HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-02-27, Page 5EBRUARY 27y 1,148(k
Le solioalaws? I not,I Awl
e them1 eau prove every
Lit I have made aloout those
..hools, as 1 intend to lay be.
Board of Education the school
)f 1874 and 1870, with the nem_
teister popils with their stand-
tucation, and to see whether
tees can take the law in their_
As to hire second-class teaehers
,nd place them in a third-class
By so doing they make us pa+
to $4 per register scholar Deere
y other township under Ate
inspectorate; according to the
Tort of 1879. If this William
ell's pratere are as badly.rnixed
tures, a listener could not telt
ice he was trying to get into..
ath on my side, I can laugh at
rave and face a frowning world:
A P-mpuz
L'esting Experiments in
Cheese Making..
o annual meeting of the On-
drymen's Association held last
;London two important and in
t experiments were made with
wing results:
t,mmittee appointed to judge
:).1.ted with different salt pre
heir report, awarding prizes as
First prize. Coleman , and
th's fine dairy salt, 2-d, Ran.
tent salt; third, Coleman &
!tt's common salt, fourth, Hig-
atliah salt.
ewEET _tett eme (Tete
O. McPherson, Robertson and
e were appointed to judge be-
at cheeses which were made on
th 1879, at the 131ack Creek
The cheeses were made at
e time front the same vats. Met
;made one on the sweet curd
and Mr. Ballauttne's cheese -
Outdo the other on the acid
After being abseut some
report was brought in by Mr.
Son. After carefully examining
leiteeses, the committee came to
ftision that the cheese made by
add was a better cheese, and
t would briefs a higher:- price in
,ket. being of finer texture and
r better flavor.
t-inefield Graveyards.
.1_'•ore011a-Sir: Permit me to
, few remarks .in year worthy
;on the above subject. Some
two'Co-mmittees were appoint -
fleeting held at Brucefield for
tise of draining and otherwise
said grounds. It is well
that neither of . the berrying
tre fit for sad' a purpose. One
'ee at least made an estimate
st of improving the one near
'4 at something Iilte 8180. I
oth,er, when examined proper --
Set considerable more. Now,
strong feeling rising in the
! the parties interested and
interested as yet, but resi-
he locality, that the best thing
sittees could do under the cir-
I•es would be to re -consider the
d call another meeting of those
rs likely to be interested, and
;he matter thoroughly. One
ieetain ; the money that will
e spent in the meantime in
ilathe said grounds would more
these suitable grounds other -
at is to say, if it could be got..
e minds of the people, I think
v.) be tried. 1 have been at-
merais • for over thiity years at
ha, and I am free to state that
,me -half of them -nate fellow
a -were placed, if not in water,
;hing to it. just aecordiog to
4 the weather. hope, Mr.
,a meeting is cad d, that all
a interested will de what they
he- viz., to make all effort to
lead, in a dry bed.--eCcer.
eec.i. Wheat Questitn.
:- Since writing my
Lter I have been called both
and seedwheat dealer.
alealer ih seed. wheat neither
ior indirectly at the present
am I a Granger, only in so
Vmpathize with them in their
Ind themselves of that pest of
ho uutirincipled agent. Ac-
e intimation, I will, for the
:those interested, give some of
s adopted by the sharper in
ts. He gets say 1,000abushels •
tehich is worth from 60 gents
ier bushel. He then .h.ends
forent localities agents, whose
it is to he and deceive, for
vices they receive a good com-
e bout $1 per bashei for all
P prints. I know ono honest
refused the- offer of $1 per
pninission for his influence in
his neighbors to buy rice
t'a5 per bushel. I am pleased
hat at least one refused to be
neighbors out of
i-earued gaius. I need not
tch space to show the profits
:rains at the various prices
issions, as they vary, for
els from 25 cents to $1 per
selling pi -ices from $2.50 to
rallele-,Suffice it to say that
LOIS costing $1.25 per bushel
nig 25 cents for freight and
and ttl commission, leaves a
7,500, or 1,00U bUrilleiS of the
ossian Siberian wheat, sold at
thel, costing i;ti ceute, with
tati and commissions, leaves
ied,151). Supposing that only
dits were made, is ib not
think that in a professedly
eurtry persons should be
arich a wholesale manner,
than all, when we consider
article is of such itiferior
tetother mode is to give seed
arrd 1 am astonished that
wereld bel. illy enough to give
land and labor of tilling
ttiur till'esIting and pm -
market, against the seed
h abut th.1 per acre for
am add on good authority
; hip/ling wheat hat, been
af the se ea houses in Sea -
sold for seed wheat. 1 will
n the reporta which were
Vi'clty well last spring, how
otiens pewer .12, at Nation
reanufactured out cf two
o wheat, as I d]Lt kilow it
aet, but I hear that a case is
!tt..401 ill court, and a I hope
a heinous crime has been
the guilty party will meet
hrts. And now, as the far-
t' remedy in his own hands,
in to rid himself of this class
When any ODO of them
F.EBRUAliY 27,1880.
•4, •
comes on your farm, don't wait till he
tells you how to manage your farm; but
eject him at once. If he don't leave
peaceably, have hipi punished as a tres-
passer. When you go to town, if he in-
sists in dogging your 'foot -Steps'. through
the streets and business places, hand
him over to the authorities of the place
as tidangeroM Person, for he might as
well pick your pockets as take your
moneythrough deception. and false-
hood. . I am now through _writing on
the seed question, unless I should
be called upon to give names and prove
statements. My only objeet in writing
was the hope of improving the quality
of our wheat and showing the farmer
that he has been robbed by the seed
pedlar, and to show him also that he
has the remedy in his own hands.
Hoping that good may be the resblt, I
remain yours, &c., OBSERVER.
McKer,LoP, Feb. 24, 1880.
The Biddulph Tragedy.
