HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-23, Page 1In 16, 1880. MILLINERY. I -T --- GALL & CO's. ED ./-1A:t8's te be fund in Our $1-10W ROOM -o- rs: AND BUNNETS, ▪ DOLLAR UP. .xi any Other House. IG GOODS 1 CIALTY. Hats and Bonnetae L.'mimed to Order on V GOODS. Shape and Material in :trines and Children tans, Danitables, (f.c. ab in School Hata:. at 75c. and I. oND FEATHERS h Sprays - 's, Ponpens. Pew in French Ffow- Iain Ostriek Tips aad NG SILKS. eoelce that approaches 1.1e, Extent or Variety. THE NOVELTIES. iIks and Satins. re Effects. ish, Brocades, (5.-e. Titles all the (iptments. )11dALL & GO, ingeaill, sulky horse: bushels of grail bo - other articles. Mr. surauce on the barn f $1,000in the Howick MUrdook,, shoe - has recently • imported improved machine for teid shoes.. It i.said ▪ will put a patch on 11 about one minute, ny other part of the twentieth of the time - hand. ...who it will be- re- ent up for trial by Winghame about a e charge of burglar, - s of Mr. &ix-linet/Parr, aseently taken before Squier, at Goderich, .18 nunitbe` ineprison- -al 13ristee eie, !eel of Dominick eta-, diej on the 11th ;:is..4.'after an illness at was 21-. years of age. e Sunday last, being •rale by a large mune latives and friends- ( preached_ an on the occasion. es in the neighbor - i :appear to bo inEl; taittii, as they are (*hurtles. The one tippeintmeut only •?.riti . ig.$1 neat buiia- unt •is now nearly Ih -XPected will be ie text mouth- The eneybroek, aud is to ret of October next- laet. enc. i;lakeley, of ilietrinatiou Iaid te. Martin Moore, of A. limiter, •- Esq-, , pas:-ing a :spurious aaneen $1. note' on herlisli was furnished_ Papers fer the er- -Ita:titql ttt Henfryn .ean. The conatable leingse Hotel, left reins. and then at - us. When he re - Id flown. andalthough tee at mace ivatitutecl, could be discovered. 3 let - 4:- • 4014.0......1111MINEk THIRTEENTH ytAR1. WHOLE isrum-Buit; 016. II•.iLI SOS MAIR STREET,SE FQRL II. THE TAILORMC DEP RTMENT. W‘ - In this Branch, of owr are Very Bus? That our Work and Pric s please the public is fully proved by t e Irelmense Trade that is being done rn this De- partment. Fresh Arrivals this w ek ofl Fine Worsteds, French Panting aid scotch Tweeds. Gents, Call on s and Leatei Your Measures. ' • MILLINERY DEPA TM With the Fine, SWeck tlnet e are Showing in this RoOm, wkhaveIevery 1 t . The Late John . The following partic the late John 11. Gould while on his ,evaV to been furnighed tlio Stra f an intimate friend of th John Hs Gould was b ship•of Darlington. in His mother died when years of age. A1iont ei ly wished to become a father not encou aging home for Pennsy vomit). in his pocket. qettiug way which was being bu, burg, he rapidly advance, :carne the partne of the tractor, and in less tha had saved more then $7 short y afterwards the wealt :y United - States ed with his young brid and Ibought a large .shee from 1 Melbotarlie4 ' Mr ‘ ,Austia, Ew lalia as doi wife being so fur from' came dissatisfied, and their eldest Child lie sol (:.'r the Nev World.A aylvo.hia, he age n Reba the same railwa e this t lees fortuna,te ti an bef ) Stopped; and it 1 i0eht b add N as resure d. only Mr. ('rj01d then settle count , Pennst lint ia, longing to his fat er-in. Was al nut to c ilai encel;[ law. In tie •iise, time • Visite Westere 0, tars chased a farm •on. flee, , road, lLIJUUL two Miles ft and i• vite(i his am to' d 18 re t - t is e 1 lt $i tO ! Pit s- e e e P, II re ryi g of la e s 11- tr t lit fee r Sal edr Pe ne ing enriy: ki4 et e posses ion of it. Pre confidence in our ability to meet the ' . soil of his nati a Provin f wants of the Ladies. tainous distri ts lof P Iaccepted his father's , Settles in Bla Shard in A Beautiful Assortment of Ha s a,nd Areinai )`ea till the epr - Bonnets, Trimmed and IT trirem (I. Our Stock of -Flowe Laces and Trimmings ca passed. was not long ii hie -ne wife d whom were with s, Feathers, time cf the acei not bb sin Married .a (laugh Blaushard, who guardian or titre- *oun4 u, as well as if the fore enentioued. pf •77 he . visite ehased an inapro near High Ble 1.tiver, Miles ed, leaVng thre their eat. • er of e See Our Goods Be:.11'01.8 ..??Ir chasing ET,ewl ere. -I 1 f . • Remember the Plaice 'Opposi Commercial liotel. HILL, -BROTH Main St RS, e tili at a co4t fruin titer Mai on, If abut .1.a.e ls, grass land at a cl after I is return ftein appoil ted LenutS; Ins." and easures by the ..1 ereme it. He sold hie. ehard tor :F. -11,500i and e h w res ing 's a S frsuer w ire s lay it r hd h d pr - itch 11 Mar s b. ) Lb g, t to th sylv ,W2,1 w Qi 0 'elate fedi uhecieu tbi t9011,I:ot lef sOle iie.,reti, of her 1 r e orphaus pe- iig the ;amen er 11 ba a d 1}r-, of 2 0 aces seiniboine 1,5 at to it tel ck g sr el ri - doi ia, !le a a id tete 8., till 1 , two at t, ie utly j13 a pa dra.