HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-12-19, Page 3LE FOOD toves Obstrues .:11-ide, Relieve= titeSPirit and honses, while k atilh one- alults when fed .n. OONTA give toiye womier- health, ley on wool, while its IY sarprjsinta. it to animals Foi ilo HARLOCK, -tatario. !ore, Sea fort b. 616. !ANTED' ,5assEarr, R 10 yO1 will, KiPPern to tterel eportunity of -he putitie to extended to 1,4 by 'Icemen, at their )Zt- 1 tz now with agatel uithing: or all a trial. Re, neep itela, A en h mil, and out for the r.Is, 11, Ont _ HERS :trg-t carlicd on •ey years, are !ASKING t notice and sey beet, ma- tthey agar - :hang a, glotsi et, they hope re of public a.ttenbutry's r Office, one ,BRIGC/S. -.WERT( ['rade ef the from Mr. _ he intend ina, and haa :iciest) the t and Good ,ept. ri4agee1 and lily fur nee. ritit Com - the hetehe DER qraplacrs ET IT, hia pat - well ut es c‘q.ed Pictures !thi.rg smile mips trash" work can tfox th. ERS Sail P)IiK and. LONDON erry, Glee - us low as persona tichor Lima ami cola- Seaforth TORY. frr.)ns far 413011 hifn hat he it s and the 4 -le if not _ Bui.ignat 1:0/3./.3. .11,:4, dress. re LLS. PPING Flour ;And Cori. the' for the past, and r r service 622 It:a Lieu& 1. general 4 Painter pri pared Lt in the aeor able L7rti. John - forth. speeialty. en art- tite of ,hi). may l'rositi the nn moist it ieieph prgnupt :NELL s. Italie for ald cleen ippert for utile. any higheet clearied UNNAN. • D ECEAIBE R. 19, 1879. The old lady took off her spectaeles and sat down. She had often looked forward to this occasioa, and all the possible circumstances she had foreseen had been different from the reality— except one condition, which, as it rested with herself, was in her own hands. This was, that her first duty would be to remember that Edward •must marry to please himself, aud that she -must look at his wife throngh his eyes. “Asid, indeed," she said, with a pa- thetic laugh, "I've hardly got to try to do that, for it really seethe as if Ed ward, in his choice, had looked through my eyes instead of his owu. There's no denying that Lydia Ray will be a pleas- anter daughter-in-law to me than 99 out of a hundred. She won't want everything changed and chopped about. I hate known, what that loud -talking Mrs. Rowe has ha l in her mind when she has come here and looked about and said, 'If this was my house, I should do so and so, and have such and suds.' Still, my boy did seem worthy of all that is sweetest and best 3n wom kind. And why should I seem to i pia taatLydia Ray is less than tha Perhaps the angels.see a younger he in her than in many a red-cheeked gi If only—but If' is a little ward that c be slipped in in most places: And Pll go and kiss my boy : not t him that Lydia Ray has set a trap a two kids have got the, whooping -cough, and the InisSUs ain't well, and her tem- • per is awful. —An aged lady, thinking she was . . . dying, said in a penitential mood: " been a great sinner for more than s • years, and 1 didn't -know it." To wh her old negro servant, who had li with her from childhood, respon "Good gracious, I kuowed it all time!" . . —These are the days when a nl 1 wakes up from a dream where'll ice-cream and strawberries, with a ft), swung in a hammock ineath the pre ing branches of an orange tree, eat in his hand, a chunk of ice under head, to find the bed -clothes off THE HURON EXPOSITOR. such an odd little quirk of an idea that it quite struck me. She had, odd things. A couple of clay pipes with stems cross- ed aud tied with blue, fastened up, a I've couple of powder horns ornamented and ixty huug from hook, and oh, me! two pigs' ich tails, from two .pig friends slaughtered ved up the country,' decorated also in blue Led: and placed- either side a window. Once the in a while there was a carelessly tied bow of ribbon about two inches wide. an with long streamers floating about the he walls, and sprays of trailine fern of iug fan his and hear a shrill voice yelling to him to get up, start the kitchen fire and thaw out the pump. —By awl mean 8 t arried, if stand rite iri and the „ g you have a fair show. Do shivering on the bank, but pit and stick your head under, shiver is over. Thar ain't a au- trick in getHig married than there is in m- eating peanuts. Menuy a man has t ? stood shivering on the shore until She art river run out. Don't expect to marry rl. an angel; them hey all been picked up an long ago. Remember, Joe, you ain't a so saint yourself. Do not marry for buty ell exclesively ; buty is like ice, awful nd slipper, and th more caught hum for that is only what I al- ways felt I did m3rself •with his dear father; but I'll tell him that what plea,ses him -pleases me, and that it seems in this matter as if what pleases me pleases him." The dear old womaU left her candle , outside her son's abor. He took . her kind words very quietly, and put up his hand and. gently squeezed the