HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-11-14, Page 3i4 187fj A FOR 1879 by array of Lo_ Tuaer„m1,4; norposetr eis ef the Towa of t1titTd the Moracipal of Seeforth, in, the e Olvieot Protection ;nal Council considers to gruot the peeler of n1 CenuciI coneideraa oletructed upon what r Itoll.y eystent to be Prot e C tiupurposes, el require the sera of ;or the eenstruetioa of Council has resole. of reitoey tor the put - 31 re qeire the nee ee see I/oil-toe to be rade. oe or the paereeet of mentiofled. rt'quite the sem et ars to be raieed an- '. the paymeet of the er mentioned. einsiuut ef the whole inid Co:per:et ioa titre- s the natere_ of tolls-, f. fee frorn said Prop - of any iacome to be ere- iuvestment ot the at utioned, part Itevieed Assesse- s retion, being for the lfundred arid Seventy. - t Hundred and Sixty. arid Eighty Dollars-. existing debt ef tea [revs Thete Thousand he: antheiritvof By -Law Seat nth-, atia inter- .erit ,,er amemn, p it tfay of Sentember„ IX:Ilars, borrowed .he said Tema of Sea - e, at t4oven per cent. ot thy of July, 1879.; o, borrowed tinder the . 3 A, of the said Town thereon et, Seven per 11 Of -yearly, from. the LA there is nothing in prine_paI or inter - env ing the said interest e quire an equal anneal :Ina 33,132.56 468 of a e lea to all rat oe to be rnade necesas.ry to ap- tor taking the votes of es, Std for appointing 0 the note s of trie said ENACTED ho the Core eafterth, in the County 'fix' for the Mayor of the e ley way of loan, from ..ov or bodies corpoutte, - evatice the same apon tures hereinafter men - not exceeding in. the Thousend Duller& and into the handl of Town. for the purpose recited. g whet for the said Mayor iehentares to be made o may be regnired, not Dollare e .ch, and. not att, .the sum of Eleven eat the said Debentures `fel of the said Cmportie I, or are 1 the Treasurer „ tures shall be made -ars at furthest Iran the for this Dy -Law to et the 1 rensarer a the -hall have attached to en -writ of interest. (attires shall bear in- ite- of Six per eent. per itioned for this By -Lew i est shall be payable oa n and December in each -odd Treasurer. ee of paying the interest- nd1, r the payment of . goal special mesef one oullar shall, in additioa eve, levied and collected rateable property in the the continaance of the =f them. hall take effect an.' I be Eifteeath day of the Electors of the ns taken on this By -Lew SiXtle Dar Ot IS79, Niue o'clenk in the re till the hour of Five t the following places 1D—At Edward Cash'e IW—At the Town Hall. De -At the Fire Engine - -hall be th.e Returning 4 e. William EMott shall r for the Soath Ward 1,e the _Returning Officer r ED, in pursuance of the e Province of Ontario, the. .aid Municipal Cor- te Feafoith. Mean_ at the noon, on Tuesday, the r, One Thousand Eight ine, at the Town Hall, erth, sum op the number nst this Ily-Le.w. A the said Municipal t the Town Hall,in the the Thirtieth day of od 1.104 Ifuudred and er of Eieht onoock in thee. of alpeinting persons to °Mug places aforesaid, Lp of the votes by the 1.If of persona interested eaoaieg the renege of d third reaclingeOctob.er loenor.IIUTTet sa T, Clerk. en 11. true copy a a BY- ..uLiripal Council of Ilia Tweatieth day of Oa' i persons are hereby re- . ; at any one desirous- of or any part there - his at plication for that la jesty's Supezior Ceuta nto, before the end of (-tier Courts next, after n thereof by thepablicrt a - e c-nst cut ive numbers viz., Tun EURO, ••• TOO Tate to be heard. in uotice, that Pugh terra eeath. day ed Nevariber Town Clerk. )R SALE G.TJION. 4 4.. tri u4 rceelve..1 al .. saue-0128 1;1 AVIE tt, sell by Public EitC/All HOTEL, SEA- V.F.:A113ER 20, 1879a ek P. I.e Lourteenth Conees- • Eaet Half of Northflalf rti: Half el Lot No. 10, here are 40 acres elesred ; 5 acres in fall wheat; ier—leerdwood, black ash • litixeltO with good cellar; raeetslie for three span -well feuced; and is 9 Iron' Waitoo, IS frora - 1, i er, t to eta ehe s and Wt. of the purchase money of sale ;• the renasinder, within, SO days ; the hal- o mit pnrehaser, secured enit. N BOWIE, Preprit tor. °neer. 620 NOVEMBER 14, 1879. e Duke Leopold's Stone. There:was mice &gtest Duke Leopold, Whohad wit and wisdom, as well as gold, And used aU three in a liberal way For the good of his people, the stories say. Tessa precisely what they will do, And how nearly a. ootiou of his came true, went from his palace one night alone when a broodhig storm and starless skies. Ind his secret from prying eyes— Ana set midway in the road a stone. it as nottoo big for a man to move— The Duke was confident on that score ; Yet the weight of the thing was enough to preen The strength of one's muscle—and soroothing more. "Something more," laughed. the Duke as ho strode Through wind end rain on his homeward road; "This time tonnozrow I reekon will show ef a notion of mine i$ correct or no." From a window high in the palace