HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-02-27, Page 22 - THE FOUR GUARDIANS OF LA GRANGE - Another unlooked-for result natural- Iy, followed the , baleful excellence of this correspondence.. Miss Fanny .be- • came more and more anxious to behold again the author of her being and of these extraordinary letters. One or two vague.hints to that effect, thrown: out in her correspondence, was received with alarm by her guardians, and it was finally resolved that the next let- tershould be composed int such a man= ner_as to effectually check this wanton desire. For this purpose all - the guar- dians assembled. :.Considerable- excite- ment was manifested. I grieve td re cord the fact: •that much ..liquor was drunk, and that Captain Rats was somewhat exalted and discursive. But your true gentleman is never more fas- tidious:and refined than when in his cups; -and thegentle Captain Rate,. during - the whole letter (save an occasioial- slip), held his rhetorical hat deferents-, ally in his hand• A copy of this epistle hast been preserved, and runs as follows: - Mr OWN DARLING CHILD, Year I esteemed and precious favor - came . promptly to hand, and contents ineahl. _ We—that is: your sainted mother and myself—are glad to hear that the draft for 250..canie. promptly to hand, ;cud I trust that the balance of $150, which you retained after paying Mine. l3ritn- borian's bill, will be sufficient tor yeti - to purchase Laces, furbelows, bonnets, shoe •ties, and hosiery suitable to the season and the fashions. We (that is your mother—who is still unable to write, by reason of a sore finger—and myself) hope you will.not spare any. ex- pense to clothe yourself equal to your - ' schoolmates. We note what you say about Mary Rickett's new silk dress, that cost$75. Yon are to see that 075 dress and go her 1150 or 1100 better, drawing on us for the balance, if -short. Raise - the Rickett girl or bust.. tVe trust you are careful of your health, and do not 'partake to.o' requeutly of - onfectionery, 'and that your French and music les- ' sons are .the same. We trust - that you wrap up warmly when you go out, and are careful about your flannels in that t _ dreadful Eastern climate, and always o wear your rubbers. Tho wheat crop' y this year will average forty bushels to the aore, or supply each inhabitant of the. State with forty-four barrels_ of flour, and. will leave -100,000 bushels for exportation. With the Pacific Rail- t road finished and tlie'effete . nations of Europe and Asia. knocking at the p Golden -Gate for breadstuffs, the time is a' . -not. far distant .when the State will be entirely self -producing .. We often pia- ri ture you, dear - child, sitting at your p tasks, your bright eyes occasionally dropping in reverie as.you think of your e parents so far away. Do you ever wander • with us through these dim s woods --God's first temples—and breathe ti • with us the 'nfinite peace of solitude; or p reflect that long before we had bein or I - - existence these grand old menet hs in looked down on others as they do on us? le Do you t. We hope—that is, your w mother ancl . myself trust you do, al- h though we earnestly hope and implore p - you not to dream of visiting us here, an for the society is quite unfitted for -a an person of your age and sex. 'Murder fo not unfrequeutly stalks abroad, and sluice -robbing is as common as the red }- hand of the assassin. Scarcely a day passes that we do not consign some victim to the silent tomb. Consump- . tion is Epidemic, and. small -pox_= too, has often ;narked the loveliest of your sex for his prey. The face of beauty (! diotment in her handll. Or was she still in ignorance—an iguorance which a single chance question and answer now might dispel, amid . faintings, shrieks,_ tears and wailing ? Captain Rats grew-apoplectid with bewilder- ment ; he dared not even ask a ques- tion of the driver, who was already be- ginning to survey him with a sardonic :leer, and had audibly sought informa- tion if he, the Captain, called this kind of conduct proper at "his time o" life." "Let the gal alone, Rats—don't you see it ain't a love letter from you she's poriu' over?" • he added—a- state_ m_ ent that again covered the Captain with guilty blushes. But a sudden jolt of the vehicle, a little shriek, and the let- tering of the letter to the road, jarred from the reader's fingers, gave the Cap- tain I ai providential opportunity. To from the box to the road and the truantepistlewas