HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-03-26, Page 1. .. ....... T" IRWIN j 4- t4, -4 4 T ­ t j LRCII 19, 1880. i, Is 4-- )OUGALL 00,, -4i —4- m WRY C -000s, -A R R tv -E ID Twe of Georgla,,11 CDnqi1_',rIImeUt of MLN IiRob 3.1 Pi-lblishos. -UM-BERY 18800 64 MAP, W1110LE !S Yo��Lir iii Advaia,�t 'JH THIRTEE NTH -YEAR. AFORm. FRIDA Q1 RING GOGD�,S' 2 ---------- 7 td his- p d, par- h rough 4liffoeltioli.1 T N Rul SIL wo e amilesborli.6 imost, that the te ct�, the 1reatter Poirtiorl, at.. T E' o']BRI !I,S11 W, 0 5 Ulan V -ed -of Quebec -were so ibirl skinne a6beri allowe assion. i tar:of customs t B, 1 and rial About 3 00 SMITH & �WEST rkin a M -is 'b e � -esi d. ed. till tl �o tioularly as they lived in so 8 4' 11 U, My own the better of his -ull:,rnent.in ti that tow wl, e c we'r, er-, the pitten t h ad so fa let lone 7 t) 7 [I� time eve -e a r xetor- sd ifi so imall that I have to) -lodge instorace, as his recori 41 as always� be, u oflii.deat . He was Much res ected el'mate, a remark which dved d that Lie was got to bed. and lie is IVIIAT A 'I oily IT.; NJ) wa, MAVHt V �J re I TY ADNI N HI'S TO Sik" C !A 12 where I I a, yse'lf in r ar to omply tbevervbest, gotea6lAr ever work#d by 11 wh kr e* bi- il, ial th applause. reat- els I Ind his gerl w i. g E CEIVD. ISTILIATION, trITT08 otim, low 'PT 139 fairly. 110 HAVE witIll Itbe claim 3 of decen �y so ne,,essary more f 6.it f 11 f E AONV' CHA h u y is lispositio� will —The 'Iffteen" Jos, sus the Ber- h a pain, was ir th ancement f ma Lnd orebero, Puz, ay bi i baw-firied. froin the in � Oixed W -rid grown raun il� B [Iiiier fallffig Off 10g; 't the paint a� le e IA RC I otten. He was 'twice I Yeu,8, is as easy as; his school p.qld u swap- I rfirl' REC ELECT] 3 wh� re thel pa U ILI tb -CE, - I - t rlo� Soon be f )r�y [lil . a e an d :0f the rapA.N r, Q t j U st�� for all t —Messrs., -A-,. il ..e Co., :)f malTried, Ind le , four b Lt'the Loudon Adverkis.,-r asserts that :kot i ell, had vomiied, I _8ETTER 1VORIC'All, W� RS AVAGE 09 N THIS WEEK,: f hou so$� that Alexadei o'wn,tbQugh Montreal, Solid on -Tu �as ay 5,000 'bus 2- Solis to rl� ourd 1, is loss. i th square blocks, as the'g4me is pro- -Thei train! IGNMENTS' LARGE CONS 110R- of Manitoba spri g lipa." ly plilyea, the puzzle. ei -,oud -0 3.r li, 'h 16ft it plplaars he has ro:)rr. for: Six t' els 3TAN_clrES,rFR, Eii.tylaiffl, F?b. wheat at.' I -A co f or; purpose of rd- p s not' been i o X unipeg, whie rly ha ty in-store ne, u last 1weeh, narrow)v -esc IV hat . W 16tter woIrk. and -be sail I 1vorsolp to live i a It ciu-( e in .-the per bushel flin ng Sal at substances-, has ls ved from the positian 1 1�-14. The ' )ittario ew Rtints of 'the yp at NViast Lyn lA o ry op weather than 0 e side'of R�d R v( - lit 'be e uder 1\7 ad'vertis68118f,100 for -a vliat Might hAte b4jeu a bad acq'jdent� n ine w York- Jlerald e, at the as%mlshin GO' defably better off t Eat we N e"e I des I just "Elevated." I dQt'4 a the west The wbe rpol OF nsi arty one expectiii:Uwoa a:e b' at ed Norlitir &I, der N YZ as -a iy oie b t it; w -r -v ard It us bi ttez I y lig was sold to go to Min es olta for m; illi ig th nam ol � he, North American Sc tition, and Mr. Win Bx "e, of Loil- Nhen about 111111. red im, ies, uIrtb of Fr - ell- Pri 1leV* tb a `Ab ey to la�t year. haxe it' So 11ho abd -purposes. rs i -an e . . . . . . . . . . at'i 91 C a Capital of id, u, will give $10, X Paul, six ch off tb On as bu atid. 0 C) JD S !This- - is ev'ideuced. By th iv ay so f1jeu, th, �'their In PE -i d live -muSA Twentiv-seveii fla, Fled loads A $3 000,. md Mess s. so. Rice; A. —The Paris Transu ipt says tie of F -Aunpu e1v 0 AV r -Ay Aijam sbos are packe, on Seltul t, 6'r be 4ythinh but pleasaub a leg. at I'the E ]Mont Mi 1, St tark(,Aex. urrqy,Dr. tI e most ii telligent a ad suee a 1 of rrlag@� one. Tbe trin arrived Lu�t;re, in all t1te grain arriye on Me, 1. U. daud'tbu 11 �,u whi It. t1- 3 life of the N. W. T., on the 25th fromWhi �e Or ik, W ater Roacli and Robt! Hope oi r munty'� eachers, )re Strong, besti- it Win i eg n Mobd*y afternoo- p way b4 nex I ear', ha n. which men.who Rapbror of T-I'lissia lias lialan preserved Fish Lake I and Lac. 11 Bicbe.1 0 n �ny the o' her day. to' tho- --rlecess ty of —At 7 t. I �11 x i�y s, on Mondar Lftel rig stuidlre4of schol at -on, foi r nien or., re cief f an hundred and twenty aad one hq!ndr )d The Governt!neut d in. cl rViii1ing t is eveni u Pw sing Kew Style of S�hirtlrt jivb 0 4, the o in I, :o ;is aCb0Unted,,()f course, to 13e. some- b ave recei�e r cseap�a 9- 96me dolefu"l di I tr t S, a fild�eu� 11 dr Swml Cottart., ! e 8 %Ill �)us -e tty th Oil thin q911.15 a PI 0, Dry Goods are. f oing up, Mid we urf 4 . e_ ; but it is qvident and seventy miles is tiox to