HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-03-26, Page 31 IS 90. C11 N.0 6 All Ir Irfir, S.EAFORTH� I J a 8 Ot by ira.y Qf 1011n Y Imttsand T�.-tfvlvyvr,.4 4vf the To7wit Of t. I.tti,unit-4 the Municipal � I It r �vn tic 3eAforth,- ill ChO r inotte ttllk! . -40a t . 11.�t).tectiolx flic Colincil coriaider,& ant the 1�rzver (it thb. Siud �.rk:z. corit"Inerc d u[Nort What tero. mt� or Polly to. I.t iol Fire Ilrot-e-c-tion, plir, It will rt-t1nire. t1m, Rum of V I at s for the struction . the 1"i,l Olyzlri641 hai re- Fli-I i�rllu tt:f 1116"eY for the it willnqnire fbe s: -.m of TIiii,ty-kive Dtillalj; to b e �Jlt eit;l,iate, for, th4 Pfiym-eat rt-iu.tfter nient0ned.- it w 111. require the sum 6t iUv -DoUars'- to be ralgea !r -A te' f(ir thQ, _Da'y fUL-Ilt Of Phoi. the amount 04 the, whole I be said CollAlratioll, irretai. ine in the nmt.nre of tolig a 4 fees fr-ymaai a prop_ ��90tivt: 01 INDY income tot be LAnllor&r.Y illVestmeut of the fter muxktiotned, or any part thela.1 Uevi-tc I Amossuieut wr-orltt'Uj� being for Che vear it 11 undrW and. $ieventy-��inoL natired ajold Si-ty-Four _,noa- Ei-li, ty dollars, twe exi"itirig debt of the said ,t�llows, -.: Thtee, thoammi dol- aulhoiity of By4a.w . No.. iwn. of 84-stforth, and interest W. per cent, per annam, the� Virst d of March, J -flandred Olbtrq borrowed ,A), of the 8*11 Town of so&- �b thereon, at' Si -van per , 'from the Fifteenth day 'of t Thortqaud Dtillarfs,,borrow�.L ,ority of B0- iv -4 is , .,.a A, of �ea­forth, ancol i6�,�,rpst thereorl ,N.r -annum, paf%bla half-vemr- wy ofTaunary, 1-880, and there- . r -and U�,Jlald) either for prin- 4, it rq Ma;(Je Deeassary to, ap place for taking the votog of k4ectors, and for appointing �,'flftcerq to f"ice the votes of, '46 meeting. FORE E NACTED, by the Town ol Seaforth, in tits be lawf -or the Mayor -of #to raise by way -of loan,, Irs(tns, body or bodies cor- to adva-ace t1lasa-me: .the Debentia-rea, hereinafter 11 Inciney noi eYceea-izig in.the even Tborta&nd Dolbar-,L arld. : cl be Paid into the halida of, k Raid ToWn, f or the purpose ibove -recited., be 14wful for the Raid. Mayor Y, fit Dfbentureft to be made 4x,ey its may be reqLa-ired, not ,wed Dollars each, and not gregate the R1;m. of Eleven Mid that the riaid. Debeatures. u the bE al of the said Corpo- r,y the mayor and. the Treas- Id Dubenturi�s &W11 be made yearit, at fatthest, from the, �fctioried forithis. ]Br�,Lsw, to �11,ee of the Treaaurwf that .VLd Lth&ll bav I e inter -at. �entnrots aball bear iute . rest 0, t -f E;ix per,qqnut. per aunnin, P.'.ed for th1% By -Law to take Nt- slyall be �patablc on tha 401 ard October in each, the said, Trea�vurer, parl)(Isa. Of forwin-f a tb(TINyment of the _qa�d joia,l twimik). suzo, of Throe. Jrty - Vivo DollALrs sha-14, :��l cfther rates, be raised, fv(l by sp(cial ra-to -alion j erty i it t lie �-tvld, Corp6ratiolz �rtnce (if' the H41d Debert�"TI, dfpr the purpose of Pitying ,!" stlid "Debentures all-equa jluridrc�l and Sixty D(>ll&rs it -11 (AMr ratott, be raised,,, by.,.p(.viaJ rate qpo.. all the the AflLid Cuf­L)oration d tiring the s4id Debentures eK any, ��y-Lawl 146111 take eff eat and, 011 ou Ithe Fifteenth day. of he Electar-i of the ixall be'fakeh on. thig Ly.l, aw V. tjtf DUL)- -0 hotar v Niuc - I -O'clock in the 'I thulce coatintled till the ux LIAO atLeruoon, at, the lv,kial-4t Ed -ward Calihl% At R�e- Towu zvni)—Atl the Pire Eugirto �sli Wifill be tbe [)ell u.ty Re- 0irwer for the "� 1, C., F. VaKlt ';tark - shall Ile the Dep- 'Whust Ward, it iuir,aof (-e of- the - Q -c I'lo-vince "'t outaria, f the -aii -Marticipal Cor- st �L.I(rrtll shAll, at title It. Vk. 1A it'll, (,U Ttlosday'. the ttttlle Irowu ,urn till the Uk.-d 1t;1aiIx1,E thi-. 11V Oil' S'dfl (*or - 01A I. 11all'ill the tht- Tw c u t v, Third. day 0 Welock I 1w fit YxIF%jf the votes. (li (,pl)usingthe i1v rv�ivfxtivejy. fly 44 a Jim - t. t al't 4 illto 0,11sid(ttn'ttion" 'Ile, To W1.1 of Se of III,(- lql(, -th f roul the the, III(-, and i "bat at Ule !0-1 tti- w-lln tvill be STARX C' Ladies of Scaforth �hl; is ltrt Jim -red to make up J" 1-0, BRAIDS, &C., fo'"lu COTI'llillga� A lot of, on, 01 fill CII14 ri ptivetnally at - ba _880. XPOSITOE. MARcIl. 26-,' 1 1-1 -t HE—HURON �he old �cl4apel, his olnei occurrled E twen 5 ail d 20 yef XS, HOTE S: AR 717ENTION: S .,CIA' ;; 111�1! PAY A PE' L ANNOUNOEMENT. Gaieties. wit dows of .1 then.- ga�mai schainel obil ndl fas-3 between and 30 years, 19; � �rom 30 i `1E 11 OT "Good", f(w headache-thei qf Imed a UITIS11 EXCIT&NIT K L, rich, DetvVe u B f cin Lted his �elirera after aoffier; to 40 yel olAy out. WM.CoX,11'-opvetor. Tbisia ne o ELLIS., KIPPE�f, 4ce se th a '40 &no' 5 Q 1. ove 50 y ars '(.Id the Quietest, zVost Conif�-l*ublo and Bost Con- fifteei4. f _G:o-as-yolu -please is a good �gait, bEtt the whole III ollas if beneath ducted RIALls in the Pruvi-4ve; The Rooms are ay as you g GAIX ADY FO.R B P sa better. -gre it spell. 