HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-04-02, Page 5?RIL 2, 1880. rs added to, it. In_ id -class caboose which passenger car, it new ue provided with every Anderson., of West erne good stook, Two a presented him with Calves on the 19th and weighed 92 and the at time of birth. "skier, of Colborne, has: ported English draught tan" from. Mr. John for $1,500.. The ani - 1. dapple brown, with e points and weighs, McNair, of the 14th eyt recently purchased [!slop a aplendid short ,lee year old. Mr', MC - good stock, and he did, atronizecl Mr. His op, p a reputation . a last week,. 11 Jambs ewes on the farm of s, Usborne. The cast sigh 22 pounds. Can .n any farm in the; ;3o says the- Exeter e.can't hold a candle the lamb making: . Rattan, 2nd oonccs n lay claim to- being; ortsman. During this tght 10 minks and 13 number of racoons,. In Thursday last he roue wild cat, which. -10 inches from; tip to 20- pounds. rye town authorities :purchase a steam fire F idonald of the Bras • - lis is°the second engine disposed of during the - It to ks_ as if the old Clings owe to the worst is about being verified case. i ago a son. of Mr. of the 12th concession :ski, met with a very He was riding an the wood, when part of it g him in front of the triols, which passed over s arm in - two places,. r}g hisbody. Times is pleased to oposal to establish salt • is meeting with great trmelrs of the surround-- ('olleetiol s to a cetlsi4* Ise been made, and the t. the sum required. will C it will require consid =those gentlemen who the unpleasant duty of ptions. 0, says that a citizen of Goderich the other :cl the Square for half o one to take a social ate found a person thus cty was exceedingly in- arteuder giving him a: tl our county town has t for its temperance erance reformers need worst - r on the at the Point Farm,' Lel Friday, the wife of J. Wright, Esq. She =1abbath in the Mait- A very large attend- era' showed in some em in wlii^lt deceased a" large = circle of a the daughter of the Lus, Esq.,- Albert, l'bert, years Port resident xn nissioner- New Era says: The Iia=, we believe, wit- uulitber of tramps 80 - ice than ever before,, apparently ' deserving. r others have been the tty a young man called vii and asked for some cl ou receiving sone ET, manifested unusual t1r and ate it with. ther occasion a man refreshreents, end was Otey had nothing but. r to. give. him, which ut he indignantly re - num stating stating that he pg better than. that. at that house. the Orange Young Huron was held in Blyth, on Tuesday at- e for • the purpose of toleration the advisa-1 ug; a/ County District were present frorra t-;boi'<, and Manchester. luny organized, and d'rs were ;metalled for W. Co. M., Brother ingharn ; W. Co- D ll Moody, W. ',Blyth ; ;other F Wrigghtou,. reasu1 e r, Brother 13.: tesb(rre ; W. Co.0119..p., 'rk; Auburn ; W. Co ler W. R. Mitchell, A. T., brother W. A, I. rother McBriue,. iitte past the Great fficials at Wiug ha n . - x snit to a great deal of nee thrutigh the dis:- -tlk freln . the freight. ,Fray last, however, one ue t rnE dl in their die- ttisoo ereel. A lad 4 illitirrs was {seely -dried herrings, ):iter from a, box con-. which was standing k:1. Ile wee quickly the party who had 4' lit<►y(•lrteitts, and put -aft., keeping until the irrive. Ad -etching his the youngster belted Fvhen it dyes for a E,, ran 'over the track the st;:re houses, ' Tr. Wm. S(inrer :urea him near the t•'.t e•lit wee (edifed in' rt4, tr la::t week over +►1 one of Mr. \\,Tenth- illi_ere. Her parents !age tet her sister on of East