HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-01-16, Page 1rANUARY %, 1884.
° Department of their House.
vas Never Better As-
a than it i8 to -day.
t of Silks, Dress Goods, Man-
Vitlinery, Hosiery, Gloves,
(e, Trimmings and Staple
secis is unequalled in
the Count.
ERY—New Trimmed Hata,
its, $1, $1.25, • $1.50, and up.
Beaver Bonnets and Hata
-2..50 up. - • • '
Es—liliarm Beaver Mantles
12 up, "Glisters from $2.50 Up.
Lo Pattern Mantles positively
ice. Wrap Cloaks, Doi/wins,
ars, &c.
QOODS—We are cleating
entire stock at. prices which,.
(ea everybody that we carry,
advertisemeets: to the, very -
y --Most complete Stock we
i.rried, and at popular prices.
les in this clepartmeut amply
— Warm Winter Gloves,
ae, in great variety.
ELS—Fancy Wool Goods,
ar cheap.
thelargest stock to select
heir goods are thoroughly
lid finished, and their prices
per cent. lower thau those
narked down the whole of
stock of Men's, Boys' and
L.w Style Overcoats, beauti-
and finished, This is the
town. Price, $6.75.
eIV Style Usters, newest
1Ve know this to be excel-
, Price, $7.50,
lve hundred Suits to select
the 'newest and best ma-
ce, from 0.50 up.
suited in Boys. and Yoitths'
our establishment. A II
t in stock, and. the prices
most economical. Call,
for yourselves.
.:ro Dia/vents,. Plain
tad .Net Prices Only.
and Dealers in DRY
r giDS Only.
hall, $8 ; Andrew Lees,
43 Isaac Rogerson, lim-
ning road, $12.70 ; Tho8.
costs paid by him on snit
account of I•aiIwa,v con-
ried. By -18:10. 9, 1q79,
id passed. Ten dollars
granted to the Morris
1. was received back from
ne, and hatxcled in to the
id match not having
e Council then adjonrned
Your attentitni is direct -
lid. fashronable fur caps
the Oak 'fall Clothing
, cont,isting of Sea Seal,:
.link and Otter, with
peaks. Full lines in,
,,nd Coney. Also a fall
ouds in imitation, Seal,
Hair Seals, Plush and
Qs° a very large variety
ieals in all styles with or
" The above goods are
eed only to be seen to be
a. Gentlemen about to
)f fail to inspect there
ig eIsewliercf. ILLL &
S MeLEAN BROS., Publishers.
s1,50 a Year, in Advance.
HILL BROS: are still in the front with
Cheap Goods for
• And) Buyers are rushing in for.
the Bargains.
Shawls, .Mantles and Millinery at
and under cost.
Dress Goods in the Newest Shade's
Selling at Cost.
We are still Selling at Old Prices and,
showing the
Men's Shirts and Drawers at 35 cents,
bast line in town.
Flannels in G-rey, Scarlet, White and
Check—a large stock, extra good
• value.
' MANcsTErt, En., NON . 29, 1879.
• nation-
erally at
Innen at
le. The
three to
of vari-
ten and
es have
riages to
is to be
he com-
et the
act that
e life of
rth, per -
The size of the factory o
family depend largely on hi
ality. The Irishman is get
the maximum and the Engli.
the 'minimum end of the ,so
average family contains from
five childreu-, although I hear
ous instances of families of
fifteen clildren. The hard ti
diminished the number of ma
a considerable extent, but it
feared that this advantage toi
munty has been purchase
hazard of a great hierease in v
In no phase of life is the
one generation determines t
its successor so clearly set f
haps, as in the case of the fa tory op -
n mills,
at home
care for
We have a few of those Cheap Over-
coats still on Jaand., going at cost
GIVE US A CALL and be convin-
ced that Our Goods are
the Cheapest.
eratives in Manchester. Th
are at work all day in the cott
and men at the foundries an
shops. The children are left
from their earliest years to
of so late a date that their effects are thread,Ipepper, salt and a dozen other
not yet observable. Now no ,child un- artikes, and at the same time wonder -
der ten yews of age can be employed in ed what fair maid had done the deed of
a mill or elsewhere. Every child be- liberality.
tween five and ten must be at school
two hundred. and fifty times a year, and
those between ten and thirteen must
attend school on the half-time system
(150 tinaes a year) if they are working
in the mills, otherwise they must at..
tend 250 times.