'As b: mtllaed, about �the to 60, h( ),ths were 24; bet een % commodious and tbh liar jibbitilly the sl oil upoilt the people seeineol a�Lid 70, bile froin 70 to�80--t ND SV V MER CAM' AIG i :,. I r he -The w tZ) get over si culinary dif- an supplied. Good stftblir g fib connection. S P IN i a too eain, to wor4 itself o 11 t 1 n to ail I mostfatilt, ileath§ were 65 ficu-Ity is, to,. o to Bridet. PU 'ANID "KARROW6. ful fettrful restlessness 11 first one, thE above 0 C elow 90 ille iiiinIber was CirGULM-atiauces ater cases, partic STOCK F(M SALE. another, rose ftoni 11,1jeiti Seats,! ai d 53; w d1a:161 10 ;o 1 0 there were 5 0 A1111 RS,.Iflyon vTnt ood Scot -ch, Dianlol2d i ULL isido cheap, a T horo' F 1-2 lqair4z, ii yonrurdrs �Lat nee to larly reduce'd ll�ng forw4r i Wlith a kipid of death i or H 188 ato A stretc IFOR SALE,+ IA -el J nd FOR T E -Recipe for makitig ypr o d T. nw�onha . a I&Tge agantity wn eY6 v U B Bred Durbam Bull, si�ed -by the the ro'brod ere wis 1.0 aOf these Imple) hat edito a tho follo'.tigg on of �;th ilit E S bull xeceitly owned by Wrz Ueorgo S!): -!)4t, �f io gbpp y thos, in] need, andill be 0 11 Maiit(Zb�a. your fiager in it. vuter—stick­ -The -The Modern Argo pa]i'Lat �o Tuchertsmith. He i.-4 pne 3 a �Old t 1 &.4 KIN lqg ; Is 08 goo work ateral will uljb%v, If ual r port of the. Minister of dt�rk roan color; it reg iiA re pe be want tol Plows iA Harros g, t ly" I e ' m4r elloug In h with a -leas must scratth for a livi�g. f t Ja a : (in Lot 7, ednows- 0 Melo 0.. Nvord-;, b E for 187 Mr. Jilted SPIS, --tile P11 -an now ill e tim, to. bring thlm Alon-* A lz400d- it of 's 6ul ul givull to the puichaser blic 11 1ha We would respecifull y inform our cbstomec and y W( U and a allip always W. t tl h th( (11 of all' W n, 1, Shan I c- rlin, I ur, shes thca fol 0��v- biloa, b y X4D)U- DELL. are 'now opening oini f the'BEST, to- be f ull !I ed when they- go out 3ir "the e; x.4 tr, thers, I Sezifortil'A-)f all lknak and lit all ing at ti 'I CE concern n a so�, nded lili e so me:wAr ii�`tbell. the Upubon- 1,-Dt 1, tradin,an pricei, 0 soLit the for tho atte�t ites in lil Oii Jolla, oi I t "West of tile I =d �,Ionrce 11" c h Dr,�N'4ard. ally: Frace town, tability out, of the pulpit Of t e4l people, ros( first if � 60 Ila "! 4 1 etwee 6thbina Red iv Mot n- han 0 J I the pulpit tain and I bei: bou t a Ileft. 1 P NdOMPLET S of �hose xv I o rose y ri- I If 'N i0ower ;41 loll them, t1ti h a S Speaks mpre -eloquently than, -ability I I stuLe - H S a Str 'y f 'of ;.JOHN LECKIE-, Gouellaiilio�in an 0 1�_A �T A 'N D 0 TO, the total 'ig ell I, PAR, I hich Oommi. ion Met- -tfle, the flower of the family nt. Money loaued oil r0al �cstate i t0m or k w not-wliat� got u i q4 la AN -D WAUPOKS. n4 stood u iber 'in 1 itoba W t c ur, W'h a hq,flyreat r; a ffiteroistint -to Som. of th ir seAs u. atil, iigcs mill Waggensinat'low -ei& EirAijl6interct. barges 'does notbng toward's providing t4e O country, at 8 i)er LC ce sell, cloldl readells - lie numberef acres of land i moderate. mortgac_�elj houlzhtaud sold Matured Of all 6inds oi Ladie 3' Pruuella, Plain al I d Eoxed Good's, Cure coa an(I ell S Ortil t 136�ide, -.of oa mattria-i witi good ily bread. sui iu it x*b ip, 1 f rdin ic, kvnik the lat4--st da '�iv a Uon "as 1�41,324 bush:,,lE3 to Shoes aod Button B -ea a! Style of tinder ul� es -paid off. wild -at, t so thptic acce I the Iwll( le!J Kid Slkndal Sli erE Ameri 'bon :--,,That puts a, af6erenttface; 01,h it SIU, 110 ce— tavil �bn pl#cs. Plarnis and village proleilty 11 D .�Old 11dgglefs and Wavgons of Whq'iitt',4r&LEed, 127,� 07 baley, 34. - as the boy said. wheft his Nall struck �U&q its fe intense]' wit . I I ­ Cloth IT6]p Boot Sei ved ind 1?egge Tia ai i I Low Shoes and L Jlcea Boot TrIlsels, Qni. 15 turnt-d inAdt out, Into new Leckie's itow brick block, 689 at..' 43 884 ; flai seed, 6,88-1 " b - n' te at, as acl I 01,00k diai. a and Americall S Al i`nvs ot bhoyt tatoes, total Prduce, e Pu kh and Tie Shoes in R n clisl a ; I a! Fin e -249,(4-1 OX�NENT. 'I —NVhen . ou. sa� tbat'-la girl's hair di 4aij�ce tb ild relud If EMPL B �lm als 9u G�AE rs In. Calf and Buff that iti btishe� a, !Ivalbed at $134,48�.'. Number '�oftl, it is ju to. at us� well the comino and, and 'fe 71or, witiiy is "black as a y- o u do not mean a red-hot ti 6 to Pril are. W, Y, !riend ilsoill of dfittle;jjhorses, itupi )Monts, : kc., and K in youll A IV) Nrn'town. Teimq and rotten m '7 8 harsos, M,080;'9�`,O oxo'll 85outfithee. Alltlres3lll ITA:LEE,rT & T Shot i peci value 1103 ug and Genit.r� Ila AND PTIE EL p, X A t tuttention. SheeingaL oine Op -V s 6ak of t1 to 6 e r-fO i SHOE 1,01.2 �cws, '30,39( IS47. Co., Portlan RO PAE T BucimE PLO 4 fl-c'm lit summer �J, I, lit, the old cha.. eli, 6,0�6 jj prett�7 girl won a M. usket at t �011E *:5HO 94 harse inboein. -Lve it to bar, KLt genteraf 1 young catth, $15,705 12 stearr tbrei&- . the lotkeq. Wb ail tb ey ge. Of lhii most -e�lnorable, ol! ii 1`7.) A If -$12 la'i �ixy at. homo: easily SEA_ML-Ess- Bli wor�li -.while the roe. Address 7RUE b1fic In �i iUcJ' ii]AE 8, -$12,000 7 hors 3:t, pov rer madd. Cobtly Outltlf 4an,�, as I do the -tug" , d -ed, "Don't they - give a soldier she, P_ tWreslim�� maahines, 13,500; 2' 3 re & Co., Alignsth, Usine. 