HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-02-13, Page 6FEBRUARY 13, 1880. [st and Thos. Yearly'. The 'eel statement shows the reeeipas peaditure sif the company during t year : PT'S, liceeived from Iast account, receieed percentage cents on the $100, ate of taking applications, $6.5.26: tessera - t Premium notes, $71544, total, nite-nee-Paitl Jamee Campbell for loss 490 ; paid Wileort MeSh,eaty for loss of 2 ti damage to barn post by liglanine, eiti Petrick O'Brien for damage to zoof or ightiring, $4 03; paid Board of Direetora epeetiou of losses $7 ; revising rake eve, $6.50: borrowed money and inte.rese- t60.78: printing and advertisieg, 52720; 'making out a,seessnient and collecting it, postage. bill etamps, stationary, tee, ey balauce on latend, 54181 Teta-. neeting of the Directors held eat tp the annual meeting Heels la, Esq., was elected' President teed of John B. Geiger, Esq.,wate f forret' to give roora to some °reef he had served the company be eacity for the last 5 years. Aree was re-elected Vice -President V, Dirstein Manager, when the adjoined. 'ersoaith. School Board_ ereoni-Sir : As I asked -for ira - n about the school board sys- ising the taxes eighty per cent. tan under the section, system, flies to the rescue and adraits 'meet expect to run a school 'cheap as the section system, enies abont the special tax. ask -the collector, who had t collecting the said tax, as the anted to know what it was for, ,contrary to what the movers hool board ,stated. He also iother falsehood in denying as voted on for eight years. dies, it was voted an far how - kaew, until one year after, was discovered th.at it was [.`sr eight years. Our remedy to apply to Parliament by pe - et it changed frora eight dowrt which we did. Then he - it towns and villages. Stick militia; Junius, and give facts, as referred to towns. I will in ti eOleeletere it with Tucker- russels school has 485 Bohol- - five teachers ; average per scholars; teachers' salaries, ost • per head, ,T4. We have bars teaching 240 scholars - a half months ; averaee per scholars ; teachers' sZaries, ost per head, aver $8. We more teaehers, one teac e. the other 33, for nine arid Lths. The combined number '0 scho'lars ; teachers' salar- cost per seholar, $10. Now, u will see that we pay more Lg our scholara than any town nentionecl, and to get the iber taught in Tuckersraith ia Brussels,. it would cost rs' salaries nearly $$3,600, .e00; therefore leaving $1,700 4. the section system, and r building in Tuckersraith r school houses since the rd system has been voted on. - A PARENT. Hay. ZI.O.-Mr. Wm. Campbell, of ecession, had 40 bushels pf from 12 acres. This is a but Mr. Campbell seldom •ops. ESCAPE.--WEIRO Mr. Wm. s feeding his- horses on Fri - was kicked in the face by a, receiving- a bad cut. He Reaped severe. injury, for he I, and had he fallen among feet he might have been is recovering. ‘.istriNa.-On. Saturday after - a Parnell and McGlouchlin :bushels of clover seed; and '01 bushels More, makine a bushels, on the farm of r. Imam, and concesssion. This it threshing we have heard. ie maehine is. a Vibrator, ke, with clover attadament, a Waterous & Co, steam e yield of the Glover was a grown on 45 acres., Mr. ways has good craps, which for his fanning skill. sioe.ee.---Whi/e the family Oke, of the ist concession, cez- en Friday evening last, :t, Andrew, accidentally large piece of beef bone, ed in his throat. Seeing - 'low in trouble, Mr. Oke nove it, bat his efforts e he immediately hitched and took the boy to Dr. COMM skillfully re- fferer, muds to the joy of - distracted family. The b. recovered his gayety and ely as ever. .-On Thursday, 29th ult., r Johnston Runaball, of Miss Christina MoGregor, for better or for woree, la the bonds of raatri- .eremony was performed . Smith, of Kippen, at the ,alte bride's father, third ['Hay. In the afternoon 11.-en.t for a drive, and re - the table set and the tea after satisfying the wants sari the party iadulged Alter sports until all were, the newly -wedded happy and prosperous It becomes our painful iounce thp death, from Afr. Robt. Willis, which :he 31st tat. at the red:: :durray. was this county as a corn- ier. He began his mer- ' with Mr. Bonthron, of ,Viteu quite young, and ace, with a good reputes cniploy of Mr. a. B. thtrrys, who, on going to 1.fa,ge in the wholesale Ur. Walls with him, and. his employ until his itn to retire 'Lena hi-181- ;mA in the prime of life, 'years. of age. He was and his pleaeaut fa,ce by the mercantile com- .ivr.-Mr. -Editor.-Sir your iSSLTO of Jaiwary eiece entitled, -A. Woe - Let not you, Mr. Editor, your many subscribers, -magiue the case was in els, or it would truly 411/ znista.ke to the poor ratty have heard a shot much more likely he previoue. Cer- ri!EBRUARY 13,, 1880., WO), a wild cat did destroy one of -the noblest of the feathered race on the evening referred to, but I hav4 since , found out he has been trapped. in a net set by himself. After a one ha hour's struggle he was securely fasten d and taken nome to undergo further d velop- ments. Then coral:deuced the easnr- ing and weighing., From the tip of his great toe to the tuft of hair that grows , au or.near t e tip of his right ear, it was found to be six feet four fnehes, -aied_when weighed turned. theelales at 175 pOunds live weight. He - is' truly another of__.N, ature's most accomililished speeimens of handiwork. -j. C. AN ANSW4i TO BATEPATER.-Mr. Edi- tor -Sir : In your isshe of January 30, I observed communication Pone a person sign ng himself "Rate ayer," which, to sa the least of it, is ighly amusing. om that gentlema '13' re- marks some 'people might be led to sup- ppse that th Council of Hay was Ian in- stitution ru for my special benefit. "Ratepayer ' says the Reeve hasi been 13 instructed to erect a culvert on th Cen- tre Road, on application of Mr. B chain - .an. 