HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-02, Page 7tF RiL 1: 1880. rOOT &•. of FORTH, TAKERS eco. [TTENDED (iY T.f 1 4S T ...V 0 TICE. AND Ski ROLIg& LYS ON HAND. • FOR HIRE. PEST G DODS,, EF RECEIVING Stock of all # inde Q. .t rf vi6-- ons. Canned FruW, and those very choice Green aiui Japan. Syrups trod -1111tnes, Driea at, Cornineal, Pot \Barley, Flour, Ilam anci Bacon. •resit Garden Seeds, Potato Onions and i 2E Potatoes. II -ilk Pars, Plower gys,and a good va- pound boxes, at 25c. Coffee. Also tt at Excelsior Ilor /e and invited to come and get ft Geiode in tht, Duraitacm- ae . PT'S GROCERY, Main Street, SEAFORTH NOTICE tct1 and Ornamental _ ,ear" $' and Wed. xri t'reat va7 tet; at J �E R S. STORE, rf of Fine Gold and ;idle Gold and Sliver 1t,ts, Rich Gold Jew - :,:al Ear 'tinge, Finger lain and chased, Cuff Ai Lockets. Also Gold and Silver. Spectacles .ATED 'BARE.. k• in Tea Sets, Cas - Bells, Butter Dishes, zr, Butter and Salt ,kE ts, Cara Receivers ''Ic life Castors, Celery - Swing Kettle, Fruit : Bks, SpoOrls,y,-ases,d;c. the Lowest, c'crrsiS- riity anEl F arley ficoud3, which t. . Clocks at old prices. ;tilted as represented. 4 all the branches a li. R. COITNTER. R A C". /tort, I�,,i , T r'e a, rfr-- with the Town - 70p for 18 79. EtPTS. heed fr.nu 1V.l'.arri4 J. ± •na1c1 Scut nal far year 1 b:l t ty 'tress/lrer netl:l Seett,. GcE'ar €i'ft.`I•l..x Tres- f,tl...• - )vt::lock; J. 1lc jeli,s tl;l bor. II- 'A Silk of l`l,iEr- f i e -,,t,t tl re- neiiitn, ' 'ur'k- r' t`uiv rte ten t t nTilt-Ler- - . t t, f I)t r„ar., .ce t n town `deli :tel; litelreeers, of tht•yF tonin et v Treatiurez 3.5 2g to 11 47 `3`10 85 10883 41 35 1 O 2,934 6,1 2.971 70 1=i Cel 2 Oa 1775 135 tri 15 O1 10,19'1 571 • $17,343 dll i nitluieipel l,iE41, 58 TRE;, ata ...s" 3,17[ Ito :,t;70 47 erlu 30 .:37 50 111:37 ' •. i<1 2€11. 11 lit Otl 7 04 8,1(4 e5 12 (-14 t . l tai •;itt PI Cpl 27 85 612 51 •4:7.343 ai- d fen! te, 1ittfUk!ter x4 . :7,1,168 4i t `t have :.aniineEI the the re •f aa.l hive t ILL..N i ' cl"eliV)rd. i'ebreary, lbel. 611.2 AP IL 2, 1880 err • - i'HE'; HURON OSI OR A Young Irish Baron's En- counter With a Monstrous Grizzly " Mr. Jameson, the young Irish Baron, who for the past several years has jour- neyed from the great sod to engage in bunting and fishing sports in Montana, was unusually successful this season; his wagons returning loaded with the $,ntlers of elk, moose, doer, mountain $Beep, and antelope, and the pelts of grizzly and black bear, mountain lion, lynx, wild cat hand other splendid trophies of the chase. These valuable possessions, c refully preserved and packed, have tone forward to the old country, while Mr. Jameson, disband- ing'his party o four, and accompanied by his body -se vent, starts •soon on al journey aroun the world; sailing from San Francisco for China early in Sep- tember. In this connection an adventure, in` which lir.. Jameson and a bear were the sole participants, is worth relating. One night last -week,' while bivouacked / on Cascade Creek, east of the Muscle shell, • well-defituid tracks were left about the, cam , indicating .that.' while the party peac fully slept the premises had been inv ded by a huge grizzly. The following morning, while break- fast was preparing, the - young. Irish- man, armed with his trusty rifle start- ed down the cheek, trailing the bast a hall mile to point leading into a thicket of ui derbrush skirting to a considerableWidth the stream o both sides. Makin a slight detour, 0-ame- son pushed