HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-02-20, Page 2‘.. 1 ; ; E. 4 ' t`• 2 amemmemeememseemememeemre THE HURON EXPOSITOR; • FOUR GUARDIA.NS OF LAGRANGE. PART 1.—TIIE TRUST. It -certainly was a matter of serious import that so gravely interested the four most experienced and Self-contain- ed citizens of Lagrange. For nearly half an hour -they had been sitting in the private 1120111 of RiCker's grocery without exchanging a word. Even the silent coinesinuion of libation was want- ing ; their liquor stood untested before% them—a fact that aroused the serious concern of ,the barkeeper and the free comment of the outside bar. "Mebbee its some new' 'skin' game ported from. 'Frisco, and they wan keep their hea s level," was sugge by a cautious g ssiper. The barkeepe shook his head. "Nary deck 01 keerde thar—onless t pia,ys 'ern under the table, and thet their style." "Ye didn't notiss no lumps o' 811sorter layin' round, keel -less like, - fore each man," insinuated anot "and they chap4 Iyin' low and qu waitin' for seine fly to light, , rake down the pile? I've heerd," speaker continued cautiously, "t heeps o' good money hez been lost thet on-ehristian like way." "Yes," interpolated a third, " trained flies, ez knew jest when to lig has been rung in on greenhorns. T was a man down at French Camp they say, picked up about $7,000 ou thet camp with an innocent look Koss fly, and et wuzeut ontil one o' boys accidentally sot his glass down thet harmless inseek that the boys sm "Tain't no -game, I tell ye," reitera, the barkeeper stoutly, "tiler's' suth inore'rt flies and sugar on their. min My belief is they're reck'nin' to rev the -old vigilantes of '52. Thar's a o' dead beats in this yer camp," he c tinned darkly, with an aggressive collectioia of certain unsettled scor "ez mebbee will find out soon emu wot's up." Unfortunately, none of these surmis however ingenious or - reasonable, we correct.. The simple fact was that lately deceased miner had on his dea bed called to his side the above me tidned four citizens of Lagrange,. a solemnly confided to them the care his only child in the "States?' with t littleproperty he possessed in trust f her maintenance. This trust w further burdened with the fact thett dying man had withheld from the chi the news of the death of her mother, year previous, and it now devolved upo the guardians to -inform the orphan her double- breavement. This was th first meeting of the guardians since th had last looked upon the face of the dead comrade: Hence their grave s lence and perplexity. "Ef she's got any pluck, she'll take it in a lump; You go to work driftin into her feelin s like that instead o' sinking your shaft straight down, and you'll hev her crazy here on your hands in a weekl" The latter idea was so awful as to compel another gloomy silence for its stern contemplation. "Couldn't ye drop it ou her all in a lump—money, deceased, parients, et cettery," suggested Capt. Rats, with r, "kind - vague and imbecile good hu er brisk and business -like ?" '!It's a gal," said the Colon his head, "over 14." I , shaking im- "Hold. on and give Captain ?Jets a t to show," interrupted Fleet. "Ef 'there's sted a man ez can do it it's him. Didn't he • 'dit the Record%) at Murphy's ? Wade in and give us a spec:imen." bey The suggestion met with unanimous ain't favor. Capt. Rats, not entirely dis- pleased with this copfidence in his gar, rhetorical skill, slid angularly into the be_ chair with an almost audible creaking her, of his joints, dipped a pen in the ink': iet, and then put it in his mouth. Then and softly withdrawing it and waving it be - the fore him, as if tracing an imaginary epis- hat tle in space, he began : in "In the midst of life we are in death, and not knowin' What a day may briug and forth, we beg to inform you—No," re - ht. fleeted the Captain slowly, feeling some her unfavorable criticisms in the air; "no, ez, that won't do. Let's see! Ah ! •The ter death of your mother, followed by the ing Hitless of your father, resulted -in his de - the cease, and the entire loss—" on "Ain't them bricks follerin' each other. melt rather close ?" suggested the Colonel, faintly. fed The Captain stopped, rubbed his long jar chin thoughtfully, and looked at the ds. others. It was evident that this was ive the prevailing impression. lot "Well, yes ; I was rather thinkin' so OD- myself," he assented vaguely. re- "And its being a gal, don't you want to heave in here and thar a