In the modern board schools they are
taught reading, writing and arithmetic
and the rudiments of granimar and
geography. The girls are all trained iu
plain needlework, and classes in theo-
retic and practical cookery are organiza —W. McAllister, of Oakland, was
ed in the evening schools for pupils of this year elected school trustee for the
an advanced age who work in the mills 27th time. He is Secretary -Treasurer.
through the day. The child of the op- A good record.
erative has to pay a fee of from one
penny to fourpence a week for instruc-
tion at school. In case of extreme want
this fee is paid by the parish. The ad- firm in Chicago.
Ministration of the compulory law is —The annual convention of the Dairy-
men's Association of Western Ontario,
will be held at London on the 18th, 19th
and 20th of Feburary next.
—The idea is suggested in Ottawa of
forming an association of shareholders
in Canadian Banks and other. joint
themselves through the daya and at education there will come a general stock companies for mutual protection
A 458 pound hog was brought into
the Lindsay market.
—The ruerchants of St. Roche, Que.,
refuse to take coppers as current coin.
—Two men:are in London jail await-
ing trial for biting off part of a man's
—Mary McDonald, cif Lobo, aged. 70
years, dropped dead while naiSing a.
cow on Friday last. •
—Messrs. Perry & Lamb, of Elm-
wood, Bruce County, have a large con-
tract to supply ties, timber, &c., to a
very strict in Manchester, and few, if
any, families escape the hands of the
officers. As a consequence we may look
to see great improvements in the Opin-
ing and succeeding generations. The
only fear is that with the improved
iaight they receive but little ' ttention restlessness and. ambition for a higher and supporti.
from their tired parents. T
ago they were taken at a very
to the mill and set at work be
had received even the rudime
ueation at school .31.'4 homa.
n years voeation inlife. Manchester as at pres- —There was a plowing bee in Mc -
early age ent completely over -run with young G-illivray township on the 8th of janu-
ore they clerks, many of them from the fam- ary. It is a tie betwe,en Colin Camp -
tis of ed- ilies of the factory operaeives ; which bell and, Alex. Fraser as to who did the
In this shows the tendency of education al- best plowing.
way was passed., the first ten years of ready. —The mother of 15 children in Ham -
their lives, the Only question being how • The price of food in Blanchester is ilton desires the Police Magistrate to
rom the hiah at present. The following list of make her husband leave her, because he
much they could bring home
mills to support the family.
At the age of eighteen the y
finds herself ata marriage
with no other dower than he
weaving cotton. She rarel
how to read. or write,. she is
ignorant of all household eco
knows nothing of cookery and. as little
Of the proper manner in which to
bring up her children as her Mother
did before her. But human Filature is,
the same the a:orld around, and she
prices was furnished me by a geutleman uses obscene language, and does not con-
ung girl of the highest authority on the subject : tribute to their -support.
able age Bread, 7i -d.• a four pound loaf; auger, —A couple of tramps were detected
skill at 2 -id. a pound; tea, is. 10c1. to 2s. Gd. a on Thursday of last week,placing stumps
knows pound; coffee, is. 2d. a pound; butter, 'on the Canada Central Railway near
perfectly 10d. a pound.; bacon, 5d. to 9d. a pound; Mechanicsville. The obstructions were
omy, she milk, 3id. a quart; meat, 60. to 10d. a I removed before any. damage resulted.
pound ; cheese, 7d. to 9d a pound po- —A ten mile pedestrian match, go-as-
tatoes, 15s. a load... Some men with you -please, was held in the drill shed,
large --families live_ a,nd pay rent on 12s. at Hollen, 'on Thursday night of last
a week, while many go as high as 30s. week, for a purse of $30, won by Gil -
It will be noticed from the quotations lespie, of Cfrosshill ; time, 56 minutes.
marries a young man who has been that the staples of life are much more a -Last Friday evening the flouring
reared in equally Unfortunat
stances,who, perhaps, work
cotton mill or foundry, who
had a cheerful home, who
congenial companions in th
loens„ and who, with all his
temperament and unquesti
for her, brings to his 'Jew ho
dency to drunken habits and
ance of life and. its real mea
equalled by- that of his 1st
him. Well, they marry, ren
cottage for five shilliugs a
settle down. aa, first their
few. They az. • both at *wor
time and. with good waaes
, 0 ,
Remember the Place —Opposite the
Commercial Hotel.
