HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-23, Page 6',444 ; - t • 4 4 e EX mall Fruits for the Family. 61$ &haps the following, froth a corm 'idea of the Rural New Yorker, inpire some of our readers to give mor stjention to the cultivation of BM Is. The correspondent says: "Ten years ago, when my husband $Thig health drove us .from the city. w bought a farm in the hope that on door life and a plentiful supply of fr fruits would drive away impending i validism. But we soon found our su lily of fruit was limited to certai oaths of the year, and that durin e summer our only supplies, unt pies ripened, must come from thr d -fashioned' English cherry trees an a tewstraggling rasuberry and outran bushes. These, with a doien" forlor stirobby dwarf pear trees not in bearin a$ a good apple orchard, constitute otir stock of fruit. Two big likes, tw et chimps of peonies and. a cinnamon ros letteh formed. our list of ornamental But we soon- changed all that.. Th tlLonght of owning land and going wit O t strawberries was an intolerable on tE me„and the first spring after capita h e I set with my own hands (becaus tI ough far from idle, they were th lc st busy hands in the family jus ti en) it, Wilson strawberry bed a fe te t square. The next year we had a ti strawberries we could use, and w hi ve never been without them sinc but, of course, the bed has been renew . The Wilson is still our favorit al bough my husband, whose swee th,te are innumerable, prefers eeter berry, and in Ilia Beare ,;------- , fo one has tested several other v •" rii ties. 'We have added to our stock of fruit • fr m time to time by purchase and pr paation, until now we have of sma I ts, blackberries, raspberries, goos be es, curants and grapes, all of choic varieties. Nor have the larger frui been neglected ; and we can 'point wit pride' to our growing peaeh, pear,cher plum and apple trees and say, •'A these are the work of our hands.' 0 collating up I find that the aggregate varieties that we have plantedfammint to over seventy-five, and yet we h,av not made any great outlay of money. "Our fruit is nearly all , in bearin now, and it would. be hard to describ our delight in the enjoyment of a , su cession of delicious fruits through th w ole summer. First come strawbe ri s, which begin ripening the middl of Time, and by having early and lat varietiee, their season is much proton ed-: before they are fairly gone' th ha pberries, cherries and currants ar ready for use, followed le rapid Emcees don by blackberries, grapes, peache and pears. Last summer we had fres betries on our table from the middle o June until the first of October ; an incredible as it may seern, but probabl ow.ng to the veiy warm weather tha, nachath, I picked several clusters o large, beautiful Kittatinnies on th 28th of October with which to dec orate the wedding supper table of friend., 'We: do not propose to raise smal frits for sale, but wedo intend to hav aniabundance for our own coneump tioh ; and one-fourth acre devoted t their culture gives us such overflowin pleasure that every year there is a sur phis of nearly every fruit we raise, fo w "ch we find a ready sale among ou les favored -but wealthier neighbors, whose daughters gladly eome and pic oru fruit for a share. Indeed, tWey tel me that they van with greater ease an more profit pick the fruits in • our gar den for a small share than to eare through the woods and tangled brush heaps for wild ones. We reduce th work of raising them to a minimum b setting our plants in long lines betwee thetrows of young -fruit trees, so that horse and cultivator may as readily b driv-en between as through the rows o a corn field. Treated in this manne but little hard labor is required, an the young trees -are also greatly benefit ted and kept in a thrifty condition b thel frequent stirring of the soil. one sex, as formerl .both. The South° sponded to this ne mend. for Merino sheep-huebandry 0 modified to predno required for the France mist be acc 4, creating thee most tore of the Sheep -h manufacturing of t The scientific br contenting themsel s animals surpassing .1 race in size and w length of staple, h aimed. to develop, o special qualities of e "neat -producing qu t cocity of the devele III e formerly regarded tudes of the Englis r e succeedd in transf into the most pe 14c en i o havingthe same p c as much meat as t puted to be the besi while at the same a 0. 