'Now, isr.Editor, I do not s y that' "Ratepayer" knows ; but, I do se , that every one who has carefully read the minutes of the Council anent thiS mat- ter, and understands the Englisli lan- guage, knows that the Reeve was not so instructed. !'Ratepayer" farther says there has been a culvert put in -for that gentlenaan's use a few rods o the west of where he wants this. ne one. Again, I do not say that "Rate ayer" knows, but I do say without fear o con- tradiction, that every person w o is familiar with the locality and c' "wor- sted with the subject under discu Siert, knows that no such culvert has ever: been -constructed. I think, says " atee payer" in his innocence, that the eeve ?should take a good view of the surr und- ings before he acts. Now, sir, my ap- plication to- the Council, invites! the Reevesto view- the surroundings *fore he acts'. The motion of the Council instructs the Reeve to view the sur- roundingsi before he acts. All this, ti, coupled with "Ratepayer's" sage ad 'ce, will certainly insure a thorough e. am- . ination of the surroundings by the Reeve before he takes action in the Mat- ti ter. Then we are favored with th an- nouncement of a grand and original dis- covery by "Ratepayer." That is to say, that there are places on the Centre road where money could be spent to' ad- vantage, and the performance is Mod- estly brought to a C011elliSi013. by a en - emus bestowal of advice as to th lo- cality where such expenditure woii14 be most judicious, and. no doubt our worthy Reeve will estimate the vale° of “Rate. payer's" advice by the amount of knciwl- edge he displays. But before I close there is one thing that I must ad it that "Ratepayet" has made very c ear indeed ; that is, if "Ratepayer's" fel ow ratepayers -rated "Ratepayer" at his Own rate, he would- now be occupying a councillor's .chair at any rate. 'W. BUCHANAN. THE DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT.- entertginroent given here by the " sail Dramatic Society," last Fri he ay evening in Furdy'e Hall, W.E,LS hig y successful. The drama ''Halvri, lie Unknown," and the farce " Paddy Miles the Limerick Boy," were rendered throughout with marked ability. . The former keeping the audience in rapt attention, and the latter convulsing them with laughter. The characters were ably sustained, establishing the rfiii, ability of the society and paving he way -for a full house when they a.g in favor us with a production. - he ha.ve been wished, was select and big ly audiencethough not as large as mirt appreciative. DIU UGHTs.-A draught match Was played at_Kirktonsen. 'Monday evening the 9th hast,-.-, between the Kirkton and ifensall clubs, resulting in a defeat for the home team. The following is the soore : .• riessAre. WON. DREW. LOST. W. C. Charters ....s .... 4 • 1 1 4 2 0 J. B. McLean 5 1 o G. Murray . 2. 2 2 J. McDougall 3 1 2 W. Buchanan 0 0 ' 6 B. Ellis Total 18 7 11 ' K1RKTON. WON. DREW. LOST. J. Bryans.... 2.,,,e.e.: .,... 1 1 4 Robert Porter 0 2 4 '• Dr. Irving 0 1 5 j. Irwin 2 2 2 • G. Wilkinson . 2 1 3 • D. M. Dulmage.. .. . . ".' .. 6 0 0 _ .__ :........ ....... 11 7 19 Majority for Hensall, 7. Alter the playing was over the visitors were entertained' By their most hospi- table opponents to an oyster 'supper, served in first-class style at the Kirkton Hotel. After spending an hour in social enjoyment, three cheers were -given for mine host, wheso ably carried. out -his part of the programme, three for the Kirkton players and three for the victors, and the Hansall team departed for home. 1 Blyth. ' . AGAIN GONE. -The snow which fell to - the depth of about eight inches last week; has entiredy disappeared again, and our streets : are in a deplorable condition, We find it rather diffieult to be thankful for this kind of weather. Still it might be worse. . ACCIDENT. -. A young man named Chas. Dymoiad, while endeavoring tP put out the fire at the stave factory had the raisfoitune to stub his toe and fall on the saw, he received an ugly wound in the n,ecs. Re -had his fingers broken at the same time. Ins wounds were dressed and he is now mending nicely. A FlItE.-On Friday evening last as Mr. A. Taylor was returning from tea he noticed a light in Alexander 8z Craig's stave factory, and on going cleser he discovered a fire which had . anade con- siderable head*ay. The alarm was lesubtudrunined.g _etc( soo tnii-orbaiiyseadn/a a ns,udc etehe de odp eioup t e flames. - ENeeniAaNsieNr.--sThe entertainment . held' in the basement of St. Andrews Church, on Tuesday last, was very suc- cessful financially as well as other- wise. The chair was ably filled by the Rev. Mr. McLean. The Rev. kr. McQuatrie, of Winghara, was present and delivered a good practical lecture, which was fully a,ppreciated by the audience. - , n -Mr. Fred. Seegmiller has just placed. upon his farm, one and a half miles from Goderich, four imported Cotswold ewes, four imported Leicester ewes, ten Cotswolds from imported stock on both sides, four pedigree im- proved Berkshire pigs, and three sows and one boar from imported stock. The THE HURON EXPOSITOR.. .•• 5 'T. above mentioned -were purchased by Mr. Seegmiller at the aee'eeit Bow Park sale. Ile has also purchaser,: nine Lei- cesters frord James COWS. II, ClOchmdbr, Galt, and 13 Leicesters from the _ noted breeder, John Evans, Fusillade. ,In all 37 sheep and eight swine , of the relost desirable breeds, ,Huron Notes. } . Messrs. Leathorn & McConbrey intendretiring from business in Exe-, ter, and are going away to the North West. --The annual dinner under the aus- pices of the lYforris Branch Agricultural Society, was held at , Emighls Hotel, Blyth; on Thursday evening last. The affair Wee a grand success. -It is said. that the wife of a gentle- man recently a,ppointed ehaplain to a Grange, in this county, is anxious to join. the Grange in order that she may for once hear her husband pray. -Mr. Horace Townsend, of the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith, who has been confined to' his bed for six weeks by typhoid fever, has recovered suffi- ciently tO be a.ble