HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-12-19, Page 4101
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4 - . - .� . I . � I I THE .HURON EXPOSITOR.. - � D-EcEMBER 19., 1879.
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NEW ADVERTISEME.Nr�S. the properly accrodited agents. This the change ill the latter most needea able to hold out for an indefinite time wisely by placing woman 'in the most that, owing to want of1space, we cannot say I did. not see Eve acres Of -gooa
I uncils. against the superior niimbers, pressing exalt;d place in -the Grange, knowing full rerort. land ill one block iin all my travel& �
is the system which was pursued by the now is the - ' L ,
Boar for Service—Wm.. Henderson., . * * eanwhile we would forward to the attack. It is !reported that her presence and example would gimrll E. F. Moore next read a very em- The '
. late Government- and, although we got r * * * N . re is one gooa ,advantage, in th,Lt
F&rba for Sale—C. R. Cooper. , ' respectfully request our reade-9 to per- that the Indian Government has made have an ennobling effect on all their couraging statistical report,' showing country. There areplenty of lakes ana
Sale Notes--TAIQCaughey & Holmested, fewer emigranta, and at a somewhat use carefully this extract from Mr. a request on the Home Government proobedings. Yours redpectfully, � that upwards of 70 schools in the county fish. Nearly every man ]1as a lake of
- I -
Taxes—Wm. Carnochan. � greater cost per head, than 'Linder the Blake's speech on the duties of Reform- for a reinforcement of 5,000 men forth- I M. McQuADim. Secretary. haa sent in reports,t6 him, and that the his own, independent of any. One. Mr -
Nomination—Wrta.. McConnell. existing system, they were of a much era: -But we whc take a -different with. - I TuCKERSWITR,December 13, 1879. aggregate number of officers and teach- Williams also -mentioned the atonels �.
� -
Auction Sale—MoCsughey & Holmestea . - � view of the situation, who believe in the ' ___ _ � —1 I NOTE.—IllStallation of officers will be -eks is 914 teachers and 6,386 scholars, ,for roads. I can tell Mr, Williams it
Executors' Notice—Agnes Chesney. superior character, ind - the country development of public institutions, who News, .1 of, the Week. on Friday evening, 26th inst. Meetings being an increase of 376 over last year; would be easier for him, to break his - .
. Estray Sheep—William Reedy.- was not flooded with artisans for whom believe in the do so that $2,000 bad been raised for the iron with his sledge than Io break the �
. � . . � velopmont of manand RA:,%riwE.—Missionaries in Persia call every Friday; essays and discussions. al I �
M, oney to Loan—Wm. Hill. there was no room. the world at large who believe that for aid for a starving population. Crops . __ --..------. support of schools during the year. A stones that are there. They
0 - cannot be
Christmas Goods—Hickson & Blea-sdell. _______._______.._ .1 progress is'infinite, c)r indefinite at any have failed. . County Siibbath School unanimous vote of thanks wap present- broken; they are Rinty. I woulcl V()Si_
House to Let—Mrs. Young, . County Co-uncils—Press Opin-1. rate, believe that tb e is much to re- DnAD. — Calcraft, who for forty-six . (Nonvention. ed to Mr. Moore* for his untiring zeal to tively say, to- the best of my opinion
, . � . . . M 13
Land for Sale7-Hertry Wetherston. ions on their Usefulness. form, much to be changed, and that years held .the office of hangman in The County of Huron Sabbath School ake the Convention successful. - that therO are not twenty acres of good
The Great Dr Goods House—T. Kidd. institutions beheficial torday grow out E ii gl and, is dead. . . . -ngham I on I The following officers were unani- lakd in one hundred and that is seat- .
y A. few weeks ago, when we ieferred to . Con4ention opened at ,INVi
The Great Hum—Laidlaw & Fairley. ... _. of date as society grows older, and THri, IRisn AciiTATORS.—The Grand Thuisda of last week. the President, mously elected for next year: Presi- tered allover - thellu'ndred... 1wouldilit
.y dent, C. Sniell, Exeter; Vice -Presidents, .advise any one
Dress ('roods—Hoffmali Brothers. the work and usefulness of _tLe County must be changed 50 accomplish the Jury at Carrick -on -Shannon, found true Wm . XT. Grey, of SeafortA, occupied the to go - there by
' . . I
. -
� A Good Chaii:co,—J. P. Brine. � I Councils, and advocated their abolition very good Which they are designed bills against Dayitt, Killen and Daley chair. After devotional exercises ancl a J. R. 1] iller, Goderich,. D. D". 'Wilson, What they read in papers and letteri%
Cheap -Goods—Hill Brothers. I Seaforth; J. C. Stevenson, Clinton; for I was greatly disappointed -
on the ground of theirusefulness being to accomplish, and which they did for- for Sedition. . musical selection by tbe choir, a com- � � nlyselL
, The Ontario House=Smith & West. . gone, we had no idea that .our views merly accomplish." Our opinion is that INSULTING A COLour,,D - MAN. —The mittee was appointed to' select the Wm. 124. Gray, Seaforth, and Rev. H. A small -sum Will pay a maVa,ex. .
Stoves and, Tinware --Mrs. E. Whitney. the county council i 3 one of- these in- doorkeep&r of the Grand Opera House, standing I committees for the. next year. Dierborn, Crediton ; Minute Secretary, penses to -go and see the Country for
� . W. Badge, Seaforth; Corresponding himself..- I have-not �
Staves—John Kidd. would re - ceive such a general response latibutions. . New York, has been indicted for refus- Verbal reports from, Sabb�th Schools 0 lived all, my life in
,�uction Sale--LFrnzis Reinhart. . . from -the Press of all shades of politica.] From the Tor nto " Mail." ing admission to a negro. . . . were', � then given, and all the time that. Secretary, E. F. Moore,. �qoderieh; Ex- Huron. county. I have traveliQ
_. - ' -
. I . . - -Y _ — Captain Gibson ,v
� __ _ - --------,-------- - opinion. . One of the main o6jects we , Some advocate the'plan of a legisla- . HUM, Aito'flUMENT. — An eyieted could*be spared. was profitably occupied ecutive Committee through rough counties do,vn east
f by members of -the convention. : th ark and part of Renfrew—
' tc in the County 0 and S. Yates, Goderich; D. Tiplady rough Lant'
had in view in broaching the. subject, tive union in place of the federal system -nant who resides I .') I
I which now obtains; but that is not Limerick, felled Lord Fermoy Senseless TUe Subject assignied Mr. J. R. Mliller, and. A. Matheson, Clinton; W. R. Hul- when we thoug-11-t there could be no- 4
� . �ou
Phlroiltr txP00144t viz., to elicit public, discussion, has been i - -rested. I C, ton, Wingbam; S. Caldwell, Auburn; r -her country; but Muskoka and .