Wawanosh, y sharp she missed .ed on as far as 1313-th, enuld .:e traced no. a. rumor was c4.s seen enteriug a concession of East •i 0 • Tv. APRIL 2, - 1880. Wawandsh, some - 7 or 8 miles from Belgrave, and fears beincentertained that she might have perished inhe bush, about a snore of men and boys from the village and neighborhood of the bush scoured it thoroughly, fin ng no trace of her, but on returning ho e they:gdt word that she •was found in Einburn, and on Friday the lost giri ar- rived home all safe and sound. —One day last . week a young an named. Daniel •Lynch, . aged, 19 years, who showed some symptoms of derange- ment during the last month or t o, suddenly became a raving maniac: e and his brother lived on the 16th c n - cession of Stephen, and he got upst irs and armed himself with, a scythe blade and a large knife, and defied all creation to take him. He held the fort fo 'a. day and night against gall attacks, w id- ly, delirious all the /time. J. Cla ke, constable, went balk and laid a -.stratagem`sinto which he fell; all eft. lthe house, and on perfect quiet b ing restored, he got out of the window nd !started on a run for the bash, with his formidable weapon, and in his are feet. The posse of watchers wer in immediate fall pursuit,and afte a sharp chase succeeded in capturing nd handcuffing him He" was brough. to the village of Crediton in charge of the constable, and will be removed to the asylum so soon as the necessary ar- rangements an be made. • Perth Items, - Mr.I John Perrin is about starti new "egg business" in Listowel. —Fall wheat in Mornington suffered' considerably from frost sunshine. —Mr. Andrew Brown has sold his farm, lot 12, concession 10, Downie for $4,750 cash. —The date of the Hibbert sp ing show ltas,been changed from the 13th to the 2Oth April. ga has and —St. Marys Council have decide. to Rurchase a steam fire engine from Mr. ona; of Brussels. —A handsome new three story b ick block is to be built at once, instead of the one burned a few- weeks agl, in Stratford. —Mr. J. J. Powell, the popular '.t- ebell grocer, has bought out Mr. of- fatt's business, and is reproving nto_ the new stand.. --On Thursday night'l.ast week,: _i rs. Leonard Denny, of Wallace, was s: ely delivered of triplets, two boys an a girl, all living. I . —Mr iJames Watson, town line tween Hibbert and Fullerton, is a to retire from farming. fie has re his place for a term ofn; years. —Bad boys- in Mitc -ell have destroying shade trees on private perty-•, This is - malicious; and eh• meet the punishment such coni merits. —A Stratford firm who had a n tu- ber of men cutting ice at Rockw od, have taken out about three thous nd tons, which will be shipped for use in Stratford. —The Stratford Beacon bookst which was badly wrecked by the - has been completely refitted, and -1 presents a more attractive appears than ever. —The M' essrs: Livingstone, of Ba and Listowel, have leased -the flax i of Mr. Fulleir, of Stratford, which some time has stood idle.A revive th $ t d t o ' Fullerton township, will shortly re from farming and remove to Mitel He has sold his farm of 92' acres, lot first concession, to. Mr. Wm. Waugl Logan, for $5,300. —George Jackson, of Elena, has been•. �is- m- TS. sed ext t I be ted een ro-- uld act re, ire, a*o ice ten hill for l of e axtrade is expecte —Mr. John Rabb, an old resided of ;ire ell. 14, , of committed for trial by a bench of towel magistrates, charged with c committing an indecent assault on 11 Zurbrigg, a widow. He was rele on bail for $2,000, to appear.at the n court. ' —Conductor