HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-09, Page 2-I- pq _T.
10 -ow i 1AW—_
THE H Tjj'�R P N 1�
1 7
RE- Nayinard. Have a re labim bill of -torily furr�ished throng— LITTLETON 913 h leption Eitting-
FORMERS. fare 0 A ItLA RE 101n OE.—Twenty-fi�vs itel )a of land T. EL;
Mrs. Cavii rc 61an&p rl6r. and barn f )ndvU 0.
wii h la� or'oa)e �n Ilig at
cenot," ans vere
Lug gearpet Thi p))pe farm or
it well 8-ituatifit for eitlit
"Let every W1 b2ar
lecide on se. noth )ut iCbru el
-om last we&) endish, or gairi on mr] osei, Title in(liaputable. Xpply to AGAIN READY BI
%pable of Wo li -do I t 1) 11o; rs 9
f t )se apart-
(Poncluded ft .-all e Rol EI _T IRE' T. 01 -gil
herlown table, as we'r 615,
11 see, I' 'Understand," ld Mrs i ngrain
3 bElioval tfi
y lot it be un erst 04) th t if MdOt
CEVendis-II, llaking her head 11bZ ii doing, Onl :1 PLOWS AND HARROWs. as well, be eE being V. I TABLE FARM FOR SALE.- r Sa, le,
smtmswe go cut to teA or din er.,w&doLI ex- wO1 09
-art ache i a It he If of Lot No. 4, Con-.,. 4 1. R. Sit pt M
dces make, my'he house Bold lar L Ob ?i1ar. He couldn uf all the thee AXE�S,Ifyonwa lgooa Scotch D
ot our hostess to turn h Tu( nois 11 g of 50 F
toi know of mothrs after: their cares� pe Ome ersm 1, C ty of Humn, con"is Iron arro:I send in CUT rderg at once t 0 eieP m i !yin! 10 C use. He wa I itiad s son a, 84 m lea romthe-Town of Seabrth and FORTH the rest of the; arrangements apide.dow DUPIC N PUNCAPIt SEA ar 3 over for the day allLCI laf rourl: T. Holis. He has now ol� h a large qu�ntity BuE ra -mechanical 6Xperi- conie to chool. The land is o. the vcry2
i t of not b in up 'Besides the- poi family in bed, sitt, g -far into tha boo qt alit . I or fnrther partioullin i Lpilly to ofthesdirple)neut.�,an(lag,*:ti.I nianufaio�ifujllt
t1co he: IL VI W.
ashamed. to offer via! irs or r every'� day ts I .' to supply illose in need,, aintl wi-111 be,sod as -the,
AMEQ, PT KA[ID,opposite[the prcm� Ell or 0
ni',Yht StitdbiD" away, not on any�bin �Iork an
9 it mon to _ood allow,. III 13, u t i I rMn ar ets 9ke sit cc ad rillater! 3 1 wli
Ied t(,lbave;. 9g] ion'llvill P. D. want old Plows an.1 Hrrawr; rep Ir for sprin
fare, 1. t us n t be asharn our
needful'. inind YoUL I If they -were A$
food pl, ain d -healthful.. Yo u"d all ob- s 4 iL ; ter] I a -ad, now sthe time t the along, A
petebilig or darning, there would be a 101 0 b rind the
ti,- he answered. ula,
ject to seei a your children eitingjiuit P Fol house and) t. in Egmt: r dville at stock of Illows on hand, Aaall tured b y
sa aotification, of motherly 1p;ve about it, O&V that 11)( roe By U ris, of elei of al, 1 -in ds and at
D 11(� th 0 er Aed
c ake a ad - &I � sorts of !� hea, 13 aain�ies, W pregeal by Mr. S' ame&n; c bov se rf bi. t tkey are only spending their
lidn't tiall 'em is.0 fro Suit the, times, 'Plow 0,3tin"_ for the
aud,I've alf'ays (founa -tbaL:;' ciflaren it iko! i 1.1111,1880.8. on cou t contains 'half an i al,ric and is priccia,
F rancei wn, Morosely, 00 Wongoe �vlow.4talw
st�erlgth ontucks and embroideries."
thfa I lb one Of the�. beat building sites. in 1 )ndiril �e.
never-quitesev the di eren(d betv�een f, 0tv- ak ofL, and Sunun r Goods has Arrived, on han
ff 0
more said,,but - it t T Iii in I and all !other arylot n -
There was little 3y a n't brussels folks o "I
tho lalvis re ncy their sto, naclas and ! . , �a 0, 1 0 e sold chleap. FO L tiCl1IftJ 8
-may'safolv be cqAcluded �bat quite an ii� 0' yen lew es. iidlillb r ).a
`7wrly not, set 'W a t n: gh eaforlill: 521 S.LALNIO
those f tb ur le"1'ders. 0 li tiquick.11 o4irly ng all OV0- the CAR ca -e daily adycblzc�
alaountofthought, was excited bythe aqd (dthough Pi ces 01
x*k m p 6 wish tboalcul to W hat- �b&, di � ? re e bliped
which w
the e
It S
follo, it R� AND `OWN PROPERT F( ALE, Carriagics and Wei moolelto order on th
di3cussioii,. There is reasoin to believe, w ? And if we have co.hipay,' iet t( dohal cill Pistili ta 1suit )tb(r Peci R pood mat,ritl and goo6
aho, thai du-ring�the week there were Oil bet we ca afficird ibi or not CH. DAP, -I ot No, 24, Gon. 9, Ale- I [lop, 100 QvOrld, yet fortun tely1o)" 011trIM s and ottr patro-11S,, shortes Dot -ire, of
us take it. -f granted they cqme t� see Pi F,.Dr A
41"Liet talks. between one and Sorys; I iort i Ill Llf Lot 30, Can. 9 Md I C: hop, 50 w-orkman,hip, trom. the, latest otylep, and
- d 3,1 Ftaivatieli pri Old lnggilep and Waggou$
9 cets,zpaint0i, and imutl into new
lot to- enjoy out� ItiablE, ,ive h -tabn If uf north half Con. 9,
r, acrits; I noi Lot
is Ht A Mo. 01i P, 5 a occupii I by A -chaged for cash 0 A
The same subject, so that thern inor U, o . itl! Wha I latre yolt 0 OIDI to do es; residei Ir :nd pile tufted ft*ide on
e of the 1) )at ur- ov Goods.1mving been, pu? L
Patterson cattle tOL sewing ones on sArrt notice.
