HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-12-12, Page 11879.
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WI:1_0LE NUMBER, 627.
(Subeessors he Wm, & Co.)
{ McDEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1,50 a Year, in Advance.
The County Council opened at God-
erich, on Tuesday of last week. The
Warden took -the chair: After calling
the list of meet:there and reading the
minutes of the last _meetieg of the pre-
vious session, the -Warden briefly ad-
dressed the Council on matters likely
to claim their attention this sessiou.
He said that since last session the cou-
tract had been let for the erection of the
.SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. •new Grand Bend bridge. The contract
•was awarded to Mr. Purdy on the 27th
of June for 05,000, without embank-
ments. A Mr. Bell was appointed in-
spector of the eveik, on the recommen-
dation of the Warden of Lambton, at
$2.50 per day. It was arranged be-
tween the Warden of Lambton and
• himself that the Treasurer of Lambton
should pay the estimates as certified by
the inspector, and that Huron's share
should ; be remitted to the Lambtou
Treasurer. This has been done to the
extent of $1,235. •The contractor agreed
to have his work completed by the 1st
of October last, and in default to forfeit
A LARGE TRADE, $10 per day damages foe every day- after
that thne until finished. The work is
not yet finished, owing to:a dispute be-
tween the contractor and the inspec-
tor, and the Council will be required
to deal with the matter fhih session..
Ou the 23rd of july the Warden's
Committee was called together at the
request of the Road. Commissioners, as
they found. Help's bridge so decayed
that it could not be repaired. The
Committee decided to rebuild this
Mr. Brace, of Wingharn, Lcontract for $2,500. He bridge. The was awarded. to
finished his contract expeditiously and
satisfactorily. This matter, however,
will fie repotte1 upon by the Road
Commissioners who had the work un -
And convince them that we are able der their charge.
and willing to give them _ The repairs ordered on the jail a,ud
courthouse have been carried out by
contract, underthe supervisionof the
County Clerk. Enquiries have been
made about heating the Court House
and jail with hot air, but it is impossi-
IR,C4-..A.Il\TS ble to give a correct estimate of the cost.
The Boynton furnaces can be furnished
for about $130 each. It was foiled that
it would require large and expensive ex-
cavations to be made at the jail to have
it heated witth hot air. The circular
foundation wall would have to be cut
in two places and arched to allow the
, • proper excavations to be made for the
i furnaces. If •these excavations were
FIRST—Buy Always in the Best made two fernaces would, perhaps,
. _Markets. • heat the jail. It would not be so diffi-
cult to heat the Court House. It would,
hoviever, require three of the lareest
; furnaces to he et it, at an estimated°ex-
, $2,fj
SECOND—Keep the Stock always peuse of00e orail and Court House
improvement,. These and other mat -
Assorted teith, New and Fresh ters would helve before the Council at
Goods. this session, V+ Inch he felt sure would
-receive-due cousideratien at their hands.
• A number of communications were
, read, among which was one from the
THIRD—Sell at the Lowest Profit County Clerk of Perth, in reference to
•the building of county boundary bridges
T Possible. which was referred to the Finance Cem-
raittee. The Council adjourned until
s' 10 o'clock on Wednesday.
• WEDNESDAY, December 8, 1879.
FOURTH --Allow no House to After the assembling of the Council
Undersell us.
In succeediug to the business of Wm.
Hill et Co.., we have entered. the lists
with the deternainatiena of doing
And hope, by strictly carrying out the
- following Rules, to -
BIG 13
Remember that as we are
-. We will give you •
iteiOn GOOdS for Your -Money
Than can be had from any other
House in this Town.
'Bargains in Dress Goods.
Bargains in Millinery.
• Bargain& in Cloths and Clothing.
Bargains in Hats and Caps.
argains in Cotton Goods.
• argains in Buffalo Robes.