the work of ed the own an- edthis gave to the d him, d, and beside owent. aptaiu nto a as to ontact= d his h h i s ymph d, the teunas ed by ptain. dently large at ex- im- rethe inter- even- oys" oftly, com- d she have short stion her she nued le of that th a't cep het's th a call ex- herst "I ersa- and boor, day jum set zf -a moment. When he approach coach to restore it to its fair ow other 'passenger had appropriat on the box, and thus color and reason for his exchange inside. The young lady thanks the coach again started forwar Captain Rats fell into the .seat Ater. Here• was the supreme, m With a profuse apology, the C drew his knees together, slipped i respectfully diagonal position, so oppose the narrowest point of c with her, and carefully dusts knees and her dress softly wit handkerchief. The shyest n would scarcely have been startle coldest and most antiquated of du would not . have been' discompos the submissive aspect of the Ca The young lady, who was evi neither, turned a pair of calm, grey eyes on her neighbor, and s peccant. But how the Captain proved his chances, I must ref reader to his own account of the view, delivered gravely the same ing to his brotherguardians: SVhenIsaw Iwas in for it, b he paid, rubbing his knee upward s `I kinder measured the gal afore I rnenced, to see what sort of a hail might hold. But you couldn't old anything by her looks. And f axing her a downright sassy que ou ,couldn't get a word out of about her own business, nor what war up to. And-then—well," conti t he Captain, with a languid smi conscious success, "I calkilated his was one o'; them peculiar cases `vanted skill and science, and.,I jis lied 'em,- and in course I won." T 11. Yes," said the Captain, wi yawn of stifled . indifference "it ght now, (boys. Everything's lained." "Ent how ?" queried the o ageriy. - "Well,". said the Captain, lazily ower slipped into a: gineral cony on about the opery, the fashions, o'try, and sich. Speakin' o' liters told her a of yarn I'd read t'other a magazine, and then, kinder keer- ss and easy, I jist up and told her the hole story about her father and us and erself, giving her the name o' Sera- Bina, calling you and Horton 'Oscar' d "Roderigo,' and Fleet 'Gustavus,' d myself aodentio,' which is Latin r 'Rats.' ; Well, if I do say it myself, it wasn't no slouch of a story, for I was kinder chipper and fresh, and the other passengers was jist about as much in- terested az she was. Then I . sorter looked in her eye, you know, this way," d Capt. hats here achieved a pe- liarly Jesuitical leer, "and said that alloweit wasn't true, and asked her at she thought about it as a story. nd she said it might be true and it alit not, but it was quite interesting. em's her very words, gentlemen." 'Well, go on," said the Colonel gerly. "That's all." an cu fades quickly. .through a pestilential wh fever now quite commons and the ex- A quisite daughter of one of the first rei families has beet. taken for an Indian Th squaw by reason ' the same. Freckles are paramount. The hair withers and ea falls out—the teeth likewise the same. Much as we hope to Duce more behold that darling face, we would not expose get you to such certain -ruin- Your mother • fainted on reading your request to visit her: I fear in - her present state of healtha visit from you would be fatal. If you value lour parents' -love, banish this idea from your mind. In a few years, probably, we will be ableto once more clasp you in our ;time by the At- lantic shores. YOUR Ar ECTIONATE PATIENTS. Six weeks had elapsed and the duti- ful answer to the above, confidently looked for by the guardians, was due. Nevertheless, as the time approached, some nervousness on the part of Fleet was manifested by that gentleman's unrest and his frequent visits to Capt. ats,. to whom all letters addressed to and 'All! ally!" shrieked the guardians her. "Didn't she say anything els ndn't you— "Nary," said the Captain coolly. "But it's all right, boys. You'll see." Horton seized Captain Rats by one shoulder, and the Colonel grappled the other. For a few seconds they shook him furiously. "Where is she now, you blank mule ? Answer us !" ' "Why, I reckon she's over at the Union Hotel with Fleet. I forgot to say that he happened -accidentally to be there when the stage kem in. She seemed to be kinder easy and nat'ral with him, and I—" But before Captain Rats had finished his speech the two men rose furiously. a THE HURON EXPOSITOR. gaze