wall, Ile watched u..rkt day for the passers-by, And grimly' smiled as they one and all, Where they found the stone, left the Acme to lie. / lumbering ox-eart came along, Ind Hans, the driver, was stout sria strong; One sturdy shove -with the right intent wonki have °hared the track of impeei relent ; Bet whetever appetund to be needless work, Or worlt that another might possibly de, learn made it a point of duty to shirk. He stepped his team for a minute or two, And scratched his head as he looked, about._ For the easiest way of getting out : Then—"Lucky for me that the road is wide," He lazily murmured, and, drovo aside. The next that eame was a grenadier, Bristling in scarlet and. gold array ; Ana he whistled a, tune both loud and clear, But he took no note of the rock in his way: When its ragged edges aoreped his knee— "'Thunder and lightuing I what's this ?" says he. "Hainan the bloekheads sense enough To clear the road of this sort of stuff ? - A pretty thing for a grerettlier0 To stumble against, and bark his shins! HI knew the visoael, that planted it here— Yee, surely ! I'd mile him see his shoe!, Re clanked Ids sword, and he tossed his plume, Anil he strutted away in a. terrible !tune; But as for moving the stone—not he °Itnienst." said the Duke, "as thought it would hoe" r A little later, still watehing there; " He spied on the, way to the villagq fair, A troop of merchants, each with his peek Strapped ou a wellefed. animal'Aaok. . "Now lotus see," with a nod of Ws head And a merry twinkle his highnehs said: "Perhaps this wonderful multitude Will lend a hand for the public good." But llama : the company, man and horse, Hardly paused in their onward. amuse. Instead of cantering four abreast, Two by two they went east and west; And when they had left the tone behind— "To think of a thing like that," seid they, "Blocking the highway for half a day!" It never reached the collective mind In the light of manner that implied Some possible claim on the othernide. So a week, and two, and three slipped post; The rotkithe road lay bedded fast, ri And the pe iple &Tumbling went and came, Each with tongue that was glib to blarne, But none with ahand to help. At hist - Duke Leopold, being quite content With the issue of his experinaeut, Ordered his herald to Round a bleat, And summ.on his oubjects fax and neat L word from Ids high.-boru lips to hear. FLOM far toed twar itt the trumpet call, They gathered about the palace wall, And the Duke, at the head of a glittering train, Rode thro gh the rivelorof wondering eyes To the spe where the stone ao long had lain. I will be&'rr you to pieture their blank suzpriee, When he I aped from his horge with a fuelling fa e, And royal iands pushed the stone from its place! But the st to of amazement bemire despair - When the D ulso stoopea down with his gracious I . And took 1 Ism e hollow the reek had hid. A caleket shut with a, greven lid. The legend, upon it he read aloud To a stlenteand yery crestfallen crowd; "This box is for him, and for him ebone, Who takes the trouble to more this stone." Then he raised the lid, and they saw the shine Of a golden ring, and a purse of gold; "Whieli aright ham been yours," said Duke Leo- pold ; "But now, I regret to say. is mine. It weal who for reasone of my own Hindered, your highway with the stone. Whet the reaeons what) you have doubtless guessed Betoro this time. And as for the rest, I think there is nothing more to say. My dear good friends, I wish you good -day !" Ile 'mounted his horse, aud the glittering train After their leader galloped again. With the sound of trumpet and glean of gold They flashed through the ranks of downcaat eyes, And the crowd went home feeling rather "sold " ---Perheps, however, a lesson lies In the story, that none of us; need despise. —Mary E. Bradley, in. St. Nicholas. 111.n.1.1111111•111 :THE inIRON EXPOSITOR. lamememeeeemen11... • never give meire than threepenee for a cigar?" Fred—"And a very goOd price, too. By George, governor, if I had as many children to provide for as you have, I wouldn't srnoke at ark." —This is what is said of tne, womau of the period: She weighs down her idiotic little skull with the decayine hair of dead women; she puts her hea .under the centre of her instep, ;so hat, as the old negro ballad says 'de sole db her foot makes de hole i4 de grotuf." —Two grammarians were vvran ling the other day, one contending, Ms t it was snly proper to say "My wages is high," while the other noisily insisted that the correct thing was aMy wages are high." Finally they stopped a day laborer, and submitted the question to him. "Which do you say, 'Your Wages is high,' or 'Your wages are: high ?' " "Oh, off wid yer nonsense," he said, re- suming his pick, "yer uayther ov ye right ; me web:cies is low. bad, luck to it." Take her up tenderly, - Fashioned 80 slenderly, Yonne and so fair ; Handljher carefully, Talk to her prayerfully— She's as eross as a bear. New Rules in 'Shelling 41. Drop ice at the end of Words like dialogue, catalogue, where the preoed- int; vowel ie short. Thus spell deina- gog, pedagog, epilog, syeagog, etc. Change tongue for tung. When the pre- ceding vowel is long, as ia .prorogue, vogue, ,disembogue, rogue, retain final letters as at present. 