Bargains in Groceries.
and routine business, a communication
from the inspector of the Grand Bend
.bridge was read and referred to the
Road and. Bridge Committee. This .
corn inunicatien, was dated on the 18th,,
of ' Novernbet, and set forth that the .
work was not progressing as satisfactor-
ily as.it.should ; that the stone work on'
abutments was only about two-thirds
done; that the frame work is within
three days of completion, and that the
. work was stopped for the want of stone.
Also, that Mr. Purdy, the .contractor,
had delivered castings which are not in
accordance with the specifications of
the work. The castings for prism
blogiss required should be one inch. in
Ithickness, while thoee furnished . were
only three-eighths and one-half inch;
- that the inspector notified the contrac-
tor that he would not acceptsuchcast-
'lugs, while the contraotor said he would
use them and run his risk of a settle-
meut. At the request of the Warden of ,
.Lambton, he, the. Inspector, had . also
notified. the contractor and his sureties
to push the work or that they . will be
held responsible according to the con-
tract. • • .
A motion of Mr. Elliott, seconded by
Mr. Whiteley, asking that the cOunty
Counoil refund to Goderich . township
the sum of $299, which has been ex-
pended by that towuthip in building
a bridge on the Goderich and 13a,yfielcl
road, which lsridge is properly a county.-
bridg4, was referred to the Road and
Bridge Committee.
,A oonamunication from the Secretary
of the -Clinton Public School Trustee
• Board, in reference to the grant to4he.
Model School, was read and referred to
the Finance Committee.
. Moved by Mr. Kane, Reeve of • How -
ick, seconded by Mr. Hogarth, Reeve of
• Stephen, that this Council, viewing with
dissatisfaction the action taken by sev-
eral towus and villaees outside of the
by Mr. Black, and carried, that although
the Council approve of many of the
suggestions e in the circular, it is not
considered desirable to propoSe the for-
mation of a new body compoSed of the
Wardens of the different counties of the
Province to meet annually int the city
of Toronto, as this Council is Of opinion
that the public interests of the couutry
are already. sufficiently represented.
:The Council adjourned till i4 o'clock.
On resuming at 4 o'clock, the only busi-
ness done was the reading of a number
of accounts; when .the Council again ad-
jonrned until 3 o'clock on Thursday.
THURSDAY, December 4, 1879.
iAfter reading the minutes and routine
'business; a communication from the
.churchwardens of St. George's church
was read, asking the use of :the Court
Room to hold church services in until'
such time as they Can make Other ar-
rangements or repair. their own church,
which was recently injured by fire. The
request was granted.
The following reports from Messrs.
Hardy and Girvin, Road Coramission-
ers, were read a,nd referred hi- the Road
• and Bridge Committee:
Mr. Hardy reported as follows: In ac-
cerdauce with instrnctions, I cemmuni-
Gated with the Reeyes of Tackersmith
and Hibbert regarding the erection of a
bridge on the county boundary line be-
tween these townships, and was author-
ized by them to .proceecl with the work
as fast as possible; as the eld bridge
was considered tined° for travel. The
Work was completed in due time and
to the satisfaction of the Reeves of the
townships. The cost cif the i structure
was $150,27, including the approaches,
plan and inspection. I have also ex -
unlined the following bridges: Exeter,
ble- River
Hay and
tigh tened,
rred, and
tal cost of
Crediton, two on the Aux Sa
on the beundary between
Stephen, and had the bolts
the . superstructures coal -t
approaches gravelled, at a t
086. With reference to the 'bridge on
the boundary between Biddulph and
Usborne, I received a communication
from the County Engineer of Middle-
sex stating that he had examined the
beiclge and found it dangeroes, and re-
' commending.the :bending of qtone abut-
ments and iron superstrtectuee. I was
satisfied to build the -stone abutments,
! but objected to the iron superstructure,
believing it to be too expenstVe, a ad be -
"sides uot demanded by the aanount of
travel.. We finally agreed upon a wood-
en superstructure with stone abut-
: inents, and received tenders on the 20th
of September. The lowest •ender be-
ing considered fartoo high, we made
a change in the plan, substituting piles
1 for the stone abutments, and received
tenders on the first week of October.