hi- way cautiously into the thicket, the sl'cht noise of his caIrefully picked footste 's being muffled by the rollicking wat rs leaping and tobring over snccessiv: falls. Halting su denly and parting he bushes, the i t epid. hunter espie his game, leisurely at rest, scarcely shirty yards - away. He concluded the bear was . his, an ' with steady aim t vital parts, sen two bullets in ra fl, succession into the broadly presen ed ` side of the beast. There was a fierce grqwl, an the wounded anim 1, parting the bru h and. saplings like g sin stalks, pushe vig- orously towar• bis, assailan t. Unable to gi t another unobstructed shot, and u derstanding his [peril, Jameson, with great presence of mind, quickly retreat d' toward the creek, the bear pursuing, nd close to his feels. There was no t me to halt or turn aside, and, reaching he bank, the h stied sportsman, hob ingaloft his rifle, I leap- ed for the wate ", landing in a p of to the depth of hi armpits. - A. m : ent later and the nraged =brute, bursting through the willows and saplingsl, con- frolited him an the margin of .. the brobk. Jameson, prepared fo his enemy, with promptness and prec'sion, plat two more; shots into the great beat, who, in the very act of tsk ng to the water after isprey, tumbled to the ground, dead, Jameson scrambled out of his unprernec'itated bath, returned to camp, intercept`.ng on the way two of his comrades,' s immoned by the report of his rifle, aril hastening to his aid. After breakfast a team was hitched up, and, strapped' to poles, the huge carcass of bruin was hauled to the camp and skinned. The 1 eft of this monster was placed at 1,000 pounds, and thepelt, exhibited to a number of men este pined to be . good_ ju gos in such ma -tens, more than sustained the esti ated weight of the beast.—Helena (Morana) Herold. i . , t A. Valuable Device. The Milwaukee Sun says Sam Me= dill has invented a device to prevent market men from palming off old eggs for fresh ones. The invention is , thus . descrioed : - He proposes to arrange. a rubber 1 stamp in: the no- t of every hen, with a movable date. This stamp is arranged with a pad whish is saturated with in- =delible ink. When a hen lays an egg, as is well known, she .kicks slightly with her hindleg. An electric disk is arranged so .that her 'foot touches it, when the stamp turns over on the ink pad and then revolves, stamping the date ou the egg. The hen then goes about her busine.e farmer's hired girl removes lhe e.', ., replaces the stamp, which is ready for another. On each evening, after the hens have re- tired to their downy roost, with the roosters, the date . of - the stain i is changed to the following' day, ,and the good work goes on. - In this way there can be no cheating. You go to the . grocery and ask for fresh .egs, and the grocery ;._nun says; he has some eggs . of the vintage of Janilary 29, 1880, fo' in- stance: You look .at them, and here are the figures, which cannot lie. With this method it is an object for the nag to get rid of hi eggs, knowing tha to- morrow may b too late. A Quart of Diamonds. C Mrs. John Jacob Astor, of New York, wlio stood with Secretary Evart'/ arn- ily back df INrs..Ilayes, wore p qi;r1- tinted satin tri limed with rare lac of cobweb iinenes , and Mulches of ark redo/ses. A d )g -collar of black v ,Ivet studded with diamonds . of fabulous value encircled her throat, iand bel w it were live stra ds of big black p arls clasped with ianlonels. 