little senti- es, eh nient," eaid Horton, "and sorter tou6Ii. b* her up gently? They say when you es, make 'era cry easy, they kinder like it, re and get over it quicker." a "Jess so," returned Capt. Rats cheer- th fully., "I was thiukin' that very thing, n_ only just now I was seder samplin' it ; and ehowin' ye what could be.done. A good of way," he added, now completely lost In he the fascinations of condoling compoi. or tion—"a very good, takin' sort of wa as is to tell it, and yet seem not to tell i he to kinder ring in a cold deck of info Id matien, and never let her see ye shu e a the keerds. ..,Suthin' like this, ye kno ; n 'Honored Miss : Enclosed please find of draft for $5,000 ; same would have bee e sent before but for Wells Fargo's office ey being closed the day of your father s ir1 funeral. The weather lie -re is fine, bit e . we suppose is fur different with you i the East, as your deceased mother often of remarked to the, writer. Business is o dull, and ores are running light, mod a o' the claims_ on the North Fork shar- e_ hag the fate of your late father's pro- _ perty.' Ye see,"'continued Capt. Rat:, with the glow of successful authorshi, • mantling his cheek, "that kind of a le ter moat be written so that by the tim Y she got through with it, it would see t as if she'd. knew it all before, and sh couldn't get nary soul to sympathiz t withtter and help her take on." Th feeling of the majority was so strong ly in favor of the last coraposidon tha they all turned impatiently to the oul3 • dissenter—Joe-Fleet. But at this mo went a knock on the door checked fur • ther discussion. It was Jack Foster, expressman - alert, vigilant, familiar and fateful— • holding a letter. "For John Meritoe," said the Sierran, • no offis nor agent at his present addreS Mercury, crisply. • "As we don't has we deliver at his last residence." He tossed the letter on the ta.ble, At last the spell was bioken. i One the party, a tall, thin,,rickety man, wh had been softly pacing the room with certain deprecatory manner and a smil of acquiescence in everything and any thing that shone out at the slightest ex pression, even of vexation or anxiety o • the part of his companion's, graduall neared the door,and placed a large, bony good -la hand on the lock. The ac. was instantly detected by one of the par ty, who coolly locked the door and pu the key on the table. "Te can't slip outer this, Rats, he said; "Ye must sit dos -here with • the rest of us, and see what's to b done." Capt. RatSweakly succumbed, and begaai to apologize. • "I warn't goin' back on ye, Horton,' he began. "I only reckoned ez ye .all seemed to be gittin' along famous, a - 'liking, I'd jest 'slipeent and 'tend to some business, and. allow ye to make • up yer mind without me—countin' me out and yourselves as thy proxies. For what's agreeable to you is agreeeble to me. I'm no sharp at this game." "You're a.guardian," responded Hor- ton decisively. . "In course. Thet'e so. • But I allow it ain't no valid appointment. The very fact that the oi' man appointed a fool like me, shows he warn't in his right mind." "That's so, boys,'" ejaculated the el- dest of the four, with a sudden gleam of hopefulness. - "The old. _man was sorter flighty just afore he .went off, and we can slip our heads outer this lasso he flung over us by allowin' insanity, you know." . "We can't slouch out of this kind of a • trust, though, Colonel," said Joe Fleet, the youngest of the party, yet' with' a leader's peremptoriness. "It ain't white to do it I" The gleam faded from the Colonel's face. "That's so, it wouldn't be the squar thing," he said, dejectedly; "kick me boys." , "Couldn't we club together and. ap- piut a kind of sub -guardian to take care o' the whole thing on a high sal- ary? I'll come down heavy," suggested Horton. "If ye could get a chap to do your feelin' for yon at the same figure, I • don't know but it might suit," said Fleet, with decided sarcasm. "As for me,I ain't rich enough to buy any chap's conscience." "Ye may as well quit this foolin'," • broke in the Colonel with a - groan. "The genie's made, and we're going to wade in like men.