from me while I was in his pres- ence. I began :walking rapidly around the post, a few feet from it, keeping my eyes fixed npon'him all the while. His body remained motionless, but his head turned exactly with my movement. Half way round, and his face was di- rectly behind. Three quarters of the circle, and still the same twist of the neck and the stare following me. One entire circle and no change. On I went, twice round, and still _that watchful stare and steady turn of the head. I had all this time kept uninterrupted watch of the bird. His talons grasped the top of the post, and his body was perfectly stationary. On I went, three times round, and I began really to won- der why the head did not drop off, when all at once I discovered what I had failed to notice before. When I reached half way round from the front, which was as far as he could turn his head to follow my movement with com- fort, he whisked his head through the whole circle so instantaneously, and brought it facing me again with such precision, that I failed to detect the movement, although I was looking in- tently all the time. I repeated the ex- periment many times afterwards on the same bird, and I had always to watch carefully to detect the movement of the readjustment of this gaze. So rapid and precise was this movement that I MUSIC. MUsr0.M—rs. McMuikin will give instraotions in instrumental music to a few pupils. Use of piano given for practice if desired. Residence east of Victoria Square, Seaforth. 614 HOTELS. B RITISIi EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, Oat. WM. COX, Proprietor. This is one of the Quietest, Most Comfortable and Beet Con - d noted Hotels in the Province. The Rooms are • commodious and the Tattle and Bar libe,ally supplied. Good stabling in connection. 686-52 AGENCIES, JOHN LECKIE, General Loan. and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estatb in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid. off. Terme to suit borrowers. nr Fare and village property for sale. Office- Leckie's new -brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 PUMPS. EAFORTH .PUMP FACTORY STILL AHEAD —These pumps having been awarded the first prize at both the South Huron and East Huron Fall Shows, the subscriber has every confidence in recommending them to the public, knowing that for quality of material and workmanship they ere not easily snrpaeeod, and would solicit a Ball from all intending purchasers ; all work warranted ; orders by mail or otherwise prompt- ly attended to. N. CLUPF North Main Street, Seaforth. 619 AUCTIONEERS. failed several times to detect it, even - — -- --- • — - - - when I was looking expressly for it, and J P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the at the proper moment. A Test -of Indian Courage. An Indian intertribal fair was held not long ago,in Indian Territory,in order to show some of the results of civilizing the savages. A number of tribes at- tended, and displayed articles of home manufacture, such as needlework, em- broidery, ace work and blankets. Many of the Ihdians had.their photographs taken, and showed a childish delight in lookiyg at their faces. Others, how- ever, could not be persuaded to go near the camera. Yellow Bear, of the Ar- rapahoes, was the first to pass through the ordeal of a sitting. He suffered himself to be properly seated, and the camera to be brought to bear upon him. But when the preparedplate was placed in the box, and the clbth lifted, he leap- ed to his feet with a bound and attempt- ed to leave- the tent. All attempts to reason with him failed. At last a pho- tograph of a Cheyenne, taken some- years omeyears ago, was shown him. He looked at it a moment, then went quietly to` his chair, and sat there like a statue while his negative was taken. He eg- plained that no Cheyenne warrior milsa greater brave than be. The gigantic Osages, on the other hand, would not I approach the tent. They said the cam- era Lobs them of their good spirits. The Lickapos gave the same reason, and a photographer was peremptorily ordered out of their country on that ticpount. The Indian is a profound believer in the power of spirits for good or evil, and takes care never to offend them. " • The Training of Girls. The Rev. W: Gladden, of Springfie Mass., recently sent out circulars mothers in that city asking,l. What the most' common defects in the tra ing of our girls.? 