it. I a o show d i the : evil effects it 11: d o nun er of calves, ut I can scar el blame you for bei g willing o run t ris}� f their complaint; : I c • nfess i I woitl. add greatly to : your : beady god ppear- ace if you wer: more corpul nt, as you are, altogeth:r- too ontrac ed ini that part: oft e • body. "O s rver," with his usual. learuess also howed plainly that the orridge of ly in- ju 'ous_y affecte the pe en, b t also t e writings of . he indi dual, m str ted • de- : by It. Broc s, let rs. It a , ,pears to me, owever doh y . u may desire to improv:.. your p tonal ppear- a1 ee, you , are .n t justified i riskino t e character a • d re utation: { of .THE E Paraben. However sorry I a f r you", I .ami ually� sorry for Mr. ro k; ad ll under e :cannot accept my chialleng: w nt of a wi e. 1 alp quit na t orro a neigh the ba lug, if? he i to•run th : risk a d is satisfie • d be no • iolation of t •e tent �ndment, out I h ve m I doiubt. yrs• that =his e p rime t woul m into inch ro hie. ' On. sec ust c n ss it would b: t dea ore sensible o I: roc , " , before h avin bout o r a' and bread hires if of .a Eiglibor'. vea °ieof is own t stat Itis. The lac •s a b alielo prove he h s got, nt full none n e he has writ 1and b ead question ,41111 n• w' a out such •ii• at h's • ife ells him ould just as soon hav an t a row 'sig mate e it pond, as hav rock, u n less Thad som tha • knew • would the cr pis. The fact ry li tl iand can do t th Adieu. I am d that womon are ss, add Lo not Occup ociet 'eir •usefulnes ights e ti$ le ion a i o fail u,r' Ifir firs rs • new :b even stand 'for the wllling_to, al low . bor's vs�ife! to d¢ • apest villin apest i wou. utfit c mm1 a d fel ad h 1 o id thought I y ad- safer, nd a gre the pa t of Mr. stock, so mush to. say Id:posses er, and 1 odd .iris r. Brock r • odea- - he we rices lough ce. _; make that 1Y how little sens: e aim accounts for tli owest ten on the flow ord. to What oes any ' things except J.?or m part. I •challe ge'd F a on th Egznuu• ch allo ged Mr. THE one a my bac R. bring •e out of is, me know v far le s, :witho almost persuad much abused cl TH, the position in. and t eir just ' them t hold. Women ave a i1 crag fo the ai s'Qf ori mission •for al the blun ars n res : mel have committ::d. t pareu S .Ada when h=: mad mistak WWas nrnanly e • ough .to blame his poor ife. Ainother your an we read of, Who as. very : nsiou t do liis duty whe it ivas pe`nted o t to him, was (dish nest enou h to e so fond of his RI'P1. Wife hat he re used o b it. Then we ave friend BI ock, • o, after all' h'd uffi g and bl, wing, c: n do nothing f r an of a wife 1Vo :m are blamed for So m ch and • ave t ar the burdens ENT. , of the State a well s Men, that they Ought tohave : voic aiid a hand ii,nn the managem:nt of t affa rs.' Sinde we require so •• any•• ember, of Par- ent, it wo ld be ' ell if some tbf then I were un er the uidan a and df - on of thei mothers in ischargir:g their Parham::ntary • uties. It. would also have a must eleva ing effect on the legislation of the c • nutty, motherly bodies had eats i and Ottawa, i for no hang e havan Ieye t the 'g d `bel our ale repr:seutat es vhf aw y:from t eir wi :.s and but I am gett=ng on angero" and will stop Your circ., I [NOTE. ; Mr. ringle se flouv zuadc; from riietka . any ung : in th .s,howev takepp We have just been tioulmadeifrom is flour 'r tan and fi ckles, and is lila able and opnla adtleuclu lady who !value her co to e applied. to the skin, bru. h.—L'u.l , l Varna The regal • IS 1 . 