- Mebbe suthin' may turn up.. AforeIongsOme one of us may get shot, or buried in a tunnel, and 4o get excused on the squar. But just now we must wade in." "Oh, yes, 'wade in !' " said Horton, derisively. "Do you „know the first thina we've of to do ? Why, write to that gal; and tell her that her father was an old liar, and that her mother's been dead a ,year, and thet now he's - dead, too, and. diet the old fool's pro- perty won't bring 8590, and. thet we're goin' to give.her $5,900 for charity, and adopt- her, and if she's a loving sort of gal, and a bigh-spirited ' gal, she'll like it, add like us all the bettr.. Oli yes l" he -continued with sardonic silliness.: "It's easy enough to o all thet, of course. Wade in ! •Yes ! ade in --drop right out o' the ford into eep water over yer head the first thing.? • The men looked aghast at each othee,' and there was another onainouseeilence. i "Othaidn't ye let it, on easy," suggested - the Colonel, despairuagly, "sorter begin to -day with :the other, and next more able to bear it, hider light gently t no ther, when she's eelin' • better and 11 his hand as it is, play -out his game, ev4n or lose, and if four sharps like us can't make it easy for that child and rake in the pot every time, we'll leave the board. Yes, gentlemen," continued Rats, taking up the letter, "I'll answer this to -night tnyself. I, Captain Rats, late Merito, deceased." . PART II.—HOW THE TRUST WAS FULFILLED. When the combined guardians of La- grange first practised to deceive, they did not.forecast the tangled. web whose pleasant intricacies and sinuosities they were presently to weave. And when Captain Rats calmly announced to his gentle confederates his intention of writing his first letter—in loco parentis —to the orphaned girl with his left hand, explaining to her the thereby changed chirograph through the in- genious fiction of an accident that had happened to his right—it was accepted with acclamation. 1 "You see," said the Captain, sen- tentiously, "every man slings ink with his left hand at_ about the same gait. The style ain't pretty nor plain, but she'll never find out it ain't the old men's." The possibility of detection thus ob- viated—and, indeed, it afterward ap- peared that the simple-minded girl dwelt more anxiously upon the discom- forts of the accident to her .father than on his changed and almost illegible hand—various other gentle frauds and deceits were introduced in the corres- pondence. A certain emulation of the Captain's skill and importance as a cor- respondent grew up among ,the other guardians. They began to Make sug- . gestions of their own, until at last steamer day brought them generally together, in conclave, in the back room of the saloon, where the fortnightly epis- tle was dictated finally by all. Capt. Rats' pride, which at first resented this interference, was finally placated by a compromise that the composition or " wooding " of the letter should be his own, although the subject matter might be a various contribution. The result of this unhallowed colla- boration was a series of the most ex- traordinary letters ever inflicted on single correspondent. It was not 1 before their fame . passed beyond the horizon of their fair recipient. "Do you know, papa dear," wrote the simple girl from the seclusion of M Brimborian's academy ; "do you kn your letters are so very, very interesti I could not help showing them to so of the girls here ? Your account [the Colonel's] of the fight with the bear was so real that I almost saw it. I ong . MUSIC. MUSIC.-31ra. lfiellrlulkin will give instructions iu instrumental music to a few, pupils. Use of piano given for practice it desired. Residence east of Victoria Square, Seaforth. 614 HOTELS. • B RITISE EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, Out. WM, COX, Proprietor. This is one of the Quietest, Most Comfortable and Beat Con - 4 tided Hotels in the Province. The Rooms are commodious and the Table and Bar liberally supplied. Good stabling in connection. 6S6-52 AGENCIES. JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or country, at 8 per cont. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farms and village property for sale. Office— Leekie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 PUMPS. 1 eeEAFORTH PUMP:FACTORY STILL AHEAD tei —These punips having been swarded the first prize at both the South Huron and East Huron Fall Shows, the subscriber has every confidence in recommendirg them to the public, knowing that for qualit of material and workmanship they are not etteely surpassed, and would solicit a call from all intending purchasers ; all work warranted; ord ra by mail or otherwise prompt- ly attended to. ▪ CLUFF North Main Street, Seaforth. - 610 • - - - - - - - A CTIpNEERS. J P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the " • County of uron. Sales attended in all parts of the Co nty. All orders left at the Ex- POSITOR Office ill be promptly attended to. VRANCIS G -1- LAND AG sale of landed pr bred steak. Catt ket. Office and Block, Goderieh, AUCTIONEER AND NT.