HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-11-14, Page 2I
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� 1� . ! � - IGREAT SALk� DT.'LF%M RV
1. - - . . - THE I I
V_ . .
� � THDi ADVENTURDtS OF A a sound somethirig between. a sigh. and at your party, I 1 L shouldatill. be your . Xj:,PDICAL. . I . to _� , I
I .
� I � � � . Lady Help, Yrs. Porter, I replied' . -_ , I i � A By -Law ' litn'" by'"'T air La.,
. - - LAIDY HEI,P-. a gasp. , G. SCOTT, M.D. &c.,Physician, Surgeon and I I
� - . � . — . � "Why.does Algernon always write to ,,�Vell,'woll- I can't pretend to enter tip � Aceoucheur, Seaforth, Onfr. Office and rest. ; -1,4111- . - the sum Of lE 1,1EVIN, N TlK.0V14&N1)
v . . ourse," I : � I � .
4 - you, you wicked mamma 21' remarked into othcj� peo`�Jels feelings, 6f c donee south side of Ooderiob Street, first door . � . DOLI,AJ914, far fourpast's K,,,i,.,.
. � ut it -S�e e nothi 9 east of Preabyteri an Ohnrob. � 349 1 � I -
I . . I I Adelaide, stealing a gla.nce at Amelia, said she � I i lb I ems to. m .11 I . . . atter iflientioned. .
� g Miss' Danvers, S LONGER
cxu=rm m-Colitiuned.- . . who endeavored to appear careless and can prevent your bein... rp I -, r U. 'HANOVER, 3-1. D., C. M., Graduate of. I OONTINUE THIRTY DAY the Tov,u of
� _1 . "Loax whve, my dear. We axe going dic-raified, but onlyoucceeded in looking � or Miss Arnadine Danver. . I'm su e W DleGillUniveraity�Ph.Tfiieta-n,StirL.-eon aud . i - 1. WHEREAS,- the 11afepa- cre of
� r) to speak for AccoUcheur, Seaforth. Out. Office and �osidenoe, ! Sea;forth bave petitioned the xi,ni.
. � p the name's grand enough I . I . cipat I
�! . to. ta . ke yGu to church with -us this orturbed -and cross. I- itself. But ,Live and let live, is my first door south of the Oathotia 0hurch, 1 . i Council of the raid Towu'of o)eeforth I
. everilug- The fact of it is," $-the Con- 11AU our plans are xt�,set,ll -toxclaim- . � . - coun ty of .Huron, for ynole fjaciei�t i�o3t u the
� motto-; ; d now you chn come and . I I � I Cotton
tin uedr' -deutially, "Ahternou thinks ed Mis. Porter, in a tone that suggestbd an L. VERCOE, M.D., 0. M., Physician, But. - . I from F ire. .
� confi . n I H.
. I � ly of you, &i�d saya it is it great tears.' I - help me cab the sandwiches." , goon., oto., 0oroneifor the County of Huron -A-T, T?-j00-1E1Sv'S"- - AND WHEREAS, the Faid -Coun4il congid,
very high Office.and Residence, on Jarvis street north, it exped, ut and uccessa
- I le .. ere
. - I � � "How? Do tell us. G ve it to me;" . "There I" said Mrs. Porter, when o ur I i � rY to grjuit the P -Myer of
thing for the. girls to have you, and you directly opposite Seoforth Public School. I said petition.
t, i I
� . . I ' I . d Julia, snatc,hing the letter fiom her task was accomplisted.' ,'I hope these . - I i I
� must lie with �hem ," raiacil as POBSI- tin I . - . i — I AND WHEREAS) the said 06u'Deil ilonslae
0 ca u inother'6 hand, soon made us aqpqua,int- will be go6d enough for Master Alger- . MoNAUGHT, Voterinary' Surgeon, Gradu, ; I .
i i - ng
ble ; a.itcl lie kitows wh &Vs what, 1 - D taystem-of Waterwoiks constructed upon.h.
tell vou." ed with- its woffil contents non's grand friend, I never saw such a * &tc of Ontario votorinary college, S6aforth, . i L .
. . idenoe in r6ar of HilloraD & � i . is known as the Wfttclou�' c r H�olls fivatent to 4
. k e is cer- 'Ont- Offloo and RoB � . the most:efflcivil C lon'purpo"S.
. "Reall tire. 11 Mr. Alaernon was obliged to go to fellow to get on as that boy; h ttended to, night or . . ' t for Fire 4?rote t,
y. he's very kind, I am s, . - is;,way in. the orld I, - Ryan's. Calls prompt15 a Piles of Dry Goods still left (it -Rogers". I I AND WDERRil�s, it. vi; � -
! . - I I saiel, l&-ugabing boaxtily for the first i Paris on business the very -,��cek in taiDly making h W . day. A stock of veturinp.ryinedicines on hand : . . I reanire the gum 01
i time since I had left home. I ! which they bad ft-termined to give the Imuch as Mrs, Porter loved her Charges reasonable. Horses examined asto Bonn?, 1 k- . . . 143 ]even Thousand Dollars for th, 00i,struchlon of
- ,
. I e 6b�y alternative Was daughters, I bad already surmised: that nogsftrLdeortificitteFigi-,enifrcqiiire(l. � . 407 .-- , said Waterworks. . I -
- - � HEREAS the -said Coun
i :� A - "He says vou're such good stvle I b all, an d th ) . I � ly el)drtment at Itoyers'. AND '%V ) ellbali iv,solv.
I � � i ed to raise th� .
quitO the thing. Novi my girls dress' I either to put it off indefinitely or toggive she cherished a still deeper affection for I Bargains in E�e-? ' D said su
jAmES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the � _ m of )n
I r, . � � pose aforesaid. - OnCy for thepur.
. I I
well, but tbey have no. style; Algernon � it lat once. bar nephew, and that it would pain her OntarioVotorivarY College. After devoting �
. � ,_ I ia shoiild be crossed in two years to prftotico with Professor Smith, of
says they want it terribly." "That is out - of tiie �jquestion," ex- less thiLt Amel I Toionto, haol.sdwea In Somfortb. Office at his The Whole StOck to be Cleared Out at -Rogers'. AND waEREAq, it -%III require the sum of
� I i - love than that be. should be a rejectec ; k I Two Hundred and TbiTty-Six J)ollarg to lip- raiii
. . "I doll't know wh,%t Istyle" meaus, I r"lainied, the girls. ,,We have not de . . : resiaence east of W. 9. Chnroh. Calls promptly i . � . a atintiully by apeeial rate, to
7 . : ! e r �`he payment '
p I y appearance - day I ' t Rogeq-W. the said debt, as hereinafter mentioned., of
: I . ' .
I �
r Mrs,, Porter," I reinarked. I cided upon our dresses, nor arranged, - lover. atteiided to bi or night. A large stock of -
� , I � .that Votgrinary Al�dioluoa coustantly on hand. Horses ,ess Goods, see the_.prices, a
i - When I made m' D,),-ess Goods, P'l I . -will require the sum el
. L
. "That's just it, iml.y dear; that's the ,t the invitations; id fact no propamtions�
. i extimineanstosonudnessand cortificatoB given . - AND WHEREAS, it
I nia t in by no means elaborate even- I
. . I Ob 424 - � - I I Six. Hundred and Sixty Dollars to be raiRea
t 00 Mhol get ready." can be made in such a short time.' Horses botipbt andsold on commission. i all -
beauty of it, 'Now , . 17 ess, I was greeted enthusiastically 7
i - . � . ually by special rate, f�t)r tbe Payment of
i - I 'A bright idea has --yust struck e, int,11 dr � . the
t � . I obeyed. . I -. L. D. S., ' Stiwiv Good- price them, at said interest, as also berf inaft .er mentioned.
