HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-12-26, Page 3G, 1879. TLE NOD- Rernovee absent,. the III le, Relieve. 6t'g tilt. KO.% it knd- '.' s, white t one, e•hete fed eztien.. es,w, give s ive woridee. :ter Lailth, ter on 're "'Ili while eta truly sill prising. t 0h..nimals Ittltr,I. _For sale r, HARLocK, ,1 Ontario-. ; Steve a'eaforth. 61f1 WANTED LLISI • T IZ,1 a lett you will, • I a', letever), to Wasik, ere•portunity of 'dL.r Millie ter txteieted hy holiest eneci•-. their cone eet. I aen nave Y'1 with good 'ithzng or au a trim.- lie - deep -itch, es. cia head, and k tut for the LTIs pen, Ontario. H P C?S I ir-eas Carried oir ilU eny Tears, are ' MAKING- teet natice and rerr beet me- tehip they guar - =If giving a geod mites, they hope -here of publie ; Itiottenburrfa er.y Office, one &RI GGS. W. BRIGGS. LIVERY - id Trade of the fioia Mr. set he intende : etand, and lune .ellielee to the •Irwand Good rC,rr'neee, and ready for use. • With Com - of the hotels •LDER- 'tttygraplar.•ra 3ET IT." in his pat - o •:te pee, well teturee copied t. n'e Pictures met:hers smile- , Pi inii•er Gal- elo ap traeb.1* e -let work can ▪ a ea fi irt h. !a -NIERS Sail • ytti; K. an.d itt LONDON !"fri•ry, Gifts - : La ow ag d to reveling s aihor Line • a- and cora- Seafarth pit'i,./11q. for t upon him that he itt ons mai the iele (if not !I kinds or 1,, DI )1f igUat LOB a. ezet, tireaa- 1'16 ILLS, 1-1-02PING ;tae. Ftona an d emu :bile for the - past, alld I./TART. Lr 13t -rice 6:I•3 - frienda treuerai a Pinter - fin pared i a the eaearta hie t-ei a. John,- eafort h. eaalty- •• co-part- wante of who may le from the meet :at io4eph e prompt LVNELL • rst reente for G'eel clean ;ippeia for little any higheet cleaned ZNSA,N. DkcEmligit 26, 14379. f- G THE HURON EXPOSITOR. aieties. s , fr. O'Flaherty: "Be me sowl, but Abet was Miss Vivasu we've passed. Ye know her—that elate little actress?" •Mrs. O'Fd "Nouse, Patrick. Ske's "aead and gone." Mr. O'F.; "Thruo ye, darlint, so she is: It couldn't be her; and now 1 'DA again, she isn't even in mournin." • _Somebody says that at some time “Fortune taps at every man's door." oh, yes, that'saall very nice, but when &man Opens the door in response, nine times out of ten he finds • it's the old man's daughter, Miss Fortune, who is waiting there for him. _ _A gentleman in a draper's shop had thernisfertime to step on a lady's skirt. She turned round, her face flushed with anger, but seeiug the gentleman was a stranger she smiled complacently, say- ing; g p n, Sr; vas going to be in a dreadful passion. I thdugh it was my husband." —'Some cheese. please," said a smal boy of eight to his papa at dinner elle, my child, was the rhply of the dent parent. You have already had etiough. When I was a -child, I had to eat my bread and smell my cheese." "Well," said sonny, "please giye me a piece to smell." hDidn't you 'splain to me dat if I set- tled up dat account you would. give mo dowance?" said the.darky to the mer- chant. "Yes, I did say so, Sam," said the merchant. • “11 you are ready to settle your bill now, I will make a good allowance," and. the merchant waited for the colored individua•1 to pull out his pocketbook. "Well, sir, I hasn't got the money jus' now; but I thougb I'd come in and get de 'lowance. My -wife wants a shawl." —It is well to look at all sides of a subject before you indulge iu an opinion. Curran once said to Father Leary: wish, reverend father, that you were St. Teter, and had the keys of Heaven, be- cause then you could let me in." The shrewd and. witty priest saw the sar- casm, and turned its sharp edge on the skeptic, by replying "By my honor and conscience, sir, it would be better for you that I had the keys of thh other place, for then I could let you out:" schoolinistress in the country WaV taking down the names and ages of her scholars at the commencementi of theterm, when, coining in -turn to a 14 white -headed bov, sheasked him : 'LW,h11, my lad, how old arhyou ?" narne ain't Lad," said he sharply ; John." "Well," said the -schoolmistress, "what is the rest of your naine ?" "Wh,v that's all the mune I've got,: just John.