2. What principles of conduct are most iniportant, and what habits are essential to the development of noble and useful womanhood ? At a -public meeting the results of his in- quiries have been given. Female habits of dress were referred to as more in- jurious than male habits. Most wo- men, too, take much less outdoor exer- cise than is good for them. The lack of exercise is largely caused by foolish dress, which makes active exertion irn • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- eosiTon Office will be promptly attended to. tRANCIS GRAHAM, AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT.—Special attention given to sale of landed property, farming and thorough- bred stock. Cattle selected for the English mar- ket. Office and Auction Boerne, Acheson's new Block, Goderich, Ont. Terms moderate 615 EMPLOYMENT. Sass A WEEK in your own town. Terme and $5 outfit free. Address .H..HA'LLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. 626.52 $5 t0 $20 PER DA'Y at home. Samples worth $5 free. Address STIN- SON & Co., Portland, Maine. 626-52 $1.0 tO $1 000 Invested in :wall -8t., �ii� Stocks makesfortunee e� ery month. Books sent free cup's ining every- thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall -street, New York. 587-52 MEDICAL. OTIT,1*, D; &c., Physician, Surgeon and `?▪ ! otoncl!eur, Se forth, Ont. O1ficu and resi- erie a nth side Of, derieh Street, first [door est, esbyterianC'Utah 34 :IANOvjR, M.D.; C , Graduate of iIl Univ1ersit , Physicia , Surgeon and Seaforth. Ont. Office and residence, nth of the (lathe' c Chirrch. 496 i V COE, ii. D., C. le ., Phyeician,Sur• • + eon, : tc.,' Coroner for t . e County of Huron a4 and Residence, on Jarvis street north, dirrect y op+osite SeaforthPublic School. D • ilIeNAuGHT, Veterinary Stu -goon, Gradu to of Ont rio''+VVeterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. 'Office ar;d�Residence in roar of Killoran & RyanCalls promptly attended to, ight or 'day. stock f veterinary me icinee n hand Charges reaso able. Horses exa rned a o sound- ness andeerti cites, given if req iced. . 407 JAMES' W. ld, Ontario two years to Torontlo as are . residence ast in- attended p ELDER, V. S., 4rraduat8 of the terinary College. After devoting ;attics with Professor Smith, of fettled in Seaforth; Office at his f W. M. Church. Gallspromptly to by day or night. A largo stock of Vetoriria y Me [eines constantly on hand; Horses examined as to oundness and certificate given Horses bought and sold on commission;. 424 hours from 8 Dire Whitney's Seaforth. TI DERBYSHIRE. LI • Surgeon Dentist, 0 of the ltoyal College of Surgeons of Ontario. A. M. to 5 P. ll•>;. R new brick block, �1ain LEGAL. D. 8., raduste Dental Office oma in Street, JAMES T. (1.FIilw, Barrister, !Attorney and deirch. 1 681 DLT & CAMER01SI, Bar isters, Chancery, &e., Godaric , Ont. . C., Philip, Holt, M. GJ Cam- 506 possible. It is generally of improper Solicitor, G nsuita creates many f the nervous diseases her mistake on the pa s in passim their tint nature and � }� bly adjusted, women. Ano to- of many girls e ?" - out of school a ocf C AMEON, H RolScitos rt ISI. 0. Cameron,f e eron. their deceased friend were delivered. And " othing from the young lady yet, I supposes" Fleet would ,say, indifferent- ly. "No," the Captain wouldrespond., quietly. "I reckon it'll take her about two weeks to get over tier disappoint - men{. Then she'll write sassy=like as not—or mebbe not at all." Fleet turn- ed pale, thew red., and then bit his moustache. "Yon clan't think, Captain," he asked with, an af- fected. laugh, "that we were -a little— just a little too hard ?" "Not too much for peace and quietness," replied the Captain gravely ; "women don't take a tut half -way 'no;' they can't believe a man- mo means it," he added, "any more than ast' they do." Nevertheless the Captain himself grew a little •anxious, and flay- all ashed out of the room bareheaded. even as the Captain sat there mute and astounded, yet with his usual vague smile of acquiescence lingering around his mouth, Horton returned,• shook his. fist fiercely at the Captain, seized his hat, and vanished. In another mo- ment the Colonel also • re-entered hastily, grasped his hat, kicked Capt. Rats, and dashed out again. As the door slammed on the last' of his fellow guardians, Capt. Rats rose slowly, emptied his glass thoughtfully, pla ed one knee on a chair and rubbed it i'n silence. Presently a more decided le came in his eye, and crept to his nth as his lips slowly fashioned this unding