HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-01-23, Page 88 I. 117:1R tratON EXPOSITOR. NsumilaimulimellimismessmarommaiNii, wastatiMaiditsarkiitimisiliNBOAr JANUARY 23, 1880. ritton xlooitov. DISTRICT MATTERS. • 7 7777:777. Ont -For the accornmods,tion �f the farming commtmOy mie; have made ar- rangement s to exchange 111 (gil for oats, the same number of pounds as you 'get at the mills, also . flour, shorts, cornmeal, corn whole or chopped, . and mill feed on haral at bottom price. liEs- sALL MIX.X.s. 634 Montn--Miss Walah, late of Loretto Abbey, Toronto, is prepared. to receive pupils in vocal and instrumental rnuSie. Use of piano given if desired. Residence -George Street, first door north of the Huron. Road, Seaforth. .633-s MONEY. -A; Stroi, Seaforth, has $12,000 which. he will ler[ at •7i per cent. on first mortgage security. Apply at on. 633x4 STORE TO LET IN SEAFGRTH.-The SOUTH HURON AGRICULTUR&L SO- ,CIETYt-The annual meeting of the members of the South Huron Agricul tural Society was held at Brucefield on Wednesday last. There was a fair hilt not a large attendance. The reports from the various branch societies Were read and adopted. From these reports we learn that the total income of the Stanley branch was $306, being Made up of $183 from membership fees, $42, • entrince fees, and $81 Legislatiee grant. The sum of $240 was paid diit in prizes. • The total income of the Hay Society, including balance from - previous year, was $539. Of this sum, $204 had been received from members, $90 from admission to show, and $81 from Legislative grant. The sum of $282 was paid out in prizes, and there is a balance of $282 in the treasury. The Stephen and Usborne branch com- menced the, year with a balance of $357 in the treasury, and received $404 from membership, $434 - from admis- sion fees, and $165 from Legialative grant, the total income of the society for the -year beiug $1411. The sum of $1002 was paid. out in prizes, and the society closes the financial year with a balance of $148 in the treasury. The Tuckersmith Society commenced the year with a balance of $364 in the treasury; it received $295 from mem.- bership; $540 from admission fees, and $101 from Legislative grant. The total Moore() of the society for the year was $1379. There was paid out for prizes and grant tolparent sooiety $700, and at the close of the year there was a balance of $121 in the treasury. It will be seen that these reports show the branch societies to be in a very sat- isfactoryil and prosperous condition financially., • The county society was also proportionately prosperous during the past year, as the report of the Di- rectors shows. The Secretary, on be- half of the Directors, reaa a carefully prepared and interesting report, dealing with the doings of the society for the past year, and with the agricultural prospects of the . county generally, which- was unanimously adopted. As we shall publish this report in full next week, we shall not make further refer- ence to it here. The officers and di - and -we hopehis recovery is now se- rectors for the ensuing year were next cured. He was tip and going around ' - elected and are as follows : Dr. Cole - Man, Seaforth, President ; James Pick - once before, but claught cold and tock a relapse. , ard, Exeter, first Vice -President ; Hugh lor. jai; Potter, Robt. Currie, aThos. Ross. Morris -John Miller, Jas.' Lo- gan, W. J. Hingston, Chas.. Proctor. Grey-Robt. Brown, Jas. Ferguson, A. Slemmon, Thos. Strachan, McKillop- -Thos. E. Hays, R. Govenlock, R. Gray, Wm. J. Grieve. Tuckersmith- Geo. Sprout, John Dickson, A. Elcoat, Chas. Mason. Hullett-H. Snell, 5. Cummings, Thos. Moon, T. J. Bell, Geo. Watt, John • McMillan, John GOvier. Clinton -M.: McTaggart, E. Holmes, N: -Matheson, C. Spooner, Jas. Fair, J. Hearn. Seaforth-Johu Beat- tie, A. Davidson-, M. Y. McLean, T. T. Coleinan. After a vote of thanks to the President, Mr. 5. Biggins, and the Sec- retary, the meeting adjourned td meet again on the 31st of May. ; • . Store occupied by George Dent will be let cheap; must he jet at once.. 633 • ACCIDENT. -Mr. Dewar, Teller in the Bankof Commerae, met with a painful accident on Saturday night last. He Was going into the Conselideted Bank building by the back entrance, when he stepped into a hole, sprainiiag his leg so severely that he will be laid up, for eona EGAIONEFILLE CHURCH. -The itriniver- sairy services in connection with the Egmondville Presbyterian church will be held on the Sunday lifter next, and the. anniversary soiree on the Monday evening following. The full programnae has not yet been arranged, but will be made known in due time. den. -It is stated by those teho ktavit, been counting noses that. the Grits hatte; a•majorfty of one in the County Cdtiti- 'A MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE, nil this year. Lots of room for specu- lation ono, party vote. -The last of the winter assemblies will be held in Card - no's Hall this (Friday) evening. There will be a pleasant eveuiug for all who atteud.