HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-02-20, Page 6RRUARY 20P 1880 • rudent for 'those using them r owe risk -Carried. eting then discussed the pea_ making an iumual assessment ! against future contingencies. negatived, ou motion of Me. Lokney, seconded by Mr. John ssion then followed as to the ty of the Company accepting r than farm buildings, such ass Lena and blacksmith shopie k also was negatived, on nae - 7. F. McCormick. !anon of Directors wan them , with, which resulted in gin v ballot of the old Board., viz.' t. Gardiner, D. Mitchell, an Halls and A. Duncan. ought the meeting to a aose. eting of the Directors elects se of the annual meeting, Esq„ was re-elected Presi- L Alex. Duncan, Eeq-, Vice- . The President appointed_ [ler as auditor, t1ineetif,ag .fore, appointed Mr. Gillespie, N. Cresax, Secretary. - G-rey. roxare-The following is tile the several written examinee hin school sectiott No. 2, Greve Sday, Thursday and Friday, 29 and 30, and the etand- j- r junior forms of the above ,LLOLII for the mouth of January, ie fifth class examina,tinnis upon the examination pa- mdmission to Ontario Uigh 'ncember, 1879, the subjecta Llimetio,, English grammar, !ti, dictation, English hietory, aul spelling and English, from Fourth Reader.. Thb senior third class examina- based on arithmetic, English :spelling and explanation the standing of the junior based on geueral proficiency a the month, Fifth class - Mary A. Hislop 370, Richardson 3G7, Sarah G. 2, Wm. IlisIop 304,R, Wil - N5. Fourth class -Maze Ellen -3. Turnbull 247, .Williareson 240, Maggie Stew- rclide Sellars 211, John Har - eta Campbell 201, Thos. Wa- tery 3.2711,anasay 180. Senior .s -Martha, Smith 255,, Maggie 4. Annie Sellars, 254, Maggie 243, Margaret McAllister 236, Campbell 219, Jane F. Ifize nos. Tumball 205, A. Dian - Marion Watson 160, E. Hns 5, C. McKay 133. Junior -1st B. McKay, 2d Wm. 1? - 1 E. J.- Asn.-iti, 4th Alexander Ss'enior second class -1st D. ad W. J. Ramsay, 3d 3.13 nth Clara L. Askinjunior n-lst John Duncanson, 20 ipbell, 3d Elizabeth Hodgins, .rubull. Senior division of class -1st 3. Willianisanz J. Morrison, 3d Wm. MTc- .lth Susan Harris. Junior second first class -1st Jas. Wm. J. McKay, 3d Mary 3- th H. Clark. First cla.ss- w Stewart, • Id Wm. George Ciark. `..-Many will regret to learn a of our dear friend,. Annie vho, after ar painful and ness of nearly three years, passed away on Tuesday brnary 10th. t star from the deep, blue sk-y, • e flower from the forest --gone..: hearts, with a deep, lone sigh, emu for the absent one." - 'eventide it shall be light.' :the words she was heard to: te evening previous to her now true they proved to be, last rays of the setting sun winged its flight heaven - ring her long illness s,late unwearied patience, ever a that Divine arm whien ipport the weak. .g of her quiet life it Meth° dew, (eights, where leer footsteps pi Atm:Jams grew. Aings unto kindest deeds er every look; dace ae one who reads holy hook. Sterne d sho needed sun nng uf her sphere, eaven a. shining one, bel. an angel here." Ved family have the deep - y of their many friends.- ral News Items. that ainreat number of nl auk not :en altered to four are n. Macph4non has been very of congestion of the lungs, ring, and nissw supposed danger. ling match between. Wood- ight, for the county medal, t the former place on Mon - won by 17 shots. The 4 to 27. man named Ralph Storey. the Kerby Reaper and ufactory, Brantford, had r taken off and. the foo- d badly cut with a circular anving a board, Monday 7 play, "Her Majesty's Shia being a burlesque on the ven by the McDowell nom-. treal, the other evening, the piece is filled -with .of more or less merit, but - not likely to create much The company, with one ()/1s, is scarcely competent ior justice. lemen from Scotbnei, ierson, with their servants. (tants, have just. emerged eli 40- miles back from they have beeu encamped stow n River since Oen, g passed up the stream in It was frozen, with three sions, obtained iu Quebec. enderson alone killed rie =cariboo during their stay a mini /lamed Johnsou mingrante, appeared 1_4 aitute, and received help n. _fors. The woman died a The busband stated he r aiey to pay for the . but was not tilde to nay anses. He afterwards to some gentlemen who themselves in his behalf 'inc 5300 in a bank, that :or the manner in which -tine and would bear all -'11 The couple teeee FEBRUARY 20, 1880. rk t HURON EXPOSITOR. living on almost the point of starvation, and. taking All the Charity kind citizens were daily bestowing, without ever so much as hinting to any one their true position. ' The question now arises whether the husband ..ehotild not be held to account for the death of the wo- man threugh want of proper provision in her sickness. --Messrs. 3. E. Smith and C. B. Mc - ;gay, formerly collector and cashier re- spectively at the Toronto Cuatom House, have received official notice of their dis- missal. Smith as believed to have per- ane,nently left Canada, and when last heard of was in Chicago. Before going he made Over all his property to a num- ber of gentlemen, who signed a bond in- demnifying the Government for the amount of his defalcation. -The barn and outbuildings owned by , Malachi Swalm, in Nottawasaga, were destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock last Monday morning, together with con- tents, consisting of wheat, oats, barley, peas and hay; also, all his farm imple- ments, wagons, etc. 