% all e all a nu of t narr Ano on t tob frei trac stro the stal Sad 11. and el I isl El 00 )a, Wing engiie g the tr in n-ts the r o stock it r of v u e ch rgel escape fr er serio s St. Pa oad, at hit cars one of «h d, toget er n, u and seveili st of all Iwa uld, wha• ho was ou 1 I SE* r from the engine et fire to the car. At as destroyed with contained, linclu,ding le horses, and several of theeanimals had a sevre scorching. cident befel the party nneapolis and Mani - Union, where Ifour thrown from the h was entirely! ,thi- ith most of the Mock a valuable young 1 other entire horses. the death of Mr.; j. s in ono of t. dead by his ated, and hi SOS, but it is n by the vie( mos original d alreadyt ea of land ccompanied hew, Cooper -with him, a bruised, and forti redit to a He 'as not bor. ',very fe his sck was bro the hock: Str on bousainc Bl. r.He chi ien and wh Was in the altl tialugh severel spi h of brayer 1 W01 have d etel hea 1 Sire int udent G -u - p' 11i1v on t els ot from St.'Pa wit his asSiI4tuptS, did eve yt his )wer to: 1fac1itatc the ro the tarty. 'The ody of poor aken ck o Sauk C •nt de to Outer rit s. It is t ar that the a ap carelessne setu of the reit re' 11 (said -nil 11i1 br 8.13 In tI 6.1 LO cars, body honght mice of Ly from kenl up t High by two 1-1( '1 d who, elaibited tu e that u h older hr'e was in in res of (eould e, and o by the e• opinion cident was S o - aY I P00Ple. examined W11, 1)1 Wi11 he foriv, a rail t1tay aulthc of t jose on b jausecl, be ;1•4‘ onutiatslae \s, l"l• til)catitit,lif' ai. 4trophe t ✓ the1 t n; k vas el are I on with as balauCe, of 41 eel__ Iis popose). . in Queee. tl' fire al Bak estroyet pir 00, • 1 l'here al [lite rel :ie. • , t,ab tters the. ri 113'S. Miss o give on thr, 1\v() in -e, River f an 0 rhe 1?ie jority 1 °18-1P A. , not, gen t at f- cEn cat' fa3 WOlTi b ( t hag 11 aud teu acres ef Silo fy gee he % as! eh 1 Veigl ts nee Giv t ran B1 n- j rc as el soli e 43 acies the eeighbhfocl cf Sti ford, (11 eicli he buil a,j e er con-; fortab house and whi ljh he had ! solved to make big he or the te-; eet, Seforth. main es es his eans: ch elide • 10 : over Inept, howevei aae sitIatad • the el atolls of 178- Leda gh out xia disnai sal from the officie Li e lati • 11 once cackled. to ' rem to it e Wet Accor justly On Weclne 7 1.1 : he lellaStratford full .• - of Ma' e who knew hi ONTARIO DRYe ' GOODS HOUSE appre date his good bile Oclieu. At the St; re • , was et by a numbee is ---- --1--- ; who had assembled; td Iid , a„ 1 ; bye, little thiekiag the, 10 WE ARE SELLINC bFF Du R nesda . fo11owiugit:wti14 b duty , o receive his re i s. ENTIRE STO OF ! 1 Pol Meetly Illr Gou (11 WEIS I 1 Iieforicer' -and in in ny 1 . i battle - • rendered hi part IT 0 E S; aSist nee, net Only la se )p a b es liocyrs AND • With a View to Di-coml. • the Busin ss. but by his willi gees i'Tebi! his sheul er t must not be un erste d ting ; Mr. Gould was 1i bail [ ETe claimed the right decide for himself t , every propeeition bef Any sketela of would be: dee-ideal's. THE STOGIC. LAI3GE 9 - " not r, ter; so -mow -hal . opiut ns. He was • hims lf a -liberal" . • . I3eiuguaturally of a -0 EST ' posin he early fou a • : of religion difficulties t -able to solve and brec • ed with 'the NVOikS 0 OW 1/604/1/ Dart -Vila Draper, Bic 'e .130ote eesgi, eS ios. , several of deo great 1 phers, he ; b cam miter and eon ciente • .their theories. He tva Ladies' Primella i...; ai6e,r, , 50e. . i the expression f his Lades' Prunella )rals,150 . defining his positioia.! t Ladiete' BA oned B ots, $1. 1,, ai s, siipp rs, 50c. , manner of promulga in '.1 sentiments lost lama -,, . made him not a fei Ladies' Pebble Ties. e5 • doubt prevented hi. la Ladies' Pebble B ieen, .$1. . positieus in the affaiS Lades' tee ig ilvots, 85o. which his reat na lir • 1 „male. ' Kidlititon; $2 • nently gut:lifted hie „; \ . and Obliging to a fat lt, right in his dealings v • IN. a true, warm Is saete GollgressrlD0* .' ' The fellowie f pa yea, (Joy retis, $1a - the misfortune fi,-; es' But cne -, whi SL'eXel, iich AlreGoula w flk1.tte, WC tal e Children's Cacke, 2:t.. (hildren'h rail, • , 40e. dai IteFr,.