, likely.to gain favor with Provinces now with a cudael. He was ar viz: 11 What can the Association do to
ID I " . - "
. - realized beyond our most sanguine ex- in posses UT.R8 TO UTAu. Governor Pitkin, of Thos. Trewan, Blyth,; N. Morrish, Parry Sound District are boss for
-----. .1 - I .. � I I . Sion of s3parate autonomy extend and perfect Sabbath School
� I
. -nd Thowat, McCauley, roughness to .
- _ ___ , __ - ---. __ __... _., _. - ____ pectations. Few reforms have over and would unque& ionably tear pen Colora;do, advocates the removal of the work, in the county?" was then takeil Colborne, a . anycountry I have ever � .
0 ;,
. w
SEAFORTH, DE CEMBER I9, 1879- been proposed which have d again the sectional , vounds which caus- Utes to Eastern Utah, where there ' Brussels. � I seen, and where there is. a valley of A
� I I - --- ---- �. ed so much soreness 'In the past. Others, 'a u p-, !The speaker believed that - through After deciding to hold the next con- land of two or three acres it is COverQ
___ _________._ ' � an immense stretch of unoccupied this ,Association better acconlodation )
__ ____.________________ so generally seized the public mind. 'again, suggest an e lar-ement of the country- . -V has been. provided for the* scho . ols; also vention ak Blyth, on, the 14th and 15th with balsam, spruce and hen�i;;k
IT is GRxEr,ALLY affirmed, but with Tl_iis . 0 of December, 1880, the convention ad- timber, with muck on top and a
encouracres us to p�ursue the good powers and jurisdiction of county coun- TOWN Dr,BTROYED.r—The town -of Red that it had maallifiedthe work through- , ,� San
. 0 1 _ 0
. what degree of correctness we cannot work, a,nd, although we have little hope cils; hub, not to speak of the confusion Rock, Pa., was com'�Ietely destroyed by out the county and improved the style journed: to the Presbyterian church, under,—cold, hungry soil. But even if I
where a large mass meeting of children the soil were
say, that a, regiment ofrp. British soldiers that all we desire will be ac7coniplished. of legislative and municipal functions, fire on the 12th inst. Cause—the ex- of teaching. He also thought they : 0 .good, the quantity of
a to accompany the Ptincess'Louise . the proposal would involve the virtual plosion of a tank of oil.containing 20,- . was converted,ana addresses were d,e- level land to th� acre is scarce. Hoping
� ' � I - might still further increase their . .
- � at *Gnee, . yet we feel convinced I . livered by Revs. F. J. Edmunds, G. A. you will insert this, as I do not intena
I ; . division of each Province into as many 000 barrels. usefulness by establishing local associa- Mitchell and R.� Irwin. This meetin. g writing �
on her return to Canada, and that they that the day is not fax distant -wben -a - AN EzioRmous M.km.—The largest tions throughout the county, and by again on this subject, and &j 1[
are to be stationed at Ottawa. . If the . , ' . � , petty pelf-governii3g.states as there are was a most interesting one, both speak- think it but right to let the public kno,w
change in the direction we indicated- counties, each bristling with. jealous -foreign m aii�ever desp aitebed from the appointing committees' to visit the
' I 0 y ing and ,singing being'all- that could be what this country is like about ivbich
. Imperial Government maintains these will be accomplished. In order to of all the rest, and all together contrib- New York post office, left in -six Euro- different conventions so formed, and. to desired. �' �
. - 9 8 8 n I there is so much discusaion,. yorms
ing a mass of q a I legislation, full of pe&n steamefs on the 10th inst. . It 'organize cbool where one exist. The _7.� .
soldiers in Canada at its - Own. expense, afford our readers the -opportunity of Ut' I u ., ing rise to no end comprised over 115,000 letters. - by urging the ' THE LAST SESSION7. truly, A-ND,ursw Monnizo,-q. I
- contradiction, al d v speaker concluded . 7
there ca.n be no objecti.on to their com, Perusing the opinions of others on the of perplexity. Wer .Such a scheme to LARGii: EMIGRATION.—Fourte�n thous- President to appoint a committee to At the last session, 1117 the absence of NVALTo.v, December 15,1879, .. 11 �
. I
- '_ v -i a 8 the President elect, the. retiring Presi- . .
ing here. On the contriEry, they will. subject, weaubjoin extracts from Be - be seriously adopted, chaos would have and and six hundred emigrants arrived bring; Ili resolution re pectiDg local .,
. . . &(I -
be sure to. create, consiaerable, stir in oral offtour contemporaries, and could come again. t . I at New York during November,, ail In- associations, and carry out his recom- c'ent delivered a very appropriate ) . General News Items. I
. dress. The subject of - Temperance,' . .
From the Dundas "Bainier 11 (Reform.) crease of 8,900 over the preceding NO- menclatiou. .
- the ca,pital, and th, . ey will - help t6 con- supplament them to almost' any length �* Any person conve - . a M assigned to Rev. M r. Clark, was opened Rev. Dr- OrmistOn, Of New York
� rsaut with the busi. vember. Increasesince January I at, k D. D. Wilson took up the subject I
sume our surplus products. But, if did space permit. I � . . by Mr. S. Yates, of Goderich, who made preached in Toronto last Sabbat&
I In our next issue we ness transacted Lat our county council 50,000. ; assigned bim,viz: 11 The difficulties met . .
they are to be maintained here' a:t the ahall refer to the* objections raisec I PEDri,ST1tiAN1B1.r.—Tbe Carlisle : a stirring appeal on this subject, _Tbe Methodists ,of -Loadesbbrough
I I to meetings, must know that it is of the pedes- with in connection with Sabbath School urging .
I . . 1. -
. expense of the Canadian Government, merest routine charketer.' No new trian. who started on the23rd Septem- work, and how can they -the overcome." the necessity of renewed zeal and. energy Intend having a tea meeting in th&r
. the abolition of Count -7 Councils and I., in the work, and earnestly -re iiested church on Christmas Day. I
We don't want them, and they had bet- - . I business ever seems to crop up, unless -it her to walk from London, England, to He thought some of the greatest diflicul- .
