HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-23, Page 2- ERTHA'S EXPERIMENT. . (Concitrded front last week.) • One day Arcllibeild came in with th air of one who was about a to confer pleasure. ; , - s ' - ' Bertha t' he called frobi the foot o th stairs, ,auk Bertha came down hi : . She bad., on a white • dress. an, some of. tho old crimson roses w ich she had brought \back from ca 1 on Maria that morning, were i he hair and on her bosom. She look ed to him just like the woman he ha wooed last year. In just this guise ha sh come down•to him then in the sof Ja e twilight, and he had hurried he on into the garden with beat4ng heart neirer guessing that he Was to he there no tender confession of love, bu a puzzled woman'sconundrum as t `whether she were justified in marryini without it. For one moment his hear bet with the old sweet tumult. H� was on the point of going up to her end taking her in his arms, but he rem.em beed the words of that other Ju n ni , aht, the words that awoke him the fr his lover's dream, with too kee • a litter'ness,: .He spoke to her ver quietly. ''iMy cousins, the 10eredi.ths are goin- :to Newport. They have taken a hous. th re for three months to come, an th y have invited you to go wit thdm. I think it willbe an excellen op ortunity for you, and you wer: wi hing for a breath of sea air the othe (IB '"Oh, yes," Bertha cried, delightedly "i will be charming. Arid ' you -yo '{ come too ?" he look of care, the weary look tha hat been- settling on his face fo, m nths past, seemed to deepen undo leek question e but he answered quietly I will come'when. I can. Business is unusually engrossing this summer, an. I can not get away often." So Bertha went off with the Mere diens, and Mr: Archibald remained be hind in the pleasant home a few mile. frern New York. He grew more an more busy, and many nights he did no go out from the city at all, but stai late at his desk, .and then snatched :. fe hours: of sleep at some down -tow i hotel. It was the summer of 1873, an• there were portents in the sky. Archi bald had been a careful and honorabl - business man always, but these were tier, es when no single ms.n's carefulness or onor availed much to stem the great bra le' wave of ruin that was rising' ate dily. •nce or twice he went to Newport, an. Bertha and he watched each other wit a curious- interest. Seeing him in the midst of other people, she began to adr ire him as she had never done be- for�. Ile was altogether a man, and sll grew proud of him, with a shy, half' teuder-prido that had a new sweetness' an a new trouble in it. Buthe told he noneof his anxieties. - She should ke the ease and prosperity for which she had married him . as long as he co. ld give them to her, he thought; hit- ter: the der ran lon mo: s y. It wasfor. woFnen who loved -r husbands to help bear their bur- s. The first week in September he down hurriedly. There was a ng in his heart to sec her just once e at her best, in the midst of all the goad things with which ho had sur- rounded her. What might chance be- fore the next time they met, who kndw ? She seemed. to him to have gra n young, almost like a girl, he thos ght. She deeve him up and down the beaches anti' along the avenue in Lerpretty little ! wagonette, and the gro in in the rumble thought, "'Ere for ono was 'appiness iu 'igh life." After that Mr. -Archibald did not write. The great black wave was sweeping down on him fast, fast. He wan struggling gallantly; but the tide was strong. One night a strange un- rest took possession of Bertha. She wondered what had kept him silent. She bad sent her weekly letter, full . of pretty little sentences, carefully writ- ten as ono writes Ni*ho is anxious" to please, but no word had come. The sea : seemed sadder