HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-03-19, Page 3.7 J, 4- - I t . 4, A 19) 18 M Ric THE HVRON XP0$1T0R. L NOW: 6, Al doll :TIM, The D v-il Fisiling. -,i tures of;th lMrd relaxod, into. a smil e ar Wall paper costing 40 ce ts THE QHEAPr- -GOO is. as he remarked roll ' I I � I �to 8- PECIAL ANN,, OUNCEIVIENT. 8 side #The devii tiat by the river" 1'reatlibment I 3e gn i lsis paper hanger 20 efits ere yqu'd always. find e Ve Z-EAF RTHV: The Stream of tim,f), w1a think ye ma� Ye gat t nae e 'roll for hi�s f work. A, handy hus- ry, hb, Oasting his line in't lie rusliling tide, -k b"d him. kind, lfknding is fish on the ban; -ory. te�Sat fit ease in a-shadyllook, MER CAN PAI N ts] iilhDga tQ put pne coat oil a 1880 side of a� parlor. A painter *ill th m -41A soon 101arns to paper -any room 3h 8 NOW REOEIVI G A, gb 12 SPRING AND SU i"Ite I'll -Tvall&f..Loan An Arbroaih'�maibi, 6 4, et�.lond of a wEe :)air offrol I steps. A haiidy man, will d asket -very trge If all kin4s 0J illing his b A Ve? Aal was f Stock 6. h1i I* fe at' u yon might havo,soon that I is deadly hook drap, havir be=n�'h igut Q;;thiB W i at & cost of 40 cents 'for 91 S. ni� qn azier will not i nd I)rgott a.' differently baited for every. cast. a, a i t t ae dol C 9 leave the, GrOceiif.S and PrOViSiOn 8' 0. i diffet ance I ly he 1110 ng,� ooked at her Mp to rel lace a broken pane of glags Pit �w Y lerrin- FOR T11E EAR I I caught them as fast a a Ma Bould count and 17 Frizits t I the S'21131 . di�maged file Of 4 Y e Kolaime, 1, a 50 (cent#'. A handy ma A FriI Z d Little or big­­--!7t*&s al ess U a,, Utt Lud"knifel in his work-sbOD. Honey I Jellies.! i One bai w r a, a check for a round. serviii S, asde, wha r A Congressman nabbed it, and but he came. hae ye beei Eli iten(d as to: -his t Is al Et every aay that you likir 9ter elf - H e 0_11 Eay N`6 got to Stop, I'Did Of h T6wu of part ilit the In L, �o4gtk oiki _FI Ot. of thqe Ueryl liforin om -ustor b c genErally tlit ive Ige took- a gra. that a -i Saturn shone, 10 Woul respectfully i -c i.ers and the pu d .1 e'd up Carpenter and pal ve-y T�as in .n and J 4n. -now 4enin"­ one of the`BEST, own of in the ithoa a wand'* he were the �arygrle- 1 1! ople ear inter i it III 1auk in the Nvater w ggrl -P,lack, Gr are o Iong was qlOwn effleien rratootiO4, an caught it wh oh, dear I il tis an- a ig I e caun a go about 5 qdd jobs iLround the hoilse Y ich on I t to have been done Ung ts the Rt and pq qb for miles Oroulld.' keep loot oil hairm's . . , P 9 Syrul)s ra eg of Suga 4nd I g ." When the men get through ibey CtI eonhiclers �,Ometimc,.', he Nyould laugh, and s luetiracs siner, -h; alid. le a A, ,,20 or �20,, or more,"And 1P OM* PLEI Elb HEAPEST.AND OLST 0 ,rE c-)'TOOKS Prayer tit ille said I For better W*k no oaL could wi, Q g a, have dr,M n6thing which a handy t Though j4, erous experimeilt of I 'sin8 4ul he sceme$l to know to a dead sn re thiaw evury fig -I. Urraft R al, The- bait be�t suited to. educating 8n* couldlaot have done at odd Mo - 10 ife may.; be atB..' It. is Dot two w6eks since' that Al)pw, Oatm'eal, kin -tier -a French's -n—l"The, fishing fis rarL, 4-nd fine acco 1,81 e y, no wom a 1 q Of all As of Lac ' Frunella, lain alad Foxed Goods, uracoa an e(tw4truet(d kij?on what Quoth Sata 'I Rhpperi. Shoes a,�d utton Boots, Also. Ame�ia�a Style of ton kt eilthup�d; a an qen i a mile for the locksmith- to Fol NY,.tora, to And he took a drink, sornOW111 nee ev Op t6 i. p) ove a iman br kid SaadI4 u ronnid' tip U his Pot Borley, F Ur But now ii pargon SW0,11 ine, !racked',", teat ed what ailed the o, Cloth To�': Boots, Sewed and Peged Ti'eL and LOW $hoes alad Laced Boots. im. Helse4us t;o Settle inta lock on. oe of Who e'en the most tempting ofl bbtts rofutI 0()rsf. as b I e could not get the' key in in g i0est of R �p8 and Ba'l.