Main Street, Seaforth.
circum- ' costly than in America. If, as some 1 and carding mill, known as the Punta
in the politieal conomists say, the questionmills, at Mount Vernon, was totally
as • never of living r duces itself to a question of consumed by fire. No insuraima on the
as found the cost ofi
food, the American operative building. Insurance on contents, $500.
beer sa- is better off with higher wages and —The people of Guelph have petition -
agreeable cheaper food. • ed for the release of Fred. Sturdy,• sent
ned love It has ailready been noticed that rent to the Penitentiary for the abduction of
e a ten-
is smaller:blare. Clothing is also cheap- Miss Carr. The petition sets forth that
an ignor-
er here than in America,. In olden the culprit has already safferedisuffici-
ing only times the operative used to be content ently. .
er before with but one suit of clothes; but the —The school trustees of the village
a small rise of wages during the prosperous
of Millbauk had 76 applications for the
eek and times, ten years ago; eugendered a spir- position of Principal of - the Public
vents are it of extravagance, aud it is very hard School, in response to an advertisement
and life luxuries. Now al in a daily paper. The salary ,was only
on full for them to wean, thenaselires of their ;
every one ap- . $500.
black suit and —One dollar Dominion notes altered
a "silk hat as to four are circulating in Montreal.
plicated possible. The ordinary suit is a strong They cannot be detected on first sight,
of their fustian. The women dress • modestly. but a moment's reflection would remind
You rarely see gaudy colors: The. fac- people that the Dominion, does not
ds of • op- $4 notes.
ey are at tory girls (many of whom are quite rag- issue .
ged) have small shawls -which they —At the late meeting of the.Montreal
passes naerrea tor a year or so. But pears on Sunday with
children begin to make the r appear- as near au approach to
ance in rapid succession;
affairs begin to become co
they liVe up to the full exten
wages; the mill in which t
work suddenlv fails ; hundr
&olives in exactly their position 'axe throws over their heads, aud thus dis- Telegraph Company, t ePresi en ,
is seen on Sunday. The great ambition Dakens, were attac ce 3r some
shareholders present, but they were
the doors Once in a great while a black silk dress
ancl the
skin cloak, this being a common gar- Sustained and re-elected.
—Three brothers of Quebec city,
rst time. of the women seems to be to own a seal:
s brought
sent adrift with het, a par of their peuse with a hat almost altogether. Hugh -Allan, and the Secretary, Mi.
wages paid; the Ipanic closes
of other mills against them
eallorror of abject poverty._
vividly before there for the
interchange of traffic between the two
systems of railway have been agreed to,
and will go into effect just as soon as
the Directors of the Toronto, Grey and.
Bruce Company can carry out their
contemplated programme.
—Hugh Patterson, a negro, who
showed through the Province during the
fall fair season as the "Zulu King"
and the African giant, was the other day
under remand at Toronto, on a charge
Of stealing some harness.
—Mr. James Scott, a prominent con-
tractor of Kingston, has been missing
since Monday last week, and it is stip-
posed. has absconded. He has victim-
ized lumber dealers and others %o the
amount of about $5,000.
—Last week Mr. Cowan made the
purchase of the McPherson farm in
South Dumfries, about one and a half
miles from Paris: The farm consists of
no acres of very fine land , and MaCcevan
paid therefor 460 per acre.
—An old. Ontario trapper predicts an
open winter, as the muskrats are not
building , very solid dwellings- - This
prediction does not agree with that of
Mr. Vennor, who spoke of the "coldest that his eldest daughter was burped to
February" in the forecast of the winter. death a shbrt time ago by her clothea
—The municipal taxes in the town- catching fire, and before assistance
ship of Albearnarle, Bruce, is two cents
on. the dollar exclusive of school rates,
and that of Keppel, Grey, two mills in
the dollar over and above school rates..
These are the highest rates in the two
—The firm of Messrs. Tuckett &
Billings, well known to the Canadiaa
users of the fragrant weed as tobacco
inanafacturers, hi Hamilton, has been workshops for this new branch of the
dissolved; Mr. Billings retiring, and businees. No doubt they will make it
Messrs. Geo. E. Tuckett & Son continue' as successful as they have the other
the business. lines of their extensive business.