I Thelowest tender was from Mr. Ceduse,
! fer $350. As the contractor lives in 'the
I •cciunty of Middlesex, the Engineer and
Clerk of that county undertdok to see
; that bonds and agreement were proper-
ly signed. These, I believe, have not
been signed yet. As directed by the
Warden, I have examined Grand Bend
bridge. The abutment on th.e south
side is ready to receive the
' tetre ; the north abutment is
not quite_
finished yet, but could be in .few days
if weath er. perm i tted. The Superstruc-
)' aireis framed and -ready to be raised
.! as soon as the abutment is eompleted.
The approaches to this bridge were let
by the Inspector, Mr. Bell, and myself,
on the 28th of November, for 0250. -
With the assistance of the Reeves of
Hay and Stephea, I have examined
Black Creek bridge between these town-
ships. This bridge was built fourteeu
years ago, and some of the timbers are
so rotten that it will have to be rebuilt
next year. I would also recommend
that all large contracts in the future be.
let in the early part of the year, so as
to enable cottractori to get -material on
the around during the winter months,
as fhave no doubt that sucha bourse,
if pursued, would prove a great saying
to the county. ;
• •L. HARD, COMMiSSiOner.
Mr. Girvin reported as follows: After
examining the county bridges in the
township of Ashfield, 1 founcl. that the
approaches to the eighteen mile river
briclgeeand'also the leridge near Am-
berley, were in a dangerous and unsafe
condition, the road at both these bridges
being Very high and narrow, and there
being no protection of auy kind to pre-'
vent teams .from _going °vet the em-
bankment. I was informed that sev-
eral loaded teams . had gone over, and
that, serious injury in some cases had.
resulted, and to prevent further.. acci-
dents I let the job of putting lean posts
-four feet iuto the ground andfour feet
above ground, and at distances' of five
and six feet apart. These posts are,
, capped with cedar timbers laid along
the top of the posts and spiked to them.
The ccet of this work wae $51, and the
approaches are now quite safe. The
approaches of 'both bridges have been
gravelled at a cost of $23. In company
with Mr. Menzies and the Reeves of
• Ashfield we extunined the Eighteen
Mile River bridge, and found that the
timber supporting the north end of the
• stringers had given way,an d after cousul-
tation I had the necessary repairs made.
at 'a cost " of 084. The approaches to
the bridge at Port Albert I found to re-
quire gravelling and ditching. The
• ditches at the south end of the bridge .
, being filled up, the -water wee- running
across the roadway and cutting it away.
I had it all repaired tit a cost • of 6,50.
found the bridge at Kintail required -
• Dew coveriug, and I had the work done
at a, cost of.07 ; the sum total of expendi-
ture by me for repairs in Ashfield being
$172.25. I also repaired bridges a,nd
approaches thereto .upon the south
boundary between _Colborne and West
awanose ; also on the ala concession
of West Waveanosh, and a bridge upon'
Nine Mile River, amounting in all to
$147. My total expenditure amounted
to 0319. I would alsorecommend that
Eighteen". Mile River bridge -be coal -
tarred, as it is a good and valuable
1 County of Huron, -with a view to de-
- - taching several munieipalities from the
County of Huron to make new counties,
. Resolved, that the Warden and Clerk
be authorized, on behalf of this Council,
GIVE US AC to memorialize the Provincial Legisla.-
ture requesting that no action with
that end in view betaken, as the people
, of Huron are -well satisfied to remain as
they are, and do not ,desire any change
—Carried unanimously.
reoaosen ao:ssureseriex OF WARDENi4.
The Council weet hate Committee of
As we know that it will pay you, and ; the W ole, Mr. Walker in the chair, to
hope to have an early • opportunity of, consider a circular ' frnn the County
showing you our Stock.i Council of Simcoe, recommendiug a
•, meeting of the Wardens of the respec-
tive counties of Ontario, to be held an-.
nually, to consider amendments to the
municipal law and other similar mat-
ters. After due consideration the Com -
mittee ruse, the Council resumed, and
it was ;
Moved by Mr. Buchanan, seconded 1
Main Street, Seafo.rfh.
bridge, but the timbers wil soon decay
if not cared for; also, that the south
end of the bridge be fixed the same as
the north end, next season.