(e Pri,8: kehn's part, e Children11 '. Buttoned, 70c. ' the! 6, and I Me 's Stages, 51.50. arrilved itt Wieuipee, • - wincli more yieissi . eneed Pau geaerall exeursion pallies • couutry-not bieeau 12.:10: s()riri')IpIcly°LtitTiotteignhce6 acis t • i eunistauces , heyon The party were withstainiii g the I rig, We cannot here euo e all the Prices'3 oKnoil tlled ie\Vy!‘‘' and mlio was in • Offering. A Call' will - satisfe veil Holbrook, he age t that we are (lei:el-inned to ed,. • Milwaukee and St. 11 . iiceo1npaui il. the pat end was iiijiefatigahie mak s ever 'thing rui p:a eneptl 'firt misfortunes b e ,l,Miclai°an deutral, ia of lve stock WEIS a ien How t ameled • . rt - Opposite Canotltel's lictel.. I supposition is that i - C-stREFULLY SELEUTED IN THE MARKET9 AND )fli'RS • Rare feneltlee litelt e • Misses' Ties, 7C•te. - Misses' PruuLlta • INiisees' (1 itap a it 1‘ N; 0 111 at UX e lb, rnia an u et 31 Pie 18 .111 'ea fro f t 1 alb le Loi e t 1 r Cid. 1) a. It le 1 meant earet biddi s atio Irioll him go the W eir .theroe rd foe' valuk e cou eel4 time t Ci1aa1.1 It ever, f a. of pat y ver tuesS ol epte it. la's 'f oti di relig ter thin irieg O WAS acqu Tynd bell, phi dent porte • earle s an clisg heolo iends , and ()equal State i ties s gene ana men, sl ' Plow Boots, $1. • • Alexis Or eg tees, .$1..75. Yankee Ties, $1.25 Cant Boots, 11 1 respe 111 le part - ost Refer Maui :lob ttawa Qj the a 1:1111 r0 ej the 1 a g to neglite noip li arg4 lat on a) ci co au iritS,l no, they iket. se o lir, • • No.xL e the!i,iia eff'ca t rty on tl toad .a a by tri re, but tl ither fro 111)1a e. (111, be 9 1 1011 of pl btawa. There tlVan facto , a clemau tra, hot wom , has la ingston iptyrama . js,, of $1 onipete culture A colli o(0 rred at 1 s week, 1) t• sod; aui ail.a.gErea.. :6sr Silf 11711 (t. r c ntly to ea 7 to Cbi " agent." 1 gara: -At the John IL'. I' frl PTh. for 1 • 1.! 5100. da • ' Mr. Jo 'p receiVe 1 a 111, tish .01)1 1111 sou Jose CI DI V St fr a '241-1 Sa rlo sby f 2 or 11 t rt e • 8.6 1 us. 11 en oing to Sarnia to: dra f r the enornious 'le e promisedto re but he hasInet be I ince. --eMessrie Bea s kinloss, wit wxl a w 4hallenge to any Huron and Bruce ing match have oilfield en. -Hon. Proem he Nova Scotia d • ut C •ied Mo een's er of the as 78 ye -Rev. ormosa y• ty. mac' of a 111 dlor !money t6 pa f1 roots collected en the first trai seen or heard fro . , a 4!tzt McKenzie'o r ; so ago isened o lfl tho counties o for cross -cu t saw en taken up by tw Tupper, member o Legislative Council ;in at Milton, e had been a mem ifor l twenty years, an' 4 s - on his 1 ay probably be pres embly, 1 ccompanie --Mr. P known as Ji B. Brooks, both rigaged in wri 1 s laid in Caned are mostly Cana -Mr. Robe t Mayor of Chat mill Own seriously by theex 1 -In i a died on u sale. a 6 n • tel e $5 100 holder's Ifxands.i The r off at Sirecce oi he 27 --Duriug the ligh g the road Was u good .afternoon the g're 'ter pa t the tim ,f the of the Teculassehl House r au u land sio a ford, is Si name, money - ly, missionary a erly of East Zorra, thnieward, and wil titt at the General A al; ,in June. His wif • Mson, bette Brigg , and Mr. Ge Toro t,are joint' a no -el. The seen and th.e cbaracte , . 'Lowe at -one tan •au extensiv grain reerehant, w n Su dy, llbh d uly threw up f a ke • ornii ra4e, 1 agai a si dee-is up in the stak t' •.. T88 the habit of taking in and marking as his own stray sheep, and with. having stolaia a pup. Op a gate on the pre miaas of ; plaintiff was posted :a written bill which charged McCullon h McLEA]1 BROS., Ptblinhefn. $1.0 Year, in Adval=e. ning. Mrs. Albrecht's lower limbs are completely paralyzed from the, stroke. Her sou 1ad his face singed, a. stove was broken to atoms, killing a cat lying under and doing serious damage to wi h having stolen a long list Of things. e the plastering Of the house. 121 T, e Jury allowed $100 as damage.. 