- —A Loudon East man has institnted municipal paradise is reported
suits at law against a large number of at Point Edward. The collector, some
the Savings Banks of Ontario to re- days ago, handed over his roll—every
cover damages for failure to make the cent of which has been paid—to the
required returns to the Government. Treasurer, and banked. There were no
The penalty claimed. in each case is deductions—no taxes paid. by the In -
about $75,000. digent Poor Committee—no deductions
—miss Jessie Kessakt, late teacher in for over charges. The Municipality
the Collegiate Institute at London, died has, we are informed, no outstanding
on • Sunday, after a long illness of liabilities, and they.have $600 in the
typhoid fever, combined with throat Treasury.
disease, brought ou by over -tasking her —It is currently reported. among
voice. Deceased was an excellent many country exchanges thaton ac-
echolar, and. commanddvd a large salary cordance with a decision of the Toronto
while on duty. School Board, the Committee on Print-
-Mr. A. Burch, of Ottawa, has re- ing and Supplies' have been -instructed.
cently invented a combination iceboat, to procure 25 rubber straps, one for
The article was exhibited at Rideau each school, 15 inches long and 1i
Hall on Friday. The inventor says he inches wide, to be used as the only M-
ean put a, pair of oars on the iceboat, strument in administering corporal pun -
and beat Harden's time with it. The ishment to pupils attending the several
whole apparatus only weighs about schools.
—On the night beforeaChristnaas, the
of Paris green herself; from which she
was saved by timely medical aid; she
then declared her intention of hanging
herself, and proceeded to an out of the
way shed for that purpose. Her friends
could bear with her conduct no longer,
and had her locked up.
—Infermation has just been received
of a hairible imurder which occurred at
Maniwaki, about 100 miles north of St.
John, on the Gatineati. -Full particu-
lars have not yet been received, but it
is said. that a man named Brisbeis quar-
relled with his partner, and. literally
chopped him to pieces +nth an axe. The
murderer has escaped.
—The clergymen of Guelph have
agreed not to attend Sunday funerals
in future, unless in cases of absolute
in a great measure, destreyed -the rice.
There was no night flying, and it is
held there never is after the early sum-
mer frosts. The canvas backs, red
heads and blue bills were to be seen in
milliens, but kept out over the deep
water. The best shootina is to- be
foundearly in the season.
—A sad occurrence took place itt
Kincardine on the B0th ult. The vic-
tim was the wife of David Walden, Sr.,
who suddenly dropped dead while same
in her house. Her husband was down
town at the time:, and on returning
home was horrifiedi to discover the
lifeless form of his wife lying on the
floor. The deceased lived:in the vicin-
ity of Kincardine for many yeara, and.
was universally respected.'
necessity. These funerals mterfere —Between 8 and -9 &Clock Friday
with the regular services, and overload, morning, E. B. Eddy's dry houses at
the minister -on his busiest day. Many Hull were discovered ou fire. They
people take a Sunday, if at all possible, were filled with tub and pail staves, the
for this purpose, so as to draw a big greater portion of which were destroyed
crowd. or so damaged, with water as to interfere
—From letters received by the friends with their immediate use. The lire bri-
of Peter Macpherson, Missouri, who left ,gade turned out promptly, but 'experi-
Ayr six or seven years ago, we learn enced great difficulty in. extinguishing
the fire. The lobs is estimated at about
$3,000 or $4,000, which is fully eovered
by insurance.
—Another traged.y has occurred in
Markham township. A widow named.
Mrs. Pelb, 4th concession, Markh.atre
was shot on Tuesday evening Of last
week by a young man named -George
Earnest, who had been employed some
time on the farm. The woman is ex-
pected to die. No cause is assigned for
the deed.. Two shots were fired.
Earnest states the gun went oft acci-
dentally, but cannot explain the second
shot: He is under arrest..
—A novel wedding took place at
'Uxbridge on Tuesday, the 23rd. ult.,
Mr. Henry Boden the bridegreone be-
ing in the neighbOrhood. of 68 years,
whilst the blooming bride, comaiaonly
known AS "Granny Wren," was said to
be of the ripe age of 72 years. The
happy couple seemed to enjoy their po-
sition very much ,i and we hope they
will have no cause to regret the im-
portant step they have takee. at this
late hour of the day. May they be hap-
py. No cake.