-Iqn. a iiryw ftr� lon g,J be o r five� 811044, of R certain _e he is glish an! d Ame an Sryles. Alexis, will nquir and with fla$hlug -01115; 11 Therq is no more poss. It6 The C Smi cam , Swung the *en's Flue Buckle and Tie Sh(es in. He baited7 with gold �nd­t&e 1:3 tllf� Sam, of 104)r open,' B�lmoI and Gaiters in Calf an I Buff. f..tr the onstructioa. ugL nith an! tberia 4� ki i -of 11 He hung fame and fortunE iinoti te linQ, -bility of re no Idi charged �� 1- for pulling nd s resh igarden Jved&� essing-gow".9, With emlaoidered hem— key, which a 'child had in- Anddr 70V 'lons, POW.' Doirdide made no sign. of remodel. [in a es plaster of IFFar )ut a trun] Oni Butgtfll the -RIro ons and, in the e 3erted on the other.side. i P P, tatoeS. WoEhen ar ten Of � ch y or wak in the C'm udil has re-.,, n's garter . Nven I I U A -3. THh EUREKA Set 0 and Os' ATENT BucKLI P L W SHOE AN ma ii. — , n—noy for the A we t to the hook particulars,') it as ll�oom orts'hi DO III hftve him at last," quoth the Oevil �righteuiug, e. 130 i I I i - 'S ucimF, SHoE an's Bid(,- - � with laaghte shook, I Self in his y(i th, in his age; P ople SiAMI.fr- Is B Then Sa rockg I Pans, F49ine)4e .1 ' - � a0her qUiO. luglitilingr; if indeed.th( )eculii X ieo are - not the i. �]_Pxce_lle 1i medical authority. assertS 't-1:1 ril the Sir= of As lie landed the prL. that the 6 nstaut strain of usiness, Pots' to be XARK 'I exaggerate In 1i Opinion, a S t only,useless, bu ness of most !�Complete and best kind of e IL from his is n h pdl led to tj i a- dry our climate, has e I aring shoe made. Alm cheap .-p Graietie�- I Hiah L th ad no wo 1, 6n I er 0 ourgs I oe3. We. 1 Ivek stoGped; rahanged the constitution that it is Lard,. t �er, -9998, a goo �va- ind 1:2 ac 3 %ve to sally that, notwi insulting, A child bfing e t r S1 e great advance in all kin"da -c f teather amd materiall, v e are prepared e )ossible for a asked le pro 0$ of yi4tiug hE s to do what our fatbI-I riety rt t.pire the, Au -in of ly very low ii L t1 T6ws roi be raised head into. i h' matr 10.1 *dforus Safely. "We are," sits Dr. t OFFER !AS HEKP, AND IN M r than -we hree great feasts of the Aws, e rn i Tnial noose w A1lY KINDS CHEAPER �,ND BETT'n VAL `-r the r aive 6 lt of the and not unniaturally replied: reak- e ird, 11te degrees, mor ver, !been able to offer before. 'Aid not rib� rot it. e sensitiv to Sd�a Bis'Lliits in 3 p (id boxes, 9.1 2- DO - S Also hhat ol I than hey were Uemem�er the Old Stand, Mai a Stree 3, Seaforth.*- ife catches him Spirit. Bill istroke and heat prostration bear C elebmted ngliah ExQ Isior Horse and A; C aleerful 4. C at-ble Food. i to come R�d ge t inex titaw.l. t, dinner aid. up,p ow a� the'eases, of�.Rnd pure� ground 0 11 ils when b it. his ihandker hief -at a wid All are inicit' Therojis an immense in-, il said Cuipbriiitian, irre- d Hems Of th heapest Goo in the Doln;laii:in. how heerf u� opla airld limp rvious t� the. e,idence. n tl,c- Illixtllai of tolls p i 9' or ase in an realizes t iha,� -a bald-fileaded m or uralgia, sick headache Ulu Don't forge I he I c I l\TTY-RE & (,r fees fn -Fu burts a 3 �11�s oil al y ife. Nothir kina Heaen has been to him. fever nervous 'ex ha �austion, and al them. , Tha itnFi4le0ille to, be, takes theii apirib 39. =A larue white owl'wals shot oil the ecially d itself the p A. G. AULT'S RT, IdElt oft Die yBpepsia, in 0 - or Iftuy 'art Fullarton, a ae, some r Bons --%v -10 oppild their lives en -sourc M p Wou c spen tre RIC farm. of Mr. Peteil�l Gowan, 9t, SEAF)ILTH NT EMPOLRI I." in ibis wo'ld 9 the hei n t of a host of' physical and Main gment few days ago. The bird m'easured four THIE SEAFO' TH AC DiAL I UPLE I v ntal: irritants and ldi6treBses.- Now, if shut up in a ;.I El ytbiag n i't ing fiLthe Year eet Seven inches from'tipl to tip. uch systes 8 e have, high - AL only an )idding. Thqy 4 iindreditit,l is made gl , �\ ' it -i ml. iim'goirig to the post '6sible, the us.0. of EC OTH E -Pour rixom- —She said mourning and CIO E it] lug rora day, St ug, nervous an?irAi 7 Sti alants can n *be otherwise than ioffice, ohn; sb'al!I inq�aire for you?" go n to day tha; they ha, 1) little, and are ; It is impossi Well, (yes, if you ha4 -a min'd to inj nous. ble to use them �E, txi,,Iirg tic tit'ofthe saicl const�nlly-ax ous 1 jvhat they have k%;,: Th.ee4WUA%Rd d:ol,- but I 1�-onit. think you I `Will find me I I as [they we uBea in the days gone by. 0. W ILLS ID N P R6 PR I E T OR. should 113�13 p ut 0 Aet liands. They .5 og �-t UseJul ai d Ornal7n; f.27 W T ere is Ile ago Tan(I or JRV-I&I there." 