HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-11-21, Page 51879
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NOVEMBER 21, 1879.
jested in this manner. The . railway
officials will not allow fruit to Iie about
the stations in a decomposing state, as
it -is likely to breed pestilence of some
-Only a short time ago a Custom
//Ouse oacei, Brosser, caught a woman
codling across the lines with twelve
vs- luable clocks secreted under the seat
..of the car, with her skirt covering them.
The irate individual would not surrend• -
er the property,- and bit and tore at the!
°akar until he called in the assistance
of the conductor. Notwithstanding
their vigilance, thousands of dollars'
worth of goods keep crossing from the
tufted States to Canada.
Perth Items.
Mr. T. Earl, concession 8, Logan,
15sheep killed by dogs a few nights
-Listowel has 13, debating society in
full blast, made interesting by debates,
readings, essays, &c,-.
-Mr. C. Klochraaai, of Carthage kil-
led a calf a short time ago which was
five months old, and. the carcase weigh -
d, when dressed, 270 pounds.
-The-pupils of Stratford High School
fISsembled for the first time in the new
building on Monday of last week. The
BOW edifice is handsome and. coniraod-
-Mr. J. Murray, of the 7th concession
0/Logan, has sold his farm of 50 acres
to Mr. J. Wood, for the sum of $2,650.
yr. Murray intends to move to Michi-
MILLER. -At Goderioh, on Nov. l5th,
Miller, of It daughter.
CLUOAS.-On Monday, 10th in.
. H. Claw, of a son.
BOLGER.-In Morris, on the 19
Mr. James Bolger, of a son.
FULTON.-IngiaKillop. on the 10th ult.,
of Mr. john Falton, of a son -still bo
SIMMONS.-In Hibbert, on the 17th i
wife of Mr, Jonas Simmons, of a daug
t., the wif
ult., th
Marriages. -
B. r. R.
of Mr..<
wile of
he wife
' the -
Nov. 12th, by Rev. J. Sieveright, Mr. .Ehomas
Cluistnaw, to Miss Lizzie Hawkins, both of
MaGREGOR-MoKAY.-At Mutat, on
inst., at the residence et the bride'
by the Rev. L. Grant, Donald
to Mies Catherine McKay, all of t
BROOM-110WES.-Qn the 18th inst., a
sidence of the bride's father, by the
Musgrave, Mr. Joseph Broom, to Mi
lotte Heiwes, both of McKillop.
WHYTE-TOVERS.-In Hibbert, on t
inst., at the resider:1043 of the bride's f
the Rev. P. Scott, Mr. David Whyte,
genet, eldest danghtar of Mr. Wm, T
of Hibbert.
CHAMNEY-BROOKS.---On the 12th ins
Be,.• J. Pritchard, Mr. John Chareney
• Wawanoale to Miss Sarah Brooks,
• Wa.wanosh.
FORSYTH-INGLIS.-On the 18th ins
-Mr. Brook of Listowel. has built a
substantial and. capacious new brick
woollen factory on the site occupied by
the old frame building, which was burn -
e& last summer.
_air. Waddell, a school teacher,
purchased from Mr. Hugh Riddell, of
North Mornington, a farm containing
50 acres on the 11th concession. The
price paid was $2,000.
-Wm. Cook, cab driver in Stratford,
was fined al and costs, on Monday, for
driviug women of doubtfal character,
who were at the same time intoxicated,
in his conveyance.
-The Kerr Brothers of Mitchell,
have accepted *he bon s of $6,000
et:fere& them by the villag of -Palmer-
ston to move their foundry to that place,
and they intend. removing reedy.
-The friends of Mr. John J. Clark,
formerly of Stratford, -will be, sorry to
hear of his death which oceur4d at
Omaha, Nebraska, on Thursday of last
week,after an illness of about two weeks.
His remains will be brought to Stratford
for interment.
-Another old. settler of.. Downie has
passed away. Mr. Daniel Milts, who
has been a resident for over 35 years
died on Monday the 9th inst. Mr. Mills
-was a native of Glasgow, from which
city he carne direct to Downie, where Jae
took up and cleared the farm on which
he died.
-About dark on Monday of last week,
Mr. Thomas Moore of St. Marys,
opened the door of his house and. found
a basket on the step. On examination
of the contents, he found a fine healthy
looking child., apparently about five or
six weeks old., and. a small parcel_ •of
-In the neighborhood of Newry afew
days:ago a young man named Francis
Stoddard, had his foot severely crushed
while attempting to get on the horse --
power while in motion; his foot canght
in the cogs, which tore_ a large piece of
he 18th
e same
the re -
Rev. P.
s Mar-
e 12th
ther, by
to Mar -
vers, all
of East
1 West
• ., at Mr.
Thomas Patton's, Seaforth, by the R v. A. D.
McDonald, Mr. Tho. Forsyth, of orris, to
L8, of Grey. -
n the 19th •inst ,
e's father, by Re
id MoCloY, of Cl
Alma Maria, eldest daughter of Mr.
eel, of Seatorth.
