The Huron Expositor, 1879-11-07, Page 5•
tER 7, 1879.
1 and Vaughat. el
sed, and after a geed
roussi011 CitaTierl, ex_
of the meeting to
Gevernment the
rig up at the first
.ent the question ekt
Ltions. It was also
L.11 interested rcuini-
felegetes to wait lessee
n the 1st o Decera-
701;t11 Plavving
of the Molesworth
.tion says the Lista-
lace on Friday last
;fames Duulop, about
o village, and though
d and disag-reeable
accessful raatch yet
The was a very
farmers and others
ding townehips, and
a deep intereat in
. its entire progress.
24 men and boy*
jug,and till after
n the field presented
ance with plowmen,
The absence of
the mellowness of
.ect of"breakieg
gated it having the
ed -like.
vays desire. In the
npetition was very
EThaps rendered all
e value of the first
association, in the
per, valued- at 010gj.
notice the aplendid
" boys,4 some of
youne. The ridge
Ay MCInt0S1.1„ 'Whose
sd above the hEuidlas
pronounced by the
n' to the best in the
expected where so
nen --were brought
of the judges.
disappoietment to
done by Mr, John
Cii township, county
ie generally admired
dlerice, was thrown
rite up to the print,
1.rding the depth of
the difference in
veen that done by
....cessful competitors
S was scarcely per.
their task
ndeed, and found. it
on difficulty in ar-
The plowmen and
Lbly entertained by
who spared ne
to their wants, and
ides' in, abundance.
number of entriea
Le prize list :.
L with iron plewiL--
Turnberry ; W.
W. McKertcher,
Gibson, Howick;
mberry ; R. Miller,
Ellice; John
and Peter Ma-
. Prize list -Peter
a 1st; John Cahill,
Frazer, Tarnbertys
.en with wooden_
McKee, Wallace;
ay; Henry Scott,
zapson. Howicks
ick; Thos. Pope,.
'ger, Istowick ; and
, Prize list -Tho&
Scott, 2nd ; J. W.
'ss under
Wallace; Silas
A. lUcKerteher,
11.1ertsen,t, I4,o-wick.
)(maid, 1st; A Mc -
Silas Gowing, 3rd.
eys under 1.6-A.
1h11gnd ; John-
Nroliee, Wallace;
vick ; Donald M..
r. 'Ty -de, Shakes.-
nderson, Listowel.
ziay Concern,
eron Expositor.
E.t long nights are
se; season over, it
Mers and farmera'
summer season,
*. to provide them-
ood healthy prae-
ially of a kind
ulture: There is
.! less instructed
vern their every -
he farmers. la
evett in the raze
ve population of
- continually, not
of the most suc-
sut if possible the
-Inch our opera -
at we may labor
eertadnter of good
this every farra-
a good progress -
r ; as a set of
science of seen -
.00 expensive for
for himself, the
d by access to a
ine say- that the
, stands pre-emi-
1 find the best
ulturaI and gen-
ts departments,
= courteous Iibra-
o not much a0 -
libraries I would
the corners of
e turned down,
of ribbon or 5
han the book be
of your paper
id any discovery
iral phenomena
hem, as it is to
what appears to-
. which seems to
contradiction of
law of electric
. by Leibeg and
or magnetized other in the
.g bodies, accord -
distance. The
1.ied the driving
ground currents
attention to thia
.d experiment, I
'• the only means
method of reit-
:11 be here sub
are better posted.
-electrifying mae
ery may throvr
tect if they deem
ention. That a
4 .
NOVEMBER 7, 1879.
green rod which Contains no resinous Iniproved Stock. Leonard Hunter, pro-
m- atter, and probably any other good prieter ; Bishop & Oke, auctioneers.
conductieg body made to complete a Monday, Nov. 10, on Lot 10, Con. 9,
circuit between the bands, and furnish- ay,
Farm. Stock . and implements.
ea with a„ point of discharge; will de.. John WarWick, proprietor, J. P. Brine,
flied under favorable circumstances, is auctioneer.
a- facet beyond the possibility of contra -
tion. The cruise remains to be shown,
which appears to be electricity. It is
known that water exerciees a powerful
effect on the magnetic needle, and con-
sequently on electricity. That under -
gonad cierrents should produce an
electrical effect is reasonable, :the more
so as it would be lightened or increased
by the magnetic. influence of the earth.
Electricity is generatedby oheinical
'action. and -as a producer of electricity,
-the organism of digestion in the human
body may be likened to a galvanic bat-
tery with the arms for the poles, which,
when united, will forman electric cir-
cuit. As long as digestion:continues,
electricity will be formed., which- Was
drawn in the first instance from the
81111 to the earth,, and stored up itt plants
which become food for animals, when
these are decomposed by . the digestive
agent of the body the: electricity is liber-
ated and. passes once more to the gener-
al reservoir, the earth. When the body
is ieolated.d.eflection occurs, but when Births. .
the clothing is wet, or a person stands
7.with bare feet on damp earth,. or in
water no deflection is . perceptible,.
'which indicates that the electric in-
tletence passes to the 'earth by the
• lower extremities.. I have also observed.
that the further from the surface of
the ground the -more forcible will be the
dip, and not in proportion. to the square
of the distance, but rather according.
to an arithmectical progession, having
two for the common difference, with a
stronger influence near the means than
at the extremes. Whether the pre-
ponderating influenc:e. of . currents at
great 'depths is due to their greater
volume, or the greater attraction exerted.
.by being farther from the „surface yet
remains to be found out, as none of
them have been tested in this neighbor-,
bood. some hall dozen instances
the law lias held good. with the exact- . Exeter.
Bess of a_ mathematical demonstration, MOORE-DEARMG-At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 115th ult., Mr. John
and in as Many more approximately so.
Moore to Miss Mary J. Dearing, all of Exeter.
It would be interesting to know DOUPE-WALKER-At the residence of the
bride's mother, on the 29th ult., by Rev. H.
