HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-01-23, Page 21 r _ ' e 44,444,4^' • . , THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 7R -R, SILVER HORSE-SHOE. might have lost the freshness of John's sympathy for me, and mine for him, if A. STORY IN TWO CRAFTERS. it had not been for the gentle word in season that fell from his mother's lips, and made, as it were, scales to fall from my eyes. She spoke with her hand • on nay. shoulder, and her dear beautiful face all a -quiver in the dread •lest I should be ready to resent her counsel. "Don't let baby keep you from being the heart of John's life, child," she said. "Let no one have the power of taking that from you." Then I remembered how the night before I had been chattering away about baby's temarkable feats and mar- velous doings, and how weary John had looked -nay, how I had caught him in the loving hidine away of a yawn that would not be wholly 're- pressed ; and wisdom °sane to me as I pondered. imes were bad; trouble was around verywhere in the mercantile world counsel was leading honest men ay, and wanton hands were sowing seeds of dissatisfaction in the hope ()aping harvests of advantage to iserves. First one class of opera- s went on strike, and then another. hands of this mill or that refused o on, working except under th.e spur igher wages, and so the busy whirr - theins and outs of the trade were fern- I wh IT of the machinery was silent until iliar sutjects to my- inquiring and en- stietnger handacould be found to set it entg t. lightened mind.. gwain You see / have ad such an example in John's mother, lid then -well, ray I tar family thought that 1 might have done an better than marry a Lancashire mill- bea owner, and they said a good. many bit- cri ter things. Aunt Denisou used to giae nta. her shoulders the least little shrug, and au draw heishawl about her as if' she cate shivered slightly when I alluded to my 1,11 future home; and when she shook) fttia , hands with John, she always managed' to alte to convey to me an affected misgiving -1 that she- rather feared her delicate ! , fingers might, be soiled by the contact. 1 t I saw, day b day, how tae cloud These things hurt at the time, thdugh [ dee ailed on my h sband's face. I used they lost their sting quiekly enough 1 to e t very quiet, j st within reach of when I got him all to myself, and he ! his qiand, of an e eeing, or we would held me close in bis arms, and told me / stroll down to MrsOtway's-John very how hard he would strive to make me ; silent, but yet 1 knjew, by the magnet - happy, Happy Well well, I wonder ism of touch, bap y in the feeling of does there live a happier woman than I m et. CIIAPTER I. We had been so sure that the .trou- bles that were overwhelming others -in the manufactuAng world would never touch us. WO had been se sure that delegates from the 'anions might prowl about amotig our "hands," and never gain one smgle adherent. I thought out safety founded on a rock. I thought we could calmly and svmpathiziugly look down upon the troubles of our neighbors. ° . Now, wheu I say "we," I mem John and I. This sounds strong-minded, you are ready to say. Well, I don't know what other peo- ple may choose to call it, but in -truth I lia.ve been very protica arid glad that ever since the day I married the Owner of Otwa,y Mills he had liked me to take an interest in his work and in his lig people. evi I don't meau to say that he talks to let me about the price of yarns, or tells me the of the rises and falls in the cotton mar- ef I ket, though I 'think that if any great the anxiety came upon_ Iiiin, even of that' -tiv( kind, Jack would give me a hint of it, Th and I'm sure I should try my best to 1 to look as wise as a young owl, and as ;if ) af 1 418 arker shadows crept into the pic- after this; men, an- hour ago hale hearty, were maimed, blinded, en almost out of life; and these es were done in the dark. The ters did not eseape ; one was fired the cowardly bullet coming from no knew whither. I grew. fearful, and ite of struggles after courage, more once I hacitto turn away "my head John's good-bye kiss had pressed ips, as he set off for Otway Mills. r hands seem d all right ,as yet. , testing on this arm. The , John's - wife in all ,the length and i mother and, son epoke earnestly • to - breadth of England' Yet no life is 1 gether of the state, of trade, and the without its days of trial, and the 'story 1 dark mists hanging over the north I am- gOina to tell you now is of one of 1 country, well typitred by the black those darkbtimes that come to ust all smoke that came from the big chim- sooner or later. - neys and hung like -a canopy over the The way that Aunt Denison