2. Drop finale iu such words as de -T finite, infinite, avorite, where the pre- ceding vowel is short. Thus, spell op - posit, peeterit, hypocrit, requisit, etc. When the -preceding vowel is long, as in polite, finite, invite, unite, etc., retain present form unchange 3.Drop final te in tette, coquette, cigare cigaret, roset, -epaulet etc. 4. Drop final me in gramme: Thue spell progr gram, 5. Change ph for ,4* in phantem, telegraph, phase. alfabet, paragraf, filosofy, graf, etc. Gaieties. A girl may smile and smile, and be nowillin' still. —Blondiu, although now fifty-five years old., gave a tight -rope performance at Vienna recently. "The difference between honor and discretion," said st bully, 'is that honor tells you not -to hit a man when he's down. and discretion warns you to be -careful about hitting a man when he isn't down." —"A bald-headed professor, reprov- ing a youth for the exercise of his fists, id: "We fight with our hea.ds at this eellege." The young man refleeted. a moment and then replied: "Ah, I see, and you butted all your hair off." —Heavy merchant to young man— You are now in my employ since six weeks; your conduct, your acquirenaents are admirable ; hut What I ad- mire most is the punctuality with which you come half an hour too late every dety." "Yen have not given me nay chancre," said the gentleman to the saloon-kteep- eI gave you e. five -dollar bill, you know." aShangei shange ?" was the astonished reply. "Vot you mean ? Vasio.'t you a gandliate, :lona it?' Ary; you muslit be a. sdrauger." —"Those suspenders, madam, are long enough for the shortest boy or short enough for the longest mane they will just fit your fine-looking young- ster." "Perhaps soi; but I don't want to sew buttons on his boot -legs. I want them to hold. his pants on." ten -year-old boy, boasting of his father's accomplishments, puts it thus: "My father can do almost anything ; he's a notaxy public, sal he's apath- -wary, and can _pull teeth; and he's a doctor, and can mend wacrons and. thines and play the fiddle ; he's a jack - ord. like quer- te. Thus spell , v rdet, gazet, or P. chenge in pro s like pro- m, oriflam, words like thus spell (Indic, foto- er names'. No Pony, No His loving niother said some of this ce the circus." "How much ed. "Oh! only a spoonful: j ful," she replied. "A.nd you'll give me so sides ?" he asked. "Of course I ill—a big He'waited u til she b from the bottle, and then you'll give me tr cents -to "Yes, of cour e." "And you'll buy ene a s he went on, seeing his adv "I guess GO." "No kite, no oil," he .sai ped ba,ck. , "Well, I'll buy a kite," filling the spoon up. "And a velocipede?" "I'li think of it." "Yoe can't think no cas me,,' he exclaimed, lookin his hat. "Here -EI will, or I'll.te and I knew he will. Co low it down.", "And. youlrbuy me a "And. Iwo hun -1‘.:ed mar es ?" "Yes, now tale. it down." "And a coach dog?" "1 coah promise that." , "All right; no dog, no i "Well, I'll ask your fat "And. you'll buy me a p "Ola.! Dcouldn't do tha good boy and swallow it d "Ola ! I'll swallow that he said, as lie clapped on may fool some other boy ticket a it'll take that oast stor-oil, rn ?" be cauti 11 mistakes like that. Here's a couple of dollars, anyhow.'" "Do you sell many .Bibles in "news, paper offices ?" "Very;few. Journalists, as a rule, are not e very religious class of people. I have been in nearly every newspaper office on the coast but have sold. few books. Some say plainly that they don't want Bibles, and. some plead pov- erty. In case of extreme peverty I give away Bibles. I have given away a good many to impecunious editors. In the San Francisco Stock Exchange office I sold two, however—the most I ever sold in any :iffice. The editor, Mr. Suther- land, ieformed me that every em- ployee of the paper was a member in good standing of eome religious denom- ination. PATFiONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES., Why go abroad for your Puirmiture when you can get as Go.od Value Ar your inoney Hensall as in anit other Town in Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN .11tts now on band a Splendid Stock of "I called on niolst of the members of - IseT T..7 Et the Boafd of BrOkees," continued Mr. Burkholder sadly, "but sold very few books. !Men -engaged in the pursuit of Lor the Bible. Their 'd and the root of all in -their hearts, ab - [n the soil.— Virginia money gare little aims b000me son evil, once growin _sorbs everything (Nov.) Chronicle. • 'Unfai Treatment of the Girl. • e. 