HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-09, Page 5'RIL 91 1880. Ing the purchaser- 4T X ;CKWGP; alSo PU calt for $80. 1$20 to $30. Gn Of the Easter el ichoolin Section ier, r. Di k8orll nt_"�f a, iiice�e 1?,resent -thd shape of a hand- a110 aSOU.: of A.-torris, near tg tre'es in the w,E91.8 of the oxen he ' ,had killed it instantly- ape'as he students have passQ F subjects at McGill L Wra. Uormak,,_ lonald, Paisley Alex. Joseph lasElora,; A. J. ned Donald McIlae r miles, fro In Amber- hip of Ashfield, Was i dky eveniag. by t�he ram a trea which he. .[a leave& a wife ariol �urn his loss.. Irwin, of Bel- Y-nd 'very badly the 41- carrylAg an axe oil, a he tumbled and SeVe rl his hand, a g he fi t rZ Close to t r.qe injuring the' hand. iveni,ug of laSt Week, 'S of Grey, wu.3 a MOW WIT'n tine 011.0 fork twisted a -ad causipg a., nyof t4e, wound was. IV some ;of the nerves I. tent, of 1�russels, has �Mr. Duncan Kippen 5 � Morris, colisistiag hou,seand barn,jor -atthiakshe hasT one I�Siu the township, and I.- lack in, this his agri- of Mr. Am� Proctor,' [erich towship,- 'were last Thursd.py mom - Ne believe there was he time. Two sets of A a do- were burned, saved� It was in- ARnd, who went from - I 0 )a eks ago,, while sleeping on the tan who was with him * at the Barrie time. radway car- be �ure­to have rely buttoned, ��Zelly's green -hose: a,,t worth seeir�gl IqlIn- .various kind S and all resh. P"I'd and .irts are. to: be seen lecitian.1 Mr. ,.irtesy tlnd kindness, OW any one through week Mr. J. C. Me-. la, while an - his way .1sinesa,tripped while Harou and Grand Trunk �ititon, and fell, hurt- which he had -broken domhee was just. recovering'. 11affernam, of Tucker- a.' painf u I, accident . i Dublin in a bugrgy a i 1ile passing another dropped olle. Of the horse Off the road, qy &ad thrawina the fr. Tleffernan's shoul- 1, but lie is able t.o, be vhich nearly resulted of- valuable Edward John- tll(,� other day. t,in le, 'illaga along f le' ' Turnberry �bouudary gdat into the vehicle and a. rnaziner -hohed to death, are the amounts Ked by the. Toronto, municipalities along Iin widening the I5 1:-' 000 .000, Arthur 00(l - '�N000; Arthur town- -her, filler, of 'Artoris,,,tud 11, (if Gre,,. &re nice - R9 'it, eacti, got about in the axle uW hich f, Couple of 110t St,YIXJ.ie(1 l,e- -k. it tutal Nviret. ij. ii,f tLr lmr a; P ck, nd VNIViUr 1),Lttery Pro- 7il-kg w0glitiv conull- ilbvr 17th, 1879, and oi4.ZiVin't five bef A, T - eu- owlier I -ttl i lVel it-, s ic P 614 Weak the late Grrallain, who dur- I'Chult (if : the �ex- ti) the, jy(itctor, to those . the case Wa ill �te To - The majoritV of ted, with the case .1111Y &1f turnor of ome ilc� fact that the de - front aticeplialoid The turnor, Weighed &bout upied the wholct of and had ,*ea over to the other 0 wa an internal -7 *n6l the.medical men could I guess Proposeoi �iteratius is. aboi It 680010( �Ifor Mixch: Filtl Aass—lst Ractil its nature by the symptoms, wlilat �bich the bonip propose to divid) jaqfles, 2d Janei Ile lWal7glin Pouith -1 . - b houlU tt evidently Puz*ieaIthem, wa the act as follows: $360, to 8 8 rei L �class—lst illilam era, 2 1 eo. the deceasedthad not ed b 150,00 b, Varrel, 3d Anson - Spotton, 401 that ye� the bohdhol lei ,the external synl�toms of 0 i troub ed h _ nnni,ilipalit" s th� m niCiP4 UlIeI John Q6 Millie. I Senior Third—.1st It. ,viith an ailment pf the kidgeys. ad Our immediat �ei or ood to con Fitzpatrick, 2d El elliWarrel, 3d Silia' the truth bea k -'Own from the first it 'ribute as follows:- T be y, �10ijOQO Xdgar and H'r Q ie4. Gregg. Ju niorl would' have mattered little, as the lowick, 420,000 and' lkst,i thoug �z atrick, 2d Alexander 4- lio hird Ist E. Fi Z disease could not have -been iemedied ;. 'east, Wrol. W i I 1montg(Ine ey Jaques, Ub eter $ 000, ill they e r 3d U i t ? but owing to the peculiar location I ot Deponent sa eth "dontt knowV' I Geo. Sk . ndl. -8e Second, cluss__+�_ Clegg, 3d r 11st Johd Warre�-, Ei�ri, the auilment, and the unusuEI! � characte' C, L of the symptoms, it was imlossi le to Seaforth Hig Jane Miontgomeiy, 4th: Wm. Harris". SC11001. I come to any accurate knowl'odge Of I it Junior $ecoud cla S-t-Ast Egther Wig. T4e following ii , th report ofif without an examination after, dea gins, 2d Jarne-Wig 'red E'� gar, lelaUvogntandingof the:'Pupils at,end, The Signal of last week O;Y.s e ing this school dt ring the quarter , d. .4th Franci.s S Otto 1 itud'David N -Vat �ers. have been shown the weig Mfts'telr's en g March 31st. The figui -'e es ar ticket certifying to the avoird, orl a IPO uced to the Stan, lard of 10( as xJ .