and i town. , - others of my own kith and kin beheved 1 Who shall tell of the tribute paid in about my marriage naturally put me pain apd tears by the Women and chil- somewhat out in the cold with them, , dren in these troublous days? Surely and threw me more completely , upon ! no bitterer pang there can ae thau the John's people than might have been the sharp stab that goes through a mother's case otherwise. And. how good they ! heart as the ery of hea child for , were to me! , 'Bread! bread!" has to be ; smothered I had mever seen Mrs. Ralph Otway, I against her heart, lest its sbund drive John's mother, until I came to the , the brooding man by the fireless hearth land of smoke and tall chimneys, for to meduess and violence. , she had not come South to our wed- 1 e This is what being "on strike" ineans ding. Her delicate health was the ex- t tie . 'wives and little ones of or r mill case put•forward, but my own private hands. a say "our" because alas ! opirden is that John was afraid of that I ehould have to write it-tLe day aim ie. He could put up calmly came :when John returned from town enofzgh with that shiver and ehrug luokingtas I bad never seen hi 1 -as when directed against himself; but the /neither who bore him had never both he and I had once inadvertently seen him. heard her say that "she believed ' all (Away Mills were stopped. Th men, Lancashire lathes spoke in a loud voice, . whose relations with their m sters and had. very red hands," and I think had been a proverb in the trade, that was enough for John. on steike. were When first I saw Mrs. Ralph ()Wray John did not say much. He this saving at once darted into my , never a Man of many words, and si mind, for never, -among all the grand ! is natural to men as a reauge from , London ladies that visited at my guar- sible tears: . dian's house, had I ever seen a woman , "Our turn has come at laet ; so completely, beautifully refined ill , hardly the men's fault; this so look, voice, and ! manner. Then her ' thing is as catching as the pl hands ! Why they were such soft, y - ' T1 now they have been fairly I white, womanly things, and closed over , eettae That blackguard Jim Steve one!s own with such a teader, faithful . at the bottom of it; he was sen t clasp,- that once, sitting by her knee, 1 ing to one of the delegates from could not help beading dowel and kiss- enema,' hag them as they lay upon her lap. That was all John said. Hie met She nsed to tell me stories of ' Jack's and I listened, and noting the ' set 1 e boyish days, stories that she never of liis lips, and the stern loo1 in his tired of telling, or I of listening to; eyes, we knew that, let the meii at °t- end sometimes she spoke of her dead way Mills be as . stubborn as they husband, and of how he had been re- might, the master would not iel an verecl and looked up to by everybody, 'ace. , until at last his name became a port of • Our home, the dearest spot en ei.rth ' proverb, and people in the basiness to mel --the fairest, too, in spit of world bad been heard to speak of hon.-. its nearness to a manufanthring een- est Ralph Otway. You could hear a tre-was 'some three miles out of the tremor in her voice when she .spoke of teem. . things 1 a these, and eft a faint flush, John used generally to drive , in end ' like the pink in the inner side of a sea- out, to and from the mills, but so shall rise to her delicate cheek. . ' - timet he rode his big black h.oree, King "It is a great responsibility to have so : Cole, and now and again I would ride many hands under one head, and to be . by him on nay pretty little bay mare, answerable for the welfare of them all; - Lassie, returning with the eroom. it needs wisdom to rule them well, and ' e Wellthe night after he told me of to be just as well as kind," she would ; , say to me, speaking of the _great mills ' the strike, I lay wide eyed. throligh all the long, long hours, hearing each ono ' where the machinery whirred and buzzed all day long, and the hands strike below stairs, and thinking those - came rushing out when the dinner bell . ; thoughts of mingled love aud fear that like bees • gather about a woman's heart like a clanged its noisy summons, flock of ill-ontened birds when her near - swarming from their hive. his Lists/Lily,: est and dearest are threatened with m to her wise and tender wordstitea7 danger. The stillness of night is a ter - borne in upon me that fro "Y ; ribiet magnifying medium ; postibilities boyhood. John had been trained in the best schooteo make, 'a- man good ancl . take gigantic proportions seen thropgli true. its voiceless quiet, How glad I was He had wanted his mother to live - when faint lines of lieht beg said - an to creea into the room. b with us -and you may be sure I had no ' will apart from his -but she , It was past -that night of thoug,hts that were almost prayers -and prayers "No, married folks are best left to that were wily like thoughts that 1 Sbe had her way; but we would . not themselves." trusted God to read the mea,ning of. was once po8-. it is t of. eue• ealt s is alk - the Ima her I wr inc dured the thought that he kept a tro ble- from nib. . Mrs. Otway's face grew pallid wit a more transparent whiteness ever day; her eyes, always tearless, had fixed, hard look, the look that com fromt grief restrained from outwai showi by might or will. At j length negotiations for the ern pleyinent of alien hands -men willin to work for the wage that was all th master could give in those -biting time were spoken of. Wrath that had. sim mered now seethed; scowling me gathered in groups about the narro streets that surroun.ded the mills like labyrinth ; mutteredcurses mad starved and frightened women burt by ; clinched fists threatened the tvorl for grievances brought about by the ba counsel of wicked men- and the brute resolve and stubbornness of uncultured natures. Many eases qf low fever, the result of insufficient food and • fuel t occurred among the wives and children of our re- bellions operatives; and my time was soon, taken up by ministering to the ne- cessities of the sick. In this work John never strove to hinder me; nor yet, in the Want -stricken homes of the people, was one word in ,reference to the strike ever uttered in -my hearing. The people -were kindly and grateful to me in their osvn rough way, and I cross- ed no threshold that a •welcome did not greet me. God -knows bow full my heart was in those days of darkness. He was teach- ing me the deepest lessons of life, for "in the day of my sorrow I sought the Lord," Not with long prayers, or any outwardacts of devotion, but with a closeDependence on His care that bo. came as the very air breathed. Nor was I without comfort. The sympathy of those dependent upon us is a beauti- ful thing in time of trouble ---and there was not a servant in our household whose heart did not beat in sympathy with mine; not one who did not rejoice with me .in the safe return of the mas- ter evening by evening, and enter into - . my repressed anxiety as wel saw him ride away in the .morning. MEDICAL. , h ea G. SOOTTIIM. D. &c.,Phynician, Surgeon and LI • Accoucheur, Sonforth, Ont. Office and resi- y dence south side of Goderich Street, first doer a east of Presbyterian Chtireh. 342 es At length cai4e a day -one of those days that are tol be found in most lives -a day that. ilowever long we live, however far away from its scenes our after fate may drift us, is traced upon our memories in indelible colors, and. forms a picture upon which we turn and look back to marvel again and again hcat we lived through its horror and its anguish. CHAPTER It. The days Were beginning to shorten. I love the gloaming, and was not sorry to welcome the, soft dusk a wee bit earlier ettcleklay. Baby liked. it, too, I think, for twilight makesidle lingers, and I had more time to toss him up and down, and listen to the merry mu- sic of his crows of pleasure. However sad and. anxious at other times; I al- ways managed to cheer up when baby made his appearance in my sitting,• room ;-and, oh, what comfort I always found in, the touch of his -velvet soft • cheek caddied up against mine, and his *leg A WEEK in yonr own town. Terms and 'little, pink -palmed hands clinging `IP $5 outfit tree. Address H. HALLETT & round my finger! - 1, CteaPortland, Maine. 626 52 Wen, one day, or rather afternoon, as the shadows were leugthening out, and the robin was piping the first notes of: his plaintive even -song, r sat alone in my cozy morning -room. TM. HANOVER, M. C. M., Graduate of T T McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Sealerth. Ont. Office and residence, first door south of the Catholic Church. 496 LT L.*VERCO , M. D., C. M., Physician, Stir- -6-A- • geon, etc., Coronerlor the County of Huron Office and Re 1:deuce, on jarvis street Mirth, directly oppotiti Seaforth Publie School. nMcNAUGHT, Veterinary Sargeon, Grade • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. 'Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls promptls attended to,• night or day. A. stock of veterinary medicineflla hand Charges reasonable. Honer; inn mined a s to Bonne- ness and certificates gi Ven if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to- practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has. settled in .Sea forth.. Office at his residence east cit W. M. Chureh. Calls .:promptly attended to by day or night. A large stook of Veterinary Medicines coustantly on hand. Horses exani ined as to sonudness and certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 -ur DERBYSHIRE. L. D. F., -1--L • Surgeon Den List, Grecian te of the toyal College of Dental Surgeone of Ontario. Office hours frora 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick blocks Mein Street, Seaforth. LEGAL. - _TAMES T. GARR OW, Barrister, Attorney and (-f Solicit(); Gocleiich. 