1 •• 1-- A young Canadian lady, Miss Mar- -1--A Montreal butcher pleaded guilty g4t4Eit i Hislop, daughter of Mr. George to axing- sold a woman meat thi4 was; lAslop, of Waterloo, :Who has been Mt for - humanfood but the. court i studying inedicine in the States, :has di charged him pop the plea ot his l passed through her full .course of study asel that according. to the exiting! successfully and is new .a -.reguarly li- 111:1 ce leell the coert haxl no power to i plena its a man fo bu only for- '4e in at. . - Monday afternooa a young lady. viiitea Mr. Hol es' b ot and shoe fac- to y on Front treet, Toronto, with , te fa orite dog, which i running, abouti go caught in tla bel ing, and in tryig! he rescue it the loung lady was caught • p in sellieg bad meat, posing for sale" isuchl I ! c‘__ al 0, and the m chin ry had to be stop- om erious if not fatal urtss.av e her Mr. John cFa la,np Wilson, a re - i tigedmerehaut bf Po t Dover, died very suddenly On Sunday st. He was sit - ti , w se 9 W g in e chair in an hotel, conversing th 'a, friend from Hamilton. and mei to be in his sual health, and iho t anypre ions warning he sud-7 is hands,and in a, mo - ark had fled. 11 esene lamp, an g• nirk, of Bran m ut the vital s • The dwelli g honse of Mr. George Carrier, Sth codcessibn, Blenheim. wag rnea to the g ound. the other nighti e cpntents w re mostly saved. •Cause fire-suppos d to air sold st Tisdal, tf b e. The forfe t T. - 1 Of e I fr ..., e'r. Currier had • days previous t f I fo the slim of $.re200 (90 acres.) Ls -Mr. Jaseph Gab , a -pioneer of An • ctistel Wentwoith county, died a few e • days ago. He came rom Pennsylvania r. ine the vear ;18 8 o horseback. II o tien wit -timed, but i one year retrace eonage, Sitti g has fOotsteps a ad ade Canada hi to the Celle se hstme, first selectiegi Waterloo as hi lei wea,pou sv s reeideece, and thence -removing to f Ahcaster in 185, where he remaniec. i$ dath. He was high r. Coke, of Hamilton vetiver wh'..ch we.. of his brother,th was one of tli Cavalry that were th ms 'of the Custer mas ux Indians in 0 utie mined from Charles E eeliitg, of the Fi-cP Pres.;, Winnipeg, io purchasea [idea but at the mine • -The followi e stamp. I is - c re for sore fig rele, and to p tl co is to co h .nstant. e ; on Mond rti of th.e ro in London, w 11 ain Was n t moving lifted bo ilY and blown into the etre t iles an 1 out. The below, c ushin a val itia le horse away. aud the party longing t Mr. ifflth, f iVestminst ttle clelay • 8 Possible. -A to alba forme Uy belonging run was I neyeetful. ;that dis ininn h a pe ;Bull, ha. 11) en p esente ada. i l' museum at Ot a b. 'I' the ash have originated 1. No insurancei his farm a fee -V vid. Currie, Esq. to !erect a imam noth !procured b t a aost of 500d0. r labor wailsi ic ou Suitt eta More_ Bulys m erty valtie ti about • -Anoth Lynh, a 'n no fewer t ail six maimed foi louses portaae lae on the • moruine, a reenway's last party over. Paris tutEinerson in hies hospit 1 • -Mr. D all, of New-irork, is Post OF ice mile walk at .13rock- invent& a new tanip of May. .. stamps the; nen es of o dro ;sued in the Ot-: peat office and tt. eclat°, urdav by the ewampe beep aed s reateued buy riau-s of petebtoke, byl mira ly. •lace of camphors, have decided ia favor glois of AnCerdon, has, t v orth of chlorate of pota.sh. As soles • winter, puichae d, about 15,000 skies of a • any soreness 'spars in the throat muskrats, mink: , raccoons and skuu tat. pt the potash in 1- tuMbler of for which be Pa d $1,400.1- Over $ 00 N ater, and With it - le the throat worth of theski aawere purchased ite ttioroughly ; withth • tette; e rated. 1Y. • at night before going to be 1, rub th r neck. and also pin aroutel the throat . sinall strip of woollenflannel. This sjlid to be a simple, cheap, aud sur rernedV. siouaiy Whose field vici ity of Shit ag till the time of 1 respected. r bra t D lln e fe railr a ,oue vas t ken t 1. f r wegic we, C hi ef I D arane -time ()atm said to be its work a -F. La s tit pOsta dea boat. 1 1 einem, Patti -he Rev. use, has be a has received tile r 1 ff speed • t ken; from thebody ody on Frid 1 te COL Cooke wh his aerfis r ricers of the 'it] die St. Cath uhfortnnate vict 1 t eatmeht. • site* by the Si specter of t e . 17S. It was ob t, receu ly which not o the clespatchi g - it from an Indite celased practitioner. Miss Risky, ays, to his knowledge helms not aia -enemy in the world, without the fa4t of his being one of the jurors empanelled to enquire into the eause of the late fire in the O'Connor residence would be the cause of any person entertaining an ill- feelina against him. -lir. Bemister, D. L. S,, of Portage la Prairie, has started out at the re- quest of the Minister of Public Works to survey the Big Grass and Wes bourne ma.ishes, ana report -011 the best mode of draining the sam, Terin- we ber ese, chosen professor of the in- age of thes• e two mars • hes As a work of stitutonin which she tidid for the the utmost importance to thd whole ef past Seaeon.. I the western district of the 1Provinee -4 few days ago the youngest daugh- north 'of the Assiniboina, and if cr- ter M Schultz cabinet maker of t•ried out, will open up for settle- oiatrt O ns. u f, cleat poisomeg flit IF '8413 t, but deep well, which . beina Hornsb, with 245 miles,1takes' 37-50 Petrolia ft) • lgin Cotuaty, a girl about six - ment ;lasome of the beet Ilf farnamg ge, had a narrow escape from lauds that are 1.10NV :,COMpargtiNtely .. from . eathag the -worthless. cks of a garden -The 75 -hour walking Matcb. 