i he efl set in, s experience- h s led ir ce bo fo that A 'erican el him Tbdy w(re elig-alged ill ct� a d a )1 1 tba a can u:)*. be seen reeling r and a his ervatiou iE inore ue to t -0 a rist to in Cal t 1:16 privi b Is, xN-h teve r oil t ic :on T, -out 'belo-,�, our Customers, to make their Fur- le wil I be permi �ted t Ing �*,cotcb.,Twilled, Sheeting. �ge of to piescri. no lesso, chases now, the sQf-$ame Streets' var Oon alter the o a cc risieratiou of his assail- —Rev. Mungo y OmB 3-, transit t1rough Canada from one Ain- 61V ings,--and 'the IresuR, c s lim-tou "Phtreet bri ge Oue of i their I r-) 4 1 .;tT o I taind, had at ile Goods . ae to be r Fras r,lcf St. Th (I i r N hich is said thley lax's. redeived fheir.. W&O'es. ant:, %an to: ;tb it divi present�d with� $100 bjr t Le eicau p rt to anotlier.% Restina 1pla b oa� 6181 to osite side Nv 0 ces P-lov ell bis School. t opp ell t to A Iforrock's Bleached Go& old ces. I itv N has been high there is a den;.. of quiet disti ess, an I to I edge.,& ]do g." T aev, 3 re'so many managers of Kno-' h rel they co for food d wali6t eUsi r�bvded spel ug match bet re-_ the doe to his ell ill so be p i uweeii ar )SIS JOVE r know Many ff lioes whe e. it of It. his which Ule at -will 6 t III: ohe t� ro u gb- S CC)= e� Perm n al fri �o'd i and A ives of ering that the,�� 920 s Lynn. This ffec a verV large p. es..... tativ s from Bruce to uship and brt i I a 2 dDla� e 3 ty i u 'ob ell in. t I re Con ipiracy financial staternebt ex�i�ited,was at i- ippei The eat- e last v 'ir. mcdi�4'ely rain to his r 11 e1w m V, r b d a uls of wl b I Ono SaIrina toAmerioan sh fi e f'. om So u acell too eek. New ratterils of Oil. have to uffi r iave�y bea] alialos ILga L St, the i -A writte. I on ier an't, er �escu.. and he -lydrietobiseffots-towirds augmeit- tle howe�,er, Wil I haive to be,,glaughter- h. Ly ords were given tb bkoke througla till f6ur a, a.111 in sy tem ol d c, nch, 22-ich N( Violover con In vt m� sup ?brthi thi I have -D E, of his life ing the colIgnegation.. I aw one; Ito ;I ed at Liv rpool. te ." Tb, was dou::: 'three times, in h vi; re in the i SU t lelp t a beh sacl!if itie if thi S -an e —A imeeting af bel Presbylueri n Serg6at C aw ord -Who had given EL makiu- 50 words. Brue misspel �lteir Ules fori belp attracted, tlie. at- Afaxtba; Cor- T S_ C�I or real], r It the po or, e tem -b inMake, famil la� with bi Iof W E '134 words and S Lu A malal Pei GUS, swe awayl w thouti sun h a. so orifice. congregation of 'Glad4t( e, "Twauitol 1, a bond ifor the -E-ifoa production of 16 geenj 55. Mrs. ily ad cheaper to any other even if, it is a two or tbree d ys Wh 11 a nder-a rat explodes -was held on Tu sday, the 2nd in t. Jo)nny O'Coin r a itlae Assiz els, has the Brue to fish them014t with difficulty. e, , mili� u VVay op e si& urr, for xk et and onIv to be had Ladies requiring Dress Gocds� should work out of the, �six, tkey,�,ibf coil se, utes too: d a!notheV, in a mieson a� d op lied to be�releas(,l f com his � boud. rAIRE aill"le error. I —DJ.Ros--,;.the athlete 11__� i ten 'In Ilate, all Messrs. Broadfoot, 49 ra Ts. 1,(�a�s 0 see our Greuadii;lle Lustres, Plain- and consider � ther i3elvos be4teri [clil til L 1 pall( itil Ites to@ xly, yo -may Ch Poiut6d Trustees. T e H objects to run t1- a Ask of allowing I Y.1 M L -V i s h. tw -io foi Sart I'm:: isco in ApriL Be. e ten r bb, were op Fancy, their sadly -t ll( r an.d. in all the Latest Colors, co-�nii,03 be re th a I evis hre �, ome - 'sweet report showeclabalan,,ei favorof,-t e th bo to go to. Lu all )n a.'visit oc- The av aae sal -my for tbaChErs in fore bis,,dep/trtbre ho challenges ally, chernIV, ,rho love he Czar, but C0110regat Ca louall , alid. -in his sholvs a. wic-6 initioba is about $400, tbe Ilialiest bG- Ull t1i h, two seraxpp T est Goods ia town�l and are selling fast. of food tbati yst(l)mbf govec"Ill., out a� who oirited Secretary i pro cautioa. ' A special co-listabl1b has. inj 1 6 33, and the lowesi $25 fal R DAY K E. X They are the. Ha dsaest and Cheap-' have ip work A all. Therefore'all It( lith ion. M rl. John Ii. Logie w s tio'4 �VIA ..can be �pa;ked not I is 8 app manth. IS awl one C mb.­rland out of' thre' nd American dlsti;-i�uted as farl"V as : ssible; f I is: life ---4-,L young maa ritar, e' to Tl)� SM Lk Novelties in English a as p! am I are looking fftc 'the saf ti� C Campbell, �f been aprointed by His Honor !Judgoa I is superinteu�ent -endorses' good Cer- dE. es are plad6d.ut PRINTS. Pomiadoar Prints — �Vith !those in the nearest P�:)Xinliby. bo, who �t' S leaf uId dumb, h4 d Elliott to watcl,i the boy arld takia care ti er ProvinCe's, but his $1 )0 a si -Ie� 1�or the fifth ti�ffie �vitbftl. tile Cclitents of TE C W61 !,, althou �h - ey are ma. Ug l; MIS- Lb va a! Lea e§ froin oth L 3P 11 . '00 is valid o y till' the th Xr. Dun s to in at6h. 1 01 S, t( ag I erald a for b �m jLt the S8Me trt "A been out I'a the t LOPPI,41g. tt @f him e I da -sation. a year -apt. .0 til tit" 0, inan wo da G.A�SES of 9 1 , . .'' N ell can C. Ross and � C lrCEly give Cent f aire Aunted F kiri,­7 3 frien� ar -, his greatelst enemies" coming me a. .