HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-02, Page 6}_t"' • • G Making Cream.Chee>}e. _Take a quart of cream, and if not desired to be very 'rich, add thereto one pint of new milk ;; warm: it in hot wate till it is about the heat, of- milk fr¢m the cow, add a teaspoonful of rennet, et it stand till thick ; then break slightly th spoon, and place it in a frame in w h ich you have previously put a f ne e vas cloth press it • lightly with, a ight.; let it stand a few hours t en Ft a finer cloth in the frame and sift : the cheese into it. Sprinkle a little sat over the cloth. It will be fit` ::dor e in a day or two. • To make ,a rich cream cheese without rennet, take appy quantity of cream and put it into a wet cleth, tie it up and hang it in ` a cool place for eeven or eight days. Then to a it from the cloth and put: it into a other cloth with -a weight upon it for t o or three days longer. Turn twi e a- -ay, and it will be fit for use. 0 to e a quart' of fresh cream and a pi of warm new milk, a bit of sugar and. a I lit le rennet. Set near the fire till, t .e c d comes fill a vat made in thefor of a brick, of wheat straw and rushes se together, rest the vat on a square of Straw or rushes and cover it with another square, the vat being open top an bottom. Next day take. it out, t: .n daily till clry from one board t an thee, cover - with nettles or Glee d : k leaves, and put petween tt pe ter plates to ripen. t I .?'lour as F.0 -0d. li iIacaroni, vermicelli, sea biscuit, pil t bread, plain crackers and. comma bread, are all about alike, in compos • do and nutriment. Macaroni , an ve ieelli differ only in the size of th tri • es, both being made alike, arta bot are simply dried dough made of flan+ au water only, the -same as • pilot o sea broad and plain crackers. Th wh at grown in southern Europe= co tai s more gluten and " less starch tha any other, and; therefore, makes Bette Ma. aroni. This gluten is nitrogenous, lik lean Meat, casein or curd of mi (ch ese), etc., and strengthens one's muscles more than the; more starchy Noitthern flour. Starch is carbonaee- ons supplying material for producing fat nd promoting warmth in .the sys-• t . Millions of people in Italy' use ma aroni as their -chief, if not sole food the year round—tile gluten answering for he lean meat consumed • by other peo ° le to produce muscular strength or working power.- . Sea biscuit, pilot bre: d and piain crackers; those without the "shortening" of butter or lard, are aim ly fl<aur and water, worked into • ton b dough and baked instead of being air Fr sun-dried as macaroni and • vers mic :Ili are. They are usually made of Nor hern growxi wheat, contaiuiiig more star•h and less gluten than macaroni. --A: erican Agriculturalist. 1. Heavier Horses Wanted. • T$Le .demand for heavy horses, not only for breeders, but for -work, is ,greater than the supply. The rage of breeding for speed only-, we hope and trust ie on the wane.° And if agricul- turalll societies would cease "nflaming_ the r�imes and degrading the orals of youi�;g America by putting a end to" hor a jockeys Etea fast horses `-at fairs, we fight expect a speedy return to: pra tical sense and beneficial results. Iii t e last five years a number of Per herons and Clydes have teen im- port'd of both males. and females, great- ly t the implovement of our com- mon. stock. But the number is' yet so limited that they reach but= a s all portion of the country. Goo , heavy horses are in demand for wor , and there has been no time since the scar when well made horses weighing 1,60' I pounds each would not bring aim t fabulous prices at our chief cities wyhe e there is a demand for such