CHARLES GIRYIN, Commissioner.
After the reading of the above reports
and a few accounts, the Council ad-
journed until 3 o'clock on Friday.
FRIDAY, Dec. 5, 1879.
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment. After routine business the
following reports were read and re-
ferred to the Road and Bridge Com-
Mr. Gibson reported as follows: The
bridge on the 8th concession of Howick
was finished according to contract, but
I found that I had to get some gravel
laid on the approaches, which I had
done at a cost of ten dollars over and
above the cost of gravel. The culvert
at Molesworth was let before the meet-
ing of the Council in June for the sum
ef 0113, but the contractor never com-
menced the work, and after some cor-
respondence with the Wardell of Perth
he the job at an increased -cost of
twelve dollars, and it has been finished.
t'he Brussels bridge has had some re-
pairs. An entire new floor was placed
On it of cedar plank, some gravel at
each end, and the bolts all tightened.,
at a cost of 0219. A small bridge north
from the station at Brussels is in a very
dilapidated condition. I instructed
Mr. Leckie to have some repairs put on
it, so as to keep it safe in the mean-
time. This was done ab a cost of $12.
The bridge will need to be rebuilt as
early as possible. I would recommend
that it be rebuilt of stone and a stone
arch throwu over it, and. to make the
span much less than it is at present, as
it is unnecessarily large, it beiug now
over 20 feet leng, whereas it is not ne-
cessary to have it more thau, ten or, at
the most, twelve feet. There is a
small bridge on the Belmore road that
will require to be rebuilt. It is over a
small creek also. I would recommend
that it should be rebuilt in the
way as the one formerly referred
I believe it will ultimately be
more economical to have these
ins/6 the school which the person should
to, as
found pay. After considerable discussion,
the Motion was lost on a division by a
suitable firearms be procured for said
officials. They recommend, also, the
pinchase of the following articles, viz.:
one dozen` suits of clothing, one dozen
shirts, and two dozen sheers; also the
purchase of -a chandelier containing
twelve lamps for the Council Room.
The report was adopted by the Council.
A report of the Road Coreanissioners,
who had during the season visited the
Grand Bend Bridge and conferred with
the Inspector of bridge, reported sus-
taining the Inepector, was adopted.
The Clerk was, on motion, instructed
to send a copy of the resolution passed
by the Council respecting the organiza-
tion of new coutties to the Clerks of
Perth, Bruce and Wellington.
Moved by Mr. Currie, seconded by
Mr. Mc -Millan, that the Warden and.
Clerk be authorizedto memorialize the
Legislature in behalf of this Council
to amend Sec. 13, 42 Victoria, Ontario
Statutes, so that the said. section shall
only apply to incorporated. towns and
villages. -
Under this amendment a person re-
siding in one school section cannot send
his children to the school of any other
section, unless by the payment of 25
cents a mouth, that is, if the trustees
wish to require the payment of this fee.
The desire of the movers of this motion
is, that where a person has property in
two sections, he can send to either
whether he be a resident or not. The
amendment complained. of was passed
last session and. was intended to remedy
a special grievance. Hitherto it was
frequently the case that in sections
where first-class schools were kept at
considerable expense, people belonging
to outside seetions would purchase a
small lot of land within the section for
the express purpose of gaining the
privilege of sending their children to
this school. This was considered an
injustice, as the taxes paid on the piece
of land so acquired would not amount
t th f i f it
o near e a r proportion o m.a n ai
coastructed of a more permanent char-
acter, now that timber is yearly be- REDUCING TILE COUNCIL.
