HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-12-05, Page 753 1879 . 7f .- `—WEST. LANDS . iE 011PANY have v ry FOR SALE, &GREs SURVEYED. teh Township, are % of faring for sale :`tr2S, a-`rff:.t lig c/ Lots:. I : r acre, according v easy, 'natih,ta about the ▪ ec:u b hxd Cha ' '«ta in winni, :Montreal, Ifni:srru's They Co. - MEa. TORONTO, ' Sts.€)0t;,,0il- f,4° +*,4k00;. Vis. ri., President_ ''resident. - ewe, , Es€l. tr l4tn iter,Eau :ate>n, Esti. SUN. I-n'1peotor H. (;.,,merry Simcoe, Stratford, Strathroy, `ea forth, Thorold, Toronto, Walkerton, Windsor, Woodstock, :.e in Europe,. ag J+rrpan, and: .:e bought and ,. ).abl- terms. range National Scotland. NCH. l A.NAGE& (TRACT FERRY.; I staraunxer Dy— F. E'Phtsie •aE mot. .Saar anti all de - e' by using c•Rc=ta;biesr milt , iir • of water,. No matter • )aare s4b- EDr. +Now-: tear wb a try L tre will be s'•`Es cm. It is icrawberry f Cher in ur- Lilera, at 2a.. "SO., 617 E GY. G Stock, Firs l is lirepar 1'E ELMS. o r& Soeie -e of Fara 1.xs M- ALE. camera , Main -S ILL, CTORY n uweroa ended to orth,auck t/napalm 1 to give II hand a i` t • those cash none Planing )T. ORE Furn- nectiioa sq. He IE scrip- edroont give irchas- y doing LL... THE HURON EXPOSITOR. The First Sew Machine in, f In the days when the sewing ma- chiue was in its earliest infancy, a lady resident in India imported one, and for 'a long time kept its mysterious work- ings orkings hid tram the ken of her native This -pais functi.auccry was the very slowest of his prc,verbiab1G slow "caste," and wasted in) • end of. time drawling over hem. and. stitch. One clay his mistress conies to-. him arm -hutch with yards upon yards of some dress fabric. "Dirzee," says she, "how long will it take you to. ran these Breadths totether?' ``Tree day, fissis," replied Dirzee. "Missis,please, plenty too much work." "Three days? Nonsense ! Three hours you mean. You are a. very lazy man, and. I will cut your pay. Give me the stuff ; I'll do it myself." Then the lady retires to her boudoir, from the inmost peneiralia of which a sharp and continuous click and - whirr reaches the ear of the tailor. He can't make out what the sound is, and he is much too lazy to speculate on it.. He continues to chew betel, and yawningly to apply needle and thread. After au hour or two "MissiS" comes back, and throwing at Mr. Dirzee's feet the raw material, now fashioned into a com- pleted skirt, says: "There ! See ! You wanted three days, you sleepy fellow, to finish this and I have done it al- ready." 1.stonished, Dirzee turns over the drapery, examines the seams, scrutiu- izes the stitch, an.. • satisfies himself that all is proper and according to tail- ors' rule, • lie is confounded. It passes his uuderstaudiug. There lies the work done and no mistake. But how ? He springs up from the mat on which he has been squatting ; he kicks over the little brass vases that,hold his drink- ing water ; he scatters right and left, thread, needles sines thimble ; he stops not to- put On his, sandals or to adjust his looeened turban and waist cloth: Scared and bewildered he runs for very life into the bazar, shouting as he goes along :."Shitan ! •Shitan ! (the evil one ! the evil one!) lie do tailor business in that Main's. house. I listen. I hear. He cry click, click, click ! Two hours' time he never stop cry. Den plenty too much true dis work I tell. Ebery bit true. All work -done finish. I not go back that buugallow." And he never did Cltaimbera' Journal. • Look Ahead. No matter what calling he • may fol- low, a man must have au object in his mind to strive for. Without it no .one can succeed. And we think the theory more applicable to the farmer than to any other class. His aims and. purposes mast be clearly defined before he is pre- pared to pursue `his business in that straight forward, systematic manner which alone can insure the success he is so desirous of attaining. His farm- ing then becomes a business, and will; O. a. great extent, be governed by busi- ness laws__ A succession of favorable - years will often occur, when a farmer, as well as abusiness or professional man will for the time prosper—will realize good returns for his daily labor and on capital invested, without much thought or close business education. such times will not continue. Hard -times will surely come, and if there be no carefully laid plans ahead the in- come will be largely cut off. The man of business uncles : these conditions, is very likely to lose all , but the farmer has the , advantage. in this. respect hearty at 90 years of age, and he has never known a day in 7i; years that he - did not take a snifter. Yes, I know the good-natured old man, and I and you know that his -'sons and grandsons have died and are -dying despised sots, and he never refrains himself nor stops dis- playing his cut -glass decanters on his sideboards, well filled with fiery spirits I that slowly killed and is to -day killing his descendants. He only says Bob and John and Dick and Sam can't stand so much, poor fellows, as the old man, hut they enjoy a good drink, and are only troublesome when they see devils caper- ing around the room. "Now you cold- blooded total abstainers, keep preach- ing the lie that good liquor takes away a man's strength. Why, the other day 'Jim hustled -four strong men out of his room, thinking they were horned monsters, and came near choking to death another stronger than any of the R. JA.MI;SON e THE GOLDEN LION rest. To strength, ha, in good old WIN CEYS--We have received this Santa Ortiz or New England ram ? why, week another lot of our 12i cent just look at me," laughed Uncle Jovial, , Winceys. Also New Patterns in "I can'go and I can put any of your Shirting Angola Winceys. pale cold water fellows on their hack I inside of a minute," and he skipped around kicking over a chair or two. "My kind hearted, but deceived ld GLASGOW GOODS—We have friend " said the minister who was lk also received advices from Glasgow ing with him at the time, "as we livid of the shipment of another lot of away Jim, yesterday, do you suppose he Goods, which we expect to hand in is having as constant a fight with a feiv_days. devils now as he had during the last, tendays of his life?" "Well, now, Parson H—, of course I knew Jim could not go to Heaven, and I don't N think he desired to, for he used to say he was ambitious to have a clinch with old Beelzebub himself, -fes he really - thought he could put your king of, ter- rors head first into the hottest part of his kingdom. Now I tell you, parson, , I am troubled to think howf,I shall get , along without my punch, bitters and DRESS GOODS—We We wouldask. nightcap toddy in the other world. If l customers to inspect our Dress it wGoods, both in Plain and Fancy.ere not that I saw in a dream the � Also our Shawls, Scarfs, Squares, night James died., Maty and our ; Ars&c. daughter, who.said I must clear myself 1 from all the delights of my life and prepare myself so as to meet them in glory, I honestly tell you I should die happy with a glass of honest rum in my hand." .."My friend," said the shocked minister, with tears in his eyes, "I shall 'pray the good God to open your eyes before you go home." And he went out heart stricken _ at the depth of -degradation the lovers of in- toxicating liquors delight to revel in, W GOODS—We are now show- ing New Goods in all the Depart, ments, and our Stock is verywell assorted again. —The mail between Galt and A -r is carried in a one-horse conveyance.. One evening last week, as the driver was on his way to Ayr, when within about four miles of the village, some part of the harness gave way and the horse, a spirited animal, wheeled round in the road, and freeing itself from the buggy, ran towards Glenmorris. The driver , and his two passengers were left on the road with a conveyance minus a horse. A, farmer was applied to in the diffi- culty, who very courteously rigged up his team and drove the passengers and mail -bags into Ayr. —One afternoon of last week during a sale at Henderson's auction rooms on King street, Toronto, Mr. C. M. Hender- son missed a number of silver forks, and keeping a sharp, lookoutnoticedan elegantly dressed, middle aged. lady, acting in a peculiar manner. He ap- proached her, and as he • did so a fork dropped out of a pocket in. her jacket.. Without publicly - denouncing the woman he accused her, whereupon she burst opt crying, and returning nine forks,: two salt cellars, and five bottles of scent, begged to be. eiYcused. She —he will save his capital, has farm and was allowed to go with