HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-23, Page 70 880. .- RWM ERS r stating to the public ow manufacturing on nt, in company with >riginal manufacturer, JR ORGAN, uently give their mis- fit • of manufacturers' celsior Organ is admit- fudges to be the best ured in Canada, both durability, as well as anship and finish. d others in search of esirable styles, modern Fd popular prices will Nine with all improve- veries in our line, and ,gh-class goods can be to best and thoroughly for our cases, genuine keys, and best import -- ads. These materials, k by skilled labor, must n to ourselves and our cps, and combinations ommend them to every . rformer. :1 A IT T_ ;itch we shall live up to, -ith every instrument, 'the purchaser we ask de and honest care -- made of wood requires jected, to extremes of ddenly, or exposed to it can be avoided. located on the corner id Lorne Streets,. To- ler oler the personal super- ziel Bell, a, member of SON PIANO. continue to keep in m Piano, also the Do-- Organs. ins of any other make 'ere you purchase an us a, trial, as we can for less money than li the trade. WANTED. 'T BROTHERS, Sea - LL & Co., Toronto. NOTICE tut and Ornamented :ew Year's and. gra- - in great 1.1a7iety at Ejits .R I STORM art of Fine Gold and Fine Gold. and Silver klets, Rich Gold jew- and Ear Rings, Finger Main and chased, puff tel Lockets. Also old and Silver Spectaolea 9 'HATED WARE. k in Tea. Sets, Cats- Bells, a-Bells. Butterfishes„ ar, Butter and SaIt skets, Card. Receivers [Pickle Castors, Celery Swing Kettle,. Frit orks, Spoons,Vases,dzc. X the Jow.,st, caztSi3- ztt' and _Finish, Fancy Goods,, which t. Clocks at old prices.. anted as represented. a all the branches a R. COU ITE1jt. 'LTO'BA. 1880 N WAY'S stinger Train for thin `11 start from T Y, APRIL 20th, yothers on Tuesday, 4 4th. ay previous to all the above 11 be given of all inters west, and the greatest pains cents moat complete and e.. a parties are released iog baggage, freight,' live t9( BaggageaFree4 hrough with each party. .' OS G. W. R. Agent, Ceutr9lis [BR E TT, f= OItTH,' Ltea;er in LEATHER and of Every Description. Best Stock kept. Tetrma icited. All orders by mail .filled. R. N. BRETT t - Si 5 4- APRIL 23,, 1880. Important for Seal 'b.. The right to fresh, pure air is a na- rrral and inalienable right, as precious as liberty itself. Foul vapors and gases, smoke and sickening odors, must be `prevented from defiling the air in any region where it is to be breathed. To preserve the cleanliness and purity of the atmosphere about our dwelling houses, shops and streets,,requires that the inhabitants and : operators of busi- ness see to it that by all suitable means they themselves prevent any defilement of the air. The sanitary care of cellars, stables and all excremental and put- rescent matters, must be understood, putrefaction mustbe prevented, gases and odor of decaying matter must be neutralized or absorbed by suitable means. The wells, springs, cisterns and re- ser.jairs of water used for drinking and III_ households must always be protected against defilement. If a well or streani is used for these purposes, its actual purity and protection should be looked after at once, and the factshould be settled by the family physician or some other competent person—that the wa- ter is pure and the means of its, protec- tion against any foul soakage are suffi- cient. If any fertile field, or.e a privy, a cellar, a barn, stable or pig -sty drain toward the well or stream, there should be some means of protection devised, or another and' safer source of supply