. shall endeavor to show wherein �hese that all the schools represente? would —St. Marys Town, Colancil -axe about
' I . happens that a new court house or jail. John O'Groat's house in the extreme ties to be overcome are some of those Z
ter not be sent. Onr bwa volunteers objections axe fallacious: . . north of Scotland an -d. back, has arrived wit introduce temperance pledges in conriec- to submit a by4aw with a view to the .1
*willin to do all th . . is to " be erected. . Year after year the F. bin ourselves, such as want of love,, tion therewith. : . purchase of a steam fi-re. engine.
are both able and . 9 -at I . From the Clinton " Now r,tra " (Refolm.) same old resolutions are re -vamped and at Penzance on the return jOuTne3 lack of knowledge of the lessons taught, .
is required in this country in the way I To devise means of simplifying and made to do service over again by the FLOODS IN HUNGAILY.—The overflow- land inaptitude for the work. 'These The next subject, "Literatur�," was —Six. buggies -seized at Galt Custom -
. lessening the cost of legislation is a duty astute councillors, w Lto make it their ing of the rivers, Koro introduced by Rev. Mr. Sieveright. He House last summer, were sold by anc-
of -Soldiering." 0 . I a and Maros in might be o�eicome -by living nearer to - tion last week, at prices averaging fftv-
. devolving upon,.us &.11, -and all * proposi- business to Beare Hungary caused fearful destruction to ave an -address full of driterest and ill
.. � h. t rough -the minutes Christ, proper training, ama adopting 9 . -
— __ ______T� tious to this end should be favorably of the Previous year and move in the the city df Arad on the Maros. Several Normal schools for the study of the les- struction, which,showe4 careful prepar, four dollars. � .
� . —Thirty convicts had to be *
'a ES - . ation and deep thought.: . removed .1-1
IT xs qT,�vr.r, D, but with what degree of received a,nd &irly discussed, and we, same words that'alich and such things other towns have been ruined and their o . There are also difficulties without ; ! �
. - I -om. Halifax Penitentiary to Kingston
- authority we cannot say, that the pro- therefore, axe glad to see the article, al- be do'nei and that so and so be.al.point- inhabitants driven away. Fully 10,000 First, want of assistance from church ' The'reading of the , Treasurer's EL,n- fl� -
. wirt- to the crowded state of t1t; "
poSed. new Provincial Parliamentary though we cannot agree with -it. We ed pathmasters on county lines, etc. persons are homeless. members; Second, indifference of mem. nual report was the next order of busi- 0 1 P for -
think there -is one insuperable obstacle- ,in,inaking this stat(ment we. do not THE PAN PRi@slt-yTz:Ri,kN CouNCIL.—A bers and scholars. These may be over- uess. This report showed that the mer institution,.
rx � . .
buildinen are to cost one million dollars. to the abolition ;of the Council, and thA *-,vish it to be underst)od that we have grand council of Presbyterians from all come by faithful visiting and earnest total amount received during the * con- —John Kelly, Who stole a watch .
It is most probable that this estimate is is the ma,nagement of our bridges. Some' any desire * to belitt e-'. the intelligence over the world is to be held in- Ph prayer. , . � vention. was $30.13, which, together from Mr. A. Innes, Stanley, was tried
. . - ila-
i entirely speculative. However, lest localities, or townships, require a much and-abiliby of count r councillors, but it -delphia next year, on the same principle The next subject 11 What Encourage- with a balance of S5.57 from last year, last week, and. sentenced to three I
there ma.y be some foundation for the larg 8 B as that in Edinburgh in 1877, when 40 made the amoun� on hand $35.70. mOnths'imprisonment in jail, withhara .
ger outlay for bridges than othets ; is the bald truth th� t we axe eeki g to meni," was, in the absence of Rev. Mr.
now the question would be, who is' to enunciate. We believe, with the Sea- distinct organizations were represented. The expenses during the year am_ 'labor. I .
rumor, we now enter our earnest pro- � McLean to whom it was assigned, tt .
, build. a,nd pay for them ? It would. be forth E XPOSITOR, tha; - the usef ulness of A conference of the leading members of taken up by Rev. H. Dierborn. He ounted. to $26.22, leaving a balance of —Mr. Thos. Greenway, ex -M. P. for
'�� . - - $9.48 in � the treasury. I The report was South Huron, has beenAected a meni-
test against the expenditure of a,ny Such unjust to compel a small community to countY.councils is go,. le. the church in Philadelphia was held a thought,the greatest encouragement a
r, � From the a adopted. ber of the Manitoba Legislature, by ac-
uum. If the new buildill a cannot � be bear all the burden for them, an d if it is - Toro" to 11 Globe.,' few days ago to take preparatory steps, person could h ve in any work, is to
ere4ed and completed for at� De- -to be spreadover a la 1. e PRY- knotv that his labors are successful. . solution Committee then , am, stion, for the cons -
least d rger circle, then -a Anyone conversant with the working when $5,00b was pledged for th The Re i read. el I tituency of
fourth less, then the project b, ad better council or committee would be required of municipal institutions-, �can i3ee at a ment of the ocean passage of European Such encouragement every faithful Sab- the following report, which was unani- M011btaill. I .
to equalize the. cost. � I __ - delegates, and the remaining amount bath, School worker has. - He has the mou'sly adopted: "That this conven- —On X ond;ay last 'Mr. G. Weston,
. , glance that the work of coubty councils, � .
. be entirely abandoned. Whatever the From ihe Peterborough ad Review " (ConserTative.) I as laid down bv the XPOSITOR, is a very will be easily made up. A number of promise that though he mav sow, in tion desires to put on record its great- who resides near Porter's Hill, went to
- e Government may be, It is not surprising that there should inadequate surmary of - the 4uties im- prom , ful acknowledgment to: Almighty God Goderich with a load of pork. When
i.atentions Of tb e good sen - inent British ministe . rs have � prom- tears be will reap in joy. I -presence and blessing during an - -on h ' is
we much over-rate th Be of be.a growing feeling that the time has- posed on counly councils bylaw. They ised to be piesent. ..- A number of delegates followed. Mi. for his nearly home-, iis return, one of hi
the rural representatives if -they will come when the services of County Conn-' have a great deal to do with the local I I Dierborn� on this subject, giving en- other year, and for per witting so many horses, valued at _$150, dropped dead. I
' � cils, as part of our "Government," administration of justice, and, a great I Election of Officers.' couraginginstances wherein God had Sabbath School workers to meet again . .. —Huron was represented at the an, '
� in annual -. convention,, and earnestly nual meeting of the Dominion G�-ixnge.
eve their assent to the e enditure of might be dispensed with, seeing that in deal to do with both High and Public - I- signally owned and blessed the labors of . - - J0
Xp b .
any such sum. Half a million, - 'the older counties, especially, these I To the Editor of the,'Huron ExpWitor. 0 pray that th-6 .$�reat Head of the Church held in Toronto last ,week, by Messrat
Slip . Scho:)l support, and in both cases it is those thus engaged in his -vineyard. . Robert McMordi-e. 1K ppen; p,Qber-
' bodies are growing larger, and more may yet more power -fully pour out i
plemente(I by the proceeds of the - sale costl� year by - year, -while the duties do- not easy to see how he fune , ons as- Dp,-A.n Si THis ExrosiToR is a The C mmittee to select standing His Holy Spirit to fit us for f uture use- Currie,(East WaZlnosh, and Pet�r
of the present saite, would appear to or- �' signed to them could wit SIvantage , regular and welcome visitor to almost committeeos for the year reported. the
- volving u poll them are becoming..more be transferred to township Council$. . every fireside in the county, its readers following: Business.—J. C. Stevenson; fulness. . Repingtall, Molesworth.
