HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-01-23, Page 1powoonimFANITARY 16; 1880..
ry Department of their House.
z ts Nero'. Better As -
1 titan it is to -day.
ick of Silks, Irress Goods, Man-
Millinere,- Hosiery, Gloves,
Ceft‘ TrinlEtliilgt1 and Staple
G00clil is unequalled in
the County.
iNERY—New Trimmed Hats,
• emits, I. $1.25, $1.50, and up.
al Beaver _Bonnets and Hats
ne, $2,50 up.
TLES;—Warm Beaver Mantles
cen up, trIsterafrom $2.50• up.
niter) Pattern Mantles positively
/price. Wrap Cloaks, Dolmans,
cellars, &c.
;S GOODS—We are clearing
the entire stock at prices which
vine& everybody that we Gerry -
eur advertisements to the very
ERY—Most complete Stonk wa-
r carried, toed at popular prices.
• sales ire this department amply
ve this.
ES — Warm Winter GleveS,
s, ince in great variety.
'ELS—Fancy Wool Goods,
Vere- cheap.
t'eep the largest stock to select
ell their goods are thoroughly
it. and finished, and their prices
E 30 per cent. lower tliau those
her 'muse.
ve marked- down the whole of
euse stock of Men's, Boys', and
r New Style Overcoats, beauti-
ed and finished. Tina- is the
:e le town. Price, $0.75.
tir New Style Ulsters, newest
We know this to be excel-
Prioe, ;'t7.50.
.ve five hundred Suits to select
1.1i the newest and beat ma -
Price, from $9.50. up.
be suited iu Boys' and Youths'
, at our establishment. All
:Kept iia stock, and the prices
the most economical. Call,
lge fur yourselves. ,
is.. X0 Discounts. PlaZit
rPs and .i.Vet Prices Oral/.
of and Dealers iu DRY
to throw herself off the track
sleepers between it and
ou the bridge, when the train.
By the violence of her fall
eepers, she had her face . bad
.using a considerable loss of
eeting of the Gospel Temper -
nu wee held in Brussels on
aftereemi, 4th inst. Addresses
nered by Mr. T. McGillicuddy
Messrs. Fear and Ross. Mr.
u occupied the chair. A num-
sons came forward at the
sigued the pledge. Over fifty
eve jinued the Union so far.
meeting will be held in Mel -
Aix on Friday evening, leth
m the pledge cards will be
hose who have sigued. Every
invited to attend,
earnber uf v ears past it has been.
a of Mr. I. McAllieter, Sr„ of
nrow open his dors at New
l'IymouthBrethren, and have
„. speut itt fellowship ama
nil's year about 120 persons,
in distant parts' of the Pro-
iled themselves of Mr. Mc-
jiespitality. and fur about a
els were held daily at his
e ,gathering was addressed
!Mr. Buchanan, a teacher and
;from Londen ; Mr. Clarke, of
Mr. 0. 01;rien, Mr. Mauger,
ek, and 3Iers. McKechnie
. Your attentien is direct -
eve tied faeltiteraltle fur caps
ei at the Oak Hall Clothing
a et, coneisting of Sea Seale
,nib, Mink and Cetter, with
peaks. Full ilines in
eal and Coney. Also a full
e geode iu imitation, Seal,
Hair Seale, Plueli and
t, Also a very large variety
eh- Seals in all styles with or
olts. 'Idle above goods are
aid tieed only to be seento be
',dated. Gentlemen about to
ld wit fail to inspect them
4asitig elseevhere. Herne &
WHOLE .., NUMBER, 633.
r. •
MairEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
iiiLI-. BROS.
Having determined to clear out, our
present Stock to make room for our
IargelSpring Purchaties, we are offering'
A poor house for the County of
Middlesex' is buildine at Strathroy.
—The widow of bClark Brown the —Mr. Samue Craig for many years a
resident of Brantford, died a few days
murderer,; ha .goue to Philadelphia, to
reside. ago at the advanced age of 102 years.
• —A. 'horse belonging to Captain
—Render trains- commenced to run
Rowan, 4f Kincardine, which had -at-
tained the extraordinary age of forty
three years, died last week.
---eA concrete house about completed
an named McNally, at
ed the other day and is
ruins. Fortunately no
bout when it fell.
n Guardian, the organ
st Church in Canada,
ewart, has just cora-
year. It is the oldest
est religious weeklies in
on Corbett, the celebrat-
eiracious: raw beef eater
favorably with
being in the S
1,500 convicts.
ew York State, there
ate Prison alone over
on the Credit Valley Railway last
—The amount spent' ou the present
Parliament buildings at Toronto sinoe
Confederation is over $80,000.