DOHERTY-SWARTS.-At the residene
bride's father, on the 19th inst., by the Rev.
Mr. Matthew, Mr. E. Doherty, to Maggie,
eldest daughter of Mr. George Sw ts, all of
Miss Elizabeth Ing
residence of the bri
McDonald, Mr. Da
at the
• A. D.
• ton, to
hn Dal -
of the
• Deaths.
CALDER. -In MoKillop, on the 141h i
Robert Calder, aged 79 years and 2 m
GUNN.-At Kincardine, on the 7th in
Gunn, wife of the late Donald Gull, ag
GRA.NT.-On the 17th inst., at the residen of
Mr. A. Straiten, Clinton, Alex. Grant, late of
Manitoba, and brother-in-law of Mr. Straiton,
aged 23 years.
1j1ITTER WANTED. -I, will give pods
at cash prices, and allow 20 cents for A No. 1 but-
ter, in tubs only. STANLEY DAY. 624.
d 68
• SEAFORTH, Nov. 20, 1879.
Fall Wheat . 1 15 to 1 17
Spring Wheat,Fife,per bushel.- 1 10 to 1 12
Spring Wheat,RedChaff,perbusla. 1 08 to 1 10
Oats per bushel . 28 to 0 30
Peas per bushel
Barley per bushel.,
Butter, No.l ,Loose
Flour, per 100 lbs
Hidee, per lb.
Sheep skins eaoh
Salt (rotail)per earrel
Salt (wholesale)per barrel........ 0 60
Potatoes, per bushel . 0 35 to 0 40
Apples, per bushel 0 20 to 0 25
Oatmea 1 IP' brl 2 60 to 275
Tallow, per lb • 0 05 to 0 08
Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs4 50 to - 6 00
CLINTON, Nov. 20, 1879;
Fall Wheat,per bushel 1 16 1 18
Spring Wheat, perbushel ..... 1 10 @ 1 15
Oats, perbushel. 1 0 80 0 84
Barley, per bushel
Poas, per bushel
Hay,per ton.
. . 0 64 to 060
0 40 to 050
0 16 to 0 17
014 to 0 15
• 810
•0 8 00 to 900
' 0 05 to '0 67
0 50 to 100
0 40, (g) 056
058 @, 062
01S(gs 020
027 4 030
0 14 4 15
8 00 g 900
MONEY TO LEND -i -On terms more advan-
•"-i- tageous than ever before offered. A. J. Mc-
COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504452
WHO WANTS 31014EY.7-A few thousand
ment at 8 per cent. int rest. Apply to JAMES
v I dollars, privatelnnlida, for immediate invest -
II. BENSON, Solicitor, iSeaforth. 688
'MONEY TO LEND. -I--, I have, any amount of
at .2 per cent. Charges
object if seeurity ample].
Company. JOHN S. PORTER,
very small. Sum no
1 don't lend for -any
Seaforth. 570
G k,DIN(31- FOR S
dal two-year old heavy
LE. -For sale cheap, a
draught Gelding. Apply
Kinburn. 619
FOR SALE.- Two colts,
old and the other two,
one rising three years
both man e. Apply
', Sr., Lot 29 Con. let
. 604
•-4 0011, Aping two, a
•Apply on Lot 11, Concession
smith, to J. H. CARTEIR.
fl. Of.,TS FOR SALE.
`---1 Noticing colts, two
2 years old. Appli to
Road, near the old toll
Sale, a Heavy Draught
red by old Lord Haddow.
4. H. R. 8., Tucker -
• 628
-For Sale, three Good
coming 8 and one coming
the undersigned, Mill
gate, Tuckersmith. GOR -
_ 618
klr. John Bullard
by public auction, at
Seaforth, on SATURDAY,
o'clock P. M.. a frame
as been instructed to s(11
DEO. 6th, 1879, at 1
house and lot ou West
TORONTO, Nov: 19. -Fall wheat, $1.19
to $1.23; spring, $1.18 to $1.23; oats; 40c
to 40c; peas, 55c to 650; barley, 50c to 70c;
hay, •per • ton, $8 00 to $11 50;
butter, 17c to 25c ; potatoes per bag.
$0.60 to $0.65.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 19. --Spring wheat
lOs 9d; red winter, lls 2d;
white lis 5d; club, lis 09d;
flesh from the under part of the foot. I oats, 6s 3d; barley, 5s 3d ; peas, 7s Od ;
Medical aid was procured, and the
young man is doing as well as can be
--A young man named J. Hamilton,
of the 6th concession of Downie, while
working in Frill arton a short time since,
had. the misfortune to smash one of his
thumbs with a mallet The wormd.was
neglected for a considerable length of
time, until alarming symptoms mani-
fested themselves. When a surgeonwas
- called in he found the patient suffering
from look -jaw, from which he died after
the aanputation of the finger.
Auction. Sales.
Friday, Nov. 28, 1879, on Lot 1, Con.
2, Etullett, Farm Stock and. Imple-
ments. yiir ra. Gillespie, proprietor; J.