-Farmers are now beginning to realize the beneficial results of sowing salt upon their grain crops, and there is likely to be a very lively demand for this article for agricultural purposes this season. - It is cheap and beneficial, and should be largely used. -The coun- try roads are now in an almost impass- able coudition, and if the present open weather continues long, the hills for re- pairs that the municipal councils will have to, foot next season will not . he small. -Messrs. Coleman & Goninldcle STANLEY. have had their cooperage re -erected, _ -and it will be ready for occupancy in a I few days. -Mr. Peter McEwen, of God- erich; and formerly of Seaforth, the pioneer salt well borer, is talking 'about sinking a test salt well, in Exeter. If that municipality will grant him a bonus, he will proceed with the experi- ment at once. -Mr. I. D. Wilson, of this town, has been elected a Director ( of the Crown Mutual Fire Insurance Conapany. This is a new companyabe- ing started in Stratford on the mutual principle. -We understand that the heavy draught stallion "Wellington," imported and owned by Messrs. Love & Brown, and which has recently been owned by a gentleman in the Ottawa district, has been purchased by a gen- tleman of this vicinity, and will travel in South Huron during the coming season. • BURNS' ANNIVERSAR K. -The Scotch - Men of Seaforth and vicinity have de- cided to celebrate the hundred and eleventh auniversary of • the birth of Scotland's great poet, Robert Burns by a .supper at Carmichael's Hotel on Monday evening next. The committee extend a cordial welcome, to people of all nationalities, and hope there will be an attendance worthy of the occasion. A right good tirne may be anticipated. SCOTCIMEN, ATTENTION. -Mr. Hamil- ton Corbett, the celebrated Scottish vo- calist, will give a farewell entertain- ment in Carchio's Seaforth, on the evening of Tuesday, February 3. Mr. Corbett's reputation is already too well established to reqpire commenda- tion from us, and we noed only say that all who wish to hear the national sour-% end stories rendered in -....,aroper style, and who wish to enjoy a good laugh, should remember the third of February, and should net fail to attend Corbett's .en- tertainment. . I Pensoxae.-We are glad to notice that Mr. Charles Lawrie is able to be around again, although he is yet pretty feeble, and has not entirely recovered from the effects of his late -accident. -We are also glad to learn that Mr. Nelson Davidson,: who was dangeroUsly ill for several weeks Is again sufficient- ly- recovered to be around. Mr. David- son has had a long and severe attack THE LITERARY SOCIETY. -The regular -meeting of the Literary Society on Tuesday evening was well attended. The debate on the National Currency question did not take place, on account of several of the "hard money" men failing to put in an appearance. An impromptu discussion . on the Free School system was gotten up and occa- sioned considerable interest and amuse- ment., The decision was given iu favor of the Free School side as opposed to Rate -bill. The readings will take pladb on Tuesday evening next, but we have not been furnished with names of the *readers. A good prograname may, how- ever, be,expecte.d. SENT Ur. -Two men. named John Craig and William' Taylor were tried before the Mayor on Monday, on a charge of stealing moneylfrom Thomp- son Morrison. The facts, as nearly as we Cali learn them, are that the three men were on a drunken spree together, and Morrison, we suppose, being the drunkest, lost hisamoney. He accuses the other t*o men of robbing him, and -a portion of the'money was found upon them. The accused say, however, that they found the money and kept it, al- though they knew it was Morrison's. They were -both sent up to Goderieh to stand their trial. The most unfortun- ate feature of the affair is that _both of the men have families who are depend- ing on them for their support, and who, duriug their confinement, will be left in . destitute circumstances • • BIBLE SecteeeMeeepeca-The artmial -meeting of the Seaforth Branch of the Bible Society was held in the Canada . Metliodiet Chureli, on Monday evening jut... There was a fair attendance. The agent .of the 'society, ',Rev. Mr". Manley-, delivered a very interesting ad- dress, in which he strongly urged the . claims of the society to christian sup- port and sympathy. . Short addresses • . were also delivered by the Revds. Mes- srs. Renaud and Graham, the chair . being odeupiedby the latter gentle- man. At ,the conclusion the fol- lowing officers 'were elected: Rev. A. D. McDonald, President; all min- isters, Vree Presidents; R. Lumsden, ' Secretary and Treasurer. Committee.