HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-03-05, Page 5MARCEL 5, 1880 . 1 examined carefully. Moved. Kerr, seconded by WM. Evans A.uditors Report be received idered as correct, the A-uditors z9 each, and the clerk author_ ave 50 copies of the abstract and circulated - Carried. Shannon was reappointed r, and instructed to furnish curity. The following account' end tn. ba paid, viz.: $75 to Shannon, Treasurer, 480 - to Viorrison. Collector. Charities, idow McDonald, $5 each to obinson, Widows Tpale and Lnd $10 to Joseph Storry„ stone hammers, $3 to J. 0,, , uncollected dog tax from , Booth, Edward Durrant 40111 ; $14.40- for gravel to :an ; $31.70 to the Clerk for on of births, marriages and lection expenses, express char., and $2 for use of School Heine .ction. No. 6 for the nomination. llors. Maved by Gee. :uided by Wm. Grieve that ea be appointed fenceviewer Alex. Caordonresignerl-Gar- 'rye' by Wm. Evans, seconded L=Tieve that the next meeting I will be held Ley.den'a Wednesday the 17th of March 1 o'clock A. AL for` the purpose g the tenders for the erection. Briclge_and other busiriess Hay. ineren.-Mr. Charles T. Shaw, ged to tea,cla the school in sec- ":, Hay, with, the expectation of a certificate, was chagrined, menths' teaching, to find. him- aalifted. Ile accordiugly re... id the board of trustees a.dver- he daily and week-ly Globe, one ; with the result of 35 applica- lie application of Mr. Andrew I.f Toronto, at a salary of $400, i. -ed, and he was telegraphed now on hand. . .--i.‘, social was held in Sex- iurch, on Monday evening, in. :consume the provisions Ieft te tea meeting. 4 good repast tkert of, and a.splenclid literary cal entertainment was render- c.al talent, assisted by Mr. C. • lie proceeds of the tea, and doh ameunted to $24, are to lefraying expenses of addition cippen parsonage. Rev. Mr. ';upied the chair in an efficient tiring the rendition of the pro - 51..y. -It :,is usually considered for buys arid girls to send nd caricatures to each other t valentine season, leaving to 4it the. task of finding the. anae from the nature of the [s token or the handwriting of ;s, hut when one young man '.-her his anonymous and per- napositiorts, it shows his lack )ect, and ls a cowa,rclly way of islike or disapproval. Now, nients of certain infamous ations and illustrations - dis- merles of the offenders, they 'ally heard from unless an llogy is ferthcoming. They ,g suspicions as to who the e, and. as these actions have ed a climax it is time they !ntinued. eTING.-Ctre Friday night last many successful tea meet - it Sexsmith, took place in the 'Eethodist church. At 7 p. m. 1 repast waa served up, to visitors did ample justice, ilie table was cleared a good. d musical entertainment was - choir composed. of Misses 1 Bella Whiteford and Jane :awl Messrs. Blair and Brown 'Irvice in protecting the pleas - ie evening. Mr. Simon Daw a chairman, and after a few rv remarks he called on the ch. sang "Sing it out with a :le Rev.Matthew Smith then the audience an various sub - a choir then sang "The city mils." Mr. Peter Henderson" - he self righteous mart " with The juvenile Misses -Carrie. - and Tina, Shirray gave a duet old slave," and elicited a a'ed applause. The Rev. A.. was then called, npon, and 't time dwelt /mon the bane- eetings, botl iu a social and case: Then, turning his at - he youth, he advised thein the seeds of righteousness, ished thern to live piously vil society and influences. : then, sang "The prodigal Harry Marshall recited zt,ll not ring to -night" with The customary votes of tendered, and the choir thousand times ten thane. liertecliction was pronounced ; wd dispersed, after haying 'ioyable evenine. . - -em.'7"'''''''" Biu.evale. rite social held on 1Vednes- in Parreev's Hall for the e Canada Alethodist Church li the usual grandeur and iing a larger attendance on such occasians. The tt up beyond the expecta-, promoters, and will be ape -istipport af the minister. ' iout lialf-Fast twelve on niernieg the us,nally quiet re startle(' by the cry a ning out, the flames were threugh. the, roof -of Mr., jeiles new frame dwelling. '.• difficulty the most of the is saved, and. aorae of the indows. There is a small i -the buildine, which will iei to Mr., gleIntosh can- ee.lay night of last week a tteitipt was made to cora- . 1.` (lenient:1i, and but for eelf-posseseion and courage let, lady, a burglary might L..ffected. It appears' that ening of the day in ques- tiled at the house of Mr. 4, and said he had been gentleman for the funds of nnes. Lodge, of which he is Mrs. :Vitchell had heard Walking around the house thinking that something Rig she went ne stairs and Cr, whioli she held in her ',ie. went te the street door.: nid the man who wanted t Mrs.- Mitchell said_ she therct up unless Mr. 1VIARcir 5, 1880. ..1,1,•r1,••••1' 7HE HURON EXPOSITOR. Mitchell was present. The man, then raised a heavy club and threatened to " strike her with it unless the moneY was forthcoming, when Mrs. Mitchell very coolly produced. the revolver and sitid if he attempted to approaeh further she would shoot hira. Hceat once retreat- ed, and, with another -man, who Was evidently awaiting an opportunity to effect an entrance into the house, made off, soon being lost in the darkness. There can be no doubt that there Vettfe deliberate attempt to rob the house and obtain possession .ef the,. Lodge funds, andbut for the deternaination of Mrs. . Mitchell in rePelline the ruffian, . it is equally certain tha a robbery, if no worse crime, would. have been com- naitted. Huron Notes. - In 1,868 Huron had 19 Reeves and 14 Deputy Reeves; in 1879 there were -.25 Reeves and, 20 Deputy Reeves. -Mr. Scaiadrett, _ of Clinton, has rented McCartney's Hotel, Belgrave, and will at once take possession thereof. -Mr. John Buehanan, .of the 16th concession of Grey, has a, hen which has recently hatched out a fine brood of chickens. . -Tavern and shop liceaes in Wing- hara have been, fixed at $100. The popUlation of this town is; according to the license census, 2,537. 1-0n- account of the lack of accom- modation, the Huron Poultry Associa- tion will not hold a Show this spring, but will defer it till the fall. -The spring show under the auspices of the Stephen and Usbome Branch Agriceltural Exeter on Th -Mr. Geer township, has J. Biggins, of fine shorthorn, --A mimber o men are employed on the farm of Mr. If. Snell, 7th conces- sion of Hullett, in &getting out ship tim- er which - will be transported to Quebec, -The proprietor of the Brussels Cheese Factory has secured the services as maker of Mr. J. H. Miudaugh, of Springfield,Ont.,who flee had eight years experience. .