There were by the latest accounts
no new developments in. ',dormection
with the Donnelly tragedy.. The pre-
liminary trial of the men accused cf the
murder of the Donnelly family was to-
have- bee -ii resumed before • Squires
Peters and Fisher at London yesterday.
What further evidence the 'Crown in-
tends -to offer is, of course, a secret, but
from all that can be learned it will be
damaging to some of the other prisoners
besides those mentioned by ri-ohnny
Conner. lArni.- Donnelly.will be in
Town and may be called as a witness.
In that case same new • and startling
disclosures will be made, as next to the
boy, Donnelly is regarded as the most
important witness the prosecution has.
The fact is not hidden that he intends
swearing to two or three names not yet
directly connected ,with the • tragedy,
and will relate a conversation that he
overheard between two of the gang
that surrounded his house.
Perth Items.
Mr. Wm. Roberts, of Stratford, has
commeuced the manufactute of bricks
by' steam.
-L. Seebach has purchased the 1 BE'tattLetr bushel .
cCe Sons.
the curreut year was aold by emotion
who failed here a short time
for the suin of $140.50
Dominion hotel at Gowanstown and in-
tends enlarging aud. improving it.
-The anniversary services of Knox u
Church Mitchell, were conducted last :
place for the purpose of toldiag one
county show. To carry this Aject into
operation a committee was forttka to
communicate with all the societies ii
the County to learn their views, and, if
possible, obtain their co-operation.
-As a young than named Creighton
J. Baird, was driving his father's team,
attached to a wagon. across the railroad
track at the Parkhill crossing„ a freight
train came in from the east and struck
him just as he was fairly on the centre
of the track, the horses being on one
side and the wagon on the other. He
was thrown violently out against the
switch post. One of the horses had its
back broken and died shortly after- •
the other had its side injured, but will
probably recover. Young Baird was
more stunned than seriously injured.
It was somewhat strange that the boy
did not see or near the train. It was
coming in slowly, which accounts for
his being so slightly injured, The piles
of lumber prevented the wagon being
seen from the train until it was quite
close to the track.
-Fitr some weeks back a vile and
cowardly attempt has been made to
frighten Mr. John Mathers of West
Williams, with a view to getting him
to leave the eountry. Mr. Mathers is
air aged and:well-to-do farmer, owning
considerable1real estate in the town-
ship. Threatening letters were pinned
to his door.
had a black
cross bones
are some who point to his own house-
hold for a key to the mystery. Mr.
John Mathers is the father of as very
large family. Six of his children are in
Michigan. ad five live with their father.
in West Williams, It is quite patent in
the vicinity that the children are very
anxious to get the father to sell out and
ea to Michiea.u. And this the old man
cannot be got to consent to.
-In Howick Township Mr. Robert
Ferguson made a seizure of goods for
non-payment of taxes, on January 31st.,
that created considerable excitement in
On one oecasion the paper
naargina and death and
depicted' ;thereon. There
Marriages • '
H. C. Cameron,
pen, on the 17th inst. be' Rot
Staten to Miss Mize Ann Brod. 'riGot'
FORTEI--MeKINNEY-Int3ritssels - mrttiotts
dence of the bride's father, by Rei -1, of Hutt'.
Mr. Absalom Bechtel, of 1 takot:, ynHited
on the 25th inet., Mr. W. F. Fort. lc/annoy
' derefield, England, to Miss Eliza 1 '
of Seaforth. of the
fEENRY-CHAPMAN-At 1 the residence '1 inst.
bride's father, Tuckersmith, on the 25te .0bott
by Rev, Mr. Thomas, o/ Clinton, Mr. .htot
Henry, of Hallett; to Mary, secend daub
of -William Chapman, Esq.
LIESHMAN--MoliELVEY--On the ilth inst, , at
- the residence of' the bride's father, by Reef, L •
R. McRae, Mr. Thos. man, teacher, to
Miss Mary McKelvey, all of Ethel.
VARMERS, if yen want geed Scotch Diamond
-a. 'Iron Harrows, send in your orders at once to
T. Malls: He has now on hand a large quantity
of these implemeots, and is still ,manufacturing
to supply those in need, and will be sold as cheap
as gored work.and material will allow. If you
want old Plows and Harrows repaired for epring,
now is the time to bring them along. A. good
ATKINSON-SANDERS-On the 4th. inst., at stack of Plows on band, manufactured b y Mon-
! the residence of the bride, by Rev. E. G. roe Brothers, of Seaforth, of all kinds and at all
Robinson, Mr. James Atkinson, to Mrs. Susan ppin tOOR, to trait the times. Plow earnings for the
neeetown, Massey, and Monroe Plows always
Sanders, all of Exeter, 1 - and.
On 1,
ERRY-MANNING--In Exeter, . on the 18th
ins., by Rev. G. Webber, Mr. Thomas Worry,
of Usborne, to Miss D. Manning, of Exeter. .
HERRITT-oROGERSON-InBlybh, on the 12th es and Weggons made to order on the -
, 1 inst., by Rev. Geo. Olark, Mr. Edward Sherritt, hear* oetice, of good material Rua good
! to Mies Mary Rogerson, all of Blyth. 6 °1 tah I ip, from the littlest styles, and at .._
FALTON-GORDON-At the residence of the etwuto,runivi-Iteadt'itinri4. rices. OM Buggies' and 'Waggons Just' to 7 and; a Full Aseortment of Grey and 1Vh,ite Cottort3
t bride's mother, en the 18th inst., by Rev. Mr. . „
! Thomson, of Bruc,efield, Mr. Thompson -Wan
ones on Aunt n ouottfeep.aintecleand made into new
ton, to Pima Gordon t bird daughter of the
late James Walker, E'sq., all of Tuckeramithe - 7 mut 13lacksmithing.
Deaths. d G 1 El ks Rhin
I I-Iav
IR, 1•T 1880
A RARE CHANCE. -Twenty-five acres of Isnd
'Ls- 'with house melba= for sale iu Egmondville.
