HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-03-26, Page 6z • S g. 6 -Cin Breeding and. Rearing of The goose is, usually coneidered to be the emblem df stupidity ; personal acquaintance with geese has convinced. Ine.that they are the cleverest of do- mestic poultry. Did any ono ever know a hen obeyi orders, and leave the garden into Which, she had strayed, without being either driven or coaxed out ? _Yet my geese had sufficiently developed conscience tet know perfectly well that they had n business among the cabbages, and (their gate having been left open) thet strayed into the garden, it :was onl tistaassatatatt its spontaneous origination f becomes equally culpable house owner for loss of life follow their carelessness and —Goodl. 141,1RON EX POS IT Og free with thit temeret Stop Swearing, Gen. Wash ngt4Iiie said to have sto ped his horse RS he was once ridin ; along a country road, to ad "My'friend, i gen older than yo many times been placed in posi I neatly. things to perelex 'and am 1 and I have always found thati neeessary to call out t to them, even ! good to get - aogry ; and th t. „from a distanc;e, and they would in- ; broken :plow nor anything e stantly stretch out their long necks 'ee i mended or Ilitta, better by t if to make quite sure they were really i prof ue language." seen ; and then --the gander leading the:, ' - _as. way --they would march iii single file i An Anaerican View of h which they had entered, aud so return' Inione of ;lie writings Mr, lt , When we first set np geese, I was an American on the sUbject o. ei -, Very much inclined to be afraid of was rentarkedel -0But after all y , th m, especially when , they began to the seine freedten of bequest a your count y ed estete lig ou db ?' The liAle SI se 0 iniste wrattra f re a oy did Do use of ; 131,t1t. we E0013. learnt to understand heritance as we , each other, and foetid I could do morrow choPe in what I liked with the sitting goose tail a` great when I had once made ,her believe.that what could I was her friend, and had no intention answered : of stealiagtlier eggs. The devotion of ground of in the gander to the geese always excited, my'admiration. 'My first gander was model in this respect, and a most in telligent bird ; he :guarded the nes without interfering with me, and Whe arge of them and led them ;out to feed while the goose remainedtesittin on some egg's that I were • rathet display, an e Displa The welts, sive neatnes, Mendable o little confide is practised We have ha Another gander that succeected him of everyone t was too devoted. to his geese and not passing neat, enough so to me ; he objected strongly very likely to to any one visiting the nest, and when , more than 'in Housekep who boasts of is not the usewives. a flourish of it oct. asion to Imo fort to call the ess resulting the found after utSide show. SS att it an to en a eN • ru OS the attent veld s el siih tttO epart cio as a he I wished to see if alltawere going on' that is too 1, udly blazoned w 11 right, I bad to steal up quietly by the . bear a rigid i stigation. TI most hidden path to reach the goose • is done ,thort hly, but quiet y, house while the gander was feeding or work that ha unasSailable fo nd swimming in the distance. But he was 'and perfectly fitkiehed iu ever generally too vigilant for me to escapii ment. Wit the p easent doe observation, and• would be there before ness that eve ylthine in her hous 11 me barring the way. He-. was a some- what vicious bird, and his life was short- ur first parOiase of geese was made ` in the autumn ; ;we proctred some you,ng birds, and placed, them in the upper part of the ga,v1$13., where their harsh (fries