HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-12-12, Page 7,, < J - A , ;, . . . I . ... V I .t 1J - f DECEMBER 12, 1879. THE HURON 111 --_ ___- _- U O EXPOSITOR. 7 �___._ i,. i i V.. - l ow Aunt Sophia iKanaged ' warm water and then. in strong blueing " H bd __nammomft __t _ Mr. Granger. water made from boy ale blueing ; add the ti Ilyr ,; aunt Sophy vvtLs s0 dressy that many blue as you wish to deepen` the Dolor. i u• r� d y ! — i a man used to pity her father, stud .Old pants lining or old linen coats make b CD INSURANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING AND KNITTING SIA- A:�D wouder how lie could possibly get along a very nice purple by ttsin� e+ o — CHINES, COMTEYANCER, &c., S , AFORTH, ONT. , ,. b extract of d 0 . With suell an 05ktravatans (laughter. I Io wood and alum. Cr a� b d L ' r THE NOP,TH EST. g It is Simple and �,,�, m m �. ►-7 �j ....I - 9 iii S U Riv111� CE.—llr. �vatsG)) is art nt for t )e followin„ *ipnranre ,^.mm�anirs: 4 One of the 'Mdios of her clznrch serving; . cheap. I would not advise dying m a (Z 0 pq first -clasp T `� -may l y a the I o� � �IIIIIpII�f19111111I11' ,tA}. FIZ:L.—I'ho3nix nnd;`lnrthern,. of London, Lngboid; Scottish Ianpe)iai, of Glasgnw, Sr;tland; I l CiTCIe felt htizer, duty to admonish her. warp. I never saw any but what o O a m tit � ' ,i t (�P Real Canadian and National, of .Montreal ; British A)nedett, •)f Toronto; Canada hire and liariue, f Auttt, i r, a, u ked her if bile h �a rvuuld fade in a little while : then the i ~ as �� � J Go M of Hamilton ; Gore Distriet of Galt. LIFE AND ACCIDE_NT.—TravelIer'r, of Tia) tford. . ` s I I S i not a night to spend what she earned I carpet has a dingy look. o � a. � I o � � �i�� I �AR � � N G LANDS 9 with hersewing iziachino and needle,, ' I m I m o 110 '-o '� ' . [fill I n ON RY TO Toronto. V':itson is app)niser for the Canada Pt.)manent Loan and i t , a.,a °�° ►� H i Savings Company, of Toronto. The olt;est anti best Lo au Society in the Pomhjivn. honey j v ltitiks, lips Sister 1_ tial opcuc,d her eyes ill amaze- I DoBDiNs ELI1CTRIC Soar.—Ravin ob- ' ° t4 ��•"''�►o m m _•>-�•[ 0111( cLeq (advanced on allkiuc?s of Rv,al.Estate Zy OI SALE.. t meat, LLu�l said vvitll a sltt;htly-raised iai))ed the Agency of this celobratect soap ugSea- �b m y is ►' •I y � 2 M m °m Ra.� m'g o to N� :LE? tLzt-tLtitzileat ' forth goal Heron Count I a P Cr `� " o El o c o , 0 @Dice, " iliSS Sophia, S'ou d'.o11't zneau 3', spend the opinion of m n m �° rn O O crlp cr8 o ;; -r top O t) R--'5 Q•t40 C2 M S EWI NC„ MACH l N Es,—Tho iollotcirg manufacturing and famii• searing machines ; c,zztl F icinity some of our best co ,le as to its merits : "• I have , A; © 1 0 ~'- m.�, m d � �-°'' ti `� P y on hand: Howe, Wheeler & Wilson Osbo)ne A and the While. Machine oil, , ri'� m '.b m ke t coustanfil that y�=n eitrn ' U(l a yeal', besides your Svc Dobbins' Electric Soapy made by J L. uaan n ,� �' a y W o'a p b ® p p, Cl /� ©p m needles and all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines of all kinds repaired. hoard 1noaie ' 9" -Why, certainly I do, � , elphia, Pa., anti find it vel ood. ; C= +' ° °a •, m ° 0 � tO � , ill.D5r3N'8 BAY O031PANY have very r ` r for niy work is tv03`GIl 1()U a ear dna `The clothes are boautifully white and the ivasgl)iu,r \i 'D�m �g " C 'ora d m a Mr. `i'at• on is agent for the Franze R Po a knittSn n at=bines, The best family knitiir 1 i l'(( , r M m tD L m ' — p % y n - large Lr,1Ct8 