fingers she passed tenderly over his hair. But when she was gone he turned his face to the wall, and who shall say if, in the darkness, there came a few hot tears? With his own hand he thus pin away forever all that most men call the ro- mance of existence. He had thought to do a slight.kindnees, end the sacrifice of a lifetime had fallen upon him. It must fall now, on him or on Lydia. He was the Stronger ; be had had most happiness hitherto. Even this would not blight his life so thoroughly as her life would be blighted otherwise. , And she was a good woman, and might have been so pretty and attractive if she had I had •a fair chance! If men, ou all hands, regard1es3 of the hig-hest happi- t ness of the hea , married for money, for connection, ter comfort, was he not t free to surrender his to • save from h.u- miliation, and to'give peace and joy to a e patient creature, who had lived so long and so well without them? It was a heroism which grew out of a b weakeess. But more heroisrus do that than we always care to fancy. We all do wroeg, for we are all, as simple folks say, nmortal." But some of us choose to sUffer as far as we can for our own errors, rather than to inflict that suf- fering on others, even on those whose own mistakes may have originated our a errors. 2 That very night Dr. Edward Hardy 1 took .up his cross, none the less a t cross beca.use it showed to others as r grotesque. And this is the story which answers • p the standard Dinnent question "Why did Dr. Hardy marry Miss Ray ?" But only the other. day, when that was a,sked in the hearing of a stranger, that stranger ' answered, “Why -?—be- cause she's the pleasautest woman in I the place, of course, and her three chil- dreu are the nicest and ha,ndsoinest in all Diunent." Her deafness gradually lessened until it is nothing at all, or only something which gives her a win- ning way of waiting on one's words. One thing is very certain, that, while s other women have grown older, ,Lydia le Hardy has grown younger. Some peo- ple say we are all young once, aud-per- w baps, if we miss our youth at one end a el our life, we get it at the other. • As pt . for the doctor, when he married he cer- tainly did grow very sober and staid, in which was good for him professionally, w as some people had hardly liked to trust eh him before. But, after a -while,aierti - haps, when his responsibilities Weighed ,. less upon him—perhaps when he _ felt his reputation was quite established -- be gradually returned to his own self and his own old merry ways. To look th at him, one would say that bearing a ai cress was net unwholesome exercise. w It is a very curious thing that when he anything is said in their presence about ta proposals of marriage, D -r. and Mrs, hi Hardy have been seen to look at ea.ch Nvi other and smile very significantly- . Ho* ea much can she know? Is it possible that he has told her all, because at last se he can eud the story by saying heartily,: pe '"And if it was to do again, wifie, I hope see. , Don't marry for luv, neither ; Inv like a caoking stove, good for nothi wheu the fuel gives out. But let t miittire be some buty becominly dre ed, with about $250 in her pocket good speller, handy and neat in h house, plenty of good sense, tuff cons tution and by-laws, small feet, a lig step; add to this sonnd teeth and warm heart. This mixture will ke in any climate and will not evapora If the cork happens to be left out t strength ain't gone, Joe. Don't mar for pedigree unless it is backed by ba notes. Alannily with nothing but pe gree generally lacks sense. which you cu iget ever so much in a package by sending to a firm in the East; wound about the.chandelier, the pictures aud the walls, with . clusters also of bright autumn leaves. It just seemed to me as I stood upon the thres- hold and "took in" the salient points the little room, that I stood at the entrance of the fairy chamber, it was all so light and feathery “chippery," if you'll know by that what I mean. And there stood the bride, her hair lying in flakes on her forehead and piled up in puffs over self esteem, looking at me withvela, light brown eyes to see what the effect was on me. • Ready Wit. * Among several unpublished aneedotes of,the Emperor Nicholas, related by a Russian contemporary, is the following: BY. One day the Emperor, who was one of IS the Strictest and most inflexible of dis- ciplinarians, met, in a street in St. he Petersburg, .a ' drunken dragoon, who ss- wari riding in. a droschky. In a. great , a rage the Czar stopped the droschky, and er angrily asked the soldier what he was ti- doing. The imminence of the danger ht. partially sobered the latter. He rose a in his carriage, drew his sword, and ep saluting the Czar, said: "I am taking a te. drunken soldier to the guardroom, your he I\ jes 3.17 e Emperor . Nicholas ry smiled, gave the soldier a five-rouble- nk piece, and told