„ -At the spring show for entire stock to be held at Londesborough ori the .16th of April, the sum of $300 will- be offered in prizes. This should -bring out a lot of good stook. -Mr. James Burgess, of the 1st concession of Turnberry, intends dis- posing of his personal effects .by auc- tion on the 10th inst., preparatory to re - e • reeving to %Manitoba,. -Mr. ERas Lear, of the 13th conces- sion of Hullett, recently sold some cat- tle to Me.' McLean, of Godericli, for which he received 51 cents per lb. This is an exceptional good figifre. -Mr. S .Ranni e, of Hensall, h as re -pur- chased his farm and retires from the hotel. Mr. S. Fairbairn will be the fu- ture host. Mr. Fairbairn is a genial good fellow and will make a, popular landlord. -Mr. James Laut has rented. the farm of the late Duncan McEwen in Stanley, for a terra of ten years. kr. Thos. Baird, jr., has also rented. the property of Mr. Thos. Baird, sr., for a term of three years. - -The other day, while, hauling ' manure with Dr. Sloan's team, Mr. Clewit, of Blyth, fell off the load and was severely hurt. This is the second time that he has met with an accident of this kind within a short period. -Mr. Aaron Lindsay, of Blyth, met with a somewhat painful accident on " Wednesday last week. Be was engaged in chopping in the woods adjacent to Mr. Jas. Stewart's residence, East Wawa- noshewhen the axe glanced Bead strik- ing his foot, lacerated it severely. -On Monday last Mr. James -W. Bone, of the 8th concession of East Wawanosh, succeeded, in trapping a bald eagle on his father's farm, which measured 6 feet 6 inches front tip to tip. It appears to be a young bird, and. is still alive and doing well. --231r. R. Pyle; of Fordwich, had a bhoice young orchard completely ruined one evening recently through the care- lessness of some one leaving the gate open, by which means a flock of , sheep relined access and. stripped the young e, trees of their bark. Over ao0 daraage was done. -The tug Despatch, owned by Mr. S. F. Toba, and Mr. Clark's fishing boat Annie Agnesleft Goderich port Saturday morning for the purpose of setting nets in the lake. Thereis no ice to be -seen. This As the earliest departure ever known to have ta.keh place fran GOderich harbor. ociety, will be held at rsday, April 15. e Green, of Goderich yurchased from Mr. W. lmhurst, Clinton, the lf Baron Riverbank. 1 -The following resolution was passed at the last meeting of the Exeter Gonne. ell : Moved. by E. Drew. Seconded 13Y W. Bissett, that - the Council confer with. the leading men of the townships of Usborne, Stephen and Hay, with a view to ascertain how much could be -c raised to assist in securing salt works in Exeter. -Mr. Jas. A. Yuill having resigned his position as agent of the American Express Company at Clinton,Mr.Robt. Wiseraan has been appointed in his place. Mr. Yuill has accepted a pOsi- tian in the head office of the Company at Harailton. Mr. Yuill's many friends will be glad to learn of his advance- ment. -The' following- commissioners have been appointed for Huron under the Liquor License Act of 1876 : Huron (East Riding) -Commissioners --W. J. Shannon, Thos. Wilson, Rent. Miller. Huron (South Riding) -Commissioners -James Lang, Wm. Bawdate , Edward Cash. Huron (West Riding) -Com- missioners -Wm. Wade, Peter Fisher, Wm. M. Hilliard. -Cou siderable co mmotion, was caused in Blyth this week on learning that Messrs. Wm. Way and Wm. Brownlee had left for "the laud. of the free." The former, it is said, lea,:res liabilities in the neighborhood. of $2,000, and has evi- dently been preparine for the event for some time. General surprise is ex- pressed at Mr. Brownlee's deParture, as he was not considered to be embar- rassed, 'and was looked upon as eteictly honest ; indeed., it is said he wilE•pven. pay all his indebtedness. . fellow, and has done much for the vil- lage. He is now negotiating with the anthorities in Goderich regarding the proposed clock in the Court House, aud we learn he is also "preparing plans for one to be placed in the town building at Austin, Kansas. We wish him every Stl-wAelisiew days ago, while felling tim- ber, Mr. James Carrick was -struck by a falling tree and severely injured. An examination shewed that his right arm, -was fractured below the elbow and his legs so bruised as to •cripple him for some time to come. The injured arm has been set and is doing as well as could be expected. - -We understand that Goderich is to be favored (?) with another printing office, and eventually a third paper. Its managers are to be Mr. M. L. Al- drich, formerly of Blyth, and a young man lately connected with one of the town, offices, who evidently imagines “there's millions in it." There is noth- ing like a little experience to convince to the contrary. -Mr. Davidson, of Lower Wingham, met with what iniiht have been a very serious accident to his team on Tues- day morning of last week. While load- ing ice on his sleigh at .Rockey's dam, the ice gave - way, precipitating the sleigh and team into the' river. After great difficulty they were rescued from their cold.bath, the only damage done being a cold ducking - On Friday morning last, Mrs. Mc- Coy, mother of Samuel and Robert Mc- Coy, Centralia, 'departed this life. She was in. her ninetieth year, and was a consistent member of the Metho- dist Church for sixty years. She removed from the neighborhood of Darlington some 30 years since, to live with her two sons, ' on the farm on which they now dwell, and where they have amassed considerable wealth. She died a happy death, and her remains were interred in the Fairfieldlepmetery on Sunday morning last. , — It is a dangerous thing to handle the "Kurse of Kanada" under almost all circumstances, but doubly danger- ceiS to have an interest in that which is clistilled illicitly. On Tuesdaty of last week Thomas Bell, of Amberly, town- ship of Ashfield, was charged by Col- lector of Customs Brownell With manu- facturing whiskey Contrary t law, was found guilty and committed for trial. He secured his liberty by urnishing bail of $1,000. Wm. Mc urchie, of Ripley, Wits charged immedi tely after- wards with assisting to ma ufacture. Because he could not furnis bail, he was sent to Walkerton jail t await his trial. :-The Brussels Post regrets having to announce the unexpected death of Mr. John Welsh, veterinar surgeon, which occurred , at Jamest wn, New York State, on the 10th inst On the Wednesday evening previous deceased was attending to his duties, "lie'perfect health, but received. an apoplectic stroke on Thursday morning, from the effects of which he died as above stated. Deceased was a son of— Mr. David Welsh, of the Bayfield line, Goderich township, and his remains were brought home and interred in the Bayfield cemetery, on Saturday last. The Fire Company of Jamestown, of which he was a member, attended his rerciains to the railway there. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his death. A shut time ago he followed the prac- tice of his profession in Brussels. -Huron Division. Grange met in Brussels on i Friday, 6th February, Worthy Master Robert Curry presiding. Delegate's were present from nearly all the sub -Granges comprising the Di- vision. The following are the officers elected for the year 1880 : R. Currie, Master, Wingham P. 0.; John White- field, Overseer, Cranbrook ; Alex. Stewart, Secretary, Cranbrook ; Arch. McDonald, Treasurer ; G-. Hood, Lec- turer, Sunshine ; J. Wilford, Steward, Blyth •, H. Gosman, Assistanz, Steward, Bushfield; H. Snell, Chaple,in, Clin- ton ; W. Barrie, Gatekeeper, Belgrave ; Sister "Whitfield, Ceres ; Sister . Stew- art, Pomona ; Siater Snell, Flora'; Sister McCool, • Lady Assistant Stew- ard. Executive Committee -Matthew Morrison, Walton ; John Salter, Wing- I ham ; J. Cuthill, Cranbrook. Audi - I tors -G. Foitune, McCool. The Di- vision will meet in Wingham, on Fri- day, 11th of June, at 11 a,. m. -The Rev. Mr. Muenzinger hasepre- sented Mr. George Hess, of Zurich, in the name of the people of that ,village, with a purse containing $50. The rev- erend gentleman stated -that it was cal- culated as a taken of popular fipprecia- ton of Mr. Hess' work, he having done all the architect work of the church, and placed a fine town clock in the tower, all free of cost. This is a present well merited. George is a right good All the barns, sheds, stock, im- plements, &c.„belonging to Mr. David. Bowman, of Esquesing, were lately burned by his daughter, who is insane. She did the same thing 18 years ago. -Mr. Meyers, af Nassagaweya, was driving into Milton on the 20th ult., when. a dog ran at, and frightened the horses. Mi. Meyers was thrown out, and received injuries from which he died. -On Tuesday Merning in Simcoe, a young woman named Mary Fitzpatrick was 'fnriously attacked by a vicious coW, which knocked her down, and gored her in a frightful manner. She was rescued -by some passers by in an insensible condition. - Considerable excitement has been caused in the town of Simcoe, by the receipt of threatening letters addressed to different members of the Council. Their purport was that if these Coun- cillors supported the by-law to prohibit cows from running at large, they might expect , their dWellingi houses, factories or shops destroyed by fire at the earliest opportnnity. The by-law was carried, supported by these gentlemen, and now a rewaild of 5100 is being offered by the Council, and a like amount by another gentleman, for information that will. lead to thcedetection of the writer or writers of the letters. ' Auction Sales. Wednesday, March 10, 1880, on Lot 25, Con. 5, L, R. S., Tuckersraith, Farm Stock and Implements.' Andrew Ross, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Saturday, March 6, 1880, on Lot 5, Con. 4, Stanley. Farm Stock and. Im- plements. J. Ca,meron, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Friday, March 26t1a, 1880, on the Goshen Line, one -and -a -quarter miles south of Zurich, Farm Stock and Im- plements. George Wolper, proprietor ; E. Bessenberry, auctioneer. Monday, March 15, 1880, on Lot 11, Con. 11, Stanley, Farm Stock and Houselaold. Furniture. Sale at 1 o'clock. Wm. Hardwick, proprietor ; E. Bossen- berry, auctioneer. Tharsday, March 11, 1880, on Lot 26, coneession 8, , McKillop, Farm, Farm Stock and. ImplementS. -Sale at 12 o'elook noon. Thomas Miller, pro- prietor ; John Bullard & Co., auc- tioneers. Births. MESSET-In Emend -vine, on the 27th tilt , the wife of Mr. Edineind Messetof a son. HENDERSON-In Seaforth, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. George E. Henderson of , a daughter. Seaforth, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. James Weir of a son (still born ) BAUMSTARK-In Seaforth, on the eeith ult , the wife of Mr. A. Baumstark of a son. STODDARD-1n Egmond-ville on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr. James Stoddaxd of a daughter. ROBINSON-In MoKillop, on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr. Samuel Robinson of a son. ANDERSON -In Detroit, ern the 22nd. ult., the wife of John M. K. Anderson, Esq., of the McRAE-At the Meths°, ranbrook, on the 22nd • Paris TRANSCRIPT, Of4win daughters. ult., the wife of Roy. D. 13. McRae of a dangb ter. WILLSON-In Seaforth on tht 23rd Intel the wife of Mr. 0. C. Willson of a son. DEAGON-In Seaforth, on the 27th ult., the -wife of Mr. Hiram Doagon of a son. SPAIN -In Seaforth, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Win. Spain of a son. MONTGOMERY -In Seaforth, on the 29th ult ; tne wife of Mr. Homy Montgomery of a daughter. Marriages. KLEMEN-HENEL--At the Manse, Seaforth, on the 2nd inst,, by Rev. A. D. McDonald, Mr. Wm. Klemen, to Miss Annie Henel, both of Logan. WORN -BURTON -At the Manse, McKillop, on the 26th ult, by Rev. Matehew Barr, Mr. David I. Worn, Buffalo, to Miss Merida Bur- ton, of Harpurhey. BRANDOW-PIRLE-At the residence of the bride's father, Grey, on the 25th ult., by Rev. John Ross, B. A.,. Mr. Jacob C. Branflow, Norfolk, to Anna, (Most daughter of George Pixie, Esq. WARD-LUSK-In Seaforth, tho 3rd. inst., by ReY,11. Renaud, Mr. James Weed, to Miss Matilda Lusk, both of Seaforth. Deaths. KENNEDY -In Kincardine, on the 15th ult., Samuel L. Kennedy, late of Seaforth, aged 53 years and 4 month's. McCOY-In Stephen, on the 20th tilt , Margaret McCoy, aged 90 years. LUXTON-In Stephen, on the 22nd ult., Eliza- beth Luxton, aged 65 years. SAMPLE -At Kirkton, on the 24th ult., James Sample, aged 30 years and 7 months. BAKER -In Stephen, on the 25th ult., Wilmot,' wife of Mr. Richard Baker, aged 22 years. Local Notices. CORN. -Plenty of Corn nOVi ro be had at J. BnowneLs's 637 FARMERS will find plenty of Land Salt at reasonable prices, with late improved facilities for loading on wagons at the Big Mills, Seaforth. Also Bran and Feed in abundance after the lat of March next. A. W. Coonvia & Co. 638 MIISIC.