� � � � . . If. DERBYSHIDE L00Y _RQgters - `
: . . irst burst of dis-. 1by the two younger girls. Hats, Cap s a y z
I I . -We went to ( Si% Mary zVbbot%; Church, - StUd Amelia, after the f ' ' �1
. . - .
; .. . . . I 110 iMiss Danvers, lio-,v Dice you look I S*geon Dentist, Graduato - � - AND WHEREAS, the amount el tbe,w�ole
; . , -'Have a small hop; of the Uoyal College of Dental .
I a-ncl had some dilal6ultyr in obtaining may was over . �
I M I I I . rateablapzopeityof the saia Corpors.t.io,,(irrii.
I - . you ?iL?1.jt dance. 'I must -have a Pat- R9 I t
4 - w, and put off the ball until Al- Surgeons of Ontario. Office � ' _RQ
! seats, I was not pleased when I found lie of yours to -m - I All BUyers of i -y Goods 3.14de Happy a .qel'S'. spective of apy,inco.-ne in the nature. of tollgo
a. - torn 8f that dress - orrOw-" hours froin 8 A. BI- to 5 P. Ar. Rooms in interest, dividends, reuts or feea from sitia 1).
A � � I I
I .- klaeruon 111=1 MaLlft,(,ed to get � gernou's return, and meanwhile, Dia,m P : I pro
that Mr- - i_ , 0 0 arrive 1S.Irs. Whitney's uew brick block, Win Street, ; � orty, and also irrespeettive of any ioc
� . 21 . i
. ext me, while the rest of Our party 1, Ina, we might really spare Miss Dan- The guests -were expected t . ; om9 to, be
I . in onient, Bo, I an6wered shortly: Seaforth, . � � . dierived 'from the temporary investmentof th
� 4 1
, weresca,ttered here and there. The I vers for a short holida " every in � - - - __ __. I ____ .- ____ -.-- - . , 0
1 � . � Y. . I .— . � sinking fund hereinafter mentioned, or any -part
- ------ _ ___._
- ___ .
- . . out,-tbe dancing and I I thei!eof,) accordi-n- to the litsh Revised msew
. I 8exinon seemed to be pre%clied at me'' "Perhaps Miss Danvers will'not ckre -I 'Don't tease me it, b 0 . . LEG -AL. I . I - .
. . ! .
i . � , partly to I will cut the pattern out for you to- . z . ment Roll Of the said Corpr!rgtiou, bein
and for me. It dwelt on the virtue of ; for it now,,, - said Adelaide I . 9 for the
� F I i . - year one Thonsand Eight Hundred and Seventy.
i I- I elia, night. before I paick lip." 'LT. MuCOLL, Solicitor, &o., .13.rnssels. office THE GREAT Nine,istbe silm of ,]?,IV(. H
; . . with watch the effect of her words on Aix� . ; SALEITO CONTINUE THIRT unarea and 8
� contentment, on, bebag satisfied . es, seemed really, A, in Leckie's now brick building. - 504-52 . I i ixt�y .
� , - 1 of i who- was evidently most ainxious for me Julia, who soluetim I Four Thousand Six litin&ed and Eiglity
; I lays before . I . . I)OIIR;L
i . I the life G-oo. . A us, in:��e&c � . fond o I — ' OHN ROGERS , SE
; . strik-ing out new paths for ourselves, I to'go. . . � __ . �f me, put hier a,rm round me and CAME ,RON, HOLT & C.Au)111' ,R,ON, Barristers, I .' ER AT J AFOR - TH. AND WHEREAS, the existing clebt.ej
� � , - —
: .. . 0 .. ne it heart kiss, 8aying: "How I — - mws ' the
i , SolicitoiN in Chancery, &e.. Goderich, Otit. said Corp
�. and atterni)tiu untried tasks for the ! ,I should like to go h9me above all ga�e i Orotion is as fell - Thite Thoug,LU4
i .. . - 0 always T(OX and 'yet you'- CIO M. C; CiLm;ron, Q.. U., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- i Dollars, borrowed under the authority0l
I , need not say th ,,it I things; to -morrow, if convenient," I re. hio�e you � I . By-tav
� sake of Dovolty, I 0 - I arena 506 . "No, 46, of the Paid Tovu of S
; . . - � . . - -a, calbrfl�, and itter.
� .� P I you reall� want me to nob'seem to,kng,,v it a, bit." r , S 1:11 .A- __F (D IR Ir 1-1 ,
f a,pplied these words to myself and T , plied ; I ,*and if 1. � . . . -F Ia., . I est thereon. at Seven J)cT ceft. .per anuum, vly.. ,
� I yolt". able half-Teinly, from tbe First day of Septe
. Z . - it; "i'I'm glad fLLIAT4 SINIALL, Gouvoyancer and Coru�mid-
� .
z - wonaered if any other individua in that I help with the ba,11, I will returp for .. ike my dress; I waEi . mber,
; � - � I nd W ; n3, borgopa
. �
� large congre�,aiI6 Nvau so i-anirly touch. -' but I, do not intend to ,dance -this win- a,�aia you i 1A not think #,,i gra sioneriuB.B., Wkoxeter. Auctioneer and I ; IS70; find Phteen Hundreil. Dolia
� . 0 .— - .- 1 31 . - � Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected- on ' under By -Law Wo. 100. of the said Town of Ses.
I - I ter. � enough. And ii w I must run off and
I -s. . . . . o reasdriable Lerms. - 366 i Seven
. � ed by thern ds I wa . I . . . . per ,oant
I I I right" � USICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUK forth, and iutexest thereon, at
i I But all this was b.azisheo:l from ray I ' , - se�if the tea is . I M
I . . - ,,Really ? How very odd! We ca,n ' brumenced with some - !, I per annum, from the First day of jul,v, 1,8N,
an 'ing had d MALCOMSON, Barrister, and It-torney Rh- i 4 and Six Thousand Dollars, borowea under
I But we will leave it o] , . . - �tol
i I mind by'icn incident that occurred just � not allow that.' I I S. Law, Notary Public Conveyancer, Brussels. I I �
� 8, . . . I — authority of 13 -7 -Law .No. 3 A, of the said Town
; . . ri Mr. Citray, late of Camuron, Holt & Cameron's j . -
� I as we were leavinu the church. ! until the time comes. At any rate, I vidor when I joined the party bout an I of Seaforth, and Interest thereon
: . I o . at Seven per
z I - % you a, holiday, hour la�er that 1 evening. Mr. Dykes �
f young lad � in front -of me said in a suppose we must allow . ffi��, will be in eliargo of the. offi8e, and Mr. . � cent. per ann-arn, vayable haff-yearly, from the .
7 zX y .
z ka4, arianged tijal-_ oiir dance should "
� voice lorid euo,ugrb fm me to hear: 110h, . -if you are so bent upon it," mid my em- . . Malcomson will be in Brussels Lvery Tues- - First day of July, 1879; and there is nothina ia
q . I : -I look- day. 609 SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. I,ae
, . art -eat and unpaid; ei ther ior prixicpai or. t r.
j I take pl. a,ce towar48 the end, and .
7 1 � I I have left ray prayer -book." plover in a pa,fronizinct way. ... � - . - - -,. I -
i - . I 0 - . �
I '_`_ - - '
I I I -I wiU go bt(Gk ..for it,".* replied an- t ,I Well, I suppose one thing is certain," ed. forward to it!, as to an ordeal. A -_ AROW '& 'MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys- . . eat. . .