1. HILL BR. MAIN STREET, SEAF THE TAILORING DEPART i' o nsl eth a; few a th urc o' to c rcul n rvou' a dot ndre rasa nsic o tali aSsig 1: t mb; In this Branch of our Bfsiness we are Very Busy. �rect That our Work and Prices plc, publiis fully proved by the I Trade that is being done in t partment. Fresh Arrivals • this week Worsteds, French Pantings an • 'Tweeds. e • • Gents, Call on. IIs and Lea Measures. ase the • mense . is De- f Fine Scot oh. e Your MILLINERY DEPART ENT. With the rine Stock that Showing in this Room, we ha confidence in our ability to wants of -the Ladies.. A Beautiful Assortment of • Bonnets, Trimmed and Untri 0 .i U Our Stock - of Flowers, Laces and Trimmings cannot passed. See Our Goods 'Belo) chasing Elsewhere. Rernenzber the Place—Opp Commercial Hotel. HILL BROTHERS • 4.. we are Teachers' I e every schoolhouse eet the,co +melting meeting was ne by ;the ats and ket, and of razed. ticn of the sion, Mr. G •, AhIEs Lis to i e t is • lot"' good ., w • belie a lie is mof ruled that a s e= •chant fol rein° i , ly to be ore :ti v h to the't flet of c le ion. It reef i go *misty, with ,c4 tx , Instiitute, of the 1a s h ld ill 1t day, May 'h.t cl )ck m. T he usual Ma ir. Wm:1 Pi'u, • ing and aclo• e previous se Sr., I itatroduc� otion • 7e benefit diseusi'" 1 teach vas passe ,'e" of it' 1 exam»l. jlement w read a if a fety n Toron se than aviour 1b n they at familia s grout d ''LIN OLE sinuate t u eache s' r -meeti, , g stitute wf on S ui at 10 opened Preside er the inutes o. Bai the subject cf "Unif it ,' and sh r:from.- i whit] a d a res nstitut iforrn p comp . Jas. gel ling, po e t syste and suggesting that died by introduci. eathers, amine tibia be sur- arising th .followed, took part, that this system of u tions, i( th. PUr- le=t out. fi'wI_ essay oil s of l our pre site the characters, o allow lette-r to ha ..e only spell by the phoneti pr=oceeded t= notice : n- the objectio s raise) ag duction of s ch a sy to saying herb lieved i• w make a too ough ch.n to do it g, la Wally. Mr Main Street, eaforth.•took up the subject of Pro d t web vera On 1 pro oI otioi ti ve ndrE n. 11 • g Ont the faint f orthograp ight be '1 sufficient n h csaracter ound, and theethed. He theanswer Some • ins the inti • and ,clo' sed b I. 1 able le of teat e i min bbnes, .f Inoiri:: :a wit ion of•tI oyste.• ctical gave• eller a rable a n1up a d,j and On the gth, an sl = ng it to cl y remark s, heir compo .invent. He the muscles e blood, dig 1 in a very ammer. Mr. reading, a citation, wh lease. The he next m.. the Institute first Sat and It i propos: ve. -ntin. —T • e' boy gf •••ana erion8 ween t ;s. Sit C �- • Va = olntn sT.0 r publi and 0 iere wa recti State Ileyfie esume terms W.O: I ,000 b th ult. aper los. Br was o ars in a;Polic etectiv ville o :llenba ctisin: ary cer few shipp s to a, , on e of a s) to S e very m I ante• an 'y, for uici• a by d ime g�, in. heIdnfortui ;ime p life, a bo-�' t jie Eisai popul ueb e I — ver nine —i strik: fact f Gold day ,It 111 iary ve tt' it ea r._ or p =ace ari id s •ala OW 4 • towed his ss, After e descril- ition and then -went ligaments, :stiou and interesting Jas.' M. . d Mr.. ch elicited subjects to eting were .adjourned ry in Sep- •anada. d to test the cedar block oildon. lihnny Conn s issuffer- titck of measl s. of is going n in Que- ll) rival secti ns; of ship - alley, Chief E ngineer Of 1 y Railway, as resigned ries `Vat Son is the latest eader in t e cities of ario. heavy fall of snow in' of Cana, • a ,and. the n Saturday. I cotton 0 • eratives on • work on Monday, satis- H ving been : rranged. • '1Vie & Co., .0 Montreal, slaels of Ville t on Thurs- in Wnnipe;,, Manitoba, us1 ol. : nan, the 0 tawa incen- 'Saturday s:ntenced to t e Penitentiary by • the agistrate. with, pf Lo • don, visited the 28th u t., and had 'h, of -Buff