Ashby! , who for 20 ye has been a popular officer in connect with the Grand : Trunk, has resig and now takes oharge of the Bu House at the! St, Mfrys stat' Where he will cater to the 'wants of -trevellln:g public. —The Mitl hey' Literary Society; cently debated ,on the subject—" solved, that ;parents should encour their children to dance and play oar and the chairman, Mr. Sim, F gave decision in favor of the af£ r tive. As, a general thing children clime to these enausemente without quiring encouragement from parents —A few days:ego, a party of tw: young men, collected in :"Scotland Mr. Win. Manson, arrivedeat St. Ma on their way to the Northwest. Th object in stoppiiig there was to sup themselves with the necessary arti to begin life with in their new ho ars' ion ed, ey on, he re- - e - e se,1 .rd, a- vis ease hadnotbeen conlf]in . to t e house On Wednesday he was boa 1 e st_e •ts inti his Iusual'state o h 1th, nil afte • go, ing !home he di nd ex erienc ny-: thing unusual up tq 'a w tni` u s o his death; At abo t 1 o'cloc , i } said, he felt a s they ng seas do coining over him, ani afte two r gasps for breathe he expired with struggle. Mr. McC chesty watt tivel of Lanarkshire,, cotland. i wa born in the year 18 , and emigrated t Canada in 1842, set l'ng about 49 ago; on the -far a short d stance Mitchell,' whir dere died Mr. Mc Claycherty leave be "nd - im 1 ° if four sons and t ee : tight: s, w o i av' the; heartfelt Byrn / : y ' f the • tir community. • • L Spring Sprin hhows forth() ex Will be Tdld this se on as Grey Bit ch, at Brussel&, East A r g Huron, at ?Ape onth i ing Huron, at, Ap . 13.• Mullett d Moirisl3ran 9th April. ibbert -t ranch, at Staffa, est Ri I ng, at SnLth's tephen and Usbsrite Ap 16. umbel �' at Wing General, 1 ., s lieme 1 The Credit V: I. rail ay at Parkdale; was , • abed .f $; Tuesday morninig 1 . ( —The closing e: ises in none with the On tarie gieultural C at Guelpb,took pi: eie on Tuesday ing last, and prow very atis'N Prizes were dist ' . i '.tt `t e • i fill students by t. e' "on,. O. Mora -Hon. Mr. 13: • t an.� groom who re. d reed ser ices at the tie .o c f the ci n:t to His Ex•el nay ,a Hi hness, have •eeelved; e reward in the ski pe of be catches sent b 1 Her nein. -Widow Rei ith, o e pted to take elr lid fternoon last. , sta,bb i<he. breast, eyes'a throe sent outside the of se a head with an ax. ;he It is supposed ter t he wi- --On -.—Onthe 17tli o Mar i atned Alice Ha rid a eeth while cross nig the i e ove to Portugal Co e, Ne •.he was acco pa ied l b' (man, who, wh • 1 she l 3 • ennt to get assietafo ()burred she foul d h y:the name of e it age, was froze tithe 14th ult. i -On Thursda evening last, a, coompauied by boy about ten e f age, put up. at he '-:Vie ker Th oronto, registers .. hith el as Bru elleville. Hod. " t ed to b d ealrly he boy, and leftw rd to'li ve libt vc sett up to }1i$ 0; S t/ jp e or in _in the morning`' en the site 1 iiia ip he found that t e' man Lad' n' and ghat the boy was a deep in led wi. a auto pinned to his f ight rt, ,peg est ng that the boy bsent o the 'N w-- Toys Home, 1 —Last Sunday ;a terno n' at Toront( ;wo boys,whose n •Cls are g ven:as'' °ri nd Rainer, -got inite an Id boa u�een's Wharf a ; d drifted out nt .