'if you take let you go to usly inquir- st a spoon-. e sugar be - neap." gau pouring asked, "And ?:: oo-fly kite ?" utage. , as he step - she replied, or oil down around for se father to ;- •e 110w, swal- U.p among the Hampshire county hills is an ambitious, faithful, hard- working father, Who has been anxious to give his daughter the beet education, possible'? and to see her become that much :respected village - personage, teacher of the local school. When the examination of teachers occurred, the daughter upon wlioin so much paternal solicitu e had been lavisbed was one of the app icaaats who tried for the posi- tion of teacher, but she failed to answer the required percentage of questions; Her father 'Wee li.glaly indignant at the i. character of the xaraination, which de- barred. his dauehter from shining as villagentchoolmistress, wild was loud in his co plaints to whomsoever would listen. "Why," he said, "they asked her lots of things she didn't know. Look at the history questions! They asked her about things that happened before she was, i born. How was she going to know abut them? . Why, they asked her about old George Washington and other men she never knew. That was a pretty sort of an examination." An Affecting, Incident. While the dead and wounded were being eitricated from the wrecked train on the Seckson and Michigan Road, one lady, afterwards ascertained to be Mrs. Rice, of Philadel Alia, was discovered to be dead with her arm wound round. the neck of her littl four year old boy. Both lay under he car, the boy alive, but with his leg breken, and so sue- round.ed and confined that it was for au hour or more impossible to gett him out. James McDoneugh, of the round house force, Worked long and faithfully, with- out a moment's rest, to rescue the child. The poor little' fellow moaned out, "Oh! Woo tan only &it me out I'll be so good.! 'Tate me but from here, and I'll be a gobd boy! Tate me out, and tate my mamma out !" At last Mr. Mc- Donough freed him from the car, and Dr. McLaughliu tenderly set the little sufferer's leg. His father also lay itia,ng- led and dead behind him, but not where little Willie could see him. t?" 4.a lump of bro a hundred dolla or oil down my ffers' Bataan • OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOi•T, Which he will sell at Prices to Suit the Times. • 1 • An AMerican Girl. . A very iinagin.able foreign correspond- ent writes.: "A dashing American girl now travelling in Europe would probab- ly say that somebody was a " mean old thing " if she • could hear the gossips abouthet. One of them sa.ys : " I have actnally seen her blush like a girl, thoIngh I knew that she had a quarter of an inch of creme imperatrice' and veloutine on her face. She can blush when she pleases—she doe e 4 somehow by drawing in her bi eath and holding it so. I have watehed her." "She can cau nieke tears come to her blue eyes in some similar manner," said another, "and she can bold one dia,mond tear for five inimiteejust poised on the edge of her lowerlid. I've seen her do it. When she raises a tear she is economical of -it, es if it were a real diamond, and one who wasn't watching her would naturally believe that she had shed a er." nY ?" . Novv be a stuff, I will," is hat. "You ith. a -circus suga.r, but Pony to trot Experience of a B J. F. Burkholder, agen da branch of the Metho cietyabas been on the several weeks selling Bib some interesting informa his labors in the service during -the last 30 years. "I never found a plac 4' whem there was not a s far the:Bible. M.4: are fun of 'book peddlers,' themea-nd indulge in a chaff at their expense, b men I.meet treat me with respect, al- though they do not all atronize me. Men Who do not believe Word of the Bible -will-pay deference to those who do, and no man of sense ill attempt to makegame of a Bible anything to offend. him. "One night, in a sinall nois, a good many years crowd. of men sitting on hotel, and asked one it h a Bible. He looked at me then poured out a torren He wound up by saying UNDERTAKING' IN ALL 1TS BRANCHES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. a First -Class Hearse Als Which he will furnish for FUNERALS • rea sonable terms. CI% Contracts for Buildings of every deseription taken on most rea.sontible tame. Material 1 ar- niehed if desire -3. Remember the Heusall Furniture and under - taking Establishment. 