ani- mals And there is a m uch larger and wide need for heavier horses on the farm • of the country. The scrub horse, as w II as scrubs of all kinds, whether they are animals; politicians or legis- lator:, should givepiace to the nobler maim 1. There is need of something wGhie can. accomplish the task they are calls to perform. The world needs more muscle aiad vertebro to pulverize -the si it or move its produce to the mar- ket. And it is time every neighbor- hood was preparing for the : spring:. seaso in this respect. Iolc'ai State .Reds er. Rotation of: Crops. W found the old Way of allowing land ,o remain seeded to grass five or • six. van and often more all wrong for us. brew years is long enough. Lead well �i1lod iu this way ought to yield' `` four tors to the acre every year for three years. These remarks as to grass �® apply to early Cut ; if it is allowed to stand till it matures its seed many bene- fits a e lost. ` Ou mode of rotation, applied to 20 4 acres i of tobacco, was as follows : ' As ,, soon as it was cut Ivo seeded dawn 12 1.:,,or ii acresawith about eight quarts of tirrlothy seed to the acre.. This gave us five acres of old laud for tobacco, and 12 or lti acres of timothy turf. When the latter was throe years old, it was piety t1 with a double plow in Aggust. We 1 uasurod about 30 load: to the acre or tobacco, and , top -dressed th first f;Lel ou tiw .grass one year ole By this course our crop of hay has been doubl 1d. Corn we rotate with rye for the sake cd get lilt; £, crap• ut clover to plow un- der ;. 61st? bemuse we can raise more corn. itlt compost, of which wo have A. pier able e �al-id should be used in rotation bon about five years apart. 1l1 this crop, coul l we find, should be ple'Owod under, if , liber possillo, when green. l'otaatees leave , or in the 11 d iu good order' for any crop. i, taupe Last , t'asou we tried to rotate ie buck- ; beeh wheat intending to plow it under. :We bysta sowed it about the `'0th of .Tilly-, after a until .fair el ;,p of rte. Tlte.' crop was' so good i .eel or we hat tested. it ; i;,-yiel.iCtl about sixty ; thii:g 5 IM three acres. and, being on 1 tack .rest land, we feel' it has well ' alwa a g.'*�l 1,1i -dressing next spring. own n villa; under rye for manure we , be in Ot Iilt't tv tit very god stleCeSs. ' W01.11 Eft here suggest hat it St't'rnti Y 1��1111 has ]many` stage' airl;u 1o11ts IIi tt'6\111, f rotation .f crop;. When as boy lstarri wondered wilt,: t 10 ]tint!:; and 1;,, od trees tvuuld`'l;rt NV and 1i:urish ; guisli after the Itat ewe :.1 forests ha', e Whet .away'. Sciehee t: 115 us that tate ? the cl e- from the soil' t le ingredients ; he wa the other does not re•quir'. - of tha T teat anti rye cowl" iltivated Piece raisin potash and . right 1 and the ele-`, days h .1'y :`-•iii it Ii2- i (•1('1:11 tv. Tobacco stalks are very valu- ,ply of lime. Whe: t is taking only -28 pou• ds of ter to a growth of 8 bus ore, and leailving tie laud dition -'foiegr silt., I dxan with ahe` and sup rphosp followed by °y..e or o is or better: Let the roots be bone a�i d phosphate of lime: Money laid oat in clover farmer is 'always a good i Sow it on your ,wheat and io and oa: s also n your, to Keep i zy growvi g herever and it s the bet sn stitut we kno of.; th'' grow sprinkle ou air lit le ]aster dew is .nbefore you plow result i: always fav e ie median t valnabs raise c.me from, the and th plants in goof from t. a,t ource. Rota ion of drops kinds of .oil and tb raise a' wee as ! the the lan f . No systen be ado •ted as, t e be mates, . allots nd Nor wi 1 th:, mo t ci ful rota' io and fer iliz the gre• tes we not lw+ fertility of two bio es grew . efor the Eas