of land in the f 1 Z 1 ` is done in )such less time—Mrs. ni P. Hayes." R m o �-;, m A H OD 0 m d machine manufactured, capable of dying all kinds of cotton and woolen work. my custom r friends willingly pay what I used Dobbins' Electric Soap, accorAing to di- I M N m «,m o - ,r, � o T V `d y a°' n I , I ask. I con, hiss Prinz, that this rections, and found tho clothes whiter than when , y 0 0 g 0 t'' ob m m � 4... m 190 � Mr. Watson is agent for the State Lino of Steamships, sailing bewtQeu New Fork and all points ' 'g t an extrava ance T !'' o ° Zoi o 5 t' ° in Ertro e. ; CLEAT FERTILE. BELT FOR SALE dlfazYzczt]cl zit. 15 11t* washed )n tho old nay and in half the time �O �e a H p C;L`°'; Dix iieitlzc�r is zny last . lUU suit, for I ex —urs. x. Y. McLean." 'tI have tested Dobbins' •j " • 0° �.o ` �"' t `4 . 1 ?S Std Electric Soap; and am highly satisfied with the Office, Main Street, Sea.orth, nearly opposite .Mansion Hotel. - LUMSDEN & WILSON, Dill fists Seaforth Ont. � AND -N-OW OFFER 1. C1itL1z ;ed the ,skill cif these fingers for result. I Uelieveit capable o1 doing all the wrap- , ever C rr or claims for it, and most coi)lidently recom- `nr' ' ' — __ ; the hwidso )L, dress and jewel.'! el.'' But P _- -- -- --- — S tr S - mend it as economizin both time taudlabor, and --�•• r— ' -ASO. ' only tlitti1: hc)w znuctz �,vod the , u0 you as doing its �)vrk tcgetl—tics. T. Goldsmith." _ POST OF= EiC�_STORE �r'JAi..T,'`�f 4 3500-3000 H E 11 j paid for tllitt tiny hoop of gold, with its { `° IIaSing given DobUius' Electric Soap a fair trial, j 9 v .titlir" lfeaa Erf ,littz rizti; sl)4rk', WMIld have done . if I think it is MI the manufacturers represent it to ';i3ttii �'azz lttt(I t;iveil it t0 the poor that you „ bt'--tics• R. T. Colemian." I desire all my friends C and customers to give this Soapone W jz a Edge - kIlarv. "ILtStE?aa of l;tviltb it to the . that I ,C(la)w, I have learned a � trial so they/''S may know just how good thebest soap i in th United S#fates is THOMAS vtJ T t 'E'1+ 3 Y Lail- poor score rf thezll to skilfully use their KIDD, Seaforth, : Ont., Agent for IIuronCounty. 571-52 E fingerti, and ztot one of thein be,rrud(yes ��-.__ � _____ Z., ., 1.:sd. me iTty beaueliUl tbings. ,Slut areI tit s• Twelve 1 you ut.t setting an exwmplo to those i i • ziiell � � I -rho Have slut your ttbility, that will i and cause the=.n1 t0 try and dress aS ex )ell- I l I do. and do SALT. SALT SALT ° . sively as you to so must run �:Ud to all the into debt?" ",)alai stare, Sister Prim, I z I rilii:ti, • <r is ii when I stay that I loin, ago abaticlanecl 1 ' , -i ,)Labbe 1s res- the ictal( t11tLt 11y (tenvitlr myself the en- ! I F- R-31-, RS in the jo} elan(c)f the beautiful things of this , — I'rc>l,. fetor. fI life I shtnilt. heiglzteiz;the cares of the i unfortLi ate azul improvident." One I _t T07' 77Cf7't 0, f t%Le rI--------- .,- �� day :�u t �ulhy astonished liar fizEhds by mart 'tIl�, a S1Tt�'-year-old Granger. . CO2Gnf,� of Huron will . U - I �„ ,£ � Uincie =amble quizzically asked. bar hog► Sh' expected t0 get money for leClse �t.otice' alta( I a - fashiouti,ble clothing and new stvlo :; l —J TORONTO, jewelry out of Obad ahGrs,uger. "Dome I F 41.