—Mr. !Thom4s 1,Cing, general store n3xt examination for teaclers. The J. C. - 1) ily net on. or, j, bo t De. 'Int.qr hour,he w. S last Eld Stitched, arried and' �qltcb.;4 I] is 'e' 'adE 1111AO; looked after, and oaxaar irliations are held in August wdeh wrestled P at axioriix laiv Ill myse- lills d id-- 6bdi----,As eAlper, Idubbil, i0rit., Us been iIh busi- for th-e valuabl'6 It ey c i�n be de to erw sqme vso: f.11 late ell am ashil h 4 dependsou t found under the lar E ace mber, and in cQli, is Emperor as I'll, 0, 1 Lnd always ) balt a 1 ne3s about twenty years, t action �vith hem pip the I e givert to t hose Ir )3t Alektud' Irris' 'S Was COD �urP6 , Cook nuf 3e, and er elf -whaLber the C zar of which lie bad been CUP. s�dered veiy respec�able. In tl are three classes of ceitui - Comp g. tes, 11 ac any OV New Y� GENTLEMEN R'EqU.tR71:NC CLOTHING �Orely in . nee f them. lives r dies: a very industrious you n Septemb r, is bi e tatd showed a NiAll. tivo ,Mdes in each class. he 1 rk, to. be the beavv ;*eight It i, h6t our class that -tr Ubles 11111 aud taost. desirable Col. A Biturls., —A corresp'ond ti "ala Edm Surplus 0 $9,0 07 Tillie liabilities at sl 1 pp y -of te' chers at P1 -esent . the Pro- I at') lete rho Proves bi mself moust *orihy OP P ;Inalny cliarita,�Ie asopiaa, sl and 1 v of it. o the di and 8, Nvhi�ll -we will I -Aa writes that t n I that thrid were 20 000. 'When , a he contoist resulted in ato her ot al t he -p�esoan ) nter had b inc( is equ so- lJhe pan ),?I., ou I , I . t foi a great I. v yearS. - J !.an extension, the cause tt�Dubllll ens -re, most, �'C anada. the coldes t Ros f ell —1 young man named H who 8u 2ce ow us a�ud' the 6ter ran i 60 was too Louch st9c nil too long c, edits. ill I B f )r Sieve: al years b -d request inteading irst Q ality aa clQse- 1��icei . rc 50 0 to elan. i the em- rrespoildent writing froilit this at Itheirnom Sh' Id see our Newest Styles, i ie 0by �,eul as] woul r It s 'See S tall- wl is reported I A 51 p I Ta 08updloir'l nil id-olle +czlass bo,�'- c TI -n- hem early and judge fi. 77 10 an d 8 12. 0i id5, Hig o gabe, SAK It Liles from idgetown. below zero for -nearly t, weeks. I Cis th* -be has bad a series of di i- ploy )f a Montreal bu -.her, 1 16ft that SaY13 e settlers at or Lines at the pe uplar'Clft�S use i�s se4 j�i at u f e In Si bc V: al op., of rog abo t cu ties, abd is now Attached. city Jor.daritobaon the 1st bf ner" r ssi 4av d p am c Or rs dge of he rat� al snow fall"is Dot VEry i, bei Sot roff 6 a 0, tea the wh idl ..31, thd"hi -9011111 �i oup! the at. Ill Show no advance, an(I furt: ture I orn P&rkhill 15 inches in the woodE. It has driftlli i Betw,'8eu 121and 1 ry o stormy weatlier� which dosa f$r towil- 'This 1A Ve j..een Sent J o'clock Friday b: 2 t, wing of in iii the ting 0 all tile g'Qbd thngs of th'ie ea. -!ill some, but Dot so much it M( -the barn andElTiatisof kr.T v it t the sa to DItuitoba'is �280 r. ILS does In )rning,. P -Av Norl h-wes ook the ,!that this i* the PI&C4 EX. C p that are. bj'e i the Mid- Collisoq; of Biddul 3.�ys f4)r the -train, in -whic. Clothill- 11 - blue I joo � brought 6wii t Par- Mai!titoba. ph, were destroved u he Little 19`� shatcb�_:wap., It.is also i end. g HATS ANU CAPS. t 0, dle ClaSS the" iuflueuce�of 1 `ch roalati Ele is a rmimt of the 7th, ti ave i t siho-kg 4attli ere i -vas i in- b-ange We HWwkins 1, o b ad.- bpe reach Winn He or Giants' sizes. I a io! by fire. Iled tb i� ed to take step to �e i and f i ieads -pushes poom rr �eople It ciew is of 6,01)0 Eminal C se's in 1879 as' e S(I(ms to ha b vere 1:i2a me of C, selling medicines on Br 6iitford m i concessiba, a:nd hiF farm is near the sell tah en. with EL g Lbe o ice. to the same If. Seveial cases just opened in English One side#, benevoled'' 9ple o y comparoad with 1'878. S, on xiday, cbarge 3hu'reh. � he &use of a f SO a Catholic the fire a;!ack- of Itbe North -w Ties. be letter v or tn� days, w est vritoa4 e is !aiikno*n, bui udfoob the )sed to be the E�eryt irig andAmericirt Stiff Hats. Evarybodyi knewho4mu o ei�,� re f"ef moi Oy 1,Che stij ell' of Dr. Pr by Det ctive Smith at tl e Police�.� Coll I b t is E4P b bout Winnieg loo-kel So cease ref 2rring to hat setlemlat JUARD AMERICAlt wants one of our New Stiff Hats. 'goes ockets Dr P ar into th 6 P to 0 po resb teria-u. tho e uutry " th4 I past,)r df the Firs t with using the title :ol "Dr."