-Miss Walsh, late of Loretto Abbey, Toronto, is prepared to receive pupils in vocal and instrumental music. Use of piano given if desired. Residence-Geoege Street, first door north of the Huron Roae, Seaforth. 633-13 CORNmEAL, Oatmeal, Graham Flour sea Cracked Wheat always un hand at the Eg- mondville Mills. Farmers can have Oatmeal ex- changed for Oets. All orders left at the Mill promptly attended to. FORSYTH & 638-4 OATBLEAn.-For the accommodation of the farming community we have made ar- rangement s to exchange meal for oats, the same number of pounds tienon get at the mills, also flour, shorts, cornmeal, corn whole or chopped, and mill feed on hand at bottom prices. HEN- SALL MILLS. 633 HICKSON & BLEASDELL, Jewelers, have secured the rservices of Mr. R. Wright, late of Strathroy, wk ere he has been in business for a number of years, He is a thoroughly practical and competent hand, having had an experience of seventeen years. Parties having fine watches to clean or repair can rest satisfied they will be done right. All watch and clock work guaranteed. Engraving a specieley• 638 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. ESTRAY STOCK. •••••••• ty SOW -Caine into the premises of the giiTed, near Kinburn, some time last fiL:aan.Utin_sdoewl, 1 he owner nean have the same by preying ptok erty &nee naniegeharges. JOHN 688x4 THOMPSON. "eyed from the premises IRSTRAY STEER-Ein 't ,26, Concession 9, Me- -en of the uncle 'signed, pa:t of October, a red Killope a,bont the latter eleer, rising 4 years old He hi. d a whits star information as on his lace. Any person giving such will lead to tbe recovery of the abovil be suitably rewarded, and any person foe'nu enif boring after this date will be premise:1'st" JOHN GONENLOCK, Seaforth P. 0, 60-4 re STRAY CALVES- Strayed from tbe prein- -L". ises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Concession 7, Ueborne, about the latter part of September, six Spring Calves -three heifers and three steers ; one ot the steers was blitidle, ono red and one spotted ; two of the heifers were red and one epotted. Any infermation as to the whereabouts of the above animels will be suitably rewarded RICHARD. MABQUIS. 626 MEETINGS TO BE HELD. TO MILK HAULERS -The Directors of the ▪ Seaforth Cheese Factory will receive tenders for leaning mine en the various routes, on tbe 9th of March, at Carmichael's Hotel, Seaforth, at 2 o'clock P. M. For particulars of routes or ether infoimation apply to R. GRAY, Man- ager. • 638 NOTICE-A meeting of the Patrons and Share- holders of the Bluevale Cheese Factory will be held at Patterson's Hotel, 13luevale, on Tues- day, March 9th, 1880, at 1 o'clock P. M. At the (Lobe of the above meeting the drawing of the milk on the different routes will be let. Also at the same time end place, there will be offered for sale by public Ruction, the season's whey, -with use of hog yard, sheds, &c. By order, JOHN BURGESS, Secretary. 638 WANTED. WANTED -A good Servant Girl to do general housework. References required. REIT. R. McCOSII, Bayfield. 639-3 VARM HAND WANTED -I want to hire a good steady man for a term of months or by t he year. WM. MUBDOCII, Lot 10, Coneession 2, Stanley. e38-2 A pPRENTICES WANTED -Wanted Initnedi- •e-n alely, Apprentices to learn Dressmaking. Apply at rooms over T. Kide's store. Entrance . - Immo hall as the Mechanics' Institute. MISS SLEETH. 635 TENDERS FOR BRIDGE -- Sealed Tendere -n, will be received by either of the undersigned uneil Tuesday, March 16th, 1880, at peon, for the erection of a Bridge at Roxboro, in the township of MCKillop. Plans and Specifications can be seen at any time at the residence of the Reeve. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed unless satisfactory. Tenders to be addressea to Seaforth P. O. T. E. HAYS, Reeve. JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Clerk. 638 LOST- OR FOUND. NCTE LOST -Lost, a note of hand, draevn by -e` noires Frazer in favor of James McAuley, - for the sum of $22 50, for 14 months hem date. Any person finding the same and returning it to James McAuley or David Erwin will be suitebly rewarded. The public are also cautioned against purchasing or negotiating the said note, as pay- ment of it bus been stopped. JAMES Mee AULEY, Varna P. 0. 688x4 • - - - - NOTE LOST -Lost, in or about Seaforth, 4:1 Note of hand, bearing date November 80, 1877, for the sum of $470, payable on tbe 1st of Febniary, 1880, made by Helen McDowell and John Mai il le n, hi favor of jamc s Duncan, Mc- . Killop. The public are hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiating seid note, as pay- ment has been stopped. The finder of the note will be suitably reNVELIded on returning it to the undersigned. JAMES DO'NCAN, - Winthrop post office. &Seel HEAD OFFICE, TRONTO, MONEY. Paid up Capital, - $6,000,000. Rest, 1,400,000. President, Hon. Wm. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Scaforth,Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on whieh interest is allowed on • the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and, cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office -First door South of the Commercial Hotel. 639 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. THE MARKETS. SE &FORTH, March 4, le 80. Fall Wheat 1 23 to 1 28 Spring 1.Vheat,Fife, per bushel.- 1 22 eo 1 26 Spring Wheat,RedChaff,perbuteli1 18 to 1 22 Oats per bushel 0 83 to 0 34 Peas per bashel 0 60 to 0 60 Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 50 Butter,No.l,Loose 0 17 to 0 19 Eggs 0 11 to 0 12 Flour, per 100 lbs te- 8 15 to 3 15 Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Hides, per lb. 0 07 to 0 08 Sheep skins each .,.... 0 50 to 1 25 Salt (retail)per barrel ° . 0 '75 Balt (wholeeale)per barrel-. - 0 60 Potatoes, per bushel 0 35 to 0 40 Apples, per bushel 0 40 to 0 50 Oatme a I en b rl 2-75 to 3 00 Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Beef. in quarters, per 100 lbs4 50 to 6 00 Dressed Hogs per 100 lbs... , 4 50 to 5 00 Clover Seed, per -bushel ,, '• f .. 3 00 to 3 50 CLIN'PON, March 4, 1880. FallWheat,per bushel .. 1 25 1 27 Spring Wheat, perbushel... .. ... 1 18 1 25 Oats, pert:bushel 0 83 0 84 Barley, per bushel 0 95 ne 0 56 Peas, per bushel 0 63 0 64 -Butter p 16 (0 0 20 Potatoes '0 30 g 0 85 Eggs 0 12 0 0 13 Ilay,per ton 8 00 a 9 00 Dressed Hogs • 4 75 0 5 00 Glover Seed 2 75 0 3 00 Timothy Seed 2 75 @ 3 00 • • LIVERPOOL, March 3.