lan>�pton Insti Parsons e crop, $ la his ..1 st remarks al mate, shoe:, and his f to the ttle so �• e..' Pat, th i' :c}od con d longf.elieved the treatec J than .' ny men, t THE ie s.n 0 lead 1. at t v bac .r a 1:oy, 011 ne ore zih:o t'ecd e e arde im off alb rn t ac ; : it od o e�e.l�£�a su .:d of t a y' fr+r t eity 'II oil o $(3i Y of i for o t1 fou ws ori 13 Iva ;it s Irv, wt '111 rf he it • 0 • table. of th Lir, keep coraditi ldepeud n t1: re crop y ►u\wish pc past past tf : Lti?aeut of i of ru tatnon -can. t for :1 !soils, cli•� she . ho. le Wants sntific o��^ snceess� tak the iplace • �n anure rs, but o1 ly hel [rr w out possible retar. s houlx y a keep i View e greater our soil n ther y' oblige of grass o !grow here on¢ ?—Fr•ori al pope read atI uta bp "]aeries 1.i hem tc�' ether with t, is fa! bo befor tiled by his n e, 'an d for the g corn estmentr, b shop, our ry: years, co laird went on can a true ter Wee b bio nd • b i heav ! ears w -bile th ii gr ity. i+; a d tfi i he, ubt ld s severe utters r ps w knew e lanc a omers, o cera • sus last ti the 1. ,.r Ie a 1. : • • 91.0 ve th r'ug If, lie s(l s err i�•nd A rid o th s par 8 ad s bst b no fsu h�b� 10 acs fir F. t Peop e. Some pie le are a over fa., an appeal relief. he beet of al corpule ce o doubt i Who w 'uld xpect to 'cricket flay r, :a regul railroad "na vy 'i troll But the e a e hundre world wi. o List 'folio which t ey row, heav do some him : to take t them. or hese it. know:t.ata 1 starchy nese. .'Of the foo • in general se t e folio - iug are star by in t it c aracters : bread, isc it, ''cakes !of a kind , crackers, wa ers, II doug nuts, Ipludding�', gruels, . astr e of all i ids, pts, ric , etc. Potato es i • any sh pe or sweet p. ato s, etc•,sugars in' corn sta ch, .. i; e and arrow tapioca, an y and all' kind + fectionei y...1 Food itl:i i tie starch, an useful against orpt lency may be °• efstake, sirloin, orte 11 use, co'1 ed-b� , smok- ed and 'ed ef, beef' dngu ox.- tail soup wit out d•tatoes, al, c 1 es' feet and heads, pi feet au head y !mutton lamb's t ngu , ' 'venison, turk 1, game, chickens, pig di s and sctuabs.. Veget bees .'ithout , or . it:1 ':little starch Ca .age, to atoe i i celery, onions, ' spi a:'1., lett ice, diatldelion, parsley, :cow li;1,; radi hh,• hor radish cranberry, ter ips,+rhubarb, {'squash, carrots,' iokles, sour fruits, apples saTee, melons, uts, s salt aid fres]-„ salmon, •cod, had ock: , els; scups, perch, etc., . i oysters, call p, , 'shrimps, etc alibut, trout, cl ms, o1 gtres ani semi. • '4 V-ry S. gacion;s H se. Ave old n • remarkable lo•se,`, the property of Col. John H. James of `TJr bans, 0 io, has recently died. he in telligenc+' of t�ii: horse 'surpads any thing I h ave , ver' known, and 'kv s quite equal to ny yell autll nticatd; case 1 I have eve rear of. Old t onn , likemost a t lligeet people, h: d d tided id as of iS o'wn. One am sing ,instance of this as a dis- like to b. ing { hitched, and wv cin this feeling as disregarded he opld de- liberately break his latter aid then stand half a ay by tlh hitc1 i g -poste He was ever subjected to t a acci- I dent -pro ucin Larbari m of blinds, but used his yes freer oto 11 s what was going oil ehiud as well a (around and bef.' e hal. ' He woul stand quietly a. d to l: back a the b •1 gy un- til whoev•r w s getting in: Iva3 Waited, and then you d start. e' ha a 'dif- ferent ga. t for nearly ev ry' person who drove hin ,. 