(Teneral I *e vvs Items, short -horn bull owned by Rob�rt Hodge, of ' Goderich . town up. le 1111 , a rei le i 1 y re a� rS. i ec uring oi em - Gus for term a d a� serik a of -litA perance- at Was R. 0. A lec- bing on; lacked a few days of.beiug'on, 3 ye x o:d, 11 examinations at it elojif. Se- a] ture to ffie CougreEs en on in orality and weighed 1,050 PO; ands, is weil p: o, )UP ls, fmiri t I , . Bich neps and 1 other iWould not he amis portioned and almost a mode of �1041 I avaidabldcauseshaye eenilioreoi 1 13 —Fonirof the frs fw6nty Uf the now, with the chanties thbLt heril fu .1� fBlEnt,in, bonseque6c !'Of,',hich -,-i Oanadian,t6aiIiri haveLieftised to g to developed there will be notbi�lg iln tihe rel 111ades'will be fi led E tan ing :ailnot he "QuratO po d.1 iI.mblEdon. 'Thei Country to equal him. A illot-horn .rna her na eB are. e ends of'!the by the irlen in wfiitn�i.: bull weigbirig 1,050 pounds w ;en a sts I . I ?I I other n me4' are il ordor of —An6ffor1isbeiugJfiad8in Ionlon, h.,ttle over 11 monts old i hia d to 11'. T e atte:n('aAcei ha's �Ien bapired tq form a compai iy I lof kilted High-, beat. Blood and breedin il tell. I y t, e ill4ess of fisi the a` ver-agE e- la 'er About ',filtP Sootchmer ba�ej An animal of the class of i.13 � UB Of I . . I ing from 1to 83 )U of 85 on,the 1*011:1 i2eady Promised; to jiloin. ge's will -weigh as m:u'ch wh n Mr. Hod pr6valence o One Y ear.old as one of com on sto k INT.ERV D1. TZ CLASS. O%v Lug to f diph-� theria !Lt Digb NjuvA, Scotia,-th6 wou,ld when three years old. rb ef �chools have be C$sed, and elergy- Inak-ing purposes this Superio 8 OIc CS nien. have been r6 ieqted byth lqi e Bo rd, niast pay ; two or three years' f�e 1' g :4 4 1. 0 0 dif Health "to cea'f;e holdindnight In et -i is saved and a quicker retur red v 0 Q Z 0, Ings, a they are ill:, a large -metasure, foroutlay. We' like to echr nicle 11 the call a of the 4rea' of the diseaise."i provements in stock raising; �t will Is C - McKay ....... 104 88 1 82 0( 90 83 891 —Ur James 0 ac onald,, of' Mac -1 the most profiae feaure in . farming 1. Scott .......... 105 80 00 70 7' 1 1 A. I, C D. A. McDonald.. 10; 83 186 1 83 0 89� 4onald, Xacphergo O., '"Strafford,1 ere long. H. Killoran., ...... i V 91: � 91 93 oo 88 returne4 recently�!Tf to a very s_lcc SS -1 —Mr. Greellitt of Belmorej has had I., Cowan.�!... 87 182 92 O&I 88 i WI some urfpleas�llt experiences of the 1'. Sparks.! ....... 9 82 83 1 91 W 88 ful us: uess trip� to,! the Noirt"I 38t.J J.'Coyna ... ....... 9 73 00 81 9' , 86 Half of qhe products, I the factory will mildness of - thi's winter. D iring the. I 1. Pendergast .... 1, W' 00 8& 8(" 88 be Shipped to the North. -west' iDg first sleihin he went to Bay leld with X. Ad 17 89 82 0( 81 al`� ............ 1880, ar d, Mr. M ac oriald has coturlact- Pringle.;;. &.horse and cutter to visit sor le friends. ...... 8 i 68 80 8-3 0( 78 McDonald ...... 77 82 64 Off 77 ed to seld 20 separatc�s before the 1st The very night he got there t likh. Ff. EdvnL,rds ....... 5 85 84 1 0( T!it 74 of July. e `S'e ing went o#, and he had to leave his X. Moirltosh ...... 9 76 64 ol(:�! 73, wit —Oe� night lately i io splendid bre ed-:: cutter bellind and return hom hout 14. Johnston ...... .67 82 2 0( 69 j;S ing ewe befoliging to r Bai. ...... 7 73 59 1 0( ey, it. When the next, sleiabin came he 19- Hi'IOP- �Oynston ...... 8 72 60 0 oft 68 ThameE :. concession, was. got another Gutter and went after the X. Simpson ........ 9 65 55 2 0( 67 found near the barn.. with it4l, thr)at left. r ihig ti one he had formerly me i Collie: .......... 7 63 58' 69 0( 65 '70 0 o( 64 cut. Vftthou�removllg thq Skin 1e also the snow left him in the. urch, and U.-HoustOn.i ....... .67 '70 7 '58 44 9 thieveB ipened the & icass and carried he was forced to return witho t big cut- Coll" - : : " o( 61 J. Delgaty, I .... 6 -60 .00 6 R:: 61 6 ff the I i9art, liver . a d lights, l ich ter agaiia. When the next spell of Mi. Casey ... 1 ...... 5 63 00 51� 55 Was the only reward t ie miBerea t ' i d Eleigbing came he started off with a J. 'Gemniel, ...... 49, 60 4 0( � 55 8 ia sleigh ad a double team to b ing home M.1i D ilsql ...... 5 48 .48 8 oT 49I for thei 'rascallV ddeo� A� 0=01 oil ..... . 5 00 '71 I. oc ooi! —LaEt -Saturday light a Noita-: his two cutters, but the fates ere -s 1 il,tivirl:gstone .... oo� 00 I o �o( ool� st -him; the treacli , McFalil. asa�gp, �irmep named Colin McDo ald: again erous Snow ...... 63, 45 0 0( 00�1 again disapearledt:,4n a "nighi, and be B- ROB" .......... 01 oo 00 0 061 001. went inp a hotel'at iollingwood: W lile, Kidd .......... Q 00 '00 0 0( t, oo. 11a a sta;o - of intox: c tiou. During aw was forced to leave, his sleigh, brie of his �Frencl� prose-Baiii: PADgIe 2, Ki 0 an' filtereadbil between m and the, hc tel-' horses and the two cutters in,, the cusil and Adam ; , Hislop; owaiji; 6., Gen A hose nan !is Cameron, ffc-' - P ; eeperi w i tody of his Bayfied friend. J inaly he 7, -1). McDonald; 8, E t On. a n d n� , 4 '�;, 0 onald fell or was. t town down st i eeded 'in 'McFAul, 11; XroKay ; 2 S rks I EdNV r.18 took a lumber waon, and suc'i acturi his skull florn the effects of, lu Who of this 1-14, D. Johnston; 15, S son, 16,y 1.1 John (in g I etting ho e with the 171 T. 31�Doriald; 18, 19, LivingJ; [c) hich 1.0 died thre. ours afberwards.