should not be too near the ed down froi, looked down and in Spite of house, on which they loo their station. They a/ en a large conservatoey! the intelligence with e credited them, mistook! it for water. So one day a goose thought to reach the desirable water, and flew over tbe garden to it, and came -or shing through the roof into the build' g. Then we cut the wings of our year we felind it necess the process directly afte . again, hat ney geese nett ,ltrouble by attempting t autumn canto. When we wished to re the old birds by young , . ourselves in asdifficulty; practised eye to tell a fal , der at six months old, a two or three times to in known the same thing h erg) that when the folio rived, the supposed goes be a gander, or the supposed gander took to laying eggs. I am certain that, if ell managed, gees -e ought to be very p -affable birds,: fifteen or tvetenty bushels to etla and they are very little rouble to rear, ! while the sranap rice_ has le but they reqeire a grass ange of suffe ninety bus s, yielding for cient extent to render t eni. almost in:2' pounds df cle rice to the bush dependent of other food, nd their un- the Chinese, as, to the Souther cleanly habits make them less suited to d.00s, it is the great staple of fo their word fer :rice (fan) ent "tou-faeatee"-4hat is, 'the riee- one." Even the ordinary sa "che-fan," answering to our ui rice?" " Re nig mentions th dreaded than this. Even small -pox countrywom adame de 13ot would almost be a welcome visitor in a when walki near the Frenc household where diphtheria had- been tion at Pekin, while her husba manifested in its kVerst forms, at any minister in him', was iuvaria rate, it weuld be preferred. Notwith- luted by the women of the n standing this general dread of the dis- °hood withet e'. "Che -fan ?" sh eaie, there seems to be astrange apathy kindly feelite tie this Prench-A on the part of the people in relation to lady they had nlever extendedt the discovery of the real made of the whom they neiver inquired malady andthe application of the pro- they had their lice or pot. Ri . pet means .for its prevention. The- • fa ts presen ed in the history of nurner- -bear exa,min family need 1 may come to disturb her assured tlhat perfect work'ng be no uneasi ess knows her tz is to be set p the best elle enough her: nex ectedly Writ ufrdere arid there ti. neat, and the feed adh foe*, her. husband iil can' afford.' What is g mea,ns of pro ling is, gobd enowila any guest, ,1101,veveia honored, The but not mate i lly and the ho tea. pectecl guestlf ay /increaee the hi able to devote true and thought o t geese. - Every entertainment. *, ry to repeat the. moulting Rice. have_ grown Rice (Oryta Sall is one fly till the making it 0 ir It has been c'l lace some of nes, we found from time i Arabic name It requires a name, aroz, se from a gan- through the d it happened hundred and (and I have' most of th ing spring ar-e ground, like) Maned out tol ern lakes.; stich as the Hungary an is, however, memorial, and fr arez; comes the, ep and our/ appellatio Latin. There a sixty -,one varieties hie -wild rice of oar it there are v dry, dr mount raised in Ceylo irginia,. This hitt at prolific, prOduc be under a lady's care than any tither kind of poultry.