HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-16, Page 5iL the defendat. Iant's claim to the .,ace, plaintiff alleged as not part of � block -Intended did not. -ex:- �i edge ; (2y that �qutired a title ty pro- k of the race from ,terrupted use there - k was entitled to the e, of the race as au, m his purollase from. annxed to his mill oof evidence both Sides, 7 no less than four lginal,plans on file in and opinions by diverse upon the, ,Ler block F had for. Mry the liver Mait- 1) !hat, the' race was. (2) was held to e - edge, as 'contended hat (9) that as plain- ptirchase the' Mill .)illt Of time to the ant's Wantur al. the; 'in the coiliveyamee died reservation in luill site And of the of the race, and [nd Plaintiff was en - ah costs. In Adopt- lavi'upon the ques- His L ord- low a, previous de- 4UL Court �of C-haa- -ilson, which it. was-, (dant's coun,sel was, - renlarked that if coutended,,it of Appeal,not for iiich dbe the lamero'U.—Common, for defendiamt. The- resiae in Dae ,know., le value of goods 7nder a chattelmort- itliff, Plain -tiff cola- ne Of execution of minor incapable of �rtgagga. Defendan-t e; time, of plainti 1e, Plaintiff, had, re- to defendant a -a of f this the Court held Fer of suiell irlstru- ad- decree -a for de- A-leld SbLow. hold at Brucefield aderthe auspices of society 7 eminently sue- Predecesors. The ml and the attend- allParts of the )r less largely repre- w Most gratifying 'DIU with the show— ar of thoroughbred and the interest th� spectators, in Show was decided- ever held in the Earon has not ocen- respect to horned -but the, interest earnest. endeavors IX Princip al f armera Ing hreeds. by ira- �)est herds in the for the fu�ure', and tit that ij- & vpry illbe-as famed., for tle a-5 it- 'low is for er shows it was a, See a aythi of a Ze bulls when t Tlie % bole interest med to be"centered ruesdmy.,14st there Oticea na time that judged, _tl�e 'Drowd ilently as ig-ruch in - e during he time 19 shown,7 and the, animals w, ere aa, !�e show, Also, both and th�e Character well Calculated to 'lle show of horses ts better than in �rttbe,: re oGts not SP heay draughts 'Youtng horses and ad general purpose L11-1 was limited and im&ls shoa only WAS a very good �ics, and the.com- i was pretty k.een- Liter heavy hLorses by the fact, that they al�e being ported or like to in do not wisdom oil theKlave".a efass bred heavy t. that the &ni_ own breeding ethose RespectinU the, ltg N.ve, �tte,r horaeq�. (ng it' Gatgrio, at.; all 90odt with-, farmers caul We suppose that; V, Conidered ab- to our as near per- Vivy ae, ,V'r owners. and to �-()t fail in �ed than it 1�i now horseaesh. U, cum, petitorg. t", the ater 2d Calved after 7 andchief", Wellin 6n 3d rlinty "Shir6, Cham.- "Yount -'Lord qtailio'n4 foal- J- 1880. L: 'APRIL 16,Carth �u# at *,Joe the Baul ri."� Agbd. general pur. qJ6 ept o I Val tf�r, 3 ap a tk, advise a I etaployees thaff pose stall-fons-2 entries � lat ,T is. Pel- one at,.$ 6 ' Goo. C li 1. � -1, 14'e, i0owel, one a 1P ent of the fadure of the Compa ini 2d P.� one §71 8 . u Aid fron t, $80 - e lison's I 'Prids of the Dbmini - n, VV. G. Ha the municipalitie I Ford's ,Young Netherby." 3eneral Hay, 67 ne a t 0,70 an W3 at," 8 to the, ,h e of gauge Of Q I P, n 0100. : . . .1. purpose stAllions foaled in 1E 77 —2 on V, I ieir ser vri, "I 4� will have to L -,iries—lat Pollock & 'mstroug'& Th la t cattle fair at. Lial ow al 'I with a- the: first isiNInnenext PV LS4 P 140 ,iiYoung Wellington," 2d o �, 111'erdo's', below t I verage-L St, io� th4 i a 0 t4 Peet qi irefs 'no p. "OS of the in-huci 0 h i ,Y nug England's Glory.1' eneral, maIg a 11 were sm: I11 Ie 1 1 0 I A 914' 0178� 4. 8 the road MLL purpose foaled in 1878-1 eat. W. S. few of est changed bands at �fho from theilditementioned., MundglPs "Huron Plowman.' ., Car. $20 to $2 . There w(re b N ers :4 om is i a iii consequence of a resolutio —4 t rigge stallions entries—'. at Henry* Woods , k Hamiltohi, St atfo rd, P( O lei BE A by the bood.1 holders a Revell's "Clifton Gold Dust," 2d Robt. andise eta eding, C P, Brock's ,!W11ippoorilI,1' 3d Job a Bea- 0 S1 = e ciMn ni�' ftE b)(11, .—The"- poultr iir&18119�1, ibdustry caused i at y com's "Occidental." ghbor o6d by- he llice Edward 131ILD4 is beiiiiiing JUDGES. appemanof of at in cli drea d- ttrilidt hitention as an importgr Bulls.—J'ohn Petty, HensBMI; Johii� disease, all -pox, in the fain ly of bi-ap oil of its trade. Its exports of egc Hugili, Tackersunith, . and homas Jam es F m ster, wb o ives o the to last iyear, 3xelusiye of those sent to, tb Coates, Usborne. hue betwef n Fullai 1 d A "3,028, haN T ' ton and 1B Ian 3h d. DDrifiniol 'were a, I B sier contrac-ed e pi , se from 8 482 _in 1876. 11 Hibraes — heay, Ja Fore t, Mr. F& g inbre'�' Stan -ley N. White, Elim ille, and': vi 0 is falt or, 0 617 d expand thi while on a: sit I io vrho i a; pilopop I t d oronto, it :[a , t ely t id� by forming saociatior Robert Bell, Tuckersmith. Light.— lives nar T r a Andrew Yaling, -Seaforth-; J. eley,' that it Will P in r ng Stock b Spread. the 11, ton with the' bject of P [Ivi ,Go4erich township, and Thog. Youg, council I hliie taken 6netgie6c a tiz in the i Bbq.!W�t breeds, An Ashfield. R4 at " ion Prem;S4 a, and tll.616ose is is t a.- =d 1�tlog informationj -in'- regardt We suppose it would: hardly bf proper �-Attbe Mitchell �prhg F 111,13 4 eeing,� rearing 9r 4 filL ding a marke to close this report without say. g that followi IR rizes we r6 awa dec Or?e.i r_ Q r0d, ce. I there were on hand an unusual nu e _o! —Best ' y DrauglIt' Sta'ho .�lst The' --rand 971m k emigrant'trall Jav agricultural implement agents, e; Highland hief, Thomas Q(Iquoun� mu4d.fo Winnipef.,rwlen near Wes _1L_ "a I �'. Ian(' vendors and mountebanks ge er a 2d Old L' B I m 9 Haddc w,: Chi r108 r a ks. i6n,on�the&.Pat 9 . Manit6baR 'it b Prho c -wi , -reeked b aibroheu wbeel at aua ian Drab: 0 i as of wbom seemed to do a thrivin 1 best 01 gtt.: 6f at auddid good service in Amusing the Wales, Ji es Colgiiho n. Best Agri. celd C4 cridayraQ.-Itinh. Sever car -crowd b6th before and after � ih( . show. cultia'al � deLLLL r orse. , Isti !bublir's XN . 0 de lished, 141in G, H. Goulf] ag, Mr . We do not wish -it - to be u adl ratood, J-ohn Lype ; 2d Y)ung I ord Ha . dow, I Stratf rd, and 'Thty injuring hi however, that we class the imp�ement Patrick BA,rry. B-,st ..R ad an C%i- rpp4ew.. There vvp e even cars c Agents with the medicine vendc rs and riage H - orse.—ist. ,Q orrel 01 ELK.1 S 0: Its, eff �Cts, and 13'eve, 11 id iAl 60( an 3migrai 0 Be e coaches in monutebanks, Although. we mention Innes; 2-d 'mezeppEL, $e Davidim 8 :10* the train. I them in the same Id, J: I; u her 4ttl D were kill connectien.. The Best Blood.—lst I aron. otl a *gp d former area useful and gene ally ia' T_. - Hiptis 2nd D Bu r, 11 I a In lidw were in -a ca OIP his n highly respectable and. inoffensi re class Greenwl 00'� -. BeStTwo Y ai Old L01�. v Ji t4,, t ock. Non: of the other pas of people, and the enterprise- anC Leuergy —John Bt sli. Thi 8 ee )stakes werb a ge Wien hurti they display are spf5cially dogimend- awarded ta Highlat �h f 1 ownE by e Mage of' I urg, Ont., w,�! 'able. Their presence with bh r ma- Brooks, an I Colqu u . BA118.­BBst t I 9 �,o 13 arousedion o.nday evenini chines on such occasions, hot ony form Durha-in 1;1ul1.­Du`ke,.O USleladle, ate dozen m'en-turning out t( An additional attraction, but mu 3 ' t be a Chas. I CoI6. . 1�est AYrsbi . Bull.—;, r 6wni amed - Smithi VFho convenience and a benefit to t le fa,�- Avond arrner, VV.a flam ;on. 8 t 081been" a man ail the b cf abusing illi Grade B i .8 partial inoane. The wo- mers asBembled, as it aords them in all.—Sir Jobn A, acdoha f *, whfi opportunity of examining and in juiring: Thomas Mutton: 2d d rin �e 1: l-0 waitp I to See i heIr relations or int6the -meiits of the vaxiors ma- Wales,. James, Colic ulloun Best B t 3 illaw ould pani IL hilm for the,bru 1n t reat ent to Iii i wi chines and. learning the -improv 3ments Calf.—Duko of luss�ldllo, -John I --;e before the. thathavebeen made since the last, Hicks. this nusual,,mav f, giving hird. season. That t ` he *bpportlant, thus —Amoi ig the party who lef� Str&tftlr� Nt he eserved. r Elis'eries brough iated by f era is last week 1 par Gk&n�-- � Trunk 1� a w qfor upp 1, afforded is apprec I 8 ar' wbo plZaded fa amply manifested by the Growds that Manitoba And the North-wes i wai i' 2 [r. ti-,14�1,04_Esist, as they had punishe� continq&ll surroundi'the sereral.maii, John Hanulock Goll.d.1w avor-" iJ 0� e on 7, al Smit h' propaising never t( y 61i �Id J il y 4 Co nt!y, re. Chillies ain. the interest take n bhe exi- AM know "' througout this Z 60.1LIny mo planations of the agents.' hE pres- but more espechdlyi in BlauS 2ard an .0� ence, thedfore, of the impl�m mV,agents St War here h3 hadl rf sideil Birill.S. ys; w on sucla occasions is a pkaCti -,e 'which many years bef6re r3mQving:; to should be commended; but h T-1 ln flullot, ol 2701 n1t., the wife �o E C pres- ford to take the po tioh-bi It Spector of iT. �Gcc we Watt o a so -ence of the sharks which forni . tl ie lat- Weights and Measurles. Mr. 'Xoul I bad Ilb-in I I ituett, e. 2� I , , oli 6 ult., the wife or ter classes alluded to could be dis )eusel in tl e Norlilli JLdr.Joh!Reid of iiidilightir. pur(i6ased Bowe- land with on all such occasions with profit west,'alid w as going thither a -,corr pani. to the pub ic. TEe be 1 tter Nvi y o. dis- ed by two children and a p�ew,tola Marri&ge y 9p, 'hem and to force the foundation of a home,bef'pro rE coura t M. o seek the M9v_ 0,AMPBLI, -FRENCH—OLn the 13th inst., aii nceof the lirid('s father, by.Ae -some honest me&ns of obtaining a live- . in g the I res t'of the ff mily.