.. I B Play- G -L __ AND WHER�BAS,forpayixig t1esaidinjera,l
a '
: I other voce, which sent the color rush. remarked Julia; "we are in for a spon- good-natured looking �widow wa at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pu b- I and kinking Inra it,will rt.qulre an equal annual.
i �
i � a � � . -
; to Div pale cheaks.. - It was the tameous hop." 11 s I came in, I I special rate of � one mill and W,132.M.468 of-& - .
� 1�. I ..
L - ing, in, '" I style were funds, at 8 per cout. oilices-Goderich g to our oust �
� voice of ;my fellow-trrt.-,reller.- As he .,A wlia,t9l' I e_kclaimed, -'laughing to hearler. Her time am( Wingbam. H.w. C. moyer,Keut'a Block,, Wing. We take pleasure in aulouncin omers and the Trade in genera =11I in the dol:ar, in addition to all rstgj ho,�q
� . b. year.
. . - I . er the . ' supply levied in eae
iDg it and it- was a pleasure lie, and Conveyancers. INfoney to L&n,pri e
I I �-fect,'and yet she lingered ov ---
I turn, ed to go back, he cauglit sialit of i heartily M the apt phrase, and nearly pe barn, Solicitor Consolidated Bank. 681 that We axe prepared to .
I t) - .
; I . the valse a- I I � I
, . I . I AND WHEREAS it is made necessary to�ap.
. . .
I m a started tLud smiled. I- NVoudered upsetting my tea molist bewitching strains of -nEMON &INIEYER, Barristers and Attorney ; I � point the time 833(i ;iace for taliw the veto 61 1
1 . I .
� . . -nlysician can. I took posses- � � -
k often during the rest of the evenina oniv a I . � Mea el "
t . . . n �'A spontaneous hop,11 repeated she . � I at Lit w, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, I the duly qual cetera. amd for appointing
I e piano I I
� I 0 ner near tb vEiancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offletis-Sea.
I . I . .11v Inv fan with'& giggle. ,,That means a dance .siou of a vacit,ut 6or Con TOUSO be Sea
; I whether it was ai cy, but I ,
I ea It . I electors at the mteting.
i thoug,lit he colored ioo. -After 'this we to-morrowrnight, or next night, say." - and began to N atch the dancers. I forth find 11rusHols. $23,0000f1Priva.tQ-,Vundsto I :�? I -A- N_ 0 S� -A- I\T .1D 0 '.EV 0- _A_ INT S I Retulm'ng Officers to take 'lie , It 1
. . 0 .
; attention of Mr I avest at once, at Eight percent. Intereat,payab e ) I . I .
� "Oh, I see!" I replied in quite a soon attracted he . I . BE, IT TBEREVOWE ENACTED by, e cor�
I f f1i ..
� con aut..&nd Avalking briskly up , . 63 1 i )) ation of the Town of Seaforth, in the.0 T
� were 6 . 4
. -tly he Yearly- � oy
I , . bunt, .
. . lea, of ,�,oing home Dykes, and to in surprise, dire( ; .
; igh street, The Portem joiDe& cheerful tone, for the ic . JAB. H. BENSON. H. W. C. NEYEU.
. . the H . . - . . - *1 Hn" - ' i,
� I '
. . some friends and -were soon talkirig and': had quite revived-* me. . saw me, he rush d a -way from his part- The above firm has thii day been dissolved by i At Lower Figures than ever, and, will sell, either for cash., -time, or oil. the I
: q d disa, peared into the oth6T muttfal const.rit. All accounts dne the firm to " 0 . �
� . ack - and 1 t, Here we were interrupted by tile en- nor an, I I 1 ,That it-s1hallbe law-fal for theMayor Of the I
� � la,ughing - I man.aged to fall b '11 It bil I instalment systeni. sa id Corporation to raise by vlayof loan, from, -
� - , I eil h�' returned, I puceived be paid 6o Mr. Benson who will pay a a I - ;
I -
. - ,on or persot s, body or bodies corpopite,
. was &11 I wishe I � any pc�ts I :
.. . .. 'D � . -_ that -he;' was colt'ing across to me ac- . , I . who may be viring to advance the tame 4 oil �
walk alone ; this d, that ,1 trance 6f the great Algernon -himself in room. :'Wb w ities. - .
I might again and again reca,11 that;' alarmingly good spirits. - � . I JAMES H. BENSON. z - IR ;
n . Nov. 27,1876. i . the credit of the Debeututes bereinaft-er I
I by another man. I did not H. W. 0. MEYER. I men. 7
companie � L — _ -ftedi .
e and thoi face '? e I. I ; I I— __ I- tioned, a sum Of poney not zex D -g in tbe��
- smilo whiZ I bad ah, ady�_ ,�Girls "cried be I 'we must have d -�i " I I : .0.
look up, for I was angry. I was to be $275 WILL BUY A GOOD NEW PIAN, whole the sum of Elvveu Thousand Dolflhlrsa,�,, 1ILDad
enshrined in my be. -Lit as an idol. some .fun to -night. Adnt, you must I , I . . �
� . - . I . knoc,"k up so -me refreshments. Ask the worried into dancing aft -or all. MCCAUCHEY & HO MESTED I to cause the siLme to be paid into the ha;uds vf
I I I .
CITIPTER Ill. . NEW ORGAN. the Treasurer of the saia Town, for the papole I
� . :
I � I is�s aliver
I Ms-tters went on mucli. in. the same Smith4acksons, the Murrays, half 'a -M' ' D s, may I introduce M r. LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING I 1 $80 WILL BUY A .
' - I . I . . ,and with the object above recited.
i .
I .1 ozen. other girls and any dancing men Dennison ?" I . . . UPIPICE, . -
I �
� way for -about a. mouth. I was of ben a $ ' . - I - . . � 11 -That it abaWbe lawful-forthezasid.slay'k
. . � vou know. I'll make -tip the comple- I looked to, bow, an t e nex mo , -
. takeiY out sight-seeing a,nd visitina - .Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. I I to causelan'y nu-mber,of Debeutuvta to bams& '
-_ . 0 t�, I � I ' ange for new ones, and' fUll for such sums of money as way be required, tot,
I . when Mr. Dykes was of the p&rty, and i ment. We'll have one of my cele- nient I had 19 Imoist staxted out my CITORS for the Congolidaied R nk of � See( nd-hand Pianos, an!;d Orgarfs ta'ken in exch
brated spontaneous entertainments to- I , I SOLI a I
� I I chair. � I t,ied. to compose myself, � I I lefs than ,Lne Hun4vod Dollars ericb, and not
I ;
. I ashe geuei&llv brought tw6 or .three - . - I . trusting and hop � ilia that I did not look Ca nada and the Canathan B=k of Commexce valueallowed. i
. � � i I exceeding in the agkregate the sum of Eleven
- . i I
- youna men' with h1m,* the girls were night.,, 0 in Scalorth. - . � T)2ousand Dollars. and that the said Debentureig.
S . 1
T5 SO COU111SEd aS elt . k - sbaR be sualed with the seal of the said Corpora.
"To-uight!" we, all exclaimed in I f In Mr. Dennison Farm anu Town audVilla.go Property bought ; Wit] s W
I -, . wen .pleased, ,and amused themselves - . and bold. I Orders for. tuning left 11 u ill be promptly b.ttenaed to. , layer anl 'he Treasurer
L � . tent, except, per-- amaz6ment. . I beheld my fell ow -traveller. , , . tion, and signed b) the 3 . L ,-
- Mont y (private furids) loaned on rhorigage so- I . � thereof. i I
, "Yes, to -'night. You do not manage He did -not ask me for al. dance, nor curitics, at reasonable rates of interest. Charg es I I . . .