1t, newn by several Wieuipeg was iconcluded lit eleven. wolfsbarie and 1 o'clock last Satuedav nght. McKeown, operly! known as jAvith. nearly 255 miles to his credit, I e takes the belt and $62.50 -gate money. i -• liana s, bluertecl aconite.; 'Inc drilld. a has oW The last in da '604 This is t ever fon; de and wit ply o ch ap fuel in t tar, Petr.ha will be worldwi h salt. -- t hp remainsof tr lab Ry wiho die 1 st wee! meter c aSeCI,S \ S se El /evas burn i Irel ' i Frau •e, w lere P rty y ars a for se -elite did ccide ii, Jclan is aro g itti given as a sure, At When afflicted, or •t a av drug store, on d oil and five t church. • will, it is nuderj, made for. the; ada Tempera-ne Act rike at tl e Haden outreal. Tho pera- ler pent. adrnb, and Amberstbiarg They were all t' Caliard and. K !They e pro b UMW. ned Maloney, cf itenced to We years a batc entiary for robbiue a nothiut iou of str d 1,0. I but in anis ,of Durham , Offers decoctibn or best lookieg baby, to ductio4 WI fo.• t the next South Grey next docar ty's Fair. ' aaainst soi etween two engines several in Pa na rstou on Thu8fay of : caeine an vo men wore Severely -T1e searci engiues cOnsiderubly ; cattle n many' • partici laxly in • birth l; causine ich ou her the cattle ere d hag for want of f, (4. . -A party of kive men, two Fral Ione day recen 41)&1 betweeu Ri apps Mala by, be shipped to J. L. Englehart 1 and Indian Jack,: with 233 Miles, -taes eached a d pth of 1,280 feet. li $25. Scarlett left the track i with 106', inety feet have been drilled I miles. : Boucher, the iothek Indian,e` f pure salt, arid still drilling. i stood glu, making $213 Miles. Ilia' e largest 00 of pure salt I pluck was rewarded by a subscription an. unlimited 'sup- on the epot of :$35.. The gate money delaape of oil arli. 1 receipts amounted to $500. - The men bio to supply! the I are suffering terribly froM fatigu. 1 -A lamentable 'accident occurred 'Ml . ev. Father Jere- i the night of the Ciela, at the lthwe ocea n, p ish riest of Okville, : pied. by Messrs. Riad-ell I anelj Dickson; 3 I at th/ t plae e on Thursday of ; near Nelsouville Manitoba, '.; S01110 100 Aver intee -ed at Stelichaes „ bushels of wheat had been Stored in an Tor nto, u Saturday. De- i upper room, and direetly Undet this 'ho w enty-two years of i were sleeping a man- uuna . Samuel i.nd and educated 1 Foestehie. Wfo and three -children. he 'WaS ordained i During; the night theljoiste , edve way, 0. He official d at '. Precipitating .the wheati.doaVe upon the 1, sleeperia, a,nd before they CoUld be n -years. re- It- happened o a tleased Mrs. Forest ale' one "cbild were clia.y, of the 6;th . dead-prnpletely sMotherede Forest townshi, on Bat- i and the other two childrea were pulled t. was deiaritte along , out mere dead ellen alive tv 'a yeighber hen horses ng t namecIllielly, who happ *deo be sleep - Y. - nes got wound . in the house at tihetina . eel, 8..n1 :AG- 1 ----- i , , PeiAh Ltelais.' of h them. 1 ;graspin at : s armlerongla there- ; Servant girlS are scarce in St, guentyti.eg TithrWereenedleieft,raenuat Il_arieistuwl tolvu council have made 1 . ere called f, and found. 1 d.onation of $100 to their brass band. n was necessary. This ; Mr. Beer-Lilic, of Ltetoweles about the you g Man iS DOW i to open u private baele at 0.14 villae of 3.1110(1 1Patton who ", Ali-bileiet-t.:°'11. 'Air. Christopherson, of Mit- ; as elcrk in the • chell, IS so far rocovered as 110 be able to test th ----A fe ung tn ncession of th in gon, u aw e hu Dgfoi IAD urday, 1 in a w Light, r arour t Kay pr t lean ,bt N g wheel, feat autati run clooriantdia-er 11. bas bee -- an n loye freigh °Mee Faris, I appeal orn hi useal betsiness '17 111( ThiS ]gave club on the street. - stowed hae a total - abstinence Was riais ing f • hich holds forta)eglatly meetinge poet 1th oth rise t) s me s spicion, midi on -examine.