Christopherson, W. H. Doupe, M. D. of
Mitchell, to Miss Kate R. Walker, of the seine
Thursday, Nov. 20, 1879, at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, a Valuable
Farm. John Bowie, proprietor; J. P.
Brine, auctioneer.
• Saturday, Nev. 8, 1879, on Lot 8, -Con.
8, McKillop, Farm`Stock and Imple-
ments. 'Wm. Nash, proprietor; John
Bullard, auetioneer.
Saturday. November 8, 1879, at Car-
rol's Hotel, Seaforth, Valuable Farm
in Morris and Hotel in Seaforth. T.
Hays and Joseph Laird, Executors; J.
P. Brine, auctioneer.
Friday, Nov. 7, 1879, on the premises,
North Main Street,- Seaforth, Planing
Mill and Building Material. Secord,
Coezens & Ce., proprietors; J. P. Brine,
Friday, Nov. 7, 1879, on Lot 9, Con.
14, McKillop, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Henry Huffman, proprietor;
John Bullard, auctioneer.
HILL -In Seaforth, on the 4th inst., the wife of
Mr. Wm. Hell of a son -still -born.
EY VEL -At Sarnia, on the 3rd inst., the wife of
Mr. Geo. Eyvel of a son.
JACKSON -In Hibbert, on the 29th ult., the wife
of Mr. Robert Jackson of a son.
THOMSON-BLATCHFORD-At the residence of
the bride's father, on the -29th ult., by Rev. S.
Jas. Attire Mr. David L. Thomson, to Fannie,
youngest daughter of John Blatchford; Sr.,
Esq., ot Hensall.
HUNTER-BOWERMAN-At Egmondville, on
the 5th inst., by Rev. Joseph McCoy, M. A.,
Mr. Richard Hunter, son of John Hunter,
Esq., to Martha, daughter of I. Bowerman,
Esq., all of Usborne.
DIGNAN-REDMOND-At the 'residence of the
bride's mother, Hay, on the 29th ult., by Rev..
Mr. Smith Mr. John Dignan, Exeter, to Miss
Ruth, third daughter of the late John Red-
mond, of Hay. -
25th ult., by Rev. G. Webber, Mr. J. Morse -
head, late of England, to Mrs. Jackman, 'of
voltaic electricity, or that produced. by
friction, will show similar indications.
Yours- respectfully, M. McQUADE.
TUCKER...SMITH, October 27,1879. .
- Perth Items.
Mitchell has a real live debating
society. •
-Some few evenings ago, a beautiful
milch cow the property of Mr. Charles
Girffen, of Mitchellreturned home from
the commons, where she had been
pasturing, with her bag almost cut in
two! The farrier Who attended the poor
brute said that the wound was inflicted
with eome sharp instrument, probably a
-St Marys has made considerable
progress in the building line, during the
past summer. No less than four sub-
stantial and costly public edifices have
been erected, including one of the finest
Oddfello xis' Halls in the Province, and'
three handsonee ohurohes, to say .noth-
ing about a host of elegant •private resi-
denees and numerous tenements. The
Oddfellows' building is a grand struc-
Beef, in quarts, per 100 lbs..... 3 50 to
turesand woiald do credit to any of the
main streets in some of our largest
CLINTON, Nov. 6, 1879.
cities. Fal1Wheat per bridle! 1 16 g 1 18
-The Union plowing niatch for the Spring Whelit, per bushel 1 10 0 1 16
township of Downie and North East- Clete, perbushel 0 28 @ 0 30
45 0 0 56
bhs, s..
hope has reached such proportions that Bparleyper buhhelel 0 58 0 0 62
the managers have determined upon Batter 0 15 0 17
calling it a Provincial match in future. Potatoee 0 27 g 0 30
It is to be held this year on the farm Of
regagys,per ton, • 8 00 9 00
0 13 0 15
Mr. Hamilton Duperow, lot 2, con, 3,
Downie, just outside the corporation of TORONTO, Nov.- 5. -Fall wheat; $1.20
Stratford, on Tuesday, llth of Novem- to $1.25; spring, $1.18 to $1.23; oats,35c
ber. Prizes to the amount of $300 will to 36c;pea,s,55c to 67c; barley, 50c to70c;
be given, and as the competition is open hay, per ton, $7 50 to $11 00;
to the Province, a large representation butter, 16c to 22c; potatoes per bag.
of cra.ek plowmen may be expected. $0.55 to $0.60.
-Messrs. W. Moat, W. G-. Mowat,
and Alex. Grant, of Stratford, and H. LiVERPOOL, Nov. 5. -Spring wheat
Barter, A. B. Barter and R. C. Barter lis to- lis 0d.; red winter, lis 7d.
of Torontorhave made application for white, lis to 8&; club, 12s Od
incorporation, as the Stratford Flour oats, 6s 8d; barley, 5s 3d; peas, 7s 5d;
Milling Company. The new company pork, 54s Od ; beef, 85s 0d, cheese,
haVe rented the mills of Messrs. Mowat 60s Od.
& Son, Stratford; and are now fitting
them up with new and improved ma -
Live Stock Markets.
chinery, including separator, brush ma -
MONTREAL, Nov. 3.-E. B. Morgan, of
chine, steel rolls and a re -bolter, whioh
Oshawa, sold fifty very superior- fat
hogs, averaging 343 lbs., at $5 per 100
lbs.; John O'Donnell, of Rockwood,
Ont., sold a double-deoked car load of
hogs (131 head) at $4.65 per 100 lbs.;
they were purchased. for shipment to
Britain; several 'other small lots of
hogs were sold at41.e same rate, which
seems to be the riitline price at present.