1The :square neck of hat dregs was outlined with ini- mouse diarrtonc s ; similar stones for nod a larges-lreerrr t c f e'or: errrc, ; ether gli ter- ed ou theIeft s de of her waist; of iers in very long 1 eutlant earrings ; of iers encircled each >:rm, and at least a d zeu large clutters c f then;: were in her 1 air. To compute tlheiu in another sva , I should judge tl ere were about ti. q ;fart of diamonds c f the first water, w rth several snug l.,rtiines, sprinkled here Nu' there (wits this blonde little lady, Who caries a New York polies: ran with her wherever she go -.s, end:n. great occasion - employs (Ue .. or " two others to assishike in prdtecting the • property thus rather 0sten.tatioUsly hung out as an advertiseineilt ! of wealth. Iii lo /king at ' lier ivit ;l eyes. dazzled by the display-, one reuembers - the chief rt -as( ii Judge hilt,lei cave for excluding the , ews fr m his hotel—i e., their `Lvul;;ar and excessive display of jewels." arieties. : Mrs. Swans -in heard a - sermon on hell, in Cllica *o, and the preacher's vivid desci ipt ou of eternal torture greatly frightened her. She brooded over the sabje t several days, then be carne possesso 1 of the idea that 'she' had cominitte4' an unpardonable .sin,• d finally saui. into incurable hula y. —Tile Waub no is heard from ag .in. Al rumor is in o ir-culatiou that an Milian having cut a hole in the - ice to fis b in the supposed vicinity of the wrec1 of the steamer, he dis giiies and boiler an4I a large boat. made to ascertain be true, but it is irit ward is expected be bis shown. . —Lord I?rummo heir of the .Earl tf America; years ago w degree., 'Fol. this he tancestraI mansion :taken from him for Brookhaven, Long l_ humble living by fig In view j of a pro with his, grandfathe wiled for Scotland. -Daring an enter the Public School: sylvania, the other 'persons were present p hating yerrs es ape a I `e 0 0 ly saw' thy,, - e t of the -laud i ries tire. • Ibeii e d her this redo ted that a! re. the boat 'will f g grandson erth, elope tti'a maid of ,:low A forbid den t1,e bis allowance oral : years. d,,he earneda and snooping. reconcili,aftidn rummontj 101 d n e la In b al t g gave way, pr hundred and; fif below. Maly -from the ruin owls.were injured., om se tllo r�onfnsion the i$ 11 alis stage, over of which . exploi carpet, but the before any serio It is not yet cer will survive. —A German so busy that he courtship, so he Pittsburg and a business -like le ter to wife in ;.the s oky ci hap . ened to be 4tequ comely German Maid anxious to be married, a suit of the applicant, i He sent to photograp the Kansas marl, w he was entirely sat ura led„ fire us Gain di et w a mot given y Lincoln. 1'+'Onn- , at wLich:500 rt of the tour fltindred to a �ns,to the fll;oor by jum ipg irty per ons ously. Du i ag 1ars'rushed on wo lamps, one ing fire to the s extingu ed e was ne. 1 of the in red farr i r un KanEjas cou1 t find t m wrot too a' friend in ked hitnt in grief,' unt hi u/ 1 a y. His •ff>rend tinted ••iflt a 3n wh , fwas zd pros ed I thle that uai1bei. �f the ad to mote ba k hat edi with , er n° was fbr s pear nce, ard- enclosed 1 faxe f ausss et by a few edlock. at a •fe receive , stati s wife nd for closed d' II The lady arrived >t weeks ago. Sh4 w Ipectant farmer, ! an in they were joined sequel of the st ry _e,go the Pittsbti g fr Iter from the. K nsa e oras so pleas d wt esired to award his rg tie prizefr hint. deed 'for a fine tact o Exci ing So A. large staff - efl assistants employed ind putting *p W Syrup of Wild Cherry, the .i),. reineclies for the