P. Brine, Aactioneer.
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1879, on Lot 5,
Con. 10, Hay, Farm, Farm Stock and
Implements. • John J. Krein, proprie-
tor; E. Bossenberry, auctioneer.
Thursday, Nov. 20, 1879, on Lot 23,
Sanble Line, Stanley, Farm Stock and
Inaplements. Moses Gerard, proprietor;
E. Bossenbarry, auctioneer.
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1879, on Lot 7, Con.
9, 11. R. S., Tuekersmith, Parra Stock
ernents. Angus Kennedy,
John Bullard, auctioneer.
December 4, 1879, on Lot
26, Con. 6, 'IcKillop, three miles north
of Seaforth, Farm Stock and. Imple-
ments, including 87 Extra Good Beeed-
hag Ewes. John Govenlock, proprietor;
J. P. Brine, auctioneer.
Tuesday, December 2, 1879; on Lot
35, Con. 4, Tisborne, Farm Stock and
Implements. Thomas Nairn, proprie-
tor; A. Bishop, auctioneer.
Thursday, Nov. 4, 1879, on Lot 26,
Con. 6. McKillop, Superior Farm
Stock and Implements. John Gouin-
lock, proprietor; L P. Brine, auction-
Satarday, Nov. 29, 1879, at the Mer-
chant's Salt Works, Seaforth. Horses,
wagons, buggies, lumber &a. John
-Scobie, proprietor ; S. P. Brine, auetion-
and Imp'
SEAFORTH, November 20, 1819
The undersigned having leased the finishing
shop of the Huron Foundry, Seafortb, from J. S.
Bondman, will be prepared to do all kinds of
repairs required for steam engines,• grist and
flouring mills, saw mii1t,. and all kinds of ma-
chinery, also agricultural implements, and from
his long experience as foieman of the •Goderich
Foundry trusts to be able to give good satisfaction
• s at -
pork, 56s Od ; beef, 84s Od ; cheese,
62s Od.
side of North Main Street, at . present occupied
by Mr. D. Hogan. Terins.-Ton per cent. of the
money en the day if Ba, as neuch of the balance
as will make $300 on 1t of January, 1880, time
for the balance at 6 per cent. interest. JAS.
BULGER, proprietor. 624x8
CLASS EWES. -Mr. liT. P. Brine has been in-
structed to sell by P bibs Auction, on Lot 26,
Concession 6, McKill6p, on the Gravel Road,
three Miles north of Seaforth, on THURSDAY,
DECEMBER 4th, 1879, comencing at 11 o'clock
shah), the following viluable property: 87 first-
cleakii breeding ewes, 1 pan of working horses. 1
Royee reaper, 1 Wats° reaper, 1 horse power, 2
fanting rains, lltunbe wagon, 2 pairs new bob-
sleighs, ltgang plow, 2 general purpose plows, 1
pair of irbn harrows, 1 cutter, 1 vet double bar -
nes, cart _hooks, whittleireess, neckyokes, chain's,
scythes, rakes, shovels, &a. The whole of the
above will positively be sold without reserve ; no
bidding in. TERMS -111 sums of $10 and un -
den! cash; over that 'amount 9 months' credit
will! be given on famishing approved joint notes.
A discount of 6 cents on the dollor 'sill be allow-
ed-3er cash on all credit amounts. JOHN GO -P-
EN OCK, Propristor ; J. P. BRINE, Auction-
Live Stock Markets.
MONTREAL, Nov. 18. -The market for
ordinary cattle has been much over-
stocked of late, owing to the very large
supply brought to the eity for sale,
while the continuance of mild weather
has tended to diminish, the demand
considera,bly. Prices reached a very
low point, some sales of beef critters
having been made at about one and a
half cents per pound live weight. R.
Cocherane sold a carload of superior
cattle at $55 each, or 4ic per lb ; Mr.
McShane bought 14 cattle at $44 each;
seven cattle at $54 each; eight cattle at
$35 each; and two cattle at $57 each;
or from 31c to 41c per Th. J. Stogg
sold eight cattle to city butchers at $22
each; W. Remington sold a carload of
cattle at an average of $20 each;. A.
Burrows sold a few cattle at from •$15
to $18 each; P. Brady sold. eight cattle
at $17 each, and four cattle at $20.75
each; M. Garrison sold a 'numberL of
common cattle at from $18 to $25 each;
W. Ransom sold a carload of cattle at f
from $10 to $20 each or from llic to afc
per lb. R. J. Hopper sold 13 attle for
$378, and two for $68. D. oughlin
sold 67 hogs at $4.75 per 100 lbs., and.
