HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-03-19, Page 6THE HU ON EBS POSITO 4 • The Local Legislature. If there are any of our readers foolish enough to think that the Local Lecisla- tnres should be abolished and the whole power of governing the Province placed in the hands of a central body, we com- !mend to their earnest attention,, the following sensibleand pertinent fie - marks of the Toronto Mail, which ap- peared in its coldmns a s14 rt time ago in reply to correspondent -Bays t°The local syste. ence only twelve yi time it has, oi. the The Legislature h tention to the sieve try, and the result is visible in the in- crease of populat growth of railroad steady march of ci towards the Heigh , national interests also been careful] three R's have bee brought to every man's door, and higher education is within ease' reach4f the poorest. This inestimable boon las not been secured without a lavish expenditure; but money invested in schools is bread cast -upon the 'waters. No one, we think, will begrudge the Legislature its due rimed of praise for dealing in a generous irit with education which, after all; are stions in a new coon - ay justly be found . The and t horses, and produce an in bixt-th y 'must be kept u will ru• down, and in th do an njury. Regular f ,f groomi . g, change of di t access" work, pure ai quiet, perly f come f: who ap cups are tastedin the d the cu tom to have to steady for the day, or time. Probably an av hundred .caps a day t ,year is a low estimate kinds of tea are often no Butthe sense of smell i Of the better qualities o .swallowed and some spit whenever the tea is ti mouth a little of it: is sw has been in exist- '-tea gets into the 'system, ars, and during that three Faye by inhalatia whole, worked well. tion tli.rough the oral mut s devoted much at- `and y the stomac}a. lopment of the coup simply taken into the m swallowing than is inhale I all the, tea is inhaled, eve • also. amore: three ion, , the wonderful enterprises,and the vilizatiou northward t of Land. The edn- f the people have silver ve cent piece well; (gr. sv"".) Estimating t y attended to ; the of. two hundred cups of te per d y, abotit one-half would represent the ' wl used. i - Jap w tea has of la come y tar the most pop .and m re of it is importe other kinds together. Green te{a, the of er hand, is much 1i exte lir used than formerly. It is only a sm; ting to not more ups a day,.that is and intelligent sl and colonization, the paramount qu try ; and if fault n with its constant law tinkering and its fondness for playing at politics and squabbling over ersonal issues, the blame ust rest n t with the machine itself, ut with th se who have had it in han Certai uly,a it will not be con- tende that the business of the Pro- vince wouid havebeen transacted as well, o more cheaply, by .s; Legislative -Union' ;The bitter experiences of the politici.i "vendetta that rent ilUpper and Lower anada, and made the Union of ,1841 a grim -satire on unity, ought • to satisfy every thinking man that such a form ot• governrcie t is not suited for a country of mixed aces. It. is tolerably certain, indeed, th t if ,one Parliament had to des With e locad as well as the general interests oo the ae>ren Provinces, the work would lb badly ,clone, if clone at all, and the se tionalisin that now curses us mild :b come an intolerable drag on pr, gressa d a perpetual danger - to the State. On correspondent sir�g- gests the substitu on of a Council of Wardens, which h thinks would elim- inate politics from the management of the Provincial: b siness s but,seeing that politics ate a en lugged intmu- 