reflection : Th at's so—that's it ! Fleet was s kinder soft on the gal ! Like as ike as not—he's up and writ to her e sly," ing to visit Sacramento, left strict not-- 1 orders with his comrades that he was to on th be recalled promptly on. the arrival of Miss Fanny's reply. But his visit was not int errupted,and it was nearly three weeks later that he A mounted the box seat of the Pioneer turcclr stage coach to return to Lagrange. As as fo he settled himself beside the driver, M. after the interchange of a few compli-1 habit meaterti epithets, his eye glanced down have toward the wheels, and was attracted "funis by au open letter and part of a female a. pa hand obtruded from the window of the to kil coach. The fair reader lead evidently was : thus sought to evade the gloom of the or a t coach's interior, and possibly the pry- his e ing eyes of her fellow passengers, while rapid she perused-- it. But why did the state Captain's withered cheeks instantly inter loss color, awl why did lie convulsively - with clasp the railing by his side :' The le=t- turn hi ter was in his own haintwriting, anti lied his e• been mailed to Mitis Fanny six weeks No before !• tempt It was impossible, exon by the ut- shoed THE. END. hours in idleness and , .T.„ frivolous amusements, doing and Lear ing nothing. The speaker thought th more is done in wealthy families teach the daughters habits of industry than in those of moderate circum- stances. A correspondent referred to one woman who says she is proud that her daughter never did any sweeping ; another would not let her child do any kitchen work. Another mistake is to make dress the main business of life. One letter referred to a woman who said over her young infant, "I am so glad it's a girl, I can dress her so much finer than I could a boy," And Mr. Gladden added, "0, woman, to what, depths o" nr y stoner in B SN ALL, Conveyancer and Cc R.,. Wroxeter. Anchone nts and notes bollec at Appraiser. Aoeo to reasonable' terms degradation' have you falle when yo can look in the face of a bab and have such a thought as that fin lodgment for au instant in -your mind !" What can sucha woman do but destroy the soul of her children.. Still, he thought the women not wholly t blame, because their vanity is stimu lated by the foolish admiration of men the girl who catches a'husbaud cnly by fine dress too often finds that the prize she has won is a broken heart. The next mistakeis in devoting too much time to novel reading, which excites morbid and unreal ideas! of life and a craving that cau never bre gratified. It is mental dissipation, of a dangerous character—scarcely less to than that of drink. Another mistake is too early initiation in the frivolities of society. The average young lady 'of Springfield, according to the lecturer, makes her de- but at three, when she begins to go to children's parties in dress elaborate enough for a fancy ball, and is instruct - in the arts of vanity and coquetry. t six or eight she is a member of clubs ud enjoys frequent evenings out. One ood woman wrote- that she had the earache for the unnatural, unhealthy aiid.stimulating excitement of the roller ating rink, whiela has none of the ad- antages of outdoor • skating. Tho last ror alluded to is the neglect to honor d obey parents. Some sad instances ere brought forward to show that too ten a girl of thirteen regards herself as her own mistress, and passes her time at parties, sociables; etc., or on the street, instead of studying. A cor- respondent narrated the facts about four respectable families in one congre- gation in the city, in three of which there was one daughter each, and in the other there were three. Each of the first three left school when she wanted to, passed as much time on the streets as she pleased, and is now a by -word and a reproach. The other three like- wise went to ruin while their parents were attending prayer-meetingb, and professed to know nothing of their daughters' habits. I HAVE ON HAND as usual, Bell's Ex- tra Family Flour—the Housewife's delight—sup- plied direct from the mill. D. D. Rose. 622 mmis- r and ed on 386 HW. C. ME ER, Bairibter and 'Attorney at • Law, Soli itor in Chancery. Commissioner for taking sflida •its in the Province of Ma itoba. Solicitor Or the Bank of Hamilton, Win ham. Private funds to loan a 7 f to 8 per cent. 638 `^' MALCIOMSON, Barrister, and Attor ey at- "• Law, lotar Public Conveyancer, B seals. Mr. Carey, late i f Careeron, Holt & Cam ron's office, will be: in barge of the ofriae, and Mr. Malcomeon will be n Brussels every The -- clay. 609 ; ,. BE.NSO ME ER, Barristers ani` Attorney at Law, elicit .rsill chancery andinsolvency, Conveyan ere, Not, 'es ublic, etc. Offices—Seas n: forth and By�r ssels $2 ,coo of Private Funds to y Investatolncl,at elghtPorcent.'Intorest,payablee d yearly. 