1 'ith • those ° in b habit of going f st h would start o briskly without bein r urged. With c I,1dren (for every one as allow d to r re oId' Bonny who co id i sit o the $eg acid f 1 move Ines) his idelib rate a c. care- ove eats showed hat he onsid- ©red him elf responsible for ther afew. When til y at erupted to urge ich with the whip, lila -e seenhim -lo k round at them a hula ]red tim +s wit a look that said as pl iu as w rds,," 'hildren, I undeist n(1 this busin :ss bet e. than you do," nd if they per -fisted e won d give a kid of impatient kick `+houg i scarcely ;raising ;his •oot froth t e ;rouud, bet gr fti ster e woul ti no . 'With the Colo el he hat a kind :rf dog- trot, and ijt,to. k a ° vigor; us ap 1 ei tiou .bf. the whip to hake -1i'm ch I g it. Wheii the'Col 'rel ;was i :his o Ii , old ugl never hi 'shed,. d at g -rust: i frept, unfe the be Sall fire blesome, t -lieu go roti id the `cern. and a�, nal ow ane iu to tl}i ,,ack ted .)o fo• nal ill one 1 c(. or' tu i est pt n a }fete o c s' ons, t ter nip tion at u uuu a al de- t" al4ai it h nap atoll At tl IL lie y°at!6 p t the step, and t duthe ° Pu','" mil axle( au(1 all th - Lek- s. out 110 -oulc go te 1 i, box j1' e ea d '' ait or his net, ght he ' ould ''go with !e ualt1 11.n al me o the' !tI ble. uy could t cru t bug'sy tvhe :r it l be ti riitl,Laud hi,I skill atioi, u t iruinr in narro�`v extri 'ati 11 h:nsi=lf from emee. of Alier vollicles, list„ watcl ed utl'N 'mid rtes] at uders I e NV uld turn o the c% heels w' e to much he w t . in den :er u' hittin , and the 1 turf tll�iother Is or slat •t- i p,;as unigl1t be ue4 ys Via Chi lg th ' um'-ei1ient. buggy an of -af iy-th lig- that tile; wt :'v. if his master g0'. d ivItit fur liilli, anal if he j- • tt•t°ul:+ follow stir] . all Stt 11 i11t tt'lic•.1, 11 stupi.. ng tv:"'ll costal feel Wily uirylo it ted. y (' •Mlle tc x11211-.ta fl' la1 other her this vas frn'ni lie writ• lurch ]lel s Or frt,tiii the late s' wanted or faun : direct t wisdore that tea .lies the to tly, oil Sunda •, i'S ithei g of ti iu Jar wrulll1 furl] and *, to cliurc,h, w' hile oil e• wt:. id turn to t e let L-•-:: , noyed 0,t1 bei r g o E mei ines fur mediot again t ten .laird labo e�1 a p`r4ifession l h t r,, or a 1 d Zvi 1>+ obesityi? of die 1e' in the ociculp tions c and �v o ; mu t load f fat o iity be Well to d f ors fa, - variety , shape sag of cone Bonny, th his .hitchii sun or Elie leo would through lot, het cu the other, econling: la • he. We ttld go' 1uggy was ges taken under 4 tr while at 'regularity t 0 • 1 • 8 a le. He et had stable - Bonny k 'two tring, hung arted locks, war Hill's h been the shoes 1 am, y the had dered :ploit. freely that f his - he L rbana onn. ': feet iron- � od'to 6ys f this his face, and k,'.and hen .s e.' went fonz� t l to E ere ndh nd aft Ione lone; of this both Mr. H 11, will �,clied a d woC ince his' est re: ]`fill ouli' • mak uat'' .� ire th n ha Now 4 at, old le been ugh w someti es ho e a a part]', the lan ich tches the at an al lif , w t nstinc .and soli: tellig fiesh 11 re- side fit the iurtaiii is w I d of ,matte a* i Beat from tie wo e d spir t'and 'life ther ubt on wh ci. side j: f th ich spa a es l th hal i oee. and :fill in n fr y :vil-di• •.sed' nd y%ill app it eeeet f ell tel re eft v � y r 'near f: �'me el ICh 1S CB w ee a hal s . GO. in .the e. in : splen. it profit ib1 s: ret'of the f• nd in of g. ndf tied ( . ng t slaii fa m. he t.l ir'f�uiit, pi spin.,," a wt's fo an t ru t bd aF• ► i�io et'_tie' st y n Ike de. a ca tart o f e'ut re jec -e . a of lit b tl, ;•• i e s ' 1ati g) pa ta:;iugllu w rebt .. e sI ng, ap ro ee ea s. ects a, his e teS ill re ee of ite hi ruit ercl R mous'•, iterer ortuar st• blem . As beta..:] imus ainly rare e hous tin Fjif ant h :winite Ifuds•:. iwas a did ma ". er, b • • lie �.ld 11 family cootie was apple?trees whi • brow fro . 