-wi t w6lirk6fahaincial1dia7y. This fir, bo hia� that ne remained "there hE waii co wil i e can 1; 1 S��, b -Ate, I be both, having a proper certifi( I solirbely upor the Donnellys. oi iy I ihree days, and tl en oanalbarked. fdr ittl f6lks, they wouic sul, C i be doi4g a I towards couvevi ha, been increase a3e, for- .6 ado u, ad 4g, sorry. I : i . bu ell Z 4e blanled I I ' ' offencei he was fined $270), and w#y I Cohi6on i t ntreal, reaching hcme 1,4st: Friday Ct iid as on I be Geography of the �ARTFAENT tro 4�1,00010 s Said fo be a q aiet, in off e:nsive Ell our -I -g 116ve 3- 11 ll Ill e( e not to use the title untill he 1procn�ed - l,,1 arta bigh]y resp E V id ciel Young in I Oeo. Moo:r ect ble man, and the t rvL -to which iomos OUR STQCK' Of 900TS AND SRO" taper!) hiiive risen a N�1,�ig g�eatly; A proper e ai reason fofthis.outrtge Cannot be wolil -a do well to deote "ro was 'ound'dil, ad,in his beft last 'Sunday certificate eutithiJA him to b im- —The girls of the WJ ftdsor grar imar no, 'vs,)ap?r men 'late over Some g oss'- clu s lif Allis morl incy at -1 idgetown, havit) 'etired INT. D. aginba. have Sent a lettEr to the chair- a lile �Ittentiop- also. 9 r tiou'relative to Ir -and 11 Gurr ell nd the revious night in his usu'al be —Straws best show I w the 'wil I i —F or.' everal niglits I ast a Canadittri 'a an ofthe Board of Piducation, ilso A lla at the lhrousia y will satisfy all who imight, for I oads of- lie I pry I it Was 'bouht imuch belcw the eut SO alth. �-h Mir te of' )rriervill-le. A, large grain prices, and we Cal rwo' voluabl blows, While one of' Me late i school !Leber named Liura McDonald to the, head !master, kiu+�a that the Kr. er a"t He., loc. aad, 1_940. t ey 8 0 ws ffi�ied Oil the, the P or teiaturp be relmov� inSt RTArys o to examine ney a bait h ad been aive I to '101%k ear Forest, Soud t lodgi as at the Cerltral.po- ft i) cl er it, English h t'Ouday evell''i 1 an. 0 f Ax rr�,l of X �'. Amos VVi 801.1 grant trainis 10 Manitoba was _91101 hai3 Ing 1"Irish pelasauts a bi of rliflige- hiife I t t7l by Purchasing frofft" US. I bound a couple of enthusiasts got -TAp EC6 Stat on, D ed, The claim that he takes 4-0 rer, resell lit � tha� t. h was th e soni oI a wl�ite Cottons ELt sq., latel. from ting all pa&r whi h bad e roit, being a stranger y lai to e and fl She b and pew iles3. per vard. is re- e ltwo lines laill f aTmer, ask�(It for found tbeiir w into al lir beellUrn o the wall of bil home'and red hot discussion. on: the N- P. N t in e Cit Minutes' time to criticiz we 1-to-cl i Shops ad'bee!,'roa�ailoacl utt affain 11 t e y succeeaing in- convincing oaltch other, - it ported td be intelligent, modest and from the 11 Lady of the L and that 'a few do Avauce o - .4 -load SW t Out. tD lars asian u; 11 ime to pi -epare I for their of heat lers ILO Colligi3li .ra-b Duck, plain, at Pop- I _ �JS. nave u 6 t ter landea. the bao dia U, of 13 ngstonj died was decided -to take a oll of the tra i la y -like, and Friday morning C' tain th ey p ap had b �,-Ten the ',.ce roacipi,le: s iti D ir. wit )lit wi funerhl, in on 1, e question. I Tbie.r�sdlt'was tb t ger inter- nd, 'ab WE 16VE T SELL CHEAP ' b fear to at et the follow 1) 11. After tb th Gi ardin and SergEaut Bur tili�,,- at which the they bri aging. In rab ing our, cotto, 1 fahine a ist Y601's the 9.1se b there were�only two in fdv3r of the 1�. "ested themselvels- in -er behalf and moUit- On the othe - sidos, Mr. Soit3rville �t onciaaii.3ted. tilie re - to, I o bruilli, d to U01 of an old army ers" of. IlLe istre,,% t'was this 1'sp6hg wer found 35C in gDld an d 1:731 in P. on the whole train., thoYoun3,Men' ChristAnAssociation P1Ipil3 claimi that the d'Ssati9faction. of lqu est. �&otivj afterwards, �5uspeatiug Poe e 'Because wo sell f or Cash only. We s that tea. 1 7b �3t super or 61w t a i ban bills. —A man named A-Vm Watson, ro�- at once c Me to her relief, and wAl ti.0 girlsfis owin: to th Uct that the Itha be rib t, he � am's have but Oue Price., which ii� 'Marked pro- 9 !1 igil'it �ot siding in township 16 vide for qr until she finds suitable em- tEacbei aforiasaid is a marripd. W and VU tol.v U V6 I the poor wi. c �t, mbile. sdores 0 re do) toniRlr� enquiries,, an .1 ;Phe On iari 4:800111. in Plaln Figures oil th,6 Goods. Gov, 1I out his- is re 13, of tit ent y- X)UGA LL & 00, 1! site a procUrnat4,011 (ffaullu El, reward Prairie Province, lost hiq'way on. Satui p oymen -ov I dedhiiies to Obt with them.. had been decei vever, I f !,ad that �,Cv -3 01 9 i ii iv. Im -1 f all we' hear- abou h the' conc ition �e 40 H W lot 0 4,000 ddi!ti na f, Inf6rrhati6u. day night, the 28th ult..,, iiIe returnh --A vEry hesivy st6 passed 6ver! Th has bibeebe h n eeil t this year, on grea 3A g to t1 e convicti on of trial mu 0 a the to his house Irom cuttin 1 �-ails, and lit I the city of Tor turd 'I after- hat been comiril"tted to Stand. 