than usual. It broke upon the beach with a long la- meiit. Through the pale fog the li;ght- hou4e lamps shone wierdly and fitfully. It seemed to Bertha that there. was troblo in the air, and she trembled fof hi , her husbai d. She had begun late y to think of him so differently fro what she used. She went to bed, but all night long she heard the waves co p-laiu, end her heart kept time to the .rouble that was on the sea. The next morning she came :down attired for travelling: Mrs. Meredith - deplrecated so sudden a departure, and, everybody was politely anxious that she should remain. . But no, sho was goir g horue. There was a little chok- ing u her throat as she said the words. She had only now begun to realize how dear home was to her. All day she travelled, and it was af- ter . ark when she entered her own hou .e. She asked for lir. Archibald, and wastold that he had not been home for three dayse Something must be eVroug, she was sure. She went into his ktudy ; it was dusty and desolate. Her last letter lay unopened upon his desk:. She hada little tiro made iu the grate, and she herself dusted the books and writing matorials. If he cam honi.e, he should find a more cheerful plat o than this had. been. She ate a little supper, and then went up etair-s to rest, charging` the. servants, if Nr. Archibald came, to say nothing of her pre. onto in the house. " She threw herself down upon her bed and began . to think. What was this that she felt for George Archibald ? '\\ray not this love at last, sweet, though late:' Now, indeed,slie kuew that lie was; more to her than all the world be- sideb, that she would rather have him, pont, than any ,ono else, rich—rather sha e his sorrows, whatever they might be, han rejoice with au.other. . "My lu ,band !" she whisrered over• andlover to herself, and t1ien she added, half; afraid of the too sweet, words, "11y love!! my lore !" ' T iinkin.g of hire, She fell asleep at last, and slept for a while very soundly. Meantime the evening; wore late, and the servants shut up the house and went to bed. It was almost midnight when George Arehibald let himself in with his latah -key, and. wentinto his study.: He did not notice the fire or the neatness, though perhaps a vague sense of comfort may have penetrated to his benumbed - souses. He took up Bertha's letter, which lay there still., and laid it down again, shaking as one who looks on death. " oor girl !" he said. "It was this homm she loved and married; not me ; and now all is lost, and I can never make it up -to her again—never." 1 And then he bowed his head] an is folded arms.; and the g. eat' black wave of ruin, which had sea ed °him at 1 t,- sinned over hit 1 1. ' l ,; .• • It was just then �ithat ometh g `awoke Bertha from her deep. 1e p. . he was supersti ious at heart • os o- men are—and it seemed to of tat something stood beside h r I° iu f ire darkness And whispered. t ' her !to 'come. Noiselessly and entered' figure there, awful, passio first she tre 8 t ie descended the sts.irs e study.: She ea v . he With the h ad bent in t at ate stillri as of grief. At bled, a' d thought she could not intrude upo, that terrible stilleess—she who. had been his house - ate, but never his of er self.. T the something that had led her d mo there seemed to lead her on I` an influence Outside herself, she felt. A couragecame to he kn, put her love, his 1need—w She Rent up tobhirn, a on his prostrate head "Mr.- Archibald I" sh said, and t en, a ,moment after,' "Ge > {ge I ` ray. dis- band!