631 CAMERON, HOLT & _CAMERON, Barristeis, Solicitors in Chancery, &e.. Goderich, Ont. M. C. (lamer n, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commis - sifter in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notee collected on reasonable terms. 366 r'S MALCOMSON, 0Barrister, and Attorney at- . Law, Notary Public Conglyancer, Brussel Mr. Carey, -late of Cameron, olt & Canieronh; office, will be in charge of the office, and Mi. Malcomson .will be in Brussela every Trice - day. 9 _ _ pENSON & MEIER, Barristers and Attorney at,Law, Solicitors in Cha,nCery an d Iu eolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Soy forth and Brussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to invest at once,at Eight percent. Interest,payable yearly. - 63 . JAS. It. ItENSON. }LW. 0. MEYER. The above then has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON. MEYER. MCCAUCHEY & HOLMESTED , LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Alain Street, Seaforth. SOLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of 1--J Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm aria Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se - trinities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the best mortgage securitie8„withont any expense to the lender. 8. G%McCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED. MISCELLANEOUS. My mother g call -her thus because, in.tay creed, John' e belongings were mate too) had been ailing for a day or . The strain of anxious, teeing ght for her son had told upon that ile frame, Wearing it as the sharp rd wears the scabbard. or our troubles were black around ts ever. e °trek. All orders left at the Ex. posrron Office -will be promptly attended to. I had dealt unfairly by a single 1 in my employ, I would own to the 10 -i0 $1 000 Invested in Wall -St., ng and make reparation," my dar- stocks makes fortunes said: "Some hands have cause to thing. Address BAXTHR & Co., Bankers, 17 el ery month. Books sent free explaining every - plain' of the masters ; mine hair() Wall -street, New York. I will not budge an inch." 587-52 seems to me that I am telling my .in strange, desultory fashion, cannot help it. I give you the ories of those clays as they rise oue e before me. e illness of Mrs. Otway kept her soner to her own home, and day by went to sit beside her couch and of John, and of scarce aught else. en Who are leal and true can give store of comfort to each other in of trouble by community of sym- , even if they be but close friends; uch more, then, .could we two, to of whom the man upon whose sorrow had fallen was the best and st. y, on the day of which I now and from • which. I seem ever Bring in devious pathways of th.oucht, had seen fit to take his sleep unwonted hour; so I was alone deepening twilight for opce. tw th fra sw us let her go far from us, Only a step or Breakfast over, the passionate p two, asJohnsaid, so that she could test in my lteart bubbled up to run across of an evening, and she could lips, like a spring that -must well up come to us without fatigue. the light.: By the end. of the fiest year of my _ "Jack ! oh, Jack! you wiill not go married life I seemed. to have forgotten the mills to -day !" - \ the fact of being a south -country wo- The answer came, ealrn, and clea man. I foand that there were plenty ' - smiting me with a bitter despair. i of art lovers and music lovers among "I did not think my wife would try the people whom Aunt Denison once make a coward of me." told me went iu society with little fluffy He did not speak harshly. I coul bits of cotton. sticking to their dress h.ave borne itebetter if he had.' .coats; while, as for honest warmth. of He kissed me a moment efter-hel heart, and true, ungrudging hospitality, me very fest and close -then, before h 1 soon eame to the conclusion that the. went, he kissed me again. South. ,couldn't held a candle to the * y wags er up stairs, That is for the o t Norta.! I was very happy during that stranee the set look of his mouth; "give it hin he said, with.a tender. smile, softcnin new year ; happier still during ti7o svlien he wakes." The groom, an ola one that followed, when I held John's and faithful servant of the Otways son in my arms, Luta saw the clear looked grave as he led up King Cole grey eyes that had won. My girlish and gave the bridle into his master' ' heart leek up at me from my lap. . , : hand. Then John rode CLAM ' o- 0 0 CO non I stor aut Inc by o T1 pr day tfidk Won swee time path how each heitd dear Ba write wan $5 to $20 PH.R DAY at home. Samples worth $5 free. Address STIN- SON & Co., Portland, Maine. 