1 of the fleece is inc :a menting the diame a word, the Merino mutton -sheep, pres i v bearing qualities. Ith velopmea, requiri G ; 1 nd- ant food, should be : 4- cupants of the val : his country contiguou 1 r ets,, where the merely I.: s eep- u - bandry has declincol. We must not pas:1 by anotl.erl pro net of French sheep -hu :ban , ler aps the most instructive, in e scient fie point ef viewe of any in its • story, s illnst at- ing the wonderfurri-Ou ts w lel_ elf' ful breeding may acmeI lisp y hap i improving the accidi: s of n: tu e. e product referred to I: the fa GG ohs - - champ wool, admit elite s I ecimen 4f whichi in staple an( yarn, ere roe n ly exhibited by Mr. eo. W. Gond, ho had personally visi i d the creator cf this race in France, from w om heo- , tained his speoime i s. • Th: cliarac or- istics of this wool a e that t - a fineies equal to that of Me ino, an a lengt .Of teal* which surpa ses it, sddQ4IA lustre absolutely do parable tol thatlOf silk ; a lustre so a. erked that, ie A challis made with a ilk wa And eft of Maacharep woo , the s uff, w ich contained only one- ighth • silk 4nd seven -eighths of no 1, w,as s brittle, t as if made entirely ,f sitk. • The history of t e ereatiGn- of thh race is. se instructiv thitt 1,,t . xray b briefly stated. In 28 ther wa S ace dentally produced o' the fa m of Miati champ, in Franco, cultiva ed by M. Graux„ a ram from a flock f Mitrizioe, having a head of un sual size, and a all of great length, la also A Vfool re- markable for its sof ness and, ,atoveall, its lustre. M. Grau separa ed the ani. mal from the flock d used.I it for re- production, obtain g sone I animals similar to the sire nd oth rs I to the dam. Taking after ards the 'aii.neala similar to the sire, nd cro sing thent among themselvesl, or wit the. sire, which served foi th type, e tucceed- ed, little by little, i formi g small flock whose wool w s perfe tijr eitke. He afterwards sum) eded ii modifyinig the forms and the se of t e eninaele, originally quite sm flock of 600 herd, ll furnishing he it a 11, and. obtaine silky wool. The fl. ,ek was prosperous at the time of the ilt eaking .utj of the Franco-Prussian w r. Of its histpry n wilge. a 4 4 s t • 1 t • • I ; • 4)4 444 t • - • 1 heep and Wool in France. The sheep husbandry in France nestionably declining, at least i hers. President Miters said i : "Our ovine population has gon n from 40,000,000 to 30,000,000." I ated on the authorship of the In tor -General of Agriculture that th ber of sheep in France has been re ed from 30,386,000 in 1867, to 24, 707,496 in. 1876, a loss of 5,678,787 i six years. 2residnt Thiers attribute thi decline it> the absence of prOtectiv duttas on wool, others to the abuse- o an bsurdlaw which allows the muni cip1 council to prescribe the number o head per hectare which each farmer i permitted to keep. The- number o mainee, �r their grades prodnom cows() wools, and some English mutto sheep, have no special characteristic worthy of notice. The wool industry of 'France is re markable for the influence it has ha upon the combing wool manufacture of the world, and consequently upon th sheep -husbandry -of all nations whit supply it. LouisXVI. obtained fro the King of Spain 200 rams and ewes o the pure race of Leon and Se govia, about a century -ago, viz., 17761. In 1786 he ottained 367 more, whic were the foundation of the famou Rembouil let flock. In 1799 France re clved., through the treaty of Basle 5,500 animals from the finest flocks o Catile. Sixty sheep folds were estab lished by Napoleon as