'With, great diffi- culty the horees and cattle were rescued from . the burning building. Mr. Swalm's loss is very heavy; supposed incendiarism. -Under the beneficial influence of the N. P., Mrs. Adam Murray, of Egypt, near New Glasgow, stave birth to five children -three and two boys - Monday moruing. Unfortunately, fear of them died the same evening. They were well formed -the smallest 13 inenes and tne largest 16 inchesand a quarter long.The surviving one is do- ing very well. The mother is a great deal better than cetilel be expected. She is ,one of 18, her mother having twins three times. Egypt is a small settlement of Highlanders, a cold, stony, barren place, but as it a•ppearseprolifie in some ways. ed in capturing him on Monday night, and again brought him to Clifford, where he was brought before A. S. Ailan and J. Taylor, J. P.'s,on a charge 'of forgery,•but for want of evidence was remanded until Wednesday. -Mr. Geo. Shepperd, of Blyth, has disposed of his farrn, situated on lot 33, 9th concession Goderieh- Township, to Mr. Henry Cook, of Dungannon. Mr. ShepPerd intends leaving Blyth in the spring, when he will remove to Iowa, United. states. -The Infant of Mr. J. Anderson, of Clinton, died suddenly on Sunday night, previously manifesting no signs of illness whatever. Mr. F. Remball of the same town, also lostau 11 months old child, on Monday, which was in good health on Saturday. Wectnesday of lastweek, i1r. Robt. McGregor, of Grey, was badly kicked in the face by a horse. His jaw • was badly broken in one place and splintered in another,.d a•wound about three inehes long was inflicted under thechin.. -The Dinins estate, advertised for sale by the Master in Chaucery, was of- fered on Friday by Mr. A. Bishop at the Central Hotel, Exeternand was bought in at $3,400 -one year ago Mr. Bishop sold it for 44,100 -The real estate Mar- ket is rather flat now. -Mr. P. nielnibbon, of Wingham,han sold his store on Josephine street, to John Bone, of East Wawa,nosh, for $3,000. He has also sold the Clenden- fling farm, which he bought at auction on the 21st ult., to Mr. Win. Linklater foe $3,000. MrnicKibbon intends re- moving from Wingham. -A tea -meeting in aid of St. Peter's Episcopal church organ fund, was held in the Orange Hall, Base Line, Hullett, on Tisdary evening, 17th inst. Ad.- - - • -- dresses were delivered by Rev. W. Perth Items. Henderson, Blyth; Rev. .R. McCosh, Mr. Alexander Davidson, an old Bayfield, and others. The affair Was a and respected resident of Burns, died very pleasant and successful one on the 2nd inst., of inflammation of the -M. C. Cameron, M. P. has recently founded a schof Goderich, bowels. olarship of -The debenture debt of St. Marys $00 a year in queen's College, to be known as the Al. C. Cameron, Gtelic amounts to $41,535 ; that of Mitchell to Scholarship, to be awarded to the best n39,000, svhile that of Stratford totals up to the enormous amount of $230,000. Gaelic scholar or speaker. The founder -Mr. D. McIntyre, of Mitchell, has has nominated the holder of the s sold out his boot and shoe business. Itcholarship for this session. Hereafter said to be the intention of Intyre to go to New .Zealand in the - -Some days ago a shooting match sprind.took place in Exeter, between Mr. S. -John Purteli, one of the parties ar- Fairbairn of Hensall, and Mr. -John i at d i th Don II d f -b ch m i of the r the Senate is to appoint. - - Spring Shows. .9 Spring Shows for the eichibition of Entire Stock will be held this season as follows: Grey Branch, at Brussels, on Wednesday, April 7. East Riding Huron, at Wroxeter, on Thursday,. A pril 8. South Riding Huron, at Brucefield, on Tuesday, April 13. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH-, Feb. 19, I Fall Wheat 1 18 to Spring Whoat,Fifo,porbutibel1 16 to Spring Wheat,RedChaft,per bush1 12 to Oats per bushel .- , 0 82 to Peas per bushel . . 0 60 to Barley per bushel., 0 45 to Butter,No.1,Loose 0 16 to Eggs 0 12 to Flour, per 100 lbe 3 00 to Hay 7 00 to Elides, per lb. . 0 07 to Sheep skins each 0 50 to Salt (retail)per barrel Salt(wholesale)per barrel. 0 60 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 85 Apples, per bushel 0 40 to 0 50 OatmealVbrl ' 2 75 to 8 00 Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs4 50 to 6 00, Dressed Hogs por 100 lbs 4 50 to 5 25 Clover Seed, per bushel 3 00 to 3 50 en 1 CLINTON, Feb. 19, 18ou. Fall Wheat,per bushel ..... 1 18 ne, 123 Spring Wheat, per bushel 1 15 @ 1 22 Oats, perbushel 0 83 (0 0 34 Barley,per bushel.. C-45 @ 0 56 Peas, per bushel 0 63 @ 0 64, Batter 0 14 @ 016 Potatoes 0 80 @ 0 3 Eggs 0 12 ,(§ 0U Hity,per t 611 8 00 @ 9 Dressed logs 5 00 0 5 5 Clover Seed - 3 00 n. _ 82 Timothy Seed 2 75 to 8 0 ___ •._.• ._. _ _ LIVERPOOL, Feb. 18. - Spriug whe t lOs 10d ; red winter, lis 5d; -white, 10s 10d; club, lls 4d; oats, 6s 0d; barleY, 5s 3d ;peas, 6s 941 ; pork, 59s Od ; beef, 80 Od ; cheese, 73s Od. 80. 1 23 1 22 1 16 088 62 050 0 17 0 18 3 00 8 00 0 08 1 25 0 75 TORONTO, Feb. 18. -Fall wheat, $1.26 to $1.29; spring,$1.24 to $1.28; oats, 370 to 38c; peae,64c to 67c; barley, 58c to 70o; hay, per ton, $600 to $9 50; butter, 17c to 23c; potatoes per bag, 0.55 to $0.60. Clover seed per bushel, $3.00 to $3.30; dressed bogs, 115.00 to $5.75. Live Stock Markets. 