An inferior lot a hogs (21 head) were
sold at $4.50 per 100 Its. jttnICS Eak-
ins, of Port Hope, who had twp •car
loads of cattle, one of which he sold at
the rate of 125 per head, or about $2.50
to $3 per 100 lbs. Mr. Laport, of Mild-
may, had a ear load of cattle, and sold
15 oxen, averaging 1,500 lbs. each, at
$3.50 per 100 lbs.; he also sold four
small cattle at $25 each. J. Stagg, of
Brockville, sold 21 cattle for $5.20, and
a reach cow for $40. About 500 sheep
and lambs :were brought to -day, but
they were generally of inferior quality,
beim,bthe culls out. of flocks that w,ere
sent to the American markets. A few
pretty fair lots of lambs sold at from $3
to $3.25 per head, and. three good lambs
were sold t$4 each. Common lambs
sell at from $2.25 to $2.75 each. Hides
-No. 1, inspected, $10 to $10.50 per
100 lbs.; No. 2, $9 do., and No. 3, $8 do.;
.calfskins, 10c per lb.; sheepskins, 80c to
$1 each; tallow, rough, 3c to 3ic per
pound. '
TORONTO, Nov. 4. -Cattle - Really
first-class steers suited _for shipment,
and. averaging not under 1,200 lbs., have
been wanted. at $4 to $4.25, belt scarcely
any of them have been offered. Second-
class, consisting of light steers and
heifers, and heavy oxen and bulls, have
been plentiful and decidedly weak in
price, at $3.25 to $3.50. Sheep -Neith-
er for eiport nor for the local market
has there been much enquiry heard,
and prices have remained at $4.50 to $5
for first-class, and $4 for second-class.
Learibs-Choice picked dressing, from
50 to 55 lbs. have been wanted, and
readily taken at $4, with more of them
wanted. First-class lots dressing, from
40 to 48 lbs., have been steady at $3.25
to $3.75, with all offering taken. Sec-
ond-class dressing from 30 to 38 lbs.,
have sold fairly well at $2.75 to $3.12.
Third-class have been slow of sale at
$2.37 to $2.62; with probably enough in.
. -
D. D. ROSE, Family Grocer, Seaforth,
invites the attention of cash buyers to his Stock
of Groceries. His Stock is constantlyturning, and
is always treat. His prices are the lowest -it will
pay you to call. Examine his goods and compare
prices. 574
CROZIER -On the 13th concession of Hallett, on
the 5th. inst., Margaret, wife of Mr. John
Crozier, aged 35 years.
- SEAFORTH, Nov. 6, 1879.
Fall Wheat 1 16 to 1 20
Spring Wheat,Fife, per bushel.- 1 la to 1 16
Spring Wheat,RedChaff,perbush. 1 10 to 1 14
Oats per bushel ........ ..,0 27 to 0 28
Peas per bushel . . 0 58 to Q62
Barley per bushel • 0 45. to 0 56
Batter, No.1,Loose 0 15 to 0 16
Eggs 015 to (f14
Flour, por 100 lbs ' 3 10
Hay 8 00 to 900
Hides, per lb. 0 05 te 0 t6
Gen by Hides per 100 lbs.. ... ' e 4 00
Fallen Hides, per 100 lbs 3.00
Sheep skins 0 15 to 125
Lamb Skins per lh 0 20 to 0 40
Salt (rotail}per barrel, 0 85
Salt (wholeettle)per barrel. ..... 0 60
Potatoes, per bushel. 0 25 to 0 30
Apples, per bushel 0 20 to 0 25
Oatmeal to brl 2 60 to 2 75
Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 06
5: 00
will enable them to turn out the very
finestgrades of flour, equal to the best
American. The work will be complet-
ed in about three weeks. The capital
stock of the new company is $50;000.
neemesereasso.m_. mom
Mr. Charles Morrow has returned
to Clinton from Dakota, where he has
taken. up land to which he intends re-
moving in the spring.
-Mr. James Aikenhead has moved,
from the 2nd concession of Stanley, to
his new house on the London Road.
Mr. William Pearson will occupy the
house vacated. by Mr. Aikenhead.
-Last week Mr. John Ea,by, of Penn-
sylvania, purchased from Mr. E. Gaunt,
Deputy Reeve of West Wawanosh, a
span of heavy draught colts, from John
Mason's"' Bank of England," for the
sum of $385.
-Mr. John Shipley, on the Huron
Road, near Clinton, has purchased the
farm of Mr. Wm. Shier, Hullett, which
joins his own, for $4,900. It contains
70 aores, and. is good land. There are
20 acres of fall wheat and Mr. Shipley
gets a team in the bargain.
-Mr. Hadwin, a ;former resident of
Wawanosh, who, less than three years
ago, went to Dakotas has cleared. the
handsome sum of $60,000 since his
residence there. Ha,has done this by
the increase in the Table of the land he •
took up, and on the produce he raised.
Auction Sales.
Thursday, Nov. 20, .1879, on Lot .23,
&Able Line, Stanley, Farm Stock and
iniplements. Moses Gerard, proprietor;.
E. Bossenberry, auctioneer.
Friday, Nov. 21, 1879, on Lot 10,
Lake Road West, Stanley, Farm Stock
and Implements. Robert Doak, pro-
prietor ; E. Bossenberry, auctioneer.
Monday. Nov. 10, 1879, on Lot 35,
Cone 4, Usborn.e, Farm Stock and Im-
plements. Robert Fulton, proprietor;
A. Bish.op, auctioneer.
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1879, on Lot 28,
Con. 8, McKillop, Bailiff's Sale of Farm
Stook and Lnplements. R. Pethick,
bailiff; John Bullard, auctioneer.
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1879, on Lot 38,
Con. 1, L. R. S., Tuckersraith, Superior
Farm Stock and Implernents. James
Young, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auc-
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1879, on Lot 4,
Con. 4, Usborne, Thoroughbred and
: Llocal Notices. .
CROCKERY. - There are Bargains irr
Crotkery at We ore & YouNo's. 616
TEN DOLL R SUITS. -The Best Suit of
Tweed ever sho n in Seaforth for $10, at Storni
& WesT's. 620
Good Clever Gir . Apply to MRS. W. N. CREss-
wEni., Tuelieremith. 616x -
THE CENTRAL GROCERY is the spot to
buy Teas and Sugars. No advance on old prices,
notwithstanding the recent rise in the wholesale
market. Lexaretw & FAIRLEY. 621-2
New. -Now is t to time to secure your shadow.