—Garcieet Chronicle. Diphtheria an -d Filth. Probably there is no chseaee which in localities where a malignant epidemic of diphtheria has prevailed is more s of the disease seem to show quite (inclusively that it may and often d es origipate spontaneously from filth, Ithouglelwhen once estab- - liehed, it is undoubtedlY propagated by contagion. We have een no better illuetration of the real a igin of the disease as well as of the po ular disposititm to disre- gard the eviderebe on the subject, than that afforded by a case which. was de- scribed td ae, few weeks ago,by Dr. State Board he rented, si of Health. The case watt retitle owned a farni which Waled ti efew mile from the village which- he. resided. The cellar of the house aud its surround- , nags were iu aceedingly insanitary condition, thb natural -result of which was au outbreak of diphtheria in the family of the tenant. After several deaths, the femily left the house and i (*her I pri ces another tenant occtepied it. In a short time the disease appeared again with a Death Of , like result, several deaths and the de- sertion of the house. As• there had been no diphtheria in the neighborhood, and communicatiou with other places where the disease exisKa, it appeared to be very evident that the disease orig- Meted in the house and its unclean surroundings. The phyeicians of the neighborhood accordingly condemned the house, and warned. people against ,oCcopying it unless the evils existing should be corrected. The owner of tho property was much exasperated at this, and contended very stningly that the doctors had a grudge againa him and had conspired to injure him. Ile jeer- ed at the idea that any ipeauitary coil- I altioilS about the house had (anything ine in swam is a grain th tions. Negr Rice geows in not easily Co moved by re illustration s for thus clea per in the eel then ground so as to emus free it from t chop sticks a most unifor people; and. Of the 'whole no statistics. 1850, more teen millions though in 186 hundred aud is now mid housekeepers y ands subiect to t defies European es Hindoes and lei to bear the ai sort of halet e off; and has t bing or basting,. tre receives it, a eteve.en the stones the grain, but lel hulls. A rice b e added,. as they articles' set bef dth which rice i, We crop in- China Nv an two hundred ot pounds were it had. 'declined .biglity -Seven milli no doubt infer f cl or eir I) ie SO riet es n 1. rs al 0 nen a re • n. a a he le a not ar at a es al! a, few days ago ly news ef the i•v: citizen of H theeation in the 110 deceased on ed employment 'in tion with the husiuess depart' the Tirww, h vine charge of t good nature tie ao. hi 1 many Bet being of aCtive turn of n le accepted alit e al offer made . la Grace Egerton. Nirs. 'George Case', wh saw how apt i watt for the dutiete of an . whatever to do with the sickness and „ adva,nae ageut. : With her he t -a tel - ' She was amkious s In South Africa .all Hamiltoe settees, and he- le be remembered resumed his bottle r y papers, "and also ens readings -at S entertainments. 70, s, be also appear ood purpose .on th glet to observe the neceseary precan- i Finding the severity of the clin. tions tO avoid dieease, and to prevent e,wLeting upon his strength, he the melenche his seeped so to almost eve his place o received hi a a • rd lgrio t 0 la 1 1 el re retlc 12 1 1 le o tt fridu 1 Janu il.y, 1874, for On his arrival he en t4 Thirbab pre New !World , aper net afew no eltie purchased 0outfi tour of the „ ran wrote an ent rtain much praise by L those countries. and b rem Bente poor b a eke who h inept • This mt of hi life. to vi 't his did i Sept was co with sta Mr. partnins pp rr oe dnil; present Canam Mr. reit two Jane with Won, t Mar avin busi amilt ber, hom otla nect of t left tor N ip ate cone ealctrs an to t be T1,4y ret ast.t He aughter six at 1, Soutbt tab e throng were an made a ndcn authori g his a urnerolls ted the n e of Good made ed the everal h en arrest w re on boa r he penal ess he deter erne, yith 878, bringing h s way ba 'bile he ed soon aft of the lat hey for les neerc au tiOneers, res are