7 ) to le Hu trees .".ecame 11ic11 called gradla:lly a ala The :. and s rchard ° rew als acne . ular al tree Were 11 gro, a. de ed 2, ', each • crop: l ell li nit cul re, an. ting i o'rmati told m : that 1 ly sere ed, ; t g se. 1 to e ohoi !fruit ked ii boxes, nd the. shiptp a read hale. before :Ieard of " will m . ration a few ve me. obse buildiu • with •looke like "was e of fruit �yheir -floor t ' �6u dept left in t. is co • ays. 1 ring of ,moist'. 0 drew ass evapor: tied by s g thr. � ph th s's id m • ]i to p his t. 'it a Cizyther ps n't in d of p 11 ing chard' ave a "be: 1 learn: th t bypr ife an. slt:w' 1 o ould and h: flus h d a "ilea i g" i[n alto ethos !ave 1}i , a a , died t b; appl b.. ltli, bi Ile was in ''0 at mirab ° farms and ne of tniost drodu• e ban . , ;!of th- Flue e, howe l ,r, a :t• ste I like• its ow 1 to air-. order :f; • success•—L licca half that lling its TA times pear that. CA and' ld of Mon • can great ually the eless; URON EXP MEDICAL. LTOR, J. den eas COTT, M.D.; 8;0., Physician, odncheur, Seaforth, Ont. Offi nth Bide of Goderioh Street reabyterian Church. and resi- door 849 Ado: first M. Inc do of$. dire D Ont Rya day Cha nese hone Mrs Seaf.rt• L. ge e ly at 0 ,ej A ges an 1 w• HANOVER, M. D., C. M•, era Gill University, Physician, Si rg ear, Seaforth. Ont. Office and re r giouth of the Catholic Chure . VERCOE, Mf.D,,•, C. M., Phys n, etc., 0orokierfor the Count' nd Residence, on Jarvis; str orposite Soaforth Public Soho; Eta as e of and 96e, Sur - T013 rth, NAUGHT, Veterinary S rgeo., Of Ontario Veterinary Cot lege S ee and Residence in re r of it Galls prompt1°1 attende to' n slick of veterinary medi ince. 0 re aonable. Horses exami e"d a t certificates given if requi•ed. do of rth, Oran & ght or hand Bound - 407. DERBYSHI E. t . • Surgeon De tilt, G of the e Royal Co ege f Surgeons of O tari.. ors 8 A. M. to 5 P. 117. io 'ttleys newt brick block, Mai LEGAL. ►IE : T. GARROW, Barrister Att oli•itxr, Goderich.. E ' ON, HOLT '& CAMERON, Sol c -tors in Chancery, &c., Gude Ca..ron, Q. C., Philip Holt M,' A nd 1e 0 br 11 s a•. late tal ce in et. 11 d ere, nt. m- 6 ,1 LLIAM.SMALL, Conveyance% and sio • er in B. R., Wroxeter. Audio Appriaiscr. Accounts and notes coll reasc�na. 1e terms. Xn ed 3 nd on 6 H c o f 1\I 'BB• for t '- Soli 1a at Got Priv 1 d • "'' CIMSON, Barrister, and 19. 't'�`1' '�1n O. aur, ' otary Public Convoyan He Was a Mr. are , late of Cameron, Holt gent] man 'office, wi 1 e in charge of the of nsely rich, Male Me will be in Brussels day. occur nce. — .. th 'v nue, 1-"-- • J,AM' 11EHOE, Barrister, Attorne, licit.r, Conveyancer, &c., Stratford, C8 a h16 Eeho vi ll a in Seaforth twice each mo n t . BO C nriuct- the rst and third Mondays, arriving11 1 t het made previ ns 'Saturday evenings. Ho wilt t e th the Dr, an•ver'eres1aoncer MEYER, Barriater and A.tto Solicitor in Chancery. -Comm. s ftidavits in the Provined of M' n r the Bank of Hamilton, W o rids to loan at 7/ to ti per -cent. el at a. 3 Att er, ever ey r. So - Mr. the his Jul a La , Solicitors in Chancery and Ins vton Cony yanc0s, Notaries Public, etc. Offie not for iinVeS at n te, at Eight percent. Interest,p "Newtown Yeaftaria .u, • NSON• H.IV. 0. BS . In time "meta eee and, ntil of hich d 86 died ga me the is pine erior he ider vas fter eac con - (teat ved his long win - his ppie icke was this! hho tot le sur.- wi even -de tiv is tur It iS 18 LA • TS vonti ft pP fp e les er Irs, long ou e Of le a jaNli 0.3 uti be um )1110 'he ink e err ing h er a eh wi our po carnet In pie have 1 Let favor c, I .often - soft wt so well • passed should ef tuba the var .1- tolls us that w follow a finely Whi 01 require of pouts te tip - his gilt IA -1 lao 0 fires d al on (iierit, 017) ki o gate. oti .pieits a lift. I; Scot .Q0L CI k-1 • na in Se for Far a • Money m• oder ate Money orney ds to yable 68 ed by sent. All accounts due, the rtn to r. Benson who will ay al habil- JAMES, . BEN N. A!ICHEY & HO ME Block, Main Street, Sea rth. ens for the Consolidated nliecrcoef a and tlie Canadian Bank of Co t reasonable rates of interest. 