HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-30, Page 66 • HE HUfftQN 'EXPOS'. Ro. Thie • Lament of the Con- sumptive. - BY G. W. FIELD. The following lines are intended to represent the feelings of a victim of that insidious disease--consumption—onthe approach of summer : grass: is +saving fresh and isir, ane'a messengers are singing; e yellow bird is warbling where he flowers are gaily springiing; e broad-leaved maple woos the breeze ; he hemlock is`softly sighing; Nature combines hereharms to please, Bell's glad but me—Fra .dying. r'act May the sun as warm ellen shine, he violet bloom as brightly ; The lily mid the woodlands pipe, The meadows wave as lightly; 0 e little mound—a carpet green Shall robe, from Aprils weeping; The songsters' notes float round -the -some, fAnd'neath thein I'll be sleeping. 1 retched a rose bud bloom one day, is petals spread with gladness— it wakened glory seemed to say— 1 *}Arise! and banish sadness. ame again—an hour had passed— The glory all had vanished; From off the stens a ernel blast 'The beauteous bud had banished. kid such 1 cried say morning hour, such waa tag youthful dretuning; Life opened like yon brilliant flower, !'Heath life and sunshine beaming. Like it there comes a mercleset blast ITo wither all the blooming, Death, Ilene storm, approacheth fast, Its last remains entombing. Ene ts,. April 2,1880. Nothing Wasted.. T ,Iereis a beef' packing company at Boc]port, Arkansas county, Texas, owned and•lain. by Boston men, who market for . the- products in the New England States, Europe and the Eng- lish Navy. The factory kills an aver- age of 31,500 grass-fed beeves a year, and finds a ready market for their pro- ducts. Every part of the beef is utiliz- ed, eyen to the tuft of the tails, which are all preserved and sold, it is thought, for tile purpose of making ladies'frizzes. The iblood flows into tanks and is dressed and sold at two cents a pound, for the manufacture of artificial fer- tilizers. The lean beef is -boiled -and canned in two pound cans. The hides'» are "salted and sold green. The fatty matter is . all extracted and goes to mak tallow. The bones are all boiled a, to a uip to extract their fatty matter, whip goes to tallow, and the dry bone, main y phosphate of lime, is sold for fertil zing, at one cent_ a pound. The wate in which the rn:eet is boiled, is boils down and evaporated to a thick paste which is canned and sold as ex- tract of beef, in fifty pound cans. The feet a cut off at the knee, and from the of "neat's foot" oil is extracted. Th orny part of the foot, the shin bone nd the knuckle bones of -the foot are a tracted and sold in the East for the : anufacture of Yankee ivory. The. horn aree piled up until the pith be- come loose, and then this is added to the fertilizers, and the horns sold for manefacture. Every atom of the ani= Taal iii used: I A Wonderful Dinner. A aguificent dinner was that which was iven on February,16, 1476, in Na- ples, =y Benedetto, Salutati,of Florence, to the sons of the Neapolitan King Feraute. As a preliminary course •there (were little gilded cakes , of ,,,pine kernels, and small majolica bowlsewith some kind of a fancy preparation of milts Then came eight silver platters, with elatine of capon's breast, orna- ment d with heraldic devices, the dish for the most» distinguished guest, the Duke; of Calabria, having a fountain in the Middle showering a spray of orange water. The first part of the meal een- sisteI of twelve • courses, of meats, in- clud' g venison, veal, ham. pheasarnts, partr dges, capons, chickens and blanc- mange ; at the close a great silver dish was placed before