HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-01-16, Page 5JANUARt 1.6, 1 88.().
Hicks is ginggood satisfaction
aonelville. Mr. Henry Cameron,
ield, has a very large school, and
rk speaka for itself., Hid pupils
ting certificates every year at the
think he is the right man in
ht place to teacth the young idea
e shoot. I think our noisy friend
very well posted abmit the sal-
t teachers. If he will inquire he
ad there are teachers in all the
ioring townships getting $500 per
,I. Perhaps our friend would
k. get to be a trustee on the School
; said teach free trade le hiring
and bring in universal 'econ-
LII. around. Mr. Editor, I ani
his chauce is a little remote.
aesettan, Janumy 7, 1R10.
ConainalSony Voting.
Editor o f Me Huron Expositor.
a Sin : As the annual e1e4tions
'ecurred ()ace more, with all their
luanying excitement, and though
leal nature, it brings forcibly to
-he need of a ehange in the elee-
w, or rather of adding a clause to
voting compulsory. °And as the
t the majority should rule, it
tend to give a fairer representa-
that will by causing
the indiffer-
ay-at-home, or take -me -in -your-
-eters and grumblers to go to the
aid record their voles. I say
ersfor generally speaking, those
e the least willing to go out are
let ready to find fault if anything
Suns - and if they do go with you
sok they are conferring au honor
rather than discharging their
a- voting, All such should be
led to put in an appearance and
way or the other, according to
nscience, without fear or favor,
saving a considerable ieconveni-
canva'Ssers or personsinterested
hag the right men into office. It
elso add a finishing'. touch with
to bribery, as there is nothing
!prevent a, voter being hired to
home. Efopieg to hear from
f or some one more competent to
c.:e the subject than your humble
am, A VoTne.
titutuary 12th. I880-.
E Seed Grs,i-n.
Editor of the Ilaron Expositor.
in,—For the inforanatian of
vhom it may concern, I have
atructecl, with your permission
itlemanly courtesy, to say that
mmittee to- report on spring
see& at the last meeting of
._albert Division Grange, held at
1 on the 27th ult., specialy re-
nd the White Russian or Loa
which proves to be only one
under two names. Since the
ka seems to have done well in
calities, they say give it another
1 may also- say that, since peas
e to the bugs, barley will, to a
-extent, be substituted, and -will, •
re, be sown in greater breadth.
meaulville Grange have instruct-
, to communicate with parties
e Ba,y of Quinte for a car load or
-.1." seed barley. Any fax
r he belariga to the Grange or
a be accommodated by telling
he members, or by dropping a
Al to my address stating the
y needed. Yours respectfully,
f. mcQuArm,Egniondvile P.O.
4sMITII, Jan. 12. 1860.
phen a,nd the Railway.
eiroa,--Sir; We have read the
your worthy paper of Jan-
a about the project of the South
:Railway. The, project seems
ieible. Stephen people have no.
's to the Dune so long .as they
'Inked to contribute some bonus,
no esse of the, road. They
elect hal astray by some
)(niters, in whom they had set
afidence and thought they Would
:eat for the township, but the
V did was to run the township
ebt of $18,000, for which the
r•;; have more loss than profit;
refore, the people of Stephen
p will be on their guard in: the
They are _more willing to con -
bonus toward a the Credit
tailroad, -which is supposed. to
an St. Marys via, Crediton, west
S;,tephen, to Port Malik. As
--teplieu don't get at least a good
Crediton, there is no hope
'onus for any railroad, no mat- '
e it comes from or where it goes.
VoiOns 0FSTJEN.•
Perth Itemsll .
ratepayers have abolished
..et fees in that town.
!eldest son of E. W. Harding,
LI or of St. Marys, died &id -
ix Tuesday morning a last
6 big threshing was done on
Mr. GeoMay berry, in Elma
ult., Messrs. J. and II.
er threshing 900 bushels of oats
ours. The work was done by
c manufactured by McDonald,
-s)u ,V Co., Stratford.
in named James Hollis was
killed last Saturday eight, at
t a utile and a half north of
. He was struck by a freight
titeS Port Dover and Lake
ailway. He is supposed to
a under the influenee of liquor.
ug age- the Public School
Listewel carried a resolu-
i their meetings to engage a
t.,dicir in connection with the
kta eubsequeut meeting, how -
took a more prudent view of
and rescinded their mo -
nose's rights" is a stern reality
ell. According to a local
re, we are told that at an
e. a school trustee, the contest _.
a mainly on political grounds,
ocs: was polled, and even sorio0
Seisecrtheir franchise oil this
sawhat novel affair to the vi] -
Reis, was the grand ,party
r.tne-i day by Mr. and Mrs.
.eon. te their two sous, who
distant parts to finish their
There .tire present 30
the young teen who are about
Among this company there
'-avins, and had the full 'force
;milled oat there would have
1 to something over So, After
Lily had done justice to the
red. Wogs, the spread was
Leal the entertainmeut of the
:gaat'4. which consisted ef the
detic toasts, fallowed by the -
If the guests of the evening. to,
JANUARY 16 1880.
ei •
which the twins feelingly replied. Mr.
Reid was also proposed, he being one of
their companions in study. ' Altogether,
a very plesa,nt evening was Spent by
those present.
--The other evening as Mr. Trow
M. P., was returning from -the country,
the night being very d'art, his velliele
collided with another cOnveyance, the
driver of which didn't give half the
toad, and Mr. Trow was thrown out,
being injured en the head and One -of
his legs. His medical attendant asierts
that Mr. Trow's injaries are, not very
serious, aud that he will be around
again in a few days.
—Mr. Alex. Ferguson, of the firm of
Ferguson Liz Uendry, Mitchell, has left
for parts unknown. Since New Year's
day he was missedout of town,
but no particular notice was taken of
his absence until Mrs. Ferguson band-'
ed Mr. Hendry a • letter Irorri his
absconding,' partner, on Monday, saying
that he had left.the country for good,
and telling him to wind up the bUsiness
as best he could. It is thought Fergu-
son has taken with -him considerable
money. His liabilities are yet unknown,
but they are thought to be heavy.
