HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-30, Page 7SO, 1880. GAL EMPOIUM OTHERS ting to the public manufacturing on in company with la' manufacturer, ORGAN, dy give their dua- 1 manufacturers' or Organ is adinit- es to be the best . Canada, both bility as well as tip and finish. tilers in search of Lble styles, modern ,opular prices will with .all improve - es in our line, and lass goods can. be .?st and thoroughly our cases, genuine and best import - hese materials, skilled labor, must ) ourselves and our and combinations nend them to every rater. AI T we shall live up to, • every instrument, purchaser we ask and honest carc le of wood requires tad to -extremes of ;ply, or exposed to Su be avoided. :ated on the corner Lorne Streets, To- the persenal super - Bell, a member of ;ON PIANO., eitinue to keep in, l'iano, also the Do - sans. of any other make you purchase an a trial, as we eau r less muney than he trade. WAN TE D. IIROTHERS, Sea- . & Co., Toronto. NOTICE and Ornamented Year's awl Wed - great vas iety at IJ NTEWS STORE, of Fine Gold and e Gold and Silver ts, Rich Gold Jew - d Ear Rings, Finger xi and chased, Cuff Lockets. Also- Gold, Silver Spectacles TEDVARE. in Tea Sets,•-• Gag - ells, Butter Dishes, Butter and Salt ets, Card Receivers '*kle Castors, Celery wing Kettle, Fruit SpoonR,Vasesete. the Lowest, consis- of andFinih enc Goods which, locks at old prices: ted as represented. all the branches a • R. COUNTER. OBA. 1880 W A -TS Tiger Train for this start from. AIIAs • APILIL 20th, ;others on Tuesday, preview! to all the above he given of, all fature et, and thegreateet pains viete most complete and e• pal tiee are ,released e baggage, freight, live ageenege 'Free. ongit with each, pat. OX, G. W. R. Agent, Centralia R RTH .Cer in LEATHER and f Every Description. est Stock kept. Terms ited.Aflorders by mail lied, R. N. BRETT a. APRIL 30, 1889, samonsossoosssemmis The Hum in Snaggville. The Snagsville Trumpeter promised to disprove the recent assertion of the Globe that the merchants of that enter- prising town were not prospering under the N. P., and now publishes the kl- lowing infotmation gleaned by the un- tiring and sleepless aetivity of AS ra- t porters : Mr. G. Deal, the energetic lunaber- man of this rising town, says that the erection of board fenceshas beex 80 stimulated by the demand for spacje on which to paste notices of Sheriff's ales, that his business is in fine con tion. He paid half cash to two hands last week, and the money thus put into cir- culation must soon have a great effect on business iu this neighborhood. Mr. Hoe says that he looks for god times in his business (the manufacture of agricultural implements) in a few months, when the tariff shall have pro- duced its full effect on the °4s. Last fall he did a large trede, and. Be is Ore that what invariabl2v happens at that time of the year will ekc) on happening under the N. P. The Redhead Flour Mills have ben grinding up to their full capacityof late, the farmers coming in rai4ly with grists. The appetite of the agri- culturists has so much improved tender the N. P. that they eat morebread than formerly, hence the new 'activity in •the flouring trade. . TCitchen & Bustdrum, • biscuit a d candy thanufacturers, say that their' business has increa.sed fifty per tie t. during the last twelve months, and that it will be twice as big as forms ly if it increases fifty per cent. -more. They say that the people require a great deal of sweetening since the N. P. cane in. D. Lejune, confectioner, says iis trade was dull in February, but owlng to the demand for maple sugar cakes produced by the N. P., has largely in- creased during the present month. e is greatly indebted to Sir Leonard, or keeping