the D6Xt pastry i h thert, 141 like.- to Ma.cobasor. On Gouinlocki' Survey, Smforth,
411' Raimone
selves indlespof olft skill as
d rpanner build3lot onJarvis'andP,.G.,Spaf S! r: S
k )wi? r i'llow ch* m ore i s brussels to ow- custo z, i's i1or W
dircle with her face aglow an V05 GRAY, YOVNG & Sl 13 -advance qviecaustff e? V
arima,ted- by a new ic /1 0
cooks." OiD to LO -
1 1 o th se Sh eiqiq ai 2 d Bk cszitkiV
eveiybody I ometimes 01 ost'ithan t-CIABB Sea 69
"Dilit don't think it is s 11 p IDg &OiD
s0med ready for its I-eception.
rat4er hard V to bei made ht-' it C r. In ? 'Twenty five' dol ars would
Hoxse Sboi and 461eneral!, Ole _ I R -For Sale Lot 1, Conces-
"Do you now, she said lauglaing, as [1d Fi` tdon.
orally ttbovne0" askedKEtte. 'It seems c(0 e the w1a iffeience- and: I si)u Isjorris, containingi&l aes, 67 of will )i&ve n), �tlict Oorse Shoeing, w For
alle opene4 her bundle of work, Har I 1A1st'w'e bave,ought to be set Ii -fL7e loilars- wh'cll Lre lear ad, well (once I and in a sod Etc to Spe ei wIlty Parties coming firom, distance
to me lie b k Q 11)w twenty L
says -we're becoming po-litical ecoio- - I
' I efu them�?' G@41 11b6J dut to batter. advantairle. it of cia It vati n; i good freni(Alwolling,alsofrairle rely GU glettirig good horste shoeing arid genarg
mista, and if the Littleton wowen go 'r3 b aii n, stab es and sheds; good orel,jid;' on a Re a itJ
th 'thE ro ilbs look f fty ollars
e niiI-IeuJ)i_ gravell -oad; 3 vilos from Blth and 9 rW lea fr(m PC(-.-pl-e ido the Rp'uliPg:. B
oil in this wayj bringing "'i bes-b. surek, said 1&s. Gayen- T1 E BE T 0 F EVERYT i 0n inges 1Ln4
be tdri."
7iiigliag .1 Y< r particulars address e'i l(r (if t; Ile Gate sold fit a small ortifit. Give T,
. "And if one is truly ho%pi6,ble t's the -eason. a i i Lee i :n I gra me AS LAIDL L, lyt h,
ur IL on witli such gigantic �strides, they'll 11 Bia 'N 1.4 followi o;-.0 tors, THOM Vlelhs a ti You will 41ways fandhim in gool'i
m'(_1u 'will be iliere will b6 a certain hol id a v air MbUlat humor and ready for Look o: mat.
I ANDE RSON, BeIgmve. 63C 10
ge so tha the , E
uld not d just� as well he
i Loa h o!it to C9.
ol. liged to emigrate." ouse Nv en a visitor is tl the Sigp,
]a '11t tile 38
peI; si te -9
"I don't bel eve we're very near- the tt )e found o ordLi nary - dayfil. tor tile, Lot 80, James street, on which is at aweW
L�ca inllrairl ain't ai stylish as frame bous, t 4
yet," -said Miss Truefit.in I! eal spirit ol hospitality is he giving erected a, le, with K-Ahlien aid Pricel We have eveli- been 11111 1 fqr Aear I
si o'd knows aat, and if At 5w it- 11 -known Low P
J f to the guest laud 11 i bri.��ss veii d shed i�ttached; thehou�e cobtain i f0urgo)d NOTICE, TO THE PUBLIG.
her most septical to ne. "And in these- ourse plea. u re. �0ue-fifth o A. taw.
w 0 n fit, -e, �atb fied u4th inall. Profits, bi �lioi as Ic t t
el lot comprises
da�s, it's no special mark of superiority' tone sbolic 'by any do -no: it me; Lin tha NV6, a e g to iaii things it style we roo s" tb ever a e do tZ
le E83818 r et on witFg< od filuit tives, a*o. gq'od well. 1.1 is is in
liviie got 1 1 bi brus
e,,,liei it cht i ce for any pa#y in want OJ it go-) t lrge busi-ness on xovember:_90, 1bW
Ct tt
De&u-3 neglect his bodily con ffirt, bat, ;f _r((nS(, SITall ma -gins than ery
to theorize, about it." ois & er SEAF ing lip
tou.prop careful about too ria thiags frgrEi . n would . Illy make house, and�,-,vil be sold eh� up. Ap
-ell, but I realy have something to y pl y! 0 E. J.