8 on' �ark side, and h9rdly%-a'man of midd tieforth,latia interest, Way, it possible,, miss,'� that you do look al vlio, does v ot remember tha hospitality as New ?4 (17"s alzd Wled- can never ed III t-1 iat is. present nof know the names of some of �our best fo 0 go a sideboard of wines and liquors d t ing P. 9 ese Its in I,eat vai ietl y i Alto: at lf� CbMe. The in- dollir-i borrowed fri�hds.?" "Certainly," she replied; r the: evil S: ous terms. Both men dusbrious be6 do i CO plain that. W e synonym STOCK' OF PLOWS.,l N FIAND3 the %all'totiva ot Set- .,do not know what y qwname. will be ank freely, and profes- toa at, SlI per tbere'a $'Q� many I oi'ontious flowerg an wome dr Bional men and the clergy a yimr hence." indulg�d in J� S day and thornV btanchE E; ll' his road, but I cou e,L) n S e tin 'lloney, the Sam —1 -Five or six years bf-,Inaarrie imbit. It would be folly to. I borrI d life," buzzes o where� 0 L g r 9 f I' emarked a veteran 'ob �eiver, "will Cov8isting of thE Followin, Kinds ,T.1 a, 3, A, of he mn and Sir eluietly b - Sal, that W aa -t is a vice now was a vir- it t�rast thereon Ns Y TORE w ere'lt h in ue often reduce 6, naturally irascible ma t then,*butit ca�i be safely asserted i ELRY bwf-ye h is enoug t6 such a: condition. of angelic hund'anity thil peopl3 did indulge then without there -at it wouldri't be safe to - trust 11 In this worl t, COMP 8111, about and find -1 1 1 MASEY'S, No. Jr. TH.1STLE OUTTER-`PLOW 1 mqn - iale lic ZMTA'Ll. th tb I same uJurious effects that f&low I f,r prin- anit with, Wo often vel n I&td and uneven :)ilver Wi iltic!ies, Fine. �,old and i v e r with a pair of wings." f e disposition. onsi�tiu in part'of iFine Gol I th pract: ce 'now. The predomi' dut O'"ER'S, NO 40 CHILLED P1OW —A mother,. noticing. her li ttle s e,, s of the pres6nt.time,-hacT,, not hains a a Necklets, lich Gol& Jew- H LUS PATENT 0 -'OWI NO. 2! road; %Ut 11w ablle3 fu spirit we m n (I I Y daughter. wiping her Mouth 'with her be n 4eveloped. Our aiuce'Aors could III takirt-, t votes of walk Wereril ith�co for�,and�ometo -Iry in Bh d Ear Rings, iriger MASSEYS NO. 10 SOD PLOW, ti -its. sial for lippointing dress Sleeve, asked her -what her hand- d nk freely, smeke extiavaga UT ingsin Pem—plivin dnd chased, (.,uff -e t4e votes of the end ofb jo io in �peac.6 . - I , R -r' PERRY AND TEESWATER GANG -PLOWS. to tal: kerchief was for.- Said the little. one cess in tea PO d ge to e atd coflee, . and L uttons, :')tnds and Lo kets. A s( Gold ak&-,­at t e ladies in the now it is It is to sh ye live � io a, serene old iige n @�r I ent t rofessioil. ens, an� lGold and I Spec 5ables street, That is what 'Tru6,.the traffiq in es, witli Si ply im )ossible. '�\ACTED, by the pao do , `�. 1� �MSSeS. A fe W'fw0e'ls sinc 3 v student lb- 1-nd Eye ,an ilf SI h, in the ar ent. sph its has enormously iddreased, N e d. t1- plied 18r 4vactice in a of straw, tters, Hors, —Alittle boy was as atioil. True, peo- 'S' Ch -P Le O.thel. bu �o has the popul FuP ,aes, Grain W -ked. Western 'eourct, add. I eiaminaticn. t day if b;e- knew- where the ic :D WARE. ttI S, and all in.. ts VVft., for t114 -NT%yor of mmitteia, of 16C y tl e pl yet dri k to xcess, b t they do riot SLV PLATI� Crushers, Boot I lein. _C0 apt. ointed b finaly weritto: Her -answered, "They do, it witi, impunity. Circumstances Judge to 9§&r hisl qualificatiO143. ie in Tea Sets: practise law a spell here and the go to a altei ed cases, and two-thirds of belonging- -to! the Bushwss. f - Ing, to, attvixl;ea the sama Jul iors, Ber PisAes, Bel," . �Butter the Legislature It WAS a painfbl The follo quest: an d answei B i i4es, 10. 1. 1 ble presen � terrible effects flowing from P-1,t-utureti berein%fter settledithe 118111. - SI ation for the boy to sit down for a dividuol Violegar, B itter and tBmpera:ic6 are due to the changed i;-, f.t r, the. Lou rtarid I �epwerafkays Do y6uISMoke, Sir astors, ske tBasket Card Rec 8i rs 1)(11 ax,, alhil 4 bysiologidal lionditioll's of the human n ery d6, si�- I ! . I d Cardi. J11,86, Pich+ Castors, Ce' Si afim of dome4icinfelicit who I and especially in: this country,. is V_er a spalE I aid hito the hand's Gf "tands, pergne',s S g Kettle, F, III i n. L,r th(, paipose flaye Y figa V2. nw Uit A U A L. in. the habit of dreaming should ne p to a tension S_�WING MACH1NE U t L) vt ere peopleia-re strung u Yes!." f Knives, nives,Forks.,J1Ek poons,Va, es like. go to sleep in church. . A congregation ;hat will no more allow a free 'use o "Nailiv, sirelwhat, is Erst duty of, a lawfal for the,. -Said ayor bear )uincy was. somewhat startled last �tmna driaks than a barn filled with The lorence, Wanze 14) be made lawyer? - 1,: 1 0 r J RELS Sabath When a venerable inenib tro6w wi �per it the introduction of Prices (4 Low ats' the' Lowest, c) -,nn'- mond, Royal 'Sing an er e, x- cbll� fees ' 8 d other that Machi S. ea.