'nicipal contests, h s dreamt"' of a non- partizan Proviricial Count is i an im- probable one ;These wadenri would, no doubt, have their Owls, 'vicwB as re- gards Dominion; politics, (and I the ex- penditure of money. would be directed partly ha the public interest, but mainly we fear in the int rest of .their friends at Ottawa., For ood or evil, partyism enters into' almost every branch of pub- lic life, and the on y safe way of con- ducting -public aff irs that has yet sug- festeil itself is the old-fashioned Legis- lature with the O ,ts watching the Ins, and the Ins kept o their best behaviour by the vigilance of. the Outs. Some day perhaps, on that day probably When tho 'world d spenses -with arma- ,a merits and • declares far -' universal brotherhood and fee trade, we shall all _ be for the State a d none for party ; but in the meantime i is better to : stick to the tried 'teethes with all their de- fects, than •venture on risky constitu- tional experiment, the failure of which would entail endless confusion- and ex- pense. ` Tea Tasters' Occupation. Dr. C.: Dana, in an article in ,the 31eclical R. _coral on tea tasting by broi-- ers and de lairs in teas, maintains- that ' it is a h Ithful occupation, which is not in ac ordance with the conceived opinion of other Writers ou the subject. In suppor of his assertion, Dr. Dana reports ca. es of living men far advanced. in years ho have followed the business of tea °tast'ang for periods ranging from thirty to f rty years without injury to their heal .. ut whether the writer's conclusion are { correct or otherwise, the life of tea taster is a carious one, and the p cess' of examining and de- ciding upolu the qualities of the article generally known. . e',"- says Dr. Dana, probably a tuuclred firms engaged in in this city. In all of their •e are large tables with round, ops. A cirele of teacups is @ 1 Ip is ui' ta1tin to hours at ell,0 t ghon 1 he oo`r ped t .a spend d o a, BO e t. dee in t ewiedi T heaefo e, i. byasor - e mem, ra e ore a th wi .ho ;t alone if it is ast prop' iol an .t: o allowed. L18 grm an Avera are ,itlast of .a iiou Ole a on f yeas b alar 'v riet ;than of • is one not There a more than tea tastint offices the revolving .placed. aolig the edge of these. The tea taster sats down` before the display of crockery, ud tai)stes one cup after au - ether,. uio ing tui the centre of th scales wit a sil balances. ,• One kept cons autly with boiling water in 'them. .When a tasted, as much balance the dim cups and the boi The tea taster then stirs up the leaves, lifts them on his spoon; and inhales the aroma. At the saltie trine he- gener- ally takes a sipiaf the infusion, -holds it in his mouth fo a short time, and then spits it Out. TLlormous brass cuspa dares, holdiug tivo or three gallons, re-, naive the tea thus tasted and the con- tents of the cups that have been exam-. Med, On some) occasions, when a large amount of tea cif -a certain ki=nd -is to be bought,. many samples of this are 4 brought in fuolt different houses. The buyers and sellers sit around. the re- into table with the samples made i a l into i.iifusions in'the caps • before them. pi otli These ale tasted all aro:und,the `•body," hese "'fineries ,","toastiness," etc., aro learn- e swe uge the sh eclly file •used, aucl the Poorer specs : 1. clothing • preparatory mens vii, carclod„°' Tlreu those that are ay, t en let this be the Jett are! tasted again and the number. I swept Cover the' bed'. furtherT.educecli. So it Tres on until rho I :sheets _ as also all heavy • article Well unites the desired clual�ity [ Jeanne - be r roved ;. fa ' carefully (Wilted