HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-09, Page 8T,
-7 1"
IL 80.
AP 91 18
iobsel, teacher, I r, G. Du ass!istecl by would I e seless to try to. 1, desorlIbe on
n, avey, Robert, Mc
X, Usborne' and one or �wo , Ott council ft. in lead egg )a were 2n I)aint D OWer and.pathda with,which
paper, t e
1tv 0 U. IV 0 10tor4l reports which wo-are force I to hold Itar J gi I i by: th( ev. D. fl, I. IffeCrae, H if Itt. eneral Purpoie-1s Lord Messis. �T ays 1and J all re sung. 4 -is tho rough -
Wintla - 2ad fror a nei
Ai An is, Rd)t. Adams 0 i g�secbion . Tlie several those Be ag� I we
over till next L Messrs. 1 H ngston i
t 3achet, his kind �mapuii
week..—The 13 efield of k, an toI a very search- neds as ol, Ir and G 3� d S( tland's cia sea w'r( su
show tor entire stock will b j: ld on auct Me after 71: ich pupil a &Td wai- Y ung Kin' , Goo. I? 'through an- aract 3r has 'A. 01. MSDOIJOALL & 00.
sea goritl�m any, Christi
0 3e one of to P1 0 t4ei wear -m -ay j name G ory, 4WO nel - Shin�,, Grey, Road ing exa n 0 a, and. P"
6t I with i
ad f r 1 im
Tuesdiay next.' ilt [Tom y man
y staI true
old in th d 1pd rain. a a Uarn e— i -
DISTRICT MATTERS. the beat shows eier at tlrugh't, 5 min 1st ftoyal'6e E Don. the trying 0 dit alike to
themselvi s a a I their :e 6ob The vareceivea the Seconaconsigurniq
place.�The postpo ed vla - concert M Loan, W wanosh ; 2nd � Yo Ha
an a G -
R. Horuc.E FosTER is.now Operator fTba Iales' Aid Z -u ri rdi Hug McAllister, Giev -d
Mis. reading o`J tl to f f th class ivi is pi triticular- FOR DAHOTA.---�M,1988ffl. 14fin rhases.
under -the ch. p of their Europeliii. P�
aus a 'aowlc - bert An lei San, sons of MI. Rob( rt An-
aph Galleny, i Conover.� ! Blv
Society f )iscopal e at Ic : Q$
d a son of
tney's Block, Seaforth, and Is said to b, B Bent
an Manager of Moore's Photogr a thTI thodi lo�r� in- t e,!, A. ly i dmirO 1, w alle the li� dge I
11 sd B nesetter Homer Leaveris, r- y; ad p are Yi e ass showed der on, of the town line, an.
ence of I
R; church wiR bibheld.at the res ten a 31 g by a tion on e( es ay, r. Andr obnato T1104
highly recommended by a whole �t -e stock S LICIT THE EN
gbly posted in the art photogmj 4 n, of! Zurich, left THEY 0
Lab! a ij � .1 1 - no I c &I Is' had bee ejoised in 'M
J. F. Ryder,Esq., the past9r, RI Ik r duo u ds,2 this the 41h I April, ii& Hu sman, Wm. Morrigid) 1, Bel tha, Mac. wo tho -Ong oln ng up Is in this on Tuesd- i last for Dakota. The
Of -V nd being fresh from the Opez (Friday) everI elize Ll be, a C Oith Lh and grave. : —Durham,l ONE] y
on II Zurich I [ve
&U room of thmit gentl6mau's well-known eetab -
eal A. y( ars old— Lot Morning St ir, E. 3rown mo it imp vt a �t and 8 udy. In ed 1 with the Greenway: part3
meeting of he rth Rill 88001a Be 4-^
a. b ness. arties de� i i g to go r I iip� land in Of Purchasers -to
ent, wlU no doubt be able to give good satia h at D- iiatlin 4is CIO ignme
or Moore Foster. tion on Honda e er int I -de the liv( ry or Btagii! b alsinegg G.ey 2nd Acton Prince, D.. Might, the middle )f a ex eat re- i end ta, ng
liDg :1 .t�at the
onto those who may I&T� he e me at-. -me th 11 Ork the they �tre eially -celent for quality
-1 .1" 1 d— .1 t Lord PaE L, t I ladies of t ey wi
OTILS. TJT, deft
S. Mer.
theirpatronage. 644 Commercial Hp 31 r the )ippse Of would hj,, a goo opporturI y I f doing M vv� years ol, was 4eivea by anc secdon far i he children I Visit alrymplE farm during the 8 of mat Tj3
RING.�--Messrs. DUN -CAN aM&CA receivip.:�-reports of last 1yea?s Aoings, aLOr Till MCLaughlan, y; 2
0 b, t atding"t B-Isale.
y -01 n the T___1
p all pi -es Seemed to -fully enjoy large. n limber of otheo fi.
electing officera &114 kkii g: 4fraiige- n. Chrisl ian
much pleasure in announcig that thei, in John Hisl6', ay 3ra n0 gone, sol)ae to Dah 8,
pro Be ings C
MiliI Ethel.
cry Show Boom wiU be opened on Satw- ments for. the coming I BE %8 )-Oen. b by Chief, David th( whole d' At the close.of vi inity ba ve als
%10 n. All and isbilie -to Manitoba, kaudiZL a g duA 10th CONSIST DFUE fff
April, 1880, when they wiR show Frencl i t TH
A ld-1st the proceedings several present address-
mer"n styles in Hats and Bonnets togetho r intetested in rifle sl g i ire i invite I Clio iis Minna M Ilia has ires, under two years
ifiryn. ed. the childf,en in suit ble terms, when n �auy i go
C 001t no�e are talking itibout
display of SilkF, to atte e a- e 611 BEIVICe R al I
y I Indian, E. C. K Davis El ei
the richest and most elp nd.-T4 bro Ight1mr WibtEr school b close.
Iaces, Inowers a 'c The Itotal 4latries of horses,' ;v, 3re 17 thE school. vias dismissed, until the fol- shortly. Bla-ck %4 -
and Feathers. inspectioal St. James' u 0 h a r ch have been in ei-her
Rdma e I
Th chil who
d. 644-1 1 lowing M6nday.. It is gr4ifying to see
wbich was formerly held, at 3lock on a that 0 ibulls, 12., TrI Cas,,imer Lain
remalrkabh I rogress th I) paren 'is take so deep an interest
RENTICES Wk$[TED.-L-Five at -a'
Sunday, hag"been change6 y) even daring t A NO child (apible of 14'7, e n e A D unalis
d. Apply t( th( educa: don their children, as those HOS SICY'.—We regret�'toleain that 51
ntices to Dressmaking. watp. f
at w1ilch hour
SCOTT, ohn Street, opposite MLthodjIn 0clock in the evenip 6 -fail: tl -bene- Bayfield.