This property is irta situated for either farm or
i garden purposes. • Title imlisputable. Apply to
- - .. 615
I won. ,SALE. -For Sale a first class Planing
Inaredll'ilirathrlI nii0eWlariflanbdillini TownofSeaafretrth:
- W111 be sold cheap. Terms easy. Enquire of
SECORD, COSSENS * CO., Goderich, Ont.
Much Pleasure in Announcing the Arrival o.f the v. the east half of Lot No.4, Cone, 4, II. It, Se,
esT le mith, County of Huron tonsisting -of 50
acres,84miles.from the Toon; of Senforth, riend
First Instalment of my Spring Stock
hest quality. For further particolots -apply fee
convenient to school. The hued is of the very
;AMES PICKA.RD,opposite the, premises, or to
Egmondville P. O. ' 521
Borse Shotin
enera ae m
ALLEN -In Hullett, on the 15th inst., Mrs. Horse Shoeing- k ention._ Horse Shoeing a
• James Allen a native of Coluity Cavan, Ire- will have My t-triet oing from a distance may
land, aged tidyears. Spe di a It y. Puente eft e thoeing and general
rely on gettiog good. ham do the work, while the
blacesmiti hag do:re, an1 Barn Hinges and
THE MA,B,KETS. people do - the spouting. ' 11 profit. Give T.
&etc nines sold at a nob- findhim in gored
Meths a trial. You; etwon s. Look out for
humor and ready for busin.es,
the Sign. Eippen.
I. SEAF01111, Feb. 26, 1130.
Fall Wheat 1 28 to 1 28
Spring Wheat,File, per bushel,1 20 to ' 1 26
Spring Wheat RedChaff,perbash1 18 to 1 20
Oats poi bushel. . u 3e eo 0 38
Peas per bueliel
13arley per buohol
13utter,Nb.1, Loose
. . 60 to 062
0 45 to 050
0 17 to 019
. 0 32 to 13
Lour, . ey
loon per 100 lbs
Hides, per lb
Sheep skirts each
Balt (rotail)por earn', ee •
Salt(wholesale)per barrel -A ... 0 60
1. 0 30 to 085
0 40 to 050
2 75 to 500.
0 05 to fJ 06
el 50 -to 6 pp
4 50 to 500
8 00 to 3 50
FLAX kill&
• make
3 15 to 3 15 THE undersigned is now pri par, d te ening
7 UO to 8 00 errangements . with Farmers forth° et.
0 07 to 0 08 season
0 50 to 125
gotfttoes, per bushel
Apples, per bushel
Oatme a 1 tt brl
Tallow, per 11?
Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs.....
Dressed Hogs per 100 the .........
Clover Seed, per basbel
LIrToN, Feb. 26,
and about Gorrie. It appears that Mr. tee whott,PO181803.0
Clarkso-n, of Parente, the Offieial As- string watate,rbporuh
t8tseal ''**** r '' o 3 1 25
signee, had for some reason refused to Oats, perbushel 0 83 .(0. 0 34
0 45 0 0 56
0 63 @ 064
0 14 0- 16
0 30 (-0 035
the taxes on the estate of R. Leech Bence', per bushel.
-The u.S3 of Mit-alien hat, scales for pay
ago. Mr. Ferguson refrained from Potatoes
Fle,y,per ton
Dressed Hogs.
Clover Seed .4
Timothy Seed
pushing the matter as long as possible,
in the hope that Mr. Clarkson would
thloide to pay, and on Satnrday, Jan-_
ry 31st, he entered the storts oft
ssrs. Stevens in Rutherford and D.
Sabbath by Rev. John Straith, of lt ontgomery, who had purchased the
paislet . two bankrupt stocks, and made seizures
of goods amounting to about $230 from
-The Rev. T. Howland; of East
each establishment. Both firms tendered
Zorra, has accepted the pastoral charge
of the Baptist churches of Mitchell and him- the amount of taxes assessed
Fullerton. 1 against their goods, which he refused.
-The pupils of St. Marys Gollegiate The stock seized consisted mainly of
overcoats and clothing, and was valued
Institute have est.ablished a literary
society, with a regularly orgaover.$450. The collector at once ad -
of officeraby-laws, etc. nized staff
vertised them for sale on February 10th,
and as Mr. Clarkson still persisted in
-A cornplimentary supper was given
Charles T. Hicks, by a number of his his refusal to pay the taxes, the goods
friends in Mitchell, on the eve of his e
were sold. A large crowd gathered at -
Mrs. Days' Hotel, buying them at
departure for Owen Sound,
piiceS ranging from $4.25 to 89.75.
-The Messrs. Livingstone of Listo-
Great as was the sacrifice, Mr. Fergu-
wel, have imported a large quantity of
son wan unable to sell enough to pro -
Manitoba, and Holland flax seed to
terraegements will be made either by the oever
Larger Quantities, and: Below the Old Prices.
-A first-class Stock of New Tweeds, at all prices, from 50
ce ts per yard up. Warranted good value. -
N GS -Plain and. Fancy Coatings, for Ladies'
enring ',Unties, mark-
ery low.
R CLOAKINGS—New Shades in Ulster dloakings. Extra Value
5 cents per yard.
BLAC CASHMERES—I feel confident I have secured the Best Lines in
th market. See my 38 cent -line', worth at least 50 cents.- All other
pr ces equally good. value.
ED CASHMERES—in Plain an d Stripe, verti•Low in Price.
DRESP GOODS—Xew Spring StYles. All Wool Dress Goods in all the
w Colorings, only 25 cents per yard.
or by the ton.
t, 'ST
And will be furnished on application.
N. 13.:-'I he Mill Property will be sold on rea-
soneble terms to a suiteble person to run the
besinees, or will be exchanged for farm Prop-
erty. Apply to JOAN BEATTIE, Seaforth. 688
i12 st 013
8 00 A 9 00 ESTPAT,SOW—Cbme th� the premises of the
supply the farmers in the vicinity.