- Spring wheat 11 s Od ; red -winter, .,11.s 8d ; white, lls '2d ; club, lls 7de oats, 6s 6d ; barley, 5s 3d ; peas, 6s 9d ; pork, 57s 6d ; beef, 78 Qd ; cheese, 73s Od. TORONT0, March wheat, $1.28 to $1.30; spring,$1.27 to $1.30; oats, 38c to 40c ; peas, 65c to 67c ; barley, 58c to 70c ; hay, per ton, $6 00 to $1r00 ; butter, -180 to 250 ; potatoes per bag, P.45 t,o $0.55. Clover seed Iper bushel, $3.00 to $3.40 ; dressed hogs, $6.00 to $6.50. / . Live Stock Markets. . TORONTO, March. p.—One load, averag- ing about 1,100 Ms, sold at 1f44 a head, 1 or 4c per lb ; and an extra heifer, of 1 about 1,400 Ms weight, brought lie per /b. The other cars were sold in broken lot of twos and threes, at from 3ic to 40 per /b. Sheep -A fair demand con- tinues for sheep, and prices are un- changed at about 4.ic per lb. Lambs - iThe supply has not been siifficient tb meet demands, and they are wanted., First class 5c to 5ic per lb; second class 4c to 4ic, and third class 3io. Live Hogs -The few hogs now offering are for butchers' use and the prices paid ; , Iare from ,lic to Pic per lb. Horses - Prices have an upward tendency. The shipments of horses to the United 1 States during the past seven days were 1 294 horses, costing $23,618.'50, or a trifle over $80 per head. ' Spring Shows. Spring Shows -for the exhibition of Entire Stock will be held this season as follows : _ Grey Branch, at Brussels, on Wednesday, April 7. East Riding Hnron, at Wroxeter, on Thursday, April 8. South Riding Huron, at Brucefield, on Tuesday, Apri113. HuLlett and Morris Branch, at Londesboro, on the 16th of April. Hibbert Branch, at Staffa, on the 13th of April. Weet Riding, at Smith's Hill, on April 15th. Stephen and Usborne, at Exeter, on Thursday, 1 • MONEY TO LEND--Nfoney to lend on good "I'LL horn oved forms only, at 74 per cent. inter- est, pun lee yeaily ; private funds T; charges mod- erate. JOHN S. PORTER. 631 ONEY TO LOAN -In large or s_mall sums -kv-i on Di st• clasp security, at 8 per cent. yearly fate) eft. Piivate funds. or on the installment plan.. Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. 628 "nee ONEY TO LOAN -On Improved Farm Prop- ene. erty, at 8 per cent. interest. Interest pay- able belle:really or yearly, as desired, with a por- tion of the puncipal, if so preferred. Expenses light. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, Seaforth, Ont. 625 OnEY.-The undersigned has a large imm of nee- money for immediate investment on first mortgages oe faim property. Seven and a half per cent. inteicet yearly ; principal as may be agreed ueon. J. H. BENSON, Solicitor Sea - for th. • '633 FOR SALE OR TO LET. , VOR SALE. -A Bargain. -That convenient and JL comfortable cottage on the corner of Jarvis and St. John Streets, 8ealoith. Apply to E. CASH. ,- 689 TO RENTe-That comfortable brink store, with roomsennove, on Main Street, Sea.forth, at present oceupied by W. N. Watson. Possession given on ?the 1st of February. Apply to Mo- CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED. 681 TTOUSE TO RENT -To Rent, a comfortable j"`"L flame house on Goderich street, near the Skating Rink ; contains 8 rooms, with cellar, woodshed, hai d and soft water, and all other conveniences attached. Rent $6 per month. Apply to L MURPHY. 631 TORE TO RENT. -To rent, the store known L' as the Darnels' Store, on the corner of Main and John Streets, Seafortb. It is situated in the best business past of the town. Also a a dwelling oveihead. For partic.ulars apply tO S. Dickson, Scafoith, or the preprietor A. DICKSON, G oderi ch. 633 1-4 ARE' CHANCE. -Photograph ROOMS to Let nn on first fioor in Scottes Brick Block, Seaforth, position central. Also, three or four Rooms on the Bat aboversuite.ble for a dwelling. Posses- sion let January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME- S TED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT. SCOTT, MeKillop. 57341. XnALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, • the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, H. R. S., Tuckersinith, County of Innen, consisting of 50 acres, 34 miles from the Town of Seaforth, and convenient to school. The land is of the very best quality. For further particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to Egmondville P. 0. 521 IMPORTANT NOTICES. TO FARMEES -Ferment intending to have Sales can procure coned Note Foims at the Fa m ere' a nd ecbanicie Bank, Seaforth, free of charge. M. P. HAInS. 638-4 - TeEMOVAL-MISS SCOTT, Seaforth, has re- , -1-n moved her Dressmaking Business to her fether's residence, John Street, opposite the piscopal Methodist Church, where she hopes to have a call from her many friends and customers -who may require anything in the Dress and Mantle line. 625 ciAIITION—From aud after this date the pub - 'en lic are hereby cantionee against giving credit to any person or persons in my name without the wiitten order or consent of myself or my wife, as I will not be responsible for any debts here- after contracted without such consent. MICHe AEL MURPHY. Mcleillop, Feb. 11, 1880: 636x4 11101 AINTING--Wele R. FREW, late of Scot- -1- land, betel to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and eurrounding country that lae has commenced business as General House Painter, Paper Hanger, Sign Writer, &e. All work en- trusted to him finished in first-class style. Office, meantime, at D. D. Rose's Grocery, Sea - forth. WM. R. FREW. 632 PELMORE CHEESE FACTORY. -The Di- yectors of the Belmore Cheese Factory hive came to the conclusion to rent the wbey pro- duced by the factory for the Beason, and' will furnish good 'accommodation for hogs. Any person wishing to make arrangements for the renting of the whey, will receive all necessary • information by applying to JOHN JOHNSON, President of Selreore Cheese and Butter Company. 639-4 T.) ELGETTX & BARROWS, Licen Fed Auction- -1-e eers, McKillop. Special attention given to sales of Landed Property, Farm Stock and Implements. All orders left weith either of the undersigned at Welton P. O., or Lot 14, con- cession 14 ; or at Leadbury P. (e., 9r Lot 29, can - cession 12, will be promptly attended te. Sale bills, notes and 'tamps furnished if required. ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton ; GEO. BARROWS. 639 NEW GOODS JUST RE9E1VED -BY- SMITH & WEST, MAIN STREET New Black Cashmeres. New Colored Cashmeres. New Black Lustres. New Colored Lustres. :New Dress Goods -Plain. New Dress' Goods -Fancy. New PaCipadonr Prints, New ArnerioAn Prints. SEAFORTH. NeweEnglish Prints. New Frillings. 