accessories t thet of Rambouillet, where proprieto co ld obtain the service of Merhe ra114 s free of charge. The directors o the national sheep folds pursued i breeding precisely the opposite cours to that adopted with the same origina raCe in Saxony and with the Tropeaz de Na::: in France. They aimed -to in ereeze the size of the frame I and. th weight of the fleece. With . this in oreesed size and weight there was de veloped a corresponding length of fibre and a, Merino combiug-wool was for th first time created. The French mann facturere were the first to avail • them selves of this new property of woo which their OWu territory supplied National pride stitu dated them t creete new fabrics from the new ma teri1 supplied from domestic sources They invented Mousseliues delaine Merinos, cashmeres, challis, bareges and more recently worsted coatings; i a word, all the woolen stuffs of th nineteenth century which distinguis thenaselves in their physiognfeny from some of the weak Stocks j the tissues of the preceding centuries perhaps, the most profitabl The English and other manufacturin If the spring i.5 cold nd bac warms i e less tdoors ; 1111 187 do ists ape 11111 du supphed t f Hemisphere re- d increased co. , and the he the world wie combing -wools falbrios. To d th honor of attar arm woe afact Ott ,e • ! I • reset century. rs of ranee, not witi producing othe •of their t of fleeee, and mo e rete ethe with 1 lie Meri o fibre, es A the pr mat, hieh eex lusive apt cos. They ha ing heeri mu ton city, and Sent dox, j re - °decors of flesh, the total weight: edi Wsthout ! f th fibre. rti Nile miming 'a s all its whet- I em 's m thod of de- ' top f co rso ab gesti e to ihe e lands, o cit toral r t t e baleid fro and bot Th Re the to e re the thei the inv is t] fra ma fra kin bed an on tra heep, ming, an the goo one dra the the • since that period we have no Textile lifanufach rer. • • The Big F A great deal has multiplication of country, and dolefu been uttered by tho lieve that the 13i4e • torepeat the exPe and Ireland in the land by a few. Th danger of such an is by the following stitti ties,w Tribune - compiles census' reports : In 1850 the avera the United. Statee 10 more years the acres Jss,1 and et further reduction of and farms average decline between 186 general that the onl the States and Terr crease in California acres, from 94 to 13 and from 25 to 30 in Utah 1850 hind monopoly ehisterice in Calif° the average size nainished by a refine mires. In Texas th the first decade fro rm S ecu said ig far predic profess States ience o mottop t there ne is el from t size o as 203 average the las 47 acres 153 and 1 excepti ories w from. 4 in Mas ad som ia ; in ten y are farm as cli- ion of it4t 4,000 redueti n was ht 942 to 51 acres', a-nd in the second te 301 'ors. he ected t show a are. about h s in tlbi io s h ve n to_ he- re esti4ie ngl n ly of late 18 110 'teal art shown oh theN. e sever f tens i j) alms; as f 11 • OM S a pea e , er s. Th 70 was s n in al re an in 6 te ps a hsets rior t11 elaim t • next tensile is ex Abet decline. MB in 1850, 18,18 1870, 9e nd now clai and her farmers are ed in view of the co a dozen monster w • were 5,364 farms of acres each it 1860 - only 3;720. th number fronia 500 to ed from 20,319 to 15 classes of smaller fa ratio, of increase get scale of size descend - Spring Manage nnesota lad 15 in 1860 43,500li more t a4i68,Q00, ot Much righ , n petitio G of hag eat far al s Thier more h n 1,00 n 1870 h re wer same •e 'od th ,000 ac e declin, 873, wh lo all the ms inc ea ed; th ing lare] h a. ent • Bees. A correspondent o the Ne legion Farin4r gives the fo owing i s ructiont in regard to the pro ler man gement o bees in spring: In the first plae , keep the hive clean of filth and ded. bees,a.d seethe they have honey en ugh to Garry the through; if not, feed from in ide, and a night if warm; if c ld, tak them he • where there is suff4oient • w: math for them to take up thel honey om feed ers. Close