the Duke, and when _the ever was -raised, a flock »of birds flew [ up. On two enormous platters stood! two -peacocks, apparently alive, and With tails spread ; in their beaks they held burning perfumed essence, and on their breasts were silken rib- bons:-;: with the Duke's arms. The sec- ond division oonsisted of nine courses of various sweet dishes, • tarts, marzi- pan. mid light ornamental cakes, with hippokras, a kind of spiced wine. - There were fifteen kinds of wine, mostly na- tive Italian and Sicilian. At the close of th , meal the guests washed their hand in perfumed water, and, after the r moval of the cloth, a mound of green twigs with ., costly essenceswas placed on the table, ` the perfume of whicli filled the room. During and af-` ter 'the meal there was- music and a pantomime. After an hour's pause there was a dessert of confectionery, served in dishes of silver, with orna- znentdd covers of sugar and wax. Hoet Peanuts are Cleaned ' and Sorted. , The modus operandi by which -the nuts are separated, cleaned and classed is somewhat as follows The third story of the building contains thousands of bu leis of peas in bags, and there the c ntinual roar of the macninery is deafe ling. Each machine has a duty to perform. First, there is a large cylinder in which all the nuts. are placed, in order that the dust and dirt may be shaken off them. They pass from j the cylinder into the brushes, where every nut receives fifteen feet of a bruebing before it,becomnes free. Then they pass through a sluiceway to» the floor below, where they are dropped on ars endless belt, about two and a half febt in width, and dashing along at the rate of four miles ,an hour. On each aide df the belt stand eight colored girls, at] c ' as the nuts fall from the sluice on to',the belt the girls, with a quick Mo- tic;n of the hand, pick out all the poor - lofting nuts, and by the time the belt reaches the:end two-thirds of the nuts are pecked off, allowing only the finest to pas the crucible. Those that do pass drop through another sluice and er pt}' into bags • on the floor below. When the bag is . filled it is taken away by hand, sewed up and branded as ,'cots," with the figure of a rooster prem .neat on its sides. The peas caught up by the girls are then thrown to one sic.e, laced in the bags, and carried into a other room, where they are again pieke4. over, the best singled out, bag- ged and branded as `-ships." These axb as fine a nut as the first for eating, but in' shape and colo£ donot compare with the 'cocks." flaying gone ;over them twice, we now come llto a third grade,i which are galled and branded as "eagles." These are picked out of the culhngs of the "cocks" and "ships," but now and then you will find a respect.. able looking nut among them, though the e:•es of the colored damsels are as I keen asla hawk, and a bnuti rte: allowed to page their ha der YT ings that are left from t • •"eag bagged, sent through the eilev,ator top story, and what littl them is sh ken out by a which is n t only novel, a piece of achinery as vented., hese nuts bei this new p ooess, the me, t dro] bags below free Prem Jus or dir meat patent rut as was e g she] kind, and are then shipp sacks to the North, w bought yup by the confect purpose of making taffy dy. It, m y be here peculiar k nd of oil is e te. meat of I the nut, specialty large trade i the whole ale druggists. i g wasted, for even the u eful. They ere .packe s ld to stable keepers for d a very healthy bed Philadelphia Times. d in 20 ere the loners • r peen tated •tracte and done (There hells in horse they. How Wood -Pulp So mach is said about which ie