HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-09, Page 6A
I* k,
ially a of ty of Ilisivina r�- MEDICAL
then he 1 hrord worked, espe t i c isibi 1.1 LI L FAIRLE I SEAFO: TH der,
I'B n Fassan 'a AIDAW &
U tea a; a s: # About roi,tutrig aeri-
banker e m Chave D tealls rea (.yv at p
,BY MRS. GRAllik'&I, proi &c., Physicle, 3 rgeon I d
T.; G. SCOTT, 3 ieunaersof
CILB -Lu. 0 y lopal
men vri' h C DA -]]gas I r �sl;
all hours, for 1 hot I e off oil ai Acconcheur,191eaforth,Otit. 011114and M US, ICAL -visitors 0 r�
There's darkaess'in this world, lrmenl� of ( � bt firs
fishing when the fish are Ibitill nor .0 Elinge it -a pe ma nt-irr once south sidt of Goderiob Str) t d
And then thdre's light; ll�
1 49 reli
sat 6f Prosbytai ian Church.
thei food n Ltrition. 'Xo zorrec all � 1 bif3, special
There's daylight in the soul, Will they. agree tk, go wit hbut I . I — ever the Bee
I I i i unniff"
And then theire"ti night, a latioli.mlist ])a p4id t i0dividual THE -CENTRAL .61-COUBRY
once they are ready for it. 'WM. IIIA140-NER, M.D. INSTRUMENT W-UnIVIN tl�gaud. 13,
0. M duatc at
It would not be as God ordained Jiggi.�g mae el is exdAmg ork b leulli and it the evil leqhences of
If all were bright. McGill Vu iversity, Phy"10 an, 8 rgeon a d
mest case
Ithe: 18 D 6068 1 Cold i ead-� ucheur, Sedfurth. Ont. Office th residen
when the fish bi tp freely, an i I ib
a the were to be
I rat
The heart if; young; it loves naturally t a Jlisb a 1, Ji atolition U at come. door south of the 0abholic Chi trc4. and qu-t
great c mpeti- ion b be
The free and giy. r - t Fri pe sen ime t properly ma Nvb�3h- ti
f th ' leet, a' "ician, A�
different vessel e ach. loug 1. SCOTT H
The sun shines on the mom L. VERC , M. D., C. M., I Illy$ -E One or tvo
outdo th ?ther, and, r6s6rt' to e d I i 1poil Ida as upox fill- other C A 1?, 0 NO A 1 N STR 1E E T,
Of Our life's day, ing, to I cat geon,ote., Coronerforfle of Hu, BLOCK, 4
I this io
of 11 il itar The h i ly� physi- 'Illy h, I
'While singing glailly, we vario T
ng expeAi isfor ilie, J'urpo m CMOs and Refidence,ot 11ist act no
y udst�icnB.
GO oil our way. drawin6 away.. itis 01,Iki MAI M arn ' he people bvf rywhere, lire, �'tly opposit) Seaforth Public OIL
m a,( kc�reil froi Ha ep re bi tating to the pijbl�e
ee-bov il �g.!'*: B � a .om- a ; oppIor b. A (lifers, of 1 tb 3 dariger in I th In ' mat ulfacturi-nor
But while we gathe' flowcrs complatito ty at they axia ovv
r t Consists in t4i i Lg a d is di 4 bi( n, ai: A of ther rr ean's by Xc?�AUGI IT, Veterinsry� Sn go Grq au Ivory little TIE
Within -our bold, mou practice; to of Ont: xio Veterinarli co� their own account in company.
log , Seafofth �), I I - .
voided' rhe Qnt. Office and Residence in: roe of XH)o
The dark clouds hide the sun, ard of r)�c wh 6 is m, a ch a to )a -first Da4a el Bell The orf I
I vessel lose to 3EW n
I - 'Aistrict -a-ad
IrOWID CF he I E at p i� a tioA to be tal n or the celebrated
The' world grows cold doill , g an d- �1 out bait t g ied by each Byan's. Calls womptI3 atte ci to , night MOVER ANb TiMCI-HY�SEwEDS, 9 tors
And &er w&ve reached our noon, 1 11 (lay. A stock o veterinary mi�edi(in�ji on M4 I 'to)" --do V.
The heart ig old. filsh U11101t, 004esert tfie ir4t raft, ial� iv'id'' t� i t) keep bimse I in a good
Ghaigeareasions Ie.,.Hox:sesexpuii.ed4stosO 21- 1
a, bod y to th ae�l d, 'The g i erial d� it.cr and to do -that he
t n .
Iee-bowed"SCh.OD0ers,,1r3w' o I RGANS
and go esisland cortifittes given if repuirIed.!J 07 F11 N SEEDS1
Ono day witli buoyant step,'. m� euge niJ.: St a r iolis �y ivoid all It _iat -tends to EXCELSIOR 0
And sparkling eye, n U . ons 0
themselves, aitWr run: abrXt Of - the d';ord e a i and the t DERBY HIRE L. D. .1
We, climb the ateep, and vow LOST:NAT ON WHEIAT,
Buigeon.Dei till -o be
Todo othercraft abd.! take tlieir,�eharica, of allithe i&tLS 01 the bod ildiren Gradu t
While angtls seem to grdet t the liottcm in t (I ccllisi8i, or; iii!. ist, bb loth d u flannel -11 he. year A the Royal Coll agc 0
1�,s, from thb sky. ey have *eCured a gooa,,. fare, they r,' ow that 3urgeons , of Or Lai a.
if ind, DC in iA be made our from 8 A. M. to 5 P. I L R
liet are b ad, rR, Whitney's #ow brick block, M: in
el, thit b i re,
Another dav we stand may the n6acker is, f1row f J 'Stap IS . ( f � I
Beside thc bed that n bat tea,
overboard such antities ot,' bait Plat, ve --tat b e),nd fruiti
We lds,; the brow and cheek the fisb -win 104ow it to'tba bMom, 0 lee an '0. P� 8 bi y of all ki ds �;e to b
6tual sbc d orI a I b greatest f uries,
Of one tb4.t,s dead; LEGA
thus effe ly�lputtijng A, p t) the
Our bleeding hearts lie eruslied,
�Onr joylias fled. fishery Stran ing b&pp9n o: the th korej: r am q n1I lea and
a th A�XJES T A:t t 0
;, GA BROW, BarriE t
fisbi.rg rounds, lien exditemeDt_rur�a fa iODg il! vals. The co mc,,Lnity can ici 0 Golorich.
But wbile we mourn, a voice r en - n -illaaltbiv as in ivi
ye mourni ga'6',ed a Lit oil stress of cl ae I [aI 61th n all he' AMERON, HOLT & CAM]P�RC N. B
,Oi a
Falls on our ear, high, d'a, score of seboo aere, a ly h
'Tis 1, !vhy do �p flare )Ompe, d C -Solicitors In Chancery, 4:e., lu I ur
'k1thy do ye fear 'I" weatbiirl� not -I I. freqUE n madE,- re- 4.essa. to a a emph� S Gran -
:yL M C� Camel on, C., Philip -Holt
We lift our eyes and smfle, iL ; for b � pla :91 io� M f
For Christ is nvar. Spoils le-; for i oken b E I, sto ve-in a� ae) 11 b� h . or�nl
yellov OIL: LIUVOK
quarters, bead 7 'ax carri. d Walt add cl 11nes: m y be adopted ; but'if the con -
NY sionor in I. R., Wroxeter., A a
'So down life's vale '-III go sails sp I i t from li, I ad to fok)t ther4, are ti PI Cauri t a o ained of f ie oldies of, LTI [LLiAk S1 [ALL, Conveyance.
Secure in this, 0 1 ,
unreported, collia ons, : re a4d a). 14 the io(le � I livina of tj elindivi- 1
I My Father's liart Appraiser. Acc)unts and ric tam;
A will guillt! a
While nnna's in his daring Peds Of, ieamahsl but 16u6i a dials ilil' au 5 an I all other pla-,Os evils. r as(nable term 3.
And out of dark and night on sho -,, all tbes � tbings ar forgr6tti6n DO so a '.d(n,y f ital, but roub the less
BrivqxF. to bliss. i 1 1. 1 - H I W. 0. JU EYER, BI&rrister an
a tri lit z 'beer. a a c� ssf u E Jim the a . c airila,ous, and IbIl the time r. � iAt;o
. , 1; orlini
I I Law, Soli(itor in Chiucel
if only �v Al uriot: �,o tiEir well beliag, willicer-- for !king a0lola iits
Fisher.fes of 'Nova Scotia. 1 t in the ProvInCol 01 na
-Restisqiitatii.�, Q led a. ti bly a �t. So]14 ifor for thi i Bank of Halail )n V
01 all the 'Provinces of the Dominion, Privite funds tc loan at 71 to 8 per cc! b.
A cor'respouddi it of the z niry Geh-
Nova Scotia takes the leiLd in. this i Ue I I -o-�6 ail, 9 ai n
III- I Sharp 3
tleman hives ad i a for IV, a jig chill6d
dustry, as it does also in ship -building, Die 01 an emp,oy 4,ALCOMS,)N, Barrister, -line At to
lambs that is w Ith U`Pyj�n 9 in a
its, corifigaratioln and posit�ion combil) i I Joa 'Ays., ' ' I Law,.-Notaly Public Conv yaj3er, B
1.9 'I'vWilt the latc b is C il ej ix st( i 3 C, U i ng street, ro: onto, re- -hir. arey, I ate )I C
. a' pre are a lameron, Holt I & fflm
to make it an essentially. Maiiti a j
pail tw. ad t o bar,(' ay to pre: an- his , in- 0 0 will'beib charge of the o�ftce, a
_t 8 11 of -aim Ivater, say, R a
Province. The seas which Nvash i "s hird i: bc As. He Mal onison wil 'be in Drusiels Ar
90 '- F., or as w 1: IM a t(. i ded th a 121(e pair OfJ
shiores. abound in fish, easily cauuht . in s th, foo: ti� nA the
_nd, V,ill Coll) fin tably b( arl, 'Ptu t th6 aezr ii y her ffiagure, and
Smack boats. Visaing is a profita �.e it U 11 0 elo as stores J ALVES KE [TOE, Barriste , A�3crio
Iamb in to this� b i ih,all el coapi head, w0t iUl
occupation, and gives a, 111an 't. ;P- for five or tell M I utes, aci ojid 11' ' 0 the ojv,�liing, x1a Ll.d -iiiebas A 1 $2 -pair 091voyaLcor, &a., stlitic-a
chance, of raakdug plunty or Money lia: a 9 OfftOtS In rd(r t make th present Kohoe will belu Seaforth twice ca(h nto
eff act it has on j in. If , le I ViN as, ift the 1irst and tiird Mondays, UrAviak
fewweeks. il, �,uccessf tit trip Ivill of bl�n altable be marked $5 prev� ' Satalilay evenings. 11c wili
I five or.Wx,m.iu atp,, take h'm at; f he
I. at each rilem"ber of the crew a sum Dr. F'),"Isover's re 3ideuce.
a rn j: int oE a Nyeek'sl lli,irfea, we
revives slowl
Such as he c . y �,�p hili! OU tell
Ouldnot possiblv have a,, -
I 11h) U zm �be 81 e� of t buots, and
minutes. Re W 14 Show aJvAvJi% 1 by SON & AlEYER, Barristbrj% d
quired by followimir any eccupation an A
a Iiis rE (I ne t-itlib old B`�,
kdckilug and strurf, 9. 0 )ur be I . rk pu a aceip ted kaw, Solit itors in Chance:i-y a HIS
shore during the saine tariount of time, 113 do bbe of t
b ead m. ast be ' a of by solrjoi.on wtil hi 111 fur ke bocts. The Convicyancers,IN )taries Publicl, tte, if 10
and, this- speedy 6cqui6itidn of I ,
- NN, p#-peut.a V�ai ade aind i the lovers forth not Brusse Is. $28,000 of Pri %I.c 1?
o3 I the rest of the b:) Ily is un er r,
root (A all evil', is a atrom.g iliducerne siould be. iu,,,5,_at ome,,�ai Bight perccrit� 111.01 CA
It I the pail. Wben. 1�lje lamb out, NN"Are m a a 1� a �, as lovers
the youtig farwar to desert 'his' aer s
hold it up gently, in a wai blacq, by B �Mar ttes Iluel. Tbeigir. exam- JAS ft. R9r;SOJ. G. 31
forafewi�eeks, and einbark wiL.h 11 1 1 ...