14, New Embroideries. New Laees. New Gloves. New Mantle Cloths.. New Dolman Cloths. Bales of Cotton at old prices. WE MOST CORDIALLY INVITE AN INSPEaTION • f OF OUR GOODS AND PRICES, Please Remember : No Trouble to Show Goods. Everything Marked in Plana Figures, and sold. for Cash. And that we can sell at one price only. SMITH & WEST, Main Street Seaforth. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. VARM FOR SALE -For Sale, Lot 1, Cox:ices- -1- sion 7, Morris, containing 80 acres, 67 of which are cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation ; a good frame dwelling, also frame barn, stables end sheds; good orchard; on a geavel road; miles from 13lyth and 9 miles from Wingham. For particulars address either of the foUowing executors, THOMAS LAEDLAW,Blyth, JAMES ANDERSON, Belgrave. 636 TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH -1" -For Sale, Lot 30, James street, on which is erected a good frame house, with kitchen and wood shed attached ; the house contains four good rooms ; the lot comprises one-fifth of an acre, with good fruit trees, also good well. This is an excellent chalice for any party in want of a good house, and will be soln cheap. Apply to E. J. HAZLEWOOD, Seaforth. 6364x WARM FOR Set:el.-West part of Lots 15 and ne 16 in the 6th Concession of Stanley, contain- ing 99 acres, 80 of wbich are eleaxed. There are 9 acres of fall wheat SOWU and 22 acres fall plow- ing done ; good barn, stable and outhouses, all frame, also good frame house with stone cellar 18 x 24, good well with pump, and an ekeellent orchard. This property is situated withio a mile of Varna village, 12 miles from Seeforth, and can be bought for $4,500. Any one wishing further information can apply on the premises to THOMAS JOHNSTON. 633-12 VARM FOR SALE. -North nail of Lot 22, San- -1: ble Line (Lake Shore RoadjStanley; 80 acres ; 60 acres cleared and good cultivation ; 20 acres good bush ; 9 acres fall wheat ; 15 acres fall plow- ed ; three-quarters of a mile froth Drysdale P. 0. and store ; fust -class eand convenient to, school and church ; brick house, 2630, story and a half, well finished, with good cellex ; bank barn, 40x58; fine stream' of running water close te barn- a splendid orchard of beming trees. Terms will'be made to suit purchasers, if time is required ; but for cash a geod bargain will be given. Apply on the farm or to NELSON MOUSSEAU, Drysdale P. 0. 6884-x WARM FOR SALE. For sele, Lot 2, concession le 13, Hallett, containing 75 acres of excellent clay loam land, about 66 aeres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the remainder is good hardwood lnish. On the premises are a small log house, sided up, with frame kitchen, -with good well and pump, and a good. spring creek running through the land. This arm is situated 1 mile from narlock P. 0., and 10e miles from Seaforth, and about the same from Brussels on a good gravel road. Further Pei ticulars can be obtained on application to the proprietor on the prennees or to Harlock P. 0. THOMAS GILPIN, proprietor. 629 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE -The under- sign ed offers for sale a valuable farm in the township of Grey, Comity of Huron, contain- ing 175 acres of land, 150 of which are cleared, almost entirely free of stumps, and.. in an excel- lent state of cultivation ; the remainder ise tim- bered with hardwood. There are upon the prem- ises a good. frame house, two frame barns and frame stable, a never -failing spring, besides two eicellent wells ;_ also, a large orchard containing the choicest variety of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees. There ere 25 acres SIMI in fall wheat, 90 acres -in grass, most of which has been seeded within the last three years, and about 30 acres fall plowed. The feuces are good, a consid- erable part consisting of eery substantially built board and straight rail fences. The farm, al- though excellent for wheat and other sereals, is peculiarly adapted for stock raising, as the soil is -specially suited for elover, and access to water so coneeuient. The farm is one of the best in the township, and is beautifully situated on the Maitland river, 24 miles from Brussels, an incor- porated village on tho Wellington, Grey and 13ruce Railway, and only one-half mile from a school. Title peifect; satisfactory reasons for selling. For price and further particulars apply o Robert Dick.son, on the premises; Je R. Grant, Postmaster, Brussels ; James Dickson, Registrar, Goderich; or W. N. Watson, Seafmth. ROBERT DICKSON, Proprietor. N. B. -The proprietor, though desirous of selling, tbe whole ntroperty, would dispose of a part. 638 AUCTION SALES. A IICTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCk AND IMPLEMENTS.- John Bullard & Co. leave been instructed by Mr. Thomas Miller to sell by Public Auction, ea Lot 26, concession 8, McKillop, on THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1E80, commeining at 12 o'clock noon, the following ',minable property, viz : Stock and Implements -1 span of good working horses ; 8 milch cows in calf ; 4 steers, coming 2 ; 2 beilere, coming 2 ; 1 yearling steer; 1 yearling heifer ; 1 lumber wagon ; 1 buggy, with role and shafts ; 1 pair of steel shnd tob -sleighs ; 2 set s dot ble harness ; 1 plow, Hamphrey's make ; whiffietreee and neck yoke ; 1 pair double harrows ; 1 land roller ; 1 fanning mill ; 1 hay rack ; 1 wood rack ; 1 grind stone ; 1 sugar kettle; 1 croescue saw ; 1 milk can ; 1 parlor stove ; 4 tons of hay in barn ; quantity of seasoned lumber ; also rakes,shovels, scythes, forks, chainseand other small articles. The Faina-The farm containing 25 acme, being part of Lot 9.6, concession 8. There are 20 acres cleared. There are frame buildings, good fences, and the land is in a high state of cultivation, being well drained mid neatly elear of stumps. There are four acres of fall wheat ; a good orchard containing about 100 trees, comprisieg apple, pear, plum, and cherry trees, all just commie:t- int to bear, aleo a never failing spring well. It is on the Northern Gravel Road, adjoining the Village of Winthrop, and within five Mike of Seaforth. The Farm and Chattels will poeitive- ly be sold without reserve, as the proprietor is leaving the country. TERMS. -On the Farm Stock : All sear s of $5 and under, cash ; over that I amount 9 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved endorsed notes. A disconne of 5 cents on the dollar will be allowed for cash on all credit amounts. For the Farm : One-third of the pureheee money on the day of sale ; ORO - third on the first January 1b81, and the balaree on the first January, 1882, with interest at 6 per cent. JOHN _BULLARD & CO., Auctionews ; THOMAS MILLER, Proprietor. . 