626-52 GRAND RIVER MUTTJ'AL Fire Insurance Company, Galt. C. W. GIRDLESTONE, Manager. An Agent "Wan ted, for Seaforth. 624 USIC.-Mrs. cMulkin svp1 give instrutotions in instrumental music to a few puerile. Use of piano given for practice if desired. Residence east of Victoria Square, Seaforth. 614 3- P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the ' " • County of Huron. Sales attended in all at an ib th Th house was very still then, for the serva ts were at their tea, and a thick, green baized door shut off therpremises from the rest of the rooms. It was so quiet that through the open window I could hear Lassie whinny softly in her stable across the yard; so quiet that the wind of my OW11 name spoken hur- riedly and almost in a whisper, made me start, and seemed, as it were, to tear the mantle of silence that was brooding over the early autumn even- ing. Mistress Otway! Mistress Otway said the voice, "for God's sake coom round to t'other door and let me in. I'm nigh dropping !" - In a moment I had reached the porch, the door, and wasebalf supporting, half leading a figure so I ghostly, so death -like that it might al - 1 most have been taken for a visitant fr THE DIVISION COURT. -The office of the -I- Second Division Court will be open -daily from half -past one to tour o'clock P. M. Office in my Block, over the store of Johnston Bros. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 WRANCIS GRAHAM, AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT. -Special attention given to sale of landed property, !aiming and thorough- bred stock. Cattle selected for the Engliah mar- ket. Office and Auction Rome, Acheson's new Block, Goderich, Ont. Terms moderate 615 _TWIN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real _estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. ' TOMS .t.0 suit borrowers: Farrus and village proneety Or sale. Office- Leckie's now brick block, Brussels, Ont. . • 515 QEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY STILL AHEAD -These pumps having been awarded the first prize at both the South Huron and East, Huron Pall Shtiws, the. subsciiher has every confidence iXL reconnaiending them to the public, knowing that for quality of material and workmanship. they are not aeily surpassed, and would eolicit a call from all intending Purchasers; all work warranted orders by mail or otherwise prompt- ' ly attended to. N. CLUFF North Main Street, Seaforth. 619 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. --job Moses -L Periodical Pills -This inveluablemedicine ie unfailing tho cure of all those pealed and dangerous diseases to whieh the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excessand re. moves all obtructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To nmeriedladies, it is peculiailysuited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularity. These pills should not be taken by Females daring the fizetthree months of Pregrancy, as 'they are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe I ali cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, , pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitntion of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, culomel, antimony, • or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 121 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion will in 1 om the spirit world. stne a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Settiorth by Hickson' & It was Jim Stevens' wife, a woman - B1 haggard and fever -wasted, and whom I had seen only the day before lying 1 Weak and wan, with her two 'clays old p"Uu 1 baby by her side. /no aLizzie !" I cried, as she staggered vftar into my room, and, still h.olding liter ea, arm in a wild, convuleive grasp, gaspedsat "are 'ou ad?" out something I could not understand'•rtaivv "Ay, Walesa" she whitatered, raising an easdell, X. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 - • _ THE GREAT SII3SHONEES REMEDY AND PILLS. -The success that there medicines ve met with since their introduction to the blic some years ago, proves plainly to the et _skeptical that they are medicines that per- m what they are advertised to do. The tues91 these meditinea have bout well teat - and hav i e w thstood their trial in a most isfactory manner. eel- diseases of the Blood, er, Lnngs, &c., they are unsurpassed. We e testimon 1 iraculous cures I I At rst :motherhood seemed to me ' went into the house, seeing nothina 1 , such a sweet, uew, peecious joy that J. l clearly for the mist that gathered ounc j was ready to be over anxious. I :might l me, not even baby's face, as nurse me have fallen into' the mistake that so , me with hini at the foot e stairs. I no wive make, and in my love That night and morning formed the I many you for baby let eveu the dearer possession i initial letter of a time of anxious fon- d my husband's companionship sli ) , bodin th eeme long to me, though from rey hold. However dearly a man i iu reality its duration was scarcely a loves his claileiren, he does not want to i fortnight. be always hearing about them; least of ! Threatening; letters -missives of that - all when he comes home tired with the 1 most cowardly character called 8,1111011v - day's work; nor yet does he like to see I mous--came at intervals. Many hus- his wife gradually become little better bands would have hidden such things , things now; but in, tlioae early days I 1 that of all trials I could have least en - 1 , than &nursemaid. - I ':know all these from a wife, but I think John knew 3 in die of these eases, and of many others. If any one is cted, Jet him try a bott-e of the Remedy and of Pills. injurious tffect will follow ruse on the most delicate person, as they purely vegetable, there being no mineral ter in them. The co • her fever -bright eyes to mine and .• box ing the sweet from her poor thin face • lady," she went o ; "' they miss me adv thei with a eorner of her shawl. "Listen, mat are fro' my bed, and Jim learns as I've cooin rt39". oop here, I'm -a dead .woman he'll bra.k every bone in My body, as sure as there's- a God above ; but I dunriot care. Yo've bin a good friend to me, and the like One, and I wean% see YO' made a widder, and yer little one fatherless." (To be Continued.) ma1J, while the antages derived from their use 'will doubly y you for your c-izpeuse and tronble. Try these great remedies and be convinced that they are no humbug. No one who has I tried the Shoshonees Pills has ever pronounced an unfaVorable opinion of them; and no family where they have been used will be without them. Full information may be had on all particulars touching the use,and the experience of those who have used them, by securing the Treatise or the Circular from your druggist free. Price Of the Remedy on pint bottles, $1; Pills 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. JANUARY 23, 1880. ANNUAL STOCK -TAKING SALE 5_0,000 HORSES WANTED HOFFMAN BROS' ,CHEAP CASH STORE SEAFOOTH Stock -Taking Sale will commence on Saturday, 10th January, and continue for Twenty Da -y. HAVING DECIDED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK, So that the balance will be easily taken inventoey of, and at the same time make I room for our Spring Importations, we heve therefore concluded to offer the whole of our present stock of DRY GOODS MILLINERY, AIAN TLES F URS &c. - At prices that will at once ensure a speeder sale, aud thereby reduce the stock so 4 as to a,ccomplish the above. This sale will be conducted on the same sound : BRIGGS BROTHERS principles that our former sales have been noted for, viz.: Square Dealing; and all goods offered will show sweeping reductions. The closest cash prices will be asked in all cases, so that those wanting goods will find this a splendid opportunity to lay in a supply. The stock will be' found ver cons I t as are generally offered. at Sales. ' This Sale will commence on Saturday, January 10, it will nottregret doing so, as they will carry with them Clearing Sale. Do not forget that Saturday will be the that, as a rule the most seasonable' goods go off first. buil dine, DP.PMeIntosh's Neterinau Office, one door south of the post office. 17 Give us a trial. GjOBEOL. WB-RJ3ICTRIGGSG' THOIVIAS MELI' HORSE SHOEING ESTABLISHMENT, K.IPPEN, - ONTARIO TI 0 WHAT YOU WILL, Say ax hat you People 'will go 19 MELLIS'-', Rippe; to get ,good Horse Shoeir.g. and General Bled. smithing done. The bubseriber now tekea this opportunity -01 thanking hie many cuetioners and tee peblic ij gt Dern] or the very liberal fppport extenli ded to m during the past year, and hopes by honest fielding and deirg good work to Merit their -con- lidence in the future as in the est I ani now in a position and ready to supply you with zood If wee Shoeing and General Binekernithin„ar of all kinds de net i e afraid to give me a trial. Re. pairing erme with neatness and. deetratch large etock of Cutters and Sleighe on hand, and selling at hard pan picas. Look -out for the