. dinary milids an, Outside SUM for all and more of a routine ' character. In True, the appointment of school.inspec- may be intereated.in a few local facts D. M. Gordon ; N. Morisb and M. Votes of thanks were given to the —W dismissing the Grand Jury for
� practical amd nece I ssary purposes.. the earlier history of the country, be- tors might be handed over to the Pro. concerning the. Grange in Egmondville. Morelock. Nominatio s.—Revds. G. chairman, the choir, the Wingham, the C,4111114Y Court, last week, his Hor-or
__. fore the days of the to,waship, yi'.lage vincial Government,'but any proposal The annual meeting f ' A.; nJ. Pritchard; friends and resident ministers and Judge Squier remarked that, he
____ , . . � or the eledtion of A. Mitchell, B. I was
CON'&1[D,E1t.-kBLF- complaint is just.now and-tow.'n councilg, these bodies unques- to do Sowould at on e be met with the ofl5ce bearers was held on the 12th inst., Robert8on, Bryers, McQuarrie, Smith, I others. . After the delivery of- short and able for the first time in, hie judicia --
� I
- beina made throu , out the country on tion&bly performed important duties cry of 11centralizatioli.11 The equaliza-" when the following were elected J. W. Butcher and Dierborn. Business. appropriate farewell addresses by the experience to relieve the jury upon the
0 gh P -
but since the introduction of the minor tion of township asse3sment ralls is a foe the ensuing year: Mr. Jno. Allode- —Me resident.clergy of Wingham and others, mornincr of -the second day of the Court,
account Of the character of the emi- municipal councils, and the comple . - �srs. R. Irvin. S. Yates and J. I t3 .
. - the convention closed after singing but he reminded them that this was
. . . t1On 1fruitful source of irr tation, wrangling, land, Master; Mr. T. Gemmell, Treaa-:, Nielands. This'Closed the business of ,,
grants that are being brought out from of thosedocal works,t,of more than town- Shall we gather at the': river," and. the I due not so much to the absence of Crime
0. . 1 mud lo --rolling in c urer; Mr. Win. I-McCounell, Overseer.'; the first session. �
I 0 ou ty councils. The I a_ - pronou i
� the Old Co-antry. The 'only emigrants -ship or village importance, the Only i county rate usua,lly-fcrm -a a,n important Mr. Jno. Hannah, Lecturer; Mr. Wm. SECOND SESSION. , I neing of the benedictioh. in the county as to the fact that by the
that are wanted; or that can find room work which is now left for them'i the 1part of 'the township burdens for the I McGeoch, Chaplain; Mr. Wm. Mode- I - Excellent music -was furnished at i -n- institution of the County Judges'Crim-
� s .
guardianship of the counti buildings, year, and each Ree*ve'*is naturally an -xi- 1 land, Steward; Mr.. Wm. The! second session opened Thursday tervals, throughout the proceedings by a inal Court, the Criminals who were for -
in this country a t the present time axe - � Cooper, g--�n merly
. the equalization of the assessment rolls, ous to get his to evenin' A after devotional and. musical local choir. disposed. of at the Sessions were .
wnshi:) off as lightly as Assistant Steward; TivIr. Jno. Oldfield, . The convention was one of �
.: f armers with at least some capita[, amd' and the construction and. rei of oer- possible. It is questi'Ma, able on. Other I Gate keeper; Mrs. R. Charters, Ceres;' exercises and routine busiiiess the next the most successful ever held in the now disposed of in that Court 'wi-ith
" . I . -
.1 domestic servants. There was a time tain bridges, duties for the performance grounds than thca-,desi - bility of - getting Mrs. Wm. Murray, Pomona; Mrs. J -Do. subject on the program * me was taken up. y, there being a large attendance slight expense to the county, and -with
I .
of which it is almost the height of ab- rid of the county c u This subject, 11 What has the Sabbath present throughout, notivith�tandin,, very little delay. �
when farm laborers, also, could Vit.d. noil altogether I Gernmell, Flora; Miss Jbssie McK9,y, I 0
� '
.. .
. ready employment at fair * ' surdity and exa cs the whether it would not e better to have , Lady Assistant Steward. Executive School accomplished," was taken up by the bad state 6f the roads. —A girl of the Rom an Catholic faith ' I
I wages, b-'Ut assemblin- of in some insiauces as the work of equalizat Rev, Mr. Smith in the absence of- Rev.
. r2 - i n clone by some I Committee—Mr. R. Charters, Mr. Win. M - MIENWNNNW� named Mary Walls, living in the family
the market for these is: now pretty - many as, 40, 50, and we believe in one disinter .k. Sutherl&ndto whom it had been . .
well supplied. The use of labor-sa;vina oi. two instances even 60 representatives, este-d arbitra ior, the County Murray and Mr. W. S. Mundell. Com- assigned. . He said the Sabbath School Clinton Fat Cattle Show. of Mr. Goo. Cattle, Goderich became - _�
Z> Judge, for example; )ut this change is ,.mittee pit Candidates—Mr. Wm. Coop- , thoroughly frenzied .last we '
. � ek through. :
. machinery has -now become so general and thereby entailing upon the people. not bound up insepan bly with a move- er, Mr. P. Moore and Mr. Jas. Johnson has uniform Clitistiall work. It has The New Bra Says:- The annual imagining that there was danger of her :�
- I . * -
on the farm., that steady employment of this Province an expenditure, esti- ment to ' abolish any put of the munici- . Those who know little or nothing Of i fed the' church, furnished Sound. litera-, ,Christmas show of fat stock, in connec- being compelled to renounce her re- �
ture and brought both parents and .