¢a00,00(b,, and tttl�rr tea with u3, tine4a, trou tLna Aunt -Mar tt, duel I'll 111.1-ke lzitn tell you . B LYTH SALT WOR KS Q 1,�'i#,t3€adl�• - what I niadte him promise to do." They I _ • went tend were eutertaitted by a stylish . gentleman, who excused T\Irs. Granger, I ' hcu A�'e i L F'�cl.L Operation, hl:, I're� tletLt. as she tr'as out. site came in ff Q .'resitleiit. . . she introduced, her husband to uncle I and-Ailtit Btimble,.:-who staid with..a I 2viflb a Large Stook Of ! Q ` " I',`q rd. ��:€� r,t r,E�T )t"_:, L;,,. shout, ``I slid ziat know yot1., Obadiah, J in t ouz fti.sltiot able clothes." "l�tYether _ CGII k272C1s SCtlt, j LTJ + dial I ktiow ui`yself the first time I look- of J lma >t. S`Z)N, ed into the glass after' Sophia had said 5 Inspectc=c 1. I -would do, and turned me round to I I— IONCE 1tiORE respectfully beg ;eave to return thanks to my unmeroas custome)•s for their kibd 2 IN THE pat_ronnge during the Inst 12 yt:a)s that I Lave Lecn doing bu,.iness amongst then), and kiudll solicit a continuance of the)) favors forthe fttture. I have just received a Lal ge and Well Selected WIIPS ALREADY SURVEYED. D St: ck of DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Also always on band a full assortment of r� GROCERIES—TEAS aSpeeialty—whicb,for gt)alityandprice, are tbebest in thc•County. 1 A Large Stock ofBOOTS and S- H0ES—lic11bc)aou'sn=ci,c. Croelre)v, G)„ss-wine, Le)nps ' They own two secti*)ns in oaeh Township, and rand Coal Oil, Hardware, Pair is and Oils, Drugs, Patez,t bledicinen, Bae(•n aid Il a1Ls, lu fact ctiury- i have in addition large numbers of far)n-t for sato thing required in a gen,•ral €-Lore. Ari. for what you want if you dob't• ::ek, it. Cash ur fatm protlure I on the Red and Assinibo.no, Rivers. taken in exchange. I -would also intimate to all parties indebted t o ane for last andpre-vivus 3vars, I to come and settle by cash or note before the end of this mouth, or the accounts wil] be pnt into I other hands for collection. ,No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAM ON EASY TERMS. � , —I am also valuator for the Domit,ion Saving and Investn)cl)t Society, one Gf the best lain soeieties I Splentlid I ra2r1e, Far1)2S, Grazing iu the Dominion. The above Society loans money on good firm eccuritq for a term of fro),) three to ` Land and Mood Lot.i, twenty years, on the most favorable con ditioua. LIFT: INSUBAN CI',.—It you want your life insured D give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the beta Life In- I Priers range from �3 to „6 per acre, according eurance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for-- ' et to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Oface in (son. I to location, &c. get Clover, 1.`iru^thy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. 6 p I Tel ms cf paymenestemarkab)y easy. - 1'amphltits givit)it Vull inforruation about the 'SON, country, and the lands for sale, can be had on - R. (� �` 1.`'g+tl,,,11' N: W A L,TO N. n ppiirativn at the Campany'8 Offices in Winn% peg and at Montreal. 'C. J. BRYDGES, Montreal, Ct) GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND'S H O ES. 624-12 Land Commissioner Hudson's Bay Co. t BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SE&FORTH AND VI- i THE CHEAPEST GOODS. Z CINI`l'Y TEIAT I RAVE R Ei;DUCLD �/� ALL KINDS .OF c�.lSTC�'�"�OEMAI�NcrT IA.