� eke. By' some uuaccount b1e i ap n the part of those who vi )ccurrence, the boat; wa lrift farther and farther ac he time the boys' relativ irised of th c mstanc ome on I and wet g could - be ,a see hem.thing f then - as ,bear hem un it Tuesday mor i g, tvh : elegram f om Niagara ain unced wo boys had beery; ifound in a frozen to death. The 'oodiee - eiind &boat six'clock in he liner y�George Camero , the -b at eon ng them having sti ended n the b:ac y his farm, which 's four ilea w' :t the town"f Niaga' a1. The sm1:lle t he two b ys wase 1 ing on isac he botto of 'the boat, wth Ibis and in hi pants Rocket, a parent f he hail gone to sleep. Th€l la . oy was liing ;au > ss the other .a ace dow.wards andin a osition hey had lain dow' to kee eh arm. Death,' n:. douas ca y cold and expos e. T ..y nest . rifted ashore dur g the / tght as ameron was on t ff o bea « d ing night, and there ' ' : s 'no• en f then. No paddle +r pars were to. n but some water; an grave • ere in t bottom of the ibo; .- 'Th:ii eyes a mouths were chose• , and a alni, ex sion was on thei feces, as f they had died whiles aping. hat no made any attenl t to save he ;lie the yoiiihful efts allays doe net s uch for the pen 1 of ntol. time was given; to llow st:am'to 'up in one of the !;u s after • e affai on i(Su een' se ds(�n { . a e au h ta1 una*a d Her okens t utifil tajesty Berth on d hems and strdic Cay ins t a s fr fro wfort nd�lian ,' a you vas restin , a w,tet er he ..Arw`t living at is death in her do 0 io>� legis orn- ery. ess•- the ab a oy. 1 f gol this at- ida fy hen her ver. n 11 0 11 n s or b e man earls use, ,e Qf ater messed all we ay, ;an s were night 0 THE HURON how=. f bition of Entire took follows : on Wednesday, A ril 7. Vroxeter, on Thu slay, rucefield, on ;Tu =day, , at Londesboro, o the on the 20th of Ap U. ill,. on April 15th. at Exeter, -on F Wednesday, App Loc Covei-Plent et J. BBa{ivNBL8'8. ' Hrc4oN & B ;the sole agency fo: ;country f pr Charles ,appliance. Send f< . 11'tu6rt Abbey, 1 1vocal au, ► n hit I# eric ing &1 11 f • let gs e t od as th . r .came generally nown in- afternoo• . If ab at had re- search of the unfortunate day morning,there was a po lye their lives wound have been if unsuccessful 1 e attempt by at least, been er:.ditaable. ter ply es . 0. Besides three yoke of _ oxen purcha, ed for them try a friend, they took th ee wagons, a stove and a Iarge numbe of agricultural impienieuts. --Mr. R. II. Cowie, who has efficie t ly taught the school _ in section No 8, Mornington, since the -1st of Jamul y, 1879, was compelled through fail ug health to resign. Having partially e- -covered he decided to gq . to i Musko a, whither the rest of his fa fly -had'g ne about six weeks ago. H visited he school -on -the 15th. ult., and ;reoei ed an appropriate address, a handsoine watch chain and - t1;, bearitiful volum= of Burns' poems', from the pupils. —On Tuesday last weelk, Drs. Sha er and Hyde, of Stratford, after consul a- , tion with the attending physician, op•r- ated on Rev. lir. Christ pherson, nd succeeded iii re eviug am!ergo quant ty of serous atter accumu ated in the chest. The reverend„, gentleman, al- though weak, Stood tho operation w 11,X butitis leered..°that his constitutioi is • not sufficiently vigorous to recuper to the vital forces, andthat' he may u; ti - mately succumb, althciigli the operat ori alleviates present suffl riiig. —, A farmer named Wui.. Cosgr.ve, who, unhappily fur " himself, was - is- satistied with his occupation, be all keeping a hotel in St. Marys. Thi- ho continued about a year, when he ranted the building and started e grocery st re. in this line he did not appear to h: ve succeeded, as lie was considered rat; peculiar •in his dealings. In dpi elueuee of,the want of confidence t Created, and domestic trolubles, he is ported to have fled the ccdul try, leas, liabilities of about $6,000, and• nom asesets o€ the same amen t.: - Mi.' James McCla herty, .an and respected resident of Full: township, died suddenly early -,on manning of the 25th.