�h, find. not irl. —Net.t rk Adverill tent n* Fini. citedly yelled : ",Here, nbW,; drop er ,�,h Qitalfe� nd Swi Machines Repai red on the. Shbrtest Notic E). and ork Rig t hat le �ECOrldrl W ate suld, of Eleven skillet, 91d warnan!" 9 i :. - "To iuc l8e i 1111 ber of 'hi vl�arra d. tl�at the itaid Debe 11-tures, I - III A Pittsbardh painister" has , very 3 end � at Hoiiae' -Large 1:,wok of Fa I T Goods, which - ;Oils, I eedles and Attachment s al -ways -on hand. clients: ve' fi -year-old,-*. b( t is Yoiir hoi not improve wi be sold at cost. ELI (If the $ftisi Corpo- Wh1eq C c� i i0I tow%rd stubborn little �ne�; you tu mother determined', 0' conquer taki our money to Large -variety of Cl ibes. I your cl1i. eut 111 11g6 t 1 auch b 0 B." p( him, and, having aldminist�i�d.& severe C St nd or bivest. All Good w a r r a n t e ts r, etipor les, t 0, d. 0, C . WJ�LSON Main St eet, Te-aforth. iI made I :W�en.mP,,ag a )41 f #n -t, she said: "Will " ou mind Phastise Y 11; ay of improving a place REFAI�RING in the bran 62 a -t ftirthet, from. the ai I here 18,1_10 Specialty this By -La to by encouragin* now, Johnny VVith Bobs and Cries it e! a)!e bl. ant i g *sf ic. 11, assu b uch a g good mer- e 3urer of the M., COUNT .e frh_ Trea l4e replied Yes, marpa, .1 will, but I bc- 8, go d schools itld good people td' -P C) 1::>. 'T' :1 "'1 INIT CD . , _ ] 110! 11 and! be am the chara to -A. ate to, awfully. h ie O`lg y6u, and this can not be comes the I yiner tit iatf;regt. I s you spend yQkir money at 1880 .­"Smoe in Pny rOOML YOU IS t �ANIT A. 18b6 PleasO," "A suit d cided, 'do nj 104e uule." no I was tbrea months be - paid she, . litures %Imll b at interest with the I c 1. 1 g Y�hue 0 r 10 e a yer coildlu fore.marriage. "You've been Smoking" /*end your inney at home, fo, r.,,that .Law co take klit for t hiti By' "Cheek ihat dirty, disgusting old pipe in heire I I ey�ugejit. G R E N A swher L be payable an the pend your money at home, because 4nl ard October in each it min, and I declare ifthe roQrn'doesn't %aianoh Sir; ui r mise to iblb: L B U Y E R S 0 F D RY� GOO D S, kiaid Tteasurer., ­ 0 iiil Passengi �hi 0111 t Spe ell loud enough to krybek a . person )r Train for s come,an ori 1 Linent lo� ir professi b 3u. t is necessary to get credit, it is FirE down, said She, holdingZhar- ilose. This NOWL year will Star from (if our ov il town merchants you have or� foll'tting a I 31i a 38. O� aymeut, liA the said, 7as six%monthil after maI, are you aw: d,'e f:. dty oil o 3 0 'let it, 1 ud they 'must wait for the r ThroeO Closing Ut tle 13alance" e muey;-s —Tradesman, (to co4ntry customer, m d at hOme.- Five DelliII shal.-.4 Trith %e Full Detid)-mbiation 6f who b s come to complain of. the qpal- 4t home.,, It will 1 Mber r7stes, be raised,. pend 3 cu.r money.,, -A ity'of his lucifer matches) �.'j "NOL br:,t;Er busine 0 liv at Qlt? 0 n SDAY, t RICH 16jill,­ my Sio6i 11, e 2.nade -a�other 'Describe it; ss for your mer �itviti the t�attlCltirooration 41 Why,� I have only to draw, then -v snaart- is to iyj e Y alltS; t ley can well keep better as - t . �( I I PO 4 rink Debeatarea, L T ]I(L leis on TOesdpiy, sapp6sb Ila lyacross,mycordervbreedhes 'dithev ClI To be followbd by o of pay C sell at lower rates than ril 6tb, Tuesd ril 20�1l, find .4. 