'hifll �rs (it 1,,-)tapIo and Faacy SMITH & EST. 1, so okto. on Sa &N ol tr 6de in Elora, is true, the to -N rq is The unfoi - illimage ui)i grievance now I for obtali ling 'oney inder U16 AnD in .8 119wrtegs! f ne al U rde rerc both -feet badly fro21e D 0011 Wh h did so e slight d wosper-ous.. V long estab4shed 13 pre - our w9ges. uty terices. oatter wi: rk Urs.r Scott-S)iddonapmuounced the. tun in th w of blowing and respectabife grcer,Vr.!k1ex. a -w I it(;., 7, C ate man has a fami I in- a destitu UOwn chimneys, and better I weatli6l: is df(a&ally di pu w' d' in U, was in, that p1acE., as been � at- 'daysthe family -of Mr. 1 W ich F� he --For, i Opposite Carmich�el's. Hotel:. b c hall * � state. The Westbourde: Itoulacil ran a bu on t s an ae- chief fu ppear S. L _� i he dirtiest slie 1. seen t6ChEd. A little over a yeat :aa() he.' ori, a few !miIias u we -tyworse w �bge -Is i 6 1 e. 8k hal: e, ph, t to his relief with $20, an�l 36subScripti( a fel Therq thelfrainewDrk of, new Geb, Wbt of ork ;this week wit4 W, W 3� 'intieworld. .8hew1sr!a;Ilyaf4aid!t;o: has been got up foi himJ d by fro.1n St. Marys W e 11 juruey, many of,. h4el heir g erlac xiaorge 11tanlan euture J� u p -u chas�, no a a. great Ai��'troass made a small v althiju� cl, Vu iteiIr nelgiibbr of. rnine�, 1, appqara, ce of their ''hAle d Showing great ia� SEAFORT14 0NTAR 10. r best.cos -uni as. —Mr was compel mol.shed, and . fif- stD,-k of furniture, which ,b s, hA, it 1 over theffis be appiarinllE Boamister, D. is now oi - never earning very goo4i es at. lie twir riltruction. The --- iFor usiligilisultincliliguage to 'a cupled making a map 9f: the muni - tean men more! �r I la�Juroad. �Thos- appears, been profitable. Tohn bo3, age two 343ar -and a li-al 0A cO, best; aas'-manaig - to t D s Mo -w die ed sav�,, suffidio, I morriirig ile a - red I away i ung m, an aame ton , forelm an, b ad arm dis- 4�i y a YQU g lady, y c, Mar- pality of Portage Is. Prai i13 ohns more an rte.f I.) are mostl well -to foi the Ili tn* tell halsbeell th c sU tb carry h1imself,'-wifel and ell d lic the main of the c0JDCIiI. The Ma is abbut loated, and thn -e c trpe Am were seri.- the' housd, a -a I as he *ao not ray was [Vse hipped. (in, ol a century m-anufactu, "inififfil-litureirt. 1. fro 'he -and oyerf to your,ccutt,�y. Vc."n I- I in Inalars I the otb(ri,day, on ly injr� al to be tile right sort of h sea ic r seviall essed 6f, stred red.. The rest escaped with the aueru� tal 6. - by a feet by 2 feet,' seal E il2c 80 chair t10 t place, &nil has succedaed. 11 ma�iuta;. ii, bimselfaa� 1011gei, n A 4'of llim Could be found, thef-al.11 �snow of th in iulted 'artY.: to the inct', and showg v. �.r a year ago I �e y presse ilqg ciblite at. iTd he OP ned z a, brguc, 1 d __J TE -1 13 1Z 0 S. this c itilitry, a Ilis �vai�es +-The ial)iliti �,-s o Win. Bannerman, for money,'a � ill I hs fobtsteps. Serch v1d0l has'bedn displayie 111 T ti gentleman frien he lands' an sli lit hr *m hevJ, I settlers iii. -the Lo .—The fun of the 13 L* H. Hol-� names of Weesidentsi t parishd,& if h M.1 P. for this So ith of the rich I iwa maa, folti, 0 lilt this c at differeut� lines, 11 -e ton, P., tDok place in MontrE al -on Porta�ge ..'I& Prarie, I-�igh Bluff at Colin- stAe which turned out, a t br I ferent edu lefellowin a;I1 di- nowine shillii!ics, a We E34 essl t];i,) n W ir 0 1� Vbe 1�7th ins .,'aod was of: most Poplar' ' oint,-togielther Is ty bf Re ifrew, ho was placed in in- gt 0� -e -do,unprofit 1071 i toll he iabl 13 RIO e ila train co p I Gas day 10, 47, , V lie I La 1but I lot theyr'ere'niuel' months ago. �P. Y)u 'ach Mo was 43 fo!ul�� d , 14 he ad Isin- ev x wituessad solVency )y awli Of, att Mont on and- -9tock, mostly be- Imp in that city, lots, the whole being Mill e I in variol: at t 1,43"ied., es ma-erc , Oaties. On ti 00,000, - -Col. Reuben All n Steer6 and will go �t him rier tlani h the; 25-th ilt;,are I at $2 )out t aree m -i NS from home. tr`aia, pre. THE: for Tbe4rocessibil:,xiumberoad about 4,OOQ colors. U CID -haa er013 be meat to get, a little ln=6 -co E h , Du g his wan lering lie sea CLOTHING Of ivbi6h,0ver MOS00 Is to the Mer triins go right youligy men bel6mring to Hurc i ItBbeeca Ann Meyers, w 0 0 ited. peglile. withou, �d di3guAing sp( Township named ameh Wilson -a 11 ell n w toaetber before 'be settled 4molic, -ral 6reeks Uli .ce sev bt wbibre he V�Ias f6und. e prospect 0 although th f So ladtling is: poted to hold, as Eecunit the entire mar (1141 ebauge" - P", IThe bru �al A of ts'Alilk,*whicl institution is re- lif ii h t is only five feet t n d a I mlf, ere ter than for wood and wa- e e -Whestet cool, gbting carriE