-_ AUL, VJ Irr IS NOW RECEIVING A M . To Lowest Remunerative Prices, A Very Large Stock of all kinds of D n I USE NOTHING BUT T1IE BEST MATEMAL " Groceries and Provisions. Or A Fresh Lot of Confined I>'ruits; a -a M � I d Therefore I can Gnarantee Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor me with a call. Holley and Jellies. I REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 7i I A Freda Lot of tlwse veal clioic Remember the Place: Opposite the Foundry. I = r Teas in Black, Green and Japan. tt: Ii. G glb� - •view wyself. L tst st�nday I rent to GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLING. ' ELLIOT�' GRIEVE, SEAFORTH. All Grades of Sugars,$' �•u s and get my we(l?irzg suit to wear to church - p =t I and fcund these stylish garments." I dtolames: L, ,,Aunt Maria, you had refdly ouglit to . 623.8' 000 A K K I -I H A L ' L N- O T T C E - ! i - see that treclding suit," laughed Aunt ii 0 O A A K. Ii H kI A A L L Currants, Raisins, prunes, Dried tii"i 'e' Soph� ; tLzid she took out of a closet .a S V N B E M 10 O A A ICK HHRH A A L L tipples, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Stratfroy p 0 O AAnnA Ii K H H AAAAA, L L ` +trathrey bob slzc)rt coat, antaloa'ns liaade of Sesfur(h,} hozl �sp in, and home-made from an old ( ODU A A K K H EI A A LLLLL LL LLL - All Accounts due the Goderich F'ozcndry and Jfanufacturiug Cont- ! Cracked Wh=eat, Pot Barley, Flour, - TL t,,,r, pair, tvitli one ler; two inches shorter ART GAL L E R Y'. i I Shorts, best of .Dams and Bacon. r`)"' `"''' Q,lan the other, and vest, shirt and shoes , - T I i ,lkertaa, Z any, Linnited, 9nust be, promptly settled to avoid costs. 11 o persons i - 'r'i),dsnr, of like style of uz-mAacture. "Every- I I All binds of Fresh Garden Seeds "r''''<.Yt,)�ii, body knew Di.ali Gran ger in such a rig j ' —noi,c)E?� reeognizccl hitu, not. even his `I' �3 �i �%�%A R, - _ are,-azGtlaoriNed to receive payments or �,nalce ,settle�laents on behalf of Top Onions, Potato Onions and TH� OVERCOAT BOOM. yet o�iio:as and Potatoes. .e in Laro, most iutimate acquaintance; as.you see - �' _:. Jal,an, and him, now, till I :introduce him as my I the ConapanJ excej�t t7Le zc�aclersiynecl. (Creafi». Cracks, dill 1?ans, Flower 1)4t) iLt ai- husband—lir. crranger. i`'hen he AFTER TIMI; BATTLE, ' asked zie t:) marrr 11iz�i I told liim to i I I Pot$, c�c. ,avorable terais- come next day tat J o'clock and I would HO1lACI' IIORTOl'1r, President. t - answer him. When he knocked. at the t Lard, Butter, -Eggs, .and a good va- appoiDted Hour I opened the door, plid ' - See OAK HALLS Mi,ojiifiuent Displa� of Over -Coat- � JOHN' CHRISTIAN, Secretary. Tlae Battle is noz,`J oter � . iety of ,Sows. not knowi.vg ine, be asltecl for 1liss ( s ,and Peace is ingg for Alen and Boys. The lJl'10ES are astonisbiDg- GODI;I;ICH, June 13th, 1S7cJ. ) t �;e Nltioaal Hast iws. I said, `I anti that Lady,' em- . restored in o r quiet town. ' , b � soda Biscuits in s pound bogies, at 25c- �, hasizing the word "lady.' He uever - ly cheap, and we are bavlllg a Poomiii g Sale. and pore greund ' rofiGe. Also that LErtlat)tl. p b Celebrated En lieh Excelsior Horse and haviLtg seE;ii rtio in full dress was so � I [ I � . ) e!C) ,? r 11 Cattle. Food. A)i are invited to come and get H. I __ NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS. � L I N v H. takezi al,,ack that Le acted as though he ( " �'S"j .� some of the Cheapest Goods in the Dominion. CHARLES MOORS is to the front to spin+e . 