- t that ire iargelyattendd. tiou- f t e bo Its belwas faund to he a I --The Mitchell Literary -Society dos- defa lte to ti. 0 extent of 1 some $400. ea their meetings for -the eason ou 1 Mr. !Pa ton vas ighly respected and Teegclay evenines of last \\4' an ttoe leat officia . Ine -partial ex- i • ---The licenSe comeniSs' ers have ten tio of h s clef laation it is alleged granted- licenses for fi, is 1 taverns and h a 1. . e ad b eirfo same time past ! two shops in the tons - i. ett Iiibnert. lax aas a -,,vi h th importunities of 1 ---Mr.: David Mca MO -has bit Some of his fr ends, aed that it was to i Mtchell. fok °Inaba, assist t em h. over tepped the hennas i he is to occupya respe 131 110U3 V. . • I '. traveller for a. wholesa, --I ei era.1 osep 11olies n second I -Mr-John Oliver, o ebras a, where isible position as gr(c ry house_ AvO bank, has , en r of he L liputi n Op r Com any, ! remoVed to Palnierste , avh re he has ct Iva 1. a Si walla 'accident at Galt, i entered into patner. hipe -tail& Kerr ekee >et: in P OLti Iroise ni de 1 -During the past few weeks weste inge b• eetd, well there \ 2.S 1 ( v, It have b en driving a,u hmr' 0 perfor in .g n a Play. Dilating , Bros. 11) the raanufact le hi the f to uge r :unus al about tha ,- T lumber of logs ashore all the way li his act, his b sinesa requireis him i plowS. ake t syru ) Used a str( ng tween Goderiehl and the shore north1 ak te b a le4p from the giant's i -The .stallien “Iiin f wa M med. ciee. The pr- Kincardin. It- i reported that I a She Me ewhe he ie can; t in his de- I owned by Mr. Sam gr ud, but the neighb rs , loom had brke)* Rock River, Mich% Ism b som pers u in 114 ring. By i Dotviio, died last wee thi k - of -altering a . uit gau, and thtlt t1101. sands of valuable Oome 111 90/11C latiO of diStance, he was i was littered $4,1000 for • O es! as tl ere. have Is ten lags were carnal out into the Take 1allocied to fal to t e peon The shock i weekS ago, steel ii.IIii po'sorsings ill be (lotlector of Oustems Brwull 1 k-, ve, (lie al , and a 3hiver went ; -Mr.. Wilson, butol I : i pontra line been busily engaged taking posses- the ng y Of ha and fodder ler thou of the tiinbers, arresting theta ,bra li; eetious of this Preen ee, the name jof the Queen, as it ,froae se 1i6. eastern comities is eere., by marking thean with the brb d q istress. some pl ees errovi. satiefie v J tla ago, The 'lb of Toronto, gav ghter, while • in the sleeping car ' The winte has been so . long and spfug , 'unimings and Raines Barnes, belon child lips been named so backwa d th ttfarin rS cannot ob 4i11 bg to Cornall, started in a skiff food foritheir q ale for loVe or DIO tey ienday aft -cruel -au for St. ,Regis„ an I releut Wellington Assizes in the ittla d s ttiemen s, largely (a ing . luau village five inges below Corn, cline , to the bad con Won of the roads. n the south shore of the St. Lawre Berlin - -John Rals on, an old gentlea vhich place thdy reached in safety erdict • ! livain "n Kiuca :dine, a d who form the return jowl ey, about a mile b . reside. at J3er:ie is no v 75 yews town- Opposite ;niehart's Point, aylor, of ric'etsmater,' age, a1(1 is mu .1.11smar .er than in attempted to cr ss to the north legram! item tie•beri, i•men W110 Call I Lyclaim tO. only half SN ell caused be, clay, t Lamb • mittee n visiti • he Pre ution gf Su A na M tire itizen n two 3 585,000 Thee e •ocietio purls° Lie, an tinct 11. . Me. Is. . Cochr of the li Euro thane c 11. • 7t 111 a lost is all i tl e, • barrister, of . Moir, of th d received a 11111 aly of . his • through a heav ciks !strong eaet will ClLS 1When abeut t e day !the boat filled ud lfi by swinging au Itte, ling the occupants i • Same istauce bac ithe 1111111ber were uring t ietirne pi no 1 s them s elan • vood. announciag the death] years. Darin • seine fo tor five w vhich was rue 1: iii that eity-en Wed- of the past win elf, he ae taken a. st. • ; of foit miles Oat bf tow luring the . 1 nts a poor-ho4se. Al; aulusi g kilns City Council have!' and Walltiag.t with a view to the pea aerd different poo -houseell the events n institutioe. .! cords ,of h d Weaver .sh n Thursday. ua, Ohio, and ao beine a g. led rd •hime !, -A G t la T -Te was! cushion fea: a ea that thoug t sl e fe efkulter; i cover gram specul ions. , ta.khe of forming a, Liberal ; amaz e city of orno, for 1 fewer inctle bear the large audienee, but the receutly pueehased a monetot porker. tle idget eltheuish bleeding Thong's wily seven imoutherol4it weih- eral .uts neon the face and ea 330 -pound. The IlilIii1 wasraised ie,kly show a hiniseis and thus ! by Mr, -Geo, Baxter. the that he wa aiot eeiously . -.14r. A. Copin, formerty of Logan, i has *turned from De4otae He thinks elk- ii3j--7reah re h ve be -u , 80 1114 ver Y fast the -state has home good s ericultural ee rune -outhe ana a So'. tlfern lately. . land',1hough he wo ld 0 t tare te , u- On Tue day, 13th rizat., t ; e run; from 1 mak a his home there. 