his coachnaan to drive di- him, not to thiaguard-room, but home. Women and. Girls in English Mines. It is a somewhat startling fact that there are still nearly 5,000 women aud girl§ employed about the coal mines of great Britain. Iu the official summary of persons employed in *and about the mines, under the Coal Mines Act it is stated that 21 females under the age of 13 years are emples,ed. Of girls be - ween. the ages of 13 and 16 there are 433 employed; of young women above he age of 16 there are no less th,au 4,502 employed. In the mines register - d under the Metalliferous Mines Act here is a larger proportionate employ- ment of females. Athe tender age of etween 8. and 13 years, there are 96 girls employed, chiefly ha the Cornwall district; between the ages of 13 and 18, there are 981 girls employed ahoy these roines, Cornwall and South Wale district employing the hulk; and ther are also 1,741 females above the age 17 employed, Cornsvall, North Wale nd Ireland employing all these eacep 0 s and of this score, somewhat singu arly, the chief part are employed i he North of Euglaaid, which has bee emarkably free from women's work i he unfit employment of mining. T roportion of women employed is sai to be decreasiug ; but the fact that galls of such tender egeS are put to raining operations, or t ; work "above ground" at the mines, i , a sigu that the unsatis- factory sympesli is not likely to entire - y die out. An Embarrassing Request. There is a young man in Bennington, Vt., who, having occasion to order some shirts from a well-known! firm in Troy, had written th.em “Send me sample of the cloth your shirts are made of." Iiefore addressing the postal r card a friend came in and a carriage i 'ride was planned, which called for the invitation of_a lady to enjoy the ride with them. The latar message was .also Written on a postal card and both i were mailed. The result was that the shirt firm received a cordial *invitation to take . carriage ride by moonlight; and the young Eady—well, ask the par- ! ties interested. what has been said aboutit. E-PPS'S COCOA .—G-rateful and comfort- ing.—"By a thorough knowledge of the e natural laws -which govern the opera- . s tions digestion and. nutrition, and by e a careful application of the fine proper - of ties of Well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps s has proVided our breakfast tables with t a delicately flavored beverage, which _ may save us ,inan.y.heavy doctors' bills. n It is by the judicious useof such articles l u of diet that a constitution may be grad- 1 En uallsr built up until strong enough to re - ie gist every teud.ency to disease. Huil- a dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We inay escape many.a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame,"—Civil Ser- vice Gazette1 Sold only in packets label. led—" James Epps & 0o., Homceopath- • ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Loudon." 482-52 He' Brake up the Match. Squire Bray, of Caswell, was hunt- ing another wife, but his sou Bob, a wild blade, knocked him out of it. In the capacious breast pocket of the quire's great coat reposed a pint bid& r, welbfilled, that he only proposed sing on his way back from seeing the idow Brown. Now, just before he arted Bob slipped the tickler out aud it in its place a small alarm clock refullrsvound up, and set for 11 p .. The Squire sat the fire out, and as well on with his overcoa,t, bolding e widow's hand at the door, and put ngin his sweetest licks for, the last Yes, your first husband, my dear, was one of my best friends, and we'll visit his and my lea Hannah's graves, won't e, love ?," "Ahi yes, for where was W ere a, sweeter woman. than your poor anuah ?" says the Widow. - "A good ornan ; she was good enough, but re's a living ODE just as sweet," said e Squire, and he was drawing her to m for a kiss, when whizz-wizz-zizzer- zzer-hizzer, ting, tung • ! the clock went off inside of him. ) lawd!" screamed the widow, "he is ootieg to pieces! It's Hanner's old anny playiii inside of him. "She d she'd haunt me! -She tillers told e so !" cried the Squire, running into the shed for his horse, with both hands essed to his breast, and the clock 11 striking ting, ting. He rode like e old Nick was after him, and never ew what made the racket till felt for his tickler and pulled the little clock that Bob had ught at au auction. Then he shed till the tears ran, but he prom - d Bob never to spark another woman se'd only keep the joke froin the ghbors. The widow believes to this y that the old man is a walking vol - call°. you'd do the same !"