� property- 20, Davidson; 21, J. CoIWU 22, OF. Gemmel. -Th� 3! Grand. Jury it. the Middlesex'; Slocol�D FORf. dly, found a . ruis; ssizes pn Wednei� Belgrave. ill agpiiist J4mes Chrroll, John Ken-' NEws Noir_rs.-Or enterpriging, hote17 :Z 1;artin- McLaughlin, Thomaw' is a," a a fine yo keeper, Mr. Harry Bell,-' h er Ohn Purtell,; Ry ler, and James front arected to his old'hoteillndoop r .,.for the murder 00 John Donn illy. & McKenzie, of Clinton, have the coia- 0, P P 0 ;4 ilq.; The se-lond indictineitit Iwas toi I ave tract. , It is to be finished by e lst,o t I M ay. This building wi larl ely h I elp, W. MeK, dy ........ A 85 69 79 10' 861� een, laild before the j Iry yesterday, ind A. Watson_: .... 10i % 87 0 9 83 A is utl,,113istood that in the event A a the appearance of B: Igrav .-Diph- M. Crmirfer ...... 9 70 85- I 6: 81i � Robt Sparl g .... 7 89 91 1 , 8" 80 0cond �rue bill beiilq found appUca ;1011 itbaria is bad in this vich ity.-Dr. very OWWatso I ..... 8 85 80 2 9' 781 *ill be p�ade for a (h ge of ven�ue. P is v4 771 i .. yne is going to buy grain in tL Ten� Tho��Bon.. 8 67 63 8,1 Thtj man &I'D 8 by Detective lage next fall. The Store ho'le is to 'be John Kerr. � ...... 81 82, 95 to 9: 761 1 Li7zio Moore ...... 9 60 55 B8 8, 76I t Port H -and lo4g911 in a large oie".-We are glad o I arn that 11opdor jail last Sunday, on SUSP1*111,0111 N"al'i Bet)lurl� ...... 9 84 55 13 �91( 731 Mrs. A. Edwards is recovering from er Gco. A-nder4on .... 81 81 63 35 8( 711 9feinj! concerned in the Dqnrelly; eillness. Alargapaty of eri�i- ttieDialue ! ...... a, 65 sever B . an .87, is i-71 71, t agedy, is Wall Le;v s. It is-safd ihatl� C., aparling. 4 58 -�46 6 ' i grants to Manitoba left tbis , E tation on 11 71 'ewis: )asted in a barber's stiol, at! 7 01 U 7 54 63 Alit gie Wil on... 31 Tuesday to meet the Gieenway, paty _W 900 Iv'il Iin. H*Vu n t. 6 65 45 9 64. 2 9 orb Harlon that he knew about the� 10.11-cly them was t Mr. I at Centraia. Arr ArchieDewa ...... 51 68 68 'I 5 6 . it (Is topr assisted& , it. Murphy,.on Hector McLean and family. i We wish Georgepawar ...... 61 43 74 5 -45 ge( Etenlp i g to arrest hiM, WaS himself rson.. 7 4, 68 Jo" Hund 178 0 71 7 - success. L r them jLa restei by the Arr(rican autboritieB' Annie rson.. 71 46i �,)6 7 46 5 Wm.DeCuntillorl OC 6111 75 81 6 * attif: pted kidnabAug, but he got!, Blo:oming HiR. 40 I i M. Burgoss ........ 41 i 4 i9 46� 5 I off and rought his i nan alon I ith 31aggic, .-Spill .... of 71 134 60 1 4, 9 Sclwo-L nlo Lthly re- .1.16mestartlihg levelopments are S. H. AiidcrF on .... 0,4 721 50 )o �87 48 Port nill -be rendeled fromt4e PUPI S Aggie 1�-unclman.. -0( rty conceraed. o 421 11 7 N �76 48 e-lkpecte from- the of.this,school for the. mlonth Of March, S. Bdot� ... ...... (if 62 � 4. )O 5V 38 S td bf confer, a on' is look -e( fc r. I as the Caunty pramotibn examination L. 11�111ukb in R 4(J4 U 68i 85. er of e x i 6rienced c il 11A. llalt�rin4n ,.­.*.* 00 2 55 i 261 nen� oo hove on t will be sufficient eviden�e of V ie stand- �A. Dellt ... ...... . 0( 00 o I f:1Pe rolia t� g 1to Italyfor the� ing of the selilool. The* numb of days �f 'prospec ii Ig for petiolEum. rortll.! plirpose the school' was kept open was 19 ; the A�bo t! tlwo years f go Mr., C R big - total attendance) '1,301 ; average, 68. nl� t,Tjondon foi s former. orr e in lifni ef A rather I&.rae average for one teacher. Italy, I iter being. el i d f r3 in >, P4 y,a cs to D-ki,Ly T-TkiL.-Efforts are -1, eing put th ondon Pkrole i enterprisal).. o , 1�i =111. forth to obtain fa daily mail vi Rodger- i etrolia.. 0 s rri a in the, Fe ville to lierisall, tEu5 cha .ging our of i s birth, li, ke-an to � ex ore' o 8 81 89 8 7 route from Cramarty, w . tilie dis i icts where 1 biUedm had been hich is very un- UZZie Maggie 6 47 92 99: 7 75 Mary G Ten ock. .... i - with a Aft to ascertai 11"100 certain, as a great deal of dela y is:Of bell 80 H 76 .9.) 4 68 discowled V caused by. that rather circutuc us route. Louisa �aill ........ 11 43'4 1 5 81 93 6 amenci t e ad, tages or cm, Dg u ex- Bella Mabee ........ 68 38 75 97 5' 37 A direct mail route to HensE 11 wo'ld John LOU ....... (b 65 29 76 84 1. i6 t Siva �eAuery. 91 rospects were; be much better and mLore certa In. Thomas Lo(khart,. (9 80 41 79 75 e, 1 M so enog,. �aging that I E decidpd to begin HarperCrawfoxid.'... 83 46 2,' 3 68 91 t1L �f 34 o erativ Lis on the pI Et purs' ed.in Can - light.. '47 1 - U-0 66 '91 90 00 � 61 )8 I Eucocess-be sent oa a, aU tto.ensure Cromarty IS 4 9. 32 74 91 _13 3I at mani o U 64' 75 70 00 SJ io Ctick workmen, Imm. Petrolia. If .gre f tb Ider ........ 