HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-01-16, Page 7ANIARY 16, .188OE ADD, 1879_ VES, STOVES. KING STOVES, _OR STOVES, !OR000K STOVES DE STOVES, STOVES. . ASSORTMENT IN TOWN BOTTONS'PRICES, a and Comparison Solicited.. JOHN KIDD, Seafnrth, TO 13 A. —,1N D -- NORTH-WEST; SING` LANDS R , SALE. )N'S BAY OOXMPANF have very el lane, in the - TILE BELT FOR SALE, .ND NOW OFFER OQ. ACRES IN TIIE 3 ALREADY SURVEYED. seetiens in each Tc-n-nship, and _a a;' numbers of farms for sato 'sinibo- ne l;:ivcrs. Fainly, Crazing ttrt,I 1Vootl Lot.. riff :; to =61 er acre, according- ant ccording•nt remarkably easy. .ng full iefur,r,ation about the :anis for Sale, eau be had oa ' Gompar ,v'a Oill;:es in 1E ian.i:- al. - 111'DGES, Montreal, onanti=5i'ner Hudson's Bay Co. S NOME INDUSTRIES. ,,L for your Furniture mit get as Good ceche Ion/3y in HensaiL as in rrr r own -in Canada. l::tr 1 a Splendid Steck pf _ 5 TJ` .H" .Y DESCRIPTION, Fill sell at Prices et> t the Times. RTAKING AN(°f1ES PllO_1•MPT- fTENDED TO.. Cilliss Hearse ,b for FUNERALS LS on res gable terms. jr_s_TD .1-]T Gr., I lin ;x of even- d .. enpsiots Tiable terms. laterad far- a:sash Fara ='ure as 1 under- 4E. S. 1"A/RBA:1RN `t EA FORTH LAND Pant STRONG er.cl First -Class Stock, Fire -0 Companies, and is prepara O�L.l BLI! 1 EttN S. of the best Loan Some,a e and purchase of Farm FII ST-UL�A� 8 L%L �1 .,8 FOR SALE. .an at s Per 4'e ntf Star Line of Steamers rc,rrion's Store, Matz: -B '1.` BOX, R T li , KERS, &O, .:-U TICE. D SHROUD& c -RAND. ti lc ll1I.E. BUTTER. ark et- Price fl? oc? Fall Packed, is and Crooks„ leasetoll's Drug OBER SON. LICENSES SES (' 'V E :,j issued at the SEA FORT,.. JANUARY 16, 1880. Fight of Miss Gorey with a Big Black Bear. It is not every young wolnan,whether of high or low degree, who would make a stand up fight with a bear. Like the famous Cunigondo, the heroine of the ."Glove Story," there aro plenty who would send their lovers to do so ; bat to go in the arena• and do the fighting themselves is a different thing; and this is the thing that Miss Clara Cor in defense of her cousin, :a young la said to bo a resident of New York_;ci did among the mountains of Penn vania a few days ago. The two ,you women adventurously went out from place near -Hunter's Range to try to some game, presumably for Than giving Day. ilkiss Clary Corey had rifle, and her cousin, Miss . Alice Co had a double-barreled fowling pie They thought to pick up. a wild turk or two, and perhaps bag, few braces partridr es ; but larger game than th scarcely hoped for ; since, althou deer are sometimes stuff bled against these extensive forests, the exporien is usually enjoyed only y skilful diligent maie.hunters. he fair Dian rambled through the w. ods for many hours, and although they had fine op- • portunities to enjoy the autumn scen- ery, they carne upon neither fur ` nor feather, and the;fair city maiden began to be discouraged. Not so her companion, determined that her cousin having conic out for sport should not go home without it. • To go back empty-handed was not to be thought of, and in that remote region it appears there are none of those artf purveyors who hang around the pat usual question. 'You acknowledge yourself the father of this puppy ?" . A roar Of Iaughter burst from the crowd the officer threw the candidate for baptism away, and thus the witty ministerturnedthe laugh against the infidel, who intended to deride the sacred ordinance. Drinking Students at Leipsic. ey, Ridiculous duels, says a Leipsie let- ( --1Y ter to the Boston Advertiser, are very ty, frequent, and are against the law, but syl- as they are not attended. With danger ng they are winked at. It is said here a get ks- a that these duels increase. the sense of honor, etc., an idea for which I cannot see one spark of justification. Each additional scar on a student's face in - Cor creases his swagger and insolence, the ce. only increase visible to me. Fist fights ey' occur very `seldom, and when they do of happen amount to nothing. They push h18 and scratch and shout a good