-A young lad son of Mr. B tackwell,
of Mitchell, had a narrow escape from.
drowning a few days ago. He.. skated
- into a holedn the ice, but was fortun-
ately rescued by his companions. ,
-The weeci business which used to
form a large pert of the trade of Logan
iuoo the amount of the tax, , 227.SS,
and the sale had to beipostponed. The
affair will likely end in a big lawsuit,
or rather a complication of lawsuits,
through which some of the legal gentry
will make a big haul.
township, has been very dull this despatch of Feb. 22nd, says the distress
winter, owing partly to the Grand in Ireland grows more widespread every
Trunk railway company not buying day. It is only through the admirable
machinery a distribution organized. by
any, thus restricting the market to
local consumption. the Mansion House and Itlarltorough
-John Mcl.tweu, of Harmony; was Committees that actual starvation is
driving aerosss the track on. Downiec
i.iThe famine will probably
road, when the Goderich train struck be heckedntensfied during the present fort -
his vehicle and smashed it to pieces.
night, after which, for a short period, it
Cale of the horses was badly . mangled, will probably be less severe in con -
the other was not hurt.
maxwee sequeuce of the employment of labor in I
'Cowing crops.' -This done, the worst
himself had a very narrow escape. '
-Two young ladies, the Misses. crisis will follow, and the most severe
time will be the last fortnight in May, of Stratford, had a, rather nn -
all through June, and the first fortnight
pleasant experience a few 'days ago.
in July. Much doubt is expressed regard -
They ventured out on the thin ice of
the pond. bent on a skating excursion ing the value of the Government
measure for relieving the distress by
but soon lotted themselves in -a 'acold.
dip." They were rescued by a couple of lending money for improvements.
lads and. will These works have been given con -
future. likely be more careful in
tractors who Cannot be obliged and
-A„ good deal of excitement was therefore will not, employ the untrained
and enfeebled poor, for whose ,benefit
caused by the rumor that a young man
the work was meant, but only men who
at present residing in Palmerston, had
can do the best work for their wages.
The temptation to bad landlords to —
there, sick -with smallpox. The board
returned home to his people who live
.. 5 00 tte 525
3 00 -(0 3 25 fall, a Sow Pig: The owner can have the eame
2 75 @ 8 00 by proving properte, and paying charges. JOHN
underteigned, neat Kinbum„ some time last
Live Stock Markets.
TORONTO, Feb. 25. -Really first-class,
consisting of steers averaging from
1,200 lbs. upwards, have been very
scarce and rather easy at $4.25 to $4.50.
Second-class, consisting of light steers
and heifers, have been abundant, but
bulls and cows seem to have been
rather scarce; the supply has been
rather in excess of the demand, which
has been slack, and prices have been
weak and lower at $3.50 to $3.75.
Third olass have been abundant and
selling slowly at from $2.75 to $3.75.
Sheep -First class, that is the best of-
fering, have usually sold from $5.25 to
$5,50, end second class at $4.25 to $5.
Lambs -Really first class lambs, dress-
ing not less than 50 lbs., have been
firmer and wanted- at $5. to $5.25.
Lambs dressing from 40 to 48 pounds
have risen to $4.25 to $4.75. Second
class, dressing from 30 to 38 pounds,
have been slow of sale, and selling at
from $3.50 to 54.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 25. - Spring wheat
lis 3d ;red winter, lis 10d; white, lis
6d; club, lis 10d; oats, 6s 8d; barley,
5s 3d ; peas, Gs 9d.;; pork, 57s 6d; beef,
70 6d; cheese, 73s Od.
TORONTO, Feb. 25. -Fall wheat, $1.30
to11.33; spring,$1.28 to 61.30; oats, 38c
tot38c ; peas, 4c to 67c; barley, 58c to
70o; hay, per ton, $G00 to $9 50;
bitter, 17c to 24c; potatoes per bag;
$0.55 to $0.60. Clover seed. per bushel,
$3.00 to i3.40; dressed hogs; $5.50 to
Local_ Notices.
Music. -Miss Walsh, late of Loretto
Abbey, Toronto, ie prepared Leo receive pupils in
vocal and instrumbntal music. Use of piano
given if desired. Residence: -George Street, first
door north of the Huron Road, Seaforth. 633-13
O4T5rEAL.-For the accommodation
of the farming community we have made ar-
rangement e to exchangeeneal for oats, the same
nuraber of pounds afryon get at the mills, also
flour, shorts, cornmeal; corn whole or chopped,
and mill feed on heed at bottom prices, HEN-
of health was promptly informed of the wring profit from the tenants is shown STOCK FOR SALE.
unwelcome news and urged. to take
immediate steps to ascertain if the re-
port were true, and. if so to use the
n.ecessary means for preventing the
spread of the disease. Some of the
doctors were despatched to iirtestigate,
but they foand that the young men in
question had neither been tick nor Donn.egal
home. Why such 0, rumor sholuld have NEWFOUNDLALD =DOG LOST - Wandered
while the number of destitute persons at from the premises, Lot 17, Con. 3, Stanley,
been given curreacY is beyond compre- about the 6th of Tannery, a largo Newfoundland
hension. in the county of Mayo has increased D og, about 8 months old ; had only one ear. Any
55,000 in two weeks. in formation given as to bis whereabouts will be
by a notice issued by a Derby landlord
who received. a grant for the Govern-
ment for improvements. The landlord.
announces that money will be advanced
to tenants ou their holdings, but the
tenant_must- agree to one shilling for
every pound spent being added tohis
rent The distressed receiving relief in
have increased to 66,000,
Thoroughbred Darham Bull Calves, from 11
to 15 months old; good animate ; !good pedi-
grees. Apply to JAMES DICKSON,- Tucker -
smith, Seaforth P. O. 635x4
_ thankfully received and suitably rewarded on
General News Iteni.s. co mmunieating with the undersigned. ALEX.