9 lear�ajfig I uld to �e gre, in - ihis. r arl a Mason's fllle,�stallioa has Pare. Wol heiges
secti n seem to do, and while M . Charl
after be Id. fittedby I BBERY -While r. Jam a Burns eapal Church. 644-3 the service will her4 . I 'it ONTA911
LI tuitioiI Situat a as we benefitting e children, nast, be most suffered ftom v, severe attach of in- ateens, Plain and dod-
?,DWARD CASH for Grass Seed and Sde� are A ffilpen,, it I � f6rt of th a �Iacy was rettirnin
unate r us that
endauragi ig to the teachers. fluenza sin ce he; got hina, ituil has, C
d Lo OUR PatLIC HOOL -F�orn
th6 aveL.,I illy among as who is I lit as �'-at- 111 Gr in. A splendid sample of Barley an ic last i and
oung] sequenty, been very Mueb� rellm
tlily reports of e ac
te" 1161s oi the ay
Nei iion Wheat. Gododich Street, Seaforth. man ed
I so Ompet nt an 0, 16 4P rge ck, d by Is
t flesh, Hel is recovering, 'however, and
wivilIillag t t k cha i re ruXagns and obbed.
lading RingE respective department public during -the winter
?OUR DozEN Gold We F natel he had not' muck money
ir 46 oneE -eaay for the cornMence for tho W -FA A"R11
ofo will be I mI of C,
eei III at HICKSON & BLEAWELLS. C44 school, we learn the followil Ig paitica. FRE&rm cAii -io� .-On- Monday evening III Pompadoq
in Ve As the nic'rht
Seas On. wJ[th him the tirae. i�e seas
New Pre
lars whicli ma be of interest In Mr. ery d rk, he could not E CognizO th 5th, in t., t1 e choir of thII English as lCombinatin.
3cuoor, Vvigp6nTs.-We have received C lea ANoTAEA OLD RESII)ENT GoN[`EL - Ile
a d
ch Iiav�aral other fpiends Cal'.
McFaul's departirl lit tba are" 33 Tar
f tb arties.-Com.
Editor at �he rI idi 3=6 of M r. Plun
&.]lumber of 93,eportsi from rural schO01E n aes oir.the roll- 13 boys" 5h 120 girls kett and by one I he pioneer settlers 6f the uron
NoTiY�r;�THE �C r0ioN. ..r SENT rioz;.--A large gaii� la Bring of
but5f we must clittim. the indulgence In Tract are dopping off. TEhe, last iiii-
01 -the! average attendance bein 28. 181 1 y took summa.,y possession. W��Iaour, any,
pi 9
our t e Can friends of the AE thodist
suryo, 8 SeHars'robm there are 4 . pames on as drapion. E 'a opal ha o K. place pr, IV -us int in tion of thei stance i# that of, the deatb� E�
ung friend 'who receive honorable Mr. that roh, B�yfield, to' r! designs. *s. MILLIN y EPARTMENT.
iss 1$&yIng the io
Robert 'J III Cartney, of the', Mill Road-,
mao intion. therei- for one week's delay. the roll -20 boys and 21 giTI 9 -4 -with ini Morris. But, by a 0 Once of Dir. a a ckman H( waver, tla 3ir.smiles and, pleasantries ROOT'
an spor �Bra iresided t resi aS1
Ok aturaay la
place on S She
-n our next. They wiU appear I average attendanceof 37. Miis Ander- it W �11 be seen; that the d ei 'youlig! minister 6 boardir lace, 80ongave!ai taiunderstana that their which to Early Bu Millinery
the. ollo ii I
911 y1a
soil "a 55 on the roU-27 I oysAnd 28L Mr. fo t4e resenting B I Clark bu iiness IiTl re n aggres- sit our
L RAN or ar- to gi-ve w before wel are
girls -with an -average attippa 'e of of tl a -third conce 3sion of 'tblan d ess and se. A E 0r each SlV 8. 0
RO�T.9.-Mr. J. H. 0 a pin i lives a Turnber puriI 3se of p social tha has been in a feeble, state �,for sevoral invited to vi 8how Roora,
lad seemed
no R bert 30, w a pur Aft lie preliminary arrange. Manths, a making Our
worn- t constitut EIng no
Miss Cow v,bas-caighfiL and k� ad,this 0 en.to satisfactio i: of don, t1itere b
proprietor of the Imported Stalion 48. an has 73 on he 0 - 1 1 Taggie Dieb ad the 9, F�rst Show -of
Tar be ak the nit ate, isf re
I had New Goods this we6k. p
�611-ington, has removed into Egm6nd- 34 boysnd 39 -girls.--with 'tn. averade fol owing hda E as to Miss Evangeline particular disease visible. "i About nine
iDk* 2f rauskrat, racoons, oa I thing provid, ion,
winter I for the I) cas*
Beautif a
-found hereaf4r. rhis we part-
ville, where he wille t, and idouths- d �arla if you want a 1 White or
onsider t" 8
66 oil Mi
attendance of 57. Miss Ros i ]pIas, 2211 ona 3 dee best an most pleasing par i of the toria Pli la as Maggie 19 herbusba
The route of his horse as advertised 111113 diedi and since th the Blacl,-,Frenc.hCbip.Bo-nne,.ior Hat
4 giri.s+-avei a El iott prose to her wit 2. a beautiful
I a, ��%L;r sh4" t. el Lt'ertainm t began. They - I
I the roll -32 boys a4d a a -,,,I a f f r 'o'r :)no ma to ge ner -An e1sliwhere in iffiis issue will consequ have them.
!attendance 52. Mi ' Sbaw Us 68 on Ora: "To
SIS niselves ted Evange- 9
Mr.1160 tag been a ideatt Turn- il.e n a way; fully appi, Bi)Ie and �Al raarialli but rapidlyfailoa. ShsI
Y8 ears at age.
be �hanged iii so much as that on Moi;- I the roll -35 boys and 33 h6r f= the last 20 years, aad has bir, ungpelple,who'areI �Ged by lin 3 Vic.to 'a Pl- linkilitt - irls-�avorake 'lei the mem- 76 y She wag . a na;i-v6 of If you -want a tlj!�,oughil asefui� 13
41 mornins he will leave� his Own
attendance 55. Miss Mabee has 11 bers of St. R)hl;t's Church, V _.neito or White Str&-%V at or on-neti in the
oge 0 rtuiting I year. ti I loin 'Mai d 11 love one anotb '." Pe- I .