1131 ?1 The ondersi-ned herung lease the
fod 1b, Al e t) In S. HAO Seftforth. �36 41 s7na i trifliiilg tra ie on large 2nai,
Se- rth Z�
pr pose sad Hattie. "I've thought ie riiaitr )iav m ore of your I do but I a I ain carpet i shop of t1iiLe Huron Farwdrt., had wor.l.
abc�ut our talk last week in, sober f you. .I tell firs1class inE -For Wel, the w it part of Runciman, will be blvpiI to 10, With'i
t FALot No. 1, on.,1 . 7,GrejIcontainin 5) acres,
a nest, and be into believe -we could I 'An([ all I hie, people ried a m ! )3 1 W, �, 1, nd,,, at an) rate, epmrs required for steam eng n
is jil es, griat and I
e 9 It , Z Eno h diflarelI to 85 of wl Lich ire cared, well f I Onced, an Lit a site te a I kinds astox shin g to find W SM ible ebii. g chinery, also Wicuritural piem..ntai, and
do som. ething to make lif pleasiaintei 1rvedollalis. Mother! of good cult vaton. There iss. good fr in 3 house, front
twep y- � 1 1 :his longexperience as foreman (f the 4C�,Lodei W4
and les, hurried, Tb at is, I Mean of ?Ie rea.ly are if you` one(, f et them good orph r I i A plenty of lim I I , -Y true give ood satisfacaoij en
h al. iigiiiiIictlon� lierIparlor, aul if it is. ater. It h on We
arted in that road,,# Foundil- As tobe able t co Eir e, b and tried over unneces- lld'b61v read to gravel . oad 044 dng to Bruss.ls and Set fi And
> gen 0
lo their part! in life. ..(rIaps,Jtbe 11 1 1,, 1 , I Q.
y god d fdr hof it is g(cd Enough adjoins a 2umh and scho I It 113, '1 c withlin to all parties havingwork �done. All repairs
'Bary cares so that we can have braim I I DS d I Wll.,
f �Walton., A I yon the tended to at once. Give juie a tial an
hao an tile af t) to Village 0 DRES
ff c ad 't; ese R TP warrai good S-atisfaction� an d muscle and nerve ready for the d -e- aovelt, of theorizing influ I! I ALES 0 QK OF STUFFS A S GO
doil -5 clare . she did," re -urned pro,Wse i oe to Walton, Pos� Office.
Etti t tbings." s u.eh as � t4e vi I io i of
MU 498
mands of realy, import Wome the Pot �3
gelVes, but a% ar y rate t h i Her house wasn, like
koorge Herbert used to be enough deas t iem ey
or Sal( bot th 3, and f Ill rV a a mind to yut up P40P FOR SALE.4-F In counection with the aboe. busin'
office� at the Huron
in fashion for people to quote what he ;i a I I ring 9� pet, t �00 ey; We9t hit of Lot COn. 6, tery-
eardest, rea idid b uildersigned -will have al.i
Wi an hat isn't to Bay
lbou t I esu'� no5 tb be de- 1115�111:ctory complie; Lot 1 CO'a. 1, Founihivi-alid will take un* orepars ouI
sa;. about sweeping a rpori, and. be- Its which WitIl ol I's f 4at i,;
. 1 13 W LE no g and Not th b1alf of Lots 16 and 17, Coj L.i COW 1. team hip S IRAT d viH be found Attr orther things, take contrai
lieve it, too," put in Miss Truelit. ipised. Of course th'Ier that 1 841� As &r S and �w4l
at L.4 'She EI t V bad a 1�rus 361s if shil of Kortis i Lot 22, Con. B, and Lit V28, Ooi. land Cheap, viz.: for steam engines, boilers, gaist and touring Mjlbgf�
w-med ate change4itlie lion didn't
Mrs. Cavendish spoke de and till kbids:of machinery.'
tinsvi ere towl ad impro ted fa= a,
Iliatever of mt,,nu��l labor we need to III aEleep,in any p 'U as so:)h as they she 'd ! iiii a i d back, B, Howick, all g:) IlAvil.ig a connection t 'the - With eaventl 50 acre farms in 3rcy 41 A with one of tbelargest fondries it Ontario, 1 w -3r-.
Ilb t abep I Sol ne 3ense abou t th e mat- "0 6
ma de to tr'av that livay. �ut Mo�'is di hou-4eg &:id lo d voc L I lots n be in a position to carry out all coIttracts that mjy�
do Prudence, to earn bur breadi from i i . i was 'a an
V.r -B runselti. Prides low, to r i,R eas r, v be trusted to me. Plans &md sp ificiations
tbe earth, or m inister to other' people bey Wak6d up -'IiML lon- ter the 'go Of
0 N LECI 1h, Brus nishea for mill inatchiner I engines, &e. A;a Bup pi ise, that andititl 3 good. Apply to ati)i Beiges,
of ;�,bat d krue g ;mea is, Ie1L no ciousness I Is., 674 Ilutend to give my attenii6 altogether to thow
orle -dare look down on. But d in life 81 , . , I n
lien it comes to working 8, an, doijig aw oe'li $ne," Aie,, indisweetly ob: Coteredand Black Casherm, Mieppard Checks, erection all d repairs of maclibierT and icultma;
over a hot d set aout
on seri j�!', a:
der V L.AB4E PROPERTY �N BAYF . � ODD FC R fmplements, I hope to be 061e togive good satisfact
stct�Ve to bake and frost and naDy i, ssentia-1s, Ets P06S Ioi in oh i Melm9e, $ilicians',- rocaded Lastres, 11cul
ti 0 'tak a e, was
es,tible things o Mal u 00 31 E it IS You P 1E 9 $A -E OU'l 0 RENT-Tlic uudersillrel offers tion to fill trustilig mewit14 their work. wag
BtE w all sorts- of I icb, ind ia e' room -for tings (if v a-. no. property �i tated [u I
hiB g
all imp -o�to4 theiM rket Square The htu ic is CO a;i
here ivas, for one t ortdnb for $ailej or r nt that desirlab] Afelinge oh �onywiowr -Dress It. RUN
for 6uper, or spendil)- a week to trim pff�� M Is! do ing Ju
The undersignediwill continv to manuf�cture, a te,,Ir 1,,,,
reta, I
ifferei: -e in bopp iou a - polite en 3 igb she rooms t1ack Lustres, &c.
le ood Also a 3, od no: w
Sa.i. I.,
a, dress skirt, I can't believe that even, their leipla e -H lb�
a_1 eligh ith, 11 convenieucesi' The grillid cont- plo-we; avid all' I kinds of castibigei on large sealo-at
mIc 1 #4 ris,s t me -qui liters of an a4te. The a )i o a pro p-
GEor e Herbert would havoi seen any, tiarso'said she if It ci ly. the 9 t t pris 2s t ih Huvoi Seafolit�, and! with tho coi 4
'oil e ma LI an wer. It h
Etricke& sometimes, slie fa cc out one, and W;ill 90 1 leas(d holiness bhere.." nd rt is n e* nection formed, hopes to W able �to pusha.