576 S. FAIRBAIRN. SUNBEAM .ART GALLERY. • ble' Seller. dozen of tears since that one rese." - of the Neva- . ist Bible So -—A farmer writing to an exchange says:• "I had fe mare some . years ago es. He gives that had a large wart on her side, where the harness rubbed and kept it sore. In Comstock . for ion. regarding the summer the flies made it worse. •f the society To prevent this I put oe a good daub yet," he said, of tar, and in a few weeks the watt was killed and disappeared.. I have ow of respect frequently tried it since on cattle and apt to make horses, and. seldom had occasion to use LI -f3 they °all a second application. The remedy is good deal of t the roughest simple and effectual." • . i I ton. AtNo. 36 hones btrret, in the ambitious City of Hamilton, the atterition of the traveller will be at- tracted by the splendid. large Drug Store of Messrs. Archdale Wilson & Coelho manufacturers and sole ro rietors of Wilson's Compou.nd _Syrup of Wild eddle_r, or- say Cherry... This meet Popular cure for Coughs Colds, *Bronchitis Croup, Whooping Cough, Los; atogwo,ni iLwIllig: of -Voice Zee., ia he ' Even. at 'this season, lilvghean diseasestositasotofntihshie nrgegirouna: y organs are Goompara ive y rare, orders are atNlivini:nostrat:d.epnstntott.bfnudya tor coming in for half • gists who have Bohr ousts oernital sgtr oys es alro, st s ,stocks;f r from d raunga- tothohe proprietors have found it neces tits: newandimproved apparatus to 80a0ilblteottlareria- , thpfatpraofaBniibtyle. . u le cc:rep:Ana syrup of Wild Chao in suffiereut ' Y quantity to meet the demand. 520-4se peddler ought to be arre tied like any Bu:cklen's Arnica Skl've. , • other tramp. I passed biro. by without e The hest salve hi the world for Cats, Bruises, noticing his abuse, and hen a,sked the Uclicirarbel,aitiSsa,Itcolll.nhseuefunii altett_ends Chapped amid next person ;(a young m n) to buy one. rant, He began to make fun o me, and pre - feet satisfaction in evere- case or money refanded. Eruptions_ This ealve is gu.aranteed to give per- sently the crowd. were a 11 laughincr at my expense. This - e douraged °the 1311=Tetastol)A box. For sale by Hickson & AFTER THE BA.TTLE: The Battle is now over, an,tl Pec6ce is restored 0261 quiet town,. rtHARLES MOORE is to the front to sale o No' his niany patrons. His Gallery is on the gronnd lipor, and he has now every accessory to make it among the finest galleries ia °uteri°, whiela in a :wait to the Town of Seaforth. HIS ARTISTIC WORK 1879 And highly anished Photographs enable him. to gain victory after victory. Remember he is now makIng four Arnbrotypes fox 50 cents. Pieturee and Picturing cheaper titan ever. CHARLES MOORE, DUNCAN Q C.71.10 JE31:?. DUNCAN, 1879 3 all-101R0TY7S IMPROVED HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD SEAFORTH elt.RIFIES THE BLOOD, 'Removes Obstrue- -i- tions in Weer, leoireus the: Hide, Relieves I] eaves and Influeoza, benroves the- Spirit and gives a fine glossy a 0.2t: I late° to horses, while It ley keep fatter arld 'do their work with one - WEARE NOW SHOWING OUR SECOND IMPORTATION foenth less grain. Cattle fatten rapaly when fed For this Season, per Stecum,er Polynebian, consisting of A_ N IR, SS GOODS All Wool, in Seal Brown and Greys. Costume Cloth, quite new, all wool and new colors. Fancy Brocaded Drees Goods, Silk Warp for Trimming—all'new shades. Stripe and Brocaded Velvets and Velveteens. Silk Fringes and Wool Fringes, all colors. iNINCEY,-,DIBECT FROM MANUFACTURERS. PhotographerePieture and Pieture Frame Dealer Whitney's Block, Seaforth. R. FOWLER'S EXTRACT 500 pieces, all shades, and at -prices never before shown in this County, from 5 cents up. Fancy Plaid, Check, Stripe and Snowflake Winceys. MANTLES, A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. Choice Mantles, all ew and Stylish. Mantle Cloth in Bea, ers, Naps and Ulsterings, cut free of charge. Full Range of Black ilk from 60 cents up to $2. ..Colored Silks, all the Shades of Slates, Browns, Blues, Drabs, &c. --- • WILD STRAWBERRY. A Specific Remedy for all Suummer ;Po ,Oomplaints snail as DiarrItoa, By- *, ft;eutry, Canada Cholera. Cholera IMorbus, Cholera Intantutu, Sour IStomach, Grripittg rains, and all de- Irmagements of the bowels. caused by using ;improper food, such as raw vegetables, Itinripe or sour fruit, bad milk, iiv. glipure water, or change et water, changes of the seasons, exposure. No matter ;from what cause or in what form you are sub- ject to the above complaints, Dr. Fovr- ig,f iler's txtract of Wild Strawberry -"• will relieve you and a speedy cure will be lye effected without injury to the systems- Ib is manufactured from the W -Id Strawberry Ise Plant, and free from opium and other injur- ca Oi°011.(13"};(1Ter. all dealers, se s. - young man to sa,y,some very mean and — • , Enjoy Life. e cutting things, when su denly the first ' What il trilly beautiful world we live in ! Na- afis at all trades." man who had insulted 6 sprang up —At one' of the watering places this and told the other to lea e the promisee te`ue.seaCtilsenigint' cutir Of iteoaennstaifuois, etljeons eainle summer, a young man kissed ee'veraa. or he would thrash him. 