Remove all] the easily. ;set in hal haying first dusted i ladder, begin to s e the cornice 4iud tures. Draw. the the window, or if blinds, dust 'them- carefiz s. •. Ali- the dust 1 in•the'carpet 01 t of the wiiudo‘ t. e table -top around. In e table is a pair of ver dime in one of the �r two large kettles are sample of tea is to be is -weighed out as will. . This is put in a test- ing water poured. on. - • i Feed for Hot are sundry ; cond: mics which ' are le, exercise, e'en itb sufficient rest,; pure in the stable, and cromfor ill cause alinost atiy,hors d to lay on flesh, if not,t t. A writer upon this s ”. ears to be well posted, "Many good horses devon ,large titres o grain and hay, 1,, d '.still tinue -t in and poor, . The food is: not properly assimilated: , usual food. has been unground gra hay, no Ding but a change will a desk ole alteration int a appe of the nimal. -in case oil ineal a b';n bar] i of to fine en for ley, oa lay b procure , and one-fourth ;part • oil caketmingled -with it, hien th - is sprin:tied on cut._ feed.; raE eed three times daily, mingled With of cut hlay and straw. If; t e hor t the til e ding ie a+ e qu eve a110 1 file hor ooni e can tion powde fiten fed mase of fles or the hor end th y w ''ing,, f ithf Salt lwa pit be ha avat lwi ep • bje say qua, co. eats f ti n at elle ran ann hel , o di me 81 be obta ned readily, mingh flax see with a bushel o of oats nd another bushc corn, a d let it be ground ii This '11 be a fair paoport: feed. rthe meal of ba corn, i equal quantities,' eat the. ` amount greedily,' tity be ' creases until 'he or six q arts at every times a day. Se long as will eat this allowance, ma. be increased a 'littl Bu� avoid the practice ho .se tq stand at a rack hay. I order to fatten has run 'down in flesh, tht be very particular to feed rriore t an he will.eata up the ma ger for "more." , Whiskey °vs. Durir#g the recent sessi cal Legislature, when the Liquor; Lice >nsidered, Mr. Ca. member for:Fro wing rather farun meats t being c centric the fon. n e e le 1. 11 is :s a d fit f the meal woar pe k e wll quan- t fe uafftf© r thr e im nti y d ung a th t hou d . al o d lik . ,ts. of t e o= e a en 3 B' vPe€e yin, :t e1- tenae, mlaa e irernar . s : .F fC .. Ile bilieved the licensf law ' as dEe• fictive �inasrhuoh as it eld o t no bott}}ntie to informers. He, thougiht t corhpla nant,should have.' one- kali the am unt re overed. E `errybo. y a nsitted hat wh'skey dri ging •• as an evil ; t e best proof;of it as the f t that he was here in this ouse : t t e lige of early 82 yearsa--(he r, he: r, a d cheers) -for ho„had not dru le a • rop bf intoxicating.ligtuors for 52 !' year.. e was site he would not ha, ' bee • a3i to -day f he had,.carried°ou thro gout his life as hp had carried on duri e g, its ,1ay1. :r, hea a' g. e cqqulc 1: all t na. e1 of berths whoiskey, started when Vie' did, a • d not one of them was alive . day, :ace t. one -a entiem n iniDetr t --aa .fora good m lay ye rs hoc h !had j : een, a temper uce m u too. S ��• a of the ' had cu their threats, of rs:ha . died of deli tum tremens, , an #other: had elrowne themselves. 