—Dan Coughlin of St. Thenlas, lost
by disease while crossing the Oceen 156
out of a lot of 205 hogs, destined for the
English markets.
-7-William Read, a young lad -of Mon-
treal, of poor parentage, has carried off
the orgau scholarship at Keble College,
Oiford. University, of thevalee of £100
—A. precocious St. Thomas youngster
last week beheaded all his father's
fowls, excepting one, in the hope of get-
ting a living headless rooster. • The ex -
GREAT IN pertinent failed.
—An exchange says 4in travelling
through Biddulpl one is surprised at
the number of vacant farm houses.
Their owners having sold oat and gone
to the Northwest.
To Cash Buyers. Come along with the —Mr. Kenneth Melienzie, one of the
Monemand we will show goods at most extensive farmers of Manitoba,
and formerly of Puslinch, Wellingtou
county, this year realized 75,000 bush-
• els of wheat from hie crops.
Johnston, a farmer residing in
Sarnia Township, fell from a stack of
SUCH LOW PR IGES hay on the 2iid iust., by which- he dim!
• located the elbow of his left arm, and
severely injured himself internally;
—Hugh Cockburn, of Puslinchl, has
belonging to a
Freelton, collap
now a heap o
workmen were
—The Christi
of the Method
edited by Dr.
pleted its fiftiet
and one of the
—Mr. Harnil
ed singer, is a
and while ha Parkhill, bought several
pounds of rat beef from the village*
butchers, and
terms of the te
their meat.
—A Mildnaay
ton youth a fes1 months ago, and after a
trip to the Falls, the gay young hem -
diet left his brlde, and since has been
doing little but borrowing money from
his wife to support himself. Men were
always deceive s.
—The Ramer- says :—Some of our
Dundas cher hes were so hot hist
Sunday eveniI1g on account of the
stupidity of th sextons in persisting , in
keeping hot lir4s on, that many of those
in attendance hought that a new plan
was on foot to tart a revival. .
purchased oue hundred ,acres from his
_ Belleville, St. Catharines, Galt and
—The maul factuters of ekes in
brother c,n, the 8th concession of Pus
That the very Closest Bayer will bea
Dundas, met lest week in Tordnto, to
linch for e5.500. : Mr. Hugh Cockburn
perfeetly sittisf ed that our holies is arrive at a basis' of prides for next
has -now a ferm in one block of 500
acres. season's business, and there every
—While two lads were' sleigh riding qn advance; pries must
on the river, at Elora, on Thursday, one nable any profit to be
named Farquhar Strachey, aged two woductiou.
spoke in the higheSt
derness and juiciness of
girl married a Walker -
likelihood of
be higher to
made on their
* B
years, a son of Mr. Thom—A young
as Strachan, an named W. 11. Mc -
fell off the sleigh into an air hole in the Mullen, of llantrae, had ii, tooth
days before Christmas.
id not be -permanently
0, and he ultimately died
ood on Christmas. The
y large, the young men
vorite in his locality.
tor of East Bruce desires
ass. teacherer 'and Third
uuty, who desire posi-
itries, to send. hiin their
and amount of Jsalary
e may be able to deter-
ity for Temperer Cer-
orsed Third Cla. s.
ice and was drowned. drawn a few
• —The wife of Mr. -John Rodger, The wound co
, blacksmith, of Hamilton, who had been stopped bleedit
. suffering .for sonao days from a felon on from loss,. of -b
•i her finger. died suddenly Thursday funeral was ve
morning after taking aelose of morphine being a great f
CHEAP DRESS GOODS. prescribed by Dr. Riddly. —The Inspe
—Mayor Howard, of Guelph, has all Second C
been served. with a notice of action for Class of that c
$500 damages for Ald. Ganhan. The tious at low sal
basis of the spit is the illegal eject- names, addres
ment of G.auhau Fenn the Council required, that-]
- We are closing out a few lines of Chamber of His Worship. .mine the neces
Cheep Drees Goods less than Cost. —The wife of Warren Totten', Esq., tificattis or En
• of Woodstock. died suddenly on the
morning of 1 ei 14th inst. -She had
been slightly .iling for a month pre-
vious, bat w:. eot considered dangerous
- until witbi an hour of 'her death.
• —A tar tank at Frank Smith's re-
finery in Petrolia exploded the other
R :M A N T L E S T 0 0 K. clav, caused by hot tar being run in,
which generated gas sufficient to cause
, the explosion. Considerable machinery,
&c., was destroyed. Loss about $3,000.