a±tensively use facture of paper, that a tion of the process of ma entertaining. Any, w may be1 »used. ,The; bar the knots and dark .data out. It is then put into don and boiled, which e: giatirious Matter and resi it soft. It is then put on grinder, w the time. tl a fibres t ely c ll - are to the is in eller, erfect in - by into any ound' are. the an t a' rom his th- ado, and ing, r d f r a sn is M1 hepape in the brief ug it to son is to ed pl;B a lace c ;tracts all n and, reel a lar e s n w ter ti nto wined ng t or s req o be else t -• ulpa nun s rip 00 off au ul th ler on ti a> 1 s theater. you The grindsto intil,they are d ' st, which flois away to le. Th�a water is- d m `ens of a fine sieve, leav w, ich consists of fine fuz of wood. [t is white, au bl aching, ;but is ready w' th rag -pulp, or anythini a trong fibre, and recall co stituen to make it in w ieh it is r n eff into wl ereas ra • s ve to be bl ached ve th hloride 0 as , and al+In, a`nd such ca s, to tak: outs the color. by which ^ood-fail is. m m chanica . It can be sa at abo t one Bent p What a A gentle caeies of ught:it tical in ge. Of Ugh for made s rdress c enough or] "I have i sh said, tri wings Tis he ve: do merely of ards of fo e e lin ep- by 1p ers ar s no nti ed h t has e the p oper Eo pa e; after aper • sheets; 'washed, ; nd f lim , s+da ;trobgi- Th pia rde i pu iri ade' c und. th cri ria enh e ov ever Husb ou an I femi� is d uch cou> his ight Trim not verse nine atti uty to b matters t: se nothi ride, and' ng rema .1 dLea 1.ngs! 'in the' e \evi come. a tter leis g w s, sevellal s a o f hens. It w: s not ong enough to nit his L new black silk to 'and. you shal buy. In Boston to s it yo y cebrfully cons asking• her fo the fringe and silk and ered the tri e tly 1'ttle gar ood neg ail avY BO,l t\ its heading He en o ton store, asked to se of ilk trimmings, and aft thought on the subje softest an fringe, and inst jettec qu red nu re emberE th t trimmings were aft r all t ey were butin ve y sal part of the w the ught, she took ou b k, the ile looked so s and glitte ed so, that per break pret y well into a he had it eady. heaviest of the widest an of gimp, and ober of yard d having hea et ig a l nrot th4 l to be erg ies r much care t, selected th chenille sit prettiest and had th rel cut off He el some sere xpen ;, vet trifle d- ole. his t an aps $10 Iv ill t he dketl Japan.; petty u, we soul clary, y and to olein v ry dere ental tb e like;. seep o nea;the . tove as ns ithoute spider'. banish it �o the ovef eat co s in tem Hann u AST. —Mi o of fi e,{' chopped yo k of a egg, and p • +ger at o er t 's read t •'. 1,ure tared r c n .5 quite cttowris�; oin sttea r• X41 I ,fie tine off= has. a: 'h perfect p ook stov, f well-. oco ierefore al m whenc brown sli tablespo , the beat i.t1e cream re, and on hot of erve very. porund. j givbread en! b I jan'1 I!es Il hound yearsof ' umb, Ian # six yetar ilanguege jded talks by wet of their li eeto; as have ape nt'in th dr i f the of +1comes ' b o,; eans 'of co :, + oor-bell rin -ss and p ll h + -r toileri ;,t fined to- 1. nc +t, the mil + n distin +'s bell. sof ante Town for first' n I the of the inging its mi: re er dress a arrival. S vements a to the mi ' supply a d lies. Terri le Fat This stery of a d Read ing„(Pa.1) Tii each eaf "len th fr vem ow s. tial nei ar, e d hstin.'t t n. 1' he p tot its n ruler bef e dd ha thethf��rri of t tin up pito e cwn rs of the f an end wife e was ern became d of e -c env ses she is ableto a few i tim: c se y t e n S e also oinI c ers' i quiz that isila east in estic l it ple can h s perior i unicati it will go ess, the d or. T t e time who servo t e sound' d g wild; st w th hea' a soon' t e bell,: math has before i ' bell org arld by i nounce t fully un preceded wagon, oh turns to h An . Asad comes w:s,a nie Six wee see Mr •third stn his nam wasa,f' her , rec akjout 3' fiatemen opium e The ph • ger,; but Dr. 