deal; and gh that is about all., A few days ago, to - in , gether with a western friend, I was ce watching one of those pushing matches, and when the gentleman, in question ob- as served, ma disgusted tone of voice : "Out in Chey-anne, where I live, when - fifty men get to fighting you have to sweep up the eyes and noses afterward," saying which he jumped down into the middle of the crowd, doing the only damage reported. Of course the stu- dents drink a great deal of beer, but they leave whiskey and brandy alone. I have known a man to drink fifty-two ; glasses of strong beer in a little more ul than 12 hours. A feat which equals it was performed by an officer here, fa - hs of returning and luckless sportsmen with bags of birds and strings of fish, the purohase of which will enable the buyer to put in a good appearance. Thus Miss Clara resolved to penetrate into the "Dark -Swamp." Now the -"Dark Swamp" includes many hun- dreds of acres, is heavily wooded and is moreover noted as a " resort for bears. But for all this the brave girl pushed forward and was soon a long way to- ward the middle � of the dangerous forest. The young lady from town was in ad- vance, and her cousin a few yards be hind her, when the former suddenly e countered a large black bear. M s Clara instantly cried- to her frightene 8 d companion to come back to her, which she did, and the former then threw up her rifle, and, taking deliberate aim as the bear forged on, fired. The creature gave a howl of pain and fell, but in- stantly rose again and pushed 'forward,. Miss Clara had by this time seized her cousin's shot -gun, and with quick succession sho discharged both barrels into the bear's body. Still the animal bore on, and in another moment it be- came plain that a fiercer and more ter- rible personal struggle could not be avoided. The courageous girl braced herself only in- time. Quick as light- ning she whipped out a long tone handled deer knife. But as swiftly the bear seas upon her, and the two were locked in what was to prove a death struggle. • ` While this awful struggle was in pro= grecs Miss Alice, who was beside her- self with terror, was running wildly about and screaming with the hope to attrac-t attention. The nearesthouse turas, However, two miles away, and her frantic shrieks -were 'unheard. The bear now had his assailant -in a firm grasp, and she was avoiding his 'claws as best she might and striking at him desperately with his knife. It needed all her strength and all her resolution to hold out to the end. But she did so hold out. Summoning all her remain- ing force•she managed to deal the bear a terrific cut in the back of his neck. Again he fell, this time in his death agony, and in a momenta. more, sadly lacerated and exhausted, but with no vital'harm,.a,Miss Gibney was free. We remember no instance of a battle fought single handed by a woman with a formidable wild beast with such per- sistency and such. success., The • bear weighed when dressed three hundred and forty pounds, and from this some notion may be had of the nature of Miss Corey's remarkable achievement. The skin is to be stuffed and mounted, we hear, by a New York taxidermist, and will be kept by the victor in mem- ory of her experience and her escape. A heroine like this must be set down as a woman after Leather Stocking's own heart. a woman fit to be the mother of a hardy frontiersman, and, if need were, to battle with the stoutest in defence of a prairie fireside.