I s 6rin s o JOHIS
ere C Dcr (6) che p; Apply I ES$ lilersel!lof!�n. ri lence sou,el e,11 c was a pause, and then afternoon &cidly rea- i' sor. N B I d P. 0, busi and to give good
fall; A to inaip ?II riate oceasici J. CALLAWAY, -Sole Exp ut r for
c t abo
Pradellce sal -d a little more toler- 4 no, 'I 13lat the'll she consoe er 3W
Est to 64lx
t ! - - __ - __
her all be i brussels carpet in I I I
an1y, "Well, Hattie 'what were v tL14 IV, 0 R'G EDGINGS AND INSEFITION wit wou
fore, w ea tl ere
she ha tbo I&I ca a have a th.'Dg to la
I !roo P OR k LE. -For Sile or to Rn: Norl
;as br4 t)l'iu space oci ied i
ey're not ve'ry clearly defined i'j in aking p&teb,
"T work uilts and say* i r th' attcr,"' she asser ed I hal' of Lot 9, Con.- 14, 41cKillyp, o taluing
i It. 100 nor ts, 60 i teres cicared,i,and Whe ro: naindi -r
'Me Iraide :rngs, wbic well Wh ,et,"' said Hattie, -but you're welco h El
y arry A e41 :)n*t if 'know ys he t ii 2berW vith ite as', maple, )e ch at d
resp(H)d d . )od rr Ioball i �ate'l basla od burn inn stkible, i d go(d
to bhe sbsta of them. You'll agree clared were monstr8sities. �Ow I
0 � i: Our sales of those Goods aile increasing every s ason. Ladies buyingi Emii; BRIGGS BROTHERS
Nvo ilic J1 -1B 00mparative- fon.11 &c.- cc nVODient too: Ea
withme ti Littletic tified uying:-) 16 bE a briatee," BE i she. ho., se;� plenty of Ytiter, i-ounig, orel a d. go(d
he fel, j u s �b' ter and
14 b bE r bed. .1� u rells aD I sch00% broi lery at DU'_�'CAN & DUNCAN'S often doub. the quantity they intended
ivoll a ol, he I -E to pbsiged file usiess carried -on,
ly 1 small place?" Everybody smiled pretti Iasi lo, "it swer t e CSELL�me 8,11 3 1 liles fro: a gravel roii,4; P&sesE it n gily, n H RIGG S1 frso 8 WI n to C Li by Xr� J_ I,. B
now prep_ B_Lr..e
ask ent. "And without any fase mod- Purpo th. the in( ney sliq ad ande Th b u t Wto tears an went imi e intely. For further D'attliculairl pply 10
o do
esty I suppose we dare assert that we putintDoaxtras. Soca a bOj lay c tl c ibedl� 0adh satthere,aRne brood- V. L. STAFFORD.,S 626
all by a cal iilgi�; ver ill7t mperand nursing:his
�fiorrn- the best soGiety here ? W ell then le most keptii - I -One of the be� Elei Pat terns, N, 3w S les, Low IE 04 -
was or� iized and t' t Farma . OV AN:D SFJ0E-JM.AK1,,NtQ
jOR SALE iiil!t Huro I rices - in m any cases n a one-
icifear AIrs. Grun y, since we 7oald im; ave g L
Lot 28, S. T. R.Jlsl o pe; E e
he t 'a otioe arta
represent that lady in or�own persons, spised �he muscula;r fo or or itealthful lat L slery raE have groWn out of nor ultivation balance ii rdwoo(, graciiro.�
we need I T person in the world 4' de- 0 w 140" Cot Illitil 'hab what is a neral �co
ly paid -is e secret of the success in those Embroidenes.
i4i ubAr ol Of E veq Description,on, i
tiimber!d; gbc� frame hou and wood;l: ed, goo I
an: so why shouldii't w e )ise gained b the Joifi, tra ' ps thi ninpli, iiir will 'Be, Ter - be Be! ost. reasonable terms.
e institute a d19 aut af n `rvu po baikbirn 50x , bain. and i'driving sl e I 30x511,
fei , chanes in our pa -l -t of the corn- fo k 1i some-, bo( pea, lidep and hen houses and yaro! ; weHi, They wil use nothing �ut the
thes� r' rmers took. Then hey be. ii, a 4 Vie pri zEI was dra bi, : ' ' Men "oursir 'to �make little bob nets to send to b . 513� fo a I *cry best -mil.
can 0 out and, too far r cis 1 ern s: and t,(tod orchard ; school, cl th�eijr cl)l
muityor Aves V cl u -ch, an I I tierial,&1314as to fit and wplikmanioiip they gniiii.
ing by �,rells I a r pet to "Ciwital !" said' Mrs. Maynard, who the city morlirtg after OrD o in e bru 1.poit office, V1,11 dailv niall, within Ac mile; 1:11tee 1311-tie5fa-CUOn.