. � � haps, Amelia. But I did Dot care for thin I - * I . � 111-7hat, thq said Debentures Ehall'be tmilii
prs in this way in the country; do , did he make anycommonplao�0 ,remark-, moderate.- - �
these expeditions" and often louged to K . � Inyable in twenty -Jive years ut furthest-trom -the
beer fatigue, ha-vina You, Miss Danvers 91' he asked with a I but simply sat down. by m -v-,- side, and wricy invested for private persons upon the ' � S., Main Street) Seaforth.
� � � � daN berehatifter mentioned. for this By I .
- decline them from s, b t) self -complacent air'. . , With a quiet triumph -in beat mortgage securitic4, vithodt Buy expense to I � . tait effect, at the office of the T "--
i . . . plenty of needlework a,nd much running reaardina m( the lender. . � � � reuurer 61 tbtf ' .
0 I 0 .. : ..- said Corpprs-tion, .and taliall have attacheato
� � I "No, indeed," I answered. his eyes, saic : I 11 was beginning to think S. G M,CAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLULSTED I
I I lip and down stairs. Besides, I daily I 0 � : 1 N. .-A good Corner �ot for salq on Market Street. them. Coupons for the payment of interest..
. -ed'recei-ring a proposal frorm YA I "Why, she did not even know 'what i that you Would never appear"" . - - � � r ,% 11 . -
i . dread , .0 � . r. :0 - ho� Meant!"' remarked I ! � � I - ., i - I - M-Tbat, the said Debentures shall be& h.
I I a sp atouneous I . I ,
. . Dykes, auA had caily managed to avoid Whv me to ap- . MISOELLANEOUS. �
� I r3 . . 1. shuildyou expect . — , . tcr(st at and after the rate �of Six per teut.per
I I I Julia. . .tI , � � I I . ; . annurn fro
; - . . : . I pe" I 6441aimed. was never I I m. the dhLy mentioned for ibis By-TAw
� � i it so far by the greatest vigbauce. At ar?" A. McLE OD, Licensed Auctiopeer for the I ; � -Um.
' -
I ,, A,h, I hope soon to make her ac- i � : LTURA IMPLEMENT 1WOR] to 1, ake efleet, wbich -in tereat ihaH be ps)jLble on
. last I fvu�id a wh-, .o.ut of my diffic-alty. f I more astonis a od thaA when Mr. Dykes D* pounty of Huron. - All orders Idit at Jame THE SEAFORTH AMU 1K
. � . I tbeFifteenth day-go0une and Deeernlieriu�u&
. L quaintled with all its details," said TO r. I - iutroduded Y:)u." McBride's will receive prompt attention. If- b I 1 �
� Ani,elia. gave we a 4roug hint that � . -Address Seaforth P. 0. 1 658 y — I year, at the offici,of the said.Tressriter, �
,'people should keep. in their -places mud ' Dykes, gazzing at me in an admiring aa,nd � " ut I ha- ,,.e known where you lived letter I . -
, -
, 0 B _�__ - - � - __ , - , __ --- - . i . V. --That for thepurpose of paying fliehiter"t
. - i confidentialma,uner, to my great an- 1 � at Paddinaton 'ITSIC.-BIrB. MeMulkin will giv ini,trno�tions i -
: mind th-oir work.. The remt&k was act- . i ever since I left you 0 .� I and lorming a sinking fund ft,r 'the pi)rment,of
the eg, a
� I hich I ' in instruntent4l music to a few pupus. Lee n 'equalspecialmte,olone
; I I - - � dressed to the luckless Jame, but was so ' Your addresc, wais on your bag w .M sired. Residence PR'OPRIETOR � , asid, Debentuv � -
� I "You wil , I a 3- 1:82-66,468 mills in the,aonar ibau, in addition
. I fiiave to' ma,ke her chancre " of pifino given for practice it de' i 0. C. W1 L LS ON31 . all other rates, be raised, leviedana jeollsow
� palpa,bly meant for me, that I willinal- I her 0 took out of the diarriage. .
� I . D � . i
� . miDd,11 mid Adela,ide, while Amelia - . east of Victoflp cSoltiare, Seaforhh.�. ; 014 I . to
. ly took it to myself, amd firmly da- I I I t a: friend of Mr.. ---- --- --- -- - . I - i I I . I ,I�n each 3 -tar upon all the rateable propertyintbe
� - ' a 311-0
I -
I � . I moved on 'to, the sofa, Ei,n4,� took up "But you kr
: -ither i _ - . ; I . said Corporation dming the zontiumme,e of the
: clined any fu mlulg'ences. I weub , J P. BRINE, Licenced Auetioiieer for the ! -
I -
� , Ftairlb, which peeped out of he pocket Dykes ?" I asked Nvith more, curiosity . County of Huron. - Sales att�ndcd in all I I . said Debentures, or .any of them, -
I ,auically.'�
I �
� I on with my d4ily duties meel; 'I than politeness.1 X. I i
� think of I- of Algernon's huge ulster. � I parts of the County. All orders left at the E � VI--TbAt this By -Law rzbs,121' take effect and
� . . . I
a . not even having the energy to r) 171 .1
5 's POSITOM. 0 . Moe will be piomptlyattended'to. ' A FU ion Aan the Fifteenih day of Do-
. � �
. - n -up I Not a frien exactly, but *I know ` LL STOCK OF PLOWS ON HAND.i. conicintooperat-
I he] i-na it : I
L . fresh plams. There was just something I 1;'.Kav I ?11 mid she, hol 1 1 1 1 � . cember, A. D� 1879- ,
E )19,-,ifully. .1 I him, and I hap ened to be in his office , � ,
L � - vcsted in Wa VIT�-Tbaftbc vot,ea of
L I that reconciled me to stayiD9 on in I 1 , - � 11 St.$ � � the Electors of the
r .
: 'Oexta,in] v f OT. " as. in- $10 to sa 000 In .
� . KensiDaton-the, .hope of seeing that ' - , Ybouggbtit you and early this moruingwhen he w % ) St(cl-B makesfortu,nes I I � is aid.V'unicipality shall be taken on this By-lAw
: - I
� . 0 - . ou fellows to come hero e% 6 r I . I -
I a ry mon t h. 3ooks unt free explaining every- -
� . y "' this for Miss Danvers,". he mid, draw- vi' .in a some . C,ons'stiiig of thei Following Kinds :
� � � face once'more, the fa3e of in fellow- . Z:) . .. 0 - . I . 'brib IDUT-ot Oc-
. .
: �. . ing : 5 evening e w
� I - i the Graphic from anoLliher huge thi as not able to make thing. Ad6ress BA.XTER & Co., Bankers, 17 i On IT11 02NIDA V, theS
z traveller. -BiAU the hope proved de 1. ., Wa�f-street, Now York. 1 587-52 , ' . lober A. JD. IS79,
L . I
; inU , an d I saw that b e woull d . .. - — I . .
! d I grew weary-Ifearted. i poGket. -1 up the nu PKI I . . I I
i lusive,.amc - . , Connnencimg at the bolar:of .Nine eelock in the ,
I I IlYou are very kind," I Imid; "but not obj eat to in y, company, so I loffered rPHE DIVISION COURT. -The bffice of the . 13 THISTLE CUTTER PLOW7 . '
t . I Cbri�tmas drew near,- and a, wild i . I - -L Second Division .Court will Ve open daily i MA,SSEY'S. NO 113ornix;g, and from. thenee tM the hour -of A"
; really I have no time for reading; I to come." I � �
. ' '
: I I � - m I . � o clock In the afteiL-oou, at thefollowingplam.
I q .