the entr noes to hive in early spring, so tht not '.ore tha two bees can get out or in at time i weak, leave room fo only on f to pass it will prevent Ifobbi ig and he loss o weak swarms. As 1 ng as t e bees will use it, give rye meal n coves or pan not far from hives ontsid.e i • will be great help to promote early brood. is astonishing how repidly they will the meal in early epring, efore blossoms get open, hut they use it after willow said mapl Keer the entrance, to bo4e to keep warmth and protect t brood. Do not negleht them nations in due course followed thebetter th keep weak Freech example. Wool, instead of fur- ' lar; they will cousn nishing the material for clothing for ' dwindle less than o h o ti.ry o ppearL clos d ; lje t LO yonn .nd now, a i1 make swarms wl4t ard, it i rea the cel :he ey an I exta 1 hey cen te cut you fee a s trig cle mit hon cove tan y fee leni dar tran Of is r! b Ma novaj nted e be e hi e hi It , all two pp a t ln filed in mush vet the in this w y as needed, b „ and put Art fo 'rt ve ha olld ai 01 am y If t Uri I a d I do shel de Six 00 thes 1 • sid in ch have di til ow e made e, with] a you; years ago used exc e tried wept to recbmnee food, laced rance, icely. keep gauze 0 2 inches sq , 'aches space ✓ 'boxes, thre ch side lo g to eacl The hi g, 20 ih' o1ny one ut then them of M, BO as om the[ Inch d+o and pit se you sharp drone ' br o don't os lazy c e no trou d keep y W is our pa e wi e. is I -in hes 10 2 ine es deei ; • no patent ab an here ulAe . I ant bolq,r or t ke hone! busy season . Rather r yon. Ifi to hives. Ta but all the of :an get at. too ny Qf oker nd the ▪ B sine a ; a little ear and 7 u ill y sea on. ye h; a 44 n 0 le 11 hives is 111hive; •w use hive I which t the great andle this 0 for n top boxes th en - x and when high, make till a 'miler ot to es in rages under ed no e and comb rat to ; use n do - hives port- • the II I FlOBLIC • NOTICE! 1.u8'11 'REC —AT -- THE VRNA cRO in= awl:, OF ; rockeryi„. tamps", urn WIeh th w to ast apencitioheVearica t befottrued pviarl wh e. • SgEDS.:' SEEDS. EIVED 111armera walothig Turnip, Carrot, Gs de Seed' can inake sure of g Fr$h And Beliablle at the Varna Groc 1 • ERY, 8, &C., ty will do tieing else- EEDS. angold, or ting them F our, "the Housewife's elight," Oatmeal, Cornmeal, •c. . , i L 11 kinds of, FRESH GROCERIES as tan al. 64.. , . B. 11A.XB11, Varna. 9. p ed leg ing Co Ain the die wh unu ed her she she Do ly R. this ore yea dri eve wo the day cat geo We hey gre the WOr jOil 011 pal cos are free Th BO hay dep goo the has wh Ng dra bee of t "ile Of t the be f the hey pine firt, seem logs theit vern 'r bo W 0 tq other and, u , tours, made fa 9 muton ders e oiPioer a ar mesb liza soub itt it is hal r fae emis epeat had old eo. eth Ro duet ness, believ e o -11 1 ies ti . Ten c. to th bard he Bu er his induct ohn last ount itt the led, a d is wor ago. Tiller° ring, br befo ne on da , f Tenn k rre of h ab e to tak 'me most of school: H d lost a a , lletter k "Effie Do oss-shire, , had atta years. E within eig o.Ys before se present reached b of Ferrint on, in 1813. idat P "Drunk t 25 yea than it mote i drink five year an dri • ; 44 we la ar ty s e a w� 5 DPW OU 0,400, 11 tlj dal nd 4 ' woo n • san a Be toe, tre an ey ba • he ut ghtt o th he arly any • bee of, loft lea een ad 's n b dra • BW •wh t c are ye s ha bee in ntra e ti conit whi exte . I • • • 11 g• at 1031, a Oa ties as a d ay save ee s yt of 4it th every de of is a f fort rly aze4 J. eM1 70, a e, was idow- col- train- as a b at Oh; n by ," has tland, the e etain- ays of s e died rmon . Me - i short- 13 8 once, ess in as in - as 36 isters than o you on s can see every ota of 11ak. The ate made regular of people tu. Japan als These ettieles ate compartment fpr the ise on also on a them a new They They foot 1 d pnr Str traee strap. that - the oldl a clacking n tv slippers 1ar er setting 4n a supply off e may put on • is worn o t. nt an a half a p td1eft, and leave t a a lr lon a, th