HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-12-26, Page 11870. E RING 1GAINS their House., etter A to -day. Goode, Mau- ry,. Caoves, ia stapid (led in rimmed Hats, and up. 0-, and Hets paver :Man ties rope $2.50 up. t.l.es positively aks, Dolmans, Ve are clearing prices which hat we carry kts to the very [tlete Stock we stsular prices. Lite:tent amply Titer Gloves; riety. Wool Goods, & 00- -tack to select ti theroughly iU their price& r than those ALE. ;the whole of if's. Boys' and. coats, beanti- nig is the biters. newest 's to be excel - uits to select intl. best natt- up. UTHS'. aus" Youths' 511ment, All. iid the prices Yrnical. •Call, frti-s. cee Only. EL & ere in DRY 4ouse No. &; post office; g house No.S. e -s have been, 'with Clinton. 10 : R. News isford, De AL; Cantelora Ler:: T. Flow - First Com-. second_ ; W. tirray, fourth,. .1..mter, D. (.5.; scbool boys hookey aria the ice on _dock went.on in. 'following, srough. The eizetance also as piffle(' in ell had sufffs -tread water, ng to get out, es which. the G. Holmes, escape from f last week. to .eas`e• Office an eucetion Dr. squid; in the stairS foam' 'id, and that see the table immediately- ' and. after a ; fiamee. the ing them. 7 • iS direct- ajo fur caps Lan ( lothine Sea Sear, Otter,. with 11 litiee ; Also a fon itation., Seal, Plesh mud Iaisesi• Variety ties with or goode are be :seeu to be Len about to aspect them HALLt de THIRTEENell YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 629. HILL BROTHERS. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. FROM BRITISH COLUAIBIA.. Britigh Coliunbia, Dee. 10, 1879. Emeon,`,-Dear Sir : I left Sea - forth GU the 14th of April destined. for Victoria, British Columbia. Myself and companions purchased our tickets from Seaforth to Woodstock. We took the Grand Trunk as far as Stratford, andsthen took the Port Dover train to Woodstock. We got into Woodstock at 6. p. m., and Mr. E. T. Jackson, our agent from whom we purchased our tickets Met us at the station, and we had a good time with him that night. Any one coming to this country, or going to any other country, would do well to purehasetheir tickets from Mr. Jack- son. We left Woodstock on the 15th at 11 a. m., by the Great Western train for Loudon. On getting to London, we separated for a time; the Messrs. Dor- ranee went' to .Sernia to call on their VVe take pleaAure in thanking the t. public for the hearty way in which they friends here' went to Than.; and. MrHastie and. 1 esville and to `gidgetown lutve responded to our circular. . to call on our friends theie. We re- mained there two days. and on the 17th we took the Great Western, train fo Detroit, where we were to join our com- panions. We left Detroit at 7 p. m. by the Michigan Central, bound for Chi- cago, and we got into Chicago at 7 o'clock on the morning of the 18th, and had, our baggage transferred. to Well street depot. We walked up and -down the Streets of Chicago for about three hour& bu6 we only saw, I might say, one corner of it in that time. The streets were crowded with people and vehicles. Wherever..1 we went there was a continuous bustle of people. We left Chicago for Council Bluffs on the 18th of A.pril at eleven a. in., and got into Couneil Bluffs at nine on the morning of the 19th. It is a fine farm- ing country up through the State of Iowa. All the farmers seemed to be in very good circumstances, although not very numerous. Each farmer seemed to have about 400 or 500 acres of land. There is some fine scenery on the route from Dunlap station to Council Bluffs, a distance of 41 miles. - We had first- class fare as far as Council Bluffs) For my park I would sooner be on second class to have a good. view ofl the country and the scenery. This city is situated on the Western portion of -the State of Iowa, about three miles from the Missouri River. It is the county seat of Pottawattomie County, and con- tains a, population of about 14,000. It is four miles distant from Onaahae We left Council Bluffs ou the 19th of April at 5 p. m. for San Francisco. As we passed through the State of Nebraska, I thought it a el uch flier looking farm- ing country k ean Iowa, but as for fencing, there i seorcely such a thing to be seen all ee the line. It was as- tonishing to sae the number of cattle lying along the track killed, by the train, on accouut of not having fences. We got as far as Cheyenne on the 21st of April. It was snowing at a terrific rate. On the 26th of - April we went through 40 nffles of snow -sheds. After leaving Blue,Canyou I saw Some of the finest , scenery on the Union Pacific Railroad. Going around. Cape Here it, is most beautiful. I was for three days sitting out on top of the coaches, 'ad- miring the wonders of nature. THE LARGE BUSINESS That has been done in our House dur- ing the past two weeks shows that our Opening Weeks tell of CHEAP GOODS AND _ PLEASED CUS1OMERS. While we are thus convinced that we have satisfied all who have given us a. call, that we sell THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. We proposeto do still more, and intend to sell during the next month . , GOODS AT SUCH 'TEMPTING PRICES As will not fail to satisfy the closest buyers. DRESS GOODS AT COST. . , WINCEYS AT COST. . MANTLES AT COST. SHAWLS AT C -OST. GIOTHS, AT COST. CLOTHING AT COST. HATS AND CAPS. AT COST. • BUFFALO ROBES AT C OST GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Remember the Place—Opposite the Commercial Hotel. HILL BROTHERS, Main Street, Seaforth., As we were leaving the city of Sacre- mento, the State capital of California, the farmers were busy haying. This was on the 26th of April. We left Sacramento at 5 O'clock p. m. on' the 26th of April for Oakland. We got into Oakland at 6 o'clock on Sunday mprn- ale'. We had to remain there /two hours for the ferry to take us -across to San Francisco. We got into San Fran- cisco at 8 o'clock on Sunday Morning, although it did not seem like Sunday to me. The first thing that drew my attention was three bands of music parading the streets. It seemed to me more like the Queen's Birthday in Canada. We took a good rest on Sun- day, feeling a little tired after travelling so much by the train, and on Monday morning we went to look after our trunks and to see if they were all rightf and after doing so we went to call on Mr. Lyons' friend, , Mr. Dobie, who showed us through some. of the princi- pal places, We only had three days and a half to look around Frisco. The first place that we wa,nted to eee was Woodward's Geological Gardens. For me to attempt to describe these beauti- ful grounds and do them justice, it would take up too much sPace. They seem to be appreciated. You will find in the art gallery 'rare paintings and. statuary; in the geological department a great variety of different hinds of wild animals and so on. Our next place was to go through the Palacelllotel, that monster hotel of the world, occupying one entire block of ground, 344 by 265 feet. It is seven stories high, and con- tains seven hundred and , fifty-five rooms for guests, above the ground floor, and. none of less size than 16x 16 feet. The foundation walls are 12 feet thick. We went through a good por- tion of the buildnag. We went up and up until wo got out on top of the rod. On the roof are seiven water tanks, which will contain. 128,000 gallons of water. The hotel is suppliecl with two steam force pumps and two, additional for fire. On Wednesday, the 30th of April, we were inakiugpreparations for our sea voyage by the City of Chester. We sailed at noon on Wednesday. The second day we stere out the boat rocked terribly. I lust sight 6f the boys for a while, So t thought I would go on deck to see if I would find them. There they were, stretched. out, casting up their accomits. Of course I kind of felt for them. However, I was not there very long until I had to follow suit. We leaded itt Victoria, British Colum- bia, on Saturday night, the 3rd ot May, at 8 o'clock, after three days and a half sail on the Pacific, and on Monday I went to bunt for a job and gotrone, and on Tuesday 1 began to week. Mr. Hastie and the Messrs.. Dorrance went to New Westminster to work there: 14 testeeesseel JLI SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26,. 1879. • We haVe not seen each other since the Gbh of May. All ye pleasure seekers, I would advise you to take a trip over the Union Pacific Railroad as far as San Francisco, but no further.T I would not advise any one to come here. This is a very monntainous country around Vic- toria. 