- Auction. Sales.
_In order • to avoid 'annexation to .Wednesday, March 10, 1880, ora riot •
THOMPSON, Bracefield. " 638-4 -
Manitoba, the residents of • Rapid City 25, Con. L, R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm t E LOST I t, note of hand drawn by
intend orga-nizing under the North- St k d I 1 t Andrew RoSs for the sum of $22 00.1 or 14 months from date.
Tbomas Trazor in favor of James McOuley,
-Wes err or. e , propnetor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. y p
preseutatives to the Legtelative tioun- Saturday, -March 6, 1880, on Lot 5 James MeAuley or David Erwin will be euitebly
oo mp emen s.
VSTRAY CALVES -Strayed from tbe peem-
-1-h leo of the undereigned; Lot 26, Concession
7, Usl erne, about the latter part of September,
six Spring Calves -three heifers and three steers;
one at elle steers was brindle, one red and one
polka; too of the heifers were red and one
spotted. Any information as to the whereabouts
of the abovt animals will be suitably rewarded
To RENT -That comfortable brick store, with
rooms above, on ain Street, Seaforth, at
present occupied by W. N'. Watson. Possession
given on the 1st of February. Apply to Me-
TT OUSE TO RENT -To Rent, a comfortable
freme house on Goderich street, near the
Skatiog Rink; contains 8 rooms, with cellar,
weociehed, hard and sole water, and all other
nouveniences attached. Rent i6 per month.
- Apply to L. MURPL Y. 631
TOI.IE TO BENT. -To rent, tbe store known
es the Far mers' Store, on the corner of Main
sod John Streets, Scaforth. It is situated in
the beet Losiness part of the town. .Also a
-a dwelling oveihead. For paiticulats apply to
S. Dickson, Senforth, or the proprietor A.
DICKSON, Goderieh. 633
p ARE CHANCE. -Photograph Rooms to. Let
4 -ti on first li0Or in Scottie Brick Bleck, Seaforth,
--noeition central. Ale°, three or four 'Rooms on
the fiat above, suitable for a dwelling. Posses-
sion let January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME-
S TED, barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT.
SCOTT, Mraillop.
. '
VOR SALE -1n the Town of Seaforth,5L7o3t-stf203
tuid 214, Janis' Survey, Seaforth, upon which
are erected a Planing luill and Machinery, all in
good. coder, on Lot 208; also a doable Dwelling
House on Lot 214; to be sold cheap for.. cash. ;
for particulars apply to JOHN BROADFOOT, or
VIRM TO RENT -To Rent, Lot 19, Concession
-IL 8, Goderieh Townehip • ibis farm contains 80
acres of the best land in 'the County of Huron;
is in a high state of cultivation; 15 acres under
fall wheat and 25. acres under grass; there is a
good orchard, good well and pump, and commo-
dious buildings on the premises. For particulars
apply personally or by letter to the undersigned.
F. CLEGG, Lot, 5, Con. 5, Morrie,. Belgrave P. 0.
ALEX. CAMPBELL, Con. 12, Hullett, Barlock
P.O. WM. CLEGG, Blyth P. O. 685x4
TO FAPMELS -Fatmers intending to have
-I- Sales can procure cokrect Note Foims at the
Fa mem' and Mecbanics' Bank, Seaforth, free of
charge. M. P. HAYES. 638-4
1KT OTICE-All parties indebted to F. G. Spar -
ling must call at the office of Gray, Young &
arling's Salt Wale and settle their accounts
Odor° t h'e 29th of February, 1880, or they will be
Put into Corot for collection. .
ormaREuL CURE -This is to certify that
" I was perfectly cured of chronic rheumatism
of four yeats).stancling by a receipt I have left
in the hands of Hickson & Blertedell. For fur-
ther particulars apply to CHARLES WOODS,
Sealorth. 638
JAMES EEPOF, Barrister, Attorney, Soe
• licitor, Chnveyaecer, &c., Stratford. Mr.
Kehoe will be in. Seaforth twice each month, on
the first and third ill ondaye, arriving on the
previ ous Saturday evenings. He will stay at
Dr. Hanover's residence. 638
t T it s Vet' and sending re- • • • • An erson finding the same and returning it to "
cil at Battleford. Con. 4, Stanley. Farm Stock and Ina-
, rewarded. The public are also cautioned agaiust
-At a recent agricultural diniaer, plernents. J. rdameron, proprietor, J . purchasing or negotiating the said note, as pay-
ment of it ha a been stopped. JAMES ale -
Mr. John Cumming, of Hullett, made P. Brine auctioueer. AULEY, Varna P. 0. 638x4
the following practical and seusible re- Thursday March 4 1880 in the Vil-
ma s : aee o a e, arm Stock an
HouSehold Furniture. Maxim Bushey,
proprietor • E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. ,FA.RM HAND WANTED -I want to hire a
good steady man for a term of Months -or by
Friday, 'Mara 2Gth, 1880, on the the ytitenaley: WM. BITeRDOC11,-Lot 10, Concession
Goshen Line, one -and -a -quarter miles 2' S S38-2
south of Zuhich, Farm Stock and Im- A PERENTICES WANTED-Wa.nted Immedt-
plements. George Walper, proprietor:- ; -La ately, Apprentices to learn Dresbmaking.
25 and. 30 bushels to the acre, respec- It.' Bessenberry, auctioneer. _ - Apply at rooms over T. Kido's store. Entrenee
tively. The seed was sowed on turnip Monday. March 15, 1880, on Lot 11, sELtartu as . the Mechanics' In haute. li613I5SS
ground. Raising wheat year after , Cora 11, Stanley Farm Stock 'and -
Household -Furniture. Sale at ro'cloCk. rP_LENDERS FOR BRIDGE - Sealed Tenders
. year, aud. just seratchihg it in with- , .