stoi hip e ent to sl ort time tt the 23r1 Months old. • as Ei t ears. eight. ye 4th, hoe oldest c of s of Nv ' 19th an 20th slei mg ; 24th to of like n he whole. ery ica. ent in - his uce re - he giaantidd he Jo nce ter - the ase by d the he he iebiny a ich the s of iu eir ney ore ter of 111 UST RECEIV THE GOLDEN SEAFORT MARCH 26, 80. neroartliant the svPnit r, I very ea wit tnent i)dslarila rci AprilL3rd sniw, an on the 6th e gh- nks eV f snow Stotna '; !the nt in - 18774 On t e 6th su 12th went tit tea nee. . —AT— HN —THE— it ) OVE. .filinest Stove Made, h ,Latest Improvenignt'. a ent far Wm, Buck's Sib e that received Gold nto Exhibiticint, in 187 JOHN KIi3 —AND— SEAFORTH. 1 the IT. es— al at, over me in un ds ; 28th like th like a la fregs might, a ere ; 24th the 1st th, sprit' snow re th, frost frozen fine and sprit with snots, ; reiny 'abed tee . 187k: Tem erate gentle pri ; latter Part perio of lo botto in •Ap , order coal the 1 ie likel from The mote Tree tiOns it yie ds. ity, bt ii a coopsj net al on 'Oa — alp rsim w 0, Nstlorial:rteral Jt Hal 'tv far the a o kip/her lip once, eft'. la ded hex fowls Will hit f u;isiclattl store it e °th' cGit.de It ban] o mud 1.1 rice an hot w nd o thin ' to keep fresh in -helve! or ill x -goad ossiin4 on 1 ''g and dry gets the begins t are. those hens for w s seen as p e of the ch be made ds set a ere the old ry, ood rds c ear er the at ler, TO - ▪ the ade odd the our n't , if le s of co nt. ill be if ot. 1 ca- al - hen IS SS deaths in the families of.: hts tenants; to England. and, at last, to prove the lalsity the gage, him for dame of the physicituneehe moved ish itoeeeesio own -family into the thoute. , Within a die: but; _ lik iwere Sick with the same dread mal- back to the\o d: 4tdy„ aud very short time he t employ. buried nearly all of his numerous fam- cei his returia Ey of children. Ile was now convinc- tion. with- the ed, but too tate to save his children, , he gave mime who had been sacrificed -to his foolhardy and literary ignorance. other aanateu persons who will continue to no- eral times tO < ie an 13 co it at bat al v - e. ate t left clean tt lie in e her lii b, Never ri dies dettr lives tier lager sr ill§ her ittle hte she this spi er.4 bur •edt da QW be wIleiceha TM u der WO t_ts never , heard lamb" ai ust be harder r he when e ate s the ed to of and corn lained suitable Material n Mrs. Bale sat mortal w rde at, to him it out nets will ow be mould be ncour- rm food. Baked_ irect fro „ the -meal, co n or greatly o :the uder foo it With with he salt, Office the Imager and Proprieter., the premises uncle Hotel, formerly oe NOTES AND BILLS DISC Purchased. FAROS' SALE NOTES\13 yid - d UN b. nge CHT. }Irene ert of the Bank of Co 'me ce., lute •est Allowed on De ()lit M. P. HAYES, Manager and s. SEAFOR TI N AN D ST EMPORIUM, Whitn y's Block, Main Has n6 on hand and for sale articlei n Stoves, of the be t MIL! S' WOOD COO RO AL BASE BUR The b latest d A COM Fines c Oil Att the Lowest Prices, whol s and Lainps, Globes, &c. promptly Attended to a satis- n guaranteed. •in the market, toge t of Cooking, Parlor a both coal and, wood, LETE STOCK TI WAYS ON HA Brands of C VE iperior ARE ve ,els wlie me. a trial before p MRS. E. WIEI aping ttleir SOEtHINC NEW FOR RNA. ureounding district that ic -has STOTK OF GROG c i he Will sell at the vex.) advance on cost. f al • i And cla possible. mills a g L50,000 Was- spin - 632 IES, allest eal, Crackql Wheat, Corn Pbt Barley, lirooms,, Twit. ets, Spices, ye Ything usually kept in firste r eery always on band. 1 St..NBEAM COAL 0:L Bef, re. Purchasing Elsewhe e. ROBERT Go Ca Fr me? A 11 Having Receir d twe are no ds. woul es --with Broc is awl Lustre Wool DeBeig W1 ite Cottons, cS Ta le Cloas and .1 o'id Opened Out call special atte7, ustres, Black Pe lack Sateens, Ma.? to a beautiful ran ded; Satin' to matci We have also Good Value . all Staple? Goo o#r Old Co nt did Stock of D ion to our' la Silks and .S'atii of Colored- as . Plain Mel very cheap Prints, Musiii s, s. Table Line,t; lia tio BR At Lo bot bee L rail fra the nail les ed goo thr ban moRTgAqE isALE ti e County of Ii berry Turn - YO e by Willie .