'en a was ' irst�el cted a mere er-of t � is ho se, he had th own open a large nuxn ser pf tavern, daring his electron it w.i s at •illegal hen -and one man had p ese t- ed a b 11 for $600 for li. or, ut e would not pay it, (L :' hter. B t the tav rn-keupe -had gone andel ang d the w iskey ii goats ---(la ghter —a d ,he rad to pay the ball. ` ' ' • lie ad iced those gention:1 n w . o had gone; ° that trip to the orth' est o turn tl eir whiskey and t ir wi'. a d m and Cigars into o: s (lau hte •), House !would. pay the tri 1 a d more; ab,,ut r (R • new d r.) Het would fag t l whir - ey s he lived. (Cheers ) i ' (if "mange. and' ter.) fifty lu dr w who he, article of ft is en ' ely rest, a d t : Allahsse there lis n t low ori the the do t i t to a�o her lousls s s0 et,cp nice seed of f thin lass; dams roo •a touch s to arnture as ee from do r• om is • s n easy t on : in a hu d:.tails: S. t 'a a hall o :. n . then wo usty agai n• pictures tat e- anno do all hieh is pi ture. iibakl e fci top tho id is es -a e,'th Oft f wlhf 1' far• fall, ai Varlet a climat i g vintei The f whf tea e� ectior ieachi great! Its cal surande of the million think of it them with 1 gene wh@ ar'•)a at s tent, ioft'e. sg the t um er �abili tie 0o as the air t, .recover the e •• and clean; i . to do, but ed will fol- ra will sweep frim one room d :r why their Others for- a . d thus' leave n e, while a b i t 'aging the - he finishing ta Wheat unfired ced in th st- portio ed wint c.nd:tione la itude:of al he noiith t. sui ab for n hitherto bu there' is ountry s t may be wheat fiel are so ro1Ino' :'0n - of; th Old s clad th re d.. 69 the r 's iiotix, wh asd the bu e .• In Augu:t, 1 article rode ova mad oft e ges they c the Chippe' a . - • v River! was : vast e�: pans "gentle) un. iilaa,'tio • , no fringes of tries along "bounded t . e s gh It prairie un fro . en by t wn voices, or he sown lark, glove , a d lew t1one brok: th : so emn stillness of -th . : •litnd town the ud:on Bay • reared a • Jae a d two tiers had s: t u . t to eir ca ' banksilof t • e ver. W man Whose b' h lace Who had b:en . fr ntier Indiana, 1 in. is, isco of civ" izati. n. - a"Have our a y n sked; II , "Oh, yes three tled a out 2 i1e are ge ting .re ty tomo eonIr cok ! Th ha ani t e•�loc across the nd beyon. Mg down tl soon it will wan far land. 1', Far towns! haw beholds- p .larm reaps s, th every raflr• ehaug : in 1879, ha of gra n=e Ilarpe'r's heir -rt .red thi say nc "aughtf • long as I. -To s� s an right n the eut posses. becorn f1orma wort - • ver to Sweep . 1 ' eep and dust 'a i rt, and like all ii 'e i'ethbd. Well - don hire room, a_nc the ion feeling tl at "a new." It i not ce to be done by iifto w icl} taste a r words braius'mu loiets o ening into t? Arr I' and pric ' is obtaiued. '.haviu The s ill thi platted at these "draw : ;thein.. iugs" is c Hite rc unirk arble. tea taster ; etiol b will dote .t not only the quality of a.tea i Weill, as regards age] strength; tlaa"vor, fine to step -mess, etc , but 11e eau tell iu , which of 'or wi the num Toils districts hi Ching- the teak land p was, gro vn. The ;facts regarding the f ]top of differeut estiu_plks ai: son etimes put ou, the bottoai1s of thea cups, where they cannot lie seen. Tie cups 'are then ' ' mixed? up, and tb . iufusious' tasted again a nd . sorted out sinlpl • by their ' flavors. ' t' A great, deal of tea may be tasted be fore'these tea drawings are iiuished. It is hard to tell the amount that a tea':. taster takes during a day, for it varies a • great deal with the activity of business. Few of the .gentlemen whom I asked 'Could give any idea. Sometimes, how= ; ever, alk u: Cu) tai tear, t?r live hundred {• 00 u m p arts it re. ccupan thing rely he he han a juc1 s enter he re in e ves,d awe s, to s eepi ig first to e with -soil al. trt,icls that Ot. h.wev r, ud'bush.d reit e tb at ops has oval} taloha s, erne i� as 38 ie r- te a winds now i- curre settle Nok. door edges Where small the 'ro damp last `b` new . I begin to swei?p; r- corner, bait! fr1 •f- the room -t war the?dust willb to brush and da t - li •m once more thi' Sued broom that t of dust and give