J . longd-ug. for - y home took posseg'siou of It from half-pai,t one to iour o'clook P.M. Offic, OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHILLE.D PLOW, -
; . . I 9 . in myAlinocence I thought that i must run off to My work n . ;" and I I Neither ol us I spoke for a se�ond or in my Block, over the store of Juhnston Bros; . . Edwayd iCuh`#
� A me. . , I ' T PLOW, NO. - 2, . FOR TEE NORTH WARD -At
� . . ey'ary one had Chistmas holidays, . and I handed it to Adelaide. . two; then the low -sweet music of one - L. VIKYER, CleA- Of. Division - Court, Seaforth. 562 i I HILL'S PATEN Store.
I k"We will look at it now� and you of Wald — . I I 'S NO. 10 SOQ PLOW1 � FOR THE SOUT171 WARD-&tfb6T,0w11BA
-- - -
� that my em. ployers, would give at least J I . � eufells! valses surnihoned the - �ANCIS GRAHAM,, AUCTIONEER AND I MASSEY � -FOR THE EAST NVARD-At tbe Fire'EagiiA.
I can have it in 1 the tiain t6 -mo . *1
� .
. . .' three weeks, but I socu learneXtbat I rrOW-" dancers tice more. My companion F -1,AND AGENT.-Speciitl attention given to i PORT PERR* AND TEESWATER GANG PLOWS. 11alL
q ' ' +1�. And tbat F.dwaxil
! , said tbe two younger girls. . I
. was mistak.en. When Mrs. Porter paid aazed irAb.. y face With that intense sale of landed property, larming and thorough- i ' � . I . � � Cash eball be the Ret=1119
I . 11 "Train ! What do you mean?" de- * whicT -eems to I — I . Elliott ribs]L
l . me my three months' salaxy, I made look command and to. bre'd stock. Cott le Felceted for the Engliih mar- QAter for the North Ward; William
; 1hat she couid manded, Mr. Dykes sbarply,as I moved en ket! Office and AuLtion RoOMF, Achetion's new , : . be ibe Returning 01heer for the South WAra
. I : my request, but was told across the room. - . trea,t,silD Itaneously. Bidek, Goderich, Ont. Term � a moderate 615- 1 1 1 : avit Sarou,el Starkshall,liethe Returning Ofter' -
- ` '
ia ; th -you'will d auce with me?" he sadd. I I iww Catters, Horse; -Rahes, G9,ant- lor the East w
not possibly spare me just the ey I It . I I � A Full Stock, Of St � 7 . ar.a.
. . Miss Da.nvers is I I I , . % 'ACTED, in pursuance oftlie
I ' going home tb_ 4LN not," I replied. r. I ' lewnts BE IT ALSO 11N -
? . Nvere oina to haye grand doings, ill I . 9, I c JOkN LECKIE I, Creacral. Loan and Real Estate � . 'f
. 9 r, Amelia in a t f ill- -Do you ILOt . )i ' � Gr .)-sy Poot C -utters, and aZI 171?�p Revised StatuteB of the Pro_"inee of _0nftrINL
fact a ball in the h . �ne -o L
- - � '
I chafed a , con I - TKnow how to dance. iAgent. Grain, Produce and Commission Me ushe
� cha�t. Money loaned on real estate in town of
ouse, and. my assist- I morrow," said 9
. cealed triumph. . Feelina rither foolish, I told him of . . � . Chapter 1774, Section 289 -z
ance would -be invaluable. . C� I country, at 8 per cent. Bimplo interest. Ch�argea be4o?k(11??.,q to the Busi?wss. Icbr-
. - "Then you Must � ' DbrninE Is determination. ; . .. -Tbat the cleik of the Eaid Municipim] .
gCoc under my disappoint,tnent, I Pro----, me one I.
, I , dea.1 . my i moderate. Mortgages bought and sold Matured : I , -
but s,)ught consola.tion in. sending a ! dance this ev6irng," be excla.im.ed eager- "May I i U st ay wh at I like to you?" morrgar-es paid off. Terms to Suit Lorrowers.] I . &tIon of the Town 0, Peaforh shall. 4kt iN1
Q i - Ia on Tuesdzy,ilie
� few resents to my needy sisters, at i ly, plautilig hifnself before t�e door to be sadd. i Farnis and village property for Bale. Office- 1 . h,our of Twelve o'civek noo , ,and "0
- p . I.:� I I i6 I f Leckie's new brick blocli., Brussels, Out. 615 i Seventh Day ,of October, one Thonr HA
home. . prevent my egress. . Yes I $01 do; j5erhaps you may - . I . I � I I I Hundi;ed and Seventy-Nihe at the Town
3) : in the said To,wnof Seaforth, sniunp M .
! 4 "You place me in the awkwaxd posl- help me. I SEWING MA.Al Is , � a
Bessie's answer ra.u. as follows: I 11AF ORTH PUMP FACTORY STILL AHEAD , 1 ---- .
- AvULE.SIDE MAXOIR, Dec. 16. _. I tion of refusing you; I do 4t intend to ,,well, putting the present questiou S -These pumps baviDg been awarded the first i � . . of votes givenfor and against this - .
� I - dance, " I replied, relapsing into my usu - � aside as iminat'rial, I think you have pli! ,e at bolh the South Enron and East Huron : � i I IL�Tbat tbe. Mayor of the ;raid MnDidpa
. DmknEsT AR-NiE-You send us visible I a.1 reserve. - - I Fal Sbo,ws, the subscriber has every conlidence I The Florence, anzer _F, Raymon-cl, Ro,yal Sin,ger, and oither �C orpors tion shail attend at the Town HAiuIhO
I - and welcome 1.�roofs of your success, bu t . � oi made a mis;akr from the first. You in mcommending them to tye publie,knowing �v , said town, �on Tuesday, the Thirtieth da,yof
I . - " i i I -cept 3d 4 false position, and have that for quality of material and workmanship 1 Machines. I � . I Septeinber, One Thousana Eight Iffundrea lind
. . do not tell us enough about yourself ; � "What can I do to persua�le you; - d have ac to 0, be lower instead of the �'are not easily surpassed, and would solicit A ' . Sewing Machin& Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work Sevent y -Nine, at the bout of Eight o'olock In the
you never ao. ,we Nva,nt to imow,: tell me?" he asked, looliffig puzzled chosen to c, � I ,16
an a ' ' � - ploy t I cali from all intanding purchasers; all work 1 warranted. � I . evennil., It r the pn7pose of aprintingpeT8011111-
. � . �vhether you really like , the life. I d deep] v mortifie . *. the higber attributes of your nature.' - es- aforewid,
� . wai ranted.; orders by mail or otherwise prompt- Oils, Needles an�d Attachments always on hand, attend at the Various -pol"Ing plac
� . - � hope you are -net suffering from nea- .: I gi I d- I - ,of ibe votes by tile
o "No persuasion could.-inda;ce me to Yes, you are right " I answered sa ly v tterided to. N. OLUFF North Main Street, i I ant] the fmai summing 'up
: i
I ; ly , 641 have i � -rk respeetivelv on behalf -of persons inter�ffw
4--t, anc 7 , a Sea rorth. _ . 619 OR, .
I m1gi, I that you look well. 'We alter my mind. - I like da&Tni g, but in often feli all ,this, though - _ __. __� I in and promoting -or opposing the pasige of.
. ' I
- a7l -ven to - .
. .
were dreaafullv dis-appointed to hear my present position I prefer not to join i I c'ould not h. 'e expressed it, e GRE AT FEIVIALE REME, DY. -Job Moses . 0 . C. � WILLSONP Main Street, Seaforth. this Bylaw respectively.
I i -
that you could not come home f6X in. it.,, - . . myself. Do you think I ought to have T"' i * E
I - Periodical Pills -This invaluitblemedicino in third reading0et0lifir
' � .1. . I I ; - PasFed first, second and
. ChrisCwas; we had, ever so many sur- "I know what . A is," - sa;.d Amelia; , been a governess' instead of a, Lady u f in the cure of all those painful and I .. . 20th,.A. D� 1,87 - .
nt 1 g � I .- ,9
- - -st , dimy"I'Ous diseases to which the female oonatitu- I I I . �, .