1 TORONTO, February 18. -Tike market is more active than for some time. A. yoke of oxen, weigbing togetlaer 3,270 tbs., was sold at $3.30 per 100 pounds. The highest price paid was 4, but tLe greater number sold less than that figure. the following are a few of tLe sales; ni No Average. restedasbeing rap ce n e - eywoo , o s orne, a p on - nelly massacre, was at one tithe a resi- Exeter Gun Club. The match was at 19 ...... .......1,125 $50 • t dent of Logan, aaid did not then bear a, 20 snow birds each. Mr. Fairbairn was 10 .1,200 45 0 good reputation. this time victorious by a score of 14 to 22 .1,100 ..........49 8 -Mornington has loat one of its old- 10. We understand another Match will . 18 1,100 32 0 est and most respected residents. Mr. shortly be arranged between these two 18 .1,150 42-0 Wm., Grieve, who Was one of the first excellent shots. . 20 - 1,050 39 4 settlers in the wilds of that township, -The Paris Transcript- of last week ! 18 • • • • • • .. ' ... 10° 52 r: ? passed away on the 5th inst., aged 63 says : " Our old friend and townsman,: .10 , 1,000 30. 0 years: Mr. James Finlayson, I is, we learn ;„ 'I 2.,"0„ , 1 100 30 01 -One day last week the ticket about leaving this town to take up his 1,050 40 0 agent . of thee- Grand Trunk at residence in Wiugham, having purchas- , 3 bulls . 36 0 Stratford sold thirty tickets for ed, a planing mill and wood -working : Lincoln, Nebraska, td a party of Ger- factory in the latter place. Mr. Finlay - man farmers, principally. from North eon has many warm friends in Paris ' Easthope and Wellesley. ' who will regret his departure, but • -The "hum" of the parloi concert whoseebest wishes will follow him and appears to be the moat -lively thing his, fOr their future welfare and . about Mitchell at present. The last of success. these held .at Mr. James Begg's was -A very Severe accident befell a well patronized, and. contributed. liber- youug man named Rutherford, of the • Sheep -There are but few offerin and prices are firm at about lac per Larobs-There is a good. demand, and they sell readily at from 4c to for first-class; =Inc for second-class, and 3ac for third-class. Live Hogs -The mar- ket is -unchanged auc quiet, at 4ac prpound, ally to the general fund. 10th concession of West Wawanosh, on -The spring exhibition of grain, Wednesd.ay last. He was engaged in seeds and potatoes, under the auspicea'. piling wood and by some means the of the North Riding of Perth, Agricul- pile fell beak on him, cutting and bruis- tural Society will be held. in Stratford, ing him very severely, although - it is on Saturday, the 28th February. The thought not fatally. Dr. AleCrimmon prizes for ten bnshsls of spring wheat i was sent for and dressed the wounds. - will be $17, $16, and $15 respectively. ! The latest accounts represent the young ! Man very low, not being able to speak, _ Huron Notes. The brick -makers of Cinditon are , sellino brieks at 43.50 per thousand,- , -4.r. Joseph Youna, of WinglM, has disposed of his Ileum; business to Messrs. James S -weeny &• Go., from Kincar- dine. - -Mr. McCool has been appointed Secretary of Grange No. 393, Londes- borough; Hulletnin place of II. A. Baker, resigned. -It is reported that Dr, COwan., of Exeter, has bought onttne nnterest. • of Mx. John Carrick, in the Exeter Reflector. -Mr. McLaughlin, horse dealer, pur- ehased from Evans Bros., Wroxeter, their matched span of driving horses for the handsome sum of $250. -The poetic editor. of the New Era says: "There is a man • in . Clinton whose wife never kisses him because he smokes. She kisses him' because she loves him." -As Richard Proctor, of Morris, was assisting:, to build a house for his brother the scalding fell, and he was pre- cipitated a, nistance of about 12 feet, dislocating his shoulder. -S. W. Galbraith, lately publisher of the Wingharn Mlles, has obtained a , 3ituation in connection. with the Toroiato Globe, he having been appointed Pantie.- . mentary reporter on that paper. -Messrs. McClelland Brothers, of lxeter, having determined. upon going out of the mercantile business,have dis- posed of their stock te Mr. James Pickard, and closed the store. -The wife of Mr. Owen Flynn, of the 6th concession of Hullett; died very • suddenly on Wednesday of last week in confinement.. She .was delivered, of twins, one Of Which is living. _ -Chi Saturday, the 39th inst., a lecture will be delivered in the Catholic :Church, Blyth, by the Rev. Father O'Mahonv, .of London. Subject Popular objections to Catholicity." -The following are the officers of the Brussels Branch- of the British and Foreign Bible Society: President, Rev; F. Ryan; Vice -President, Rev. 3. Har- ris; Seeretary, D. Watson; Treasurer, J. Coldwelle Depositary, G. A. Dead- nlan . -annbout --a month. since Appleton Elcoat, Jr., of Tuckersmitla cut his foot severeln while chopping. At present we are sorry to say the wound has heal- ed very little, and. donsequently. he is enable to perform his a,ceustomed duties. . :but the Doctor has hopes of his recovery. -O'Byrne & Co., hardware mer- chants, Exeter, Ont., insolvents, are re- ported under liabilities amounting to $6,000, and having assets in stock -Mr. W. Smithson, has_ rented his been of 50 acres, on the south -half of lot 25, 5th concession of Hullett, to Mr. - W. Fenton, for three years