—A man earned David Turner, a,
former resident of London, returned'
Friday night from Emerson, Manitobae
where he, had been living for sone
months past. He looked considerably
blue, not having been able to get warm
since the middle of last summer. He
says that last week they had fifty -Dine
degrees below zero; he and Mr. Alex.
Calder built a root house, with three:
feet a sawdust between the outer and
family imitation by the bower classes of a coma- possession of
named Lemome, have jus come ino.
$28,000 each. It seem
They may rise above thia fl st reverse ment among the upper classes. If the
of fortune, but with increasina f
their pockets, they never breathe 'freely is any indication of admiration for the but she being a nun -was debarred from
the amount had been left to their sister,
cares and a greatly increased strain on try ot the fashion of the upper classes
again the pleasures of life. i good or bad. taste of those upper classes, inheriting the whole fortune. .
realm of household cares; 4he slowly a high compliment to those above her Byron, of Ancaster, who is connected
—A few days ago Mr. George H.
The wife finds herself in ad unknown the factory operative of Manchester pays
lased all habits of neatuess; that the in ramie , - with the faniily- of the celebrated
pride of her new-fouud home i inspired, It is a cheering fact that ihe provi- , 'flea:
she never knew how to cook„1 and con- donee of the workingmen in Manchester tion of the death of an uncle in Eng -
poet of that name, received a not
sequently her table is °altered with un- land, by whdee will he falls heir to $20, -
is steadily ou. the increase. They are
puttixig more money in their, clubs a,n1 1 000.
wholesome food, which begins at once ,
ily.. She depends almost entirely on various strikes have ,greatly reduced the Welland Oanal, who have been receiv-
-The laborers on Section 1 of the
to tell on the health of the whole fam- savings banks. The hard times and
the grocer's shop around thel corner for funds of these societies, So that unless , ing $1 peOday, struck on Wednesday of
last week for an increase to $1.25. The
contractors would. not grant the de-
mand, and the men resumed work at
the old wages next day.
--Three fine young colts were killed
by Bostwick's night express on Friday
night, half vvay be ween Parkhill and.
the worry of his wife—and finds his club or guild, and a man who refuses to the trlin for pearl a mile, when they
The easts kept ahead of
(mous life at home—the ery of children, branch of labor ha Blanchester has its Ailsa Pr ig•
loop with its bright mirrors, its clean. hooted and ill-treated until he leaves le813-
haltec:r, at A culvertfe rful of taking a
T ie locomo iv soon decided the
way to the brilliantly lighted beer sa- join is called a "knob -stick," and is
sic, its genial comrades and the in .work is to pay in so much every week .
m, tter f r them.
Mr. ohn Ford, tax collector o
floor, its cheerful fire, its soothing .nau- the city. The system on which they f
vision under this rare confluence of
. poor wages, each man May take out 1 e f ta ftahl gii,.:vhiislesfirnomehhrgome of
spiring bowl. Home fades from his when in full work. When they get
circumstances, and only reOrns with small sum per week; when out of wor ailed nn. Mr. Thomas Beak came
the headache on the morrow. they receive half -pay ; when sick the o pay la's ta,xe , which were takee by
$' UnINWSrthh°wghaiva ahree receipt for teliewaame amount,
His wife is not slow in. learning the • expenses are paid, and in case of dea m
secret, and she is equally apt in secur- their funeral expenses are met. . The 933
ing the same advantages; and the tured at Petrolia, brought to Milton,
- clubs are not so many emetic, the fa
scene on a Sunday morning of broken 0 committed for trial.
tory operatives as they are among t
chairs and baindaged heads tells the —7n Montreal, over , 1,000 men are
other trades. Their nembers axe
whole story. ' actively employed in the Grand Trunk
large that many divisions are necessa
While such are the natural results of workshops at present, many being en -
the lite of the ordinary operative there are women, societies or clubs are n gaged on xtratime to meet the pressure.
are many and great exceptions. The successful amongst them. The day
Englishman is a sturdy, sensible fel- strikes seems to be : passing awe
low; he lives, it is true, a rather Workingmen in Manthester are begi
stupid, stolid life ; he likes good, strong nine to see the true position of the
argument, and has a spree only. now employers. Communism has been turi.