'S, • - ` Don't forget the place: �' wanted t.) rail t,rvay. I>tit he a1z2108t his many patrons. Has Gallery is on the f n " ' � I MANAGER. fell into a chair, attcl �vipint; alae per- ground i3aor, and he Uas now every accessory to I T�e Latest St 'le of `J�'E']'COftt f01' the JrE3sent SC'aS011 1S �-�Q� �'R'�'�ti A. G. AULT'S GROCERY, ' a laruei m.Rkeitamongthe finest galleries in Ontario, l „_, It spiration froin his face with - - 111 bat dtuti,a htLnc.l`erelfief, be sttLrnnler- I tr bleb is a credit to the Town of Seaforth. T , gs, I the Single -Breasted Tweed L lstel . A fine assortment I _ �)� { 591 -- amain street, sEAFORTH I CHILLED PLOWS Ill.i ingl_` said, `I re01v clivi: not kumv , { � • f� �,• �; 3 I � I'll � ' and -I hardly dare ask yoti the sae e ' HIS ARTISTIC WORK of High Class Goocls, specially ,adapted aclaptcd for t111s style + ;�' t '_ .3 , IT A L L giiesti )n I clic, ti sterday, for so fin© a Uf Garillent, Call nOtiv be scall at the Oak Hall Cloth- Proved and �1e1;9avwleclged to be I ,5) ` 1./% �kv"""'''� - - �O lady (atloid hardly tvaut to make buttez : i And highly finished Photographs enable him to inn Establishn�lent• tlae Standard Plow of America. , - 4.. aud.chee e frc.m ton cows and do other ! b F1)) victo7y after �'iCtQ• Iiememberhe isnow - a It.S; st�ck,Ftrt3• rs _ I .,rd.,,,•'�TOs�I-EOI' IiOUSTRtES. •, uud is prepar farm work in proportion.' Th he ; mak,ngfourAmbrotyp6sfoi 50 cents. Pictures FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT ,4`"'' '' 3''` y ' paused curl seemed to be thinking for and Picturing cheaper than ever. I � {' ` "' z ,�� y full Elva ni=t)tltes_ `Miss Ilastzunf5,'saia 1 QUALITY OF (MATERIAL I ,.%:, \ 1`` qrn t I =4j FES i he, °I u1.(lei5tautl lt,i.your receiving me j Gentlemen requiring First -Class C OtlllTlCz' at I�TOCIeI'ate ' � ``-- X I �t s.c•:tn Socia- to -day in a stylish fall dress, with all �,- , STRENGTH L° G HT- { 13Thy go abroad for your Fi rniture CHARLE€� GORE Prices should leave their orders as earl as possible z _ the oz;)arteiits, that I lliust Prepare , . y p , I _ _ - - --- - _ I v�lzei you can get as Good Yalzze :.:roc of ?arm myself for a cunsiden-able yearl5�otztlay that the 111a ' have their Glotllin n' reg cl T for the CO1Cl NESS AND F1 N ISH j , , I ! for your 9�aoney in Hensall as in f0 E;rtt,'fy vt,�ir lave rich aIicl faSiii011- Ph otographer, Picture and Picture Fr me Denler Y 3 "fjt'i' w,� .f `� - ' '� Season aS Our fall staff of eniFlo ees engaged In the IT HAS NO any other Town in Canada. t'If i l I, able clothing"! if I to1•�e 't)tl d.8 a t�ifa.`t Whif)iey'sI;lock, Scafurfh.i l S b `� t I, 4 1, I,-. . It llas flashed tic- Ts 1ny brain tbat j - - _ _..---- - _ manufacture of Clothing arc all working overtime. � I � � t possil lrIcan aftt�rtl it. tint. as I ad :BOOTS ! l EQUA•.• SYDNEY FAMBAIRN 9't•I. Vealt.. mire ' t'tir c,pen-1,an=ledl dealing- even int O BOOTS . I The Material used in the cnnstruc- This Great Household Medicine ranks ; Has now on band a Splendid Stock of courting, I repc %t tho question of yes- , - I tion of. these Plows, for Smoothness of � amongst the leading necessaries of life. I 4,t Ste:nr_ra terdttv.' I replied : `llz. Cxraui c;r, I !Suitable for the Season and q I�� Face and Toughness, is superior to 1 -CT ALT live d.1, volt sE'ca, geuteely, Trost peoplo s at PriecS to cult the I H ALLY & A N D E R S O 1 `�, S EA PO RTH . Cast Steel, and is I Thele famonn ,=ills oath ngly BLOOD, an l a^.t "tt.r(,3lain-s say e.K,ravagantly, without o�-erworking j � lIANUFAC.TUI,ED by ME, only in Canada. +most 1)G�rerfully, yet Soothingly on the I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, brain, ,Etta ftut;tzz:5, and I will not go . Times, at — - -_ -- �_— _ , _ 11I I.1,, into altar house duel work as I sea most Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Which