of water be sought. The utensils, such as pails and pitchers., in which the water used for drinking is contained, should be kept constantly clean, and when any sickness occurs in a house, the drinking cups used by the sick should be unused by other persons. Various articles that are used for these purposes are liable to become impure. Flesh milk and cream so rapidly absorb foul vapors and so readily take up and hold the contagious poison of typhoid and scarlet fevers, that care is necessary in preserving the perfect purity of milk. The cleanness and sweetness of meats and of all breadstuffs should be preserv- ed. If in the presence of decaying mat- ter and putrid gases, meats, apd es- pecially fish and butter, quickly be- come unwhoiesorme., Some people try to restore such hurt food to sweetness by immersing in water containing an equal quantity of lumps of charcoal, but . it is better to prevent the defilement and putrescence altogether. The pathways . and ground's about dwellings, and all roadways, are best kept clean and free from nuisance when so graded and sloped as to give easy surface drainage for the water ; but there must be under drainage to make grounds, paths and house -lots dry. The removal of all decaying matter—ani- mal and vegetable—from the vicinity of dwellings and streets is a sanitary duty. The freshness and healthfulness of paths and grounds is improved by an occasional layer of fine gravel ; but never by sawdust, chips or planks: De- caying wood., vegetables, even chips and sawdust, are unwholesome. 4 ' day of Au_ st. 7.-0ther du and geese, etween th ' let da and the 1 i th day of • At Hares,. betWeen the 1 t day and the 1st qday of Se tembet. • Woman's Bight vritten njroii this here is grea$ divereit 'pa have nerfOct' ee is not the eligh acts tha When, a l a for a tittle of Wild Cha , she o 3nopart of dru evince a eu tomer r than that y are ltlp,. Whob ing ' cb e quick and o opi , and and effect an naf nit pore¢ A great deal has been delicate subject„ and still opinion ae to what the la to say, do and think. TI doubt, however, about th enters .a drug tore and a son's Compour d Syrup of to get it at ones s ; and it i duty to undeiltake`to cc they want so •' ething oth ing for. For Coughs, Colds, Cr Wilson's Wild )harry is reliable cure.' t contain3 given with the ame safet of three wont :: as to an Sold -by all ' ' ggists. • ,! Good Thin S .I p is the s dial prescription of .'r. A. Boschee, a lebrated German Physics n, :!. d is acknowledg: i to be on Of the most f tun: to discoveries in ediciee. It quickly sures an Colds and all 1 . g troubl a of theseverest nat'1 e, removing, as i ! does, the rise of th Affect on U d leaving the p. i s in a st•i orig and ealth co ' '- tion. It is no, an e entsl m igine, but stood the test f years, gi ing satis tion i etry case, which it: rapidly creasing' s e• ev ry son confirms. Two million ibottles ld ar ua Beware of reed dues of s ..'lar name , la ely traduced.. Be oboe's Ge -man S ` w dnced in the IIF "ted Sta • s , in 18 and is sold in every I .wn and village in t e el • world. Three . doses w relieve any ordin cough. Arice 5 cents. h envie----- bottl ,10cent Dery.te 9y. f ht st ,y ht ,a t k h, at be t A Wainde For the spe dy cure diseases that 1 neglected Col pain in the si tickling in th and all chroni The modern practice of boiling as well as washing all undergarments, is the best of sanitary rules for such cloth- ing. The frequent ventilation and brushing of all other garments, and a long exposure to light and wind, with most thorough brushing of all bedding and