lo, fined $25 i Canada vith out the i 'tate.; r° js ago eMr Maxwell, of ten of hi celebrated I, lace 200 miles west of ea, and the reapers and o learn that • I: 11 • • • om ate of it • to w tow The larg wast pass: non ma the orae •. ck the , by pia og, for tro ae • riowms ga were i e to fenabolic Win onites. ipal C by la to in e_; col.. hem t nted b Dae we tea. •ulnen, • the ler, a il. ne da ohn L ship, Shore ge, w rake, h.e shit pulled' xcite srani gene rom t vo day shtitte= slight en ry f Trini whic enly a t, Tor eek. wenty to hi hard, onsu too ill the "tl:••dal gi :. o hi. )) d fie x.l =h 11, Moth e i. Me Mu z quit' of 1 dub app cor Sta Gov enf He con To Mr. La car tre me an Th sh ha fre for Wel wit list ter st str llasw vijo ve on tw! • 1 the Black cr load (bot 'YI"land.: uch regret on of the la a Mr. Daniel rly of - y =, committed o ning h m' elf a short l`e viciuit - o Baltimore. e young an had for s been 1- ad'ng a dissi- d this w s :he sad end p a icious attempted : rs. n p . ylwer t near th t ig a log : cr ss the trac . t lately, p ov • d to ne t o mplish is design, and • by the - c w catcher. The e e some •' h t scared, but j> red. A e ort will be out the p:rpetrator of et. eg des• I ave refu incil in v Prelim e}view: t y with dominate be Gove the pr they s ill name errs of cher secti 11 • 5 r ' • • IS lo 1 • ately Mr h, of Pin ere driv Road from u the bol he horse his fell to t 4-1, the line nimal da to the g a upset. e buggy an The b y Medical his Mg r. Rath, w Ave years of examinati nd the o as taken Ut moved to last fal Periodicals and being interested and posted up in all passing we nts." The subject of the above memo r was the mother of Mr. Richard Too ey, M.P.P., for East MiddleseX. night of last weeks h says ' the to elect a or nay 'has leading men Jew to in- .ouncil to be ent, ac - vi ions of the ill refuse, the th. council and t e new Act. has elected a lYfcCoSh and ver, Huron • along the ncardine in a in the whiffle- s rang forward e ground, Both ut in vain. d and they as not found y was pretty en escaped • hi a OS of the Arch tieb c. Several c r. Isaac Blain t wnship of Metcalf e in one t rgyme resid as a gave birth to two lain on 18th Of April, and on the lowing she gave birth to This is certainly a stran . —About 400 itnm'grants 'from Groat Britain and Ireland arrived at Mon - m Quebec. Three , were 'tot Ontario, nder aro for the ey are; a healthy lass of 'people. anna,' of Paisley, ater Witch." It water and haS a Ross shire, Ocotland,in 1783 ; died at John and M4rgaret Macrae, who were descendants of Revs. Farquhar M crae and Donald gacrae, ministers o the Wednesday Church of 5Cotland, A. D. 17 in vidual de- Kintail. rough the —Prince Palace at May 13th, n were in Alex. York , first visit le' lig in the ewe which unday, the unday fog two more. e freak , of 04.1 on Saturday fr 5 for Manitoba, 35 real, and the rema respeetable looking Christened the " tawa 18 inches of wishing to WA the eapabilles of the aistance of 60 mile .up the Saugeen tiver,lwhere he arri ed on the morning af the seeond day The return trip . 1 — alter Laing, n extensive cattle ehipper of Guelph has suffered from the- present bad accommodation for conveying live* stock by railway, and calls for some improvement on the re - anent he had one $801cow trodden to death on the cers etween Guelph and Toronto, and befor the train reztehed Montreal, several ore la dead, with others standing on top of .t elm. ; Mar 'n was as 'sting in me eading 'cat - don, last Thur day, when : an enraged steer rushed a him, and c, Whin(' him on his horns, tossed him i : to the air. his" uncerernonio 'a Procer'ding was le- hoW ver, came to- is as