J. C. Coughlin. sold 50 hogs at the same
rate ; J. Hilliker delivered 12 hogs to
W. Masterman at $4.75 peri
they had been previously berg
A few choice hogs were sold
per 100 lbs., but ordiiaary po
dull of sale, and unusually larg
remains unsold on the market.
man McShane has shipped. t
267 choice cattle to the old co
GREEN. --Under and by virtue of a power of
sale contained in a certain mortgage, dated the
20th day of October, A. D. 1877. and made by
me John Gallagher, irk favor of John Shirrett,
default having been made in the same, will be
sold by Public Auction, by J. P. Brine, Auction-
eer, at SHAFFER'S HOIEL, in the VILLAGE'
o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY,
NOVEMBER; A. D., 1879, the
old Property, viz: One quarter
d, with the buildings thereon.
n acre of land being the extreme
of Lot No. 12, in the North
ssion of the Township of Hay,
Huron, better known as Lot
Survey in the said , Village of
e above Property will be sold to
o f KIPPEN, at
the 22nd Day o
following Free
of en sore of la
Said quarVr of
north-east come
Boundary Cone
in the County
No. 2 of Hagau'
Hills Green. T
the highest bidder therefor, at the place and
time mentioned. Terms Cash. Title Indieputa-
ble. Further particulars may be known, and
title deeds seen by applying to HUGH LOVE,
Sr., Esq., Hills Green, Agent for the Vendor.
Hills Green, No . 2,1879. 622-3
MeMulkin -will give inetructione
ntul Music to a few pupils. Use
r practice if desired. Reksidence
quare, Seaforth. 614
Council of the County of
eet in the Court Rooms, in the
ch, on TUESDAY, the 22nd day
• 624-2
'I"- in instrum
of piano given f
east of Victoria
-Li Huron will
Town of Goder'
01 ic
dekkiee to re
embers of the
Company and
such valuable ar
WIN EYS—We have received this
• w ek another lot of our 12i cent
Winceys. Also New Pette s in
S 'rting Angola Winceys.
ANKS.-Coleman & Gouinlock
urn their sincere thanks to the
Eitel Brigade, Hook and Laddef
be many citizens who rendered
at the recent fires. COLEMAN
CURD OF T ANKS.-On behalf of the Sea -
forth Fire Brigade and Hook and Lidder
corps, the unde 'signed begs to acknowledge with
grateful thanks a donation of $50 from Messrs.
Coleman & Gouinlock in recogniLion of services
rendered in eaving their property on the occa-
sions of the late fires. JAMES A. CLINE, Chief
Commander. • 624-1
REWARD. -A reward of $5 will be paid for
" each information as will lead to the detec-
• tion and conviction of the person or persons who,
on the night of October 31st, carried off the
gates of the wire guards from the front of my
store. Any information as to the whereabouts
' of the said missing gates will be thankfully re-
ceived. M. R. COUNTER. 623-2
WM. DINGMAN & CO., 42 Front Street east,
I and 83 Wellington Street east, Toronto.
Machinery Brokers, end dealers in all kinds of
Second -Hand Machinery. Steam Engines and
Boilera from 3 horse -power upwards. krachifiery
Received en Consignment and no charge for
storage or advertising. We make quick sales.
Ca03. paid for iron?' copper, brass, and other
Metale. 824 2
-We have
GadOvi0oesDirSo. Glasgow
the shipment of another let of
ods, which we expect to hand in
few days. .
-We are now show -
in New Goods in all the Depart -
m nts, and our Stock is very well
a orted again.
DRESS GOODS—We would ask
castomers to inspect our Dress
Goods, both in Plain and. Fancy.
so our Shawls, Scarfs, Squares,
& &c.
nual Meeting of the of the
Seeforth Cheeee Manufacturing Company will be
, held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on THURSDAY,
NOV. 27, 1879, at 10 o'clock 'A. M., for the pur-
pose of electing Directors, and the transaction
of jother businees. . The patrons. -A meeting of
the Patrons of the factory will be held on the
Stock -holders
lbs., but • seine day and p'ace et 2 to clock P. M., for e
ined for.
at $4.90
kers are
s week
Local Notices.
i -
CROCKERY. - There are Ba
Crockery at WiLsoN & YOUNG'S. 616
Good Clever Girl. Apply to MRS. W. i N. CRESS -
WELL, Tuckeremith. 616x
I HAVE ON HAND, as usual, 1pell's Ex-
tra Family Flonr-the Housewife's Olight-sup-
plied direct from the mill. D. D. Rosela 62
New. -Now is the time to secure your s dow.
Grua -sees Moone is now making four Amb otypes
f or 50c. Plaine frames cheaper than ever. 610
ose of receiving a statement of last season's
buSiness and making Arrangements for the
coming season. J. DUNCAr_4, Secretary; ROBT.