- H61 tookwith V. Mar aye, Mr. ,h n ts Dampbell, to Mis; lihood is for the public to cease I afron- him three horses, a A sufficidiat ivap!e- V. 4us Va are J� French, I All oi McKillop. izing them, as every person - ho gives ments and other poperty to make NT.TL' -iCANTE [X t the Nile, on tb heed to thi seductive va'I ori ags is good carload. . It appeare that wilen 24th ult �y Rev. It. vey, Mr. S. Pent)and, sure to be victimized. &shfield'to Miss t: ntelon, Nile, daughte, near. Sauk Centre, lifinio'es 4a on: 'Sun- Of Mr. J Cantelon. day last, on the St. Paul E ncl Win ireg 8 P ILOKMAlS - -MCLE1 q ­i Lt t in residence of th lIr�de's I a bher, on t ie I ith Insi;.1 by Rev. M A railway, a wheel of tbi ca troke, East Huron Spring Show. oway, MGeorg )acl man, to Isabella, wr L ecking the trai and . c5Lusirg a hirdd ghterof 3a�uel McLean, Esq., �11 Thespringshow under thE auspices generalinashup. Mr: G)uldand, his f Stan] y. of the East Huron Agricultural + S)cietY, nephew were In the ill-flItEd. Car at t :Le C N Zll�� -McAS.. 6i the 7th inst., at th' was held 'at Wroxeter, on TI urE day of 6ine, caring for the 3tock. 14r. '.ould aidenc of the bri.0 �'s mher, by Rev. W. last week. The roads were bad, was instantly k allpy, r Roderlak' U4K mzie, to Miss Mat - illed , axid i is said hor- �ftret M , Lsh, third dau �htA x of 'Air. John Me - And the weather ratbe cold hJ all, no ribly mutilated. B is nep eNi� wasialso sh� all f n ey.1 dbuibt, accountea mainly for I the small injured. �utJnot so s6verely as to pre- GR A OBE. 81,0'.: 0 the 8th irst, i a attendance both (if Sectators aid ex- vent him returning home wi ahin i � few lie resi nee of tb4 b e's fai-ther, by Rev M, hibitors. There were eeven". hors a and R erC - har i, of Turnberry, t'; days.- the thr It ee hoAes'were 4so kill-ld i 31 41 �t RO ertdo u,vhter of Mr. Davi six bulls entered for competiltim. Some and the car� kmd of � t I 11tobertsdi i, of ta 1 Y. I i . Droperty , IeSti3OYE d. ' I of the bulls were very goodi, but Some The only lo VfESTON— -cLEOD—,At:�thE residence of tb of tbeln were inferior. Thg following as sustai ed by the' reif t , of ride a f4 ;her, Ilen$'al ;!on the. 30th ult., b A. �L. b the� party was b th -kilhug', is the prize list M r w1of stock. 1 ev.� Haalley, Nili Geo. Weston, to MiB , - John Crerar, who ts o the Relen m � rcod. . 4: . nu 1V DERSON—Ai CrAiton, on the 601 HORSES. mber, telegrapbei the Bad 8 to A AMS!� Inilported Draught -1101d. EnElland's inst., byi ey. J. W MT. E. Adams, 1) �tratford,-and'it w received n th it ito miss Ande rs( n, �a.ug nter of BIT. T. An Wonder Tbos. Dustow, Beln�)re Can- town with profound sorrow, andlAhe 4erspn, Stephen adiam Bred Drauht-1st 11Lc r N4,h de )es�t Sympathy h ir Mrs, Gould and erbi y," Wm. Hay, Turnberry ; )d Ron-' her family. Mr. G dwas a, man of D .eSt Sandy, McPherson & MCI xvish., unusual ability ana ree Of -,haracter M11CHA M—Aitlb;ra4idence onlot 29 Bluevale. General Purpose -1E t I" loung and much r I . ! , con - especte4 a I I who 'nE W, �eGslon Turlibeny, (n the Oth inst, M i. hn Ca, michael, a lei I 1 iO 3 ears. ry him,ald th lore is uu� Dn the 13th inst. BAY Co t," John Leggat, WE wa iosh 0 me real re ret fe It f Dr I SNEY-4 Tuokersal h, 2d.',French Tom," Davis &_ U -d 'Wen, 'him. He was a prq i ein2embor of r. Chesney Jr. au, 28 years. -In.MorriE, r f4e 28tb.ult., Mrs. McKillop; 3d. "Jack the Ro-var," Win. th Reform as a uen� aild 0 par y a4d. w I aild- Ce miage m speak�'r. iGAT n Aibb Hay, Turnberry. Roac "ablee". platf or air ld:mno'r, agE 4 ih d inst., Chat- -class—lst I I Sir Tatton Coachman " JAB. I 4L, . 37i ttel,w , o f Mr. E obt. Leggatt, aged 6:1 Rogers, Gorrie 2d lear Gri b Junior, cHay & Kidd ''Listowel; 3d:11B ishaw G7eneral News Ite, ns. I N-114 Stltffai, or the 27th ult., Annie, wit,, Abdilla," James;. McGowan. ' Bloods— Charles 19. Croaf we : 11, 'x'c vernor 6 : f 1.6 f Mr. ClarlesTuffin, Enj iged 61years. S ONT n Clinton, On the 12th inst", Mary 11'Bonesetter," Homer Leavens Gi ey. tbe'State of ichiga , was il t To: n 0 In" ;e i t of the ]at e E dw; tril Simpson, age ro n re L t I 0 erBULLS. this weffk.on his wedding t:)u.-. D-urbams oVe-r two yea:rs—LBt, ,Re-. —An informal o n 13,�%R-In BI th, Elias, -s:)IL of Mr. James Ban Pe Ling a f t 2e SeBsi n 4ged 10 onths. former," Saue Johnston., Ho ick; of the Royal College' of Ph si, -,ians a d N I) LTT—In ullett, on tl a 9t1 inst., Mary Reid 2d "Pioneer," Alex.. amilton, i rurn- Surgeons,Kiniston,forf61111E BtUdentS, wif e of % Georgel Lit a �ed 36 years. _111 allett, on th 11th inst, John Reid, berry Durbams under two years—lBt took place Tuesday i aornin I wt. ged 38 1 cars. "Royal Sandy, "'L Alex. Forsyth, Mirris; —The Synod of: the 1118byterian B i6 NERMA N --In Sta al 3 OIL the 27th ult., Mi. 2d "Duke of Athol," G. H. ffat, Ch . urch in Canada met i st. datll-- 13jinnerman, a native of Sutherlan I Morris; 3d I'Marquis of H 8 ngs " OtFe,, Be tland, age 1 80 ye a. I Arine this vVieek. R J-Olkn Mc4wen tTames Elliott, T��rmberry. 1 ires —Lawrence Lovell, Turube ofngersoll,.PL�eached at thE opening kry se�vice. Local ces. —Mr. G. W. Rose, 119. F. for West i I swa- ol 11. now to be hail HorseB—Ge,orge � Theoliald, Te'. Middlesex, and head of I he ,624�.—Pjenty Bono ter; J. W. Walker, Winghm ; 11 , of 37ohn a J. BROWN: Temperance in Ame ica, NY as gi V41 1 a Robertson, Harriston. elt- �i[DW.&RD CASH for Qrsss Seed and Seed Bulls—George Brown, Moles ! orth; reception in Ottawa )n Tues(lay A s lendid sampic of Barley ana Loi Ing by al the distrid -lodges. 1�: Geo. Hug4es, Winallam; Ro�t._ 13) c o t t, 'nitibn 'he . GoderiehlEtreet, ca -for —13ytliedeathof hisgrE RE Nlicr MA into. in fa NIPP WAM-Em.—Five or Six England, Mr. H.' Gi I Iden, bl Ewksx�;'itl i A 1prell Ices to DressnaUjg wanted. Apply t) #idaetown, has fallei hair to 620,000: ISO SCOTT. John S .6t (pposite Methodist I Jistopal -Ch irch. 644 erth Items. d1he eighth shiO of, Du ent4 d. e ; r:1 e , 4� n E) n r '10, 'u bl Merin f ei� By 11 C1, ch T )Id hip- f property woAh �N,061 A year. 114usic.— Miss W 1 la;te of Lorettd) Tones, of Locra, recently 'c a to receive pupi IlgL 4mr James - Lan b, ag d 80, 'lat :b y,, Toro o to, is pr�a aIr Ll .ped from England a bull w6i ,bi e 4 a. 'n instinmenta. .13(usic. Use O plan) Id 2,650 pounds. i Collectol r of Customsi at the port of; S if dcsin�d. Ws C Tell �� 3eorge Street, firs —A Listowel firm, Austini & Co., Catharines, died Mox 4ay- = or nil] g af 6 r Iri north of the Hurol td, Seaforth. 033-13 have purchased a site and afe i in Lking a short illness. He lvs,s for many yvea a arra-lucrements to erect a new a well known and bi$ Uly �re sp 3ctedbit.- of Rik—Miss Beard,'of � Mitchell,! i,z atiij �Mr.EzraGrifflkth,onooif he,V',l"O1L- tempting Some feat of e' 61k A: coltm - e jai sm, eers of the a xrlund I don'brit., !I Oil IN BAN C OF ERCEN qu ec was thrown from her horse a receiv- died on Sunday, had be4 In A;. Ma. ea Serious injury of the spine. 1 son for nearly sevientk years, i�nd � wf3a HEAD OFF1 13, U ORONTO, _T11dr. Win. Forest, auperin, n ent of j generally colul 1 erel the ablest! in the Newry Baptist Sabat)ll School was Canada. 0 Id tv Po IL Inpital $6,000,000, recently -presented by some of his --The steam fire ngine , n idgo- 1,400,0001. friends with a watch, in recognitip�ll of tov�n,- manufa,ltured: by the Silsby �es i dei �'t Hon Me.-Alaster. his services. Compay, of, Seneca Falls, -Logall farmers ae loud i raise oil Monday s�ize4- the CUS oms�� loff I- Z)BliFORTH BRANCH. of vhat is -termed Nevada w eat. cWs of St. for unde alualioll, Several of them have been expri. eut- and taken, togother .. ith two ose ieels 0 Si afol th Branch of, this Bank continues t) iiagwith this new cereal ad fi�d dt a and 800 fee�t, f rubber h PS to ivo depic Ots, on wb ich int crest is allowed o; i h m oat fav)rfLb) e tem, s firat class producer. Thomas, wh$rp it will be so�id, pal o a and cities on 1 the pridcil�ai n -�-Iu the prize list of the DubUn Ow On Satq`r'day night, diring�itbe Jltda, oil Oreat Brilaino an on the nite ties, boug: it and sold. published last -week -,ve ivad�ertk,utly snow storm,�Ahe adinitted to mention a very ine !bull 'while ell 1-00e from (1,ananoque, raeo o a )ffiee-Fiist, dow &I : itj, )f the CommerciE I the property of _Hr. A. Krou�kopp of -one of 'the fpall islands in the rive)i B. tRELAND, Manager. ng I -oc MCKillop was awarded, a speciall pd.ze. dashi agansti. the i ks- ith �uci o One of Me employes alt ae a orce as 4use file 'flance. of the ij I �IE M factofy in Listowel, named. Elavid steapipe tc burst, Apd. the escaping RE ETS. Hamilton, a few daYB a vB n cro ad the steam severety scald3d' Mr. Geo. ilffi� SE-AFORT11, April 15, 188O. - 'o misfortune to lose a finger- and.1 Bevalrely Kenzie, the 'urser, ai id D. Ca mpb611, a F I Wheat.. ........... I ....... iii 1 15 to 1 2 injure three otbes by coming in 'con- deck hand. S filig'Whes ',Fife, per bu 1 2' a] I 15 to MIT Wh'09:;,RedChaf i,perbitsh. 1 12 to taot with asaw. -A young!ladnaged Emil Qti�rrr I S. ' I I '4 0 perbuslel ........ . 0 34 to 03, -On Monday of last week, sol'i of bbab, of Be,,Iin-, w ile o t sho�.tila 1 .......... I.: ....... 0 leeve of , la c 3 1 ' 60 to 0 65 Mr. lacub Brunner, P Doivie, kbirds 04 n ayas,ne with i B I f er bullel ......... ! ........ 0 40 to o 5( met witbL a, bad accident. .1�ild en- serious accident. While pas 11 g th B 2 r No 1, Poose .............. 0 16 to 0 JE poug 1 ga 1 th EY, 91. 0 10 to 0 I] bush his gedchoppino the axe ia ced: and 1. the :gun went 0 and a F c r:p 0 lbs ........ ... ... 3 15 to 3 11 imbedded itself in his left foot passing Charge lodged in the bo 'a I ,ig t Sidi i, 113 ... I y 9 7 00 to 8 o( that terribly la iLtiag the Tb a las, pqr 11:�" o 07 to o oi Clean through it. It is, thou,E ,ht' �1 ............. I . he will lose his foot. shot was ext -acted b3 �. the IdGtor i an. 9 : O�p skins e ich ................. 0 50 to 1.21 -Monda.y morning.shortly efore 8 8 t)lretatl)l pr barrel, 0 7 the bi is ex. )ected to recow r. 8 I V wholesele)p6r barrel.... 0 6 o'clock, Jamb� Conno-L , a abv�er, !aged -thLe'resilexice of Michiel Conuof es, paf� bushel ........ 0 30 to 0 819 I 1 19! tal eArs,'i while crossing the railway in Luc n 3 ilps, per b shel ........... .... 0 60 to 0 61. th, father the OY Johnnie bil. I ........... MPI 0 0 ge on the Loudon branch, a� -St. r I - ....... 2 75 to 8 0 'erty Coa i d �stroyea by ......... ......... 0 05 to nor, was Co* oml w6ring fire -with 4 co 0 c( i's -I TuoSday 0 5 60 t 6 21 Max iint f the sh, cont 3 o E,,,,V' P uar YS, on ac ., , in q �ere, per V0 lbs.... t of sn4w-, sliped and fell a distance of night. Mr. ii anc . 3 00 I X­rs 131nor ClcvLr.Seed, per bush(l._. 3 N 81 feet into -t- 01� he water. His bo y was a sent in L61ndon al the t e, but the - ! : I 1-15,1880. CLINT( x, Apri recovered shortly afterwards life being othe merabbrs. of t le fa i y were in extinet. He leaves a wife and family. the ri a 41leatj er linshel....... T1 15 (Coco 1 2 house �t ; the time a , d bare si bg Whes. �, perbushel_... 