1can see the snow -clad moun- tains ev ry day in the year. I have not seen a peck of snow in Victoria yet, and ver little frost. The daisies are in bloorn in the gardens. I have met with several Canadians. The first one I met wise Mr. Jones, formerly of Clin- ton, whq is now proprietor of the Do- minion Hotel in Victoria; and the next I met as Mr. Grant, life insurance agent, of Montrealeand my bench mate is a gen enaau by the .name of Crook, formerly 1 of Seaforth. About eight years agol he worked for Mr. John H. Broadfoot. . Livia lis very high here. Board. per Week is rom $5 to $7, and everything else in proportion. The population of Victoria is about 8,000, not including Chinese or natives, and there are any number of the, former, and they are flocking in every day, too numerous to mention. All the Chinese seem to be at work. They work for nothing and board tIereselves from the occupants of their neighbors' hen roosts. I stood on the stre t one day at noon end counted 28 Chin meu coming out of one. shoe shop. They are gaining strength fast in Vietoria, and all through the Pro- eine° olaBritish Columbia,. The Vic- torians re beginning to rue the day they evPr let them- get i4o their city. They have now got dry goods stores, shoe shops, tailor shops, butcher shops, drug stores, and, I believe, !one carpen- ter Lop, and laundries too numerous to mention. There are hundreds of white men here who cannot get employment. They will not work for the' same wages as Chinamen. If they would. work for $1 per day, the "johnnies" would work for 75 cents. On some future occasion. I may have a word or two to say about this country, but I have uot seen much of it yet.D. AR:Theme. A Parmer's Opinion of the Agricultural College. In. the October number (4 the Farm- , er's Adtocate an article appeared strong - :'Y advocating the abolition of the On- - tario Model Farm and Agricultural College. Mr. James P. Phin, of Hes- peler, Waterloo County, taking one par- agraph i that article as his text gives forth th following pointed and sensible remarks. . The words commented on by Mr. Phin are: " The sooner this - Model Farm is abandoned the better it will be fon the Farmers of Ontario;" He says, in reply: "This is a, propOsition from Which I entirely dissent; b0lieVing as I do that the farmers Of this Province, on- . account Id the importance and magiii-•. tude of the intereats they represent, are entitled to higher educational institu- tions, pefouliar to 'their ii.#titutions that should stand in the same relation to the agricultural class as the universities and, colleges do -• t� professional men, and Normal Schools to teachers.- --From 'observations extending over a period o 17 years, during all of which time I hesee. been 6ngaged in practical farming and nothing else, I have learn- ed thatefarrners as a class do not pos- sess that influence in the councils of the nation and the management of public affairs generally to which they are just- ly entitled • from their numerical strength!and the importance of their calling. The principal reason is not that they have less brains but an in- ferior education. -_Their brains have not beentrained i- youth so- as to en- able them to bold their own -when brought in contact with gentlemen of the learned. professions. Why, sir,. in the pressint Provincial Cabinet can you point out a single representative &I'm- er. I.ank credibly iuformed (I hope I may be rinstaken) that they are all law- yers but one, and he is not a farmer— no, not even the Commissioner of Ag- riculthrelis a farmer. What a reflec- tion uppri. the intelligence of the great aericultural community of this fair P7ovincelof Ontario. You aind others may say—Let the farmers use the high uechools and col- leges to give their sone a better educa- tion if that is what is needed, for they are open to all. True; but allow me to -feint out one or tvire of the many serious. jectionis . In the first place they can, eot secure at the university or colleges _Knowledge peculiar to their occupation, and which weuld be of service to them in the Management . of their farms. Secondly—it makes a farmer hesitate who is desirous that his sons should follow in his leotstepseand who wishes to give them as good an. education as the country can afford, when he finds from the experience of others that nine tenths of the farmers' sons thus edu- cated are weaned: from their callings during the process, lose all relish for farming, and -ultimately thiu their at- tention t� other avocations by which they can earn their living without „soil- ing their hands. In order to avoid this deplorable re- sult, in My humble opinion, it is neces- sary in tle interests of farm rs, and I may- say of the corarciunit at large, that there should be higher ducational institutions for farmers' sou • and other people's sous who wish to become farm- ers, where physical labor ,and mental study are judiciously blended, where their reliSh for the honorable pursuit of agriculture is not destroyed, but rather increasedt and intelligently developed. Of such a character I believe the Onta- rio School of Agriculture to be, where the students are required to