8-28 90 90 Qj Lq nt, pr, thia e A rise provd, : ielinuiflerative, the ar- haie began mers orf this _- vicinity Liavina 11a ...... 66 L 8� 67 00 5 5I7 men arb 1, n der cont: -E �('t to, liernain. i vith Plowi.a- sold. I caft O ...... U 50 69 81, bo I I IM Ril .- �hini; for th ri to � Ye48, �Up ii �, on' S(1`rXi_,l),-The wito of Mr, Joseph iressio, ....... 16) 46 74 76 51 I Robt. �, P�ing� a.55 2.6 71 50 3 Y, 50 Colo t #ary, it sh-oi il C_ result in i a fail- badly scaldedlas week. coucli got very via 1-1 U .......... 49 41 79 oo 5i 19 r, tho! Will return ii o116 yeari Her little da,uAi-ter while pouring watv 52 00 2ii 18 Bertha O'gel s ....... E 7 71 tb hettle into a basia, 1q:cCiden- Kate 11cildert;on.... - 47 80 7tr 00 2 ') to out of lidth ....... 45 25 66 00 3 39 tally let it slip, the bauill and, its can- Wrmik Andemon .... i 41 15 55 (10 A 34 Auctiot 'S,ales.` tents fallina over her' mother's legs, 6 58 00 12 at the Taral�t� Ii el an'.1 0 54 32 sday. April 14, 188 Wedil se'tildiug Very severely UZZio 1-t-affie ...... 43 00, 33 74 (10 '.13 31; i '00troinlE ] ,'urich' the Stage! agg c ial Hotel 01,D 1U —.Mrs. Oobt Legatte 88 29' 85 00 2 0 �Tvillllv Ewing ...... C ;, 00,01) 00 0 )o ry S took it a 1! Trade '...ot has sucoumbed a -last to het ilf� ie� 'ills ...... W 00: W 71 60 10 dore. IS ale at I o'c lopk. i B os sell, liar remains -were buried at -�'Oroinarty 'Wilso ...... 00 (O 00 01 0�11!i )0 rtV, auctioneer. rerry, I prietor; H. lay the8rd inst. �Sll�.- was Oine ? on Saturt. I Ic I will ....... 01 00 Lo 00, 00 0 1 I . I 9 1! of the firsb residents of the ' Rage �Of Birt I IS[ Cramarty and will be long ret lembered u. L lin. Ikio' R%Ion thu 4th insi.,the 118, 01.11.1 X -Iii Lak, I . .,N(, Si I by #ie first L tler Spit b le Sprill-C se S'Twho alwa f lox% sbo of adaughter. BAY .i y Jh ll� ib g B r 11n ef: 01 en 4a r harr hospitable and Kind, and ready eed g am and ent i r 3 s1 as hel UIDRAJAILiGoyrip,ont 125thult.,the %vifcof w tt Ifeeditbehungry, ad Shelter those �In I iDubli oii Wedne-da Consi: ( r_ ilMr � ; ilor�e A,rdell Of ov-exI to Staff a iL LRJ)LL1 41i Oil t lilt, 1.11C.Nvile Of, in , of bt 176 � Ids t ere -dc 11 of a Son. I �ng the horrid State Ai 1, s howe I spe t%- vbera lie intends int was a fai,�.0teiAap'oe both. of 3A�R.D- i 1.1,failley oil t 11 . 4-th, thp wife of z during, tho Sul I I 1. I tors arid eKbibifor,6."In bh 6 'Mr. (o Bmir'd,. Si , Of� a so gi-pin er VIS e qua A I not a i,eryj large diflay but th y I -Wroxeter. erned LO be eXCe �IE 11U. nt)-flits U.. ere I ere. some well bred 74nd le�y 0 '-ST ll. -N X\--ELLIOT i the Ust ult., a the. 11 �, E-1grave, by, Re A. r. Wril. w�,'y out ais'Usull on i oh Hay, of Turuberi�y, Was Oil hiS - I 1. , I F (I Xv 0" 7311! Nall) Johil��Oa, to i." ocasions 'Uhe hon riTlg 1-notiopol 1/, d I Wan "llffitt, all of to llru.�sels on Tuesday witli fis tal- 0. " I f I the indst tentiou. Tliere Nvas a d ­%IlLLE11-0 he 6th inst.� by Show, nd whon opposite -ds, at the I et Xd mde of thef bride's lion for th displa� of stallionE a ild 6omp 3tition in v, ro to 1liss Jennie Win. Farrell's ou the grit el � a1d, fat] R ; eclod several of the clasi,e was� pri �tty a k dn. the brute. attacked him, and rmicce Of egrav(. .TIU � ill gettin his right hand uto Ilis Tbeis'llperiority of the lanimils slijwn THIL LL, 1C rosidence" of the a' may� be j ulged froi a Sol. I De: of the bfi,tlj,a titiele, Oaqtld :4in, Jackson, Aliohi- Inouth. He then earriett him round an, ty ;the Right�l.,-4, J. Nvllilc, hngin by the liuid. Mr. Hity julown. names wbi-,b 4ppear in the fol- �ftfld Isq lin top, Ideqt son of 1 V.1 r, � 'Xilth Es 11( I - - r, Jo1wirg:11r1JZe List.: flor -Irb po J t. �d iti : Forest, and. E reat at last ucceed ling Iiis ed in -,vrenc 1 ill TO It to Lord Mo,h, uovu,-nor- I but iii, doing so ha I to far- .11V - I hf:wo, I lfea�-y Dr Lught.--- Brhok's ! I Y. - 'Lillc I of Cllada, U Ida V on lges, i It u %'Veen tl a h6 . Be's 11a dolow d 11-omas Co�, IyArv.w it-throuch bet i u ' tlaugl,6r of Calitilly 'o tn-r, Gran 116uli,q I'Ligbitiudi Cbiief. CEli llieh� _k, of I is habd teeth, th6l bac cr MALLOUCBr- residen of 'pretty badlv. 'Notivitlistan ng' the Il.eiivyDi,ttul,,ht.-tstJ4..s. Colqabo, S Aac id . eut, r. P�dn Ce of �V'Eiles: �diJobtn'l,yficll,u lae Ulie b s t v 24th. ult., by Plev. y man r'. IN,., i( raw Stowart, of Ruok- -ail t 'known. GellEral- Puipose. 1st liow 1111 Jane, (It ii; 1 �er 'Of -Mr. Win. Mal- zled to get the horse back to �f roxeter, and aft C ffrling Pati. r hi-, halid dreted b a -rich, oil! tll( 31st, t_1 Ist A. E S anedicti.1 inval started (�ff ho ao with -.1ALd an Carri 11 D tilt., :he Archiluncon. Fl ocid, o r r6 I cloud 12 ' 1 S e t! . ! S fn t:w I�rowusc n'to All." Louijia Allen, him. re'tty plucky. a Vh$it Mazeppa_ Bultq.. 3e P1 h am, buill 4 �B �i - %v �Lo.kiN.