-n i lent ho V1i thell, Exeter ana '31. -was folaid of theories and eager to r two [of the husbands, who were in- coivL t 00:ns strict 6 tiention to ljtbfroi(I glN'rin.g a g.)04 you ulgenp eno 4 6,e to- d-stribi. te T i S MfL:kets. Goo� gravel road ii� all direct �cns. Ar.- 001:RJS1E r rN By
eiriment with tbeirl, - one week tr u to a el S I'dry of ]a Great Paris ply tc GEOR
ex] )L 9 E HAOKINI�Y, Farqt lifir post irticle, and fair a-nd re&s6:nhle prje�s, they.hici -out of en
y I i
I 1pelm Iromiscuous] he r pry. ofill .0. 3:Feow omerit and receire a 11-beral EI of publis h If among
to bring down er flesli according t
am uffi is they met I 'on tb4ir way to oijage. 1_ C 1 i
to Bauting, and -the next building by FOR SALE. -N half of L A 22, Sat - YOU ate la
lans, Bys a Paris Icorres' laces of bi oa P 41' Their Shop will ilre tdand in
mll'scle, with oatmoaal., 'Let't, hear �y IsilloaS�, find so a�: b -eatb' of ble Line I B k -,e Sbore Road) So aliley; 0 acres, self P01:14,ut, deteridinedto bi e a mys 60
all you've thought and pams judgment c on tr tuesg wal� carielo� I, to the creel I and in good Oultivatiou 20 acrels The L Lirgesi Stock T w to choose from -1 7 i nehoes to 35 inches in siLze, ',Vetcrinairy 0.4loic, ona� thrmst hil
iow,a whead; 15 sercE 101 p loor south of the post o
c al'o"i low- froi n 35 eel LtS to $2 ill pi ce Al the different pric as of the Crompton's orse
terV til thou They - I ve been gici(dbaIilh;
on A.", 1, c f s
fon, methiDly W the kind (V(r,, since ed,, tI ors of a mile �rom Dryi tile P. 0.
Coi aparcI mak -h as well as English and &inericarl Goods. ive us a trial. E toll -class laud; abnvoillilent p seho() `,Fir�st as to dress," went on Hattie, 'An idea dawned ul�iolllKate the � the Tot de: Ne e. Only. 't) e 1 11
bo as in ell r ek liouse, 20x0o, story it I . 6, hall U7 B R W
will give tip uperflaitiefi, every -ex- still wititing, Micawber-like, nd she I ALLY thEy ivere horlq' with t he 10 tcr fie 1lb-hoi, !'%v' t h good cellar bank b t _DL 4OX58 1\:i B. -All overde aecoiats
s t: be paiiA U,
travagant lU.LCLd(3 of trimming and useless made i o . basl�oat%. aud fille tbiam blo � d P g dEs Jiptions 0 a 'house fine. strdam k running watow cb-se ti -and vet 1--)
-vii th a4l'tho curious v nd love in �0 bs pi irle'suil b which
art icle, reTneinbering.to lose no bit O. y growing fliad been-' lipl�,,,Idorclittr,iofbealingt�oes, Terailwillbo
d Illisers, if dite if; reql -0d ; bu, U M_
taE te, iQtUness or care in its. arrittige- t1lingsito be" foi6ind in the JittletlOn rei4tal by; . �tratl in ap- e8 thall h
for ch u:a g-iid illaipain will �o G G E PO
uce,,j, L d evi& tI b t given i X1.
E ut. woods.' They.8old at -o ply A FULL I -IN TEST NOVFIELTII�
nee, so that upon. the the faim or to PELSON U SSEAV yadab E OF THE LA S.
If he Mee
11thatso-unds well, 1. eg&la 'to n quite mm
all eixtensive con t u of Eme- hideous crime, P. herebylthanke ge
an'l is all very for ya4 Ma-' I u si ness c �v cp rt the pary IfTIE Subscriber Ins Inumei
onsidaftlag, iL �dditi011 jud4 ]a f p 6tions �vhieh h GI tBAT B. LRCTAIX-A� Valuable l*rm loi cusWmers (merchsi land Others) fortheir i
vil she cquli ad badl A 'lo. 4. lnl the 0nd C a 4cesslor I ibertil ph ft-ouage A-urin, tho& Peat
dollritt-loolkiaig,i �)�Men who could Wea-ii t) the moi tLhe jUsialat
clad Rumors ran in t1ae 1143� bei ip Lot s
igh- Ta, lan4 hand, auti
7 a r u of he rowfial il" of Stanley, eblitaining . �Jlo acre., iind close attention W
it's dess rtldl find it becoming, but I I to gi owill g;,� i a-tu re i ai d tb e d ell gb t lie bor od. he i is darkly di Ne, v rew Cashnmre Rib 5ons, Ropes by, strict integri
ug.ge in
what is to become of iny gaunt figure Rmrne tojd;a� of iia c a bout 80 acres')GIcared, ILI c temain lushi6ti._toweri their e(onfidene. d trade I
14� lan iiii -the life 'of tI ie woo .%re Fanc?l Butto I , 1 0, plo 'i ainst t 13 life of s = one -7 dw go liar (od; land is'lof the bei f quality Silk V'iLm e Lt. big; pilenot.
W: 0 e futi*e. ]Having grealfl, en::::: I
�!e er' 119 d1to the bo iiloa a huge stite wof cultivition; bai on it f 11111SIE-4 I b
w u it is draped in thoe same plain i6�ig fer t lqi,nd m( s 'were for b 91 b'rougl: I. in a good e w Laces, i ies during the wiator.he fOl ]Is T' Y lost �Tofll titb the c cli lulip
le�investnleut. Th t these cas limade 6f 'so I woo Ol Uar ca ri D fr
lip d with 90 RXI'll, o
aean that Nve're to be 1; bdi es,, al ol, tb eV good, 4buiblingfil find a ri�vci iwell 01,
Ilea4ir It -hol - . . THE HIGHESTASH
Dh, I do -Wt n certf iitily did r presE tit �ad reed withIl es. er
m_:e or o 'ODOd VA �he I ar 11 is convenient to a hi-ool find
I - Lie ind Isputai
ust ng in churel es�i and a .,rood market. �J Tit
extre ut? answered 11attie, 8 Ociety in a Willi RE RmeO th, rt of Eii�J I
Liti to�, we.