--About 12.30 A. M. on Saturday
morning, a fire was discovered in the
rear of White & Co.'s premises, St.
Marys, which quickly' spread to the
adjoining buildings. A high wind ara
blowing fromthe west and fears were
entertained that the whole earth side
. of Green street would be burned. The!
Mayor telegraphed to Stratford for their
which he was about to inspect. He
bolted post haste after His Excellency-,
and addressing him' told him the cir-
cumstances. He was relieved with a
dollar for present necessities and told to
be at Rideau Hall that night at seven
o'clock. The man received the invita-
tion somewhat incrednlously, but, how -
event he, weat, and was glad ened by
receiving an order for himself and two
sons to go on to some public orks.
-, —At Pembroke a man has
SEATORTH, Jan. 15, It 80.
, 1 23 to 1 26
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat,Fifeaper Inalbel.. , 1 20 to 1 24
Spring Wheat,Iled Ohaff,perbnali. 1618 to I 2.1
It 32 to 0 83
Oats per bushel - '
Peas per bushel
0 45 to 0 55
0 60 to 0 64
Barley per bushel ,
0 16 to 0 17
Batter, No.1,Loolle
0 14 to 0 16
3 00 to 3 15 -
Flour, por 100 the
. 7 00 to 800
0 07 eo 0 08
Melee, per lb..
... u 60 to 1 25
.eon plac- Sheep skins each
tongue cut of a horse. He , was em- g:Itai‘oveasoirearno 0 75
(0, g50
ed iu jail ou the charge of cutting the Salt (rotaill)per earrolor • .,
:Jerre] ........
ployed on the Canada Southern exteu- Apples, Per busblitiPeihr 0 SO tn
sion, lring which he had been paying.. Oaamealata
Tallow, brl d 25 to 0 35
a, well- o -do widow in that Beution. per lb
or at le st desired to pay, attentions to Ito las
jilDior:fs'sielid tag': ;sr' roeti
nan did not take a fancy to the
2 75 tes 300
0 05 to 006
4 5u to 600
6 00 to 6 40
The wo-
lOw hi
nd told him so, declining to al- oenviaa,
to pay her visits. The man in Fal1Whottt,per bushel
revenge went to the stable and cut out Spring Wheat, perbushel
Oats, perbushel
the horse's tongue. Barley, per bushel
—Last Sunday evening the Congre- Peas, per btuthel
bastioned Church at Brantford was Butter
thrown into a state of great excitement;
an. 15,1880.
1 20 ge 123
1 18 (.0 123
N OTE LOST—This is to forbid any person
from pureluteing a Promissory Note, given
by John Bente Ball in favor of Job Wilson, and
beating date January lst, 1879, payable twelve
months after date, as the same hes been lost.
Any person finding the same and returning it to
JAMES EARL, Lot 26, Concession A, Howick, or
to his addrees, Wroxeter P. 0,, Will( be reward-
ed. 632x4
NOTES LOST —Lost, the following eremite
-al eery notes: let, one made by Thomas M.
Bowerman, an .lavor of the undersigned, for
$100, Leal iug date July, 1876, and mettle one
year after date; 2nd, one made by A. Cook, in
favor of Thomson & Williams, for tte sum of
S70, bearing date Se ptember; 1878, and payable
oue year atter date; ard, one made by Henry
Batedull, iu fever o Thomson & Witham, for*
$40,, bearing date 1875, and payable one year
after date; 4'h, one made by J. Brown, in favor
of Thomson & Williams, for $10, bearing date
jute, 1879, and payable January, 18b0. The
pu blie is hen by ce taloned againet putcLasing or
negotiating the above notes or any of them, as
they are supposed to have been stolen, and pay-_
32 eca s0 34 taunt of them has been stopped. I. BOWER-
(' 95 6 0 56 MAN. 631x4
0 03 @ 006 —
0 15 @ 016
0 130 ea. 085 - MEETINGS TO BE HELD.
014 015
On Sunday, the 4th of January, the Hay,per ton.
Rev. . . ar er res g
ate of the church, and on the evening
in question he preached his farewell
sermon to a crowded. house. ,, Before
commencing his sermon the reverend
gentleman gave his reasons for resign.
iug that his congregation were guilty of
duplicity and meanness towards him,
and turning on the choir he made a
rather personal atta.ck on them, when
some retired. This caused one of the
gentlemen in the choir to stand up and.
SPB k ned. his pastor -
fire brigade and engine, -but the fire request the reverend gentleman to stop
was fortunately got under control, and his insult. The reverend gentleman
the order countermanded. The loss requested the speaker to sit down,
will not exceed. 52,000, on which there
is no insurance..
Ruron Notes.
They had an e49iting time with
runaway teams in Wiligham on the 2nd
inst. Mr. John Powell and his son
were driving into town with a load of
hay, and as they were coming, down
when the gentleman threatened. to
start the organ and drown his voice.
At this stage a lady in the congregation
fainted. The reverend gentleman con-
tinued his attack, and when a number
were leaving he requested them to be
seated, as the objectionable part Of the
sermon was over. He then proceeded
with his sermon.
—Small -pox is terribly prevalent in
the hill near the bridge on the Tees- Ottawa. A Public School has been re
water road, the young an slipped off
the load, carrying the hues with him.