'A�d D( Tr Fir an equal blaze "instantly." Customer: "'Yes, andidatE s6�rat�.c head. if e only lo is what Alp E4Y I business they couldli: Tdesday, ay 4th. T Naithttl and &Xty Doffars come ,There is A E D N-91 ba what's that to Mile kind o'd IS redited Out, while ite money goes to tr rateo, lie raised,, e oddAan 0 of th� S VVE E P 1"Ni cord in fthi boo Ot er ac a. Iate -upon all the a matter o' four mile your old k Freight 1, Pi �aIv s the day pr,,vi' ns to all t ie above breeches every time we wa*ts a light." "You are LLL idht- Da t e C 11fidencl, oney at home.' Settbe UI pend �6ar, m dates. D I N g ven of al N . ture L saitt J wih Wfiiel-i YOU �a "E imple ow. Buy your dry goods, parties. AND 7C R THE T� gX T ONTH'. _)ebeaturea er any. —An old farmer" who wai� solicitpd by �aae 6 ssertior lows you b ve Btu cceries, lleat i (td e la atten, towir, and. YOU Will la committee to permit his'Ison tol_`�take Rates alWaii i thelowest, 1111 thegreati st�ains 71,aw shall txl,,e effect andc' lessos in penmanship fr�m� I a,'4�ng- tively. Let �b .*nk and :K� �Pe a won lorful Chang Lin, a Short time gements oBt completeland taken to hafte irran, ugered -profess( ')r, -who I yo tific tli) line 0 r D ESS C t vu the Fiftee,#th day of ;he bu- f the place; satistacto LS,'1J4A:NTL .�Sq LOTH GLO�,`ES Ur C� SS, outlook 0 DS1 SHAW could teach 01 Big' - . i 1 4- — I . - tiErefore eal:witb your tnerchants at f lllbaud� 11 with and. Isorts- o Jgie3 016e. ur n;terchants- ape your nei-ah- Pereolas i0i ing these are ele4sed 3'1 are No; of the E enAl of the �croll p iGtures throWn in, said, n ba age frei from all Bale i bonding e ht,. live &0.1 1, and I ri -,nds i they staInd by you in stollik, III Take' theklase of I] aBSOCW6S. 0 I be taken on thiff J�y Law' let th boy write his.-owi� hatid and OVER' OA: l never b forger' ad ask hen h ately well OJI"famil. i mc �g t a wor �cauuot keep 0 0 Bn age F ee' ny mo�er sicIness—are- you R18b0NS HATS, CAPS FURSs 0'a -Ir of -k- N Ti ffiout ,dir trade. thky ; 1 . 5 Jill, nds of me ta 'mortgage farn to go his Will )e� pr tty surE one at Prices - Never Hearil ing classes, D ti Vol III u D busine1s, No stores, ben no b sod of before! ii this VichaitY Mr. Gnetwa goes through to aou , ; d ife p6rLy. .411, of Nine k, in the bail." sav, old. fo. 10 'find that tot]; hi .,are v alill g tc I, propert 1 to settle on and For particulars apply to i -tba hat may b� terME ali I V fol imied till the �tiilor you Y The b ii Id up ih ace;? ' Y p ih aft E �uoou, 0 recornmended ne s a �iu ti p ih pl JOHN KNOX, G NV lates are all never pap All the 4 the 'ca or� 3 doo ; Subscribe f4il yon p r r loe:a er and him my overdoad repar,'�rid what do sag, the fendes are 635 I r 0 repair, and bl, only (if �hose who sia ertise in it. t,SeM dRE BARGAINS IN FINE- BLACK B RQA 1) L youl think the ras has do�je ace ha l —Tt AT 0 OTAS.. with it? ver ents . kl;P-At Edward Cash's the Whole p a i!r of peauess Il -ou do act find 'their - al 'CAN 1A 'Why,' pAped it!" 'II but that Natu e 0 a order. kind � to that th re U n Lay Safely cone] ude that th Y9 f Pawn— ma.. She 'aVe hill 6 11, 1 Lad ana get mine au Y Itwist 'of WALD - At the Towim ho Be has gme. out of J?usiness, or is ia t rs and Others requi ng tho., e Goods can save monq by Calling that�krwhy I r&olnmeDded phim ta yo -ti% the wrist. :: on nldiAiat he hab a. oldfouyish to maho its business IL t(O BAN K.] P C ME CE-. BILYing rt abo Now ri�,amlvleud hG . to some e A hoiis known, 011"Id in either case you will not workshop S'm e'Wb Y6 other ufilaow, "nd' 'You Wifft.. rS EL-rs t�ie.ieiry Eu.-nue a get Tou or barn. 01 boug Obini b, 3 likely o Duy your goods. cheap �here. JYO,H.N F!C Q Fw RS. sc. S, L I re, compag -FORTH 3F back." sa*s plane S I SEA ANCI qre,! isill —SbeVau; once declineii to tale and other h ndy. p11% *11d th' t The t be ar. Want- 0y, F. �ash DE OF IHE CANADIAN alk with, a 1, trobleso fl= ELle ad- OFFI, J I hardly ad in: t -OE& he! THE rn iifL. t [I - written a iN 0 b eaks- e W. Hinton bag zi, tb weather the it ]�� AN4 OF 00 KMEIB CE ERLAS B 0fro-er foV--the �nir&r, qa the 'ple -use them. B THE GdDERIC DRYA'D -tught V repairs (lam' the Dell- 301, siolo�y for practical use, in- the would not peimit, aut'! beit ga ct b' I i, P, Y Ages a :)r ad saves 6 nges-. a o6r settles,off 7' 1]q _E) b fOL cot rs of WILich. he affirms that the pas- liewas sneaking rmt .., r st of two hi 1 ihe Iddy a,i sap a of tb 3 e ir doep ot require cleansing i t oll, countered -her rerftark haf'die it comes and s r i'L te4), are -now run - ill urat alleu at the thei PI Lre'.0 I es off a sh9v- IThe oderich Foundry and I lanufacturin Compdny, (Li�j V4 eleiitrod ul., I i I n "if Ontario, Aveathet Seemed now to 110L ing from -top or hot a claster� by us,. Trature undertakEs that t To the Y, 0 -,cupied bythe i - n4 th *r hops iD full� -vT raituai tan ing reports 0 Da.: is force, under ne -0 on bE Alid in th -: betil state fulfils it per-. mises latel genle.pt, noi i �vith di the bold� 'asseverNtion "Yel, 1 he hiLs I Cc . . 