in �1 the oo fi the dilyliI.,flit d was Tb above Bri a has thi -.i day
comradus ou u m I U it ln� -1 t1be dik
the fore logs. al he A, ttl�;u� -il oonsc,-�t All aecountis. du e I �L
a (�keiich ng co' .7 111 sati ad I Shia was coD'i �ed that mu'u
t� Ltal 'ain in,
Nw -to (11 ff;� thch Nyipla :dver nbu who wW I a I
fishingtrip. Be it s&.Jol, in passing bepa.dto Mi BeL
tl t dry -%N,r d u I d 'i 1-1 a'D n el Les,
at this habit is not couducive 9011tily t in a he -Jove r'laill Ibc �i l.. cheated in he pur-
ft&rrp i 11 (r. UO go ild put e - t r of bo(,;s Lb that
I or othei w6olen',!'a, i i a b"` 1, in -cl .':so o s ich a Noi. 27, �STU JJAMI�,S E. 111
a warm.plaG6. I a il d to go Ind change' H. NV -1C. YE
Mom tban twenty-four t1musm
t a r i better lim-cynin. The
"I 6ilik tllikl plan df resw di,.a thOw all I
arl are eugaoled in the fighing busirie s s
no �t dki hd �ared in t- a ,tore and
ing ebilled. larnb$. will Won[ rett all 110 pi Hi
of Nova Scotia iso say the returns A WCAU MY & 101M�,;,
wifu , .50 �' ited pil !)I boots. p
the Departruelit, hut they do Dot tE I (best �n tho hands ofithe*f xJ4 rs Li �ce $4, and A BEY, AND COINV P, N
I bui i be boots JO, Which LA -1 CH
PC tel .1, el�
the whule tale. Nova ScultJ �y becanse,the warIM water I��vv: 11 q ickly tic (JiFi! ICE,
ftils allo sh 6�! said 'e r Th a s); Ln I h ad I �i d �5. The
and e(latilly warl every P� Ir 0, tlie
birth, traiiiing, and surroundiDorS ell"IEl-
Skin, Oils equitliziliff the, Er re #P oduc,4 D ud the Scot 's Blo IN -Jain .�Sti,4
ipte( bill NX w pr lact, su-
entl fitte(I for that pouttliar iadustr ff U Mimi: in .11 . i W a s fin poi3aib 18 to , go
y all Ptti-4 quicklyAnd ei )IiWa y. 'The bc struar.., oun
There are no oarsnaeu - in tbe world t,8�jiiilld- t ie 'hla:trharh airl C�OUCITORS for the Conscilid ted
lambibb uld not b) a oll to cc ol, or Tr t u a. " -L. 0 k
Who, where speed, strenoth auql fe t- 0 took bar I pair :)f 1606ts ;�id' btained 6inada, and the Canadian B uk &� (o
cold-a�ir 'till % r) a ly illy.1 I th in-Setforth.
durance collAbiued are required, co
J.Pm'b is* ble to"' u. %-, the bwe m y � be, t'ljil miney, ali I went h0mei happy Fit'= &no Tov n and Village Pro ) rt y
and 8old.
zompare with the incii dwellin- on the brought to the I r t a 141-1b. M -�'(privl,tifunds)loaned 0a n
b 0 the &11:41 -sati! I ed.1. U L a boot s6 ler sent a
A,tla:utic,,sea.b,val-d of this proviijad. t)L;'
Rie young"m4n, -Who curl
ewe, iIU �uch a as to hill- Al.lJor $3 to ti �s, at rea nable rates of inte) a t.
austomed to ptill in heavy scille boa is ilig ag L ail�!.. By a Ins of a; ival M th, prbmotl � a differ4ce, but he motlej
paid ate.
the Ile tl a thpubs t A girl 1lows more than he 1%101 tey ilive
to -in Ar youth up, th(.y linaic the he.atl of tl;e S I I s � J for private ers., s 11
N -da er exte'll Lo". (1very
)ar with'� facility Surprising to a ma bestxiortgage (curitici,whhou' wt3 cs'l
p aTt a li ud quickly, Such is tlb-f� 0 Ith(Ju he has 'becll. going the il
'", I itter.
who% pins his f&ith (in the saientif �c f I
- a in Ayaaniacir NO h-hel: �-olouor 7 S. G,i %1oCAUGJI E yl M.A. Fi 11' BEI
not tl: tale, i -1 1
itroke, carried to such a pitch of perfc,!.- U ' 1 " ' t Ile fire
: and I t sea Ivl iy the -,�, xm ba'al is
Ition i a tbe eigh t§ of the-, Cam and tl 0 ; d h t Bed,
is, anct. the fours of Arriericau not UE g?�oudo ol�'- bl�tl er than ativ lother MI OE LLANr,, 0 U I
Co '0 Sul e:� to: t Ithe fre,&`h!iai- and,if
means fbr the ose indi( teli..",
ges. DutmabGh a crew of Halifillc' 1� sible, ave free CC( C, 8
U 0 fhe S n 1.
--if to, it - IIIEU GREAT 1E -mALB, REmB, Jol
in 0 k 3d
shermen agailist the picic of Won aji�l, hour pr I 'Or I bef re ng up. -JL�. l%riod1ca0ills—Thisinv
" !- i Spling, Fee( i g of -1 1).-� I y s
Rmbridge, Harvard, Yade, . md other I , i 1 0, HOve th heets IIDDg eDOu 1h to � turn unfailing in th( cure of all th
aDd"t JW. dangerous dime't ics to which bhq'fem le
istin"Llished schools of ro n 3 u n dar the, na r I's at 16 a f ot, �t he low- bi crates a�l 0 0
Thel fbod most needed by Ith caw at on i� subject. �t mod 63
isherMen, Nvith 'their awkward elbo1v er One tl a s a -the head, )at fold mo?ves all obtru ions, and a spoedy oJui a
lwist;, will ran away from, their oppo I this seas ri is siuclh Rs will ild U her n. To mi�Ariad ladies, it is eci a,,11
J re]Iied
thid, upper s t edl over tie 1. adding.
ents'in smooth water, aijid drown t Musclital systqiri and rein igorate her Itiwil , in a sho�t time, bring on 1the inc n
are equa y a 01 ilh-regul it�.. u
I Its from becom- rio -m i d
-vvil. bi t
JaC4 The! This qui
jarough. They 11 ood se vitalit E should bE rich in ilia soill, Li These pil)s sl o
y gma
a Ce sleep z a breath. taken 'by Fema�(s during the fixat tire
phospRiAe of li�ml for She il,13 ofteui de -
Ie p'sncy, as� t
,*ent, a4d Nyill ban dle a f are - an d- af t: r When a 1i ad las een ocou ied III win- 01 P, hey are sure to bi:
1 ploat;841 Of !this dut ing; the mitdr g period, . . �: 0 1 g
Ina p0e, of wind in -a manner, tha* carriare, but at ny other time they lie 3a
t tpr every t'. i ai ab u t it sho d )1P wash- all ci ses of arvouB- and Spina AT
V !-so as �b rbud'erl b."r! bones I poligy; and
�ju tb( To was
oul& compel admiratiou. a a Ifeather pains n the back and limbs, fatigoic, I
the di$eaSes that atflict- cov a a t
There is wild meatber on the c pring Ck, Cho i I; (a) ir -eatber so t at- ertion, papitat on of the heart, hl t ri
oas t you
i are usbally occasioned by ;4 Overty whitei, these pi
Nova Sooti&,* and summer gales of theIood given t6rou-h Ube winter. caij�. dry it: out do Ts. Cra�vd the feath- s will effect a cute W' e a
]lot - always Soft 9mol gen Ida. b em1l) 0 .1 a a 10 1, VIn le meanE �hove fa ed; and, although is p
axe , f6d ! 0( not ntsih iron,. dalortic �, a it
Co %vs that �Ipon -11, 1 Iver rejuea 7, do not
3111ghty-Atlantic rollers toss yoll a ve fi
h"ay wigbar-iisually *40-0 ei their : rit.11y. i hei Cant a. Wash tl �q empty Or sul thing �bur iful to the constib dc n
P9 - and dired'd DDS in th6 )ampblet around ea ih p
sel i fine style when the Wind blowls I . 014 ':heili dr�', sbake, tpe ftatherS
vIgorl, ecause clo�ver is rich 1. in musele hich should be arefully proserved. Job
Atrong, mi,ol.ib takes a Cool thCad Alld 'F1 1;t$ tha id acai and wa4i t. 1.4, other w
forming rhatiterlabc1phosphhe � Iii tha New 'Nork, Sole ?roprleto�.
f lime. $190 x A 2
dariijig heart to fight the Storm's tbat h4li. C IIL�isk jI)eds B;re ucLi nicer for poi tage dnolo ied to Northrop& yni
Oats, peas, wbela6ran, ai:4. bil. inipal I
rage on the Bauks.I`These qu&IitJ:.S i are ILI] ricill ia �Pb4hate of I me t its tb�,y are nct so dusty, ro.nto, Out., general agents for
are coinmoij erlOagh ilinow", the lNoyl� and at,�' with �4hd �dd�L, ion of a fE Y, fresh "]I ilAure a bottle cdntftiuingoVcrJZ0 I
are ex-,ellIent t6 giv,� the cd.w renewed return inail. Sold in Scaforth by i A
k cotia fisher1f, sp and tboir Pussa-sgion I vitality during bar jpon-lac� ca� period. I ts frqI-4 t1i rp a t � tim a, -vv i 1 :1 St /f or Bleasdell, Jf S. E obLrts, and r.. Luing1pal 1.
c ri , . I I
ake,s these Men valuable � to 18-hil - Care illust I ey wa� be fresbed �,e torn-
Uj be takeluito-gi , il III very -a.
Gioudest ink iltb 1484 1IOU t '11, the sui ai: � 6i FCTIUCITY1 THOMAS' 'EXCELSIO E(L
Go on' board a via
sulan at lbis per Od as the a for r1,L
bmschoolrier, mud under the Stars it I tlivo,!quol ;iffill b, ie fine
0 'y or g 01
tilne or Calving, appfoa�bes, w4 especi- GiwD.--Paixi can iot stand where it Is .1seq
4nd Stripes't1viug at We mai3t bead sti 1 i4ibiter' never ke I eeqs- QP the cheapest medicineever inado. Ow dos
� . 1. r3 - allyif-A has not- 1)3'ea, givAn Ithrougli
on will find, iuseven cases ont -of te 'in
a fd th*d, isi! iseld )m us: ad. I hay I will COM1110n.sor,ethioal. Onebottlehas -ui a
r yet )Ide 'It
W 1
the te. pit er day
%.Nova 8cotian-as inaster, and Nov -1 4 er q4111111 31, dIves xhitis. F iffy car. tl3'worth has curod A i olti
nd re
through the whole perioc pJa ss ud rand bh
C, ( 1 !61 going dry f I ing.cough. Itliquitivelyoures c-atarid, a
0cotians as crew. The�_American VeE - I Vitt iablionifirtileperham fula", to
.will msist very. uawterialil keeping guc anderoup. Fift: cents'wortb hascurede
'y In Lkn. up I the b! A Nvith- tb6 baek, and th 3 sarne quantity lainq ba
Eels are, indeed largely Jnwiijed All I i� the Cow in howAth . and t it
I r) Of ten pr,e- Y61,
commauded by Novia Scoti&iis, bo 'the e1e years'standing. ThefolloviDgareoxi�n9c
of a ry,1 inn-utri- )a nd. add Ithen wilien
vents the evil : effec
tious fodder. Wbeii. given throlug ie I
frorridifferentpart8 of Cauada, whichl, me
reof obtalillingemploynoelat at'-Gloul 96 few (If the man y letters that have Wen b
casiter or Marblehead, emigrate -ever
Y Ivillber, we -bW rie'vex hacwn shOuld suillcientl v sailisfy the most 8 epti
imp�(,.- trango V eak of a I in a 3,tib. It
in -reat nujaibers.� It is a:. coin Collari, of Spartl, Ont., writes, "Scul( rul� 6
7kuce to see que of; those tion.of t1le?manifolds. isitors. 0 a- Asylum to tl a -lusane
�ioij occurre Dr Thnuas'Echotric, Oil, have sold it] I hA
i0ats al)d bran, mixed tollether will yo;1 lai Ld want m re uuw'; its cures ar� Liu,
or 1) 1 U .