and then. I:But there are few families ed into cceeperation ,• and r011,1W 0
in Manc,hester where the darker side of operative retail shops have been ope
the picture has not prevailed at some ea in different parts of the citx
time. • ' There are also a few cases of joint-stoe
The -hard times have curtailed his. companies entirely coniposed of worli
beer money, and the operative is a eteenee. _ [
much better man. I have it on the k.' . ,
best authority that the death rate is _ *In theland of blizzards and frost- i 'S
much smaller during a commercial de- , bites the people appear to enjoy the - i M
pression than at ordinary times. selves and know how to have a soci 1 IN
Mothers out of work stay at home and. evening once in a while, as well wo
suckle their children, and greater care . other people. We learn that a ver
is taken in almost all home arrange- .' pleasing entertainment in the shave '
ments. I was informed by Dr. John a Christroas festivalwasheld in the Pre,
Watts that the length of life is increas- byterian Chureh,Portage la Prairie,Ma,
ing in England, and it was probably , itoba, on Tuesday evening,30th ult. T
true of the factory operative. This evening was spent in readings, recit
fact must be connected, however, with . tions and music, and Winding ep wit
bread, cheese, herrings, whieh require prosperity returns soon they , must be -
no cooking, and supplements them come ba,nkrupt. Penny savings batiks
with boiled potatoes and tea. Thus have been organized, which have been
they live entirely on "picked -up" meals, supported by children. z Thejone at An -
to which both, husband and wife 890n 1 coats a few- years ago had ;8490, but now
learn to add a pint of strong beer. • it has only £120, There are eleven h un -
The husband soon tires of the monot- - dred depositors at this bank. Every
110 Or
ed rue ha
mer y ar
the rai
are bei
have bee
at t. 110
_ is said t
e braces
DeL, star
esedselISPXinger, the jovial M. P. P. for
th Waterloo, and all who know him
uld be glad to learn that a goodly
portion of thet eight million had found
f itslway in his direction.
- -I--The Directors of the Toronto,
- Grey and Bruce Railway' have been
e suOessful. in their negotiations with
- the English bond -holders of that road,
and the latter have accepted the plan
s of the Direetors for reorganizing the
Company and changing the gauge of the
line. An arrangement has also been
e made with the Grand Trxink Company
w ereby the cars of the latter railway,
soon as the guage of the Grey and.
ce has been altered, will be run to
stations on that line. Through
es and effective arrangements for tLe
er period has so many skill -
ice been employed by the
The highest number in for -
and. in the palmiest days of
as 800. The Workshops
ted by electricity.
of Christopher Springer
ified to attend a meeting
is next month. • The estate
be worth $8,000 000, and.
800 acres on the Wilmington,
ds ;. also a large property in
Among the heirs is Mr.
could be rendered she WAS so seriously
injured that she died theeame ,evening
about 9 O'clock. _
—Messrs. • Goldie -& McCulloch:, - of
Galt,. are about to engage largely in the
manufacture of sales, and for that per -
pose are at present engaged in extend-
ing their shops by turning -what has
hitherto been occupied. as ..effices into
the fs.ct that insanity is also Oil the in- the distribution of the many
crease. This increase, he asserted, was both useful and. ornamental
caused by the failure of the efforts .of graced the lighted tree, much
the lower classes, particularly the ment being created* by the suggesti
lower middle class, to rise higher. presents which some of the "maide
Itis very true that the changes in the -fair" had addressed end hung on t
educational laws of the country are - tree for the poor bachelors, who wi
workine a great reformation amoug this
class orpeople. , But these changes axe
blushing haste and trembliug heart r 11 a
ceived the batch of soap, pins, needl , ra
—The body of Thomas Lane, aged 32, barn of Mr. Walter Foster, lot 4, third inner walls, but so intense was the cold
twenty pounds.
an unmarried shoemaker, was found concession, West Plamboro, was enter- that they could not stand it, and had to
horribly mutilated on the track at the ea by thieves, who carried off ninety leave, and. he came down to Lon -don to
round house, Toronto, late Thursday
evening. A letter on his person showed
that, being tired of life, he had com-
mitted suicide by placing himself where
a passing train would run over and kill
—There are 190 patients in the Tor-
onto Hospital at present. Dr. Ross,
the assistant resident surgeon, has re-
signed his position for the purpose of
entering upon the practice of his pro-
bushels of wheat. The barn is situated
on the back end of the lot, about one
mik from Mr. Foster's house. On Fri-
day night last the barn of Mr. Henry
Knight, first concession of Beverly,
was entered, and eleven bushels of
wheat stolen,
—Not it bad story is told of a pertain
gentleman in Galt, who on being called
upon for a contribution to the heathen,
astonished. the collector by producing a
single cent, and immediately after a, one
thaw out.