'-ox to q( --w up t%,,,() lbreadtbs of cloth, cut t) dro�s plainly, wad''lle best thing pos- I or anyu may Sul
t,!e tO� 1) 1 B 3 crea- In: orn ation ns fo price and t(trins ci L - Obili (intity Qf Good Fresh gsdenverea
whil M, riso, E ie help� L) i kOK N 0, COLORED KID GLOVES. mporiti. S11A en
e cilasses b low -tibe either of t�ho unders giiied Ex- in- e in it for tle het -d and IT -th se turAvIio hewti 6 sirou& of rturigg.
a bol ble for th �M ed b a the Egg E
, L t for My idea, is to :1 f eCILtor i, Isppen post office. 110BERT S I I,,, LLIS,
string round the waist. W L I -
SE in eriar o thevIB in culbureau I 'ess f E �LA.Jltj ANDRE LAIh. 642 EEr
Th, I R bf w1i(A be had I d the N1 STF
drE ss p] id n I with a doceii i regard for thuatE tban 17- hot I his rr wileme'rats-iii 1 a Most MAI N AJ P0 YOU'
t they Is to lolle7
when ic AR FOR S LE. -F or Lot 2, upeRsion f
in �nner, ind 11 e* day Wanted by the, subscriber, 25 toW
the fasbions of tho day; but digpelasiDa irls eriiallot. uite as nijser� le ind 0 reet,
buticbes of loopings, fine I �, 13111,lt't Containing 75 acrels of
bef re if thc� bad lot 6, gaudy Si in baIf
she ii , w 11 iril, bri Jg dozen THE iM I Lw !IN E R Y S I 10 W-_ R Obil M clean wheat straw.
alal what ilot. LLD or tbree,set 0 0aylyanat lagol, about 66- peres of i1b. e
f jioaw�I'Y; at clatijin ordinarify 6 ed for
,h aR all
. 1. 1 . el(aral and W a good state of cultivit , tKle
their mistresses couliI6 weiiir clehin ca,03
wood busli. a the
"And I think there's sof c3odsi '011ild n any remain(ler is' lood hard
nathing else b sd� d n t restrain fi elf
i labors promi;(slare a small u 0,
bric dfes- or plain iMoolen ohms ma e IOD sb ) well AS, _eg log hoilse. sided with __CJ4 iq,LR fli kitchen, with good wolllavd pun), Ov wb
want to coils der," said Mrs. Cav- eE �ff o th an a I Ivi I A I AIC "Under . ar eas il, ter -ib y'm ed ersi�c r of the d be Ope Eby si, Orders can be plac a ah on'be. A Large HE ZLUflI C TO
it for I also. 11 Ai iii I's
e becorn' .1�d ia a few d fock
gop(Ifpring Creek running 1113-ough mule ilout,
ing rn relLs of or work- even if the' pri c an tq Es tb at TI is f irm issitt ated. I imile from itarlo(k eason, R tical a III I' ;te' it an 4 e result rits P. 0, thiis
woinauslilp rather, FL-nd talii:in,cr itito,ac-, ci ifted had been smal a§ - mile I thol 11 (Ire ailed in.. find 101 xniles fr)m Seaforth, and aboQt! .14a same & 11AMIRE
e ery ofi '31. is good gravel road.i irther
count tbe fact thtit tbeir most. diesiraible V e- caud6t and was- J pvs r4las in ucreK appq Pit to t
]at L - tboI tl L ed--- to appi
till. btaillied on bii nwayn on ha�d, and m�je fic Order,
qu a i, ness, f] Lien -novilLig idea--t1lat W3 hay4ail:gam 3c I of tbe Ao P 0 d byl the 1 11 som , knowledg
pr c)pr i (Ahr (in tl ('601
�,c or a s k `hLb01`at0, and y al I' i-noy niei i a ttiust Urn, for isp-p- T11OXIAS GILP N, proplictor.
not SilDI)l
�'b thEIV 1W IC..i H DUSE 3HINGS, A VERY LARGE S ',19 and li i
TOCKI tir Is s,.. b u tha d-- d, �l Vas bi �f rd of no
stil; be prett�l_ airld dait1tvP` t foo L arQ4 ore -at FURNI
I �ILLOP FOR' SALE. o1r Sale, T bey ersonally veri 1. 'F' R1 Is Torth iN Al,
e is to aih 11�� -1 111 tha
'IT 3.A of Lots 8 W9. con: Y�3, Me- f;0odLa)i We both as ust othe ar 1
ie stTlfrel) at Ile d' b ei t
Wh_ vou to 1) 6 1) le ag(!! I s came cita b from Killop 112 otoreq;'there arel� about 80 tc material ana wolkn -hip.