istance .and Martin was not mulch inju ed but ter - figures, which indieate th our Cattle trade : In 187 shipPed for the British in andepiwine, 430. In 1878 lie nunabers 18791 the figures rose to The above were consigned of SO silver medal- • hool for the lo ea, died -very on Gerrard ay evening' of o at his deathi een • 'studying train brought ✓ pid type. Ile nt at the school is bedside and! w hours later as a native of Toronto with o attend the favorite with eased was 4 o t, of SeaforthT ntains the fol - "The r death Buckfastleigh y at the ad- d 8- raontha. could rememr ,in the ye ne isto be dee . She raise gest being .5 of whom ar nt of perfec in). on which ✓ was born ;Is died in 1840, -for over 3 three of hi earlier ay last, being ev votion to those ent and intel- er papers- and ng er e was a gr at rofessibrs and hi f The 'TiDtnes Tim tte of garch 19t just ''Occurred f has j t passed ed ag of 93 year a aire• d' is the last, n her gr ndfather, year 1 98, and die , and chose tom Mates Churehyar the dest 71—a e and lb the enjo th. IL nephew, d,with her. Th th posseaSio, e 1whi• is time she s an never eaw dren, nd the sa cons cuous in racteril ed her to de st • Wm. Plunke !Physiology at • a bu he he 4 1 • ic 0 following condition' of 7, the animals e_ret were BS an of g West. For exit &T CO., of Waterloo besides several of New Hamburg, of wagon for the p much lighter than the w use there, and has wider a large order; fop the mill which the Ea sian getting in place of,the or ing machines. I fore tried'witla the a public school expense where the 40a junior. lie fichools- are in fut teachers,. while t o be kept within th s of 50 . pupils to osition affecting th templates that after h cisee each day one-half each division willlbe dis es 2,778i In Cattle, 24, - 'ram the ports he Conuty o :Wale lOo is doing tive business in- the naanufaCture ple Messrs. Meaner shipped 13 wagons uggiesi and 'Other .he was *lute incorrigible that ba.1 r. F. Moyne', ,missal a ually took place. s mak ng a new style :also, I b lieve, quite true eine c uhtry. It is ,some Lim after the wound h fres ; and the 'very favor KY. f Berlin, have --Rece tly an advertisement was is - tones for a sued at 0 or threshing , work on t eopold leaves Englaiad on companied by the Hon. aud Dr. Rbyl. He will sister at Ottawa, th n fol- low a -rou including St. Louis, Chi - New d four —On last Friday, a confidence man named Geof e Riley, hailing froth De- troit, vioti zed an emiarant named by tneans borrowing cheque for arrested on —A noto created 8011;1 treal big, by disr which had order to ha Nothing da4 ing was the was remove —One da of Henry PO name of R Working fa and stole (mostly bill coat and ye then decain feet six in oomplexio and is abon ;mer reside Sap : _"1 viras glad to see you oonfute the rumori placed in circulation in re - good Id not d. last ver 30 been e that il and umber o into that township this here are sOme good settlers- cago, Cin 'York and nati,• Washington, wport. He will spen le at the -Union st e swindle was perpe the cheque trick, 0 from Graves, giv 720 in return. Rile aturds.y night. oils woman, Celena consternation in th Court, on Saturday ing herEelf of the c ation, trated Riley ng a was Mon- morn- ering een put on her by fere° in e her brought to Icourt„ nted, the 'magistrate clear - of spectators, form assault chargek an wo months in jail. d her fined Cloth - forced upon her mid she last week, while the family t, of Trafalgar, were ttend- , a young man going by the bert Easton, who had been Post, entered the house therefrom $43 in ), a black suit of 01 t of dark gray tw r articles of val ed. Easton is a hes in height, sto light