labor with their ham s half of each working day, either at4 the workshop, anaoug the. stock, in fthe garden, or on the farm; thereby simulating their physical de- velopment, Which is of much conse- quence t6 farmers as well ,as to most other peoPle ; and. securing information from competent, instructors which they would never get ak home, and which MCLEAN 13ROS., Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. will be worth much to them when they come to try the realities of a farmer's life. I will candidly admit that the On- tario School of Agriculture is not a per- fect institution, and that there can be many improvements made. The course is net Thug enough to give students a thorough 'education, and now that there are so many applicants who can- not be admitted, the standard for en- trance should be elevated, so as to do no :work in the school room that could be attended to at the comthon. schools. We must remember that it is compara- tively a new institution, and give it tune to develop its usefulness, which you apparently think is gone already. You would evidently decapitate such insti- tutions without further ceremony. The college has, in my opinion, under the able management of the late Principal, Mr. Johnson, made great strides to- wards efficiency and popularity, which is readily perceived by a discerning public. No better evidence of this can be supplied than the fact that to fill 40 vacancies at the beginning of last term there were over 160 appli- cants, mostly fatiners' sons. "Knowledge is power," says Lord Bacon. Give the farmers' eons know- ledge without destroying their taste for their occupation, and a good work will be accomplished; even suppose the cost to be considerable for apparatus, such as laud, the different breeds of cattle, sheep, swine, etc.; these are indispensa- blot° impart the necessary practical. information at a school of such a .character. Canada. The county of Portage la Prairie has an assessment of $2,574,906. , —Half a ton of tarkeys were shipped from Port Hope a few clays ago for the old country. —Mr. Ilepple Hall, the English au- thor, has been in Cauada collecting matter for a history of this Dom- inon. — Mr. Robert Hay, AL P., has offer - an annual. scholarship of $40, to be competed for next summer at the To- ronto Collegiate Institute. —A little boy in Guelph had two fingers and, thumb blown off at the first joint, by the explosion of a cartridge which he was warniiug on the stove. —An explosion of nitro-glycerine on. the Canada Pacific, near Rat Portage, killed four men and twounded three. The man holding a can of glycerine slipped, causing the explosion, --Satuiday morning, as they were raising the wind house, on the Credit Valley Railroad, at Elora, one of the bents fell, striking Michael Mulrooney, of Guelph, on the head, killing him in- stantly. • —Mr. John Bomney, of Mount Ver- non, says he walked fifty, miles, from London to Mount Vernon, Brant coun- ty, the other- day, against a driving snow storm, in eight hours and twenty minutes. —Last Saturday Mrst,Ja.mes Scott, of • Nissouri, sold on the Landon market a load of 17 turkeys, the bulk weight be- ing 307 pounds. They were the cause of many astonishing remarks while on exhibition. —George Sherrin., a S. Catharines tailor, has suddenly left for parts un- known; taking with him a young tail- oress and all the money he could col. lect. He leaves a wife and three chil-, dreu behind. - —An old beggar woman named Jane Barrett, of St. John, N. B. was search- ed, having been accused of 'theft, and was found to have fifteen bags of money- sewed. up in her clothes, the whole amounting, it is said, to $2,000.. —Lieut: -Cole Irvine, of the North- west Mounted Police, has arrived .in Ottawa. He reports the Mounted. Po- lice as being in excellent health and spirits, and states that matters are pro- gressing favorably in the Territories. —While Dr. Mewburn, of Drum- mondville, was driving through Stam- ford Friday afternoon, a man named Levits hit him a blow on the forehead with an axe, inflicting a Serious wound. The man, who was a stranger to the doctor, is supposed to be insane. —Chas. Howard, son of Hon. Henry Howard, after attending a dance at Port Huron, on Friday night, went to James Mulligan's saloon for lunch, and finding it closed, knocked and then left. Mulligan stepped out and shot Howard dead. He claims that he shot to scare hirn. —Mr. David Goldie, of the G-reen- field mills, near Ayr, is at -present lay- ing down stones kir the purpose of building an addition to his mill, when he will put in