The horses getting frightened at this
unexpected event, ran away, but were
caught at Dinsley's Hotel before any
damage was done, beyond. a fright to
their owner. Through the excitement
caused by bills runaway, two teams, the
property of Mr: John Anderson, of
Turnberry, which were standing near
the store houses, also followed suit and
started at a rattling pace for home,
one team kicking the whiffletrees over prevalence. On Monday a meeting of
their backs and leaving the sleigh in a the medical profession took place, and
heap at the roadside. We have not it was decided to take active measures
heard of any further damages being to stamp out the disease. It was ad -
done. mitted that 60 cases . existed in the
—One night lately some person or city, but a medical man privately stat -
persons with diabolical intent entered ed. that the mimber was under estimat-
moved from AngleSea Square because
small -pox has broken out in the houses
of ill -fame by which the educational
Institution is surrounded. The disease
up to a feweveelca ago was confined to
Lower Town; it is now spreading in
Upper Town. As an illustration of the
injurious effect the spread of this disease
is having on business in the city it is
stated that two . theatrical companies
booked. to perform there have cancelled
their engagements on account of its
the stable of Mr. W. L. Ferguson, Col-
borne, and turned loose a mare and a
valuable imported. entire draught horse.
ed to allay public excitement. There
are nearly that number of small -pox
cards exhibited in one section of the
Mr Fergusoe has for some time had a city alone. The great difficulty in
general purpose stallion; the draught stamping out the disease is that the
one he had only recently purchased. Board of Health is composed of alder -
The two and the mare were kept in men elected by the suffrages of citizens
different compartments of the same of whom a large number are opposed to
stable. It is surmised that these evil vaccination. It has been said that the
disposed persons in turning out the reports sent to the outside press 'are
stallion and mare were under the im- exaggerated, but the truth is that cor-
pression that it was the two stallions respondents have for obivious reasons
that were turned out, evidently with been understating the numbers. Be -
the inteet of allowing the beasts to bee sides owing a duty* the city of Ottawa,
come enraged, enter into ferociotts com- representatives of outside journals also
. -bat and destroy each other. This, owe a duty to the general public.
hoWever, did not happen, but the loos- sannsamenn........ine .
ened horse, upon getting freed, raced1
around the fields with extreme fury. • Births.
The more he exerted himself, the more 1NHITf t Brussels, on the 80th ult., the wife
maddenecl he became, until from sheer DIFIETT—
exhaustion he must have ceased. - o Mr. TI
When found in the 'morning the poor REEVE
r. J.1te
animal was a sad wreck of the valuable . CHAIBER
animal he looked. the _day previous.
Battered aud. bruised, by coming in
contact with fences, etc., and. etiffened
from having staid out in ,the cold.
Whoever was the perpetrator of the
fiendish act which caused this change
meat indeed be sunk in the lower
depths if he did not feel sorry at the
. effect cf his miserable deviltry.
—The S'ignat of this week says: Aix
intelligent young man, who said he be-
longed to Port Perry, but Who, with
about forty others, hail just returned
from an unsuccessful search for work in
- the Michigan lumber woods, found him-
self about tet days before Christmas on
the premises of Mr. Gordon Young.
Colborne. Mr. Young, although not in
immediate want of a young man, en-
gaged him for a year. Upon various
pretex`ts he obtained more money than
was due him, told while waiting for his
trunk to be forwarded to him, he: was
loaned by "Ids employer a suit of clothes
to attend. church and a tea -meeting at
Smiths Hill. After the tea -meeting
the young
man, Nyno gives the name- of
James Watson'took his. departure for
Clinton without the knowledge , of his
employee. Next day Mr. Young fol-
lowed:him to Clintesn, where he ob-
tained the information that his hired
man had been settnag up things pretty
lively in that burg. The proprietor
. had chalked upon his cheek a debit ac-
count of $4, which the gay deceiver
was to settle for as soon as he got $500,
which he asserted was lying to his
credit in one of the banks there. Mr.
Young's appearance on the scene al-
tered the landlord's opinion as te
the solvency of his customer,
who, rather than be dunned sthrt-
ed on foot- for Londesoorough,
a distance of five - miles. Mine
host followed with the same means
of locomotion. The sinews of the lat-
ter appear not to have been so
well adapted for pedestrianism as those
of his fu.gitive debtor. However, he
caught Mr. Watson in time to prevent
his leaving Lonclesbora by train. The
delinquent was brought back to Clin-
ton, and Mayor Searle committed. him
to Goderich. j ail for 20 days on the
charge of deserting; from his employer,
Mr. Yung. Restittition of the clothes
being made, the graver charge was not
pressed: The Chilton la,ndlord mourns
• his little bill.
General News Items.
Mr. James Trow, M. P., was elect-
• ed Reeve of North Easthope by a rna-
jority of 150. ,
---Au.old man named Joseph Blue
was found dead near Simcoe one day
lately. Verdict: Died from the want
of the necessities of life.
few days ago 'a man went into
several places on Sussex street, Otta-
wa, begging, and stating that he had a
wife and five children at home on the
verge of starvation. He did not -suc-
ceed in collecting a,nything, but a wag
pointed out to him the Governor-Gen-
eral going into the building a,bout to be
occupied. as the geological museum,
White of a daughter.
n Exetee, on the 26th alt., the wife
omits Bissett of a son.
Eaton, on the 3rd inst., the wife ot
cve, M. D., of a daughter. -
In Clinton, on the 30th ult., the
wife of a e. James Chentbers of a daughter.
STEINHOFFL-1n 131301, on the 10111 inst., the
wife of Dlr. Mark Steinhoff, G. W. II., of a sou.
HENDERSON—In His -tie on the 12th inst., the
Wife of Rev. W. Henderson of a son.
. LIvERPOOL, Jan. 14. — ,
lis 6d ; red winter,
white, lis 5d; clu
oats, 6s 2d; barley, 5s 3d;
pork, 60s Od ; beef, 82s
69s 6d.
8 00 (d) 900
pring wheat
lis 0d;
lls 9d
eas, 6s lld
Od , cheese,
TORONTO, Jan. 15.—Fall wheat, $1.25
to $1.26; spring,$1.24 to $1.27; oats, 37c
to 4.0e; peas, 66c to 630; barley, 58c to 75e;
hay, per ton, $6 50 to 410 (50;:
batter, 17c to 19c; potat es per bag,
$0.55 to $0.60. Clover see4 per bushel,
$4.15, to 4.3Q;$dressed h gs, $6.30 to
Live Stock Markets.