- i 'I) 71
-d treats in .store for you. Fh 1 -Miss Danv rs thinks that ur friends I Help?" � tio issubject. it- moderates all excesBand JOHN 33EATT1R,'11uyo'r. 42
prises an - , re, :
� tiue smiled. 1 . mo es all obTraction8, and a speedy cure may b: i
. of sli, -I must tell ly�u that H0neYw00d are are not good enough fo ' her. We � , e "THE C'E N T R A L G R 0 O�EIR YJ MIX,. ELLIOTT, Clerk. i W
. I I -
� � - --t ,
. Chase is tenanted. Ep,t last ; A Mr. Med- are not so bigh up in societ as she is ; "I doubt if you were justified -in. tak- reli d on. To ma,riadladies, it is peculiai ly suited. I
� . ! ill, in it short time, bring on the monthly pe. py Of ABY,
� way tojok it some Uine ago, and his '.here is Do denying A.)) ing upon y urself to be any one but It . �. T GTICE -Theabo4 is a U-ne eel
I '
- I I � rio with regularitT. These pills should not he � I ) " N. Law passed by the I't unicipal Couneit of t116
. 'caming has brightened us all -up, I can yourself ; bat as you suggest, the office tak _00-
.. c- you. I r, am so thatikful that I blushed to the rootq of ny hair. I I k n by Females during the flist three months CARDNO ,� BLOCK, SEAFORTH. Town of Sealortb.'on the Twentieth IIATOf
. 1111%,311t I I could not co you hold kerelmight be filled -by a ,of pregraney, as they are sure to bring on Mis� . � I I tober A.D. 16-19, and all persons are bembyt&
. � esae. n I ;
, I ntradic-t her.. � � -ed to take notice, that any one desirous 4
apa, made -up his inind to call on him. I woman of f tr I ss ed6ca'tion than your- carriage, but at any Zither ti . quii .
p a I ail cases of Nervous and pi,,dd', ec-ong, ther&
. "You are unkind to say :s ch thiD.,S, i t i ApplyIrgtOb3-VeFUCbZy- aw"Oranyps
Heleudsuslots of music and books, I self. - .it is not I right that you should pains in the back and lim. a, fatiguo; o aligh I . of, qua,bb-ed, mus*.:.make bio api
^ P � ex- . - licatiou forf"
even if you think them,'.' I c ded.. you. 'f the hioart, hy torics, and . ior Clouds
and there are nice people staying at , . lock 13 b Ains in a box, and per- ertio'n, palpitation 0 - purpose to One of Her Xajesty,a Snper
the Chase. We go there a.good deal, "Yes, Imust Bay it is not fair, play,". form'� the wor that ha,nds 'without whites, those pffla will effect a cure w onallother EXTRA VALUE IN RAW AND REFINED SUGAR- of Cominom Law in Toronto, before the eud Of
. ; . %ris have [ailed; and, although a powerful - -1 , "�id Superior u, 6 ne'Auffa
Clarice and I. His old mother. -is said Algernon, qpmiDg to 3 �assista,ffce, braing ,_3 t d . Do ou see what I m I- � I the term of the s- �
I .. i mja . � romedy, do not contain iron, calome ,4ntimony, the special pronixi3gation :: ereof bythepubliw
staying with bim now, but we bear be far which I' fuentadly th , ked"him. -meanl?" I or . anythiug.hurtful to the conatit ion. Full tion of this notice in tbrce consecutive inn'beiii
I - - n I -'s a I "Shew her ' . ving . me a � I not rigbt to try and directions in t4e pamphlet around each package, ' 2.1 EMIT a I
. is goiucT to be married. !Ihai 'I she is wrong �y . ,,Yes. But f as in B1 cky Green and Ja of the following newspaper vi T U o
.0 0 TEAS pan. Prices Low to ) A'
. ' - I 4g, I I E,x:PosiTojt, or he vi31 be too late to be belt in
I I ztrrai),�lqd & little ru- dance," he urgeA. 1. which should be carefully preserved. Job Mos
pity, for we ba(- �, I i i earn .some ogey?" , I I i �
I -
� I . New "York, Sole Proprietor. tl 00 and 121 cents I t Suit the Tivi.es. th at behalf ; and -take notice, that Fudi, term
inanue ; 3-01a wero to conib home 'and -Very well; but that s 'all be my I � obliged, and forpostage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To. - I I I
,Nblt uness: you Were )O I cownienecs on the Seventeenth day of 11_0vaMl)er
. I
3n,%rry hiru, aud becilue ,the lady of only one during the evening," I replied, . ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, I . �
I . 0 i that,you told we in the train, was not � . � next. -
Honeywood Chase. Then everythiDa fairly driven into a corne .!and much ' a bottle containing over 50 pills by - ' WM. T,LLIOTT, -Town Clert
I 0 . the case. I will lend you Kingsley's return mail. Sold in Scafortb by Hickson & � C 0 IF F E E S - FRESH GROUND AND PUREs 62'-3 _
woul n coulear de rose for. exasperated. My usu.-al n orning rou- I . I —_ - . .- --- -_ -_ -_ ___________�
d have bee� ' - . Life and Letters, and you will see what Bloasdell, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumaden.. 197 �
. ever after. But I niust not tantalise tine finished, I was sent up to the eB that lie near- -I--- -- - ------ -- - . ___ ___ - �_ I
� . . . . he says ab t the du,ti FARM F0_R SALE
. vou with all this, and thank. you agaiu drawina room to work at sm.De yeulng est.)) I � � IT IS A PITI.kBLE SIGHT to behold a young .1 . KAOKA. ]�-AOKA. KAOKA.
. ;� t' sa for person, enfeebled, nervous, pale and obviously
lar our prcsarits. a1ttire, and to arrange a he ELd-di .
. � ,,I should certainly like to read them, i ;
' Sinking into a premature grave.. Yet how aften - . I . 'BY AUICTIOM �
. . There ir, some talk about - _Ai1r. XedL- i Airs. Porter, whi ' le they -all went Out -to but I'a,m going away to -morrow for MY dove see men and women, long ere the meridian '. I .
wa�'s proi;urin.a an appointment for I - . � I .
� � . give the invitations and to order some, holida, s; I may not see you again." Of ife is reached, in the condition described. I I-
. . y . �a lustractloo
BLLS,11. He is evidently a philauthropist, refreslimetts for the ev�' Thl, bestinvigorant for the nervous and weai,- of elve
- . I . ping. Mr.. ; . 3Ls home to -morrow 2" he FAMILY: GROCERIES' AVERY FULL STOCK. INI B. J. P. BRUNE' has ree ' sell 13.V p ablill,
"Aire you goii a 11'ages find of both sexes is N orLhrop & Lyman's ICY$ from 31r. JOHN BOW1B to
,ts turned his benevolent efforts in. Dykes bad disappeared 1- . D, 01-
- � and li, denly as exclaimed in ,: a tone tkat betokened . Qainine'"Tine, a highly sanctioned and widely . ; 1� Auction, at the COMMERCIAL 116TE'f') SSA�
- I
the direction they are most needed- he had appeared. � : for general debility, dyFpopsia, I :
� real delight, a,ud he seemed about to popular reinedy � I FORTH, on I
. I - . that is, towa.rds the geublefolks, who - "What do .you think,. mamina?" I anirrrgular habit of body, and depressionof Quality avil Price are. R�yht.
. add in' ore, ut'checked himself -, and Il spirits. It is also a specific of matchless efricacy I ; .