1 20 @ 1 21 -The followia ae some of the, escaped witlil their live tr 84 @4 0 3 he 1) pfirbuB lel ........... Purchawls inade byl flix.'Jaines, Kyle Of supposed to'b he 0 B yiper bushel ....... i;. ...... 0 45.@ 0 5 B per baE hei ... ...... 0 62 Q 0 6 Stratford, who�is Vilying horseEl for the cendiary. .......... 0 16 @ 0 Avaer:can mArket : Mr. Alex. �fitchell, _7The M anager of th OrE y E! r, . a Tor�nto, OP; ... ..... ... 41 ........ 0"O.04 0 Wallace, 801.4 one for $90 ; Aloxii Ken- and Bruce lRailway', ai�l issued ! tif 1510 - .: ............ ...... 010.10 01 nedy, one at $72.50; follo*in . g n6tic to 'e �igg t aypp�r ton .... I ...... 7 00 8 James McLaugh ploy�ees: I 2 75 3 1 CIC vier. Seed ......... .. ........ lin, Howick, one- at 71 Jame� Miller, becomes nefes ry iinder the cii duh - bnottly Be 3d ... HE UROWEXPOSITOR n Li mn —sprin wheat �TTT IT rT L.L JL JLI I JLX UT T -T REAL BOTATE FOR SALE- " Po L, April 4 pri y 108 d red winter, �e 3d; white, 109 IT TT TT'; TT IT TT TT .."'T TT 8 8d; 1 , 11s Od; 4tsy 6a 6d;', barley, !TT IT "I FOR SALE.--i-Vor Saie -a ant zia-se iianing e 5s 3d; ea 3, 7s'ld ; pir 62s,6d; beef, Will nearly" new and in good runn �TT ing ord' 17T situated I the - Bou In e 75s 0 I'; cheese, 72a Oi C Irishing Town of sea; �TT IT r I Will be sold ches Termw easy. 19nquire of IT rT I SECORD, COSSENS &,Co., Gra i b 0 �t erie , n I 'April 14.14-1�all-wheat, 81.20 1 TIT TTTr TTTT R&RE CII&NCR,Twenty-five acres of land TORO:: TO, to ng, $1.2.. :tc 61.24-1 oats, 40c A y wiih ht -"e Ind biLru for iiie in EgmonavM& to 41 peas 68c to VP6; barley,l 58c to' This propel ty is'well situutie,!i for either Ui:= or on, 0C 8 garden purposes,! litle ind�sputab Apply to hay Per t 00 to $14 00 41 R 0 R R T D R E 3.1 IT. blntt a r, 20d, to 2 Be iatoes per bag, E Lot $0.50 to 30 55. Clovqj r Seed per 'bushel, RARE CIfAXid-E�Fhotogralph no GRP'CERY 6TORE NE F ST OFF�10E.111 oms to f $3.56 to $3.75;,dressj�,-d ho a, t 'O, on bi-st floot inscotiiz Bri4:'k Block position cr-mral.' Also, three or tnr: Rooms 6.50 to o $7.00! the flatsbove, suitable tor 4 -dweiapg. iosseip. t Sion Ifit Jan'Xisly A-pply to F ,, RIOLIM 8 iv Stock' garkets. S TED, barrii- I t Ts oil the premi8es, or to 11OBTi. M SCOTT, 6MBEAL, April J1k`.-4-The� following -0 cents Oau't' 140 nd 'a be 'B ;at. Thei est--,- Ou�' Tea at.: as el e reported Walter .& Pas- STW& A --,-D OWEL�&G-i4tAched—To Let the t Coe, awa, 30 head t 5c. per lb., live in VIN& of Centralia. Tht_-:ri6 is a good 6�cent Tea in tho;Dqminicon. rden aud baitt, on th 9-W e premises. Avis will &Lo Weilt, and 11 bead' $40 oadh.. W. sell shop fwnit4fe amd paxt of stock ie Lai Druf 1ph, one, f steer weighing required. T&jis; "�cxcellont openlig all 0 Y 1,20-1 Its. a t 510'. 3 �e'Bad at 4-Je., 20 no desiroin s of conducting a safe buines Further particulars pply to SMIT11 & I hea foii '60 CENT EILACK, WESm 0, or 3je. 5 ei lb., an& 2 head 1,60 GENt JAPAN� I ge.forth. -6" for i85. I ugh KeI13, 1.0 head; at 4c. C., t and.4 )erlb. Jose h Stone, Whitby, 60 CENT 9REEN VALUABLE VARM'FOR. -SALE.—For Sale 69 CENT MIXED.i 1811 ad at 64 each, r 5c. per lb., and theast halt of Lot'_'�o. 4, Cn. 4� _X R. 13., 1 2 he d at 3 j -e. per lb I t1ohn Ro'binson, TuLckersmitti, County of Huron, consietibg of - M ii�eres, 3J miles from the Town zof SeafoAb, and t To to, 4 'ead for Mo and � head Convenient :to chool. The Isald is of -the vary� for $,,21C. 'AT. i1iinne 4 head at $75 best quality;' For further pr.Tt�ctlraxa ap III eacU 8 heal at b, 4 headlat $52 00 CE NIS. 0 0 ]91 ]B71 JE ]E 40 NTS JrAMES P_1iCgA"'O 3 each, and 2 bulls for 1 5. Geo� Web- her, 1'eterborough, 20 05 CE NIS. P ROPERTY M FIGM-Owb'VILLE 001t SALE. ad at �Jc. to 1 45 0,E NT& For sale the bDusc.aa lot in Egmandille tt 'C 3 4c. per 1b. Thos. I ee a, Weston, 20 13E9T VALU 114 OFFEM hea4 at $42 each, or f per lb. W. lot onains half au �V_i and t 1 ']Elar�inotou, Guelph, 18'. lead, avoraging a n of the bestl buildlIag sites in Eoondville; T here is a good and all other nemsssrTcon- L iiiii POIDands each, at �4 �C, per ound, ve nienves, and will bewld cheap.' ForaAlculw.ft I thr tv" X 621 and ee head ! at 4 per ound. 9&' These Goods are All of the Best Quaii 'and recq;mmendea for Flavor aP Ply to XAS- H- �Ov- SON', Seaforth- r Robort�a & Wilder, t e 3 110mville, 40., head �'6nd S;reugth. AND TOWN FROPERTY FOR -SALE* at 5 _C, 13 ]lead at 3f 40, and eight FAR"' h!ea E�.EAP.-Lo* No, 2124 ;Cou 9 Xo=op, 106- at 41c to 515c 'Per O'o 11d. live:�eight. acres; north h&lf Lot 30',:Coja"i,' M-rno D. D. R08K SEAFORTIL acres; northhaltof north hAlf Lot Th I I o . Rkteh, Toronto head for $475 twohe Or, head. At $47 j MeMop 25 ilerras; esidence occuflit-A -by Xr. for $95 ; fo i 1 M_81;;�Ilon on Goninlock Surve�v, . &sfdrth; I i head at t48 e h, aout 4-ge, building lots on Jsrvia' hnd P. G. Spa-rling's Sur- P�r pou id. ; 15 head to 41-c per vey-is. Apply to GRAY, YOU TIS BETTER 'GOLD & i pourldIveiveight. W ;T iillefer, 25 head at 40c t) 4), Pon Jas. Eakens, TO GE1 'O -usE AND LOT FOR SALE, IN SPAF ORTH 1) ;R I i HO Port Hc pe,!. 31 head, at to �35 each. J7. JAmes street, gInWhich in a, good &me. house, wit And Behpolt 'T-9: 0 -a E; ID is im, n o :F T_J �5r woodshed -attael:Led; the honse.conta, goo 13 head at 0. A buh weigh- JerectedFor sale' tot 80' Ing 1,980",pounds broi b 4c per pound i rooms.; the lot vmprises olle-lifth anaCIDS, li�,ew,'ei lit. Calves w AND - YOU� with good fruit tiLaes, albo good e small at $1.50 Im eal chan.,ce.fox any partyin Wil -1141 h. Sheep br)a t from $5.50 house, and will 'be sold �cheav- Applto Ei J. to $10, I ind am BLA KSMITHINGNEATLYNDW STANTIALL��GNE,l I bs $4.i $6. " sinall HAZLEWOOD, Seatorth. lot cf h,,e I logs reali e e 45 per ewt. RTY FOR ALE. -For Lot 46, 8 cattle The rar ge of price T 0 1—I IT ID 0 IS- i pRO-PE �of prime, Con 1-6, Grgy"; West half i -of was fro: na ic to 5� q per pound for with cheese factory complete; L�at 4, con. .11 In his new and enlarged premises, oppo ite the Q Hotel, G hStiree Second qu lity fron i 3c to Sic per cleric ti and south half of Lots 16 P is Prepa'red to do this.1 He also desires I o Y. Aotrn ais O stomer's. S rpinoval:,� ship of Morris - Lot 22- Con. And Con. and tic thank tb lip duivic)', *11gooddiimpr ed far -MR emfor�past patronage. With einlaiged premises and i proved B, to"" I together -With several LO -acre firmms qi-ty atd fac epare�d to give better satisf �� 0 sna-� ilit'es he is pr iodon Morris, and houmes Aad s -and lots in T III -the village of Brussels. Pirilaeg low,. rrossy, and title good. Apply to 3"OHN IE4 B 2_as. n i Tepai,. -ing dom, iily� I �Torsi Bhoeing, Ge �eral BlackmiAim. me? f Bela. �,d e4so ma e, Tei all on the. Most R' Ut F ARM For" S,&'E--Fo'r sal's or -to *nt, xiorw haf of Lot 9; Con. 14, Momup�l foontailling ORO LOTIONt HOUSE' 01emember the Place., Grassie's :S And, oppc site the pewd, Hatel, 100 acres, 65 acres 1raved, and the 1emaindier Godeilch Street. bass wood; goind-bar-A and 'FtsblO,�and good ore DOR-�EYI S 14orth. house; plenty thf v -%ter, youug� Jiawa goott —0 F�­ fencing, &a.; conliveniet; totburchesid schools, And 3 miles fr(, mi: gravel road;posse4iouiyen Immediately. Fbr fuAber paitieu%, ,-r�l -fir to MRS. W. L, STAFFORD, Sestort, MS W �'LLAM 6,MPBELL'! W L L RAP E R.' A� LL PX t R FOR S_kLE-0RTO RENT-4-ror Bab 1FARM ii or to Reut, -Lot 3, Conoession 7, 7�Townalliip of- Morris, containing 80 acres -of Ifid, 67 .4 which are clearea, well 11,enced and in a-'go0astate LIE PAF_§_:ii_tf dY SPRING; STOCK OF &c.Y of cultivation; a igood frame I hoN 6 a Magniflio (no' Stock of �-Iso frame bum, stables sind shods; good orclistd; on gravel. Toad; 8 miles from Blytb end 2 �ffies from ISNOW COMPLETE, COM MIRG partietila-r; addreas either -of the Winghama. For, follow -mg excut4rs, T11OMA8 1, A 13lyth, TAMES _kNDERS�OX, Belgrave. Applidatl 13 may LANKS, also be bi ado to C. HAM, Splr'ing awd Sw z' zer Goods SROWN 13,0 :DE RS, p n ILTOX, Blytb� 6W B NKS PUFF W1 DOW SH DiES, :9 ed offe" ARM FOR BALE,�-Tbe unders�n F the loi lands for sale on easy, terms ;of R 0 ND I DOWPA E 1 jyeut -sit the allowing prices _ In ',the toy M.- p of Grey, -toi S1, ,iCon� 11, $4900 - L ot .30 AT I N S A�'N D BRONZES 6it.ED CL I DS, OT� 1 14 1 Con. 12, A-1,800; ot 8.5., Con. IS, Sliw; Lotm, 14, $1,100;,Lot 4, Con i West halt Lot 29� Con. 91 and Southalf Lot,�D, Gold Bordered Cloth Blinds, F*tures, Cord, Ta eels, &c Con. 12,- McKffl�p; al;So the Box-borvi Flounug �Scotch md Canadian 14itingsl Mills, steam, and water polver,,wth a 'lIxickIresi- French and En-bghWftsteds dence andAs sexles of lkitud �1111 for ��21060- Apply 11 41ected trith Run8ied Satrples-Io VpOose; iv�eat care. ive. 12 to A. STRONG, Tsn 4-gent,,Sealorth. 6 44 PR�.CFS LOW. C-1 W! PAPST, SEAFORTH.. FARM FOR s eavy Stack ble Line iLakp, Shore Road) Stanley;� 80.aeres A,nd a R WItite Ai I I i 60 sci--cs cleni-ed ind iu,g6od cultivat-ioU; 20 -1 [a M am I Generat, 17"llishigs. gooabush; 9aciesfull;vItest; Itacipl ed ; tbree-quartersof smilefrom Dry�dalel?.-O. und store; fi rsti­�.Iass lgnd,; convenienti to EchoiA CHANGE OF. 3USINESS.. �80 story tnd a and churell; bxi4house, 20i 1111% 'well -finished, with good, ellar ; bank baxn, 40x58; fine etreata of ninning water close to barial a T .3� spIrmd1d orchard lof bearh)g trees. "Perins -will be T1 ese are I reL;h from I be, Markets,'and my made to -suit purqhmers, 11 time is reqjfmd ,- but SEAFORT for ca-6b:a good c ustomers may rely on geting an -honest article H, Ont., April 3� �d, 1880. will be given. AT131yr on Sohn Noppe, we will c6ritinue the I r ELSON OUSS A Drysdale ata I no deiate I �rice. H4,ving 1 based tke Seaforth Foundr, from , arm o to A X E V keeip on bi �o at ih*s old stand, Mail r S�- ireet, S eaforth. a full assorti:nent of I?- 0- lows,;.' ang lows, SOufters, Land Rollers Etild all other lImplemane sdin Or line. PRIVATE sisting of 110 AcTLes Dt Is-nd, on whieUtere is a WK 6 A I UPBELL. Crestings, 941 School, Church, G11 -den and 1�awn Cb A sp�..)cialty. good ga-avel house and )dtchen; thei house in 'd neatly done and E ati ifactioy t guar�nteedii, ve us A, trial, art I g pro' nptly INN30, with 6 moms, Land stone 20im; -a good orchard containivig apple, Peal-, plum. nua NOPPRR. ROPPER BRC THER chem- trees, b�aring about 2 ye&Ts ; there are -aso verytice stade tlahouse; the Jb_HN NOPPY R pwill givie inatructions i MJFSIC.