1, • nvested for private persons u best meTtgage securities, without any exp the lenddr. e se- rif; es u the se to GRE T FEMALE REMEDI.-job clang° uu diseases to which the female co tion an. je q. It moderatee all excess a moves all b ructions, arid a speedy cure relied n. T ana.riedladies,itis peculiarly hort time, bring on the mon th egalarit:. These pille should by epaales daring the first three e, ut at any other time they are sat Nervone and Spinal Affe , th• sd pills will effect a cure when al ti ye, ,failed ; and, although a po n do not contain iron, calomel, anti or an)thing hurtful to the constitution. directi ns In the paraphlet around each pa which honld be carefully preserved. Job New ork SoleProprietor. $1 00 and 12/ for po tage enclosed to Northrop & Lyme ronto, On ;., general agents for the Dom, will i sure a bottle containing over 50 p return /1WD Sold in Seaforth by Hick Bleasd 11, J. 8. Roberts, and R. Lumriden. taken of Pre carria we all c .ses ring pains n t per white on- means Luseady ate romed cer- her heti tiv • Yates, On ext aordi 11," di Iir'Plaatelti I a ma, Ithani wo clw4d all wing a axe al ngsid fie dards I wood in oue e ,home ter is nset, lip cat. in for the -tick in It o larg bask ; take jou all ay t •ad belling them,. horse; w iae pas ing dl becam fast in the Mrs.. ates li ted 1. t succeec in ge ting ie bon in. ila inj knit. hough suffe daily inploy ant lbt sat in chair in f ord o. Birth 1 lost 1 s gray -tare -in el the rent the sa. fore Ja ie. Mil er 1 IVOT he slightest affinity exists betiv---ee numberless cough mixturee' with whie market is ooc ed and that successful propa sOtilanadn: osphites of Lime. and Sod ary pe • ;r11.1 vas eei her arcadu the hy ITO H op lo e, stinct, is lake itself, and n bodies the beat insults cif adV , effectually relieving coughs ar hems, and diseases of a scro lit does not 'unro consamptio ble means ' defence against The invigorating propert I les reinithirso the system rens rapidly diminish in vio r il upon the inflamed lung ospherus, lime and sock, in. it, are all natural componen n of the bodily -edifice, which,. lacks a sufficiency of thos tritive properties of the bloot d rehabilitating the totterin with degree of promptitu rg a it Varying to -the invali le pin in fieskas well as in stren -ea one of t canSequeneeti. of using this sta ! prepare On. which bath tune and experiehet ,„ , demons rated to be ful1Y. worthy of the conft "-T. I reposed i ;. Prepared -,by Northrop & eie an. in 00Etti . the cod OI bine tio 50 op os th c anunc livi Th w th as .the con tra de y Thes ay old In ar- state of oreasinE buildin man st astonisl roses oi and titn- Y be bt be and ther Full age, OAR To - 97 the th FITT rite - he act it i ha bili of ere - 11 a ele- i n- and hu - Is are et INSU ny er 'S AG NT Several 'irst-Class Stock ITO Ler and- ife Ineurance companies, and ,is p ate he pd to tate ri4c. on he *THE ;MC 8 FAVOR A BLE TE 116.11.11! at.ineAe.:14,0 gent r several of the bpst Loan ge 2r perty. 