four naore run of sto-nes. When finished, the Greenfield mills will be the largest and most complete in the Dominion. —The Manitoba Telegraph. Com- pany, -which obtained letters patent from the Local Government, will have theline built from Winnipeg West to Portage La Prairie, a distance of sev- enty miles, and in operation by Janu- ary 1st. This will be . an acceptable New Year's gift to the Prairie Province. —A firm, under the name of Edgar & Sons, has commenced operations at Essex Centre, and is btiying stave bolts of balm, ash, elm, &c. It employs about 100 men and 20 teams, and loads three cars per day, which are shipped to Buffalo, N. Y., and to Rockford; Michigan. Another firm is buying hoop poles at $6 per hundred, as well as ;white and red oak, West India staves and elm timber. Another party are buying Balm of Gilead pats. —Mi. Peter Adams; of Paris, who has been engaged in the manufacture of all kinds of going vehicles for the last twenty years, and being a man of char- acteristic energy ever on the lookout for improvements, has recently added to his works a new tire -setter which throws the old hand process completely into the shade, and. by means of which he can set about 200 tires per day, if necessary, instead of ten or a dozen, as -formerly. Mr. Adams' last -shipment to Australia comprised about thirty vehicles in all. —Last Friday night in London, Rev. Mr. Hammond delivered an: address specially intended for the Masonic fra- ternity. The large drill shed. was crowded. —Mr. Jacob Cope, of Copetown, died on Tuesday, 16th inst. after a short illness, aged 81 years. He resided 7i years in Copetown, the village being named after him 30 years ago. —An industrious and worthy man, n,amed Frank Diggons, who had filled the position of caretaker in Galt Cen- tral School for 23 years, died rather suddenly last week at the age of sixty- eight years. —Mr. Isaac Webster, of Wallacetown having proved the victor. in all walking cOnteas in which he has entered, re- solved to enter in the great six-day Walking match going on this week in Madison 'Square Garden, New York. , —Michael Donnelly, a member of the gang that- made Lncan notorious, was stabbed at Watertown, a small place on the Canada Southern Railway, last Tuesday week. He died ten minutes after receiving the wound. He was buried at Lucan. 1 —The grocers in London have resolv ed to discontinue the custom of giving Christmas presents to their customers. The practice never had common sense to recommend it. People cannot ex- pect to receive full value for their money and an honororium iu addition. : —The well-known Englishslay even- tIkelist, j. Bennett Anderson, is at pres- ent spending a week in Galt. He is holding meetings both day and evening and all .aie well attended, sometimes crowded. It is ten years since Mr. An- derson's previous visit to that town. —Levitt, who . knocked down Dr. Alewburn, -in Stamford, on Thursday ad last week, with an axe, came up for iixamination before Pohce Magistrate ull, of Clifton, on Fridey. He stated hat he was laboring nnder the impres- ion that the devil told him to kill the first person he met. Whiskey did it. 1 —Mr. George Dickie has sold. his arm of 150 acres, on the 7th concession f North Dumfries, to Mr. James Ford, f Gleumorris. The price paid. was 6,000. About 50 acres of the farm are e overed with marsh, which, being. al - Most worthless, accounts for the low average price per acre: —Duncan Geaham, of Lobo, arrested. in London for drunkenness, was fined $1 and costs at 6 o'clock in the evening, which he paid, and went forth. He could not resist the temptation to take 'just another drop, and was ar- rested at 1:30 next morning, whilst again wandering around in a state of intoxi- cation. —Justice Meurton, of London, has been compelled to retire temporarily from active duty, owing to an affection of the eyes brought on by overwork The learned gentleman has lost for the time being the use of both eyes, but -there is every reason to suppose that a Season of entire rest will completely re- store his sight. 