�Mrs. MeMulk! ininstrumentalmusia Oafewpuplls. use SEIAFORrH, Ont" 3r(T, 1880. soil is clay Iosm, this property is situaitea about of tic ired. Residence 1� sposed of my business, Im ust Cali a i all those ind bted. to me, 100 rodsL south of the 'Village Of VLarlij, Land win ii%no given or prac; e 1 4 es Having Z p be Fold cht,ap, am the. ". derbigned has been in. ekst Of Vietorig Square, SeafOith. 614 J �itber 1by not( or booli account, to call aid E ettle f le S"e before the V irst: of poor health for tvo yebXp,., una intn4s tr�fng -a fay, after - ihat daW I will place even thipg in the hands of the -Clerk, of the change.of diffiste g better olle'tion. OHN JqO P FOR E 013 TO LET. Court for e a. benilth. For further PRE TPIRENT- atcomfort �1ie brie'r st re, with Q 18, 11ull(tt, �tontainin 75 acres of exzellent -ooms ab e, oni Mai �treet, Sea -forth, at T, :3) T E PUBIL upie � by AF-ORTH present oce W.N. vatsoik. Possession T SE clasy loam Iftnit! about 66 acres of Wich are give on iho Ist of Feb ary- Apply to Me- leared and in a kood stAl of cultiyA $ion, the IE trurs 0 remain er I 631 &u HE! OLMESTE' I lels,33 d gp4dd bardwood I SUANCEAND, JANO.AGENCY. i T the pul lie ge erall MAt they a e Yn a premis(s ate onse, si UPI:wIth -on re ;taonsble d HOTEI S Poe tion to ccept i enga$rements frame kitchen, rgoo well an .. u rr 0 TRO N G terms. Uni erthip.bleled hip of ?r6f. A. d spring C )run 12 thron the i�a,e L Q NZ 90 EITISH EKCHANGE,. HOTEL, Ooderich, Kay, a v ill kni win mus brity., th" ae Th9ls tarm isit ted I He fro n k )at. IVVM. COX, Proplfle'or. Thisisoneof iowledg4 A by L11 un birsed I ersons b be the an a JL01 m1lC.8 Ir M Salortb, anaiab h the s fin Ile and Best Con- S AG$N� for 3everal First -Clams esi i b"d in the c4 unty. Satisf I tiP4 gu rariteed from Brumels -oil a good gravel road.! Fu:rther thfI i �uietest, V o8b Com Stock, Fire and 4ife nsurance XOMe IStions. pal'tieUIRTF Can bib olitailLIC(I O.0 AppliclHitima tbe Jm the Provi The Rooms are .. Did a Model banc are our r comme dqeted HotelsJ Companies, and is prepar- i. commodious ind the a and Bar libeyally e I to take risks on the =04 fayorable ternle. d1drew., WILI. S. ARMS RO pr oprietnr (in tb(i premiij%es or to H-arlock F. 0. abling i nnection, e 629 gentfox'sev ral of the best Ont. THOXAS GILPLN,. Proprietor. 4 se, sup I ied. Good st 636-52 Also Loan So- — 6 eties. Alpo AgeDt for the Sale ard Farehftee of Farm ARM. IN McH�LLOP FOR SATZ.-'For 81ac, ft�d Villqge Property. EMU F LOE3T OR UND.- the14orth pirt of Lots 8 and 9. COO is, Mo- Rillop, containino 112 sores; there �srv*)jftt so ID -Fc, nd on the i 1 pan Road', mear the cilear(d, -well fenced, unAerdrained, and in 'n, i6n, the baIgnee is timb Xuber of First- Class DIRE S MA I N G state bf cultivat veil' id I Mr. W�M- pmat, about the mid. with hardwood; igood. W Wm�g, new bank frami' ff e i�,f Marcb,'a Lad lea' 82 v I and Cloa;d, also a 1hiproved Farn4for ale. eath, 4nd other G� llt-man's Cap and MiJ161. The owner can begs to intins barn 5Ox57, with i8tabling undern 98 BE EGGS Val to tilp laactles bay the same an p4oving operty anil paying outbuildings, also a good young �oreUard Awa i of Bruc efield i Lind Surround ing Couritry that 1, 0au Itt Seven peir cent. plenty of water. Is IAO nifies from Bruss�l& �Hrerm C. a ges on app] Icatior SPROAT.. 6084 1050,0 00 to ille w repaqd 0 aftend to Dreap'makig nWalton, and 12 ftom. Sonfortb, witil :11 t-3 bzanches. icutting and Fittig a roads to each p�sft; convenient to C urch and WANT d mle of Oceain Fteamship Tickets. schools; wall be told as a whole or in t o Agent f r the L MISS BRIGGS, Btu6efleld. I . I or wM. be exchanged for,a, sivall farm li�-UATION: WANTED As Bo4 Keeper ; - W-altoD P. 0. or to the propnetor on the oreudses. OFFIh - O'er M. 114rrison's Store"Main I (double e ry) or ExItzi qer. Fiist4lass ref -598 I S A45 IM1,ORTANIt Nor. 1ICES41 WMLIV DYN?,S.. er Ices. LE 645xl Exposm lk Office. orth PAR31 VOR,,9ALX.�­Bdng Lot 30. Cm. IMMEDIAT �Y_A Good Servant IMPORT101) 14ORMAN MOVA]r�---Ml :8 SCOTT, Be has re- 11, Toiaship of Grey,icoutilining wres, rHE moved her )repanlakimg 3u ines"R'to her GOOD -I al Housei P Drk. AppI14 to Rev. i:cd; clsm- g neftTly-41 tree of I to do gen RENCH ST' LLION fat rl reddene , JobIn Strict, oppilsit"ie the, about 75 cle N S. LOCREAD at e Mam.,ILondes- stumps; soil clay lom 10 acres of UP y)lext J 0 1 I I ik 11 p. Boo] &I 3 [etbo ist Church,wh she opes to bo agh, Ont. 645x2 , j and bAUnce of clearing fteo-d'opat - in nen 15 an le are soii"m, i0m bar Mgftpy fri d stomers O's "ll 1 . I on the lot there iS a goo(Inew fralne, hO"_e 20x8Q, __4 who imq icquire ILMytW g Ag i -tb[a Dt iss and 1,J storeys high,;& good Jog barn 304*, trAlne �flx tle I ne. 625 ,HE P tyo SPECIFIC AN ICLESli Top�r 0 we & Horton, will stand pt is fort4e improvement stock this season as A1N­iNG__Wl1. R. FRE late f Scot�.. orchard and 3 gof)d we ONDEBFV CURE -1 s is to certify that fo lows: 01 jubab �tnts at ustea,on iew-lir I r lo h the, WFP at d, b gs to in, a, e to t4Z I was pertcotly cured c hronierheumatism. ON- D A ril 19tb will i leave his own stable, ci aforth ard Ewr dl g con try that he has miles from Cranbrook d 2J fronlHen p inf, Itbin a quarter Of a mile, of Mur years' standing by it I �,ve left Lot 2 :ilIO and proceed to Her- on meneed, busimess as WaVAtation.; icbmli fle ee iL Con. 13, MCE era I�Ouseu ainte in t ie hands of 'Hickson e 0 eU_ or fur. , R man'Is Hotel,'Winthrop for noon.; -thence,to- ?a1er Hangor, Sigm W iter, i All Ork ell� and churc as th I particulan apply to I A S OODS, Seaid h, at the Com;;�rcisl Hotel, for the itufted to him finished i fir cig a gtyie� fromlrming, the lot vA. -be s6ld on easy tems. Be I )rth. 6M e, ant ime, at D. D. Rost's rO tnight.* ry, Sea.,- Fdr furt er PRAlcul if by Ietter to Huroii Road R. FE EW. 632 HODGES, on the prertifil", Or i UESD. 1 -Y -Will proceed along the IVM�� CALL AT J., S. E S' DRUG STORE, 6,22 p Crainbrool th, fpr thBOB I to the Alma Hotel. for noon; thence to Rin- 081,04lee. Seafor Grea 3'erra Xcv;& Smok- burn, it Brownlee's Hotel, for the night. TIC -E -The Etodgc�vflle Iieeso X&nufac, i e for Catarrh, and -under- Compor-33 a i a positiv-3 .11 1EDN t agree 0 im in : logs t :Ei, SDAY-Will proeeed north to the; Watt VALIJADLE PARK V�olt SILF 1118:19elinally effieWeicius in all .3 one a 0 ions. Settlement, at John Torrance's, for noon Fee 0 W myl as followls . W eyJand attend- signed offers for sall a valUAII10 1-ftitm in the mal Pkthgic and all worst* cages of Ast'd thence to Blyth, at Hawkshaw's Hotel, for the ane ,501cers pez month. Th yZin r(ceive, 50 towabip, of Grdy, outkt-Y (J HWVD,;cOtw'n- a�T�r, ees of tbGLLuugs night, -D - 2a yiel f I eadil to this treat- 0 from tle list to the 101th If 50 from ing 175 acres of faud, 150 of which ara clear,4 ma t - M. L.1 SMITH, Atkona, Ont, General stumps, and in an excel- �on I HU it -,DAY -Will proceF-d north to Be] ve, at ei20th to the la it of May ; 610 from t P_ bt to almost entirely 1"e of 0 1 1in 'VAt1O_ # ti�hO "ManaPt' Is Urn- A Ili. F r le by all ruggists. Price, 75 griL e 10th 61 unel Parties wi t Bell'si Hotel, for noon; thence to Brnfjeeifl, ZtL g to, Send in lent StRV, Of C11.111 U'l can a a box. 601.52 hard od- There 4�re Park:%Votel,fortke nigbt,remaining until Og3 wi 1yees lie anderigred. on be ore cried with Wo the 1st of M ty, stating how mm Ly they i rill send noon on Frida. iscsag ood fram� houseo two fra e b .-,s and MON 111 IDAY-Will proceed to Walton, at Biern's and at wh Lt time. JAMES 1,1NIG, frame Ntable, a never -failing p 9,1 . -s:twQ lffotel,� for the night- Rd gerville I 0. ilso, a 1%LT the -ty Of B71) let sr, plam IONEY TO choicest Va ood SATUR�)AY-7WM proceed to his own stable, 3TT 0 CREDITOV + ee here nU Z5 a so'gra in U11 ruis Only E U per cent. inter- w b ere he will remain until the 161lowing Mon- 3 9F THE LATE' cherry trree& haiff be= ieft do charges mod- day morning.' R IT ID, PaTapbla �-ly ,�'privet OF ST &I iLItY.- Notice is',, whmt, 90 acres i�, "st MuOst Of whic erata. JOHN' FORTEB 631 Fo r teims and certificatp of pedigree see roube Illereby Jven,pu nant to thei Pevised Statutes seetledwitbiwtholn9ttUree Years, at about -SO of, Chap 107 Sootioi i 84, thA I have ! acres fall plovrad;i The &ntes 16ve good, a co=dd- illery substfiiniii%117.buil� )�ONEY T6 LOAN -In large or small Sams 615 ,n ator 01 the 1personal-, erablerpart oonsl�sting Of v McEWEN & VORTON, Propijetom. bei a &I poi ted 4 Ldml tr fences.- Vie f4=4 �10_ Es ate sn4d Effea s of the Iatf *bew Reid, of board -and straight on first-class security, at 8 percept. yearly ,hmt tna ther ilotprest. Privatefumils, or on theinptall!nent 01 � Towne p of 3t 7, in t] ie stoun" - of T:fu- though excit2entlor Apply to Wi; HILL, 3e %forth... 628_ MARRIAGE LICENSES :ro I, Y(oman and T sh and iall peculiarly ftdapt�d for stock ALad -secess to ;,,w*ter So Isped Y =wd If r ,clover, ps rtieE ha -i Ing cl Lim S 90ainst, ng eatatle are re- 'all tbe UWZ In the C E R IP I ICATES, se n o ne omL Or e or irst day I conveicAt. Th�hir= is One Of -On Impro-red Firm Prop- 0 "': I uatcai on the .[ONEY TO LOAN Of in] , A. D. I&O, iheirna.. 11 find p)Eb offte township, andAs beaUtffallY A! -1 � erty,at8percont.indjest. Interest payi� )=Brussels, 4n. 21100r - (Under the new Act,) issued at the %direal,witilf putictdarB ofstk-eh clabns, and. miles IT, ab half -yearly or Yearly, q q desired, with a por� tba Wellingtonj,. 14"Y sud if - hey, 10 Any ocun y sell ti of the - priticipea" if soi 0 ref erred. Expenses i I I pardculiLro thereof, nd if Itetes Bruce wayli, one-balf IL Apply to. T RYAN, iSeniforth, EX produce le t for H; 4DMAg, POSITOR OFFI�E, SEAFORTH. h Ban ie fi ir my cc ion ul oA reqa est.. lm4 t ,selki 625 Pee d furtherpeade pply OE t yni 8 r e 0 ru �y next, X sQ11b%g- For P ONEY.