—A merchant in Forest, now insol-
vent, had to pay $800 in all for one
bite his pet dog took of a lady's calf.
He could have settled it at first by paye
Mg the doctor's bill ; but upon this be-
ing suggested by the lady'e husband,.
the owner of the pet dog very pointedly
refused to entertain such an idea. The
aggrieved party thereupon placed the
matter in legal hands, and was award-
fession in Louden, and his 14 monthsed. 1$800 damages, but just as the
residence in the hospital will be . a dollar bill. The collector, m surprise, money was about to pass from the biter
good guarantee of his professional abili- asked, "What is the cent for ?" The to the bitten, it was garnitheed by a
tiesgentleman replied, "Oh, that is my con- grocery firm in Toronto. The next
—A novel runaway took place in Port tribution.” Then the lady asked, step was insolvency.
Hope a day or two ago. A farmer was "Well, what is the bill for ?" "That is —Late information in regard to the.
taking home a new dog, and for that to distribute the cent," wee the answer. Dr Turner affair points out that eemeef
the particulars afloat in regard to his -
paramour were iacorrect. It 110W ap-
pears that the woman's name was
ligan, wife wife of a well-to-do farmer livhag
at BOWMatltela a salad, active, well
educated, good-looking dame, aged 4/
years, without children She went into
Cobourg the day previous to her de-
parture and contracted debts in her
husband's name of over a hundred. dol-
lars in purchasing furs, etc., and start,
ed, with the intention, she said, ef
visiting a cousin who lived at Fort
—The other day a. son of Mr. John
Little, of Blair, Waterloo county, aged
17 or 18 years, lost his eyesight by a
very thoughtless trick playe& o11 him by
some of his youthful eompaniens. They
had filled a smoking pipe with gunpow-
der, placing a little tobacco on top.
Being offered a smoke, he lit the pipe,
and in an hastant his whole faee wae
enveloped in the smoke of the exp16-
8ee11. The sight of one of his eyes Waiii
totally destroyed, while that of the
other was seriously impaired, It is nue
necessary to say that his companiona
must feel keenly the irretrievable in-
jury done by their wickedly thoughtless
—On New Year's morning Abel
Young, Caledonia, discovered. that the
tongue of a mare owned by him, and.
estimated. to be worth about $40, ha,
during the previous night, been inGSt
horribly mutilated, having been cut
twice on the upper surface, and on the
under side so as to nearly setter the
member in two. Suspicion was at 011C43
directed. to Dennis Murray, who has
age, a son of Wm. Nelson. formerly of for some years led a sort of vagrant life
Millbrook. The lad had been adopted in the village, and. who, it is believed,
by Donnelly's maker, and showed hie' 1 slept in the stable where the mare was
extreme gratitude in the above manner that night, one of his /nits and Inc stick
for the kind consideration bestowed having been found. in the stable. He
upon him. _After stealing the money he was arrested and sent to Cayuga jail to
headed for Millbreok. On his way he await his trial for the offence charged
met an old tramp. and gave him about against hi131.
$40. He purchased a quantity of cloth- —The following resolutionwas passed.
boinn'TLemonpaeoraunctehAe h
day “in the udgment of this Ex-ecia-
tive the preparation and adoption into
at y their
purpose had tied. the brute to the end
of his sleigh. Unfortunately for the
dog, the horses ran away, and the dog
did not. When the horses were stop-
ped it was discovered that the dog had
been leugthened several feet.