at a rental of $185 a year and taxes. Mr: Smith - on contemplates a trip to England in the spring. -On Sbaturday afternoon a Inan nam- ed Philip Forrestel, of Howick, hold a note to T. W. Graff, signed by W. Ross and R. Bower, farmers, which turned. out to be a forgery. Forrestel 'was ar- rested on Monday at Wroxeter, and brought to Clifford, but escaped. from the constable by dissa.ppearing through the water closet. Search was at once made by constable Boltoia,who succeed - amounting te $2,800, besides possibly sorne equity in real estate. Mr. O'Byrne was formerly of Strathroy, where he failed about six years ago. Unable to procure a discharge from his creditors, be has.since conducted the business for his wife, who is actually the insolvent OD the present occasion, and who has real estate both in London and Strath- roy ,mortgaged to the principal firm creditors, Cameron & Co., of Hamilton. , Auction Sales. Saturday, February 21, 1880, at Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, House- hold. Furniture, 3. P. Brine, Auc- tioneer. Saturday, February ps, 1880, on Lot 23, Concession 3, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. David. Cluff, proi prie or ; John Bullard & Co., auctioneer. M nday, March 1, 1880, on Lot 17, Con ession 3, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farri Stock and Implements. William Man on, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auet oneer. Births. BE1D-In Stanley, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr. H. Reid of a son. CARDIFF -In Morris, on the 3rel inst., the ife of Mr. Mark Cardiff, Jr., of a on. MeKIBBON-In Winglearie on: the 3rd in t., the wife of Mr. Philip McKibben of a son. MERE:LINGER-In Myth, on. the 8th ins ., the wife of Mr. Jacob Merklieger of a son. WAGNER-4u Blyth, on the 16th inst., the - -ife of Mr. Jacob Wagner of a son. Marriages. 'ANDERSON-IIELL the residence bride's father, on the 18th inst., by R Hartley, Mr. Dityid Anderson, of Mi ' to Miss Maggie 13e11, second daughter of Bell, Beg., of Tuckersmith. CARTER -CAMP -BELL -At the 'residence bride's mother, on the 4th inst., by I McNaughton, Mr. Jamee Carter, of Moi Margaret, eldest daughter ,of Mrs. Can - of McKillop. • - SPARLING-MOONEYen•At the residence f the v. Mr. f the ev. A. ris, to pbell, f the bride's nother, by Rev. Win. Bryeis, Mr. Thomas Sperling, of .Longford, 0 tario county, to Miss Emeline L. Mooney, of.. Wingham. BRIDGES-PENHAND-At Dungannon, ou the - 3rd inst., by Rev. Robert Davie, Mr. John E. Brydges, formerly aDundas, to Miss Annie V. Pentland, ef Dana -mime GILLESPIE-CARTER-On the 17th inst., by Rev. A. D. McDonald, Mr. David Gillespie, to Mary Frances, eldest daughter f Mr. Charles Carter, both of.Hullett. .MOFFaT-VOGTOn the 4th inst.; hy Bev. G. Brown, at the residence of thebride's father; Mr. -David Moffitt, son of G. H. Moffat, Esq., of Morrisbank, to Mary, second darughter of August Vogt, Esq sof Turnberry. ' , FORTUNE-GBEEN-On the 5t1e inst., by' Rev. .0. Brown, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Fortune, eldest son of John Fortune, Esq., of TurnberrY, to Margaret, eldest daughter of John Green,Esq., Of the Same place. , Deaths. AITKEN-In Goderich, on the 15th inst., Mr John L. Aitken, aged. 51 years. ROSS -On the 3rd inst., Mary, daughter of Mr. Robert Ross, 5th. concession of (+fey, aged 7 years. ROSS -Alexander ROSS, only son of Mr. R. Ross, 5th concession of Grey, aged 21 years. DICKSON-On the 10th inst, Annie Isabelle, eldest daughter of Robert and Jane A. Dick- son-, Grey, Need 24 years. • Local Notices. PAY Up. -All parties indebted to In. VERCOE Will please call and settle their accoi4rts before the 20th of February. 634 I HAvE ON HAND, as neual, Bell' x- tra Family Flour -the Housewife's delight -s plied direa from the mill. D. D. ROSE. 622 MoNKY.-A. Strong, Seaforth, ijas $12,000 which he will lend at 7,1 per cent, on first mortgage security. Apply at once. 633x MUSIO.-Miss Walsh, late of Lore to Abbey, Toronto, is prepared to receive pupils in vocal and instrumental music. Use of piano given if desired. Residence -George Street, first door noith of the Huron Road, Seaforth. 633-1,3 NEV.' SPRING GOODS Just Opened tat liormAx Betoeuens' Cheap Cash Store, Seafo th, in Prints, Grey and White Cottons, Tieki gen Ducks, Shirtings, Hollands, Yrillings, Rib na, dm., and more Goods expected every day. All in- ter Goods still offering at cost prices. 636 OATMEAL. -For the accommodation of the farming community we have made are rangement F to exchange meal for oats, the game number of pounds as you get at the mills, also , flour, shorts, cornmeal, eom whole or chopped, and mill feed on hand at bottom prices. REN- SALL' MILLS. 633 Fon THE best value in Green, Black and Japan Teas, Fresh, Pure, Roasted Coffees, Pure Sugars, PureSpices, Fine Table and Cooking Raisins, Fine Currants, and General Groceries do not fail to see D. D. Rose's prices before purchas- iug elsewhere. No trouble to show goods, and you wont be bothered to buy goods you don't want. 628 p - LOST OR FOUND. ej.. -pp EWARD-Loot, a Fur Collarette (Mink) tiP•r' -LI' somewhere between Brucefield and the Brownson Line, On Tuesday, February -10. Any • one returning the same to MRS. ROPS,Bruce- field Manse, ur to -the Expositor Office; Seaforth, Will receive the above reward. 