'He then kick- we cao desire no better when in perfect health, young ladiee at different tunes in the ed him severely and rem rhea : ,Strang. but. how often do the vajority of people feel like hotel entry, in mistake for his sister. - the Bible giv . ' disheartened discouraged and ;vor- 566-8m .er, I don't believe much but I hate to hear a fool My mother -went her pil and. she was 'mast alw 3711,' ried out with diseese, when there is no occasion * heitarEe tun. of it. for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain he was a very discriminating young 011 the Bible, satisfactory prod that Green's August Flower will He mieht have been- near-sighted, but man. Not Onn, -of his "'mistakes"- was a make them as freelfrom disease as when born. 3,1s right.' He plaint is the direct cause homely young lade -r, end, it is thought apologized -to me for ln. Previous pro- Dyspepsia and Liver Cern of seventy-five per centet sueh maladies as Bil- his sister must be very beautiful. ionsness, Indigestion Sick Headache, Costiveness, - feeity, and solicited earl man present —A. sad story .ia th.at Nv-hich says a to buy a book, which t y did. As I Nervous Prostration,'Dizziness of the Head, Pal- poetic:11(1 thealleart,faAnd other distressing syinp- doCtor's daughter was being serenad.ed left he shook me by the and, and said , d g they try it send for ra ' " : Try it. seurgAse bot°twiCslivill , 10 LT:. early in the week, when the medical 'Don't let any of them f llows f3aSS you. ttosniNst:Ontlethell C°ffSe7t. illfOrMed te young --------me "Do you sell many Bi les in the min- , gentleman appeared at the window an - misery could be eontrolled for a few ing camps ?" asked the porter. moments he would. like to put on his "Not many, from the act that nearly clothes, but if it was life or death he every Maier has one alr ady. They aro would come right down. And the poor young naan doesn't know whether to go west or join a Pinafore company. —Squire Quivnrful (who has a large family, to his N'eldest son)—"These are miconamonly good cigars of yours, Fred; what do they Oost you?" Fred— xty shillings a hundred." Squire Quiverful—"Good heavens what CM- travaganee ! Da you know, sir, that I mostly Irish or English, and. belong to r the Church of the Catholic Church England.. They often however, to help the ca be surprised. to see gamblers and sporting They oftenechaff me, bu turedly. eThey frequen don't believe that Jona whale, but any book is ie me money, You would Ow frequently en contribute. A is good na- ly, say, 'Well, I Swallowed the 'Ole to make Free of Cog. The most wonderful remedy of the age is now- ._ . placed within the rooth of all. Be he rich or be he poor, it costa nothen4 to give the great- remedy a trial. Dr. Kiug's Ceilifornia Golden C.oropound, for Dyspepeia, Sick Headache, Low Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Sour Stained], Corning up of Food, Yellow Cemplexion, G-eneral Debility, Inactivity anti drowsiness, Liver complaint, Jaunaice and Biliousness, for whieh it is a certain and speedy faun. No person should be without it. In order to prove that it will do all that we claim forit, you are given a trial bottle free of cost, which will con- vince you of its trnly wonderful merits and show you whet a regular one dollar size bottle will de. For sale hy Messra. Itiekson & Bleasdell, Seafoeph, Ont. 6 . PREPARED BY MILBURN, BENTLEY & PEARSON, TORONTC,ONT 617 LINEN, DIRECT FROM with it, hy assisting in digestion. Cows give one -filth more milk, and vetoes thrive wonder- fully. well. St.eop keep in better health, lay on fat abundantly, and grew more wool, while its fattening 4esults on pigs is truly sarpaiinge Farmers 13hould not fail to feed it to animals t,hey intend to exhibit st Fell Fairs. For sale in all prineigal places. PETER STEWART, HAIII.00K, General Agent fer Western Ontario. Hamilton Manufactory, . 48 Sohn Street, South. j 616 BRUCEFIELD. BRIGGS BROTHERS, T T AVING purchased the tueiness carried= -1-1- J. E. BRIGGS for so many year:Nate now prepare d to do BOOT AND SHOE -MAKING Of Every Description on the shortest notice and most ,reaeonable terms. They will use nothing belt the very best ma- terial, audits to fit and workmanship they guar - =tee satisfaction. By strict at-tention to businees, giving a goo& article, area fair sad reasonable prices, they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Their Shop will be lound Rettenburry's building, D. McIntosh's Veterinary Office, one door south of the post office. Give us a trial. JOEL BRIGGS. 617 G -E0. W. BRIGGS. THE MANUFACTORY, IN BELFAST, IRELAND. 200 dozen Ladies' Linen Handkerchief ; 100 dozen Gents' 'White Linen Hand- kerchiefs. „ Table Napkins., Towels, and Towellings ; Table Linen in Bleached and Browns ; Hollands, Diapers and Shirt Linens. These Goods are from 20 te 25 per cent. less than can be sold in the regular way —see them. TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. This Departnaent is now full with all the Novelties in French, English, and. American Millineryeand ie kept fully supplied with new goods every week by express. This Department is under the management of a First -Class 'Milliner, and we ask an examination of our styles and prices before purchasing. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, HAS much pleasure in calling particular, atten- tion bo his air tight BUTTER FIRKIN. This Ferkin is warranted air tight, and will consequently keep the butter mach purer and sweeter than any other tub made on the oid. principle, saving more than the price of the tub in enhanced value of butter. Samples always cm hand. Common Tubs on hand as usual. For par- ticulars call at Factory or address S. TROTT, Seaforth. N. B.—Coopering and repairing as ueual. 600 11-800r2IC TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. S THEY occupy the attention of all, these ""- hard times, the Subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good inch Hemlock, "not usually sold for inch," at the following rates 12 foot Hemlock. at Ot7 00 per thousand; 14 foot Fencing, at -$7 50, forCash. Allorders over 4,000 5 per cent. discoput. Call and see if yau don't get what is represented. Book Accounts over 8 months will be charged 8 per cent. The subscriber thanks his nurneroue custom -cos for their liberal support, and solicits e continu- ance of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. Steam Saw Mills, Matitiop 438 BUTTER. BUTTER. The Highest Market Price In Cash paid for Good Fall Packed • Butter, in Tennets and Crocks, at Hickson (34; Bleasdell's Drug Store, Seaforth. • W. S. ROBERTSON. READYMADE CL.OTHING. ORDERED CLOTHING. A Large Staek of Tweeds, Cloths, and Overcoatings. Hats, aps, Furs, &c., ia all the Newest Shapes and in the different qualities.' Boots and Shoes—a full, stock of Men's, Women's and. Children -'s. Fresh Groceries arrive Weekly—the cheapest goods in town in this department. ID TT N 0 334 TT N 0 A. N. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good morning Jones, where are you going 10 ?" JONES.---" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to got some new furniture, you see mire is getting played out and I -want to get HOMO first rate furniture at very low prices. Our baby wants a new cradle, and they say that he has the very besb and cheapest in the county." R...N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terms moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by mail or otherwi 7e promptly ISC IL N. BRETT SAWS. SAWS. SAWS. .4-i) Ds s S. 1 o the Free and Independent People of Huron : M. ROBERTSON begs to Stat4 that he has removed to the Premises lately oectipied by Mr. John Kidd, as a Hardware store, and that he is UOW prepared to furnish everything in the Furniture line at remarkably low prices. Datenditeg purchasers wilt find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine his stock before prirchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice. picture framing a specialty.. All work guaranteed. Farm produce, feathers, wood and lnmber aken in exchange. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing between Reid & Berton, as Manufacturers of Plows, Wagons, &c., has thie day been dissolued by mutual consent. All accounts due. therm to be paid to MT. Barton at once, either by cash or note who will pey all liabilities of the firm. Dated at Seaforth this 19th day of July, 1879. S. K. REID. SAMUEL 13Alll'ON. Witness—EDWARD CASH. Is, as formerly, under his ownicaupervision, and will be emanated with the greatest care and atten- tion. His stock of Caskets, Co ns, Shrouds'&c , will be foa' nd complete and at the very lowest rate. Funerals attended in the country. A Hearse for hire. Remember the place. M. ROBERTSON SEAFORTH. AT HIS POST -AS OF OLD. ihffR, BARTON will carry on the business in -u-a-the atone place, viz., that old and weII known stand of G. 'Williamson's, on. Goderich street, and takethis opportunity of thanking his eas- terners for peat favors, hoping, be. stliet atten- tion to business, even to inerease the conflilence reposed la the old fixne. Mill Pick Dressing and Brazing Specialties. SAMUEL BARTON. ltir R. BARTON is & first-elass tradesman, A -ti" StrietaY bonest and of temperate habits, lass had a large ex.pelience said extendid opportuni- tief, and I therefore hope that tte. Barton may seceive that patronage which his talents and abilities justly remit. S. K. BEID. -607 • .J 011 N 77(T.A. PD S P.,11' While returning thanks to his many customers for their pktronage zn the past, also to th,ose who so liberally patronized his 'late sale, he begs to inform them and as,many new ones as will fovor him that he 1\TOW is the time to get yoar saws gummed at "LN A. Callender's,blacksmith, Clinton. All kinds of heavy or light Paws gummed so that they can be taken home the same day. 617 A CALLANDER, Huron Street, Clinton. 