111 .52 ek .1 lo th3L spou Il arn H an Gate a old Itt a k -mall aPlit -,,Uinu ers w, i mple a and best Shoe made. Also cheap 91a fl�lrl. Toil -w- with Will 0�1 te.1 d pnowers, 41"1 ja 49 The U kind of wr ring BT 1— 111 flud Plo (I i I , im'Wit at home. 3a Inp) __i.The too of an daen�y; boot 88 _Pst cc to ay, that, ii otN dt. - odj! P_ 1311070 '543 on§27,25( .'to -a have to busbi' Loi�ik utfor A Rapid ai 1 $5 to $20 worthl$.31rde. AddreOSTIN- Leather Coborg, ardHigh Labe SbEs. And w h abd Mi I kinds of eatheir M' tell dwmoie tQ ra-ise a inalil into pr t h i alue, P4,665. alt a I of �b Vin tanditig the gro a lvance in al and atrial,we are Ire ared. -le hands of a, 'dozen hoe. ri S, i SON %Co., Portlalid,,Aii�' 32 54.2 W- ELIS* Kipp Qcd 9 C -a .13-1 0 0 00! total Valli' 1' grainpr Ault tilail to 0 'A1,111Y KIND CITEAPER A- D BETT R rive� rie The,LeaJvile, (Cull, ave le a f nas. ) () vested ia W&I-St., MplemEhts and'.bili dings, 33 bee 1 put no f alsor -ipliments on 'owiu accoutit! the pe� i $10 to $1 0( . 1 9 -Ne to offer before. 19, 'ottuntes TO -11B no_ con tl!6 foll cello inake. tit Peie ai I F G � lAcCiandlips, 30 villag �,s ii i - tha se le e&ry month. Books setit - rec explainidg every-.. ain Stree b, 3e forth. my toinbstone," said old Toin Alvard jourtloy of Itelbaember theloill Stand, -Al p 117�e Cit" 't -.01atiliI4053farnierf a S. thing. Addre a M.&X'VVR & Co., Baukw-(4, 17 n t de the the other day. Wall-streot,NeRw York. 587-52 cc FORTIT, Njuvimber 20 ThEreilsho statement of the 4r, OuTil, 1116arhirl Ford district, to.Le�advd a tit o tl TTYRE & WI -d tlip. Jill a0w 1' es ipf'our ver setlea ent o a ast si(le ?lf the LL 111. 111( Under. (I h4ving log-:( irbing L --By their., fruits Shell ye know ninety 10 dar, IQ a ad R* ver -Bub - as this se;tle AUCTIO10ER.S. id the 11 irforth. from LJ. 13. 1111.e lHan,. I li�l� Im pax(d to k10 01 Iinlis of ,for al I Sa 6 1 a: h al 1 "The fir f them," was Written long be a the stri as a gri �&t I b lo, v ,land, many of Occupied th C ard daboll! a J. PSUIXE, Lice d kuetiouow, My the s rt,quir -ti or P 110 far ers 1:)Sb their rc$pq d.0 ri n,:, ilia OR brought -hi to uderlinclence 0, in county of Huron.: Sales attende in all ag aw imil -xil kinds of ma-, wo ys he lae 7 h`rr ) � the UUUS.1al partF,, of the County ard lisl son 'cc he Was 1 it. Ab )rdersleftat the E x. from, his trouser THE'SEAFORTHACRIDULTU L IMPLEM____iE6,__1U bo� Go. ad hom`c apples in 'the I cgs of �e days 61f q d t of hJS t ti years fr w IIL_()f t) The barber wbb overlie 110slTOR Office will 11,�Onlptly ttende t 0. 4,48 14,;g t�xperxk nr �ta�- 11 al eavy ry in 4&ctfully of the pr6fes- u 06d, speakilig diare, to all pirtivs wo sion too hiln iuto,the back parlor an d 13 LIP ly he difficulti4 14. 1- RANCIS GRITTAM' AUCTIONEE11 AND I -1 a�'tber&i lainA. t _ie road Wore appallilig. Heav�l! ep Lion given to tia'F LAND AG i NT-, P Epis's 'COO)A.—C- ral efiil and 1coilif t I attLD t salo of ]a-040 property": filiming and tho.-Oligh-' .1 �y a r1orot gh kliowled ae. of te natur, -he opqra- bred stoek. Cattle for the Engi A nlar- PROP IET a 0 wo.s' seat out to 9 aaws 1i ad la-clen tile �r� �es in'the i whic E N4,ern t i , R —A little girl -Wh 0 W LLS 0 N them f :U f lier. bact.: un'succe sf till., and soaked, C I Offieesnd.Auctiorl� bomp, Acbewn'3 new 11 ab E, thd look fur ear, tions fi iges bion 0, Id. nlitritiol: anc )y le-filincefinn -,ivil: IQ OV -ere lots of illild thELt "t -here Ni,etither ho e thein� !Sfflicl, and s.i o ad Block, Gx)derich, Ont. T�As moderate, 615 and complai audfle.t- at t1le a carE al licatic n a f -the fin prol' )er- _Uwcn, �rouu() doing nothing." winds craoked thern 0, -their St0 0 U1, E TTY BARROWS, Liedu red ction- 111-0 .80 -Mamy matAe tiE el' select d vilys claim to- tbe kam This co s R D for st (ilin and jWurii =M Ig .01, -;A ith eers, S ecilLtattenti;(in ll U L S. 0 ide I our b re aas P 0 a kfast talles narro�% �u ompi etely�. ill a bpveraga, w anded and I kina 4 a i cntnfe;ti U t L lch'to 1)6 A otis to have as jod hu4ba " ds as pos- STOCK OF P'LOW D a c[el ci tel� flavoi ell bich. sales Of 1, A)) orde -ft %vith eith �J on I Iinplements. f sible, lilld y4tu they never attended ith a or.! hicket 0 )1" 1 , �L �, of the I oy v�y dootors' bi Ila. �na Ftic 'Many heil, undersigned at Waltoul P� 0., or LOG 1, co itinii to cal,Ar�ont ail eoxetmas iblit may wedding wbo�re the bride married the no W lad bran Th.9 p s timbered is by;, he Idiciolp e of guoll. artiales cesFion 14; or at Leadb 3r. P. 0., or Lot 2), crl- be t i wAt d W1. 11 1,,.; ana epe(cifidlitions 111r, a t best rnan. letidicula, 1 131 h il ss-ttene -ma be gi &d- - I I -wing r 11- ll f Chat J."flat coltstitmionlila 12,will'be proirptIV a ell 1r, Sale 0onsistin of the-. ollo Kinds ni-,h, 4 fo A o I in's metriiii011ial adVer- (f the Call)l f orbadc' n atte Mi t to bill.;, notes and i firnipbed if -e([nire4. tugh to -UT0.4g eno fir re- )ELGETrY, W R 0 XV S, 11 p fo t b1 U til to isease. ion rt:n" 4paLt-s af r id �lgrlcnituml Ilows Vor- soale, tllena'kud�to pa,3 4 all b�., j4� Al EX I Up GEO. B tisern en t alai ti, dehey H lul- Le'adbury. 