107 . A, NUMBp11. OF FIRST-CLASS I. PR VED FARMS FOR SAL $50 000 to li.joitackii.47stt,s Per Cei THE SEAFORTH ANCE AND 'LAND ACE LoNzo STRONG Agen for the White Ster Line of Steam OFFICE -0 -er M. Morrison's Store ,'M in -81 MARRIAGE !..ICENS ifs r the new Act,) issued at OR OFFICE, SEAF 'Wholesale an Retail Dea3er in LEATHE NDINGS of Every Descrir d None bat he Very Best. Stock kept. moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by a , or othervd n-omptly filled. • IMF4ORTAN • ANNOU HOTAS K Thi 0 An ave ow the Sp ing Stoc IDD 9 .easure to will be epartme NDA1Y THE 9TH OF en 1. mill Show Stocks • • NCEMENT AFOR7 Announce mplete in t on y MAiRCH, 10£30 'It the Doma ion, selson SHME LUS st mak s and shade AND DEBEIG EilGES, RUSS very ricl sh des an extra val and $1 lin s. Ns Heavy M and the es in tile rade. OODS est prices, the N BROOkD L CORDS, s 'to match Sy 1 wool and unign, Any re uiri g tle Cashm res at rkably fine goo ls FR NGES--1 11 the lela mg things Fringes, s itable for Dres nd Ma Ales, at the lifferent pri es. SIL S—Ful lines in ck and col el NTS -5 P Pompad acknowledg patterns, fas D White at th CO SETS— at rices. My -cent d to be the best in e to colors, and much NO le lete at that fignre. 9 old pri. es. wo cases Crompton's One air will out ean. They are also line riench Wove, and fit. Ful HO IERY anpy n Me Spl osie siize MI LINER11" illiner as vill be al ie t est apoitecl toWn. nd Toronto. ndid Lad e ND shol stock eing am and HING AN TWE tantial jiit of 11 any icif the$e Good pringl a 1:14 'limner y, Nil 061 Union rices. new olors. at is than w • el brat ed. ana- ai two of mei.- erior in make 1 sizes. les in Ladie and Chil prices. See y Knitted NCY DEPARTMENT o work, and ne of the lar. f epared to o , leading ho • D DEPAR Readymade Ow prices. cost to ma Tweeds ,bel eSt, choice er display 1 under in owil direct fro pie isms Mo itteal ren's Hose buq- My t arid d in ENT—I lothing in reat va g at just ufacture. w present mi e stock of C Hemp and have very rpets ocoa APO. 2, 1880. ROADFOQT&B'(3 UfsODERTAKERS &O UN/MAW ATTiNDED OAT rtl- OFF1NS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS t;14 EAND. HEARSE EIOR HIRE. THE CHEAPET GOOD • IS NOW. BE4E1VING Groceries and Pli011iSi02,2•9. A Fresh, Lot of Can9ved _Fruits, awl Honey and jelliejs, Teas in Black, Gll'een and japan. sses. Apples, Oatmeal, OM:Meal, acked Wheat, Pot Barley, Plour, Shole, best, of Hams and Bacon. A l kinds of Fresh,: Garden Seats, Top Onions, Potato Onions and Set Onions and Potatoes, Cream• Crocks, Milk Pans, Flower Pots, &c. - iety of Soaps. oda R-scuits in 3 poand boxes, at -25c. an pure ground Coffee. Also that Cel brated' English Exeelsior Horse and Ca tle Food. All are invited to come and get so e of the Cheapest Gooda in - the Dominion. ;The it forget the place : A.1 G. AIIT4T'S :GROCERY, 591 Main Street, SEAFORTIE SPECIAL 'I -CIO -11C' mg Presm ts in gireat va?iety ati JewELRY TORE, Co sistink „in part of 'Fine Gold and Sil er Watches, Fine Gold and Silver Ch ins and. Necklets, Rich Gold Xew-.- elr in Brooches and Ear Rings, Finger Rings in Gem—plain and chased, Cuff Bu tons, Studs and Loekets, Also Goki Pane skyanetaGasleds..alld Silver SpectaeleS andsame Stock in Tea Sets, Cas - tore Berry Dishes, Bells, Butter Dishes, vidual Vinegar, Batter and Salt Cas ors, Cake Baskets, Card Illeceivers and Card Cases, Pickle Castors, Celery Staids, Epergne's Swing Kettle, _Fruit Pri es as Low as the Lowest, sonsis- mt with Quality and Pints& L rge Stock of Feeley Goods, which will be sold at cost. . L rge variety of -Clocks at old. prites. A 1 Goods warranted its represented. R ?PAIRING in all the branches a '). IlicKillop for 1$7.9 Marcl 5, ta ,balance on hand frOm lasti audit 1 $553 45 Marc 2o, ea-sh from W. II4ris, J. June 9, eseh. from Donald Scott, ball nte of License Fund ter year June- 4, cash from County Tre,ssur jrily 4.2, cash from Denald ;Stott, lice lee fund for this year...„' . • ,.'