„ He started to his fee and saw her 'there before im in her •bite dressing - gown, with h r long, so hair falliels, a dusky veil . a out her .houl ers. He thought he ad neve,; kno n be fibre that she w s :so . be: tiful and he sight gave him a keen 1. d sudden p in. He took her hands an• made her sit down. "You here, Bertha?" voice was h�arse wit made to kee it stea you were in lNewport. b her lw rn vh len wn vas ys of Sit ? end here just now ?" "I had a trange, night," she nswered, seemed to he that he —"and I could not sta er. I felt tha ter at home." "Ah, it is You must ha and .there it will wish to closed. "Closed ! George, ar: Is it all a f ilure, -o• she cried., wit a curio eyes, and a ush whi fever on her heck. "Yes, its a 1 a failur- hardly•knowi g bow s in his bitter sin: "I do not know, suppose woman, that eco Yet.: for the last tl4ree' days has rocked like aship i. { Scores have g ne down ruined too. do not but how shall I make You married me for t things around you, an all swept aw y. ! I ha which to con ole you. give you in ex hange fo which you ga'e yourse Bertha sank dow and laid her humble knee. “You Bann t give m - said, "unless . you lov. you loved e, I sh for I.ha* le rued w1.1 j He caught er wrists, so hard that e hurt he "Be careful, Bertha said, "that you mean Therearesoma deceit- bear. Do von mean t• --love me?" — t somethi well you e known ay ;be a. eke befog - “Do you remember when you said to me:— cold inSthe white moon 1 when you said it !—th me it would mean ths! poverty with me to any one else ; that you share myl life, whatever! •You said you did not f that, then ; do you meat, so now ?" "Yes, yes, yes," she` hisp red'; .and he smothered the last " -es" o her lips with such a kiss as he ad ne er given her in his life before. - ".Bertha," he said, when he •aised his head, "I'sam e reined d u." "No man is ruined," I she answered, "who leas honor . an honesty, and good repute aid strong han s ,nt1— lo love." e said, and his the effort he . " thought ow came yon less #ght . last umb y—for it as bl ming her way any loiyg- wa ,the mat- ame, perhaps. { e wdist soon ; ngetents you this shouse is I on going away? experiment ?" glitt r in er burnedlike ' he answered, rply he spoke ve failed. You or you are a as been shaken ith Manic. It a gal of wind. rain. I am re for.myself ; up to you ? s ho e, _ these now they are nothing wide • Whatshall I. hese things for at is feet; .ead upon his anything," she me. If only ld not' mind, lose means : nd field ii them i rchibald," 1]e hat !you say. o n_iau could yogi love me t June ni;lit , how fair nd ght you looped t if you loved you preferred rosperityi. with would like to it might be ? 1 for. m bike that yop feel • •- "This home must be given p" "I should hate it if e ke •'t it. It would forever! reproach me 1t r -, the thought that 'for it mar 'red! )you, though, indeed, George, I do of ; iink I quite knew myself, ev ea the , n . 0 go back and Stay with , arry and aria till you establish yours:lf again.!" , rs. Arehibald. you won11 like er it might be ; •epose: that you wFerythi if we d have a small n togethdr we b . u think • I fear the first time I .1„ the `Arehibalds • home—a little s, read.e pretty ments of their ird sang i the ery, wlii h no' prove to e the my he could get re. Here pit alls,; nand.' books filled the many book -canes, and dainty ty tastes of Mis t gave her hus- cl es and coffee, prepared.. Here dreamed k.ike a bugh, and, then pme, for him to k take her blit to right little din- ifferent'.restaiir--- 1 1 ; dace when they when tae felt i wo happy chil- f vhich Lgh erred `. hard to ks easy l for him ; and then energy and: probity lave always their ow At any rate, he succe best expectations, and he told Bertha ho coul again for her now, not gin to ow eally vote t ems ve'' wi he trntlk, i ;th t sh u didead.an c augE hippy' e inly is II ` f ing(nher the for 'Ith ear in aid y os ip hat repeats orifi r peat; t 'erose year "Jane anis i g to marry fo a h al }' 3e ha an, ' Wily, you _ an