163 JAS. II. to Soli. n. w. e. ]IEYErt. The above4fiim as Ws day been dissolved by Mutual consent. 1 accsonnts due the firm to be paid to Mr, B:nson who will pay all labil- ities, i. O 1 ' JAMES H. iiENSO;N. Nov. 27,E 18 76. II. W. C. MEYER. l Great Horned Owl. correspondent of the American � a,- A . t. writes of the great horned owl a flows : g Ma years ago I observed a singular h of the owl, a notice of . which- I .never seen published: In the sk y column" of our local newspaper, v ragraph appeared headed "How er 1 an owl," the substance of which all After finding an owl on a - post �v roe, you were to !have hili] fix of yes upon yon and then walk ly around him ; closing, with ..the went that he .will keep his eyes so sly upou you ; turning his head your movements but forgetting to is body, that he will thus wring wu head off. Not is too absurd• for a boy to at - if it promise fun or novelty ; and y afterward a fine, live specimen early adult Bubo Virginianus-fall- to my, hands, I proceeded to test atter by experiment- I. placed on the top of one of my mother's s -lice posts, where he remained less and entirely unconscious of tempt upon his life. - It was not It to secure his attention, for he while I had him, diverted his most craning, and at the risk of his life, of a n to see anything more tliau"a bit of lace, ing in some artificial flowers, t front of blonde the m hair, and the fatal letter. Yet his Bubo guilty conscience instantly recognized clothe in these scant facts the formidable re sentment of the deceived orphan. Had the at she discovered the trick, and was she ; difiicu now on their trail, with this terrible in- never • iCCI�U �& HOLMESTED, AW, CHANCERY, Sc tt'A. slosh, IVla'a street, Seaforth. Consolidated Bank of idian Bank of Commerce Tillage Property bought loaned on mortgage se- tes of into'rest. Charges into' rest. for p ivat-o persons upon the e gcltnritiea, without any expense to C*B Y, M. F. ROL TESTED. t7Fi ICE!, s in )LIOITIORS I;for the Canada and he Can eafortti. tam and To and' en sold 11 oney (privet funds) cur ies, at rpas treble r, mo -rate. ney inv best +ortgat the 1 ndelr. S. McCA1J - I1 I CELLANEOUS. , Ct,L AT J S. R.01ERTS' Dti�UG STORE, Seo ortl, a the Great Sierra 'evade Smok- ing ti•Or.l ou d positi'te cure for Catarrh, and • is equal ell c ous in a11 Brone al Affections. 7'hc attest Dime tees of he I 1 ungs yield readily �o this trt�at- a et► of Asthma, P thsic and all want. , M. '$M1',CH, Arkona, nt., General Agent. For a_e by all druggis s. Pti01-rice,52 75 centersdx: THE G1 EAT. 41p&ALE RE ;kIEDY'.—Job Moses 1 Porliiodice.l ells—This invaluable medicine is unfailing I, in !th 'cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- ',,. tion issubjectl. 'It moderates all ea - ccnq ane re- moves ail oburactions, and a speedy cure may be i relied on. To mairiadladies, itis pecuifarlysnited. 1 It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularitt ., These pills should not be 1 taken by Females daring the first threCs of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mie - months car•iage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, j • pat s in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, thea p_lls will effect a cure when all other means hay failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do of contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphletkaronnd each package, which sho ild be carefully preserved. Job Moses, Ask for the "SIL New York, Sole Propr•ietot. $1 00 and 124 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a. bottle containing over 50 pills by return niail. j Sold in "Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdeli, J. S. oberta, And R. Lumaden. 197 , , 1880 NEW G FEBRUARY 27, 1884, BPRINC+- OODS. NEW GOODS. JD UNCAN (Sz D TT ] 0 _ _ We are now 1iowing our First Shipment of New Goods for this Season, comprising THE CON ENTS OF 15 OASES AND BALES. 20 Pieces New Black Cashmere. 50 Pieces New Black Lustre. These Goods are Better Value than we have heretofore shown. 200 Pieces New Prints. -- 50 Pieces New Pompadour Prints.. 