coming more scarce. The bridge in the Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by -
village of Wroxeter is showiug symp- Mr. Currie, that the Warden and Clerk
toms of giving 'way, aud I believe it is be authorized to memorialize the
not safe much longer. It will require Legislature on behalf of this Council to
to be rebuilt Boit season, and should be .amend the municipal law so as to abol-
built with stone abutments and on the ash the office of Deputy Reeve, but that
Howe Truss priuciple, uow so universal- the Reeve shall have a cumulative vote
ly adopted on bridges of large span. in all matters when the vote is record -
The span would ueed to be about 90 ed, on the same basis as the present
feet. It would be desirable to have municipal representation.
these works now known to be necessary Mr. McMillan, of Hullett, as mover
let as early in the season as possible, of this motion, made it not for the pur-
so'as to enable the Council to have the pose of having it carried at this session,
advantage of obtaining all material in but so as to have it discussed here, and
the season when it can be done most also that members might have an op -
cheaply, and in order to do this the portuuity of consulting their constitu-
Commiseloners should have instruc- cuts and eliciting their opinions at the
tions from the Council to have plans nomination. After doing this, and
prepared to lay before the January further consideration, he hoped mem-
meeting of Council, with tenders groin hers of the Council would be prepared
contractors subject to the approval of to discuss it intelligently at the Janu-
the Council and to be let at that meet- ary session. He had long been of the
ine. The bridge at Mrs. Day's, near opinion that a.much smaller number of
Wroxeter, will need, most probably, a naembers could do the business of the
new floor and new braces. The bridge county as efficiently and a great deal
on the boundary between Elmo, and more quickly than it is now done by the
Grey has been finished ata, cost of $243, larger body, and that a great saving to
and is found to be a great convenience the people would be effected.
for the people of the neighborhood. Ac= .
cording to instructions from the Coun- Mr. Black, of Turnberry supported
oil in June, I visited the place men- the motion. He thought the Council
was larger tha,n Wanecessary. It was
etioned in the petition of Peter Frees g
ote of the evidences of the age that
and others for a bridge, and have to re-
machinery of all kinds was being sim-
port that it is near the upper ead of the
dam for the mill at Newbridge, and is plified, and was being made to run with
a place where it bridge could be easily
placed. I found the river bed to be
about 65 feet wide, with a pretty long
flat on -the north side that will be a lit-
tle under water when the dam is full.
The floor of the bridge would require to
be about twelve feet from the bed of the
stream, and would necessitate lengthy
approaches, though the one on the
south side would not need to be very
high. I de not know at present that
there is any other work in my neigh-
borhood that will need to be done next
A. L. GIBSON, 'Commissioner.
Mr. Menzies, Road -Commissioner, re-
ported the expenditure of certain sums
on various bridges in his district. He
also reported the satisfactorycomple-
tion of Help's bridge, referred to by Mr. Leckie, Brussels, reminded the
the Warden in his opening address, and.
hopes to have the approaches cone-
-pleted this year. The entire cost of
majority of 21. .
fewer _wheels and pinions than former-
ly. He thought that the time had now
come when the municipal machinery
could be simplified with advantage.
He felt convinced. that if a number of
the existing wheels and pinions were
cut off this municipal machine that it
would take much less oil to run it, and
that the work would be equally well
Mr. Weir; Howick, was opposed to
the cumulative system of voting. It
often happened that the Reeves and
Deputies took different views upon the
same question and that the representa-
tion under such a system would be
much less satisfactoty than at present.
He thought the Deputies just as good
as the Reeves, and if the one was to be
beheaded, the other should also. -
Council that the Legislature could not
act in a matter of this kind for Huron
alone and that if any change were
this structure when entirely completed inade,`the scheme must of necessity be
will be $3,296.- Fisher's bridge, at one sufficiently comprehensive to eusa
Lower Wingham, although compara- brace all counties, and must be such as
tiveiy a new bridge, I found giving way would be applicable to the various cir-
at the splice ih the centre of the side cumstances of the different counties.