637-4 STOCK FOR SALE. Fon SALE. -One mare colt, rising three years old. Apply to DA.VID DORRANCE. Sr., Lot 29, Con. 1st, McKillop. 604 THOROUGHBREDS FOR SALE -For -Sale 4 Thoroughbefd Durham Bull Calves, from 1.1 to 15 months old; good animate; good pedi- grees. Apply to JAMES DICKSON, Tooker- emithe-Seaforth P.O. 685x4 - - ----------- FOR SALE OR TO LET. TO RENT -That comfortable brick store,w ith -11- rooms *above, on Main Street, Seaforth, at present occupied by W. N. Watson. Possession given on the let of February.Apply to Me- CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED. 631 HOUSE TO RENT -To Rent, a comfortable frame house on Goderich street, near the kitting Bink; contains '8 rooms, with cellar, w oodshed, hard and soft water, and all other co nveniencee attaehed. Rent $6 per month. Apply to L. MURPHY. 6031 STORE TO RENT. -To rent, the store known 'se' as the Farmers' Stove, on the corner of Main and John Streets, Seaforth. It is situated in the best businesspart of the town. Also a a dw elling overhead. For partieu:ars apply to S. Dickson, Seafoith, or the. proprietor A. DICKSON, Goderich. 633 _ • • - • - 'RARE CHANCE. -Photograph Rooms to Le! 1-`' on first tioor in Scott's Brick Block, Seafoxth position central. Also, three or four Roome the flat above, suitable for a dwelling. Posses- sion lst January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME- S TED, barrister, on the premises, or to R013T. SCOTT, lefeKillop.57341.• - VOR SALE -In the Town of Seaforth, Lots 203 A: and 214, Jarvis' Survey, Seaforth, upon which are erected a Planing Mill and Machinery, all in good order, on Lot 208; also a double Dwelling House on Lolt 214; to be sold. cheap for cash; for particulars apply to JOHN BROADFOOT, or to McCAUGH & HOLMESTED. • 63514 FARM TO RENT -To' Rent, Lot 19, Concession 8, Goderich T ownship'this farm contains 80 acres of the best land in the County of Huron; is in a high state of cultivation; 15 acres under fall wheat and 25 aeres under grass; there is a good orchard, good well and pump, and commo- dious buildings on the premises. For partienlars apply personally or by letter to the undersigned, F. CLEGG, Lot 5, Con. 5, Morris, Belgrave P. 0. ALEX. CAMPBELL, Con. 12, Hullett, flarlook P.O. WM. CLEGG, Blyth P. 0. 635x4 CARD OF THANKS. To the Members of the Seaforth Dra- matic Club. - JAre quested by the Committee of the Sea - M forth Ladies' Benevolent Societ y to return you their grateful thanks for the sum of $94 03, tee profit of the Dramatic Entertainment held on the 10th inst. This handsome dentition will materially aid in relieving the many Cases of wane and privation caused by thn present scar. city of employment and sickness. M, A. RENAUD, Secretary. Seaforth, February 18, 1880. 637-1 EAST HURON. REFORMERS ATTENTION. THE Annual Meeting of the East Huron Re- form Ansociation will be held in the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, on FRIDAY, February 27, 1880, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the Election of Officers for the ensuing year and the transaction of other business. All Reformers are cordially invited to attend. D. MeGILLICUlDDY, Secretary - T. STRACHAN, President. 637-1 AUCTION SALE OF -A FARM Iv, the Township of Grey. - THERE will be sold by Public Auction, on the prentisee, on THURSDA Y, March 18tb, at 19 o'clock noon, sharp, I he following valuable farm, being Lot 20, Concession 18, Grey, County of Huron, containing 102 tierce, more or lees; there are 70 acres cleared, and about 40 almost clear of stumps; Foil rich clay loam; also a good bank barn 40x56, with good stone stabling unaerneath ; also a good hewed log house, with frame addi- tion; a thriving yoting orchard beginning to bear, a good well convenient to house, and a neverlailing spring on the premises; the above farm is in a good settlement, 2 miles from Cruel brook, (with hotels, etores, post office, dailo mail, saw mill, 2 blacksmith shops, 1 wagon shop, 2 shoe shops, ehurches and school), 8 miles from Ethel, on the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way, and 7 miles from Biussels, with a good market. At the same time and place there will be sold by Public Amnion, all the Farm Stock and Im- plements. If the farm is not sold on or before the day of sale it will be rented for a term of years. Apply to ROBERT SCOTT, on the premises, or to A. BAYAI'N, Land Agent, Cranbrook poet office. e 637-4 ALLAN McPONALD, (Graduate Elictropathic College, Philadelphia.) Medical Electrician, Brussels,Ont. OFFICE -Dr. Graham's Bloek. A LL Chronic Diseases treated successfully. - Spinal and Seiennal Weaknessand various other ailments not amenable to ordinary treat- ment radically cured. Many persons whom I have treated are willing to teettfy to the superi- ority of this mode df treatment by the various modifications of Electricity. BestBatteries, &e., for Sale. Instructions gieen in the Science of Electro -Therapeutics. All correspondence will be promptly attended to. A. McDONALD, M. E., Brussels, Ont. Some Testimony as to the efficacy of Electri- city as s Curative Agent when applied in accord- ance with oar newly discovered system of Elec- trical Medicature : CRANBROOK, Jan. 19,1880. A. MeDONALD, Brussels. I deem it my ditty riot only to you, but to the public, or thoee efilicted -with disease, to express my strong appreriation of yourniode of treating disease. I