1 on don 111 r 14 �rna, feel- Dlunafrioaskire, Scotland, and CLa
a )le, at Egmaladville, and on S&tur
5Y5 girl be Turn- fare hey Be )arated they presell b d tlieii;� ing desirau I ave t4em,
at yeai a of 1 showing our 1 appLrecia- this Country in the year 18�6L, and ca�ale Newest Shap THE -
the roll -66 boys au �with an was, w :h
The first
da, sl be will be al, day at his ow st to. TuckE rsmith in 1836, ag-W -[settled! on
average attendance of .73. hills total berr he lilled 125 deer. Thill, think, p Lst r with!% very flattering E I# coin- tio n of you r gre*t services ad organi If you waxt!the ettiest� the 8
stlii1e.instead of -at the Commercial mart -
n amber of It affies on the roll ax en d c &nil leade'r of the Choir, 4naL of the t.�e farm ere she livea until 4er
an lard I a boa, kn.' Alth he is plimisiltary ddre8s,,accbm a d by a eat, the ost tec&, Aing Hat -or Barmet,
Hotel, Seaorth. Parties inteyested of the month was 44.7, the a verage at-� p Might be
now over'Ll ren- ell filled irse. esteomfor your4olf which we all so death. 'Et was then vvha� come -and see' ou,z :-Unrivalled Assor-
year.� of age,16
w4s 450, coin -
do we'll to bear this in Mind. . joys a good hii for your tin"ng of Im ent of English, F It ch and, American,
tendwrice for 'the month called a vvilderess, but IiIoth herself
'day's E art as'weld. a ever hly entertEd
posed.of 217 bo a ana 230 girls andherliu3bandwer sparbdtosee
y he I a
1 44 may I Ong live to, ave it. Brucefleld. foits in the'pa'4t, beg to; resent you
NI OF BUSINESS. - Mr. John styles.
fo at c laverted-, into be tiful clepiri,
-Cc h
Nopper, who has coaductied the Sea- R -INTER11ED. The bO y Of I I lee late wif this Bible 4ud album ia I a small
Oitude; anq we hope enjo in their old
A LIBERAL OFFER. The di Ictors of fr0itful liel
re tol:eu of our -s, and. to
fork Foundry for Severa -years, has r uncmn Me wen,killed �y th�,) recent
the Tuckersmith Bri.P.Ach cultural M M ROI a the c:)m.forts of a 8 1 a home, lin.
b Herexplosion on the farm! thatyou a3 b4longspare to render A. Q. MOM ALL
diabosed of the business to h1aBOnB, of Mr. Pi
Socielt have,requested us to stite- that, ily 10011S
�y t ' very rAidst of their
affic1thebusiness will her S&AI D�rs.-So e of the ne: ghbors' al(olm Caimeron, has been lif%d and Your valq& le strvices in, the Inture. d
eater be car-
rie on under the firm name of Nop, th will -place the�r grounds at the dogsha4biatterbe Illainedup,ai night i terred in te new cemetery jilst P:ur- Wo sincere trust th frile ds ; in d what must haVe been even
t the trutba Co Tiy�-Ynv" n r Q
per !Direct �al of the peoplb of this t own fair or omore grad ing to them
'cf being tai 2ed in t rE bc th 3y were 4SO
dis, 0 tera. Th a§ id from Mr. Thos. Baird. 1 y Goods, Mi4ner Mantles,
after this, else It in the risk A may have I& l&Sti
Messr Nopper are
a recrea ion Dr Ladiee prim
e t* pri. see the v b rs
and' almuserae: it ground shot by B nle of the Young men who i imUression On! our Mina, and. whent' vileged arloW Me Y,
ijnjafstrious young men, and be- I
ate: tilly, OtR CrnmTERY.-The new watery
during the summer �aaonths, roviding of a null ierou family Y Shawls,
hapl en t ble out rather late '9,1 night. n 8 ho longer h a here be- coin alb
img firat-class mechanics and thorough- o, u; i r ruce cont us two ac ms and
8 ra responsible person will 1 dertake tled in li e are they were cialled
While -a vouk Mali ofhis neigh orhood i lov May )u joi iw4
s beautifully situated on lot 21o)a the n the choir fil heaven y-
ly.-underistanding their husinesa,%wp tI ide agate -keeper, whose duty it d Mrs. tney was a sisteir of M I havo� been fired uno.
was goin to i lhapt ce.eatial melodies" Signe
ful career as 3 h, me from Beeing Ins lady 4th oncession of Stanley. Th 3 soil is 1)rediet for them success wil'i to keep the gates closqd and the ohn, AlexiIirider and Jam t, ;iced, un
alove ght. MMME DANIL, MJAGGIE Ei#54T. Mr. J LsI Broa lf�" til. he ral. peared and
proprietors of this old 'and fayor&bly fe t fe, Tn�* B,ago,two at t1tree of a 3ar d I and graves lug to quietea
can be
and like them enjoyed.' e e6teom, ibeir nerves -by, giving them some more. LR&JaW P�ob
aces in propbr repair, ad a s re the thoSf 1 ov,. -growiltz anines met him a Plunkett as follo ear
n t I 7s: I'D
I e d eptb of 6en feet w i bhout t C chin g
OL wi nex w" a 80ciety against. loss aving teir pro- about 6 mile away -from ei ibet clay water. Two�in0rments Acting
known slababishment. Mr. John Nop
the Y oad, vhe 0 Friends,-Qn I ela'alf of my daughter, I
will still renlaiin in toWit for some perty destoyed. knew her. She was buried th g Dunk -by J Wa
per T is is a 11101'. t gener- beg to say t hi t your kindnes 3 has taken V en, G. Oliver, tbolompothisdEariorI ana. having II already taken plice,the filt 9 t being-
timto to wind up his business, ad re- ous offer, and if 'ton
arra' ondvill cemetery, il L and J. Wi3bb..