�The unaersig nd 'Y Ind dild On t ha arge gum of to pmiy 23, the personal teRoberl BELL'S MILL9 es ljieklsii�� 11 money for immedisk i avestment, on first IKIPPEN. ies W they, is ba arnor g 4hose entitled- PostulASter, I t q# on and a half 110 I I AdortlL 11T InO gages an farm propert y. Sev U ug regard 0 y to1i itoge Goderich; or --The roprie0r, EVE!RAL tons of chopltitj U-.4. foi gale at $1 ire i-tLezi I mye en notified :IKSOINT, pe r i cent. interest yearly;. I vincilpsa as may be �Dated- the 2%1* 1 DIC selling In. J. H. BESON, Bolicitur, Sea- perillumdrea' pounds. i i - of garl�k, I J-01IN BEI�, Jr�, Goebi I -though dasirous, Of ag �Led upo Criml. -L , . . i lilpose Of Arm to] 633 A. BT.A 644-12, i TOUld (L r Y, -a a nor Le ron 1 e It 7-,94 iL the defendat. Iant's claim to the .,ace, plaintiff alleged as not part of � block -Intended did not. -ex:- �i edge ; (2y that �qutired a title ty pro- k of the race from ,terrupted use there - k was entitled to the e, of the race as au, m his purollase from. annxed to his mill oof evidence both Sides, 7 no less than four lginal,plans on file in and opinions by diverse upon the, ,Ler block F had for. Mry the liver Mait- 1) !hat, the' race was. (2) was held to e - edge, as 'contended hat (9) that as plain- ptirchase the' Mill .)illt Of time to the ant's Wantur al. the; 'in the coiliveyamee died reservation in luill site And of the of the race, and [nd Plaintiff was en - ah costs. In Adopt- lavi'upon the ques- His L ord- low a, previous de- 4UL Court �of C-haa- -ilson, which it. was-, (dant's coun,sel was, - renlarked that if coutended,,it of Appeal,not for iiich dbe the lamero'U.—Common, for defendiamt. The- resiae in Dae ,know., le value of goods 7nder a chattelmort- itliff, Plain -tiff cola- ne Of execution of minor incapable of �rtgagga. Defendan-t e; time, of plainti 1e, Plaintiff, had, re- to defendant a -a of f this the Court held Fer of suiell irlstru- ad- decree -a for de- A-leld SbLow. hold at Brucefield aderthe auspices of society 7 eminently sue- Predecesors. The ml and the attend- allParts of the )r less largely repre- w Most gratifying 'DIU with the show— ar of thoroughbred and the interest th� spectators, in Show was decided- ever held in the Earon has not ocen- respect to horned -but the, interest earnest. endeavors IX Princip al f armera Ing hreeds. by ira- �)est herds in the for the fu�ure', and tit that ij- & vpry illbe-as famed., for tle a-5 it- 'low is for er shows it was a, See a aythi of a Ze bulls when t Tlie % bole interest med to be"centered ruesdmy.,14st there Oticea na time that judged, _tl�e 'Drowd ilently as ig-ruch in - e during he time 19 shown,7 and the, animals w, ere aa, !�e show, Also, both and th�e Character well Calculated to 'lle show of horses ts better than in �rttbe,: re oGts not SP heay draughts 'Youtng horses and ad general purpose L11-1 was limited and im&ls shoa only WAS a very good �ics, and the.com- i was pretty k.een- Liter heavy hLorses by the fact, that they al�e being ported or like to in do not wisdom oil theKlave".a efass bred heavy t. that the &ni_ own breeding ethose RespectinU the, ltg N.ve, �tte,r horaeq�. (ng it' Gatgrio, at.; all 90odt with-, farmers caul We suppose that; V, Conidered ab- to our as near per- Vivy ae, ,V'r owners. and to �-()t fail in �ed than it 1�i now horseaesh. U, cum, petitorg. t", the ater 2d Calved after 7 andchief", Wellin 6n 3d rlinty "Shir6, Cham.- "Yount -'Lord qtailio'n4 foal- J- 1880. L: 'APRIL 16,Carth �u# at *,Joe the Baul ri."� Agbd. general pur. qJ6 ept o I Val tf�r, 3 ap a tk, advise a I etaployees thaff pose stall-fons-2 entries � lat ,T is. Pel- one at,.$ 6 ' Goo. C li 1. � -1, 14'e, i0owel, one a 1P ent of the fadure of the Compa ini 2d P.� one §71 8 . u Aid fron t, $80 - e lison's I 'Prids of the Dbmini - n, VV. G. Ha the municipalitie I Ford's ,Young Netherby." 3eneral Hay, 67 ne a t 0,70 an W3 at," 8 to the, ,h e of gauge Of Q I P, n 0100. : . . .1. purpose stAllions foaled in 1E 77 —2 on V, I ieir ser vri, "I 4� will have to L -,iries—lat Pollock & 'mstroug'& Th la t cattle fair at. Lial ow al 'I with a- the: first isiNInnenext PV LS4 P 140 ,iiYoung Wellington," 2d o �, 111'erdo's', below t I verage-L St, io� th4 i a 0 t4 Peet qi irefs 'no p. "OS of the in-huci 0 h i ,Y nug England's Glory.1' eneral, maIg a 11 were sm: I11 Ie 1 1 0 I A 914' 0178� 4. 8 the road MLL purpose foaled in 1878-1 eat. W. S. few of est changed bands at �fho from theilditementioned., MundglPs "Huron Plowman.' ., Car. $20 to $2 . There w(re b N ers :4 om is i a iii consequence of a resolutio —4 t rigge stallions entries—'. at Henry* Woods , k Hamiltohi, St atfo rd, P( O lei BE A by the bood.1 holders a Revell's "Clifton Gold Dust," 2d Robt. andise eta eding, C P, Brock's ,!W11ippoorilI,1' 3d Job a Bea- 0 S1 = e ciMn ni�' ftE b)(11, .—The"- poultr iir&18119�1, ibdustry caused i at y com's "Occidental." ghbor o6d by- he llice Edward 131ILD4 is beiiiiiing JUDGES. appemanof of at in cli drea d- ttrilidt hitention as an importgr Bulls.—J'ohn Petty, HensBMI; Johii� disease, all -pox, in the fain ly of bi-ap oil of its trade. Its exports of egc Hugili, Tackersunith, . and homas Jam es F m ster, wb o ives o the to last iyear, 3xelusiye of those sent to, tb Coates, Usborne. hue betwef n Fullai 1 d A "3,028, haN T ' ton and 1B Ian 3h d. DDrifiniol 'were a, I B sier contrac-ed e pi , se from 8 482 _in 1876. 11 Hibraes — heay, Ja Fore t, Mr. F& g inbre'�' Stan -ley N. White, Elim ille, and': vi 0 is falt or, 0 617 d expand thi while on a: sit I io vrho i a; pilopop I t d oronto, it :[a , t ely t id� by forming saociatior Robert Bell, Tuckersmith. Light.— lives nar T r a Andrew Yaling, -Seaforth-; J. eley,' that it Will P in r ng Stock b Spread. the 11, ton with the' bject of P [Ivi ,Go4erich township, and Thog. Youg, council I hliie taken 6netgie6c a tiz in the i Bbq.!W�t breeds, An Ashfield. R4 at " ion Prem;S4 a, and tll.616ose is is t a.- =d 1�tlog informationj -in'- regardt We suppose it would: hardly bf proper �-Attbe Mitchell �prhg F 111,13 4 eeing,� rearing 9r 4 filL ding a marke to close this report without say. g that followi IR rizes we r6 awa dec Or?e.i r_ Q r0d, ce. I there were on hand an unusual nu e _o! —Best ' y DrauglIt' Sta'ho .�lst The' --rand 971m k emigrant'trall Jav agricultural implement agents, e; Highland hief, Thomas Q(Iquoun� mu4d.fo Winnipef.,rwlen near Wes _1L_ "a I �'. Ian(' vendors and mountebanks ge er a 2d Old L' B I m 9 Haddc w,: Chi r108 r a ks. i6n,on�the&.Pat 9 . Manit6baR 'it b Prho c -wi , -reeked b aibroheu wbeel at aua ian Drab: 0 i as of wbom seemed to do a thrivin 1 best 01 gtt.: 6f at auddid good service in Amusing the Wales, Ji es Colgiiho n. Best Agri. celd C4 cridayraQ.-Itinh. Sever car -crowd b6th before and after � ih( . show. cultia'al � deLLLL r orse. , Isti !bublir's XN . 0 de lished, 141in G, H. Goulf] ag, Mr . We do not wish -it - to be u adl ratood, J-ohn Lype ; 2d Y)ung I ord Ha . dow, I Stratf rd, and 'Thty injuring hi however, that we class the imp�ement Patrick BA,rry. B-,st ..R ad an C%i- rpp4ew.. There vvp e even cars c Agents with the medicine vendc rs and riage H - orse.—ist. ,Q orrel 01 ELK.1 S 0: Its, eff �Cts, and 13'eve, 11 id iAl 60( an 3migrai 0 Be e coaches in monutebanks, Although. we mention Innes; 2-d 'mezeppEL, $e Davidim 8 :10* the train. I them in the same Id, J: I; u her 4ttl D were kill connectien.. The Best Blood.—lst I aron. otl a *gp d former area useful and gene ally ia' T_. - Hiptis 2nd D Bu r, 11 I a In lidw were in -a ca OIP his n highly respectable and. inoffensi re class Greenwl 00'� -. BeStTwo Y ai Old L01�. v Ji t4,, t ock. Non: of the other pas of people, and the enterprise- anC Leuergy —John Bt sli. Thi 8 ee )stakes werb a ge Wien hurti they display are spf5cially dogimend- awarded ta Highlat �h f 1 ownE by e Mage of' I urg, Ont., w,�! 'able. Their presence with bh r ma- Brooks, an I Colqu u . BA118.­BBst t I 9 �,o 13 arousedion o.nday evenini chines on such occasions, hot ony form Durha-in 1;1ul1.­Du`ke,.O USleladle, ate dozen m'en-turning out t( An additional attraction, but mu 3 ' t be a Chas. I CoI6. . 1�est AYrsbi . Bull.—;, r 6wni amed - Smithi VFho convenience and a benefit to t le fa,�- Avond arrner, VV.a flam ;on. 8 t 081been" a man ail the b cf abusing illi Grade B i .8 partial inoane. The wo- mers asBembled, as it aords them in all.—Sir Jobn A, acdoha f *, whfi opportunity of examining and in juiring: Thomas Mutton: 2d d rin �e 1: l-0 waitp I to See i heIr relations or int6the -meiits of the vaxiors ma- Wales,. James, Colic ulloun Best B t 3 illaw ould pani IL hilm for the,bru 1n t reat ent to Iii i wi chines and. learning the -improv 3ments Calf.—Duko of luss�ldllo, -John I --;e before the. thathavebeen made since the last, Hicks. this nusual,,mav f, giving hird. season. That t ` he *bpportlant, thus —Amoi ig the party who lef� Str&tftlr� Nt he eserved. r Elis'eries brough iated by f era is last week 1 par Gk&n�-- � Trunk 1� a w qfor upp 1, afforded is apprec I 8 ar' wbo plZaded fa amply manifested by the Growds that Manitoba And the North-wes i wai i' 2 [r. ti-,14�1,04_Esist, as they had punishe� continq&ll surroundi'the sereral.maii, John Hanulock Goll.d.1w avor-" iJ 0� e on 7, al Smit h' propaising never t( y 61i �Id J il y 4 Co nt!y, re. Chillies ain. the interest take n bhe exi- AM know "' througout this Z 60.1LIny mo planations of the agents.' hE pres- but more espechdlyi in BlauS 2ard an .0� ence, thedfore, of the impl�m mV,agents St War here h3 hadl rf sideil Birill.S. ys; w on sucla occasions is a pkaCti -,e 'which many years bef6re r3mQving:; to should be commended; but h T-1 ln flullot, ol 2701 n1t., the wife �o E C pres- ford to take the po tioh-bi It Spector of iT. �Gcc we Watt o a so -ence of the sharks which forni . tl ie lat- Weights and Measurles. Mr. 'Xoul I bad Ilb-in I I ituett, e. 2� I , , oli 6 ult., the wife or ter classes alluded to could be dis )eusel in tl e Norlilli JLdr.Joh!Reid of iiidilightir. pur(i6ased Bowe- land with on all such occasions with profit west,'alid w as going thither a -,corr pani. to the pub ic. TEe be 1 tter Nvi y o. dis- ed by two children and a p�ew,tola Marri&ge y 9p, 'hem and to force the foundation of a home,bef'pro rE coura t M. o seek the M9v_ 0,AMPBLI, -FRENCH—OLn the 13th inst., aii nceof the lirid('s father, by.Ae -some honest me&ns of obtaining a live- . in g the I res t'of the ff mily.