har lame er ;, •ou kno king yse " '`before 1 luxury. is Kapp mischi Mariaday, an ias of. t r out, so e old, as es on h is ter e ; isn' Bred, y expe I did r icu1.tural 1 i3y lHOMA looks o ser s friss. ;Gar one' i ie•, 'a th s Hoo lim rx as u en a out hi i�g;p iu a s tie nonth b on esIla ve he„ ehe Ili ac oboty cameo Ace ting th ed! i ethrough not e mane • ng' �� ��t her Stock, ti e;,an: uivary P,ii tta n d . off tib i.g.t f there. {, t uds ust. une e$ but I w, nt ou shotf d e ,when w on: c} you}]r sh his` d s a fin t e . ex. door,) ne 0{ Ipald' pinks.',] es about m b age.„ d,She Was gh y glowin., fr of the s re, with lin ore, r lu d hear Fit oN: mi as. "A ' there's 1\J[iss Sharp pre leas ye afore s rat • o r windo a 1 er the roof r m ve `.the po WI it , this co a de f ; achelor ,rd:n+ of Lis ard'r r hails ildr ;ss shim i ' ell,,and lice ter thm east "V r `bad vh: r. iirrel, thi o11 ate $ "A so ani eine erine n 'I'm tbnking o nd! ecjuirir. ge I "1 that good'. 'th : ;tone of di "So they soy i trona,, and squiC c n o veil you a 44'4 hat ! my 1 "Y s, an heieiv'er y'' u "0 �] " gru i, r . 1 . 11 ou 4A d ner is wu n tic dp each ub tl rest "A " an v ['m''w:, mi s- taan a3. he or :'s 0 ;m n, eat s.'' �, not 08 1„ ?II the se ki all! . r i gilts 4: tai o r hate y or ub hu t it ect we sur ,i to t r in.' e," fiat/ sig yy t l�nolvr ou ave, yo. ickub y ". "I.v� hyo od Said lkh littl : of b ]' t e fa 'e, u pit to et at ttacke a{ on a tre-s? e sur ,1e e, ' the Zvi. ow f ody, ,, nt tete h : nes deer n h wo Id ee til! she cu off! ow 1': d e re a k,,, ,ho, e sh t, ish'ng sl 'ng i ski-. ou S ro n.Kt ed alta'g et S� O red ii nijecil hos' is p Octi ort 1]1an en all., . SL• `leer grass and roll. • table sonde Wine f bm (Mai •rtiB "°Y },;l "Not t.. I Ikuow it, You have just said tha to share my life, whate and that is what I p shall do. -We .can pay give up this ,house, a. Surplus left. And th will begiik again. Do y anything' now, when fo have truly won my wif Early in November were settled in their ne `apartment of three row with the prettiest. ador old residence, Here a window above a fer doubt lie thought woul land of his nativity, if lowu to its bright ver ures hung upon the ' china attested the dai (•ess Bertha. Here .sh� ma.ud his morning 0 which her own hands the read, or sewed, or happy girl the day th waited, eager with wel 0e home at night an line.. And what gay, ers they had, trying nts, aud going to one elt rich, and another oor. They were like ren together. Perhaps the love 1( rchibald's toils made fwv r j she ' tern o, g up. ck'ar s: rat ger b>i r l\ than ; s ct.h‘er; picntl hal • a -wa rthei o she res n co •'ti assi.tAn : t d� al 's SO omio i arced 1 lack th ad silo `� nee s: ve' a c away a. myr ha't'e c ted. our a -Mt 1 nor ti.•'e cd s`trok id lar "V r ot1i T 1 uta ho know hlnkir wa e o.les s i sl_ will o mitts vial e han �vhetl na r Poem s Noo'e trobacc. ercep{ hould ncispii u,to :hlldh alight �arse! m,ol .. ertai roannyt d,a,t eljc•ez i gen ar by nurse OW/ as pro of" 4.else buttr se Fi not herd g I w. , and It e F 1 not elaps every norz eadiu r 1II (9 wing ion to accie obje brin re .of them! rs1s or -th g eve amore short ghters {bjecti, al, art decla •nT it I las ar 0 it s et e ed t e dei jo ids ; s tie ulb ut. 0 cer�tr 11100D. }e agate er, a w that is ad ,the - ularly • y of ger blow' t as to s! me." f invitatip tie wicke >apturou the flo From se-bu 1�, ry' fine n to; e seen. n my 1, ashy le white your'P re's n the re ✓ after nt rose the q y, en. -b pddeseee f- { THEau1; They ner- I think enough von she as ca<ll- ha Ged i orld •'i a esh he sea- cce sive nl go- t d ead- gui hly, t me tp e tame erica cre, p, !