6:39 t1npe to ubN dreds tuln a, a TTER 6 obj eat bblild require'- the Eurmoulita, ;.a obstru )ill, c C a �i s L E 00 PL W3 filirl I! satial-c- S 'Y'S NO. 13 tH I S &ladies are floaling , � I V-�Id IL MAS E 0 tion toall tr ttl cral's rellitiolls. to deposit aw that tmcio�!tcut I is WLAiy tb -y to attack us read V1IePE VOX i K IqAL., : L -se c" irs(4_ alo-1 OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHIILI�ED P OW GlLirit�, f -1 behavior." b as her m or iefurn.. le chose t k t� I el N nt We imay escitpe i a 0 a —The iivermc hous6wife will ta' a vrou�k po HILL S TENT P1 0 T1 le lint.1 I ; 'Zell wil, to I lie A light qu a-w'ro�e W S 1�is' oililly to' J G.SCI)TT, V D & h ird L - 0.,12 0 anyi fatal shat by keeping ourse ves pla 1111de, of asting-sn a 1�rge scale A �eafoi Ont. OMc,. Ja d reAl- Inios; u froth 'the. fac6l t1 4 Acconchetill, DD carVy a sickly fifteen ceiat was a S NO�AO LOW MAS EY t1IO ffU-rfJ1l rOjI-Idr.V, I!Rfolth. and Willi f, Side eb Street, rst door ropo : U'turislled flltl�lle.)) ect ns fornw to be q Q '110E a -,vqocl Imost equul to elist of Prei;byturian Chi� .0* POR PERRY �bkN S of wi ater -the vas a �(.jj ti& �d witl 1� a' blool, 01 1' Gt PLO foiir months mb. D irEESWATER GAN owd less and ti) give go )d satidowtIon. I q hardnoiss. I He! had calculati L D)� oldoul InpachAsl -i aldn g In I li rn qj them slie wilt W heep butter on tbeL ice mepe dence, Ua 1) th fi. S, Ile ceopa th- Grath ate of durillei, three th -of Lot eather. 96mas Epps & 36., Hol WIT. ITANOVER, C, .1� I., flit. His provisious :were gone� aa —A bricrl4u- -little fiV0ye8.r-0ld 111 We(`rill Ibliver S*t PliyApian, Stirgec u. a iss lit, ic C11(, was talcan t'f; the barn to sed Soe 31dre wqs a ondon." 482-52 firs b door south of thLoatholid-!Aiarcil. 496 B R_ U C L" F I L"' L D othiag to (16 bbt toil, ist% 48,-"1hr:adneedle Street, Apvouclicur, Sealurth. . Cifice and ysidmico, A Tull of stratb Outters e ame 0114 der nat thdm foi al, ie down a�d dip. Night c h I wd No wolve�i,,hoxyled to -i kE ev tL1 roe c X. Phyni -1 of al e - p ny, nor wt e -w a 1111 �Ornrp is itU roar i gcon, etc., Corouojrfo� the 'County of HU 0 a, eat ab claimed ar " 0 , Auntiel. C7 A irs, -Root GutteT 3 and all len'ents BRIGGS 3ROT 114ERS mun h ex. 2 Ili T�i th 0 Is in Succession L, VER ccep all ir ir I o wWlith Jima,ny 3011stituti -untain lioil'beard. Nothiu- ofilec and Resiaence, oul Jarvis RtrcIb north,, beloik(ling to the BusilIes"?. 0 alimptio i in the i1irce-t-ly opposite Seaforlb. Liblic.Schoo . fbia ds ol -,on no lish th AV) N G, jul "rgiud in courtship, hug- lie i Talk of liu-, leatWike silence, save the Lie ro systqn�� thus con7eil 11 What !%,a' by Al I-. Z.! E 1311I-0 GS for tit) maty eara, -a-re -his or me rathoir tban love -letters. It hud of- his littid axe, E�q he cut %VC.- !nary Surg;ox".3fadil now prel);Xret gin," f on ril r f sirn ple, ugable iffeGtion, -%1cNAUGnT, Vct4 0 Ly! r3 ()ue ilently -and affectionately, n-eph by in -h, abLd. foot by foot, th )U,, tc. of OntarioYottp ca be cL -el ig into ( U,5� generiffly Ltt Ord* on rinary-Colicke, Se iforth, i ler fore, m -i busi r -ess huggilig call't be produced as a witiloss ;lie day, t4e secou d afid. late 11 . 63 OnE medicines ni n, i4 Mc Cla ciard , f pal( of eVE 6 tak( ca - of a cold u atil day. A stck of vcteri3jai c hand veives4rip't ion,(n the shol-test Joil 6 ad 4fternoo b ag -n court. nrl an's Charges reasonable. nol-Hel eam!lled af to sound - t is �.op rid-. of. F)rt nately 'Dry mo es ill it pro: . ; i ' - Q -silo rnise case I q assed tb it , OM llirall & " .1 'J he gloo k it the . 1 -11 ES, AS' B pi -AND breaili of i cc and Residepco in roar of I bqsid Idenec Uyan's. Calls promptIN nttended to, ni4lit or G�, MACI SUA Of "Do you know if tPe tarViDc' PLUd 0dril4le. ely Worn 6 it, ss and certificates glylon I required. 40 and oVn-e r - IP I �c Wtifers are tboroughly no T e4lo rlenlbe,� Wanzer F, Raynaond, RoyaJ -Si er, efore lie J) to'.the of a 6ab, in Theyill li�e 11011-h g hilt the Abtst mila- d. -an a workmanship th+.T ally ovoctLtion b awled u L11110 dily all �ouhs M ap 0 tolemove sp IXEMBYSHIRE, D. S., w as w& itted. tlic, assault WitnesS-.. 11dependebee Pg Ma hines Repaired on, the ShortLe8t Notice. and 7ork and co S I E n d7 -are eq, ially effective" in H Silti8fW34'101A. c(irn in of i Smi-con Dentist, Griduate S; 'S. A,Well I cautlot be certain on th�t it elcomed and beilcler arec fa-, r hted y t gIvIi a 1 41 he tzo, Al Colle 0, if D�oiltal WO -17 big cf ilia fell 1 U) the pqrna-y stacts of consump�tlol B -uict fi�tentiltilo busill aga goo. poillt6riactIv b�utldaite say heLlili&t haton. the De..t, Im Surgolons of Ofitill. Office oil8i eel e and Attachmant always on hand, asthintLl an .1 bron -,bi 's., Sol by all -ablio ursull)(1 his Wit hours f rom 8 A. Al. to 6 P. M.