GOVENLOCK, President. 623-2
THE 'WEEKLY GLOBE. - Great improve-
ments in 1880. I The best, the largest, the
cheapest in North Arnerica. New presses, new
t3pe, inereased F peod in publication. On the
2nd of Jannery, 1880, the Weekly Globe will take
another of those upward strides in the march of
improvement thet be:ye-maintained it for nearly
gains in forty years in high position as the leading
Family Newepaper of British America. The W-
anted, a,• creasing necessity for great variety of reading
matter in each week's issue, so as to include the
news from all eeetions of the Dominion and
-meet the varied tastes of its numerous readers,
has renderd expedient the enlargement of ,the
Weekly Globe much beyond even its present
large dimensions. Commencing with the first
week of the New Year, therefore, the form of the
paper will be changed from that of an 80 -column
paper to that of a 96 -column paper • and the
length of each page will also be extended as to
give, in all, an increase of reading Matter ins
each iveek's sheet of nearly 32 columns beyond
its present size. The vast addition to the ca-
pacity of the paper enable a bill of fare to
be presented weekly' probably more varied and
t stin than was ever before accomplished
D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer, Sea orth,
invites the attention of cash buyers to hi. Stock
of Groceries. His Stock is constantlyturni g, and
is always fresh. His prices are the lowestit will
pay yon to call. Examine his goods and compare
prices. 574 in any weekly journal. The literary matter will
WILSON & YouNe-have just received a be much increased; more space will be devoted
very large lot of New Season Teas, which they to household and social affairs ; and the Agri -
bought before the recent advance, and w'll offer cultural Department will be rendered more ef-
thorn for a short time at old prices. To parties ficient than ever before. Notwithstanding the
t6 all parties having work. done. buying in quantities and paying the c sh, we great enlargements ' and improvements to be
, tended to at once. Give me a trial and. I willmade, the annual inbscription to the Weekly
guarantee satisfaction or will refund the m ney.
warrant- good satisfaction. .--HaViDg Ob- •
Globe will remain as heretofore, only 32 per
LD. annum, sent postage free to all parts of Canada
, Mined the Agency of this celebrated soap In Sea- and the United Stat. s, payable invariably in
In connectioh -with the aboxe business, the forth and Huron Colintd'k I append the opinion of adeanee.! The CluhRates for 1880 Will be as
undersigned will have an office at the Huron some of our best people as to its merits: r I have follows : ! For 4 copies, and up to 10, 31.90 per
d -ill take any orders for repairs on used Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by j: LI dia.gin copy; for 11 copies and up to 20. SLEW per copy;
& Co Philadelphia, Pa., and find it verSry goo& !or 21 copies and 4 to 80, $1.70 per copy; for
31 copies and up to 40, 31.60 per copy; for 41
copies and over, 31.50 per copy. Any one is at
liberty to get up a club on lis own responsi-
bility. Each club ps!per may bo addressed sep-
arately, and may be for any post office. Reliable
parties getting up °lobs will be supplied with
specimen copies of the paper gratis, on appli-
cation. The Weekly Globe will be sent free of
postage to any post office in Great Britain for
32.20 -or nine shillings sterling. Remittances
may be sent by P. 0. money order. bank draft,
registered letter, or by express at our risk.
Orders and remittances to be addreesed to the
subscriptions sent id between thi s date and the
let of January, 100, will entitle •,,the subscriber
to receive the Weekly Globe from date of sub-
scription to Blat December, 1880. 624
a, I
xtra Value in Tweeds, Overcoat-
gs, Ulster and Mantle Cloths.
so in Shirts and Drawers, Socks,
c., &c.
HO IERY of Ladies'
-Orir Stock
and Children's Hosiery is well as-
• sbrted,- and we have very _ nice
Min ry,
mills or other things, and -will also take contracts
for steam engines, boilers, grist and flouring mills,
and all kinds of machinery. Having a connection
with one of the largest foundries in Ontarioar will
be in a position to carryout all contracts that may
be trusted to me. Plans and specifications fur-
nished for rcill machinery, engines, &c. As I
intend to give my attention! altogether to the
erection and repairs of machinery and amicilltural
fnaplements, I b.ope to be able to givegoo°d satisfacs
tion to all trusting me with their work.
The Undereigned will corttinue to manufacture
Plows and all kinds of castings on a large scale at
the Huron Foundry, Seaforth, and with tho con-
nections formed, hopes to be able to push a large
business and to give good satisfaction.
The clothes are beautifully white and the washing
is done in much less time-Mrs..51 P. Hayes.'
" I used Dobbins' Electric Soap, according to di-
rections, and found the clothes whiter than when
washed in the old way, and in half the usual time
-Mrs. M. Y. McLean." "1 have tested Dobbins'
Electtic Soap, and am highly satisfied with the
'result. I believe it capable of doing all the wrap-
per claims for it, and most confidently recom-
mend it as economizing both time and labor, and
as doing its work well -Mrs. T. Goldsmith."
"Having given Dobbins' Electric Soap a fair trial,
I think it is all the manufacturers represent it to
be -Mrs. R. T. Coleman." I desire all my friends
and customers to give this Soap one trial, so they
may know just how good the best soap in the
United States is •THOMA'S KIDD, Seaforth,
Ont., Agent for Huron County. 671-52
1879 • 1\TCFV=V13E3MR._ 1079
0 ELLING—Towels, Table Lin -
ns, Table Napkins, in nice pat -
erns and good. qualities.
Main Street, Seaforth.
Winceys, Plain and C ecked, from Sc. per yard up.
Clouds in Fine Wool nd Fancy, Heavy Canadian Clouds from 25c. to $1.
Wool Squares in all t e Newest Styles, from 15c. up.
Gloves, Ladies' Kid Mitts, Lined Kid. Gloves, Cloth Gloves, Lined:Lisle.