CHARLES MooRis now making four Ambrotypes
for'50c. Picture frames cheaper than ever. 610
TO SHEEP BREEDERS. -The undersigned,
having purehased a thoroughbred Leicester
Ram, will take a limited number of Ewes for
tervice. He has also a number of pure Leicester
Ram Lambs for sale. Apply on Lot 32, Con. 2,
L. R. S.. Tuckersmith, near Kippen. MICHAEL
pliECENTOR WANTED--Fer the Egmondville
Presbyterian Church. Apply to SaalUEL
CARNOCHAN, Egmondville. 688
A GENT WANTED. -An experienced Fire In- '
-Li- surance Agent wanted for this neighborhood.
Addrees &remit River Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, .
Galt. 616
V CR SALE.- Two colts, one rifling three yeare
ld end thel ot her two, both mare' B. Apply
to DAVID DORRANCE, Sr., Lot 29 Con. 1st
McKillop.- 604
GELDING FOR SALE. -For sale cheap, a
t wo-year old heavy draught Gelding. Apply
to JOHN WILLIAlt1S, Kinbron. 619
rit'OLT FOR SALE. -For sale, a yearling colt,
• skied by the imported "Lord Haddo.'r Ap- .
ply to the undersigned on Lot 83, Con, 8, 11.5.
Tuckeremith, or to Bt ncefield P. 0. THOS
D . MORTON. r 615
COLTS FOR SALE. -For Sale, three Good
N-1 Woi king colts, two coming 3 and one coming
2 years old. ,Apply to the undersigned, Mill
Road, near the old toll gate, Tuckersmith. GOR -
DON McADAM.; 618
Air oNEY TO LEND -On terine more advan-
tageons than -ever before offered. A. 3. Me.
COLI, Solicitor, Brussel& , ' 504.52
urns WANTS MONEY ?-A. few thousand
Y I dollars, private funds, for immediate invest-
ment at 8 -per cent. iuterest. Apply po JAMES
H. BENSON, Selicitor, Seaforth. , 533
$10 t,0 $1 000 Invested in Wall -St.,
Stocks makes fortunes
ery month. Hooke sent free explaining every-
thieg. Add ress BAXTER & Co., Bankers, 17
Wall -street, New York. 587-52
MONEY TO LEND. -I have any amount of
Moneyto Lend on good improved farina only,
at 8 per cent. Charges very smell. Sum no
object if 8ectuity ample. I don't lend for any
CoMpany. JOHN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 570
-p 00MS TO LET. -Six rooms to let over A.
G. Ault's Grocery store, suitable for dress -
m eking apartments or for dwelling rooms, with.
f met and rear entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT.
Proprietor. 590
l OR SALE OR TO RENT. -The Seaforth
knewn as the Red Mill; 4 run of stones;
ate am power; with siding from Geand Trunk
Railway ; possession about the let or 15th of
Sep tember. Apply to W. KINGSLEY, Strat-
ford.. 694
pa ARE CHANCE. -Photograph ROOMS to Let
m -v on first floorin Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth,
portition centre'. Also, three or four Rooms on
the flat above, Seeitable for a dwelling. Posses-
sion 1st January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLME-
STED, barristerte on the premises, or to ROBT.
SCOTT, afeRallopi. • 573-tf.
TT OUSE TO RENT. -To rent, that convenient-
ly situated and commodious residence on
Goderich Street, at present occapied by Mr. T.
Duncan. The house is in first-class order, and
had in connection all conveniences founi in it
first-class residence. Possession given at any
time. Apply to J. Duncan or to S. SCARLETT,
proprietor. • 621
S cairn th, ior the Great Sierra Nevada Smok-
in Compound, a positive cure for Catarrh, and
is qually eflicpcious in all Bronchial Affections.
T e worst cases of 'Asthma, Phthsic and all
Di ertees of the Iyougs yield readily to this tre.ate
in nt. M. L. SMITH, Arkona, Ont., General
A ent. For sale by all druggists. Price, 75
co ts a box. 601-52
THING ELSE FAILS. -Scientific inYeatiga.
tioli has placed it first on the list of curatives.
In functional diseases, acute or chronic, it stands
tin ivalled. Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Sciatic a, Rhea-
maelsm, Torpid Liver, Catarrh, &c., all yield
readily to its wonderful curative powers. The
following parties have received -Electrical treat-
ment, and are willing to vouch for the correct -
peas of the etatements herein made: James
Lynn, Teeswater, was cured in about a week, of
Sciatica of lour years standing, atter trying num-
berless remedies in vain. James Robertson,
Concession 14, Grey, cured of Aethma of several
years duration in it few treatments. John Styn-
inger, Bay City, Michigan, cured of Genital De-
bility and affection of the Kidneys in about two
weeks. Mr. A.14. Stewart, Blacksmith, Brussels,
will certify to the efficacy and remarkable cura-
tive power of Electricit y in Chronic Dyspepsia..
D. S. Merritt of Bay Oily, cured of Articular
Rheumatism of many years standing. After an
Electrical diagnosis, e will guarantee to cure
any disease mentioned in this paper. In our
Mode of applying Electricity no shocks are given.
lelicate females, and even little children, alter
'once feeling its magic influence, consider its
a pplication a pleasurable pastime. ALLAN
McDONALD, Medical Electrician, Brussels,
Ontario. 622-1
(jIAtJTION.-AU parties are hereby cautioned
against giving my wife, Elizabeth Sheffer,
cifedit on my 'account, as I will not be responsi-
b e for the seine. HENRY SHEFFER, Con. 6,
Hay. October 10th, 1879. 619x4
P ) ULTRY ASSOCIATION. -A meeting of the
et- Poultry ganders of the:County of Huron will
be! held in the Council Chamber, in the Town of
Clinton, on Friday, November 2Is5, 1879, at 2
P M., for the purpose of forming a Poultry As-
seiciation. Every fancier in the County is re-
quested to attend. WALTER COATS, Secretary
pro. tete. 622-1
dARD OF I THANKS -I beg to .tender the
Officers and Directors of the McKillop Mutual
Fire Insuranee Compaey my -most sincere and
heartfelt thanks for the prompt and satisfactory
manner in which they settled my claim for loss
b are. My barn and contents were destroyed
b' fire on the last Monday in July, and on the
2 tb of October I had my loss adjusted in full.