stringers._ I had it repaired by putting He believed that in Huron half or
heavy iron plates over the splice, and quarter of the present representation
other repairs, which may keep it safe would be ample, and. that now there
for some time. This bridge is on the was very little for the; Council. to do
conabivation truss principle, 100 .feet anyway, but he remembered the time,
span, which is too long a span for a in the earlier hietory, of the county
• bridge on this principle. p the bridge when there was. a great deal of very
should show symptoms of giving way important business to be transacted,
again, I would suggest the putting in of and he did. not know but there were
a tight bent under. the centre. The some newer counties in the Province
county property, consisting of wrenches, which were yet in this 'condition. He
crowbars, &c., and a lot of bridge irons fully approved of this matter being
and some ropes, were all burned in the thoroughly discussed, but he thought
market building at Clinton. The loss, they should not be too hasty in corn -
however, will not he great, as most of it raiding themselves to the principle,
is little damaged by the fixe.
and he approved. of the suggestion of
D. R. MEIES, ComissiOner.
leaving the naotion far consideration at
THE GAOL ND COUBT lIbUSE. a future meeting.
mit- Mr. Strachan, Grey, was opposed. to
the 'notion. He was not sure that it
was wise to reduce legislative bedies
and that the interests of the people
The Gaol and Court IilIsg Cdi
tee, J. C. Detler, 'hair a
that they had lvis ted
found the gene al Mau
factory. The o ce •s app Tently do all ;were safer in large than in small bodies.
in their .power tuaint;iili clearliness. Besides our present municipal institu-
There are at pr e t inc roeratec four- dons were the best in the world, and
teen prisoners—fth t e and one they exercised a niost beneficial in-
ternale. Three- o he prisoners are fluence in educating -the people to a,p-
awaiting trial. With reference to the fee preciate and take advanta.ge of free and
male prisoner, who insane your Corn- eulightened Government. He thought
Mittee reconetniOad. her removal to the , the great a.dvantages the people derived.
asylum be effected as soon as possible. ; from our municipal institutions far
Your Corm:014
neither Mr. ,Di
Mr. Hudson; tb
with firearms.
, everted
lee gaol and.
client satis-
e ascertained that , outweighed the cost. It has been corn-
s* the gaoler, nor ; plained that the Council have nothing
trirnkey, is supplied i to do. If this is the case, is it not our
recomfnend that 1 own fault? Another prominent objec-
tion against the proposition -.contained
in the resolution was that it would re-
duce the strength of the rural munici-
palities_ as compared -with the towns
and. villages, and. the rePresentation
from these latter was all the time be -
corning more numerous.
. Mr. D. D. Wilson, Seaforth, thought,
the principle centained in the resolu-
tion one well worthy of the most care-
ful consideration. It was now receiv-
ing considerable attention from the
press and the people, and sooner Or
later it would force itself upon the cd
sideration of our degislators. The
chatge proposed was worthy of consid-
eration, if for no other reason than the
saving that would be effected in wages
and mileage alone. There was no
doubt but our municipal institutions as
they now exist had done good service in
the past, but the country is continually
advancing and improving, and what
was eminently serviceable fifteen or
twenty years ago might he useless now.
There is not now the work required of
our County Councils that there was a
few years ago, and he thought that as
the work decreased the representation
might very safely decrease also.
• Dr. McDonalcI,Winghath, thought the
leaislation- of the country was costing
tobo much, and he thought the County
Council should set the example to
other legislative bodies by cutting down
its expenses. He felt convinced that
if the proposition to reduce the mem-
bers of the County Council by one half
were submitted to a vote of the people,
it would be approved of. At a meeting
in a local municipality which he at-
tended recently .he advocated such a
reduction and his remarks were almost
universally approved of. But whether
the body were reduced or not, he
thought all the business could be done
by meeting twice a year. This -would
effect a saving of at least $1,000, which
sum would build one good-sized bridge.