AS all indebted to him- to settle a gementl; could be no wpap, Ito was us antirely 3 surprise. Had w'eknown in besid, her b Elam
p, -it. upon 5 person us
t ei la son 0 r. -Donald OSS Of Each gahi
p ade 1for iW accept . aca 'the grounds -a all the way S1 barld, on luesda'. The f neral, Wa )ar,
oblig ild t' tfavel -b kward. i irchase tha t such 4 v a t was in con iemplatioil, y t well, especiallk, Mr. Warden, who
before the Ist of May. The firm an- an ey. Poisons intendiva,to
would! f artis III an I ellen pl ce for our
to the h I So* hie] L 0 a e we would receive largI attended, Da en a eps P r
nolancement will be made next wI a lo;s in tbese grounds willi Confer 'e In OX eated if he
oung man to engage in baBo- all, la- Xissw Tiem
few I ain I s! previo a, the- dog's follow- afav by lI so as soon Is, co,a- yoc kindly hill d' thank you adequate- testimon3 )f the. universal esteem and .1ad. beenprimed with a piat f barley
osse and other hea'thTul an in 5ements affection i which the debeased Was nice. Mr. Thrn, -of Mitchell, then
I.IRAXATIC ENTEATAiNmrK�r. -The en- I ing b im holp ne road, growling ve nie t, as ri ioney will be requi ad for ly. Evangeli has alway, taken. a
uriiI � the summer evenings. 1!] t might" al hold.
and atiI -their b3lh I the while. dee � pleasil re I lending her assistance a� piece of Music, -which wash
t6rt inmentkiven Iiii the Seaforth Drx- -I fe: iciii g an d ther purposes. , I,;Ipplica- sten-
y be we. I for our town counel a take The ext" lmouk to render the &r elfficient. We ar! ATIOW.--T-4e public
bias lie Clb, c lsday evening last SCI-i0or, R A:irn; ex- to with m. Wd attebtiola� The
I thiL, 1yoting man poes on tions to be n ade to Hugh C.. e ark
the na� Ltter cbnsidsr�alora la e si time Ih a 'i hat her :ef Fots have of thei Programme was
was well attended, the hall being filled. iness Will be b( tizer pre- SEcrEtary-Tmasurer. 'The contr ct happy to thin hool in. Oction No. #ext p' ce on tl�e
�aum:e �he -respon0ibi ities� reilti ed by suoli ani al$. fencin thee 3metery has been veu to bee a so suceessf la:nd her services so 9, took pla on r! 1 ay last,dn presence Ong, "i"Perhaps. ille's on the'railway. 0hildren"s I
Th4 entertainmet,1 was fully up to ex- the soIpiety. If the c :)uncil w 14 not do pared fo� 9 1
. I T I - -11111 quitea �mberpf th4ebploof tbe rof. Harrison, 31r. �IcNei.l a
f M38srs. Cambbell I Fox, of Clidton. highly appreciated. Music ia �he choir 01 Child
atiolas, The play, "Robert Ma� leaders of Itbe differeI recrea�
Fe 't, the' gain
section a: 2 seve
ei ral of 1,thp trustd reiding at the Ogan. The Professor
Cal wa's well reu!dered, and proved or f amily is' of 2e highest i nportance. es.
tion clubs ia town shauld enabr'ce the 0
interedting So OL 141AMINA io$.-7-The q u arterl Moll spen J music i he forenbo'n was Pectitpidd �by the 'ex- d time
and. am -using, aud, the a y 8lyth ey th ' family, I -and also, kept the au-
Bev gal eive, is �'la-i
portunity at once. 1
ap amination of the junior divLjion, taught ienelin roambf side -extending laugh�
parts were well taken, while exam took laIlie ha the school I I Out to the best use pos-
0 The Council gave our
"The Mistakes of a Day," iD a plgco on ri Bible. My �:hild en all, so 1 31 IJer. J�e had. scl-arcel turned to leave
Gs IN Cou' e in -thl (rI as we by Miss I amilto',! and, thal afternoon
i e ago. 0 1 y
IN 0 ba ad a graUnTlf $10 a short th was devoted to thb senioi aepartlm�'Iat the stflge,,wheri ;Bbautz of en, Alexi
the :it tb a eting �ay, Mar(b 26th
wa6 exceodingly mirth -provoking, and of the Town Court on 7 The day 4 3iilg fa iiable, there was a sojourn in the vi'lage,'sball 1qem. it a _ore fi
W 3 hope to
wag wa. U Carried out. a 0 - p C al in his rebp�ct. He returned and brought
The at a I fair repreO atio e raJE ayers Oe the "boys" on tl I street great priv ge under the buri U. of Mr. S.. Hick the h
Sdaforth 'th ag, tin shor y,
e commit ee appoi ad
peo.ple are certainly deeply indebte'd to arm meeting to e.Na and otho# a i inter t,e,4� in efflication have uo doubt tl at the pray( r contain - Messrs. Diff, XcRillop; Cameron, .4own the hot, so'. Tbe -next the pro.
Lmine t 110 title of �AIZI-Sur )rising quantities )f salt Brucefiela and R. Hicks a4d G. Jack- gramme was Mr. J mes
tho'Club for the many evenings, amuse- e lo, on whibb. the wa terwE r a build- throt gho4; the see io The t 3acher,- ed i the la,t alt of your kina addre a
Barbour, who
furnished t title Mr, -fiels n$n, was AbI y as is �eih take 1 out of Gray, Young Eg,
-hem,, as well as for the 110 is to --be pl4ced, reported t e a 8 e. will beans e ed.t We thank pu kind- son, In:) were pi sell , an o.-;ise n the charae-
y Spari Bat block. No less thaii
ly for tbo part n the examin Mon. -The Irish philosph.er. -The Pro -
add. which thev have -given many de-. ess ts. I all, I S1 ammon, achers th Be lie iOnces of yourindness." t ai of an
orrect, ad the Ireasurer 8 in team 16ads of land sa:. i were After a faSSar
in Boo good ordei raintaind,alid �he general was again i
'ne to or er ta Bill to TeIes#ater one hdurs spent i%l
Serving objects, and the good house of tructod to -pay the.purchase y from' ad T day Iasi ee, All ca4ed upon and
wasE analLseme t, of various kinds* and efficiencyrrianifested by th4 papil�in Blow i'the candle
Tohri.,, W�e -cannot
Tuesday night was a well -merited tri- r. Gouinlock, from Whom tlle-- t was x0e. and I h6 pupils a b id s�correspondig bauls for other out, RIe was- but) of approciati resolution instructing ii,themselv MEnner which lieflects i I muf lie, the _I c parted, leaving both d inents, reflected Oreat or dit I stily, on. urchased. A a to n and villages in'the county. 11aI de opal t febeered As he left the
13 ro
he cli�,airinal
e Mayor to prop ones great ere( �,b upon f. I attention and i Miss. Flunk)t ssed in :pleasant on the industry of both te6c-bers
aure 8'cords of at Ila de- g nd a then :g& u..v
Monday eveiii� -4 arid aorecess, dLariLng Wh
-It always aords stry,of tide pupil as well & DE ATE I 'inc
P�tosrtnous. thwights aI a I remin, pqi1s. I he pupil erwent' a
us to be 3 on the iZ'h
aid on the ft -arket scugre,and a u
ba -e as held in the TemperarI iHall. Mesrs.