-"- "Well, what is your father's name ?'' "Oh, you needat put dad's name down r he isn't comin' to school. He's too big to go to school." "Well, how old are you ?" "I ain't old at a11; I'm young." A Bully Landlord. lug right 6ut laughing. T terrified and indignant said: ;what in the wo think I was doing when. you through so ?' "Gol don it! I never wa these big taverns before, a know but that was the way "0, well," said the landl recovered -from his, paroxys ter, "you needn't. pay you you're all right." - But the victim beard the ing outside the doors a what a martyr lie had bee his ear'agd said he guesse he wouIdn't s day now, any baggage did g Cour) Tribune. ruing to the raveller, he Id did you as rushing in one of d I didn't they did it." rd, when he of laugh - bill, then; boys roar - d, realizing , he got on he'd pay; ay in the ho Ise another low. And so 'he and his t started. after Hai:_chi_ Experienc s of an Irish lboctor. I am the dispensary doctor of Kil- 1 many, a place in one of the northern counties of Ireland.. The district under my charge is a rather extenlsive one, mountainous, and with a large l number of poor persons in it. To these it is my duty, on reeeiving the proper ticket, to • &dive the necessary- advice and medi- cines; and it is of my difficulties amongst them principally that ..I intend to speak. There are two kinds of tickets, or "lines," issued by members of the dispensary committee—the "black line" and the "red line." The black line entitles the patient present- ing it at the proper time at the dis- pensary to have his case considered and the proper medicine supplied to him. The red line requires the doctor -to at- tend at the patient's home. .Now t first thing is of course to find out wh. is the matter with the applicant f medieal aid. Take the case of a bla line. If the patient attends in parse as he ought, well, then there is a ehan —not by any means a certainty—. finding this out. But suppose 0, me seuger is sent with the line, then yo • have to trust to description, and. no : difficulties begin. "What is the ina ter ? you ask. Well, suppose the ans- wer is "It's the water -brash, doctor," or "It's the hives," then you have some- thing to go on, always supposing th you can ty-ust y -our informant. But the case is not so clear when you are tdld that it is a "Nvihd-brash," or the blabk hives; and the matter becomes more obscure, if possible, when in the latter case it is added that they_ehave "struck in about the heart," a most dangerous , • Symptom as it is thought; or it may be • "a narvous wind" the patient com- plains of, the worst "nervous winds" being those which "work about the head." , There is no medical work in existence ; treating of these diseases. But now suppose you are so fortunate as to know, for exaniple, what _black hives - are, .a.udithat you are able to accePt the statement that they have struck in - about the heart; even still the course is riot . ave o ea wi some very vague notions of anatomy. • If it is a leg 'or an arm, a foot or a finger, that is mentioned, you can trust so fai but not much further. Take that wor "heart," for exa,naple. I renaembe Paddy Doyle telling me one morning— • Paddy was a handy fellow who used t , do odd jobs for me about the house au - garden—that les father had bought calf in Ballyb Fair, but that he fear ed it would cl little gad with him as it had got eiraws, he thought, in its heart. "Straws in its heart !" I exclaimed. "What nonsense 1- How could straws get there? Aud.if they did, the calf wouid hint s." "Oh yes," he replied, "plenty of them have straws in the heart; but it's rare that they do any good." was not going to argue such a mat ter with Paddy, and said no more. Bu two days after, he informed me that the calf had died, and that on cuttiug i open they had found, as they suspected straws in its heart; adding that "it's ill doue to buy a calf you are not .1.1,e - quaint with, for it's few knows what's in the inside of a strange baste." Aftei a few questions, I found that it was the stomach Paddy meant, and that the word "heart" eftts, used in a general kind of way for the inside, the Centre, as we speak of the heart of a tree. But suppose it the red line, or that the patient himself has brought the black one, your difficulties, though. les- sened, have,not disappeared. '.'What is wrang with you ?" I asked of Jack Scrimgeour, to whose house I ha, gone to see him. "Aren't you the doctor ?" he replied, A good. story is told at the expense of the proprietor of one of our leading hotels during the war.' At that time the railroads were doing an enormous busiuess, and passenger, trains left' the cit s 1 4 ' - in morning. 