he will sell at Prices to GANG PLOWS Suit the Times. farmers- wives-work,simply because I E'��Q���� 4�'r�V�iJ�'��lS � J. S. ������� and BOWELS, to' ■ these great \iAIN SI'Tt [CGS OF LIFE. They am your tjife. I have been accustomed I t A1rtr LAND ROLLERS, 1 aieGonlidcntlyrert•mn:t*)dedas a never failing UNDERTAKING ` ) ;� A I ' � } 1 y , I /� 'pip ., I remedy iu al) a scs nbt)e the cttn-ti:inion from I U N D E R TA K I N G to ,truLC at out, pre Fitz )le Emplo mega I .tr7n ,Just opeving illy Ftill and ' / �n► i and if Icannotbeafarriler's �G'ife�ithout ` T Of' SGUFFLERS 8f C. wh,itever cattle, has bt•rt,meimprired or ncaket- { Winter Stock, conrprisilrr/ crit tlLe Hr1S-- - 7 + ! ed. They are nondc)fully tliicsric,as in all ail- I�3 ALL ITS B11AI:iCHLS PROMPT- ;-; k at�i tmerou slttvittti °tat unprofitable products, yE)u m cots fine idcntal to f, males of all ages: and as t t t.stt gated((: will nlewie, not be offended if I answer -deferent line's. �' Always on hand made of Im roved �' ]` ` S , It a Gl NLi;AL i'A3ILLY liLL'ICI\I� are unaur- i LY ATTENDED TO. S,af„rth,tkal Ii �I Patterns and warranted (A. 1). I passed. I H. r•)<t ivaanee your c€)tzil)lirneutal,v question by a I hate er ltrl•ge quer�ttaty of Alen's11IL size=)1 Ltn. L`pon z.iv honor as a gen- , legal Bot 's Riveted I Dots wlaicli R E REMOVED E ® t ` I VIK � 1�lS0 lG �L,7'Sl-���Cc`�S ���C�t'�:; t'll t0 g)YQ L i ) 'r� a S Ff:,1 '` , �$- '�S .`t I k 4=r< ; a tleiizuti, v'ott shall dao as you 131et;se if j f STA all Columns, CCtstt7tgs, School., Gliurcli, l i i,i, t�� r I , c ., p v) :)arid a . , I are miquestionabl rl the best Fac- N%P�'p 1 Its : I V I : - r ; .. r + 1 Which he will farnish far FUNER&LS on res you (viii c.tiuly say yE s, Ize spiel, risin„ HIS W Garden and Lawn ,Seats and { 1, f , 1 t:�; � M ,.. � f, .� :. � �onal,le terms, frOnz lti cl)ttir aticl c ft'erin�f luP lzis �rectt tory ivo9•k vuLClc. �� ' - - . _.. _ _-- al,I., b � y ) , Cast Iron Tf encing a Specialty. _ i - brown hand. I softly said, Yes dna ; h1t� C'ccsta7ra Il�ork of all kinds fits tide / Its Searching andHealing Properties axe + }were tut) t re. t'zicla Iltunble3, do you best that. r7aen tend _�7a0nez rrrrt ®RUG S T O R �=- Ii1LDIl-_ j known throe bout the World. I, nN€ s J All Finds of Repairing done and g -I,I,C, ' thio': t)1)aclitLlt Granger will forget his ' produce. Repairing �teail-y (lone. 1 - - � / ® i Good Work Guaranteed. For the core of BAD LEGS, bad breasts, I Contracts for Ba fittings of every description - - pronii�u ?" "IIB never teas hilowzz to S ` Old wounds Saves and Ulcers, i ta} en on most reasonable terms. Material fur- ,ttio,: tcatlzo$4t to a zitau," ttucle zeltiliec._; "1:ut how lac, .) o, to all lotto want ood va/w in 'I O till Store ��etiVeeil `iJ ' , niched if desired. t ,as none ,; a I I "r,_/i - J C H N N O Irk P E R { it as nn in f: I.iUle remedy. If efiectnnlly robbed Remember tba Hensall Furniture and under- ttsrzat, will 1,t,)t ve with au c�trava 'Lot wife I I,uots, I seri r'olltc' r'itltc'r;rr•itli car -It � ,/ Ed. I j Hoffinan s Dry Goods 1 �= � ~- co ;,:,ton) Planing„ Can't say.'' IIS Lehaved excellently. i or a good record J09' 179-,onipt , �N ! on the I'Ti and , Bro, as tilt Into meat, it Cures ' Lahi»g Establishment. _ ! T S Seaforth Foundry. SORE 7 I' Ii0A1', llronchitis, Conchs, Colrls, and 57G, alta Counters tJ ewelry t `E !.. y• even AS-IHMA. rer Glandular Swellings, •�_ FA I$ 11 1 . t I>I' l OT. �� _ i pClt