I had only paid into the Company the small sum
o 86 cents. I would heartily recommend my
b other farmers to insure in this Company, as it
is conducted on equare and honorable ,principles.
ENRY RICHMOND, Morris. 621 3
IC IGAN FARMER, 1880 -Fresh and Now
-The hich:igan Farmer during the coming
car will be Brighter, Fresher, More Entertain-
, i g and. Instructive than ever. We shall start
1 t p New Year with new type, a new corps of con-
tributor, and many attractive features. Our
'4, ith everything pertaining to the farm, the
o (shard and the garden will be made more corn -
0 aee :neat r andeas
'gricaltural1 and Horticultural Departments,
est efforts and form one of the most important
r produce and live stock will always have oar
ofint6setrareatii.rviteert:haTnheevveert.eiinThaery rupaerpkaertte.
proved a great success, and will be
1rontinued and improved upon. The Apiarian
epartment, under the able management of Mr.
. Benton, has proved very popular and will be.
ontinued. The Household Department we ex -
eat to enlarge and improve, and make it one of
eat interest. PRICE REDUCED. Hereafter
he Farmer will be furnished at the rate of $1 65
er year, poetage paid. Reliable Agents wanted.
ddress JOHNSTONE & GIBBONS, Publiehers,
etroit, Ma 'gen. 622-2
SfRAY COW. -Strayed from Seaforth on the
2nd of September, it small heifer two years
Id spotted red and white, giving milk. Infer-
s tion as to .11er whereabouts will be gladly re-
eived, and etpenees paid by WM. HILL, Bee-
f rth. 614
STRAY MARE. -Strayed from E. Walper'e,
Zurich, an aged mare, dark bay color, about
5 hands high and sweenied In both shoulders.
ny person giving such inforniation as will lead
o her recovery will be suitably rewarded. E.
ALPER, Zurich. 619
STRAY CATTLE -Caine into the premises of
the undersigned, Lot 5, Concession 4, Hun
1 t t, about the first of June, last, two Yearling
Ca ttle- a roan heifer and. it spotted steer. The
owner can have them by proving property and
pay hag charges. WILLIAM RINN. 621x4
ATTLE STRAYED. -Strayed from Lot 17,
Con. 9, at cKillop, Five Yearling Heifer -one.
was black and white, three were red sled white,
and'one was a light roan with red and white
DJ ixed . Any intelligence respecting these lani-
re els will be thankfully received. WILLIAM
HOGG. 620:4
ESTRAY SHEEP. -Strayed, on or about the
285h of September, from Lot 14, Concession
8, Morris 4 Ewes, 3 white and 1 black, marked
with round hole in eachlear. Parties giving infor-
m ation tient will lead to the recovery of the above
sheep will be suitably rewarded, and parties re-
tainiug the some after this date will be prose -
cited. JAMES hIcKAY, Bushficld post office,
County of Huron. 621x4
ESTRAY CATTLE. -Strayed from the premises
of the undersigned, Lot No. 24, Con. 3, Stan-
ley, in May last, Three Yearling Cattle -2 steers
and 1 heifer. One of the steers was all white,
and the other a roan, with it wide white stripe on
the face, and a white spot on the shoulder; the
heifer was white, with red on her ears, head and
legs. Any person giving such information as
will lead to the recovery of the above animals
will be anitably rewarded. JOHN GILMOUR,
Brucefield. 620.4x
For sale the house and lot in Egmondville at
present occupied by Mr. S. Cameron. The house
is a frame, the lot contains half an acre and is
one of the best building sites in Egniondeille.
There is it god well and all other necessary con-
etenieeces, end will be sold cheap. For particulais
ripply to JAS. H. BENSON, Seaforth. 521
ABM FOR SALE. -For sale a farm contain-
ing 50 acres, belonging to Mrs. Mary Ann
I3erry, on Concession 4, Township of Hay, being
south half of Lot 24; 35 acres of said farm ere
bleared and in a oorli state of cultivation; the
balance in bush,' well timbered ; a good frame
!dwelling house and stable; a good spring well at
the door; the farm is situated 2 utiles from the
thriving village of Hensall. For termer apply to
MRS. MARY ANN BERRY, on the place. 618x8
Lot 24, Con. 4, Hay, two miles from the Vil-
lage of Hen salt, containing 100 acres, 80 of which
are cleared and in it good state of cultivation.;
there is a good frame house 11.11a barn thereon;
it good bearing orchard, stocked with the choicest
f) alts; there is a utver-failing split g creek run-
ning through the farm. The subscriber will also
dispose ot the whole of his farm stock and im-
plements. For terms of farm and steck apply to
the undersigned, AItAll BERRY, Hensall post
office. 620x4
-1" Cheap, and on easy terms, Lot 3, Concession
1, McKillop, containing 100 acres, 70 of which are
cleared and in a good state of cultivation; on
the balance there is it large amount of excellent
fencing timber ; there is a new frame house and
good frame barn and stables; there is a young
orchard and a well of splendid water; it is in the
Huron Road, within one mile of the Village of
Dublin; if not sold within one month it will be
'rented for a term of years ; apply on the premises
or to Dublin post office. PATRICK MURPHY,
Dublin. 621x4
.1- Either of the undersigned will sell two eplene
did farms within a short distance of Seaforth,
She best market town west of Toronto. Both.