Mr. Hannah, Tuckersmith, while be-
lieving that the business could be
equally well done with fewer members,
and being well aware of the faet that
there was generally very little business
to do, did. not think it would be ad-
visable to adopt the cumulative system(
of voting. There was this to 'be re-
membered, that although `a, man may
haye three votes, he has not the moral
strength of three men. On this ac-
count he thought the system a danger-
ous one, especially in connection with
money grants, or other irciportant ques-
tions where strong pressure might be
exercised upon members to induce
them to take a particular course. The
objection of Mr. Weir, he thought, was
rather in favor of than against cumula-
tive voting, insomuch as both Reeve
and Deputy Reeve were supposed to
represent the interests of their town-
ship, and when they divided their votes
the township was virtually unrepre-
Mr. Kerr, McKillop, advocated repre-
sentation on the basis of assessment
instead of on population as at present.
He noticed that we had. here twelve
representatives frim towns and villages,
who did net represent so much, taxa-
tion as the three representatives from
Howick; ;that is, that Howick con-
tributed more to the revenue of the
county than the town and village muni-
cipalities which sent twelve representa-
tives. This he did not consider fair.
He advocated. the' grouping of town-
ships. He thought six good men could
do the work now required of the Coun-
ty Couucil just as well is the forty oda
now do it. If, however, County Coun-
cils do little, jurors do less, and while
advocating s. change in our municipal
system, we should also advocate it
change in the jury system, as a large
saving could be effected in connection
with both without loss or injury to the
Mr. Walker, Tuckersmith, advocated
the reduction of the pay of Councillors
from 02 per day to • $1 per day
The discussion wag continued by Mr.
Clegg, Blyth, and others, after 'which
it was decided. to leave the matter over
for consideration at the January meet-
Moved. by Mr. Hogarth, seconded by
Mr. Garrow, .that the sum of $200 be
• grauted towards the building of •a lock-
up in the village of Crediton, in the
township of Stephen.. Referred to the
Finance Committee.
After some other unimportant busi-
ness, the Council adjourned until Sat -
SATURDAY, December 6,1879.
urday morning.
The Council met at 9 o'clock. Mr.
Currie resumed his motion of the pre-
vious day under the following form:
That the Warden and Clerk be author-
ized to memorialize the Legislature to
so amend the School Law,that any in-
dividual owning property in a school
division where he does not reside, and
paying an average school' tax thereon,
that such individual be aLlowed to send
• his children to such school without
paying any additional rate. This mo-
tion was carried on a division by ma-
jority of 21.
Moved by Mr. Gibson seconded by
Mr. Black, that with a view to facilitat-
ing business, all accounts against the
county must be in the hands of the
Clerk not later than the first session of
the second day of the meeting.
The Road and Bridge Committee re-
ported, recommending that the sum of
$299 be refunded t4 the township of
• Goderich. in a c rdance with r.
Elliott's motionas id amount hajing
been paid by said township for the e ec-
• ton of what is properly a county bridge.
The reports of the Road Commissioners
were also approved of.
The Finance -Committee reported, re-
commending that the -usual grant of
0100 be given to each of the Model
Schools in the county ; also, that the
request contained in Mr. Hogarth's mo-
tion for a grant to erect a lock-up in the
village of Crediton, township of Stephen,
'be rot entertained.
These reports being adopted, the
Council adjourned.
• Perth Items.
Perth County has expended on the
-Huron Road dtring this year $1386.51.
—St. Marys is desirous of having it
monthly cattle fair established in that
—Listowel has a dramatic troupe
in embryo. They meet semi-weekly for
—The average attendance at the Lis-
towel High School for the month of No-
vember, was 75.
—A little daughter of Mr. Muir, St.
Marys, last week, 'fell on the cellar
stairs and rolled dowri twelve steps ;to
the bottom. Tho child's spine was
injured, and she was considerably bruis-
ed, but hopes are entertained of her
—Two youlie lads, in Mitchell, named
Steele, were e'found the other iaight
huddled together asleep in the ended the
hall leading to Mr. Fowler's photograph
gallery. 011 being asked how they hap-
pened there, they said it was the warm-
est place they could find.