TORONTO, January 14.—Cattle. — For
local markets, 3ic to 4c; Second class,
from 3ie to 40. Sheep.—The demand
is rather better with few Offerings- We
quote 3ic to 4c. Lambs.—There is an
improved demand, but offerings are
small. We quote 4c to Sc for first class;
310 for second class; and 3,1 for third
class. Live hogs.—Price is are firm at
Ic per /h.
ee tine of the Shareholders ot the Varna
Checse Mearafecturing Company will be held in
the Town Hall, Vainly, on Friday, January 28r1,
1880, at 2 P. M. JAS. SHAW, Secretary. 631-2
" of the Directors and Shareholders of the
Weet Lid Cheese Mane teaming Company will
be beld at Catnuchwe's Hotel, Seafoith, on Sat-
ure ey, Jenne) y 18th, 1880. Directors' Meeting.
et 1 P.M. nal eholderte Meeting at. 2:302. M.
By order, R. LA,NDSBOROUGH, President. 631
NOTICE—The Annual Meeting of the Hay
Townsbip Falmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich,
on Monday, the 2nd day of February, 1880S corn-
mencing at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of
eleeting Direeto Is and transacting other busi-
ness, and tor giving lull explanations of the
standing and working of the Company, whieh is
prospering beyonaexpectation, A large attend -
anise is looked for. H. V. DFRSTEIN, Secre-
tary, Z urich. 632-3
ANNUAL MEET1NG—The Annual Meeting of
ethe Members of the South Huron Agricultu-
ral Society will be held at Turner's Hotel, in
-Theicefield, on Wednesday, January 21st, ieso, at
o'clock P. M., for the purpose ot electing Di -
nature and the transaction of other business. A
Meeting of the Directors of the Society will be
hold on the same day, and at the same place, et
10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of winding up
the businese of the Eat year. G. E. CRESSW.ELL, Secretary; T. T. COLEMA.N, Presi-
dent. 631-2
Local Notices.
PotaTts.—Geese, T.urkies and Ducks
cheap at HILL BROTHERS. 628 -
New.—Now is the time to secure your shadow.
CHARLES MOORE is now making four Ambrotypes
fax 50e. ' Picture frames cheaper than ever. 610
LOST.—Loat on Sunday evening, Dec.
21 sI, between the Presbyterian Church and the old
T emperance Hall, 8: Mink Boa. The finder will be
sc itably rewarded by leaving the Fame at the
Fon THE best value in Green, Black
and Japan Teas, Fresh, Pure, Roasted Coffees,
Pure Sugars, Pure Spices, Fine Table an Cooking
Raisins, Fiee Currants, and General GroCeriee, do
not fail to see D. D. Roan's prices before porches;
ing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods, and you
wont be bothered to buy goods you don't -want.
I—I A. X 13 "Y
Begs to announce to the people of Varna
and surrounding district thal, he has
Opened. out a First -Class
Marriages,. .•
BB.OWN--COOPER—At the res idence of the
bride's father, on the 31st ult., by Rev. Mr.
' alatthews, Mr. S. Brown, of Ashilelel, to OEMs
Emily M., youngest daughter of Mx. Thomas
Cooper, of Clinton.
REVEILLE—MILLIKEN--On the list inst., by
Rev. A. Milliken, father of the bride, • in he
pat son age, Mr. Joseph Reveille,of Londesboroa
to Miss S. Milliken, of Ashfield.
of the bride's father, Thorold, on the lstinst.,
by Rev. Mr. Parker, Mr.Charles Cunninghame,
of Clinton, to Miss M. J. Jamieson, youngest
daughter of Mr. M. Jamieson.
HAMILTONe-BUTT—In Clinton'on the 2515
ult., by Rev. John Grey, Mr. Robert Mania
, ton, of Wewenosh, to Miss Mary J. Butt, of
NEWTON—SMITH—On the 23rd ult., at the
renidence of the bride's mother, by Rev. Mr.
Loughead, Mr. George A. Newton, to Miss. M.
Smith, both of Londesboro'.
MoCUTCIIEON-11EAPY—In Grey, on the 3let
ult., at the residence of the bride's parents,
by itev. James Harris, Mr. John . McCutchcon,
to Itachel daughter of Mr. join- Humpy, all of
Grey. .
SWINERTON Binbrooke Went- -
worth county, on New Year's Day, MI. Ben.
Swinertou, Exeter, to Miss Emma Ileraietta.,
third daughter of of the late Oharles Wright,
LONG—BISSEIT—At Crediton, on the 801h. ult.,
by Rev. S. t.,V. Butcher'Mr. W. Long, to
Emma, thardala,ughter of James Bissett, Esq.,
all of 'Cabmen. ,
COLEMAN—THOMPSON—In Exeter, on the 25d
_ lust:, by Rev, A. I. Hartley, Mr. John Cole-
man, to Miss .Sarah L. Thompson, both of
E Exeter.s atN
1---TRAQUA1R—I1 the residence of the
bride's father, Mr. Sohn Tragtuar, on the tith
inst, by Rev. A. Y. .Hartley, Mr. Kinsman, of
Tilbury, to Miss Man Traquair, of Tucker -
COOK—MUNROE—At the Manse Brucefield, on
the 3011t ult., by Uov. John Tim, Mr. John
etook, of Nich.ol, to Mary, eldest daughter of
• Mr. Thomas Munroe, of Tuckersmith.
TAYLOR—JAMIESON—On the 14th inst., at the
Manse, Seaforth, by Rev. A. D. McDonald,
Mr. Wm. Taylor, to Miss Annie Jamieson,
both of Hallett.
ROS --FORSYTH—On the 15th inst., by Rev. A.
D. McDonald, at the residence of the bride's
- father, Mr. Thoma,s Ross, of Stanley, to Miss
Isabella, daughter of James Forsyth, Esq., of
MeFARLANE--GORDON—At the residence of
the bride's father, by Rev. T. G. Thomson, 011
LUL 8th illSt.,1117. lam. alcrarlane Stanley, to
Flour and Feed. IT., in Varna,
Which he will sell at the very smallest
advance on cost.
Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Corn
Meal, Pot Barley, Brooms, Wash
Boards, Brushes, Pails, Hair
Oils, Extracts, 'Spices, _
And. everything usually kept in a first-
class Grocery, always on hand.
The Housewife's Delight," always
kept in Stock. i •
Call and Give Ale a Trial
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
632 ROBERT .HAXBY, Varna.
NOTICE—All parties indebted to F. G. Spar-
- ling must call tbe °dee of Gray, Young &
Sp arling's Salt Wells and settle their accounts
be f ore the 2915 of February, 1880, or they will be
pu t into Cotat for colleotioo. 631-8
tATITION'—The publio are 5 reby cautioned
against gising to any pus°. 'oda or prop-
erty in my nanse, without issy air tu order, as I
will not hereafter be respousibl a the same.
PETER Mc GOWAN. Egusond , January 7,
' 6131x2
00 -WILL BUY 5. good 24 H. P. Engine,
at Saw Carriage, Car; Saw Belting, 8m.
Everything complete for a good saw , $100
down ; balauce on time. Also for sale cheap,
one of Emerson's Planer Toothed Saws, nearly
new. Apply to BECKETT & WILLIAMS, Hen-
fryn, Ont. 632
EMOVAL—MISS SCOTT, seaforth, has re-
moved her Dressineking Business to her
father's reeidence, John Stteet, opposite the
piscopel Mc thodist Church, ehere she hopes to
have a call from her many friends seal cuetomers
who may require anything in the Dress and
Mantle line. 625
As this is ortr _Regular Stock -Taking, and we want to
Clear Out -all Odd Eines and Reinnants, and to Re-
duce the Stock as Low as Possible before
We have decided to sell all Goods at a
And taking into consideration the recent advance in the value of Goods, we are
safe in saying that customers will effect a saving- of from 20 to 40 per cent. Our
Stock is now well assorted in all Lines of
Which were bought at the very lowest cash prices. We only ask' an Inspection
of one of the Largest Stocks in this County. Our Stock is varied. and PRIGES
NOTICE— The public are bereby cautioned
against giving credit to any person in my
na rne -without my written otder or cement, as I -
will not be responsible for any debts contracted
in my name without 1111" written autkority front
this date. DAVID FERGUSON. Tuckersmith,
January 5th, 18tda ' 631x4
AINT1NG—WM. R. FREW, late of Scot-
land, tees to intimate to the inhabitants of
Seafortlie ead suirounding eonntry that he has
comet enceldebusiness as General House Pointer,
Paper Hanger Sign Willer, eac. Ail work en-
trusted to bit finished in .first-class style.
OftSce, meantime, at D. D. Rose's Grocery, Bea -
forth. WM. II. FREW. 632
_ .
ESTRAN STEER.—Came into the premises of
the undertigned, London Road, Stanley,
near Lam field, a red one sear olde steer. The
owner can have the same on proving property
and paving charges. JOHN ROSS. 629x4
E STRAY STEEIL—Carne into the premise
tbe undersigned Lot 28, concession 9,
Morris, in Juee last, a three yeer old steer, dark
cq lor. The owner canba.ve the same on proving
property ar. paying charges. DAVID
All the Latest Styles and Shades of Color in Cashmeres—black and. colored,
Merinoes, Persian Cords, Serges, Costume Cloths and Fancy Dress Goods—all
new. Two Hundred Remnants of Dress Goods at half Price.
Winceys, Plain and Checked. .
Ladies' Lustre and Felt Skirts. '
Plain and Fancy Wool Clouds.
Wool Squares, all colors. -
Ladies' Corsets, full range of all styles
and sizes, from 259. to $2 per set.
English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds
—all prices.
100 Remnants Tweeds, all kinds.
Worsted Coatings, plain and fancy.
Fancy Wool Flannels and Winceys
for Shirtings.
Canadian Grey ,Flannels, plain and.
twilled. -
Table Linens, pure, 250. per yard.
-Ladies' Hose, self and fancy colors.
Ladies' Cloth and Kid -Gloves.
Large Stock of Ladies' Furs, in Mink,
Seal and Lamb, will be cleared out
very cheap.
Black Lustres,
Ladies' Wool Shawls., in double
and square. • •
Fancy Woolens. -
Men's Braces, sample lot at
half price.
Men's Mufflers. -
Ladies' Ulster Cloths.
Beavers, Naps and MeItcns.for
200 Dozen -Towels, from 5 ,cents
and upwards.
Linen Handkerchiefs, - from 5
.cents up.
Gents' Ties .and Scarfs.
Men's Overcoats.
Men's Fur Caps.
Men's Under -Clothing..
Ladies' Mantles. -
Lot of •Sanapie Hose., very lova
A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes.
Stock of Fresh Groceries.
T° 0 PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will
keep dating the present seeson, on Lot 17,
comet esion 9, licEeillop, for the improvement of -
acids, te tbeaoughabred Berkebbe Boar. Terms,
$1 for the teation, 'with theasneilege of returning'
if liceeesary?. %AIMEE HARRIS, prep. 629
oAR FOil SERVICE—The undersigned will
-as' keep for the improvement of stock this sea-,
son, on Lot 21, .Concesaion Malillope
Tboroughbred Berkshiee Boar, of supenor peed -
gree. Tetras, SI, Livable at the time of service,
with the arivilege of retniniag necessaey,.
A RARE ClIANCE.—Twenty-five acres :of lead
es Rh hells° =abet/11er eele in Egmondvillea
This property is well eituatedlor either farm or
garden purposes. Title indisputable. apply to:
VOR SALE.—For Sale a first class Planing
-I: 31111, nearly new and in good twitting order,
" enlisted in the flourishing Town. of Seaforth,
W111 be sold cheap. Terme easy. Enquire of,
SECORD, COSSENS & CO., Goaericb, Ont.
the east half of Lot No. 4; Con. 4, H. /1,84
Tuckeremith, County of Huron, consisting 01 at
acres, 3f miles from the Town of &Moral, and
convenient to school. The land is of the Tare
best quality. For feather particulars apply to
J.AmalS PICKARD, opposite the premises, or t4
Egmondville P. O. 521 .