d in quite ex.1 Win. Fitzerald bav return y a few days a -go. is hope. at) d aim Of h r] been the Sol -ddsof S "Vely in ro nto. It is:�'a, di grace from the Micbigaiil lut: ti 1;, t assets of the.eEtatd. Mr. Bannerman T Ay belc�bg Li liputi n C pera Aer shail e I --On tie 2 ds -of arch th, I have not kn0vii him v to the w _t "happened ia here they wen t, last Oc! o ber'to worl :khich trav( Rin 4, . i on", totl citytliat-Means arE 11( once wa enga,, C1 in Ithe 4ainber business, Company, I' Nortbertal Bridg. an �e ineideu �-�e S f 173 GENTS' FURNISKING iliked him,we.111(he Sol( �moa of. 8 miid Leves (I the at. Ustern Railway Waiting ado#ed to S'lam out this reli6 of, b 1 an SoMefiVA orlsix years ago, on *ith- t1i rou zh Ontari and. bad be' en I wers D ue, Crosse At T4p boys on,bei' -paid cfl io chet el 11r La- vrene from Ithe in rawing, rom th 'was ich I L I d y ears.. -L �t W'h Barnet, f urniture very, bai. In. 119 nly recei the house' of -P train, ed $16 per mouth, aff bpy would no: in ii ni micry and reality I or s Might pCithaps1aye lostiaredi E is by thE a Ler'm n-itik 0., was reported worth T )6 1 rid, �eed An old co u —A by- ted c rate� 'work on the Sabbath 41al S, all workilm , , pal h of Green Isa Lid to Escoumaiiiis. ple ou la V wla,S vo egroom was fat-, I tlessly att irea d he is av�Ory lihey' xiijus tc� hae their i or pay rs of ilic4rdine for a bon as o Ied ii, (I �woi �e a rather I) 510P,000. Th-, rive'r is thefe a`l`eut 30 miles *crass. on bhose days beill,' ),0 per i�abnt CN C! e ingly dignif DEPARTMENT. a*f-ree ebuntr -e, your CV�,,), it, 0 i's pwd I - 1110,11100 to K,4,pss s. 1. 0. Fis ': dai e moustache. The ride was cla'd. the ran wa-4 ae�owplislied in feiw iz - t y r her & Co.�' Moralsaroa, Vadiscoullith that lan& oaN� a I . ,ed beforo leavillf." on- a ( f A f s, )uD m all, from, fi(r,, amuqipga to note how si 90 ft Y rarila` ere the co rb. 11.e retifirn, ter Nvas, theref uria' tb unt y visited Ottowa, and went in pale blue i�ilk and ligatin. and. i lio hoever, oceoupiea Seat lfortjiemani(fac�ure cf 11hia'steel. horse freedom. reflainS of all our -f Go( d - tyle., ihl bR- ti I 'In the es- Coll ow. Th bv-I aw as arl ried �y 102 Mr. Jam es Evttn, #on spree. Inibo- course of his blasb3d and wept in ca),tivatinn :six lay -8 contr calmf3l, and - P, IZ(A %;WU) represent i­.�ar -,yish lar Vk goo]. inr oi, pi �ople 1from the ice COD414rho retard. the E r u(Tieuce i , ast Middlesex in the L (al House, fa 4, b I e h is visited the British Lion Tw)(Oupes of sm- 9 With t set" vere the thaE -W Al, lilt 0 . I r, ant I the 'The object of The wiiya. tr are the names of those, 1 ---iTh: .Hose,of Assemlly of. ince the first Parliament af'p Jonfederibtitio 1 1 o4el yaro�, and, Dbs(6rvii4,,, in a quiet cc nipany stood up with lie pal GOOD TWEED SU 1"TSy Srom the'llisats and lips I One a�d by aily as EdO. ara Islo011as'pa3sed a bill oi- died at his residence i which W Is so a accssf Pi. courttv b,) far as, lest Nissow -i ediiner a I -arrel'N) -ith a I top Came to the KrErerrony wasw ully oarridil out, it es Gf 0 waf to c0 'We 0 bad soi ae h e 13 it !iship� 'ouncil t. He� h ;I ;-c clusio'A i It v us bee r. Then be as a hotel parlar 1 7ould alceXtattle slativ by a on Saturday afternoo' 8 4 1 4 hold. The Nrey p rovisions to the m ber av the &eg gt is A, in our worhishops,(ver th electic US 'bimsel'out*ou his backjaild CQ)n -,I is 3 d, his wjfr- 27. �estf ei)ts 4t u -n: the, s. me, vote"Of 03 to 3� b Gen� Faw, J� What.the fate of thq been ill but a few da vith inflaul. �,trbtched �3 years, ol foy Liverpool add South' ,, �k[, both of 'the Legislutive C6 'pu the tal), �urtl_ T idy will contifitte with the,ppera co M.- ol. st iri), ubitar�ts of the place s erc: or y ry Mails tb Order, only 'i;,13.�00. :I .... h J Itu and Ma' it I . bill Jvill be mation of the bowels. Or a lid=bor ting his m Qut h* I: ride r I wbroe ti victory far ill I i I was,(ertainly the earliest airrival is y uti-Do ny intil the end of the Season. wife, Mr wbiGh! e Tori 3 of years Mr. Evans whs: he Reeve qf ed the coq'k. Tc hi; d:smay he, dis- pa �out Tbese'elections were Ico be co' struction of t �e temporary "that township. Ho' I wel?,' a wifi Co ered.' i1bat: it c)ntained coal oil, --lbe, Guelph -1 -c' its a- iE d upon f S the -e ot a ve�ssel fro the w ing Willni peg wit the daug ter, and tWo sons.. He was- .51) an 4e Ovllillow held tests'of the strength b I! (�* Or- . sha -e. I t rail' fa lere I&Ivi -, ay�conn.6 W, McGregor, ct d �a cluantity before ccuatof theEaster.. Goveri�meut; but as re6ar Ll LiverpoC nia? - .1 r f in ai line of the Canad a R LCA16 Rs i years of. he could -!extricate hhn�elf from his sa V. t i at Mr. James Mc Sha P. -The' F orest maiirket '61ok- can lway a it was i tather the t4ttacl ok