'For the accommodation of thclse wanted to go out on these trains, the hotels got pp what was call- ed a "railroad breakfast" before the re- gular meal. The proprietor in question was =COS- -toured to arise at 'half -past four, to “rattle up " the sleeping servants, and guestssee tliat the who .departed on the early train were properly attended to, scoop in the .bills, and. get them started. One morning, on coming down to the office as uSual, he found among others : on the call -list "Room 67," to be called for the 5:45 Michigan Central train. - Accordingly, about a quarter to five he sent up a bell -boy to awaken the oc- cupant of the room. After waiting a little while and finding that the man did not come down, he sent the boy up . again, but with no better success. In the meantime he got after the -cook with. a "sharp stick," and had eVerythiag ready and red hot. Seeing that it lacked but a fesv minutes of train time, and he must get his mau out at price or he would he left, mine host told another bell boy to rim and - wake the fellow up at all hazards and tell him breakfast was ready. The cry of breakfast quickly aroused the trouble- some sleeper, and m a minute he came tearing . clown stairs, buttoning his clothes as he ran. The minute he . reached the office, the landlord grabbed 7 him and rushed Inen into • the dining - room, andstold him he had but a few • minutee to eat and get out, and to go to I Grand Marshal rummaged his pockets and found that he had lat his purse at home, and they were in bad " fix." The waiter, who saw their annoyance. politely told them that if they had no money they might pay the next time they came that way. The woman who kept the shop scolded the waiter for his verdancy, and said: "There's eight francs dead loss." "No, ma'am," said the waiter. "I'll pay you myself. I'M' sure these men are honest, and won't let me suffer." The woman took, the money, all the tithe scolding her guests for ordering a breakfast before they found out that they could pay for it. The Marshall then took out his watch and offered to leave it in pawn, but the -honest fellow refused to receive it, and the guests took, their departure, after thanking bkm warmly. But both of them for -- got all about the breakfast and the debt, and for some days the coffee-house woman's tongue rang like the clapper of a bell at the expense of the poor waiter's gullibility, as she called it. At last, on the fifth day, the Emperor happened to think of .the breakfast, and the confidence of the waiter. He im- mediately dispatched one of his foot- men, who on reaching the :cafe, asked if two gentlemen had not breakfasted there and run upnebill of eight. francs which the waiter had paid, and added that he had been sent to return the money. The young man was called. and after the servant had ascertained that he was really the person in questiou, ho said; "Jere are.twenty-five Napoleons which the Emperor sends you, with his •thanks for your paying his bill and be- at coming answerable for him." The or waiter was overwhelmed with this hon- ck or, and, as long as he wore the apron and carried the napkin, was a liou ce among his follows.—Paris Figaro. of s- t- at • - A Belgian Victim. Alphonse Noseda, a young Belgian architect, with his wife, left the city of Bossels on the 23rd of November to come to Canada. He took the Star Line to New York, where he arrived on the 5th of December. After remaining in New York for eight days, he left by the Central Vermont Railway for. Montreal. It was six • o'clock in the evening when he left there in a first-class car, and not until 3 o'clock :the following morning did befall asleep. His wife was in the seat next the win- dow of the car, while he sat beside her. Taking his inoney from his overcoat he put it in the breast pocket of his inside coat and lay down to sleep. They reach- ed Montreal about .9 o'clock in the morning, and leaving their baggage at the station walked - up Bonaventure street to St. James street. As he had fifty francs in change in a small purse he lad uo occasion to look at his money during the morning. Having break- fasted at Racine's eating -house, and taken a walk through the city, they re- turned and dined at the same house. Here he felt for his money, and was as- tonished to find that it had disappear- • ed. He had been in no crowd where LL his pockets could have been picked, and r believes' the money was stolen from bine while he was asleep on the cars. The sum was made up of nix one thousand franc notes of the National Bank of a Brussels, one five hundred franc note, and one two hundred franc note, mak- ing in all a sum equal to about $1,172.50. He is an architect by profession, and had in'his pocket at the time a number of plans. Detective La -feu has the case in hand, but as the robbery must have taken place on the train, the recovery of the funds is very doubtful. • EPPS'S oyeef0A.—Grateful and coralort- ing.—"BS,ra thorough knowledge of the I natural laws which uOtreeal the opera - Invested in Wall -St., 10 tO $1,000 t 1 tions of digsstion and nutritien, and by Steels makes fortanes a careful application of . the fine proper- es ery month. Books sent free explaining every- thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall -street, New York: - 587-52 work quick. His breakfast was slam- I meil down on the tablee beefsteak, ! quail, potatoes, buckwheat cakes, cof- fee, etc., all just off the fire and 'smok- ; ing hot. "Go to work! Go to work!" cried , the landlord. "'You've only a few min- utes to spare." 