t pecte BI3.0 ter it .As ne t k, tob, b psi. T -tihey se k over it to 111 1 8 I'S'd 0 l`B al 1 of di ful p f rovide *catel 10 dr aron her rop ice led jicCI and 144 • NO .Fr ohn on, ak it erf 1 efd bf- was torek previhusl rota un Two eat let aet ehat a +-Doi eselt all hrofigh t rapt hey sli th P. or t f r y re hare ainf °al Falls Octz. season ha e woods for owin there, slei had diss.p 11- instance Mssrs. s cut to alWay, hay lid these w t hit the br ey must -have to work be t we C says: ot left s might •t the g was ed in what our, into t all • have ng up struck e side co, for 18 ea. of a nty years 0. yet Gi lie with it, nor . will to col e. Other a besides abor' d therehso it Must e of t 1 e best loo 'OS for Messrs. Gil Or at these limit tohk out . bet of lr4te years n, erations to saw own and ea at the Tr at. eful an know1ecIg4 overn the ientritio 10. po onl hei hey r vei mi o4.—ra thorotigh tion Bad. lleati n f the ed cocoa, ea,L ast ta ed bevera he vy doct sit e of suc hi ion may st ong oncrt diseas dips ar attack 50 Wee our flavo naany dicio cons p anti denc tle ready 14 t al to ak po eh ' We m shaft by keeping p ,I. wit p e bloo, she fr me."— Sold ialy inpac Bp & Co, Ho 48, hreadneedl cadill Leaden." YEARS mph ort - of the pera- nd by oper- Epps with hieh bills. ieles grad - to re- Hun- ating a rever seape selves nd a iVill &r- ete label ath- treet, -52 Ire 11.e, and oted m tiot ha oomp Sold. Tw Mrs. J "I f el n to he y ef y ter rry. or cte wi usi oy th bottl orts hat htn fr� m its i a to go in u nee gat 0011 811 i onnt can • le 4 a TAND- r, of it my duty to orld the won- Vistar's B lsam twenty y4ars I h phths , and e Ba1i was hysicians iji rrab1e. 13 afforded rE4L. good many mhze com- ; aed for a* years the least ee ern of nt." 50 onits and. y Oil druggist 4- a ds of ng oEtent'e,purelntrai t cold. Icold rid o fees wi few m n the b all fea e diesip .5tdim. ettiee, 11 BEE ning •glit t. ;#, p t. h e a si peoele are np laelaselves tc mary sympt et the fatal de bled with la ow necess0' iould be chit and every it, "Brya1,s stop the! h Iliute, and he enchial and pu care - drift s of tision thing is it, for rtion Put - eking of.dangerots rot:Li:3- ra n ed—but th,ey must od by all dhiggists at 25 cents per box. t. 11W powlfile purifying 1.ating• the' for the outh, it os 914 little toilet gem k your druggist fcie 'Tea- ets.16152. tr§ •••••44•••••••• ..104-.4,•••••4. - I I= M B K, SEAFORTH. P: 11:44C5E- Manager and Propriet Office in he premises uncle gm's' Hotel, formerly oc the Bank C of onmerce. David - pie by NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. i Eiw h and Fornign E change Purchased. I 1 ! I FA MERV SALE NOTES B UCHT. Draft Issued payable at p Brl nollea of the Bank of Co 1 forma Allowed on Dep M. P. HA.YES; Manager a.ud. P SUI)IEEAM ARTGA THE SUIrtEA IT GALL H C An Opi Ryder, room • Equ be tit r at all mere. opritor. LERY. hitney's Block, fs noz the Management o RACE FOS rator 1 te from the Art Galle of Cle t eland, 10hio, Who is hotogr pin of all kindS l in Quality tol any made in large ci ies, a Zatest Styles of Finis l' Secu e the Shadow ere the ubstan •ti• nd go to MOORE & FO ER f SAT SFAIbTION GIJEARA P CTURES FRA 7,471:(28 r ER, of Or. F. repared to hatican d in all t. e .Fdes," r it. ; • TEED. • - 644 THE CANADIAN K OF COMM 10E. EAFORTH BRAN K' OFFICE OF THIE CA AD N An 0F COMvpillte HAS iEN; M e Prenaises lately ccupi d by the Consolidated l3ank, Door A`outh, of the CO17 Mei ial Hot 1, Main Street. H I EL ND, - ROAD. OOT & ti3i• 0 • $AFORTH, TAKERS, NbER FUNEBAZ$ 8H0 COFFIN HEM ATTENDED ON THE TEST NOTICE AND SHR UDS ALWAYS ON HAND. ]AREtD FOR HI 1Bi FOR Oft, Firs Quality, $6 per from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDE Length, roan 10 to 50 Feet, L, IN inicKI Tho S bscriber has also a ! LJ1BER Y RD IN SEAt' Wiberi all kinds of Lumber canlbe obt 470 4 THOMAS SE • HOR IUGI1roN & S INE t the P R H L BE AT SHARP'S HOTEL, for the pn ose of parchasin wepighingifrom pounds to 1,500 po in lgood cOndition. Age from 5 to 8 v kinst le kind and sound. 