beautiful craft bubjud for the Bait* a excelle6t food at:t4is Period, fl, d' on :, 6 fN1 D Ut. "I �L I'lam"tou, _Niill re- derfull.' Win. McGaire,of Franklin, wri
North Bay, put I. I m 1
iutu Liverpool, Bat,- 4:::1 b e 1 -1 0" cce!�Ltrie, genius, b 1 naline have soidall the, gent left, it acts like a A
thisfoodis coritidu�d after calving,it .4
ringtoll, Clie.iter, Halifax. and co'mplet AV111l: dhamlo' by. a still ,onbinues to Awes ilow at fm �t, lint takes splendid n m
Will belff"to establiii, a (rood vield lof 01) el 0 " Ions, wr tes. Please forwa 6
ace anol head �drupalously
As ercftv, the llla�tcm knowing well tb R-00 I i: his ; �. Tbomr s"Eclectr% Oil, I am nearly oJ L, n
N I .milk. -Durina I th first Week after bably rawst ex -
ova, heotiaz f1sbermon, an . I by P
'FL1 u a of IN CIO a Of I I air � all ids it. It is h gbly recommended li� Uto
cidvina tIAU diet Silo Id bc`ispirii—notiso tr
them to the geii-aide Yanke rdinarit 4ethed ever a I ed, by I ba cusedit," J Bedford, Thtme4vi c
i pecesmliv
el " ; J if the c , is tl,iu ut ;! if Send me at oum a further' supply ii 31111
.1118DUld 'fisherinext .. , I an b
The tweftt�-four tll� fleih v � she' sh ould b kept (, a ho ye!u 8 ago,liI ran to
! Oil I have only c ue bottle left. I Devi rEft
bay, re )ve
cif Nova 'ScoCitt forni, of course, thebul ept a quart of oil A eal, whi ch is Jax- ':�apill iiry &dor';rr a a ts by thi ale � ell so well and: give such F!eneil. I itt
f this arinv MOPLas of I 0OW'stone, wlic. he had tioa." J.Tbonitkorl, Woodward , , wi1ei`
of tboa deep ; the other ittive coo inif- � ARE . all danaeri fr1611l I I I I
1 11 prdsiouslyls rep i ious ggled into
laritime Pruviuce.s hell) to I Ux titi ly srh me some more I clectric Oil, I-havol,41 d d
swell tho inilk f�inve i� a feedingishog.ld 1 0111- Nothil)g t
kI6.qlileit-" h1iller
11111bers--iti New Brullswick there are I)c ino�t'li )eral'j so a to sta It the, cow tho" ustitu�tioir - _Wber brid PM(Aising Vert-o'n P.Q., wri c, "The Ealectrico5tist
V(1r nine thousatill, luall, eolgagredju thi tll��,6(!e�ti,ic'(,,IiarE�etersholved 1- bril- a great renutatic a here, Lind is didl.g call
Oil a Wrge flow of iu- Ilk. Aft ar tell a slidd P4 6e and s too: t, I f a
fishuries; in Plince Ed-wUl'-d from calvinti.io 1,,ullloar extra foo(I Cal -la p Ce Sandumfurtber iupplywithoutdelay" 11.
(it'lit thousand ; making altoget' a 3,nit leveV. 8 0 as I een. ' Gibb S Co., Buchangham, P. Q.,
r, Aler a no,. not 'a al
0 be givall t an d 11 1 one gross of Ecli etric Oil. We
I r, ll , . eat � bran !it
-er forty -o -with olic or two quarts of aorii meal.
eattregate (if m Ile L io�q� d t6 0' it-SELf Oil eit�-?r lace or 1.wch." Sold by ill wedioiuo deale)
en employed during- grc-at part J heal. r10 tAr e ay Tolby sea,s him- CL11ta. S. N. T. IONIIA.S, PULLIPS,
IMUCII Will depe'lid ulpon the 1 feedi4 of NO FYM-AX, TorMoo, �01t.
I . �6ui i.11 tly, an RT ROP &
tile coil'sbeford gra n Agil ts forthe borainion. NoTF. c I
the vear in catching and euriug fisli Sal d via0l'Ously pol-
s coules'l to ensure i,
now.tlicli nuinber of vesse-hi . ;b his h by t�e applicatio of the
Splectad a -ad El !a c
e14- a -oodi yield tbI-ouggh �the semon, From triz d. Sold in �,c lo
ploycd in the fisheries, Nve havo a tott4l d.r, Aohp. Athdirb.tinie auo be ', cst the obe It a
r-1) Hickpon ck Dlea idell, J. S. III r i a
'Old the feed now Lumsdar
,lirvIlft'll 'N 10 xvitlil
1 0 w 1,
agorv" Orl. I issi a, and was V�xy depress -
of 6533 ift 1\,()VtL lKcotia, 'the . 1 4
- t,"LtiQ shall -Ale Nr th he'Ad t1i season pro4ts.— IT.11311 .1
'toliliage or Which i�; .-If"sout011s, &LI "Pil'itis f co sequende, t). piece
-k iJ(
Naliolial -Aire J!l too
A63' in New 13rullswick Avith �a tonuade J�LIVJ Walls -1i ad a. Substibu �e for a
of 5,061 ; the b6,,tts nui iber f feio,( ays, L4 Noved ummlitz ble, and
L) I - Fvils of Neglecting CqLdjn.th'� . I( _f
z I- I - i u ii slo, a -ail � ble opp(rtu ai by the
ltnvs : �Xova Scotia, (I"), Nvw 13ru 1� 11 en d-. it t �fj
9 or' til-
U-1ok, 3,850; Prince ".EJqx&r(J I I T Lper read B A It 0
walill, aLnuteur bkrl),ar, 46i'some roem 0
U 4L I com
by Dk 1). 13. St.
roll I, I I er,!flt1J)t I](
4 0. The capital rtsunted by ClieJ i -T, 0 tot hAk of and �`,her stope, whi6h is
of thit, itv u t. Aie -ecent
0111 etv of the ed u P EAFO TH
A ssels alid Wats is very argie, ftni ums- Ifast Deilig S�. ootb throurlb
r`1,M, e t i 11 Io of the
i g -to ,,, 1,7o�;J,80, 'in wlii,il its vf-oroti applieftioli to t BRAN1(
S 11! 11 18 i1q d -Lhat the fa, d and
S tte of New York Ito
i�jcltidcd the value, of rets and Wei' most frequent oritriti of cl tlAowner., 1;
Si31171M, It "over two ftUd � ft Ila of the Jac irvi I A.NLK 0 30t'kU11ERCE �i
n 0 1) a �sages, f tbe cuu- 110: 11 a Xelp�.d th -,'I F ]a
14illion dollars it, o: . I e
juDctiva, md 6f tlio;
q the value of the fisl'- Middle, a�, is ill a
material alone. The capital inves �- I'volected 1.110 lical", It is Z, vell- lu), in Hartfordl gen Jeman
it' t1lis ilidinitry, will increase ev wvi 1111al"I twvatte6�; the We A the 0-7
DO 00'rsoll III a ti ot hi, cli Ili !the oth�r
�T goncralh conceded t1lat I I
Ntear. as ivore �IILIV!Liieea niethods coa V arid I
perfecth Tc the r in i S, lately occupia,�l I
ealtb"(6XICLID Uudt�r cxtraoro. p a
1-lato favtir.
1 110 e luek ;i riek' to 1jid' : n or, hina
ELIT ell" I 111ALLUCOs, t Lkes culd" III
y tri�, -ntit the id yet a 1111i.-4. for I ich 11 !had fur ItJaUV years CQu lidated Bank, 1
owiI-J- r tile majl��Iii of indnkind ba� -at'
'duile, but vvcrv, 11 (�l soiae pal ft -er Ii. ni r frieiW,
1 1114 r of tho e Ilk, T Duor
170". tillic, sit, cred f 0111 )1d i 1 1, U01 of Me Comg I
Tako, f(,r iii.stance, -a cittel, all :inci I intUlIv be
( r The popular id0a thap IL Ck)ld ill tilt) liead- U lo in T t1l at 11 G
of fortv to iifty toli,�;. \vi INVINVO, Odi in o 11)e abie I � i atten a t Ia. 110 t 11, .1.1aill Street,, I
ask a clion,
t 101-ftir is Im".1ded oil i his f if�'t,d all, D to Se.L
(:rew (if 1111k It foUr-tt ell Ilten, ilICILIdit)'t the fact tT 1hat he
hat niost of Ithe �)eol. lo rdcOver A.113. IIIELA D,
t1ile skippf-r. "'rol, 1171% 1"ai The T� I A
a lar e to, is C I J ew lieretof*i
'llch.1tu extepi; ffin t theN 4re
sbal-olt i'll the (I auqt��i)u took Ilacelsiid the pew was put
L 4L Zgo about af wr%4arLJ,' tl� Lid en-grage in, their up., 1-Fifily fflam" said frieuJ 'Nu. 1.
(1tell, is solle ownw% Ifit, ,wts- his -crelk' erdivary ai ocaliolis %i' RETURNED'
t i, xv I nnit,�%Ouei� s0d'-No.2. "I�-ifty-,'Ibree,"
-ork -tattii-g iii tht-J.,Llltt�_t all!l
_tiCO3-at-1`l11C-tiI'1iV,(Jr the coll-;t1aelleL�i
S"Ore.S, I1r0Vl,,l0n:,, ;aft. flu -1 and go , ii till tittIII e llt�d beeu
of the dis u-bich 1,1aN- (3v( 11 0011.4, 7\1 iSS OLDFIE�LD, having ret-urz�'CA
I-Irrels ill Which to paolk t lit: Catch. n (II
I . (_` n ol, i Lrirt vit.-it 41 tLe city, is now Itr
I , � b. i
thi, -, .1
poll tbeill. 111, that do 141-5-; And MU1.1le of a�
U o g, far� El 8 discre-
settled' U L., beli Iklit,tll� JL
v. sions are found bv him, and
very niany Of tilt- 11111afliC-S.
�N -hich pre- -ril R(n-mF iv Iliesim e 11,10cf, Ca)(11JI'li 1"! b .1
I tiol eril i 1"ut]:, S
vel, -'Ile" t 0 U1 t tii! I
I [cintiful au�l of qlial�fv PC topptkl, all the othur f,Il. 11, wheresh#! I i:q+s li�-r Ymi V flit'nil., ol
frtq -, Y - , Z� I tit t to" ,pli� tsu ;zive her a call.
.)rse"will do; fisbermou ,live lik,,, the allotte,,] po.-rjod of three and I i , sq,� ol,'aud 13 —Al-preiit cv� wat.te,l.
ht - t it �npllailt at
t4l, t�
01 ir o,.r,*(,,,i
tell have tile laStoAfislillulellt uf!, the
ers, and niust.,to cai efully 10t,11INCLI and th t r Hiew no
riOus "'fo"ti(il's lyllich bowlids. They. had �eeu b!)t T -CL, Against
a q
WL -1 1 Abehal U1 Sallie
i -S lilli i 11111, -I-t 41i t J)k I'S- III U�1'0 11ld i -i
to tf
ilic. Coll, ofllcer. The cuoll tie t as '11,11 � i id, i SEELD GRAIN. I
ac"i Aher both ol�
uf their victirl, are dab_ --d froin a cold in , ignfI hituA a
'lotivic: Vv t, I 'on TE lirdurp- I has (in
Vzjt#id�oit of OIL(.. G -t( r "Ost thp-head. gon It Illail wja� Ila fL)r9r)t ea o tell T' XD OAT witl Sll� 1p:
Lai 1-ree'v(-�:nF wilella-i dollars A 4,11e �Jesi�ril,ed the 0. 2 � tbat lil e 11iod 1�1 so si,)01, I I t ki No. 1. H.LkA, ,pitabli- fur Hectl, whii'll he
�Perillo incillent i 'J.'I,, C!,
lur:lt i,;i so �Iluch b �4 C ff at rezIsimabte pr!e1-.;.
L +ary in Re to LA
-au acute at c, -,Id iii th,2 head,_I IlAx,;,ill, C
t'� 1 -tilt, I J011S on. 2,T�CZ,
t �k
n n,
f Der: �al �&R;a , can con-seqx, ntly ive their c-4- Sbe tak�es sx!
Of ce to m-7. ers -the benefit of
m-facturey tia xf tuay <_
00018 in The ExceUilori rgan is -adWt_ �or their
tjd b
�LbLe best judges lo be the best; faq, -she! Wa!
da, b eig
maulifaeturied in capa, 001. z I
S11 visits ;the t
as to tone and aurability, -a%s- -veil
be�4u-ty of work maiiship Bad finish. any -me)
J 1f
-nay i 1,d
The TraCle -and I othe* in aearch �,f
let ior occ
Organsof roost desirable stylxaB, mode M_ Source of wh--;
ndipoput&r prices _w
icb, C pt. cobabinations a She is their I
G�l Cam- find us keepiDg pape wil all im_pr6ve_
gq LIL T,IN G OFF CROCK� RY AT CDST ants -and discoveele i our line a;ta
prices low -as big4-clasa 'goods C
Coin is- the f4milles
pi -ate
car nd pod 9 d to Jisappoinq
oted on
3 We use only the best: nd 'thorougghly
in her
seazoned Woods foi our .cases, genume-
And iveapw,
mo�y 1110 -best i m1poit-
ssion4,r ebony and ivory heks, an I
lbsa to help I
nitol�- LAIDLAW &I AIRLEY, Se &�,th� ed neds and board.4.. 4tTbese muterials.