—It is said that several packages of
1 the Ailsa CraimSalve;for the cure of
I Cancers, Kings Evil, and alltinnin
sores, are now on their Way to Old Ire -
'land, deeigned partly for hospital use
there as well as for the afflicted gener-
—A despatch from Edmonton, Man.,
says that out there they had a concert
at Chief Factory, Hardisty's place ou
New Year's Eve. snow shoe and other
races on New Year's day, and a dance
at the Edmonton Hotel in the evening.
. The weather was very fine.
—The death is announced, at River
IJohn, Pictou county, N. S., at a ripe old
age of Donald McLeod' and David
and McLeod, who with seven ethers, signed
the pledge, and oreenized in January
1812 at West Rivert;the first temperanee
society iu Nova Scotia, and the first it
is believed in British North America.
The balance of our Mantle Stock
Must be sold during .the next two
Ladies' Trimmed Hate,,Flowers
Feathers very cheap.
Selling Fast. We take the Lead. in
Ordered Clothinee Every suit guar tan -
teed a Perfeet Fit.
A _Fresh Stock ot Groceries
Always on, Hand.
Remember the Place—Opposite
Commercial Hotel.
—Hugh Patterson, the Zulu King,
arrested last -week in Toronto, was sent
to prise]] for fifteen months for stealing
three sets of harness. On leaving the
dock, Patterson turned .to Detective
Reber'', who had worked -up the case
against him, and, with a wicked look,
said : -"I'll swing for you yet."
—Patrick Rydet's two barns, stables
and otlaer outbuildings,about four miles.
from Luca n,in Biddulph,were burned on
Thursday morning of last week. They
contained 400 bushels of wheat, 400 of
barley, 1;200 of Oats :and .15 tons of
hay. There • was an insurance of
$2,000, and the loss is $4,000. It is
supposed that incendiarism was the was so severeasto necessitate amputee
tion of both feet to prevent blood
—On the night of the 14th inst., about poisoning. From Emerson he was con -
12 o'clock Fancis Love, of Loudon, Ont., veyed to Fort Pembina, where he now
while on his way from Fort street to lies under the care of DrSmith.
the Miclaiga.n Central depot, Detroit, —Speaking of fest time..on English
.was overtaken by two foot pads, who, railways, a contemporary 'shows that
dealt him several breve over the head the -Canada Southern holds its own
with a billet instrument, inflicting sev- with any of them. It says,—perusual of
eral severe scalp wounds. They at- the Canada Southern time -card shows
• tempted to rifle his pockets. but he that "the New York Express leaving
pelled so lustily fcir the police that they Amherstburg at 12.40 a.m. arrives in
.took to their heels without securing any St. Thomas, a distance of 111 miles, at
pleader. . _ 3.20 a.m. This is over 44 miles per -
--e-A plowing match in January is a hour, including stoppage at Ridgetowu.
very unusual circumstance in Canada, That the time -card speed is often ex -
but an interesting eVent of that kind
took -place on the 9th inst., on Mr;
John McEwen's farm, 7th coucessimii,
McGillivray. • Twelve teams were
present. There was a lively time be-
tween those present as to who
could do the straightest thing in plow- —Our Lucknow contemporary tells of
ing. A snake feuce bad to take a back a certain 'lady from the rural distriot
seat. Mr. Colin .Campbell took the just north of- that village, who had
: first prize. • - • some pork to sell.- She also had a bill
• —Mr. Moylau, Inspector of Peniten- in aLucknow stores which was past due.
the • tiaries, says :there are at present cora She knew if she brought her pork to
fined iu the ipenitentiaries throughout .this market, she would be compelled to
1 the Dominion, no less thin 1,300 con- pay the.account. So to evade this, her
1 yids, A considerable iucrease over hist ladyship set dff with her pork to Kie-
1 year. Of these 760 are incarcerated in kardine, and she was offered $5.50 per
Kingston Penitentiary, 340 in St. Vim •cw t. for it. She telegraphed to Luck -
cent de Paul, 80 in Dorchester, 80 in now -to find how pork sold there. $6.35
Halifax, and the remainiug-40 are die- was the price that day. Then she
•1 tributed between the British Columbia started foe Ripley where she disposed
I and Manitoba 'Penitentiaries. Of the of her load at $5.30. Her actual loss
1 total number there, only thirty-two are on the transaction, not including ex -
Main Street, Seaforth. 1 females, These statistics oomparemost p.eesee, was about $6.00 which would
—The yeune man Evans, so ierrib1y
injured on the Galt Branch ot the
Grand Trunk en New Year's Day, is
progressing as favorably as -could possi-
be expected, and the best hopes of his
recovery are now entertained. He will
be terribly crippled, however, both of
his legs having been •amputated above,
the knees.
have nes
This wil
that h
lied su
made—]t i
be =sum
--The Credit Valley Railway bonus
and interest have hitherto borne heavily
I on the farmers in North Dumfries, but
now they are 'beginning to reap their -
reward iu increasing facilities offered
for carrying grain and other farm pro-
ducts. The Reid Brea. are about erect-
ing a grain warehouse at Ayr Station,
which will prove a great convenience to
farmers and buyers.