but the pauper maple sugarf of Europe. Short Brothers, confectioners a d pastry cooks, were doing a good busi- ness last December during the holiday season, and predict that the demand for their goods will be as great this year in the same month. Their trade on market da.ys and on Saturdays, when the children are out of school, is gener- ally brisker than on Sundays. Th y hope to do a large trade with their soaa • water fountain during the summer, tie tariff effectually prohibiting the colic from entering Canada. John Gravy, groceries, liquors, etc. His business has not fallen off, and he says he hopes it won't do anything of the kind. If something had pot pre- vented he is satisfied that trade wbuld have been much better than it was in Februa-ry. On Saturday night the °fleet of the N. P. is evident in incieas- ed sales. 1From various causes he thinks that business prospects are very promising, but not mare so than cus- tomers. A good crop under the N. P. will induce the farmers to pure ase more groceries and liquors than a tbad one under Cartwright's fly -on -the -w 0el policy. Mr. Moore says that his trade has been larger• so far this year than it was before he went into business. He is of opinion that the roads would have been better had not Sleighing been bad, but he remembers worse roads when 14r. Mackenzie Was in power. He sa, s that trade is brisk on market days and always will be hereafter, owing to the curiosity of farmers' wives to discover by experience whether goods have been raised in price by the N. P. They Sir- .ehase large quantities of articles hat have gone,up in the hope of finding one that hasn't. As the search will n vier be rewarded by success, he believe:it will continue indefinitely. Thus the N. P. has an excellent effect Ma :pur- chasers, and the confidence of Mer- chants is rapidly being restored. ' The taffy and pea nut trades I are very prosperous, considering the season, and altogether Snagsville may be eon- gratulated on a great increase of busi- ness owing to the N. ' -- - A Colorado Spider Story. A ehort distance from 'hens, V sta, saysthe Leadville (Col.) Chronicle, is cave inhabited by Residers, which dljffr • from other spiders in their euornk�is size, and are quite useful to the nee y people of that region. The cave vvas discovered last December by a partY of sight seers, and the spiders and their work were witnessed. t. On entering the cave, one is first struck by the hinny looking webs. They are worked kik°. webs of other spiders, but every fibre is ten times as large as the ones woven by ordinary spiders. On passing fur- ther into the cave the spiders are en- countered. They are about the size of email birds, and make a streuge sonnd while weaving their web. Their Webs are so tough and the fibres so large that it is almost an impossibility to break down a Web. •1 Some four weeks ago, while loo ing at the cave, a miner got to ex milting the webs. Their strands .were a opt the size of a number 12 thread„aud he thought that they could be uSed ler thread. ; Having a needle in 1is os - session, he broke off one of the st ds and found that it fitted the needle. Sewing on a loose button to t st the efficacy, he found it as strong as Silk thread, and that it answered his every • purpose. Since then the people - have flocked iu and carried away hosts of the • webs, but the spiders do not appear to object in the least. There is some talk among capitalists of starting a thread factory there and usiug the webs for thread. • , How to Treat Concert' , Disturbers: Mrs. Scott Siddons was reading to a fasnionable audience at 0:dumb a, South Carolina. In the midst of a ;Se- lection from "King John," at the point Where the Prince is sentence to be ail Plinded, she ,stopped abruptly, said. it as impossible to proceed, and. walked. off theetage. The people thought tliat 's she was overcome by emotion, &rots ed. •by the passage which she was reacli g, • and so they applauded her for the s p - posed display of Womanly feeling. Iut they were mistaken. A party df yo ng men in a box had. annoyed her by a is-. versation and inattention, and ;shee-,,,,, turned to explain that unless they e - hayed better she would read nb -more. 