!farms ate on good gravel road, ample supply of
'water without the trouble of pumping, buildings,
orehards, &c., complete. As both gentlemen have
retired frc m businese, terms of pa)ment will be
Made exceedingly easy. The greater part of the
purchaee motley may remain on mortgage for
years. Immediate possession can be given. Full
description, price, terms, &c., given on applica-
tion to JACOB McGEE, Egmonthille, or WM.
LEE, Seaforth. • 619
'-' that line farm, the property of David Fergu-
son, being Lot 1, Con. 9, II. R. S., Tuckersnath,
containing 100 acres, 75 of which are cleared and
in the very best order • is all well fenced and
underdrained • the timbered portion is beech
and maple; there is a new frame house, frame
barns, stables, sheds and outbuildings ; an ex-
cellent orchard of bearing trees and plenty of
good spring water; is within '7 miles of SeafOrth, •
on the Grand Trunk Railway, and the same dis-
tanee from Hensel], on the Great Western, with
gravel roads leading to erteh place; teepring creek
runs through the farm. Apply; if by letter to
Seaforth P. 0., or on the premises to DAVID
GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -Being Lot 30, bon.
11, Township of Grey, containing 190 acres,
about 75 cleated; clearing nearly all free of
.ste nips ; soil clay loam ; 10 acres of fall wheat
are sown, and balance of clearing seeded dawn;
en the lot there is a good new frame house 20x30,
14 storeys high, a good log barn 30x60, frame
stable and other out -buildings; a good bearing
orchard and 3 good wells - the lot is favorably sit -
tinted on leading road thlough the township, se
miles from Crenbrook and 24 from Henfryn rail-
way station; School within a quarter of a mile,
. and church close by; as the proprietor has retired
from farming, the lot will be sold on easy terms.
For further particulars, apply to JOHN H.
HODGES, on the premises, or if by letter to
Cranbrook post office. 622
IN SEAFORTH.-Under and by virtue of a
power of sale contained in it certain mortgage,
-winch tv'll be produced on the day of sale, de-
fault having been made in payment thereof, will
be sold by Public Auction, at the QUEEN'S
ber 131h, 1879, at 2 0'004 P. M., the following
lands and premises therein comprist d, viz.: Lot
number 'lhirty•Three, of Colemen's Survey, of
part of the Town of Seaforth, on which is erect-
ed a comfortable frame house, with good garden
-attached, and good well. For tonne and condi-
tions apply to the undersigned. JAMES H.
BENSON, Vendor's Solicitor. Dated October
295h, 1879. 620-3
GREEN. -Under and by virtue of a power of
sale con tain,ed in a certain roortgage, dated the
20th day of October, A. D. 1877, and made by
me John Gallagher, in favor of John Shirrett,
default having been made in the same, will be
sold by Public Auction, by J. P. Brine, Auction-
of KIPPEN, at 2 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY,
the 22nd Day of NOVEMBER, A. D., 1879, the
following Freehold Property, viz.: One quarter
of an acre of land, with the buildings thereon.
Said quarter of an acre of land being the extreme
north-east corner of Lot No. 12, in the North
Boundary Concession of the Township of Hay,
' in the County of Huron, better known as Lot
No. 2 of Hagan's Survey in the said Village of
Hills Green. The above Property will be sold to
the highest bidder therefor, at the place and
time mentioned. Terms Cash. Title Indisputa-
ble. Further particulars may be known, and
title deeds seen, by applying to HUGH LOVE,
r., Esq., Hills Green, Agent far the Vendor.
PE ills Green, Nov. 2,1879. 622-3
ir BE Annual Show for the Exhibition and Sale
of FAT STOOK, under the anspicee of the
Tuckersmith Branch Agrioultural Society, will
be held on the Society's Grounds, in the TOWN
When the following Prizes will be .
competed for:
Best Fatted Ox or Steer, lst $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1.
Be31 Fatted Cow or Heifer, 1st $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1.
Best Pair Fatted Sheep, lat $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1.
Best Fat ted Hogs, lst $2, 2nd $1.
Best Pair Fatted Turkeya, let $1, 2nd 50 cents.
Beat Pair Fatted Geese, lst $1, and 50 cents.
All entries must be made with the Secretary
not later than 11 oailock A.. M. on the day -1 the
G. McIDAM, Secretary. 6224
ICI- 'NAT. A. I' S fr
Of Every Description, which he will furnish, PRINTED or IMPRINTED,
Merchants purchasing from him will get as good. value as they can get from
City Dealers, and
Which is an important consideration these hard times.
spective of any income in the mof tante,
IN YOUR ORDERS AND TRY FOR YOURSELVES. interest, dividends, rents or feesiturw from said prop-
erty, and also irrespective of any income to be
' . derived from the temporary investment of the
Why purchase from abroad when you can de better at home ? . sinking fund hereinafter mentioned, or any mat
thereat) according to the last Revised Assess-
• inent Roll of thesaid Corporation, being for the --,
A Biatfaitir to Raise by way of Lost*
the waft of ELEVEN THOUS AND
DOLLARS, for liflarpoies Hereitew
atter Metittiokted.
WHEREAS/. the Ratepaters of tne Town of
" Seaforth have petitioned the Municipaf
COIIBeii of the said Town. of Seaforth, in the
County, of Huron, fer niore efficient Ptote.ction
from Fite.
AND WHEREAS, the -said Council et-nsiders
it expedient and neeetesery so grant the retyor of
said petition.
AND WHEREAS, the Council considersa
eystem of Waterworks constructed upon 'what
is knownas the Waterous or Holly systent to be
the most efficient for Fire Peotection purposeen
AND WHEREAS, it will equire the sum of
Eleven Thousand Dollars for the tonstraction of.
said Waterworks.
AND WHEREAS, the said Council has resolv-
ed to raise the said sum of money kr the pur- -
pose aforesaid.
AND WHEREAS, it will requite •the sum 01
Two Hundred and Thirty -Six Dollars to be rain-
ed annually by special rate, for the payment of
the said debt, as hereinafter mentioned.
AND WHEREAS, it will require- the 'gum of
Six Hundred.and Sixty I/oilers to be taised an -
rurally by speeial rate, for the paresent of the
• s -aid interest, as eleo hereinafter mentioned.