areprimand,and- appurtenances thereto, losing only the the sale continued. income of the same. He need not, however, lose even this in times of adversity, provided he wisely- prepared his farm for that Perpetual income of which it is capable. The handato-month system of living practised by some of the laborers in the towns and cities will never clog for the farmer, either when applied to his farm or to the economy of his family. In times of bountiful crops, a surplus of those crops ---or their equivalent in money if more practicable— should be laid by tor carry hien over the opposite extreme which is sure to follow - Especially is this the course in stock . husbandry. When winter forage and pasturage are so very abundant it does not follow that the farm at that time should be kept stocked up to its utmost capacity. The coining time should be prove led for when the crops will be less, and the stock must be sacrificed unless plans are laid. ahead for meeting such an caner eney. Tt frequently happens that in times of plenty, and consequent high prices of stock, farmers are reluc- tent to•s€1l, and hold and feed their stick until crops are short and prices turn, when. they must sell, 'and that too, at a discount from previous prices, with the cost of keeping thrown in.. This need. not frequently occur. A very good lila.:im to be guided by in these matters is `' to sell when prices are high and buy when prices are low." Temperance in Danbury, No. 10 No controversy affecting the moral condition of mankind ever raged with greater iuteesity than the controversy for and against the doctrine of total abstinence front the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage that began in 18 "No drunkard can inherit the kingdom of God," cried Lyman Beecher, with apostolic vehemence. "Granted," re- EPi led most of his hearers, "but we are not drunkards because we take a glass of orange peel or tauzy bitters just be fore breakfast, or renew our strength in the harvest fields with a `modicum' of spirits." "Did. God. ever make any intoxicating drinks for iaia:li or beast?" "No, neith- er does lie Make bread or clothes," was the answer. Bread and raiment sus- tain, life, but strong drink destroys health_ and -then life. That depends upon how much is taken at a time. Many men over eat and spend all they can earn and farrow for extravagant clothing and fashionable style, but that don't prove that every man, woman and child should totally abstain from be- coming garments and nourishing food. Neither does the fact that there are gluttons and Flora MacFlilnsies _ prove that all men cannot live without the daily use of intoxicating liquors. Jack - a -dandies and. fashionable Angelicas keep a multitude 'of people to work to gratify their extreme fastidiousness and,. -inordinate desire for display. Belt the, Use of strong wines and fiery liquids -de- s rays the customers of the distiller and vinyardist. I tell you again, shouts the disciple of Backus, it all depends upon the quantity used at a time. Now you know Uncle Jovial, who is hale and , —A very rare coin was unearthed by Mr. J. G. King, in his garden, Port Hope; a few days ago. The coin -is a silver one, of the time of Francis I., head of the Holy Roman Empire and Duke' of Tuscany, who married Maria Theresa 1730. and was declared joint Regent in 17.10. The coin is probably. a relic of the early Jesuit Fathers, and bears these inscriptions : Reverse- side —Hon. Reg. sed.is U rb.. Avis Or : around a representation' of the Em- peror seated on a throne, with sceptre and orb. The obverse side has the fol- lowing : Franciscus J. D. G. Born: lin: Seim. Avg., surrounding three ,castles, with the words,-Marck-Ach., 1754. • BUcklen's Arnica Save. The best salve in the • world for, Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, • Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin ;Erur,ftions. This salve is guaranteed to .give per- fect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price l5 cents per box. For sale by Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. - 506-8m BROAD1• OOT & BOX SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &C. FUNERALS ATTENDED ON TilE SHORTEST NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHR -ODDS ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE. LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILi- OP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all, kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY •EXTRA VALUE—We are showing Extra Value in Tweeds, Overcoat- ings, Ulster. and Mantle Cloths. Also in Shirts and Drawers, Socks, &c.,r &c. - BUTTER. BUTTER; The Highest Market Price in Casih paid for Good Fall Packed Butter, in Tennets and Crocks, at ffickson & Bleasdell's Drug Store, Seaforth: • W. S. ROBERTSON. MARRIAGE LICENSES OK CEIK`JTL ' ICATES, (Under the new Act,) issued r. t the HOSIERY—our Stock of Ladies' and. Children's Hosiery is well as- sorted, and, we have very nice Goods. TOWELLING—Towels, Table Lin- ens, Table Napkins, in nice pat- - terns and good qualities, EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH R: N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and Retail Dea:er in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very. Best Stock kept. Terms moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by mall or others -lye promptly tilled. 4J, B. N. BRETT A CALL SOLICITED. R_ SON. Main Street, Seaforth. THE CHEAPEST GOODS. A-. G- .ATT.LT, IS NOW RECEIVING A - A Very Large Stock of all kinds or Groceries and Provisions. A Fresh Lot of Canned Fruits, -and Honey and Jellies; A Fresh, Lot of those very choic Teas in Black, Green and -Japan, All Grades of Sugars, Syrups and Molasses. Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Dried Apples, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Pot Barley, Flour, Shorts, best df Hams and Bacon. All kinds of Fresh Garden Seeds, Top rOnions, Potato Onions and Set Onions and Potatoes. Cream Crocks, Milk Pans, Flower Pots, cec. Lard, Butter, Eggs, and a good va- riety of Soaps. Sods Biscuits in 3 pound boxes, at 25c. and pure ground Coffee. Also that Celebrated EnliFh Excelsior Horse and Cattle Food. All are invited to come and get some of the Cheapest Goods in the Dominion. Don't forgot. the place : A. G. AULT'S GROCERY, 591 Main Street, SEAFORTH �E1TSiA. PATRONIZE NOME INDUSTRIES. O m m -Cl Why go abroad for your Furniture when you can get as - Good Value for your mrione y in ITensall as in any other Town in Canada. SYDNEY FAIBAIRN Has now on hand a Splen lid Stock of F'URITITTTFtP OF EVERY DESC IPTION, Which he will sell t Prices to Suit the.T1 es. Remember the Place : Opposite the Foundry. *rOISONI ZSrZ'doHS 0 1.9 n CDH 0 a CD P S et - 0 0 0 P. m CD 0 0 co 0 0 O 44 CD 0 P -4 CDP Asn H td Ua H r 2 0 0. 0, 0 G 3 c Z 0 2 0 td H O P. cid 0 1-30 ry ti 0 0� nm 4> 0 H NoiionaMI 1.V31:10 '830HS GNV 91008 N NO 'BLOW BUT REAS. FACTS. 1\T 01=1P CHILLED PLOWS Proved and Acknowledged to be the' Standard PlOw of America. UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. - Also a First- Class Hearse Which he will furnish to m o NERALS on rea sona e FOR, EASE OF DRAUGHT, QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- NESS, AND FINISH, IT HAS NO - EQUAL. The Material used- in the construc- tion of these Plows, or Smoothness of Face and Toughne s, is superior to Cast Steel, and is MA UFACTURED by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, SGUFFLERS, &C., Always on hand, made of Improved Patterns, and warranted (A. 1). Co. lumns, Castings, School, Church, Garden and Lawn Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing a Specialty. All Kinds of Repairing done and Good Work Guaranteed. 33TTIL]JINN-_ - Contracts for Buildings of every description taken on most reasonable terms. Material fur- nished if desired. and under- Furniture Remember the Henhall taking Establishment. 576 S. FAIRBAIRN. l JOHN NOPPER, Seaforth Foundry. GODRRIOH, June 13t1, 1879. WYLLSIYHO HHOr HORACE MORTON, President. 