- Xessers. F. Hohnested, D. D. Wilscin, John Beattie; Wm. M.' Gray, Wm. Badge,D. D. Rose, "J. Duncan ' and Wm- Hill. Collector& - Mrs. Sharp, and Misses. Lumsden, Wilson, Rodgers, Cull and Johnson. THE He nox Lire STOCK. --A meeting of the officers and members of •the Hurou Live Stock Association was held at Clin- ton on Friday last. The report of the Sec- retary, which was read and adopted, allee-s a considerable balance in the treasury after closing up. the year's business. The following directors were b elected for the ensuing year :,Usborne t -L. Hunter, S. Hunter, T. M. Kay, A. t Bishop,. Thos. Russell, John Glenn, Jr. g Exeter -Jas. Oke, L. Hardy. Stephen i -Wm. Lewis, S. Hogarth. Hay -John f Petty, Jas. Loam all, S. Reunie,.D. s McCall, Rat. McAllister. Stauley-s t Love, Sr. Hills Green second Vi President. Directors -Gabriel Ellio Goderich township -;-Thos. Simps Stanley; Wm. ; Wilson, Hay; W Lewis, Stephen ; L. Hunter, Uaboin Wm. Bell Tuolrersmith • M. Y. M ce- tt, on, M. e; c - Lean, Sea,forth ; iJames Oke and Jo Willis, Exeter. Auditors -G. E. Jac son,. Egmondville, and Wm. Charte Hensall. At a, subsequent meeting the Directors_, Mr. G. E. Cresswell w re-elected Secretary and. Treasurer. • Loma BRIETS.-The regular meeti of the Ladies' Benevolent Society w held in the Town Hall on Tuesday la and relief was afforded to several w ,were considered. „needy. -The n m Council et on Monday last, subscrib , to the Declaratian of Office and a journed until next Monday evening. A new lamp has been erected on Go erich street near the residence of Mr. Duncan. -The mild. weather of t , Sunshine SINGING. -Professor Salter has good successin training his singing class here. The Professor is an able teacher. ACCIDENT. -The other day while John Healy was engaged in -chopping, he in- flicted a severe gash in his foot with the axe, which will prevent his taking active exercise for -a month or so. MAIL ACCOMMODATION. -Hitherto Sun- shine has had only one mail a week, Mit we expect shortly to be favored with a semi-weekly mail in accordance with a petition to that effect, which has been circulated and. largely signed in this vicinity, and forwarded to the proper authorities. MEDICAL TRM EATENT.-Wt? are glad to learn that Mrs. Lawrence Wheeler is recovering from a severe attack of ill- ness which confined her to bed for several weeks. She was attended by a Brussels doctor and two Wingham doctors, but made little progress under their care. Dr. Gardner of Lucknow was called in as a last resource; under his treatment she improved so rapidly as to be able to be up and around in two weeks. PERSONAL. -TWO young ladies of this place, Misses Maggie Hannah and Maggie Purvis have gone to Clinton to pursue their studies at the High School. They have proven themselves energetic students, and are likely to he successful at the test next July. -Mr. Andrew Ament who was 'engaged in parpenter work here during last -summer, has re- turned to spend a few days with his friends. Mr. Ament is • -a professional violinist and is rendering excellent musie amongst us. hn Zurich. THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. - The k- Annual meeting of the members of the TS, Hay Branch Agricultural Society,- of which was held in Zurich last aS week wasaflargely attended, and the meeting was a very harmonious and en- thusiastic one. The report of the nn Directors showed the affairs of the as society to be in as most prosperous con- st, dition, and the indications are that its ho usefulness will be largely extended ew ed during the present year. The following d- officers were elected: -Hugh Love, Sr., President; John Hunter, Vice-Presi- - !dent ; D. S. Faust, Secretary ; D. d - Steinbach, Treasurer. Directors,- he 3- Messrs. John B. Geiger, Alex. McE wan, Robt. Thompson, Henry Heyrock, Dan- iel Hoffstittlor, Robert McAllister, Robert Brcderick, Thos. Sturgeon and u- Michael Kercher. There was a strong desire manifested among the members na S. to have a spring show for entire stock, a held under the auspices of the Society in Zurice. No definite action on the ed matter was taken, but it was consider - in ed that a springshow would be a good thing, and if the people of Zurich con - 11 tribute pretty liberally towards the , prize list, so that the funds of the Society will not be trenched upon to J the 'detriment of the fall show, it is p - n probable the directors will favorably past two weeks has not had a parall at this Season of the year within t recollection of the oldest inhabitant. At the meeting of the ,McKillop Cou eil on Monday last Mr. Wm. Eva was elected Deputy Reeve. -Mr. Tho Greenway was in town on Monde last. He looks as if Manitoba air agre with him. Ho returned to Winnipeg o Thursday. He will visit Ontario aga, about the first of March, when he wi organize another Manitoba party, -Th Huron Presbytery met in the Presb terian Church- in this town on Tuesda, last. A report of proceedings will a pear in our next. -This has been a unprofitable season, so far, for th skating and curling rinks. -Business i town has been very dull since th sleighing broke up. -Mr. Charle Lawrie hag purchased the residenc formerly owned and occupied by Mr. P Volmar, .nd has removed into it. -M Frank Fowler has returned from Mani toba. His meat venture turned out . very satisfactoraly.