640 I• HOUGHTON tk M4RILICEN eafart h Horse 8, ds, nd re p id. AR1'. ELe Olt ell? TIFICATAKS,, (Under new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAF1 , . )1111 • . . • 1 ' . . - . - _ . . '• „ . 1 I • • . . ' _ . 1 I . , , , • . • , 4 TT GROOE Oiir 30 35 , I'' and TT TT TTTT TT TT TTTT • Tea . . . 609 • 60 . . CENTS. CENTS. , These Strengt . 4 1 a NT NT • 400ds . • •, , STOR : i • 40 and 50 60 cent BLACK, . GREEN, 0 BEST VALUE are all o . priaTTTTTT TT TT TT ' , TT TT TT TTTT -- . , POST be Beat. OENT , . . . . • . . TTTTTTTITT - i . JAPAIsli, MIXE11. . SEAFO TT OFFI Th , 40 45 •. TT I 1,r TT • i ,E. d I I I , avor O Best • ENS. icEiiirs. kir F TII. NEXT THE .. cents Tea in . . •. • Can't the Dominion. , 60 6010ENT 0 P -/ IN CFFEE. 14OSE, _ nd recommended . I th : 3est Qiiality, D. D. 1 ALL With • DI Will GREAT Buying I WC • . the • 'f swgEpi COKIS RIBBONS • be Sold. _ B it:asters a4 at 3UYERS _ 1 . 1T i • 'OF. • INT ONTH Co/ER0OATS, 1 JOHN 0 T 4 . rig Oui another . CLOVS) . before I 'BROAD save money 1 I GOODS, -the 1 . KID in. this by . ROGERS'. . • . I and - P Co: ull Deter my Sto AND F I SHAWLS, HATS, OAPS at Prices t • , RGAINS IN Others requiring t ' ----Tk.,, C Baance . CLOVES CLOTHS. Calling &O. Vicinty. , -- , DY ination k7 1, G R THE MANTLES, Never : of Clos have mc4 REDCTION, NEX T CLOTH FURS, Heard of 1 FIr4E BLACK tho4se Goods can , ADDRESS SMITH.—" Goo JONES.—" I am furniture, you iset prices. Our baby, county." . go the Free ai M. ROBERTS n Kidd, as a-Hardwaije at remarkably low examine his stok to order on very sh feathers, wood a ad HIO Is, as formerly, an tion. His stock of rate. Funerals att , morning Jones, where m going down to M. mine is gettingplayed Wants a new cradle, , 1 -A ID Indepedent a begs to state that he store, and that he rices. Intending purehasen1 heforo purchasing elsewhere. rt notice. Picture umber taken in exchange. UNDERTAI9NG er his own supervision, Wrote, Coffins, Shrouds' laded in the country. TO THE ELECTORS. '3ome the .. S AI Re . , . . • Warerooms, to get first rate furniture very best and cheapest , 8- , , - , . 7; , lately °coupled by everything' In the Furniture to their advantage to My attended to. Furnitute work guarauteed. Fan* al with the greatest care Omplete, and at the very iember the place. .- . SEAFORTH. ' -7 Som new at very low * the • !Mr.' John line i call and made produce, • aindatten- lowest ,. • are ROBE out and they on going to ?" TSON'S Farniture and I want to get say that he has 13 PeoW li has reMoved is now framing andivrill 4 AHe M. RJ of to prepared will find Repairing a specialty. be ., will rse for ROBERON EJ Huron the premises to furnish it greatly prom DEPARTMENT condi:nit be found hire. BOOTS . rri-10MAS GOOD FACTORY AT . 1 NoTwitr AND. SHOES. . • IS REVENUE • F1STANDING • stEtries Block, , BOO " P ' IS OND 1 1 1 SH S. O i SI-10ES 1 STILL MApE 001"IXIIR,5r SELLING BOOTS TARIFF THE Main Street, : 18ND PRICES, • . I STOOKS. _ RISE Seforth. . P T. ONCE MOR -&- patronage iu4ng solicit a acanthi a Stock of DR GROCER1E A Large Stook lot and Coal Oil, H d thing required i -a taken in erchan e. Ii to come afid set le other hands for o —I am also vain to in the Dominion. twenty years, on th give me a call, at I surance Companes get to give me a et nection. Clover Tiabthy, , ST- OFFICE risectfn1ly beg leave to reti4rn the last 12 yeara that ca of their teem for the 00 DS of cc deecript TEAS a Specialty—whi OOTS and SHO a e, Paints and Oils, Drug 13dneral store. Ask for whalt I would also intimate to by cash or note before ction. No further notice for the Dominion Saving he above Society loans naost favorable conditional tin agent for the Sun Mutual tin the Dominion, and condUcted . 1 am always attentive Turnip and other R, PATTISON STORE, to my numerous doing business have just received always and Medicine if you indebted -' this month, MONEY Seiety, farm IN8UACE.