'They were quiet thereafter.e EPPS'S COCOA.—GrD„tefal and eorei rt- ing--"By a thorough knowledge of he natural laws which govern the opera - thous of digestion and nutrition, and by • a careful1 applieaf,ion of the fin:: proper-, ties. of ell Bele* cocoa, • Epps has provided our breakfast ta, oles with a &lice ly flavored beverag re which may save us many,heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judiCiou usee of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up untilstr ng enough to re- sist every tendon y to disea,se; Eun- clrecls of subtle' .esemen3:c:ape around. hs read 't attack :Ver there is a weak point. w e many a fetal sht by kecping oursoi ves well fortified with pure blood,I=so a , properly nourish" --Civil er- vice Gaze te. Sold. oi y iii paekets la sel led ---"J mes Epps i Horn,;op th- lc Chemists, edle iSD et, - and. 170, tem „" 482-2 How o MA dealer re iding port, N. L, an the Ne Y r "Darley'fi -bona Arabian Eleave 111, and feed a it to hi superior to a,nytle used as as conditi, horses are so mc as to sell more re higher prices. ers, one esiding other at len Oov it by the dozen a pose ; thso me others stirni1r1Y well tb value this me eine e* Rememb r the n signature of Hai package. I • North Ont., proizietore all medicine deal Wom A great has bee • delicate sub cot, and a opinion as b what t to say, do alnd think doubt, how ver, abo t • enters a drig'store a BOWS Comp mid Syri to get it at nee; an duty to undertake they want 9omething ing for. For Cong s, Colds, Wilson's W Id Cherry' reliable cur . It con given with ijhe same of three xuotElths as Sold by 41 dreggis tio reedy" horses ng the n inedi h npr ad1y o other at u e,, ., a do t 8. y At h inity of ttp h rises et, p eca owde b t1 d. ; ie e,S.Ys e Las i e, th, v ,d by i c9m hens d ngdon, so par sa el a , kik IngLg a d r to e, Co Ly or Can re, arse ey- for ses nd Z811 ).13 Ver the rise -nd al-• the ase Ur- ny, too 4 o•f it. the e ohto, to, by 4 portItint e wi o Bee tha is dn man, La. 1b1 14 I • The • Green's A the civilize adopt siren • for themsel e$ at t This medic' e was in cure of Dye epsia an effects, sue as so • stomach, silt headoec the heart, v rtigo, et our knowle o .Thr of dye epsi Two Price 75 sen s„ Sam r Ri: te. *tten pon thi cry! 1 here i real ver i y of ladies ha a p41fre ight There is xt t th }di htest the fact, h t ady ks for bot e 0 1 ' il- o Wild0 erry1s1e 0 ght ti no pat of a at's' o touvince oust c4 hat ther tIjarijt1t th y ae ask- Orenp, W1oopi g d0 gh, s the gine est and ost, in no opium, and c be fety and e Oct to an ant n adult p rson. Augus wise sal net Flow r world lu 8 names, e Themost placed wit poor, it cos trial. Dr. for Dispeps of Appetite, Yellow Com and deowsin Biliousness, cum. No p to prove th are giVen a vince you of you what a For 'sale by Ont. p Buo The ,best s Sores,. Dice Hands, Chil Eruptions. 'feet eatisfac Price 5 een Bless 11, Se Teethe le aa under: dprotO • GP Tr Trains le S eafe4 follows Gone°, 'WES St • Express Express . e • Mixed Tr in...-. .8: Mixed Ti- •. ..... .1 Gored; Fat SE Express.. Express •atin....