1 WILL STILL 13E- FOUND IN HIS OLD STAND As ready and willing to serve them as before. TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PATILING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HARNESS, AS JOHN CEN TRE H U RON. SIR R. J. CARTWIIICHT, WARP, - - - - SEAFORTH. HAY AND eATS TAKEN IN WWII-m..7GB FOR HARNESS. e A DDRESSED u large number of his conetita- -"e ents in Cardeo's Hall on Tuesday evening last on the important questions of the day. But, the Hon. gentleman not having Itoi0hed upon the all imoortunt subject of Phogtography, Calder would Deg to address Sir Richard's constituents and 1110 people Of Huron general:1Y on that point. He is to the front, as usual, supplying hie pat- rons with Photographs and Ambrotypes, taken and of beautiful finish. Old Pietures copied and enlarged to perfection. Chilthen's Pictures taken in a manner that will make mothers smile with delight. Give the "People's Popular Gal- lery " a trial and e happy. No cheap trash" turned but. Pri os as low as good work can be done for. AN ItEW CALDER., Seaforth. DIAMOND DUST POLISH. ANCAOR LINE, UNITED STATES MAIL* STEAMERS Sail 4-° Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Lrierpool, Londonderry, Gies - now, and all parts of Europe. Fares as low ats any other first-class line. Prepaid Passage Certificates Untied to panelist wishing to bring out their friends. The Psasenger accommod ad= of Anchor Line Steamers are unsurpassed for elegance and Wm - ort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 593 At the Post Oface,Seaforth FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER AND GLASS, MAN- UFACTURED BY G. W. CLA.RKE & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL AGENT; SEAFORTH. M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A Complete Stock of Watches'Clocks, Jewdry, Silver Plated Waite, Spec- - tacles and Faney Goods, which will be sold Ch,eap for Cash. REMEMBER THE I'LACE—Directly Opposite Mr. J. S. Porter's Furniture Store, Main Street. M. R. COUNTER SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH PORK FACTORY. TT_ T.C3333E3, ViIITLE thanking his numerous patrons or the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during:past years, begs to intimate that he is again prepared to fmansh his patrons lend the public generally with es good an article (if not better) this season as in the past. All kinds of Cured Meats, Polk Cuttings, Sausages, 'Bologna, &a- constantly on hand. H. ROBB. N. B.—The highest price paid for hogs, dress- ed or alive. 616 PAINTING. 11 TOWN BEGS to inform lila friends and the public in general that be has commenced business as a Painter and Glazier on his own account, and is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him iu the . most satisfactory manner and on teaeox able terms. Orders left tit the store of Messrs, John- son Brothers will receive prompt attention. 588-4 H. TOWN, Seaforth. N.B.—Whitewaehieg and papering epeeialty. THE HENSALL MILLS. GRISTING, FLOURING AND CHOPPING done in the shortest possible timemour and Feed wholesale and retail, Corn and Corn Chop at bottom prices. Thanking oar customers and the publie for the liberal patronage bestowed on us In thepast, and hope for a continuance of the setae. ' MeGREGOR & 'URQUHART. P. 8.—A. thoroughbred Suffolk Boar for service at the Mill. 622 DRAYAGE. THE undersignedhaving entered into •co-part- nerehip, are prepared to meet the wants of the Merchants of Seaforth ana others who may require their services as earriere to and from the Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most reasonable terms. Orders may be left at Joseph Brownell'e Grocery store, and willreceive prompt an.d careful attentiOxi. NORMAN BROWNELL JOSEPH ABELL. Seaforth, Aug. 80, 1878. .GRAIN MARKETS. THE subscriber has made arrangements for g :and shipping all kinds of good clean merchantable grain at Hensall and Hippen for another season, and is prepared to handle any quantity that may be offered. 'The highest prize given for bright, heavy, properly cleaned Wiley. It will pay you to clean it well. 614 1 ,ATED, IdeLENNAN, a GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES. DRESSMAKING. I BEG- TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEA -FORTH AND VI - ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remunerative,Prices. CINITY THAT I HAVE REDUCED m ISS FERGUSONbegs -to inform the Li4dies '1"W•A" of Seeforth and vicinity that oho has :com- menced the Dressmaling business in the rooms over XT. aultts Store. She will be glad to exe- tut° all orders entrusted to her in the best pos- sible manner. Satisfactory fits guaranteed. Apprentices Wanted; Apply at once to 620 MISS FERGIYSON. , I USE NOTING BUT TIIE BEST MATERIAL .CHURCH PROPERTY -FOR SALE. Therefore I can Guranjtea Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor me with a call. —_— . THE Follo;ving Property, belonging to the i -2- Seaforth is, offered. for sale REPAI I 'CI- DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. cheeia vie:: Baptist Church;e huge box stave and pipes; 2 chandeliers; 85 seats, and other articles. The Remember the Place t Opo ite the Foundryarticles can be seen and all particulars 'learned 01111Prdication to 1 - ELLIOTT GRIEVE SEAFORTH. al". R. N. BRETT, Seaforth. 21. • 4'1,••••#, v -• • .er•tr • ..T.haelk.aa — -