Gents' Kid Mitts, Lined Kid. Gloves, Buck Kid, Red Gauntlet and
Cloth Gloves, from 25c. up.
Ladies' Wool Shawls-a.a very large stock.
Our Third Lot this SeaSon, bought 20 per cent. .below regular prices.
Mantlea from $2.50 up.
We have this season the Largest Stock ever shown in this County., and at
prices very much less than ever shown before.
-Ladies' Canadian Mink Caps. Ladies' SouthSea Seal Sets.
Ladies' South Sea Seal Caps. ' Ladies' Blac Persian Lamb Muffs.
Ladies' Canadian Mink Sets very low. Ladies' S. S. Seal and Ermine Muffs.
; -
. I
A. Very Large Assortment of Children's Fur Sets in Grey Lamb and Ermine.
1VI 1•T 'II 0 .A.
T HUDSON'S BAY 0011PANY have very
-t"1arge tracts of land in the
5.00,000 ACRES
They own two sections in each Township, and
have n addition large numbers of farms for sale
on t e Red and Assiniboine Rivers.
ndid Prairie Farms, Grazing
Land and Wood Lots.
Pr ces range from 38 to 36 per acre, according
to legation, dscr.
Teims of payment remarkably easy.
Pamphlets giving full information about the
counory, and the lands for sale; can be ha d on
application at the Company'e Offices M W
peg attd at Montreal.
C. J. BRYDGES, Montreal,
624-12 Land Commissioner Hudson's Bay Co.
all Assortment of Splendid Fruit
and Ornamental Trees,
rs by Mail Receive Careful and
• Prompt Attention.
NTS WANTED -To take orders in every
art of the country. Pay Liberal.
De lers should call and see the Stock -it is
uns rpassed. Prices as low as in the States,
ther by saving the duty of 20 per cent.
Address D. W. BEADLE,
St. Catharines.
Men's and. Boys' Beaver and Nap Overcoats, in all styles, made oh the prem-
ises, and. all warranted good. Men's Clothing in all styles.
PRECENTOR WANTED -For tire Egmondville
-1- Presbyterian Churoh. Apply to SaMUEL
CARNOCHAN, Egmondville. • 622
Company, Galt. C. W. GIRDLESTONE,
Manager. An Agent Wanted for Seafortb. 624
AGENT WANTED. -An experienced Fire In-
surance Agent wanted for thisneighborhood.
Address Grand River 'Mutual Firs Insurance
Company, Galt. - 016
• Men's Fur Caps in Beaver, ;South See, Seal, Otter, and. Mink. Boys' and Men's
Sealet Caps and Astrietin Caps. Men's Whitney Caps.
Takes the Lead among the Photographera
of Western Canada-, and
He is to the front, as 'usual, supplying his pat-
rons with Photographs and Ambrotypes, well
take and of beautiful finish. Old Pictures copied
and nlarged to perfection. Children's Pictures
take in a manner that will make mothers smile
with del ight. Give the "People's Popular Gal-
lery " a trial and be happy. No "cheap trash"
turned out. Prices as low as good work can
be done for. ANDREW CALDER, Seaforth.
rpEAcnEns NNANTED.-Wanted, for School
eetion No. 10, Hay, two third-class -teachers,
one for six months as assistant, the other for 12
months to take chatge of the liensall school.
Datiet in both eases to commence January 3r6,
1E80. Applications with salary and testimouials
will be received till December 1st by the under-
signed, ROBERT PATERSON, Secretary of
Board, Remittal P. 0. 628-3
ES !SAY COW. -Strayed from- Seaferth on the
2nd of September, a small heifer two years
old spotted red and white, giving milk. Infor-
mation as to her -whereabouts will be gladly re-
ceived, and expenses paid by WM, HILL, Sea -
forth. 614
' V STRAY CALF -Came .into the prernives of
-A-4 the 'undersigned, Lot 6, Concession 6, Tuck-
• en -m ith, about the 10th September last, a last
spring's calf. The owner can have the same by
proving property and paying charges. WM.
HUDSON.- 623x4
BLANKET-s—White Blankets, ranging in weight from 4 pounds to 10 pounds
per pair, in Canadian and English. Horse Blankets, from $1.50 up.
BUFFALO ROBES -A- Full Stock. all Fresh this year.
All our Stock we are Offering at Less than
Former Prices.
3D TTI\TO_A_1\T 8z TT1\TO
1879 1\1-07T1V1131Ri.. 1879
PA' E CHANCE. -Photograph Rooms to Let
n first fioor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth,
posi ion central. Also, three or four Rooms on
the at above, suitable for a dwelling. Poeses-
sion 1st January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLM:E-
STE!. , barrister, on the premises, or to ROBT.
SCOTT, Melcillop. • 573 -ti.
TIOUSE TO RENT. -To rent, that convenient-
ly situated and commodious residence on
Goderich Street, at present occupied by Mr. J.
Duncan. The house is in first-class orderaand
has n connection all conveniences found in a
first lass residen ce. Possession given at any
time Apply to I. Duncan or to S. SCARLETT,
prop ietor. 621
1-7 STRAY MARE. -Strayed from E. Welper's,
Zurich, an aged mare, dark bay odor, ebout
15 hands high and sweenied in both shoulders.