�eight �ehjkrei
-a only bly skiWed habor, mas
manipulate thing ish-pii liu-16
631�' en:Sure satisfaction to o:�Ullselves and our
t patrons
rney t- 1 1:5 C Her hu6bai
TR :,-r 1'-T '2 1 -**-T C> f!
Aid -tiot k
Our actions, stopi, and conabinsitions
hd I fr. Such -as Nvill coiuI men' them to ie�veriy xnefia.
1_: are
toia her -She i
y 'Tu is- TO—
dis6ri mihating perf6rnier
,6u, wwouild com,
3 U w4er
W401M So I
lith, da
-i-aL ir,�T rltl. Almost hopeh
stay t
�COUIA -cut )In('
�J A Warrant, whlc� we hall live up to
ttorn I sin� Out Mile Ba 14, �n c 1! will be given -Witlill, evexy instrumeia
With thl. Full D9,t:e).21zh1(:ti071 of Througli. aw
xrt o t, puiiehaser we�
01yoncy, anA -on pi 'Ve aiii co-operation
as- I el. of 2.ny sto, CIC, have 't�e 601otlier
un(IF, to 0111 y a reaso )1e hmest ea a
which anything a' �e vvood revir
Pay le tieut Care -of
t. to. be s jtoc' ed.
6 f f) extne
notice. T -he,
beat or c6ld &T d4illy, ar e-�Iposea_to Ll. in Me A
olved by S W E E �1:1 11 G �q, E C T 1 0
dampness wh,
an it. ebu be avoi&d.
firlu fo
The Factory is lo atedlon the cormr J
4A young Is
of 110,splainade and lorrip, Streets, ilo_
ronto" and is
11 n d er i tbe.bersou al super -
that threatft
DIIESS C61' DS, SHAWLS' MANTLES CLOM CLOVES KID COVES (if Xr.'Dani,4' 134i",;a Ineiliber bf wusuh-eady i
vae, firm.
war, onit uoif tb
I R1 B S'
forth b!is piofiessi
varioum quest
0 W3 I b IS (I at Prices Never Heard oJ before in this Vic4ity s formerly, we enntiaxe to keep
Bauj� f
amazed her I
stock the, Em. arson �Piauj)-, aliso the Do.
her foot, , T.-'
bou t miniion an.dother 0�',gallsj
ched lid
�fbrth. The Ao
)Igo so- G13E BARGAI S IN' FiNE BLA K BROAD OLOTHS. Pianos anld:Orgaili� of amy ot�er Inake
vith & �stoli&�.
hitzig as sup lied.
pon t a Off for mor.
in is6ers a requirint, those, Goocl a money by Calling an-� e you purchase an
ense �, �nd Oth ra BLarnember befor'
to q C, 11 Sav
Buying at 1 Ilistv'Ullent, give us' a trial, aswe can again, and. "wi
In a month t
give'.better value fox less money than
g lady 10,
OHN ROG E RS'. any 6ther house in the ti dd�
and. little
a to bavil
is to sbow thut
Mots IMPUMENT EPAPGR'lu mt, A 40 E:N T S W N'T E 1) that witli Z
Leone Is
nstitu. a
and AAares1,;SC0TT PROTHERS, ��S� foot, W-1-cre
may oe
-and tenido-ris-'
3o,, T4routb
hult6d. forth�; or, D.. BELL & G
thl eted W'�
ly e- 0. C IWILL$ON P 00RIETO R.111 M �
not,J)e - x1i3rves 4f W,
rnoytt 8
SIX FIE C I A L N' :�_11 I-V ,come somW
1*0 ' 1 A
OT' - E
�ease that
fe. in
b ailth.
A F Itt ST(�CK OF 'PLO IV (ZI-2 I d 0` r mul,
.3 ON I-1 A . 1
as, aitil U-Sejzd: Anotli
11 other
70n. Thuracti
'VewTea?"'s (aut Ara'.
stin of the Follo- wh ig Kii iLds 113ty I
0 1 con y
MOB 8,
n] U 0 a[,
ills by J
as a
2 p
W9 ofone 01
io. ib so!D �Owl
'to D
consitting bla part of Fine Gold and ettro ISO
I.., C T.R1 C PORT: PERRY'At�_D TEESW ERGINGPILOW _ana. iivea th,
111T IN
f9fivei; Watnes Fine Gola-':and Si
after the Ax-,
G haii�s; and I Neeklets Ricli Gold ew-
0 cut ts
no Married
elry i�i Broo: lies
d bro! i - 0 andi -at Rin -S. Finor
I'Lings, in Gem— Aanghter of.
stan I- C -sJ BakeS, =7 Butto"ns, S tdixi ana �chha'lsea the isurrende,
sthms, raw -ulteray tu ockoit& Also Got,
A 11: &dc-k'oR St, HO?, Gr
rick � in Pens an the river- a 41
I Silver Spectacb3a
criv sh 67-S (VU
ek of 8 .1?oot Cutters I all _1922-irdevzoits
and ye Glasses. -
ts fr
calved & on#,ing to the BWhle&t.
estate ii�
thinic, Can't
former Jn�alrji(]J
Vftatly too�
d froi n Ha4d�ow�d Stock'In T�ea S' ts, lCu.
e coutest -with
IYW04,.- I tors, Bei-ry Dislies, Bells, 13 Utter Dishas
Individt"ial Vinegar, , Butter and Salt
arm- tbe -xi�ew X
13he with 4 th
Castors ke Baskks,,. Cord � Recp_ivarg
1' stors,Celery.
d z ymond RIC, Ciild, C4.ses, Pickle
o !I he. V7, zeil F Ra
L,�n I f val Sinzer, and othe
otb g 11 f I - E i
Machii les f stanap! Pargne's Svvim,,� Kett , Fralt A few Neare
Scl W 0
ewi� ag 'Alqchinos Rep red on the E�hoxtest Notice, aipd '�rj! kili
writ"., W-�, R-nives, Fork,,s, Sppous,"Va-ses,ft.
.W1 fatherlavii-
ble Au ited.
w 11117- Oils, Needlos and Attaphine-nts al-wAys Dri haod, frarn N
tisfa �s 4W as, 1116 j6O.VWest consi4- 'wbo Ziea u 1
tm�t,Wilh Qaa' yahf
0. C� WMLSOX. Ailain Str�q'et, Seaforth
ed, TJ 11-
e 9 IP c� Goods, w1hicli
ttit Larie. Stock -of Fii6n Not, B a
old iit cost.
ad fo Will bs. S IL Se(
Larg-e variety of C.10 72 years 6f V.
end us 0 i Ck� atold prices,
AbDR1-__S_JS1 TO TH—r_'=_LE0TORS. for 511, N -ears,
0 tRIe All Goods warrant6d at represented- 7
rice 15 RE PAIRI N3 G in 11111 <� bra=hes 01
S! TITH, poo6 morning � ones, where arc, you going to ?11
ownf; five 115to
s I am Oing dow I to Tir. ROBERTSOINIS Fu rnitu Warerooms, to get somie
etric f urn.ture, y,ou � sce hAre is pet t'ing played out and I wan t t ) get s ome first rate furniture at VeWl'o eleveen a<xes,
rth I pricals. Oar. baby w'�nits a n" �-radle, and they sAy that hor bus the very best and chei-pest iii tht which mprc,
ud I COUT. ty." of Can -I -t, wh
18*86 iV1 A N IT,
0 8,A-- 1880
<We 01iitlof
I G is
P-1 E E Ni: W A Y —A
10 the ree and In nten 60))Ze of Hit ro7z,
h never )e tri
First 4eciai Passenfigrer �'raiii thig leett-41 it i-.,, c
ho has remove for
C E �e,,,R to stL that
ROBERTSO"�', A to th prem1iiiss 14tely n -.11pied by' Mr Sohi gener:_� v f at
year )Vill �tart OM
Kjdo�, as 9. Hardward store, and1that heis now prepare,1 to fami everytIlingin th,�Furuiture line
k ly low more pruael'
at romark Intybdingpurohasers will firid i i greatly to their advautage,to call and
exapinehis stock b�Lfom pure iasing.aliew'liere. 1,f,-PiLiritigprornitlyatteiLdedto. Furtuturemadc 1,4- rr "Bryali,
f . a
to otcler OIL very shoit notice. flicturefri.milry aspecialty. All workgti4ranteed. Firmproduce
foattLers, wood land himber tal- 11 iu Wtchallge. 0 a TUt SDAY, 'IlAfi tation for ov
CH 16th,
HIS UNPERTAKING WEP RTMENT 1 To be 'followlec 'beneficial iii
I by othel-t- on Tuesday;
April l5tb'� Tuesday Wprii 2oth,
Is, a i fori, ierly,, uwl�r his own Oripervision. and will he cn ductei L with the greatest eal and atte Tuesday, &ay 40.� drugg.'sts an
It be f o and complete, and at the W
tioul J�is stof)i of Gisk Is, Cr,21ns, Sbroudi, &c., wit ery lo, es i
con y enu per 1)
rate F 11 era atteii(led in thp nti . A.Hearse for hire Ron Lember the place. c
)y the Frcigbt lcavcs tl e day trevimisto all ti,,- aboTa
datca. 0 'cc wIll be givien kf alk future
Due n ti
Al. ROBE RT_ ON, SEA RTH. pArtics-
16 Rxtes alwax8l tbe lowRtii an� rfale. clare Of ef.)U-1
lbeg stpaiall
tLIkell tij have 4n-angCTn4L-Jat3 r�(Jht cvl�jpl2t-e allA lit'a
tiFf4tt,)yy. ]
P, rso difficultv of
ic-lbing tliesr imy*tiq are reless4a
d_N-CE :vTOLE hill, 1111yrerouscustomers far their 4in fro -I) all �,qle ifi toondibi,t jfiej,�ht, live, paiu.ill ttie
patrcnage dai'541-1 tbe last 12yvais ibut I have Lvt-ndcjing_bu;inosg amongst then,annd kibd litficl:, &4:,. blood, liver
FOliCit a CCintinuant-V-, of their Avoliz 1DxtI.(;1111ure. I halve just r(ceived. a'Large and'Well Seldet4 11
St-lIck of DRY 000DE of a,' A]Fo aways on hand a full amortme lungs, awl
nit a� 150 11oxituds of
rom a GROCERIES�-TEAS it quajim-anil rire,aie thebast in theCo lungs and
arge -,f 5! 1h(n- fn:s njake.
A R tock Q0TW,,d SJJ(:)F_S-MCl Crockery, Glast�wa
re, Le"mo Mr. GJ'(`1Pc1Way g4f)eiiii fljr(�Ll:lh
J , witl ca h p3e.P
and Coad beined, Bacon and Hams, i i fact ever For parlR:ulers appl-,
il, Harzw I re, 1?s1rt;I4-d 011F, Diuvii, .0atellt y- to dilate at
thin"Ireq ired i a a. grmz-ral st r i!e. A�,kfor i% bat you want i 3 on di)n't see it. Cash or ftrm pr
rp intimutc., to all 1),.rt; d t) in thiSfyvori,4
SeE- tnakea i'! c C ha ng, C. Id 0�uce �4�
d iudkbted t for last and pr vlous y arq, JOHIN, RNOX, Gi W. r. I.Lvzent"
nnte before tLe (i d tji this moni b. or the accounts wi I be plit nt� 35 ralh
ty, ed ie a. sett e nto
othe r ban � s f or collEvi. Lon f Lh r notice will be given. AIOII�'L): TO LOAN ON E SY TtR',VS1
42X.4 1 Z. ntroduceil 1
-Idni Savirig arzdlnve�tm(nt Society, one of the beit: oanpocjdtie�'
F nearlv half
t T T,
intlioDominion. T* above security flora term of from tlu-de Wonderful `C
twel ty yea i -Q, on the �n� st favor�blc Conditions. LIFEIN87URA' E.-Ifyouwa
nt you -life ibEltred
give me a Mall, as I ain agent fot the Sun Mutual Life Assurn ce Com-anT, One of the )esE L SEAFOLTH,�
u V gained an
sura ace Cf, mpanies in the Donj�ni(jn, and eonducted on the most X0 Wholepule ard Retail Dea;rr i4 LEATEnA 0414
tifv (A nomical principleg. Do!�Itifor_
get to g.V4L, mt- a Caill I arnal ftys attentive to bup;n-ess. Poft :)Mee and Tel S.U0ZF1NDIN&8 of:1,.veri-Description. Xieputatim.3,
).W'El � I egrallb, Office In 101 on� None 'but the Very Best StfIr-ok kept. Terms sastail
necJ: ou, Clover, Tim. thy, Tui '11) ELO Other seeds o -.i hand
1 .90
moclerato. ATriaiSolicitiud. All order -a by, MAN.