the � eatest pleasure to- chronicle the that each tramp furnished lwith a `iaerff.atid'Abilify of their a cbers. �CON. thprough and searching examination; in I lu McNeil and Thorn gave Z
Sulbjeat-l"Resolved, that re&I has
pro �erity of former residents of our lodging be required Vb work six At tl ie of he exerci Mr. the several brauch
es taught, jand in all excellelati musia. Then fter owthn
do f mankind than (baerva- $ianiffy. with scard y an -excel hair intro-
�Ie 9
The Hariston Tribune of last tb a istonIla pik as.-rom harles D, ba ilos appointed chair- naore 0 )tioial, acquit�ed the hoisia to a
u ion rd
9 �di On vi I by UmNsHip IRE SURER.—Thel councit th: mselves ell. bult the read[ing of the
tid Afte very able and engthy In an
I w coiatans the folloin " reference to dgi � gs, was voted 4o The 1`4 an, and 0 dresseE i Were' deliver ced it, debate, iil. which th� follow
-was' v, t66 at, n Reid,Jr'.,T thi d nior class was partir
a le of fdrimer Seaforthites Hard 6un of R. Caxter 'o D., 06 eachers prese bas appoilliN d J keasurer. a, eake its took part -
to ill a4ies' larly no- Messrs. J. B
It digculi sion, thl decision of the j',II li s
P0 wais gVen in flavor of readina e
tim a apparently do no� liffect the far- i3enev6lent Society. The St C:)M- f.16 titlBle8p plad ch -a; P11 of whom Thi: i ia a ve'y go)d appointment. tclblie for its xcellei3ce.. One very b u, J� Warde
ATU EUPTE D INCENDIARISX.—O !Sull- Hotham�, X. !Iana-
V Pere
with the plealsant fdatur of the pxe
niture trade f Dowling & Leighton. Imittee were instriu. to p r ape a Ligw�, oa,US4 e 'ilanner- SUGAR. -Al f 3nin this townIship have icises, *as i ton, H.:Hamiltdyl�,, J-- XorriIs and J.
Ct"d rSinde commencin ich' e in mace a larg( (.�'ant t of 0
g ho business about gufficie, L at number of rings a d! Ista Dles' h selijol. is confteted.-, daiIii ing ast, about I O'clo mapi, the, excelle f the- ehildr�n, Sabj�.&ct-Whi�h �QPPOB.
sugar.. singing cNichol.
T.11W tson, at brebant, of this pla e was t
under thele dersh
fiftee rnoths ago, they have,expended 1 The sap ran" 1for' &bon
'Or. tb e purpo e of PVE TUSI, ip of the5' teach.�'rs. llost ben; oullat 'Wax-
ty ng horses� on the, bfit to 'his a
ra tedl
ITT'.IT] Since tb rIor, the
an street -and ]lave th%, a as OUS
awk med to f ad his hi Th School
n additiona DUBe 1111E !with F LLL W o rain the y t, Af-
seve I thousand'dal[hLrs i lace b statesman, or the
Lm ey. ismoko. He ed the fam. ly' and,
me srs. Sp r t buil ngs and machinery, ad still they eir judgment direct le I water- proce d at nee to dis v ere- fall wbeab b�glnuitig to look w6ll,, M6Bwing a1I Dobsp;nt ter'a spiiiteddebape of ab ut an hour's
aded at bove'rthE, 0
w was read the requisi ie a in- e
: RoiliEn.-Mr. �,Q tacey, an amonf
find their premises -too -smal. They orkBby-la' -There is eve r�hpeqct now of lanother' I an visitors from outside the d iratio, � the chair)n bu
ab uts 0 the fire. rain
He searche I iOUL, an nin Led up the
azei : ow h avirig OF aoma4e self adjusting spleadid Crop be I a thos
material delivered for 4 acreage, too, is ready mentii ats and decided in faluor of th
er of times'And finally passea A! 00 ple e al On- 8; "gume)
ce r 6 garrl)t and could find r (4
the Brection of a brick finishing room rp1ler wb id h, by ar Pea:. -ance, wil.] work
other b large. ed we -not Messrs. Wm. McConnell poet. Mt. Mc tl�en 'f Y-1 ws Were consider:bd. a of t fire, alihollugh the hous ,htea the
outicl adjour'eJ I wa� full
n a I,. -Mr. John conclusion audience'with a, ichoice Selection of
40 x, 60, two stories high, which when Bsedi'virb, the SILALLIO_ orrauce, an David 'proat. At the
a t of Taillike. H then went Outsi 0� and
i S r 110 a N I N Im i
flnis ed will mkiii theirt furniture fac one'wee iora hex Monday en: of the of "Varna ball; Eo'.C' his trotting stallion, of the exer i3es, suitable addriasses were n-
ag. �Ixalers, , for which he. was 14 mdly a
disco'% Bred th fire burning � an �i: the ,Yo
III I av ba�rted p I w D )thers
tory, the largest ad Most complete ang yr venge, to Mr S&muel d ered by Ithe trastees and the gentle- pl auded. � 'The favorite was again cajl-
tore. qualthity of sbiLings sa �
rated IN y kvvai�, eir Ian to dry eat - - - - - lishment in the west." WELI,, Out the fx�t 0 �ierjt Mof 'at for tb 9 a ia a me who took part'in the eximination: I . Upon. -He- 4�pearb
f the are Pf 9' f $300. e .18 a
wit �h I a and 1 ,oal oil was shove under' d this tme in the
UP, ak hive evIry bin'g re for ban home bli tok Ana come of plellaid '!,es highly plased charact of an
manager, f the AlVexprsI themselx
resen yealt ih th `yf i 8!
the�builaing t ough a small hol below Old Woman with the
hi LITERARY'SOCIETY.—Af the' re- resby eria ChurI in this t xoaI ster stod, K with the of a6iency .. bf the school, coin- rilieuriatics, anl �"�g to
Tii 86; on Tr1i th( -isf 1. , Wh u discovered, the J ire had hiz deliglAect
gulan- -meeting of the Literary Society pot a eberne to pi3ov,de for! lil lui- lqEiT;=-F8ll heat loo,�, s well e are gla a learn me' led tbe ,bild i to increased aili- � arers ow L I . I Q 0 RECOVERINo. I IR ren Th�a pjece took
lthi3 vi Wiv. 1he ato 'rainI have the that Mr. Joho assi
A*Dn onday eening there was as usual I gaine 1 ci nsid rable headway un_ a gen�e in th 3i r Btudibs, and ur&d them
ating of the debt bn the'.c urcli Iro- whose 160, was,10 a oucr eflect, so be was ag
a ve a en ance, an hould a buildi ig', and he floor was xiearl turn- encorea,
e proceed-- party, noludinci the dost of b Ban elp to it. S ing broken a few! Wefte to y
�f tbo . new 91709 U 8 ago, is Dow so far the 6plendid aAvantagles a4d aftet,rospandingw.
