HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-16, Page 844 f•, • itxan txpooitor. DISTRICTMATTERS. EEDS—Wr SON de YOUNG have a full stock of Field and Garden Seeds of the Choicest guali y and best known varieties, bought ,from the most reliable seed merchants in the Dominion. Call tend Examine before purchasing elseWhere.645 Ac4D EI nNE "—Try it mete. It is paintbut it quickly removes all tan, freeldes,: not fl rongl ess and pimples from the skin. For sale by Lug DEN & WILRox. 645 .c AN ADIAN HEAVE REMEDY " will posi- tive). cure orrelieve any ease of Heaves in horses. - package warranted. Prepared by LtNSDEN kW sox. 645 CorcE Selection of Garden, Field and l ower Seeds. at Iircl:sot� & BLEAiDELL'11, Seafc rth.• 64.5: "ALL PAPER =and Window Blinds the ewer t Designs, cheap, at Lt3I3DEN & «'IL soh` 645 ` N nsv Photograph's at MooRE's. • A Goof) SALE.—Messrs. _Scott Bros. of he Seaforth Musical Instrumen Em - orium have succeeded in making sal of a $900 organ to the congregatio of t German Evangelical Church Ne H burg. Some five other firms wer coMpeting for the same sale, but th superior inducements offered by th Seaforth firm secured them the ..by i advance of all rivals. This speaks we for the Seaforth Musical Instrumen Era orium:` LITERARY ENTERTAI&arENT.—The La dies Benevolent Society have made ar rangements to have, a musical an literary social. in Card -no's Hall on th evening of Wednesday the 26th Inst ` The entertainment will consist of read inga and vocal and instrumental • niusi . try our. best. local, professional an am tear musicians and elocutionists Ref ,esh�ments.vill also be dispensed ' the refreshmentroom adjoining th hall. The proceeds will go tci augmen the unds of the society which are use to a'd the poor of the town. We have BO oubt but the ladies will have sple did entertainment and we ar equ lly sure they will be liberal' pat nized by our townspeople. A NARROW Es'OAPE.—On - Taesda - eve Ing the ExPos roR office . had , a rat 4 er narrow escape from destruction by re. About 7 o'clock, after the ern- plo cos had ceased work,but before thea had all left the premises, soT1e parties .from outside noticed smoke and fiea issuing from the rear of the build- x.ng, They at once gave the alarm, and. on . xamitiation A was found that .a qua tity of paper stored in a back room was in aiq blaze. The fire had not gain- ed. udh headway and was ,soon ex- tinguished by the application of a fe pita of water. A few minutes more however, and it would have been mor difh3ult to stop it, as it had just com meced to burn inside of apartition The fire originated in the paper stor room and was -caused by a boy care lesssy placing a hot shovel, which h had been using carrying coals from on sto e to another, upon a bundle o . loos papers. . - P ,.Es. ArloN.—Prior to his leaving $ea orth, the teachers of the Presby- ters n. Sabbath; School presented -Mr. He : ry Watson with a purse accom- panied by •a most flattering and 'oomph- - mentar ompli- inenl:tary address, signed by the pastor, the officers and teachers of the school: The presentation,was-made in recogni- tion of Mr. Watson's services in cone noction with the school ever since hel. has been a resident of Seaforth, and was: well merited. His skill as a draughts- =' mau, in giving black -board illustrations of t . to tl • toot this, e lessons, has been of great benefit e scholars and of much assistance le teachers, while his services in and other ways have elways been' the rfully and unsparingly rendered. In g ving him so handsome a parting gift, therefore, and so good a testi- mo ial to the world as the address is, the 'abbath School officials and teach- ers l ave but properly shown their ap- prec ation of his valuable services. A. PECULIAR WEATHER FREAK.