iv.q—slot(' play rs are a curse. T r Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas. . Rag Carpets. ii Dues it stay to 1nal�a rag carpels? I, to tr( le. Stores, Cardno's Block, `� \ Gout, Rheumatism, , ! rrf _ And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it hal never - KIDD'S I-IAIM Y'Y 'RE. aCHOOL for i>zict.an::veer yes. During my mar- i A Liberal Discount to casle buyers• SeafOrth. sr, � - � rie,1 life I liave glace over 100 yards; I I I r� l t _ !bean k),cwn to fail. � I • _ - .t ,I used a part zYzyseif and solei what I had ; With thanks for past patronage, I am LU r ',t� : _ 'rhe rill and Ointment are 3lanntactnred only ,LLt 1 1, W . . at 583, UTI'OItD STREET, LONDON,, and axe i 110 use for. At one time I vias paid. K I waiting all reasonable commands to = , ,"t ,,I; sold b} air tndGrs of lreaicives throughout the c< i,t•L ,� _ _ -- _ E�% t t " • O Civilized World; w;th directions for use in al. VE ° per yard. Eery years ago I,tvorl�ed at . execute. -_ — _ - . a�UM PHIN KERS' �IItiPORili�ti. � = IR ' • �• �=-_= yes - - " I- most c -vers language. ; -, Math. ruLt- tailt,rizzg and dress making, consequent- �- _;;=�- _ �C l "' The Trade marks of these ;Siedit fines are ragas- i THOMAS COVENTRY - r�� //�� 1 I hare. Cli pintrs vr'h1Ch stere t00 gUOCI " ' ' �- ' s , ":' lJ (erect in Uttatva. Hence, any one throughout fheIREC'T FPOIVi A'IAUEAC T IREI'CS T It E r_' --. t4-lt.'T)3 �S't- - ,[ (Y C, 1 I (,... _r" -. - _ ' _ {� . - t 1 .�y- _.`-•�.L7 _s - L for ltal)er ra-s, (anti tt�ith the addition of :Simi of the Mammoth Boot Stalk's Block Main ( �.�`� =*r = � = - c) r I � � c n Co nfenPosfusions, who may ,cep the Amerr- . ' „" �' can C uur)te)fe its for sale, w ill be p) osec:uttd. ; ,€ :t.`° ; auI tike ChiitlrCti'; ctld C1UtbeS, thUS )tLud azid i Street, Seaforth. `x s y �3J`"` 11''� s ,, -_; © { ' Imo- Pt)rebasers Fhould lock to the Label on f I nevE r I1at1 tiny, as they . vulva alway l E ! t�- tL� '.j , � <_�.^ f1 F , G W AT K I:�i �(. SOI: �, t• AFRICAN CUT NAILS, .-�- Pots and L'o� es. 7f tLe a<adreFp is not e33 Ox- Ai mach ovEr far tho chiclreu) I could t r --11`, rd. lo,d St)eet, London, they are spurious. DF T & B X ` f, H.,� E s�ADEs SHOVELS ,.f t �: ?" , yards of carpet ever ' B R OA O O O s I. F r ° a) )� - i1:=•1•tt y make .) E r :,7(1 y i. - 1 y '- _ ' I. nTtc,cr n c.' 1 ' ! FORKS, E:: lir>n7r dear without zziuch troul)Ie or expense. ' • r '{ I R. FOWLER'S EXTRACT :-:i�ol s A F o rti T H , '� I. " ; _ ,F _Ii t , hq_ � R Z 1Vl Q V 1E D . t HOES , ` hip' up all the old garincnts wash and I I r�•I ' OES A'D iaAIES t f ,L• any �• -- Z1) WILD STRAWBERRY. ' l;'l ut thE'ttz arvt>v d.5 fast as alley ttccnmu- + ; - s Z I i tom` t� _____- _.------- -- ,t _ t p 3 UNDERTAKERS, �c G . �' Q r CO)cn ` c rL_�,,SS, PAIi'v'TS, OILS, e ,. ,,talo late; (Len in the spring get all ivy pl- , �� - - _ �,, j To THEIR Ili �Ery pl:E�us�s, r, r rt:i c)f r v L est beft)re House i„. , , . , , '= -^ r _ ' I � ■ A Spec)fi I:cmedy for -all t�uutanler ' sewing out of the t t . J ) i PUNPMALS ATTENDED UN T_1 j _ - - _ - :� Y,Y - - r. , a t Y 0 ' � ► - � '•reotc,ollri,nCa aaabi 4 14ole a �`Cliolera { cletLtiitt� eozues otz ; ,Lke up tie sitting ., Y,,, .:«-- --- Cur. Bay and Wellington Streets. ; , .�, r l . n SHORTEST I NOTICE. - TOOIli CarpE't, alld clear Ottt E'FErything . . --- :El01 bu,4. l'h ►it•■ m mans, an, `ll a e- ' �•► -- .._ t o: ai[<Jlfilatt4, Q)ilit►,nz fc'nizly, and all ut•- �EdCtt�`G ,,VIRE .