—N. Y. Evening Port. - • Conservative in iTer H abets. French lady (to new girl) I pay a40 a year. E. Girl—That is not enough. Lady—But besides you will get presents that they don't give every- where ; $10 at Easter; a uew dress at Christmas and 52 every time there is a baptism in the family. Girl—But I cannot depend on getting the last item every year for a certainty. Lady—When I say a thing I mean it. It has been the custom in our family, and as long as I live it will not be abolished_ A Witty Parson. A Scotch clergyman by the name of Watty Morrison was a man of most irrepressible humor. On one occasion a young officer scoffed at the idea that it required so much time and study to write a sermon as ministers pretend, and offered a bet that he would preach half an hour on any passage in the Old Testament without the slightest prd- paratiou. Mr. Morrison took the bet and gave for the text, "And the ass opened his mouth and he spake." The parson won the wager, the officer being rather disinclined to employ his elo- quence upon that text. On another occasion Mr. Morrison entreated an officer to pardon a poor soldier for some offense he had. com- mitted. The officer agreed to do so if he would in turn grant hint the first favor he should ask. Mr, Morrison agreed to this. In a day or two the officer demanded that the ceremony of baptism, should be per- formed on a puppy. The clergyman agreed to it ; and -a party of many gen- tlemen assembled to witness the novel baptism. Mr. Morrison desired the: officer to hold up the puppy, as was customary in the baptism of children, and said : _ "As I am a minister of the Church of Scotland, I must proceed according to the ceremonies of the church." • "Certainly," said the Major ; "I ex- pect all the ceremony." "Well, then, Major, I begin by the mous only for his drinking- abilities. At dinner one day a comrade offered to bet him a large sum that he could not drink a quart bottle of champagne out without taking the bottle from his lips. The challenged man thought a mo- ment and said : "Give me half an hour to think it over." He went out, came back in half an hour, accepted the , bet and won it, amidst great applause. Some one asked him why it took him so long to accept the bet. "Well," he said, "I was not.quite sure that Lcould do it, so I went home first, and tried it, and found that I could do it, and then came back." - • is Is your `throat sore, or are you annoy- ed by a constant cough? If so, use _ "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers." They will give you instant relief. They re- lieve the air passages of phlegm or mu- cous, and allay inflammation, and no safer remedy can be had for coughs, colds, or any complaint of the throat or lungs, and if taken in time their efficacy will soon be proved. Sold by all drug- gists and country dealers at 25 cents a b :��..��:. •; .rte w 0 0 L=L 1- 0 O J U J J 0 LII F- t. • THE - TH,E EIU} ON EXPOSITO N (I �uuu lh„�W l � (®IIIlID1lM illl�lltA11119 � --��+ iHih ill : Utln.,, �c it:: �� u',dllitu•�•. l ;idl �It:L at; 111 000 A K . K 0 0 A A• K K O 0 A A KK O 0 AA AAA K K 000 A A KK H lI A H fl AA MI MI A A H 11 - AAA AA H 11 A A -VST'.AR,N TN GI -- I AVOID 1 r r Ro z 0 rn V/ 0 z V, m 11 0 L L L L L I, L L LLLLL LLLLL Untruthful Advertisers. When a Clothing House ad- vertises to sell Goods twenty-five per cent. less than others, you can very easily prove 'tis AN UNTRUTH Yet they can pay twenty- five cents a line to have it OX. printed. What kind of stories will they tell us in those • The hungry dream of feasts, the stores thirsty of water, the dropsical of drowning, the sick of health. To enjoy health, beware of every ailment, and ° if suffering from diseases of the kidneys, etc., use Victoria Buchu and Uva Ursi. If taken in time, this' great medicine will prevent Bright's disease of the kid- neys, diabetes, 'lett., and is -a positive FOR NOTHING. How do you dare buy Goods of such Houses when you specific in all diseases of the urinary ! see Wonderful (that- is the word they use) Bargains ad - system. For sale b —�' • all l dealers. vertised at these stores, do you ever find them. Don't TEABERRF.—The new powder for `. you always get there a little late. "Isn't there -some- whitening the teeth,urif in the ” 'reath, and stimulating the mouth, thing else I can showis what you are usually saluted ^e brightest, cosiest little toilet gem with. ge tant. Ask your druggist for "Tea - b rry ;" price 35 cents. 626-52. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. he best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, S res, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped H ds, Chilblains, Corns. and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give per- fect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. P 'ce 25 cents per box. For sale by Hickson & D easdell, Seaforth. 566 -Sm Free of Cost. The most wonderful remedy of the age is now praced within thereach of all. Be he rich or be he p or, it costs nothing to give the great remedy a tr al. Dr.liing's California Golden Compound, fo • Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Low Spirits. Loss of Appetite, Sour Stomach, Coming up of Food, llow Complexion, General Debility, Inactivity a d drowsiness, Liver complaint, Jaundice and Bi iousness,for which it is a certain and speedy cu o. No personSshonld be without it. In order to prove that it will do ail that we claim for it, you rrr given a trial bottle free of cost, which will eon - vi .ice you of its truly wonderful merits, and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. Fc r sale by Messrs. Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth, Ort. 6 • Go od Advice. Nov is the time of year for Pneumonia, LangFever, &c. Every family should have a bottle of Boschee's Gelman Syrup. Don't allow for one moment that cough to take hold of your child, your fancily or yourself. Consumption, Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup, Hernorzhngc•s, and other fatal diseases may set in. Although it is true German Syrup is curing thousands of these. dreaded dis- eases, yet itis much better to have it at hand when three doses will cure -you. One bottle will last your whole family a winter and keep you safe from danger. If you are consumptive, do not rest until yon lra�ve tried this remedy. Sample bottles, 10 ants. *glider size, 75 cents. Sold by your druggist. 627-52. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations as fol lows : - GOING WEST— SEAFORTH. Expross 8.10 P. M. Express 8 55 P. M. Mixed Train......8:00 A. M. Mixed Train.., . .1:05 P. M. GOING FAST— SEAFORTH. ' Express . 8.00 A. M, Express Train.....1:05 P. M. Mixed Train......4:15 P. M. Mixed Train....,•.7:35 P. M. CLINTON. 3:30 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 8:45 A. M. 1:45 P. M. CLINTON. 7:36 A.M. 12:d9 P. 11. 3:30 P. M. 5:55 P. M, . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. SEAFORTH, November 20, 1879 The undersigned having leased the finishing shop of the Huron Fonndry,`Seaforth, from J. 8. Runeiman, will bo prepared to do all kinds of repairs required. for steam engines, grist and flouring rnillt�, saw mills and all kinds of ma- chinery, also agricultural implements, and from his long experience as foreman of the Goderich Foundry trustl; to be able to give good satisfaction to all parties having work done. All repairs •at- tended to .at puce. Give me a trial and I will warrant good satisfaction. WILSON SALKELD. In connection with the above business, • the undersigned will have an offide at the Huron Foundry, and will take any orders for repairs on mills or other things, and will also take contracts for steam engines, boilers, grist and .flouring mills, and 5 ll kinds of machinery. Having a congestion with one of the largest foundries in Ontario, I will be hap. position to carryout all contracts that may be triasted to inc. Plans and Specifications fur- nished for mill machinery, engines, &c. As 1 iu6encl to give my attention altogether to the erection and repairs of machinery and agricnitural fmplcments, I hope to be able to givegood satisfac- tion to all tru ting me with their 'work. III R. RUNCIMAN. The undersie ed will continue to manufacture plows and all kinds of castings on a large scale at the Huron Foundry, Seaforth, and with tho con- nections formed, hopes to be able to posh a large ; business and to give good satisfaction. J. S. RUNCIMA_r7 $10 A WEEK—$12 a day at home 'easily �P made. Costly Outfit free. Address TRUE & Go., Augusta, Maine. 