bright appearauce,l ✓ ad p=the ote bre. leture co shades to t v ar: ins' e 1 . O:en .e f in th • rod rel ir, a 'd e will t toward a the ou. er the cent e, up •ith> a Go oer time ••'th a oiui ig ta -e a e s e 'emo ey t he c rpe. enla e' t e a e u, It as b is a g eiit the o ce a arriled c kept : p all ing vary 111 on they hus of the cond and all his scribed in strain; it m ields. . n bushels ted States, own in the air. The_ soil and ee mark- undary of production een of 'Un- developed e and fatr- ded .as the the future. izd the in- rtain, that may ever ill supply ✓ of this ✓ " hunting n by -gone avid fought f II the Red No hill, no but the streams, reach of lbw. Our e meadow other fowl oppressive t Georgea, puny' had. three set- uplon the ountered a n Virginia,. in Ohio, a vidette famili s h ve just Set - fro , h . re. They hick, n!d shall have 1n. ' o een gettin ,tb cker since, •xn tiv: is sp .edi g its way al ey, on to the Missouri, t e ellows one ; it' is fly - e ally to ' Ti nipeg, and th nd.r aloe I h Saskatch- wa i e 'the t a• ret North- otx•es dot e landscape-; spring up ; he traveller les df lumb: , long_lines of• s, plows, se:.: s, harrows, eskers and f : i. engines at ad station. u : rvellous the 18.59 furre • : s - plain ; in vest of eight ail ion bushels e'long to be LO iinilliol ag tziri .. • g th Tel en fou d that onveni nce w d 'th resid up...es. The days 1ng wi c1 wi h bus and cn be tion o the cuuni_g anti stall- but w st be on the . • . 0 h one. • telephone n! connecting of young g ]can be t interf ^- s, and later ly informed by's 'health, can be de - t a terrible strument c 01 0 e —Mr. C. R isenbei;ger, resided on- is :fine farm and aRhalf east of the s Dundjee,h: t • sold the este hor," 11rlr. McDonald .For many y ars past t been tryin tc� 'buy fro n but McDo • al ! has at lc day and h: s at the samf one of the argest land. i .district. . M. George ]mot, has lower block erloo on the ho has long bout a mile lage of New to his neigh - for $14,500. se two have one anather, gth won the time become ners in the roudfdet, of :Rosebank? also sold his farm inath f the town - shin' of 'Wei umfries line, consiSting o his eldest son, Georg • abserption iu the cur ed, itis ab and circut with the b den and r ,, therefore, feel the eff by all deal whitening breath,. a I the bright extant. A inurishment the body by aad assimil: ion. In like of disease. hen swallow- orbed, taken • by the veins ted througho the siystem mote parts. t is e 'dent, ha tl the whol : system must cas of the re. :dy. Far sale • .-4The new the teeth, st, icosiest lit r CE _tents. powd for rifyin the the rptouth, 626-52. . A. trim has we under our nor wheie the in- human lathe , of a =est promisi g child stiffer- ' ing from a vi len t- attaek of Croup, which threat- ened every m nu nt to terminat fatally, actually refused to spend 2-r eats upon bottle of Wil- son's oinpou d Sy up of Wile 'Meru, althongh speedy eare. erer WilSon's ild Cherry never fl • In Genera. Debility, Cheol 'Weak Lung. tl. tonic prop4 Chen - Bark re telly brought cont. tied as w II' be found, to vigor o the" hole s3 -stere. Th larger izes hold more h chase either s I -4,U cent or SI s4 A, Sold by all In ggiSts. - • F01 the welly cure of Con diseases that ead to it, such es- negleeted" Co ds Bronchitis, pain in the . lunl chest, di tickling in t e throat, Hoarse and I estal lis lied for itself e tatio Mae leading physiciat it iA prepared is highly recconre cal Warne's. The clergy arid th plimUnted it in the most glow. your druggist aud 'get a triel hot a teen lar Size for ,S1. For sale i3110 en's Arnie Th best s ve in the world Han