pure o poll 'Whooping - Cough, 3roncah1tis, ns o the s e a fri la 0 orae, and all affect: roncival Tubes. The rapidity aceu trod by th gaged in handling bottles is nno te an unaccustomed onloek'r hat almost every bottle ie t of Wilson's wild 4,lherry is a wa of Mr. ilso rs years ex `d .iedicii till be fe direct supervisio prugglia of sixthc This gr eat hon lruggisi;s, and sh Befit sir that old.. �k s i• at last chi lied, d walk, . e itich perfect h athg man fr . El :hoed ep �ing'/ C Lhf ;lura 'a,•Cons ap, t�(onx o: food, Jr 11x0, ss, eneritl it ty, its. This wink e)lful nd th z1,e. art eon son's C st popul hs, Cold Catarrh, hroat, L e consta aStonis y he ex�- Lcpura The dy6 ► a eti- g batihe seeur= wls i11i1otbsly nhpotind f, all ss or ;Sand L try an - in ,rind e great eon di is roken. made� n c1 ifht a Che ,.'�t end eri nee.: ,i is old by al leading nd everyh.easel 6424 i The grand climat. . f sucpe The poor rejoice, the sick tr se ask in the golden, unsbii e he physical mistrie of the h i o longer bo endured. ',Dr. 4 olden Compound, for Dys ick Headache, ;Coining: ul Ever Coinplaint, I3iliousnt rowsiness and 1Low Spit r 'medy will positively mire, r inedy has failed. To prcjvi meds will do all wet claim or i d with' a trial bottle free o co 'i ill readily. perceive its won erf t es, and which will show you w oliar size bottle ; will do -Fol. iekson & Bleasdell. }8eafarth. hat w ie t thisvete you° ai . pre t, by Rlub)i 1 curative ata regi sale by it •e Augu t Flo er. The imnicnse sale eel' gre t pound pity of reen's August Flower in ell to is and in t xe civilised world has caused i any Milt ttit�/r to deist similar narncs, expecting t reap a htr est f r themselves at the - expense of thefii;ie ed. ) his medicine was in roduced in 1868, en fei the e re of Dyspepsia'anjjll Liver:Go.rplaint, w t 4eir e eats, such as $our stomaeb, ostiven ss $ick' stomach, siek headache,indigestii.n, palpi at en of t e heart, vertigo, etc:., etc., it n •er has ai to ohu knowledge. Thrte doses, wi relieve n ethse o$ dyspepsia. Two i 'illion ktottl.s sold 1a4st , par. P,lieo 75 cents. S unifies 10 {dent N1Gry e,n1 46t - 'on II One esrs. Buckler's Ar-nica Salve. The best salve in tjio v orld 1 r Cuts, 3r fibres, Ulcers, Salt ' Rheum, atter, 4111 friends, Chilblains, Corns. and a i kinds Eiuptions. This salve is g}. ran ed to g feet satisfaction in. every cee or ..oxiey r fa Trico 25 cents per box. Fo - sal - by Hi its B easdell.Soaferlh. I 5'6 . Great Wester R"Iway. orth and Traifisleave Brussels st tion, aunder: GOrNG NORTH. GO NG SOUVH. ixed ; 10:25 A. M. iAdcom' ......6:55 eon 12438 ixed , 8.15 I 1 Ascom......., .8:13 P. M. .Muhl e9:28 P. M. Grand Trun . R Trains leave Seaforth oand Cli 1 flows Express.. .. ....3 10 F!. .t ��cbs '� Yi.f i. HLirsxprh Train -88:0505 . mixed Train .• 1:05 P.1.fI. G- INC 1 tS'!j-- 1$ 1Fot Ir. Express ,;. .8:00 A. Express Train I .1:05 P Mixed Tr rein 1 4:15 P Mixed Train....,..::35 1P. 31. Loudon, Huro GIN() NORTH- Mai I. London, depart $2 0 Exeter - 3 ; 9 llensirll ....3 - 4 1Cippeir t4 0 Brueetie1i .:.. 4 0 Clinton - 4 25 L'lyth...... 4 52 \Viegham, errite 5 5 ()MG seuru m9.1. ingham depart....'7 I0 131i•th.... 7.. 5 Clint on- 8 (11 Brueeficld.. 8. 18 Iiippen 8 3 Hens01 - 8 34 Exeter.., .. 8 49 an 1 1 3 1 1 10 6 15 ' 7 ' 1 <1 7 0 7 vvl: 0 8 ,tj 3100 • 5 lid ilwa3T. ton Station as CLIN)r° 3:30 P. 1,'' 915 1P. 1 8:45. 1:45'. Ciixiro ). 786 12:4)0 . i 3:80 P. bI. 6:55 ;P. . 