119 ted prarties, aud -have. d4erm&ned to spare no ous stead a -1 :1 a the usolidated ahLk, to the coat ary circulate H (il olle, bul i shingl 'blows n ` e Ough climlet rews. fec y. Her means for c eausin d by in ;eres ippl cor� ellou �,,fo not TJ ear is the wax, which dries up into thin e A to Secure the local trade f)r what they manufacture. t 1 11 f f St uforth 111-1114 at tile the roo , he hi� rst D South 0 rfip-u the rO Fi Goz-�. �&Cial la. 1.9 atud 11' � oll ��tcwty, S( es :bi(,-.h b all, havini, 'cided to his store f tdc I IS. a' potlof r Oil S peel off. and fall away A, I at the Town th ere i )er 413iibly. In health the passage xo- all Itel, H�in treet. 4 CINES AND BOILERS FLOUR -IN' CL IST, SAW AWWWODLE MU, te,rwai liftiDt, Jid brushill If( .1) the 1h mp ake it .sol, -Y. lus fiqy] 'd' -A. H. IR LIS With haviiig dran�k. 11 'Twak fceeps tb 1 ie-�eai: is aever dirty, butal atte t ' . - I I thittl, - y I usbaud tc lean A will infallibly LAND, ANILGER. safi ,Vill put UP Ll ok,§ It 11 1114ves.iI take ()ff HE-ADI]TO AND HOOP MACIIIN.SR We ear out wita soap all d a babit I have Of, talkiii" wid weslI L LI�FE13Y Cor- wid c;.1 il lay a� earpet, THE 9.01VIMERG., I t I sez It, conieJn aud I plas w Et er is barl ;. it keeps thE wax moist Ike P1 21w t in tho : I I ) Agricultural Cookin�y, I ox a (4 Parlor toves ter uy jtb� ch"ll wall, w �en it,cuglit S br pipds,,p 11 'a V41L4. X-atlity. ird day have a C111rilik., No 6ir,' sez I,I ve sworn tobecomedryaud caly, 2ade to Order. box the!,- . - F i �i SE AF011a R. in Stl,ck�?r L��i th� steps, and make u�t. But the off."Thiu X111kill1rillk &1011E�l' sez- Ito ine- pa'a lock'orn the door, chair,-:,. d Uetio III 1Idtt hur Jai thin6 ds tbe74utrod ll iel wait ftlir ve ontside,"sez 1. 17 p8ir a REPAU Sion Engiues, Boilers, &c., promptly attendedi to. Estimates and e se 0. 41L any P er. ARTHU El as Mrni;hed (lit An'wliiii nie III W tich i do you of, k com 3r (if. a towel scr -ed RB y kind. of machinery or mill Work. f tile votict; 11 p'. an(' a for an ',odd ileeded ob P, ceedincy dfiLrduk." S tw�'s ing it aroun'd. �Tbi; pro -stippose thfs load 'of. u co4 me li'l I n �hased tbe.Stoclk and Tr e of the" C. A. HUMBER, STIAN, he sae al-ild' )r JOHN CHRI tates f he as sses down E04ACE ING Our HORTON, of B ahgae, asked ii; secudi-ha4d iled of 9A citizen rei d Livery, t8ea rorth, f Mr comipp clam e IL11) 'Itt d A Lud 'the other _,N 6b] inclIdded a t Q wax an flakes of l in upon the George Whitelty -Atate that hill IM . GER. EECRZTARY. Thb begs to a pro- e h could I v e bc�cn �coyeted in ebrau le o the tympan Li n, producing on )ld Stan 13 hap carryin u8iness in the It OU12- Whic la. d a, iliff im. n ation and de driess. Ltable horses a [ad vehic to I a iliendiuct the 'Twith chintz for 4(1' tWo, 11 broken &n 4 pf added $If Sea- formerly lar e dock. None bu 0j, froin the -StLUd ith t he I Gecb 11OR'liF "Theire is much THE HURON, FOUNDRY, SEA R-tHc. 1pn- 1, 6nd �be ivt�t% s o' 1, le livit'll a III amfortab ev're hoi Nv 11 il. ple�Sure st- tho ditie, (it the s; a.,jter of khd pio�tt iii the- �ervice of a Fir -Clas, Tdcle8 di �d G 61od P, li il, a' set:O:f bed­lpr. nra i "With a -Q] 6,d hon 6, And but very little of eithbr f -ood, rse .11ILt at the id 't el et." ^ I 8 or Cbrdi( hg gC Hoises 1, be KII 1 ihare no o hand andjo7 sale, oi or I /Y will be, if voti ll�td--tried my broken, tLud variII, itlnri th4l;4's 11E�ed lbue;" no person from choice Ca j gee na POW rs, Straw - Cvtter--, Gj ain (_-`r74,shers, Gany P19W.5, Grnte Barst- &c., lig the It:entiocia i 01 i land�` "Mall. NV b4d 'horse in leWagonsalw ys read or nbac open Buggies k plan, and coriie dowii to yonr ye i - ; many, ho C.,e,ed an�L Lnd Carri wall 111%3,1)e 11 e C)1110 mair,Rpeed!" They cost, hen all reta bi W- Double and bundred e�*, are it. possession ol. such who de Wi'k. bim NDS OF CASTINCS ORT NOTICE... R A.L KI MAU TO ORDE11- O:N S1 -Special A96-aagentents J