- H61 tookwith V. Mar aye, Mr. ,h n ts Dampbell, to Mis; lihood is for the public to cease I afron- him three horses, a A sufficidiat ivap!e- V. 4us Va are J� French, I All oi McKillop. izing them, as every person - ho gives ments and other poperty to make NT.TL' -iCANTE [X t the Nile, on tb heed to thi seductive va'I ori ags is good carload. . It appeare that wilen 24th ult �y Rev. It. vey, Mr. S. Pent)and, sure to be victimized. &shfield'to Miss t: ntelon, Nile, daughte, near. Sauk Centre, lifinio'es 4a on: 'Sun- Of Mr. J Cantelon. day last, on the St. Paul E ncl Win ireg 8 P ILOKMAlS - -MCLE1 q ­i Lt t in residence of th lIr�de's I a bher, on t ie I ith Insi;.1 by Rev. M A railway, a wheel of tbi ca troke, East Huron Spring Show. oway, MGeorg )acl man, to Isabella, wr L ecking the trai and . c5Lusirg a hirdd ghterof 3a�uel McLean, Esq., �11 Thespringshow under thE auspices generalinashup. Mr: G)uldand, his f Stan] y. of the East Huron Agricultural + S)cietY, nephew were In the ill-flItEd. Car at t :Le C N Zll�� -McAS.. 6i the 7th inst., at th' was held 'at Wroxeter, on TI urE day of 6ine, caring for the 3tock. 14r. '.ould aidenc of the bri.0 �'s mher, by Rev. W. last week. The roads were bad, was instantly k allpy, r Roderlak' U4K mzie, to Miss Mat - illed , axid i is said hor- �ftret M , Lsh, third dau �htA x of 'Air. John Me - And the weather ratbe cold hJ all, no ribly mutilated. B is nep eNi� wasialso sh� all f n ey.1 dbuibt, accountea mainly for I the small injured. �utJnot so s6verely as to pre- GR A OBE. 81,0'.: 0 the 8th irst, i a attendance both (if Sectators aid ex- vent him returning home wi ahin i � few lie resi nee of tb4 b e's fai-ther, by Rev M, hibitors. There were eeven". hors a and R erC - har i, of Turnberry, t'; days.- the thr It ee hoAes'were 4so kill-ld i 31 41 �t RO ertdo u,vhter of Mr. Davi six bulls entered for competiltim. Some and the car� kmd of � t I 11tobertsdi i, of ta 1 Y. I i . Droperty , IeSti3OYE d. ' I of the bulls were very goodi, but Some The only lo VfESTON— -cLEOD—,At:�thE residence of tb of tbeln were inferior. Thg following as sustai ed by the' reif t , of ride a f4 ;her, Ilen$'al ;!on the. 30th ult., b A. �L. b the� party was b th -kilhug', is the prize list M r w1of stock. 1 ev.� Haalley, Nili Geo. Weston, to MiB , - John Crerar, who ts o the Relen m � rcod. . 4: . nu 1V DERSON—Ai CrAiton, on the 601 HORSES. mber, telegrapbei the Bad 8 to A AMS!� Inilported Draught -1101d. EnElland's inst., byi ey. J. W MT. E. Adams, 1) �tratford,-and'it w received n th it ito miss Ande rs( n, �a.ug nter of BIT. T. An Wonder Tbos. Dustow, Beln�)re Can- town with profound sorrow, andlAhe 4erspn, Stephen adiam Bred Drauht-1st 11Lc r N4,h de )es�t Sympathy h ir Mrs, Gould and erbi y," Wm. Hay, Turnberry ; )d Ron-' her family. Mr. G dwas a, man of D .eSt Sandy, McPherson & MCI xvish., unusual ability ana ree Of -,haracter M11CHA M—Aitlb;ra4idence onlot 29 Bluevale. General Purpose -1E t I" loung and much r I . ! , con - especte4 a I I who 'nE W, �eGslon Turlibeny, (n the Oth inst, M i. hn Ca, michael, a lei I 1 iO 3 ears. ry him,ald th lore is uu� Dn the 13th inst. BAY Co t," John Leggat, WE wa iosh 0 me real re ret fe It f Dr I SNEY-4 Tuokersal h, 2d.',French Tom," Davis &_ U -d 'Wen, 'him. He was a prq i ein2embor of r. Chesney Jr. au, 28 years. -In.MorriE, r f4e 28tb.ult., Mrs. McKillop; 3d. "Jack the Ro-var," Win. th Reform as a uen� aild 0 par y a4d. w I aild- Ce miage m speak�'r. iGAT n Aibb Hay, Turnberry. Roac "ablee". platf or air ld:mno'r, agE 4 ih d inst., Chat- -class—lst I I Sir Tatton Coachman " JAB. I 4L, . 37i ttel,w , o f Mr. E obt. Leggatt, aged 6:1 Rogers, Gorrie 2d lear Gri b Junior, cHay & Kidd ''Listowel; 3d:11B ishaw G7eneral News Ite, ns. I N-114 Stltffai, or the 27th ult., Annie, wit,, Abdilla," James;. McGowan. ' Bloods— Charles 19. Croaf we : 11, 'x'c vernor 6 : f 1.6 f Mr. ClarlesTuffin, Enj iged 61years. S ONT n Clinton, On the 12th inst", Mary 11'Bonesetter," Homer Leavens Gi ey. tbe'State of ichiga , was il t To: n 0 In" ;e i t of the ]at e E dw; tril Simpson, age ro n re L t I 0 erBULLS. this weffk.on his wedding t:)u.-. D-urbams oVe-r two yea:rs—LBt, ,Re-. —An informal o n 13,�%R-In BI th, Elias, -s:)IL of Mr. James Ban Pe Ling a f t 2e SeBsi n 4ged 10 onths. former," Saue Johnston., Ho ick; of the Royal College' of Ph si, -,ians a d N I) LTT—In ullett, on tl a 9t1 inst., Mary Reid 2d "Pioneer," Alex.. amilton, i rurn- Surgeons,Kiniston,forf61111E BtUdentS, wif e of % Georgel Lit a �ed 36 years. _111 allett, on th 11th inst, John Reid, berry Durbams under two years—lBt took place Tuesday i aornin I wt. ged 38 1 cars. "Royal Sandy, "'L Alex. Forsyth, Mirris; —The Synod of: the 1118byterian B i6 NERMA N --In Sta al 3 OIL the 27th ult., Mi. 2d "Duke of Athol," G. H. ffat, Ch . urch in Canada met i st. datll-- 13jinnerman, a native of Sutherlan I Morris; 3d I'Marquis of H 8 ngs " OtFe,, Be tland, age 1 80 ye a. I Arine this vVieek. R J-Olkn Mc4wen tTames Elliott, T��rmberry. 1 ires —Lawrence Lovell, Turube ofngersoll,.PL�eached at thE opening kry se�vice. Local ces. —Mr. G. W. Rose, 119. F. for West i I swa- ol 11. now to be hail HorseB—Ge,orge � Theoliald, Te'. Middlesex, and head of I he ,624�.—Pjenty Bono ter; J. W. Walker, Winghm ; 11 , of 37ohn a J. BROWN: Temperance in Ame ica, NY as gi V41 1 a Robertson, Harriston. elt- �i[DW.&RD CASH for Qrsss Seed and Seed Bulls—George Brown, Moles ! orth; reception in Ottawa )n Tues(lay A s lendid sampic of Barley ana Loi Ing by al the distrid -lodges. 1�: Geo. Hug4es, Winallam; Ro�t._ 13) c o t t, 'nitibn 'he . GoderiehlEtreet, ca -for —13ytliedeathof hisgrE RE Nlicr MA into. in fa NIPP WAM-Em.—Five or Six England, Mr. H.' Gi I Iden, bl Ewksx�;'itl i A 1prell Ices to DressnaUjg wanted. Apply t) #idaetown, has fallei hair to 620,000: ISO SCOTT. John S .6t (pposite Methodist I Jistopal -Ch irch. 644 erth Items. d1he eighth shiO of, Du ent4 d. e ; r:1 e , 4� n E) n r '10, 'u bl Merin f ei� By 11 C1, ch T )Id hip- f property woAh �N,061 A year. 114usic.— Miss W 1 la;te of Lorettd) Tones, of Locra, recently 'c a to receive pupi IlgL 4mr James - Lan b, ag d 80, 'lat :b y,, Toro o to, is pr�a aIr Ll .ped from England a bull w6i ,bi e 4 a. 'n instinmenta. .13(usic. Use O plan) Id 2,650 pounds. i Collectol r of Customsi at the port of; S if dcsin�d. Ws C Tell �� 3eorge Street, firs —A Listowel firm, Austini & Co., Catharines, died Mox 4ay- = or nil] g af 6 r Iri north of the Hurol td, Seaforth. 033-13 have purchased a site and afe i in Lking a short illness. He lvs,s for many yvea a arra-lucrements to erect a new a well known and bi$ Uly �re sp 3ctedbit.- of Rik—Miss Beard,'of � Mitchell,! i,z atiij �Mr.EzraGrifflkth,onooif he,V',l"O1L- tempting Some feat of e' 61k A: coltm - e jai sm, eers of the a xrlund I don'brit., !I Oil IN BAN C OF ERCEN qu ec was thrown from her horse a receiv- died on Sunday, had be4 In A;. Ma. ea Serious injury of the spine. 1 son for nearly sevientk years, i�nd � wf3a HEAD OFF1 13, U ORONTO, _T11dr. Win. Forest, auperin, n ent of j generally colul 1 erel the ablest! in the Newry Baptist Sabat)ll School was Canada. 0 Id tv Po IL Inpital $6,000,000, recently -presented by some of his --The steam fire ngine , n idgo- 1,400,0001. friends with a watch, in recognitip�ll of tov�n,- manufa,ltured: by the Silsby �es i dei �'t Hon Me.-Alaster. his services. Compay, of, Seneca Falls, -Logall farmers ae loud i raise oil Monday s�ize4- the CUS oms�� loff I- Z)BliFORTH BRANCH. of vhat is -termed Nevada w eat. cWs of St. for unde alualioll, Several of them have been expri. eut- and taken, togother .. ith two ose ieels 0 Si afol th Branch of, this Bank continues t) iiagwith this new cereal ad fi�d dt a and 800 fee�t, f rubber h PS to ivo depic Ots, on wb ich int crest is allowed o; i h m oat fav)rfLb) e tem, s firat class producer. Thomas, wh$rp it will be so�id, pal o a and cities on 1 the pridcil�ai n -�-Iu the prize list of the DubUn Ow On Satq`r'day night, diring�itbe Jltda, oil Oreat Brilaino an on the nite ties, boug: it and sold. published last -week -,ve ivad�ertk,utly snow storm,�Ahe adinitted to mention a very ine !bull 'while ell 1-00e from (1,ananoque, raeo o a )ffiee-Fiist, dow &I : itj, )f the CommerciE I the property of _Hr. A. Krou�kopp of -one of 'the fpall islands in the rive)i B. tRELAND, Manager. ng I -oc MCKillop was awarded, a speciall pd.ze. dashi agansti. the i ks- ith �uci o One of Me employes alt ae a orce as 4use file 'flance. of the ij I �IE M factofy in Listowel, named. Elavid steapipe tc burst, Apd. the escaping RE ETS. Hamilton, a few daYB a vB n cro ad the steam severety scald3d' Mr. Geo. ilffi� SE-AFORT11, April 15, 188O. - 'o misfortune to lose a finger- and.1 Bevalrely Kenzie, the 'urser, ai id D. Ca mpb611, a F I Wheat.. ........... I ....... iii 1 15 to 1 2 injure three otbes by coming in 'con- deck hand. S filig'Whes ',Fife, per bu 1 2' a] I 15 to MIT Wh'09:;,RedChaf i,perbitsh. 1 12 to taot with asaw. -A young!ladnaged Emil Qti�rrr I S. ' I I '4 0 perbuslel ........ . 0 34 to 03, -On Monday of last week, sol'i of bbab, of Be,,Iin-, w ile o t sho�.tila 1 .......... I.: ....... 0 leeve of , la c 3 1 ' 60 to 0 65 Mr. lacub Brunner, P Doivie, kbirds 04 n ayas,ne with i B I f er bullel ......... ! ........ 0 40 to o 5( met witbL a, bad accident. .1�ild en- serious accident. While pas 11 g th B 2 r No 1, Poose .............. 0 16 to 0 JE poug 1 ga 1 th EY, 91. 0 10 to 0 I] bush his gedchoppino the axe ia ced: and 1. the :gun went 0 and a F c r:p 0 lbs ........ ... ... 3 15 to 3 11 imbedded itself in his left foot passing Charge lodged in the bo 'a I ,ig t Sidi i, 113 ... I y 9 7 00 to 8 o( that terribly la iLtiag the Tb a las, pqr 11:�" o 07 to o oi Clean through it. It is, thou,E ,ht' �1 ............. I . he will lose his foot. shot was ext -acted b3 �. the IdGtor i an. 9 : O�p skins e ich ................. 0 50 to 1.21 -Monda.y morning.shortly efore 8 8 t)lretatl)l pr barrel, 0 7 the bi is ex. )ected to recow r. 8 I V wholesele)p6r barrel.... 0 6 o'clock, Jamb� Conno-L , a abv�er, !aged -thLe'resilexice of Michiel Conuof es, paf� bushel ........ 0 30 to 0 819 I 1 19! tal eArs,'i while crossing the railway in Luc n 3 ilps, per b shel ........... .... 0 60 to 0 61. th, father the OY Johnnie bil. I ........... MPI 0 0 ge on the Loudon branch, a� -St. r I - ....... 2 75 to 8 0 'erty Coa i d �stroyea by ......... ......... 0 05 to nor, was Co* oml w6ring fire -with 4 co 0 c( i's -I TuoSday 0 5 60 t 6 21 Max iint f the sh, cont 3 o E,,,,V' P uar YS, on ac ., , in q �ere, per V0 lbs.... t of sn4w-, sliped and fell a distance of night. Mr. ii anc . 3 00 I X­rs 131nor ClcvLr.Seed, per bush(l._. 3 N 81 feet into -t- 01� he water. His bo y was a sent in L61ndon al the t e, but the - ! : I 1-15,1880. CLINT( x, Apri recovered shortly afterwards life being othe merabbrs. of t le fa i y were in extinet. He leaves a wife and family. the ri a 41leatj er linshel....... T1 15 (Coco 1 2 house �t ; the time a , d bare si bg Whes. �, perbushel_... 