• lt. • Mr. Clacherty had not been enjoying best of health for some ime . past, er se - us re- ine old. ton the the but i, Mciiillop. : CHAMP—RANDS Kt' t Mr. Ilichrd CI a • residence o nal L—Mise oronto, is instrum< given if d sired. F door no h of their CORN EAL, 0 ed Wheat mondvid ' Mills. 1 changed !for Oats. promptlyl;attended 1 and Gra LAI DLA iday i114. CARDN 1 ►' Ot1Ces. of - orn now t be had 637 i si Ll, have 'se. ured Sed orth. and surro , riding Clut e's Spiral Trusse and r pari phlet on ruptt re. 642 War ski, late of Loretto prep: red to receive gal ils in ntal music Use of piano cside tee—George Stree , first iron toad,'Seaforth. '-13. atm : al, Graham t lour alwa's en hand at t e Eg- arrne s can have Oatre al ex - All orders left at t e Mil o. 1+ 'MYTH & KYLE. 638-4 CAN 11 Paid• Keit, Pre The receiv the m Draf Oanad States 011ie Hotel. 639 T E DIAN BAND OF COMMS' CE. AD OFF10 , TORON O, 1, $6,OOO 000, - 1,40 , 1)00. Rip Cnpit edent, I,Ion. ISEAFO eaforth Brtinch- 'deposits, o'n wh a favorable term on all the prin •on Great Bri ought and sold First door S A. HI T Wm. �'{r�c2iEa ter. r_q BRANCH. f this Bank cont' nes to ch interest is hallo ed on ipaltowns and a ties in in, aid on the nited. ect):' Qf the envy ereial IRELAND, Manager. Fall W Spring Spring Oats p Peas p Barley Butter, Eggs. Flour, Hay... Hides, Sheep Salt (r -salt(w .4Otate Apples, Oatme THE eat vheat,Fife heat,Red !bushel.:. bashel M RKETS SEA,' ORTH, April 1, 1'80. 1 lb to 1 20 , per ache].... 1 15 to 1 20 Cha i ,per bush,• 1 18 to 1 15 ..034 to 0 84 ...,:. 0 60 to 0.62 r bushel. Ilto.l, Loos. er lee lbs. pr lb.. i. ins each dell)porba kleeale)pe ► ea -r bus, {ger -bushel 1�'br1-. Tallow- per lb Beef, i ignarters, }�er 10 Dresse Hogs per WO lbE Clover! sed,. per she •-. , . 0 40 to 0 50 0 18 to 0 20 0 10 to 011 ... .... 3 15 to 3 15 700 to -800 .... 0 07 to -0 08 o 50 to. 1 25 rrel, 0 76 rbar e]..,. 0 60 e1.. .81,.8, 4, 0 85 to 0 40 .. 04q to 0 50 2 7o to 8 150 0 05 to 0 08 lbs 5,69 to 625 47 to 625 3 01 to 3 50 1880. 1 28 1„ 28 0 85 0 56 0.65 0 20 0 85 0 11 g, 00 5 00 3 00 3 25 Fall W Spring Oats, p Barley, Peas,,p�� bushel, Batton d' Potato LINTON, Apri 1, ieat,per b shel. ..,...... 1 2 (1d 'hoat, per nsh ........ 1 2 .@ bushel . • .... 0 0 6 c) 'o16(a� ..••010 @ 70iltai •., 47 27 Sr bushel Eggs •Hay,Pe Dream Clover Timot sibil`lity the avtld. v. world . ate( 9u diem Sale Thursday, AIp it 8, 1880, lish Church I? ; rsbn.age, ;s uable Furniture:,Sale a noon. Rev. J. Frderick! prietor J. P.. 13! e, aucti Monday, • April 1880, rneicial ]Intel, :eaforth Furniture, Wa;ori;,'Sleigh at 1 o'clock. J.P . rine, Saturday, Ap;il,'1880, 2, Ilay, Well 13 e I Stock ImpieMents. ;S 1R at 12 o B_ S. Phillips, ,pro rietor' auceioneer. • { at !tire' :aftj:;. h, V lr o'een.d, p o t the.l 1 Oli li Rause a c , etc'; S"c uctione'; r. of°>51, n ante a, lout, : od'n T. P, !6 •il e v Bi 'DIC1KSO'ti—In Tueker.In • •w ifs Of i4fr. Jolait c YAItV EA'—In Ste 'dun 1 •�1f Mr. James Bary } I GO(.L)WIN—On the t1 rit'h township, on t ''Fr. 4. Ooochc n of CAM Pun LL --on the '.ri I Canii bell, 3rd cont on I.1 son of fa n the 221 (If a dam ntland 'e e 25th it d u14., tin wif ILI 1 slot fo ill ri id, b t. the amyl, el ev. A. 114711 On the 2 ith 's fatter by ite ngest so of c ' RosS aged 15 mon Se orth; Ev P1 aged 65 yea). 