• —It is said that a joint stock com-
pany in Stratford have formed the
project of building a new flouring mill
in that town.It is to have 12 or
14 ruu of stones, and theslatest Inekiiill-
ery known to the trade, and its capacity
will be from 400 to 500 barrels per day.
The mili will be situated beside the
Grand Trunk track. '
—A few days ago the Sheriff seized
about $40 -worth of goods in a certain
place in Mitchell for debt. Asehe had
them packed up and. ready th carry
away, the landlord step -ped in and stop-
ped their roe:loyal: No sooner had this
gentleman detained thernthan theeccd-
lector appeared on the scene and seized
the goods for taxes!
—That gentleman known as Solomon
Peter Hale, (delivered an oration to a
few of the good people of Listowel, one
evening- last week. The proceeds,
amounting to about 0fi.50, the preacher
said. would Ice given to some charitable
purpose, though it should be understood
that there was no object on which char-
ity could be better bestowed than. Rev.
Solomon Peter himself.'
—St. Andrew's day falling on Sunday
this year, the sons of Scotia in -Elma,
celebrated the occasion on the Friday
previous by a grand banquet at Newry.
The traditional " haggis" and " guid
oat bread" occupying a prominent
place among. the dainties. Speeches,
songs and toasts followed, while in -
another commodious room, the lads and
lasses tripped it merrily to the strains
of the violiu. •
—A few days ago in St Marys while
the workmen were roofing the new
building being erected by Mr. J. D.
Moore, the east end gave way and fell
out with a loud crash. It was lute in
the season before the building was com-
menced, but as Mr. Moore needed it,
the walls -were pushed to completion
heedless of the weather, and someof the
stones and bricks were laid in frozen
mortar. The warm weathea, in the
beginning -of the week thawed it, and
hence the collapse.
—It will be remembered that the Rev.
Charles Walker of Stratford had the
misfortune to break hie leg while visit-
ing his friends in Chicago, last winter,
and which injury —resulted in the
amputation of the injured member.
Since that time he has felt inconven-
ienced for want of an artificial leg, a
short time ago a few friends in Stratford
took the matter in hand, and. the con-
sequence was that in a few days over
$100 was isubsceibed and presented to
Mr. Walker, to enable him to procure it
cork leg. •
—A specialmeeting of the County
Council was held at Stratford last week,
to confer with the trustees of the High
Schaols In the county, in reference to
the breaking up of the High School dis-
tricts in ihnuary next, and to consider
what arrangements for the support of
High Schools could be made for the
future. There was a large delegation
• from the various Boards interested.
The Council were asked, in the event "of
their being determined to adhere to
• their resolution passed at last session
withdrawing all the townships in the
county from being ccinneeted with the
High School District, to grant some as-
sistance in payment of debt previously
incurred by Boards for the benefit of
the townships as well as the towns in
which the school houses were located,
but the Council refused :either to re-
scind their June resolutions, or to give
one cent towards aiding the schools.
Miscellaneous Items.
singular innovation in Presby-
terian and Methodist procedure took
place on Sabbath morning, November
SO, when Rev. Dr. Potts preached in
St. Andrew's church, while Rev. D. J.
Macdonald filled the pulpit of the Me-
tropolitan church. Rev. Dr. Potts
duly donned the gown and bans, al-
though contrary to modern Methodist
—A destructive fireoccurred at Mark -
dale, in the county of Grey, a short time
ago. When the alarm was given the
villagers proceeded to the scene, mand
found the foundry completely enveloped
in flames. It appears that one of the
employees was walking through the
building with a lighted lamp itt his
hand, when he struck his foot against a
projecting board, thereby causing the
lamp to fall amongst a quantity of
shavings, which immediately ignited,
and before any assistance to extinguish
the fire could be had, the whole build-
ing was enshrouded in flames. The
tools, patterns, and in fact everything
connected with the business was de-
stroyed. There was an insurance of
about 41,200; this covers but little of
the loss sustained, which is said to be
fully $6,000.