•gets !up Mall will eady. on W8 bor, w asses i iti d om- w, who er gar - ab t of ur five c rna- . an any eeth ess, I tep- adin ly snif ✓ with e alis e ark - ho of ke me e last bl om. orts, s at vinlcials maiden ar old 11 that isi the e of n-7 oint, u- .1 f reaper. ut Lor' to her ring see on, s a rs. and le. rrel, lied heu- u sib.` ho b. loud Vo ce ustomar.. st you, Mr. B ?f indeed.' re ly of h•s , . 0 in h u Mrs leer G: brdlnerght,, ; g tabr{cc. ater I' ' asked M,, B., • enou n to ook s akin who n his the last ardcl rs. rusty and. or chant ono lomedolunscAstri, e in to n or e° 8 teelipt. lu at. Charges indwivillsege property tor sale. 1,0 ce— Ladd ne teoelt., Brussel , Ont. 515 EMPLOYMEN $5 (*fit free. Address H s and A WEEK -112 a ' day alt. hornet easily Made. • ostly Outfit free. eldreri TRUE 1 ,tignsts, Maine. 41,,26-62 t 020 PiR DAY at 13 e. a mples SON It Co., PortlaZA, Maine. 426-52 ery month. Books sent free explaining every- tre parte of the County. All orders Ieft at POSIT a Office.will be promptly attended CIS , GRAHAM, AUCTICNEE AND AND AGENT.—Special attention len to sale cf landed property, farming and t lough - bred todk. 'Cattle Selected for t e Engl s mar- ket. Office and Anetion Rooms, Acheson new Block Geederich, Ont. Terms mod rate 615 BR NE, Licenced Ancroneer I nntyl of Hereon. Sales attended r the in all he Ex - to. DEe es, eeesKillop. Special atte ion lei 'en to sales df Mended Property, Fa • Sto and nients. All orders left wi either' of the ces• sion 14 ; or at Lfedbury P. '0. or Lot42 , con- cession 12, will be pronaptly atte tied , Sale MEDICAL I earl o Pr gbyterlart.Ohnieh. n and reel - door T TJniveraity, Physician, Surge Accoucheur, Seaferph. Ont. Office and reed 'first door seuth of the Catholic Church. Office and,' Residence, on jarvie street directly opPosite Seeforth Public School. ate of n and 496 nron Ont. Ryan Charges r nese and Office and Res deuce in rear of Kip ran & . ails pro ptle attended to, ni ht or ock of vet rinary medicines nu, hand aeonable. orsee examined as to mind - 407 ertifieates given if requixed. DERBYSHI -1-L• Surgeon De of the 'Royal Col • Surgeons of 0 Mrs, "hi needs now brick block, ege°' of en tal tario; Office Main .ttreet, CA ERO , HOLT & GAMER N, Bad- stare, eron. I 506 WILLIAM SMALlle Conveyancer and Co • teener 13..R., Wroxeter. Auctione:, Appralser ActiountS and notes 0°1100 reasonable ernes: - mis- r and d on 866 • TT W. MEYER, Barrieter Rik Attnr ey at -"-• LOW, SO icitor in Chancery. Corneae -loner Solicitor ter t e Breek of Hamilton, Win, ham. Private for ds o at 7i to 8 per cent. 633 oft] e,a, will "Je in chairge of the Office, an Mr. Ma leorrisor will be in Brussebi every Tues- day. I 6U9 Kehoe evS1 beim Seeforth twice each me th, on n the ay at 638 the Lea and thire ldondees, arriving previcus Saterduy evenings. Ile wilt Dr. Hee cree Bresidence. . BENSON MEYER, Barristere and At orney ng erY forth and 1; nssels. 23,000 of Private Fa ds to dreadful u pro- ood onain o er her pinneki •' id thz h us to not tie a off to hor e e- t at her peas, Blue Prassians, harp is heels' rder out h gr oque, th augh s ask if iler lab s. market value. ne so elegant' as qf old, but a cheery an pleasant abo e, -where again she caul be hospita le e Bertha clings to the ttle apartz ent, where for a year and a half they have b.een so happy. Does he think th t to enter society again wo d be to los her new-found paradise? X do not ow ; but she inSists on wait ng till the be - 63 'The ab firm ha this day been dissol •ed by n be paid to r., Bens n who will pee' all habil- Nov. 27 MCCAU HEY SeOtt'8 leek, IS Cee. OLICI' RS for L-3 Cana/ a.nd the and Sold. Money pi vate fu de) loaned o morl ge se- cueitiete aeonab e rates Of int rest. , meg es Nene-, in ested for private pereons. n the best more nee securities, withoue eteyeexp nse to the lender. HO MES1 ED, AND CON . EYAN