. mated. at from one hundred and fifty to pal machinery. - It is not easy. to see the Patrousi'of .Husbandry will natur- kon,with the Hullett Branch Agricul- ligion. The poor girl beca me a perfect .
cannot be guaranteed to farm la- two hundred thousand dollars per an- how township coducils could manage to ally be curious to know the duties of so children to Christ. Ete'rnitv alone .will tural Society, took place in this town on maniac, denouncing allwho came with i r
r).. ma,ny .
borers. And as for skilled labor, every lium. ' Upon the propriety of curtailing construct local wo fication, reveal all that has been done. . '
I � 0 - . rks of any magnitude, many officers. For their grecti . Tuesday last. The attendance was in her reac,h as enomies of Christ ana i
depaxtment is still very much over- this expenditure there will, we fancy, such as COUnty-COUIlCi, 8 DOW undertake. I shall. Submit a short explanation. The next subject discussed, "The good, but the entries were not numer- her religion, and. imploring her fdendg ,
I .
be -no two opinions, although there will Stone -and gravel roads, inter -township Master is another name for President; duty 'parents owe -to the Sabbath school " ou:s except in the poultry classes, which to save her from the imps of Satan by �
crowded. This is a fact patent to every naturally be considerable difference of bridges, harbor piers, and even Short Overseer, f' was taken up by the Rev. J. Pritchard.� we' � I
. One. But'not , or Vice -President; Steward re more than -usual, and tl�ie manner which she was Surrounded, 'who she
" '
withstanding the knowl- opinion as to the best mode Of 'acCO,m- lines of railway, are i equently either Assistant Steward and Lady Assistanj The teachings of Scripture make it im- ill which they were prepared. and dis- said might destroy her body, but .not
. edge of this fact,, it is asserted that dur- plighing the common objeer'. * , * *. perative on parents to properly instruct played:for exhibition was very credit- her soul. It took t -
. * *� * entirely constructed or greatly pro- Steward are respectively entrusted with . wo strong men -to
� ing the present season the emigration e the introduction of guests or visitors - father able to the exhibitors, and made the hold her., andshe had. to be forcibly re.
. Iii th first place, we doubt moted by counties, while it is obvious I their children at home.* The I �
- agents ha,ve sent o.u.b to'this country very much the propriety of tu.rnilig the that they could neither be undertaken, 'While the Treasurer controls what should act as Prophet, Ptiest and King best poultry show tfiat was ever held in strained and .eventually -bound. Mr.
. - . county buildings over to the Local Gov- nor effectively subsidit ed by townships. Shakespeare calls the 11trash balg.," The in his fanally, and should encourage the the county. Everything that was shown Cattle had her taken care :of and re-
* U d lad
great numbers of mechanics of v arl'ous ernment, at least until it becomes less * * In many i 3specbs the pres- three honorary members, -Ceres, Po- Sabbath School by sympathy, presence was resilly first-class, and, although m,ovedtoher friends in As. el
. i ' . I ,r
kinds. When they arrived here, these of a; political machine than it is at pres- at school, financially, - and by earnest there might have -been I
� -ent distribution of le� islative -powers is mona, and Flora, hold sinecures so far I more of them, Wednesday. It is to be hope4 her
mecha.aics .were, of coil, . ent, or of throwing the whole expe;ase a ver admirable one, and it has the as labor is concerned'which may be ex- prayer. - . 7 they -could hardly have been better. On aberration will be on. ly tem. p �
- ,
- . .rse, unable to of large bridges upon*the inunicipa,lities I . I y I "The claims' of the Sabbath Sell � . . orary
filid, - . additionaladvatitage f affording the plained as follows: In ancient pagan - 041 the part of some a little demur was ex- —According to a local-corres ' -
employment, and being without in which, or between which,'they le the mean obtaining an excel- Rome, when her . on the best talents of the church pondent,
may peop, s of .. generals and Benators . wJ pl�essecl against parties getting prizes the hotel bn.�illess_ must be humming iu
in ans, at once became a bardip-n upon be situated, but we are inclined to think lent political education. The tendency stepped from between the plow-bandles ass'gned,to the Rev. Mr. Thomas, for axti,,Ies that were raised, fatted or Bayfield. He says: The magnificent
.Z country. This dort of thing has a that five Meu of the right stamp could to select members of Parliament from to the front of the army or the forum; taken up by Mr' T. MeGillicudy and made by others, but there is no J u-st hotel of W. W. -Connor, Esq., is rapid-
ciat injurious effect in two ways. perform all the duties ordinarily devolv- amongst those who ba e become lo,�ally wben he who did not till the ground. was dealt with by him in an intelligent grou-nds for objecting -to it, for it is ly approaching completion, and when
11, ing upon County Councils now -&-days prominen . and interesting manner. -The questions not the person that -carries the prize � , b I
th�first place, the . t In municipal councils is a and. grow his own breadr,�vhen not em- i . finished will be all ornament to the
. in the drawEr were read and answered but the ayti
influx Of new corn- much better, much more expeditiously natural and 'a wholesome one, and the ployed in defence of his country7SC,u,e, . =
ers gluts the labor market, as most of� and much more economically tha I - - cle entered .. The fat heifer. villa,g - , ey is
_ U the conservative influence of- the edu by the R�v. Mr. B ryers in his usual that carried,the prize Was fed by Mr- ,e. Rumor says that R. Bail
. ,
them will rather -work for what wi . 11 larger bodies do. In the second place, referred to would probably b cation could not lay � claim to the - hig6st happy manner. J. Lyou, of Hullett. The f-ollowing is about to add. an extensive addition to
. I we venture to suggest that the best way - ' I e mor(rfully honors; in those ancient aristocratic -. A committee,was appointed to coll- his already very, commodious Commer-
pay their board than Starvd' reciated than it now is if we were agricultural times, agriculture the prizie list: Fat ox or steer, 2 entries, cial Hotel,.Ocp
I , and:, as a app had its . ,upied. by Mrs. johnstion,
of obtairing or selecting th�se five men deprived of it for a time. - alder and prepare resolutions respecting ist H. Snell .&- Son, 2a JT. Shipley. Fat
cait9equeuce, Our own mechanics are in- would be to have then! selecte'd by a . -.- . . r . mythology as well as other callings, divisio . n conventioxis. When the con- Whose fame -as a landlady is well known.