—Special attention given to perty, farming and thorough - e selected for the English mar- u�tion Acheson's new Ont. Terms moderate 615 E PLOYMENT. $66 A WEEK in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit ree. Address H. HALLETT & Co., Portland, ine. 626.52 5 to $20 SON Co., Portl PER DAti" at home. Samples worth $5 free.' Address STIN- nd, Maine. 626-52 $10 to $1 eery month. thing. Ade ress Wall -street, New 0 00 Invested in Wall -St., Stocks makes fortunes ooks sent free explaining every - BAXTER & Co., BankerseT7 ork. 587-52 me. G. SCOTT, M OW • Acoonoheur, deuce month side ng, east of Preabyteria me laughed cried over that fun story of the Chinaman mending y clothes [a characteristic contribut from Horton,] but then I did cry really, too, papa, over what you [Fleet] said about your feelings that Sunday you saw the sunset from the poor little for- lorn cemetery on the hill. Oh, papa, it was just lovely—and so sad—so v sad ! Mary Rickets said it was j like Shakespeare, and she knows, much, and is considered very, very smart! They all think I ought to be so fond of my dear -papa, as if I wanted anything to make me love him. She, Mary, asked me if you were very old, and I said you couldn't be very—are you ? Then that was very good albout the mines that you [the Colonel] wrote. Mme. Brimborion asked permission to copy that part where you [the Colone describe the manner of reducing ore she Raid it was instructive and valuabl Dear papa, how much do yeti knoi, But I think I like you better when y are a little—just a little sad, and say such sweet things abont the landscape and your lodgings. I'm sure you're a real poet, papa,—ain't you ?" It is scarcely necessary to say th when this letter was read Fleet cough. slightly, colored perceptibly, mutter - something vaguely about "really hav- D. &a.,Physician, Surgeon and eatorth, Ont. Office and rest - 1 Goderich Street, that door Church. 349 WM. HANOVER, M.D., C. M., Graduate of T McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Aeconcheur, Seaforth. Out. Office and residence first door south of the Catholic Chinch. 496 ny our L. VERCOE, 34. D.„0. M., Physician , Sur - ion ' geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. D 14cNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu • ate of Ontario Veterinary College,Seaforth, Ont. '0008 and Residence in rear of illoran & Ryan's.. Calls prc mpt13 attended to, night or erY day. A stock of veterinary medicines nn hand 11St - Charges reasonable. Horses examined aster sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settlid in Seaforth. Office at hie residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day orenight. A large etook of Veterinary Medicines constantly ou hand. Horses examined as to soundness and certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 TT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. 8., t•bereiiiir. "1-1- • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate s ; 11144111•11 of the Royal College of Dental e. Surgeons of Ontario. 0ffi9e hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Roonts in v ? Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, OU Seaforth. 1880 GREAT STOCKTAKING- -AT - 1880 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. SEAFORTH, November 20, 1S7.1) The undersigned having leased the finishing • shop of the Enron Folindier, Seaforth, from J. S, Runcirnan, will be prepared to do all kinds eye repairs required for eteata engines, grist •and SALE flouring MAU, ASV MINS and all kinds of ma- chinery, also agricultural implements, and from his bong -experience as foremate -of the Goderich Foundry trusts to be able to give good satisfaction to all parties having work done. All repairs at- tended tof at once. Give ire a trial. and I veill warrant good satisfaction. THOMAS KIDD'S, MAIN STREET,SEAFORTH Being desirous of Clearing Out the 'remaining portion of nee/ Stoek„ in order to Make room for my WILSON E A T.ICELD„. • In connection with the above business- t• he uudereigned will have an (Aloe at •the Huron . Foundry, and will take any orders for repairs on Ienills or other things, and will also take contracts for steam engines, boilers, grist