AND WHEREAS, the amount of the "whole
rateable property of the said Corporateel n (irrc-
C' W PAPST Paper Dealer Seaforth year One Thousand Eight lIttudred and SiventY-
Four Thonsand SixItundred and Eighty Basra.
AND, WHEREAS, the existing debt of !the
said Corporation is as folloits Three Thousand
Dollars, borrowed under the antiaotrityof By -Law
No, 46, of the avid Town of Seaforth, and inter-
est thereon at Seven per cent. per allItIIM, pay-
able half-yeatly, from the First day of -September,
1:879; and Fifteen Mu:Hired Dollars, borrowed
under By -Law No. 100, of the said Town of Seas
forth, and Interest thereon, at Seven per cent.
Per a'matnne from the First day of July, 18794
and Six Thousand Rollers, borrowed under the
authority of By -Law No. 8 A, of the said Town
of Seaforthr and interest thereon at Seven. per
cent. per annum, uayable hall -yearly, from the
First day of July, 1879; and there is nothing in
arrear arid unpaid, either for principal or inter-
AND 'WHEREAS, for paying the said interest
end sinking Irtrd it -will rcquire an equal annual
special rate of one mill an& 33,192-56,468 of -a
mill in the dollar, in addition to all rate a to Inc
levied in each year.
A ND WHEREAS, itis made necessary to ap-
po int the time and place for taking the votes of
th e duly qualified electoes, and for appointing
Returning Offieees to take the: votes of the :said
electorsBIt a tT tnhEe ti tze evt oi nugE.
ENA.CTED by the Cor-
poratirm of the Town of S eaten th, in the County
01 111.111-2Tilb:a t it alai' be lawful for the Mayor of the
said Corporation to raise by Way of loan, fee=
any person or persons, body or bodies -corporate;
who may Inc willizig to advance the Fame upon
She credit of the Debentures hereinafter men-
tioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the
whole the sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars, and
to cause:the same to be paid into the hands of
She Trea•surer of the said Town, fer the purpose
and witlx the objeetabove recited.
-,-That it 03811 be Ia wird for the said. Mayor
to cause any number of Debentures to be made
for suele.sums of money as may be required, not
less than CM Hundred Dealers each, and not
exceeding in the aggregate the emu of Eleven
Thousand Dollars, and that the said Debenture:a
shall be sealed with the sealed the said Corpus -
tion, and signed by the Mayor and the TreOritirer
III. -That the said bebentures shall be made
payable in twenty-five aeon at furthest from the
day hereinalter mentioned for this By -Law to
tale *fleet, at the office of the Treasurer of the
said Corporation, and shall have attached to
them Conpons for the payment of interest.
IV. -That tbe said Debentnies shall bear in-
terest at and after the rate of Six per cent. per
annum from the day mentioned for this By -Law
to take effect, which interest &ail be payable on.
the Fifteenth days of June and December in each
year, at the office of the said Treasurer.
V. -That for thepurpose of paying the interest
and forming sinking fund for th.e payment Of
the said Debentures, an equal special rateof one
68,132-56,408 mills in the dollae shell, adaition
to all other rates, be raised, levied anti 01.1e0t17141
in eath year upon all the rateable propertyinthe
said Corporation during the -continuance of the
said Debentures, or any of them.
V1 -That this By -taw shall take effect and
c erne into opertetion On the Fifteenth day of De-
ceinber, A. D.1879.
V II. -That the votes of the Electors a the
said Municipality shall be taken on this By -Law
Ott MONDAY, the Sixth Day of Oc-
tober A. D. 1.879,
Commencing at the hour of Nine o'clock in the
molt:ring, and from thence till the hour of INve
o'clock in tbe afternoon, at the following plover
FOB THE SOUTH WARD -At the Town Hall.
FOR THE EAST WARD -At the Fire Engine
• Nine, is the sum of Five Hundred and Sixty -
INCT 1\T rit 1-80
This We-ek, I have to Hand my Third Instalment of New
Winter Goods, Including:
Repeat Orders in Heavy (Wide Widths) Winceys, at 10c. and 124c. per yard.
Repeat Orders in Grey and Check All Wool Flannels, at 30c., 35c., 37,1c. per yard.
Repeat Orders in DRESS GOODS, Latest Patterns, at 22c., 25c., 30e. per yard.
Overcoats, Ulsterseand Pea Jackets.
Men's and Boys' Suits in English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds.
A Stylish Woreted Diagonal Suit for $13.50, worth $17.
Shirts and Drawers at every price, from 37ic. up.
Hats and.Capse-New, Serviceable, and Cheap.
A very complete assortment of Men's and Boys'.
Fur Caps, just opened. out, Special Lines in Men's.
Seal Cape, the Best Value in the Market.
Several Bales- of _Mita& Robes, Direct from the North-
West, Well Tanned and Not Perforated.
Opened out this w ek, the contents of a large number of Cases of Men's
Long Boots, Women's Plain' and Fancy Leather for winter wear -Excellent,
Value and fully as good as that turned out by any shoeraaker-Children's Boots
in every variety of Style, at less than old prices, Ladiee' Felt Boots, Rubbers,
and Overshoes.
Direct from the Manufacturers. Notwithstanding the advance in these Goods, I
have been able to secure a Splendid. 33 -inch Cotton at 8c., a heavy 36 -inch Cot-
ton at 10c., and an extita, heavy 37 -inch Cotton at 1.21eper yard. Call and
examine these Goods and see for yourselves..
GRAIN BAGS 500 Arrived this Week, A 1 Quality)
the best offered, only $3.50 per dozen..
M LIN Eil=2,-5t S •
The Millinery Department is being constantly replenished. with all the Lat-
est Novelties in the Market. A grand display of New Trimmed Millinery in the
Show Room. All orders, as usual, executed promptly.
Our Mantles have Oreated quite a sensation in town, nothing having appear-
ed outside the cities to Compare with them. They are going fast, and are un-
doubtedly giving satisfpion.