310111 N111 Usbb b, aged nitc 1;,d, nti the ti. .datd Th cowl on the tea- John a, eia' the 26th of Pet , young st Sot ii„ aged 8 tmonilh o u retie J -r and Lr lis 2 Od; c 5s 3d 75 0 Icon (ogs eed 1; red wi iib, lis peas, 7-s cheese, envy, Ma; 16; sprin .lpeas, 6 ey, per. is 15c to CO i Seed ... :.... ... .... 3 0� .RPObL ► TOR to $1. to 41c 08c ; butter $0.50 Cho $0.60. jClo' $3.50_4) x¢3.60: ;1 dre $6.12. '! dive Stoc arc 3 .—Spri g wheat ter 11 9d ; hire, lis 6d : oa s, 6s 6 ; barley, d ;lp or , 58s d beef, 71s Qld. ch 3 ,$1. c to ton $ 25c ;p C.—fFall wheat,$1.24 5 to $1.28�oats, 40c 9c �; bare, 60c to= 00 t,o $i., 50;. tatoes jer bag, eis'seed per bushel, sed, hogs, $5.75 to mar as t beef few butc sic to over port head Mr. dnri calv very spri than ones hom yet. FRID o ennui, ke s were he butcher o hand f h ad of ca ic-per 4. Al dozen h'elaso or a lot of good ngthe forenoon S. -their owner as ti g 5ic pe foi.. them. here es and she f good ard xcee r pre tle w iMarket to have p en ent use. re bought ices rangi good cattheif so offered 15c by attle day, y of city rom ught r ex - per per to s Id M. tive p at e rat esp ith the r da als were off er more nUm be retain° s for several i but roils lean at eeks pl And UTIAN 0 RA COMP NY n the Ne and rilliant Opeet to. • 00 H the Dom stie F 80 ine s. Admi al Dot 28 inch' ,s. Colonel Orr Se ats curia at Papst' ,,Dool open at . HORSE oprano—age 25, height Tenor—age 21, height ease—age 36, hoght 8 iliputia ns. eserved Seats, 50 elite. HORSE IIVI4,1J BE A SHA weighing _from 1 000 Po bInstik. kind and sound. 648 HO — 1 acres ;L 41 under timber t 1; good f hank-biirn 50x90, post -t1' co nve ma rke ply t Fee d hogs tit the 2 hogs lin the 1st and •cip Bodge re i dle of Gent S haye 1 chargr Lot cultiv ame ham d hen 'S HOTEL,- Sea forth, f purchasing Horses, as to 1,500 pou , and front 5 to 8 year la. TGHTON & Farms in on ; balance har use and woodshed nd driving shed uton gpod louses and yard ; wells, ice, wit daily nail, within one 710; 682-7 GE—The Bodo ring Company Wheydae fol 1 cents per mo nu the le to t, to tbe 1 st of of Jo e. P41 1 addres the 11 what t me. 4- D—Fou on th enee of r. bn app Post 10th of llay,; 5 from ay ; 50 from the lst to ies wishing to nd in dersigned en or bePre w many they art send 42-4 EX VSI � Rr VER AND imp HY SE D A DIG SEED GE ERWM‘l L VERI ZE LAND 014 SI SELLING STREET. AH COST IR E Seaforth. STORE READ gen Wom Worn Worn Wom And other Lines NOTE THE ntsr ga and ed Stro Pru Peb 1 3heap rsolve nt. GEOR ongrie s, fro $1 5 bat too nu roas E kl) D It FORD 2S up. 85c. up. om $1 up. to m ntio .Call and See ow Go ds. 00138 Paps Bookstore, Main Proprietor. HICKS() Che care great pleas- t MR. R. sgo. MONTREAL HOU NCAN ands althou world, yet f our Goods 414‘ DUNCAN • przng rtuna 188 FORTH and &Miner Goods has Arrived, es are daily advandng all over the ely for ourse4es and our 'patrons, THE VERY BEST 0 EVERYTHING IN LINE, At our ,well-kiwwn Lp and Po:pular Prices.! We 11.01.76 ever been, and ever will he, satis:fied wi h Projits,elieving as 1E-6 do that it :is better to tranlact a rge 'flyitsine,ss on, 4mall margins than a very small trifling trade on rye -margins. OVR STOCK bF STUEFs AND DRESS GOODS. As per Steamship " SARMATIAN,' now on hand, will be found Attractive and Cheap, viz.; 31an,tle Cashmeres, Colored and Black Octsloneres, Melange Silicians, Melange ifohairs, Q'atin, Twills Satin Beiges, S pard Checks, Brocaded Lustres, Pontpa,doter Dress Goode, • HAMBURG EDeINGS AN b iN8ERTIONS. Our sales of th to take: Eregant Patterns half what is generally Goods a e increasing everyeeason. Ladies buying Ent- & DTT CAN'$ often double the quantity they intended New