need scarcely tell you that I was not entirely free from the doubt and uncertainty usually in the minds of most people with regard to new or unknown ideas, and it was not with the etrongeet degree of faith that I tried the treatment. I was very badly afflicted with Dys- pepsia and Disordered Liver, and a general de- cline et vitality coneequently ensued, and al- though not cured entirely by the 1ew treatments received from yon, I am sufficiently convinced of the eflicacy of Electricity as applied by your truly seientific system as a cure for disease, I might say of any kind. I am aware of many others that you have treated successfully. JOHN GARROW. ' WROX.ETER, Jan. 20, 1880. A. McDONALD, M. E., Brussels. Some months ago I had an attack of inflam- mation of the lungs, svhich left a weakneas which medicine failed to remove. I resorted to nsanes means before applying to you and received little or no benefit. When almost compelled to give thp work I was persuaded to try Electricity. Th relief was instanteobe After the third tre tment I was glad to find my former strength an ,vigor returned, and after completing a course of treatment I was sntirely free from all weak- ness and. pain whatever. JAS. J. DENMAN, Teacher, School Section No. 1, Turnberry. Many others have received cures from our treatment after desparing of ever gaining relief from the ailmente. Parties who may desire it can be furnished with Electro -Medical Batteries a ith instiuctieve and can treat themselves at home, 637 THE LIGHTNING RIDING SAWING MACHINE I Will be on Exhibition at Mr. Noble Cluft's; Seaforth, on FRIDAY AND 'SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th and. 28th. D. STE1VART; Agent: ESTRAY ATOCK:- -"G` STRAY CALVES -Strayed from the prem- ises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Concession 7, Usborne, about the latter part of September, six Spring Calves -three heifers and three steers; one of the steers was brindle, one red and one s potted; two of the heifers were red and one spotted. Any information as to the whereabouts 01 the ahoy( animals will be suitably rewarded RICHARD' MARQUIS. 626 IMPORTANT NOTICES.. M OTICE-All parties indebted to F. G. Spar- -LI ling must call at the office of Gray, Young & Sparling's Salt Wells and settle their accounts before the 291h of February, 1880, or they will be put into Court for collection 681- 6 6 AUTION-From and after this date the pub- lic are hereby cautioned against gnving credit to any person or persons in my name withont the written order or consent of myself or my wife; as I will not be responsible for any debts here- after contracted without such consent. MICH- AEL MURPHY. McKillop, Feb. 11, 1880. 636x4 REMOVAL -MISS SCOTT, Seaforth, has re- moved her Dressmaking Business to her father's residence, John Street, opposite the _episcopal Methodist Church, where she hopes to have a call fronseher many friends and customers who may requite anything in the Dress and Mantle line. 625 inoAINTING--WM. R. FREW, late of Scot- land, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has commenced business as General House Painter, Pa per Hanger, Sign Writer, &c. All work en- trusted to him finiehed in first-class ertyle. Office, meantime, at D. D. Rose's Grocery, Sea - forth. WM. R. FREW. 632 rnISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP - The partnership hitherto siibsisting betwe en the undersigned, under the firm name of Garrow Brothers, as Saw -Millers and Lumber Dealers, of the Village of Cranbrook, in the Township of Grey,has this day. been dissolved by mutual con- sent. The business will hereafter be carried on by Edward Garrow. The. liabilities of the late firm will be paid by John Garrow, and all out- standing debts will be collected by him. JOHN GARROW and EDWARD GARROW. Grey, January 26th, 1880. N. B. -In connection with the above, the undersigned desires te notify all patties indebted to the late firm to pay their indebtedness on or before the 201h of February. After that date the books will be handed over to the Clerk of the Division Court, who will make further collections with costs, as the afielrs must be settled up without deley. I also authorise Mr. Edward Garrow to oiled for me, and to grant receipts in my name. JOHN GAB - BOW. 634-4, 1880 SPRING - NEW GOODS. 1880 NEW GOODS ID U 1\T 0 A 1\T cSz 31D T N 0..A_ We 5 REAL E STATE FOR SATE. volt sATA.-For Sale a it elass Planing nearly new and in good running order, situated in the flourishing ToWn of Seaforth, WM be Rola cheap. Terms easy. Enqnire of S_ECORD_, CO_SS_ENS & CO„Gederich, Ont. VALUABLE FRAM FOE Senna -Per Sales • the east half a Lot No. 4, Con, 4, Tuckersmith, County of Huron, ,consisting of ,50 sores, 0i miles from the Town of Senforth, and convenient to school. The land is of the Venn best quality. For ftirther particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to Egmondville P. O. 521 pROPERTY IN EGMONDVILLE FOR 8Artil. -/- For eate the house and lot in Egraondeille at present occupied by Mr. S.. nesneron. The house is a fraineethe lot -contains hall an acre and M are now Showing. our First Shipl!7e.nt of _Nett' Goods ecniences, and will be sold then).- For particulans one of the best building eines E mondoilles There is a good well and all other negssary eon - for tilts Season, compristng • apply to JAS. H. BENSON, Seaforth, 521 THE CONTENTS OF 15 CASES AND BALES 20 Pieces New Black Cashmere. 