-Rev. A. McLean of Blyth, preached the thanksgiVing sermon in thePresbyterian Church on Monday last. -The salt business is un- usually good just , now. Large ship- ments are being made to the Chicago maxket, where there is a good demand for i'-, at paying rates. -We understand that Mr. Thomas Govenlock has pur- chased -the well and works of the Mer- ehants' Salt. Company, which h h as been running under lease for the past year. --If the streams do not freeze up and ice form on them, there will be an ice famine next sneamer.-Tbe fall wheat in this .sieighborhood and throughout -the country is looking re- markably well. The open weather and the absence of frost is having a benefi- cial effect upon it. If there should be a good 'crop next year it would make business "boom," as there has been ' a very large breadth sown. -Mr. Peter Daley has started in the butchering usiuess on his own account. If it is rue that opposition is the life of trade he butchering business ought to be clod in this town. -Laborers are work - ng on the market building in Clinton or 50 cents per day and boardinglthem- elves. It would seem as if there are oo many people in the world t -Wheat has declined in price during he past week, and is likely to be lower efore it i hgl r. F. G. Spar- ing has retired from the merca.ntile usiness, andthe store he occupied is o rent. -We have on band a number f interesting_eomnaunications on va- ous Subjects, which .will receive at - consider the matter. This is, no doubt n a wise conclusion. The Zurich fall • show, has long maintained a leading s position, and it would he a great pity to take any step that would even be in • dancer of detracting from its interest r. and usefulness. • Hay. COUNCIL MEETING. -The new Conn- , cil met pursuant to statute on Monday, , January 19th. After making and sub- ; scribing the usual declarations of office [ and qualification, the following gen- tlemen took seats at the Council Board, viz.: D .Buchanan, eve, J. 0. Kalb- . fleisch, Deputy Reeve; and J. F. Mor- itz, W. Charters and H. Heyrock, Councillors. On motion, the following municipal officers were appointed for the onrrent year: S. Foster, Clerk; J. Broderick, Auditor - the Reeve ap- pointing D. S. Faust as second Auditor; . M. Zeller, Treasurer; J. Bonthron, Assessor; J. H. Schnell, Collector; and Mrs. Keinhardt, Caretaker of Hall. , Moved by Mr. Heyrock, seconded by ' Mr. Charters, that the following sal- ; &ries be paid to municipal officers, viz.: !.Clerk, $l10; Auditors, each $6; Trees- , urer, $80; Assessor, $60; -Collector, $55; Caretaker, $8 -Carried. Bloved by Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded, by Mr. Charters, that the Reeve be appointed to atteud to the making of a culvert on Centre Road, on applieation of W. Buchanan,Carried. Moved by Mr. Moritz, sedonded by Mr. Kalbfleisch, thatthis Council do now adjourn to meet on the 16th day ;of February, when Pathreasters, Poundkeepers and Fence-wewers will be appointed for the I current year -Carried. = Hibbert. COLTEOSOLD.-MT. Wm. Norris of the 9th conceasion, sold his span of yearling fillies to a gentleman from Downie for the handsome sum of $325. Mr. Norris takes great delightin raising good I horses. By the above price it will be seen that he is hard to beat. One of these colts was sired by Glencairneind the oth . Love, Jas. Isetchen, W. J. Biggins, - Jas. Biggins. Goderich township -R. t Hawley, John Salkeld, John Hunter J. b L. Courtice, Wm. Clark. Colborne- 1 Wm. Dixon. Win. Youlag, W. L. Fer- b guson, j. 5. Fisher. Goderich-F. t Graham, A. McD. Allan, A. Smith, Mr. o Harris. Ashfield -j. Hayden, Mr. ri obertsou. Blyth -W. Elawkshaw, W. Clegg. West Wawartosh.---Jolm Wash- ington, Ed. Giinht, Chas. Girvin, John Medd. East Wawanosh-T. H. Tay- tention as space permits. -The County Couucil of Huron meets at Goderich on Tuesday next. The most important business.will be er by Old Lo the election of War - rd ad do, A STEAM BOILER BLOWN TO ATOMS --ONE MAN KILLED AND TWO SERIOUSLY IN- JURED. A most terrible accident occurred on the farm of Mr. Malcolm Cameron, 2nd coucession of Stanley, on Weduesda,y afternoon last, which resulted in the death of one highly esteemed resident , of the township, and the. serious injury' of two others. Mr. Arthur Wanless was engaged in -threshing for Mr. Cam- eron, with his steam threshing .ma- chine. They were just finishing up the job, at, about 4 o'clook, when the ex- plosion took place. The engine was blown to atoms, and scattered over the adjoining field. Both ends and a piece of the side were blown out of the boiler, and thrown 'a considerable distance. The main part of the boiler was thrOwn into the barn, a distance of 50 feet, and fell on the front of the machine, crush- ing down the foot -board, and falling upon a young man named Munn, fro the township of Hay, who was feedi the machine, and before he could be r moved the broken boiler had to be roll off him. Mr. ArthurWanless was a tendiug the engine at the time, and h also, was badly scalded and terribly i jured. Mr. Duncan McEwen had ju come over to see the machine work, a Was standing looking on when the e plosion took place. He was blown o into an adjoining field, a distance several rods, and died from, the effec of his injuries some after being remov to the house. Mr. Wanless and t ng ed t-. t - e, n- st