s, Chilb eine, _terns. and feet tisfacti in every case m Price 25 cents Ler box. . For $ 1314.4a J.1111,341 :AL% Is; itis Pleasant for hildren e Bro Odds Or ties of the to play, alid' its eresse the" appe- give tone and proportion than cononry Pur - COV tunpti la and a • esti, S re Throat, ises o the throat very 1 as no equal world-wide rbpu- • recommend and pule /Ion) which , iided iv all nredi- prose have 0/n - or C ette ld eed Mon ,ds colfta ped y refunded. Hickson /1, JUST RECE VED, JOHN KIDD'S, SEAlfORTH, —TH 7V4 QU1S COOK STOVE. th all the s. CALL AND SEHE Sole Ag nt for Wm, Bu the Toronto Exhibition, ' others, StoYes— Medal at 879, over JOHN K.DD. MITSIC4_ INSTRUMENT EM RIUM COTT BROT PROPRIETO Notwithstanding the in, Manu.racturers Prices ancicOrgans; owing to t cost qf the materials it construction of these Goods we have resolved t ERS, cent rise ed Pianos in the SELL AT OLD RICES For. a few wirks longeIl until We clear out all th; Instru its bought previous to the advance. TVe shall then be obliged to make a advanc e of Ten Per Cent. We k in stock all the Leading • PIANOS AND 0 GANS. 11, 61).'s and the Dominion Organs a Instalment System, or 9 -time to suit the purehaser. SEND FOR CIRO NIT S WAN LARS. TED. —AND -- 'Manager and Prop the Ba the premises. ul NOTES AND BILLS 111 English FARME .Drafts Is Branch Inter Purchase SALE NOTE der Davil- ccupied Exchang s f the Bank of Commerce. st, Allowed on Deposits. . Manager a id Proprietor OR BOOT • itcri 19 1880, AN OLD oF The 91Inderigned begS to itiTo4nding co feu, da rIRSIT-OLASS STO K -OF BOOS A HOE ST9R PROPRIEfr'OR ll the ttention of t;i,e public o at th,J above- ntio? ed stand hi • have beert carefalty elected e *confident that all wh favor old at an xceellingly, lo I price f AlliPrices Marked. in n Figur to suit all tastes, both for S im with call will be suit r cash. Respectfully solic 8. Only • OFF klea in a RD, Jr. y. be GOO S Remembe 00 TUM 9L MA BR TI-1119RS1. Still go ng at and Belo coSt price. the place: BROS1. CHEAP CAS STORE, Co.'s Spring P4tt get a sheet for TH I E. Bntterick 86 to hand. Call an AIODRE rns just chfree. S To TH H.—" dood eaornini Jon s, whore a JON S.—" lam going down RO e you going t and I wan ey say that, to get somblirst rate furniture at very 1 w e has the A. ID iD Is, as flprmerly,;und r his oven nu tion. stook of askets, tofti removed to the premisels lately cm upied by Mr. Jo n at he is new prepared to furnish eVerything in the Furniture line mg parehisere will finik it greatly to their advantage to call d tura frammg a special y. All work guaranteed. Farm produ e, in 0mi:henna. EPA TIVIENT ef ervision, and will be onductedw th the gr atest care and att n- s, Shroud Stc., will be °and. complete, and at the very low st entry. 'Hearse for here. Remenaber the p ace. ROBERTSON SEAFORTH. ...FINE ROSE'S GROC RIES `. EA ORTH. ew' Le ases New don. Layer Railiinfl. Currant:. ILY dROCE - IES„ gotwitlistatil[li 'Reilaemberi t "'Recent Stand Advance cin al ost every De-, Next Doo to the ost Office. S. BOOTS AND SHOE' IS Stk'ILL SEI,LING GOPD. FACTbRY MADE pools AND smog i • AT RVENUE TARIFF PRICES, NOtWiTi-ISTAN DING THE E,5IN STOCK Siark's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. R IS MORTGAGE SALE 1:1,..A.ao_ailiri.4.T.:Er'r,.A.:7,4: nt THE Tolonsh,iPs of .'flowiek_a1/4 '2‘11. u- VDER and by NiirtUe of the Power contained in cerlittit( Registered Me made by William Hare and Wife, end Hamilton end Wile, -W.,ll, baeold by Public; tion, by C. -Tait Scott, Ng., A:etteneet, i' ot BRUNSWICK 11.0117.; lin ehe TO, ,,i TUESDAY, MARCH 30 1180 At 2:30 o'clock pPr.opi.rt, it°, vizFoallo:ving