wo'] d have nedd uut be. e tbink thexe are few litiI eftsoll two dollars. A nf; tie, halidv Lia I u le, o b htion -v -ill -find it ib their xythi to UP Tht WI)p had �_aoue made eve nur fi a cost of bor�ses s -P -,Ow. hrd rhiU metal. Plow -makers 11 S S I I but that their conc 10,W-11 f -or a1I p�rt on two. CII a__ attliestables',oranyof tILe hoteliI POINTS made from L tl. deal 3r paid ci Orders lef I' be i m; a: van order castings fro: n me m I have all them t roved and fe dered. more) t8 ge achi iery for grin -ding -the mouldboar& and 1 oh ts, and can turn out a t 7st-claBs 6b. In laird who o w us 4a Oul3. four d, I fflars fK t�e 1 D. ilable and useful for,,thEir owners, to. pq 13 p 'STAR K lod"Ied with a de6 promptly itt ni] ed tw L v .1 g j lie t -O t -bic t ere is no :ng equa 0 Portioa (If that bi?ititthery dolualil. T :\..carpeuwr -willno at Ouse e C unewe on with the above 11, ? Riii 4 B R So'lftbrous liad but iudifferII uccogs, Rud pur,iu E 4 new in a will.- arleN Condition -Powders and -Ara- d J -0 up and I g0lu�,ff awfl:Y they began in il, joe- cl­wl, p u t w I o, :o W_JSLon Salkeld is Running the Finishbig ShOP3, OL r, iv Ave S V ife, Remedy;" it has effected EAFORTH, r .1AII)S, ular laamier toolcalculatut what th(er Six uails iu �0: the b tcl, s eps, or pL grFpults in thousands of c6ses. it UP -a t ;_,4sbill T IRR lo yf)tl a shelf shoft- 0J 5C c, inds of rs on Stean Flc birds 11"Ll.1 Cost ti em. -What Int will d �seq, that the I WhOleSiLle 9 d Retail Dea:er i LEA -and Ajad will attend to all k R-epai Eq&es, uiing and- Grist'� 46 name, an ve Descri#ion. ' lic liers' Implements &ad from his -long ex- 1 Alill, Saw AIMS, a I all Repairs on Patm ;L Ix. ffi- lot of I l�i I emqnA WINGS of -9 0 SHOE thi 1,, laird. flioge birds cost us?",' "I generally Achea on hana. maud a a L & Co.. is'; on each what man call Is 'lite tb is bi a "Very Besb St0ek kelp) Terms f derich FouncLly &12 uo idea," st-Lid. the lairdt ,I)ut -a-e. p & Ly an� Toronto, Non th of -the Go' and his ikuovledg e of Engine and. tinter wii�j. ( I one but' oreman. p 0 1 WhN-4 little t to a s t up a '9tove for pridt6rs for Call4da..,,, Sold by, moderate. TrialSolicited. 6.11 ordej e by m., U -k here nia ha a good job, and as no bo iDartieB �sending wa. y depend on Vill tiy flled. ull f-rdt �o ve sav Dmp ie 011 dealers. or otherwi r 6 1 pi RE TT 4eapaspos-sible. Givelisalri-al. S� #U NCIMAN. v. ulnea T1147 i,mave ss + all a Ea liti, M y an save� a, me'di T_ k tfar oi. C foe p W re �o le �m rap ilm V1 I B h?i IC y FAIR-MER8 1 -15 ATuRnOmi. T. AIELLIS,, It I P P EX AGAIN READY F0,1t BUSnZF_SS. L6WS AND HAARROW�. "Ar RS, if Yen want rzoall 'Siaetob. ))I nd llsarowis, siI in �rnur,.orders at Aob" to Ale Re has uotsv on haud it large quantit,'y o;, thete implements, amd. iis gtill' nuf&ctn* ma. -ina PIN, tho;se in need, -and wl�ll be sold Lag lch`pai ",vI 'work and material w, ill allow,� * 11 . YOU . tn' Ild Plows 'an! Ifarrows r�p&!Ir-ed for _ppT,1']gV I o0wi�� theitbne JLo br1ng thc.-zn along,. A gI sqOck,of PloVs On biand' ut 11011 L fartnre.r by ition. i0elhothe-I S­huxth,of fill kibds-aUd&J*11 m'"i to suit J.hotilneS. Plo: CaSti)aRS forlth;� el:,.gtoxf n, xas-sey, ana Mawnroc Plow4 alWaTo CIARRIAGES AND, W"IQ0,14-ab �Ic . nri ingriiii and Waggons Inatle to Order �0114'hie F40rt'Zit 11<)tice, :of foild MAtIerial tud gibod A%io)kn3vm­hJp, from the latest Styles, PI V 11 ` iOn ana at pri'I 101.1 liug,-�Jes and WaggDAIS tdTI 1,14de out, 'PRillied. aiiii made into neW )�es o: i shGrt notite. Zkorse Simein and- B&-4-wnit,7441 oise Shoeing and �Gezicral Elacksmit1iing S;" W b ve rny btrict attention.i Horse Shol" A 1" eially. S 011 geiting good horiie Fh6eI and� genleral blacks mit Ling donl� as I -dotj L ae Nvor�- wbi-le'the p�ole do the spondng., twm i&ies .�na ailte sold at a Sman profit. Giviii T. M,effisalrial. 'YouwLillalwal"$RUdwmingio�od b mo -i and ready for bugip-oss. Look -out: fox' I'le Sign. 548-9. THOMAS MELLP$, Xjppeu NOTICE TO"THE'PUBLIC. SEATFORTH� �Xo)rfvmher 20, _9 ,:The -undersigned having Itased the finishing the Huron Foundry, Seafort�'M,-fxo Dianchnan, -svM be to -do iall kinds ,of Tcquired far stelam iinpineii, grn air- r'P g! 131ills"qaw mi)IN an Juds of fm also agricultural impl� lemt-uto, and trom his lw of the Goddrk& Ig .' ellee as foreman Fpund ry tructits to be able 'to jore goo' SatisfaB tion .Wallbarties having work done. repairli! st'; t4ndeel to at onoe. Give me a t Aud zd .VvArral t I" Old satisfaction. 