—Two Lower Canadian habitants
who, on Saturday morning last, started.
out seal fishing iu a canoe, fro'm Point
Des Isles, Saguenay, were caught soon
after staxtiug out by a stormy north
wind, and driven about in great danger
for two days, landing with much dif-
ficulty on Sunday night at Fort Pique
on the South Shore, having been for
the whole two days without food.
—Mr. McKinnon, formerly of Kincar-
-dine, now a resident of Dakota Territory
writes to his friends here giving them
an idea of what a. winter iu the far west
*really means. At the time of writing
the snownvas five feet deep on the level,
maid the atmosphere so cold th
-the family always remained
night to replenish. the large fir
ouly means to keep everything a
person from freezing up.
—A carpenter named Henr
who lived ineSt Catharines f
time, emigrated to Manitoba Is
mer and took up his residence a
son. He was accompanied by
and child. A letter was lately received
in St. Catherines, stating that Mr.
Isaac had the misfortune to have both
of his feet frozen, and that the injury
one of
U1) all
as the
d every
r some
st sum-
is wife
Jas. Clark. aged 15, a call boy at the
G -rand Trunk Station, Kingston, while
working on the track, was knocked
down by the pilot engine, and. had his
head coinpletely severed from his body.
—Geo. Corby, of Montreal, a stone
cutter, was arraigned on Saturday for
stealing beef from a butcher's shop.
The prisoner proved that he and his
wife were starving, and that he stole
the beef for food. The magistrate de-
clined to convict under the circune-
• —A dinner was given at the Rossin
House, Toronto,- last Friday night, to
Professor Croft, on the occasion of his
retiring from the Chair of Chemistry
and Natural Sciences at the Toronto
University. About a hundred gradu-
ates, under graduates and professors of
the University were present.
—Mr. Parnell, the Iris aeitatormow.
States, has
sident of the
F. B. Mc-
rly paid her Luoknow account. , blood. He was about thirty-five years
probably be a lesson to her of age and leaves a wife and one child.
nesty is the best policy." • Deceased was much respected by all
Harry Blow, a middle aged. who knew him.
8th concession McGillivray, —Mr. Topley, photographer, of Ot-
denly on the 13th inst. De- tawa, experimented -upon the photo -
as esteemed by all who knew graph of the eyes of the murdered Ada
Brown. He enlarged the photographs
said then stroug effort will be of.the eyes and of the body Of the mum
the approaching session of the dered man and. his daughter frorn three -
n Parliament to repeal the Bill eighths of an inch to twenty-fourinches,
ensgsfPool selling. It should not so 'arm that the character of the de-
ui.posit of silver in the photo film was
ut one o'clock Sunday morning clearly visible. Not the least trace of
any image was to be seen.
—On Saturday evening, Jas. Ellis
and. his son, formerly of Gananoque,
came over the river to Broekville from Shove on that telegraph line.
Morristown and returned about 9:30 P. —On New Year's day a happy fa,mily
M. They got on the ice on Morristown gathering took place at the residence of
Bay, the son pushing a hand sleigh on Geo. Ross, near Kincardine. The
which was seated his father, and when gentleman is row eighty-one years old,
within four feet of the wharf the ice and. remembers quite 'well the battle of
ceeded, is well known. This same 111
miles was on one occasion, travelled by
a special tratn in 109 minutes, while a
mile a minute has been several times
since recorded upon the Canada
on a visit to the Uuited
written a letter to tl e Pr
St. Patrick's Society, Mr.
Namee, foreshadowing that be may not
be able to visit Mentreal before re-
t rning to Ireland, but reminding Irish -
en that the distress iu Ireland re-
q ires all the aid th et can be extended
t them.
—A new style of engine has been in-
tr uc d. on The ! C ua.da Southern
Railwaiy. It was bent by McQueen, of
Scheeectady, N. Y., „ and -it has six
driving wheels, is one-third more power-
ful than the ordinary y rcl ergines,
(being able to handle 40 ca4s), weighs 42
tons and is named the " A herstburg."