50 Pieces New Black Lustre. These Goods are Better Value than we have heretofore shown. 200 Pieces New,Prints. 50 Pieces Nevi -Pompadour Prints. 25 Pieces New Brown Holland, extra value. 50 Dozen New Rufilings. .1 New Silk Fringes. New Satin Ribbons. New Fancy Ribboiaettes. New China Silk Scarfs. 8 Bales of Grey. Cottons and 3 Cases of White Cottons. These Goods having been bought before the lateadvance in Cotton Goods, we can guarantee them to be the best value ehown in the County. VARAI AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE, -s: CHEAP. -Lot No, 24, Con. 9; McKillop, 100 acres; north half Lot SO, Con- 3, -111cKillop, 50 acres; north hal/ of north half Lot 31, Con. 9, McKillop, 25 acres, residence oereepied by Mr- Meleohnson on Gouinlock Surrey, Seaforth; building lots on Jarvis' and R G. Speeiing's Sur- veys. Apply to GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLINGe Seaforth. 595 WARM FOR SALE -For Sale, Lot 1, Conceit- ei011 7, Morrie, containing 80 acres, -67 of -which ere elerired, well fenced and in•a good state of erltivr tion ; a good frame dwelling, Also frame ern, stables and sheds; good orchard; on a gravel road.; 3 miles from Bkt-th end 9 miles from Winghem. For particulars address either of the following executers, TROWAS LAIDIAW, Blyth, JAMES ANDERSON, Belg,rave. 636 - TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SEAFORTE -lea- -For Sele, Lot 130, James street, on whichde erected a good frame house, evith kitchen tiv+a wood shed attached; the house contains /ostrgood rooms; the lot e..omprises one-fifth of an acre, -with good fruit trees, also good. welL This is an excellent chance for any party in want of a good house, and will be sold -cheap. Apply to- E. J. HAZLEWOOD, Seaforth. FARM FOR_ SAT.E.-Fer sale Lot 2; eon. 10 Tuckersmith, containing 100 sores, about 80 cleated., the baleme,e woll timbezed. There. is a stone house and goodfraine barn, it is well fenc- ed and underdrained. There is a young bearing orchard. It issbone seven miles from Seat:nth and four from Hemet -11, and is convenient to school. Two good wells -of water. Possession given at any time. Appiy at the EXPOSITOR °Bite, Seeforth. -61a VAIIM FOR SAM -For Sale, the west partof et: Lot No. 1, -Gen. 17, Grey, containing 50 aer, ' ate New Tweeds New Cotton- Shirtbngs .New Ducks and New 8501 ivbich ate eleared, well fenced, and in a state • of good cultivation. There isa good frame house Denims'--1--all at Oki Prices. good orchaed and plenty of water. It is on ths: IN THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT We are showing a Full Line of all classes of Goods,. and will GUARANTEE GOOD SATISFACTION. CI --=-AP BOOTS _AND SI -10S - Customers can depend on getting Cheap Boots and Slime this season, as our Goods were all bought at old prices, and will be sold at a small profit. Full Stock in Ladies', Misses' and Children's. Also Men's and Boys'. We have to hand this week a fine lot of GROC.E.R1ES, especially Green and -1316,0k Tea -a Bargam for any Customer. _inspection In-vited. NCAN & DUNCAN, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • .•••• -.a.m.." N.. LAIDLAW CENTRAL GROCERY, Under the Clack, MAIN STREET, Seaforth,. FAIRLEY • PURE SPICES, -AND- CORNED BEEF. TEAS, COFFEES -AND- • SUG‘ARS -K- SPECIALTY. CANNED GOODS PICKLES,. VICTOR CROCKERY -AND- -AND- CRYSTAL SOLE AGENTS FOR BELL'S FAMILY FLOUR. COAL OIL. GLASSWARE. No Deception. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. Free Delivery. FREE DELIVERY. Free Delivery. HELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. 131R/TTOPIT__JJ CHANGE OF BUSINESS. In succeeding to the business of HILL BROTHERS, Brucefieln, I beg to inform the public that I purpose keeping on hand A C0011 CENERAL STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CROCERITES, BOOTS, SHOES, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., WHItH WILL BE SOLD AT SEAFORTH PRICES. Eggs, Lard, and No. 1 iButter. Taken in Exchange for Gocds. W. BURTON, Cheap Cash Store, Brucefield, _ gravel road leading to 13russels Seslorth, an& adjoins a church and school. It is also -within fitsee a mile of the TillAge Of Walton. Applyen thee premises or to Welton Post Office. CHARLES. M LetiCHIE. 49$ I1EN SALL -- Desirable Village Property for Sale -The undersigned has a five-atre Park Lot in the -thriedeg Village ef Hensel' which lie • offers 1 or sale there is an excellent, -commodious and convenient brick house o11 the property, and a good young healing -orchard; it will be found IN very cornferteble home for a retired earner.; the terms will be very reasonable. For further par- ticuleas apply te the proptietor, THOMAS PEA.- 73,EN , Hensall post office. 1381o8 _ _ _ 1010ROPERTY FOR•SALE.-For Sale, Lot 14, -as Oen 16, Grey; Wi38t half of Lot 29, Con -6, with cheese factory complete; Lot 14-, flon.11, and south half of Lots 16 -and. 17, Con- 5, town- ship of Merris • Lot 22, Con. 11„ and Lot 28, Cone B, township eirfoeviek, -all good improved farms, together with several 50 Acre farms in Grey and Morris, and houses and lots allayment lots in the village -of Brussels. Prices low, terms easy, and title good- Apply to JOHN LiCKIE, R11111 - eels. 574 'FARM FOR, SALE. -North half of South half of Lot 80, concession 7, township o/ Morris, County a Enron, 45 aures; 40 acres cleaned; soil is elay loam;. 