hair, smoot 20 years of age. ckburn (Muskoka) as re- er from Mr. Harvey, a for- t of Hamilton, in which he money thes, a d, and . He ut five , light face, farnaing wish for .4 skoka. We have nary here. wo ter crops than I h pring wheat went through pit of the township will equal ny in Ontario for s timber. xpect to see a large of settlers Stratford Not only vt Brown, b ought to h gratitude again had lonceand the dismi 'that he s that it 'wa McLEAN BR.S„ P iblish+ $1.50 .a Yeah, in AdvanC ed by the first steamer up the Assini- liable te Sihiby, no bobae, so that, should all other sources corporation. judiement as giv favor of Sileby ane. mains Ronal fail, we shall certainly have some by e --Miss McPherson brings out another batch of boys this week, to the onie caused such a commotion in at Galt. A patty of girls will sh rtly three'years ago, ie lectu • in land. Ile ;spoke at,Dunde and Ar ---The people of Drift's Creek are a 'week ago. ini reath building 41,000 'worth. of sidewalk this —Numerous cimeplaints are being year ; thus saving labor and shoe- made by farmers in consequence f the ostly old farmers fro d Georgetown.". onto corresponden he assault upon there was a good deal whiehl ve bespoken the fa or anal his assailant. 0 ce and.i the foreman Of the departe mmended and en uraged4 al of the wretched an, wadi ain bad Mr. Brown insistek uld have another rial, so only r.fter it was parent he dis- It was hat for been go on enatort fou are pro jeo re for an hour and a: ha take up school wo k, be allowed* to lay afternoon will be ientla be under the supe,•vis teacher, who, in down unseemly part of the -pia saving in Galt ouch a scheme —In the cemet Village on Lake S .iiscriliftions may e re Highland. Har lyj headstone but pr cla over whom it was plac "from Islay,al Oa 0, ero s ,"from "from Sutherlandsle re,!' I Ma "from Perthshire," an sO on fr Highland counties. ut perha illUstrate the 100 of hi me and p encestrY, are :mays fo wing Jae°, 1786 died 3 Emigrated to Canada , of the first piOneers of, sic by t ry a mco tawa for men to Igo and e Thunder Bay sedtion of ennonites sixe .1 the Cana a Pacific Railway t $1.50 inary t resh- , per day, With board at ' $4 p r week, lbeing offered half transport. An order f re at of in th be al er di teecher. The Guelph. by-law preventing buyers froni purchasing potatoes, apples, utter er„of London, officiated at the c lase- eggs, dco., before a late hotter in th foree oration of a new church in Kincardine on Sunday las4 icookt. -s-An Ancaster farmer brought into pened Hamilton on Monday, 11 sheep bred loomS &nil reared by himself, which weighed 250 reto- I to assist laborers out of the ucing Mayor s ated that the Co li Galt, wOuld ad ance the necessary pub- pay the 1 borers' portion of owed penses. the men were to be 'sions City Hall on Tb.ursday morn sign the agreement to pay bac to the. Corpora.tipn through t e con- tractors. but up to one o'clock only teti had responded. The men 'were to heve left late city that night, bit if 50 could no fall throt —The Deminio the Nort Donald Mr. A. Winnipe Sabine be conti Office to with Mr Office tol with Mr Prairie Office t Mr. Jos he pupils in sed into the o remain, there h n they will the other half heir play, will of a ju on to k et, will rs in tea e adoption of ed $1,250 per icious eping spend The Beaver some neenument or McP. utherlaua as ;Iasi tent at, s 'and M okays tain offi will te opened at -onee. not quite all fun printing a er'away out at Battleford, as loserved by the following mel - ail from the Saskatchewan The paper for some months been printed on brown wrap- nique omb- ration $10 to the ex - at the ng and the $10 —The new cottOn Quebec Province.,i which three weeks ago„; contain and 10,000 spinclles, and a 200 enaplo 2,900 pounds in the aggregate. I operatives. It is'af a capacity o turn -!