—A man named Carrel, of Kincar-
dine, while in the country on his way
to Walkerton, where he intended to
take the stage home, was stopped on
the highway by two men, who demand-
ed his money. He told them he had
none, whereupon they seized and bound.
him, and robbed him of $300. The
robbers have not yet been identified or
—The suit entered by Mr. Martin
Timlin and other relations, in the town-
ship of Mara, of the late Rev. Father
Timlin, Cobourg, contesting the validity
of the latter's will, has been decided in
favor of the plaintiffs. The property in-
volved is . valued at $40,000. Father
Timlin had willed it mainly to a col-
lege in Ireland, and his relatives sought
to obtain the money, and. have so far
—The trotter Marqufs of Lorne, own-
ed by James Carr, of Woodstock, N. B.,
and. James Vincent, Houlton, Maine,
has been a bone of cOntention for some
time as to whie* man should have the
custody of the animal. A week ago
Vincent, in the absence of Carr, entered
the stable of tlie latter and drove the
horse away, hem,/ obliged. to pay duties
across the line. °Carr has since return-
ed the qornpliment.
—Mr. Andrew Hunter, of Beverly,
harvested 20 tons of hay off seven acre
of land ,as first crop during the past sea-
son, which he sold for $100, and he
threshed. his second crop for seed, and
sold the produce for $240—making a to-
tal yield from the seven acres of $340.
A Dundas paper asks, "Who can beat
this ?" By referring to last week's Ex-
rosrron it will be observed that a far-
mer in East Wawenosh realized the
sum of $234 from the product of four
aeres, which beats Beverly. Huron 'hie in one of the stores and was
county ?weer has taken a back seat. captured.
—A youug married woman named —Dr. Gardner, of Lucknow, is a
Effie Reed, aged 17, of -Ekfrid, was keen sportsnaan. He has well earned
brought to London the other day under
arrest as a dangerous lunatic. She had
I.,..-.... her marriage been suspected of a
—By the explosion of their laxnp on
Tuesday morning of last week, Thomas
andFrank Jasper, of )(Midway P. 0.,
met with a serious accident. It seems
the boys got up to prepare the mail for,
the morning train. Finding they were
rather early, they turneddownthe
lamp and. laid down again. The lamp
exploded, setting fire to the bedding
-and clothing, burning both boys
seriously, and Thomas it is feared
—Mount Forest has lately been
created a town, and had its first muni-
cipal contest under the new regime
this year. The Confederate is so over-
joyed- over the matter that it devotes
four columns space, giving the particu-
lars of the contest. A full biographical
sketch is given of each of the members
of the Council, and the reader is in-
formed where each individual was
born, where he has lived, his political
and religious faith, &c.—On Friday last a widow woman
named Cooke, residing near Alvinston
village, was found dead in bed, hugging
a liquor bottle, the contents of which
she had. drained. An inquest was held,
when it was proven that liquor had
been constantly furnished to the woman
by a tafern keeper named Fletch.er,
'being carried to her dwelling by a per-
son named John Poore, whom Fletcher
designed should marry the widow. The
jury severely censured both Fletcher
and Poore fer their share in the matter.
—One day last week, Mr. David
Donnelly, of Garden Hill, Victoria
County, had. about $300 stolen from him
by a boy named. Nelson, ten years of
this reputation by his exploits on the the public schools of Canada of & tem -
St. Clair Flats, where he, along with a- renew° manual or text book, would de
few other gentlemen, own fifteen thou- muchto create a healthy public senti-
tendency to lunacy, and. after marriage sand acres of marsh. The doctor has
she made several attempts to take her ; heeded the list during the duck season
husband's life. He abandoned her with- 1 for the past three years. In 1877 he
oet support in consequence, and she bagged 180 brace in one 'week, 1878,
went home to her parents. There she 14E brace in the same length of time,
manifested her murderous propensity 1 and. in 1879 he secured 250 brace in one
repeatedly. Once she boiled lueifer month. Ducks were never known
matches in the tea. Again, she put I be more scarce on the Flats than in lation to prevent the issue of licenses in
poison in the porridge, threw her child 1 1879. The doctor accounts for this be- any county or city where the Canada
out of a window, swallowed a large dose i cause of the heavy Jane frosts, which, Temperance Act has been adopted.
moat. We, therefore, instruct the cor-
responding secretary of the Alliance to
request the executive of each Frovineal
branch to memorialize the several Lo-
cal Legislatures en the subject?' Pro-
vincial branches of the Allianee are also,
to be recommendedto obtain local