—Iton1 Assurance the mostteconomi Post WALTON. W._ A)LION. eustomera sinongst a Large onhand re, are l tie ake. Crbck , Bacon and on't set t. to me fa last or the ac TO 4,0 one of security $r a onipany one al Office and Telegraph . for them, and Well tall assortment best in ry, Glassware, Hams, in Cash or farm and previous ounts will N ON EASY the best loan term of from want your of the best principles. Office theirtind a end *ndly Selected of the County. Lamps fact every - produce years, be put into TERMS. soeieties three to lifs insured Life In- Don't for- in con- . - I 1ave In all t mdney seeds -1--- thanks -been ure. I ons. Also h, for quality S—Maherson's , Patent you want parties e end of ill be given. and Investment on good LIFE Life en to business. on hand. -43 ID ;• , t 0 (3) rf•Wrzr:g El a 13 rI a le 0. a hl a' '-• ric) 61, a „, s- °Tell fa." s,(2°'..,1 mg' 5' v• 8 r -,z, t',..i •— " i4. F. L(g.•rI,., c.gE c, 2, 71 0 g p:t 73 K'1 ee s;•• 0-, so .-/ MIL '-'1• z -9, ;3'6" 7 Is . A , • Pr es co e te - t"' Z L }-);.-4 0 > -Z &3.4 tj Exim X Lmi c, _ w &_ co re e_. 0 pe 2 r:4 Q 0 0 • it en -)73 ' tn. *• iff 1:r t4 W ; 0 F3 r, -I ct- a--; it A NI tt Li ,-, --, 2 hi s. ed M 64 15- W2 0 1 0 El - " FI cli -: aL ,— n 21 en ve ' 1---. a. ,o.y-1 . ('' A e R i . • c) r• R iz er- eg•2.•b.1. gcgl2 gCP't'..1. •-,.., op g ''"••1 ---; a ca 3: 8 C.••• t• ."‘`• c.a. ,,.. 4 ,-,.1 si 0. , = ir.41 cmrico = ttel 7.1 ! t =A t t ...a.; 1 1 co.:3 . N () ti . PAINTNG. . J. G -RAVES a itar ing and Whiti$shing. left at Wilton & PAINTING. USE AND pared to do all Satisfaction hemg's, Lurnsden • or Wm. PAINTING. i ! , Sign Ilainting, Paper no charge made. Robertson & C.'s, , 1 Hang- Orders will §IGN PAINTING, , kinds of House and Guaranteed & Wilson's, or receive promt etent1on. • APRZ 23 880. 11/1'Ulfe,AL. STRUMENT1 EMPORIUM •COTT BAOTHERS Have i . • ave Pleasure in stating to the public • at they are now naanufaCturing Int' Ii their own account, !in4eompany with Daniel Bell, the original manufacturer,- t e celebrated tXOELSIOR ORGAN, nd can consequently give their tug - t mers, the benefit inanafactuxeite p ices. The Exceltior Orgati is admit-. by the best judges to be the best gan manufactured in Canada, boh, a to tone and durbility, As well te b auty of workmansild p and finish. The Trade and- others in .search ef galls of most desirable stylesortodem c mbinations and popular prices will Pd us keeping pace with all improve- bnts and discoveries in our line, and ces low as high-Olass goods can be p oduced.. We use only %he hest and thorOughly seasoned woods for our eases, genuine. e o/1y and ivory kepi, and best import- ei reeds and boards.These materials, an ardpuIated only byhkilled labor, must e G sure satisfaction te ourselves sad our P tr°n Ouractions, stops, and combinations such is will eonimend.them to every perifninating perfortner. A Warrant, which We Shall live up be given with every instrumei4t, a d on part of the purchaser we ak o iy a reasonable and honest car hich anything made of wood requir not to be subjected to extremes pI h at or cold suddenly, or exposed d napness when it can be avoided. The Factory is located on the ea o Esplanade and Lorne Streets, To.. • ite, and is under the _personal &Tar- e, talon of Mr. Daniel Bell, a member of the firm.. 7/I HE EMERSON PIANO As formerly, we continue to keep in s ock the Emerson Piano, also the Do - inion and other Organs. Pianos and Organs, of any other make pplied. Remember before you purchase an • strnment, give us a trial, tEas we can. ve better -value for less money then ally other house in the trade. GENTS WANTEDf Iriddress, SCOTT BROTHERS, Bete f rth ; or, D. BELL eh Co., Tronto. bPECIAL NOTICE ULS0772,6 Useful and Ornanten Chrifi1nt9, Hew Year's and W ding Presents in great van iely tzf M. JEWELRYSTORE, Consisting in part Of Fine Gold and. • Silver !Watches, Fine', Gold and Silver Chains and Neeklete, Rich Gold -Jew- el a y ligiii3iitt roocnibespait%EaalaraReihrIsse,1,2,i;ger uff l ttonS, Studs and