Sign: THOMAS NELMS, 625 Kippen, Ontario. BRUCEPIELD. y p e e, an all new goods, not 'shelf -worn and bankrupt goods such and those who patronise lasting ,evidenees of this first day Of the sale, and A purchaeed the business carried on -Lek Ity Mr. J. ".',..1311G -G8 for so rnany years, are now itreperesi to .10 BOOT AND SHOEIIVIAKINO Of Every Description on the shortest notice and most reasonable terros. I They will nee noshing but Le very best nit- ! terial, and as to he load workmanship they guar-- antee satisfaction.. By etrict ttention to lensinees, giving a good article, and fair and reasonable prices, they .hopa pt°atlaroeniaigt :rid receive a liberal ehare of publit • HOFF.MAN BROTHERS, Carduo's Block. , Their will be found in Itatteriburry's Agents for E. Butterick & Co.'s Relia,ble Patterns, A full stock on hand. ! 6 I THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 SEAFORTII, ARTHUR FORBES, ONTARIO DRY GOODS HOUSE SEAFORTH. . TTAVING purchased the stoa and Trade of the -lei- Commercial Lively, Seaforth, from Mee George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the old. etand,arelhas I added sev cial vabaable horses and vehicles -to the formerly large stock. None but , I First -Class Comfottable Vehiclesand good SMITH ck 77.77$'1' Are continually receiving .,Nrew Goods, 'which- are bought in the best mark- I kets lor cash, marked at the Lowest Price possible and then sold or cash. Reliable Horses Will -be Kept, Covered and Open Buggies and Carr;agee,end Double and Single Wagons alWays really for use.- SpeCiesti Arrcengentente Made With Com- mercial Men. . - Orders left :at the stables or any,erf the boteTh promptly attended to. THIS SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESSIANDREW CALDER Has secured for us a large and profita,ble trade during the season, and we avail of Western Canada, and Takee the Lead enterer the Photographers I ourselves of this opportunity of thanking our cuptomers for the liberal patronaae et extended.ns. f DONT YpU FORGET 1T." Every effort will be made itt the future to render business relations mutually advantageous. We would also respectfully request that all will recelleet that we can have but one price, which is .marked in plain figures uponithe goods, and that we much prefer that purchasers should leave the goods if the price does not suit. .1 The injustice of selling goods at a reduced rate to a certain class known as "Bargain Huntere " must be very evident to the more respectable portion of a community. We shall be pleased to show all who wish through our stock, quoting prices &c., and affording every opportunity for comparison with other houses. SMITH & WEST, Seaforth. Opposite Carmichael's Hotel. JOHNSON BROTHERS, SEAFO,RTH, :STOVES. STOVES. Gurney's "Wood Cook." Gurney's "Jewel Cook." Stewart's "New Pacific." Stewart's Triple Heater Parlor Stove:. Gurney's STOVES. He is to the front, as usual, snpplying his pat- rons with Photographs end AmbroteTes, well taken and of beautiful finish. Old Pietures copied and enlarged to perfection. Children's Pictures taken in e manner that will rnakeziothers smile with dellellat. Give the "People's Popular y " Gal- a trial and be happy. No "-cheap trash" turned out. laic:es as low as good work can be done for. ANDREW CALDER, Seaforth. ANCHOF? UNE. TTNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail EVeVy Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Londoiaclerry) and LONDON TIOXETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, ahe- m:ay, and sil parts of Europe. Fares as low- . any other first-class line. Prepaid Passage Certificates iesued to persons wishing to bileg out theirfriends. The Psesengeraccommodationof Anchor Line' Stettin eare UnsuTp5sOd for eleganee and com- fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 593 As the Post <Mee, Seaforth HAIR D.RESSING. MISS STARK wisims to inform. the Ladies of Seaforth v T and Vitiate, that eh° is prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, , In the Latest Fashion from ConibingS. A lot -of Reeaymade Switches on hand - Prices Moderate and all orders punctually at- tended to. A cah solicited. Desidene,e-Main Street, Seaforth. 