jured and made dissatisfi6d. In the so,rf of electoral college, in From the Goderid. " signal.,, there was Ceres, bbe goddess of bar- cow or heifer, 7 entries Ist J. Day- Rumor also says (which is well ground-
vention adjourned for the night. ment, 2d H. Snell &Son. J Fat sheep, 3 ecl on facts, as the
which. each This is a proposition not to be enter- vest, Pomona, of fruit, and Flora, of I . bricks are upon th6
second place, these emigrant�, on find- municipality would be represented as tained for a moment. It would be a flowers. But as Christianity has ban- TIEKRD SESSION entries, 1st H. Snell. &, Son, 2d. Goo. ground) that Mr. Robert Reid, treasur- � .
in: . now by members of the local council, in backward step. If the7e is a thorough- ished those three favored deities and At the morning session' on Friday, Dale. Fat hog, 5 entries, 1st R. Fitz- er of the township of Stanley, intends .
g things here very much 'Worse uPO-n proportion to their assessment, the man- ly representative body to be found in laft'no title with which to embellish the first .subject was 11 The Teachers' Simmons, 2d J. Govier. Fat turke�, 8 nia-king an exten - - ementoa . '
their arrival thall they expected, axe ner of voting therein bei4g so . sive improv .
naturally gad disappointe - arra,uged the whole- of the civic iiistitations of the mortals in their place, the' originators f4ental and Spiritual Preparation " bV entries,1st Jas. Tewsley, 2d Tbomas the hotel owned byh.im., known as the I
I . ly d with the that each fifth Of 'the votes coull elect c � I
, ountry, it is the co lity council. If of the Grange borro the Rev. J. Caswell, who pointed' oi;t Fear, Fat goose, 13 entries, ist and I
. Wed. the titles to Albion, and if said improvement is .
country, amd are not slow to make their one of the Council of five, and thereby there is a paid body of en in the S that mental preparation consisted. in & 2d,T-Govier. P air fat ducks, 3 entries, Cox- �
. . , tate gracewitbhonor our three Christian ried out, will make it :One of the best -
disappointment and disgust kno ' Prevent the possibility of a baxe major- that give value for the money paid, it, ladies, and place them higher than the sound and cultivated mind. ; the spirit.- lat J. Govier, 2d Thos. Fear. Pair fat hotels of the place. Bayfield has al- .1
. wn, to ity electing the whole Board. If, in ad- that body is the coun by council. The deities of the Romans as representa- I U&I in a spiritual discernment of the spring chickens, 3 entries� 1st J. Govier, ways been noted for the excellence Of
friends at home. In this way the couu- dition to this, it were provided that the bystem. of county councils was intro- tives of the royalty of the three lessons taught, and value of the souls 2d Thos. Fear. Tub or crock of butter, its hotels. and, with the additions pro -
try is given 0. bad name, -and many who members of this Board should be elect- duced as a means of giving the various branches of farming. � committed to their char,ge. Further a entries, 1pt John Shipley, 2d.J.Govier- posed, -will be second tono village a.its
could do well here, and of the Classes ed alternately, like School. Boards, so municipal divisions an opportunity of It is worthy of remark that the so- discussion on this subject was partici- Butter in rolls or prints, 6 entries, 1st size in the Province,
we want, are deterred from coming. it much the better. - . I I . directly controlling their local affairs. Oial Standing of womarthas always been, pated in by Mr. T- McGillicuddy, Rev. John Shipley, 2d Win. Robinson� —Tle-Exeter Times givei the follow- -
Flom the Stratford 11 Beacon.,, (Refol-m.) The members embody bhe most honest and still is, tho index of the civilization F. J. Edmunds, Messrs. Wm. Gray, E. �, � .
seems that the a stem now in voa foi�. We have. oftener than once had occa- �
y gue . and direct reflex of th ill. or barbarismbf a people. Before our F.Moore, Rev. W. Bryers and. Rev. Mr. . Muskoka. a I ing graphic description of a funny sceno -
the encouragement of emigra��Ori is - sion to say that the fact that Ron. Rob- there are more producers and taxpay- era woman. hbld a servile position Harris. .y which took pla,co, in that town last
I � I MR. EDrron,—Allow ime t,
M'&inlY at fault for this state of thin . gs, erb Baldwin's municipal system was era arnona them than among any of the while among the aborigines of o�� __ T 0 " week. It says : There - was Consider- .
0 . The committee appointed to prepare f,,v wo I
� rds about Miiskoka and Parry I able excitemen-t and. -arriusement
I admirably adapted to meet the wants of higher law making bra; 2ches ill the Do- country, the tribes of Africa and many resolutions reporting )Division con- So _. I do not reply to Mr. I areatied near GoWd)s Cooper shop Main.
The Government give stewiiboat own, the country at the time it ' -1 und district I * -
was framed, million.. Why for he verL'S sake, Step other countries, woman is * I ventions, brought in a lengthy report Barr or Mr. Williams, but .as I see I Street, by the antics a
Ors a, b0nus for each ,emigrant -they is no reason whv it should be expected -in and make in' attem Bimp y a � 0 Of kicking mare, 4 ,:.
. t to annihilate I slave and beast of burden. With Ma- 1i recommending the estiblisbing of Mr. Williams,is determined to be boss, I belonging to a farmer -.near Dashwool, -
bring over.� The greater ,number, there- to meet the requirements -of the coun- them ? I hommedan nations she constitutes an i eleyen local associations for the County I think I must say �L few words, as I j .At the point mentioned it Commenced
fore, that boat Owners ban induce to try now. When framed and put in op. From the Port Hope "Tim s " (ConE;ervativc.) article of commerce'; but in highly as helps to the County Convention. have beeutbere. Last May I went there ' to kick With the vi
� �
eration by their honored author, our * * * * * � i gor uf a two year oia
come, the more bonus, money ' If these organs (those polished Christian nations she is placed , After an animated discussion it was with the intention of getting land, and' mule, an d. in a short time it succeeaed I
they get. municipal laws were as near perfect as advocating the abolitio of the coun 1 resolved to let the subject rest, to be J -Jr ar 78 and Z
As a result, they a ` 61) not Only On a level with, bat higher .B r opinion mine just agree. I in unhitching the tugs from the whilfle- p
� e4ct out irresponsible anything devised by lip.man ingenuit really desire a needed. reform, why not than man. This is' as it should be ! brought up for discussion at the next I travelled from Parry Sound oil the I tree. The intelha beast's, tail had I
y , I � , 7 �. flent
agoilts, who make false representations could well be, and if Robert Baldwin advocate the doing aw4 with the Local for in looking back over modern and , annual convention. This closed. the nortb road 60 miles, bach to Town- an ominous twitch, and upon the Blight-
- i
to the peo�pld, and, induce them to come had clone nothing more for Upper Can- House ? The'arguments they use against anciont histor , we find that ur most � business of the session. .