--The Presbyterian congregatioe. of out $200,000 worth of cottonper =tune. Ridgetown, have decided againstl the —,T. Hewara Hunter, M. A., super, - introduction of an organ, the choir! has intendent of the 4..sylum for the Blind been disbanded for the present. at Brantford, and formerly hea mas- 4--Robert DeCoursier, nutlet. tath ter of the Dunalta High] Soh 1, is a sentence at Toronto for the murd r of candidate ate -the! 'Benal electi ns Me brother, ia in good health and Toronto University. spirits,, and is opeful that his friends —A oak° walk, that is, a alkin will suceeed inhavnaglais sentence com- match where cakes were given a prize* be secured the proje following changes Land offices in Man odd to be inspector o Whitcher to be loca , with Messrs. Go assist e ope Geo. M. nts. Mr. Ric his present ed at Turtle . Newcombe . Wood as e ope ed at Bird Ta A. J. Belch as agent; nter assistant, I' e opened at Gladst t would in the toba and. offices. agent at let and ards to position. s agent, ssistant. 1 Creek, and Mr. rtage la y with. ne,. with and Mr. —On May let the. schooner Rest- few clays ago, under the auspicee of the less, frornOwen, Sound, for Collinovood, B. M. E. church The Walk too place with grein, wes still shore at eith, in the drill shed,lan entrance 1 wan and breaking badly. er cargo of 9,000 charged to spectators, and the p oceede bushels of wheat wi 1 likely be a total amounted to abont . Tiii loss. he grain is in red. * --Last FridaY night, at the Conie ,L -Th Portage la tairie pap r of mereial Hotel, . Woodstock, Thomas last week saye the tag3 whic left Naggs, from the eountry,; blew o t the Winnipeg on iMonda ly kr net arrtve at the Port , ge until Tuesaay in evenin , and 'Wednesday's stage did not eearee come i until eleven o'clock on Thurs- n , tho the le of it. Loch- —It e" or newspa urra.ys will be best ping pa 'de of could b me- larid fol 29th to give th, Nov, 1870. palled 1821. Was one iesue t the township of fall the r, but having. used u got at, was reduced o post, and even this y a series of untoward e Herald on a half-sh freighter to whota. o : Thorah. He was thel son of Donald was de ivered, hung around . Macrae, who was (son of Chri topher until h decided it was too la Roy, (son) of John onald, (s n) of out. Arrrangements were the Alexander, (son) , of hristophe first wife, Mary Macr e Was d of Donald, (son) of 1 Christopher." , that this couple we removed from Chri man ancestor. John iand Dona 0 to p all that to cream hreatens are com- events to t. Last ✓ paper innipeg to come made to morning la t did gas en his hareem. F alarmed, and in brea. door, he was fohnd ne C pigs, three months old, o bree rothed to an. egea gen le an at Guelph, for wbieh he reeeived. it y. A dispute arose about the has applicationsi for swin.e of th. ion of the latter's property, frona, Hamilton,: Walladeburg, which t appears was pieced beyond his and Galt, which will be filled. II control by a will of his late wife. , This as the litters tare old °mug 4act au a deeided opposition raided by Julien bas 14 eWes from which his fa ily.against the match so Weigh- ceived 26 lambsithisspr ng. 0 ed upo his Mind, that it ended In his his ! Sheep have been receive loss of eason and confinement in the Manitoba and Ohio. Lunati Asylum at Hamilton.1 —The other morning newly —A. exanaination into the alleged ernigrant was bUsily en gea at irxegul ritief3 in connection with the W. R. station 1 in Ha ilton, Lend° post office, have disclbsea the alpull tbe