—We had i �7_ ML " P oy ir age J&Un Conn 41. I i jr- froin of the Torosto, tulr ReEt 3. and Bruce bull -calt: St Bu zer, i�dm n r—, st *ftVT �—In Tt ekk r., Nth, on the rd. list., l(lulloun rIA-) r, ltell:anl age- person 1r. . I I rLli t, Of the III bert, h s of the (1'eueral r, ' , age 1.1, t Wragge the olicitor, r. Be i LttV, W Id I Wnl. Hamilto a m4e, i all - I Mr. Dicl�ey, one Of the directors. - Th �y IThos. 'Alu4on, J, Qolqubi)uu. Dit;Ucrson county, Ra usas, fornieLl the- .4,Llvaubed guard.of 1 le borl g w aeat�s . L ost N a ti0i l: Oil tl ,I Mr to' In Ethelin" tbil, for-, ui tl I, 4.- �-d 68 yf -axs. rs, aud very pcilitely, bu at t1le 1, t Toli.n.TacConnall' 2(l Will Gr it 27th ult l`,' John. hnute '111 'allartoll, Oa tll� �c, mtolri'l u S tl.at I 61 chaffl—ist W �. ii4�iia , 2 %V. �.la- CiLve.: i:,a native 01 e-, li�al. Peals—Cro Grab i i ed ears. it was more money-- th y wELlited-. The 711---iht W W, 19 y IV, at lie 21st ul t. dt the resi.den(� f his gnfeatures of the,presebt Scheme Green. � maUL=3.st!:T. Gr011 I i�o,tIt1r,.111Vinllipeg, �Olul. James wst,agyed n. ! ; as Propose s____1xvhite-44St ll,)$ T I is and .3 inout -I-4, 1; LtC of Howidk. 1 J)hfi McConnell, au it� . -1310 . 1. NA _,D —In Sea b' o u. the 4th 0 are * follows: The -compa ' Id 1 W. Gralil to wiL a of the ri to id J�13 leu the guag Only son ? 21r. Joh, MeDonald, 0 : 'the tandard uCLge of the coun6y, I 1 5t .1 J. Butz, '2 T Gi. eei: Judq a ed �ne�ear`and sic. inonths. rf,- . lIn London, on Ina, 4 'feet -1 ublies, �n(l thoro...",gblv 0- Hoi:�ses—. Thos. 1. 11*6,1 McKil a flibe23rd n1t.; ti: equip niToronto o Owen J 011 Core'y, Straflord � 11,eale,�J b. .�st da�ghter ol Mr. Simon Roe e. the road fro n � ulls ge 11; �U� - yta the Mrd ult., Mr. h . B 64, �r FER U�, 0 —in (4 On Sound and to Teeswater, makin- sOv- Proa t. Tuc r- I i Folign I �3yea_rs. 0 .1 i Pra: res. of route, sp'ecia'4y & iii�h ; RobertT Gafidii;ie'r, Hibl- t: sell aeral minor chang &� rITH_ ii.Duffalo, on a rd knst., Mr. Will. ose�to Robext Ofirril of Gooltitich, ag(d 25 at the Humber, where they I o- 1, I geafrort, i. Gra ohr � gn rilith, lat et rid of some very di sagareeal: le. car�!s ames Davis, P T 6ss Ian F. 01 rer. an D - A —1c cliTey, Oil tl�e 23th ult , Mary Anil, and aradieuts by a, change )f roulte. the t Ova C, of V Darimain, aged 0 1 es Th _r 91so propose to giveis a light 4e- -�The 6 th 8 days. e) i - ollowi I 1 18 th �-�l repor 1 OJ Y( 1hSection LN ol 5 HOwick, Mad 'L�,SC nEng- 'vl&tion from the present line ie;rt A C ve�o he Sth Ult lin )lillson, ar, Q 04 and t _,Lncl qu ttl 0 give us a statio�u around withi_ reab_h of g. names of t ose wbp *ere,!; licii Iett, county 0. On. vear ;formerjly of 11 al the village.. The estimated c4A�of the cessful -�p �obtaiui I 9 Phe first I'Pos" ME DOW tanville papers R� eD se copy. - IIIIf L NO. 6 A JSp-..?ing 3 WS. R By �AW I L 1AILLI 1E MIL LINIRY Sp g Sh al - Y. MILLI L will Zh 0 It r the. I 4*ou of Entire Stock aid Olt TEM tt -kaBon E olivs a South"Riding Hurmon, I rti cefiel d, on ` �Uesday,' April 13. ;TOWN OF SEAFORTH 11libbert Branch, a Sta&, 6n. the 20th Of ji.pril. [West Riding, at Smith's Hill, a A ril 15th -,T T_ -L,,..T, a- Flo R I 8 80.: Stephen and UBborno, at xe r, on Friday C3- IR� IST __D __P M I April 16. A to Raise by W urnberry, at INVIr on 13day, J gham dn Lpril 34. Of 114onsand OF 90ME Lo al IN oti6e 3. Aollars, fdr A-uposrs Herein- 'RoPims CoitN..—Plen�y 0 C ;or no: w to be had MILLINERY AND MANTLE SHO lit J. BROWNELS's. 637' Music.—Mas S te of oretto W PE. he Rai bbey,! Toronl 30 pre a3 ad r(i ceive p pilt; in titioned the UUnicipal vocal and instru 01 MU i . 'Use U piano council of the s i 90111`brt�, ,In the ,Hvenif desired. teBiailinte-il eorgse Stir at, first CountyOf Rui on, for more officlout li-ection loor north of the Htfro R )ad ieliforth. Jim-Iiij MAN BR�THERS S EA AND Colul ,cl PE ING Milliul an i -it CIL -edieut IlancvGoodsoln Frilla and aturday, April 9th ind i(Ith. I willSbo* (nd of, he ILargesit, most petition; I 01� SATURDAY, APRIL 10TH, 1884.,. AIN - KUAS,the said concii wn,ider's 'Oniplefe and �Beslve!el ct.,d $ ock i of Millinery Wb, % ea -a pon w -hat ind,rianty Goods r S)la in Seaf a sys.te w 4'% orth. A 1Skl3Ow11a6-jL# Walerous or Polly wr.-ol ,all respectfully ' wl ( thei - intenging to -2 be the in-ost efftllt,'I� or Fire pur- chase or nqt" poses ANb requll�e the sum of TAE MI .1 PTS. T IMM�D BONNET$ AND HAtS A SM;CIALTY' Eleven Thoteind Dollai fic): the cor- loz Iof said Wateiwarkiw. SEAW RT111, April 8, 1P80. AND WREUI�AS, the zaVl Cownd) has to. pall Wheat.. .......... aolv,cd to raise i ha md-a sum of =one -1 -for the 15 to 1 20 pnIrposealomaid. 8 pring Whelai, V ife� be, 15 to 1 20 The St is Larger and AT lore -Siel 3ot than at my previoi ls Sea_,eu. ID WHtREAHOA �wfflreqae theT ottin Df AN Spring Wheat, Red Chaffj per bliish. 