NG the Commie' ated tnk of ee dangeroati iseeses to wheel the f male co estate she moves all beructionse and speedy cure ay be did. rio4 wit .e milsrit:. These, It will, it a hat time, bring io)nilltslasehmortoindt ithybpbee- bea• taken b °males during the first three e Olathe uld oarriage b t at any other time they are sa rt Me all cases o Nervons and Spinal Affe teens, um- Ipains in t e back an 41 limbs, fatigue en sle lit els- whites, th s pills wila effect a cure when I ether means h v failed ; and, although a el wlerful remedy, d not con tein iron, calomel, ant niony, which aho le be careenlly preserved. Joh folios, New York Sole Propeieter. $1 Ot and 12! &mei for poateg enclosed to Northrop & Lyra ting ; !they do lant you from , till yea Lon% The e waei I, hile I as in Mr. for moki g is e. mokm ne ed on , 41 no mare eke than t bre ed to the ,seael t fro the r ear the trong t ren le t the that they To- ronto, On ., general agents for the Dot inion, will insfire a bottle containing Geer 50 ills by return ineil. Sold in Seafortb by Hie eon & . S. Roberts, and. R. Ltarnaden. 197 thos tion are fo cells felt o ars neglects !a er- railr ads per On, ask of im- at- ac- lest ith ish her cco y ars th ar ea - e trex d 'not xAtinain 'after death, i the In gs of who have died of tubereular co stimp- nd to be honey -combed wit ittle purulent matter. To this terri le con - lungs of any one may be broug it who ugh remedies are ineffective as ell as dicial toi the physical well-bdiug of those ie ro, use them. There is, however, 4 source of •newed health aud strength upon which pereons he wised and weakened by lung and branched aff ctions eau depenO with certainty. We refer to N- rthrop & Ly -man's Emulsion of Cod T.Avt,r Oil and Hypo - phosphites of Lime end Soda, which is justly recognized he value of purified oil, obtain from , cti esteemed t oughont the Dominionlfor its/ effect- iveness an purity. The medical fatuity ha e long the cod's liver, hi throet and Ibing affectim s, and casee of pulmonary and decline and gen de- bility; In this preparation the phoepho I : which it contains (phosphorus being au importan natur- al constituent of the physical organism) serve to supply etemina and vitalite, by enriching the blood, whill the lime and soda are Of incallenbeble tervice in s Edifying end strengthening On bones. This medic e not only counteracts ;minion ry 2n - of ehecking and compensating for the treniendone waste of bodily tissue ceased by. hing a.nd chest disesovei—oe healing end soothing the e4ritreted membrane Of the breathing organs, and 1 pro- moting the development of pure, rieh blo this preparation has no Neal. All dragelsts it. GRAN p GENERAIr OF ..,A.LL myHDtPART pi FF?ID" * AND, SATI6RDAY, . SHOWNG ONE OP rr Paris 11 Produced 11 harn, Chip Laces, Om I S110/11 Commenci o 1. I WI CORES Spe ored cent to be SU M men HOSIE Chil and in EACH raise on go FIVE P ill beOpened with a Grand Display a nd ew 'Pattern Ha • is Seaeon. Also every khape and Sty Tape, and Tuscan Hats _4,nd Bonnet e to Is D 191 APRIL 23 18 0. , AGAIN READY FOR BUSIINESS. ! PLOWS AND 'HARROWS. . Melba. , • He has now on hand aIlarge quantity of these implements, and is atilt manufacturing to supply those in need, and evill be soldas cheap as good work and material ;will :allow: If 3,04 :want old Plowe and Harrows: repaeted for spring, 'new is the thne to bring them along. A good a INION. prices, to -• Snit the times. Plow Castings for tea 0 0 M, 1 Carriages and Waggons made tee order on the ' shortest notice, of good material and good starvation priceS. Old Snggies: and Waggons turned inside ont, painted, and -Made into new ones on shrtl notice. Novelties in be wo FlOw ea onne s, hers Ribbo CK OF PARA -lila! ENISS ARK g With good, .serviceable. Parasol