6206-52 4 HALLY & ANDERSON, SEAFORTH, Offer No Baits to get you into their Store. HALLY & ANDERSON BELIEVE IN TRUTH- FUL ADVERTISING. HALLY & ANDERSON Believe in selling Goods that will do service, and at such prices that customers will become friends to the House. AVOID THESE " Wonderful Bargains," or else prove- them to be such, and we would like the chance to help you to prove them. THE OLD: PROVERB, Self -Preservation isthefirst law of nature. The place to do this, at very moderate figures, is at the Oak Hall Clothing Establishment. Their Stock comprises all the Late Novelties in Select Woolens, Worsteds and Over - coatings, and is well worthy of inspection. HOLIDAY GOODS.: Ladies in Search of Suitable - Goods for Presents to their Gentlemen Friends will find at Oak Hall a very large and Select Stock of - - Neckwear, Linen . Handkerchiefs, Argosy Suspenders, - Kid Gloves, French Castor Gloves, Linen Collars and Cuffs, White Shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk- Suspenders, Silk Umbrellas, Dog Skin Gloves, Fancy Hosiery, White Cambric Shirts, &c., &c. All Late . Direct Importations and at Low Prices. HALLY & ANDERSON, Oak Hall Clothing Establishment, Seaforth. J. S. ROBERTS HAS REMOVED HIS DRUG STORE To the Store between Hoffman's Dry Goods and Counter's Jewelry. Stores, Cardno's Block,. Seaforth. E/4 011 p lC Ei—gt c't .trf 1` /• 1 Z FINE GROCERIES D. D. ROSE'S, SEAFORTH. New Black Basket Raisins. New London Layer Raisins. New Sultana Raisins. New Valencia Raisins. Cases New Currants. Barrels New Currants. Figs in Boxes. EXTRA VALUE IN TEAS AND FAM- ILY GROCERIES, Notwithstanding Recent Advances in almost every De- partment. Remember the Stand—Next Door to the Post Office. D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER,. Sq aims x03 z1-3 Lid ca 0 - Cr 0 a0 01G p 'c� go. ca H•7 m co W SID 1-4 HA DW RA DWAREs MN OF THE CI OOAO SAW LTJMSDEN & WILSON; Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. ITOTIO i All Accounts due the - £ oderich Foundry and . Jl fanufacturiug Com- pany, Limited, must be promptly settled to avoid costs. Xo persons are authorized to receive payments or make settlenients on behalf of the Company except the undersigned. HORACE HORTON ; President. JOHN CHRISTIAN, Secretary. GODERICH, June 13th, 1579. WANTED. pRECENTOR WANTED. — Wanted for the Egmondville Presbyterian Church, a pre- centor ; salary 5100. Application to be made to SAMUEL CARNOCHAN. C30-3 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. STOKE F U1;NITU1tE—F. G. Sperling, having given up business, has a quantity of Store Furniture for Salel Merchants desiring sho w cases, lamps, scales, t ea canisters, &c., would do well to call on him and get bargains. 631-4 WOOD FOR SALE.—For sale cheap, on Lot 4, concession 10, H. R. S. Tuekcrsmith, the wood on about 20 acres of land, all first class hardwood, and easy of access. Apply on the premises or to Chiselhurst P. 0. JAMES BURNS. 629x4 CALL AT J. S. ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, Seaforth, for the Great Sierra Nevada Smok- ing Compound, a positive cure for Catarrh, and is equally efficacious in all Bronchial Affectione. The worst cases of Asthma, Phtbsie and all Diseases of the Lungs yield readily to this treat- ment. M. L. SMITH, Arkona, Ont., General Agent. For sale by all druggists. Price, 75 cants a box. 601.52 To FARMERS —Farmers or others desiring Leached Ashes can have the same on applica- tion at the Seafoith. Ashety. The proprietor will be glad to have parties take them away, and will not charge anything for them, as he is de- sirous to got his yard cleared out. This is a rare opportunity, as a better fertilizer for improving the land can not be got than leached ashes. They are as good as manure and can be had for the hauling. Apply to ZIINAS BEAM. 681-4 STOOK FOR SERVICE. TO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep during the present season, on Lot 17, concession 9, Mcliiilop, for the improvement of steak, a thorough -bred Berkshire Boar. Terms, $1 for the seaeon, with therm ivilege of returning if necessary. SAMUEL HARRIS, prop. 629 9'0 PIG BREEDERS The undersigned will keep during the prevent season, on Lot 25, concession 11, Hibbert, for the improvement of stock, a thorongh bred. Snfio:k Boar. This is a pig . formerly owned ba, Mr. Alex. Yule, of Tackersmith, and is well-known as the producer of excellent stock* Terms.