Any person giving such information as will lead
to ber recovery .will be suitably rewarded. E.
W ALPER, Zurich. 619
ESTRAY CATTLE -Came into the premises of
the undersigned, Lot 5, Concession 4, _Hul-
lett, about the first of June, last, two Yearling
Cattle -a roan heifer and a spotted eteer. The
owner can have them by pressing property and
paying charges. WILLIAM BINE. 621x4
sTRAYF.D SHEEP -Strayed from Lot 22, Con.
6, Morrie, about the 30th of September. Two
Ew es and Two Lambs, marked W on one side.
Any person giving ench information to the under-
signed as will lead to their recovery will be suit-
ably rewarded. WM. MeCUTCHEON. 62.3x4
VSTRAY COLTS. -Came into the enclosure of
-1=4 the undersigned, Lot 18, Concession 3, H. E.
• S., Tuckersmith, shod, the 5th of November.
inst., Two Fillies, one a bay two year old, and
the other a chestnut year-old. The owner can
have the same by provirg property and paying
charges. GEORGE SPEOAT. 623
This Week I atnt showing one of the handsomest Lots of .NE W WINTER
SL1 AWLS that haS ever been opened out in Seaforth. The Prices
are exceptionally low, the Patterns are all new and very attractive.
Every Lad y should See th;se Shawls before parchasing elsewhere.
I am always ahead with Mantles -no exception this season. Fully half of my
Immense- Stook disposed of, and I have still on hand all sizes and. patterns.
Ladies in search of these desirable Goods will find it to their advantage, financi-
ally and otherwise, to give Me a call and compare my goods with -what they have
seen elsewhere. I have no fear of the result.
The continued, stream of Customers to this departmentproclaims unmistakably
that our styles and prices ere having the desired effect. Buying in the best
markets the world affords, and being ever on the alert for every Novelty being
introduced from time to tirne, we are always in a position to give our ctiatomers
and the public in general every thing as it emerges from the Fountain, Head of
Fashion, and at a price alnaost within the reach of all. Trimmed Millinery a
Special Feature, and Hats and Bonnets got up to order at any and every price.
CATTLE STRAYED. -Strayed from Lot 17,
Con. 9, McKillop, Five Yearling Heifere-one
was black and white, three ware red, and -white,
and one was a light roan with red and white
mixed. Any, intelligence respecting these ani-
mals -will be thankfully received. WILLIAM
HOGG. 624-4
My Stock of Worsted Mantle Cloths is something that must be seen to be
thoroughly appreciated. In Diagonal and Fancy Worsted, splendid value, from
$2 per yard up. In Heavy Moscow and Treble Beavers I am showing service-
able Goods from $1.25 per yard up. Fringes, Buttons, and Silk Trimmings to
• - This Department was never better assorted; and. intending purchasers should.
consult their own'interests by inspecting the Stock. New Lines in Black Cash-
meres, Black and Colored Lustres, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, &c.
A Large and Varied. Assortment of Plain and Fancy Flannels, ranging in price
from 20o. per yard up. SPecial Lines in Grey, White and Red Flannels, at
bottom figures.
Another Large Order of those Blue -Black and Brown Heavy Beaver Overcoats
ESTRAY SHEEP. -Strayed, on or about the
28th of September, from Lot 14, Concession.
8, Morris, 4 Ewes, 8 white and. 1 black, marked
with round hole in eachlear. Parties giviiag infor-
mation that will lead to the recovery of the above
sheep will be suitably rewarded, and parties re-
taining the some after this date will be prose-
cuted. JAMES McKAY, Bushfield post office,
County of Huron. 621x4
V STRAY CATTLE. -Strayed from Lot 14, Con.
-A--4 10, McKillop, in July last, Three Steers
coming three 3 ears old. Two of them red v. i'h
white spots, and nae red and white, spotted
with more white than red. There wear a bell on
the last mentioned .animal when he left home.
Any information that -will lead to the recovery
of the above main:kale will be suitably rewarded..
ANTHONY BOYD, Winthrop P, 0, 624.
vf3TILLY CATTLE. -Strayed from the premises
"L'A of the undereigned, Lot No. 24, Con. 3, Stan-
ley, in May last, Three Yearling Cattle -2 steers
and 1 heifer. One of the steers WAS all white,
and the other a roan, with a wide white stripe on
the face, and a white saint on the shoulder; the
heifer was white, with red on her ears. heed and
legs. Any person giving Bach information as
will lead bp the recovery of the above animals'
will 13O suitably rewarded. JOHN GILMOUR-,
'Brimfield. •
-pox SALE Olt TO RENT.-Tbe Seaforth
-A- Mill, known as the Red Mill ; 4 run of stonee;
steam power; with siding from Grand. Trunk
Railway ; possession about the let or 15th of
September. Apply to W. KINGSLEY, Strata
ford. • 694
For sale the house and lot in Egmondville at
present occupied by Mr. S. Cameron. The house
.is a frame, the lot contains half an acre and is
one of- the best building sites in Egmondville.