1 20 @ 1 21 -The followia ae some of the, escaped witlil their live tr 84 @4 0 3 he 1) pfirbuB lel ........... Purchawls inade byl flix.'Jaines, Kyle Of supposed to'b he 0 B yiper bushel ....... i;. ...... 0 45.@ 0 5 B per baE hei ... ...... 0 62 Q 0 6 Stratford, who�is Vilying horseEl for the cendiary. .......... 0 16 @ 0 Avaer:can mArket : Mr. Alex. �fitchell, _7The M anager of th OrE y E! r, . a Tor�nto, OP; ... ..... ... 41 ........ 0"O.04 0 Wallace, 801.4 one for $90 ; Aloxii Ken- and Bruce lRailway', ai�l issued ! tif 1510 - .: ............ ...... 010.10 01 nedy, one at $72.50; follo*in . g n6tic to 'e �igg t aypp�r ton .... I ...... 7 00 8 James McLaugh ploy�ees: I 2 75 3 1 CIC vier. Seed ......... .. ........ lin, Howick, one- at 71 Jame� Miller, becomes nefes ry iinder the cii duh - bnottly Be 3d ... HE UROWEXPOSITOR n Li mn —sprin wheat �TTT IT rT L.L JL JLI I JLX UT T -T REAL BOTATE FOR SALE- " Po L, April 4 pri y 108 d red winter, �e 3d; white, 109 IT TT TT'; TT IT TT TT .."'T TT 8 8d; 1 , 11s Od; 4tsy 6a 6d;', barley, !TT IT "I FOR SALE.--i-Vor Saie -a ant zia-se iianing e 5s 3d; ea 3, 7s'ld ; pir 62s,6d; beef, Will nearly" new and in good runn �TT ing ord' 17T situated I the - Bou In e 75s 0 I'; cheese, 72a Oi C Irishing Town of sea; �TT IT r I Will be sold ches Termw easy. 19nquire of IT rT I SECORD, COSSENS &,Co., Gra i b 0 �t erie , n I 'April 14.14-1�all-wheat, 81.20 1 TIT TTTr TTTT R&RE CII&NCR,Twenty-five acres of land TORO:: TO, to ng, $1.2.. :tc 61.24-1 oats, 40c A y wiih ht -"e Ind biLru for iiie in EgmonavM& to 41 peas 68c to VP6; barley,l 58c to' This propel ty is'well situutie,!i for either Ui:= or on, 0C 8 garden purposes,! litle ind�sputab Apply to hay Per t 00 to $14 00 41 R 0 R R T D R E 3.1 IT. blntt a r, 20d, to 2 Be iatoes per bag, E Lot $0.50 to 30 55. Clovqj r Seed per 'bushel, RARE CIfAXid-E�Fhotogralph no GRP'CERY 6TORE NE F ST OFF�10E.111 oms to f $3.56 to $3.75;,dressj�,-d ho a, t 'O, on bi-st floot inscotiiz Bri4:'k Block position cr-mral.' Also, three or tnr: Rooms 6.50 to o $7.00! the flatsbove, suitable tor 4 -dweiapg. iosseip. t Sion Ifit Jan'Xisly A-pply to F ,, RIOLIM 8 iv Stock' garkets. S TED, barrii- I t Ts oil the premi8es, or to 11OBTi. M SCOTT, 6MBEAL, April J1k`.-4-The� following -0 cents Oau't' 140 nd 'a be 'B ;at. Thei est--,- Ou�' Tea at.: as el e reported Walter .& Pas- STW& A --,-D OWEL�&G-i4tAched—To Let the t Coe, awa, 30 head t 5c. per lb., live in VIN& of Centralia. Tht_-:ri6 is a good 6�cent Tea in tho;Dqminicon. rden aud baitt, on th 9-W e premises. Avis will &Lo Weilt, and 11 bead' $40 oadh.. W. sell shop fwnit4fe amd paxt of stock ie Lai Druf 1ph, one, f steer weighing required. T&jis; "�cxcellont openlig all 0 Y 1,20-1 Its. a t 510'. 3 �e'Bad at 4-Je., 20 no desiroin s of conducting a safe buines Further particulars pply to SMIT11 & I hea foii '60 CENT EILACK, WESm 0, or 3je. 5 ei lb., an& 2 head 1,60 GENt JAPAN� I ge.forth. -6" for i85. I ugh KeI13, 1.0 head; at 4c. C., t and.4 )erlb. Jose h Stone, Whitby, 60 CENT 9REEN VALUABLE VARM'FOR. -SALE.—For Sale 69 CENT MIXED.i 1811 ad at 64 each, r 5c. per lb., and theast halt of Lot'_'�o. 4, Cn. 4� _X R. 13., 1 2 he d at 3 j -e. per lb I t1ohn Ro'binson, TuLckersmitti, County of Huron, consietibg of - M ii�eres, 3J miles from the Town zof SeafoAb, and t To to, 4 'ead for Mo and � head Convenient :to chool. The Isald is of -the vary� for $,,21C. 'AT. i1iinne 4 head at $75 best quality;' For further pr.Tt�ctlraxa ap III eacU 8 heal at b, 4 headlat $52 00 CE NIS. 0 0 ]91 ]B71 JE ]E 40 NTS JrAMES P_1iCgA"'O 3 each, and 2 bulls for 1 5. Geo� Web- her, 1'eterborough, 20 05 CE NIS. P ROPERTY M FIGM-Owb'VILLE 001t SALE. ad at �Jc. to 1 45 0,E NT& For sale the bDusc.aa lot in Egmandille tt 'C 3 4c. per 1b. Thos. I ee a, Weston, 20 13E9T VALU 114 OFFEM hea4 at $42 each, or f per lb. W. lot onains half au �V_i and t 1 ']Elar�inotou, Guelph, 18'. lead, avoraging a n of the bestl buildlIag sites in Eoondville; T here is a good and all other nemsssrTcon- L iiiii POIDands each, at �4 �C, per ound, ve nienves, and will bewld cheap.' ForaAlculw.ft I thr tv" X 621 and ee head ! at 4 per ound. 9&' These Goods are All of the Best Quaii 'and recq;mmendea for Flavor aP Ply to XAS- H- �Ov- SON', Seaforth- r Robort�a & Wilder, t e 3 110mville, 40., head �'6nd S;reugth. AND TOWN FROPERTY FOR -SALE* at 5 _C, 13 ]lead at 3f 40, and eight FAR"' h!ea E�.EAP.-Lo* No, 2124 ;Cou 9 Xo=op, 106- at 41c to 515c 'Per O'o 11d. live:�eight. acres; north h&lf Lot 30',:Coja"i,' M-rno D. D. R08K SEAFORTIL acres; northhaltof north hAlf Lot Th I I o . Rkteh, Toronto head for $475 twohe Or, head. At $47 j MeMop 25 ilerras; esidence occuflit-A -by Xr. for $95 ; fo i 1 M_81;;�Ilon on Goninlock Surve�v, . &sfdrth; I i head at t48 e h, aout 4-ge, building lots on Jsrvia' hnd P. G. Spa-rling's Sur- P�r pou id. ; 15 head to 41-c per vey-is. Apply to GRAY, YOU TIS BETTER 'GOLD & i pourldIveiveight. W ;T iillefer, 25 head at 40c t) 4), Pon Jas. Eakens, TO GE1 'O -usE AND LOT FOR SALE, IN SPAF ORTH 1) ;R I i HO Port Hc pe,!. 31 head, at to �35 each. J7. JAmes street, gInWhich in a, good &me. house, wit And Behpolt 'T-9: 0 -a E; ID is im, n o :F T_J �5r woodshed -attael:Led; the honse.conta, goo 13 head at 0. A buh weigh- JerectedFor sale' tot 80' Ing 1,980",pounds broi b 4c per pound i rooms.; the lot vmprises olle-lifth anaCIDS, li�,ew,'ei lit. Calves w AND - YOU� with good fruit tiLaes, albo good e small at $1.50 Im eal chan.,ce.fox any partyin Wil -1141 h. Sheep br)a t from $5.50 house, and will 'be sold �cheav- Applto Ei J. to $10, I ind am BLA KSMITHINGNEATLYNDW STANTIALL��GNE,l I bs $4.i $6. " sinall HAZLEWOOD, Seatorth. lot cf h,,e I logs reali e e 45 per ewt. RTY FOR ALE. -For Lot 46, 8 cattle The rar ge of price T 0 1—I IT ID 0 IS- i pRO-PE �of prime, Con 1-6, Grgy"; West half i -of was fro: na ic to 5� q per pound for with cheese factory complete; L�at 4, con. .11 In his new and enlarged premises, oppo ite the Q Hotel, G hStiree Second qu lity fron i 3c to Sic per cleric ti and south half of Lots 16 P is Prepa'red to do this.1 He also desires I o Y. Aotrn ais O stomer's. S rpinoval:,� ship of Morris - Lot 22- Con. And Con. and tic thank tb lip duivic)', *11gooddiimpr ed far -MR emfor�past patronage. With einlaiged premises and i proved B, to"" I together -With several LO -acre firmms qi-ty atd fac epare�d to give better satisf �� 0 sna-� ilit'es he is pr iodon Morris, and houmes Aad s -and lots in T III -the village of Brussels. Pirilaeg low,. rrossy, and title good. Apply to 3"OHN IE4 B 2_as. n i Tepai,. -ing dom, iily� I �Torsi Bhoeing, Ge �eral BlackmiAim. me? f Bela. �,d e4so ma e, Tei all on the. Most R' Ut F ARM For" S,&'E--Fo'r sal's or -to *nt, xiorw haf of Lot 9; Con. 14, Momup�l foontailling ORO LOTIONt HOUSE' 01emember the Place., Grassie's :S And, oppc site the pewd, Hatel, 100 acres, 65 acres 1raved, and the 1emaindier Godeilch Street. bass wood; goind-bar-A and 'FtsblO,�and good ore DOR-�EYI S 14orth. house; plenty thf v -%ter, youug� Jiawa goott —0 F�­ fencing, &a.; conliveniet; totburchesid schools, And 3 miles fr(, mi: gravel road;posse4iouiyen Immediately. Fbr fuAber paitieu%, ,-r�l -fir to MRS. W. L, STAFFORD, Sestort, MS W �'LLAM 6,MPBELL'! W L L RAP E R.' A� LL PX t R FOR S_kLE-0RTO RENT-4-ror Bab 1FARM ii or to Reut, -Lot 3, Conoession 7, 7�Townalliip of- Morris, containing 80 acres -of Ifid, 67 .4 which are clearea, well 11,enced and in a-'go0astate LIE PAF_§_:ii_tf dY SPRING; STOCK OF &c.Y of cultivation; a igood frame I hoN 6 a Magniflio (no' Stock of �-Iso frame bum, stables sind shods; good orclistd; on gravel. Toad; 8 miles from Blytb end 2 �ffies from ISNOW COMPLETE, COM MIRG partietila-r; addreas either -of the Winghama. For, follow -mg excut4rs, T11OMA8 1, A 13lyth, TAMES _kNDERS�OX, Belgrave. Applidatl 13 may LANKS, also be bi ado to C. HAM, Splr'ing awd Sw z' zer Goods SROWN 13,0 :DE RS, p n ILTOX, Blytb� 6W B NKS PUFF W1 DOW SH DiES, :9 ed offe" ARM FOR BALE,�-Tbe unders�n F the loi lands for sale on easy, terms ;of R 0 ND I DOWPA E 1 jyeut -sit the allowing prices _ In ',the toy M.- p of Grey, -toi S1, ,iCon� 11, $4900 - L ot .30 AT I N S A�'N D BRONZES 6it.ED CL I DS, OT� 1 14 1 Con. 12, A-1,800; ot 8.5., Con. IS, Sliw; Lotm, 14, $1,100;,Lot 4, Con i West halt Lot 29� Con. 91 and Southalf Lot,�D, Gold Bordered Cloth Blinds, F*tures, Cord, Ta eels, &c Con. 12,- McKffl�p; al;So the Box-borvi Flounug �Scotch md Canadian 14itingsl Mills, steam, and water polver,,wth a 'lIxickIresi- French and En-bghWftsteds dence andAs sexles of lkitud �1111 for ��21060- Apply 11 41ected trith Run8ied Satrples-Io VpOose; iv�eat care. ive. 12 to A. STRONG, Tsn 4-gent,,Sealorth. 6 44 PR�.CFS LOW. C-1 W! PAPST, SEAFORTH.. FARM FOR s eavy Stack ble Line iLakp, Shore Road) Stanley;� 80.aeres A,nd a R WItite Ai I I i 60 sci--cs cleni-ed ind iu,g6od cultivat-ioU; 20 -1 [a M am I Generat, 17"llishigs. gooabush; 9aciesfull;vItest; Itacipl ed ; tbree-quartersof smilefrom Dry�dalel?.-O. und store; fi rsti­�.Iass lgnd,; convenienti to EchoiA CHANGE OF. 3USINESS.. �80 story tnd a and churell; bxi4house, 20i 1111% 'well -finished, with good, ellar ; bank baxn, 40x58; fine etreata of ninning water close to barial a T .3� spIrmd1d orchard lof bearh)g trees. "Perins -will be T1 ese are I reL;h from I be, Markets,'and my made to -suit purqhmers, 11 time is reqjfmd ,- but SEAFORT for ca-6b:a good c ustomers may rely on geting an -honest article H, Ont., April 3� �d, 1880. will be given. AT131yr on Sohn Noppe, we will c6ritinue the I r ELSON OUSS A Drysdale ata I no deiate I �rice. H4,ving 1 based tke Seaforth Foundr, from , arm o to A X E V keeip on bi �o at ih*s old stand, Mail r S�- ireet, S eaforth. a full assorti:nent of I?- 0- lows,;.' ang lows, SOufters, Land Rollers Etild all other lImplemane sdin Or line. PRIVATE sisting of 110 AcTLes Dt Is-nd, on whieUtere is a WK 6 A I UPBELL. Crestings, 941 School, Church, G11 -den and 1�awn Cb A sp�..)cialty. good ga-avel house and )dtchen; thei house in 'd neatly done and E ati ifactioy t guar�nteedii, ve us A, trial, art I g pro' nptly INN30, with 6 moms, Land stone 20im; -a good orchard containivig apple, Peal-, plum. nua NOPPRR. ROPPER BRC THER chem- trees, b�aring about 2 ye&Ts ; there are -aso verytice stade tlahouse; the Jb_HN NOPPY R pwill givie inatructions i MJFSIC.