—On Sat . rday morning last every person was char n ed and delighted with the wea her, and our most weather wise wer sure that real, genuine spring had set a at last.. The forenoonwas warm, ' dem and beautiful, and every person who could luxuriated in the, open air. Abort noon, however, a change came over the scene. The sun became ob- eaur d by a cloud-, and a nice, warm rain set in, but the rain gradually and rapi ly got colder, and by degrees turn- - ed into suow. By one o'clock one - of the most terrific snow storms of the seas •u—a . genuine nor' wester— was ragi g and coutiuued throughout the afte coon. The atmosphere was in- tens ly cold, and the snow fell rapidly,-- unti 'the ground was covered to the lepte of several inches.. Sunday also continued cold, but on Monday thins moderated off, and we have now agai seasonable April weather. It is e to I hoped that this will be- the last ante, storm for the season. ' I•' t(ee Rue) r.+:.-- As luauv c f our rear: ers have _friends located ie Dakota, and lllauy more ere talking about going tier 4, the following particulars respect- ing he c uutry which we have been peri litt'd t.. glean from a iniv:tte letter rcc'e veal by a blend from. a geutleinan in le'1te atl tuil, (frees county, may prove inteestiug : Iresays . that . work for ,laboring iuen in that section Is ; otlie- ' what scarce 4#1.1t- accunt of the lar4e number of youina leen who take. up • land, thc1re aili.l W110 have not :uo11.ev euolrll to go on and i uprove it, kraut who Have:' to work out for hire - until they get the neceesary means. Iu'hay. ing, llarye'.t chid threshing time, how- ever, tlleie . ie usually a `gena _de- Iuand f.'r IV' trkIllell i'11 1 the large ivht'rtt farms. 1n having the wages are : 1.:,11 per day and in Harvest •2 per day ivied board. r.nd f,'" tbr'e,lling about 1.7:i per day. Trams -tine -aerially lasts about three i'te :is, 8.-14 tins threshing seas :ii ;Ai-#,tt ',ix v,et•ii-. At ter that Hill('. Ns -aloe- averai. ' about :V 2 ; per pion h Hut biers; is vete" Lttle (l(- Inaua fig* lays:. illm•iit. !',.,• \\enter sea - eon). l,aeii aotnal s ;'lee ie petuiitted t) h('Ineste',.,: ' '1 tri. re's. It LI•e;. 11: it pay to pi F :kie•,1>rairie and raise a- (iro1)ifr(,1,. !L.- ... .il., In order ti.. ieeure a gee 1 crt'p. tl:'.• '40t1 llilltit Irt'',tt''ken up in the :Trineieft to tee through the h(Ii1111e:1, x::#1. 17loWet1 a itiu in the fall, aitd *ill ie. rcttay for seed the next spring. Mees af the breaking . up is done with. men as they are xi:.i're easily kept. The.: _ will do the work and live- oe. the Bets:c' .,,sass whereat; 1.erse l haw fe be '.-d el hay and cats. the fernier e..es about `1u per te'u and t • e latter about 50 ce T• ee horses or two yo b eak' two acres per d , or 1 d . ring the breaking ''s ason, fr. m th first of May -ft st of July. It will t cost p month to feed two yoke O en are worth from $ 00 to yolke. The land. gen: ally s first-class and the cli .. ate he. cold in the winter. e re dy market can be r : of roduce. This gen th s section of Dakot:I to he southern part t soutthe clime + w eat does not do n: th grasehoppers are bl some, while in the grasshopger pest i� so "t hs however, -ig be in am stud raisi po , dent ttsibks that m n with moderate ter in Dakota than. ad ices all -persons to co ntry for theins Make up their mi what suits oue m other." MILLINERY DISPLA departm nts in con establishments of Duncan, Kidd and is per bualhel. e of oxen ,'will .: tires hic i to the veil of oxer: 130 per akiiyg i'�, lthy but ood pric- s and a d for :11 kinds leman ronsidertl much p efe}a',ot3 or fa • in is m ides, b arly %/0o ell, a scally '-ery tro either i part t ever felt. ' T cr for c.rn gro gl Thi: cones as am or eans, c: n do be Caned , but • and see th be `.re the • ; to rove, t not suit a 1 • .a 1 he lune ,:(tion 'tb, t re.srs. offhxa I wer: open for the season on Sat. day 1: st. T same department in ars. A. G. M Dougall & Co's establi Sl merit as ope: ed some days ago. Ioint o we th this firm was xnor fertun: to tha. those who selected Sa urday, althd ng on that day the foren ia was :ry Ifin and many of the 'lad S of 't. e tow em raged the opportu ity to iew ! th °leg ` nt displays, the rnoowas s stor y . that few • da e ven re on and we have no doubt b m: ny wer gre ly disappointed.. ther: is an one ranch in which `e t rth can e cel, that branch 'is illin ry. W ven ure to say that in' : own west o Tor nto Could such ••a•nific:nt di play be witnessed as :: sho ' n her on aturday. As. for : stet - elegl ,nc and variety they, co d sea, cely b surp ssed, and were v -r redi able no only to the establishm:. t. bu ' to ` th tow Ainy of our lay read:rs wh .may desire to purch s: the choices qual ties and. the ,1 :s anmos fash onable, or even s b: iantia article in t ie line, we would ongl avis to sit our ;Sea 1 t a :stab ish mens before purch.asih: :lsewhered they are not suited in p : of a ha doze we have here, a .o ay s ely sa that they are too fasti i i. n s to be suite in t is world. u L car. BRIEas.-Me son nd Robt Laidia on ednesday.—Mr. w o has been visiting co pile of weeks, left. f Winplpeg on Wednesd Mun a seg glad Boge groci Mail oe, who ilaas,bee ere attack of dip tolearn, recov n intends open ry in the store o and John. street by For. Sparling.-Mr tin -s ,here weel and that Hen y Wa t for Chicag QGXT nds ere i'orego his om e i Mr. Maio' stra ed wit ria, ie, we ar g.— r. Joh out a ne Fhe c me : lately occlpie idne Jacob up busine elle ille tie iciest esiden re.-- t' is sai ers i tend r o?.en Bai`loo ve ha a goo e mai stree the di t carte vt Jeff ey Hil he he ilex ' Ch eh, Se son, f Pr'inc ved here o Mr. T ompso of innipe erabl portio he La ding an eturns .by th lziel, r., an Tuesday fo here they g .—:1VIrs. M erald left la 'entucky.-Th lizzard has bee ople think ahou cleaned up ' au —The Rey.: M ld left here, f. ome, on Satu i teele forrerl as removed t leased anoth eeps the Alm ules took it int the other nigh ore doing an soy is makin . ith, intends - gi and will remove He is one of o eve regret his dep Messrs. Curry Br .moving to Brantford -t there.—The council work done by having thoroughly scraped an off.We learn that - M. -A.,. of Meaford, is incumbent of St. Tho forth.—Mr. A. W. Th rthur's Landing, . hursday of last wee time over -land by w e. had to make a co f the jos rney betwee Vinnipeg on foot, H ttrst boat:—Messrs. atbew Dorsey left eadville, Colorado, to 'seek (their fortune Hayes and Miss Fitz week on a 'visit ` to weather Since the big delightful and makespt 'having their back yard commencing gardening el 6 a 1i Rena d and Mrs. Rena Mont cal, their fi ture I day 1 st.-Mr. James of, th Alma Hetel Amb rly: where he lice hotel. lyl r. Clark D O W —Mr D.D. Wilson's their ends to run awey They were captured be dams e. -f -Mr. John Do. exten ive alterations a. d improverieu on hi new.premises. . -o . r.oxet P. OBITUARY.- Mr. M, : Carmichael, of the township f Turn1. e ry, died t t hisreside Ice on +ridgy last, after a+ long, lingering' illu ss. Mr. Carmichael, wh came amongs us only a year pr so ag • talsh probab y without n. house Edsoeas there was quito a wind 1•Wwing at the time. There is !some talk1 of ettempte 1 in,- -' cendiarisne but it iS likely that if suc : had been thlt easel, the thieg Cul have been done befere daylight. Mor . likely to be a Stunk from a pipe, er i, !ternoon we Werpivis ted by whatein the -,.The waY.the storm ra4ed and the silo , , During the heaviest :of the, stotin1 - couple Olour local knights of the : oa did blow:: toed after pelting eheir skiff up_to the, head (,f the potd. against the -, home, one steering ainIthe other Man- aging the' sail.