ed tbl Dugh. r. Watson at or ce pro as iscortea with.
iligs were most teresti Read' gs Ica I util harvest; the ar
i on. I I profit
in I now in the Mars V able to: go around I
: !t isco ered asto which weril) toi them. t the anteroom. ;The next
�Ppe ured water ai a extinanisbed th re. rs
L GRA -1101 I
may c xpeb ad �I cps this yel with the aidilol crutches. He has haI5
T=itte CWTSes rec ation, Worited, to be a
were givert by Miss Em: Johnston, e was a- naed- to t:ar vas .9,
Rev. Mr. Edmunda,Dr. p �iad f )r sub Txii W' y
,Dr. bell �cripti us, the BU scrib, The weath:. late a Pretty har time of it, but 1 hope; Dr �dale.
scil"'by r.James barns, 4ho del_iv�
Mr., arsori, au.d Mr.'Dalziel gave a Ed to b paid in r- blas b en iry" war ind Sprig. -like. soon to Bee bim hilly recoveredT BumDiNc. -wein Mr.;R. Dys- ered it in;.such e an ns �al- 9
e4ery time he utt
9�ever I v�ikirmn shc I TA MION So D.—Mr. Alex. I Igetty P ('01fAN GE.--l-Mr. James John- rial far a ef1e- the Sentence,
Itwasannou'o- was W f Ion daiii the pi it week wh' is 7oung stallio rotec4 Wit
. of r;'
n the neighborhood of $6,000. i ;t9at iey, has sold his fariali'laarn. Thii, whet Ifinished, �will �dd old, Mary another tl-)
recitation The chair was ccupied Moat The tota a! ant to be �
raised dale is lyi i I,, do im, ae-to
d. t4&t the
y last the pastor made a ated t4(
w4`3 quit
13 a I
g � i
On Sunda the row consi&-ab��Y- Tor- very much I a the improvenielat Rd a sensation h. the hall,
But will be i,, t
by �&' 11 ; v,,, ha sc Id b 'Sto tii0Tr.',T0yf
next 6ntertain r as tio " for the E am of $500. T �e 6th cqnaxs3ion to Mr.
the last for the n, thitt it 'will be - 0 acres ei
Clll#CE,� g bred J1orsE. The rance.for t Bain of $3,300 vv�icb, lic waver, was soon
seaso gmtify4rig annotincemebt �t' E arm of I ellant Cam dian
holc on 'Phle f arm V&l e of his farm. er when aO,near thi place,
11 in. Cardno's Hall,- and that a g -egabiiI thliifi hem been 'as sold 4 evi day pu ch is. res: des north of sels -re Mr. Johnston took A NEW DI avER Rur is lef t th OT
the a ha cont ained
a ission. ae Is arg the at r 2`350 he far re 6 w
a 16 is
13 d that t who e aknou with
liccessful an lat r. orranc s1rouse and ten acre lo 8 as waah! olearl
driver on thE mail route betweeu'�bre th-
,the tr
a riew b on i sea a . 1 -1 i I
ttv in par paymaoit
proceeds a be handed over to the h Did been Ill icribed and t larel� NY Ekre -70� Will. 81,450.- Ifte now wI w0ah'! ! echoedfroin
an t at
and Kippen. Mr1 J. Howard. bas jot inhe; -ate-
I �'th 8 a g Oil EbTION. Mr. ic ara 'I ees
La(hies' Benevolent Society - for the y -)t sev�ra p ar6ort's to call U�po,! Some urchas li� bar- wan is to dispC) It is 1 charge of the in ro)m,--. Piesently Prof. H.
of' the lot
teach: r of the ichool in. Seetio ni ad on tbisoutee and arrison a
benefit of the poor. This entertaument of whoi� it 6 'p -
E area, haoulated
was expected wouli E ti -I I �g adm'rably sd,.t or 0, retired fl Lrmer. being a kind and obliging p lariated.
will be given one week from next Tues-* rda.e liberal donaiou A rL, Iks for 3 lis'we were in error Ila
S -mers In - person we 0*4 411
he erliire' �V�,RTI!L Fit!.- he :1. 3bE tirigi
(lay igbt, and will naake au exciellent I of �the a �k 60: it. n he' tire gal that the young lad Qu� Bj.YFIELD ClDfWnRy.—The' Catmetery ha e every oufid6ee that gbod time dc nkey that made evderyy bofffgffiar to throw
co agregati6n, inc, ading -b: to-Iuse ; 111. great, itc rider, *ho appeared to be, hart Tit e
winI u P for the Season. I his;le b oken wbile"Playin ' al T 90. Company are inaI a splencid wire and safe deivery w.ill be his i*otto. I L
fin 5 new in inse, IN t u I spring 6B a I I -
Cost -�f. the ill b 0 isalt h g" hool.1 fen ce frond th a rald to the cemetery 001 -NG TO LEA r. 1 Oil like gr;im &�ath. � The
a surpl fOrtih er. he GrA ge. have Thq, h t1iI w received T- R. 1IOdglUs
angst �he YoungstiI vvas� now
Bim -w -,,.-The Liliputian Opera ed Bev ral ltIqins at Tvb�ie b I nonle. goo fence I of he Roya I Oak otel, is going to tre- 13
fullyprovided for witE a has- fe .. ith i nj uryl ate. If they would put a a
ge � ( ut he Seafoft 'Salt We are also!