-a- For sale the house and lot in Egmendeelle itt
present occupied by Mr- S. Cameron. The houses
is a frame, the lot ecoete ins half an acre and is
one of the best building sites in Egmondvilles
There is a good well awl all other netesstay cone ,
venien ces, and will be sold cheap. For psaticulana
apply to JAS. II. BENSON, Seaforth, 521 '
A Splendid
ID 'IT 14 C 1\t az ID IT 1•T _A_ W..
CHEAP.—Lot No, 24, Con. 9, Matillop, 100
acres; north half Lot 60, Com 9, Megillop, 50
macedreisiiionvo,rt2h5haaelfreosf; nreosritdhenaceelfol,couto3e1a, Cobytamt
Melcohnson Gouinlock Survey, Seafortli
building lots on Jarvis' ttatd R Sparling's Sur-
veys. Apply to GRAY, YOUNG- & SPARLINGe
Exeter North, well elated for mostly -any
bit siness, being on the corner -where-three of the s
most leading roads +seine ittto thevillage; would
be enlarged or melt additiona made as might he
req nixed for -a good tenant. Also for sale, a. large
dw ening house, with every convenieuce ; good
sta ble, two lots, 'with beating fruit trees. L.
Mt TAG GART, Seaforth. - 031-4x
FARM FOR SALE—For Sale, Lot 26, Colmar,-
sion 7, Bibbert, -containing 100 acres, about
50 are cleared., well fenced era in a good stete Of
cultivation - the balance is well timlercd; there
ar e log budelipgs, an orchard; and. a 'well; is 7
miles from Seslorth sod 6 miles from Dublin - a
go od school 'close to the farm, and elm:mime also
co nvenietat. Apply on the premises or to Staffs,
poet office. JOHN LARNER. 6317,4 ,
WARM FOB SALE.—For Sale, Lot 1, Comes-
-A: Sitni 7, Monis, containiog 80 acres, 67 ten
vbich are cleared, well fenced and in a good state
of cultivation; a good fieone awellieg, also frame
barn, stables and sheds; good. orehara; matt
gLavel road; -3 miles from Blyth and 2 miles fume
Win gharn. For pettier -Ines address eitber of the e
followin g ex-eattors, THOMAS LAIDLAW, Nana
J A WS ANDERSON, Belgraves. 631-4.
_ _
-al EN SALL — Desirable Village Property for
Sale --The -undersigned bee a fie-e--eare Park
Lot in the tbrivirg Village of Hensel' whicb
offers f or sale; there is an excellent, comnualions
and convenient brick henee an the Property, and
a good young beariogercbard ; it win be Itnind
very comfortable home for a retired. learner ; the
terms will. be very reasonable. For fuseth‘a par-
ticulars apply to tile propnetor, THOMAS* PEA -
REN, Heiman pose °Mee. 631%0
_ _ _ _
FOR SALE.—For Sate, the west peat off
•-ga Lot No. 1, Con. 17, Grey, containing 50 sexes,
35 of which are cleared, well fenced, en& ni a state
of good. cultiyations There isa. good triune hoot°,
good orchard and plenty of water, It is on the
gravel road ke.ding to Bmssels and Settforth, and
adjoins a church and school, It is also -within
helf It mile of the Villege of Walton. Apply on the
pnetnises or to Walton Post oreioe. CHARLES
VARM FOR SAlaa.—For sale Lot 2; eon- 10
-a: Tuckersreith, containing NM s.cres, about
80 cleared, the balance well timbered. There in n.
stone house and good frame bean, it is well fent:t-
ea end undetarained. There is a young beating
' orehards It is abom seven miles from Seaforth
mai Iota from Henson, and is eoneenient to
, school. Two good welle -el water. Posseasion
given et any tilde. Appiy at the EXPOSITOR
—TRY-- °fate, Seaforth.•
FARM FOR SAVE.—North nen ef South half
. of Lot 69, concession 7, towoehip of Morrie,
7 , a soil is clay loft DI ; 'them is A new fraint house taza
County of Huron, 45 Acres; 40 acres eleataa ;
stable, it young bealingonhard, and it good well
and pump; the premtets are on the gravel road
one mile soazh of Mussels. Terms—$1,000
down ; balanc e can remain for 7 or 10 years A
7 per cent. rot further particelare apply to e.
R. COOPER, Land Agent endAuctioneer. 628
NW1J T. 629x4 We have Everything Required by those Attending School, and
we would Guarantee
ESTRAY STEER—Came into the premises of
the undergigned, Mill Road, Tuckersmith,
about the latter part of October, a- yearling` red •
on proving property and paying charges. OUR PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST
and white Steer. The owner can have the same
IRELAND. 631x4
STRAY LAMB—Came into the premises of
-11-14 the undersigned, Lot 11, Conceseion 2, L. R.
S., Tuckersmith, in the witty part of June last,
small Spring Lamb. The owner can have the
same bs preying property and paying charges.
ESI 11 AY SJ3EE P.—Came into the premises of
the undereigned, Lot 8. concession 4,
McRillop, about the llth of Outober, two sheep
and four lambs. The owner can have them on
Dwaine pi olterty and Ipaying expenses. MICH-
AEL MURPHY, Beechwood P. 0. 6304
TASEIFERS IN POUND—Came into the Sea-
-L-1- forth Poe d, on Tuesday. November 25, two
three-year old Hellen= both red and white, and
one looks as if in calf. The owner can bave the
same on proving property and paying charges.
WM. DORRENCE, Pdtmdkeeper. 625
ESTRAY STEER.— Came into the premises of
the undersigved. 101 26. concession 14,
gravel road, near Walton, O: cKillop, in Sept.
lasI, one red and ahite steer. The owner
can have the some by proving property and pay-
ing clitunes. ANDREW MORRISON, Walton
2.0. 630
_ _ •
ESTRAY CALVEP—Came into the peemises of
the undersigued. Lot 6, Concession 13, 11. B.