- All, ef a sudden, the heartrending erv was heard of ' Man ,:(iVerboard !" and the other half of the ' crew turned round 6 find himself alone gr o 11 8 111 0 fr ey th n al - men ehe th or ving 1 T AG ee in Ante arna, encia ting d hers ested Bur s re ised one axw ugh st. yqung Hardl enterte 14 'rHE HURON EXPO T: 84 rad r on lie; ambl d wit duo ng. • n. ccess E 8 8 0 o r hel attir me ed TI TE.— Ma been of t ducat 0 nstii y' ad t an n ern he 01 ghe • r 0 S. elly, dsfe tends .it. act. cessio onday d so t sa st clas of the 0 Hugh resen Set ny h pee f Sta en Se W al ern o. old to r meg' Old, v ry ood te 101 Is 0 Mora inte Mon ol ho 1st, Ic repe hera is • an, de ay ext In- er- ed, nd re - la: is, g ase a rails he 2th a did, the he the us fi id; 1 too me iv, ery ill. 0 1 pl ce b t 36 oin al o • 1 Itt a • rip y. Cam rucefi n on pe he ly so amuel tanle mpso eived r. e col ire s pro Mr. k, esp be se ined 8 of kn yee d him eco orL 11t t at t so mo TS fo t • 1.1 I et of th 'ia f age TIM 11 wi nd a the inst mily he pr tr. he e ns ou ered tie • 5. 11 DA 1 • attir ay ear old he 1h na- nrete4 ro 9.8 mp 0 no the inner 18 eiallk for nifrolthe ers w Mrs. life. able to es e family o as jus se death t hey 7 is extre emed of lif lation ht." 01 1 bh ift nclin of. the schoo 11. rofsei .and clas home. Adel/03 ndeew der 3d, a terreeSn, ried.0J top Lu Rayner lot David) a 1 :ern eh look att -as Beg lat- vvo, ars ace re oth. el sad s of ut their at I "ris 'all 1101 eood on - 1 ate iffe, TIC 2d DP son• , 2d 0 ter. nior nel nior he ool PRO labahs sheep PER ti of WM. fe ON fr fr fu • • iri er • eels it i orth NAL far s. I a. hi • to calus tia e side, bet he n of ch ha two eepin e, Es glad t cove sday, ill b lit of ti tic 19 Ly fo ens f Feb xtutiss In artIn gr iphe ot nate Ittreis ieth leo. C • TI N the, enior the stau the! aid se tione were r. he fou nsin tions n re bas less t -John i benison 193 ilnptiell 106, ird class henna Cam on 105, 11 • Riche]. a 41( Geisha 40 Elizal Willie FiCal land . truly wo oderich ven bir ars. learn as to at the in lie ememb WiSe erely ial pare hich he motosyteot arm ail that t owns his 1 vritteu J MS of on Mat Th sed ,ere ba gramni ug and standin th mon m. Alt a son enie ere , Maggi the 8 the ip, ght a ft lids the e is mid till CoUNC and jug t hat held it ou at rue lth urr ysis has the hol lb Cf I II ---lat James arnpbell, 2d John Dun- canson, 3dniJ hn Campbell, 4th John Johnston, 5th Oliva Turnbull. enier division of second fi sat ewlaisisl—ialnisti llWa /4311. McFadeean, 2d Jo Sarah Willianison, th Meggie J. Mor- sion of sooting. first class—lst am:es Hislop, 2d Mary J. urnb all, 3d. WO.. sStheawwar, 2t.a C ark,' 3a Matthew J. • HORSE has sold an Arne $2,500. sidering mencing much ou the -ban ever tra regret th He was gentlem breeding and whi Finlayso Sice Mr: Dun with con McIntos field, w treatme thought °arise .of ' the last Institute reoeiving teaching examine SMEw Cromert from the is no do conditio for the and see fore begi SOLD. -1-41 . Peter McGregl or viten. 'd heavy dOught hat th a:as= is just cern- we do ot know that it is of of w y. This is mare, Or hich pai 070, h lee.1pu chased from Mrs. bun. A horse belong ng to an Ste a has been v ry tipatio the bowels, r. surgeon, of ru ee- is sick es Seneca,. Mr. John ear et he !Hamilton Col egiate Toron o, or the' purp sett of tl n in the ar of ion fOr ec nd class cart cote. greab te an Church ie me - church to the m,a,nse. There t b1t he road Ifs in ad at t mr, ut it Would ell ow their c ffers are lin d be- • 11 CHANG OF TI IE. I Dozing the pres- ent BOSS U., meet ngi will be on F idays, instead of Sat rd ys, in Egmo dville Grange. li THE ILL D TILL AHEAD —Mr. John Ca #3TO , f t e Mill Road, owed a field of spring vh at on Thurs ay