Her tank s situated. abov the boiler,
shebas n tender and her oal bin is in
the cab, j st behind th en neer.
rred on Friday
of Mr. Richard
It appears that Michael
boy of 18 years, a son of Mr.
effuse, Carri
s at thresh
a mow; h
le which pen
went home
himself dan
ot worse an
candidates attended the
on of Teachers , which was
rtage la Prairie, viz., one for
or second, and four for third
titicates. The examination
---A sit accident occ
the 9th in t.,sneithefar
Rivers. ;
Polfuss a
Ur. Rive
down fro
rake hand
men. H
thin king
but soon
day morn
held at P
first, two
class ce
k, Was assisting
ug. In coming
• fell on a broken
trated his abdo-
inediately, not
erously injured,
died. on Satur-
which W§LS to have taken place at
Nelsonville did not take place, the pa-
pers not reaching their destination in
time. There were to have been three
candidates, who will now receive
iuterim certificates, good until • the-
Aligust examination.
—A. fannly residing not far from
Leaminglou were, lately, greatly dis-
terbed in the middle of the night by re-
peated etrains of ghostly Music of
rather diScordant character. This con-
tinued night after night until they
to vacate the
er 6f the family
old dulchner in
the garret, which bo e very milident
marks of the gnawiems of rats aid Mice.
This being removed the ghostly sounds -
ceased aid the family have overcome
all their Objections to continuing their
residence in the same dwelling.
--The iMarquette *view referring to
the chur h socials held at the Portage
says :—I stead of the /socials becoming,
as some a pposed, stalt. and monotonous,
they see each to gather strength and
vim. T
Mr. W.
last, wa
the sea
made up their ind
house, evilen one mem
happened to discover a
e last, held
V. Millar, o
one of the
on. The
0 and 70, a
towards the Sunday School
he usual swigs, music and
were indulged in, and, notwith-
the audic was pretty well
packed, very one see ed to be heartily
pleased it the fun.
—The Bingham abduction case, which
created some excitement in
s now before the courts in
The principal in the. case is
gham, a printer who was pro-
f a job printing office in London
time and failed in business, he
employed in the office of the
t the residence of
Tuesday evening
ost successful of
ests numbered
d $17 were sub -
Geo. Bi
for som
wa,s .als
Lindsay Post. Forsome time past he has
failed to support his family, and his,
wife and a bright little child have been
living in Orillia with a relative. A few
weeks aeo Bingham wen to Orillia and
abducted the little girl f om the school
she was attending. An ppeal is being
made to the c.ohrts to r store the child
to her mother. Bingham is now pub-
lishing the Wiarton Echo.
—Au awfully sudden death occurred
in East Nissouri on Saturday night,
the victim being a well-to-do farmer of
township named John Stoddard.
It a pears that he came into the Lon-
don arket on Saturday morning with
a load of apples and Ipotatoea, which he
did not succeed in selling- until after
dinner time. He then went in. to eat
his dinner, but was unable to eat it, the
exposure to the cold having taken his
appetite away. He started on his
homeward journey in the afternoon,
and on the road his appetite came back
and he purchased a loaf and some
cheese, and appears to have partaken
freely a it. Upon getting to Wood's
Tavern, anout tw13 miles- east of the
city, he complained of great pain, and
had a small quantity of brandy. The
la,ndlord finding that he did not get
better sent for medical aid, and. every
effort was made to save him, but of no
avail. He died* about midnight of se-
vere cholera and stagnation of the
and made his way back to Canada, and
settled in Sandwich, where he has re-
sided ever since. He never received any
remuneration or pay for his property, or fication of the stamps and payment of
the time he served -in the British army. the fees, which will facihtate the in-
-A. roller skating match of 27 hours troduction of the new system through-
to-ok place at Toronto last week, and outthe country.
was won by George Adams, a young lad,
with 137 miles ; McDonald was second, Perth Items
with 134 miles, and Rooney third, with Cedar posts are effered for sale in
128 miles
Mitchell at six cents apiece. Rather
—The Manitoulin Expositor says :—it knotty ones likely.
only takes about thirty hours to send a
—The. -village of Milveron is taking
despatch from the Capital of Afghan -
steps to establish its independeence by
istan to Toronto, while it takes about being incorporated
twelve days to get a word from the .
—The Art's Exhibition given by the
latter place to this Island M ladies of Knox Cherch, Listowel; winter.waa
quite successful, about a 1100 being
realized thereby:
—An old and respected resident of
Wallace township for over a quarter Of
a century, Mr. Robert Heave' de-
parted this life on the 8th inst.