639 SPECIFIC "ARTICLES. W ONDERFUL CURE -This is to certify that " I was per fectly cured of chronicrheumatism of four years' standing by a receipt I have left in the hands of Hickeon & Fer far- ther pazticulars apely to CHARLES WOODS, Sealorth. 638 CULL AT J. S. ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, Seatorth, for the Great Siena. Nevada Smok- ing Compound, a positive cure for Catarrh, and is equally efficacious in all Bronchial Affections. The woist cases of Asthma, Phtlesic and. all Diseases of thc Lune* yield readily to this treat- ment. M. L. SMITH, Arkona, Ont., General Agent. For sale by all druggists. Priee, 75 cents a box. - 601-52 STOCK FOR SALE. TeT.ILL FOR. SALE. -For sale cheap, a Thom' -en' Bred Durbam Bull, sired. by the thorohred null recently owned by Mr. George Sprout, of Tn ekersmith. He is one year old this spring ; is of dark roan color ; a registered pedigree will be given to ehe purchaser. Apply on Lot 7, conces- sion 8, 11. R. S., Tackersmith. W. S. MUN- DELL, 4 ABSTRACT. Wm. McConnell. Treasurer, in account with the Muncipality of Tuckersraith from 19th .of February, 1879, to 20th February, 1880. RECEIPTS. To balance frann last audit- - $295 58 Wm. Ballantyne, banteee from license fund, 1878 and 1879......... ..... 83 33 Wm. Ballantyne balence from license fend,. 1879 and1880 Returning officer for ballot box...... Clergy reserve fund Balance of taxes for 1878. . Seaforth Council, on account of doctor's bill for Willie Ablborn.. .... 10 00 Jno. Beattie,Esq.,on account of doctor's bill far Willie Ahlbcirn, ... ....... Boundary line appropriation........ Nat. Cosens, balance on. gate. Collector county rate Collect -or Township rate General school este-. Union School Section No. 1, MelCillop Comnantation of Statute labor Dog tax Arreaps of taxes. Wm. nMeMillan, J. P., fines.......... Interest on bank deposits_ ... Taxes on Lot 20, McKenzie's Survey._ Balance due Treasurer. Total 812,667 16 RAILWAY FUND. To balance on han dent last audit. Special rate served in 1879 Interest from einldng fund Total. solooL Porto. To balance on hand at last audit_ Interest awned since last audit 164 23 3'50 34 20 553 66 5 00 184 49 2 00 3,652 81 3,126 97 4,020 68 60 31 9 00 367 00 1 09 1 00 16 75 24 7.5 29 Total. $287 52 999 32 99,00 $1,385 81 $1,278 97 1,152 14 • • $2,431 II EXPEN DITU R By paid on account of roads and bridges. $3,5.59 10 199 83 Salaries .. 690 00 Charities. 161 65 Schools. 4,446 31 County rates 3,610 27 Total Eipenditure.. .. . .. $12,667 16 RAILWAY FUND. By paid interest on coupons, Jein.e and December Invested on sinking fund account..., Balance on hand.... ... . . ... Total. :SCHOOL Ir.ND. BY-LAW NO. 6 A, OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTit von 1880. A By -Law to Raise by way of Loan the sum ,of Eleven Thousand Dollars, bie Pet7p08e'S lineniee- . after _Mentioned. larlIEBEAS, the Ratepayers of the TOWU Of " Seaforth have petitioned the Munieipal Council of the said Town of Settfortb, in the County of Huron, for more efficient Protection from Fire. AND WHEREAS, the said -Council eoneidets it expedient to grant the prieyee -of the Bald petition. AND WHEREAS, the tom Cotnacil -consiners a evetem ef Waterworke, -constructed upon what is kilown as the Wai-erens syetenn be the most efficient leir Eire Protectien par - 'Doses. • AND WHEREAS, it will xequire the sum a - E levee Tbousane Dollars for the zoastruction of said Waterworks. .AND WHEREAS, the -said Connell bees re- solved te ledge the raid sum el money for the purpose aforeeaide AND WHEREAS, it will requiee the i31,211 Ibree Hneeeed .and Thirty -neve Dollars to ibe -raised le at -wily by epecial rate, lot the payment - of I he said nebt, ae hereinafter mentioned, AND WEELEAS, it will require the Bora of . Six Len:lex-ad arid Shay Dollars to be raised. • annual/3, epecial rate for the payment ef the eald interest as tine reinafter mentioned. AND VIIERELS, ine amount of the whole ma teable pieperty of the said Commation irre- spective of any income in the nature of Italia, int crest, dividenes, rents or fees from said prep- erty, and ale° irresr calve of any income to be derived from the temporary ineestment of the sinking fund hereinafter mentioned, or any part thereof, according to thelearRevised Asseesnient - Roll of the Paid Corporation being for the year _ One Tbousaied Eight Hatelred and Seventy -Nine is the sum of Five Hemdred and Sixty -Four Thou. - sand Six Peuidred and Eighty dollen. AND WHEREAS, tbe existing debt of the said Cceporation is as follows : Three thousand dol- lars borrowed meder the authmity a By-law No. - 46, of the said Town of Seaforth, and intetest thereon at Seven per cent per aannme payable half -seedy from the First day of Meade, 1880 ; and Fifteen Hundred dollars borrowed under Beelaw No. 100, of the SSA TGWU ef Sea - forth and interest thereon at Seveue per cent. pet maim, ITOIR the Fifteenth -4-ay 1879; and Six Tbousaud Donau, boreelw- ed under the authority ol 33y -Law No. 3 A, of the said Toll') of Seaforth, and interest thereOn „ at seven per seat, per annum, payable balnyeae. ly, he In Ilse Bret dey of Jamuary, 1.880, and there is not bing in atrear one uepaid, either for pen- , eipal or interest. AN D WHEREAS, it is moat neceseary to an point the time end piece for taking the votes of the duly qualiften electoes, and fer appointisai Deputy Returning Cfficers to take the votes On. the Eeia electors at the meeting. BE IT THEBEFORE ENACTED, by the Ccereration of the Town ol Seaforth, in the County of Huron, L -That it than be lawful for the Mayor of - t he said Coeperation to raise by way of loan, ft oin say penon or pei sone, body oe bodies -e0P- po rat e, evlio may lee willing to e.dvance the same up on the -credit of the Deeentutes nereinaftex mentioned, a tern of money not exceedieg in the evh ole the sum of Eleven Tboustend Dollars, and to cause the same to be paid into the bands el the Treasurer of the eaid Town, for the putpoi3e a nd -with the object above recited. .