1, St. Th leas Bu 'alo wesinade ,11 two . -At the Oddfellow ' tone rt in Lies ho re a .d f rty inutesl including six towel the °tilr eveni ai th 'principal 1 sto se t ie tran h "-hag retaebed the lat- . attraction waathesiningof • . Findlay ity forty min tes latse and these McGregor, assisted by Misl Finley and . •nide vera e five Minutes eah. ! Mr. George CIne, all . f Haapreton. tial it !mire, time or the entire ! -Messrs. Ballauk ne a SOD, ot .:, -: 4. --131 miles -r -w 180 mnntes.. Downie, a few days a, o ,sel a fatteef tance from St. Tionaas to Fort cow to ii., Alex. Bron, -w. ieh. turnetr----:e 1 sipaSSIC0ver in two Mae -stae at 3,,po poll dia teed at 5 centa initieteis, inelusive live weight, netted . 5. - ho .aeiertal, 8. porton ef the e was askplendid spcienen.of he Derhara, land to i Forts Erie • grade. A Veair old heifer elosagieg to (1°Siteil •omplished in fifteen the sameeKrui weigh d le0t1-0 pounds, mi tante i and brought aver 140 ' . A. Wbila . engaged in -Mssrs. Alex. McLaren and N. E., r hush i, little grl, Guy, a theperty of t uriets who . went laio)ioulet,ef i,aurt1,1).. f age daughter of from Stratford to Le (Mlle ca, few weeka, qcon nors hphse was burned ou be ?Jr.Root. Tittle, f the Ilet)nch cheese' ago, have returned benne Mr. M& night of the 131h iotut, and that he factory. ask.d p rnaissiou to reelable Laren describes the t 'tII) 13.B having been tfire originated hi the interior of he ove,r a ittle , ill ae jacent t ) the eoiling , 13. highly enjoyable nee • t e scenery kitchen, but 1114 no able to determine plane, biph as a 'atter t) course was ' aloug the route being 'in. ornparably tibether accidentally or wilfully, .iut grante • If r absence V124i mino;cel ' graud • and beautiful. In' Leadville iisl- , the jury do 11(.1 believe that the re 1.-eice elitt e time, and at hist when itself it is the old story of Nola western aeen was started freim the outside of he -looked for sl e wa. not. t -be seeu. ' Her : life --the few making riches beyond 1 is tieilding.' A dreat deal of feeble las name iwas call a bu there was their Wildest dreams, and the many eny beeuexhibited by the respective ar- no Ison.e. for riends then ' losing all, in some eases th4ir I life. - • ties connected with the - Don fly alarmed th neighors who turuea : --While Mr. ,S131L-W, of Kirkton„ le tragedy as to the result of the ye (let, out. chi s ort -notie . I Atter a company With a young lady, was dri lue party wish ng to establieb the act hunt of, hree heti le she was hag horne from St. Marys 0118 Iatternom that the fire w s the work of frien( s of toteed whe it was sas eetainea that lattly•ehis horse took fright, iat the noise the Vigilance CoMmittee, and the oil et, sbe intst h ve travelle 1 some three of the wheels while erotiSieg Arms - With some. sho v of reason, stat4g it naNs i thro gli fields iand i Voods strongs bridge, and comnienced kieking- livas done to crgat. a sympathy in vor ;ctuflug her r mble. 1' s i occurred on violently. The harness being old. and f the Donnelly , family. Neith r of thei af erne n of Sets day the 10th tender, the animal lib rated itseU hese theories would. appear to hav ny inelt, a tl th a little girl WaS found just from the boggy and ran . t sDcaitzufirt$ ood. foundation to rest upon, as s wn as 'the . C0t0/12 t. ' 1y_thseevveerradilacete. identsfromlightni ur- awl f ilug the storm ofilast Sunday are re ed. thetas 9 'In Kiugsville,HSsex deullty , the lig a. b n a inial..,ri struck the fiag locale of the Comm t' House, shatterine it to atome a. hreaking many lights of glass i It hotel. The littaing then passed Cul- its work there ntirely over the uley dist Church, striking the thinin .,000 low as the root opening it down no pipe entrance, threaving around e i a hundred bricks inside the church. to the stove, s passed into the g The pipe was t re of chilled iron. • I / ; ehe West," el Dnseih, of Abe 4.)fluseith he 434nlimal -a few serf hi 11 11 NV '1 ter •hey istops w re Theiac die distenc )144 The di -Wale of the ter, :Erie (1; turued over, th Ow- bouts and atoiliewater. Twci of of five stop scued by a, boatria to S1131110 I:011 ! 