'Mi] from th p ttishtl a ter se n mor ✓ ace, boarder Deutsc v aled\ to {ired 1 which h d'..bee to reed Dbutsc lived. m The u Van, B B ren, ant.' eras, Th The cls k figured away and re ark ed, as he ignalled a cas boy, ' ift one dollar and seventy- ve tante Whatever the inner m n may elt, there was no outw rd signs valked to he desk and d ew his c or the a ount. He was newly sed, or it igbt have eon dif e He has now one more co mission, wife insists that he shall go to 13 once more and !buy her t black suitable for th t; trimmi g, the one sh has being not.half fine e ough ; hu h refuses to do any more sh'oppin, an when a glittering garine t sweep pas him, he if co vinced' t at the rim mings of this vain world would th the naked' and feed the angry. Ona grit Co .leery. HOMINY Citobu.ETTES. 'To a cupf 1 0 cold belle hominy (sma l grains) ad a tablespoonfu'1 of melted butt r, and stir hard, moistening by:degrees, ith a cupful of rich milk, beating to soft paste. Put in, a teaspo nful of :sugaF and lastly a well beaten gg. It 11 int oval balls and . dip in o beide a egg thea in cracker crum%s, and i i hot lard. Flour your hands b for rolling them. .A REr,rsll Fon BRILA3i ».S.sT.—Ta. one ourth of pond of fresh cheese; cut i hin slices, put in a ;fryi g pen, ti nin n a cup of sweet milk o er it ; a+.d one ourth teaspoonful of ry, mn.tard, a j. inch, of salt and peppe and a' 'ibce of utter abouts the size o a but ernut tiro the miixture all e tint Roll hree Boston 1 crackers very fi e .tnd ;prinkld in gradually, thein turn at once nto a warm dish. CuUMI3 PUDDING. ---0 e' pint read crumbs', one guar of stye :t :nilk,one sup of sugar, t e yolks beaten, with a re The tr He Ty hut he sto ill beth se, 'euereo els of fin ric fou b tter vaaery whi ggs laic le ake until :done, but not of jelly a fro the ju.ce 1 ting o et lirit brown. To be e ten eith o hot, with cream and Sugar. ht If cup pf molasses, ne half b tter, tWo and one ha f cups o e half tiettepoou of so a, one sp of oreara tartar, Wo teas cloves, -two teaspoons o China teaspoons of allspice, t o teas nutmeg. iLight- kind Whites eggs, one cupid white sugar, 6 cup of butter, one thir cup mon ; pour this fr lly and return to th 1 dW rivet cues g it +s '0 ne sta sth ine :r db se 0 8 ith aia! n bo. si xt en n a h els the 0 e is re 1 al , nd: m ik e a tit de:rs clie w in ill - u ilk lisp ,be- pied a t es. of n- th fri of a e to to ; re a- e., a O a wi hi u. + p + u1 it ro O ling an' s a c» F te. vt or e Pr side ago r. Deu soh at vas ew all d of the ears ldi: of, but 5 with ng her ian vai, On se o ying hi en awa re 'illy T ha rabl tue iss OS \tog o ur:n, an Bu .an was opium The t Van was cal East T and th t ati icti ure ed. en th ain tra e and She r folin le that h larger reed hu untill di r of the plative • le - free e 1 at lee i4 I ad In e erso I lie wholise Ilion wo honest tude lelr di a, cdpt a to e the. aa the athe sea inf and 1. e. of etratr rse sed die Arn ity oes Pat e th • a. w one- cu a effete kis tu the G lectbr ed tOget andild.et all supp th at that hainslt 1 ala life P ✓ cold e! mote our, t al teal t ns of tw f011 0 ha f sou cream, two cups of flour. one h if tea tartar two 'teaspoops Of ext ace iu cold water or better still and buttertail Fetnee freshened , iu equal parts of water , —the milk restores its f , the eye and palate. Fr i manner, peppered.