upholstered things that cannot be boiled, is the proper ::.sanitary treat- ment for such material's, especially if they have been exposed tb sick persons or foul air. Through and through ventilation, sunlight, the hot scrubbing of wood floors and the wiping and dusting of walls, as well as the lime -washing of common ceilings, are essential -means of cleanliness of habitations. , Closets, store -rooms and pantries and the cellars require equally effectual opening ;clean s- ing and ventilation. The removal and prevention of f such causes of nuisance is the first dtltr, but the immediate arrest and prevention of the putrefaction and the control' of the foal emanations must be secured by the 'best means at hand. It is entirely practicable to keep all kinds of refuse matter, even the common garbage of the kitchen, in such manner, by the help of 'disinfectants or anti -septics, that it will not be or become offensive before its final removal. But it is im- portant that there should be no need- less waste and garbage, and that the regulations for disiufecting and remov- ing such refuse matter shall. be faith- fully observed. The putrescence of re= fuse materials used for food is not only -excessively offensive, but may be the cause of sudden and even fatal sickness. The sweet and nutritious articles .most used for food become putrescent poisons when rotting as garbage ; therefore such decay or fermentation should be pre - Vented altogether untilremoved to the field and covered in the soil. Many a valuable We has been lost and many a family. prostrated by sudden sickness;by the putrid emanations of a few{bushels of rotting potatoes. or cabbages, or= by. putrid animal matters and melons, in cellars or store rooms. Sewerage matter is very daingerous stuff when stagn nt, and sending 'off its .gases into dwelling houses, shops and other occupied buildings and, if it is not completely washed away (flushed) by flowing water, it should be; ]ed, in tubes, to porous grounds at least ., 200 yards away from ;the house. It must be kept away from wells, springs. and. streams which supply water for house- hold use. The waste pipes within. the house, and all the taps and cess -basins, as well as every water -closet and privy, should be carefully disinfected at stated times. Every sewer _and cesspool; and the traps of house drains, should: be ventilated. Cesspools are dangerous things and should be far away from: the dwelling, and still further from Any well or, spring used by the family Dr. Risher 'Barris. • The Game Law. IIII The following is the new gime law passed by the Ontario Legislature ` at its last session :-None of the animals or birds hereinafter mentioned shall be hunted,_ taken or killed within the period hereafter limited. 1.'—peer, elk, moose, reindeer or cariboo, be:tWeen the 14th day of December and the i 1st day of O tober. 2.—Grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl, or partridge, between the lst,day of January and the 1st . day of September. 3.Wild turkeys; or quail, between the 1st day of January and the 1st day of October. 4.—Woodcock, between the 1st day of January and the 1st day' of August. 5.—Snipe, be- tween the 1st day of January and the 16th day of August. 6.