for 25 cents. &leo a nice S EVERAL CH IN— IC L NE al Lines in All Wool French Dress Go ds at 25 cent . S Cashm&es at 36 cents. Beautiful Co ored Brocade Lus and 251cents. The hest value in Plai Colo Id Linitr s, n had in the market. GOODS— eree, Bla R SII-IAWLS—I have Opened Out; o e of the Nice s in Bi ck, Grey, FaWn and Fancy. y- onster Stock 6 hand. Some ren. M n'e Knitted 14ose, only 20 cent hildren's Heather Hese, all sizes and ildren's and Misses' sizes. o ma my C res at w shad eauti rices lines in &in Ladi See ria G -or an II DEPfkRT,Il ENT NOW FIJLI4.y TE otwilistandinf the ersbeei able to off+ as good value, s. ! No Trimble to Shosvi Good.s whether Free DeliverY to any part of tlie Town. GIVEN FIOR CAS urchasing. or net. Rorse Shoeing and Blaeksrnithing. ,will have iny etrict attention. Horse Shoeings .Spe eialty4 Parties coming flora diatanee may g- rely on geiting good horse shoeing and general s, blackens itiing done, as I do the *ork, while the I people do', the &pealing. Barn rfinges and I Gate Hinges sold at a smell peofit. Give T. humor anil ready for bneiness, j Look out for the Sign. 638-9 THOMAS IMELiikS, Kippen. 8. THE A SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. WILLSQN, PRO!3,1RI ()nil SEY S NO. 13 THISTLE cu HIL 'S PATENT PLOW, NO. 2 MA SErS NO. 10 SOD PLOW ruslthirs, Boot utters, and .belongini9 t9 the B R GANG 11 mple tsi ss. TO ow es, nts Grain Machine Sewing Machines Repair d ion the Shortest Notic , and worli, Oils, Ne dies )51,nd Attachments always on hand, C. WILL§ON, Mai PARLOR BOOT_ AND1 SHOE IS NOW IN FULL RUNNING 011,D CHEA BOOTS AND SHOES FO R WITH THE D A FEW OF THE PRI en's' Tie and Buckle Shoes, fr $1.25 up. en's Sewed C n ress, from $1.50 lip. omOn's Stron eather Boots, 0.o 85c: up. om F'runeljl from 50c. up: om n's Pebbld Button Boots from r$1..2 up. PL nd other Ines eqUally cheap, but too numerous to mention. Call and See for yoursellves. No Trouble to Show 1Goods. NOTE 1711 ADDRESST-ItText Door to Parses BOO GEORGE OFFORD, Jr., Pro tore, Main r'Eftor. : ime.tdAielvssio*nage ,:ed to take risks on ;the most•favorehle terms. ' INSURANCE:AND . 1.:ANDI MERCY. :- and Life Insurance Conapaniesi and is pupae- ' ..ME0 Agent for several of , the best Loan !So - TS AGENT for Seieral, F#etseasse Stotik The Agent for the Saleard Purehase of Patin , 1)0roved Fa4,91t for! Sale. Interest. r Agent for the sale of ooean Ste,amship Tickebs. OFFICE Over M. Morrison's Store, Main Street, Seaforth. -645 SASH DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY -I" customers for the liberalpatronage extendedto him since commencing business in SeafOrthiand trusts hat he may be favored with ,a continuance ef the same_ Parties intending to build veonld do well to giva lihn a call,as he will continue to keep on band a large stock of allki•nds ef DRY PINE LUMBER,' . DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, 1ETC. Ref -eels confident of givingiatisfectioneothose Who may favour him with their patzionigeets neng hut first -el assworkmen are eniployed, Particular attention paid te Cnstom Planing JOHN II. BROADPOOT. THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACT -Oat ,TTANE always on hand, • tina mike to Order, " Wagons, Sleighs, Carrittere,Roge gi-es, Callers', and every other aetiele in their line. They pereonally superintena their own. busi- to Material and workmanship. For Style) and Finish their work cannot lie surpassed by the large city eetablislunehts. trial and be convinced that. we can satisfy potion to quality and price. Mr. Tress is well known to the public, having beei), in business ill Zurich for over 12 years. AN D EIEIAT CALDER Takes the Lead among the Phetographers of Western Canada, and. DON'T YOU FORGET IT." Tie is to the front, as