12ito 1 15 4 : Three Iffunlixed. and Thirty -live Dollairs to C at -bo par 34 to 084 i!aised smluAlly by s-picial i7ate. for the payme nt ea: per buliihbi, ....... Obtq as heri*iafter inelaloiorl E arley per bushel ...... of the midd ANIY WHUEAS, it -Aill _Muire the sum G1 I utter, No.], LQ1O8e ..... 16 to 018' ; DoUara ta be raisea .......... ;CALL Ik ESPEC 131 19 10 to Oil T FIU L LY' SO L I 0 1 TIE ann uall y by opecial rate ftr 15 tout, par 100 15'to 3 15 E ay ............... ... 00 to 8 00 er- A ID W-WIMEAS, thi ia;nount of -the wole E idee, p Ill. 07 to 0 08 rateable proiperty of the sail Co)I)oratioa) iria. 8 leep skins each. 50 be 125 Our tock of FANCY MlY GOODS is now Vi�vy Complete.': BpeI2 y ine n ths ature ? tolls, .9 ilt (rotail)pe r ba 0 75 �tive of am 4D; 9 -IL iut,-rest. diniltilde,renta or propI: iSilt(wholosalftel 6a" 3 0 60 :a be ' e"peetiT" 'of Dy.ineilline arty, and Irr fttatoes� per )usliw ........ 4.1.. ( 30 to 0 35 derlvtd from the teloplazary In-torturont Of Apples, per builiel ..... ( 60 �o 00 nd 4eieirrafter . noritim--ed, -or Any rAii&t. HPFF.ALUN B OTHERS, Car no"IsUbek. sinking fu OArricalV11ibril. 75'to 8 00 Tttie-reof, accortlargioheliet R-evixed T %1low, per lb. 05 to 0 06 f Roll of the PWd- Corpom Join beirg lot the yeat a,p3rl 11 to,. 60i,to 6 25 ii -Of, in quarte - It. 0 1 a Thousail Fz9ht Hundred and el.. 00 'to 3 50 Clover Seed, pi r bash.1 i' i I's the sum f ]Fivelffuuilre laud Sjxt�!;Vo,ur Thou- Ck s6nd Si� Huiltdr ighty dollam - �A N D; G E N1 E 'A L 0 P''. N UNT N , April 8, 880. A-14 D WHEURA 3, the existing deotof the BOA FtIlWheat,per bushel.4 ........... 1 1814 1 28 'as folloiw� -aal- I: Three them 8 )ring Wheat, perbushell ...... I 15 1 23 lars borrowed: under the nthonty No. 0 Its, perbushe�... C 84!@ 0 35 i_`d Town Of B Y*rley, per bushel . ..... C 45 @ 0 56 ALL MY IbEPA'' RTM NTS T.-Als 1 46' of the as cent. er thereon at 'Seven annum., Ve 'y frM - A e First day or 0 66 payable hnif-yearly fricinn P 3aB, per bushel... 0 62 @ B Itter .......... I16 @ 0 20 .111 M, ; and FUmbeen 1113 -an rea dollars bbrrtliwea #otatoes ....... 'go @ 0 85 under2y-la No. 100, of the said Town 3( 8ft- d&,y N?g@ .......... I.... .. C 10 @ oil forth and interest Val rem at. per 'R ay,per ton.. 00 (i4' 8 0 F'R'IDAY AND SATURDi kY, APRIL 9; AND 10, ..,.,7 0 v*vlt- per- aiinum, Iran the Fifteenth V Clover Seed. 2 76 9 3 00 July, 1879 ; and Six Thoweand, DoPaTs, boriiow� 8 aw NO :3':A of I ad under the authority - By-L�, Timothy Seed... 00 @ 3 25 o -tlii -est t the said Towu of Seaf- r eaud. iottr hereon HOWING'01 OF TFIE Iat seven per cent. per Ann am,payablei hidf-yftr�- LIVERrooL', Apri' T.--SpiiDg lyheat ly, f rom. the first -Asy of anuxry, 1&40,, sud tUdry 11 Os Ild red winte: 19 13d � while, 10S n , ng ' eaTAn (d;, cli:,tb, 11s !4d - cat','Gs 5d; b�rley, LA GESTAND CHOI-CEIST STOCKS IN THE DOWNION. s 3d ; peas, 7s 6d ; )c rhi, �Os Od beef, A�-D 'WHIR it is' a -a mettessary to p(Ant the tirme and Ill ll!or taking the voteo of 7 5s Old ; cheese,'71s Od. -ea lectdrs,'and for appointing the duly quikiift Deputy Rc6tu�ning CiRcerls to, tke 0xvi votes --f TORONTO, 841 wheat, 51. the said electors ittlie 7.-F 2 t:) $1.25; sprin S1.23 to 5; oats, 40c I? Elm MIT ]E�00 M !BE 1'k THEREFOR14 ENACTED, by the, Corporation of Lthe ToWin ol'-SeRforb, In therf W 410 ; peas-, 68c to,69 c barey, 586 to i county of Iff ran, 7 Oc -; hay,. per. ton, -hat it. 8 0 t) 15 00; 1. sball be lstful lot ,the 'Mayor 0 Ole i ppr bag, ove�tieslil the said �Co4orttiion to J raiBe' by va-y of loario I utter, '20c to. 270 ; ?Ot Will be Qpened with a Grand ay of "i H the N.' oa t frova anyperson or persolus, boiiy OT iet *61l to $0.55. Clo-v ei seb� I er bpBhel, p o;ra te, who inay bewillitg to advance, the sam# to 03.75 dreF s( d �llog% $116.011, to upthe crealt of the Jpebentiur" bereinaft,ar 'an firat tern I -ats i mentioned, a: sum of inan�y not,e=eeding in tke IP an B6n ets T�-'55000- 4s d New Yorl vbole be -sum of Elevenllhou;-ana Doli-irr, aua to ca use the �svme.to be T aid into the hands j6f the Treaurer of tbte said Town, for t3le-prpose T I E Produced this Season. Also every Shape tyle b6 worn in Stx�w Le- aad vrith -the �object abveree1W. ll­--�That �t sbal be Is wful for t'hisald Mayor OF l60,11d ICE. horn Chip, Tae, "d Tuscan Hats and tnocinInts, 0 wers ea,thers) i bons, GANADIAN, M I IF I to �cauFe any,number tof I ebeotirlixtes to be in&& 10 pn Lfe es, Ornaments,' d Materials. for siachEnm a of morl J fi may be ireqnfired, not less than One Emdlic�d ot HEAD 1,0 F1 E, T NTO. exceedrg in� the figgrg be twim -of Eleven t Tboursa;Lkl D40;laT.F, atid t1liat the said Deberift"s uld no Cap 1, 6,000,006, shall be SelfiLled with the Seal. of 1le said -Corpo- coil., 1,400,000. 