„1: Mixed Tr u......4 1 Mixed Tr i ....,..7: Fl er. and reht poptila • in Ian 1owp and oanse4 rna y iraita pectins to reap a eXpense o the oduced t: 4ap4f Li er Comp sink wit tortnach, C 1 stiveness ,1ndigesto palpitat e ., it n4vl has lei deems w114 elieven 'on bottl s sold last s 10 cent e age is e rich �r • eatOrr enoup Spii 1.13c4t1 fa Gs g up' d s for i nd • veil Bea s iFreq onderfnl the re nothing t eals Ca , Sick H onr Sto ;sae Liv or whic neon sho itwilld bottl ts truly !pier o 1.6 srs. 11 of Co emedy of of all: Be give he °rine Go daehe, ach, Corn neral De r, complaint,, t is a cert n . a d be witho • t -it. o all that -we laim free of cost, whirl nderfnl rite its, e dollar eize ottle arson &' Ble sdell, t. en's lye in Salt lains, C his sal on in ev Is per bo farth. sit Wes e Brussel (MTH. , 10:25 A. .3:13 P. .9:28 P. niaa Salve world fe Cut, he, T tter, ; N• es, . sped .: nm s, and all kind of "kin s ge.ara,nte d to Os: ler- . case or money ref, . led. For sale by liticilcse & - 5664 r of sin to est ted. the aix- ick of, to ase •e ear. 011 d 1 0 ow he a nd, od, itly nd edy der ou n- ow do. o th, e*Ite atatiOn, north, udeO •evortto so Ace;11.1 . ern . .... .5155 s. Aceom. ... .12.68 Mixed...—. .8:15 P * • • D1K Ra lway. arid (Hint n Stetions as ORTa. Cr..pi%'0;N 0 P. M. • 3:30.p. U. 5 P. M. 9:15 P. M. o e. 14. 8:46 A. IL 5 P. M. • 1:45 P. M. YORTII. •Cranolq 0 A. M. • 7:86 A . M. 12:40 P. 114-• P. M. ' 3:80 P. M. • 6:55 P.M, Brucet. ed. Express. M. , P. m. 55 1 6 25 49 • I 740 15 7 53 25 7F59 • 1 45 , 8 'IS 1'0 ! 25. 1 15 8 52 , i 1' 00 1 925 Id xed. Ex ress. .ti. 1,1 p. tdr. .. 7 00 I 55 .6 20 735 1.10 655 .8Q]. 15 724 818 4E 73 .828 ' 00 759 $4 10 806 49' 11, 00 82 • Lon GOING NOR H London; Exeter• Rentiall Kippen • Bajeelield Clinton Blytth Wingham Gorzeo Sou • Wiugham depart. Blyth..... Clinton..... Battlefield Kippen ! Remittal Exeter. th M. El on an1. lail. Mi P. M. art... ..2 20 '5 ..... . 3$91 , -8 64 r 9 .400 .4 10 . ....... 452 arrive . .5125 M. .8 8 To T ink tha G RA ' Neeer fails ti reltevi, enre s..1 dis :tees ars blood. Giv VITALI will be con need that • Price $1 pet bottle, si drriggiet 8. T E GRA S old in Seaforth L'a rastlen & Wilson, druggists. BR.0 U N D D F SEA ERT a are Intatiable. ITAL d with prope from impuri e fair trial, s a wonderfu owes $5. DIOI E Col Hicks n & Ito ertie INE' pse ill y o he aidilou rcrdi dy. 34 ly all orn to. ell, ci by all 647-4 /--4- ; E RS, FUIVER LS AT S ORTE WED UX AVOTICE. D SHROU HAND. IRE. COFFINS A •• AL ‘i'A.Y •EIEARSE LUMBER HEMP:MC, First Qua fr • :BIIjLSOU All Le gth, fro ;POY $ILL, 1 ty, $6 per Id. ! ! TO 0 Elie; to 50 Feet, etth MCkii4a r has also 'SEAFO er en;e obtalne THOMAS DO The Subs LUM.13E YAR Where all k nds of La 479 • $5 to SON& •elg. 20 a•o PEDAT atorne.iti •$5 free. Address Se ortland, ne. 02 • es N. • ! 1 • I ! HU 0'XPOSFIOR ; N, 1E4FORTH TI] THE ING KIS N ---.- e -e - ps Je (. see 'srs-- p- i-ny.:00-...,1 :. s,..m.f.a)...____,..7,,,,......r.._,,....„...1.,i, „,i,„1„,„J„,..„,„..............„. _-- :.,....„......___. _e_r.....1 ...___• 1 lb., 4, .., ltaisin :IC . -.... 111 11 III!' non tmaridai-milotan 1,:,.:41,,,,A..8..,,L.r..n, ,,, I. , ,,, ASSOIti AND M Th'. supr' er d by a e n also o west a 0 stock Seas Th p.cu Th arge are co 11, and th and m 11 1 ene. ....1111.11111111r _.,41140cirsilzkq:en 1 • :;-!, , ! .1,- • • • a ! jrn 4" '4.1001.t • ----•-•51--F? OODS. • SPRING GOODS. COMPLETE IN ALL 1)f FATMENTS. IEI?NT WI L Bg FOUND MUCH LARGER RVARI D THAN HERETOFORE. ity of the thint,a inade by us to that mercha tS is vikell known. the adva most as is the Larg nually re ve always highest rice is o ch Tw ie ssort : a tagjo of an:. imin rise stock of ionable Good. the West. e vi g all the Novelties of the s.om thing new to show you. luty is larg, onr Goods arcso stiperior a that you can afford to pay it. tandard of excellence for the least pos- r motto. s in all t onw shades a sortmeut of C nadian Twee e t of Diagonal Coatings. • in Fancy .0 • Sp oial Lii e th New Se e Suit n 1 th colors Th se Goo one . s in endl will loo S$ V sering. 