1 —Mr. Henry Miller, of Galt, has de - Viscid something new in. painting. The pictures, generally landscape sketches, in oil, are done on large and somewhat flat shells. The painting is executed in good taste, and the skilfintermingling of pearl surface with paint adds a charm to the picture, particularly when a lva- teefall is the subject. i—The owners of old broken down heezy horses in and around Ailsa raig, have lately allowed their dilapi- dated nags to wander loose about the Sable bridge, in hopes they might break a limb in the hole in that structure and then sue the municipalities for the price of a bran new horse. The -Reeve, however, soon stopped that little game by ordering the bridge to be repaired at once. —The bridge on the Credit Valley Railway over the Grand River"at Galt, was tested lest week by running three engines coupled together over it. It stood the test well, no defection what- ever being noticed. The bridge cou- siSts of five spans of ,150 feet each, with 200 feet of approach on each end, and a queen -post bridge over the Grand Trunk Railway. —A special train -leaving Galt at about 5 o'clock one eveuing lately, car- ried away a considerable number of cat- tle bought at the Xmas ehow. -Between Galt and Harrisburg the door of one of the cars came unfastened and flew open and. a number of the animals got out of the cars unobserved and were scattered at long intervals along the track. —A lamentable accident occurred at a wedding festivity in Lebo last Friday. Mr. Peter Campbell was married, and his brother Robert took a gun 'to fire a salute when the gun burst, shattering one of the latter's arms into fragments, and sending a part of it througli his head. He died instantly. The fatality has cast . a gloom over the sur- rounding Country. —At the late session of the • County Council at Walkerton a charge was preferred against the Registrar for the county, accusing him of holding in his possession certain funds which it was his duty to pay into the county treas- ury. Mr. McLay appeared. before the Gbuncil, and gave reasons for with- holdieg the money. He promised to pay oVer the money forthwith, and. upon cOndition of his doing so the matter wlas allowed to drop. '—The farmers of .Ancaster township have for some year or tw,o been annoy- ed by petty thieving, some having their cellars robbed, others their potato pits and others again their graneries. Not long ago Mr. James Vansickle, of- the 4th concession of that township, on go- ing to his granary for enough wheat to make a grist, was horrified to find that his whole stock of about 180 bushels was gone. Three very large wagon loads vanished completely, and no trace of the thief. The long-suffering farmers • • have -now come to the conclusion that something must be done towards the discovery of the thieves. —A child belonging to Mr. Evans, of Windsor, was poisoned by ;chewing some leaves of a flowering cherry tree growing in a flower pot. The child. died. in a few hours after suffering in- tense agony. —The students of McGill College on Saturday gave Mr. Cook, janitor, $40 in the corner of an old stocking, and as an evidence of the sincerity of their in- tentione by bouncing him into the i ir two or three times, several stalwart arms catching him on his descent. —James Leith, au old. resident of Caledonia, met his death while return- ing home from York on Wednesday night of last week. The road leads along the bank of the Grand. River, and. is dangerous in places. By some Means he drove over the ern.bankinent into the river. - —Thomas Stenhouse, of Beverly, proved irresistible with his poultry at the Galt Christmas Fair. He took special first prize for best and fattest turkey, for fattest and best dressed goose, and for fattest and best dressed pair of chickens. He also captured. the Society's prize for best and fattest pair of geese. —A. woman in the Port Hope mar- ket Saturday morning had some ten pounds of very nice looking butter, done up in what were supposed to be pound rolls, but what were in reality only from 13 to 13i oz rolls. By some means the market authorities were in- formed of the intended frau.d and the gilt edge was very property confiscated, and handed over to some poor —With a population of 3,000 souls all told, Paris must be said to be pretty well supplied in the mercantile line. There are 10 dealers in groceries, 7 in dry goods, 2 in hardware, 3 in fancy geode, 4 confectioners, 5 bakers, 2 deal- ers in stoves, 4 in tinware, 4 druggists, 3 stationers and book sellers, 4 clothiers, 7 dealers in boots and shoes, 3 in p ness and 3 in jewellery. Not much room left for new,comers. —At a meeting of the citizens of Sae- li nia it was resolved to submit a by-law a to the ratepayers, to grant a bonus of o $20,000 to a cotton manufactory, to be established there, and to employ 200 i and fed by the _inspector of that dis- trict, who then consigned him to the - care of St. George's Society. —On Chrietmas Cattle Fair day, Mr. Parrish, of Rockwood, arrived in Guelph, accompanied by Mr. Hem - street, auctioneer, on the lookout. ler a cow that was supposed to have been, stolen a few days before.