25 Pieces New BION,711 Holland, extra value. New Silk Fringes. New Satin Ribbons. New l'ancy,RiLbonettes. Ne* -China Silk Scarfs. ,E3 Bales of Grey Cottons and 3 Cases of White Cottons. These Goods having been bought before the late advance in Cotton Goods, we can guarantee them to be the best value shown in the County. New Tweeds, New Cotton Shirtings,Newpucks and New Denims—all at Old Prices: !NI THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT e are showing a Full Line 41,)f all` classes -of Goods, and will GUARANTEE G -00D SATISFACTION. Cnstomets Go ds were! Sto k in Lad Tire can depend on getting Che4IB ots and 'Shoes thitt s son 11 bought at old prices, 4):,ndf wil be sold at a smia.11 rofi es', Mistes' and Children's. I Al O Men's and Boysh'. ka9:e to lia9zd this 22d Black Tea a as our . Full eek a fine lotof BOCERIES, especially Green aryain for any C stonier. inspection Invite& THE SEAFORTH CRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPO!IIUM. b. WILLISON PROPRI YULL STOK. OF LOWS ON MASSEY'S NI HILL'S PATEN LIVER'S NO. Cru hei.'rs, Root Cu: ibeloniging TO 13 -THIS LE CUTTER PLOW, 40 CHILL D PLOW, 10 SOD PLOW, ND TEESWATER GANG PLOWS S WIN MAC IN S. AS USUAL. Maehi es. Sew ng Machines Re aired on the Shortest Notic , and w rk warra ted. Oils, Needles and Attachments always on hando 0. C. ILLSON, Main Street, Sea orth. Cut rs Horse Ba ters, na all Implen R. s Grain nts H7ON BROTHERS, SEAFOIVI1H. OAL OIL. COAL 91L. COAL AMERICAN1WATER WHITE, .16( DE1CREES FIRE TEST. "SILVER STAO" IrAND CANADIAN REFINED. SALE ALLAN McDONALD (Graduate Electropatbie College, Philadelphle,) Medical Electrician, Brussels,Ont.. OFFIf.:E—DirGrahatres 1311)4. A LL -Chronic Diseases treated sticeessfel/a, -A - 3‘ Spinal and Seminal Weakness and various other ailments not amenable to ordinaty treat. ment radically elm& Many persons whom 1 , have treated are -veilling to teettfy to the supeet. oiaty of this mode of treatment ht., the waiting modifications of Electricity. BesBtx:Bastteeisri,eso,:c.. , for Sale. Instructions given in the Science of Electro -Therapeutics. All correspondence tedi triIcad1::Ionitliictaretuyrer:ty not only to you, but to the ellt Some Testiroony es to the, efficacy of Electra * city as a Cutative Agent wh applied in accord - tame with our newolyBAdiNscBoviteoro'adx,s jaaante.mn,187- public, or those efilicted with diaeetse, VI eapeeee my strong appre-iation of yeur mode of treating disease. I need scarcely tell. you that I was nov entirely free from the doubt and uncertainty usually in the minds of most people with regard to new or unknown ideas, and it was not with treatment. I was very badly afflicted with Dye- oline of vitality consc-qoently ensued, and at - though not cured enti . eiy by the Jew treatmente I received from you, I am sufficiently tonvinced of the e frac acy of Et- ctiie:ty aft applied by your trtily scientific, system as a cure for disease,1 might say of any kind. I ara avrare of =any others' that you have treated jsouRceNeos4u1AulyR., ow. Some months ago I had an attack of inflara- s nation of the lungs, whieh left a weakneas which medicine failed to remove. I resoated to many means before &playing to you and received little or no benefit. When alnioet compelled to give up work I wile persuaded to try Electricity. The relief waa inetanteons. After the third treatment I was glad to _find my former etrength of treatment I was (Xitirely free from all weak- iaess and pa jiAnswlijar.tmeEveNr School Section Ito. 1, Turnberry. Many others have received cures from our treatinent after desparing a ever gaining relief from the ail/mute. Parties who may desire it can be furniehed with Electro -Medical Betteties -with instiuctions and Ca71 treat themselves at 637 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. SEAFORTII, November 20, 1879 The undersigned having leased the finishing shop of the Huron Foundry, Seaforth, from j. S. Runciinan, -will be prepared to do all kinds of repairS required for steam engines, grist ahd flouring mills, saw reills and all kinds of ma- chinery, also agricultural implements, and. from his long experience as foreman of the Goderich Foundry trusts to be able to give good satisfaction to ail parties having work done. All repalra at- tended to at once. Give rtte a trial and I will warrant good satisfaetion. SON SALKEL.B. in eomiection with- the ;above businem, the undersigned will have anl office at the Huron Fohndry, and will take any' orders for rep&ira on mills or other thhigs, and will aLso take 'contracts for steatn engines, boilers, grit and flouring mill' 5, and all lands of inachinery. 