. ada than teach the people how to man- �y 0 i ships Mills and Pringle, and travelled est provocation her heels would mark I
to this country, Uot caring what may age. their local affa,i � the county councils arE ten times more I eminent men received their finest and � . FOURTH SESSION. through the woods for days, hoping to I an angle of ninety degrees, descending
. .
- .
`11-, . rs,: his -name should strongly in favor of tbE Plan we now ` noblest trait's of character from
. get . I their , The first subject taken up at this find. land Somewhere.' I was determin- and ascending witha velocity that had
become Of them after they here, so' always be mentioned with gratitude and propose. And then it Would save an [ mothers. The amiable Queen Blanche! session was "The Importanc ed to have land if it I
lan,g' as the bonus for their carriage can respect. A quarter of a century, how- immense amount f , e of Nor- was in that coun-. I to be seen to be appreciated. Alipping I
or o n oney which is was mother of the best King that ever ! mal Class Training," by Mr. E. F. try, but to my sorrow I found LlIs and ! made her move, but it was upward, and
be secured. The Govet-nment -should ev , makes a marvellous difference in spent annually for the benefit and glori- sat on the throne of France. � go t � t di
. the condition of a young country like fication of Toronto, an , besides th 9, t. � Moore. He tboughi that what the' -dales and brooks and vales, but -no I' as the farmer -was not ing in ha- -
I at Once look iuto the matter, and put a Ontari . 0, at, I Monica was mother of St. Au I .
I I'm - municipal institutions Suited so well re I movement with the liveliest satisfac-
stop to this species, of fraud anc I not and 'Our late lamented statesman and teachers, the Normal' class train- country Settled to a certain extent, but 7
and the very fact, that our the new Parliament buildings wouic gustine - ! Normal Schools are to clay school 'milk or honey flowing. I found the - rection just then, he did not regard the
,. quire to be erected. County councils scholar, T. D. Mcc I I 1.
110siti011 which is being practised upon then, while it reflects credit upon those . �Iee, attrib-Lited. his 1 iug is to Sabbath School teachers, and all are very poor. Mr. 'Williallis said � tion, .wherein he differed from the peo- I . .1
n are usdful, but the -usefulness of the Pro- inherent literary talents to his mother, �, this was necessary to meet the require. in your paper of November 28th that t' ple, wbo,had gathered. by the dozen,
the country. They should have r ' who framed them, is of itself presump:. vincial Parliament *8 I i
I �1
I 1 gone. By all whose memdry he held. and cherished �� ments of their class and. better qualify there was fifty per cent. of that country and applauded every luck. After the .
spousi 0- tive evidence that these institubio do means abolish the lattex. with the tenderest affection to the last '
ble agents Of iheir- own, who ns -
Would -have no interest - not answer now. Many changes, per- n�__� . ! them for their work. level. I can not see how he could say performance bad proceed6d for about
in sending any' haps, we should say '_ . day of his life. .We have 'At present on the Thenext snbject, "How to secure a -so, as a person'can not see a, qu e tw ho r ri. owley, ola ho -
. I many improve- art r o u a, M -or --an rse I
i I I travelling on the man, came along anit runuilig a stout I
ments have been mad in our - Parlia- tion in Afghanistan is regarded as criti- beloved. With these facts of history, I School work," Was taken up by Rev. -road, anaas for reapers and mowers, I line through her mouth and round her 4
but those that axe xeqilired, and the' e AFGHAN19TAN TRoUBLES.—The Bitua- throne Of Alfr6d( a WoMau universally d9eper religious feeling in Sabbath of a mile ahead when
� mentarY system during the past twenty cal, and though for . the present fhe -which would form an interesting theme I Mr Baugh, who gave one of the ablest think they wiR never be -used in thdpart lower jaw, he gave the mare a few �
steamboat companies should only be!
.. ve
-;, ! I
paid for those that are fo,,�,.4 ars, and a good many in our municnal -British +,rnn a a"- VJ_ 4- A_Z
I .F " 1) V03 UaCK Tone
U! laws as well, and We venture to say that , enemy, it is feared that they may not be I Tor an essayist, physiologically and so- and best prepared addresses delivered at I was ili,and I understand all partacif the jerks around a neighboring yard" A
; . . I cially, the Patrons Of country are very much alike. I can zon- MA
. . I � I . I. Husbandry acted 1 the Convention, and of whichwe regret - townsman hid his person behind a �
- . I
� . . . I
. I
. .-
. � I
. � . 1 7
. .
; . � .
. . - I . . . ,,# .
� .
. . I . I -
1. � i I
- i . , , I
! . - - .
i . . �. - - �
q , I .
! . � . .
: ; . . I -
. � . I .
: .
. . �
. I .
. I I..
; . � . . � . - .
� - . . . � � .
: I I �
. . -
__- -__-1-_--- ---- ____.___... -1. _ .1 _. I � � �
- I -
� - -
k-. . -ER 1,
Ir . -DreEmB
t, - . I
I . - ty I
venient , ing post ' Ant
and slowlybitelled t
I farmer mounted. the ww
in-, on to the -rope -as a
I Z11
I clings to a straw, drove
i sign- of rebellion left in
- , the Bwi.teh of the tail
niovement in her hind
. . :9radually became less P�
I : intere8li:7 entertainw,
I � . The farmerl
- had paf-,sea through a E
'Re I $aia "Very little,
thotigbt in very .
. , ztrortgl,
.=—An atterapt to aestr
-oza- r - W, a's made ,on M
December 1-st, by &L,
explosives on the mih
� the elitrauce tT, the 'x
perial trahn. arrived. safol
- - �
at night, and theexplosi
the passage 4 the bagi
an .bout ,afterwards. '!
life was, saved by the ti
balf a'a hoin earlier tha�;
. � 1___.__..__ ,
. . Auction,,S�
- �
- Saturday, December I..'
- 'Village of Berne, Farm. I
, plements. George Ed"
. I 4
. .
I.. tor; E. Bossenberry, ani
Tuesaay, December. 2
.30, Con. 12, XtKillop, E.