VetjelletH Lot number erre, /11 all of Lot =mbar both in the Fourteen' h Concession of the leo Township of Howick, oli cabling 150 acres alit-, or le130-85 acres cleared, balance timberell,alk beech, maple, Ate- Prainage good; god 041t -rail fences ; about fel* sores of bearing .0014, ire -me stable; bewed lOg 'house, with framei,,', Distance from Delmore 4.1 mile?, frillin Geeeki , 6 miles, and Wroxeter 5,!railes. Second—THE HAMILTON FARM—Lee' ber six, in the Eiglie,if Concession el the ehip of Tuhiberry nforeeMd, 100 liens meteor les s . About 82 acresi elc' red, remainder dram, 4 ed with beech., maple, Mlock, ttc. Dreeekle good ; fences good ; soil, lay loam ; leo a Taw ; three wells on lot ; i Frame house, 1.4 storey, 1D8:82t 4,a nf ce ee t ;f :jar ammwe kini gtoliliaemn -,l la:02uOtf-e5eti ; DIelarf:t 0 lig 0 ii • bank barn, with stona f andation, 40x-60 feet! Wrometer about 51 blue, 8. II SEAFORD'. AX MBA A arrangements wipe ,;Farmers for the' C,0 season , .44 FOR LAND„ BF. Su Arrangements wig.- be or bY th GOOD CLE.A.N':IS e either *the tut ton. ED ON HAND And will be furnish a on applicatien. N. B.—The Mill Propert will be sold on.* bueiness, or will be ,ns ged for farm prop. ND DAIRYMEN. S. TROTTi SE TTAS much pieastaoln ca tion to his air tight BUTTER This Firkin iB waniente consequently keep the but sweeter than any other t principle, eaving mord tha anhenced value of but Jars 'ten at tbe Factor'e• or N. B.—Cooper ing end re AFORTIL -air tight, and 14 er much pater ga b Made on the the price of the te* r. Samples Calle usual FOr parties; deess TROTT,. Sealer*. airing as usual. let J, S. 1P0FriiR I am, determined to Clear Out rst less of Cost. give a large eliecoun to hose palling etudes* Mammoth jeweller Sllore, East Side. 625 ain Street, Set ST. CATHARiNE NURSERIES. and Orname? tal Trees Orders by ; Mail Rec -4-41- part of Oee country. Dealers should call -and thereby saving the ditty of Address 4 624-26 RUPTURE tale orders in Tay gee the stoek—lt ve as in the i3titels, BEADLE, St. Catinuinteal TRUSS. Reputation esta lished all IlVer -01* da. Fifteen I. years Mater al experience:. Erna man Rupturfetl _should r ad _my Pamphlet tie Rupture-Friee on applicat on. People 90 yeaei chi cured by its use. A 'n w Apparatus "for . of Club Feeti—no cutting no paiu. Spinstil- struments, *c.. IKEDA IST Centennial 0,114 Stratferd, Mansioni Hou • March 22; Pen*. Albion Hotel!, March 24; Listowel„ Graul East, Hamiltlon, AISIGHO LINE. •••° Every Saturday ir GLASGOW (via liondo now, and ell parts En any` other &St -chisel line. IL STEAMERS tail .NEW 'YORK nii deny) 'ma LONDON 1, Londonderry, MOP ope. Fates I:810W* L, wishing to bring oil the r friends. The Passenger actfornm ation of AVOW WI Steamers are engin-Passe for eleganceand,e01! fort. Apply io 1 solicit Stock a MORE r roils e dui icon nue A Lar e Sto• ok of and Co 10i1;plard thing 'aired in a nd Settle to come other hinds for co in the Orin on. —I am lso tat twenty eerier' Ur give me cal ,ao I get to g le me a c • spectfull beg ;eave t return thanks to ml. numerous customers far their it' a ng tbe la t 12 years th t I have been doing business araoegst them, and kin ly e of thei favors for t e future. I have east received a Large and Well Selec ed 00 D of al) des ,riptions. Also alweys on hand a fall aisortreene of —TEAS a Specialty which, for quality and peice; are the best inj the Coun y. PC)itiTetSe and Oils, rugs, Patent MedicMes, Bacon and Hams, in fact eve y- eneral s ore. Ask to what ;Ion want if yen d 't see it. 