110 • isearcl bile in her eeedle thee other t One sti •kug iuside ipp ng Off he cover 1 tiL e t ling to pieces, to mental d deligh discayered thai fin r /media /iput thirty of supporting lion. 111r., needl s al ti •en darning needles ocating his 'views aa 1 den away insi e. The usbion has ose who May, oppose iu use four or five year -, aucl i • al ss to sa been al e ca,ue °fen aerilug a to "wli re that n have et) ie." , vil tie lar4 iiui s have 11•) ous die ae, s. In one mer ha. eit I•- 1. ali out Sth ono fami 1e h A vet s broke 5th a dellese.x eaugh a -ries off ICL. in ur families h ao of lOna usebol The o le ely badl self luired. )ts. A tive tl ,, sily en ffin, in th eksIre SS •.• wi uffiln. He, gave out that bna gob 0 f ur carloadgi of sa.safra,s jug p,ortrai e 14rice offered was rename- carrying sheto0 p 11 were soon . pup in t, le other. - • f the plertrai tura o the ense. Aft nd p s ou ced intention of • further a eged hat Be ne . P., of Presolat, and i WO th eminent breders, coul 1 that the cattle trade ! - iucreaSe; and 10vacate priva s the best- far ,eeportl: • Som i 1 ; ber of cattle 'in Rine, MUG 4Gkel With con-! man nd are dying in mina; may district alinoSt er oue or; two Cu in i n ,gs in au a,g shore, but the elher two, inchol liarne, were diT)Weed. -The jury the Biadulph at on case returued verdict That 8 mi es) w tee , fro et 18.1;0 8), NV ac ew d 1.144 sug ars he f llo 7i1 g eXtract frole11 e le ter eqeived by • Mr. J Ines rvill , o Lnekuol,v, from a f lend •use, : " have se -fl and hear ae of e • est as I want to. f am ot 'flee anvw iere else, .Kaesas affer d of a plac not opines al punish la- be selec e may be is, but we on. said oil t1:.e. el suit was tne last wee by Thos. M against St her, for There was col'Isntesasutepa 'ai the fluid passed dew iglberhooa; ear- "ing the floor, and ' BIcCullebela, uuder the itovo. O haud a to. - about the churh. A panic ens written :des- • the congregatien, a rush. was me tated th d, trange to say, (I. At five o'cl nOtorious the house of autoeuhiekru, gehtc. as in 3 Albrecht, Be lin, was struck by • bite( some ki every . abut' s ; b it fo any on cattlq to s bna t te perpet som oth a place she emit type of dipl theri , lt is quit pus ible the in one neighborbood i truththa po:tt , in t sthiug oncessious' U• Eldrid like o he y. The disease swee ' side fth y like a plague, an . -A-ch • ost terrible 1 anner was lau ft 1 ssize embers one aft r an • _ the 1Neelli 13.3 ve lost eleyenchilden 9 out; i, 0 al osa, were -taken from ta .. 'Sae le a . se oo tea ; - dam ges feat libel. *3 ✓ s qu •iou gto tiou E 111 s t li • brtught of Port Franks were defe ce. The: libd died by a man doci men whiel was' house ef he u he a lege g snow !o pat :eveniug blacksmith ebop,w tie i w The feelba. s of theparents Mr.. Shaw cannot tell which got :clean during the I sea_rb, and of tbe tiehicle first -the lady, hunaelf or. ing 11...r y 1..A better the horse Neither of the persone were 1 , . . . £111 describe beati need ien(1 fin •ed t 1 lel na the om bo- as the ral be bo1e populate epd 1 in collect the eantinae, irex 11 it. Me- 1 crapten was i was a pi r about she marker t it the outside, a beep person was injhrt It Sunday evening ot a, oailla dollen can, b hay lo W3 the pi cendi a fra besiac injured but tbe scene while it lasted me t the during ' turdav niglit , was very animated. nous attem0 wasmade fo burn -The North Perth springshow held 'nig aton's livery stable, in Lu- at Stratford IOU ThIllSdaY 0' last week pla ing alightedCandle in the was latrgely attended by bo spectators t. timely disclery, hwever, and exhibitors. The prizes, were thus ade 1 the Stableby- sleeping ofi awarded :Stallins.-Ilevy Draught- mige , and the contemplated in- 1st Reiss and Chowan, \That'sWanted; rism • revented. The building is 2d ;James Livingston, Tplsman. Gen- e on and centainea five horses, eralPurpose-lt Israel Eb, Young the usual outfit it.)1 carriages, dtc. Victor ; 2c1 Ballantyneet, Hey, Deeedee. alai ID 011 corn -e• of the bililaing a room ' Bialaeers-1st Seth Davichon„ Mezep- ten was ptatiti lied off, which -wag used as • pa; 2d A. D. McTavish. Merrylegs.. 1 1 harneas roo and , bed oorn for the : Thoroghbr,i-distAT. T. GJ4r:e. t trks, yB:).nriroug fe stable1 boy When atscovered, the t Rothschild; on cahdl t was bureedld.ow to within half Captain Tem, Durham Bulls ----.Two 3* ay. of, . t and says that & SOrf. Ileat, . , : . IIS o an inch of he dry splect ble en in The owner of Yearaoll-let ; 2d Jacob the Most re- Ankemartn. YeatoId-R. Ballautyne the p emis s is on Tres upt 111