5I. WI Brueet xed. Expo . M. :r. 55 6 49 7 15 7 1sd3' ) 25 7 59 45 8 Ili, :30 8 .15 8, 00 9 ixed. 3xp 55 ; 6 i ilt ine: STOOK FOR SER "ICE: BREED If OF PIGS. - Bcbert Go en. ick 011 the N4rtl Ei:rn Gi tvel Road, t4it;- Ki lop; one title an 1 a half tic eh of :Seaton!), v- i ;g perches d fr in the iay. Berks Are 13crwr,,' r i11 .rent c i toek�dur .1g! el F 1, lacable° at ogel iA'alegc of returnin lf1 L ark Herd e Thm'begiibrt k ep,him for the ' mprove tie present season. Tern ft rue of service, wtthtbe p eeessary. 12. GOI4'ENLO I UMTER • F Ei<ILOC1t; Firs Qualit from ,,; BILLS 'UT All Length, rpm 10 ?ONY MI L, L, I The Subscriber UMBER YA There all kinds o' 79 R SAL .1$6 pdr M. PI: OR ER, F t at the MC ILLO as ads lt a RD Lumbo • an;be ROM AFORT, btained. S DOWN/0 SI' R C IVVEDI JOHN KIDD'q, SfAFORTIly A MARQUIS ;i Fine L4 1OK STOVE. Stove Mad Nest Ili grove { L L A N ii ole Agi)it for Wm, he Stove Itat received Toronto <'xhilpition thers, , with all tents. he D SEE 1 . h a,L' Ick's Stove — o d Medal] at ii 1879, over .IDD. ERS' D- CHAN IPS' , EAFbR' BAN H. Mal ager an Pro' 0 'ce 2rt t n's t ,;be Ban I ri4 tor.'/ to prev ises 'l n ltel, fo Gert` of -Co tm ere. ES AND BILLS DI 11sh nd Foreign Purchased RMERS ts Issu nches A 7111 gron malg whio Anc gai mal and ccupied SCOONTE Exchan SALE NOTES BOUONTI,:_. d, -pay blei at par at all Manager a44:1 Prokiet r. SUNBEA 111,Es Ai mant d floor, it amon is a ere TH .8 now ver ORE is d he has o the His now e he lines gall to the Town TIS 'Won( er victory 10 1' Peace s t town. elFyaccessory sillty is on t o togra ph Bern 5Q1 re II -1 LES M nable him ber he is no RE, ET I patted St 13 31p ay eoo 1 ..tal‘Tiit I...silt:I:no: iFizig,( lit:I lyt'rl000enlin, 11 SRO , or applyt favorably know , los reedy .vill stand for Monday of ee will make the fo Kyle'e Hobe 000, at eynoli I day at the C to thepreprietes Heavy Drang ed by Mearr Ho will lea arfer south .11 week duri lowing stand sborne; nig s' Hotel, Hen - ht, at his own r . , ut e bills, whin ER, Seafort.h.1 ;INFECTANT AND VERMIN arti known that drive away ea on : It tains its Stren .,, eh much longer ha any' othe and it hail no sagreeable odor. , o 1 e' had ' two paned bo es. Price fifty • GO 0 ) u R "0 oods, we are G ads. , 1717e loclu ngtry Cloths, res—with Br White Cottons, Table Cloths an A CALL { i } to ----.:.—'.= P i: } cn RY" GpODS. UNT show ng a Siplen4id Stodc DI'y d S,fct Plain Melange We deap line in Go Muslins, all Table Linen, utiful lunge in to match. d Value in kins RErEejrFULLY1 SOLICITED. rth. • nadulterated nd Liquors at Gr es tam's Drug Sto7e Brussels. kinds of Toilet' Artii- eles at ,Pr. Graham's Laboratory, Brussel Pure Drugs at Dr. Stationer/ it ,Dr. Giraham Drug Store GR EW RU STOF* GR HAM'S; BRU SELS. la id rindyards. Di es, Karst -Class, a P.rescriptions Carr - fully and Correct Compounded at -D riess at D- Graham4. ussee (Jul afl kinds at --Grahiones Drug. St re, Brt,ssels. caTwilitt E GROCERIES SE'S, SAFORTil. e Black Basket Rads ns, 1Ce LOndon Layer Rai ins. Ne, Sultana Raisins. ICe' Valencia Raisins. , Cas s New Currants. Figs in Boxes. ALUE IN TEA AN D FAM - no Recent Advances 'in almost every, De - he Stand—Next Door to the Post Office. OSE, FAMILY GF?OCER. ARPER'S B ZAR CUT PATER A *ERNS pUBLISH FOR 25 CENTS. Will be R NrS PATTE • HARDWARE. HARDWARE. SI N OF' THE CIO 'ULAR 0 ITI tO 0 0 0 23 0 fri Trl 0 �Q I Oct_ SD 22) Er P CD BUTTER. 