TO MILK HAULERS-Tbe Directors of the
Seaforth Cheese Fa dory will receive tenders
for hauling milk on the 'various routes, on tlie
9th of Mareh, et Ceunrichael's Hotel, Seaforth,
at 2 o'clock P. M. For particulars of routes or,
ether information apply to It. GRAY, Man -
. , WANTED. ager.
rk He said if farmers would cul- 1 • f 'Bl Hotel,F d
tivate less land they would have better
crops. They Should orop less ant. put just
as much labor on the...land._ He had
tried experiments in sowing spring
wheat. Had. sowed three k-inds last
year iu one field. The was 20,
will be received by either of the undersigned
out preparing the laud, was not the way Win". 11a,rdwick, proprietor ; E. Bossen- untel Tuesday, March 16t,h, 1880, at noon, tor the
to get good. crops.' He hacl 'dewed- the -berry, auctioneer. erection of a J3ridge at Roxboro, in tbe township
Saturday, February 2b, imp,. on Lot , seen.at any time at the residence ol the Reeve.
of hIcKillop. Plans and Specifications can be
land in questioo both in thd fall and
.-The 17th annual dinner of the-Hul- The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept-
_ spring. . 23, Concession 3, McKillop, Farm Stock
and Implements.' David 'Cluff, pro- ,,id ruelees satisfactory. Tenders to be addressed
let 'Branch Agricultural Society took to Seaforth P. O. '1' 9 HAYS, lit eve. JOHN
prietor ; Johu Bullard & Co., auctioneer. 638
place at Swarts` hotel Clinton, last O'SULLIy_AN,_Clerk.
Monday, March 1, 1880, on Lot 17; — - — • -- • - - --
Wednesday evening, the chair being oc-
Co 11 r
&Tied by the Presideut, Mr. J. Mason, Farm Stock and Implements. William
and the vice chair by Mr. N. .Mathe- manson, proprietor; J. P. Brine
auescuty, Cia emte. JOI1N S. PORTER.
est, pa -sable yearly ; private limas; charges mod- Brucclield Cemetely Gionnds it was resolved to
OWitnf tO the inclement weather, the --`1" 2, 1880
MONEY TO LEND -Money to lend on good
DEMOVAL-MISS SCOTT, Seaforth, has re-
lit., moved her Diestonaking Business to her
father's rcsidence,, John Street, opposite the
piscapal Metbodiet Church, where sbe hopes to
have a call from her many Lien ds ani customers
who may iequire anything in the Drees and
Mantle line. 625
Es—Pun ',Jugs in Black and Colored. Lustres. See my 25 cent
ssel Cord, worth 35 cents.
Ts—Two cases CromeAon's Corsets opened out and to be sold. very
. Also, One case of American Corsets, marked as low as ever. This
cannot be surpassed. for Style, Finish or Quality.
1 -Since this department has proved such a success la,st season,
CLOTH . ght some five cases of Men's, Boys' and. Children's Clothing,
ha e bot
e best makers in the world. This Lot can now be seen at any
made by this
0.A.UTION—From and after tine date the pub -
‘-/ lie are hereby cauLioned. against giving credit
to any. person or persone in not mime without the
wiitten orderor consent of myself or iny wife,
as I will trot be responsible for any debts here-
after contracted without such consent. MICH-
AEL MURPHY. Maintop, Feb. 11, ltit30. 636x4
AINTI.NG 'M. It. FREW, late of Scot-
-L land, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of
Seaforth and eurrounding country that he has
commenced bueiness as General House Painter„
Paper Hanger, Sign _Writer, &e. Ail work en-
trusted. to bim finished in lirstelass etyle.
Office, ineruatimeeat D. D. Rose's Grocery, Sea -
forth e WM. R. FREW. 632
OTICE-At a, Meeting of the Committee 2,p-
uc ioneer.
, improved farms only, at 7t per cent. inter- 1\ pointed to attend to the improvement of the
son, vice president of the society. - a t.
.atteritlance was not as large as antici- -1..J-1-'011. 8, H. R. Tuckersmith, Farm
call a genenvl meeting of . all interested in the
de ' Mr. BOSS' Ch.urch, on
pated, but the dinuei was well served stook ana I t j K MONEY TO LOAN -In large or small sums evaid burying groun
-The meeting called y. circular for , 628 tion the advieebility of eueoeing a new site.
13 • proprietor ; J. P.•Brine, auctioneer. interest. Prieate funds, or on the installment
on Lost- elites ecceeity, at 8 per cer.t. yearly e deesday, the 3rd oi Otarethn, hetet 1 ohtock
P M., On the Purpose or teeing into censurers -
Dap enaen s. ernes y e,
and a good secial evenine was enjoyed
the purpose of agitating the subject of -a
comity show., took place on Wednesday
et Clinton, The chair was taken by
Mr. Johttalason, aud Mr. E. Holmes ,
acting. at secretary. The attendance
though lint large was respectable, and
the subject was thoroughly discussed,
the feeling being unanimous that the
time had arrived when an ana alga,mation
of the existing societies should take
Spring Shows.
Spring Shows -for the, exhibition of Entire Stock
evil be held this season as 'folloivs :
Grey Branch, at Brussels, on Wednesday, April 7.
East Rttliteg Huron, at Wroxeter, on Thursday,
April8. r
South Riding Hum), at Brucefield, on Tuesday,
April 13.
Hullett and Morris Branch, at Londeeboro, on the
- 16th, of April.
Hibbert Branch, at Staffs, on the 13th of April.
West Riding, at Smith's Hill, on April 15th.
plan. Apply to W. IIILL, Seaforth.
- THOMAS BAIRD, Chairmen. J. LAUT, Sec
0 I o ed Farm Pro - t
• erty, at 8 per cent. intereet. • Interest pay- _ _
mONEY TO LOA.N- n mpr v P re a
-Another Lot of those fashionable Goat to hand
AND.Si Ask for our Men's $t), Long Boot, worth, $2 25. .
dies -7 sizes.