0 riety. alif and ost b STO WORK • D not for tat s Exc • ent Furni not 1 Tr We not mine o tter, w us an ant yo- ke offe t that qu u ively 1\ ing* s is e (la Goods a us than WEEDS. $ and a very ercoatings in E GOLDEN: LION, IATN-T., 0: OJJR "OLD COUNTRY" GOODS Having .Rece-ived and amed Gut r Old °wary G Ods, we are izow showing a, Sendid Stock.oJ Dry G ods. We Nouldi call special atention' to OM Blda Cashmeres, Black Lustres, Black Persian Cord, Black ngtry Cloths, Black ASat ens, Bluth Silks and Satins, E nges, cc. Also to a beaz Will r nue of Colorq Cash - e es—with Brocaded Satin to match,. Plain Ill o ds and Lus.tresi We 40.e also a re w cheap Al. Wool DeBeigels. Good Value in rints, ; .21 ite Cottons, cc., all Staple Goods. Table Tale Cloths and Napkins, C. 1 A CALL RESPECTPULLY SOUCTED. 41 .a= 01 .1 tie-) ti cc ing etiff size, figa itcq Cors R IAMIESON, GOlden • t "TFI NEW COR elange ine in Linen new and improved prset is adju tea by a Serai-eir alar or Elip er the hips, thus av iding the isagieeable and so etimes pad' ing which is found in the Corsets Io1w in use, facility with which ii adjusts itse f to forms of diffe ent develop4aeut and land the great comfort ind ease wit Which it may b worn, en bles the to be displayed to m ch greater a v ntage,and cann t but prove valuable ition to the most perfect toilet. improved systene of lacing empioe& in the Semi.cixjeular A.djustlabe Hip t prevents the wear inid tear to whscla other kinds ar so liable, arid as the evea b ene strains are equalized and distributed o -ver the enthe Corset, thy will be foun to outlast three of the ordinary Cossets now in use. • It 8s only necessary to bring this ne-w and. improved. style of Corset, uPder the obse Ivation of the ladie, to at once win their immediate endorsement and ap- prov 1, as its many points o` excellence 0,fluot fail to arrest instant recogn nitio aind',Ei option. ASK TO SE TTiPiM.c OFFNIAN 18R9THEAS, 'eel Lat- hs' side- ; 1 SOLD BY Dealt -s in Dry Goods and illinery. Al so Agents for E. Jutterick 8e Cq.'s Re - ••liable Patterns. CARONO'S 8LOCK, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. S1,11111111 It tit Fort PLEASURE.,. comfortnd health, smoke o ly the genu- ine GOLD FLAKE. Pronou4ed, by all who have tned it, the finest,pm•est and best Smoking Tobacco in the wold. Ask your dealer for it. And if you caruiot get it else- where, write to the undcrsignd for cir- cular and price list. None g/mine 'with- out my rade Mark and sign ture. . E. SAXTON, Globe To accoWorkg, WIND R, ONT. amnia amnia Ca, C31 HAMAR' HARD ARE SION GE ITHE CIRCULAR SAW. 17: 0 03, co 0 2 0 r• 0 2 81110 43 in ,I 45:... 0 w• 0 = - ,, 0 .., p..,, ,,_.,...4 t-. -11 C) 0 ▪ P4 Li .1.1 /..1. .4 N.W it inP 0... ' C) • 1-4, ,7.1, old Z .1'1' ci) fig tzs-' Pe e -t- ree el i Se- ° CD CD W 0 PI a) -o- , g 0 tr p,1 1 •r.D•sm.; 2 pe CD -Li 0 t• -o - IT 1,--; I— tt CD; aq ti P 0 DO 0 0 ct- 0" P CD hal • 0 P co- rN 0 Cz *.1 0 CD A- s... . in;I0' n•1-... 0 0 -,...-.= 4-d ;-i -,... co co . it P '''s a) I2 re -... e -e - e.... 1 - tee. ice ; eel ! It•-;• I e•—i ° NOS.18380 TO BREEriEw oF PIGS. — Robert Gefenlock of the Northern Gravel ca Me- /Id/lop, .one mile end -a•batt ol,oth of Bea!brtZi,hav- higp r thesett from the Bow Park Herd a Thoroughbzed Berkeleire 1BooktiwUl keep him for the improtement of stock during the present seism Tems, $1, payable af, the time of service, with tbe privilege of returning if necessary. R. oYZNI..tOCK; 665• 0 CI rprrE GEEAT ENGLISH REMEllY, An ure. 71-' failirig emu e for Senile al Weak/les Sperms,- tnhea, ht otency, Ed all diseases tilt 10110W 13 a eequen :e ot sell- abase, e s loss of naemOry, , /traversal hteitude, p in in the beek,,ilinaess og vielon, preneature old ae, and i]tinet other dis eacs that lead to inea ity oreonsumetion and premature gi ave. Fn] particulers ila our Pauli. Wet, which we desira to send free by mail tio very one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all ruggiste at $1 per peckge, or six pr ackages fo ia . 