0 v CO Ca N J CO ti pany, Limited, must be promvtl7/ settled to avoid costs. _np s1u2700Dy 0 r ' 0 H Q h� a n ���illf� hli ` 'i'Gl fiat 00,014rt ' LUMSDEN & WILSON Druggists, w uni m Seaforth, Ont. U�! O I 0 z 000 A K K o 0 A A K K O ' 0 A A ) KK O 0 AAAAA K IK 000 A A. K' K IJ H A L L R H A A L L HCl -H HC A A L L H. ' H AAAAA. L L H Fl A A LLLLL LLLLL THE OVERCOAT BOOM. See OAK HALL'S Magnificent Display of Over -Coat- ings, for Melt and Boys. The prices are astonishing- lv cheap, and we are having a Booming Sale. The Latest Style of Overcoat for the -present season is the Single -Breasted Teed Ulster. A fine assortment of High Class Goods, specially adapted for this style of Garment, can now be seen at the Oak Hall Cloth- ing Establishment. Gentlemen requiring First -Class Clothing at Moderate Prices should leave their orders as early as possible, that they may have their Clothing - ready for the cold season, as our fall staff of employees engaged- in the manufacture of Clothing are all working overtime. HALLY 8- ANDERSON, SEAFORTH. J. S. ROBERTS HAS REMOVED KIDD'S HARDWARE. I DRUG STORE To the Store - between RCEIVED. - Hoffman's Dry Goods MANUFACTURERSDIRECT FROM and Counter's Jewelry Stores, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES,`. GLASS, PAINTS, ;OILS, &c FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HA.DWARE Of Every Description Cheap. RAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special _inducements to Cash and Prompt- Paying Clcstomers. JOHN KIDD. CARD_ DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor ' and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt I ly attended to. 79 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. ---- fs i. _ r•, -._•_2y I irk l#' i r` I. l--____;.-..:7-7-r"'=7*g 5 y t.,e l rfOt I ,:• 1 I ' , R f h-! `r/ rRa a k ily3 - d '"i---• , - v ' 1 1 1.- rj. Y tI - 1 e; „'34- T R.- aro .✓ -.L'. L-R�"� �..... ,e .. rpt-- ,= . ;., _ 7 HARDWARE, HARDWARE. SIGH _OF__ THE CIRCULAR - SAW. OxTMUUO PRIMERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKI' & SON C) O J .: t�- CD P CD p 1. 0 CD P al p tda 4� 0 CD era, I CD c?„, • I h4 Y+ tea r. Y put, 4sOgJ1 t OtJ4 'O? 'SUMO O At.0?;) P CD ✓ r+- CD 1-4 •N• CD C- D V • 0 CD 0 Y• O CD P n r✓ CD O' r C) co ,.-., Oq P C1 C) CD O i 0 m 0 0 11 c CO C r z z D r. r9x V ,sa: V 3d This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life, These fatuous pills purify the BLOOD, and act most powerfully, yetaoothingiyon the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys, end BOWELS. giving tore, energy, and vigor to these. great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution from whatever cause, has becemeimpaired or Ixeaken- ed. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ail- rn ents incidental to f, mages of an ages t and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsur- passed. nsurpassed. - 1111;' �i�ra ���'���''yt�is •.�r f Kul+. `rr .tX• ,y� �ji! r Its Searching -and Healing Properties are known throughout the World_ For the cure of BAD LEGS, bad breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy_ If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest; as Fait into meat, it Cm -es SORE 4llR0AT,i3i-onchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even AST HM ,x.- For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles; Fistulas. Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. - - The Pills and Ointment are Mannfaetured only at 583, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and are sold by al Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World ; with directions .for nsa in al- most every language. The Trade narks of these Medicines are regis- tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep the Ameri- can Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted. t Purchasers t-honld look to the Label on Pots acrid loses. If the address IS not 533, Ox- ford xford Staeet, London, they are spurious, HAVE t, M 0V ISD g Tartu NEW PREMISES, Ct,r. Buy and Wellington Streets. TO THE FARMERS. REAPERS AND MOWERS REPAIRED AT THE HURON FOUNDRY; SEAFORTH.. A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED, AND AT PRICES TO THE TIMES. TERMS CASH;. •IMAN J. S. RUNC, PROPRIETOR. SUIT 1i CC CO 0 BRADLEY HARVESTERS, AWARDED Medals a t the World's Fair Phil- adeiphia. U. S., lox ; Sydney, 'Australia, 1877 ; Paris, France, 1b78; Gold and Silver N edals, Huron r.eaper Trial, 1877, and Gold Medal 1` 78. Everywhere successful. Fold by D. Hogan and W. J. Grieve, Seaforth Robert Anderson, Kippen; Archibald McCtiI;r, Bracefield, Jahn Robinson, Varna,: L. Elliott: Goderich; David Halstead, wingham.; T. Eng - halt, Brussels - Order early. Satisfaction guaranteed. Re- pairs can be had of any of the Agents. SAWYER & Co.. Hamilton L. D. , Manufacturers GEO. STEWART, Clinton, General Agent.