• , IfuRmoiTsrEAL
-ll N L -Desirable Village Property for
present ereenttRA oy air, S. Cameron.
'L For sale the house and tits in .-ginoitavino at
IrartiO, the lot tontains half an acre an4
one of the best branding eines in Egniondvalle-
There is a good well and ellother necessary con-
veniences, and will be sold acme). For pazticoleoe
apply to JAS. H. BENSON, Sealorth. 521
CITEAP.-Lot No,24, Con. 9, Manillop„ 100
acres; north. half Lot 30, Con, 9, Maitillop, 50
acres; north Oolf (if neXth half .Lot ftl, Con. 9,
lona-Mop, 25 acres; resid.ence occupied. by Mr,.
Mslcoheison. on Goitiolock Surveo, Seafinth ;
building lots on js.rvis' and P. -G-t Spaoling's Sur-
E'Ai11 '01i ALE—Fortwhich are cicai-ecl, well aLLI0(11.8 yal6girlooe8V 40,x72e,
of cultivation • a good frame elevelling„ also frame
been, stable; and sheds; good oreitaod; on
gravel road; S miles from Blyth end9 finites from
Wingham. For partieulars address either of the
following .exeoutore, THOMAS IDLAW, Myth,
-Foe Sale, Lot 30, Jiones street, en -which es
erected a good frame house, with kitchen and
wood shed attached ; tlaehouse contains fourgatir
robins; the let coo:irises one-fifth of an aete,
'with good frail trees, also good well. This is an
ex:anent chance for any party in want of a etotol
hHoAzuser,mawnod oar, Seaforth, osortlhd. cheap. 'Apply to E.
VARM TOR SALE. -For sale Lot 2; cm. 10
Tackersmith, tontainiog 100 acres, about
r 80 cleared, the balance welt -timbered, There le a
stone house and good frame barn, it is -well fenc-
ed and underdeamed. There is a young bearing
orchard. itis abone seven miles, from Seatorth
and four from Hens ill, And is convenieet to
school, Two good wells of water. Possoesion
given at ally thne, Apply M the EXPosrrou
office, Beaforth. 610
FARM non SALE. --For Sale, tile west par f of
Lot No,. 1, Con. 17, Grey, containing 50 aems
85 of 'which ore cleared, 'even feneed, and m state;
of good cultivation-. There lea good f.rame house,
good orchard and plenty of water, It is on the
gravel roadies -ding to Brussels andSeaforten uird
adfoins a -church and school. It is also within
half a mile of the Village 0/ Walton. Applyon the
pemises or to Walton Post Office, CHARLES
per through express, another cargo of Fresh Young
IES—Receive, ,st and Best for the money. in Canada. Also a car
n Tea, the Fresht.
of Sugaret
•uor Department is fully assorted.
8—The Wine and Lie.
On Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, and Boots and Shoes.
THOMAS KIDD, Min Street, Seaforth,
Free Delivery to any part of the Town.
Nevt Black Oashmeres.
New Colored. Cashmeres.
New Black Lustres.
New Colored Lustres.
New Dress Goods -Plain.
New Dress Goods -Fancy.
New Pompadour Prints,
New American Prints.
New English Prints.
,New Frillings.
New Embroideries.
New La3es. •
New Gloves.
New Mantle Cloths.
New Dolman Cloths.
Pales of Cotton at ola prices..
Please Remember: No Trouble to Show Goods. Everything Marked in Plana
Figures, and sold for cash. And: that we can sell at one price only.
SMITH & WEST, Main Street, Seaforth.
Call and See Them. A Lot of FANCY
GOODS Will be Openedirl a few days. Win-
ter Goods still going at and Below cost price.
Remember the plane:
Cardno's Block, Seaforth.
E. Butterick Co.'s Spring Patterns just
to hand. Call arid get a sheet for March free.
. able half-yeany or yearly, as desired, with a por- INOTICE-A meeting of the Fattens and Share- G
light. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, Seaforth, be held at Patter Bonn Hotel, Bluevale, on Tues.-
Ont. , 625 day, March 9th, 38e0, at 1 o'clock P. M. At the
ikii 011EY.-The undersigned has a large sum of 6.013e of the above meeting the drawnag of the
-u-lt money foe immediate investment on first
mortgages on faun property. Seven and it half
, per eent. interest- yeeely ; principal ea may be
, agreed- open. J. 11. BENSON, Solicitor, Sea -
forth. 633
tion of the principal, if so preferred. Expenees holder B of the Bluevale Cheeee Factory will
Sale --The undersigned has re ftve-aere park
Lot in the thrivirg -of Hensel whieti be
offers for sale; there as an excellent, tommodoeue
and 'convenient bride house oil the property, and
a, good youngbeatingorchard; it will be fepra
very comfortable home for a retired merrier ; the
terms will be very reasonable. For furthertrar-
ticulaes apply to the proprietor, THOMAS PEA. -
REN, Hensall post .oellee. 531x8
p11,011EIITY FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 46,
Cern 16, Grey; West half of Lot 29, Con,..6„ -
with theese factory complete; Lot 14, Core. h,
and eouth half ,of Lots 16 and 17, Con. 6, town-
ship of Morris; Lot 22, Con. B, and Lot 28, Con.
B, township of llovilek, all good 1121MOVed tams,
together with several 50 acre farms in Grey and
Morris, and houses and lots said vacant lots In
the village of Brussels* Prices low, terms earl,
and title goad. Apply to JOHN LECUT-Po Bruer-
_seise 574
VA= TOR SALE.-ForSale or to Rent, North
half of Lot 9, Con. 14, Meltillop, conitanthg
100 acres, 65 sores cleared, and the temeirader
well timbered 'with white este maple, beech and
bass wood;- good barn and Stable, and e good
house, plenty of water, 000ng orobard, good.
fenting, &co. eonvetient to oboe -dies and selateole,
men miles from gravel noaA; possession given
immediately, FM further paetientets splay' to
MRS. W. L. STA.FFORD, Seaforth, 025
izArtm EIATZ1.-1Vest part a Lots 16 ant
16 in the 6th Concession of Stanley, cent 'sine,
ha g 99 ocree, 80 of which are cleared. There nes
9 acres of fall wheat sown and 22 ocree fall plow-
ing done; good barn, stable lima outhouses, *11
fr eine, also good 1 -ane home with stone -cable
18 x 24, good well with pump, and an extellotet
or aura, This propert.y is situated within a mine
of Varna village, 12 miles from Serifortle wades/I
be bought for $4,500. Any one 'wishing further
infotanation can apply on the ;menthes to.