Lt I wailte( h Id I i I I AAr4 Y43n
lA n f,
P SL ' i in the d ed, and 11 h high f3heetillb, _N kins, T)weli!,,
'd aill, k led imperedptibly For 'S -ad: FinAla: their voik �colu 'I,
&DI( t1wr iteill. III our Comfort- Sri Cut or, two I lap Curtai !Liii- ew t1liel yar �nd et, Table be
the-,p�CU]tLti011ftSto,,Vll',Lb it lot obt state of cialtivatim, th6b Lhilberad kin ts Ui Cot stid by the large ejt� eftublii Wits,
10 lere sto )c, - the- w000:4 1 case, wel -ounty paper I So, Table Cloth,
abla town, NVII01 t I I with. I arlwood; good, d White ts, Irillow ton, Tassels and
lii*, now bn ik'frinite rant
I )ve us 1a
gaphia -vid e open vith i ts a b[Lru 5'x.,�, with
e r ad
also a good ung ore ifti4 and there are im. poor, a 'n Col (1, &c. f i fal anilib� c
and mo -e
tI louahtful, ear tb oiled J stabling underneath, 1 4-1 0016 onvinced tbat we �eau 4atlsfy �-oulfl to )-.j
good mally Wollwil who imperatively ipirit s lidstap es driven illilb them to ty of �Viaer. 10 miles froia Brns4c s, 0 from
abililatie the 0ollinluLitiiii So e b afi� plen Mr. Ire�M i� 'well know the
ne tille to
Now seeinfou bt. iodicat bat a bu I bi&lng ibli aving
"ILV(' LIP '41 n Zui i4h for over 12
r, t3 Willto: 3, ali 12 f -ona Seafortol Tdth - d,gravei
if e iperfluities an impoitan Set 17011ili ELt Littl(It t�q- be been in liu8inesq I t 11 di a ed -tbero alivd. The roads to each Ii [ace; conven ent to cl., r' 16 E AD
1 (Ili and
Old gAthered, dutil (0) 10 age,4i bac 11 to til i �k thdt sd ne 11 t prt,
Sold its a whol
dirformice is 111,11.1,10 ill tllt� E111"LoUrit of L:i at-. Ivill be e or i Rgg,5 a 31d
hKt, it Il nna co) o h orill ba ku-Xialialif ed for a. arritill f;t1r1n. kplily tt
worl( to 1w dolle, Will tllev' k Lit'lit :to he P tel p-�fxtb 1.1 afflu-nai I was to be aae by, E�l Hi -A-]\- ID TljOrTITS.
. I SOUTI-1 11URON 0i
Waltoil P1 0. or't:) the proprieto dn the- ire:1
tho on:e.� to from 't. A p! L r mises.
1 01111,1100 a 11 of C1 wer ( r,n3i ��v all ces of I , u . ely ell WILLI3K DYN S. 598
(if cou dei
11, Llid no oue cill say tl at A willl
hire t1loom more )r lit-, rse tb ey de� Eli XV a n1a, o cititch 0.6 s ppbsed GRIQ LTU- R,'
; OOD FAWAI FORSALE.-4 'ng Lo 30, Con. A nerges, s (I
`Wol�lill fCCI it ill ft SIMIL11 NVIV, Kli IlWid GUI& it, a U the cit D h ILLIKers
le L 'rle� Sto
11 ToNi of We have ne of tl ohs of Tweeds ond Clot
tl W i th eb6u. elea)(,( clenrin,, v a f�ee (if Warm, s in this- Coprity; TO OWNERS OF STALLIO�
the CELYJ)it I
-7 - 2atiriers c wh� ell were 1) ught last Deeenaber, before th' advaiicE in the 1. - We of
inti I f f; [I e price of woo
I(TY- �';OW ft�r VVLTV 0_Xtr1L lf'ft Off I 11.1.111crat iu ore b aLit, d i b (ktb, Iii I tly - d scus.1 a the stil.1111 Wil clft� lom lo W Twb
-111slomers Twe -Er -1 0 7,Xbl!l It at
flerilac, our'
W11:01 thev T lmy are t]aerefork, 0 eds at old. prices. All Wool T' d
umtchia- 1. are so VD, and Int wieL (if cleii stied d iitawn'; 40
In y Wry, datil On 1&nd I. orq Ig tho 11
ollithe. lot.there j a good new 1101 R froin 50 celats per ya;rd up. L&rge Stock of Enlish and Fr3rich Worsted, t- the .1ionth f�:I� -41J
'ClUiNiftlill.-Ilt R, tO th0 tillle receiii. cd liatte 00 to bit held
Potts'live on r strect Pr elt- '. Il log 13aru 30A ),,`frame ilogs, new. so.,Wonste I ani 11
r -to higli, good I at Bruccfiel1ol Oil Tufvdty, Apdl I' are bereby
t in Vita, -1 I r cd Co fro W.�! th lei -rift] lives Rtible ai'i( other out-�uIlditigi;.;, a gow i Do] tifird that _'e W 1-11 IL(, of tbr.
inal i by a n y gi bi
).Li.q,, tit iaitl limt -1 a ld the. 11-ot is favi ith tbe S
vi ve been. mitiried buti e,-ou :or but arlitt.0 WsLy fr)) Pa a
in Cir eel -
re ur. oil- or before TAOXIDAY, APRI T, 12,
r, ai'l) p q'
:CIgllt the a no
miles Injin Crni'l r(�ok ai -1 '21! f.). ,i tallen aftt dl�
fri no n'.1i -y itt t Jaim
h led do- potti i-, taken iolimjil' 11._ck,cirrk oi a: tbile, FyAries
11) tell L) C
V to with the L(I Oil e -fly P. Ow.
is C ),IS III StIc 1: 11 TIJH,11- OUR TAIU OR1 NG DEPA RTr4IIENT RDWIN fro u fi the folt will be stild -wi Lilt, v 1�1c-rm� s, wrn'
adopt fl. IL liettet to all vaj�cll ��j I picions ID : s mind
f irt�Aer lla tienhirA, alitily to , ji: 141
to -T
do IT( V prelulses,:ur if by
I it a I) the N11A di, In
0 th !tbou"lit I W'bis a Crtitilmloki postoffll Co. 422
all (11(l ldv Lt ftintl; Lif �Ilmv� is el CAL -DE R
aild t1l it trieth- I il i tir I of I -dropbollia -o proy- Sui s are got rp in the Lat t Stvies, and all. Cloth i g we -A DREW
i I , parautee a I
AL AJ'LE li'Uill FoR qATIT-11-T sholl"Id. lit) 0 She Im utter, w
le e( ),It 1 11 111 L le V Fit.1 As tbiH dep atryiell b i�, un er ie n3anagerrieu 01' a I�st- ass e
fAr afa a iii tho fcpr tbree cbetmq for C ommitild. TOkcs tilae Lr --&d alnoi
it) of can guaraute-, all work mai ufacturetli.