- and cessary,. dredged or ro flour 414 fried in the 1 pork is not to be despis ou the Stott; the flying eshness bo shened resalted led well 1 oven, even fat is al t thi ne- sal lace t adnes e akek d s air Th ribhe cti of o the ba 11 al • 16 oks bf , th thy rati ulti CU ela 11 si co iron eIn ir of ood bl shingte in the lir;tn.yNeriet 1 or his le 4tial co best atti tear cape reriticism 4111 he d ophic It of s ecognitio IS he � litre wmaeyb theori difficulti ce thinker end the 8011 ill.fi°1a ho 07 e r iscoverer i.who pot( '11 who wi lc rant Ibe want r supplied then cieit habled iti4 -Worthy of e inform t the *or redeeme really he dog diet tophet of Chri Fatherh s the ba om OS for eel scio fus 0 • 11* ate ne lab wh ba 6 a Pr era t ea ti in o ict re 11 Ro th er ere tu me les IS le rid lt re u • bombe G ds' hes h equ n. has n evela 'a eave of rice ins and aid solv t the of a gle Id 11 Vill it she inqui obetacle fro o*Oag it wi It tan ,da4tidnedlioee,of °per, darker rt Nina ut ca se is ntlo he Dia flea tate of m. Cite viart Sy ns bottl eth it f hi S 0 lie is ere twi ut ere 1 no ns it i es cl eg fa 1111 SS ec se al ee tle o sif jail Sy up vitalii n e en -down, c re on plaints, Dro sy ndi fevers,, B. • rs ne, Vigor; ise se or low st te of he oia by. dealer • en n venue, Bo too PUBLIC o EIVE THE 4ARN4111 GROCERY A! NICE STOCE k)F Crockery, Lamp' 8, Burns 8, Which the p ple of VOL well to cell d inspect b where. and fore SEEDS SE Farmers wi,nting Turn'. Garden Seeds pan =tic° Fresh and Reliable at t e vicinity o purchasing e se - sure of g ting them erns Grocery. Flour, ” the Hci Oatmeal, Co? All kinde Of FRESH ROCERIF S a4 644 M. A..F1 Rr H Manager arl Office in the pre? es und the L'a, lc of ColmmerCe. NOTE A D BILLS DISC OUNTE FARME S SAL NOT BOUCOT Drafts 16 tied, • pa able at par at! all ;s1t 13.11:41474tyout. Dse, po.sitai SUNB Ma a,er aind Proprie AM AIRT. li An Operato late from. he Art t Gallery of J F. Ryder, of C eveland, 10 hib, whp is prepare to make Photo alpha of a kinds the La est Sty s of Fin' sh. i; be ma i in lar e cities, and in all 0 \ PICTURES FRAMED. 14 BAN OF , SE FORTH BRANQI:i. BAN OF COM ERCE HAS BEEN! To the eirerniees 1 donsoli of the COmmeilcial STI LL BRUS ELS WOR THE Sub cribi re tak this opportunity -1- turnin thanks to the inhabitants of B that havin made several improvements i kiln and ode of burning, they are no better posi ion than ever before to supp pnblic wit first class lime at 1,210. cash, This bei g the sixt season of , our b fied satisfaction sn fel the ptibli can receivieg good treatment and a, firs class from u8. 616-13 TOWN & BURRO THE Sub criber heiieby thanks 'IL • mato .re (merchants and ot liberal pat , onage dnr in the past business to merit th confidence the future Having groan., erilarg lees dnrin the winter' he is noW pr THE, IGHE T OAS at the Egg reporiona MAIN TI:tE'11, SEA. Wante4, by the subcriber, 26 ton$ of TTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT GROCERY §TORE NEXT THE Our Tea t 61) • Aix* 30 1884 ST TTTT OFF d 50 cents an't be lieat. The ent Tea in ti e Dom nion. 60 OEN't i3LAOK, 30 CENTS. „35 CENTS. ill and !Strength. 1 60 OE'NT MIXED. ES. 40 t 45 Best ENTS. ENTS. all of the Best uality, and r ommended for Flavor $liflYERS 01:' DRY With, the FiaVli7 termination of Closi 1 of miry Stock, I have made DI1E,SS CbODS wi I be :Sold S WLS, MANTLES CLOTH BuYing at GOO an th,er d(TIO S 1.0 ESI CAVES, • SI OAI'S, FUR% 0 ER 0AtSi O., efor !this icirdty. requiring those Goods can aye oney by Calling and, rices Never Heard of S IN FINE BLAO DOESS TO THE ELEQ ORS. smITH.—" G od ornitag Jones, where are you going to 2" . J NES.