to walk about. _ -Since Sheriff Gibbons had his beau- tiful medal struck off for 4, trophy to be wen by the best curling rinks in the county, various other Sheriffs are exhibiting their liberality in the same direction. . -The eleventh , Division Court for the County of Huron has been ` estab- lished, -with headquarters at Centralia, in the township of Stephen. Mr. nab - kirk has been' appointed clerk, and Mr. Ellis bailiff. -On Tirsday Rev. D. G-. Sutherland, of - the Methodist church, Clinton left for a four months' tour in Egypt' and. adjoining territories. He goes to Lon- don, England, where he joins a party of Cook's tourists. -Notwithstanding the open winter we understand that the fall wheat crop in the vreinity of Wingham is leok- ing remarkably well. This is very for- tunate, as the number 'of acres sown last fall far exceeds that of any previous season. _ . - TheElirciville debating club, a few evenings ago,___ discussed the subject, "Resolved that the world is getting -worse." The chairman gave his deci- sion in favor of the negative. The de- bate took place,-hOwever, before the Lu.can tragedy. -On Monday last Neil 'Stewart and James Ratcliffe appeared efore Squire of stopping the horse of Mr. obt. Sprung t Wilson, of Blyth, to answ r to a charge on the public highway. They were eachefined $2 and costs, amounting lin all to a Sum of over $7. - A curling match was played fat Wingham a few days ago, between fonr Grits from Bluevale and four Toriea from Wingham, resulting in favor of the Tories by six shots. Winghant Tories -Messrs. Strong, Dinsley, Kent, Bray (Skip), 19. Bluevale Grits -Messrs. Patterson, Smith; Mitchell F. Patter- , , son (skip), 13`.'• ----We are pleased to see that Mr.'ir, It. Forsyth, of Morris, has received a patent forhis "automatic car coupler." Those who should know say that Mr. Forsyth has the best coupler in the world, and that he has a fortune in it. None would be better pleased. than our- selves to see Mr. Forsyth paid well for the fruits of his ingeauity. Farmers are becoming alarmed for the safety of the fall wheat crops about Exeter, -owing to the unseasonable na- ture of the, weather for some time past. The theWpig by day and freezing by night has the effect of honey combing the surface of the ground, thus heaving up the roots. The generel impression is th-at unless there is a change • very soon, theIall wheat will be badly injured. -Messrs. J. & J. Livingstone pur- pose running their flax mill in Brussels to its full capacity during the coming season. The flax business has again brightened up, and the markets which have been surfeited for some years are now open. In short time Messrs. Livingstone' will have an agent in Brus- sels putting out seed, and it is.believed that a large area will be sown ' in this section next seaspn. -Mr. W. II. Verity has purchased from Messrs. Ross Brothers & Taylor, of Exeter, the comnaodious building -which was at oue time calculated for a planing factory. Mr. Verity intends completing it at once and adapting it to his requirements as a foundry and ma- chine shop, and, as soon as convenient, removing his machinery thereto. His present premises he finds too con- tracted for his works, and the change will doubtless be followed -by an in- crease -.in -the manufactures of the concern. -Monday evening last week was the fourth anniversary of the establishment of the Hullett Grange, and the occasion was' observed by holding a festival in their meeting room at Londesboro. The occasion was also taken adva,uta.ge of to present Mrs. James Baker, wife Of the late efficient secretary of the Grange, with a handsome plated. cruet, which was accompanied by a very flatterine address, expressing regret at the irate's:f- ed removal of Mr. Baker, and testifying the good will and esteem of their many associates. -Mr. E. J. Hill has been appointed postmaster at Holmesville. Consider- able lecal feeling has arisen in conse- quence, many naturally supposing that when Mr. Duff purchased the business of Mr. Kelly he woad be appointed Postmaster in his stead, and as he had. fitted up his premises for a post office, it will be, quite a loss to him. Whether politics had anything to do with the change we do not kuove, but it happens Mr. Duff is a Reformer and Mr. Hill is not. The business of the office does, not amount to batch, -but it takes cnstom- ers to the store. 2 -The annual meetiug of the South Huron Orange Society was held at Ex- eter, on Tuesday last; there being over 100 delegates present from the different parts of the riding. The officers elected for the ensuine year were : F. W. Johnston, Connly Master ; J. Dagg, Deputy Master ; J'. McMath, SeoretatY ; Rev.e4W. Walsh, Chaplain ; J. Joslin, Treasurer ; J. Scarlett, Director of Cere- ruonies ; S. McMath, Lecturer. It was decided to celehrate the 12th of July at Bayfield this year, and to hold the next annual meeting at Exeter. -Says the Wingham Times : '.iSorne time age, a number of the Conservative element in Seaforth offered a bonus to induce some one of ability to start a Conservative orean'in that town to be as large as tlae t'EXPOSITOR.. From the Mitchell Advocate of last wee , we clip the following : 'Two of our t wnsmen VC% . ---:-On Saturday last Mr. Samuel Mel - Whinney, farmer, living at the Nile, in the township' of Colbonae, came to God -j erich on ordinary business, and as usuS4 put up at the Colborne Hotel. He \VOA in his usual health, the state of whiali was that of the average iudividtul,4 Whemready to go home he had hlie team and sleigh in froet of Ithe hostleryl, and had been conversiu with Niet Spreule, when, without a, y prempnq tory ailing symptoms, es h was alioiW to step into the sleigh. he! gasped his' limbs failed to support him, and he fell to the ground., and what a few onds before was an apparently hea tryl. ma,n of 35 or 36 years, lay there de oid of animation -the spirit flown to the . great fountain head. Mr. John Martin was on the spot in a