—The amount received for the market
Waterloo being fought, at that time
being a youth of sixteen years. On I scales in St. Marys this year is $170—
New Year's day there were four gener-
ations represented.
—The champion tramp has axrived
county only 30 certificates had. been
granted. The Minister of Inland Rev-
enue has issued remilations for the veri-
gave way and both were drowned. It
is said they were smuggling provisions
over from Brockville.
—A. meeting of 'a number of -gentle-
men in favor of establishing a Republi-
can Club in1Toronto was held Saturday
night. There was a fair attendance,
and after discussing' the nature of the
club, a committee was appointed to
draw up by-laws. While outwardly
only claiming to be a political economic
organization, it is understood that the
real object is to bring about the annex-
ation of Canada with the States.
—Rev. Dr. Ormiston, of New York,
formerly of Hamilton and well known
throughout Ontario, accompanied by
Mrs. Ormiston, has left on a visit to
Florida, where they will spend a few
weeks. The recent bereavement they
have suffered in the death of their only
daughter, has rendered a period. of rest
necessary to both. It is the wish of all
that they may return again fairly re-
cuperated in health, • and that Dr.
Orraiston may resume his labors with
his accustomed energy and success.
—On Monday of last week almost a
fatal accide
Mr. WM.
ship, Lamb
had purcha
when arrivi
stove'in hi
ploded with
mediately s
the aid of s
extinguishe Mrs. Robinson and her
daughter were badly -injured by the ex-
plosion as well as burned considerably,
590 more than last year. The itterease
is on account of the revival of btisiness
in the fax naills.
—Miss Prindible, organist in Mitehen
at Halifax, and. wtas sent to the .city .1
prison for a year by a magistrate for 1 Catholic Church, was, the other even -
presented with beautiful gold
-vagrancy. He said he walked from I ing,
1 -chain and locket by some of the Church
Chicago to Halifax, and has been four
years on the road. He don't know members and the choir.
where heaves born or his age. He gave I —The nationality of the Mitchell
the name of John Hullett, and speaks i Town Connell for 1880 is ss follows:
very imperfect English. English, 4, Scotch, 3 • Irish, 2, Ameri-
-About seven years ago a son of Mrs. 1 can, 2, German, 1. 'Religiot, Church
of England, 4 ; Presbyterian, 3 ; Luther-
Mooitey, .I.S.berfoyle; left home for Texas
Luther -
on account of,his health. He wrote to 1, an, le
—At the auction sale of Mr. Donald
his friends several times but the letters I
Wilson, llth concession, Elmse a few
days ago, cows realized. from $30 to $45
each, and were all disposed of at an
were miscarried. • and his relatives
thought him dead. About a week ago
the first letter was received from him
he was well and , average oie$36. One yearling heifer was
when it was learned
I knocked down at $18.
prospering in the distant State. -.
•The Sabbath School Conveetion of
—Mr. Sloane, who was in charge of
the County of Perth, will be held at
the stationeryoffice, House of Commons,'
Rirkton„ on Thursday the 29th inst., in
Ottawa, died. very suddenly Sunday
the Canada Methodist Church, for one
night. It appears that his sou was
The subjects for discussion
readina to him at his residence, and he day only -
got up to walk towards the window, but
are highly interesting.
—A fashionable wedilmg took place
t omurred to the family of suddenly dropped dead. He lia.d been
St. James Church, Stratford en
obinson, of Brooke town- ailing for some time past, but was able in
Momday evening of lest week. l The
on county. Mr. Robinson* 'to be in h4 office on Friday last. Heart
id a varnish barrel, and disease. parties most particularly interested
I were Mr. Robert Reid, of London, and.
g borne placed. it near the —At a fire which occurred in Parkhill
kitchen. The barrel ex- a few days ago a young man mined Miss Emma Jane King, of Stratford.
fearful violence , and um- Greaves met his death while asssisting —Wm- Grieves, of Burns, died en the
5th inst, after a short but painful in-
t fire to the premises. By to pull some furniture but of Manning's
ness. On New Year's day, deceased
me neighbors the fire was shop. His remains Were found lying in
was troubled by pains in his years,
the cellar among some stone work.
Mrs. Jones, an elderly lady, was lying
very ill upstairs. Her friends took her
in their arms to carry her out, but she
died before reaching the street,from the
shock received.