io i;_ arata, hi ilsell --oni his fil.1mily for tov-ll^ bg the "Ive onit"tIlill., In lilind, toty", Said 14iorf IL I I' t( IT a cirt z; of 3; aid, 15LIJ fit Wlihich Jf WL("t�tejll and 111011t up.6 I --oartain peal for
T, "L NVC*)rIml fro. I nti(.wqI ing thern ith ills t1le 'JLJ�30,11(lt till)
tlid owl iiku' Oil in iordef to* a'Scortatil Th-ru t! ill" I'll bt "itl ait' he had r,(, YOU FORG T IT."'
once to I I?i liku if the�
cOvvr OR, itil,11101' blushe". V L!11 t i.,,s o"! t%vo frnine bo -iij aud
log In his
11C i.3 to the fronl, as i. Is wh
()f ne allk" R 1)(Wer-f4iling 4 bt: (:ii; two ng his pat-
1 0 Ink Nvt- A W )1131L t I a t; I t I Anjl;r4,tv te JIiiiie(I tIll house itA Full ";tpck o.. Boots and S id
I" (lot *oes for Ladies,
I tal.cD
_V�011lti aiol. o l'beantifiali i,,ui�
-)u i) .1 r I d r0r�UITJ tht. ell ticc-14 ut r. lab t I,. Old capied
an elylu -god to 1)
t t! Iii fie CLI tp shut 111) (:hv ly tl'Ly-,;. Tli Cbil(iren' and Getts. i
wol k, and toti,, if we lived Witlil 4, III I L: i ai; I t1ir-11 i W
ilee ot cre are 25 ert's I ill fAll
Mo V selis,11IN w -z to) filiflil 7
to f1ho 0jing.; lw th, ad ar, h,
t I lov.st,of 1 1 - The b) -,t
t-ekded wit):I(I the 1,4 0.1-1 e otrs� nti ol,ont uo flie Ulu r r_TAl_
can a,,ree heartil ' y' tliore,',' put in c I b )ut i Ilutfl! ILI that e was f: 11 The tid, it ti ill Imill be harp-_ dot. -S Iztvill 0 limi- 461d the� had LC101111 t;Llk ()Ve.) th f f 1,11Aer oi that therel as erft
VeC fil'klm tuintol outL 2itices ati I OAv awork can
)le part awsis i Lig f -f lly bililt
A.\ 11, XJ'
L L The Cal tO (Irt) tO 0\tr('IL1tiS in that di. Atire L -i alillpiall as t h, _0� 113if ff 1'el fl V!
t N)l -it. 111! cris s� Jul as lie was ai out to boPr,l in
�r brii Ilie to tille cott D� OF �RODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE
T Owl 011ie t1V
re(- ion as well S- any other. at tl; 0^71it eau time tliiev b it i bailL I UL age a to in- ill;l
I ., � 1 -calial'IT ALL I
wiliterwheiianybody had tea-party pttinsf�wtliei I�PosaFxlf the Lltl�ullb 110c 114te u the he found t lic :B' _TS S
at the �,pc -iftl y silitell for ancl tro) at r Ko
7 _ULU
we, beg taris, t-wo kinds of til e cli�ef of t I a houso 4:f, tbplr d ely to tiouv000lit. i,; onel(
qilis were Ifitlic 1)(1, ill the
r1i i�) o pellip to the
ary troubiL�, so lie RO READ"THIS
p, ad is 4� preserve, aud three kinds, (4 -cake, and Theal oLit a desMl4le get r �,i E R,9 the bMa4 thand 2,t ))ilf-s as otie iii gav(
on.r or. I.kJf luffiLl from a U
appal- I I-
on one othe best 4re ts I enclose to the. 4, we all hiftdo a similar :dis' IQN' nd drc\v I)l �i the Sn-le villiage 01 L11C ICY slid S T) C il ontion i 3 dalled to our G ocer3 Department .10 ery tock 0 Sell
Mien, ell 0. Title- wer�delightftillittl parties-I-C)DjOVed tildplitill). Twice tbe-INvalk had IL, een d'. for r
-be! d tacles Dric- lail'way, an(i od roe
play "TI u 'be! Lid an
X 1121W 11C t
I i
them. but I should have quite as W thC lo,�t Rild -carefulIN ho ei' �t CO > refee't �5 CVXTS ON TItE DOLL
Ige. The to 11,11)(11 The I apo'st Tea in I wn.' 'A I - . -
e it iu on tl,e awoun n - bai on a Also the
comfortablo in every respect, if I had the 11)0�illligllt, 11 Smilkll Vic' pe ulioir �mile whiel t dow men Brus,44ti edi. T
t-, trar,
Stcre to let!
not had stich a varietv (if dishes from The nii-,lit I efk)-Lt- th do V14-11 On r(a;:cliable
L ev were to" IN Iled o Rai
nit Ll t they or W N! WaGon, &'afni th. 11 )13 -,RT
Alfo good Dal-er- in con! ection,which W*ill be rp .11
ce are sold Pr* ifetor. . H -The pril.- itrinor, Ix - ;
to choose my upper." the res.ilts -Lif tile tl y Ila',
Eidd e -ort ni v-�,terN was store or septimtoto soft, Biik-ery
selilig, 0- FixiiirLS all -said Mrs.. nbuized oil a plau f,,Yr tile b( Is WOU 1 -pose of a
what sliall Nve do and a La e Li d.
DUN IN & DUNCAN, SEA] RTH, ONT. Adaeag E. LEALVEINS, harder t),
g t
o itti L
oce pie.,
it me,'1he lo