� Booms in to n entand receive liberal eh-iw'41 1) have had a glass ot bv�o." I I . ru country dealers: 25 'br"kft at, -be s t el I - Mrs. Whitney's new bilck block, A�lxitl Ureet, pati onago. —The Joneses had just le t the 'After a� pricil. i r box. Seaforth. Their Shop, ill b lunit in int -tin StreO, S-eafb c'(' , s e iss Smith a., C. WILLS01�1. All, ouse. asked little M LgaiD, roachiii;, i,he f4(ofL o' the z 't i ­ - . ­ -_,I ­___ h nil ding,, D. -one b does Mrs. oues and Miss Jones buy he'llead of ti.". lln�l pndence guli h t I A&I N 4h an Pl ry mer, M. D., Vu- dazolthoftbepo ioQlice. LE AL. flaingS of P&P'a, "I don't know, m� :30 o'clool', ri ;l6sclay, riiiilg, An t1i r 'burn,� :,I Llt:,-ouah aversel to G [ve us a ta-fal. JOEL BRIGOS. rT ls�j d her mother llwh)? 0 the� :Mmit., Hil JAM ES T. GARB 0 Wrr ey and cl e f Lit replie do, our tooh bilil t! D, 'Pat UEO, L Catin ell; medii6es,, JP a ia rr I 617 at Solicitor, Goilefio;L 631 & h biiill d he st; at! Icbeeilf �il like an. (tception of u a;sk "Cause he -was so polite, j draw-kni'e wit u—All dverd-o e a 30*unts ma -A U poa s. Iges �v lie you illow inowtlboes a ec 1 �very tit lung repara IR 07P all: A 6LT �y a fAx his 016 WistaA eltam of �N d 'Ober -ic 3, Ont. 'd :1h-� r —,"And how does Charlie like going 3baved d P, B I b C Rolicitor in Chalicery,.&oi., G idti 4. y to School 9" tindly in4uired a good Mato, securill v6tythino, bo t Holt, 51 a f airil- E 0 R 1 U W "d. Theii &a pracloico 7,1. C. Cameron, Q. 0., Phil G Cam- I prepar io I ha -a u. I iji my E G G P six-yea-bld boy, who was his. erson. cae�fu a4d'br cing n 'an r i Past, f tD d b ave 506 1 the ad- pel-ilous '0 d it -to e more WI�LIAU S�LIALL, on eyancervini C �mmis- Al -)0 Of th P for Into :3 th�an tev 3elf fo� the U, tin call in hand 4(�Seent'L he a ad IL L B U Y E R.S C F D' R Y G C S ,alwttyi miber 1cru le snow l S .! - -* I van � Of "L 110, t Jike goin' w . sioner in 13. B., 1&11-0 eter. An4i)o(ler and nel ike ice, ;nf3ithE r a nor p op Appraiser. Accounts ian notes cblkwted On liberarpatromige tiriii, the pist 7 ye' s, ugh," rer, lied the embryo Statesman .!Shoe' Vat - b atnd - � i dian. anythi vitEiu My kn :ust-omeA �mel!cb Into nod othe") Per their ler dou. '!I ell the starL T A tl nor led ge. I r8comM ei i d'i i with t ae gr', reasonable terms. 36G holo as by gtric;t inte;�rj ty and close eventio to - I do.n7it like stayin' made any impreSsigll,L Upon e8t 0 pe to th )so subjerlti to tiden, bus. netis to merit thi r conflolence ail.d tirade Ili 1, �endered ally uttei�pt at stecrug Or �J cough'! I n,4. pulnialik'y con plainits." IV. C. ATUEYER, B rr hter and Att-niney at ilf C16.,Si?,bq (It t the 14nce the futll4re, lq'Ayniq R 'eatl his prain- he. Fz� terminatio, ay R t I ut P !tmall o1ining t a botol, If 31OWiDg Up ess, and an idea 1 Lfter I get there." a With, t lif De' Bd I 'I a bot le. I by� all Law, Solic ery. CommlIsioner ise, during t4o he is now.prepultedtoliv itorin'Chtitne —A gentle usel of 0. e 5 0 e 0 an d I,& asked the w�iter for soe, cold rice. rapidity N% Ag.ve 9hade ano&er ith NVhich; that descen c A for taking affidavi(s in lie Province of No ni toba. : 48 a. 0 Oil t 4t A Solicitor for the Bank' of lipmi'ton, AUgh -X� I On'We 8 tlit am. Dere's notilb, ar," said the sable at- ade may be bid TI: iE HIGHES T OMH PRIM tencja�,ut. 'JVhat's that I see on the r -t W a s 10,0�c�locl' lie d riece of furniture rivate funds to loan a�7j to 8 per cout. .633 j List vbea be e i Bile 3 a 901) IOgentleman. ummit, and foillt-mQ.6sq below, wh Li queried the -h el - -for a-*, an have in an upp6,r cbUm- Fox any -qua4ity of r,�Od Pies), Idelivred - I ALCOMSON, Bi t Ind Attorneyat- at t he ggg EvpOrjuzT;ill assed a cab -ulR '01:ofi t his W', t�t i, lbef cmmoul sells( ubic 'onveyaucer Bruisols. cold: biled rice; de g Law,' L V P E D 10 in, he p 3 em til an vidd be be I on 3 f SWE E,P I N G WTr 0-I I.flnt';f CA ier JI Holt & flawer-Vu na list be more 'zact- in 1-11a I&Ila an Q marked seN e�l - LUIDIR Des I )asr, tai e gry, Of) all(L UOULILe 0 -V 1. uage; I sbowiu� _lUC Mee, will be in char f the office and Mr. NIAIN STRBtT,;:SBAF6RTH. orlal Billialn. o t a a] elf, Of d1le cold a apeed of ovidt -4 mile in t;016 yard'a.) lcc�b All0wrilson will be i Bruseels t;Ner,' TuesT ivillde clemmam hab some wl th4!1 !cIr U86 of a ic dden col co gh, AND FOR T H1, REX T ONTH v ralltedby the subildribor, 25 ton -4, ot good Ary. biled rice 9" 1 minutes. It Was lite on day. :609 spee4 dlefla wheat good' '�iiijister opt lVest pre -ached scent, and at th'e higghest or h qnE SS. Tbi3 0 al, remledy J OTANIES'EE1.10E, a rister, AUo= I I D. 1). WILSION. "7 - licitor, Conyevhi, er;j &c., Stratfor; v Y, So- -is nil tj -mmed as 16 a agent peace-injaking aimed ;at,[ tain�dt, that MI Xatndlds, passed thii k L, carat. 41 of tb e croll'. 