—" t ,, go g down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warertioms, to 'get some new Tit in itore, you see in ne is getting played out and I avant to get some firat rate furniture a very low pri ea. Our baby wa ts a pew cradle, and they say -t at he has th veryi best and cheapest in the Eid at r exa to fea Is, tio rat . ROBERTS as a Hard a hers, wood d 1 IS ti formerly, iknde His stock teak ore s. re oti be state that he has remove to the pre-a:dims I and that he is now preps ed to furnish eve ntending purchasers will fine it greatly to t urchasing elsewhere. Re airing promptly at e. Picture framing a ep °laity. All Fork taken in exchange. hie own supervision, and will ed itn the country. A Hearse hing the Fur iture line eir 'advantage to can and ended te, Frani ure made aranteed. Fa produce, IVI be found complete and et the ve lowest GOOP SHOES. BOOTS AND SH ES. I. IS STILL 1ELI'AING cfroRy MADEF BOOTS; AND. S NDING T E RI,E. IN STO ark's Block, Mai Street, Seaforth. OES 0 KS P \ Steick of DRY land Coal Oil, Ha S t -0 required i' to ebnie and eat tit re- othertande for, tate in the D minion Th heir twenty years, ori he t, the get to give me a call. nection. Clover, Tim siness ly on STI,OFFIOE S ORE, VyALTON respecgully beg leave to return t anks to my ninnerous enstemere for their kind nring the last 12 years that I have ein doing buithiees amongst them, nd kindly ance of thei faVors for the future. I have just r4ceived a Large and W 11 Selected GO D of all descriptions. Also always; on hand * "full ass rtment of S—T AS Specialty—which, fo quality and price, are the best in he County. and SHOES— a ge c al stbre. Ask for what yo want if you tm' see it. ash or fa produce . I w uld also intimate to all par ies indebted t m for last and prev ona years, le b sh qr note before the en of this month, r the accOnnts will e put into ollec further notice 'will be given. 310/4EY TO LOAN ON EA.S, TERMS. r the Dominion Saving and Investment &diet , one of he bestloim societiea bove Society loans money n good farm cu ity for a term of /rem three to o t favors,ble conditions. L k INSURANOEJ—If you ant your life insured a ent for the Sun Mutual Li e Assurance company, one of the beet Life In- t e,Domintion; and conducte en the most economical P inciples. Don't f or - I am always attentive to b iness. Post 0219e and Telegraph Office in con- y, Turnip and other seeds n hand. PATTISO W#L4-9 s. n Opus ere) 1.0' their 7 years, and and t de in a tterlon to clean wheat straw. D. D. ViTILS BZ SHARP'S HOTEL, Seat h for the purpole of purchasing H rse s, weighing from1,000 pletinds to 1,500 pound , an in good condition. Age from § to 8 yeare old. Must be kind and sound. 643 017GHTON it 9 RP. co 53 - : Pir :17' 1 i 1 : SW; 1 : Sc7'. 0 FA AA co tti co 0 co 173 Lt .73 0 122 Pt, 4 tl iz' t 114 § „:„ c:: -„, Ezt Ob Ifoel CD MC PAINTINO. PAINTING. 11 !USE AND SION PA NTIN ' J. GRAVES is prepared, to do all kinds of House and ing and Whitewashing. Satisfaction Gua anteed or left at Wilson (35 Yoking's, Lumsden.& receive prompt att ton; Sign Painting, Paper Hang - no char e made. Orders IN th th th sTatipatiT EMPollim OT :BR.OTHERS Jre pleas re in stating to the public ir own account, in cOmpany with iel Bell the original manufacturer, E OE 'Ana can liSequently gf.ve their cus- tomers the benefit of Manufeatutere ted ley the Jest judges to,. be the best Organ ma. actared in !Canada, both as to tone nil durebilitY, as well as be uty of w Aiwa -n.614 ea -.1.d finish. he Tra e and others! in search of flir us kee ing pace withi.all improve - p des low s , high-class goods can be pr uctid. e 'use onlY the best and th6roughly se ioned,woods