—Tice Arosy. - 111 pr Gaieties. sti It doesn't look well to see a mar- th ried couple walking- tandem, he twirling ku a cane, and she with both arms full of he baby, shawl and satchel. out —"Hurrah! be jabers ! the greeu's bo above the red l" exclaimed an Irish lau patriot, as he saw a red-haired man ise with a eabbage-leaf in his hat. if 1 —Young meu and maidens expect to aei take -a good deal of comfort next Feb- da ruary. Although the shortest month in the year, it will have five Sunday nights in it. • --3.1arthas" said a city bred farmer to his wife, 'we shall have lots of pump -- kills next year. I planted. about 40; had to dig awful big holes to put 'ern in though." —An old farmer, the first time he ate an oyster stew, was asked how he liked. it. "Weil," be answered, "I like the soup well enough, but I wisk they'd left out them pollywogs." ---A man weift to the theatre when Mrb Blauls was advereised to appear itt two pieeea. After the play he demand- ed the return of his money, for the lady had appeared whole iu both per- fermatiees. —A p,u of the Green Isle stood ou the highway looking on a comrade who - was lyu.g helpless througlt drruk. • The ; day was hot. and as the Irishman \\Seed SS, forehead, he said sadly : "Ah, my Is y. I wish I had, j List half of your —Tw ladies presented themselves at the Ji sir of a fancy ball, and on be- ing ask€d 1,3 the uslier what charaCters they personated, they replied that they were not in special coeturne, whereupon he bawled out, “Two ladies without any character.- - Terrible exa,raple. Tali Bachelor: "Well, Trotter, my boy, how are you ?" Small Benedict: Ob, only very.dickey ; I've got a lot of trouble at home; the A -Bride's Room. - In the first place her furnitute was this willow woven basket work, and that costs a good deal, but that was the only expensive thing she -had. She had -h er- self wound it in and out .wbenever an opening offered—tile square low bed, the arm chair, the small rocker, the , little bureau and the waste- basket. Her curtains were light blue lambrequins she made and put up ! with- het own bands, a good -quality of Nottingham lace looped over them. Itt the bay window chirped her canary, his cage draped with white tarlatan, gather- ed underneath aud tied with. blue rib- bons. The pillow'shams Bald coverlets were of run lace over blue silesia, the coverlet made in two pieces, so that a frill of edging ran across the bed so as to sim u ate a sheet sham. A. horseshoe , of gilt with blue lines dangled from the I chandelier for luck. The pictures were , uot many and they were simple and in- expensive, but common blue fans at 5 ceuts apiece were grouped on the wane, sometimes three or four running oblique- ly up the wall, or three toforrn a rosette ! or one wide spread upon the curtains. A towel, a brown linen towl,was fringed and hemstitched at the ends, butterflies appliqued and blue bows placed helter- skelternpon it, and this was placed upon the wall slantWise as a work of I art. You'll laugh, I suppose,but it was Consumption, so prevalent and so fatal, is dreaded as the great scourge of our race.; and yet, in the formative stages, all pulmonary .conaplaints may be readily controlled by using "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers:" They will relieve the worst cough in a few minutes, and have a most beneficial influence on the bronchial and pulmonary organs; but they must be used in time. Public speakers and singers will also derive great benefit by using them. Sold by all druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. 'IMPORTANT NOTICES. , MEDICAL I G. SCOTT, M.D. &c., Ph ysician, Surgeon and '-' • Amp:int:bent, Seafo-rth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderieh Street, first door .east of Presbyterian Chnralt. 849 WM. HANOV.ER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of r McGill -University, Physician. Surgeon and Accoueheur, Seaforth. Out. Office and reeidence, first door south of the Catholic Church. 496 • TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician , Snr- -L-F- • geon etc, Coronerfor the County of Huron Office aud • Reeidence, on Jarvis street north, :directly opposite Seaforth Public School. • D MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, . GI adu -Ls' • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & .Ryan's. Galls promptly attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand Charges reasonable. Horses examined :tato sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 ,. - _TAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the L' Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronte, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by slay or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and eertificatee given - Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 a .... Ts DERBYSHIRE, L. D. 8., e a at .1*-.. -1 -I - • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate is tilentins- nee of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to '5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick block, Main Street, Seaforth. _.... ___ . . _. , as 1. LEGAL. OANIFRON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristera, `-/ Solicitors in Chancery, &e.. Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. ., 506 WILLIA.M SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie- . T V stoner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes oollected on reasonable terms. - . 660 ..,Z-.. MALCOMS ON, Barrister, and Attorney at - Law, Notary Public Conveyancer Brussels. Mr. Carey, late of Cameron; Holt & 'Cameron's office, will be in charge of the office, and Mr. Maleemson will be. in Braseels every Tues- day. . 609 a ARRO W & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys- " at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pub- ic, and Conveyancers. Money to Loan, private tt.nele, at 8 ' per cent. Offices—floderich and Winghtuu. II. W. C. Myer, Kent's "Book, Wing - lam, Solicitor Consolidated„Bank. 581 1 talENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney ' " at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, andInsolveney, :onveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea• orth and Brussels. $28,0oe of Private Funds to nYest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest,payable earl:. .- . 58 . JAB-. H. BENSON. H.W. 0. MEYER. The above firm has thie day been diesolved by nutual consent. All accouuts due the firm to m paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all habil- ties. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. VICCAUCHEY & HOLMESTE-O . .. LA.W, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING • OFFICE, icott's .Block, Alain Street, Seaforth. ZOLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of -2 Canada and the 'Canadian Bank of Commerce a Seaforth. - Farm aim Town and -Village Property bought ,....1 ...OA Money (private funds) loaned on niortgage -se- curitiOan t reasonable rates of interest. Char-, es Stoney intested for private persons upon the best mortgage securities, without any expenee tq the louder. i S. G. McCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED. . MISCELLANEOUS. _ le PER DAY at home. Samples 0).5 c; 20 to worth $5 free. Address -STINT. SON & Co., Portland, Maine. 62642 . . _T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the J • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- POSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. / Invested in Wall -St., $ 10 tO 1 000 $ Stocks makes fortunes ea ery month. Books sent free explaining every- thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17 W 'all -street, New York. 587-52 THE DIVISION COURT.—The office of the Second Division Court -will be open daily from half -pa -t one to lour o'clock P. NI. Office in my Block, over the etore of Johnston Bros, L. MEYER, Cleik of Division Court, Seaforth. 562 FRANCIS GRAHAM, AUCTIONEER AND -"• LAND AGENT.—Special attention given to sale of landed property, farming and thorough- bred steak. Cattle selected for the English mar- ket. Office aud Auction Rooms, Acheson's new Block, GOderich, Ont. Terms moderate 615 JOHN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent. Grain, Produce and Commission Mer. :haut. Mouey loaned on real estate in town or :ono try, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges noderai e. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured nortgages paid off. Terms to snit borrowers. Terme and village property for sale. Office— :Jeckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. •• 515 ....' s EAFORTH PUMP FACTORY STILL AHEAD ,--/ —These pumps having been awarded the first nize at both the South Huron and East Hnron Sall Shows, the subscriber has every confidence n recommending them to the public, knowing hat for quality of material and workmanship hey .are not easily surpassed, and would solicit a all from all intending purchasers; all work varranted ' • orders by mail or otherwise prompt - 5,, attendedto. N. CLUFF North Main Street, ,eaforth. . 619 rHE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses -N L Periodieal Pills—This invaluabletnedicine is nfailing in the cure of all those poinful and angerous diseases to whieli the labiate constitu- ,on is eubject. It moderates all excess and re• iovea all obtructions, and a speedy cure may be died on. To mairiedladres,it is peculiatlysnited. t will, in a short tine, bring on the monthly pe- od with regularita. These pills should not be iken by Females daring the first three months r Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mie. - irriage, but at any other thiee they are safe. In 1 cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, tins in the back and linfbe, fatigue on slight ex- tiou, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and hites, these pills will effect a cure when all other esus hove failed; and, although a powerful IL medy do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, - • auyihing hurtful to the constitution. Full !notions iu the pamphlet around each package, I Lich should be carefnlly preserved. Job Moses, ew York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12i cents I postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- nto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, ill insure a bottle conteining over 50 pills by turnmail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & '‘ . .