—Water fowl known as mallard, grey cluck, black. duck, wood. or summer .duck; between, the 1st day of January and ' the .15th' and lungs, Dr. and has establ tation. Many use it in their. it is prepared i cal jou.rnillsr plimentei . it ' your -druggist a regular size' son & Bleasd: _ I Buckl The best sal Sores, Ulcers, Hands, Chill Eruptions. I T feet satisfactio Price 25 cents Bleasdel1. Se;af. f lonsumtion' d to it, s eh as stn born , Bronchitis,' Hay Fje+er As e and ell throat, i or lingo y n- o - ed st, dry hat g', c*ou :oe.rseness,' ore Thr diseases Of the tjhr has no eq d -wide re rmmend from wl by all'm a have elms. ' Go the free of cost e by ilessrs. • i g's New r iscovery shefor itself a worl eadilg p si4ians re settee. he Iformnls highly re cornmerde e clergy nd the pr the mos glbwing d get a tr o $1. F Seaforth r B 5 n's Ar s in the Salt Rl s, Cern s salve is in every r box. h.. Grre:t West I Trains leev Brussels as. under: GOING N(3RTIi. Mixed 10:25 A. M. Acoom....... 8:18 P. M. Mail ....0:28 P. M. Grand Tru Trains leaver Seaforth follows : GOING WEST -F- SE Express 8.1 Express. ......8.5 Mixed Train... .8:00 Mixed' Tijain..: ..1:0 GOING Ess Express ca $slue. or for tits, B • sum, Tatter, Cha . and all k4nds of gna$anteed o give sae or money refun on sale by Hie so 566 - tint (Railway. tati on, no/ GOING AOOom ...f Milted. k Rail; andOlintoi RT$. P.M. P. M. A. P. 4 St . ORT .,j. 8.00 A. Express Train.- .1:05 P. Mixed Train.. .4:15 P. a . Mixed Trai ` ..,..7:85 P.M. Londe i, Eur GOING NOR{TF London, de' Exeter .... Renaud .. . Kipper..}. Brucefield, Clinton..ji Blyth.... t. ......... Wingham rrlve ... GOING SovTHh— art A IN Ingham, a epart.... Blyth Clinton.. Bracefield Kippen ..;. Hensall.. r • p ...... Exeter ... !. n 11. M 20 89 54 00 10 25 52 25 ail. M. 00 85 01, 1£1 4 th and ' ah. oue •..5:55A3Ho. .12.88H. ..8:16 rayl Station LINTON 80; 9:15 P; 8:45 A. r1:45P CLINTON 7:86 A,I4i 1,2:40 F;I4I '8:80 P. M 16;55P,M ld Bruce. Mixed. Expre P;14 74 75 lei 8 0 82 85- 92 Exrr ea. P. M ti d 'T2 A. In. 5 55 8 49 9 15 9 25 9 45 10 8 11 1 12 0Q Mire ' A. 10,555 12 10 115. 1 4. 20 210 8 00' 4 MU I Mt7SIC. I lrs. McMu kin will give ine,trneti ns in instrt mental m' sic to a feed upils. Pee of piano given for pract ce i desired. Residence east of Victoria Square, ea oath. pt4 4 HOTE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, GodOr4Hh, that. WM. COX, Prop etor. This is on of the Quietest, Most .Comfor able and 'Best'Cun- ducted Hotels in the Prov c e. The Rooms are commodious and the Table and liar libijrally supplied. Good staling in connection. ( 80.53 r E Lf SPE GIFIC AR'ICLE S. E : W ONDER UL CURE -This is to pertify f `iat I was pejfectly cured of ehroniorheumptism of four years'atanding by a 'receipt I have' 'eft in thehande,of Hickson & leasdell. Fort Iir- ther paiticnlLrs apply to HART, WOOD , Sealorth. 633 CALL AT J. S. ROBE S' DRQ G ST { Seaforth for the Grfeat Sierra Nevada Bra k- ing Co pound, a positive dere for Ourterrh,li nd is egnal° y effi acious in all Bronchial Affections The worst c ses of Astilina, Phth' ie. an all Disedeee of t c Lung,Yiela )readily to this t at- m ant. M. SMIT a , iirkona, Ont., Gene ral Agent. For',,sale by :11 druggists. Price, 75 cents a box. J 60.62 MO MONEY TO LEND improved farms o e st, payable; );early ; pri erate. JOHN ' S. PORT Mo ate R y to lend ons good t 7 per cent. ini;er- uhcrs ; c h trees ij dele - MONEY TO LOAN— on firs ,class sect interest. Prrn•ateiund: plan. -Apel: i]o W?'HIL t n i arge• or small ri❑Ims it , at 8 percent.Dearly r on the instaL n nt eaforth. { 28 MONEY T t LOAN— able erty, at I per tent. ablc'half-yea y or earl tion of. the incip 1, if light. Apply to THOM Ont. X/1 Olv'EY.— he under ;money for imme'. mei tgages o farm pro per cent. int arest year agreed upon! J. H. forth. I m.proved arm rep - in crest.. Interest day a: desired, with poll - so preferred.. Exjenseys S D. RYAN, Bear th, .1 i ed has a large s d[ at nvestmei t oh ' ret ert • Seven and a ilia:f y; principal as mty be h E SON, Soliicitor, Sea= 4 n IMP RTAN OTICES. EMOVAt.