• MONEY. Tuekersmith, about the Ist of December, two
Spring Calves, Steer and Heifer ; steer spotted
r ed and wbite; the heifer all red. The owner
ONEY TO LEND—Money to lend on good can have them on pi tieing operty and paying
"LY -A- improved farms only, at 7i per cent. inter- expeneee. DUNCAN McLEAN, Claiselhurst post
est, payable yeatly ; private funds; charges mod- office. 631x4
erate. JOHN S. PORTER. 631
MONEY TO LOAN—In large or small same
aaa on first. class security, at 8 per cent. yearly
interest. Private funds, or on the installment
plan. Apply to W. HILL, Seaforth. 628
VSTIE0 'WANTS MONEY S—A few thousand
" dollars, private funds', for immediate ineest-
ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES,
H.BENSON, Solicitor, Seafcirth. 533
MONEY TO LOAN—On Improved Farm Prop-
erty, at 8 per cent. interest. Interest pay-
able half -yearly or yearly, ais defame, ith a pot -
tion of the principal;if so preferred. Eepenees
light. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, Sea.sorth,
Mitis Jessie Gordon, eldest daughter of Mr.
Angus Gordon, Tuckersmith.
alaiillop, on the 301.11. alt., Dun-
can. Me -Martin, aget1-88 years.
HENDE1tSON-11l Blytheon the lInth inst., the
infant son of Rev. W. 'Henderson.
CUMktI (IS-aln. Wave -nosh, at the residence of
her son-in-law, Mr. Waltee McGowan, Mts.
Wan_ Cmuniii gs, aged 82 years.
STEPHENS.—In Seaforth, on the 15th inet.,,
. Charles Willie:es, third, sou of Mr. Thomas
Stephens, of the Q110ell'd Hotel, aged 7 years
and 11 months.
QUICK.—_111 Seaforth, on the 13113. inst., Miss
Josephine Quick,- second- daughter of Mr. S.
Quiele, aged 18 years.
STEWART.—In Grey, on the 121.5 inst., John,
eldest son of Hugh Stewart, Esq., aged 23
. -
SIMPSON.—In McKillop, on the llth inst.,
• Alexandee Simpson, Esq., aged about fifty
FULTON .--In Walton, on the 815 inst., Isabelle,
daughter of Mr. James Fulton, aged seventeen
years. .
I HAVE ON HD, as usual, Bell's Ex-
tra Family Flour—the Housewife's delight—sup-
plied direct from the raill. D. D. ROSE. 622
OF BENDING • TURN- comin;t three years old. Two of them red with
VILLAGE OF HENSALL.--aIn pursuance of a w ith more white than red. There was a bell on
V STRAY CATTLE —Strayed from the prem-
. -gal ises Of the nndereigned, Lot 8, C01.1CCSSiall
9 Morris, a steer and lbeifor consing two years
old, beth spotted red and white, with large
white spot on forehead. .Aty person giving
information as to their 'whereabouts will be
suitably rewarded. THO MA S LAIDLAW, Blyth
P.O. 629x4
w STRAY STEER — Strayed from Lot 3, Con-
cession 3, L. It. 13., Tnekerertlith, it red and
white yearling Steer, with a emelt piece of his
right ear cut off ad a slit cut in ; this will nettle
noticed except on close examination. Any per -
eon giving such information as will lead to his
recovery will be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM
V STRAY CATTLE.--Strased from Lot 14, Con
-1.'4 10 MeRillop, in July last, Three Steers
ING AND PLANING FACTORY IN T1TF, w hite epots, and otte red and wbite, spotted
Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage,
which will be produced on day of sale (default
having been made in the payment of the princi-
pal money and interest soured by the said mort-
gage), there will be offered for sale by Pu.blie
Auction, at REYNOLDS' HOTEL, in the Village
of HEN SALL, on SATURDAY, the Illst day of
JANUARY, 1880, at 1 o'cloek P. M., by J. P. 7, Usborne, about tbe latter part of Septem er,
Brine, Auctioneer, the following valuable prop- six Spring Calves—three heifers and three staers ;
erty,Ssituate in the Village of Hensall, viz.: Lots one of the steers was beindle, one red and one
136 and 137, Petty's Survey. Upon the property spotted; tsvo of the heifers wore red and one
is erected a frame building fitted up as a bending, spotted. Any information as to the whereabouts
turning and y tuning factory, containing engine, of the above animals will be snitably rewarded
boiler, and all neceseary 'machinery for nee in RICHARD MARQUIS. 626
the factory; the machinery is all nearly new, ----a---- - - ---
and -is in first. claw; order. There is also erected . V STRAY CATTLE.—Strayedfrom the premises
a frame dwelliog house. The propeity -will be -1-4 of the undersignea, Lot No. 24, Con. 3, Stan -
put up for sale in one lot, and if not sole, will ley, in lday last, Three Yearling -Cattle -2 steers
the last mentioned animal when he left home.
Any information that will lead to the recovery
of the above animals will be suitably rewarded.
ANTHONY BOYD, Winthrop 2.0. 624
V STRAY CALVES—Strayed from the prem.
ises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Concession
We would also draw the attention of the public to our
VARail FOR SALE.—For Sale or to Rent, North
-I: half of Lot 2, Con. 14, MelialIop, containing.
100 acres, 65 acres -cleared; and the remainder
well timberea with white ash, maple, beech and
baps, 'wood ; good barn and stable, end. goof'
house ; plenty of water young ortbard. good
fencing, &e.; eonvenient tx; churches and. schools,
and 3 miles from gravel road; possessiOn given
immediately,. For feather patticulatte apply to
MRS. W. L. STA_FFORD, Seaforth. 625
_ _
-a- Con 16, Grey, West half of Lot 29, Com 6,
— with cheese factory complete Lot 14 Coa.
Stock of Note Papers Envelopes and General Stationery.