nd x- ut of ta Tuesday. ed SOLD Our. -Hawkins Brothers have he sold out their interest in the meat Elgie that the Returning Officers be paid. the BUM of $5 each for their ser- vices at the -late municipal election and James Pickard $2.50 for stripping a gia vel pit at John Sproat's, and Edith Mc- Kay $5 for aid cluri CI sick]) ess-Carried. Moved by Wm.. S. Mundell seconded by Joseph Nigh that the collector be in- structed to have all taxes collected and paid over to the treasurer before the lst day of Feburary 1880 -Carried'. Moved by Robt. Elgie seconded by John Han- nah that the Reeve be empowered to purchase 10,000 feet of cedar,6x8 inches thick and 12 feet long and 10,000 feet of Rock Elm plank 3 inches thick and 16 feet long, and have the same 'delivered at D. Walker's, Thos. Robertson's and Wm. • S. Mundell's not later than the 24th of May 1880 -Carried. Moved by Wm: S. Mundell seconded by Joseph Nigh that this council do now adjourn to meet again at McLean's bridge, con- cession 4, H. R. S-, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of February, at 10 o'clock A. M., and at Kaiser's Hotel, Brucefield, at 12 noon, of the same day -Carried. Dublin. Goren- TO LEVE. -Mr. L. King, one of our Merchants, intends moving to Wing. ham next week, where he will open out a general store. May success follow him. MbRE DEATHS. -Mrs Henry Petrey was buried on .Wednesday at Irish town. Mrs. Grubbins an old lady living between here and Seaforth, died on young man Munn are very severely i jured, and their recovery, at last a counts, was doubtful. Several of th threshing hands were standing at th front of the separator, where Munn w when the boiler struck him, and the escape from injury is little short o miraculous. The cause of the explosio is not, and probably never will, b known. Mr. Wanless, the engiuee was considered thoroughly competen to run the engine, being well acquain ed with such machinery. It is state however, that it bad not been workin well that day, and it may be that som thing was wrong of which he was no aware. The engine was one of Hag gart's make. Mr. McEwen, who Was killed, was well known and highly esteemed where - ever known, and his sad death will be de- plored by many. He had been laid up with illness for several weeks, and this was the first time he had been from home. Drs. Stewart, of Brucefield, and Worthington, of Clinton, were in at- tendance, andsclicl all that medical skill could do for the alleviation of the suf- ferers. market here to Mr. E. Baker. Mr. Baker is an old butcher and thoroughly understands the business. The cld proprietors will start up in Mitchell after a little. a LEFT THIS WORLD. -The infant child of Mr. John Carpeuter, that was so badly burned the. Sunday after Christ- mas, was relieved of its sufferings on Wednesday night of last week, and was t interred at the Irishtown Cemetery on t- Friday. Also the funeral of Mrs. d, Keogh, an old lady living in Hibbert, g took place at the Catholic Church on e- Saturday. SABBATTI SCHOOL PRESENTATION. -A. large number of the Sabbath Soho° scholars, teachers and friends of th Bethel Sunday School, Babylon Line met at the residence of Mr. Thos. Mc Intyre on Tuesday, the 20th inst., and presented him with a largo and beauti fill edition of the Bible, on his resigna- tion of his old position as teacher m the Sunday School. Mr. McIntyre was altogether taken by surprise, and his amazement may be better imagined than described, when he saw so many of his friends and well-wishers Come and take possession of his house, with- out the least warning. On order being restored, a piece of music was rendered, when the address was read and the presentation made. Mr. McIntyre was alsO mado the recipient of a book en- titled "The Prince of the House of David," by . an old co-worker in the Sunday School. His reply was short, but full of deep feeling and gratitude. After the contents of :the baskets had been fully disposed of, games, singing and speeches made the evening pass quickly away, when all departed for their homes, well pleased with the en- joyment of the night. COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER. -The friends Mr. Thomas Simpson, ex -Reeve of tanley, intend entertaining him at a mplimentaxy supper to be held at urner's Hotel, Brucefield, on the even - g of Tuesday, February 3rd. Mr: mpsou has served the people of tanley in their municipal Council for wards of 20 years, and the compli- eut thy purpose paying shim is well erited.l. The management of the air is in the hands of an energetic - d Tient` corn ttee, and will, we ve n d�ubt, be a gra,fid success. NEW Ait useesiestals.-1-At their first eeting hjes ected ; obl uple of hey ap' o 1 tripped. the 'lightfautastic toe' until the wee sine' hours, when all departed in _ peace and harmony. Mr. and Mrs. .Vasey intend Visiting their numerous friends in the this province for a time and about the 3rd of March they intend starting for their future home near Crystal City, Manitoba. We wish them a long and a happy life. Lakelet: Lumley. SNAKE TiELLED.