5. 1 win be seet free by mail on receipt of the loney by addressing THE GRAy MEDIOIND No. 10,1chauie 'Block Detroit., Mich. 64 Tweeds in !I , 4 Very Large Stock of al kinds oj . ; OrocerieS and PTOViSi Th8. ! very little Fresh Lot of Canned Fruits, and •t; I Hh,ey and Jellies. 1; A Fries4 Lot of those tery choice Telles in Black, Green cnd Japan. A!11 rades of Sugars, S rups and Ai lasses._ Curr nts, Raisins, Prunes, Driea • Ales, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, it CHEAPEST OODS.. �. TT _rt , IS NOW REOEIVING CUSTOM WORK. the only Ho t Tailors an use in Town seo if you c y dther Hon ee the El gant o look at s. e if youb do not e d Dea ers in Cracked Wheat, Pot Barley, Flour, rt?, best of Hams ahd Bacon. tinds of Fresh, Gaden Seeds, Onions, Potato 072,201Z8 and Onions and Potates. Crocks, Milk Pans,. Flower 4(1 • To :Se o as well, if Town. Lar Fit and Sty4 we give you. pon't be afraid. We will sr buy. LLY • A DERSO Oa Seaforth. EilebrIa. C istpe sotne Dcin't 591 EX' dsc. Butter, Eggs, and a good vary of Soaps. Biscuits in 8 pound boxe, at 25e. nre ground. Coffee. Also that , ted Englieb Exceleior Horse and ood. All are invited to come and get i the Oheepest Goods in the Dominion. rget the place: . G. AULT'S GROCERY, in Street, SEAFOTH RRIAGE LICENSES 4111111KTIlitIVATES, Under the new Ast,) isausd at the SITOR OFFICE, SAFORD!. s Great .R-ousiold Mettle e ra ongst the leading neeessa es orate bese fare doe pills inify the BLO D, end ac st power 1 nlly, yet e ei /tingy othn Liter, Stoeit, Kidney d ECAVIrliP , r ivr, ere.tenerrv„ a, ette great 11; IN Stli„INGS (;1v L n ee cordieont tie reeeren . ntled as a n r drnedy in an CPSEE NI14:1!0 the coiet evat cver eviter, bop 1 (cc-mei/D.1)14)e( e4. They aro wonderfully effleaciott re entp ir cidental to ft reales of all ag E:.!s.ZERL', FAMILY MEDICINE 1 p sed. • vigor FE. The vet failin tution fro •or et cake in all al s: and a are tins 1113 Searc1irig and. : Wing Prop rties ar kno nthrouhout the Wold. For th Ore of RAI) LEGS, had reasts, Old 0W4tunda, ores and Ucer, it ig an infelliblerem on the neck ated chee cly." If effeetn Ily rubbe SOn bRE T111101a, B30 tj as salt into ru at, it chins, Cough , Collis, an een81 FiFstlea, e Glandular Swelling ce8 The Pill Alt2d every kind of S DISEASE, i hate nev r been known: to fail. •• 5tu4 Ointu 5, OXFORD STB Old- by all Vendors o cvirea Wort dl wit n w8hteverldeMk jat iragse. TeTraof note Medicines are 1j&S tered in Otawa. Renee, any ene thrOughut/ British Pesseetsiene, who may keep the Am. eau Conntierfeits for sale, willehe proofeented. Pnrelieere ehould took to the Label o Peets sed Boxes. If tbe address is not 6.88:, ford Stret, Lndon, they are spueions. ent are Mannf ET, LONDO Medicines Mar direetions for tuied on , and a ughoat t no in 4a rn' GO 0 jOilt100 • in .0.1�BZLL, ProVincial Laud Sierfeyee aridCii1l Engineer,. Or(1eris by Mail proMpt ly atttnided tol* •• ,1 79 ! i D. 8- CAMPBEL, Mit:IMO. s.... .Z ' ..... . i.7 co-, CD ).1 .....4 ED !CD ! I t -11-f e ! ...-.4 ; 1 inn /...N 'f.:.70 11/4ed lat ! O ,.- 0.1 . i;Tr% •*7:1 P,, i 7", ! rn . .0 . 14-.* -4 .01 fi) ),., •J 0 t▪ ip 1 t !".0 tn• ;. ., co CD ;0.2 , 1 O 0 0 c▪ -, i,.., 133 zi) ....., rn 4.1 ,....... _ 0 ▪ 1 t.... 7 'c frxi 1 ...... s-, 0 CD 1-_, P .r) I '1". ,*••=;. I ••••i ', •••• CM i.et 0 , e re- .. - 1...b ...A. oi;,•_-. 4-$ • ,•