of last wee . r Hie ay the land Was in ex- cellent o der, an ad it, not b en for the sno storm on Saturday,lhe mild have ha More s n by this ti e. ra John al ays 10; s t get ahead f the has pnr Used allot ier farm. :le ae bought t e fatal on he 6th con‘es ion of Stenl y, which b longed, to the, Turn:- er estate, payinglith refer ,the a m o.f situated but th bu ldings are nit 4ery good, Ir. Elgi wi soon be ;one :of home in teed el Isend'iag them, ab O il ,X3r11.8 els, eeelltteAlli. Mr. D. P. °wag of thie place, and wh has duatnd al the Ontario a- llege, With honors, 'has ta tal actice cif Mr. John Nott V S. BesiKess.—Messrsa M. -Van- outs flour mill hes bee un- it run of stones nieht an er bnstness for a num e of icIrs c?f ht in was eat for t lately gr inary up, the p GOOD stone & for the ception their lar the auS day eve attende audienc took par a rare t et alt)-reire atten • • 5 concert given u der e Oddfellpws on Mon-, quite a success, being large and fashi neble singing by all who st excellent, an was ill :.T CLTI .--An adjourned crick- ing wes held in the tow h 11 ay eve ing and was lar ly 0 , 33 ragmbers joined. It vas Club.f The ,f 'Rowing Officers ere Secrete • W. H. Moss •Teea ueer ; C. Vans one, Conatiaittee. ' MoRill op. eyden's Hotel ou the las et - his PRESE 'TATION. At the Mans , ti 0 - and Killop, ii Mond y evening last • f•er me had bee brough to a cloee, the.' a ter, your Bible Clasli take this °ppm u it of 5 We therefore fin much pleasure in token of our age tion, which we ac- compa.ny with t e best wishes of the claps, and with hope that you I ruay be long Spared. tb o in and out amOngst us,to bre 'k with. s the bread of life, 13 and that no se aration may Occur between U till th t of the last enemy. Such, we are hep y to believe, aro tlie sentimenta, not P ly of ourselves! who constitute this ela, s, but of the Mem- bers of y ur , We pastoral charge. Yet, as w well - 'ow the transitory na- ture of all earthly hings and that 1time with us is short a a uncertain, we in- dulge the hope t at each of us I may meet you, at laet in the home above, there to Celelratie or ever the praises of God and tlhe La b." The revere -4 0 tlemar. in reply eon- fesied that i this case at least he was completely t, ken y surprise. HO had been ableeinifeelv ous cases like these of presenting alai] omplimenting, to get some small i lam r of what was about to occur, an at en:ipt something to support him elf gainst complete de- feat, but in t is ase he was tbtally rotted and. o uSt own himself fairly hoped he sho ld yet rally andebe ready for action at . o dilstent date. He suffi- ciently regal. ed1c mposure to say how cordially he col ed and reciproeated the kind thin .8 Is id, and. would! very sineerely end avlo in the future tit de- serve them. ' 1 yth. Kerr, the head mil- liner in Mr D. B. McKinnon's ,tdry goods store, as r turned to town to re - aurae her dut 68,ib. ving spent a very en- joyable time . t he home in Ingersoll. —Mr. A. Mc aug ton left for Baffalo last week. SETTLED A Lit. .—The war which Borne .of our it'z ns, was brought to a ter inus by he , uncil granting the license fee to $401. This was a "Idead- finer" to the billis, d men, who consider the advance too h gh, and refuse tp pay considerable disc rd and ill -feeling al - afternoon, 10 h Mite a boy by the ame of John Irel nd, 10 or 11 years of' age, who was residing at the time with his a half from lyth, in the township of Morris, was illed by the falling lot a tree in his u cle's bush. Mr. Thomp- son, his wife nd he boy were making maple sugar, when a high wind, which arose, caused the ittle boy to remark " if the wind wou blow down a tree it might kill us. ' bout ten minutes af- ter the little elle . made this remark, a Maple tree, efts ring half a foot across II imity to wh re, hey were wo king, broke about 20 fe from the g .oun.d the boy a fea full ow on the head, and killine him o the spot. The fnneral took place ct Tintsday, 13th inst;, and was attende by a large number of friends. 