-A. smile was killed near here on Monday the 19th inst. Pretty early for such reptiles, MINK RILLED.A full grown mink was captured and killed by two men while cuttine wood on the farm of Mr. P. Greenwoal of this place. - To THE ALTAR. -OU Friday the 16th inst. Mr. John Vasey of Usborne, lead to the hymenial altar, for better or fOr worse, Miss Annie E. McMahon, of Hay. The ceremony was performed in the Methodist Church, Kippee, by the Rev. Mr. Smith of the same place. A very pleasant time was speut in the evening, at Mr. McMahon's, where they of CO jo Si up 11) aff an ha itt el CO Varna, filled the 1y1 for Irti4 'neut. A ooeOLT.- draught col 9 mo of Sti eley,neer 5 feet (line aes an 1,000 Pomade VITAL STA.TSTIO. here Wag regis- tered in the Town hip for thela ha,lf-year ending the 31et of Deemer, 1879 Births 41, 9 ;al s and 22; females; Deaths 24. 2 al s .and 121 fenittles ; Marriages 1 :A Discu SION. A! public discussion will be held under the, auspices of the Egrnondville Gran e, in t e Grange on Monday last, the newly n,oil of Stanley me a ew official api-ointi4ents. t4 Mr. Geo: Stewart, of nd M. Alex.Sparks, Wm. Plunkett who has n of C:erle very efficient - ye rs deOlined re-engage- , r Ir. Thomas Johniton f arn , has a heavy, a ths loid, which girths r h tur ed the s t HOWICK CHEESE MANUFACTURING COM- PANY. -The a,nnual meeting of the shareholders of this company was held at the factory, which is situated be- tween Lakelet and Fordwich, on Fri- day, the Oth inst. The President, John Fleming, occupied the chair, and Myles Yonng acted as Secretary. The auditors' financial report and. the Secre- tary's report were read and adopted. Seventy-three tons of cheese were man- ufactured during the season, which sold at an average price of 6-1 cents per lb. The cost of making was 2-1 cents per lb. The followiug named Direc- tors were balloted for and elected, viz.: John Fleming, Myles Young, George Gregg, Win. Montgomery, Daniel Har- ris, Andrew Montgomery and E. Hard- iug. Wm. Giles was appointed auditor. J. Fleming, Geo. Gregg and A. Mont- gomery were appointed- salesmen. A naeeting of the Directors was then held, when the following officers were elect- ed; President, John Fleming, Ford- wich P. O.; Secretary, Myles Young, Lakelet . 0.; TreasnrenGeorge Gregg, Lakelet `; Wroxeter. LEASE)11.-Messrs. Gibson and Young \ have leaged the saw mill in Wroxeter 0 and are ready and willing t saw all the logs that are bro ght to them. All ord rs executed wi h promPtness and des etch. That is heir motto. B Ian ai YOU BOOSTERS. - Mr. Rob rt Mi ler of Tt rnberry, ha's got a oes er wh eh. was buried in a hay mow or over t weeks and is nosy s rutting bout as li ely as ever, only th t he is ardly fat nough for table use. TOO HAR A KICK. -One of o r most espected itizens tried to kic a dog he other ay, and when he got hrough alk across the streetiu the is boot. He hould remesn- not to " let his angry ca1 es a • he had to mud after ber itt ,ut r , passions rise.' Room on Friday f3 eniteejan axy 30th. managel. an enlarge ent of the mi but perraps p will -be that would 114A work as; well as the at and all, other. commencing ; at 7 o'arioPk. Subject: GOOD. -Mr. tor of the oa tO keep ,up wit demand for hi ronning night if -this thine will ha-Ve o added to the A. L. Gibsbn the oprie- meal mill here i4torder h the ra.pidly inc asing meal, has had to start and day. He says that es on milch long r, he ave another day or two eek. We would suenest The culti vetteharvesting lam il rnent of whp t. The 'Sub'e introduced. by Mr. A. gle Whether belOngingto the invited to att iscussion if th axe cordially part in the OP 80- ContiCITa cetitica-The lect thi da 4 'pursuant to aly'. ote1 EgmondVille. subsqb.d the oath of Qual fi declaration of office, were du tilted theiaimed for 188 Walk r, Reeve; John Hanna Reeler; Wee. S. Mundell, J s and litobfl. Elgie, counci lo Reeve hearing taken the c minut s of last meeting were Coflfjrrned, !wlien it was naov d Elgie 9ecorded by Joseph 1 N Mr. AI Cdninell be clerk an for tbe eprre t year at a s $215, ndlltee'stratsof Vital at a s'a ary of $15 per annum Moved by S. ,Mundell seconded lilannab that Wm, McMillan pointed an auditor for the ctirr The Reeve appointed Arclaibal I. P. S auditor, to be ,paid for their services --Car i ed. 111 John Hannali seconded by Robert M r or no, and tak esire t THE AGRICULTURAL S annual meetieg of the Huron Agricultural Societ the Town- Wroxete , as per an- ncil me nounceinent .on Wednesday the 21,st atute a January 1880, at 1 p. pa. W. G. Hinge havin stou, President-, in the chair. The atiou and, President haa-ing opened the meeting y consti- the Secretary proceeded tol read the David annual report of the Directors. Ac- , Deputy cording to it the total receipts of thb ph Nigh Society for 1879, was $1,130.61 and the S, The ,expenditure $1.113.85, leaving a balan air. the on hand of 1816.76 ; the rec -cad and made up of legislative gran by Mr. grant, members' fees, special gh that . the expenditiire was made ;reasurer apportionmeet of legislativa CIETY. - The ast Riding of was held in ipts we , 001111rizes &c -ap of th' d count olaarryrieaee: grants to township societies prize lis tatistics printing and other necessary nd ine table expenses. The report h ving bee by John put to the meeting, it was carried u nbeaapr. -artimously. The meeting the proceed- tyeed to elect their officers. and t e electioe, Dewar, resulted as follows: W. G. ingstol, 6 each ' re-elected president unanimou for he ied by ; is • a jolly good fellow, &c iller, Morns, T.TSt, Vice -President Donald McLaughlin, Grey, 2nd Vice - President; and Messrs. R. Martin, Grey, A. Forsyth. Morris, William Thompson, Howick, A. Thompson, Turnberry, A. Malcolm, Howick, G. Moffat, Morris, R. Gibson Howick, D. Scott, Brussels, William Grieve, Mc- Killop, Directors. Mr. Thos.