3, acbitis ilflucn�zallandj all" Kohoe will be in Seafo th twice each illi C OVES two of tile cleacons of i hi§ church 'wbo'�'- the. m )e'i le nth, on DR; S G 0 D SHAWLS, MANTLI 31 UOTH CLOVE KID I clsOmmiudnt ES 0 For a I sw llrdsA, points,- ai..J, trip. A§le dreW-Iliear the tinaber' of,, ar a Yi ulln b : all' the. first and third oddllyii, ai it g on the had - 16nu bt�eii a i P, complai ts. I T1 "EURICK CARRIACE I previous Saturday e on Ugs. He W: 11 stay at -ly tbyee, f 3i lt sue h Nv4s bis, elooluened. and earnestness att tall and sturdy pjue,ij ful deale Dr. Hanover's residetic 638 �A R that dixecLI tile benediction, wag pro- in dimueter, loolltned up directly. ii� d -s der . — ! T E X Ti,- it 4.'—The, ae m po for 11313014S! H'AfS, CARS,. -URS, OVE 00A RE *3 RABE ER nouliced ow of t1le deacons, wbnt ovi-ar I collirse.' Ilia h��Ir stocia, o d 4 v�l y ENSON & MEYER Darristers an� tforney ier t a s in I effor rvo,!to 0 U as whit(0 the tee purifying the B atiiaw,S to the oa iidrel-narked, wi e3 t to swe 42el.f ito vd oliaitors iii C, ancery aud I ni olvency, 11AVE al�yays on ion -4, vnd Ynakii to ;Order, ns after s whe Nvii Prices Never �Leard i of before tUs' Vicinity. il7b a , It -the . imatith, ublic, etc. Ott qs—Sez- I his eyes, "NOther Stiggi vain uu M til, Lb'�)u a� ewi fe� t A breathi ..alid. stimul, ting Oonveyancers, Notaries r, 11. e�etm fortbandBruslieli. $ 000f Priv�at@ Rubd a hoi bri �ht6st osie little toilet P 8 to I Will b e So Id !ex. Bug- oa,'the s i8ome.a e t 1 1'. c 1, 1 igbt -on . n r CUIN., Cut-41Croj and averyother am.ploint ,.their SerMon theillie must be peace I between the tr opw bL t investatonce,a, f, s�t.p4yable tE extay t Ask your I -n gist for " Tea - NX I TI 'n" M"A " softene.d bv fli kin aiiA zi� slight n earl -v. 63 U-3 Owl 0 J I I, I i onal Ourerivtcna t1wir towli bu-11- a ole. i berry !.price 36 can 6. �26-152. JAR. H. BENSON. 11% W. C HEYEU. I -A miller, v;,ho lately quittbd bis Was taken by th� shi4 U p neEs -nd-e rigualron e &good :&rt M The abbve firm has hi - day bpen d amlved by 0; !Ole both deatb` -mill to, kecl� it, publid4louse, sent to a pectiu- install and with be All to ounts due the firm to GREAT BA GAINS IN -FINE, .,BLACK BROAD U THS. to I ailterial and, work -m anship i Fxcitinor 'Slceia6.1 mutual consent 11ok �Stylnl -and Firtish tVwIr 'WoAr 0134bat be palutcr to ll�iut hirn. a, Oil Wll�ich fficutiffly utter3.4 Pre, ier' of I gooq L, N, are be paid tV Mr. Benso�t ho will pay all liabil. M 1; 1 ta staff of as s jntiu�o,usly the lai 'city si start a parsed bt city -V 1 1 oven i I - su estab he would ht:tIvc a, mill. -'-I milat llave L, ac,' tbe man't1littO inself employ'( i,�, litting Ill) Wilsoll C Inn 1) 1 u U ities. uw, P -ompt'), attended te. boulddii ou6he 1 the JAMES ff.. BENSON. cile, by C 46pj4 r the wint . Syrup. o Wil in and trIAJ HIM be TOmanced ,but we lt)41-z ,,-I okiija low." til his'qboulddii, surfa( e d Cherry, tho most po ular a all Nov. 27, 1876. isters, 3,ud0thers requiring thosi Goods can save im the willei H. W �C. UE Y R �, - i to b for tl cure of C)uglls liality aJd!plice, sho'll �,er. �be 'SD 9 P' and the roined,te I Colds, C1 oup, It dolic,,"E�aid the paini ow. A arp t ri i,,e �i, , 13U at -Whoopil g Cough, Bro-nobit ;, Caiarib, Lo� s or BVits law,eh knirlwn to The pub if, ha -V11:119 Nvas pa I'm s- fet t .. - y . I Ito bedi it b JI, sseL ii�ih B u t, as I �vas llcv�t seen to be f4le, l, )n down t 'Voice, a iil'all alfections of t! e Tbioati Lung' d -h- fol V6111,11. A P 0-1GE Rq a C 6:16 in" t110 sli, eri ail Soo �Ilel, & , i4o I uh� elis in Zzlit f*(Iu 111"List Ili Ice 11 "1 ' 'in his head if the tinibeil fle-,� brollebi U Trtbes,2 IVIC lAUCHEY �i LIVIE' )TED, JOH N� 11 1`38 & HAOFERER, POP ally Oue R� )ks at him.". This �v a-, foot of the reUgQ was rilao 16EI ills t*s,. "Tlie'rilpidity acquired by lose constautly, 'u- LAW, CHANCER A6 CONVE YL� IWING I0 bottiv Y, I gaged'il 111andlil is n nst a§toi dshin at and. 4 pruinised, Ll i.ir due tin;te the slau was From th ere on ho; us d !his le, 11 -TRF A P.M.1.1t HR.A..,U r-111flififfis I, . I r>. sto twil 4 t 'hecu I " ortlookei the gri.-etwouder is i0s 0 fill 11 1 k ect: that hot 4�W��t 1 - It i lutt 'Rill; st vvery bottle nc t broken.1 Ili the �'fl Ivilso V.4 Wild . Cherry b� liltiftys mold) N1 &i i i -eet) -S(aforth. I us c fluish%lalld, brouglit burne.; ."It is well 1, such good eff 3 0101 1 t undv�, the S ott's Block, I Sti -AMU At; I U111,11RU I N U K Inine llost; bixt t Where, is] were reached at i TO C GODME1111UH.FUUNUNt TJ doille," 5ftid i 0 3 IS T, T o f 5reeti�i' crvision a-,(hemist' faid j�. tive iniller?"�, :410h," replie&thc pailiter, liclon iul)dav 3W a I ess Ili vi4ig -1 auk of of sixteell Tea ,P so rietice.: LICITORS for the Consolidate F "Is 'fr eat home niedi. ne s sold ly, fill S1 ALE D �TEN_ ".1le, pippe(I ill -lien vou mpde t1lirty-eight at da'N . I I i)- TFi g Canada and'tbe Cot dian Binh of C)mmerce-- ret 4ed'by D. his head, NN t1i P )KE will be + ia should be . oul: d in ever y h in Seaforth. (Lim it d) are- n HD.gan Se fri Wfof the Trieker- day itiornilig at 10.0 i�'e l6ft tile i L I S, dru ... g1s, �,�j ill ouid, ffidry and MU1111faCt i rill a Company, �v run- a � rtb, w b.el 4o.ok0d.1,,r 1111age Propoirt', boubt Tt he Goderich I ilou 641-4 S iety, lipto TOVUSDkY, nin� their she 8 ndiDg reports io'. t ILI sqld. 11 . . , full force, under new Mtii)aa ment, an d 8-t 11 ll 4-s -I ater. 11 c, Farm ancs Town anoi notwftl;�Sta 0 APRIL 3*t,;at noon, t)rtbp Useof I A-gricul- Hadl the C�reat ave dct0ainedfto Spare no Rober eatilic, diilner Itltbo,�, cllat-Iiotel i, i fupd,4) called 'on mcrigage se-' ntrar" c* culated by interested arties, and h rilhin-g!.' I Moncy (private to the con I turill3rounds,inthe own -of curities,,at reason able' a tes of ture tujrage�or o6crwise to a seaiso:n of li8ft TUO A Gob intored. Charges _PreLche12.. effdrt to Becur t1. 