Styles,14ow Prices—An many cases not over one - 'd -4 -is he Seeret of the saccess in thoee Embroideries. BLTEASOLL7L, SEAFORTH, from 35 cents to i price. Company'amake on and, as is English and ,American Goods. The Largest Stec in To to choose from -17 inches to n inches in alio, the different prices of the Crompton's Corset ists, Dkuggists ahd Jeurlers,, e info , ing the peo of S'eafaitih and surrounding cot ntry that y have sec red the services of And formerly of had an experienc therefore, become finest Chronomet in oUr man, and a PREPARE In any ca.Se wher -right or re Gold , Plating o Silver Plating Fancy and Pick Plate, s All kinds of, c In American, En Wedding, Reeper Chains and all k' RI RO f eV 344 to lry • r seve ar with Watch sequent GU action i money. tch LATE teen years clansee of to the Co ye RANTIE OF ass ine n the W to mon C. not given, ring We pan d any w on 'jive? orl hanic and workman having city and ccuntrY. ife has, and C ock Work, from the linder. We have confidence LL back, ORK DONE. lel we will make it r such as Spo ns, er ate done in he -ibest possi h and Swiss add. Farley R d of Jewelry. ICKSO le &c. Gold 09; Gold CHES Ladies' old and Silver Wa ,ches a Specialty. DELL. Seaforth. TRACT OF ACGOIV .Receipts and Exp nditures of th fo RE E PTS. Street' watering Clergy Reserves. Town Hall and 'Sca Bank Discount• Stall Rent • a Bent Collector's Boll. Drain Bent Poll Tax Costs of Suit against th Boundary Line, Con ty Other sources Total Receipts. Seaforth, March 17 icipaiity of the TOW the Year 1879. OF SEAFORTH $199 05 Balance due Treasurer 'rem 1878.... 27 60 Stihetei, Sid walks and ra ,ns 74 Str et Watering. 47 0 High tiklool 1,481 52 Common School. 8,692 01 Pritting 34 40 Intorest on Coupone 12 Sallirieit Totn Safe Cash on hand • Consolidated reasurer.... 43 18 • $' 6,-980 Total Expenditure FINANCIAL STATE ENT. TS. LIABILITIES: issued riner I Invested in Mortga es. ..1 550 Debentures issued de By. Law No. 100— I Redeemed MES LANG, Manager, t Do. not issued.. poses under By - Sproat, about th t Do. )2ot issued, ' itts; The ow er can Total °Assets cation to WM. SPROAT. 10 46. benturcsi issued un D skier tures issued under 300 00 cri $7,550 00 Total NI. WATS N.itUd C. $681 88 207 49 279 00 202 20 600 00 2,200 00 504 55 158 79 5,830 00 560 00 185 40 735 17 629 08 393 32 90 50 1,029 20 A Full Sto A FULL OF New Frillings, Yew Silk Ties, New 31uslin Ties, BLACI, AND THE LIATEST NOVELTIES. New Cashmere BibbOns, New Fancy Buttons, New L aces, COLORED KID GLOVES.. THE MILLINERY SHOW ROOM Will be Opened ill a few days. 'Orders can be pladed at once. A I; tate Stock 1 this season. HOUS F ;F1;111SHINGS, A VERY LARGE STOCK. Sheitiings, Napkinee Towela, Net Curtains by the yard. and sei, Table Lin- ens, Tur ey Table Cloths, Ti kings, White Quilts, Pillow Cotton‘ Tassels ana Cord, cto. • Wehave , of tile Largest Stacks of Tw-eeds and Cloths in this County, which w re bought la t Decemher, before -the ad:vat+ in the price af wool. We are, ther fore, offerin our oust mets Tweeds at oa prices. All Wool Tweeds • frone 50 ents per yard up. La ge Stock of English. and French Worsted Coat - IN olUIR TAIIILORING DEPARTMENT Suits ar et up in t e Latest Ityles, and all Clothing we guarantee a Pe Fit. As t. is d.e art lent is an' er the naanagementi, of a Firet-Class Cutter, we can guarantee a wok manufattured. $16,980 85 By:Law No. y -Law No. 1879. 1 ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN Xibi-11ANGE. By -Law No. 3,000 Special Atten Ion is milled to our Grocery Department. e Cheapest Tea in Town. •