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g'66 A WEEK in your own town. Termaand 1 Si $5 outfit free. Address H. IIALLET2 & Co., Portland, lasaine. 626 52 - en-e.a A •WEEK—$12 a clay at home eaei'y made-. Cottly Outfit free. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine_ 626-52 i J\usIc.—Mrs. McMalkin wiligive instructions -L in instrumental music to a iew pupils. Use of pier° given for practice it desired. Residence east of Vittoria Sqnare, Seaforth. 614 LAST NOTICE—I ant lequested to notify all parties (through the HuRON EXPOSITOR) in . arrears to the Varna Cheese Factory Company that unless payment be made to me before the 10th day of January next, they will then be put u into Comt for collectioa. jOH'I ESSON, Col- d lector, Ba field 626 t pEmovAL—MISS SCOTT, Seoforth, has re- r, L moved her Dress making . Business to her father's residence, JohnStreet, opposite the r r piseopal Methodist ChurCh, where she hopes td have a call troin her meny friends a n1 customers ° who may require anything in the Dress and 1a Mantle line. 625 a p TO THE DISEASED --All Chronic Piseaties. fronted successfully by Electricity, Gelatin w ism, &e. Electro-itfedice.1 Batteries, the best in use, furnished with instructions in Electro- 1r Therspentics to parties desiring neh, A. Mc- 0 DONALD, Medical Electrinian. Office, in Dr. d Grahara's Block, Brussels, Ont. 627x3 w plitICEFIELD CHEESE FACTORY — The f -1-' Patrons of the Brucefield Cheese Factory are ro notified that they will be paid theirmotley, nt w the Faetory, on Satuiday, December 20, 1879, re from 12 to 5 o'clock. All are requested toehe on B bond on that on Y. and save future trouble. -- - ROBERT CHARTERS, Treasurer. 627x2 STOCK FOR SERVICE. TO BREEDERS—The undersigned will keep for service during the preeent season; on Lot 26, Conceeeion 1, London Road, Stanley, Superi- or Berkshire'Suffolk and Yorkshire Boars ,all bred from imporard stock. Terms, $1 cash. JOHN STANBURY. Proprietor. ' 6254 pERKSHIRE BOAR—The undersigned will ktep during the present season, for the h2.1.. prosve:nlentiteloefrslotilki; ()an LTohtor7,0uCohubere-edsiolinerk89, 13. re Boer.. This fine animal was bred by William Sperater, of 'Whitby, aril is from imported stock ' on both sides. Ternis, St for the season, with the privilege of returning if necessary. W. S. • BIUNDALL. 625x4 • • • rro BREEDERS -L OF FIGS — The undereigned will keep during the present sea- st,u, at his preen- isee, Lot 11, a'n. 4, H. r. S., Tuck- r ersmith, one mile eouth of EgmOntit ville, a Thoroughbred Large Breed Berkshire Boar, This 4anima1 was aired t v a Pig imported from England, and for which the sum of 8750 was paid. His dam wag also imported. He is one of the best at ',resent in the County of Huron, having taken first prize at the County and all the other shows. Tertus- One Dollar, to be paid at the time of service, with the privi- lege of returning if necessary. J. H. CARTER, Proprietor* 623 ' ELECTRICITY! THOMAS' EXCELSIORECLECTRIO ; OIL—WoRTv TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN GoLo.—Pain cannot stand where it Is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose eures common sore throat. One bottle has cured bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand- ing cough. It positively °urea catarrh, asthma, and Croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick in the back, and the sa;roe quantity lame back of 8 years' standing. The following are extracts from a few of the many letters that have been received from different parts of Canada, which, we thhale, shonld sufficiently satisfy the most skeptical: J. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, have sold all I had from store and want more now; its cures are trulywon- derful." *Wre. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, '•I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a charm— it was slow at first, but takes splen aid now." H. Cole, of Iona, writes, "Please forivurd 6 dozen Thomas' Eclectric Oil, I am nearly out, nothing equals it. It is highly recommended by those who have used it." J. Bedford, Thernesvilie, writes, "Send me at mice a further supply of Eclectric Oil, I have only one bottle left. I never saw any- thing sell so well and give such general satisfac- tion." J. ThomPson, Woodward, writes, "Send me some more Eclectric Oil, I have sold entirely out- Nathing ta.kes like it." Miller & Reed, Ul- yert on, P. Q., write, "The Eclectrie Oil is getting a grea t reputation here, and is daily celled for. Send its a f urther supply without delay."Lerneyne, Gibb & Co., Backinghann.P. Q., writes, "Send ns one gross of Eclectric; Oil. We find it to take well." Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 Ceuta. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, IkT Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. NOTE.—Eeleetric— Stteleetee,drand Electrized. Sold in Seaforth. by Hicksou & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts and IL Lmad 521 • THE SEAF,ITH ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. 0. C. WILLSON, 3 THE ,CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. PRO PRI ETOR. HEAD OFF10E, - TORONTO.. A FULL STOCK OF PLOWS ON HAND, Consisting of the Following Kinds: MASSEY'S NO. 13 THISTLE CUTTER PLOW, OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHILLED PLOW, HILL'S PATENT PLOW, NO. 2, MASSEY'S NO. 10 SOD PLOW, PORT PERRY AND TEESVVATER GANG PLOWS. A Full Stock of Straw Cutters, Horse Bakes, Grain Crushers, Boot Cutters, and all 1-mi:dements belonging to the Business. SEWING MACHINES, AS USUAL. The Florence, Warmer P, Raymond, Royal Singer, and other achin.es. Sewing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work arranted. Oils, Needles and Attachments always on hand, 0. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. \MEM, THE‘ GREAT SALE —TO— ONTINUE THIRTY DAYS LONGER Piles of Dry Goods still left at Rogers'. Bargains in Every Department at Rogers'. The Whole Stock to be Cleared Out at Rogers'. Dress Goods, Dress Goods, see the prices, at Rogers'. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, price them, at Rogers'. All Buyers of Dry Goods Made Happy. at Rogers'. THE GREAT SALE TO CONTINUE THIRTY DAYS LONG- ER AT JOHN ROGERS', SEAFORTH. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. We take pleasure in announcing to our customers and the Trade in general that we are prepared to supply IA.1\TOS .A.1\1-130 ORG1\TS t Lower Figures than ever, and will sell either for cash, time, or on the instalment system. $275 WILL BUY A GOOD NEW PIANO. $80 WILL BUY A NEW ORGAN. Secendeb.and Pianos and Organs taken in exchange for new ones, and full alue allowed. Orders for tuning left vith us will be promptly attended to. SCOTT BROTHERS, Main Street, Seaforth. N. B.—A good Corner Lot for sale on Market Street. AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. OHN WARD MAIN STREET SEAFORTH bile returning thanks to. his many customers for their patron,age in the past, also to those who so liberally patronized his late sale, he begs to inform them and as many new ones as Will favor him that he ILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND As ready and willing to serve them as before. HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND AS USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING PROMPTLY. ATTENDED TO. JOHN WARD ▪ SEAFORTH Plaid up Capital, - • 56,000,000a Beat, - • 1,4.041.„0.00. DIRECTORS. HON. WILLTAx CMASTER, President. .110N. ADAM HopE, Vice -President. Noah Barnbar t, Esq. James Michie, Esq. William Elliott. Esq. T. SutherlandStayner,Esq George Taylor, Esq. John T. Arnton, ,Esq. A. R. McMasteraEsq. W. N. ANDERSON, General Manager. JOHN ROBERTSON, Inspector XEW Yoxta.-3. G. Harper, and j. B, Goadby Agen CHICA430.—J. G. Orchard, Agent. Barrie, Brantford, Chatham, Collingwood, Dandies, Danville, Galt, Goderieh, Guelph, BRANCHES. Hamilton, London, Lucan, Montreal, Orangeville, Ottawa, Paris, Peterboro, Si. Catharines, Sarnia. Simcoe, Stratford, S ttathroy, Seaforth, Thorold., Toronto, Walkerton, Windsor, Woodstock, Commercial Credits issued for me In Europe, the East and West Indies, China, japan, and South America. . Sterling and Ameritan Exchange bought and sold. Colleetions made on the Most favorable terms. Interest -allowed on deposits. flANhE'S. New York, -The Amerlean Exchange National B- ank. London, England—The Bank. of Scotland. SEAFORTH BRANCH. M. P. HAYES, - MANAGER. EGG EMPORIUM. THE Subscriber hereby thanke his fninnerolut -L. customers (meichents and others) for their liberal patronage durint the past 7 years, and hopes by stiiet inteerity and ahem 'attention to business to meilt their confidence and trade in the future. Having greatl, enlarged his preartna ises during the winter, he is now prepared to,pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE gor any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporinin, MAIN STREET, SEAPORTS. Wanted by the subscriber, 25 tons of good dry clean 'wheat straw. D. D. WILSON. TO MERCHANTS :AND DAIRYMEN. S. TROTT, SE}APORTH, TT AS much pleasure in callingparticular tion to hi jar tight BUTTER RK I N. This 'Firkin is warranted alt tight, and will - consequently keep the butter much purer and sweeter than any other tub wade on the old principle, saving mota than the prite of the tub in enhanced value of butter. Samples always "Cheaut mon tube en hand as usual. For particu- lars call at the Factory or address S. TROTT, Seaforth. N.B.