0 local trttole for .�hat t ey iilaflufac� th Crel-In (n S-.vrup is the s pcciffl-prvscri�.Unn (if Dr. SO&Alty (10 bot bind hemselv� ing graphio' des&iptio of '.Tlic, snowslyes oi�i-Nyhich thiq moderate. M to iaccept at Noney d -for pi ivate persons upon the, T!, L 1 U i A. Bol.,c lft e, a. celebrated Get man sician, and ; I:; ac -1,u( � ivil g d to be on, investo Wn IEN All rondtitloks 4 psr� tllC, 111"6166ilIg (If 11,01A 17101, tllk!JL lolls Was niade axe w.)rdiv,45f Meuti'ou. W e of the nio.f t forU late higiiept or!anytende - I � ii I _U I Aicularo cs�'be obtained on appiwattion U'U va�- L1 I Caudless liewed. thon fkit hinisulf q I Ilist-ovc iles ill _11e(licine. Ito. niukly cures Coliglis; N I best mortgnife securitiiii,lwithoriii RDY e penRe to S At D BUILERS, FLOUR1 NG, -CHI ST, SAW AN! 11wz 0 r, who, ill his (I zly, t i,-1 the 16holer. Hftall or to JbP Bapti"t I u in!i,;tte r Colds )I i�ld all hing tronli Its ol the sevtrest nature, F. 110 �vJESTED. 6-ORY)ON WeADAM Silcretary. 11) 6.,A withoilt a rival in, the pulpit, is qabin. rTheir I e'n I, Lh I ii s' clvliteen� (let ACIIIIS E rvmov1iAF,, as it tloe-i, the caw7c, (if the afft-etio aild. ST., LVP9, HEADING AN -I R00P M Ry. 3011�,- 11�SIILLAN, President. .takditi frmA- stsine c q- t1lue I healtb 111illi i Ic-licii Ijile tbo I IL) 1)�. pe parts ilia hl -oup and y mndi- hari�;.iug re eac1l. %� . I I . gr. IN -\N'hiuli appear in the St`11v(1(1!/ (it pole is thirteen, �LT-b 1('?1 41-11 not- an exper�. tP1 inedicine, Ila, has 11 11 es� ` 11 -ing satisfaction MISCELLANEOUS. cultural Cooking A;= ana ParZor §0UTE1 HURON 1 tioll, . iezi ng. �UC(, I Ic 0?".S, Tes; Stood f liilsst (if years, g in every� 1310 11oint Tbe i wtittpr, sti\ s re- is till expert in Jieir Ase havi its rapidly i cr(* �iirig sale every SkIft- in Stock or X1 &dq, to Order. "RIGULTURAL. 1i'%\-0__ a, cleparted "elled,,perhaps, taoll'ifti!Ids of 113ilesir-iiii: PAINTING—AVA1. it FREW, late of Scot M qon c0i Rrins. Two inill ()'I) I OtIb-8 sold iinn allv. S01 I ETY. 6, begs to inU Of Lte to the izuh ibliants of Al.3 friellil U-11 llow. wh6u* boyt� Ill-, was 'thr;;im. In addit ud to piis travels ji 1 1 Bewtumtf medicine.q of Antilir namof,111tel - "in- lan on hig c untry t lat he has u fingiues, ol ers, &c. Drov*tly att nced loll Estima a and lz; F,Lthff, 011C Hyrup aforth EPAIIIS TALLIONS. tllkC qL selfee -luan S was ntro-4 Se. iind Furro Painter a F S, vs U'llKis, in ' i Pi s furnis d f# allykind of machin y� oi Mill work.' iter, Ike: 1. ork ell .170 trodu 13o. :,8 1 G(I us leneral no ( -1-k bV 11: itill, suillMer the -iiote\vc)rtb\. X111111ba regiolil', k) men'ced busine a G llVNE ns iD -i i (Illevol i g, the I'llited �tfl d is umv cOm el 4R-018,Mptollshire Atherica, be'ha�, visite &nil n3in d Paper Ilanger, Sign , riter, Ike: A w 40 town and villwe ill tbe Civ:lizc ­ 11 1 0, tructed to. Lim finipiled in fiisL-csss k tyle. bit field.,�-UWlievt-it Nva." to the little' vil- tb6 gold lields pf Austilalia, the dia7i I I world- 41iive doses' wll julievu, ar v Ord U 111-v Ho 'INr I C., A. H U11BER" JOIE CHR-18�11A"\-7 1140 txbi 0 Sta"li X cents airplu bottl(:,'10 ce I <3 �uth Huron Spring, �,hfw, I iAX !Rae, meantime, at D. lkose'a GrAery, Sei 11ACE tbe. tv, o be bold e0u,"ll itttt775 S 01 1 11 i i to hear llwb- bods of Africa, all d oth r'botable fd , 1 6312 1'SiECr.ETA111 .1 la,,e town of 'I'lli It b � PRESIDE . Ax% '41 12 re -bereby. 1VM7. R. FREA'Y� 3LUS I I at Brrleefiefd, on Tuesday, ApriLl 1�1 lir. rt erb Ifall. It. -Iao, of; t1lo'i;e (.11 vil- 111illill,cr C'otlutrie ifipdrtbidt by anew ralir, cf the Ho iety, thtky not n� I di hiLe Free of b hfasqii - P-- ILI cla' however. Ifilat ill hl,St tl Iohest TVI I - i �!IZIDVI', With"t4!b so�l.iiare *,ralleric-.,s - 1� .- An HE GREAT FEMAI E.REMEDY. res, SL I i Kre rff1glirt-d to Inakt 1��f ir cwrii�tt -N.fb the Bee - T a dicine is Chaa-ge Periodical Pills -This invaluable., eta As ill the 111stance Of Clialftiers.. the ' detailed above, is bv,lar-tWe 11A r ryl on p Of iii.;;iii,-i7iciii(-.t;trolvt�it�qc-tI to eurt- n nV ft%'� tion unfailihg in the cure of -all those pD nful and, ri, for 11iorseq will be taken after tbVi dttff. SE FORT�I fLrirler,. iuld most perih. 