speeches deli red "a feet th t all tlhe officers concerned have bY Lord Dafferin and e Mar been f r a very long time in the public LOrne on the advantag Londoia post Office during 40 Sreaes and n4w-comer is an intellig Mr. DaWS011 far 28 years, while Mr. h d served 21 years as griffin was secretary to Mr, Morris, a n w COMeS tO Canada better - is con - le farmer Postniester-General, Who flour- aition. It is haped that he may find ished in thelyears 1852-57. Th irre- his pathway as flowery as it is depicte$1 gulari ies in accounta are being straight- in the pamphlet horn which he was ened u , and as, there is said to be not reading to his conapain ' s in tr Tel.. . ligenc on the part of those affected, it is an Catholic Chu rtunat a 'ibis rning, ng op rly -de ea in t was be Grims disposi he horses were badly cut , and have -had, a very liar oung lady who has be n bout time ngag- His have it,b,rought out with the mail, but ughter the couriers threw it off at ay stae f Donald (son) 1. bons j st as they pleased. A other lot xanaer, (son) of was fsh pped by an 'expr ss' that wad ; but the attract not quite a third o so great, that it re then sent to two mails has further supply ousjns sixi times Janne, he , their 'coin- Lake of their sons, -e-were es'de the vicinity ptoN and are in e (*lien circums derfi worth about, EPOO eac . Al the the above unicpie-ins6 "ption w the las "In memory of Isabel Macrae there i of Donald Mae e. porn at rivei ances, ngside s one relict the ns th ea t s. or it as b • 15th of at Shoal distance ere yet— elegraph ard some ortion of Town off, will ari en order - coun- Essex ere in. orouto s soon he re - from arrived the G. eading nig Of of em gratien of our: The irt W, Vale soldi r, and. ebec, ches ies, vastoral regrets th long. deuce/ Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were o urtehips orcompan keern had 1 chil ren, of whom eight are om the extended walks or alive nd th ee dead, They have had hieh often occur on Sunda 46 gr nd-chi siren, 38 of whom are alive storal has created consider end e ght de a. They have had six tement in the city. t 'High expect as , a long paStoral VT OM the Mrs. and pleasure p evening a nu d they will all be reinstat Fridayi, the 23rd inst.., bert Mitchell, of Arthnr ted th ir, golden wedding ber of (datives, members and. lends met at their d. r. and when red - la 81 al ons Jaren uration among impure h result sittings s. The ble ex - 183 just 50 'years ago. T ey have ouatts and immorality Whi great- rand ldren,' five of Wh na are —Twenty-one days ago Rad alive nd on *ad. The metnb rs of an, a ten year oia sekt of the f mily 0 the occasion of th email- artman, clothier, *Belleville, versa y preS nited the old couple with a isfortune to ilun a ruety nail Pair f han seine and comfortable easy le of his foot!, Twelve days chair , and! ther valuable giftS. Mr. as seized with lockjaw and. and rs. Mi hell are very old reSidents was so contractea that of Ar hur, ere -for many year4 they *the middle of the back in.an ged a f rm with great care and me bent backwarde. Th prud nee. r. Mitchell, though suffer- ained partly miclos d, so t business ma ,: clear-headed, corr. ct and Means life•has been sustain neethodica4 . He MA for a nu ber of he nine days that the eel years the ' effiCient ' secretary Of the d, the patient has suffere North Wellington Agricultural dociety, from freqnent co vulsion and has always been a most usefill man latest report there --The suit Of Ronald vs. Rid etown Several days ago a far Was recently tried at - Chatham The ived in the conntry a short Ridgetown, people resolved to buy a Wood, was brokight to Woodstoek, and steam fire engine, and