el lGIqs. ytiarian dsi I id tol th to keep, J. -I wilifte heat, and fD
Prehb ie
n h t he�. i:
Corn pany had a very CI itulate,themselv'3 ubon r a4oat ten'
ood 'house on May we�ll War], lear doing well. 0 e re .1 on ani. move to the village of Hen"ll ,.,where
mals, tbf - 1; B1318116 `w�&B An inap'
jy w0i �me�it, and nol doubt he as parch, I the bat th
night, n6twitlislandin o rable p6s I �Taown as ioul in wbicillh tlieir' OCI I NT. L young son of'
A. I recei viIg- t#de bf the' While i The I ounded mar�
fava able weather. The little folks are enargy !&pd Uera ity !,Br -W 3els. Community, the Hen'sall , Ions regretting ial strain�
it e. Onk<-v kicked &I, C an cy' 0 a 1raot it would ther )e ilne of the best: il:lurial the loss of Mr. Bodgins from; amongst 4 brayed -
P5 The d
1have Place( tt em' a, on be, 4th don � e
clev and their show is well 'a a rel �S On a
T.* last wit ainful accident or u The chfiir�n fled to s4*e his
worth 'a For, TII Ta'esoa -a rather I groul ids in 01 �4 all. as t is!, hi heart ly congratulate the -people
John i I'li. `u,of:1 ngs- day of a t wee k. It appears the cungi, and (il
cLa,' I
McDou ald has re- Mr. M 0 rev and The audience looked asmayl
Gout y beeri ver Gliey. ean. of ensall. pon ettiUg Back P" geriial I mam:mai take me u
A ton, of Mo ris left 8 laced his hand too close o the S.AJ) AND 01,
LT X. Accir)ENT. - Mrs
wift he bit ?
7 13,
gea n a a aw cutter wbilst. MO- Errel t, Ila d 3Bcond- FDR THE WES, ourlohnny's p�p,
few veeks ago his daughter died of pectin �top a Ilord.
scifoor, ExmTINATION -�-Thdpu c e::ii- 1 PT08
b 4
of the I a y field Roadj r.-Arriong 'the V st
A Beawilixal-
SCILi Ot fever, aull Mo�iday last his a i3inatipla of the sch'col in. sectio MARKET -�prirli wheat, 16.'t6 tion w �n this' revolvi ii the bugry cauglat her foot- ill the P imr 2 grati oil that is X -low M, V -
ng cog lee.,
my. arling devI a
aA,disease, and Mrs. McDonald inst. wit Istaudiri p, tb 60cl o4s, 312, .24c,� bal-lq�, 40c. po
lace on . peasll can hit I of is fingers, crushi the'i buffalo robe all fe son ftildonly cliild fella victina to the falT la�at, .18 to $1.M) froi flo 41 of
Gre-y'! took is fall Friday, the can
Not 5,$c tc 11 heavily
S&M( dre iiI the ing� West, oi a little place is contributing The
dc ey cannot rua -
e �npl as lilinb 'a it sevorely.. grouu d. The I jury I its mite. A party
ipect of the daily, -an( I t -.!the ivor more of French Canadians on't be so full of f_6ar i
is Do w prostrated with it' but is not in i 45 C .1 ay, 71tO 68 -S D
'G pi ng appeaIr
bad I I . S�1111' I S to 11bei pen aerial LS th an a t fi r 3t I in agined a shed left here on Tuesda�, for Gra d For S., But, look and see the'
caudition—& large' rium- S ate of itho roads, tbero- was au ex, ra- kL + -Urs. Tuf ts; Ine
be I ingVp Dcemore. The:welcom( otes died 3n
horses have been shipped to ordiii:I good t1iiii. out' lip'.6 re nov fiiam sto le Saturl The funeral was Dalota, wh6lie a J?riench coIlouy �as Look, I I donkey has n1h taii 1 T
Ovisitors, wbo oc- of the robins and other! cw;z.
spring I ds, very la:rge; M, e --,sq. Ritchie, Ratlawell, been locatec. The*', on. top a e Oh! ho"Ji ' I t
Man toba, during the ptut week.. T' J -r. Gould nqt bui hav by St 01 10, Dady, hit bim wii a raill lence copi�d e ivart to I am's toge be ith ono�onous at o k of Reid, Mcliltyl%`Vatledge and Johnston ',.22 6r9ons,vi I M
ei 4 party con,
0. Willson Sbipped a- clir-load -to 11 at.e gratificatiou with Ithe Block, wh Ip-,theisjust opertillial ut 'he nl Z.:- Allri., &-nd Mrs' Gov And make him a , kitf
M&LI . , I i
e 0
Win i eg by Grd nvvay's train,-aud Mr. hicli the papils acquitted tbemoelves I full spin �h., were be pall -b a r 3rb. The Errett;s were ard and farid y, Mr. 3�. Oin slind falI ,ffier this "--,ei-,e the�
ro, the toc a great the ear in all dire! tiI lop
Ybefal. 1 vheat has been greatly r 3vikred among the firksattlers and are highly ilY, Mr. ard Mis. Db-.charnao,'M-rs_:I. prograrnme,was
k; respect he Na-
Caxdau iLud Mr. Teskey also took a 1, the Various - branches to wpichl their I lio -TI e"ISpring Show of by tl e refreshinc, rain of' ]a brought to i:k close by
at. iwe ed. , I I I singing t
nuulier with tlie�m&- Mr. Rob. Winters Itteution. w Lapbrte Messrs. A -?Ott,,, A,_
as dire'eted. during tbe� dlay I 1 2
I ti stoc u*aer tl e.auspice 61 the 1 it J AYI tional Anthem. A
I . a pr 8
bias purchased three acres of land on eals a very fine appearatc�)' ac)x, i te LrIa. belonging to 'Mr. N. �)ucharnl e, Jo: VOt1e of -thanks was A Large
4grictiltural 'Bal -e Beau, and I I barge
nd airinan andlso to the Lat-
rhe excellent order antained b he' G.� h 0 a". R from this out Alex. t, 21, Bayfle ii*. h Mou
III 4naiii. %trclet'l from Mr. James ppils througliout y� walls, d the sea;o GKer]16) Id Road, T ter dered to the ch
W!Ilole of th
r the auin ge yield may took f. -ight at! Ar eFarlane's d6g and The,
of $250. -Mr. limination, th � unifori'D Lttention),I an day lant. I day �)usratheiJI an aver4
tbei eex_ held at the ow wounds Qd ties- rrov f a v )rable thd gentlemen from.
Spar ing fol Mitchell.
Hen', Y is going to 'd but be r Arse, ran Eway, th.61 lag Mr. St 60a. last sounds that
19 e ied ipon. - Cl 'over bias fared iv . ch4a through th
one of the thelvarious classes- al d the pro McKenzie i I
i I - I ha�ll w
nt- and thal turn out of spectabots was and ere three hear
Mini n sa-, ne pa ts will be'a toW fidl t viblen. 4 on t1. It ra road, and outtin ty:� cheers far the
g towns in Colorado next week. i.ss lind intel igence v it g The temp
y Sulu U which iques- the 1�rlest i e have ever seen, inst ad f p riging forth after wheb all dispersed in
. , r, erallbe obifirman
i He intends -remaining all trier.' Ile pDs -were answered The 8 r a wit ;he� bi consideral bout the bea`14 aad people of affalannounced that pe ce and har
pro�l rus stock )f bol i, horse and ca CIO was warn an geni h Mj%y,�l many.