monaent, medical men were summoned, and, everythiagi that the circumstances demanded or kind hearts could suggest was done, but all was of no avail. A fri na drove dee have decided on starting a Conservative paper in Seaforth. They will find up- hill work in butting against the Ex_posx Tea, which iseene of the best country - papers in Ontario.' One thing is cer- tain, it may be. as large as its rival, but it will take it some time before it is as eood." 0 A farmer from near Goderich, now ;_iving in Kansate had 100 acres in wheat nilaaa,g4t 'ificent crop of 240 bushels, which year. From this he reaped the thereforta;tfro8m06 lirrhubnudrsehdel'acrreesaliVn92g: he sold without _making any allowance for work, &c. Xhis is said to be of no un- usual occurremce. . -A curiosity has lately been found by Miss Margaret McKenzie, of the 12th concession of Ashlield, in the shape of a -small target composed of deer skin. The supposition is that this relic waa lost by the Indians when wandering through the primeval forests of Ashfield. Its surface bears evidence that it has at some period been used by the Indian braves as a target, it being thickly c_ov- ered with arrow marks, but, strange to say,' there are only two bull's-eyes. This at once repudiates the stories of the wonderful accuracy of the Indian's aim, unless it was used by boys or the dusky ladies. Miss McKenzie charges 25 cents to see the curiosity. May she reap a fortune from it. -From the Ontario Connty Herald, Michigan, we learn of the death of an old Huronite, Mr. John McKay. He died at his residence, Central Lake, Antrim county, Michigan, on the llth ult. He wag, in his 89th year. The Ileraid says : His loss is mourned by his many relatives and friends, and deeply regretted by a large circle of ac- quaintances. May he rest in peace. The deceased was- a native of Sather- landshire, Scotland, and immigrated, to Canada in 1848, and lived in the town- ship of Tuckersmith, Huron county, Ontario, until the year 1871, when he moved to Michigan. He was married in 1822, and lived to see a large number of his great -grand children, the oldest of whom, that were present at his funeral, being 10 years old. His wife, a smart old lady of 84 years, still survives. -The following statement was given at the last annual meeting of the Grey Township Cheese and Butter Manufac- turing Company : Amount of milk re- ceived, 725,851 ponnds ; amdunt of cheese. manufactured, 69,712 pounds ; average pounds of milk for a p und of i cheese, 10.41.; total amount .. ceived for cheese, $4,800.66 ; Average p ice per pound nearly 6c and 9 mills ; $1.80for every'100 pounds of cheese was charged for all expenses, leaving a balance in the treasury of $70.66 ; the actual cost of manufacturing each pentad of cheese v.eas lc. 7m. The following is the Board for 1880 : President -Wm. S. Crerar, Jamestown P. O.; Secretary - Treasurer, Archd. McDonald, James- town P. O.; Directors -W. S. Crerar, Alex. Ross, Ed. Bryans, Sohn Strachan and Jas. Turnbull. -A meeting of parties who intend emigrating to Dakosta, was held at Clin- ton last Week, and -was attended by a large Lumber, of course, many more than by those intending emigrating. The chair was occupied by Mr..Searle, and Mr. C. Morrow acted as secretary. The following names were given irt as members of the party, which, we are told, will be supplemented by a large number, who intend to go, but are un- certain as to the date of departure. The first company intend to start about the 16th of March : Edward Lupen, Wm. Elliott, Geo. Matthews, Duncan McFarlane, W. S. -I -Johnston, Andrew Smith, James , C. McDonald, Charles Morrow and family, Alex. McDonald,. Jas. Sterling, Thos. Burnett, John Burs nett, Geo. Pratt and family, Ben. Fish ! er, Peter Wild, Wm. Anderson, Cherie Shane, Alex. Shane, Wm. Sterlin Eton Taylor, John McDonald, Tho Wilson, Wm. Marshall, George Prat Jr., Isaac McNeil, James Cox. Abe twenty-five -horses will be taken wit the party. ceased's team honae, and i suddenly made widow and young ehildren of their rea,vement, while a neighb conveyed. the lifeless body so recently made desolate. considered necessary to hol the cause being clearly heart disease, terminating and death. formed the amily of six ournful be - ✓ afterwarda o the home It was not an inquest traceable tei in apo Au.ction Sales. ThursdaysFebruary 19, 1880, on Lpt 17, Con. 7, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements. David Erwin, proprieto I Wm. Harrison, Auctioneer. Tuesday, March 2, 1880, on Lot , Con. 8, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farris Stock and. Implements. James Kylks, • proprietor ; JaP. Brine, auctioneer. i Wednesday, February 18, 1880, on, Lot 19, Con. 11, Stanley; Farm, Stoek &Dd. Implements. Mrs. Jane Wilson, proprietress ; E. Bossenberry, auct. Births. MeNA.B-In Seaforth, on the 12th inst., the wife of M e John McNair of a daughter. GRIEVE -In MoKillop, on the 915 Inst., the wifel 11 of Mr. Wi Item Grieve of a son. Still born. DOWLING-1n Seaforth, on the 10th inst„ the wife of •. David Dowling of a daughter. TOWN -In S forth, on the llth inst., the wife of Mr. Hen Town of a son. • Deaths,•-- • PHILIPS -At Kippen, on tho 12th ult., Elishe Philips, aged 62 years. - MeRAE-In Ashfield, on the 25th ult., after lingering illness of two years; Sarah, wife 0 Mr. Duncan McRae, and daughter of the la Mr. Donald McCharles, aged 33 years. " CHESNEY-In Tuckersmith, -on the 18th ul Alexander James, son of Mr. James Che,sne aged 6 months and 18 days. ANDERSON -In Wingham, on the 29th n1 Miss Janet Anderson, aged 45 years. MITCHELL -At Bird Tail Creek, , Manitoba, n the 13th tilt. at the residence of his sou- tane Mr. Jolin Broadfoot, Mr. David Mitche • formerly of Tnckersmith aged 81 years. Marriages. GARDINER-STiliNG-At the-reteidenc,e of the bride's father, Usborne, on the 4th inst., by "Rev. Robert Fowler, Mr. Moseir Gardiner, of Iowa, United States, to Elizabeth, second. daughter of John Strang, Esq.