- Gibson, M.P.P., was elected an honorary mem- ber of the societY,while grass grows and water runs. • The meeting then adjourn- ed. Town Couxcie.-At the first meeting of the new council held on Monday evening, the Clerk was instructed to produce the Auditor's report for 1878 at next meeting. Messrs Joseph. Cowan and D. W. Walker were appointed Auditors for the ensuing year. Mr. William Robibson was appointed Treas- urer and Collector, at a salary of $40. Mr. W. A. Y. Roy was appointed AS- sessor, at a salary of $15. Mr. Vogt was re -appointed. bell-ringer, and was instructed to ring the bell according to by -la'. Councillors Sanders and San- derson were • appointed to attend the letting of the town hall for entertain- ments. A number of accounts were ordered to be paid, when the Council adjourned until the third. Tuesday in February. Istullett. Vrrae -STarisetes.-There were regis- tered with the township registrar of Hullett during the year 1879, 80 births, 21 marriages and 41 deaths, COUNCIL.- The Municipal 'Councail elect for the township of Hullett met t Londesboro' on the 19th of January, 1880, according to law, made and sub- scribed their respective declarations of qualification and office, and. entered upon their dutieg for the present year. Minutes of former meeting were read and confirmed. It was moved by 5. Mason and seconded by 5. Luba/la that David Jackson be an auditor for the present year -Carried. Jas. Camp- bell was appointed the other auditor by the Reeve. Moved by 5. Howson, sec- onded by 5. Britton, that Robt. Smith be re -appointed assessor for the present year at a salary of $90 -Carried. Moved by J. Britton, seconded by 5. Lasham, that Thos. Neilans be re -appointed col- lector for the present year at a Balmy of $90 -Carried. Moved by J. Britton, seconded by J. Lasharn, that a -haalaw be prepared and passed to COTIfiTM the foregoing appointments of officers -Car- ried. The by-law was then read and passed.. Moved by J. Mason, second by J. Lashare, that the following sum be granted as charity to the fo lowing persons, viz.: Thos. Ewen an wife, $2 per week; Mary Conley, the rate of $75 per year, to be paid Geo. Warner for her board and clot ing, and John Burkle the sum of 7 cents per week -Carried. Moved by Britton, seconded. by J. Mason, that Howson and 5. Lasham be appointed, a, committee to wait on the friends of Finlay Munro and Wm. McKenzie„ two old and indigent persons previously supported by this Council, to ascertain if they, their s'aid friends, will not sup- port them -Carried. The Council then - adjourned to meet again at Lottd.es- boro' on the 5th. February. ed 1' PURCHASE YOUR- CLOTHING to ik G. MCDOUGALL & 00 5 NEW WINTER ,GOODS. A. C. McDOUGALL & CO. ARE TODAY OFFERING SPECIAL BARGAINS In Every Department of their House. Stock ?vas Never Better As- sorted than it is to -day. The Stock of Silks, Dress Goods, Man- tles'Millinery, Hosiery'Gloves, Laces, Trimmings and Staple Goods is unequalled in the County. MILLINER m y -New Trimmed Hats, 75 cents, $1, $1.25, $1.50, and up. Real Beaver Bonnets and Hats frona $2.50 up. MANTLES -Warm Beaver Mantles from $2 up, Meters from $2.50 up - German Pattern Mantles positively half price. Wrap Cloaks, Doimans, Circulars, &c.. DRESS GOODS -We are clearing out the entire stock at prices which convince everybody that we carry out our advertise/vats to the very letter. HOSIERY -most complete stock -we ever carried, and. at popular prise& Our sales in this department amply prose - Warns Winter Gloves, ., in great variety. GLOmVitsE, &Se FLANNELS -Fancy Wool Goods, dre., very cheap. Brussels. LEANTING.-Mr. Daniel Scott, tinsruith left on Monday last for Kansas. DIED. -Mr. John Crosher, of Brussel died last Thursday, at his father's resi deuce in Toronto of consumption. Maneceas.-Fall wheat, $1.18 to $1,20 beparelung: 4$01.610645to; oats, .30, 203pe pork,a s , t. ot o fi0 $6.10. PROPERTY SOLD. -Mrs. T. R. Smith has sold her house and lot on Albert street to Mr. M. Wallace, of Brussels cheese factory. RECOVERING. -Mr. A. Dunnage, sta.,- tion muter, who has been confined to bed for the last month with inflamma- tion of the lungs, is now able to be up, but not to attend to duties. BADLY KICKED. -The hostler at the Queen's Hotel, on Saturday last, was so badly kicked with a horse he had in -charge, that it will be some time before he will be able to leave his bed. ENTERTAIMIENT.