A magnificent assotitment of Tapestry Carpets in all the Newest Designs.
Lace Curtains by the set or yard,, Tassels, Window Blinds, Tidies, Toilet Covers,
Counterpanes, &c., very cheap.'
-New Valenbia Raisins, New Currants, New Teas, New Sug-
ars, New Tobaccos -all abriving daily. First-class Groceries all round. at
very reasonable prides.
THE LIQUOR STORE is w.ellt supplied with Cheice Brands of Liquors, and
every attention pai4 to the wants of Customers.
FIVE PER CENT. D SCO-UNT allowed on all cash purchases in General Dry
Goods, Readymade Clothing, Boots. and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Millinery,
Mantles, and Furs.
1\T_ "SAT A.TS01\T,
--Mr. Watson is agent for the followLng ,firet-elass Inettrance Companies:
FIRE an ortharn, of London, England; Scottish Imperial, of Glasgow, Scotland;
IN.frycelinAi.NCd NE.
Ree -al Canadian and Nation I, of Montreal ; British Americaeof Toronto; Canada Fire and Marine,
of Hamilton; Gore District of Galt. Lin; AND ACCIDENT. -Traveller's, of Hartford.
PL—Mt. Watson fs appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan and
sayMingOsoNomEpYanyTtOof Tiepro
Arito. The oldest and best Loan Society in the Dominion. Money
advanced on allkinds of Real 'Estate
.-The following manufacturing and family sewing machines
kepSt cEonWstainNtlyGonMhaAndC: 114oNES.-The
Wheeler & Wilson, Osbrerne A. and the 'White. Machine oil,
needles and all kinds of attic hments on hand. Machines of all kinds repaired.
Mr. Watton is agent for the Franze & Pope knitting machines. The best family knitting
machine manufactured, cap ble of doing all kinds of cotton and woolen work. .
Mr. Watson is agent for t e State Line of Steamships, sailing bewteen New York and all points
in Europe.
Office, Main Street, Seaforth, nearly epposite Mansion HoteL
T ONCE MORE respeetful y beg leave toreturn thanks to my numerous customers for their kind
-2- patronage during the Is t 12 years that I have been doing boldness Amongst them, and kindly
solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I ha-ve justereceived s Large and Well Selected
S of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of
a Specialty -which, for quality and price, are the hese in the County.
S and SHOES-McFberson's make. Crodkery, Glassware,Lamps
Hi and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, 339.0071 and Hams, in faat every -
ore. Aek for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce
taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years
to come and settle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the aceounts will be put jute;
other hands for collection. o further notice wilt be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS.
-I am also valuator for the Doutinion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies
Society loans money on,good farm seeurity for it termol from three to
Amble conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. -If you want your life insured
for the Son Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In -
inion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for-
lways attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in son.
Stock of DRY GOOD
A Large Stock of BOO
and Coal Oil, Hardware, Pal
tieing required in a general s
in the Dominion. The abov
twenty years, on the meet fa
give me a call, as I am agen
entrance Companies in the ID
get to give me a call. Tara
neetion. Clover, Timotka.l'urnip and other seeds on hand.
And that Edward shall be the Returning
Officer for the NorthWard; William Elliott shall
be the Returning Officer for the South Ward
and Samuel Stark shallhe the Returning Officer
for the East Ward.
BE IT ALSO ENACTED, in pursuance of the
Revised Statutes of the'Province of Ontario,
Chapter 174, Section 289
R --That the Clerk of the said Municipal Cor-
poration of the Town of Seaforth shallat the
hour of Twelve. o'clock noon, on Tuesday, the
Seventh Day of • October, One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Seventy -Nine, at the Town Hall,
in the said TOW 11 of Seaforth, stun up the number
of votes given forand against this By -Law.
II. --That the Mayor of the said Municipal
Corporation shall attend at the Town Hall,in the
said Town, on Tuesday, the Thirtieth day of
September, OHO Thousand Eight Hundred and
Seventy -Nine, at the boar of Eight o'clock in the
evening, kr the purpose of appointing persons to
attend at the various polling places aforesaid,
and the final summing up of the votes by the
Clerk respectivela on behalf of persons interested
in and promoting or opposing the passage of
this Bylaw respectively.
Passed first, 800011a. lout third readings October
20th, .A.ID. 1879.
JOHN BEATTIE, kayor. Tis
WM. ELLEYIT, Clerk. 0
OTICE.-The -above is it true copy of a. By-
-LI Law passed by the Municipal Council of the
Town of Seaforth, on the Twentieth -day of Oc-
tober A. D. 1872, and all persons are 'hereby re-
quired to take notice, that any one desirous of
applying to have such By -Law, or any part there-
of, gnashed, must make his application for that
purpose to one of Iler Majester's Superior Courts
of Common Law,in Toronto, before the end of
the term of the said superior Courts next, after
the special promulgation thereof bythepublica-
tion of this notice in three consecutive numbers
Of the fellowing newspapet, viz.'THE HURON
EXPosiTon, or he be toe late to be heard in
that behalf; and take notice that such term
commences on the Seventeenthday of November
621-8 WM. ELLIOTT, Town Clerk.
IFWELL HIS Opened New 11(1121.1-
- Lure Store in connection
with his Saddlery and Harness basinesta, Ka
has now it full and complete stock of all descrip-
tions of Furniture or. hand, including gr,drlian
Sets, &c.
He invites his friends and the public to give
him a call and find his low prices before pumbas-
ing elsewhere, as they will save mone.y bydoing
80. 622-8 HERMON 'WILL.
" done in the shortest possible tine. Fleur
and Feed wholesale and. retalL Cont and Corn
Chogat bottom prices. ,
Thanking our eustomers and theinabile for the
liberal patronage bestowed on tts inathepast, and
hope for a continmuaonGeem0fatoheit •
R. 8.-A thoroughbred Suffortaiqeffae ltervIce.
i at the MIL
; •