1 ANOTHER 0 Hugh Benne on; the -Saubl the 27t1i-ult. native of Sut had been a r for about 43 the ripe age every sense, was respecte knew hire.. iu the towns and his de who knew hi an died at his residence erla side e, near Bayfieid, on Bannerman was a dshire, Scotland, and t on the Salable Line APRIL 1)6, 1880. well last ',fall. $270 drawing 00 in the ha worth offiou ing for the months the f provisions pr of the foregoi by the COm ittee givet her $100 year, coMmencin4 3rd Ma h last.. • interest at ei ht Per cent., There are at , present ds of the Commi tee, and Treasurer's han s.e $27 19 amily. , For the past six A. G. mcDouGALL a 0.0.7s Daily have b en kept on cured independent of any • g iterne. It is Proposed n. the Albi n Hotel, who ha been qui e ill for the past two wee , s able to e around again as usual. severe storm swept ve the towb., Considerable. anxiety a felt on a',c- upon the lake, but Ole all turned time of it, having hila to beach th ir cation has been este, lis ed betwe n the inconvenienc of Lilting with t e been overcome. Also p ssengers are not conVeyed thither nt...1 the proper time for their departure. Such is con- sidered 4 boon. , COUNTY RIDGE ' CRIALIIIFAL COURT.— On Wednesday H gh Coiadie and. Mary Graham! were enteuee by Judge Squier tit) twe da s in tail or keeping la the same offence, as sc arged. The parties have bee in all :for the past United R. eligious and Military Orders of the Temple an of Ste ohn, of Jeru- salem, Palestine, bodes, and Malta, is being instituted in Gede 'ch. A dis- pensation for the ame ha been grant- ed, Judge Toms b ing e ec ed First Pre - stable, and W. T Bra f Wingham, Marshal MAGISTiATES' COURT.— n the case of keeper, du T urs ay of ▪ last week, for allowingtdern noe _to be played on the premises, the cas was declided in favor of the defend nt, he magistrates hold- ing that ther wa no Ica e, inasmuch as it Was n t s own that the trans- action was fo hi e or gain. Esquires Adamso an Pol ock on the bench. u.ron Not Mr. D. Wanless, of last weelit, or a trip to th —Mr. rat Weir, Oro ship, sol a Nur year old toc.25g0o. to elt, for he hen —Mr. Joseph Baltep has to:see purchased the Iv gon-nea mg busi ees and plant of Mr. Win. eddaway in Cr_an.wbrhore. return ng fro Goderic a Ivthrown from is agon. farm of 100 res, near L ndesboro, a term of yea s, gettin 450 the and $400fpr ubsequen ars. —Mr. . F irba.irei, the genial la lord of th "C ntennial," otel,Hen the appea an e of the pee ises. —One ay last week a ewe, a lamb wine weighed 16 pounds. ears., He had. attained to f po years. Ile was, in —Rev. W. E. 'Gifford of Brus worthy gentleman, and while riding i frpna Mc 'llop, a and esteemed by all who days ago, *a thitown. fr m his la and narrowly escape0. ser ous injury Inlrig his long residence —Mr. .\-_,.. Skchon, f Morris, 11) 119 made manY fir ends, turned ho4e from GRA() d, Miceli ise, although not unex- deeply regretted y all last week. 1 Ee speaks ery highl i that sectio as a farming country, . has taken p land. Exeeter, and left Exeter old country erich town - are in colt FLOVi),ERS AND EATMERS • tl TRIMMEb The Variety to be healed in our MILLINERY SHOW fiCOM TRIMMED HATS ItiD BONNETS, FROM ONE DOLLAR Cannot he Seen in any Othe Hon& MOURNING A. SPECIALTY. Select Readymade Hats and onnets. Also Made and Trimmed to der on Short Notice. STRAW GOO Every Approved Shape and Material in. Hats for Boys, Misso and Childrzn- Fine Assortment in -School Hats, at lit 'A. Rouen TI3I. The fisberme -t-- were on the lak when the s tithe of it. he s orm sprang quickly that they were taken