- The animal was riot found, but the hian which looked sufficiently like the one owned. by the missing cow was discovered itt ill the pdesession of Mr. James Hewer, who was about shipping it to a -custom- er. The hide was identified, all(141, first- class case of tow stealing was nasele out. Strange to say, the animal was found on reaching home alive and well. Of course- there is no danger of any prosecution being instituted. —An emigr-- ant at the Union Station, iu Toronto, while waiting for the West- ern express, invested. five cents ap- pies, and distributed them among three or four companions. On cutting one a the apples through the centre be was surprised to . find solidly imbedded. therein a silver half -dollar. How the coin 08,13113 there is a mystery, but the appeatance of the apple would indieste that smile 010 had. cut it in halves, placed the coin in sideways and glued the portions together again. The apple woman who sold the fruit 'wanted. to claim the coin, but the shrewd foreigner would not have it that way. —The editor of the Parkhill 'Oazette has evidently a weakness for the Terp- sichorean art. He says Some of the Ailsa Craig ministers are talking a great deal of noneense about dancing. They may " save their breath to cool their broths" for young people will dance, despite the croakerings of sober sides and stiff legs. If ministers -would confine their efforts to the purifica- tion of the ball room, to the shortening of the dancing hours, and to the regu- lation of dancing, they would do much ° more good than by anathematizing danc- ing and dancers in wholesale fashion._ That plan has been tried from time- ast memory, with what success we leave these present milers to say. —A weather prophet has come to ght in the vicinity of Teeswater, with novel mode of prediction made -from bservation of the shape of the hog's milt. It appears that when the milt nereases in Size from the point, swell - ng out m one br more parts, the winter will begin naild and have periods of severity corresponding with the num. ber of enlargements of the organ. This year the front part of the milt is mod- erately large and it then tapers gradual- ly to a point indicating that the severe weather was -at ..the commencement of the season, andthe remainder will be mild. The same condition of this or- al" was found in about thirty hogs, hands, the capital.,of the company to be .D150,000. The bonus offered is 1$5,000 less than the amount asked for, but is it handsome bonus, and will no doubt be accepted by the company if granted by the ratepayers. - —An accident happened to Mr. Peter Godley a few dais ago, while chopping on the 8th concession of Euniskilen by which he had his right. shoulder bllide broken and. a, hole torn in his scalp, three inches long. The shock produced k concussion of the, brain and rendered t him insensible for about two hours. i Under careful medical attendance be is I ailed this season by the farmer alluded o. If this sign .givee as correct an ndication -of the remainder elf the winter as it has given of the past, we may ex - progressing towards recovery as rapidly as can be expected. , —At the reception, in Toronto last week, Archbishop Lynch referred to the sad condition of Ireland, where be re- marked, if actual starvation did not ex- ist, great poverty prevailed. He was glad that the G-overnment was opening its eyes to the true state of affairs and better days were, no doubt in store for Ireland. He would before long call upon his followers to assist in relieving the distress at present existing in some of th.e afflicted districts in the land which many of them clairned as their birth place. —D. Galbraith, Esq., M. P., mem- ber of the House of Commons for.North Lanark, died 071 the 17th inst., of illness brought on by being accidentallythrown from his carriage some months ago, Mr. Galbraith -was an able and upright, but an. unobtrusive, member of the House of Commons, enjoying the un- limited respect of his fellovs-members and the unreserved confidence of his party friends and associates. He was born in. Glasgow in 1813, came out to Canada in 1821, and has resided in the same locality ever since. He will be much missed. in the- neighborhood as well as in Parliamentary circles. —An old and much respected resi- dent of Petersburg, Wilmot township, Mr. Christian Zceeer, died very sud- denly at his residte on Monday last in the 52d year of 's age. While sit- ting at the dinner table Mr. Zceger be - suddenly ill and, sank in his