and liming ening, , and all kinds of machinery. Having a cozmeetion I with one of the largest foundries in Ontario, I win we 4 I be in a position to earry out all contra:de that may rr eii6er ; be trusted to. me. Plans and specifications fur- nished for •niill machinery, engines, &a, As I intend to give pay attention altogether to the , erection aim repairs of machinery and. agricultural . implements, I hope to be able togivegoodsatisfat- i tion to all •trusting me with their work. • R. RUNC131AN. The undersigned will continue to manufacture plows and all kinds of castings on a huge scale at the Huron Foundry, Seaforth, end with the ton- . neetions formed, hopes to be able to push a huge hardness and to give good satisfaction. • 1\T=7.7- PITRCI-LASS Which will shortly begin to arrive, I have decided to offer during THE WHOLE ) OF THIS MONTH the balance of my well assorted Stock AT AND BELOW COST FOR CASH. Ladies' Winter Mantles in great variety. Ladies' Hats and Bonnets—a select and stylish assortment. Ladies' Furs in nk, Astracan and Seal. Ladies' Clouds, Hoods and Squares. My Entire Stock of Shawls—a most magnificent assortment. Men's and Boys' Clothing. TJ1sters and Fancy Overcoats, Under Clothing, All Wool Shirts. • Mufflers and 'Fur Cape—newest styles and patterns. Hats, Caps, Neck Ties and Gloves—extraordinary cheap. I S. RUN,C131.AN• BRUCEFIELD. BRIGGS • BROTHERS AV] NG purchased the business Dania 031 ' Mr. J. E. BRIGGS for so many years, are now prepared to do BOOT AND SHOE -MAKING Of Every Dericription on the shortest notice and I most reasozable terms. They nee nothing but the very best ma- terial., and as to fit and workmanship they guar- antee satisfaction. By _tibia attention to business, giving a good article, and fah- and reasonable priees, they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Their Shop will be tonnd in Rattenburry's building, D. McIntosh's Veterinary Office, one door south of the post office. Give us a triat. JOEL BRIGGS. GEO. W. BRIGGS. A VERY FQLL LINE OF BOOTS AND SHOES 1"7 N.B.—All overate accounts remit be paid at onto. In Coarse, Medium nd Fine, suitable for Alen's, Boy s', Ladies' and Children's Wear. - s a are ppm tunity or securing r:nheard of Bargains, and I • trust nw Customers and the Public in general take advan- tage of it. _Every facility afforded for the Inspection of Goods, andi polite attention to all, whether you, buy or not. GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS WELL SUPPLIED • ., 1 THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES, THAVING purchased the Steckand Tux& of the Coinmercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the old stand,and ban added several valuable horses a-nd vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but Fint-Class Comfortable Vel and Good Reliable Horses wia be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Careagee, and Double and Single Wagons always ready forage. Special Arrangenzents. Made Jvia coin. enercied Men. With a Fresh Stock. Another Large Consignment of that FAMOUS 60 -CENT I oreees left at the stables or any of the hotels TEA to arrive this week. Don't buy elsewhere WI you try a sample of it. promptly attended to_ Satisfaction Guaranteed. THE LIQUOR DEPARTMENT, 1/ As usual, is in full running order, and Pure and Unadulterated Liquors always 1 in Stock. Hotel Keepers -and parties buying in large quantities liberally dealt 1 with. THOMAS KIDD, Main Street, Seaforth. GAL. THE CODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING CO.1 JAMES T. G -ARROW, Barrister, Attorney and Solicitor, Godei ich. 681 at winked and was gone. ed a forgotten .it all," but remembere It was for the dead man—the great in first cause of their perplexity. For a en few moments it lay there undisturbed, so — — CAMERON, HOLT CA;MERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Q. Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CaMeron, Q. of, Philip Holt, M. G. (Jam - 1d eron. ly that he had dictated to Capt. Rats S Conveyancer and Commie - me suggestions that he "thought sioner in 1t4 "Wroxeter. Auctioneer and while the men looked at each other in m silence. Then Capt. Rats, with a de- th cision and independence new to him, in took it up. pl "There's no one, boys hez hez a be Iter right to it than we- .has,".he said. "I propose that we open it here afore each other and read it." "As to opening it, I second the mo- tion," said Joe Fleet's voice; "but we'll see who it's from before we read it," added the honorable man. The letter was opned. It was sign- ag ed "Fanny' Meritoe." on "The -girl herself," said Fleet, -prompt- ly; "read it." ed ith a hesitating voice, that at last car se4med to almost simulate what might the have been the hesitating, youthful ac- the gaii. cents of the writer, Captain Rats be- • dog Lo How shall I desctibe it? It was sim- do The Goderich Foundry and Manufa.cturing Company, (Limited), are now run- I nin thei h i f r s ops D til force, under new management, notwithitandbag reports Partieuler attention paid to bust= Pla-nlig eswor men areemplovee„ to the contrary circulated by interested parties, and have deterrnin.ed to s are n SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR ,AND-HUNDFACTOY THE subscriberbegs leave to thank hienumeron customers I or the liberal patronage extendedto himsince -commencing business in Seaforth,and trusts hat he may be favorer:1 with a continuance of the same. • Perti es intending to build evonld do well to give him a call,as he will continne to keep on hand s 'large stock of allkinds ef • DRY PINE LITMBER, SASHES. DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETG. EtefeeiseoneSent givingeatisf Off. who mayfavonelaim with their patronage,ae none but nrst-cla 506 effort to secure the local trade for what they manufacture. ight please the young thing," &c.; no at a slight feeling of jealousy crep ppriuser. Acconnes and notes collected on reasonable terMS. 366 to. the breasts of all but the com acent Capain. Inded, the Colon - • TT W. c. MEYER, Bari ieter and Attenney at el •L 'a' • Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Com for taking affidavits in the Province of Manitoba. Solicitor for the B nk of Hamilton, Wingham. n Private funds to lo n at 7i to 8 per cent. 633 is said to have afterward remarked asid to Horton, that he was of • the opinio that Fleet's "flap doodle" and "purp stuff" wasn't exactly the thing "t ladle out" to a young girl that was al ready "overdosed with chewing gum and licorice ;" and Fleet is report ed to .have ca,utioned Captain Rats must the freedom of some of the Col el's stories `Ez fur as the wordin' goes," explain - Captain Rats, "I plays my own ds; so don't you get skeert. On'y other day, tellin' that story about coon hunt, the Kernel allowed. the s was hell bent on gettin' the coon. rd love ye; do ye think 1 set Oat wn for that little gal's eye? Not ch. I jist sat down sorter keerless quiet like, and slings her this: eanwhile, the noble hounds, justly ulating the feverish impatience and bitious spirit of their master!' Lord "„! MALC OMS ON, i• Law, Notary Mr. Crey, late of office, will be in ch - alcomson will b day. pie, it was eiriish, it waSiaifectionate, it mu was real. Against its candid frankness and most monstrous duplicity and deceitful am 1 and simplicity, poor Rats' previous M rhetoric assumed the appearance of the em . sophisry. It was evident that the it'13 writer had seen but little of her real deo father, and thet • the commonplace, Wh homely,. often somewhat despicable fig- me ure known -to her yearnings was not the you ideal parent of her dreams. At last lett. Captain Rats finished. There was a abo slight huskiness in the Captain's voice, on t a slight dimness in his eyesight as to h he ended, and a blurr upon the fair Sir' a th no ere when. he be- said gan. Its The ColOnel had dropped his head be - ween is two hands. FIorton had never taken his. eyes from the 'paper. E Fleet, who had walked to the window ing. and had been- apparently absorbed in nett staring at the sunlight without, sud- tion denly turned, and held out both his re, ea hands. In another moment they were ties lockedlein his companions' a,nd the has four men, holding hands, closed round a d the table and the letter that lay in its - maY easy enough to turn the Kernel into ent Englislr—ef you've got the sabe I y, it's jist wonderful how keerless n is in their composition. Why even , Fleet, I had to take you down last er. Don't ye mind ye was lettin' on ut night welkin' an her scant robes heltill? Did ye think I was goin' and that over to that child? No, I stopped it! How? Why, I jest suitably apparlled.' That's all easy when you know how. (To. be Continued.) PPS'S COCOA.