40h, everything's so hot, and the cof- fee is boiling!" expostulated the guest, who was a countryman. "0, go to work! Pitch in! Gobble t it down! put the sugar in your coffee and bntter your Cakes. Hurry . up! Hurry up ! The tIme is going fast !" retorted the landlord; and he dumped the milk and sugar into the steaming coffee, and buttered a main- naoth pile of cakes, and poured singing hot syrup over them. all the -time en - coin -aging the man on. "Pile in ? Put your heA licks ! The time is most j up r etc. Tbe man ate like au ox ; meat, quail, petetoes and ceffee went like St. Julian ; he, poured down the I steaming coffee and piled ,in the cakes two etudes high, while his eyes stuck a . MEDICAL. T G. SCOTT, M. D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and " • Acconchenr, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 34?. WM, HANOVER, M. De 0. M., -Grarluate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon -and Accoucheur, Seaforth. Ont. Office and reeidenee, first door south of the Catholic Ottureli. 496 TT L. TERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- -a• -a• • geon' etc., Ooroner for th_e County of Huron Office andResidence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public Scheel. „ DlioNAUGHT, • ate of OntarioTeterinary Ont. Offite and Ryan's. Calls day. A stocks Charges reasonable. nese and certi 'mates Veterinary Surgeon, Grade College) Seaforth, ' Residence in rear of Killoran & promptle attended to, night or of veterinary medicine e nu hand Horseexamined UR to soune.- given if required, 407 JAMES *. " Ontario Veterinary two years tO oractice Toronto, has -settled residence east attended to by Vetetireary Medicines examined as tc Horses bought EL,E., V. S., Graduate of the College. After devoting with Professor 8mit,h, of in Seaforth. Office at. his of W. M. Church. Calls promptly day or night. A large. stock of constantly =Wald. Horses soundness and- certificates given and eold on commission. 424 -1r, . --1., tali i, hours from 8 'Mrs. Whitney's Beefier th. TT DERBYSHIRE.' L. D. S., Jot • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in new brick block, Main Street, . T0 THE DISEASED—All • THE su ism, &c. Elect use, furnished Therapeutics t DONALD, Me Graham's Block Chronic Diseases •cossfully by Electriciey., Galvan• o-Itledical Batteries, the best in with inatructions iii Eleetro- parties deeiring mix. A. Me - Mal Electrician. Office, in Dr. Brussels, Ont. 627x3 LEGAL. c AMEIION, }OLT Solicitors M. C. Came'n, on eron. • s & CAMERON, Barristers, n Cheucery, &c.. Goclurich, Ont. . 0„ Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- 506 ' , VILLIAM.SMILL, Conveyancer and COMIntd- T .sioner na B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected reasonable tering. and on i 366 pe MALCOMSON, Barrister, and Attolrncy "J Law, Notary Public Conveyancer B Mr. Carey, late of Cameron, Holt A 'Ca office, Avid be in charge of the office, r4nd Malcomsou will be in Brussels ever day.609 . aARROW & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys- ‘ -A at -Law, Solicitors, in Chaucery, Notaries lic, and Conveyancer,. Alone), to Loan, funds, at 8 per cent. Offices—Goderich Wingham. II. W. 0. Meyer, Kent's Block, Liam, Solicitor Coosolidated Bank. at.: •ussola. eron'a Mr. i Tues-I Pub- private and Wing - 581 nENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney 1---' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, hinveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Officcs—Sea. orth and Bruesels: -328,oclo of Private Funds to nvest at once, at Eightper cent. Interest,payable ready. . . 68 JAS. H. HENSON. . B.W. 0. 111EYElt. The above firm has thi3 day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts thio the firm to se paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all Habil- ties. ' Nov 17:TAMES H. BENSON. . f., 187 6. e - Il. W. C. MEYER. ;1A flea a tin u rte ct i MI RE I.A.P.Pf1 LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. .OLICITORS for the bonsolideted Bank of "--J Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Settforth. Farm auct Town 'and Tillage Property bought and sold. - Money (private-fandm) loaned on mortgage se- curities, ILL reasonable rates of interest. Charges Moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the best mortgage seeurities, with any expenne to the lender. 