1lN EUD VA'� I'ETly ra. tj on, -And iigned by tbei 3nU3!Lor =d the Tire.ao- I SHOW AN :NORMLOUS STOC OF ARASU LES9 nn IIthe sala De entuirea OhaUbo-Zas"aa President, on., �.N'C.A:Fa ster. t�winlfy yearv, t fulilitat. fidm- the pay, IeAcing W Ith it, good, serviceal �le Pai ol for 2 5 cents. able in 1�& to �Bo a Mi day bereiva:ker mention �d for Otis By- IN r p T, I bbe T-reaslar SE 0,RT1 BEA 4 3H. Zitni a, �nly �e.nts_ Special Nalue i Tress Paxasols,Lac,�iri take'effeetL, ftjfj� tL)Ae affice of I Col-po ' t1011, and have ittar-ited to to price oupo 9 fothepaynientolinterest. The Seaforti anch(f this I them C 23, Aceive ' deposil a, (in whi A. int t Is allowed on IVL.-Tbe Ill Dbentn a shall be&T interest V. to most fa-vor ble terini at and after ihe vateof S per cent. per saftuma, brufts on all the prin ipal to�ns and dities 'Hol t fTom the da-# mentioned I ar this By-1-!aw1io tako LT I d C Matta, on Greal Britt il Sladl� the Unite W�LL SHOW S�VEIIAL C, C ?I si effect, vbielfil interest Ali lN be" paya1l',ofl the B;ates, b6ught And sold. Fifteenth d*ys of April vil'066ber In. ter -ch the LOZ'C'e of the aia Trealiiarer. Office -First, door Slut]; -of he Cora merciall Te I - . . H tell IV.-Thkt "for the- py4rpoeo oA forming a Isinking fagd for thepky-mitfut bf tLhe 'said U, Pi Manager. A. )[1.11110- Debentures equal ilhnual iuln of Three With all th, 3 Noveltieg in Trimmings to nlstch.t, Hundred Thirty ,,;Iriva Dollar,[ Bball, P1IR ESS GOODS an IV NO -T1 -en od e M3- C61-1 i in additioli, to all xates, be raised, IMP044. ES. I Special'. �irfes in All W061 Ti'j ch D ress G at 25 Cents, Se . .1 A� collected by Bpc)a I -ate upon I vied and e oredCafibm6resatU Cents. Beautiful Co ed Brocade- Lusties at 'Ji, all Lthe rafea�le propert ba the Paid Corwration OTICE TO CREDI RS cf� 'HE LATE ROBERT I i. 11311311ts a]3'1 29, olenitik The best val in Plain lolored Lustreg, new sb M S f during the cO nfinu -,of the saia�bentures, ANLE EID,01 ST or any of thejai; and for the purpose of , payin bi reby given, Revi to be ha in the market. P rd.U&nLt to the tert.eV of �tbe said. Debentlives aft 4qual the in of Ontario, Cha)tcr 107, IS vatic 34, that I baxe 6`10113.0f Six Hndicd in! Sixty Dollars tnut, be -,n appointe( All it rater )f the I arsenal E4liteand Effmts of tic lat 11obert 1�eid,of B ACK GOODS—I Show Extra Valu in Black Cashineres, "kii shall, in ad4tion to s3l d4her ratep, be raised" il e Towni-hip of $taia�(�, in t a 06unty of lin- Alpaca5, Blal Billiantines, Black 'Broc!a;es i n1 Black Cra�p Cloths. c4llectica by spOcial rate apu allAbe rateabletro city in the sivid Corporation dph-= nu,'Yeomanaid"Townibip. r6asarer, and all ths. contimilmee of the tmid Debelaturea -0i aiii -p; rtier, havibg claimsia binst io� estate are re- oened Out qD red o�tend t a me a n' r befo.-o 1 the it, i t day -AHAWLS—Illave one of the Nicest A� of them. MMEIR VL_Tatitbis By -La -W iffiall ta)re effect ,-xn& of J uly, A.D. I 680, tb6iv, isimt a 'and pot t office ments in Black, Grey, Fawn and Fancy. Ieratioii on! -the Fift.ee'ath: day Vf i come' into Op 0 HOC clai: us, a I LlI partict I irs nd Ap A� ad r with 8�iald an3 securit: - the alfe Iso be send Iif ill V U. -That! the Votes Of I he 'Electors of the d if nepe., sary produce beoutiful tbiugs:f La, '0, an m( particulars --boreof' al a _40-rister Stock cn� hand.. Som tibi same form inspectcui ulioi4 iecluelt. Im- KCSIERY B i], Municipality shall be taien on this PyJA Children. Men's Knitted Ho' S, I lin erino. se, on.) 20 cen mi diately after tho said First day, ol July next.- I On 4MONDAY, the� 29th Day Off a I Lhe 1 erso�al I and Chil, Ireils Heather Hosoi, all si 2 es an4 p ees. See my Gorman �110�e in and to pa3 a -lo !tIose'Entitled. a s ate, then in' my hall imong in Cbildien"g-and M sses, f3i Z! S. IcomTneuci-n*a.ttb�dbourel..N-i-ne�oclo--k,in the bv viug regard only to ,f ine elalm Of I Vhich I t �b III then bare been ribil ified 3)ated the 29th Dynimg, agd 'from theptce continued lilltb holi Of FiNle ,Clock pLt thaf, Ida of March, 880. JOEN A D, r., Gosheu P. (44-12 plakes I -At Eawaria itwa NL W U LY SORTE FOR THE X;ORTH"WARD D, ARTMEN N AS Store. -the Tow FOR SALRO R TO, LET, FOR TU13 'SOUTH WIRD - At a FOR THB tAST WRD .-At the Fire Milelli been able to offer As goo vala-e; 110 withstan ding OUs ave never a(had- To Let ORE AND. WELTANG- in the Vill goof Cejj�i ralia b ere is a good., ra1se on goods. hat E gol and.bai: i on the lrend� esT We ill also Anat d*fLTd Cash shall be the Dep--ty Re- orth Wavd, 0. P_ ]?,&all- shop furilit a land 1jart of st K ver r cheap, tuxili,ol Officor for the N selpiluired. Tfflsisanelcelle ovc- ley Fhall be �he Dellitaty IlettilimingOffirer forthe an 6118 of cot South Ward� and Samuel §t*rk shall be the Dep- desir iducti4g, a 90a b isineis. F or �On CA616 Ful to $MIT. WE ST. FIVE PER C4NT. DISCOUNT STILL GIVEN FC 111tr Officeror the East they pa.rtieu lars app) wy Returni Sea! orth. 644 IIE IT ALSO ENACTED, in pursuaince.,olthe Revised St*kntes of 'lie FXOVlnQ4 I Ut*­ 10, I B -0 ALE 011. TO sale Nc Trouble to Show Goods etlierPul,' LaSin 0 not Chapter 174, 13tction 289:, or to Rent Lot 1, 1 7, Township I i 1. That tbO Clerk of the S&Id Vulaicipa COY- poratin of the Town of 13tafortilit, shall, a;V the of alorris,. con:aining E acres of land, 67 of S wh eh� are cleared, houof T'ave o'clock, noon, DA TuesdAy,Ahe well f ( t Ced t dill l. a go d state Seafohh. THOMA Ki D, Main Street, Thi i t14 th da3r of Va v&, A' 1). 