—Gratpful and comfort- -" By a thorough knowledge of the Ira laws which govern the opera- s of digestion and nntrition, and by reful application of the fine proper - of well selected cocoa,, Mr. Epps provided our breakfast tables -with elicately flavored bveraae, which centre. - It is "We don't want no letter of ondo- of di save us many heavy doctors' bills. by the judicioususe of such articles lence, Capt. Rats," said Joe Fleet stead- uttalY every tendency to disease. Hun- s of subtle maladies are floating us ready to attack wherever is a weak point. We may escape y a fatal sha,ft by keeping ourselves fortified with puce blood, and a erly nourished Ser- azette. Sold duly in packets label "James Epps & Co., Homceopath- emists, 48, Threadneedle Street, 70, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 et that &constitution may be grad - built up; until strong enough to re - 1137, "for there ain't anythin' to condole sist for. I don't see just how itis, or how dred we can fix it but I know that h gir 's eX0eui parents ain't dead ez -long, please God, th-ere as we are living !" • man The men pressed each other's hands well n silence, until Capt. Rats, with a burst prop of revelation, disengaged his, and sud- vice G denly brought it against his right leg led — with resounding emphasis: ic Ch "That's it—and it makes the whole and 1 hing clear. We don't write no letters f condolencefor. why? We goes TE traight on and writes ez if we was the white id man. He's let on enough to inc breat bout hisself and his affairs to ma,ke it the b a easy as rollin' off a loa W'll just extan down on her with the decease of her o father, and so on ontil, in the course of s a year or so, she'll take the charity o business quite peaceful ?" a But Joe Fleet dismissed the idea a fiercely. 64 ABERRY.—The new powder for ning the teeth, purifying the h, and stimulating the mouth, rightest, cosiest little toilet gem t. Ask your druggist for "Tea- ;" price 35 cents. 626-52. chip in where he left off. We'll take berry ENSON MEY at Law, Solicitor Conveyancers, Notar forth and Irmisels. Investat once, ati Big yearly. JAB. H. BEITSON. The above firm ha mutual consent. be paid to Mr. Ben Nov. 27, 1876. Barrister, and Attorney at- ublic Conveyancer, Brussels. arneron, Halt & Cameron's rge of the office, and Mr. in Bruseels every Tues - 609 - - 11, Barristers and Attorney in Chancery andInsolecy, es Public, etc. Offices—Sea. 23,000 of Private Fends to t percent. Interest,payable 53 R. W. O. MEYER. this day been dissolved by 1 accounts due the firm to on who will pay all Habil- ,TAMES H. BENSON. • H. W. C. MEYER. MCOAUCHE & HOLMESTED, LAW, CHANGER AND CONVEYANCING 'FFICE, Scott's Block, ain Street, Seaforth. QOLICITOR-S for Canada and the in Seaforth. Farm ana Town a and sold. Money (private fun aurities, at reasonab moderate. the Consolidated Bank of inadian Bank of Commerce id Village Property bought s) loaned on mortgage se- e rates of interest, Chargee Money invested /o private persons 'upon the best mortgage secari ie, without any expense to the lender. S. G. MeCA17GHEY, . A. 1'. HOLMESTED. IVITSCE C ALL AT J. S. Seaforth, for th ing Compound, a po is equally efficacious The worst cases of Diseases of the Lim mant. M. L. SMI Agent. For sale b cants a box. LANEOUS. - - - OBERTS' DRUG STORE, Great Sierra Nevada Smok- itive cure for Catarrh, and in all Bronchial Affctions. Asthma, Phthsic and all s yield readily to this treat - H, Arkona, Ont., General all druggista. Price, 75 601-52 THE GREAT FEM.E REMEDY.—.Tob Moses -e- Periodical Pills This invaluable medicine is unfailing in tho car of all those painful and dangerous diseases t • which the female constit- tion is subject. It derates all excess and re- moves all obtructions and a speedy curemay be relied on. To ma. ri?d a dies, it's peculiailyauited. It will, in a short tum;, bring on the raonthly pe- riod with regularit. These pills should not be • taken by Females dar ng the first three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but at any o all cases of Nerve e and Spinal Affctions, pains in the back and ertion, palpitation of the beart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; nd, although a powerful remedy, do not contai iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful t the constitution. Full directions in the pamp let around each package, which should be earef y preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. 81 00 and 12f cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Robert, and R. Lumsden. 197 o 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FAT13RY. ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST, SAW AND WOOLEN MILL, STAVE, HEADING Alsip HOOP MACHINERY, Ice .Plows, _Agricultural Implern,ents, Cooking, Box and Parlor Stoves inStock or _Made to Order. REPAIRS on Engines, Boilers, dec., promptly attended to. Estimates and Plans furnished for any kind of machinery or mill work. HORA.CE HORTON, • HUMBER, JOHN CHRISTIAN, PRESIDENT. MANAGER. SECRETARY. • JOHN KIDD, HARDWARE IVIERCHANT, SEAFORTH. 1\TOTIC) 13113TOIRdS_ I am desirous of having my Books balanced by the lilIFTEENTH of FEBRUARY, and request all parties indebted, either by Note- or Book Ajeount, to make Prompt Settlement. JOHN KIDD, HARDWARE MERCHNT, SEAFORTH. HESS HABERER "LTA VE. always on hand, and make to Order, Wfi0111P, Sleigh, Carrines,Bug gte, Cutter, and every other articlein their line.T hey Persexially superintend their own -busi- ness, and can guarantee a good attiele both as to material and workmanship. For Style and Finish their wok e surpaesed by the large city establishments. Repelling promptly attended to. Give trial and be convinced that we ean satisfy you AS to quality and price. Mr. Hess is well known to the public, having been in business in Zurich for over 12 /ear& 636 ARS & HABERER. • ANDREW CALDER Takes the Lead aniceig the Photographers of Western Canada, and ":Df'T YOU FORGET IT." is to the front, as usual, supplying his pat - rens with Photographs and Ambrotypes, wen taken and of beautiful finish,. oia Pictures copied and enlarged to perfection_ Children's Picturea taken in a manner that will makembthers smile with delight. Give the "Popl's Popular Gal lery " a Will end be happy. No "eheap blast" turned out. Frites as low good wen* can be done for. ANDREW CALDER, Bea-forh. • ST. pATNARINES NURSERIES. A Pun Assortment of Splendid Fruit • and Ornamental Trees Orders by Mail Receive Careful and AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. Prompt Attention. JOHN WARD MAIN . STREET, SEAFORTH While returning than,ks to his many customers for their patronage ?A?, the past, also to those who so liberally patronized his late sale, 4e begstoinform them and as many new ortes as will foVor him, that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND s lea y and willing to serve them as before. HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS A.ND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND AS USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING ATTENDED TO. JOHN WARD - thereby saving the duty of 20 per cent 624-26' u nen rpased. Piices as low as in the Stte, "•" part of the country. Pay Liberal. A GENTS WANTED—To take orders in every Dealers should call and see the stock—it is Address D. 7.7, BEStA.,cDatLhaErities. ANCHOR LIN UnNITAD STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Every Saturday from NEW 'YORK and Direct. GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON TICKETS for Livelpocrle Londonderry alas - now, and ell parte of Europe. Fares as lowas any other first-class line. .11tepaid Passage Certifica.tes issued to persone s hi ng to bling out theirfriends e assee ger accommodation of Anchor Line ▪ SEAFORTH. steamers are unstnpassed for elegance and corn- " fort.- Apply to S. DICKSON, HAY AND OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR HARNESS. 593 At the Post Offie, Seaforth er time they are safe. In imbs, fatigue on slight e- Pe M. - V. HAIR DRESSING. • MISS STARK WISHES to inform the Ladies of Seaforth J . S• ROBERTS HAS REMOVED HIS DRUG STORE Tir and Vicinity that she is prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS BRAIDS &.c -, In the Lat eat Fashion frora Corabings. A 1ot of Readyntade Switches on hand. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually at tended to: A call solicited. Resience—ain Street, geaferth. 631 To the Store between Hoffinan's Dry Goods and Counter's Jewelry Stores, Cardno's Blok; Hain Stret, Seaforth. • • 1. T1 The de And ea Just al Was pi Now 'a For to And bs why be 'eh 'Why es, kna Too) Weli Nadel To heir - As Roo The -cc Auti As 311 MAO 101 NIR Ana, tt. 04.. )34 The Ai) I una These And Y As 11.y.a0 If X he N:4 of o taker Nvai Co torr and Yen you DO Do coId• . Re, at '981 pher 1)0 'eoV diseS 14.0 such oystO De) pastt bree or'J, wbei pass Fere lad after in wi • tion awe; forge be Abet: hands anal be al presi He and t-erin man on. man! /100 you i TI tioii not bet, I mt' UM A xJ:3 year - betie ago Cars to wag: rene 1210 own you,• 614 • said ed * any = am bo to b any• du lo the itin an rep the if t bei see