pletely by su rise, and the sno so blinding a they could n were forced t Rite the wi Stranded at when rescue ing condition from Goderic and two of t ashore were had beeu in t them. They pie who thre brought asho ed th,at it wa whether or So, far as can his for rst Everything in Sprays. Everything in Poupons. Everything New in French Flow- perisu,riaSehsa!led and Plain Ostrich Tips an& d- I TRiMMING SILKS all, I ing , There is no Stock that apProaches the ours, either inVaIne, Extent or Variety., 39, ed els este re - of nd ewho --We regr t td learn that Mr E. rrible titne ago en p so laid up with com- arrival in tha --Mr. Geo. cession 13, Et possessor of a Patrick's day --A committe Council reported redoin Five of the boate were granting of a bon to, as aiia two from Bayfield, a salt i that 'to &beets when they came meeting of th ratepayer ccliniplete wreck. -These to consider th matter. was d the cold so intense that t control their boat allow them to dr , -Seven boats ayfield, and the occ were almost in a , and were pants erish- heumatiC ver since his Johnston, f loti 6, very prolifi ewe. On she: gave birth` to e day that s done it. eliding is to e ca e own, and the men who em were still clip ,ging to —A few da s since were rescued. by the peo- his son, of th 9th co ee were so much ex the boy's fi4ig rs were doubtful for some ot they would re atilimste- and one so b amputation a be learned no lives were ▪ —Mr. Geo. c Ten e i preparations ow rds 4 r T. Levan Cession of wing slog, w aught in the lied as to req the firs Scant. large hotel in, W ngh tin tie follow ng ie the standing of the formation of the mar been working that dir purfils of the euior division of School Section No. 1, Usborne, for the mouth —The priz offered. of IN arch. F'fth lass—Agues M ir 57, of Agricultur for the Jo+Strang • , aggie Moir 44, Jas. best essay o pl urcp 41 CSatrg304.1, EA , laugh, Mcalnanssin_g 330,hriesrtiins,na been awarde to Me Cage 81, Mae e Moir 79, james Moir V. S., Profess r i th 79, Jessie Di; r 75, Mandan DoWn 69, lately a highly lege, Toronto, for i the ; of appro Lclung 3 ou with expressi ea, Duncan Stew rt 6", Wm. Moir 60.4 W. Goderich. xa, na- : our hear -felt gratitude. We haae long Keddy 60. hird' class—Sarah II..sowe —A petitio i is h ti aud I your unerieg labors in ou • belie f, ae John fowe, 7-.), Isabella. Lowe 72, Jessie signed, prayi' g th 'ftlil lass . the provd nce o - God. you were ced . the illicit 62, Behetta 1, od.53. le lisli strong d si e that we sho ild be ,ell Leonard Hun e•tlo-aflui.1,:is.:botCe4lr, E.— Tr.. The plea, get ed1 pot . the ordi a y Sabbath services„ bu leo Coachman." sold him to an Anaeri- re mug exe.cises c' have the Woid to he t once interestin he blackboard )4 folli3i-, the gene ulatod,aS they are In mb ti e they have given. p tct a d.' -.ability which y al e 4 nd of shows and o stock -men generally. In matter, dema nee. 1, his time he \NUS a famous prize wliiner, 8111. pf ,. and -has left s many good colts of his published.! •eat chute as an .0ther horse that has • 3, j the , travelled. iu 1 uron. He has been, well —On Tues 7, 1. ille ' caeed for, ant. althotigh pretty well iip . Past six, Ai. C SO1 frisky as a self-mipc sed prove as profi as they havt been vt-ith ; he was to his old one. Mr -Hunter has from a stoy 641 qualiti if awl -that owned him si ce a colt, and has made , $400 in Ont ing for wine on re se , more money ut of him than *malty Quite a lot of ve accept aS unruistatso falls to the lo of entire horse owners. ' —On Tties equalitied satisfaetion. We following info matiou, of interest to the Zetland, was lit you es teacher, on th . part . half of the ( 041 II ittee, famished the about threeaq 0 make grateful mentian of people of t at tbwriship. He 1says : , In spite of all rt IT c. making g