-MISS S moved er Dress, father's res hence, Jo i pit copal 141 'thodist C have'a call fr m her ma who may re!luirc any Mantle line. 11 PAINTING land, be Seaforth an commenced b Paper Range trusted to • Office, meanti forth. WM.1 1, WM. R s to intim surroun jnsiness as , Sign '' im finis e, at D. . FRE W. 0 a t rn G ri e 11 I T, Seaforth, hap re. rg Buainese tee her 3troet,l opposite the , where s e,bo es to igude !iII cult hers in the res 'std X625 ENV, lit irf S Sot- o the inhabitain of country that he eral Hose Pain) , &c. ' All lvo>;k gilt a in first•c ass ore's Grocery OF THE AN LEY. -No e devised St ion 84, that or of the Pe ej ate Robert Reiff the County of Treasurer, an st his est to a fore the Sixat' es and post b of such cilaims, ey are also to. f necessary pr upon #$ e nest. tdayof alyn divide t. e pets ting th0 a :enti clainis of whi ed. Dated the;' REID; Jr., G3 1OTICE T CREDI ROBER REID, 0 hereby given, pursuant of Ontario, 0 apter 107, been! appoin d Adm' Estate and - ffeots of the Townehi of Stank ron, Yeoman and Tow parties havi g claims a quired to sen to .me on of July, A. D ,1880, the' address, with lull partic if they hold a y secant me particula thereof, the same for limy inspec mediately after the said .intend to ply ;away estate, then in my hand having regard only to shall then ha a been day of March 1880. 3 P. O. 0 5 er, en - 15. ea- -644► y h in 5' Mn_ —_ — _ 7 ! i `r- w rr ihj000/11- , .,i '' "'""" 12a2131EM.7i"..14-77,,,- i RT GOODS. SPRING i I . 1 C IS NOW COMP4 EjTE IN ALL DE • S SSORTcVI4NT WILL NDM R'EVARIED I' l7ARtMEN S. i BE FOUND M0F{I L TTHANHERETOF?QFiE uperi of the l thing made merchants oth I. well known.. o sty iso offs le advantage of an immer est an ost fashionable; Goods. tock is the Largest in. the West. re cont nn.ally' receiving all the Nov and h m eve always soethjing new to RGER ups to t a se s lties how tock of of the you. h the duty is large, our ;Goods are SO super or nd make, that you Oan afford to pal t. i ighest €standard of excellence for th • lea t ce is otur motto. DS. [CO *h Twee endid . s sprue a Lines ew Sha Suitinces ilors. l WEDS. all the rilew shades of Diag0,1 Coatings. nTanc es. in endl olt forget hat ours urnishi er, with s and se nt you to e offence oods and s than ft the El Llook id you d HA • CUSTOM iS dr only H int Tailors a WOR e if you can d other House n nt F4 and St34e . Don't be afia bu NDERSO Oak d. in To n ea ers in as el if e you. e GOLDEN LION, MAINST,, SEAFORTI-I. 01 OUR "OLD COUNTRY" GOODS. aving Received and' Opened e?ut OZtr 0 ,Cou4ry Go dsi We would call special attention to our BI ck La ..4t.ry Cloths, Black Sateens, Black Silks and Satins, Fr 71:VeS5 Also to a beautif It range of CoiTored Cash - me -e;-].—with Brocaded Satin,t Pla.n Melange W4itei Cottons, 8,5c., all Stai)le Goods. T ble Linen, l'a 1 Cloths. and Napkins, da, i A CALL RESPECTFyLLYISI)LICI ED. -$5 0. rcf -THE SEW CORSE T. ThisOaew and improved C stiff rting which is found in t! size a di the great comfort ati ease with w ich it may be worn, enables figu.re o ibe displayed to much, greater adva, tage,and cannot but preve aval acqUiqtien to the most perfeot toilet. The inliproved system of lacing employed in the Semi -circular Adjustable Corset ,pi.events the wear and. tear to which'other kinds are so liable, and as weaain strains are equalized•and distributed over the entire Corset, they w. found o 'outlast three of the ,z)+43inary Corse s now In use. It is!only