T or othervirige P1!OMJtlyilII�-d.
ially a of ty of Ilisivina r�- MEDICAL
then he 1 hrord worked, espe t i c isibi 1.1 LI L FAIRLE I SEAFO: TH der,
I'B n Fassan 'a AIDAW &
U tea a; a s: # About roi,tutrig aeri-
banker e m Chave D tealls rea (.yv at p
,BY MRS. GRAllik'&I, proi &c., Physicle, 3 rgeon I d
T.; G. SCOTT, 3 ieunaersof
CILB -Lu. 0 y lopal
men vri' h C DA -]]gas I r �sl;
all hours, for 1 hot I e off oil ai Acconcheur,191eaforth,Otit. 011114and M US, ICAL -visitors 0 r�
There's darkaess'in this world, lrmenl� of ( � bt firs
fishing when the fish are Ibitill nor .0 Elinge it -a pe ma nt-irr once south sidt of Goderiob Str) t d
And then thdre's light; ll�
1 49 reli
sat 6f Prosbytai ian Church.
thei food n Ltrition. 'Xo zorrec all � 1 bif3, special
There's daylight in the soul, Will they. agree tk, go wit hbut I . I — ever the Bee
I I i i unniff"
And then theire"ti night, a latioli.mlist ])a p4id t i0dividual THE -CENTRAL .61-COUBRY
once they are ready for it. 'WM. IIIA140-NER, M.D. INSTRUMENT W-UnIVIN tl�gaud. 13,
0. M duatc at
It would not be as God ordained Jiggi.�g mae el is exdAmg ork b leulli and it the evil leqhences of
If all were bright. McGill Vu iversity, Phy"10 an, 8 rgeon a d
mest case
Ithe: 18 D 6068 1 Cold i ead-� ucheur, Sedfurth. Ont. Office th residen
when the fish bi tp freely, an i I ib
a the were to be
I rat
The heart if; young; it loves naturally t a Jlisb a 1, Ji atolition U at come. door south of the 0abholic Chi trc4. and qu-t
great c mpeti- ion b be
The free and giy. r - t Fri pe sen ime t properly ma Nvb�3h- ti
f th ' leet, a' "ician, A�
different vessel e ach. loug 1. SCOTT H
The sun shines on the mom L. VERC , M. D., C. M., I Illy$ -E One or tvo
outdo th ?ther, and, r6s6rt' to e d I i 1poil Ida as upox fill- other C A 1?, 0 NO A 1 N STR 1E E T,
Of Our life's day, ing, to I cat geon,ote., Coronerforfle of Hu, BLOCK, 4
I this io
of 11 il itar The h i ly� physi- 'Illy h, I
'While singing glailly, we vario T
ng expeAi isfor ilie, J'urpo m CMOs and Refidence,ot 11ist act no
y udst�icnB.
GO oil our way. drawin6 away.. itis 01,Iki MAI M arn ' he people bvf rywhere, lire, �'tly opposit) Seaforth Public OIL
m a,( kc�reil froi Ha ep re bi tating to the pijbl�e
ee-bov il �g.!'*: B � a .om- a ; oppIor b. A (lifers, of 1 tb 3 dariger in I th In ' mat ulfacturi-nor
But while we gathe' flowcrs complatito ty at they axia ovv
r t Consists in t4i i Lg a d is di 4 bi( n, ai: A of ther rr ean's by Xc?�AUGI IT, Veterinsry� Sn go Grq au Ivory little TIE
Within -our bold, mou practice; to of Ont: xio Veterinarli co� their own account in company.
log , Seafofth �), I I - .
voided' rhe Qnt. Office and Residence in: roe of XH)o
The dark clouds hide the sun, ard of r)�c wh 6 is m, a ch a to )a -first Da4a el Bell The orf I
I vessel lose to 3EW n
I - 'Aistrict -a-ad
IrOWID CF he I E at p i� a tioA to be tal n or the celebrated
The' world grows cold doill , g an d- �1 out bait t g ied by each Byan's. Calls womptI3 atte ci to , night MOVER ANb TiMCI-HY�SEwEDS, 9 tors
And &er w&ve reached our noon, 1 11 (lay. A stock o veterinary mi�edi(in�ji on M4 I 'to)" --do V.
The heart ig old. filsh U11101t, 004esert tfie ir4t raft, ial� iv'id'' t� i t) keep bimse I in a good
Ghaigeareasions Ie.,.Hox:sesexpuii.ed4stosO 21- 1
a, bod y to th ae�l d, 'The g i erial d� it.cr and to do -that he
t n .
Iee-bowed"SCh.OD0ers,,1r3w' o I RGANS
and go esisland cortifittes given if repuirIed.!J 07 F11 N SEEDS1
Ono day witli buoyant step,'. m� euge niJ.: St a r iolis �y ivoid all It _iat -tends to EXCELSIOR 0
And sparkling eye, n U . ons 0
themselves, aitWr run: abrXt Of - the d';ord e a i and the t DERBY HIRE L. D. .1
We, climb the ateep, and vow LOST:NAT ON WHEIAT,
Buigeon.Dei till -o be
Todo othercraft abd.! take tlieir,�eharica, of allithe i&tLS 01 the bod ildiren Gradu t
While angtls seem to grdet t the liottcm in t (I ccllisi8i, or; iii!. ist, bb loth d u flannel -11 he. year A the Royal Coll agc 0
1�,s, from thb sky. ey have *eCured a gooa,,. fare, they r,' ow that 3urgeons , of Or Lai a.
if ind, DC in iA be made our from 8 A. M. to 5 P. I L R
liet are b ad, rR, Whitney's #ow brick block, M: in
el, thit b i re,
Another dav we stand may the n6acker is, f1row f J 'Stap IS . ( f � I
Beside thc bed that n bat tea,
overboard such antities ot,' bait Plat, ve --tat b e),nd fruiti
We lds,; the brow and cheek the fisb -win 104ow it to'tba bMom, 0 lee an '0. P� 8 bi y of all ki ds �;e to b
6tual sbc d orI a I b greatest f uries,
Of one tb4.t,s dead; LEGA
thus effe ly�lputtijng A, p t) the
Our bleeding hearts lie eruslied,
�Onr joylias fled. fishery Stran ing b&pp9n o: the th korej: r am q n1I lea and
a th A�XJES T A:t t 0
;, GA BROW, BarriE t
fisbi.rg rounds, lien exditemeDt_rur�a fa iODg il! vals. The co mc,,Lnity can ici 0 Golorich.
But wbile we mourn, a voice r en - n -illaaltbiv as in ivi
ye mourni ga'6',ed a Lit oil stress of cl ae I [aI 61th n all he' AMERON, HOLT & CAM]P�RC N. B
,Oi a
Falls on our ear, high, d'a, score of seboo aere, a ly h
'Tis 1, !vhy do �p flare )Ompe, d C -Solicitors In Chancery, 4:e., lu I ur
'k1thy do ye fear 'I" weatbiirl� not -I I. freqUE n madE,- re- 4.essa. to a a emph� S Gran -
:yL M C� Camel on, C., Philip -Holt
We lift our eyes and smfle, iL ; for b � pla :91 io� M f
For Christ is nvar. Spoils le-; for i oken b E I, sto ve-in a� ae) 11 b� h . or�nl
yellov OIL: LIUVOK
quarters, bead 7 'ax carri. d Walt add cl 11nes: m y be adopted ; but'if the con -
NY sionor in I. R., Wroxeter., A a
'So down life's vale '-III go sails sp I i t from li, I ad to fok)t ther4, are ti PI Cauri t a o ained of f ie oldies of, LTI [LLiAk S1 [ALL, Conveyance.
Secure in this, 0 1 ,
unreported, collia ons, : re a4d a). 14 the io(le � I livina of tj elindivi- 1
I My Father's liart Appraiser. Acc)unts and ric tam;
A will guillt! a
While nnna's in his daring Peds Of, ieamahsl but 16u6i a dials ilil' au 5 an I all other pla-,Os evils. r as(nable term 3.
And out of dark and night on sho -,, all tbes � tbings ar forgr6tti6n DO so a '.d(n,y f ital, but roub the less
BrivqxF. to bliss. i 1 1. 1 - H I W. 0. JU EYER, BI&rrister an
a tri lit z 'beer. a a c� ssf u E Jim the a . c airila,ous, and IbIl the time r. � iAt;o
. , 1; orlini
I I Law, Soli(itor in Chiucel
if only �v Al uriot: �,o tiEir well beliag, willicer-- for !king a0lola iits
Fisher.fes of 'Nova Scotia. 1 t in the ProvInCol 01 na
-Restisqiitatii.�, Q led a. ti bly a �t. So]14 ifor for thi i Bank of Halail )n V
01 all the 'Provinces of the Dominion, Privite funds tc loan at 71 to 8 per cc! b.
A cor'respouddi it of the z niry Geh-
Nova Scotia takes the leiLd in. this i Ue I I -o-�6 ail, 9 ai n
III- I Sharp 3
tleman hives ad i a for IV, a jig chill6d
dustry, as it does also in ship -building, Die 01 an emp,oy 4,ALCOMS,)N, Barrister, -line At to
lambs that is w Ith U`Pyj�n 9 in a
its, corifigaratioln and posit�ion combil) i I Joa 'Ays., ' ' I Law,.-Notaly Public Conv yaj3er, B
1.9 'I'vWilt the latc b is C il ej ix st( i 3 C, U i ng street, ro: onto, re- -hir. arey, I ate )I C
. a' pre are a lameron, Holt I & fflm
to make it an essentially. Maiiti a j
pail tw. ad t o bar,(' ay to pre: an- his , in- 0 0 will'beib charge of the o�ftce, a
_t 8 11 of -aim Ivater, say, R a
Province. The seas which Nvash i "s hird i: bc As. He Mal onison wil 'be in Drusiels Ar
90 '- F., or as w 1: IM a t(. i ded th a 121(e pair OfJ
shiores. abound in fish, easily cauuht . in s th, foo: ti� nA the
_nd, V,ill Coll) fin tably b( arl, 'Ptu t th6 aezr ii y her ffiagure, and
Smack boats. Visaing is a profita �.e it U 11 0 elo as stores J ALVES KE [TOE, Barriste , A�3crio
Iamb in to this� b i ih,all el coapi head, w0t iUl
occupation, and gives a, 111an 't. ;P- for five or tell M I utes, aci ojid 11' ' 0 the ojv,�liing, x1a Ll.d -iiiebas A 1 $2 -pair 091voyaLcor, &a., stlitic-a
chance, of raakdug plunty or Money lia: a 9 OfftOtS In rd(r t make th present Kohoe will belu Seaforth twice ca(h nto
eff act it has on j in. If , le I ViN as, ift the 1irst and tiird Mondays, UrAviak
fewweeks. il, �,uccessf tit trip Ivill of bl�n altable be marked $5 prev� ' Satalilay evenings. 11c wili
I five or.Wx,m.iu atp,, take h'm at; f he
I. at each rilem"ber of the crew a sum Dr. F'),"Isover's re 3ideuce.
a rn j: int oE a Nyeek'sl lli,irfea, we
revives slowl
Such as he c . y �,�p hili! OU tell
Ouldnot possiblv have a,, -
I 11h) U zm �be 81 e� of t buots, and
minutes. Re W 14 Show aJvAvJi% 1 by SON & AlEYER, Barristbrj% d
quired by followimir any eccupation an A
a Iiis rE (I ne t-itlib old B`�,
kdckilug and strurf, 9. 0 )ur be I . rk pu a aceip ted kaw, Solit itors in Chance:i-y a HIS
shore during the saine tariount of time, 113 do bbe of t
b ead m. ast be ' a of by solrjoi.on wtil hi 111 fur ke bocts. The Convicyancers,IN )taries Publicl, tte, if 10
and, this- speedy 6cqui6itidn of I ,
- NN, p#-peut.a V�ai ade aind i the lovers forth not Brusse Is. $28,000 of Pri %I.c 1?
o3 I the rest of the b:) Ily is un er r,
root (A all evil', is a atrom.g iliducerne siould be. iu,,,5,_at ome,,�ai Bight perccrit� 111.01 CA
It I the pail. Wben. 1�lje lamb out, NN"Are m a a 1� a �, as lovers
the youtig farwar to desert 'his' aer s
hold it up gently, in a wai blacq, by B �Mar ttes Iluel. Tbeigir. exam- JAS ft. R9r;SOJ. G. 31
forafewi�eeks, and einbark wiL.h 11 1 1 ...