8.0. McCAUGHEY, M. A. THE SEAFORTH ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM-. 3 0. C. WILLSON, -PROPRIETOR. A. FULL STOCK OF PLOWS ON HAND; Consisting of the Following Kinds: MASSEY'S NO. 13 THISTLE CUTTER PLOW, OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHILLED PLOW, HILL'S PAtENT PLOW, NO. 2, MASSEY'S NO. 10 OD PLOW, PORT PERRY ANI.:7 ESWATER GANG PLOWS.- A Full Stock of Strait() Cutters, Horse Bakes, Grain. CrUshers,1?oot Cutters, and all IMplements belonging. to the Business. SEWING MACHINES, AS USUAL. The Florence, Wanzer Raymond, Royal Singer, and other Machines. Sewing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work warranted. Oils, Needles and Attachments always on hand, 0. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. THE ,GREAT SALE ONTINUE —TO-- THIRTY THE CHEAPEST GOODS. A.. 0- 14-'111, IS NOW RECEIVING A A Very Large Stock of all -kinds of Groceries and P1VVigi022.9. A Fresh Lot of Canned .Fruits,and Honey and Jellies. A .Fr. esh Lot of those very chic Teas in Black; Green and Japan. :All Grades of Sugars, Syrups and Molasses. Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Dried Apples, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Pot Barley, Flour,. Shorts, best of Rams and Bacon. All kinds of Fresh Garden Seeds, Top Onions, Potato :Onions and Set Onions and Potatoes. Cream Crocks, Milk Pans, Plower Pots, &c. Lard, Butter, Eggs, and a good va- riety of Soaps. Soda Biscuits in 3 pound boxes, at 25e. and pure- grown/ Coffee. Also that Celebrated English. Exeelsior Horse and Coale Fond. All are invited to come :tad get Berne of the Cheapest Goods in the Dominion . Don't forget the plate • A. G. AULT'S GROCERY, 591 Main Street, SEAFORTH E • THCANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE TORONTO. $0,000,000. 1,400,000. HEAD OFFICE, DAYS, LONGER Paid lip Capital, - • Meet, - AT EOGiR18' Piles of Dry Goods still leA at Rogers'. Bargains in Erery Departnient at Rogers'. The Whole Stock, to be Cleared Out at Rogers'. Dress Goods, Dress Goods, see the prices, at Rogers'. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, price them, at Rogers'. All Buyers of Pry Goods Made Happy at RogeT,91, HE GREAT SALE TO CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS LONG - F. HOLMESTiD. ER AT JOHN ROGERS', SEAFORTH. MISCELLANEOUS. Ise sarm PER DA y at home, Samples iiOePhite worth $5 free. Address STIN- SON & Co., Portland, Maine., 626-52 T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the " • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Couaty. AU orders left at the Ex- YOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. 4 ties of well selected 00o06, Mr. Epps • has provided our breakfast tabies with a delicately flavored' beverage, which may;save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of siich articles of diet tha-t a constitution may be grad- - " ually built up until strong enough to re- sist -every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around. us ready to attack wherever • there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourSelves well fortified with pure blood, and a properlynourished fr ." C" r- - vice Gazette. Sold only in.packets label led—"James Epps & Oo., Homceopath- ie Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 in a -surly tone. • f•Yes, of COW'S° I am," I answered. rejoined ; "that's just what I sent for "Well, of course I won't 'tell you," he you total me." A case such as this, where the pa-- tient refuses to give you any informa- tion; is, I confess, a rare one. Gener- ally the sufferer is comm-unicative enough, the .difficulty being to make out the meaning of the strange expressions end illustrations used. Sometimes one meets with quite a wealth of descripe tion. ."What's the matter with you, Mrs. MeCrea ?" I asked a wiry and active old Is-orrian whotn I was visitinfe. . • ! Is it what's the matter with lie, doctor dear, that I'm to tell von? Achile easier I'd find' -it to toll• you what's not the -matter with me—I'm est alT wrolie, thegitherl" "Well,' but is there a pain, 'any- • where ? Come, tell me how you feeli" out like door knobs, and the sweat y ran off his face and hinds and down g his shirt like the eruption of Mount Ve- a, StIveCtS. es' epee a -card i ng." • I am happy to say that Mrs. Mrs. Icerea recovered from a Sickness of "Is it how do -I feel, doctor ?" she nswered. "I can hardly snake to tell eu ; but I just feel a-rugging an' a-tug- ing, zuf a -withering, an' a -squeezing, n' a -roasting- au' a-swaariping, au' gif I With -his last bite the landlord grab- bed hini again ; .rammed him through 1\ the door and into the oflice ; jammed s his hat t his head ; told him how much t hisTilI 1.vas, so that he