Papers, ship of Monis • Lot 32, Com B,andLot 28, Lou. -south half of Lots 16 ataje17, Coet.'5, town:
B, township ofillowick, all good improved Urines
together with several. 50 acre farms in Greyand
Morris, aria houses god lots and vataut tote in
Our Stock M this Line is tow Large and Well Assorted, and Merchants and the village of Brussels. Pricee low, term easy,
and title ttood. Apply to JOHN LECIUB, Brns-
others who use quantities will do well to call and be convinced that they can save
sels. - 574
money by dealing with no.
then be offere,d eeparate panels. The pop- an
erty will be sold subject t a mortgage thereon, and the other a roan, with a wide wbite stripe on
to Mrs. Carlisle, on which there is due WO and the face, and a -white spot on the shoulder; the
interest. Further particulars and conditions of heifer was white, with red on her ears, head and
sale made known on application to the under- legs. Any person giving senile information as
I signed. January 15111, 1880. MeCAUGHEY & will lead to the recovery of the above animals
' HOLMESTED, Vendor's Solicitors, Seefortht will be suitably rewarded. JOHN GILMOUR,
6324 Brucefteld. 620-4X
'f One of the steers was all white,
FRM FOR 'SALE.—For Sok, Cheap, the east
half of Lot 28, Concession 9, Mclaillop, con-
taining 50 acmes, 85 of which sae cleared, well
fenced and in a. good state of cultivation; there
is a good fraine barn aud stable and log Muse
wit hartune aelditiott- also et sim'all_orcherd and
well of evater ; is evithin belf a mile of the village
'of Winthrop, and six nuke from Seeforth. Tins
farm must be sola at one, and it bargain wili he
given. Apply to Wintbrop 0e -or to the proprie-
tor on the premises. JOHN BROWN. 623
' VARILFOR SALE—For Sak, Lot 25, -Coo. 5,
L, Tuckeetanith, tontaining 82 acres, 65
of whiebs are -cleared-, well lell-CCd011la ill good
.cultivation ; the balanee is tirabend -with had -
1 -wood ; log house and barn, and frame stable; it
good bearing orchard And plenty a -water, s is
within 5 miles of Seaforth and 4 from Brae.ette'ld,
with a choice el markets; a gravel road to lath
place; immediate poesession if desired; there are
15 Acres of fall wbeat, and aboue 00 acme fall
plowed. Apply to the peoprietor on the premises,
As I have a, Large Stock of Factory Boots and Shoes on hand, wills' ft were ROSS,_Egnamidville P.O. d d6d_32dx4d
A Full Stock of BLANK BOOKS always on hand.
LUMSDEN dz WILSON, Whitney's Block.
bought before the prices rose, 1 will sell them
B ut in consequence of the great advance in. prices of Leather of all kinds, I las.ve
been compelled, in justice to myself, to raise the price of Custom Made Work
Either by Note or Book Account, will please remember that the season has
arrived when such things ought to be attended to.
VARM FOR SALE.—For sale, I,ot 2, concestion
13, Hull( 11, ton.ta.ining 15 Dares of excellent
clay loam land, about 66 acres of 'which .are
cleared Bala in it good. etate of cultivation, the
remainder is good haedwood. bueb. On the
Premises are a email log house, aided up, 'with
frame kiteheo, with good -well end pump, end a.
good sming creek running through the lead.
This term is situated 1 mile from narlock J 0,,
and 10i miles front Seatorth, and about -the fiLTDO
from Brussels on a _good gravel roall. Fulther
particulate can be obtained on Application to the
proprietor on tbe premises ox to Hants& la 0.
THOMAS GILPIN, proprietor.
the Not•tie part of Lots 8 and 1) Con 13, hae-
corttaining 112. acres, there are abone80
cleared, well fenced, underdrained, and in a AO
state of cultivation, the beteg:toe is -aell timbered
with leardweod; good dwelling, new bank frame
barn 50re57, with stabling underneath, ana Other
outbuildings, also a good Toting orehard old
plenty of water. Is 10 miles from Brussels, 5 from
Walton ----------— , feaforth, with good geavel
roads to each place; e,onveniont to church said
I have now on hand and for sale, or for Exchange for Cordwood Horse
schools; will be soldiers
a' whole- r in twoparts,
or will be exeharsged for &small farm. Apply to
Powers, Straw Cutter; Grain Oritshers, 0a,ng Plows, Grate Bert dso, Waltou P. O. -or to theproprietor on the premises,
A -A 11, Towesbip of Grey, containing no acres,
(100D FARM FOR SALE.—Being Lot 30s Cone
PLOW POINTS made from hard white metal. Plow -makers will nuait to their about '75 soCracliseyd loonteles,:rogaenresearlif tilfrwealeenot
advantage to order castings from me, as ha.ve all the machinery for grinding , are sown, and balance of elearing seeded doom;
and polishing the mouldboards and points, and can turn out a first-elass job Ix. on the lot illem is a goodnew frarav house 20x30,
connection with the above Etoreys )ugh, adouglutoe4 jeln;lighuzsehizals3gfit046d00,abatir:raiv
Mr. Wilson Salkeld is Running the Finishina Sh
stable and
tlY3.011 leadine road tbre
usille from Craarook e e t4YwntlIP
And will attend to all kinds of Repairs on Steam Engines, Flouting and Grist 3-3:ay sstation ; $ 05001 -stantitin- -':fifre°,seteeml 11. tsrZliri-Re
Mane, saw mills, and all Repairs on. Farmers' Impleinents, and from his longaenxi frsnoam ?fruit egi,ori:iyot; villas tbie*/)sroorarlimetorebaaoreeteetrio.
perience as foreman of the Goderioh. Foundry, and his kuowledge of Engine
I For further partienlees apply ta JOHN H.
Mill Work, parties Betiding work here may depend on having a good job, and as HODGES, on the petraises, oreif ay letter ea
cheap as possible. Give us a trial.. T. S. RUNCIMAN. 1 Cranbrook post offfees