'Catih or ferns prod ce by cash or note bef re the end of this merit , or the a counts w" be put i to I would leo intimate to all parties it debted to me for la t and prIllions yea f t, ection. No further no ice Win lie give a. MON Y TO LO ON E SY TER S. At ,for the Dominion Sa g and -Investment Soci ty, one of the best 01112societ CB he' above Society loa s money on gond farm se urity for term of rom three to most favorable condi ions. LIFE INSURANC .—If yo want you Mainan ed m agent for the Sun futual Life Assurance C rapany, o e of the est Life n - in the Dominion, and onducted ink the most economical principlee. Don't f r- ally, Turnip and ot , :r seeds on hand. ST.THOMIAS' IcifuRcH, „sEitagni Morning 8ecvice lit 11 'Clock. The Ladies Ali Ass elation meet '.-st It" 'I:. SEE • EAT. rrifosE -wishing tic) pro ure ;Wheat of the • -I- variety shouldiapply to the undersigneill once, at bis Mill, 44 mile north of Scalcnthl ANDREW 7P-.9.8dlitb12.8eeripubbelrite(13/.6 aYinani°drinStahle.: thittlikenF.'—aft 7. buyer is at his Watehou ei' at the KiPPen.I °11 : liAll the buying done at be Station, and notem ---- - in the village' afteii pas mg t e station. e• a in Tuckersmith m fend the range ;01p -, in znyselVdaily id gtbe forenoon,' DAVID MeLgti ARCH 19,! sig I sum" ors25,10x:afeitoThhrz.70. D:iiiip:Irristt;walinpt hactibta exited all ove tfrill°:ariltakjatief:tvshreefliwPtA1211roa.e131:8:1 thele golden fabiss ke again the blonde hair sad. GrOWDS high upon, ti great cloaks of velvl naked shoulders. smile of tranquil bestasonlvtifulthaemohangp41 boivs or falls Upon is made sweet by fjeet03,448 enaveenrywhhrtartehui 0, sovereigna 1 0, Queen 'Victoria ?enaiWf a r r43()!Qr1 Desideienct' sht eoebre; trws:b!al sonaest men of thei, so Passionately tha oval life and that ol was a martyr to hel A day 'came whel Imiband, so fondly; day died, also, R4 thii* seemed to In torn away, and so sptir, and so long. years afterwards, regencv Raba* corpse of bar o came, from time to: lianqent.. The Eng] dynasty„ lowered th eternal grief -of thisi saw still the erown. the widow's cap. save when, pereln ,,,,A -Prince Albert was The Queen of N anti ex(juisite as a infant is sick. It fers, for he burns w to smother his -Queen, notwithstS ',NOM Olt 'with long 'tires for a littIe rep sleep. She leaves • in haste to her softly. The Prinee lysleeping. His b; easy. The pale lightens with he,,pi then saved, since ; goes mil Then ti the doetoi. The : -tilt makes her'llap' BleeTi3h:t wiliji To -morrow, in thel . It is ten 3'earil come to the Queeni herself. If she ittaieS of honor ari 1:60fataht 'tie% rnat *irtlei.e111,1 smite before the " r42Xoll alr(11°T'a ,78:otenhpeesrataihir plunges into the tears. She knowl time, the true troq not :that Which she ways -with her the loves her no moe.1 Margaret of Thal days Tao unnat.er The Empress B grotmd. with seven through her hear son, beauty—au a For having to struck byi Aosta flieS to Itals, mess ana agony, the queen of eiglit life seemed BO fun her tomb. Christina of A hat the noise of t bit the gleam of -Maximilian we for his ambition the grave closed o the world for Carl .-t1A)cct slelewsu:eLsi.r— Rev. Dr. Georg -reedy a New yor COmmittee, is several of thif land endeavoring tent and reality ^ Passing through'. common and 8 witness of many *pared, nor e eler seen before no4, for the scenes, seinalor which The peq•le did n aid eduld not pre display of wretch searched every Muses for any and came back at heart. Pressed eaten all their s only fooa in the pound's of Indi mix with waters, they will have Pinched as'.the ptinditi011 if; one find themselves weeks. Frew th :until the first ere ' season -of :their /lanai struggle them -until the and the blessing land will rest o