1FL/wing a connection with one of the largest foun ries in Ontatio, Twill be in a. position to carryout 11 contraet-s that raay be lirusted to me. Rian8 ,d specifications fur- nished for mill machinery, ;engines, &c. As I intend to give ray attentioh altogether to the implements. I hope tO be able to give good satisface Lion to all trusting me with their work. R. 11.UNCIMAN. The underaigned will continue to manufattare ploWs and all ldnds of eaetings on a large ,scale at the Huron Foundry, Seafortb, atid with tho COD, nec4ons formed, hopes to be able to pnsh a large business and to give good satisfaction.; j,. RUNCIMAN. AUCTION SALE OF A .FARIVI :iwituketeTro02:22,sd liZbli°c/AtiCrtioe:: en The inenises, on TIFURSD A Y, March 18th, at 12 o'elo7•Ck noon, sheep, the following vahaable farm, being Let 20, COncession 13, Grey, County of En ton, cetataining 102 acres, rnore or less; there aro 70 acres cleared, aud about 40 alMost -clear of stumps ; rich Clay loam ; also .goed bank bare ,40xf.6, -with good stone stablingunnerneith; also a good hewed log house, with frame addi- tion t a thriving yoneg orchard beginning to bear, a good -well convenient to hOuse, and a brook, (with hotels, stores,post *nice, daily mail, saw mill, 2 blackemith shops 1 wagon shop, 2 shoe ehops, churehes and scliool), Miles from Ethel, on the Wellington, Grey and Ilium Rail- way; and 7 miles from Beussels, with a goOd martethe saMe time and place there will be sold by Public An etione all the Faun stock and Im- plements. If the fann is not sold er before Alm day of Bale it *ill be rentea ler a term of Save ' Apply to ROBERT SCOTT, on the premises, or- to A. RAYMANN, Land Agent, Cratabreot post Office. 8374 ERG EFIELD. BRIGGS !BROTHERS TT AVING purehated the business tarried ent -Lel- by Mr. E. BRIGGS for t3o many yearenierat now piepared to do ' BOOT ANDA SHOE-MAK1NG Of Every Desmiption on the shortest nlotise and most reasonable terms,. They will use notlaing but .the very hest mite terial, and as ,to ftt tindworkinanehip they guar- antee satisfaction, article, and fair -and reasonable prices, they laope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Their Shop -will be ionta irt Ilattenburry's building, D. McIntosh's Veterinary Offloe, one door eolith of the post office. 617 N.B.—All ovtrdne aCCOUlltS Must be paid at THE GOMIVIERCIA 'LIVERY ARTHUR FORBES, TTAVING purehased the Stock a4id Trade' of the -Lac Commercial Livery, Seafoith, front. Mr. George 'Whiteley, liege to state that he intends carrying on the business in the oia stand, and has added several valuable horses andvehiclesto the formerly large etock. None hut First- Rs ConVortable Yehicles and Good _1-?eliable Horses Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Uareages, and • Double and S ingle Wagon s always ready !pause. Special Arrangements Made With Com. QUANTITY Orders kit at the stables or ,any of the hotels , promptly attended to. THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY, DEALER LIBERALLY DEALT MTH. 4; TTAVE always en hand, and make to Order, Jai- Wagons, -Sleighs, Carriage/40BI%- , gi CS, C titters, and every other articlein their line. T hey personally superintend their own busi- ness, and can guarantee a geed article both as t -o material and workmanship. Por Style and Finish their work cannot be ER StAR," Ma k d by the large city eztablishments. the Best in the r et. trial and be convinced that we can satisfy you as BulirPePtaBBIreing promptly attended to. Give no a lto jsirquaanliteyssaniodwporinceko. own to the public, having ' been in bueiness ill Zurich for over 12 years. An Aml He He one The - One And But Re - And No And Sot And and listen spardte mend attend allure nothia —A observ always when i as hot the wa it is as Wha It is ju drive a mtrhich 44 yes see t1;e anothe "Aust 0 beloved only you wo made all the that no that a was the at the Heider effects Hove of of the trifling ridsive menial *4 used longer replied one hub than her gen he felt into ba easbier nay hill neVer wash - article - than th correct made .n remark to wear Au Pro yo more You all very hut, if would ways when give ou people the la with ou fault wz we som against Pant ta pain "I have am, the lived in would I sionary sing an victim be swe ; in where desire for a ca Cent der Coil a full p fountai keeps s