. Sept. , eaelr from Provincial Treas- ure , clergy reserve fund_ .. ..... Oct. 2-, cash from A. Govenlpelt, T. July ' 5, cash. from Bank of , Com - mer 'e (proceeds from '$3,1,00 bor- Oct. 1, eaSh from 13ank of Com - mer ,e (proceeds from $3,000 re- fiMi In as half pay on culverts on bon idary line between Tneker- Dec. 2 V as 1 ec. pou • • flash from Reeve of Logan, art pay repairs on ;town between Logan and Mcliillop 83 J, cash from Wm- Alteheson, dkeeper, as fines , cash from Reeve of prey, It 47 310 85 108 83 41 35 1 66 2,936 60 13 50 • part of boundary line moneyn• ..„ 17 75 Dec. 3 , cash from County Treasurer Dec .18 • cash from Reeve of Morris ' b ' for y lir 1879 ...... ...... • . . i . - _ . 10 C1950 :97 ii FUL Y AS OR ED T le Boot an 4oe, Grocery and Liq or Departin nts are fully !assort d.' FIVE PER CEi\IT. and d cl epar Stock rdi4lly hard. you 'sire to 3 our a TliaMAS tees' Fr e ISe' 'very to any part of t tr • your very 1 ntion to the I your wants beral act 1 Beech ed fr orn interest on inuracipn.1 March Local County Salarie $1,166 56 7, 1870, by rOade, brilgeS and 83,171 16 537 60 144 37 79 204 11 3d 16 00 7 00 courit 6,;007 25 652 64i Errors Bank a County atroi age , Giant, Delaul IDD, Main Street Seaforth. e Town. e. ; Paid in the d 0.1 tuxes • ,ffererit school sections- n 81,166 48 We ereby dertify that we have examined the above a -counts and voucheralthereof and las.ve found t ern Correct. Dated t the 26th day of 1'04n:tory, 1831. 642-2 • APRIL ! 40,_ Young • counter who- for the pa Aeyed from the Tinting and fie unusually wagons ref iftieep, and ant possessions, c plated, have- g Obuntry, while ink his party of by his body -se journey around. San Francisco ii In this COUIll he sole partici ne night last On Cascade "L:rie shell, well -4th about the canal the party Pea'ee had been inva. The following fast was prepai raan, armed wi. ed down the ore half naile to a., thicket of ini4 'considerable Ili 'son pushed his - , thicket, the siIig picked footsteps rollieking water .Over successive f and parting th hunter espied 3 rest, scarcely th concluded the 1,x steady aim at ballets -hi ra.pi broadly presents There was 94 Wounded animal saplings like gra I Unable to get shot, and um bear pursuing,* There was no tin and, reaching tl sportsnian, hold' ‘ed for the water, the depth of his later and' the ei through the will< fronted Min on brook, Jansew enemy, 'with pror ut two more : ea,st, who, in thi the water after h of his unpremedi .camp, intercept), his comrades, sni f /Os rifle, and 1 After breakfast a and, strapped to : skinned. The Ix placed at 1,000 f exhibited. to a nu to be good juill more than sus, weight of the he dill has invente for fresh ones: !Ile pieposes sta,mp in the nest movable date, T with a pad -which,. -as is well know with. her hind leg arranged so that when the stamp pad paia then aate On, the e,gg. shout her busine. girl removes th stamp., which is es,ch evening, aft tired. to their 1.14 roosters„ tlfe da 'changed to the. fi good work goes o can be no clieati grocery and ask f. grocery man says ' the vintage of ti:(0 Stance. Yon loo are the figure.s, NV this Method it i to get rid. of lii i4orrow may be t Airs. John .lace *no stood with S- ily back of Mre cobweb finenesS, red roses. A dog studded with 1,1 'Were five strands clasped. with el' - Deck of her dress me/Ise diamonds a largo tiqqap., tit, ell on tbe left skh in very long pc largo clusters id fth011iii judge ther ,of diamonds of several snug for and there over OA) carries 'a with her Wr.wrI•Ar great occasions °there to assist lii property thus hung out as vealth. In look ds,:4zIed by the excluding the .fev, , Airs, Swans -on and filially sank The Waubana A. rumor is in c having cut a bole. tbesupposed vie