. lia.ve the wish, but alas! not the means 1 Adelaide exclaimed as we . *ere partak� . I . THURSDAY, NOVE NBER 20, 'S7�'
. - - . watching . is : countenance, wondered for fever of a periodic type. The doses in cases I -
I . : .
I to attain honest iude;pendence- I must i iug� of a hurried lunch. 11 gerlion is to se6 it chi I Luge so suddenly from- grave of �illious, remittent and intermittent, should At'2 o'clock F. Y., I r
� .,005*
say good -by Evervthing goespa I going to bring some swell ith him to- . I . no� be taken during the fe,ver fit, but if the di- Flour, Feed and Pilovisions Always. ill sto6k.
e now. � r, t_� I t�- . . to gay. i ions ai e followed a cure maybe confidently .. . v . The Valuable Fa4-mon tbe �-ourtceuth
� much the same, With love from P. ;.night." e; but I "". muscular and nerve power are - sion of McRillov, beh,g E,a&t Hsll of Northff-o
I ye . 100 ed for , ot 10,
. ' s, Ia m. really going hom . . . I
'Your a.ffectiona-'e 'sister, I BESSIE. I E xclama,tions of surprise caine from ' " )I I : I.. � t 0-
. I I Halt.,io
L should like to have had the book, .incTeaBed by this celebrated tonic, which also of Lot No. 9, and North I ..a
I - containing 131 acres. Tberb &TWAOsores . .
. _. I put the letter away with a sad in - all. . 4&Is4all have plenty of fime-for re ows the appetite %Ad yields refreshing slum- I in fall ,
difference. Indiffdre�nce is a, mental ' 'He forgot about it, but told me the said ;� .. . be: - Its flavor is aromatic, and free from inedi- 0:P1001KE11:�L-5L' -XS_TNT:D G?rT,_A_SS-W.A.T13@ and in good cultivation; 5 sores !1n fall 11 I
.. onle.7) ith it is . i the bush is -good timber-hardwoodl.. �
� loss of appetite, and its effects aroi most last thing. He is a Mr. D nuison, just re in at I ch at taste, and the stimulant united wi : . . and pine; frame house Sox2o, with e8w,
. . I �
I depressiacr �� gy sure
I - --I began' to wonder why I comeintoa large fortune 1 1 am not Are o of tb at ? Will there thi pureat and choicest sherry. Many persons , fra. me barn 40,A4 - franie at&. e r t -is I
; . -
� had lost be Do�wint r gLties to engross you ?" &to deterred from the use of otherwise d
- � 08'rable Full Lines in all the Departments. Tea Sets in abundance. Tea and Dinuer of barses. The farm is fe I
. & power of enterina into lit -'I joking ; jie is really a gen leman. Al-. 1b icines bythe presence of some ingredient I �. I is 10M
I i3Ob,,l believe there is to be S, lall at m ' 111 Sets, Toilet Sets. Glassware, any quantity. We hold one of the best stocks in mil es frora Bl-ul-so,liz, 4 from I aer
I tle J'aterems; but the perp " rything as n ited to a delicate constitution. No such I -nd - e ,a
etual "'Kiss I gernon wa,ats us to have e e a ! aes od
. I Honev bjeetioh as this can- be urged against the Western. Ontario. C speali ter themselves.
Danver% would you do this or that ?" 1, nice as we can." ` . wood Chase, but that will not On 11 - . all and be convinced. The Goods Sealortb, a convenient to - ul
. � I I � Quinine Wine, which is em inently wholesome. . T I schools.
. drove meditation to the Winds. "Now, Miss Danvers, do you feel in- mp,ke7much difference to me.' . - , I . er cent. of the FUT&ASO M
- ; I � It is not a mere palliative of the disorders and � . . . T E RM S -�-T eJ3 P I f r.sle - the T6111131der,
i ;
� I . will be requircit en da'Y 01 �
. �, One cold, bright morning at the end . . I To be Contimied.) - disability to which - it4a Buited. Itre-establialies . 80 days', the
- olined to change your jaind?" said i ; I ALL GOODS DELIVERED FRIEE OF ; 01 -IA _R GE. to the amount of half,Vithin "a
I v ! ____�_�* health upon a permanent basis, by entirely re- .
i .
; I Of Decer4ber when, for a wonder, the X rs. Porter in 9, tone whicl � showed me I I . �, 1. epta t-0 suit putchaser, 800
I I � &Moe in instalro ,
... __ in, 'i rn moving the cause of its loaf . When purchasing I I : . by moxtgage, at 8 per cent. OWIE, Pzeprittor.
� Whole f'anAlY had assembled at the that she had really beian v �xed- 'by y -The Pi ncess Louise, on her a ival Fee that you got the quinine Wine prepared by - I
I - . breakfast -table Mrs. ' . I A --- - TORN 13 . a
Porter laid clown I determination. at Liverpool, �'dv:d,6 atrangements to re- Northrop & Lyman. r1oronto. Sold by all Drug- � .
a. letter'sheh ' w th . t . LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. j p,. B-,ql,NF,, Auctionem
I a -d just been reading, i I "If you had all the peers of the realm turn to Qwfliec� on ,-22d January. gists. 623 . .
. i I . .
, . - .
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N,0-Vg,-,1BE,P. 14, I
i I
- - - - - - - - ' -
. 4�. �4-- ---^ ' i
; I I
. Da]�01,jeopolxs!s
I .
- Irais 0110e a great Duke Leopo
- I 1 16m, as W0114i
,.�,;; wit sad wist
; '100 L ee in a liberal way
I � i1na used Ill thxe :
. I -
L . yorthe-Zwd� of )Aa peorte, the stox �
- �
- ! I [!,6 geepre"DOW-17 vilat f1w:7 will do' �
. . , ,
I I And bow n`wtrlya notion �of bib ORMIL
so went from.111r, PRIAM one'ni9W
j�030n. a, brooding ShOrlft ana st-AIU4 '
. jild. his secret ICOTA MM9 *'Yes- i
. And ae.t MillVay.. in the reat"t La Stom
� it W" not. t4)o big fora 3=11 tO m01
- Duk�,
The � , NrAs co)111114'111t, 071 that W
- .
lot tthe vel&h -OI the thing was eub
j 0 .
. The Ithreng,th Of One'S musde--�:
I =Ore. q
. . � ,1,,,,,,tb1'n9T%i1or-e," l=ghed the D1
., -
Thro,ugh Vi4d. z1ftl1rain.,ou h;S hoA
. . . M A,o_Mo_-TOW 1 reekoll wit
- ZThis time '4 1
�1 n1ine isconect or no.,
if a, notion , - , . . .
. I , I �.
FIXOVA a 1.W=,JDw.bW.1 In. illepalsee �n
- ,d 4,Mt dAY fOr the I ssel
,us watche - - - pai
.And grj�nty j4mfied a's they'One au�l
10-11ere they 1,01und t1le shon�', 1('fh t)
i I 4
A7 I -eart 'CAUICalong-, 1
. lumberiq OX J
JLU& RBSBI the dnvcr,- *wUl� st,Out 41
I .One ,aturay ,shove -with the )�ght,u
- ,Would bavo, olcm�ed the 1-rackOf irij,'
I I .
! -ftraor,ared. to be ue6
, ]3Ut WbAte
- I -
Or ;�Ork thit ailother might PoiSill
�qsua mad el It 0, point of antT to J�
- .
Me, stqppedl. hi's team lot a xoinutl_�:
iedlim, h-_�nd As h -e 1991tt
And setatc). way Vfg'etti .
. -F,.,, the easiest Ing 10M,2
. L#Xhen 'tLuioky:for ine that the)vP
�, . _ � I .