THOMAS JOHNST011- 988-12
TtARM TOR SAVE. --North half of Lot 22, Situ-
-1; ble Line (Lake Shore RoadeStanley; 80 acres e.
60 acres -cleared and in good eultivation ; 20 aortas
good bu 811, 9 acres fall wheat, 115 acres fall piow-
ed ; thr ce-quarters of a mile from Ihysdale P. O.
and store; first-class land ; tonvenient to echool
and chu rch ; briek house, 20'430, story and a hear,
well fini sired, with. geodeellar ; bank been, 40x58e
fine etream rantiogt water -close tO barn; a
splendid orchard of bearingtrees. Terms Will be
made to suit purchasers, if time is required; but.
for cash a good batoain -will be given. Apply en
the farm or to NELSON MOUBSEAU, Dryodole
P. o. 6834-x
FARM FOB SALE. -For Trak, Lot2oconceseion
, 13, Huth tt, containing 75 acres of excellent
clay loam land, obout -66 acres of which are
cleaned and in a good state of cultivation, the
rettaninder is good lenetwood. bush. On the
ptemiscs ere a small Jog house, sided upoteitla
„ frame kit eben, with good well and pump, avel a
good spring creek running through the iana.
IThis farm is situated 1 mile from Earle& In 0.,
and 10i miles from Seafortb, and about the some
from Brussels on a good gravel road. Prather
particulars can be tibtaineO on application to the
proprietor on the premises or to ITerlock P. 0.
THOMAS -GILPIN, proprioter. 6n3
She North part of Lots 8 and 9, Con. 13, Me-
Killop, containing 112 acres-. there are about 80
cleared, well fenced, underd4ined, and in a high
state of cultivation, the balguce is well timbers&
with hardwood; good dwelling, new honk frteme
barn 50x57, -with stabliog underneath, and ether
outbuildings, also a good young orchard. and
plenty of water, Is 10 miles from Brussels, 5 flan
Walton and 12 from Seaforth, with , good genera
roads to eath place; convenient to eintreh and
schools; will be sold aisle whole or In two ports,
1\ovvriaalL,ntrjolnibre.470:axersiedstb. feoprxito,:x.Teatleir feartie ;ire% t:
a001) FARM FOlt SALE. -Being Lot 804 Con -
‘A 11, Township of Grey, zontaining 190 floras,
about 75 cleared; elearing neaely all free of
stumps I soil elay loam ; 10 acres of fall vhest
are SOWD, and behove of clearing seeded down;
on the lot there is a good neve frame house 20x30,
storeys higb, a good. log barn 80x60, fraine
stable and other out-builditgs ; a good bearing
orchard. and S good wells ; the lot is favoralOyeit-
tilted-on leading road through. tbe township,
miles from exanbrook Ana 24 from Henteen
way siAtil ; on:l.pol within a geno-ter of a Ile,
nd chin eh etott by ; as the propriet• r hasretired
; trent henelog, the lot will be iold -easy U1711)3.
lehr further particulore opply JOIIICJL
HODGES on tbe preeuiees, or if by letter to
Cratibroell'l stoillee. Akita
Y signed offers for s. lc a valterble farm in the
lownseip eleltilloe, Ceuritv of Huron, eentain
=hoe 175 oeree of land, Ire) of which are cleared
almoet entiviy free of etompe, and. in all f.1;tel
4 lent elate cf cultivatieu ; the remainder is tiro.
tiered with hardwood. There are upon the prene-
ises a good frame louse, two frame barns atul
frame Stable, a never -failing sering. besides -two
thoellent v,elle; also, a Loge or-thard. eoutnining
the choicest variety of apple, pear, plum azt4
- cherry trees. There are 2.5 acres sown inriall
BOOTS AND SHOES., seeued within the lest three years, and about 80
I wbean On aeres in grass, meet of which baS 41reat
i aerenfall plowe.d. The fences lire good, a coneid-
. erable pare ceusisting of very substantiallyheilt
boani awl straight rail fenees. The farm:, al-
though extellent forwheat and other sereais, is
Peenlierly adapted for stock raising, as the so:1 is
eye eLtely vented for clover, and laxness to waten eel
. converrient. The forret is one of the beet antita
0 , tot/mane, and is beautifully bitusted on. the
oil M tland river, 21 TrAleS from Brussels, on
A]. REVENUE REVENUE TARIFF PRICES., i 1313°rIo''iceteaR:ililmLag•aye, 14B).:d ilonlei;%exPie-libgts1V)'ullGereflotital -
I school. Title perfett; satisfactone reason:le for
il &Ohm. For price sod further partieulare teaty
' R b .rt,Veimon onthe premises; J. It. -Ciruit,
1 oPeodsteximaehstro,rBwrirleismistsaomns, sspesitoratekson: RReogestratEnTo,
I DICKSON, Proprietor. N. B. -The proprietor*
i though deetroas of selling the villole property,
I would disposeof apart.
r21-101VEAS 0077-1\7111?.0-Y-
milk on the diffeeeet routes erll be let. Also at
the same time ahd place, there will he offered NOTWITHSTANDING T.1-1 E RISE IN STOOKS
for *ode by public auetion, the season's whey,
-with use of hog yard, sheds, tic. By order,
JOHN BURGESS, Secretary. 638 Stark's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.