-Mr. Watson,. the Canadian humorist is billed for Friday the 6th of February, at Brussels, under the auspices of the Brussels Mechanics' Institute and Town Band. We hope he will have a good house. THE NEW -COUNCIL. --On Monday even- ing the new Councilors for 1880 were duly organized. -The Reeve appointed D. McGillicuddy his auditor, and the Councillors appointed A. Dalmage. The other officers will be appointed at next meeting. ACCpEN .-On Thursday last a Mr. and 1rs. Davison, of Brussel were returiink, frqm the country, an when opposfte atit's saw mill they et a teamtein driven by a drunkenl man, who ran into their buggy, ups t it, throwing. them both out. Xis. Pavz- son was badly cut upon the headi. and otherwise bruised, while Mr. D visor! was Ginty slightly hurt. It vr4s a. won- der tlitat it was not worse. They keep the largest stock to select from. All their goode are thoroughly well made and finished, and their prices are fully 30 per cent.. lower than those of any other house. VISIT OUR SALE. We have marked down the whole of our immense stock of Men's, Boys' and Youth's Clothing. , See our New Style Overcoats, beauti- fully lined and. finished. This is the best value in town. Price, $6.75. s' See our New Style Meters, newest. - materials. We know this to be excel- lent value. Price, $7.50. o SPLENDID WINTER SUITS. Belgrave. SIN I 'G ScRooe.-j singing school has befn started here. SHO D - BE CAREFUL. --Mr. McRae ias lost a valuable cow lately from in ammat-ion. Farmers are too carelesS with their stock this changeable weather. SICKN ,SS.-Diubtherillii, is, and has been, bad in :this vicinity for some ime. Mr. Ambrose Ly1or lost his ldest hiid from it, and several other amilie, have been sirniLu1rly bereaved. 'tee° RING. -We are lad to learn hat MIr. Henry Braridoi, of. the- 4th oncess on of Morris, is r.eoovering from severe attack of rheum tic fever; also Ir. Isaac Nicholson, wh was hurt in . G. Bell's saw mill in this village, is ecovering. G d_erioh Tovtaaship. Coni- It is currently reported t at a change will be made in the ojfflciais of this township for the present &T. FIRE. -4 fire broke out in the resi- nee of kr. D. Canteldn a few days 0, but 4d. not dame much damage fore it w s extinguished. 13lyth.. WANTED -More MOW. Dree.-News is ecarce here this week. Not even a chimney on fire to get up an excitementi DEBATE.J-Our debating club held their second debate, on Wednesday. Subject--" Resolved ;that love has a more powerful influence over mankind than hatred." There were some excel - a a We have five hundred Spits to select from, in all the newest and hest ma- terials. Price, from $9.50 up. BOYS' AND YOUTHS'. All can be suited in Boys' and Youths' Clothing at our establishment. All sizes are kept in stock, and the prices will snit the most economical. Call, see and judge for yourselves: Eo Gifts. No Discounts. Plain, Figures and Net Prices Onijk A. G. MCDOUGALL & Importers of and Dealers in DRY GOODS Only. lent points made by both parties. At the close hatred was declared to be the winning side. But love is certainly the - most felt itt this neighhorhood at present for one of our resident ministers has been called to unite in Marriage no fewer than three couples during the past week. NEW COMERS. - Messrs. 1W. 4kG. - Southcott, mereehant tailors of Exeter, have removed to Myth and are opening out a fine stock of goods. TOWNSHIP Ortriascbnn?sr.-11eAt the meeting of the Usborne townShip Council heldon Monday, Mr. Shier was elected Deputy Reeve. Mr. N. 5. Clark was re p• pointed clerk; Mr. Thos.- Heywood,' as seThos, Coates, collector, and Thomas as Allan and ;James Beer, Mai- - tors. The minutes a the meeting will appear next tiv -Brother Alick Simmons, of the Star. thus modestly discourses - Mr Ham , on, 01 Montreal, visited us this week. In shaking hands with him it brought - forcibly to our memory the scene enact- ed on the 12t1I of July, 1878, when we headed a procession of Orangemen' through the streets of Montreal. We were so fortunate as to escape arrest at that time, although pursued by the mob, but Mr. Hamilton cannot assert the same, as he was captured and placed in durance vile for a few hours." Where- upon he of the Wiiagharn Times, re- marks: It also brought forcibly to our memory the scene enacted on the 12th of July, 1878, in Montreal. . We were in that city at the time, being on the staff of one of the daily papers, and saw the whole proceedings of the day. We did not see any procession, or any one heading it, nor was there one Nor did we see the mob chasing the editor of the Star; We think that the editor of that paper must have a very elastic imagination, or he could not have stretched out the &lathlike he did in or- der to make himself a bit of a hero." It will now be in order for Alick to rise and explain. The public must get to the bottom f thi b Awing a present St largevSprin A GREA To Cosh Bu Money a CHEAP . Weare C heap Dress low OUR The haat riaugt be Se weeks. Ladies' Tr Feathers vei ORDER Selling Fat Ordered Clot teed a PerfeC READYN CIT2R A Fresh: Renaemb r Commercial HILl