'there Ma new frame house and stable, a young bearing orchard, and. a good well and pinup ; the premises are on the gravel road one mile eolith of Brussels. Terms -$14000 down, balance can 'remain for 7 or 10 3-eara at 1. 7 per cent For further particulars apply to C. B. COOPER, Land Agent and Auctioneer. 628 1V101\T= TO 11\T,T)- The Subscriber having received another Ten Thousand Dollar. of Private Money, to Loan on Farm Security, is now p -epared to make Loans to suit borrowers at Seren- and-a-Half and Eight Per Gent, Interest yearly. Ap- plications Strictly Private. C. R. C "WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale or to Bent, North half of Lot 9 Con. 14, McEillop, confab:ring • 100 acres, 65 acres cleared, and the remainder even timbered -with *white ash, maple, beech and bass wood, good barn and stable, and good house, plenty of water, Voung orchard, geed fencing, &c.; emir eniehtto churches and se,hools, an a 3 miles hum gravel 'road; possession given immediately. For further paiticulare apply to AIRS. W. L STA3F0133Y1 Seaforth. 625 - - ARM FOR SALE. --We' st peat of Lots 15 and 16 in the 6th Concession of Stanley, cotiu- 111 99 acres, 80 of which ate cleared. There are 9 acres of fall wheat sown and 22 acres fall plow - in g done; good barn, stable and outhouses, ell fr erne, also good frame house with stone cellar- . 18 x 24, good well with pitmen and an exzellent ' or chard. This property is situated within a mile : of Varna village, 12 miles from Seaforth, andcan be bought for $4,500. Any one wishing further . I information can apply on the premises to THOMAS JOHNSTON. 633-12 OOPER, INSURANCE AGENT AND AUCTIONEER, • BRUSSELS P. 0. V ARM FOR SALE. -North half of Lot22, San- ide Line (Lake Shore Road)Stanley; 80 _acres; • 60 acres cleared Loa in good cultivation-, 20 acres go od. bush ; 9 acres fail wheat ; 15acres fall plow- . ed ; thr-ce-guarters of a mile from D.rysdeloP. O. ; an d store,; first-class land; convenient to school ' an d church, brick house, aoxso, story and a half, -Iv ell finished, with good cellar ; bank barn, 40x58; 4, fine stream of running water close to barn; a splendid orchard of bearing trees. Tcrme 'will be madefortastlor aSngitePotird beht8argainersi 1 the farm or to NELSON AIOUSSEAU, Drysdale vifintimbee ‘A.is7rnoeq... nirtrow.Aecipplybzuant P. IVARM FOR SALE. -For este, Lot 24 concession -11: 13, Hulktt, containing 75 acres of excellent I clay loam laud, about 66 acr-es 4:41 which ate cleared and in a good state of zultivatien, the remainder is good hardwood bush. On the premises ate a small log house, sided up, wi.Y.h Ir aine kitchen, -with good well and pump, and'a go.od spring ere& miming through the land. This farm is situated 1 mile from narleck P. IL, , and 10i miles from Seaforth, and about the same. fre m Brussels on a good gravel road. Further 1 particulars eon be obtained onapplication to the I proprietor on the preraises or to Ilarlock P. -CL ' THOMAS GILPIN, propidetor. 829 -pIARM IN lifeKTT,LOP FOR ATM. -For Sale, I -a- the North part of Lots 8 and Con. 18, Me- KinoP, containing 112 acres; there ere about 80 cleared, well fenced, underdrained, and in a lug state of cultivation, the balgeice is well timbered with hardwood; good dwelling, new bank frame barn 50x57, with stabling imderneath, and other outbuildings, also a good young orchard and plenty of water. Is 10 miles from Bmssels,5 from Walton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good gravel roads to each place; convenient to church and chools - be sold as a whole or in two parts, or will he enchanged for a small faxm. Anna to Walton P. G. or to the proprietor on the premM. VirILLT Alf DYNES. 593 G00D FARM SA f..2 --Being Lot 30, Con. 11, Township -of Grey, containing 190 acres, about 75 cleared; clearing nearly all free of stumps, soil clay loam ; 10 acres -of fall wheat oarrieth":1not anthearebrsaangeeood°1n-eetweafirin-argucEeheodeesde down; 14 stort n good. log barn 30x60, frame stable and other out -buildings, a good bearing orchard and 3 good wellsthe lot is favorablysit- rutted on leading read through the township, -3.1 miles from Cranbrook and 24 from Emilio rail- way station; 8chool -within a quarter of a mile, and church close by ; as the proprietor ha.sretired froze farming, the lot will be sold on easy -terms. For further perticulers /apply to JOHN IL HODGES, on the premises, or if by letter to Cranbrook post offte,e. 1322 MOREY. MONEY TO LEND -Money to lend -on goat improve,d farms only, at V per cent inter- est, payable 3 -early, private funds, tharges mod- erate. JOHN S. PORTER. -631 MONEY TO LOAN -In large or 8M8,11 BUMS on first. class security, at 13 percentyearly interest. Private funds, or on the installment plan. Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. 628 - - - iviONEY TO LOAN -On Improved Farm Prop- erty, at 8 per vent. interest. Interest pay- able half -nearly or yearly, as desires], with a por- tion of the principal, it so preferred. Experisee light. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, Seaforth, Ont. 625 01EY.-The, undersigned has a lanes= of money for immediate investment en aro mortg*ge Oflisrni property. _Seven and A half per tent. interest .yearly; principal as may be agreed upon. BENSON, Solititot, Sea - forth. 685 - oo-