in �1 the oo fi the dilyliI.,flit d was Tb above Bri a has thi -.i day
comradus ou u m I U it ln� -1 t1be dik
the fore logs. al he A, ttl�;u� -il oonsc,-�t All aecountis. du e I �L
a (�keiich ng co' .7 111 sati ad I Shia was coD'i �ed that mu'u
t� Ltal 'ain in,
Nw -to (11 ff;� thch Nyipla :dver nbu who wW I a I
fishingtrip. Be it s&.Jol, in passing bepa.dto Mi BeL
tl t dry -%N,r d u I d 'i 1-1 a'D n el Les,
at this habit is not couducive 9011tily t in a he -Jove r'laill Ibc �i l.. cheated in he pur-
ft&rrp i 11 (r. UO go ild put e - t r of bo(,;s Lb that
I or othei w6olen',!'a, i i a b"` 1, in -cl .':so o s ich a Noi. 27, �STU JJAMI�,S E. 111
a warm.plaG6. I a il d to go Ind change' H. NV -1C. YE
Mom tban twenty-four t1musm
t a r i better lim-cynin. The
"I 6ilik tllikl plan df resw di,.a thOw all I
arl are eugaoled in the fighing busirie s s
no �t dki hd �ared in t- a ,tore and
ing ebilled. larnb$. will Won[ rett all 110 pi Hi
of Nova Scotia iso say the returns A WCAU MY & 101M�,;,
wifu , .50 �' ited pil !)I boots. p
the Departruelit, hut they do Dot tE I (best �n tho hands ofithe*f xJ4 rs Li �ce $4, and A BEY, AND COINV P, N
I bui i be boots JO, Which LA -1 CH
PC tel .1, el�
the whule tale. Nova ScultJ �y becanse,the warIM water I��vv: 11 q ickly tic (JiFi! ICE,
ftils allo sh 6�! said 'e r Th a s); Ln I h ad I �i d �5. The
and e(latilly warl every P� Ir 0, tlie
birth, traiiiing, and surroundiDorS ell"IEl-
Skin, Oils equitliziliff the, Er re #P oduc,4 D ud the Scot 's Blo IN -Jain .�Sti,4
ipte( bill NX w pr lact, su-
entl fitte(I for that pouttliar iadustr ff U Mimi: in .11 . i W a s fin poi3aib 18 to , go
y all Ptti-4 quicklyAnd ei )IiWa y. 'The bc struar.., oun
There are no oarsnaeu - in tbe world t,8�jiiilld- t ie 'hla:trharh airl C�OUCITORS for the Conscilid ted
lambibb uld not b) a oll to cc ol, or Tr t u a. " -L. 0 k
Who, where speed, strenoth auql fe t- 0 took bar I pair :)f 1606ts ;�id' btained 6inada, and the Canadian B uk &� (o
cold-a�ir 'till % r) a ly illy.1 I th in-Setforth.
durance collAbiued are required, co
J.Pm'b is* ble to"' u. %-, the bwe m y � be, t'ljil miney, ali I went h0mei happy Fit'= &no Tov n and Village Pro ) rt y
and 8old.
zompare with the incii dwellin- on the brought to the I r t a 141-1b. M -�'(privl,tifunds)loaned 0a n
b 0 the &11:41 -sati! I ed.1. U L a boot s6 ler sent a
A,tla:utic,,sea.b,val-d of this proviijad. t)L;'
Rie young"m4n, -Who curl
ewe, iIU �uch a as to hill- Al.lJor $3 to ti �s, at rea nable rates of inte) a t.
austomed to ptill in heavy scille boa is ilig ag L ail�!.. By a Ins of a; ival M th, prbmotl � a differ4ce, but he motlej
paid ate.
the Ile tl a thpubs t A girl 1lows more than he 1%101 tey ilive
to -in Ar youth up, th(.y linaic the he.atl of tl;e S I I s � J for private ers., s 11
N -da er exte'll Lo". (1very
)ar with'� facility Surprising to a ma bestxiortgage (curitici,whhou' wt3 cs'l
p aTt a li ud quickly, Such is tlb-f� 0 Ith(Ju he has 'becll. going the il
'", I itter.
who% pins his f&ith (in the saientif �c f I
- a in Ayaaniacir NO h-hel: �-olouor 7 S. G,i %1oCAUGJI E yl M.A. Fi 11' BEI
not tl: tale, i -1 1
itroke, carried to such a pitch of perfc,!.- U ' 1 " ' t Ile fire
: and I t sea Ivl iy the -,�, xm ba'al is
Ition i a tbe eigh t§ of the-, Cam and tl 0 ; d h t Bed,
is, anct. the fours of Arriericau not UE g?�oudo ol�'- bl�tl er than ativ lother MI OE LLANr,, 0 U I
Co '0 Sul e:� to: t Ithe fre,&`h!iai- and,if
means fbr the ose indi( teli..",
ges. DutmabGh a crew of Halifillc' 1� sible, ave free CC( C, 8
U 0 fhe S n 1.
--if to, it - IIIEU GREAT 1E -mALB, REmB, Jol
in 0 k 3d
shermen agailist the picic of Won aji�l, hour pr I 'Or I bef re ng up. -JL�. l%riod1ca0ills—Thisinv
" !- i Spling, Fee( i g of -1 1).-� I y s
Rmbridge, Harvard, Yade, . md other I , i 1 0, HOve th heets IIDDg eDOu 1h to � turn unfailing in th( cure of all th
aDd"t JW. dangerous dime't ics to which bhq'fem le
istin"Llished schools of ro n 3 u n dar the, na r I's at 16 a f ot, �t he low- bi crates a�l 0 0
Thel fbod most needed by Ith caw at on i� subject. �t mod 63
isherMen, Nvith 'their awkward elbo1v er One tl a s a -the head, )at fold mo?ves all obtru ions, and a spoedy oJui a
lwist;, will ran away from, their oppo I this seas ri is siuclh Rs will ild U her n. To mi�Ariad ladies, it is eci a,,11
J re]Iied
thid, upper s t edl over tie 1. adding.
ents'in smooth water, aijid drown t Musclital systqiri and rein igorate her Itiwil , in a sho�t time, bring on 1the inc n
are equa y a 01 ilh-regul it�.. u
I Its from becom- rio -m i d
-vvil. bi t
JaC4 The! This qui
jarough. They 11 ood se vitalit E should bE rich in ilia soill, Li These pil)s sl o
y gma
a Ce sleep z a breath. taken 'by Fema�(s during the fixat tire
phospRiAe of li�ml for She il,13 ofteui de -
Ie p'sncy, as� t
,*ent, a4d Nyill ban dle a f are - an d- af t: r When a 1i ad las een ocou ied III win- 01 P, hey are sure to bi:
1 ploat;841 Of !this dut ing; the mitdr g period, . . �: 0 1 g
Ina p0e, of wind in -a manner, tha* carriare, but at ny other time they lie 3a
t tpr every t'. i ai ab u t it sho d )1P wash- all ci ses of arvouB- and Spina AT
V !-so as �b rbud'erl b."r! bones I poligy; and
�ju tb( To was
oul& compel admiratiou. a a Ifeather pains n the back and limbs, fatigoic, I
the di$eaSes that atflict- cov a a t
There is wild meatber on the c pring Ck, Cho i I; (a) ir -eatber so t at- ertion, papitat on of the heart, hl t ri
oas t you
i are usbally occasioned by ;4 Overty whitei, these pi
Nova Sooti&,* and summer gales of theIood given t6rou-h Ube winter. caij�. dry it: out do Ts. Cra�vd the feath- s will effect a cute W' e a
]lot - always Soft 9mol gen Ida. b em1l) 0 .1 a a 10 1, VIn le meanE �hove fa ed; and, although is p
axe , f6d ! 0( not ntsih iron,. dalortic �, a it
Co %vs that �Ipon -11, 1 Iver rejuea 7, do not
3111ghty-Atlantic rollers toss yoll a ve fi
h"ay wigbar-iisually *40-0 ei their : rit.11y. i hei Cant a. Wash tl �q empty Or sul thing �bur iful to the constib dc n
P9 - and dired'd DDS in th6 )ampblet around ea ih p
sel i fine style when the Wind blowls I . 014 ':heili dr�', sbake, tpe ftatherS
vIgorl, ecause clo�ver is rich 1. in musele hich should be arefully proserved. Job
Atrong, mi,ol.ib takes a Cool thCad Alld 'F1 1;t$ tha id acai and wa4i t. 1.4, other w
forming rhatiterlabc1phosphhe � Iii tha New 'Nork, Sole ?roprleto�.
f lime. $190 x A 2
dariijig heart to fight the Storm's tbat h4li. C IIL�isk jI)eds B;re ucLi nicer for poi tage dnolo ied to Northrop& yni
Oats, peas, wbela6ran, ai:4. bil. inipal I
rage on the Bauks.I`These qu&IitJ:.S i are ILI] ricill ia �Pb4hate of I me t its tb�,y are nct so dusty, ro.nto, Out., general agents for
are coinmoij erlOagh ilinow", the lNoyl� and at,�' with �4hd �dd�L, ion of a fE Y, fresh "]I ilAure a bottle cdntftiuingoVcrJZ0 I
are ex-,ellIent t6 giv,� the cd.w renewed return inail. Sold in Scaforth by i A
k cotia fisher1f, sp and tboir Pussa-sgion I vitality during bar jpon-lac� ca� period. I ts frqI-4 t1i rp a t � tim a, -vv i 1 :1 St /f or Bleasdell, Jf S. E obLrts, and r.. Luing1pal 1.
c ri , . I I
ake,s these Men valuable � to 18-hil - Care illust I ey wa� be fresbed �,e torn-
Uj be takeluito-gi , il III very -a.
Gioudest ink iltb 1484 1IOU t '11, the sui ai: � 6i FCTIUCITY1 THOMAS' 'EXCELSIO E(L
Go on' board a via
sulan at lbis per Od as the a for r1,L
bmschoolrier, mud under the Stars it I tlivo,!quol ;iffill b, ie fine
0 'y or g 01
tilne or Calving, appfoa�bes, w4 especi- GiwD.--Paixi can iot stand where it Is .1seq
4nd Stripes't1viug at We mai3t bead sti 1 i4ibiter' never ke I eeqs- QP the cheapest medicineever inado. Ow dos
� . 1. r3 - allyif-A has not- 1)3'ea, givAn Ithrougli
on will find, iuseven cases ont -of te 'in
a fd th*d, isi! iseld )m us: ad. I hay I will COM1110n.sor,ethioal. Onebottlehas -ui a
r yet )Ide 'It
W 1
the te. pit er day
%.Nova 8cotian-as inaster, and Nov -1 4 er q4111111 31, dIves xhitis. F iffy car. tl3'worth has curod A i olti
nd re
through the whole perioc pJa ss ud rand bh
C, ( 1 !61 going dry f I ing.cough. Itliquitivelyoures c-atarid, a
0cotians as crew. The�_American VeE - I Vitt iablionifirtileperham fula", to
.will msist very. uawterialil keeping guc anderoup. Fift: cents'wortb hascurede
'y In Lkn. up I the b! A Nvith- tb6 baek, and th 3 sarne quantity lainq ba
Eels are, indeed largely Jnwiijed All I i� the Cow in howAth . and t it
I r) Of ten pr,e- Y61,
commauded by Novia Scoti&iis, bo 'the e1e years'standing. ThefolloviDgareoxi�n9c
of a ry,1 inn-utri- )a nd. add Ithen wilien
vents the evil : effec
tious fodder. Wbeii. given throlug ie I
frorridifferentpart8 of Cauada, whichl, me
reof obtalillingemploynoelat at'-Gloul 96 few (If the man y letters that have Wen b
casiter or Marblehead, emigrate -ever
Y Ivillber, we -bW rie'vex hacwn shOuld suillcientl v sailisfy the most 8 epti
imp�(,.- trango V eak of a I in a 3,tib. It
in -reat nujaibers.� It is a:. coin Collari, of Spartl, Ont., writes, "Scul( rul� 6
7kuce to see que of; those tion.of t1le?manifolds. isitors. 0 a- Asylum to tl a -lusane
�ioij occurre Dr Thnuas'Echotric, Oil, have sold it] I hA
i0ats al)d bran, mixed tollether will yo;1 lai Ld want m re uuw'; its cures ar� Liu,
or 1) 1 U .