chair 1111C01380i0118. He was iraro.edi- ately carried to bed and restoratives ad - Ministered, when he revived for a short time and spoke to those about him. After speaking a few words he again be- came unconscious and gently passed away. He represented the township of Wilmot for many years at the County Council board as Reeve, and in 1876 oc- cupied the honorable position of War- den. On account of losing the power of his lower limbs, which incapacitated him iu a great measure Leona taking part in any active duty, he retired two years ago from public affairs altogether. —In nearly every newspaper in the Dominion have been recorded. from time to time accounts of hardships ex- perienced by deluded emigrants coming to this country. Many of them land- ed on our shores without a cent, and coming into contact with our severe winters half clad, and without money pect little, or no more severe weather. —The Paris Tran,script warns house wives against a new furniture moth which has proved very destructive in. that town. Several instances have some to light recently where the de- structive insect has completely eaten up the feathers of cushions, pillows, &c. leaving nill nothing but the bare qus. 1..i; 0110 case a gentleman had a valuable set of Berlin wool covered furniture that was only three years out of the hands of the Upholsterer, literally swarming with the pests in their vari- ous stages of growth, and the discovery ad was me just in time , to save the whole set from destruction. The only remedy was to have the upholstery re- newed, and the furniture is for that pur- pose now in the hands of the workmen. The insect seems particularly fond of wool, feathers and hair, but has no lik- ing for cotton or linen. It eats the stuffing frequently and. leaves the cov- ers untouched. —A somewhat remarkable matri- monial alliance took place lately, in which a union has lie s been effected be- tween Juand December, by means ef the irresistible dollar. Some six weeks ago, Mrs. Robert Carlton, a venerable widow of three score and sixteen years, went to visit some friends at Kingston. While there she made the acquaintance of a dapper young man named. Charles Nelson, of Toronto, a sausage maker by occupation. Whether the matrimonial fire was kindled in the heart of the old. lady, or in that of the young rnan, who is about 26 years of age, is not known. It would seem probable that the latter conceived an affection for the aged dame when he learned that she was possessed of a goodly amount of this world's riches. He accordingly resolved upon making her his wife, "and his word's, ieplete with guile, into her heart too easy en- trance won." The old lady, to evince her love for Nelson, bought him a suit of clothes and a watch. Rumor says the bride ale° gave her husband about $3,000 and a deed of her house and lot. They returned to Toronto, where they will henceforth reside. —Several eases of hardship, occa,sion- ed by the recent blizzard in the North- west, have come to light. One is- that of two men driving from licckwood to -Winnipeg on. Tuesday evening, 9th inst. They were overtaken by the blizzard, and endured. such an amount of hard - p as to give them: cause to remember trip. They battled with. the storm U. fairly overcome with fatigue,. and ally came to the conclusion to un - ch the horses and camp 011 the irie for the night. As soon ea the, rses became loosenedthey put back home, leaving the bewildered tray- tto their fate. These men accord- ly took refuge in the rig, with a cov- e of buffalo robes until morning. waking up, one of the roadies was erely operated upon by frost, and the, was embanked in it solid drift of w. The parties mustered up suffi- nt courage to start for the city, ch_ they reached at- noon on Wed - day, content to wait for fairer tither to go after their outfit. - shi or work, is indeed anything but pleas- the ant to them. An instance of this oc- un cnrred in- Toronto last, Sunday mem- fin. ing. A man named William Ward, hit -who has been in the country a couple of pra months, and who was induced by a ho shipping agent to come to Canada, went for to the Western police station for pro- elle tection. He was suffering terriblyfrom ing the cold, and had one of his ears fro- erin zen. He had wandered areund during On the whole of Saturday night without sev shelter, until at last he was forced. to rig apply at the station for a place to eno warm himself, or perish with hunger cie and cold. He states that he has only whi had a few days at laboring work since nes we his arrival. He was kindly cared for