Lockets.,, Also Gold ns, mild Gold and: Silver Spectaolea •d Eye Glasses. SILVER PLATED WARE, nandsome Stook in Tea Sets, Gas- ters, Belly Dishes, Blls, Butter Dishes, Iijtthvithai Vinegar i Butter and Salt C stors, ;Cake Baskes,Card Receivers aiid Card Cases, Piekle Castors, Celery Sands, Epergne's Swing Kettle, Fruit nives, t taives,For, Af ks, Spoons,ases,&c. 11 i riops cis Low as Vhe Lowet, conss- , , tent With Qua1y and _Fnish,. • Large Stook of piney Goods, whiele will be seld at cost.1 !Large variety of Clocks at •old prices. All Goods warranted as represented: REPAIRING in all the brauohes a S a Ar., -IL COUNTER. 80 MANI OBA. 1880 R.EE D.WAY'S First Speciystelarwilloirtfrom Patfsertgor Train for this rr * On TUESDA11; APRIL 20th, be followedbyii4tthhr on Tuesday? Freight leaves the day provions to all the above dates. Due notice will tie given of all future pa les. Rates always the lowe• st, and the greatestpains tan to have arrangements most complete and satisfactory. ersons joining these parties are meatiest 1 all care in bonding baggage, freight, live r4 ta s k, &c. 10 Pounds of baggage rree. Ir t r. Green -way goes thrOugh 'With each. peel. particulars apply to JOHN /KNOX, G. W. R. Agent, • Centralia 68 R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. LEATHER ani* SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. one but the Very Beat Stock kept. Tennis m4jcrate. A Thal Solicited. All orders by Ina Or Otherwj,e promptly /Wed. IL N. BRETT ememetthaem Itte.p01 The eight h • tiered and. inal As liberty itael smoke and prevented froi • rtgion where preserve the the atmosph houses, shops the inhabit= nese see to it • they themsele a -then -it. T stableslma 8.1 reseent matte rarefaction gases and ode be nentralizto means. , The wells, servoire of w-1 in households; against &filet is used for th purity and. pr after at once, settled by the ether eompete ter is Time tue tion sgainet eient. Iff ans a -cellar, a bat ovread,the eue be some mean or another anG water be song peiIe and rite used for earin be kept cep,* sioinaess occur ours used by i by other reran Varionsartii purposes are Fresh milk an foul vapors an • bola the eente and scarlet fev in preserving I The elesemess and of all bres ea. If in the. ter and putej pecially fish • come unwliole • to restore sucl by immersing egnel ciaantite it is better to and putt -escort The pathw; dwellings, an kept -eke"' :fl so graded and • surface drain • there must be • grounds, pe.thi removal of al mal and veget ,of -dwellings at dap The fie of paths and g occasional Lee never by Bawd caying woodet sawdust, are The modem well as wealth the best of sail lug. The ir brushing of id long exposure • /310St thOr011gii ana upholstin be boiled, is ti merit for suc they have hem or font air. • Through hi sunlight, the fiefors and the' walls, as well oommon, cele of cleanliness storerooms en • require equally ing aid ventif The removal causes of enlist the immediate the putrefaetiS foul ,emanatiot best means e practicable to - matter, even • the kitchn, t •help of &sin that it will nO' before its final portant that ti less waste a* regulations f0 lug snob. =his fully otserveti fuse materials exeessively off cause of medal The sweet auf used. for food_ when rotting e decay or fen• .4 vented_ altoget field and 'cov'e valuable life 1 family prostr the putrid e of rotting poti • putrid animal . cellars Or stoe Sewerage * stuff whe' sti gases into di other °couple! not -complete" by flowin veA U305, to pore yards awAy fe • be kept away_ streams whin hold use. Ti • house, and at as Wi1 as ev4 should be ear times. Eve the traps of ventilate& things and eh dwelling, and welt or spring Risher 11 arrii ThS The followt passed by 9a1 its last sessue birds hereina hunt -ed, takf period hereat moose, reinde I4th day of of October. prairie fowl,: 1st d.ay of hi September. between the the ist ele.y between the the lat day tweett the 3.0 1th day of known as 113, duck, wood the let day • 1 4