a by-law to raise aken before the Police agietrete for at - 45,0 0 for thatpurpase Was eu mitted tenipting to murder his family. Be o t e people and approved ofi. mme- told his wife itt the Warning that he . ately after, Mr. Ronald, now o Brus- haa been thinking -itbotit it ajl uiglit, . Sels, sent a steamer to the villa,ge. • A and then procnring a hatchet lib made ineeeing of the Council was called and the attenapt on their lives, but as 4340r - aresolution passed -e -apparently una,ni- come by his Wife and da.ugh r. The motisly—tiereeing to' purchase e en- police magistrate sentenced him :i to gine at a price agreea upon. M . Ron- jail, and next morning he natclied ald'S agent left the engine next day in an old -knife dropped =cider; Ily ;by Charge of al man claimed to be a ser- a Vagrant in chstody aud cut threat, of the corporation. A day or two dying in about. two minutes. He Was wards, an aeent of the Sileby insane. I on TO sh hi ng ast he attlin°o4:r11- tra clips‘ 41- idTBrWripattr sa ki;b6rteee_e: du:1 lei liar: - s body e hopee:trblinawtt Ye° distanoe afte 00 int pally e.ppearal on the scene 8.11c1 —On Thureday, ,22na ult., numliter rviewed the Reeve and a co ple of of the neighliors Of Mrs._ nneleeni potincillori. iThe resolution as re- North Dumfrtes, who is abo t to !rte- Isci4ded at tho next ,meeting of ouncil move into Giilt from the fa. m upon an after spume negotiation a re action which she 114 resided, for th apaaras:488: Via passed to purchase the Sil by en- yearsonet ati the honse of t at laay gin . -The Council ordered the issuing : and presented' her wath an ita ess ,ex- pf ebentuteeto hand over to Si shy in pressive of the esteem. in. which. she Was ment of his engine, but. the lso with refused to sign them. The , inted. The debentures were signed: replied in appropriate terms o behhlf nd partially I sealed, and then ensiled. of their mother. Aftler pa,rt king of he celebrated scene in the Council refreshments, fa very •Pleaeant evening mber—a Counctllor oppoded to the- was spent -with speeches, m sic, *c. by sawn° seiiing the debentures Mrs. Rennelsan was mother of the late destroying theta. BefOre anything, Rev. Wm. H. Rennels n, the steerried e by the Majority', pastor of IinoX Churn , Ham ton. ; election; was held e --A few days ago a severe adeiaent an maned Tiled- st lost One af hitt in taking aWay close proximity by Mr. Culbert er. He replied about 1 rimming . contact with n ugly -gash i in moles Ittelow ;the more than ':his a re held in the neighborhoed, and a iery fine eteiy chair. To the Messrs. Jame4 and Rialiard Treas- Ch an .further could be do in the Council a ne land the Silsby party eje,citea from !offiicethe new Council, headed by Dr. ISnaith, being *favorable to carrying out !the original bargain with Mr. Ronald., arms. He was engage !Both engines, it came out in evidence, the luinber tram the s ihaa been used. at fires in the village. Mill, and getting in The Silsby COmpany now seek to coin- to the saw, was warne pel the corporation to carry Out the that he v.,asvin clan agreement to purahase. The idefence that he "kne as muc coVers a great number of points', among: the mill as Nit. Culber them—thatthe Council had ipreviously menu; after he came 1 bought from Mr. Ronald, and there waa the saw, which made no funds to purchaSe two engines, that his Linn, severing the the majority of the old Council having been served with a notice that , the at-, teinpt to repudiate the purchase of the Renald engine was illegal, they becami3 happened to a yonng ley, a grandsoie of Mee now, by which. he alm elbow -joint, and very hag the bone. This is of . the boy, who lmows gritndfather. OW