—Coopering and repairing as usuaL -600 J. S. PORTER, SEAFORTH. _I am, determined to Clear Oza my _Entire Stock of Furniture regm-d- less of Cost. • • THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to Racer- 4- Wit prices before purchasing elsewhere. give a large discount to those paying cash, es- pecially to newly married couples. Warereoras directly opposite M. R. Counter's, Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth„ East Side. 625 JOHN S. PORTER. .1\T CY.L' IC E TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. occupy ,the attention of all, these - hard tinaes, the subscAbbr is determined to meet them by offering good inch Hemlock, "no usually sold for inch, at the following rates: 12 foot Hemlock, at $7 00 per thonsand ; 14fool Fencing, at $7 50, for Cash. All orders over 4,000 5 per cent. -discount •Cali and see if you don't getewhat is represented. •gook Accounts over 8 months will be charged 8 per cent. The subscriber thanks his numerous cu.stomara for their liberal support, and solicits a continne &nee of Weir favors. . JOHN THOMPSON. 488 Steiun Saw Mills, MtiKillop NEW FURNITURE STORE AND NEW PRICES, HWELL HAS Opened a New Muni- • tura Store in connection with his Saddlery- and Harness business. He has now a full and complete 'dock of ail descrip- tions of Furniture or hand, ineluding Bedroom Sets, &c. He invites his friends and the ptiblic to give him a call and find his iow prices before purcb.as- ing elsewhere, as they will save money by doing SO, • 622-d HERMON WELL. ST. ,CATHARINES NURSERIES. A Full Assortment of Splendid Fruit and Ornamental Trees Orders by Mail Receive Careful and Prompt Attention. A GENTS WANTED—To take orders in every •4-1- part of the -country. Pay Liberal. Dealers should call and see the stock—it is unsarpassed. Prieea as low as in the States, thereby saving the dttty of 20 per cent. Address D. W.-- BEA.DLE, 624-26 St. Catharines: R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH Wholesale and Retail .DeCer in LEATHER, am" HAY AND OATS TA.E.EN IN EXCHANGE FOR HARNESS. -S110 .FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Tarsi moderate. A Trial Solicited. All ordersby aMI or otherwise promptly filled. 4se R. N. BRETT W. N. WATSON INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING- AND KNITTING MA- CHINES, CONVEYANCER, &e., SEAFORTH, ONT. INSURANCE.—Mr. Watson is agent for the following first-class ,Insnrance Companies: FIRE.—Pb cenix and .Northern, of London, England ;. Scottish Imperial, of Glasgow, Scotland; Royal Canadian and National, of Montreal; British America, of Toronto; Canada Fire and Marine, Of Hamilton ; Gore District of Galt. LIFE AND ACCIDENT.—Traveller's, of Hartford. • SEWING MACH I N ES.—The following manufacturing and family sewing machines kept constantly on hand: Howe, Wheeler & Wilson Osborne A an4 the White. Machine oil, needles and all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines of all kinds repaired. Mr. Watton is agent for the Frame & Pope knitting machines. The best family knitting machine manufactured, capable of doing all kinds of cotton and woolen work. Mr. Watson is agent for the State Line of Steamships, sailing bewteen New York and all points In Europe. SI NcomEpYanyT,Oof ILoOroAntoN..—ThMer. oWldletast°11ds appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan and best Loan Society in the Dominion. Money advanced on all kinds of Real Estate Office, Main Street, Seaforth, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel, i DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP.—Thili'ing Ob.. i tained the Agency of this celebrated soap in Sea - forth and Huron County, I append the opinion of ; some of onr best people as to its merits "I/11We i used Dobbins' Electric Soap, reside by J.; Int:night 1 & Co., Philadelphia, Pa,, and find it very goods , The clothes are beautifully white and the wesh.bag ' is done in much less time-5Ire. M P, Hayes." i "1 used Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di - t reetionet and found the clothes whiter than when t washedin the old way, and in hs.if theusual time I —Mr. M. Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins" .. Electric Soap, and ani highly satisfied with the . result. I believe it capable of doing all the wrap- per clahns for it, and most confidently ream- ; mend it as eeonotnizing both time andlabor, and I ati doing its work well—Mrs. T. Goldsniith." i. "Having given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial, . I think it is all the manufacturers represent it to i be—Mrs. II. T. Coleman." I desire allrayfriextde I, and customers to give this Soap <me trial, so they Imay know just how good the best soap in the United States is TilagAti KIDD, Seaford', Ont., Agent for Huron County. 57I-52 9