usual,. supplying his pat- rons with Photographs and Ambrotypes„ well taken and of beautiful finish. Old Pictures copied and enlarged to perfection,. Childeen's Pletnree taken in a.anaener that well Make Mothers smile With delight. GiVe tbe "People's Popular lery " a trial and be happy. :No "theap trash" 'turned out. Prices as low as gc.od work can -et done for: ANDREW CAIDElt ezeafmth. MISS STARK AATIS HES inform the ladies of Seaforth and Vicinity that ehe ie prepared tor:crake up ; 'WITCHES,- CURLS, :BRAIDS, dm., n. the Latest Fashion from Combings. A lot of Ileadymad.e Switchee on hand. , Prices Moderate, and all feeders punctually ate tended to. A can solicited, Besidence—Main Street, Seaforth. 631 ANCHOR LINE. tIUNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Every Saturday iron ' NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Londonderay) and LONDON ' TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glee - now, and all paets of Europe. Fares as low se any other firsteclass line. Prepaid Passage Certificates issued to persona !wishing to being out theirfriends. The Pe.ssenger eccommodatzion of Anchor Line Steamers are unsurpassed for elegance and nom - fort. Apply to S. DICICSON, 593 ' At the Pest (Hike, geafotth TO THE PUBLIC. THE'Bruseels Braes Band wieli In intimate tO -a- tbe public generally thet they are in a position to accept engagements on reaeonable terms. Under the able le ad ership of Prof. A. II. Ray, a well known musicaa celebrity, theyare cknowledged by all unbiased persons to be the hest band in the cetenty. Satisfaction -guaranteed and a n3odel band are our ' recommendations. Addr ess WILL, S. -ARMSTRONG, $45-12 Secretary, Bros eels, Ont. BR UCEFIELO, DRESSMAKING ISS BRIGGS Tbegs to intimate tothe Ladiee 4'i- of Brucefield end gursontuding Country that she is now prepared to attend to Dressmaking in all it3 branches. Cuttrng and Fitting 645-4 - MISS BRIGGS,. Brucefield. TO THE IADIES. la RS. BEATEN is now prepared to attend to -4T-A- Dress and Mantle Making in all the New Styles. Also Apprentices wented, to learn bY the Latest and Most Improved System. Rooms and residence on Goderich stroet, opposite Edward Cash's. 6444 • SEED GRAIN - BA IlLEY, suitable for Seed, which he will sell at r easonable prices,' 640 JOHN HANNAH, Con. • 2, Tuckersmitie • APRIL Nnheit mule 4-olil in nint,, An HI* zn itarais deavoring to Chihiren's lin the question rather have '°es' v 1 is II i ii la ern: tenhwgzla stiellattsth:p1 e aele'ensu tf()ee bags ; bis r could have ril —It must erabarrassin on Bowling escorted the a meeting an Bible as the aisle, 4qty ds molted with curred in an 1 'moat rniraol snwallickr:raedall?ag; which felt i daughter, or dertook to re tobacco: 413i without stop.' tions, 44is it the other would, quit it energetically won't chew i Chew tobac listener. 4.1 gruffly. with pray, which. you or IT" shook with. l 1 have been word for the Igo to a ne hotel. fro* t fpoilel so wgewtsitifflo ealls to the IN tiers bine WWI af3 we follow him. to the best He shouts a fres a joke He looks ov after him, a• • a sLiaxtgerp ewigarth. tq,Thei 'who's in tit saving fate friend, 4g- e gentlenaan hesitates, h to me lairase then in. the tAnd he ers do not n -the tow33., Be is hreoz new stories, frisks with the best 1; ways haa without tro twi;sriadsee: platform to will. give up know him p saevelni duttioluhtektnw:o the 7orst.. 110 OW.g. b .1 3111:1(1 T Ass; ales and su way young tired to wb be repose, tPb1 lair neil°aawseb—; rnahget: an hour an ting rtp her ishing her, piece sil in giving ever tried i Just as we 8st EL likeoeenn: ht8 iebi a e citouoirtyintge nalylte.. and tone tli'a wilahaddeoarwsne sainoneednaIs else was 13;eaasrl el:trot:refit:IN/re 41:i 11' length givi was heard 68 86 68