-Lud th
has a brother there already,and we Olved. and oxpl%ined, ho; on] eta verv'gc a. rhe iri� es DQ13's- face. The wa, isla-sad wreck.1 Mr. w0ad bay -e. ente
0 - ------------ T
a or 3E up root and ranch 1)y -.he BleF a: lane Should p4t away -his ..og, as town half, o'n TuEsday I
hini; ablp ipiple. been d rtairiment ini
iuccesa and h0Pe lie inay strike gb 76ebi,al)estci0it oil boill Pu nd knei t r ie�i N�It* i lre on, hand, as '1311113g, Mar h 0-1k 1LALL.—JUat arrive
.1 1 si I I ! . severa. coin a fXom Glas-
tict, There are few desorvi- eacher,- but- barly ol rumstrayes Umt a preat Da I the 11 �Oth- Lon� beforip the apil naw per S.. S. Bolivia 4. very lia
vith k ro 3 s of Al arch. PlE him, aud
ust a kee t
mm�, of itapl�m oitted til e
in", 0 good luck.-- Mr. -we R:xpton(i SCII00L.-
en ts a ad) 0 The )#ic ree as-
'de'Naught Un E. Slemul on's met, in Jag presurr el, di ai�good dogs ij L the coi t are.not war one 'for �comrnei (ing the' prograrxime, 11 e Isortment of WorSted oatings, Frech
c d of impair ',radie. Twol very e)eamiDation of the Roxboro s -,l t
Ve C oil a a
P-1 en t s, house phy wa; eleated:k chairman aii�d- Sc uitiiigs, Spring and Summer
Is extensi -sea, took la on T irsday 6f last wa k. ENT -_RTAI11N3r -The singingi class ur - - Cr4pe Cloths, f
t0 plirchast' 1- t.r car -load -of iolechre is duly late b humai . life was cro, ded to' doors. h TroBerings,
11Vp of Ila h Idl fur- Them w an
I - . 11 Tnluu 6 u
horsdls wai hiL 1.200 to 1,500 )tlpils. The Exercises ware pleas, n!tly I wagow i
poun, SIL -t ie last of a se'ries of ally �!arge a,t( which has b3eii held in tbe-lbrick: ifterdeliverirga short -but pitla' aa. batigs in all thie,hew B-hades
�e,,.,�Wnatod by a ebo[cE selectioh 1 of n lah a]sO: Conduct d 0. ance, y
n)f parents:ltbus showing a c churel, Bayfi oad, during th� last dres i, the frogr mi
will 1)
I held in )i �es of vocal music and j'dialoa�es R. Cooper, 1 ilitionee -N Vhich I Qupiiad mendable. int closed -us nle opened Witt goods of late sityles &-ad of the
61 , 6ni-III a M. to 1i I . 0111
rendered by the puplis, the whole d, b �est O=C
Cai!40"s iiall tilis (Friday) evening in the cd.1 a-, quarto -, was dr1r. ally at r
ri, croJiLabb -tb I in .c by Mr. S. R. � H�affman, Of Mit- IIII desirable patterrit3. Out Sp
in. tional i of their chil d: On. ;S
p, evanin:, of We i �: lay the 131 t of Uarch elbell, who as 1( All! �o received bonq to `�h M6 StracI �heestclo'm'ed A la,ge qu 3 ofj goods -was a adly applauded. by Sto�k of F ur ring Rieraemlx
foriner f - 0r ple d old. le and wopl Haile is also 1
asserxiblies will bo made welcome to i �eve I t The hior i department, I Uliu he bv! an ent
INTe are erta bm t given b Prof.
r 31 1 1 . -
1 6 n w a . eared. Mali y or in ection, an# is an im.morise
?_ ewar by Nlirs I- Se
township 0 as iud In ed to! Mr. D. 91: y
this ue.-We are glacl to learn that a[led to th tt, was examined lin 1 Jones, consisti g p: a publlc� exa mi a-. on the stage as Mr.' a mprising, as
1-�.Inving dclI r- rI e Ag�� cietv, the fo H I it does :every ae-
'oorae Gouinlock, who has been f d a very Ion Ila V I : erous gave a recita-don in ood style Now style and graae. A "we Make
-y Of Cultural bo the little folks c- tion of the cla to
Mrs. t address. I firtbe �Olulo jrether with hun sira ble
4,g prll'd� 11
seri sly ill for several weeks, is now c t quittel therasolves nab _a
a led upolit-L t trust s1t �S]plllanfli 3", SOlOSS11ngbyt (IPiofessor. Thewaythe:. came the fa --vi-. ie evening,
hi Imported aught �Cb rite of t' prof. a speciality of bats,
e (f the se4i ii, -t71P niplih: sh 3a 33�-Onclu vely iwo ruu MRILY'
recov -ring at owl -the ea -re 81111
—The recent �varm_ rains 1164 their class cquitte( ems es 4s. a- Hari ison, of 1i 0 Ban "Nan
expressed e ir-1 satisfaqtibu oEw
1 7 CrY -8 to suit our own t�aiae. Come in
on &I titon'MaKillop; 211d X- which thei, teacher liad ex[I indi; ati n of ;he Profelssor's Lee,' while "r. 'Teil pr as hd ford. L 4rt B r4 I, Grey. Can- in their trainin see us we wont Chaige you a cent
the f., I wheat, but bI made veri markdd ad in the �Lfterrto n charac er as a te her Of 7ane 0ol adian
JDra he rer Musi la the argan to a low yo through,
y bad t[a ement bf the sca t-lst:�Eonest 1,-au1(,, sertior departMEn' r e i t th 3 time he was -
have lad a most invigorating effect upart at the success lt the examin. tborou h v IIIP
"tuition,of their ssor singiog a -virliether you uy
It hand the Stailley, 'n n er the, p- daring t' solos the Pro pin, Cal be hear aro, or not. We. are,yours respectfully,,
roa(1z.'-We have cil son t was taen u ppj:ng
esent te0h- McPhe MCT01sh, Blueyae; exapaina ion was conducted b Ole seemed to Burp rely. It on the floor, 1: ut a' �ter I Le HA LY & AN-DERsox, Oak Hall, Seaforth.-
el enti
left t lie stage
Ab la ft Is i,
Lo M 0 eu rd
i�r 0 1 r(
i, L _1