for our 4aset3, genuine ed reedi and boards. These Materials, ra inpulated only by skilled labor, must en bre satisfaction to ourielve0 and our • pa tons. SIOR ORGAN, ar such as Will commend them to every oriminatilog performer. • Warrant, whieh we shiall live up to, be given with. every, instrument, a on part of the purchaser we ask w a anything made of wood requires heat or cold. suddenly, or exposed to ihe Factory is located on the corner of Esplanade and Lorne Streets, To- ro to, and ia Mader the 'personal super- vision of Mr,. Daniel Bell„a member of t firm. HE EMERSONi PIANO. As formerly; we continuie to keep in inion and Other Organs. Pianos and Organs of any other make RPPelmi6aern. bL 'before yout purehase an I strumeet,1 give us a trial, as we Oat. 've better value for les4 money than Y other htuse in the trade. GENTS WiNNTED. Address, SCOTT BROTHEI1S, Sea- PEgIAL NOTICE Christmas New YeaP s awl wed, - illding Presents in gre4t va-?iety at JEWELRY StORE, 4sasisting in pelt of rgne Gold. and. &direr Watches, -Fine 'Gold and Silver e Fy in Bro6ches and Ear Rings, Finger rags in Genar—pleiti and chased, Cuff Buttons, S#ude and Lockets. Also Gold and Eye Glas4es. a ,ILVER iPLATED WARE. Handso‘ Stock in tea Sets, Gas- * Berrypiehes, Bens, P3utter Dishes, aividusi! Vinegar; Butter and Salt Card 'Oases, Pickle Oastors,Celery ands, Epergne's Swing Settle, Fruit rites as ,Lotw as the 4owest, consix- Large dtock of Fanc± Goods, which. ill be sold at Cost. Large variety of Clockls at old prices. All Goods warranted ais represented. REPAIRING in all tbe branches a Fitst Speeial Passenger !Train for this , yea* will startifrom IRA .411a. ia On *JESDAY, Alj!RIL 20th, o be folli owed by others on Tuesday, May 4th.1 , Freight leaves the day previous to 11 the above dates. Dnel 114:Ake will be ven all future Rates alviays the lowest, an -6 thegreatestriins taken to hate arrangements Most complete and 8 oPaiekr: eco 8. !joining these parities are released 'root all ca tboxilling baggage, freight, has 150 elands of Baggage rree. Greeoway goes through , with each party - or particqars apply to - Centralia olesale nd Retail Dealer LEA,THER and i SHOE INDINGS of Every Description. ' None brit the :Very Best Stock kept. Terms oderate. ° Trial Solicited. All ordere by =0 The Sli the era lowing i :thkgorcsai erection of 6t wWhtt,laretektililh, aiaptntobedan He paid h ena 1:ifigrtri.oinneui013: -on busines times in h' dazed. its f fall he did. that what time of the ; under the 11 'grinding ne3 wilatteg culturists :1:21iTytchgmetann btsiness daring the that it will if it inere They say th deal of VW D, Lejtal ptttadheue ideeadsril -creased durt is greatly ine keeping out Short 33t pastry eooke ness lest De season, and for their goo in the same market dap the children ally brisket hope to elo water founti from enteri john G His busines vented he is Fh:eevbeerlibtertepi ed. sales. -thinks that will induce oxnuoerneugaraerce policy. - Mr_ Moor been larger better had n he reinembe rhsa.tektersellizi:i always will curiosity of by expellee raised in pri chttee large that hasn't. be rewarde will conti chants is r very prosper antahlteitotaffgetyb nese. owing A Colo A short di says the Lea cave inhabit adfprii sioer vaeonetrohdefedi oave, one is looking web webs of othe ten. times as break down the webs. the size of session, he b and found t Sewing on a object in the among capit factory there Se faenionable South Car letAion from 'where the P blinded, she was impose' off the stage. .she was over by the pees posed displa they were rn men in a bo versatioa turned to e haved bete 'They were nataral law itions of dip