- ' MITCITELL--NORTHGROVE-On the 21st Ult.; at the Methedist Parsonage, Winghain by . Rev. Wm. Bryers, Mr. George Mitchell', of betroryMiss Priscilla J. Norehgrove of THOM-NETTERFLELD-By Re7. WM. Bryers, on the 29th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Wm. Thom, to Miss Ida Notter-' field, both of Lower Winglmm. McDONAT.D-COLWELL-On the 28th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by; Rev. C. ant Amanda, fourth daughter of le. 6olwell, Esq., oHfaBrnoirlvtioon., Wm. McDonald, Esq. to Deborah BROWN-MeINTYRE-On the 28th ult,, at the reeidence of the 'bride's father, by Rev. C. Hamilton, assisted by Rey, Mr. Pyke. BrowneEsq., merchant, of 13ervie, to Eliaa- beth A., third daughter of N. McIntyre, J. P. PRATT-ANDERSON-In Seaforth, by Rev. Y. J. Edmunds, on the 9th inst , Mr. Joseph 1Woeuskleoyf aPoraatetr,iho tMowisns stpances E. Anderson, JOHNSON-MeKINNON-In Seaforth, on the • llth inst., ,by Rev. F. J. EdmundseMr. .lennes Johnson, to Miss Catherine IsabeRa McKin- non, beta of Hullett. BEATTIE-JOHNSON-At the resideoce of the bride'e father, on the llth inst , by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Robert Beattie, to MiNS Eliza- beth johnson, both of et cKillop. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Feb. 12, 1E131 Fall Wheat 1 18 to 1 20 Spring Wheat,Fife,per bushel-1 16 to 1 20 Spring Wheat,Ited Claaff,per bush1 12 to 1 18 Oats pee buehele, 0 82 to 0 e'ei Peas per bushel. Barley per bushel • . 0 60 to 0 62 Butter, No.1, Looee ' 0 45 to 0 50 0 16 to 0 17- Egga Flour, per 100 lbs 0 12 to 0 13 3 00 to 3 00 Hay • • Hides, per lb . ......... 7 00 to 8 00 Sheep skins eacht . 0015007 ttoo 10 2085 Balt (retail)per b rad 0 75 Salt (wholosalelp r barrel, Potatoes, per has en. . 0 60 Oatmealttbrl. .1 e. 0 25 to 0 85 0 30 to 0 35 Apples, per bushel ... Tallow, per lb....... .......... 020756 ttoo 30 0060 DBereesfeeind glinoagratperee;.,1p0e0r it10$50 lb a .. . 4 50 to 6 00 Clover Seed, per bushel 3 25 to 3 90 5 25 to 5 60, 4. Fal1Wheat,per bushelCLINT ON, FOb. 12, 1880. Spring Wheat, perbushel 1 13 14 1 15 1 20 6 1 22 Barley,per bushel 0 83 @ 0 84 Pen.s, per bushel . 0 45 g 0 56 Batter 0 63 @ 0 64 Potatoes .......... . 0 14 6 0 16 Eggs ' 0 30 (0 0 35 0 12 (.0 0 13 DrirseYsZdrItnis 8 00 0 9 00 Clover Seed .._ 6 00 (di 6 00 Timothy Seed 3 00 @ 8 25 2 75 @ 3 00 Oats, perbushel LIVERPOOL, Feb. p. Spring wheat 10s 10d ; Ted winter, lls 4d ; white, 10s 9d ; clubeells 4d ; oats, fis Od ; barley, 5s 3d ; peas, 6s 9d ;. pork, 59s Od ; beef, 80 Od ; cheese, 73s Od. TORONTO, Feb. 12. -Fall wheat, $1.25 to $1.27; spring,$1.2210 $1.25; oats, 37c to 38c ; peas, 64c td68e ; barley, 58c to 700 • hay, per ton, $6 50 to $10 00 ; butt'er 17c to 210 ; potatoes per . bag, $0.55 t'o §0.60. Clover seed per bushel, $4.00 to $4.40 ; dressed hogs, $6.00 to $6.25. Local Notice's. HAT ON HAND, as usual, Bella, Ex- tra Family Flour -the HoueeWile's delight -sup- plied direct from the mill. D& ID. Rom 622 MONEY -A. Strong, ISeaforth, has $1200,wh ch he will lend at 74- per cent. on first mdrt ge security. Apply at once. 633x4 SIINEELI ART GAenuire.:-Something New. -Novi is the time to ism= your shadow. CHARLES MOORE is now ma ng our Anabrotypes for 50c. Picture Immo che per hien e -ver. 610 To BE LET AT ONCE MI/. Dent's first- elass Store on Main Street. Also his desirable Dwelling House on James stieet. Both will be let on very easy terms. Enquire of GEO. DENT, Seaforth. 631 1 IIICKSON 84 BLEASDELL have closed. hargains. 635 ,,,,1 eir Au Lion Sale, and have abalance of Crockery, utlery. Plated are and Fancy Goods, which t ey well • 11 at the r old shop, at the lowest post tible pric s. Must clear them nut at once. Sel those w o coine first will get best choice "and 1 1. OATA EAL.-For the accommodation , , of the farming community we have made ar- rangements to exchange meal for oats, the same number of pounda O.P you get at the mills, also flour, short , cornmeal, corn whole or chopped, and mill fe d on hand at bottom pricea. Mon sem. Mites. 633 Fon ,4,4-. best value in Green, Black and japini Teas, Fresh, Ruee,.,Roasted Coffees, Pure Sugars Pure Spices, Fine Table and Cooking Raieins, kin Currants, and General Grocerien do riot tail to Se D. D. BOSE'S prices before purchas- ing elscwher . Is o trouble to show goods, and you won be heit ered to buy goods you don't want. 628 . C,ARD 01P THANisE.-We take pleasure in stating thatethe Confederation Life Association of Toronto, thrOugh Mr. Manning, their Agent, Itir lixs ade a most prompt and satisfaetory settle - me t. of all claims under Policy No. 3,421, on the life f the late Wharton Hodgson, paying the full ametunt of the claim, without any deductions whatever, or cieueing the slightest costs. Signed : MRS. JANE HODGSON, Executrix ; JAMES OKR, Exentor. 634-2 .STOCK FOR SALE. -p Oa SALE. -One mare colt, rising three years -2- old. Apply' to DAVID DORRANCE, Sr., i Lot 29, Con. ls , McKillop. 604 oLT FOP S LE -For Sale, a Heavy Draught ' Colt, rieinet two, sired by old Lord Haddow. Apply on Lot 1 , -Concession 4. H.R. S., Tucker- smi h, to J. H. ARTER. • 623 to gre smi OROUGHB Thoroughbr 5 m on ties to Apply t Seaforth EDS FOR SALE -For Sale, 4 d Durham Bull Calves, from 11 ld ; good animals ; good pedi- JAMES DICKSON, Tucker- . o. 635x4 LO T OR FOUND. ATCH LO '-Lost, on Monday, February 9, betwee Kinbuin and the Alma Hotel, a ting Case :river Watch, Waltham make. Th fin der we be suitably rewaided on leaving the same a t TH EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Sea - fort . 636 - . _ _ 1\1. OTE LOST -Lest, in or about Seaforth, a .1-11 Note otthand, bearing date November 80, 3677, for the sum of $470, payable on the lit of Felnuary, 1 80, made by Helen McDowell and John 31cMil an, in favor of James Duncan, Me- Killop. Th. public are hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiating said net°, as pay- ment has b en stopped. The .finder of the note will be E nit bly rewarded on returning it to the unclersignero JAME-B DUNCAN, Winthrop post office. 