could be getting out his money; had the bell -boys bring out his valise ; and with perspiration and fear iu the poor fellow's body, tow. a him tc, spread himself full size, and ask- 1 t ed him if he haa li baggage checked, t as it was only ileas minutes before the i traiu stztxted.: • '-Wha. -whiff train ?" ejaer.lated the c vhich these were the alarming- symp- oms. Napoleon and the Waiter. When he was in Paris, Napoleon I. ccompanied by Duroc, was often in he habit of rambling about the city in he evening, dressed like his attendant, n a blue overcoat, without any decora- ion or ornaMent. He often met with urious adventures. Sometimes the man. "Why, the 5:15 train! Yonere going , out on the 5:15 Michigan. Central, ain't your• • "Noir saidlie, wasn't gehig out for a week." All the hell -boys and other servants gathered. around to help get- the man started, began to snicker and run out at • the doors; the doors slammed, and the • proprietor himself could not help burst - Emperor hurried Duroc off,. scarcely giving him time to dress, and often cs,usitn5 him to forget to take anymoney with him. As for - Nap;leon,he never had any about him. One day Napoleon and Duroc took a long tramp, and the Emperor, being very hungry, went into a cafe at the corner of the boulevard, and ordered a, chop and omelette, his favorite dishes. When they had break- fasted, the bill was presented. The S MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. -TREHDIVISION COURT.—The office of the .We take pleasure in announcing to our customers and the Trade in general • Second Division Court -will be open daily from half -pat one to tour o'clook P. M. Office in my Block, over' the store of johnstoaBroe. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 RANCIS GRAHA.M, AUCTIONEER AND -1- LAND AGENT.—Special attention given to sale of landed property, farming and thorough- bred stock. Cattle selected for the Engliah mar- ket. Office and Auction ROMP, Acheson's new Block, Uoderich, Ont. Terms moderate 615 JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in, town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farrus and village property for sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, /3russels, Ont. 515 Stubborn Facts. SEAFORTH PUMP ACTORY STILL AHEAD That in severe and chronic elms, which have de- fied all other remedies, Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry gives immediate relief,- and effects a speedy cure. rho no case has been reported in whith it failed to give relief. That every family who keeps it on hand cnn laugh at Croup, Whooping, Cough, Colds, • Bron chitis and all kindred diseases. Thal in cony district where • Wilson's Wild Cherry hes been introduced it has jumped into favor in an ncredibly short time. That beside being a radical cure for the above mentioned disease, it is one of the best tonics in use. That it you have not already done so, it is your duty to purchase a bottle at once. That you can buyit from any lending • druggist in Western Ontario. •628-4 Bucklen's Arnica ;Salve. - The best salve in, the wotld for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all kinds of Skin ..EinptiOns. This salve is guaranteed to give pee- - feet satisfaction in every case or nioney refunded. Price 25 cente per box. For sale by Hickson & 131teuidell,Seaforth. 566-8m —nese pumps ha,ving been awarded the first plize at both the South Huron and East Huron Fall Shows, the subscriber has every confidence in recommending them to the public, knowing that for quality of material and worknianship they are not easily suipassed, and would eolicit a call from all intending purchasers; all work warranted ; orders by mail or otherwise prompt- ly attendeu to. N. (MUFF North Main Street, Seaforth. • 619 -rim GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses -I- Periodical Pills—Thi a invaluable medicine- is unfailing in tho cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases ta which the feinele constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtraotions, and a a eedy cure may be relied on. To niiieriedladies, it is peculito lysuited. It will, in a short time, bring o the monthly pe- riod with regularit: . These pi Is should not be taken by Females daring the 5 at three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure o bring on Mis- earriage, but at any other time hey are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the -back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion palpitation of the heart hyetcries and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means hove failed • and although a powerluj remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, that we are prepared to supply 11" A_ 1\To s 1\T ID 0 Pi GE A. 1\T At Lower Figures than ever, and will sell either for cash, time, or on the • instalment system. $275 WILL BUY A GOOD NEW PIANO. $80 WILL BUY A NEW ORGAN. pecond-hand Pianos and Organs taken in exchange for new ones, and full value allowed. Orders for tuning left with us will be promptly attended to. SCOTT BROTHERS, Main Street; Seaforth. N. B.