1bW,,atThe To"Willi e(W of i; oltivation; h, good fi ii 1019 ig, also frame bill stables land shoi F,; good lorchard : on a Hafl, in the poid Town all up the t sgiven fofr and against Ibbi Bv- -a] -oad; 3 failes f roi 1 Blyt i an(d 9 milB from numl-,cr of vp a gra . 1 y part of the Tolln.. � I I W For plirtietiars adlicsjseitbel. of the A�n'Free DeLver to an Law. fo Wing executors, TH( I IAT8 LAI' L&, Blyth, 2. That the Ma, or of thia said VMACIP&I C01- SON, A ation j- b8 il attrindt the Towla H&, In thie JA ES ANDE R ))Iication may 636 de' t I bemV C. HAAIJ WON, B idil TowD, ati T,tesdaj, te T*enk Maich, A.. A). IB80, at the 1110ur ,of r4ght Oil T' r -r 1-1 I H; __B :2 S "T of 'he and�lslgllall OfTers, I g, for the urpoae of app-pinting tend at the variouis olling pli2oas 1; f Jsah -on or ��y terms of 4. in the eveni -r he g land Ow, n the town- id, all fall in prie 79 1 en I aforesa d the final Eirrtmaing up f the U Grey �Lor, 31, Con. ll'.��,,Uu; Jor, 00, by ihdClerki� xespcctivcly� on behalf of perons .0 li, I Lot 3,$� 600; at 85, interested id and prom6ting -or opPoldlig 0341 14, Ima, 11,100; C �2, I,SbU " 13. 5. "D STRAINEno, passage of this BylLav ro�pccvi n�4, 61,100�; Lot 4,. �,. )D. MiLK CANS, PAILS Ar. half Lott -20 0 on - 9 a d: lout* half Lot 20, �ro ][Ftouring I This Dyltavr, respertivOy, pasoet a. 12, MeKillop; 9) Me Roxb Tsteraa and water a er NN, th� o. bri -.1, resi- Third Rea-4ings April 824 A. D. derle and bix atrep of lail � all fqor CUU. Aprly lt� Yilk- Pahs, Chee S� Fa ctbr� Sup $5 &0;,� plie to ealOX 6" TIRCN(I'L�adAit: a t, ` _.— -ATTli, !ZAt AS T R$,'91DEN-0; PHI ALE - - Co,- HE BW PE'VAT]b, OFFER'OUR OWN IMAM FACTU,R.E W�U. PLLIOT+, t isting of 10 acres' a( ad, )n ivll ith tb are is a 4 i I i i good gravel 116uie and kitel an ; the Imuse hq GOODS IN THE MAR ET. 1.)Ox3(, with 6 rboms, all( stol.0 cc air 2C x30, a good 3rchard cantaining rPPI(, Pe plu�n and I ,bearingabo t2yiartl; L,relLrea)so Eiery Atticle in the above Lilies Giiarafflu-eed. Pli--es Low. 0T1rE_--Tbe above b a tylle copy of -0, By- N rr r trees i hii pes��db_vtbollu--Icipalconnei'�I of tile tre aru nd t) a hall -0; the ef lifurkn'L 1�3e 14031le very nice �bade i Town (yf Se4forth.,,= thel2ounty On. soil clay loa*; t)iis pi o jert is si liated about eellth dim- of Aiv!4 A. j�. I-EtW, Un,d 0,11 y UffAds south of the Vffil'­e of V ma, a ad will OHN KIDDI Hardware erchnt, SeafOrth. flist persons Are bereby requited fo take no bt; s"o (I chea, U Aer�-: gn(A has I I Uch Byiii een n 01 IlAia f p�, r, t be uny 13 f oulth L.".0 yeftyl, aw �int d4 t 'yig U or quat-hd,muit inaU 1100 ose to I f 11er his applivatien for latpulp ch a of climate in liwes 4jif gitting better he . For furl THOS. ommon: Law at a7t tber parl't ula .1; fti) 1Y to i 0 1 U-14 eD f the xuld J 04- STO-N, VArl. a. > Tor(rill bi.4ae.he oad 91 the t,erm P rn ll:rl CD Supc-rjor 0 q M Ci1 C: tirin t this Tjotlee in the pulbilt-stionof ;�w ric tii 0 104 three conplit V, V ;I- llo,%ing Sy M AF? T GALLE.RY.-! 0 nllilbers ,of the BEA' CD = lipwspap,eri hjiz., Tim EVROIN EXPOEXT00, Or he CD t0 will be too l4te to be hpAr,di that be"If ;,:ana THII� SOJIFISEA ;> . — i a on the take roticetIllat such term COMincenec' Cb Cb E 1 0 C) i 17th dayof May next - 124 co W 0 L 9D A, T Y 1E11, if. ][OTT, ::5 M it Scafort3l, April Stb, A. D. U80. M 'S Blol&'. -is n �zc vuler I110 0 Z 0 no: 0 i 0 P CD I -t r, love op, -LAD , b� - -0 -TH th Ma T I I 0 X 0 V3 t4 *H C1 R ACE S.T E R 0 N is now pxopartd to atteAd. to CO ar!2. I' ' Dxais;AZld all the New It ji�&= by M b Apprentii6ev W1 An 31 crator lal a from t ble GaJery (of J. F. 00 4 M mted Ryon, of CleycIRnd. 01 ill) .Vho 'iE to aq St3lis. Als Room$ 0 64W�Ost limprovedS"m-� the Llltei-t a Street, Oppo$%& I all ndi M ce on ma Photogia)hso 0 and residei� CD Edward Cadt!s. Etyuzl in Quality t( 0 aiii r can targi C2 kes. (4nli �'n all �e Tnade 19t 1 I7.1 h P, La tes Style,, of tis PAINTI 4G. olderg -and 0 Of ::1AINTI PAIN IN A nee rv,ipm he 8 n b a0t &deg,, npaily VW In IVIS ei ire the SI litil are tbel a I ry, in Me T<m a 01, the 0 Rice Lndgo tq MOORE _'N PAINTINIGII, thog I MUSE !AN Iforth -on e s 6 ayv 20th, IM, all Ole hollix f a o'clock 1 TARANT E EA ION, k&'kl ISFAI T jkR?A1TA6V% SeMA-Au- c pre Is C Houei a sign winting, Pape] na� 9. Cj�r_(IUB'Y, AVE S i� ared to do all kinc 'g, 0. 614 ing and Whitewashiog. Sa�isfactiou:Gu4ta teed or no Oiarge made, ,FJCTURES� R, ZED IL IIN1 we 70igal �:"'O, t, W U lie III