6860 ESTRAY STOCK. ESTRAY CALVES -Strayed from the prem- ises of th.e undereigned, Lot 26, Concession 7, Ushorne, labout the latter part of September, six Spring Calves -three heifers and three steers ; one of the eteenewas brindle, one red and ore s potted ; two of the heifers were red and one spotted. Any information as to the whereabouts of the above animals will be suitably rewarded RICHARD MARQUIS. 626 _ _ V STRAY CATTLE. -Strayed from the premises -1-4 of the undersigned, Lot No. 24, Con. 8, Stan- ley, in &ay last, Three Yearling Cattle -2 steers and 1 heifer. One of the steers was all white, and the other a roan, with a wide white stripe on the face, and a white spot on the slidulder; the heifer was white, with red on her eani. head and legs. Any person giving such information aa will lead to the lecovery of the above aeimali will be suitably rewarded. JOHN GILMOUR, Brucefi eld. 620-4x A RARE CHANCE. -Twenty- ve acres of land withihouse and barn for sale ia Egmondville. This pro erty is well situated for either farm or garden p poses. Title indipputable. Apply to RORER BRETT. 615 • 1880 B-7 lz) IR, I 1\1- - 1880 NEW GOODst NEW GOODS. T.T 1\T C 1\T ID TT 1\T 0 We are now Showing our First Shipment of New Goods for this Season, covi:prisivg THE CONTENTS OF 1,5 CASES AND BALES. 20' Pieces New Black Cashmere. 50 Pieces New' Black Lustre: These Goods arer Better Valne, than we have heretefOre shown.. 200Pieces New Prints. - 50 Pieces New Pompadour Prints. 25,Pieces New Brown Holland, extra -mine. 50Diszen New Ruillings. New Silk Fringes. New Satin Ribbons. New Fancy Ribbonettesee New China Silk Scezha • S C I .A. - ITENDERS 'WANTED -Tenders will he recein- -1- ed ep till noon, en the 18th of Febeueryeby Ore Trustees, for the erectiop of a School Ifolas0 teno miles north of Beyth„. Plays and Specifics" - tines can be aeen en application to Andrew W. Ploen Blyth, on and eller Monday; the 9th inst. The Tire stees do not hied themselves to -secept the lowest nor any teader, ANDREW W. SLOA.N, Secretary-Treastreer, Ben 66, Blyth office. MEETINGS TO BE HELD. WEST END CHEESE FACTORY- A Meet- " ing of the 13/teeters of the West EndCheest MODMOCI MUT CeMpOry Will be held at Par- toichaers Hotel, Seefoth, on Tuesday, the 17th due en Felneary, lEe0, at 2 o'clock P. M. Burl- nees-lettiog tbe milk routes. By order B. - LANDESBOROUGH, President. 63a-1 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. UCFEB SMITH -SEED BABLEY-The Seed -6- Berle y OYIectcd to arrive in Seaforth this ek, and will be etored and weighed out by %ft. D. Serest. A ortion be taken by MT. Wan. Ch tei s, "[email, for the accommodation. of fax mei s -that M. McQ'UADE. 6061. $'IA WILL BUY a .good 24 11. P. Enghee, Saw Cm -tinge, Car, Sew Belting, ete. mplete fer a good saw mill , *130 Everything eee time. Also for sale theap, down ' balance 0* - Toothed Saws, nearly one of' Emeremals - et WILLIAMS, Hen - new. Apply to BECKET): 68.2 fryn, Ont. WANTED. eee,- (.ei_RAND RIVER MUTUAL Vire Imamate* " Company, Galt. C. W. GIRDT.NSTONE, Manager. An Agent NVItot,ed for Seaforthe 1124 A PPRENTICES WANTED -Wanted Immedie ately, Apprentices to learn Dresenuking. Apple at rooms over T. store. Exitrance -same h all as the leech:mice' Int thole. MISS SLEETIL 835 TENDERS WAN TED.-Tendefe will be reedy - ed by the Tweet eigned 'untie:peon, on MON- Do!, FEBRIJALY 2nd, 1880, for drawing milk to the West End Cheise Factory. Fea pattleuNkre apply to N. Cozenal or the. ondeesigned. ' A,. HALL!. 638 a' Bales, of Grey Cottons and 3 Cases of White Cottons; VOTICE --Tenders -will be reesived by the Mue nicipal Corporation of Tuctersinith for the erection of a Bridge on the Bayffisild River, be- tween Lots 20 and 21, on the 4th conceeeione H.- 114 So Also for making approathes thereto, at so ninch per yard for cutting end filling, Plans and Specifications can be seen at the house of re David Walker, Reeler Lot 81, Concession 5, 'L. R. Se Tenders will b'e received up to noon on Wednesday, the 25th elay of Ilebneaty, 1881 WM-McCONNELL, Township Clerk. 835 These Goods having been bought before the- late advance in Cotton Goods, we oan guarantee them to be the best value shown in -the County. New. Tweeds, New Cottem Skirtings,New Duchs ami New Dentms—all at Old Prices. IN' TH E - TAILOR I NG DE PART M ENT FOR SAIX OR TO LET qv, RENT—That comfortable briek store, with r0911113 aboNe, 'on lelain Street, Seaforth, at presenteoccupiedby W. N. Wetsone Possession given on the let, of February. .Apply to kto- CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED. 681 TT OUSE TO RENT -To Rent, a exinafoitable -Lea- fxame house on Godeeich streete near the We are showineea Full Line of alrIclasses of Goods, and will GUARANTEE Skit ting link ; contains 8 rooms, with cellar - w 00 &bed, laard mid eoft water, and all -atm; GOOD SATISF'ACT10.7. co n venieotes attscbed. _Rent $6 per xnenth, Apply to L. MURPHY. 631 01-1M12k.P BOOTS _A_1NT3D 81-1017-1S_ Customers can, depend on getting Cheap Boots and Shoes this season, as our Goods were all bought at old prices, and will be sold at a small profit. Full Stock in Ladiest; Misses' and Children's. Also Men7s and Boys'. We have to hand' this week a .fine log.i.of GROCERIES, especietlly Greez, and Black Tea—d Bargain for any Customm Inspection Invited. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. REMOVED. REMOVED. TORE TO RENT. -To rent, the store known "ei as the Farmers' Storeoon the -corner of Mate a n d John Steeete, Seaforth. It is situated in the best bDSMOCS part of the town. Also * a dw ening overhead. For penticniars apply tee S. Dickson, Stafortin or the proprietor A. DICKSON, Goderich. 683 it* ARE CHANCE.-Pbotograph obee-s-t-e- -Le't " first fioor in ScoWs Bildt Block, Sesforth, p oeition central. Also, three or four Booms on the fiat above, snitable for a dwelling. Pease* s ion let January, 1871 Apply to F.. HOIMSP.