necessary to bri this new and improved style of C ibet under observation of the ladies, tb t once win the r immediate endoisercent and prova4 as its many pointa of e cellence cannot fail to arrest inttant recogn and adtption. ASK TO SE TTTEM. OFFIVIAN ott 1.4 0 514 T Gra et is adjustedi by a Semi -circular or Eliptical ac-. e Corsets novil in use. justs itself t forms of different velopment Deaterk in Dry Goods and Winery. Alsol Agents for E. Butt rick ez Co! SOLD BY and able be tion HARDWARE. HARDWARE SIGN ,F. THE CIRCLUAR SAW 0 Rs 0 fri 0 -4 Ase w te- CD CLI c▪ p CD es - CD CD et - 0 a Crg 0 fee ett- et- co CD CD CD CD ree 014 RIA 0 CD 0 CD CD 4-1 4-1 Cig CD 110 CD ria CD /73 CD 477. 0 go `yfoor FARMERS,. LOOK HERE, • aan -xoo ! alit va 1110 BREEDERS OF PIGS. Robert Crovenlock of the Northern Gravel Read, Me - ands half north of &Beata, hav- ing pus ehased from the Bew Park Herd a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, will keep him for the improvenient of stock during the present beasan. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, With the privilege of returning if necessary. R. GOVENLOCK. 6850 ;lido 1 looilf zts : night. wTilbEt r34:t. ii8shtD, Hotel, f 645 ro improvement of stock will stand season as April 19th, will leave 8 wn stable, on. 18, McKillop, and p oc ed to Her- otel, Winthrop, for no n thence to , at the Commercial o el, for the —Will proceed along th Itnron Road A ma Hotel, for noon; th n e to Kin - t Brownlee's Hotel, for the n Ob. S AY—Will proceed nort t the Watt Int, at John Torrance' , or neon ; t Myth, at Hawkshaw's tel, for the tel, for noon ; thence to russels, at Botel, for the night , re 'ing until Y:, --Will proceed to his, n stable, t! will remain until the toll wing Man- s and certificate of pedikr e see route" A A All C To Ap Cr c CHEAPEST G ODS. IS NOW REOEIVIN ;Large Stock of al and Provisio Lot of Canned F 'ts, and Jellies. Lot of those v n Black, Green a des of Sugars, Si ses. 1?aisins, Pru Wheat, Pot Bar best of flans All of Fresh Gail - t ns and potato Crelani Crocks, Milk Pa La d utter, Eggs, and C el bra English Excelsior All are invited to Csoamt ieoFf he Cheapest Goods in t Main Stree 8 111, choice Japan. ,ps and Driea Flour, Bacon. Seeds, Flower good va- s, at 25c. o that one and e and get okfoertoolyndthelieg in GO LD FLAale111. \ li er - ere, write to .ajan'..ybEsnlei_:Clo"";)s:ott:Xcrioeo-Tr.W‘1.04.r°, Litre a r confidently recommend r ei edy in all eases where e They ere ffwonderfully eildf' incidental to female r, Stomach Hidineys, eneigy, and vigor to OF. LIFE. They d as a never failing he constitution from _impaired or weaket- flicacious in all ail - of all ages : arid as • pa An HOLLOWAYS 01 Thio Sear 111mg and Healing litoperti knowin throughout the World. Old W unds, Bar and Ulcers, e neck* are 815 le remedy. effectually tabbed tl chest, as e It bate. meat, ill Cures T,Bronehitis, Coughs, Col s, and Gout, Rb.e every kind of SKIN DI known to fail. he Pills arid Ointment a EA.4E, it has never Mannfacttired only 83, OXFORD STREET, LON'DON, aad are ized Werld ; with dire tone for use pa vi- be Trade Marks of th Me tahroinesugahreloreelt the -e on can Coonte bits fox male, w prose EAFRYORTH fPirrt40 asntPurdeBreto, ge:I:inht:btuheeldaydladmreresk sps .1)ieustnoolluset:"'.1" -.S508b8,11:.;:txn- NOSNHOP ED 0 cn CB 0 re ea ct C7P WC:5; CD 0 CD CD f Pei Pa pe ea 33 et - CD 0 Cr 1-1 • ii 0 CD mOiQV co t;474., i -to 8' 2 av -P.... . Ng 1 rz42, > 0 .. 119 11 1*4 led CM. ce 0-1 CD 475 CP 0 ▪ MI an&kly11144ineer. Orders by mailworept 1y attended to. t :D. 8. CALMPBELT4,