1 s he I as :ever I of tho, 111irt tit, Cht-st or Lurip;, we krilw df viniv. dangerous diseases to w hieb the famal c tries fbr B nilsvi4 be tiken arafil,n O'cloik place- Nvtui ork, wded V-itli 'plain THE �WRON FOU NDRY, le n hov�. tL Spri 11 i i'l g of intelligent lj� object. It moil rates all 'exce� a and re I ghly as Dr. Ki ic- &I bf tlr�- s folk,, and, e will return t 1'Lo IM' 1"Onh, l. 1L re Can fLe ns�s New tion is a joi (1�rdiroo di HOI-ii tile f a all obrructiolls, a ill a speedy c i -e may be znd a fq r c h e D W I N C I E F S W L L, S ter e t - a I ry, winin�(lrs LUld "e'liti i1eig i-.' fp rbiv,� bv lie itille, ruate a -lit. I)ist-oveily ror Consu ptiop, 11s, (olds move I Aave now n 7, t ndfor sale, o) a ng G. M W J To Egraon4ville P. 0- 4inthlype. ma,r;rdli�let,itispeculiw!lysnited. ay 1 Fever, Roarsdiness relied on ister canie in., a Astli-mi roll f Cidter_-, Grain Cru ho.,rs, Gany Plovii, 639 ; ite na? &C TieldiqjV, in tho Tilroat, loss of voi(v, ete. This .4t -will, in EL short timO, bring on the, ill Ubege pills 8hoc ularW. ld not be "fluple, licavy, but still -iinpressive does positht. v'cure, and tbRt Clem riod vith reg nit-dici 4b proseuce. coiu- V1 -vtR ill., .1.-;e lia, I j failt.t. :� o inedicine can ,how tal�en by Fema LL CALDER— lookim! mai Longe les raria;' the flist thra 3 months k''rk Ut hill t,7; 4 ��Uakers 11lart Ilt C"lle,:, as of Pregrancy, as they a ressure to bring on b1ii- ALL KINDS Of CASTINCS MAD, TO ORDER ON S,'HORT NliTICE. 'A N DR E -- W 1. Ill (tile It ftplJielars fruill the, annual I if t 0 1.,t) Illittly positil Lid you to I)( 01 f!J-atlr bevii (11ected by this triilf wontl (-rful carriage, but at any Othi r time they a) i safe. In Photographers, Coun.e 11' jlnuouu�_ed Ili,; text. -Tho, nicilibers of t1le 0 PLOW POIN rs made from hard white t I low -M ither a ",Will AndIt to th eh ociet��- of Frieilds,t dt'a- rellied) 41 For AAhnift R id yoilelliti�; it is a p(.r- ail cases of Nervous 'and Spinal j Aecti no, e a . P TAOS Jhe Lead arnrxlg LAO d I i nbs, fatiguc all Blight ex- liantage to arddr castings from me, as I have a,11 the ma tof West vansdAp and 11, `(`kber, the-Uli-mber (of clLatlis �hmr` IF the f,-v6s] `if,"Corilig the rvi-,i Avor-,t (aqvs 1 , tilf, -hinery for �rindinf- v tit %iid: bes (s 1 pains a the back an he hear . t, hy Chad- rice, and alld, v"atullA, &C, turintr the Ili ,hortt! j; ti �Aite U111 act J,�-eat iitl �Gteat- 13, 1� i t Xi I. if possillip. Wit. - ay III till #ivaii!I givu artion, palpitation of Amd polish:ing the' mouldboaTds and points, a:ncl can turn out first cla yn. lep- ll.r �&J. whites, ihese pills Willie cctacnrewh i all other W FORGET 1 it it tri ijl: rrini bottit-s frei. In I N!"T YO ilwnz, Yli-� wao 110t. stlatt riing but. I aud IrettaiiLl erful I connection with �he above iere. 4 'itu tLqve� failed; %ad, although a pow I yor qF 10 It,; Hie] son 'Sonfortli, means et I ber t I a, In ol-t at � :i - 1 17 000 AV I S;' Con- ont. remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, lutilhotity, his pzt,. i - _N I Ile, is 0 th� front - pply�ng t1lilittaild Tbere was 0 zleti011 As �Suall rtful t o the constitu �t on. Fall �rspbs and Amb e. At %9 - or t)tllv a kind of liervous twitch- sequeut V. or anything hu Mr.- Wilson', Salkeld is R1 th-e Fi. a shing Shop: N.jthi Photo ilitlull belwi�tlftbat�of the U_ ! .. 11ing roUs ions in the pamp �l �et around eac I package, i oldpl� ta,],,ep ird 61 beant lati -the* fi r Ve - Nuaklen's Ariu-Ca Salve. direct 'oses, 101aring pacialk" as oil neralls and 4crai ii, a . ob AT pc e4ion.. th Zell Inc, of this finders lucife. 'eS hould be esiref r I n 0 0 1 s, Rr iir-es, Which s 7 preserve N_itN, ��WL The do.,4t,,alve. in the'-wolld for Cat! wilUl att d to All kino� -1 - R1 �srafle Or : 0Aed 11 Poll the, low. - Show:, 'il e long Iidll Pit, N �1 00 an 121 cents Is of Repairs," a Steam E ngines, Gria e4largied to -will -ap-Immo, t1iQ li-and milved r New 'York, Sole Propri(tor. '$1 00 an lbatlw-114a mmo rig laments R. ong-.,e.� - rtip-U1aT,GA1­ Ores. �Owrs, Salt r1hem, Tettert, Chapped e tb ack, Nvl' ' e the speaker ahlon rfst t1i e i1ilL-: n N fo postMe enclosed 161 N-orthro & 1 infin, To. Mi�ls, Saw Mi Us, and all Repairs on Famnlbrsl Imp hrom his ,Gb f1blains, Cori ne. aad -be blippy: NO 4'-cb4P trash 0' or part of the b fer )ers��of Lb e so i IffaInds 1, Is. aft all ki ids of Skin )ominion'- -peiience as fol -el�an of the Goderich Fol i ndry, lew" ft timal. i n y 1� it. , LL gi e S_kn pf En lmd L feed 0 _V� WIL'i suffefit)" altno lices I , I Erupt' �S. This sal�ei cgru v ran pQr- ronto, out., general it ento or and hi I job'4and &S to Pd odt. Pri sititut pain. �1 Thp infitut 1�lor ahtv! �Wa_s ver 1 9 ces *0 low as gr�04 work osil I 1 -1 -ry cfls� or 111011 aT will inshre a bottle litai iug ore W pills by Mitll Work, vartiP_1 sending work here ir hy denon an 'hn " 11 � r 0111 V 1.51 des tl�s f feet,* Sa � rofi�nded. pend on ha �11900(1 tr,,JV Oil r, ;undej i - fa:tion in evE mail. Sold i Sea rtb by I lickson fo�r. ANDI As beilevtth tlib deePellill' ell 1dren & return aollte he W011.1t 7 choap as possibld� Give us a trial. RIU NNCIM price `J�,conts per box. Foi 'sale bN F cklon Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts, and R-Lum-glen. e%7e nin _bedes ftullill-a - tllr(?v­1l. the ear; beLWeell o. lie five vell. k , Bleas i 566�8m �q � 1, oaf -'rth. � - � .1 A "'A a � - � .1