�Mrs. MeMulk! ininstrumentalmusia Oafewpuplls. use SEIAFORrH, Ont" 3r(T, 1880. soil is clay Iosm, this property is situaitea about of tic ired. Residence 1� sposed of my business, Im ust Cali a i all those ind bted. to me, 100 rodsL south of the 'Village Of VLarlij, Land win ii%no given or prac; e 1 4 es Having Z p be Fold cht,ap, am the. ". derbigned has been in. ekst Of Vietorig Square, SeafOith. 614 J �itber 1by not( or booli account, to call aid E ettle f le S"e before the V irst: of poor health for tvo yebXp,., una intn4s tr�fng -a fay, after - ihat daW I will place even thipg in the hands of the -Clerk, of the change.of diffiste g better olle'tion. OHN JqO P FOR E 013 TO LET. Court for e a. benilth. For further PRE TPIRENT- atcomfort �1ie brie'r st re, with Q 18, 11ull(tt, �tontainin 75 acres of exzellent -ooms ab e, oni Mai �treet, Sea -forth, at T, :3) T E PUBIL upie � by AF-ORTH present oce W.N. vatsoik. Possession T SE clasy loam Iftnit! about 66 acres of Wich are give on iho Ist of Feb ary- Apply to Me- leared and in a kood stAl of cultiyA $ion, the IE trurs 0 remain er I 631 &u HE! OLMESTE' I lels,33 d gp4dd bardwood I SUANCEAND, JANO.AGENCY. i T the pul lie ge erall MAt they a e Yn a premis(s ate onse, si UPI:wIth -on re ;taonsble d HOTEI S Poe tion to ccept i enga$rements frame kitchen, rgoo well an .. u rr 0 TRO N G terms. Uni erthip.bleled hip of ?r6f. A. d spring C )run 12 thron the i�a,e L Q NZ 90 EITISH EKCHANGE,. HOTEL, Ooderich, Kay, a v ill kni win mus brity., th" ae Th9ls tarm isit ted I He fro n k )at. IVVM. COX, Proplfle'or. Thisisoneof iowledg4 A by L11 un birsed I ersons b be the an a JL01 m1lC.8 Ir M Salortb, anaiab h the s fin Ile and Best Con- S AG$N� for 3everal First -Clams esi i b"d in the c4 unty. Satisf I tiP4 gu rariteed from Brumels -oil a good gravel road.! Fu:rther thfI i �uietest, V o8b Com Stock, Fire and 4ife nsurance XOMe IStions. pal'tieUIRTF Can bib olitailLIC(I O.0 AppliclHitima tbe Jm the Provi The Rooms are .. Did a Model banc are our r comme dqeted HotelsJ Companies, and is prepar- i. commodious ind the a and Bar libeyally e I to take risks on the =04 fayorable ternle. d1drew., WILI. S. ARMS RO pr oprietnr (in tb(i premiij%es or to H-arlock F. 0. abling i nnection, e 629 gentfox'sev ral of the best Ont. THOXAS GILPLN,. Proprietor. 4 se, sup I ied. Good st 636-52 Also Loan So- — 6 eties. Alpo AgeDt for the Sale ard Farehftee of Farm ARM. IN McH�LLOP FOR SATZ.-'For 81ac, ft�d Villqge Property. EMU F LOE3T OR UND.- the14orth pirt of Lots 8 and 9. COO is, Mo- Rillop, containino 112 sores; there �srv*)jftt so ID -Fc, nd on the i 1 pan Road', mear the cilear(d, -well fenced, unAerdrained, and in 'n, i6n, the baIgnee is timb Xuber of First- Class DIRE S MA I N G state bf cultivat veil' id I Mr. W�M- pmat, about the mid. with hardwood; igood. W Wm�g, new bank frami' ff e i�,f Marcb,'a Lad lea' 82 v I and Cloa;d, also a 1hiproved Farn4for ale. eath, 4nd other G� llt-man's Cap and MiJ161. The owner can begs to intins barn 5Ox57, with i8tabling undern 98 BE EGGS Val to tilp laactles bay the same an p4oving operty anil paying outbuildings, also a good young �oreUard Awa i of Bruc efield i Lind Surround ing Couritry that 1, 0au Itt Seven peir cent. plenty of water. Is IAO nifies from Bruss�l& �Hrerm C. a ges on app] Icatior SPROAT.. 6084 1050,0 00 to ille w repaqd 0 aftend to Dreap'makig nWalton, and 12 ftom. Sonfortb, witil :11 t-3 bzanches. icutting and Fittig a roads to each p�sft; convenient to C urch and WANT d mle of Oceain Fteamship Tickets. schools; wall be told as a whole or in t o Agent f r the L MISS BRIGGS, Btu6efleld. I . I or wM. be exchanged for,a, sivall farm li�-UATION: WANTED As Bo4 Keeper ; - W-altoD P. 0. or to the propnetor on the oreudses. OFFIh - O'er M. 114rrison's Store"Main I (double e ry) or ExItzi qer. Fiist4lass ref -598 I S A45 IM1,ORTANIt Nor. 1ICES41 WMLIV DYN?,S.. er Ices. LE 645xl Exposm lk Office. orth PAR31 VOR,,9ALX.�­Bdng Lot 30. Cm. IMMEDIAT �Y_A Good Servant IMPORT101) 14ORMAN MOVA]r�---Ml :8 SCOTT, Be has re- 11, Toiaship of Grey,icoutilining wres, rHE moved her )repanlakimg 3u ines"R'to her GOOD -I al Housei P Drk. AppI14 to Rev. i:cd; clsm- g neftTly-41 tree of I to do gen RENCH ST' LLION fat rl reddene , JobIn Strict, oppilsit"ie the, about 75 cle N S. LOCREAD at e Mam.,ILondes- stumps; soil clay lom 10 acres of UP y)lext J 0 1 I I ik 11 p. Boo] &I 3 [etbo ist Church,wh she opes to bo agh, Ont. 645x2 , j and bAUnce of clearing fteo-d'opat - in nen 15 an le are soii"m, i0m bar Mgftpy fri d stomers O's "ll 1 . I on the lot there iS a goo(Inew fralne, hO"_e 20x8Q, __4 who imq icquire ILMytW g Ag i -tb[a Dt iss and 1,J storeys high,;& good Jog barn 304*, trAlne �flx tle I ne. 625 ,HE P tyo SPECIFIC AN ICLESli Top�r 0 we & Horton, will stand pt is fort4e improvement stock this season as A1N­iNG__Wl1. R. FRE late f Scot�.. orchard and 3 gof)d we ONDEBFV CURE -1 s is to certify that fo lows: 01 jubab �tnts at ustea,on iew-lir I r lo h the, WFP at d, b gs to in, a, e to t4Z I was pertcotly cured c hronierheumatism. ON- D A ril 19tb will i leave his own stable, ci aforth ard Ewr dl g con try that he has miles from Cranbrook d 2J fronlHen p inf, Itbin a quarter Of a mile, of Mur years' standing by it I �,ve left Lot 2 :ilIO and proceed to Her- on meneed, busimess as WaVAtation.; icbmli fle ee iL Con. 13, MCE era I�Ouseu ainte in t ie hands of 'Hickson e 0 eU_ or fur. , R man'Is Hotel,'Winthrop for noon.; -thence,to- ?a1er Hangor, Sigm W iter, i All Ork ell� and churc as th I particulan apply to I A S OODS, Seaid h, at the Com;;�rcisl Hotel, for the itufted to him finished i fir cig a gtyie� fromlrming, the lot vA. -be s6ld on easy tems. Be I )rth. 6M e, ant ime, at D. D. Rost's rO tnight.* ry, Sea.,- Fdr furt er PRAlcul if by Ietter to Huroii Road R. FE EW. 632 HODGES, on the prertifil", Or i UESD. 1 -Y -Will proceed along the IVM�� CALL AT J., S. E S' DRUG STORE, 6,22 p Crainbrool th, fpr thBOB I to the Alma Hotel. for noon; thence to Rin- 081,04lee. Seafor Grea 3'erra Xcv;& Smok- burn, it Brownlee's Hotel, for the night. TIC -E -The Etodgc�vflle Iieeso X&nufac, i e for Catarrh, and -under- Compor-33 a i a positiv-3 .11 1EDN t agree 0 im in : logs t :Ei, SDAY-Will proeeed north to the; Watt VALIJADLE PARK V�olt SILF 1118:19elinally effieWeicius in all .3 one a 0 ions. Settlement, at John Torrance's, for noon Fee 0 W myl as followls . W eyJand attend- signed offers for sall a valUAII10 1-ftitm in the mal Pkthgic and all worst* cages of Ast'd thence to Blyth, at Hawkshaw's Hotel, for the ane ,501cers pez month. Th yZin r(ceive, 50 towabip, of Grdy, outkt-Y (J HWVD,;cOtw'n- a�T�r, ees of tbGLLuugs night, -D - 2a yiel f I eadil to this treat- 0 from tle list to the 101th If 50 from ing 175 acres of faud, 150 of which ara clear,4 ma t - M. L.1 SMITH, Atkona, Ont, General stumps, and in an excel- �on I HU it -,DAY -Will proceF-d north to Be] ve, at ei20th to the la it of May ; 610 from t P_ bt to almost entirely 1"e of 0 1 1in 'VAt1O_ # ti�hO "ManaPt' Is Urn- A Ili. F r le by all ruggists. Price, 75 griL e 10th 61 unel Parties wi t Bell'si Hotel, for noon; thence to Brnfjeeifl, ZtL g to, Send in lent StRV, Of C11.111 U'l can a a box. 601.52 hard od- There 4�re Park:%Votel,fortke nigbt,remaining until Og3 wi 1yees lie anderigred. on be ore cried with Wo the 1st of M ty, stating how mm Ly they i rill send noon on Frida. iscsag ood fram� houseo two fra e b .-,s and MON 111 IDAY-Will proceed to Walton, at Biern's and at wh Lt time. JAMES 1,1NIG, frame Ntable, a never -failing p 9,1 . -s:twQ lffotel,� for the night- Rd gerville I 0. ilso, a 1%LT the -ty Of B71) let sr, plam IONEY TO choicest Va ood SATUR�)AY-7WM proceed to his own stable, 3TT 0 CREDITOV + ee here nU Z5 a so'gra in U11 ruis Only E U per cent. inter- w b ere he will remain until the 161lowing Mon- 3 9F THE LATE' cherry trree& haiff be= ieft do charges mod- day morning.' R IT ID, PaTapbla �-ly ,�'privet OF ST &I iLItY.- Notice is',, whmt, 90 acres i�, "st MuOst Of whic erata. JOHN' FORTEB 631 Fo r teims and certificatp of pedigree see roube Illereby Jven,pu nant to thei Pevised Statutes seetledwitbiwtholn9ttUree Years, at about -SO of, Chap 107 Sootioi i 84, thA I have ! acres fall plovrad;i The &ntes 16ve good, a co=dd- illery substfiiniii%117.buil� )�ONEY T6 LOAN -In large or small Sams 615 ,n ator 01 the 1personal-, erablerpart oonsl�sting Of v McEWEN & VORTON, Propijetom. bei a &I poi ted 4 Ldml tr fences.- Vie f4=4 �10_ Es ate sn4d Effea s of the Iatf *bew Reid, of board -and straight on first-class security, at 8 percept. yearly ,hmt tna ther ilotprest. Privatefumils, or on theinptall!nent 01 � Towne p of 3t 7, in t] ie stoun" - of T:fu- though excit2entlor Apply to Wi; HILL, 3e %forth... 628_ MARRIAGE LICENSES :ro I, Y(oman and T sh and iall peculiarly ftdapt�d for stock ALad -secess to ;,,w*ter So Isped Y =wd If r ,clover, ps rtieE ha -i Ing cl Lim S 90ainst, ng eatatle are re- 'all tbe UWZ In the C E R IP I ICATES, se n o ne omL Or e or irst day I conveicAt. Th�hir= is One Of -On Impro-red Firm Prop- 0 "': I uatcai on the .[ONEY TO LOAN Of in] , A. D. I&O, iheirna.. 11 find p)Eb offte township, andAs beaUtffallY A! -1 � erty,at8percont.indjest. Interest payi� )=Brussels, 4n. 21100r - (Under the new Act,) issued at the %direal,witilf putictdarB ofstk-eh clabns, and. miles IT, ab half -yearly or Yearly, q q desired, with a por� tba Wellingtonj,. 14"Y sud if - hey, 10 Any ocun y sell ti of the - priticipea" if soi 0 ref erred. Expenses i I I pardculiLro thereof, nd if Itetes Bruce wayli, one-balf IL Apply to. T RYAN, iSeniforth, EX produce le t for H; 4DMAg, POSITOR OFFI�E, SEAFORTH. h Ban ie fi ir my cc ion ul oA reqa est.. lm4 t ,selki 625 Pee d furtherpeade pply OE t yni 8 r e 0 ru �y next, X sQ11b%g- For P ONEY.�The unaersig nd 'Y Ind dild On t ha arge gum of to pmiy 23, the personal teRoberl BELL'S MILL9 es ljieklsii�� 11 money for immedisk i avestment, on first IKIPPEN. ies W they, is ba arnor g 4hose entitled- PostulASter, I t q# on and a half 110 I I AdortlL 11T InO gages an farm propert y. Sev U ug regard 0 y to1i itoge Goderich; or --The roprie0r, EVE!RAL tons of chopltitj U-.4. foi gale at $1 ire i-tLezi I mye en notified :IKSOINT, pe r i cent. interest yearly;. I vincilpsa as may be �Dated- the 2%1* 1 DIC selling In. J. H. BESON, Bolicitur, Sea- perillumdrea' pounds. i i - of garl�k, I J-01IN BEI�, Jr�, Goebi I -though dasirous, Of ag �Led upo Criml. -L , . . i lilpose Of Arm to] 633 A. BT.A 644-12, i TOUld (L r Y, -a a nor Le ron 1 e