—A good Corner Lot for sale -on Market Street. AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. JOHN WARD, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, While returning thanks to his many customers for their patronage in the past, also to those who so liberally patronized his late sale, he begs to inform, thein and as many new ones as will fovor him that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full As ready and willing to serve them as before. directions in the pamphlet areal:4 each package, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. which should be carefully preserved. job Moses, HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENER,AL FURNISHINGS ON HAND for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, tint., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & efts e , J. . Roberts, an R. Lu.msden. 197 _ . _ , ••• SEAFORTH, November 20. 1879 The undersigned haring leased: the finishing • shop of the Huron Foundry, Seafgeth. from X. S. Runciman, will be prepared to de all kind .% of repairs required for steam engines, grist and flouring mills, saw mills end all kinds • of ma- ' clattery, also agricultural implements, and from his long experience as foreman oU the Goderich Paunchy trusts to be able to give good satisfaction to all parties having work done. All repairs at- tended to at onye. Give Inc a trial and I will warrant good satiefaction. WILSON SALICRLD. - In connection with the above business, the - andersigned will have nu office at the Huron • Foundry, and.. will take any orders for repairs on : mills or other-• things. and Will also take_ contracts for steal n engini:,s, boilers, •grist and Roaring mina, i and allkinds of machinery. Having a connection i with one of the largest foundries in Ontario, I Will : be in a position to carr - out all contracts that may he trusted to lilt?. Plailt4 tIllti gpi ciAentions fur- lashed for mill machinery,. engine, &a. As -I i intend to give my Attention ,altoeether t� te eren ctioand re • airs of machineryand agricnItnrai reem eeents.:11 t nee to be able to givegood satisfac- tion to all trusting me with their- wOrk. 1 ' • R. RI_TNOT1T A N ' The undersig-Ued *ill continue to manufacture i plows and all kinds of castings on a large scale at , the Huron Foundry, Seaforth, and With tho con- nections formed:, hopes to be able to push a large i business and to gire good satisfaction. 1 . j. S. RUNCIIIIAN. I New Yorke Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12f cents THE GREAT SH /SHONEES 'REMEDY AND PILLS.—The success that these medieines have met with since their introduetion to the public sortie years ago, proves plaiely to the most skeptical that they are medicines that per- form what they are advertised to do. The virtues of these mediemea have been well test- • ed, and have withstood their trial in a- most satisfactory manner. s'or diens( s of the 131ood, Liver, laings, &o., they are uneurpassed. We ; have testimonials of ndraeulous cures of these , diseases, and of many others. If any one is ' afflicted, let him try a bott;e of the Remedy and box of Pills. No injurious effect seill follow their use on the most delicate person, as they are purely vegetable, there, being no mineral • matter in them. The costis small, while the advantages derived from their nae will doubly repay you for ytiur txpeese and trouble. Try these gi eat remedies and be convinced that they are no humbug. No one who has tried the Shoshoneee Pills has ',:ever pronounced an unfavorable opinion of them ; and no family where they have beei used will be without them. Full information May be had on all partieulars touching the use,andj the experience of those -who have used them, by securing the Treatise or the Circular from your druggist free. Price of the Remedy on pint bottles, $1; Pills 25 cents, a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. AS USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE-: PAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IJOHN WARD, - SEAFORTH. HAY AND OATS Telenet1 EXCHANGE FOR HARNESS. W. IV. 721ST A.1118 0 IV, INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING AND KNITTING. MA- • CHINES, CONVEYANCER, 86c., SEAFORTH, ONT. INSURANCE.—Mr. Watson is agent for the following first-class Insurance Companies : FIRE.