beautiful craft bubjud for the Bait* a excelle6t food at:t4is Period, fl, d' on :, 6 fN1 D Ut. "I �L I'lam"tou, _Niill re- derfull.' Win. McGaire,of Franklin, wri
North Bay, put I. I m 1
iutu Liverpool, Bat,- 4:::1 b e 1 -1 0" cce!�Ltrie, genius, b 1 naline have soidall the, gent left, it acts like a A
thisfoodis coritidu�d after calving,it .4
ringtoll, Clie.iter, Halifax. and co'mplet AV111l: dhamlo' by. a still ,onbinues to Awes ilow at fm �t, lint takes splendid n m
Will belff"to establiii, a (rood vield lof 01) el 0 " Ions, wr tes. Please forwa 6
ace anol head �drupalously
As ercftv, the llla�tcm knowing well tb R-00 I i: his ; �. Tbomr s"Eclectr% Oil, I am nearly oJ L, n
N I .milk. -Durina I th first Week after bably rawst ex -
ova, heotiaz f1sbermon, an . I by P
'FL1 u a of IN CIO a Of I I air � all ids it. It is h gbly recommended li� Uto
cidvina tIAU diet Silo Id bc`ispirii—notiso tr
them to the geii-aide Yanke rdinarit 4ethed ever a I ed, by I ba cusedit," J Bedford, Thtme4vi c
i pecesmliv
el " ; J if the c , is tl,iu ut ;! if Send me at oum a further' supply ii 31111
.1118DUld 'fisherinext .. , I an b
The tweftt�-four tll� fleih v � she' sh ould b kept (, a ho ye!u 8 ago,liI ran to
! Oil I have only c ue bottle left. I Devi rEft
bay, re )ve
cif Nova 'ScoCitt forni, of course, thebul ept a quart of oil A eal, whi ch is Jax- ':�apill iiry &dor';rr a a ts by thi ale � ell so well and: give such F!eneil. I itt
f this arinv MOPLas of I 0OW'stone, wlic. he had tioa." J.Tbonitkorl, Woodward , , wi1ei`
of tboa deep ; the other ittive coo inif- � ARE . all danaeri fr1611l I I I I
1 11 prdsiouslyls rep i ious ggled into
laritime Pruviuce.s hell) to I Ux titi ly srh me some more I clectric Oil, I-havol,41 d d
swell tho inilk f�inve i� a feedingishog.ld 1 0111- Nothil)g t
kI6.qlileit-" h1iller
11111bers--iti New Brullswick there are I)c ino�t'li )eral'j so a to sta It the, cow tho" ustitu�tioir - _Wber brid PM(Aising Vert-o'n P.Q., wri c, "The Ealectrico5tist
V(1r nine thousatill, luall, eolgagredju thi tll��,6(!e�ti,ic'(,,IiarE�etersholved 1- bril- a great renutatic a here, Lind is didl.g call
Oil a Wrge flow of iu- Ilk. Aft ar tell a slidd P4 6e and s too: t, I f a
fishuries; in Plince Ed-wUl'-d from calvinti.io 1,,ullloar extra foo(I Cal -la p Ce Sandumfurtber iupplywithoutdelay" 11.
(it'lit thousand ; making altoget' a 3,nit leveV. 8 0 as I een. ' Gibb S Co., Buchangham, P. Q.,
r, Aler a no,. not 'a al
0 be givall t an d 11 1 one gross of Ecli etric Oil. We
I r, ll , . eat � bran !it
-er forty -o -with olic or two quarts of aorii meal.
eattregate (if m Ile L io�q� d t6 0' it-SELf Oil eit�-?r lace or 1.wch." Sold by ill wedioiuo deale)
en employed during- grc-at part J heal. r10 tAr e ay Tolby sea,s him- CL11ta. S. N. T. IONIIA.S, PULLIPS,
IMUCII Will depe'lid ulpon the 1 feedi4 of NO FYM-AX, TorMoo, �01t.
I . �6ui i.11 tly, an RT ROP &
tile coil'sbeford gra n Agil ts forthe borainion. NoTF. c I
the vear in catching and euriug fisli Sal d via0l'Ously pol-
s coules'l to ensure i,
now.tlicli nuinber of vesse-hi . ;b his h by t�e applicatio of the
Splectad a -ad El !a c
e14- a -oodi yield tbI-ouggh �the semon, From triz d. Sold in �,c lo
ploycd in the fisheries, Nve havo a tott4l d.r, Aohp. Athdirb.tinie auo be ', cst the obe It a
r-1) Hickpon ck Dlea idell, J. S. III r i a
'Old the feed now Lumsdar
,lirvIlft'll 'N 10 xvitlil
1 0 w 1,
agorv" Orl. I issi a, and was V�xy depress -
of 6533 ift 1\,()VtL lKcotia, 'the . 1 4
- t,"LtiQ shall -Ale Nr th he'Ad t1i season pro4ts.— IT.11311 .1
'toliliage or Which i�; .-If"sout011s, &LI "Pil'itis f co sequende, t). piece
-k iJ(
Naliolial -Aire J!l too
A63' in New 13rullswick Avith �a tonuade J�LIVJ Walls -1i ad a. Substibu �e for a
of 5,061 ; the b6,,tts nui iber f feio,( ays, L4 Noved ummlitz ble, and
L) I - Fvils of Neglecting CqLdjn.th'� . I( _f
z I- I - i u ii slo, a -ail � ble opp(rtu ai by the
ltnvs : �Xova Scotia, (I"), Nvw 13ru 1� 11 en d-. it t �fj
9 or' til-
U-1ok, 3,850; Prince ".EJqx&r(J I I T Lper read B A It 0
walill, aLnuteur bkrl),ar, 46i'some roem 0
U 4L I com
by Dk 1). 13. St.
roll I, I I er,!flt1J)t I](
4 0. The capital rtsunted by ClieJ i -T, 0 tot hAk of and �`,her stope, whi6h is
of thit, itv u t. Aie -ecent
0111 etv of the ed u P EAFO TH
A ssels alid Wats is very argie, ftni ums- Ifast Deilig S�. ootb throurlb
r`1,M, e t i 11 Io of the
i g -to ,,, 1,7o�;J,80, 'in wlii,il its vf-oroti applieftioli to t BRAN1(
S 11! 11 18 i1q d -Lhat the fa, d and
S tte of New York Ito
i�jcltidcd the value, of rets and Wei' most frequent oritriti of cl tlAowner., 1;
Si31171M, It "over two ftUd � ft Ila of the Jac irvi I A.NLK 0 30t'kU11ERCE �i
n 0 1) a �sages, f tbe cuu- 110: 11 a Xelp�.d th -,'I F ]a
14illion dollars it, o: . I e
juDctiva, md 6f tlio;
q the value of the fisl'- Middle, a�, is ill a
material alone. The capital inves �- I'volected 1.110 lical", It is Z, vell- lu), in Hartfordl gen Jeman
it' t1lis ilidinitry, will increase ev wvi 1111al"I twvatte6�; the We A the 0-7
DO 00'rsoll III a ti ot hi, cli Ili !the oth�r
�T goncralh conceded t1lat I I
Ntear. as ivore �IILIV!Liieea niethods coa V arid I
perfecth Tc the r in i S, lately occupia,�l I
ealtb"(6XICLID Uudt�r cxtraoro. p a
1-lato favtir.
1 110 e luek ;i riek' to 1jid' : n or, hina
ELIT ell" I 111ALLUCOs, t Lkes culd" III
y tri�, -ntit the id yet a 1111i.-4. for I ich 11 !had fur ItJaUV years CQu lidated Bank, 1
owiI-J- r tile majl��Iii of indnkind ba� -at'
'duile, but vvcrv, 11 (�l soiae pal ft -er Ii. ni r frieiW,
1 1114 r of tho e Ilk, T Duor
170". tillic, sit, cred f 0111 )1d i 1 1, U01 of Me Comg I
Tako, f(,r iii.stance, -a cittel, all :inci I intUlIv be
( r The popular id0a thap IL Ck)ld ill tilt) liead- U lo in T t1l at 11 G
of fortv to iifty toli,�;. \vi INVINVO, Odi in o 11)e abie I � i atten a t Ia. 110 t 11, .1.1aill Street,, I
ask a clion,
t 101-ftir is Im".1ded oil i his f if�'t,d all, D to Se.L
(:rew (if 1111k It foUr-tt ell Ilten, ilICILIdit)'t the fact tT 1hat he
hat niost of Ithe �)eol. lo rdcOver A.113. IIIELA D,
t1ile skippf-r. "'rol, 1171% 1"ai The T� I A
a lar e to, is C I J ew lieretof*i
'llch.1tu extepi; ffin t theN 4re
sbal-olt i'll the (I auqt��i)u took Ilacelsiid the pew was put
L 4L Zgo about af wr%4arLJ,' tl� Lid en-grage in, their up., 1-Fifily fflam" said frieuJ 'Nu. 1.
(1tell, is solle ownw% Ifit, ,wts- his -crelk' erdivary ai ocaliolis %i' RETURNED'
t i, xv I nnit,�%Ouei� s0d'-No.2. "I�-ifty-,'Ibree,"
-ork -tattii-g iii tht-J.,Llltt�_t all!l
_tiCO3-at-1`l11C-tiI'1iV,(Jr the coll-;t1aelleL�i
S"Ore.S, I1r0Vl,,l0n:,, ;aft. flu -1 and go , ii till tittIII e llt�d beeu
of the dis u-bich 1,1aN- (3v( 11 0011.4, 7\1 iSS OLDFIE�LD, having ret-urz�'CA
I-Irrels ill Which to paolk t lit: Catch. n (II
I . (_` n ol, i Lrirt vit.-it 41 tLe city, is now Itr
I , � b. i
thi, -, .1
poll tbeill. 111, that do 141-5-; And MU1.1le of a�
U o g, far� El 8 discre-
settled' U L., beli Iklit,tll� JL
v. sions are found bv him, and
very niany Of tilt- 11111afliC-S.
�N -hich pre- -ril R(n-mF iv Iliesim e 11,10cf, Ca)(11JI'li 1"! b .1
I tiol eril i 1"ut]:, S
vel, -'Ile" t 0 U1 t tii! I
I [cintiful au�l of qlial�fv PC topptkl, all the othur f,Il. 11, wheresh#! I i:q+s li�-r Ymi V flit'nil., ol
frtq -, Y - , Z� I tit t to" ,pli� tsu ;zive her a call.
.)rse"will do; fisbermou ,live lik,,, the allotte,,] po.-rjod of three and I i , sq,� ol,'aud 13 —Al-preiit cv� wat.te,l.
ht - t it �npllailt at
t4l, t�
01 ir o,.r,*(,,,i
tell have tile laStoAfislillulellt uf!, the
ers, and niust.,to cai efully 10t,11INCLI and th t r Hiew no
riOus "'fo"ti(il's lyllich bowlids. They. had �eeu b!)t T -CL, Against
a q
WL -1 1 Abehal U1 Sallie
i -S lilli i 11111, -I-t 41i t J)k I'S- III U�1'0 11ld i -i
to tf
ilic. Coll, ofllcer. The cuoll tie t as '11,11 � i id, i SEELD GRAIN. I
ac"i Aher both ol�
uf their victirl, are dab_ --d froin a cold in , ignfI hituA a
'lotivic: Vv t, I 'on TE lirdurp- I has (in
Vzjt#id�oit of OIL(.. G -t( r "Ost thp-head. gon It Illail wja� Ila fL)r9r)t ea o tell T' XD OAT witl Sll� 1p:
Lai 1-ree'v(-�:nF wilella-i dollars A 4,11e �Jesi�ril,ed the 0. 2 � tbat lil e 11iod 1�1 so si,)01, I I t ki No. 1. H.LkA, ,pitabli- fur Hectl, whii'll he
�Perillo incillent i 'J.'I,, C!,
lur:lt i,;i so �Iluch b �4 C ff at rezIsimabte pr!e1-.;.
L +ary in Re to LA
-au acute at c, -,Id iii th,2 head,_I IlAx,;,ill, C
t'� 1 -tilt, I J011S on. 2,T�CZ,
t �k
n n,
f Der: �al �&R;a , can con-seqx, ntly ive their c-4- Sbe tak�es sx!
Of ce to m-7. ers -the benefit of
m-facturey tia xf tuay <_
00018 in The ExceUilori rgan is -adWt_ �or their
tjd b
�LbLe best judges lo be the best; faq, -she! Wa!
da, b eig
maulifaeturied in capa, 001. z I
S11 visits ;the t
as to tone and aurability, -a%s- -veil
be�4u-ty of work maiiship Bad finish. any -me)
J 1f
-nay i 1,d
The TraCle -and I othe* in aearch �,f
let ior occ
Organsof roost desirable stylxaB, mode M_ Source of wh--;
ndipoput&r prices _w
icb, C pt. cobabinations a She is their I
G�l Cam- find us keepiDg pape wil all im_pr6ve_
gq LIL T,IN G OFF CROCK� RY AT CDST ants -and discoveele i our line a;ta
prices low -as big4-clasa 'goods C
Coin is- the f4milles
pi -ate
car nd pod 9 d to Jisappoinq
oted on
3 We use only the best: nd 'thorougghly
in her
seazoned Woods foi our .cases, genume-
And iveapw,
mo�y 1110 -best i m1poit-
ssion4,r ebony and ivory heks, an I
lbsa to help I
nitol�- LAIDLAW &I AIRLEY, Se &�,th� ed neds and board.4.. 4tTbese muterials.