± Bare and Wile, rul Hugh utob IA v„i e, will he sold by ublic Atm. E AY MARCH 3 .1,880 numhe rine, nd ail rot Lot ran nber two, nahin 1 Howl it, emataaaing 150 tree more ii 1.1. ma le, fie Drainage good; oa cedar le stain ri hew rd log hOuse, with rame- kit- ; -well at -lion. e ; soil ctay loam; good roads ; epee fr ea Be ore 4 Miles, from Gorrie 5 &IX, rn the Ei . lath Concession of :the Town. 4 feet; frame kitchen, 18x20I feet ; new- f ame - barn with 4tone foundation, 40.1:60 feet; - Dis once , f .orn Wingham :theta -.5.i mi.es, from WtimTz. 1:omtfesilsia: e, or ay be usitertaincd On app4a- :Vendors' Solci,-..ore, Londno, Ont. ED Mil( ,SEAFORTIL ARLOR BOOT AND SHOE STORE, EE \ORGE OF LEN S OLD STA Indersigne begs:to all the attention of the it ST'Oerti OF t30 OPRIETOR zoihl open in a stand, ed t RE YE & IFOWLER, G TO. STAT to the karraers end PAIL) of 'Seal rth an 'Vicinity thut they have rent - e RED MIL , SEAFORTH, :and Imre got it 'a first. lasSrunnbag order. 1St NG AN:D1CHOPPING deride to end isatisfacticin gee -real -- lee . Cho ping 1.1 ne at 7 elents per bag. ur sol at W °kaiak) lira Beta. give you. Value for ivour =city. 641. BREWER & FOWLER. Tees and Plant0 on -the Same and 1-13 firs TS AND SHOES 'Whi4h have bee careftilly selected to suit all tastes, th for Style and Quality. He i4 confident t at all who favor him with a call wi be suited, as they will be sold lit an exceedingly, low pripe for cash, Respec f lly soliciting -a call, will co sider it no triuble to show goods. Prices marked in plain Pigures. Only One Pr pe. Please Remember the RELIABLE PATTERNS. ElARPER'S E3AZAF? OUT PAP 614EAPEST PA TTOIT,S2ELLINAIE HirPER'S BAZAR—WEEKLY—AND iLLOS R PATTEkNiS COMPLETE SITI RATED CATALOOtIES Will be Kept on the Counter for jnsPeCtion; • Bookseller atcl Stationer. Sole Agent for Marina's BAZAR Patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOT AND SHOE IS STILL SELLING !OD RoWT6RY: MADE BOOTS AND SHOS 'AT -laVENUE TARIFF NOTW, TE1STANDING THE RI StarL's Block, Main Street, Se RICES, E IN STOCK. orth. AbDRESS; TO THE EL SAIIT11.—" GOod morning Jones, where are you going to ?" furn ture, you Seenline is getting plaiyed out and I want to get so priz s. Our baby Wants a new cradle, ,and they say that he has th at exa to o fea tion rata ID ID S the Free and Indepe- dent People of Huron : Warerooms, to get some new 0 first rate furniture at very low very best and cheapest in the ROBERTSON' b ga to state hat be has removed to the pram es lstely or.:eepiel by Mr, John , as a Hardware Stem, and t at he is now prepared to furnis everything in the Farniture markably low pribes. Intending purchasers will find it great to their advantage to call and ine his stock be orb Ouch& ng elsewhere. Repairing promp ly attended to. Furniture made der on very 'aluir notice. Pi tare framing a specialty. All ork guaranteed, Farm produce, era, wood and lu bertaken n exchange. formerly, Onde his own an )ervision, and will be condncte, with the greatest care and atten - His stock Of Caskets, Coffius, Shrouds &c , will be found c plete, and. Ut the very lowest Funerals attended in the untry. A.'Hearse for hire. Herr mber the piaci. M. ROBERT 'ON, SEAFO4TH. 0 8. ROETTTS IflAS REMOVED the Store be zreen, lb& Cardno thrtan's Pry Goods and IS -DRUG STORE Block, Main Street, Seaforth. GET 1NG bem Difeet from the PARIS -class C natlia grown rees and ;Plants, at a in ich les priee than tlal peer, fe -eel, soft wooled tree sold by the Unprinciplell piston -"JO to $20 per • htindred. ",N-orway SI race from S nd a list o what yon require, toad .1 will sou you my ter or d drescriptive eatalogue. 