- I . Implements. Hugh 'Al
- tor .; John, Bullara, anef,
. A.- - ________._�
Local x4m
Cuocrmxor. --There 4-a
Cxeaery at WILSox & Yoraxmls
. I H.&'Vr:, ON_ HANND, as Ul
. -
tT-& Famft F1QUr—t.11e 11'onsev�
Plied dirc�t Irom. the mi% D,. �
8UNxn9_xu AuT GxLvEm'
Xew�—Xow is the time to ' I
. ft�
� 4CJffAVXES'.N1,04AZ 5S,�MOW finkini
10T 500. Picture frames cheape
I , I
. WIT'SOIN & You'_Nm baye�
'very large lot a New Seasor
bot�ght before the t-eeent r.dIVIA
them for a -bart Ume, -at 014 11
. i buying in quartfiti" and pa
, guarantee satisfaction -or will A
G _-____-� i
Births. i
. ' 2
DORSEY-4n Seafortb, on th 4
.0 ,
of Mr. John. Dor-Bey of A 601i
PAPST�In Seafbrfb� �oii the V
- - %of Mr. C� W.Xgpst 401 VL son
NEIVTON-1h 6,ode�jzlx towni
-M,gt,, thevife of Aa� Clemia
WANNEP-1h. Stablev, vn the 1
-v'I'mr, Jol � M Wan��r �of -a An
FORSITR—In Morris, enthe I
,of Mr- Simon Foruth of a, 84
— �- .
: llftxr.iiigee.,
VAn,-HAMM S -0n. the lith I
,dence (?f the britles father,i
Allin, M. % Rich -gra N'aj- I .
. 1_61 -%,
. ,
Qnqmd4ughter of W, James
. Road, townfbip, of . Zwy `
. &xice of the bride's father, 0.1
. - 1)y ReY. Thos. Thom8oh. �oj
� Joseph -Cudmore to Jane,
, tof Sumuel Land' - �
6borough, B
snlith� I ! . -
ROWES—BROOM--�on the -11
residt-nec of Qe brldegroo&i
P. X xns4raye, WT. James I
, � - .
Miss Nw, T Ann Broom, both
. BEGLER-1frUNTER—At,'& �
bride's fat)ier, on ,the 16t]x 1
Dauby, 31r. Henj-y Begler, �
d aughter of John Hlunter,X
T)PZt11& '
SLATER—In.- Seafbx* on UU
. I
Zvb)a Slater d 28 years� 5
SCOTTI-4n. TUc'kRegr==tb, -bn -the
Tboma,:Scot1t_, agedS5 y,efay.,
PAPST-�-Ixi � Godelielt, ou the I
vife of X.T�S&Wuel Papa, 00
V months, - .
P111EII—In Eveter, mi the 8th J
10 -it'd lvi�e of W. r, Thos. -pid
year-of.herage. �
I ,
DREW—In 8veter, .on the 401 im
Aud oix the 9th Inst., F,T.a -Mi
ters Of Mr. ano. Drei Wd V,
. I
. .
. I
� � I
- ;
)?all Wheat. - - � �....- - - .
,Spring Whe,ait, File, p e r b ushe�L. ��
� 8�ring Wheat,Utd-Chaff,peirbu,Q.
Oats per bushel-... ....@.. " �,
J .6
, ?ejLs per bushell,, � ............. v.�
Zarle,y per bix'shel I ....... � .i�
Butter, N,o. I i Loo_se**. - *... *.. V .�
Eggs— ..... - -..�� ....... --4
Flour, pax 100 lbs. � � . � ........ �k
; Hky ... �..... .... �.... - I
Hides,per lb.... *. ..."... - "*-,I
Shee-i skins eub.. *.... - * o... *
saft ("tall) per oArr-61)".. io * � *. i
8 tit � whole stle.) per bArre.1 .. . v d�
- �
* .
Ptta,toes, p I U .�
� . . �_r b , ihol .......
Applao, per 1�ashel. �, .....� ... .
00-mosIVbxI........, ...'.*..�
Tallow,per 1b._._..... '"
Beef, in qnsTterf, per 100 Ibis' _ � 1
� Dresse(I Hiegs per 1-0 The ...... *.I
I �
. ;
� CLUN"Wv �
� I
- .
3r..al.lWhan.t.,.,Vcr',bu.ig)itl.. . _.."--il
EpringjVbeat, perbnsbeL....*1
. � �
Oata-, perbmaliel, ..*,..,.! - - -A-%.**�
Za-r-ley,perb4shiaL.......... -,
-,: "
:P.ess.4pei-bushe�l.�..�..�.-.,*. .1
I Buttor....... ..,I
"*`"'" I
rotato6fi_ *..... � � .......... w..�*i
.'ov....),�v* ... o... 4�
N—*3r,per-ton - -:
�%-, �
_* L
, Dive Stock Mal
'M�(*-T.nP,A,L, Dee� 16.—Al
� .1
bought .10 steers, averagl!
va,oh, at 41C per A. , Mr. X,
14,extra, Cattle, I -
tile perlb. T. Bonnerl, .- -
ral e
'hoice cattle -at 5i
uoilgers, Of T6routo,,sela �
cattle at '1J_ -e per . m., ana
. Tor -onto, Sold a carload, of
. per'lb. Mr.. Laporte,
� 0
two ca-rJoRils of fat,coll
. fr6in $24 to S38,ewli, or il�
per 1h.; three of the be�j
. . - -
weighing 36100 Its., were B
1b.; Thomas Dunlop, _P_ B- �1
Noonan, ail,ofPertb, hs -d �
load. of -cattle, -whi,sh they, 1
$1-8 to ,�Qs() for the fat eews
. and froln $30 to S88each I
I .
- averaging a little i0ver Sc
Taillefer baa A Carload -9
,Cows -inasteers) which he
- Bo t JC to
� I .,o $45 .each, or 3
few small lots -of Rvb_ �� ... � ...
$1.75 per 100 lbs. There -W
. .
� �
isheep. an,a . I.. - 8 -on I 31
� � heir were 201d in 10 at :
114,each. " he . . . . . . 4 I I Of in
per 100 a. are . . . . . . I .0. ,
. 0. 2, $8 1 1 AW50, and No.
Calfskins. 16eper 1b,; shee
Bking, go tq.$1.30 each.
� _*
� To-Ro'xTO, Dec. 17.—Fall
to 6-1m; spring,$1.428 to $1
to 37e; pea -4,65)c to'70c; bar]
hay, per . ton, V 50
b,atter, 17c to 23c; potst
$0.60 to 10.65. 1
. I*—
LvFmpooL, Dec. 17. —
11S 1d; red -winter,
-white, 11s, 8a; club *
. � oats,"6s 54; barley, 5s. _35. ,
� pork, 608 Od; beef, 87s,
658 Od. ��
___ - - — - , � _. __ __ ---.
ke e'j�, 14or tbe imp rovement �
son. ion Lot 22, ConcemiOu �
Thoroughbred Berkshile BOar, C
gree. Terms_$I, ps),sble ot A
vloe',ft.-ththe One.ge,of ret'am.
. a
,3 , _A. . -
. —