--Plicenil and Northern, of London, England; Scottish Imperial, of Glasgow, Scotland; Resat Comedian and National, of Montreal; British America, of Toronto; Canada Fire and Marine, _of Hamilton; Gore District of Galt. LIMO AND ACCIDENT.—Traveller's, of Hartford. MONEY TO LOAN.—Mr. Watson is appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company, of Toronto. The oldest and best Loan Society in the Dominion. Money advanced on all kinds of Real Estate kopp cEonWataInNuy GonMhaAndC: 3nOasbnoufmacetuArinagnandhefala3ThilYne B.SWIlingaczahinacehinesoii, HHIoNweE, WSCeelTebref°bw &Wiiisiong, needles and all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines of all kinds repaired. Mr. Wateon is agent for the Franze & Pope knitting machines. The best family knitting machine manufactured, capable of doing all kinds of cotton and woolen work. Mr. Watson is agent for the State Line of Steamships, sailing beevteea New York and an ponds in Europe. Oce, Main Street, Seaforth, nearly orposite Mansion Hotel. - DIRECTORS. Box. WILLIAM - MCMASTER, Preeident Hos...ADAM HOPE, Vice -President. Neah Baru/met, Esq. James Michie, Esq. EIliott.Esq. T.S.utherbend StaynerSEto i George Taylor, Esq. John J. Arnton, Esq. • A. R. MeMaster, Esq. • W. N. ANDERSON, General Manager. JOHN ROBERTSON, Inmpector • Now Yonle.-3. G. Plaineer, and T. 11. Goaaby Agent. Carcao.—I. G. Orchard, Agent. BRANCHES. Barrie, Brantford; Chatham, Colfingwood, Dundas, Galt, Go derich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Lucen, Montreal, Orangeville, Ottawa, Paris, Pet -ether°, St. Catharines, Sarnia. Siincoe, Stratford, Strathroy, Seaforth, Thorold, Toro*, le, Winds ,Walketton, Woo detock, Commercial Credits issued for use In Europe, the East and W -est Indies, China, Japan, and South America. Sterling and American Exchange bought sand sold. Collections made on the most favorable terms. • Interest allowed on deposits. BAIYKE 1C&. New York—The Ammican Exchange National 33ank. London, England -11e Bank of Scotland, SEAFORTH BRANCH. M. P. 11A.YES, • - - .14ANAGER. EGG EMPORIUM. THIS Subscriber hereby thanks 'his numerous -a- customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage &aim the vase 7 years, and hopes by strict integrity and close attention to business to merib their confidence and trade in the future. Having green., enlarged 'his prem- ises during the winter, he is now prepared toipay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any gnantity offiood Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, • MAIN STREET, SEAPORTH. Wanted by the snbseriber, 25 tons of good drY clean wheat straw. • D. D. WILSON. TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, JjAS much pleasure in calling particular attcn- -1-11- ton to hie air tight BUTTER FIRKIN. This Firkin is warranted air tight, and will consequently keep the •butter much purer and sweeter than any other tub Made on the old principle, saving more then the price ,of the tub in enhanced value of butter. Samples always on hand. • Common tubs en halides For partiett- iars call at the Factory or address S. TROTT. Seaforth. N. B.—Coopering and repairing as usual. 600 PT-T13,1\TIT"CTIR:-E- J. S. PORTER, SEAFORTH. 1 ctnt determined to Clear Out my Entire Stock of Furniture regard- less of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to a8cer- "1- rein prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give a large discount to those paying midi, es- pecially to newly mauled couples. Warerooms directly opposite M. R. Counter'S Mammoth Sewehy Store, Main Street, Seeforth, East Side. 625 JOHN S. PORTER. 1\T Or-rIC, TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHER& A 8 TREY occupy the attention of all, these -1-1- hard times, the subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good inch Hendoqk, "not 'usually soldrfor inch," at the following rates: 12 foot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand; 14 'foot Fencing, at $7 50, forCaeh. Ail orders overi45000 5 per c.ent. discount Call and see if you dotal gee what is represented: Book Accounts over 8 months will be :charged 8 per cent. The subscriber thanks his numerous customara for their liberal support, and solicits a continu- ance of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. 4138 Steam Saw Mills, Mciiillop - R. -N. BRETT, Wholesale and•Retail DeaIer in LEATHER and SHOE FDIDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terms moderate. A Trial Bolleited. All orders by mail or °therein promptly fined. gfee It. IL BRETT ok)70 A WEEK—$12 a day at home easily r4Pie made. Costly Outfit free. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. • 626-52