I 118 lazily )Uamurcd, Ar.d. Arove all
, 4
ft �
. � I
tj�ftt cante W49 a . 1
. Tile ]Ifmt � �
_ I
, I Carle. And
. ,arle itud
lsftstlin -9 11i scarleb And I
l2e Wl3l9fliL, , ' In I
I z I , 'd a hnno bo ,
A.na a tuno b
But he't4DOYL X10 note of the rock ii
L -
Iviben, L,docs scraped W�4
. . � its xiwged � .
-Thunaer -nd Ughtning, I vbet'8;
I I *Huven,t, th,e blockhea-ds seniii� e0
To.cielir t'46 road Of this sort of 44
k 1)rch_�ty ,thing zor s grenadier -9 I
I Toatumbl� fi�"RML'St, 'and bark hir�
- if 1E Ll� , thatplan"
. Mew �he mseal , 'bif
Tie$ $u.mly'! I'd make him, see ,
'Re , I his sword, and lie twk
. 0J
AWnd hhe strutt(�A aw-V in R`hcrrt� �
bv�um -�3 - - " '
VI �Lr" Z 71 ;7t "�
ut as
, no g 1; ol�
t'a ju for�� �&Jattio uke, as,11
, at' ,
- be. .;
jL little laterl YAW Vr,,Ae1An,- thc.r."'.
Ile r,pled on the wkcto the nfflag,.
, t religUb tadltwitli]
I. 61f me -) ,
L roop -
I -Strapped On a we)14,ld animIrs IN
NOw let us see."'vath a nod Of -1
,&nd a =erryt1VkiUk1e his bighnos
I filPerbaps this -wow)ierful wnittt�'
Win 1p
,11,1.8 h0611a for -tbe publie 0
B.ut,ulac), I zhe coMpAn�', man at
H r, _arii 4�4
, a Aly paiised In hheir on -W,
insteRd,of, oant-a-ing four AbreaSt,
. Twob.y t'j�o they W"Ont eastau'l 1.
� I AU ben, tbey liaA 1.41; the stou
. a.W,
"To flliAkOf -;thiW hke'thftt-4) S
. . ,-Blockiiig the Ing4',my for haU ��
it,,,.,, i,cacuea the �*eueetive To
in the light of malluet t1111 IWT�,
F,om, , e possible -claim On -the OVIM
. , I .
�J;.and JW4D, alld three 61
. So R'Wec, L d -1
The r-ock in tbe roaA Jky beadt I
And the people grambling wenti.
Each with a ltou'Oe that vas zli)
I Butuou__�_wftlj a hand. to help- � -
. Dnke L�_�old, Wing quite cont"
With the issue,of W0 exPelimen
eraer,ed*,httaid. to sound a. bl,
, And su=no)a W8 subjects TA -r Am
. & weta fror& I& Ifth-born lipr- "
T�row far =a near atthe tr=Pk
, 'They gathered abont the palace �
An,d the . ]Duk,e� at the head,of A 13 1
I- U_oae through the ranks O� wo0d
-TO tlX_Spot,whnTe the stone so 1
J[ "i -ll leave you, topicture t1leii,
I . It';
When he; i,�L�ed from his ho#
. fate, L .
AnLd rayal hands pushed the st4yl,
Dat the s . tare Of awlZemeut b%'
When the Dnhe bliwl?Oa AOWn I
ail I
�� -11
I Awd took from IL bollo IV the rol�3
A ' 'th a
_jca4et a)rut W,1 - grA-f4M )341
-T.he.legeutl upon A he read aloV
� J
To s�silent. and very erestfA�(,33
This box is for him, and for hi
W.ho Ltf Lki?F -the tr,oub-le to ='�`V6
. L
Then lip Tai$ed the )1d, and thev
� -of ,u golden ring, ana a purse zoi
W,ft)& mught ba-vt Uem you"
pold; .,
� i
,I�ut now, I regret to say, LS M
It was I ivho forreasons 0 MY4
. ,- -
. . H-Inderea TO11thighW1 hua
what ti,; ,reasons _;,Iiero', .T,
� .5sed. I .
I - .
11 um
Bdare 04h time. A-Ud as for tl
X tbhi��k t4�ete is not,hing niore tv
my deax 000afri'mde. I vish YO
i �
� Drse audf%A�
He inoilu" his 11, ,
Alter their Jeader galloped U901
L � 1- t �Bouua of trumpet an.i
hey,�a�shed. thl*ught'he rulaks
� I 1 clo,wa -went home IWIL
-Perbv�ps, bowever,,u 14'860n 11'
I In the,jto)�� that none of us n
- _,AfaTy B. Rrvdkv
! I
r - -
i I Gaieti�e
- .
- I
A 91A MaY. SInile U'A';
�UnWiUili, _ _ I
_tin� �
-Blolld!tu, alth'Dudh
. years old, gave,a tigh-t-r.
I 11 I
. at VienDa .Tecently, �
- -The ai,fferenc� be#
I Aiscretion I" said a bA
�o hit a- L
,� tdIS YOU not t . 4
,aowa. ana aiseretion w
.ciareful o,bout hitting P,
�__ I
Isn't d.own.", - q
-'.A bald-hea,deap
-Ing A youth for the tXe
'M L .
� �d . ..X. L
I e , .. L . ;.(z
10olloge." The Y01 4
, 1339 :
I �
Dent and then. repi
and you buttea- SU'
-IT-eavy merchant 1�
You are now in MY I
weeks ; Y�)Ur �00ndue
=-ents.&re aamirabl� *11
. �
=ire most i8 the pluliet.
you -iboute halt an UOU,
, YP - I
: 4
41a L I
, , �
i -You have not gmft
I -a to';
. I
aaid th e gentlema I
,eir. �J.l gavia -_ ou z "jivi
. . -Y .
linow V7 .., at?
- I Sbaugel z
ast0,41_r,'h,ea reply. '�
- vaslet Y,oiL.7 a gandilat
. -
� I :
- � SM, be -a sdravi
. ,
_Vou,mu �L
---i"Tho." Suspelad'
'11 r .
short - enough f or - tile I
: , wmiust fit your fil
. $19 *�
r,tero" IPP,eerb - G ' ;
.. . z
11 ;
to ,sew button's Ou z
theM W � h -Ad his P&W,
. C4
-A. teiy-��!ar-old b'
lath-efks acz-OM,plishM
-"wy fafner Can -.10 4��
. he -8 a notary pub-Ilic- 4
. - I
,eeanl', aul-I all Pull �
.doctor, rLud �cau W -L
- 11 , Play tile I
- t . ings, and
. - t kreAes-7, 7
. sm a, -gil 7
1 . ae of the wa
. —A:t () ' --OUng U�
. Lfstu mm,er. A - �
L y,,r,g i�ai�s atdiffe
hotel,entn." ,,,�q Mi$tt
Ile miglit liar, e beeir
he Val', - U vel -Y t -"Si
,maw Not One-' of ht
.- 0uUg 18AN z
. � . hoMP-1Y. , Y,
. -t be ,
. hissister mus - Ve
11 —A Sad story is t;
q doctoes daugliter WIA
� .esxlN- in the week, ;,
I gentIOMall afil)ea",-*d�
I informed ii�le� youl.4
nisery could be ,�O
I moments lie Nvor-la i
,clotlies, but if it Wt�
L �
, A
.Would eom�e r1gat aq
Young Matt aOeSD�t 1
. West or joill a pinaV
.. —Siquire Quiv,,erf 1i
family, to his elaQlit
un,commoniy good ei,
what do theY COS
,,SiKtv shillingLq a'
,QUivjrfu1__--v,Gooa I
trem tgance, 1. Do YAR�
, -
. -
- I 1- - � --- -- ,