--Tbat it sball be lawful for the eaid Mayer to canee any number ef Debenturea to be inade for f.tich ewes of money as may be required, not less than One Hundred Dollars eaeh, and net exceeding in the aggregate tbe sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars, and that the said Debenttiree , shall he Sealed with the Seal of the said Cove- : FignEd by the mayor and the Treaes urer thereof, $600 00 - said. Debentures eballbe tnade 500 00 payable in twenty years, at fuetbeste from tbe 285 81 day hereipener aimitioned for this By -Law to - take fffeeb, at the /Alec -of the Treasurer of the $1,385 81 said Coaporation, aml -alien have attached to them Coupons for the payment of interest. By paid Treasure' Public School Board $1,298 07 Paid Treasurer Union School Section No. 1, MeKillop..... . .. . . 50 00 13 alanee of interest on hand 1,083 04 Total... - ....... - n2,431 11 WELLINGTON. HIS RgTURN Tp HURON. THE well and favorably know Heavy Draught n- Imported Stallion formerly linvned by Means. Love & Brown, will sitand for the improvement of stock this season as follows ; He will leave his own stable, one mile and a quarter south of Egmondville, on Monday of each week during the season, and will make the following stands : Monday noon, at Kyle's Hotel, Kippen Road; night, at Chiselhurst. • Tuesday noon, at A. Biehop's, Osborne; night, at Central Hotel, Exetei. ;Wednesday noon, at Ineynolds' Hotel, Hen - Ball ; night, ab Kipper. Thursday noon, at Hugla Lo ve's, Hills Green ; night. at Joslin's Ho ten Varna. Friday noen, at Brucefield ; tight, at his ewn stable. Saturday, all day at the Commercial lIotel,• Sealorth. . For further particulars see reute when issued, or apply to the proprietor. 639 J. H. CARTER, Seaforth. THE AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS TO RPITT. QEALED TENDERS will be received by D. en Hogan, Seaforth, on behalf of the Tucker- sm ith Aglicultneal Society, up to THURSDAY. APRIL let, at noon, for the use of the Agricul- tural Grounds, in the Town of Seaforth, for pas- turage or otherwise for tbe season 011880. The Society do not bind themselves to accept the highest or axe tender. All conditions or par• ticalant can be obtained on apinieation to D. Hogan or to the undersigned. GORDON McADA,M, Secretary. JOHN McMILLAN, President. 5e9 SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. TO OWNERS OF STALLIONS. feWNERS of Stallions intending to Exhibit at e -e the Sentb Hnron Spring Show, to be held at Bractfield, on Tnesday, April 13, are hereby notified that by a new rule of the Society, they are required to .make their entries with the Sec- retary, on or before MONDAY, APRIL 12, as no entries for horses will be taken after that date. Entries for B ulls will be taken until 11 o'clock on the day of the show. - G. EDWIN CIIEESWELL, Secretary, 639 Eginondville P. 0 THE RNBURN CHEESE FACTORY. Lettiny of :Milk Routes. THE MILK ROITTES !Or the coming 8058011 "L for the Rinburn Cheese Factory -will be let at Brownletes Hotel, Kinburn, on MONflAY, MARCH 15, 1880, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. All necessary information respecting the work required will be furnished on that day before the letting commencev. By order. 689-2 JOHN MellILLAN, President. • IV. -The said. Debentures shall bear interest at and after the rate of Six ver cent. per annum from the day mentioned for this By-Lawto tau; _ effect, which interest shall be payable on the;. F ifteenth eses of Apeii and -October in each • year, at the office of the said Treasurer. Te V.- That for the purpose of ferming sinking fund for tbepayment of the said - Debentures, an equal. annual BUM of Three Hundred and Thirty - Five Dollars shall, in addition to all other sates, be misen, levied aud collected by _special rate 'upon , all the r ateable property in the sant Corporation eluting the continuance -of the said Debenturee, er any of them ; and for the purpoee of paying the interest of the said Debentures au equal 8./MT.S.1 sum of Six Hundred and Sixty Dollars shall, in aldition to all other rates, be ' levied and collected by special rate upon all the ratea ble pxoperty in the said Corporation. during the continuance a the eaid Debeetturee tar eine ; of them. .. VI. ---That this By -Law shall take effect and co ine into operation on the Fifteenth day of April, A. D.1880. NIL -That the Votes -of the Electors of the - said Munieipality !hall be taken on this 337 -Lew • On 161011TRAY, the 29th Day of March, A.. O. 1880, Co remencing at the hour of Nine ceelock in the m orning, and from thence -continued till the hour of Five o'clock in tbe afternoon, at the - following placee : FOR THE NORTH WARD -At EdWard Cash* Store. F011 THE SOIJTH WARD --At the Town Hall. FOR THE EAST W.ARD-At -the kite Englue Halt. And that EnwarelCaele shall be the Deputy Re- turning Officer for the N orth Ward, -O. F. Penh - ley ehall be the Deputy Returning Officer fertile South Ward, and Samuel Stark shell be the Depe aty Returning Officer for the East Warn. BE IT ALSO ENACTED, in pursuance of the Revised Statutes of the Province sf Ontario, Chapter 174, Section 289: le That the Clerk ef the said neernicipal Cor- poration of the Teem of Seaforth shall, at the lour ef Twelve (Mock, noon, oxi Tnesdey, the Thir tieth day of Ildatch, A. D.1880, at the Toni Hall, in the fetid T wn of Seaforth, sum up the number of vote\ Veil for sad against this By - Lave -2. That the eraeor ef the said Municipal COS. ponetion than atiend at the Town linen in the sain Town, on Teeeday, the Twenty-Tbird nay of Meech, A. D. 1880, at the nour ef tight o'cloek tbe eveuing, for the prapose of appointing peneoms elitezatel at the Yea -ions polling place* aforesaid, and tbe final summing op of the votea by the Cie*, respectively en basil of peraons interested in and. promoting or opposing flee passage of this By -Law respeetively; ekr OTICE.--'1'he above is aline tory of a pre - posed By -Law to betaken into consideration by the elunicfpal Council of the TOWU of Sete - forth, ef ter the expirationef einem:mini from the Fifth day of Marcb, A. In 12E0, the date of the first publication of the same and that at the hour and places tberein Axed 'thee polls will be held. • 689-4 WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. STOCK -FOR SERVICE. fro BREEDERS OF PIGS. -- Robert -Govenloelt of the Northern Gravel Read, Mc- Nillop, one mile and a hall north of SettfortInbave ing purchasen from the Boff Park Sara Thoroughbred. Berkshire Boar, will keep him for the improvement of stock during the present -season. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, with time privilege et returning it necessary,. R. 4310VENLOCE. (114. : • •