—Among the tramps recently given ac-
commodation at the police station, Port
Hope were a couple on 'their bridal
tour. They were provided with a cell
—Otto night lately the premises of a
went dealer in Dundas were entered
and a quantity of wool stolen. Friday
morning one of the sacks, containing
probably 150 pounds or 200 pound's, was
found on the track ef the Hamilton and
Dundas Street Railway, and subse-
quently another Was found a short dis-
tance off. It isthought there is a gang
of thieves now operating in the county
of Wentworth, and that it would be
well for those having valuables to look
after the fastenings of their buildings
very carefully. . -
—A. small frame stable on St. Clair
street; Chatham North, belonging to
Mr. A. J. Wilson, dry goods merchant,
was totally destroyed by fire on Satur-
day afternoon. The cause of the fire is
supposed to be from children playing
with matches. Two of his children, a
son about four years and a daughter money to subscribe outside of our datiomas all the applicants for admission
cannot be enpplied with seats. There
nearly six, were miseing. A search families, so please give us a rest, as we
was made and the °harked remains have no time to aague the matter mith are about 90 in the class preparing for
were found. The parents are , almost you. 1.... ---You Will find. the entrance to the „ Intern:leak:tee,
frantic with grief, having seen them the street here. N. B.—Life insurance —The desk or pulpit in the new
playing in the house about five minutes
before the fire broke out. charge by the accommodating and gen-
and lightning rod. men will be taken in Methodist church St Marys, is ourisgetid:
1 beibilue cangn be reTmhoevepdart , so
flexible they retired, and returned m a
IL O. ef holdthe
the edank being narrow and icy, leis
—P-assenger traffic on railways is tlemenly turnkey.
generally very dull at present. The —At the cut on section
bulk of the travellers on the- Grand
Trunk are on through tickets. It is east of Rat Portage, a man named
stated that a large linmber of Eastern Gagnon undertook to thaw a can con -
men, are passing through from the tabling about a pound and a half of
presented to the church.
West. The Michigan woods lunibering nitro-glycerine, but as it did not resume
has about closed, owing to the want of the liquid state sufficiently fast to suit —On Wednesday evening, 14th inst.,
mote. The Northern pa,ssenger traffic his taste or fancy, he built a fire, and Thos. Matheson, Esq., of Michell, met
is exceedingly dull. The Great West- proceeded to fry it. His comrades re -
was broken a little above the-lenee. He
with an accident by which his Ieft leg
ern is about the same as is usual at this monstrated with him; explameng the
was returnieg from Stratford, and.
fearful consequences of his rashness,
period of the year. The Toronto,
Grey and ruce is • better than last but he knew better and persisted. dii . when stepping from the platform into
year, but a this time lastyear the road doing it his own way. Finding hem in- . the 07321:0118 at the 'Mitchell, station,
which gradually extended inward until
it affected his brain in slide a manner
as to cause death.
—On the 13th inst.IFrederick Gil-
bert, of Ellice, ha& stolen from. his
houee the sum of $79 and Some vain..
able securities. Suspicion fell 'upon
one jacol. Geisinger, who was arrested
at Port Colborne, on his way to Buffalo,
and brought back to Stratford.
for themselves, which is now known as
the " bridal chamber" in that institu-
tion. The next morning the " happy
couple "breakfasted at a corner grocery
from off the head of a barrel. After
this no selfish bachelor should complain
that he cannot afford to naarry.
—The Thomson & Wilhams Miami-
faeturing Compauy in Stratford recent-
ly completed a 65 -horse power Brown
automatic cut-off engine for the steam
mills at Welland owned_ by Messrs.
Brown Brothers. The naills were
opened. on Thursday of last week, ande
—The following notice has been pest- the engine worked like a charm.
ed up in the entra,nce hall of the Court
—The attendance this term at the
House at St. Thomas, by the officials : St. Marys Collegiate Institute is the
We wish it distinctly understood that • largest eince its establishment. Two
we do not want any maps, books, hundred and five have already enrolled
watchen neckties, eye glasses, pictures themselves. The trustees are now en -
or Patent -articles, and that we haveno . . gm:main providing additional atc,onaino-
the desk can be used as an ordinary
, the Pacific Railroad, about thirty miles table -when platform meetings are being
-held in the church. It was manufactur- -
ed and designed by Mr. W. T. Jones,
cabinet maker in that town, andby hin.
had been b, ocked with snow for two
—Friday evening about 8 o'clock the
people living in the vicinity of Samuel
Hayes' residence,Napanee, were shock-
ed by seeing Mrs. Hayes on the street
with her clothes in eflames. Several
persons ran to the • rescue, and suc-
ceeded in smothering the flames and
removing the burning clothes from -her
short time to gather up what was le of foot slipped and he fell between the
the man and shanty. - platform and the vehicle. Mr. Matbe-
G Government n beenment since when the leg that is now broken
ppra—oslaseAibanibtiynOgtrthaheeer-DilnannaClinuniligoenilof pauper or was seriously injured.