�eight �ehjkrei
-a only bly skiWed habor, mas
manipulate thing ish-pii liu-16
631�' en:Sure satisfaction to o:�Ullselves and our
t patrons
rney t- 1 1:5 C Her hu6bai
TR :,-r 1'-T '2 1 -**-T C> f!
Aid -tiot k
Our actions, stopi, and conabinsitions
hd I fr. Such -as Nvill coiuI men' them to ie�veriy xnefia.
1_: are
toia her -She i
y 'Tu is- TO—
dis6ri mihating perf6rnier
,6u, wwouild com,
3 U w4er
W401M So I
lith, da
-i-aL ir,�T rltl. Almost hopeh
stay t
�COUIA -cut )In('
�J A Warrant, whlc� we hall live up to
ttorn I sin� Out Mile Ba 14, �n c 1! will be given -Witlill, evexy instrumeia
With thl. Full D9,t:e).21zh1(:ti071 of Througli. aw
xrt o t, puiiehaser we�
01yoncy, anA -on pi 'Ve aiii co-operation
as- I el. of 2.ny sto, CIC, have 't�e 601otlier
un(IF, to 0111 y a reaso )1e hmest ea a
which anything a' �e vvood revir
Pay le tieut Care -of
t. to. be s jtoc' ed.
6 f f) extne
notice. T -he,
beat or c6ld &T d4illy, ar e-�Iposea_to Ll. in Me A
olved by S W E E �1:1 11 G �q, E C T 1 0
dampness wh,
an it. ebu be avoi&d.
firlu fo
The Factory is lo atedlon the cormr J
4A young Is
of 110,splainade and lorrip, Streets, ilo_
ronto" and is
11 n d er i tbe.bersou al super -
that threatft
DIIESS C61' DS, SHAWLS' MANTLES CLOM CLOVES KID COVES (if Xr.'Dani,4' 134i",;a Ineiliber bf wusuh-eady i
vae, firm.
war, onit uoif tb
I R1 B S'
forth b!is piofiessi
varioum quest
0 W3 I b IS (I at Prices Never Heard oJ before in this Vic4ity s formerly, we enntiaxe to keep
Bauj� f
amazed her I
stock the, Em. arson �Piauj)-, aliso the Do.
her foot, , T.-'
bou t miniion an.dother 0�',gallsj
ched lid
�fbrth. The Ao
)Igo so- G13E BARGAI S IN' FiNE BLA K BROAD OLOTHS. Pianos anld:Orgaili� of amy ot�er Inake
vith & �stoli&�.
hitzig as sup lied.
pon t a Off for mor.
in is6ers a requirint, those, Goocl a money by Calling an-� e you purchase an
ense �, �nd Oth ra BLarnember befor'
to q C, 11 Sav
Buying at 1 Ilistv'Ullent, give us' a trial, aswe can again, and. "wi
In a month t
give'.better value fox less money than
g lady 10,
OHN ROG E RS'. any 6ther house in the ti dd�
and. little
a to bavil
is to sbow thut
Mots IMPUMENT EPAPGR'lu mt, A 40 E:N T S W N'T E 1) that witli Z
Leone Is
nstitu. a
and AAares1,;SC0TT PROTHERS, ��S� foot, W-1-cre
may oe
-and tenido-ris-'
3o,, T4routb
hult6d. forth�; or, D.. BELL & G
thl eted W'�
ly e- 0. C IWILL$ON P 00RIETO R.111 M �
not,J)e - x1i3rves 4f W,
rnoytt 8
SIX FIE C I A L N' :�_11 I-V ,come somW
1*0 ' 1 A
OT' - E
�ease that
fe. in
b ailth.
A F Itt ST(�CK OF 'PLO IV (ZI-2 I d 0` r mul,
.3 ON I-1 A . 1
as, aitil U-Sejzd: Anotli
11 other
70n. Thuracti
'VewTea?"'s (aut Ara'.
stin of the Follo- wh ig Kii iLds 113ty I
0 1 con y
MOB 8,
n] U 0 a[,
ills by J
as a
2 p
W9 ofone 01
io. ib so!D �Owl
'to D
consitting bla part of Fine Gold and ettro ISO
I.., C T.R1 C PORT: PERRY'At�_D TEESW ERGINGPILOW _ana. iivea th,
111T IN
f9fivei; Watnes Fine Gola-':and Si
after the Ax-,
G haii�s; and I Neeklets Ricli Gold ew-
0 cut ts
no Married
elry i�i Broo: lies
d bro! i - 0 andi -at Rin -S. Finor
I'Lings, in Gem— Aanghter of.
stan I- C -sJ BakeS, =7 Butto"ns, S tdixi ana �chha'lsea the isurrende,
sthms, raw -ulteray tu ockoit& Also Got,
A 11: &dc-k'oR St, HO?, Gr
rick � in Pens an the river- a 41
I Silver Spectacb3a
criv sh 67-S (VU
ek of 8 .1?oot Cutters I all _1922-irdevzoits
and ye Glasses. -
ts fr
calved & on#,ing to the BWhle&t.
estate ii�
thinic, Can't
former Jn�alrji(]J
Vftatly too�
d froi n Ha4d�ow�d Stock'In T�ea S' ts, lCu.
e coutest -with
IYW04,.- I tors, Bei-ry Dislies, Bells, 13 Utter Dishas
Individt"ial Vinegar, , Butter and Salt
arm- tbe -xi�ew X
13he with 4 th
Castors ke Baskks,,. Cord � Recp_ivarg
1' stors,Celery.
d z ymond RIC, Ciild, C4.ses, Pickle
o !I he. V7, zeil F Ra
L,�n I f val Sinzer, and othe
otb g 11 f I - E i
Machii les f stanap! Pargne's Svvim,,� Kett , Fralt A few Neare
Scl W 0
ewi� ag 'Alqchinos Rep red on the E�hoxtest Notice, aipd '�rj! kili
writ"., W-�, R-nives, Fork,,s, Sppous,"Va-ses,ft.
.W1 fatherlavii-
ble Au ited.
w 11117- Oils, Needlos and Attaphine-nts al-wAys Dri haod, frarn N
tisfa �s 4W as, 1116 j6O.VWest consi4- 'wbo Ziea u 1
tm�t,Wilh Qaa' yahf
0. C� WMLSOX. Ailain Str�q'et, Seaforth
ed, TJ 11-
e 9 IP c� Goods, w1hicli
ttit Larie. Stock -of Fii6n Not, B a
old iit cost.
ad fo Will bs. S IL Se(
Larg-e variety of C.10 72 years 6f V.
end us 0 i Ck� atold prices,
AbDR1-__S_JS1 TO TH—r_'=_LE0TORS. for 511, N -ears,
0 tRIe All Goods warrant6d at represented- 7
rice 15 RE PAIRI N3 G in 11111 <� bra=hes 01
S! TITH, poo6 morning � ones, where arc, you going to ?11
ownf; five 115to
s I am Oing dow I to Tir. ROBERTSOINIS Fu rnitu Warerooms, to get somie
etric f urn.ture, y,ou � sce hAre is pet t'ing played out and I wan t t ) get s ome first rate furniture at VeWl'o eleveen a<xes,
rth I pricals. Oar. baby w'�nits a n" �-radle, and they sAy that hor bus the very best and chei-pest iii tht which mprc,
ud I COUT. ty." of Can -I -t, wh
18*86 iV1 A N IT,
0 8,A-- 1880
<We 01iitlof
I G is
P-1 E E Ni: W A Y —A
10 the ree and In nten 60))Ze of Hit ro7z,
h never )e tri
First 4eciai Passenfigrer �'raiii thig leett-41 it i-.,, c
ho has remove for
C E �e,,,R to stL that
ROBERTSO"�', A to th prem1iiiss 14tely n -.11pied by' Mr Sohi gener:_� v f at
year )Vill �tart OM
Kjdo�, as 9. Hardward store, and1that heis now prepare,1 to fami everytIlingin th,�Furuiture line
k ly low more pruael'
at romark Intybdingpurohasers will firid i i greatly to their advautage,to call and
exapinehis stock b�Lfom pure iasing.aliew'liere. 1,f,-PiLiritigprornitlyatteiLdedto. Furtuturemadc 1,4- rr "Bryali,
f . a
to otcler OIL very shoit notice. flicturefri.milry aspecialty. All workgti4ranteed. Firmproduce
foattLers, wood land himber tal- 11 iu Wtchallge. 0 a TUt SDAY, 'IlAfi tation for ov
CH 16th,
HIS UNPERTAKING WEP RTMENT 1 To be 'followlec 'beneficial iii
I by othel-t- on Tuesday;
April l5tb'� Tuesday Wprii 2oth,
Is, a i fori, ierly,, uwl�r his own Oripervision. and will he cn ductei L with the greatest eal and atte Tuesday, &ay 40.� drugg.'sts an
It be f o and complete, and at the W
tioul J�is stof)i of Gisk Is, Cr,21ns, Sbroudi, &c., wit ery lo, es i
con y enu per 1)
rate F 11 era atteii(led in thp nti . A.Hearse for hire Ron Lember the place. c
)y the Frcigbt lcavcs tl e day trevimisto all ti,,- aboTa
datca. 0 'cc wIll be givien kf alk future
Due n ti
Al. ROBE RT_ ON, SEA RTH. pArtics-
16 Rxtes alwax8l tbe lowRtii an� rfale. clare Of ef.)U-1
lbeg stpaiall
tLIkell tij have 4n-angCTn4L-Jat3 r�(Jht cvl�jpl2t-e allA lit'a
tiFf4tt,)yy. ]
P, rso difficultv of
ic-lbing tliesr imy*tiq are reless4a
d_N-CE :vTOLE hill, 1111yrerouscustomers far their 4in fro -I) all �,qle ifi toondibi,t jfiej,�ht, live, paiu.ill ttie
patrcnage dai'541-1 tbe last 12yvais ibut I have Lvt-ndcjing_bu;inosg amongst then,annd kibd litficl:, &4:,. blood, liver
FOliCit a CCintinuant-V-, of their Avoliz 1DxtI.(;1111ure. I halve just r(ceived. a'Large and'Well Seldet4 11
St-lIck of DRY 000DE of a,' A]Fo aways on hand a full amortme lungs, awl
nit a� 150 11oxituds of
rom a GROCERIES�-TEAS it quajim-anil rire,aie thebast in theCo lungs and
arge -,f 5! 1h(n- fn:s njake.
A R tock Q0TW,,d SJJ(:)F_S-MCl Crockery, Glast�wa
re, Le"mo Mr. GJ'(`1Pc1Way g4f)eiiii fljr(�Ll:lh
J , witl ca h p3e.P
and Coad beined, Bacon and Hams, i i fact ever For parlR:ulers appl-,
il, Harzw I re, 1?s1rt;I4-d 011F, Diuvii, .0atellt y- to dilate at
thin"Ireq ired i a a. grmz-ral st r i!e. A�,kfor i% bat you want i 3 on di)n't see it. Cash or ftrm pr
rp intimutc., to all 1),.rt; d t) in thiSfyvori,4
SeE- tnakea i'! c C ha ng, C. Id 0�uce �4�
d iudkbted t for last and pr vlous y arq, JOHIN, RNOX, Gi W. r. I.Lvzent"
nnte before tLe (i d tji this moni b. or the accounts wi I be plit nt� 35 ralh
ty, ed ie a. sett e nto
othe r ban � s f or collEvi. Lon f Lh r notice will be given. AIOII�'L): TO LOAN ON E SY TtR',VS1
42X.4 1 Z. ntroduceil 1
-Idni Savirig arzdlnve�tm(nt Society, one of the beit: oanpocjdtie�'
F nearlv half
t T T,
intlioDominion. T* above security flora term of from tlu-de Wonderful `C
twel ty yea i -Q, on the �n� st favor�blc Conditions. LIFEIN87URA' E.-Ifyouwa
nt you -life ibEltred
give me a Mall, as I ain agent fot the Sun Mutual Life Assurn ce Com-anT, One of the )esE L SEAFOLTH,�
u V gained an
sura ace Cf, mpanies in the Donj�ni(jn, and eonducted on the most X0 Wholepule ard Retail Dea;rr i4 LEATEnA 0414
tifv (A nomical principleg. Do!�Itifor_
get to g.V4L, mt- a Caill I arnal ftys attentive to bup;n-ess. Poft :)Mee and Tel S.U0ZF1NDIN&8 of:1,.veri-Description. Xieputatim.3,
).W'El � I egrallb, Office In 101 on� None 'but the Very Best StfIr-ok kept. Terms sastail
necJ: ou, Clover, Tim. thy, Tui '11) ELO Other seeds o -.i hand
1 .90
moclerato. ATriaiSolicitiud. All order -a by, MAN.
T or othervirige P1!OMJtlyilII�-d.