331 THE SEAFORD' PORK EMORY. it . )1 AUBILE thanking his numerous patrons for Todd Parlor and Hall -Stove. dTT ,the,lilieral patronage bestowed upon Jewel him uring Dist years, begs to intimate that he le • again .,peenaeed to fun:deli his patrons and tae - :pnblic generally with. as good an ,arfiele (if not better) this season as in the peat. All kinds Of . . C need -Meats, Pork Ciattings, Sausages, Bologna, &t., constantly on nand.' . H. ROBB. DOMINION,. , N. B. -The hi gheet priee paid -ler huge, dress- ed tir alive. - Am THESE ARE THE LEADING STOVES IN THE NOTHING CAN EQUAL THEM. CALL AND SEE THEM AT JOHNSON BROS' Sole Agents for E. & C. Gurney and James Stewart dz Co. THE GREAT " HUM " IN SEAFORTH —IS AT THE-- QENTRAL GROCERY; IN CARDNO'S BLOCK, Where the People are Rushing to get Bargains in TEAS, SUGARS, AND CHRISTMAS FRUITS IALSO BARGAINS IN CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. C4- I3 ST 0 0 I 0 Suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts -Useful o 6 3D s and Ornamental. We have net time to particularize Goods and Prices. We ask the inspection of intending purchasers, when. we think we can convince them it is to their advan- tage to buy their Goods at the Central Grocery. FLOUR AND FEED KEPT AS -USUAL. _Eggs, _Butter, ai:d Poultry Taken in _Exchange for Goods. livered Promptly and Free of Charge. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, Seaforth. THE TIENSALL MILLS. aRISTING, FLOURING AND CHOPPING ‘-A done in the ehortr st possible time. Flone and Feed wholesale, and. retail. "Corn and Corn Chop at bottom. prices. Thanking our customers and theptihrie for the liberal patronage bestowed onus in the past, and hope for a continuance of the same. MeGREGOR & URQUHART. P. B. -A thoroughbred Suffolk Boar for Isere -lee at the Mill. 622 FI. TO WN----atio gen:ral PAIIVTING: e.public in BEGS to infer= his friends that le has commenced business as a Painter and Glazier on his own account, and is prepared to eeecute all orders entrusted to hthm. in the most satisfactory inanner and on _realm/301e terms. Orders left at the store of Sfeeses. John- son Brothers willreceive pET ro.nipotwNatter,a;ieol.rth. 53t.413.- Wliitesesahiaig and peperieg a epeeialty. DRAYAGE. Tim nndersignedhaving entered into eo-part- -z. nership, are prepared to meet the 'wants of the Merchents of Seaforth and others who may require their services as, carriers to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most reasonable terms. Orders may be left at Jeseph Beownell's Grocery store, and wilireceive urompt - and careful attention. NORMAN BROWN'ELL JOSEPH ABELL. Seaf.3).'th, Aug. 30, 187S.. MONEY. ONEY TO LEND—Money to load on good _ . imp) ored farms only, at 71 percent. inter- est, pa-. a11(7 rearly ; private funds; charges mod- erate. *JOHN S. PORTER. -- 4 A/10NET' TO LOAN -In large or small BUMS ! J -V-4" on Mt-c)asii Ft ea ri ty, at 6 percent. yearly 1 interest. Private funds, or on the installment ; plan. Apply to I W. HILL, Seaforth. , _ 628 _ _ 631 Aulio ,M WANTS ONEY 2-A fevs thousand V y . dollars, private funds, for immediate invest- ; metat 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES i I 11. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533 000118 - deONEY TO LOAN --On Improved Palm Prep- - i -'-'-'s erty, at, 8 per cent. interest. Interest pay - Al i, able half-searly or yearly, as desired, -with a por- tion of the prineipaI, if so preferred. Expenses light. Apply to THOMAS 1). RYAN, Sea.forth, Ont. 625 AcphieFa all , . A dein ese fate, Marlin th bel: iaiia1t'.l1.ii:ea11i:);nai tr tisa1l°°klii :ti fan n::0k S:spoile:d1e nishc°:ttob:tis d::f wilhetl::eldt '.rIeasnt -eief.'1 i 1' h He hmen,1: voauT1 a:1 "Yes, I! : volafi duopest: out lookinl wonder if 1 hilpicklI.tgo, stisli 141 le:lr tInl “They ar4 sometimes', bail of NVO pectedr . nneed posita ful about li. She has bi everyres s°eyo "iDeti3d' she' f ' kerchief,W4liltiaf )c ! 1; suppose c liKnuoj:vaelr igai saw4111 aP Pr;;; ' America a well. Butl gabetout4tesroel in.4hl'Iel-rPtinaer 41d. b, 0e,ed‘W-y.,ehiLuSte,u6. '-handsom "What 11 44Cleverl: ..':GISr000,dnoi,"! : . i4:: I:: avi eem: ..a: : made it in then ?" sal. rielh:hiet:nino:eig. - fords and t . 3.1tritrutooz .4 ao3A ' 11;aenvto; nsh. :::::;:abl. kepid.' te' dilEfdoao all socie hantikerebi- ainstupt.te,ty: IIIjot,a Loa ° nrs bow down t the"Afahnl.. 1143 iattel1 iSee[0711. eietv:1 inga:1 slub:lid ihaseeu tatw1;s'„ here. A SI tialint gruff pardoh am ting throng sometimes,1 you go ; all th gor:::a h.eerrr eTss Et , h: elIlldid sget s ri.:hevhfeo'3;:t,h:ertir tttihsevrer'ayllspli didn't you t IZIatk:Lallie can't tell so y 0 4u4 On gh . v lzr: fan : I woul ' '“Nor wou Mr. Gottard Pa hei of t1fl101:;D'(of everspea:7h::1 leie4 Pert IniteAle hnar:i-t aPe oil. T and bso every oLle ei using it,. Ti tied by a Del, East., Bela mind, he asc that of 50p office to _ church not mouths bef i clerk always 0.csenannerwhienitphier,:aaocu, dier feels in hurts his fee spoilerL BU eoneideratio his peneil sc to] ma:it. lais, 3 ha Abialar: often -,i till it wa- Finally he a.nd sharpen lend. The stock pencii breath smell solleaktedid ittfloler wwlaistet oar !lilt vulmjhols(eleg' motIf I ,