641 Addirese S AF.OiRTI FLAX 11.1.S. 33047 prep -arid to melte with Farmers for the toming rri seas E undersign rrangeneents G OD OLE; And will be .11 bns ess, or will erty ApPly to JO TO MEITIA S. TRO TT s mud_ pleas -Lel- non to is air Thi awe pri e on lam BUTT equently keep ter than -any .hanted. 'value and.. mmon hs call at the Fac TO BE SOWN. tarnished en -applieation. .ro:eOrt.lr filiBbEesAolriaTonTFIzie,:a e, exchanged for farm prop- 13EATTIE, Seal orth. 638 TS AND DAIRYMEN. T, SEAFORTI, re in cal. ling partic4lar atten- ight rranted air tight, and wilt tla4 butter much, purer add. other tub made on the old re than the price 41 the fah' of butter. Samples always hand a's usual. For partica- ory or address and repairing as usual. 600 • giv pec S. P RTER i'SEAFORTH. ess of Cost'. OSE tain a large ally to n WA T,' it win pay them tn itstet• discount to those paying cash, es- • yrY1E1, flied ;couples. areroo a directly oppbsite M. R. Counter's 625 !JOHN S. PORTER. ST. THA Ild Or part, of run urps.sRe 694 2,3 Pro pt Attention. 'AN' 1ED--dio take orders in every he conntry. !Pay Liberal. c,uhr dull and see the stotk—it is . Pli4eans-• ow as in the States, the 'ditty of 20 per eclat. HUES NURSERIES. ipmt4f ,Srplen did Fruit ress D. W. BEADLE, St. Catharines. 0/1-1()Hk LINE. STAT MAIL STEAMERS Sail ri Every Satur lay fr,',!/-a NEW YORE and fi• ASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON ect. IC:EEL' for Liverpool, Lendonderr:v,-Gles. no , and el parts of Europe. Fares as low as ant other RI et.elross 't he PaBSt. rger emumOdatkn of Anchor Line lo9r Apply tos. 1.) R. olesale and Bet il Dealer in LEATMR and 1 , one hat the V >ry Best Stock kept. Terms !too lerate'. A Trial Solicited. All orders by man tOnS of every on and drive permitted A cordon i and all s longed ind Stith is our invet bug, The him is by s adapted. by peas and b not Ve able say more or late the2, such is )34.3 tell us that and theref it is ripe, Until it's t peas are in close W4aOtt tar, or ereo in warm ev stanees it farmer te beans for o the country levean best from the B well the co- • as it -did las will occur. • Van Twentytt from the bo postal paper. —A Yoko er fire hes 2,00 bousia —The ki has been. a Plank Clo freely made, New York, were hired. , in -four year —An 1.12ttA Wider the p May 28th. dogs fin ent Tana are be erica with. is anticipate will be OA ,14 —3.13B 13 Pensacola f lier crew —It is re man Hall, from his wi adultery eo keeper, will. the bonds oi sition to the present edit Plymouth e off from the Burford. vill enced an Ai - tether. Mr - his aged wif have been, known ima of Middlena Saturday is bury, by. th press going —The in which is <113, Canadian 1' ity of Wind is beeomin- over no less. posed. of 3 competition dealers ther by daylight ' they want, . - states that lace near ,possession o -widow, and' coffin which them, and -10 tion. BeL him arty fur created au amusement —The Frederick the good 4 highly resp widow and Whom were Felker die property, I,- - amicably:di the sous the legal Hied in fla greatly iniS frequent oc BaturdmLy Craig, an ol apparentlY feeling Art Craig eo naftVS he ; living new. husband to - out of the ped &rani —At the McGregor . for the In night, wi, sented to otic song' - man Ian-