- 8 TED, banister, on the premises, or to ROST. 578-tt. nt, Lot 19,Concession Idz/C111_iltops.T-To -I: 8, Goderich TOwns hip ; this lam containe80 acreseof the best,land in the County of Huron; is in a, high state -of cultivation; 15 aeres under fall wheat and 25: acres tinder grass; there io a good °rebind, good well and pump, and comma- dious buildinge on the prernisee. For partieulam apply persooally or by letter to the undersigned. P. CLEGG, Lot 5, Q011.5, Moreie, Belgrave P. O. ALEX. CAMPBELL, Con. 12, Thillett, RariOcik O.. WM. CLEGG, Blyth O. 635x -l; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.. REMOV4D: 7.7cT _A_ 'It ON Has I?emoved his Office into Campbell's Brick Blo *, next door to Wm. Campbell's Clothing Store, Coriter of Main and' Goderich Streets, 'Where he will continue to carry on, as 'usual, the Insura ce Ageney and -Money Loaning Business. Also Agent for first-class English aid Canadian Insurance Companies. Loans to a real estate. y amount may be obtain d. at a low rate of interest on improved. Also where Stock Of first:class Sewi g Machines, for" Family use and Manu- facturing pu oses, will be kept for sal , as Well as everything in the Sewing Machine trad , will be supplied. Rep. ing promptly attended to. WAIL N WATSON, Seaforth. ONET. MONEY TO L ND -Money to lend on good 'Ws improved farms only, at 74- per cent. inter- est, payable yearly ; private funds ; charges mod- erate. JOHN S. PORTER. 631 MONEY TO LOAN -In large or small sums -LT-L on first. class security, at 8 per cent. yearly inteiest. Private -hands, or on the inatallment plan. Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. 628 MONEY TO LOAN -On Li:reproved Farm Prop- -ix -L. erty, at 8 per cent. interest. Interest pay- able half -yearly or yearly, as desired, With a por- tion of the principal, if so preferred. Expenses light. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, Seaforth, Ont. 625 MOVEY.-The undersigned has a large sum of money for immediate investment on first mortgages on farm property. Seven and a half per emit. interest yearly ; principal as may be agreed upon. J. 11. BENSON, Solicitor Sea - forth. '633 '---IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1\T OTICE--All parties indebted to F. G. Spar - ling mnet call at the office of Gray, Young & Sparlingie Salt Wells and settle their accounts before the 29th of February, 1880, or they will be put into Conrt for collection. 681-8 nAUTION From and after this date the pub lie are hereby cautioned against giving credit to any person orpersons in, my name without the wiitten order or consent of myself or my wife, as I -will not be reeponsible for any debts here- after contracted without such consent- MICH- AEL MURPHY. MeKillop, Feb. 11, 1880. 636x4 ' REMOVAL -MISS SCOTTe. Seaforth, has re- moved her Dressmaking Business to her father's residence, John Street, opposite the repiecopal Methodist Church, where she hopes to have a call from her rnany friends and customers who m ay require anything in the Dress and Mantle line. 625 -noe A INTING-WM. B. FREW, late of Scot- -11- land, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and ,eurrounding country that he has commenced business as General House Painter, Paper Hanger, Sign Writer, &e. All work en. trusted to him finished in first-class style. Office, meantime, at D. D. Rose's Grocery, Sea. forth, WILE. R. FREW. 632 -nISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP - The -1--/ partnership hitheito subsisting between the undersigned, -ander the firm name of Garrote Brothers, as Saw -Millers and Lumber Dealers, of the Village of Crienbrook, in the Township of Grey,has this day been dissolved by mutual con- seot. The busine s will hereafter be canied on by Edward Garro fiim will be paid standing debts w' GARROW and January 26th, 1 the above, the un paities indebted indebtedness on After that date th the Clerk of the further collection be eettled up wit Mr. Edward Garr grant receipts i ROW. 3 . The liabilities df the late y John Garrow, and all out - i be collected by him. JOHN DWABD GARROW. Grey . N, B. -In connection with ereigned desires te notify all o the late firm to pay their before the 20th of Febmaree. books will be handed over ivision Court, who will mak with costs, as the affairs tans out delay. I also autteoriz w to collect for me and t my name. JOHN' GAR-. 634-e THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY HESS & HABER,ER, T_TAVE alwaye hend, and make to Order, Wagons, gleighS, Carriages, Bug- gies, .Cvs tiers, and every other article in their T hey pers.:really superintend their oven busi- ness, and can guarantee a good article both. as to material and woximanehip. For Style and Finish their work cannot he surpassed by the large city establishments. Repairine promptly attended to. Give us a trial and be c onvinced that we can satisfy you as fo quality and price. Mr. HOBS is -well known to the public, hanving been in business in Zurich for over 12 years. 636 HESS & HABERER. KIPPER CRAIN MARKET. THE Subscriber begs to infoem his customers 'IL and the publie of Hay and Stanley that the buyer is at his Warehouse, at the Kippen station daily, from morning till night, where the highest price will be paid for aIl kinds of good grain. All the buyeng done at the Station, and nothing more will be offeeed when stopping at the corner in the village after passing the station. Farm- ers in Tnekeramith miry And the range of prices from myself daily during the forenoon. 626 DAVID McLENNAN. SALE OP HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - A UCTION SALE of nonschoid Furniture at the Commercial Hotel, Sertforth, SA.TUR- DAY, Febrnary 21st, at 12,o'clock noon. J. CHAMBERS, Proprietor. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 636-2 SPRING SEED SHOW. • QPRING SEED SHOW - The Annual Seed ki Show under the auspices of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural Society will be held in the AGRICULTURAL HALL, in the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, WEDNESDAY, February 25th, 1880, when the following prizes will be offered for Grain, Seeds, and Roots viz.: Four bushels Lost Nation Wheat, let $4, ind $3, 8rd $2 ; Four bushels Spring Wheat, any other variety, lst $4, 2nd $3, 8rd $2 - Four bushels 2 -rowed Barley, lest 52, 2nd 51 5'0, 3rd 51; Four bushels 6 -rowed Batley, let $2, 2nd 51 50, 3rd 51 ; Four bushele 'White Oats let 52. 2nd_ 51 50, 8rd 51; Four bushels 131aCk Oats, let 52, 2nd 51 50, 3rd 51; Four bushels &nail Peas, lst $2, 2nd $1 50, 3rd 5.1; Four bushele Large Peas, let 52, 2nd 51 50, 8rd 51 ; Two bushels Timothy Seed, lst $2, 2nd $1 ; Two bushels Clover Seed, 1st $2, 2nd $1 ; Bushel and a half Early Potatoes, let $2, 2nd $1 ; Bushel and a half Late Potatoes, Let 52, 2nd $1. RULES AND REGULATIONS -let. All articles ahown mast be the growth of 1879, and produced on the farm of theexhibitor. 2nd. Flo person shall be entitled to more than one prize for grain, seeds or roots of the same kind. 8rd. No nerson will be allowed to show seed or sell on the grounds -without Arst becoming a :member of the Society. 4th. No exldbitor al- lowed to expose his name on the bags. 5th. All articles for ; xhibition to be on the ground by 10 o'clock A. M. 6th. No grain, seed, or roots to be removed from the building bofore 4 o'clock P.M. GORDON licADAlil, Seceetery. JOHN MeMIL- le&N, Preident., 635-3 . VOR SALE -In the Town of Seaforth, Lots298 4: and 214-, Janie' Survey„ &Worth, /1pm:twat* are erected a Plening Mill and Iteachiney, all ice good order, on Lot.208 ; -also doeble Dwellint House on Lot 214;• to be field. :cheap for cash e - for particulars apply to -JOHN BROADFOOT, er to McCAUGHEY & )11OLMESTED. -685x4 FOR SALE 011 TO RENT -A *Ma Store in Ex-eter Ncrth, suited for moetly any business, being on the corner wheie three of the meat leadingeoade some into thevillagei would be enlarged or loath additions made ir.8 unght required for a good tenant. Also for sale, a lame dwelling houee, Oh evety eonvenienee ; good slable, two lote, with bearing fruit trees. L. lincTAGGART, Sea -forth. 681.4x WARM FOR SALE -For Sole, Lot 1, Comets- sion 7,. Morris, eontaining 80 aeres, -67 of which are cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; a good 'mine dwelling, ills° frame barn, stables and sheds; good -orchrixdo ern* gravel road ;13 miles from Blyth and 9 xailes Items. Wing -ham- 'For particulars address either of the followheg executors, THOMAS LAIDLAW, Mirth, JAMES ANDERSON, BeIeneve. s.36 T__T OUSE AND tom FOR SALE IN‘SEAFORTA -Li- -For Sele Lot 80, James sheet, on which is erected a good' frame house, with kitchen and -wood shed atteched ; *rehouse contains tourgood rooms; the lot .comprises one-fifth of au acre, with good fruit trees, also good well. This is are. excellent ehance for any paatyin want of a good house, and -will be sold cheap. Apply to E. 3. 636,4x 11AELEWO OD, Seaforth, Tel ENSALL Village Property for Sale --The 'undersigned has a five -acre Park L ot in the thriving Village of Heneell which be offers for eele; there is an -extellent,,e6mraodious .and c,onvenient briet house on the property-, and a good. youngbearfirgorchard; it -will be found a v ery comfortable home for a retired farmer ; the terms will be very reasonable. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, THOMAS PEA- litEN, Hensel]. post office- °glee _ VARM rou SAT:Fe-West part of Lots 1Nand -1: 16 in the 6th COACESSiON of Stanley, contain- ing 99 acres, 80. of which ate cleared. There are 9 acres -of fall wheat sown and 22 acres feB plow- ing done; good barn, stable and outhouses, a/I frame, also good flame house -with stone cellar 18 x 24, good well with pump, and an exeellent orchard. This property is situated within a mile of Varna village, 12 miles from Seaforth, and can be bought for $4,501 Any one wishing further information can apply . on the premises to THOMAS JOHNSTON. " 283-12 VARM FOR SALE. -North half of Lot* Sara- ble Line (Lake Shoreltoad) Stanley; 80 scree ; 60 acres cleared and in good cultivation ; -208one good bush ; 9 acres fall wheat ; acres fall plow- ed ; theetoquarters of a mileirom DrendideP. and store ; fast-claas lona ; oonvenient to school and church.; brick house, 20x8a, stoiy road te, half, well finished, with good ceiler ; bank barn, 40x58; fine stream Of running water Close t3 bare ; a splendid orchard of bearing trees. Terms will be made to !mit purchaserie, if lime is enquired; but for cash a good bates% will be given. Apply on " - the farm or to NELSON MOUBSEAU, Drysdale P. 533x4 VAT= IN MeILILLOP FOR SATX1.-For Sale, the North part of Lots 8 and 1 Con. 13., Me- Killop,. containing 112 acres; there are obout 80 cleared, well fenced., underdrained, and in a high state of cultivation, thebalgnee is 'well timbered with hardwood; good. dwelling& new bank frame barn 50x57, with stabling underneath, and other outbuildings, also a good young orchard and plenty of water. Is 10 utiles from Brussels, 5 from Walton, and 12 from Seaforth, 'with good -gravel toads to each. place; con.aanient to ehureb and schools - will be sold as a whole or in two parts, or -will be exehanged for a small farm. Apply ts Walton P. 0. or to the proprietoron the premutes. WILLIAM DYNES. 598 (.2.00D FARM FOR SALT --Being Lot 80, Con. " 11, Township of Grey, zontaining 190 acres, about '75 cleated; clearing Dearly ail free of stumps ; soil clay loam ; 10 aeres fell wheat are BOW13,aud. balance tif clearing seed.ed doWn; on the lot there is* good new frame house 2040, latabstle°Taenl. obitbgebri iturtbuilldi/gIsr g80:08Pbefraerining6 orchatd and 8 good 'svelte ; the lot is favorably sit- uated on leading road through the teileuelalp,8•2 miles from Cranbrookand 2.4. from Henixyn rail- way station ; Sehool within* (muter elf and church close by ; as the proprietor hasretired from leaning, the lot eati. aold on easy terms, - For Jurther particulars apply to JOHN H. IfOl)G-ES, on tbe preleiMit or If 'letter la V2.2 GranbrOolc po0Ofteet