a fbrl( In h 'Wa �Vi di three, ism king vedy slow roar 9s, and )wi —To kive an idea, c f 1 he value cf positi6b. of N1 o-1 atrea), boabt 250 1 ead Of cattle pu tie following jtei'338 respi"nie i y ope, 11poll tp t C;eorge 1,:idd-of fo �export. to E urope; this b of -a Viait place': The iloark-et GOOD WORSTED -SUITS, h &.0 enemy. the, Im' ark ta i I Juxie A. difficulbyin cletUncy initt n*a. it is o elhil'ton, we quo a --A fainer rlate� Sout"Ink-ark however, is.8 C C galu �Jqr I e 0 laviii B received, the pin �town was very gwi]i P it C t' g rec, IUA C1614tfulifit6l' he prices of sorne re, -.6 lily sold. L� t I ived a Check sales IT tbout u be bt: t this seaso. ffected and ce' ollge ore, wee thi 0 the brol: U ----4The inei*bers and adlieVe ,, s f the' S'sion 7, Lit t h al'tnM r. G e k, esp. �ciall 1 liday and Tu4sday� No. 1, conce x, 200 a ; eI upon the 1�ank of I riti ill North Am- lsamepaper*mv qr It , Of INIa erl I an 30� eat r r.e,, 1)3 te h 8 'L d lug 000 olk)rd olily� M-00- is a 1, rian ohne at Flor- a ee sold to 31r. 0 ill McQueet eri�a. for 4J600; C ImE tc Montreal, on S`o 0 lIc 4 u 13; ker, R 00 ' A -e till )k eneq, Lear D t - * f Fergus,. fok the sum .6,850.-1 Fr day n 3., lit �sr of steers wig ii 400 th v as to ti�e re,qu I � N ell � 1 il,� 98 Ott 28 bags b t Libera dissensiou,si mid. ? &,&fore ty( I- I CaiiiIda P d ox'rweiicy Io al ila bags of wh olta VE reCentl3 ro of I Ding o place the, money ill lb a t -shop here th� -if tile 1 1) seuUed thei as or Rev.'R. Arim-, James Taylor has Pold farm ill Ai - see rilty, a d bavimy I ad the check lb 3.. 9. per owt.' Aq,, di g to our b ag, iL of pe. s arti. - 4 bogs on Tn S&Y -4 in Ouvorh or tit Ei t our Coming )a I Tv n, bis. amounts toi the orr ions 234 bags; lie -ant, 222 b9-gs oats, 1521�b4s erals I 'tie Ira t U; 10, - stro g "-witb luablE furniture, thur lots 25 and 0 1 concessior I i and 0aa 6, L cambed,,neictepos,ted�$1,1�00intbeBE�nklfi� Henry 'look, for th a i of ontrell, and llf., as he thought, �t of o -1 .0 r onlv'thme he of eat- pial 211) g ti6 tA be 4 TInch, ding a It l.ir, c3ntre able, 100 put bi _Iel s-b"v and 33 hgs. acres,. to Mr. rr ) $666 fo the 9 in u clizol 1 0) i little C. n of �2,800.�'_)Ir. �Jes�se Kaiser, cf the remaiii)der in ceeded of zooke(I upoi�i as bein very If. n his po-,ket, pro rothe ci so sonle is sui -I , 1 fo W. Spar- L Mr. Philillp Hodgkin or, upo re-. York township, ile. he Groff B good W� FINE the Theii: �Utll�qidates .& r a- WI�JTE SHIRTS rebar ts'- Ba ak, where he tfieir bue stock, r which M A bull �0 g theonitionof the bouOt 'from r. to the- M iri erksL i p A t 'mostly lords, t g from hie cl he town- �,rbpckie,:on Thursda f lagt weel , wiFbed to 111to1epol.3it 60( more. Upon w were sold by 1roads. the] Crax. s p Other cattle i1i of owners. The Railk.-al Rep j!U can pal t Sh a po'bitic n [le has held 0 eii f eUr' wl��s on 23, whn. 6471 Ual h 0, 1(0 acref, arr �iDg at the Bank, all feeling in big i till In p, or at from �1.50 to- prei t Owev aud Nvife, . Fo y lot 26 concession D, d E* :t weak, in for 05 year,, teceived a iialrty Qf for 5,250. po ets,bawas astcn above, 11 iowev er, Were bagi, b at were sold, 3-65 baga oats, are strong. ill umbei7.s,. b Li' islied to find that 0. The 01 f W or. y an'd 98, _p as, 20 bugs b le eal cash 4 e, Luouyl had dis ippeared.,: He uch 4,54 bags� With COLLAR Attached, oulv Zs I thtiliks aud ann iit' Of ,',.71 A� —The Minister of Lldu - i tb IIAbest'prices noticed trill aala .0(). m has th re I i:w , th, so T, At Ji Is N exo clssias alre� to suppi rt �Iootik Giber Uouncils to; vised. the regulatious�,a pein.g, liper- me, bers b living the $6(0 in his hand f53 U wl Lit . lfl� for r coaslitimustpay to raie �Irst-ylass bo; Ib beatove-it eal - "t I 1�1 their 6%1�u while"tbp cm folic, d oil treal, st ek. that-t1i -113ur W. Y6ung*f W, w es I riclude only mediate examinations.' I: at wb Is 'riting in the Balk of X briu-,ir d It Go Ll - scare e 0 -q in future obtains. on] 0 )er a - a, a, - 0 in J. son, E!, 0 e A3 u a a misfiah�e pork, there beiii� a lar -e amoupt of iNI aft Ord to J I cent. d and t1iinks that perb aps, he may have --On Stiturday ightl St ci a. e Eq misfortuue� 1 the . marks an each subject 1.1bir - g I'd t t a11, and Y, �111 here �gri cultural Works. had the and- 40 pel i 10 it on the desk in that building. was CO mitted by Mr. Hiram X- ller, geWXal ro besi t all all(I wife, Iful. _V ce' ou lit in a I lo- . _lmerijan * tel. A V113 ("Corrie; NV_ Clib- C--H!EA TS 'NO about SJX (.-If 61le ILUCI 86zen of to 14se a finc- bprse a sbc,-t time ago.' I cent. cil the croup, 114 Or s e will be er AltUough alsearch h s been made for pr:) r)e or of the All at -A Irl'al, )Is dutter . n-ime P UNES IN HA A -Aips tile otl* when Whier, atilt. Tol-V in He Iva �o cle as yet has been ob- Tor ijit wl�ioh ca, 1 a atal Dwa (,r, a on returulng froni Gilt hen, ; titled, tb a nou-profes., s cille t .