Port of At a. late meeting of the Listowel
son met with an accident some years
or destitute emigrants in the
maHnaaayl i pf
dufoundinntti Ost hunceel lcheiunsinadrssy ofthee lnCeYaprovidedn8,- engagement with the present staff of
Public School Board a resolution was
passed. to the effect that the standing
burned. She died Saturday morning the master of the vesi3e1 carrying such
clian Emigration Agent at that port -b
that the folloeving salaries- be offered to
body, but not before she Was fatally : teachers will expire on the 30th June,
at 6 o'clock. The accident was caused,
it is supposed, by the upsetting or
bursting of a coal oil lamp, as the
victim's clothes were saturated with oil,
and the t ble whereon the lamp stood
was dest eyed.
—Jame Laughton, who died a fem
days sinee in Sandwich, ab the age of
90, gave t e following history of his life
to a frie d shortly before his death He was b
Detroit, t
as euaptpi near t_ the present staff of teacher', °nand after
necessary for such purpose. During andtransportof°rrt tthoetihreitremplPaocreaoryf Juler lst,1880 : 1st department,$700; 2nd.
tion. The sum of $20 is declared to be department, $350, 3rd. ' department,
g $250, 4th department, 225 ; 5th dement -
such time as any Buell pauper emi- ment, $225 ; 6th department, $225; 7th
grants may, in consequence of this department $225. This shows a general
proclamation, have to remain on board reduction from salaxies previounlygiven.
such vessel, the Collector of Customs —The teachers of the Mitchell Pub -
may order said vessel to anchor at a he School are paid. the follow -hag sal-
conveniept place, distant not less than aries : S. Nethercott, $800; Miss Hep-
rn in whet is now the city of one mile from Halifax. burne, $400, Miss Ford, $375 ; Miss
- ,
en a British fort, in 1790- —The Be-ctcon of last week says : For Walkinshaw, $350 ; Miss Geary, $325;
He removed with hisfather to an island the past few days Mr. Abraham Erb, Miss Barclay, 3325, Miss Marty, 3275,
in Lake St. Clair; which has been assistant Inspector of Weights and Miss Sarvis, 225. S. Salsberry, jani-
named " Stromness" by his grandfather measures for the western division of tor, $130, 3. Moran Inspector, $50,
who was given a right thereto by the Ontario (which includes theeounties of making a total of $3,375. The entu3a-
Indians. Laughton remained there Perth, Bruce end the northern portion erators show that there are 936 chile
until about 12 years of age, and then of Huron—itacludii3g the town and area in the town between. 5 and 21
located in Amherstburg, where he re- township of Grod-erich), has been in years of age, 713 between 5 and 16, and
mained until 1810, when he returned to town in the discharge of his. duties. 366 between 7 and 12, only three at
the island. He took considerable stock , Mr. Erb says the former inspector tending school less than four months,
with him. When the war of 1812 broke seems to have done his duty well. All between 7 and 12.
out the Americans took him prisoner the weights were found correct, with —A shoemaker who bad been itt the
and confiscated his property. He was the exception of the brass ones, most of besiness for over 30 years in Shake -
subsequently released, upon his agree- which had become light by wear. The apeare, took a secret and hasty &par-
ing to leave the island, which he would market scales required 40 lbsto bal- thre lately, leaving a large number of
have inherited by his grandfather's fence, and Mr. Erb is of opinion that unpaid bills behind him. A steady
will. -` The island subsequently, by the they never can be made absolutely cor- industrious man, it was until lately
Treaty of Ghent, became American reet unless they are placed under cover. believed he was doing well, but for
property. Laughton returned to Can- They are all right now. After May 1, nearly a year he was known to have
ada and joined the British troops, and the use of the wine gallon becomes ' been in difficulties, whilst the furtive
,participated in the battles of Long illegal, and the Imperial gallon be despatch of sundry large boxes helped
Woods, Street's Grove and Liman'sthe standard. After July 1, the follow- to arouse suspieion, but all were
Lane. He was taken prisoner at the hag weights are not to be used: 56 lbs., surprised when it was found the bird
last named engagement and was sent to 28 lbs., 14 lbs., 7 lbs., and 4 lbs. The had flown, the stable door standing
New York state, where he was detained weights' in Perth compared favorably open and the cow bellowing for food
four months, but subsequently escaped with those of Huron. For the latter being the first hint received.