90 Z WILSON 3:4 xinn"floh wlib. the above 1)usinegs, the '41 ba7e ali aflace a� tho Hwvn Vound ry, and Will tae any o:rdm f�r)xpa6z on TAMS c r other tliings: and will aig o ta�ke w�ttaelv f4r stei im. engines, boilas,.gnsfand low -Jug =111111 OrL abd at kinds of machinery� i1a;ing 06 �PjMnQti V.iith -me of the Im gest fbun&les M OIA ' 'o I VIM b� in n position to eiI out alt cont�tjc IT, ts, fi4cm, I - bietrusteato me. plans and spc0)_14l0At10`0,s.1Ur_._ 'ished for nAll mac-binery, inginf_-9,� il to give my ekocti n and repairs of inaebirtery n*2 fidple ents,ml hope to ba able't?'giveg-ood tion t all trusting me -ulth tliexT T undersigned wail cooti#,ine t he. d all kinds of castingi; a Jarge cdeiut PIOIV till �, lroh Foundry, SeiiI and --with tl.)O icou- ntctio) is formed, hopesto -be able toip.ul,4 ­vT i - 1: . � a 1: - blisi�ne,s and togive gqod s ati. 111:1-tioul. BRUCEFIELD.11 a 13130THI �8 613 _1.1� A"INIG putchasoil 'the itiustmilia carriekimm li,� MT. T. E. DR1008 Ut so mapy YeI uve ,fnbwp� epalrea to, 40 0T AIND �SNOIIPEI_�i lAKINQ O� E v4.-ry DeScription-on the obortAR notlilie jilwl miost masonable tems. They will use nothing but the vilry 'Gest, ttl;ial"andaa to.fii�andwo. wnx p they g# --r-_ a -ijtee i atigfuntiom E trict 8 ttention. to bu,91.neu,:,i'Ly.1U; a gb�4L ahlel, acalil 1111-117 and reasonsible pritleg, Ukty b op" 4, -and recolv-ae a libexal Axtv of publio �he r Shop IiiiI be iound In Auttenburx-ylv bliflld! a, D. btolio4oshls Veter�juAJT7 Oil ei P&D IF d'd.or th of the pQst offi-ce, -A no a tr1al, 1Y6XI, B�14;'419- i 3 N. X—All overiduceaecoulits n1usL§ lie Fa4m -et-,G1-1G_ P0- Ril I., U I M. 'T�HR I-Subsoriber fiereby th*nkss ourmne' U111 Cu- tomers (mokebants and oihorRy, Itfor 't it ralpatronage durinil; the ID&A 7 ye'I he eii I ly OL - ttailtio* to 41 b ine is to nerit their con0dancei ana tvao'ft th future. Haviuj_ great14 ienlargdd his p0e?w is d1rin tbe wint-hr. -he is �ow' � a -veld to,,V,�'y 9 prop THi HIGH EST CASH PRIOE L Fi6i in quantity of Good Fftsb E dellyt' A atthe Egg EinfioriuI VAIN STRUBT, �$FA'FORT]a. nfed by 0) osu1rscriUWr,,25 ton� -of. good, dry. cle wheat stiair. D. ID, WILSON. ZIII.RICH CAMAUTACTORY, IF [ESS RA-BURER llp, always on hand, aga rn�ke'to 0i4lb-I Cuwtrx, and every.o0aer artiolfan ALIAT �d bey pervonally wipenutEnd thilI oWn 11 aid- ues�;, And _CJLu:gRar& ntee aTijole bowta to That erI&I and workm&uship. i I?br Style amd Finlob 'Cheir vl c&I *0 6 A ed by #-e large city;estob11*)mu­eut$1 I ep aring promptly Attetud-ed �O. Give -4 e , 19L ,tLrii I a 2d beacorxviuced that twe zans d I (NO to � na Rv �s r. 4 less is well known th, 1he public, bavivig il busibese in Zutich Ior been ove�i­12.,y-,Ara. 836 . T p Al,ti D TZNDE1t.,3 w6 be ieceftled b*'ID- Ilogan, Se-afo rtb, tin bI of the TackIor- c4h 8,mi Airitaltnml Society'up -t-O THURSDArl, P1 11 1-st, at noon-, I he A "ji for twWuIso )Dj.t WT. The to Socitt. do not bind themPelves a6cept,411 hl,g,beg; or I tender. Ali' con4itions OY;iar� tf��Iaq can be obtained 0 a dcatlon W iO. HoOn or to tb,- uud-ergigne4. C_ GORDON MBADAg Socretary� ,To. AliMILLAN, Pr-esIdent,, SOUTH HVUON Aot f IJOUIJURAL ESOCIETY TLO. OWNERS OF!8TAtL1OX�. J 1 jy._�E r.8 Of htalliot�s iutiendiNg te�Exhibi&iwt 6. t4e*south Hnron Show,"Ito be held c' :at 13=4efield, on Tuesday, lApril-.13, -*re hereb_v notilipA that by a new rul�p 1(jt the: thoy All th llire feqOrtil it�xiaake their �cariei' w. e $M_ retajy,�n orbefore M 6nirijeSlor b6rueS will b e .a�eu attor that date. lintrill for B nlls will be Uk-en until 110"1 013 t1he fty of the shol�. FIA04en"I P` 0: A JER_ i ANDREW, D I J(dA A. , al ej the Lead SM41I fl�e F of lWdexb 4CAU"a, __�gd N'T YOU g ;4 Ht the front, its 12finAL -supplyin his t rrapbs sl*d A=1pr4.DtIype8j iloen ro. be .be ta fitilou. old Pictures. An tged to pUtVittlOn.� CW'Wrelu's P16t4ios =8131leX, that w4lanakie mothers wa Give the " 3roople"t popuio*. lert trialand be happyil- N`* Wcbeap ltr"" -U tut,p edoes tas as . �vir 10r. LE.%V C;ALDE 1_.- t