�ttlle fic hc - , and, W do �l third the; ir S�me. half an� houi after 1 '1 rmeir relidt pf L :don 1�. they re veryi c -ight Ili Stock. Assizies on' atia tell claildren, t des4eud�ua a. b1ill the sd' stumble& I teacher's certificatb�; if 50 ilper cent. c .0 on D. tained 1. 0 f i�vo lug all. In L -e a We, hisda rr wt a' and child, ed, a secon: a# a: large all- the ;o upboard 'a rocu forgery. It uppbsTed the: t1fehole number be obta h tha, durn st� yeax the sold� !P� I tie 0.4s.lea i st abOVE this ii! I (it and- fsltbred4 iddons h Ort NVOod the Sol. tI ark a class B will, be gra'ntedl;t hile 40 of a p� die ice at It r re Ldir gs ati- Quebec, on In, I( n a up a sp�o U1, urn, la priso'nr� like p a to na If til" er cent. 0. din he par ' 4r. Edward X a liv fallir was lielc' t A5.r on; Uoadayuig,'t, 15th inEt. I'TbeJacli� suxtarl elookin like p .9 n -to, 6e of ii,a taki T Ian(L It. Cooper, 'y 6ow sn -AA cattlE cent. on each subject, 40' 9 C&IeS deei6e IV p0jiticit, 'Be, re t pa 8 is 0 1 Wednesday bo l'th iust. There were, each group, and 80per c on of the wholli -ms" vas on the programme, tially Swallowed it. 'Be h A 'Fresh. Stock of G-,�-o da of RheiI East X 'or ini part payment of 1=1 1301 4ad -ecivedaua 'n U, T'r,, tt Draw, ivcq�s On Hanch I Idead—)i ould only see,: r. Way good.' e o a secon e expene-ja e -his note '0 1 for e very I bat as the norty- his thr. )at III d t ie. violst av6 for Is'of 100j. cattle, will ebtitle the candidi t - f hl in* Sulu. Tu t forty e tandar dlvi�ing e se jain from' It 124montlis.- In:tenal Ispeudill, s,q lie the, number 0 t :the X A. lie of their I class c-rrade A certificate. h its'coutact, and 0 gi e;'it A them w, iold lit very Mo. S lettert Y he not to read it, ia i e Pqr of arl qitim S- I 4f s are hcldirlg� ild it th 3 Alai rrimat igures. �P ulev locketli layealti irt rl riceq -1 utitbe far me will hot be raised. as, it was a I atire on R manism a es� bf the bolise I eing imoi fths wa wri'tt-eq. In. is Uleir PC, rei: we sho 41 r hi eaver. Coll &Ptom wr: se the Rom an Catholic aiyused it was ascertained walite I hkares ai IC xpect to get I e to .—Alr. W blild displ a' tbit , is sub- one. to, ra soon SeQ. nieu ia o ti r Siddons drop- Btarice was strong potas1h. A phyis cian. �r to b ligea -the- '1247 to )U is of Col C - tilorlibiv fair." Berlin, died at his re3id ee f or& he' at the ueo- ill th pbrition of oaci Y, Mrs tLt the 0 it It, Hall Cloth- MOM Wilo�e Pub! nte resia as tl�c' Place—Oppositib. the ic spilit iand stro ig _-L-Ateachoi. n Plym t Saturday, lft� i pedthepi C fro the list, but sboalstates was sunimoi3ed" And immediately :id- mak�hg the To ow S IP towu, �Oil an 101 ix. nioths, it was per., W that she has ea it feet - Mr. k, P-1 "gs A ll f or a lellc� 60 app ' S NV(Illld at iioe make 0 ag C tholic rn� n stered some mil .lit thd lateft Englislh copamon se tit .�i carele ag Wea�v5e rea In. I) an� a Goininercial Hot�l qb� got" ion , itl Years. Over 30 I -ears 1 ahant in t e. v is ci , ell 4 f din ti v e s. 41ar, oe ce of he I t 11sh at d admini ered started as a merchant i illage o ng, h ties of so t e is burning pain L, I I countries, ir clu �n Mr.. M "Ief s IY E Videlit f earan been Althoi �_­h Er colored collar at:-- mealAe DOW somie rough tifeatment, N-,hereupo th"P_. Preston, in partnershi w th Mr., e�n� Ireland, and, thislwa th first me it tb rc at, the potash havi 2g fortum -.tely not) that f e guries 24" had. ting. 9 ria 1 &tl�er of hel �q3 had i ibe teqcber sum-, ger, Subsequently till re o e haabeen ob ectel-to by �uy one. -She gpL"notirther. The rate ktill. lo)ked P&Aially el S e? Prisor- r wea I oro� a� en� -ates, theii business to the D uted fh4refor. S Jous trid Dr. Riddel 'Was serit for sub itit A very largo B'IROTHER�, the 'Nvorkiuq men �2 011 El would not read it be?,ause she did not , took eil and the word. ached� E6, tall iiLnpe r tast if ve of Ell, moll ed be� h of maist I v where Se tiroubl, melves abQlit fate - WL4�impcsed a- ne o I whi mira now is qf any cine, TI lie u ortunatp m anal fou ad t iiii th� c&rf.i new- e die 1146 repea a ra-F alia sentenced to eCigr in all the- f ch, with! - - stands, and thEy were virtu Wish to WOU� 61 the ftelin ani tbroat trZ Hy the fou L Li u priuces. :t t co4s, a;m U riders of I hat, village rq) th commenced to 3well" A It is i�uch' -4 bit she cotild ot bel) saying -that M -011th foreig Dut n te4 to $7. 70 attac u.the IifQ of f ec. she was so'ry tilhe, Ro an Catholics ur ti I th are was great daiiger: of d eath i; F Oak �Iaiu Street, Seafolh�. thd Emperor reg letted by �U peopIE ol the seption.� few years ago he was gppd, lited Coll 4 Allik 2 J1111 A