There is a good well and all other Decessary con-
veniences, and will be sold cheap. For particulars
slimly to JAS. H. BENSON, Seaforth. 521
VARM FOR SALE. -For sale a 18.na contain-
-a- ing 60 acres, belonging t.; Mrs. Mary Ann
Berry, on,Concession 4, Township of Hay, being
south half of Lot 24; 85 acres of said farm are
cleared and in a good state of cultivation; the
balance in bush, well timbered; a good frame
dwelling house and stable; a good spring well at
the door; the farm is situated 2 miles from the
thriving village of Hensel'. For terms apply to
MRS. MARY. ANN BERRY, on the place. 618x3
VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Cheap, the east
I: half of Lot 28, Concession 9, Mciiillop, con-
taining 50 acres, 85 a which are cleared, well
fenced and in a good state of cultivatiora; there
is a good frame barn and stable and log house
with frame addition; also a small orchard and
well of writer ; is within bait a taile of the villsree
of Winthrop, and six miles from Seaforth. This
farm must be sold at once, and a bargain will be
given. Apply to Winthrop P. O., ortotheproprie-
tor on the premises. JOHN BROWN. 628
VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the north half
of Lot No. 34, on the first concession of the
tewnship of Grey, whieh is also the boundary line
between Grey and Hawick, containing 50 acres, 27
acres of which are clear of stumps and in a •good
state of cultivation. There is on this farm
frame bam 80 x 40 and a tided leg house, also a
good well and pump. This farm is situated 10
miles from Brussels, 9 froin Listowel and 6' from
Gorrie ; it is also -Convenient to echool, 'churches
and post office. Posseselon given immediately.
Price $1,200. •%Intending purchasers would. do
well 13 inspect this farm before purchasing else-
-where, as this is one of the cheapest farms that
has been offered for sale for many years in fhb;
locality. Apply to the proprietor, ANDREW
DOIG, Molesworth P. 0. 624-8
GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -Being Lot 30, Con.
11, Township of Grey, containing 190 saves,
about 75 cleared; clearing nearly All free of
stomps; soil clay loam ; 10 acres of fall wheat
are sown, and balance of clearing seeded down;
on the lot there is a good new frame house 20x30,
storeys high, a good log barn -80x60, frame
stable and other ent-buildings ; a good, bearing
orchard and 8 good wells ; the lot is favorablysit-
nated on leading road through the township, 8i
miles from Cranbrook and 2f from Ifenfryn rail-
way station; School within a quarter of a mile,
and -church close by ; as the proprietor hasretired
from farming, the lot will be sold on easy terms.
For further particulars apply to JOHN H.
BODGES, on the premises, or if by batter to
Cranbrook post office. 622
to hand. this week. Astounding va ue i Men'sand Boys' Suits. See our $9 Joslin, Varna, will ksep during the present
season, for the improvement of stock, a Thor° -
Suit, worth $12 anywhere I else. . Special Lines in Gents' FinAe ONvoebrbcoyatoarnta.
ed stock on both sides, and is one of the best in
B red Suffolk Boar. This animel ie from import -
Worsted Suits. Underclo hing at every price, from 37ac. up.
c t , haviu taken first prizes whereVer
"ment of Gents' Furmshin -Newest Styles in Collars, Cuffs, Shirts and Ties.
ehown. He can be seen at any time en
A. full full and complete assortinent of Men's, Boys' and Children's Fur Caps in Seal,
Astracan, Coney and Pearl:, at lowest ruling prices. •tion at Joslin's Hotel, Varna. Tema, 76 centa
privilege of returning if necessary. J. JOSLIN,
per sow, payable at the time ef service, with the
Varna. • 628-4
Just to hand, a full line of Men's Long Boots, at $2 per pair -the very best ,
value in the market. Boys' Stoga Boots at all prices. Ladies' and Misses' Bat- I
ton Boots -newest styles at lowest figures. Women's Felt Boots in every variety
of style and price. Rubbers and Overshoes -cheap, fashionable and. durable.
New Stock of Fresh Groceries just laid in. Special Value in New Teas, To-- ,I
, a Thoroughbred Large °Breed Bertisbire
th of Egmon -
baccos and Sugars. New Fruits arriving weekly. Perfect Satisfaction Given: t,i1 Boar. This anima was sired by A pierapotted
----- 1 from England, and .for which the sum of 3750
Dry Goods, Readymale Clothing, Millinery, Mantles, and Hats and Caps. Huron, having taken fast prize at the County
one of the best at present in the county et
as Paid- ins dam was also imported. He is
The usual Five Per Cent. Discount allowed on all Cash Purchases ill General i w
and all the •other shows. Terms -One Dollar,
to be paid at the time of service, -with the privi-
irregoeporif -et•teotrutning if necessary. I. IL CARTER%
-A- OF PIGS: -
The undersigned
will keep during
the present sea-
son, at his prera-
ises, Let 11, Cen.
4, IL R. S., Tuck--
arm:nit-11,DM mile