�_t_ but -it, fern chairs, duct then cut my rags t C O F F 1 N S -:AND S 1• R O O D S 1 '. BRADLEY HARVESTERS, )stn„ )il")`s of th,. Ls li* fi.C,LttSe:l by opens,, j all at ozze tune, -sorting them as I cut T T E F A R M E S S. (� ,tvproperfood, such as rsi.v rca,�tubiey, I I ALWAYS, O\ HAND. ciatriil>e or ,404:1• (',•1111, batt) Illillt, i4as• i � 7� D�t�ARF Tsz.20 In thein tliezi Chen this 15 all aJ1le I { A WARDED Meda'.s rt the 'World's Fair Phil P111•c «etc r, or ClnaltY;e of ��utet, ' AND B GILDING ,[ AR ,_ cleall Up as wall as circum stances will � HEARSE FOR HIRE-. t �] adelphia. V. s., la;e ; Sydney, Australia, ehangesof the seasons, exposure. No matt -r °r 1r ac ced 1877; Tarin, France, 1&75; Cold and Silver f_omv.hAtcansc:orinwhatformyouaresub- i _ allow, ask in tL _dozen ladies and have I C4I i,C' 3,: wlttLt iti Callodl tL `" rad bE e ;” (!Lid L1Sllally ' ! , Ale8alp, Huron �.vaper Trial, 1b77, and Gold € iect to the above complaints, 0r. VOW- 1 Of Every Description Cheap, _it's Dr ut- ,. ` LUMBER FOR S ALE. A %: \ / Iia R E hieda11b78. EeegrsnLtere snccesnfal. it:'� k xtraict of lj'itd s5frtt�s'v� t'1 y in the uk E . Lzaon bet the rags all sawed, R E / PERS AND j V i 0 1� V (� R PAI D Sold U' D. Ho •an and �V. J. Grieve, Sezfmth ; 'will relieve yon and a speedy care will be j have tL jolly time audl a gaGa Supper, Robert Anc:errvn, Tiiipen; Archibeld'lieCully, effected wtht,ut ninny to the Fystem. It is HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE Brnecfield, John Robinson, Varna: L. Elbott, rugnafactured from the 1r' Id Strawberry , f`l'.ChT. poet it is done. T think it pays to buy from a S. );AVE TROUGHS AND 'CflN7JLTCT- Gode, is h ; David Hatstand, Wingham ; T. Eng- 1. I pf.itnt , and free from of dum and other iuiur sonic fttucy culors as they.are verycheap fish, BrusEels. ions drugs. For sale by all dealers, at ls. Ii�t;G PIPE t goat', otic it (plies Only a few bright T T Order earl Satisirction aranteed. Rev its? 1•Gr 3 bottles for 4 Ir Tb BILLS CUT TO ORDER, AT THE Hti R0� FOU `DRY SEAFORTH. ,laird can be}had of any pf the Agent.e. 1. If coluz s if they are nicely shaded and ` i - j L. D. SavvYEB Co., Hamilton liauafactitre)s PREPARED BY Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. harmonized • the gray and black can be ! All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the ( ' 1 ri:`It and , h I I GEO. STEiVARl, Clinton General Agent. t tern. used together for tate plain stripe by 1 PONY MILL IN MegILLOP. + -----------------BIIiiBUR��S, BENTLEY & PEA1RS�tri, ' E .,. Terms putt tz�l four threads of black and four i ' I MARRIAGE LICENSES TORONT0,ONT• 617 ' --_ .- -- U ' ­- 1`r rush of grey alternately if the 'Stripe is the pe l 1nducemen to Cash and P The Sabecriber has oleo a g GOOD JOB -GUARANTEED, AND ..AT PRICES TO SUIT — - � "� c2a is � . T:)4).• ; r desired width. Dark pink calico, cut - THE TIMES. TERMS CASH, as It C E ft 'VII Flt C 1 'r E s , . -- on tete buts and folded as it is wound on LUMBER YARD IN SEAEORTH, APPLES WANTED. Prompt paying Customers. ly to the ball, right side out is very pretty Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. - %Under the new Act„ issued at the j% , �+ ANTGn4ieD3I1GaLL i>z Cup,32ain Street, , shaded with red flannel. A drab blue 1ird Survcgo) pan be lied by dipping white rags in 479 THOMAS DOWN J. S. 'RUNCIMAN, - - PROPRIETOR. EXPOSITOR OIFFICE, SEAFORTH. Seafortb s25 i - � _ 1 kal prompt - , L, biitGhGif_ . I I _ - - _ - - 1�1 I