0 FL - 1 -0 CD CP 0 CD rp 0 Cr' CD • crg 0 0 CD 0 0 CD 0 Cash paid for Goo But er, in Tennet at ickson & Bl 0 0 co riso 0 0 tt amongst the leading necessaries ofiliet These famou s pills purify the BLOOD, and aet most pow, erfully, yet soothingly on the . Liver, Stomach, lridneys, hind BOW:ELS. eivink tone, enemy, and vigor to -"- these great MAIM SPRINGS OF LIVE. They' are cenfidently reeonnmeneled as a never failing w hatever canoe, has become impaired or wealeen- e a. - They sre wonderfully effleaciou,s in all all- ,- m ents incidental 'to fernsies of all see : and es a GENERAL FAVILYMEDICIN.E are unsur- Its Searching Healing Prop ar0 known throughout the World. For the onre of BAD LEGS, bad breastee Old Wounds., Sores and M ere, • it is an infallibieremedy- effectua iv -rated on the neck and chest, as salt into me st, it Curets 8 ORE THROAT, 0) onehil is, Coughe, Colds, and even ASTHMA. 'Far Glandular -wellinge, Absces eB, Piles, Fistulas. Gout Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail.: The Pills end ;ointment are Manufsetured.only at 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and arc sold by, all Vaidore of Medieiees throughoue the Civilized World ; with:directions for nee in al- most every language. The Trade tratlei of these Medicinesare tests' - British Possessions, who may keep the Areeri- c an Counterfeite for sale, will be proeecuted. Purehaeere'vhould look to The rethel Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxe ford Street, LontiOn, they are spurious. NO BOW 1-31.1T REAL FACTS. - CHILLED rket price In. 116.41 Packed FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT, 'QUALIT*OF MATERIAL, NESS, AND FINISH, EQUAL PLOWS Proved and Acknowledged to be the Standard Plow of America. an Crocks, as ell's Drug QZ 11;ms - t e 15-: - ,( : ) . I ! 1,; CD MI %.4 2 ),±p :„.,. i prr,,., .o.; r__,..._... ia.....tr: ED, MPLTE SUITS ' t on the ounter or In pection. Booksetr and St EigoTs AND HOES; 1400T8 AND SH ES rn .11 0 AND SHOES P ICE IS STILL SE4IN Cr OD FACTORY MADE BO AT REVENUE TAMP NDING 'THE RISE IN TO KS. k's Block Main Street, eafort TS NOTWITHST St D. 0 • • • 0 )71 0 .12 cee 1-1 cp to el- • seee C'4 CD cD eed CD • cra- 0 CD 1-4 CO CO 13 > . The Material used in the COnstrac- tion 'of these Plows, for Smoot4ness r— Face and Toughrtess, is superior to Cast Steel, and -is MANtUFACTURBD by ME, only in Canada.; X GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, 0 Always on band, madie of C Patterns, and warranted (A ami Columns, Castings Sehool, > All Rinds of Repairing done and r_ Good Work Guaranteed.; CD JOHN , OPPER" prvitea PATRONIZE HOMI INDUSTRIES: Why go abroad for your Furniture M when you Ocin got 48 Good Value for yoir money Hensail as in CO any other Town in Canada. '14"1 Has now on bend a Spleedid Stock of OF EVERY DlilSCRIPTION„ Ikr nd Civil En incer. Oraers'by prom t BELLA Kitchell Suit the Times. UNDERTAKING IN ALL 1TS BRANCHES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. Also a First- Class Hearse Which lie will furniah for FUNI:RA.I.S ro.s. sonsble terms. taken on meet reasonable telms. 3lateria.). fur- bished if desired. taking Est ablishrecet. 416 S. FAIRBAIRN. SEAFORTI1 PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND MAO FACTORY irtiEsubseriberbegs leave to thank histmMeton -I- customers for the liberalpatronage extenaeato ()front: ahaan hee. may be favored with a continuance Partiesintending to build woold do well tO give him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand a Yarn stock of allkinele el DRY PINE LUMBER, fr4 IS JE ns, , DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATJII, ETC. who may favour hint -with theit patronage,aii non*