erection whieh is s. Shane et busiaess b the Mini helot, for eurnoteia Veterinary an years and u on - ate Ve am the hag hie ed nd en ire eat to the tor the of Is altiesincu red on f the aw in tegar to ort is that AIL ,a po r then and, ha ing *Own of Wing - 4 with housee ef deiat of one Of ers, ee erring, to the hatithe names of the hese le use should be ay rnor g, about half outh of eter,were burnt d. Th re oeiginated ::yo fAtieu ln °off iaLstowndeoenk-., stock w axed. , bar he property of -rd, of st Wewanosh, iscover a; to be iu flames. efforts to save it, it evae o ether with its 40 60, -Valued at at the time fat eteers, •Trifth edifying. es help, -cal 13e, at the s 30. of that t .5, remarka, i lop rebore, u Mere. A. those hi did, well ku 72; able evi !Nlc- our spirt nsylyania. eOld Coach- evil repute. A. correS 1 jeeown to the frequenters the local pa. expos al ic d as to B - beat • olte able eegorous and as and e small We hope hel ma'y about a mile to his new owner es to the grou ni I disposition and eouse t ncet ; tion of the pt blic iall particulare con- ; contents. Thp learn ev tor as a 'Christian lady , leer esteem, and especially 1 of Hannah JogriS, Widow of the late ave ' elected with ttie' fultid reified on behalf i alyb'ebnutilst5foroa,maneabeaeunkt,01. nt s mist acquainted with der. ' Wm, Johns, Who Was suffocated ' in a ! of the fire two valuabl • WE 'HAVE. ALL THE: NOVELTIES. Fancy Silks seed. Satin Cashmere Effects. Soft Finish BroCades, A. G. IVICDOUGALL CO. colt, a melt a fanning mill, sulky horee rake, abdut 150 'bushele of grain, be - aides numerous other articles. Mre Baird has an insurande on the barn and its Contents of $1,000 in the Ho -wick Alexander Murdock; shoe- maker, ef Blyth, has reeiently imported from England an iretpre*ed machine fer , mending boots and shhes. Th is said that thie machine willput a patch on the toe of a boot in 'abent one Minute, and will:repair any other part of the boot in about one -twentieth of the time it could be done by hand. Martta, who 0 will be re- membered. was: sent nti for #•ial by Mayor Willson, of Winghani, abours. month ago, on the charge of burglar- izing the.resideiace of Mr. Stirling Parril in Morris, was recengy take# before' His Honor Judge Squier, at Gbderiche and sentenced to I-8 months' ineprison-i merit in the Central Plison. —Owen Reynolds, sbn of Dominick Reynolds, of Hullett, plied. on the 9th inst., of consumption, after an illness of seven years. He was 21 years' of age. He was buried_ on Sunday last, being followed to the grave by a large num- ber of sOrrowing relativies and friends. The Rev'. Father O'Shea, preached an t impressive sernaon on the occasion. --The Methodists Inc the neighbor- hood of Dungannon apPear to be in a flourishing condition, as they are erecting two new churehes. The one at Sheppardon, an appointnaent only commenced last spring, is a neat build- ing of 2e by 40 feet, and is now nearly completed, and. it is expected. -will be opened. some time next anonth. The other is to be at Donnybrook, aad - to be finish.ed by the first of October next. —.Dn Thursday last, One Blakeley, of Henfryin had an information laid .a,gaitest him by Mrs. Martin Moore, of that place, before A. Hunter, Esq., J- P., of Brussels, for passing a spurious bill (1.an old Zimmerman $1 note) on her. Constable E'nglisit was furnished with the necessary papers for the ar- rest of Blakeley, proceeded to He'll-IT/l- aud nabbed his man. The constable took his prisoner to King's Hotel, left hirn in one of the rooms, and then at:, tended to other business. When he re- turned the bird. had flown, andalth&igh a Vigorous search was atones instituted, no trace of Blakely -Forth" be discoveged- Ar That ou public is 11 Trade ths MUMS with wants of A Bea Bonnetes Our Laces a See a