—One dollar payable at the time of service, with the Ipiivilege of re turning if necessary. THOMAS LEEMING, Proprietor, 62$x4 TO BREEDERS OF PIGS. -- The undersigned will keep during the present sea- son, at his prem- ises, Lot 11, Con. 4, H. R. S., Tuck- ersmith, one mile south of Egmond- . villa, a Thoroughbred Large Breed Berkshire i Boar. This animal was sired by a Pig imported 1 from England, and for which the cam of $750 t was paid. His dam was also imported. He is one of the best at present in the County of Huron, having taken first prize at the County and all the other shows. Terms—One Dollar, to be paid at the time of service, with the privi- lege of returning if necessary. J. H. CARTER, Proprietor 628 This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life, These famous pills pnAir the BLOOD, and act Most power fully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and DOWELS. ,Riving tone, energy, andvigorto these great MAIN SPRINTS OF LIFE. They are eor_&dtntly recommended as a never failing remedy in all x:r.1;rE where the conatitntion from whatever canoe, has becormeimpaired or •aeakeu- ed. 'i'hey, are wonderfully efficacious in all ail- mencsinticlantr,l to,fereels sofall ages : and as a GENERAL FAMILY lIF.DICINE are unsur- passed. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the euro of BAD LEGS, bad breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it an infalliblerernedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and cheat, as salt into meat, it Cures { SOLI; TIII:OAI,1.IGuehitiE, Coughs, Colds, and ever} ASTHMA. Far Glandular Swellings, Absccsi es, Piles; Fistulas. Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SP>IN DISEASE, it, has never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 538, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World ; with directions for use in al- most every language. The Trade marks of these Medicines are regis- tered in Ottawa. Hence,any one throughout the British Posseshione, who may keep the Ameri- can Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted. Purchasers should look to the Label on Pots and Boxes. L the address is not 588, Ox- ford Street, London, they are spurious. , cr) fP I5 o I 8iaai 0 CD CD 1 rats 0 : .:nD TSa18 0 r+ 0 -A0,T(ha`T 'pulp r 0 11100.88080 SAWS, WAR ANTD NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS. MOPP MR,' -3 CHILLED PLOWS Proved and Acknowledged o be the Standard Plow of America. FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT, QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- NESS, AND FINISH,- IT INISH,IT HAS NO EQUAL. - The Material used in the construc- tion of these Plows, for Smoothness of Pace and Toughness, is superior to Cast Steel, and is MANUFACTURED by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, SCUFFLERS, &O, Always on hand, made of Improved Patterns, and warranted (A. 1). Columns, Castings, School, Church, Garden and Lawn Seats, and Cast iron Fencing a Specialty. Ali Kinds of Repairing done and Good Work Guaranteed; ' JOHN NCP -PER, Seaforth Foundry. SAVER [THRESHERS, CC 0 'RH3MOIN OM NOW N BRADLEY HARVESTERS, A WARDED MedPhil- "1" ' Medals at the World's Fair lril- adelphia, 11. S,, 1876; Sydney, Australis# 1877 ; Paris, France, 1878; Gold and .Silver Medals, Huron reaper Trial, 1877, and Gold Medal 1878. Ever where successful. . Hold by D. Hogan and W. J. Grieve, Seaforth Robert Anderson, Eippen; Archibald McGnllyy, Bruccfieid, john Robinson, Varna : L. Elliott, Godcrieh; David Halstead,Wngham; T. Eng- lish, Brussels. Order early. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ile- pairs can be had of any of the Agents. L. D. SAW XLi'R & Co., Hamilton, Manufacturers GEO. STEWART, Clinton General Agent. D S. CAMPBELL, Prorhicissl Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt ly attended to. - 79 Ii. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell.,