HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-11-07, Page 3TILE FOOD Removea Obstrue.. Lie% the Hide, Relieves troves.' the Spirit and ince to horsea, while heir work with, one% :ttert rapidly when fed iigestion. Cows give elvee thrive wonder - better health, lay on more wool, while Its - is truly surprising. a feed it to animals Faire, For sale RT, HARLOCK *tern Ontario. • WL.D. OTHERS. business carried on or PG many years, ars_ DE -MAKING shortest notice and it the very best in.. rkmanship they guar, isineese.giving a good eble priees, they hope ehare rdinRettenburry'a terineay Office, one 10EL BRIGGS. W. BRIGGS. )ARTNERSHIP re exieting between Infeeturers ot Plows been disaalned by ;ag due thefirm to be Fe. either by caeh or 1;1 ilitiee (A the firm. h day of 3a1y, 1879. E. REID. NI ("EL BA.RTO-N. au the business in t old and well kupwri c.nt. G oderich atreet, .et thaoking hie ens- ing, be strict atten- ,erease the corifidenee el Pick Dressing aud MUIL BARTON. rst•elass tradennan, !e-rapers.te habits, has :( X tend( d opportuni- hat Mr. Barton, may hich his taleuts and K. REID•. 607 StrI)I'LIED 7 A r R WASHER • !1NNolz. heving pur- Or the sale of this ex- tipTuckeesmith red to fill all orders .nd most reasemable one of the hest irk, ed by thoee who- heve erfection, doing bet - any other machine. ve the Star Wesher eaeing can have the D'001q/sr R, Seaforth, tario Equaling men anted of this tnachi e. 600 U RON RTWHIGHT nber of his constito- on Tuesday everting tons of the day. But, temehed upon the n.ogtography, Calder lehsrel's constituents :(rally on that point. supplying his pat - :d Ambrotypes, well Ohl Pictures copied Children'e Pictures met e roo there smile oiet'e Pepuls.r Gal- ' No cheap trash" • as good work can Seeforth. LINE.: L STEAMERS Sail NEW YORK and ?rry) and LONDON Londonderry, Glas- e. Fares as !ow as ti issued to persons 1rientls. tiori of Anchor Line n. elegance and cora- 'oet Office, Seaforth r -t• e.t VAtred into co -part - o meet the wants ot lid others who may t:rs tO aud from tee elsewhere oel most ay be left at Xoseph rr.1 will receiee prompt lIAN BROWNELL PIL ABELL. DIES. uhl intimate to the ieinity, that she has ,n and zephyr Wools, erns, needles, card - E, of Mr. MeGs.reyle re will do her amost ..zr favoring her-vith tamping and hair rates. MACDONA Miss Oldfiedi)is era t o Dressro.aking, tit and good work :epared to give les - it newly inventedand 'Lowell. 'looms liet Church, See/forth. 1617 RKET I -angel -nen for :hinds of good clean [-sail and Kipp n for rand to handl any •ered. The h gitest • proprly el aneci L( an it wcU 1 A VID M_eLEN -AN. LK1NG, inform the adiea t r that she has cour- tier-a:es in the oras will be glad to ere - in : her the 1)es pee- ry fits guaranteed.. s t onee to- VISS FERGUS N., y FOR SIL . belonging to the :leisere 10 sae- Ht0V0 and pip s ; other patio/we- The partioulara le meet latETT, Seator NOVEMBER 7, 1879. - The Earl alid. His CoachrarAn„ The father of a late Earl of -reean,, .bitke had many good qualities, 1 -,tit al_ war peraisted inflexible in 'Ms own 001011, 'which, as ell as hire conduct, Fex,:ipsethloerudtshitpo vithss000ghfr of v earny sininggeunliaoru, s vent thecornPlaints cif those about lflfe:egn himself deaf, , and this was to proeiti,ei'aacealways form his of hearing very iraandIerthfzt7,dheer w own answers, not 'oy what was said. to him, but by what he desired to have said. • Among other servants was one who had lived with him from a child, and served him with great fidelity in sev- eral capacities, till at length he became °adman. This man by degrees got a by a violent knocking at his door and a shout of : "Your excellency! Your excellency I" "What in the deuce is the matter?" ' cried "his excellency," savagely adding a brief but forcible apostrophe, which need not be quoted. "Satan, your excellency," answered a voice from without. . e "Satan?" eehoed the great man, some- what startled at the announcement of such a visitor, deepite the appropriate- ness of the hour. : "here's a Cossack below, your ex cellency, who says he's caught Satan, and wants to know what he'eeto do with , A. sudden recollection of the barrier • demon flashed upon the chief's mind,- and he comprehended the whole affair eehit of drinking, tor which his lady [ often desired he might be disnaissed. in a moment. lord alwa.ys answered, "Yes, indeed, Hurrying on his olothes as quickly as .3fy John is nn excellent servant." possible, he hastened down stairs, sled found at- the door the horse with its ,,I ay," replied the lady, "that he is ghostly burden, wl*e the Cossack, continually drunk, and therefore de - •making his salute, said quietly: are he may be turned off." "I've caught Satan, your exoellency. "Ay," said his lordship, '-he has lived What ere your excellency'sorders about with me from a, child, and, as • you say, a trifle of wages should._ not part us." him?" • John, however, oue evening, as he . Stifling a laugh at his followers cool - driving from Kensigton, over- ness, the chief ordered the prisoner's turned his lady was in Hyde Park. Though disguise to be taken off, when the fee - not much hurt, yet when she came tures revealed were those of a hotel home she began to rattle the earl. thief, for whose apprehension a laxge "Here," says she, "is that John, so reward had been offered. drunk, that he eau Scarcely stand; he The rascal was promptly packed. off s overturned the ceach, and. if he to Siberia, while his captor received in hais full the recompense to which he was -so not discharged he will one day break well entitled.—Liverpool Mail. our 'leeks." "Ay," says my lord, "is poor John . ' sick ? Alas, I am sorry for him," The Wanderer's. Prayer. "I am complaining," says my lady, On a cold, dreary' evening in autumn, °that he is drunk'. and has overturned a small boy, poorly clad, yet clean and me.' tidy, with a 'sack on his back, knocked ' "Ay," replied my lord, "to be sure, he at the door of an old Quaker in the • has behaved very well, and, shall .have town of S . "Was Mr. Lan man at home?" The boy wished to see him, proper advice." . My lady, finding it useless to re- and was speedily ushered into the hoet's moiastrate, wenta,way in a, passion, and presence. - THk HURON EXPOSITOR I wish this mLy indemhify him for the discredit which my sorrowful catas- trophe ,will bring upon him. On one occasion the famous Dr. Aber- nethy was forced to own that he had the 'worst of it. The story runs thus. He Was sent for one day in great haste by in innkeeper, whose wife had, in a quarrel, scratched his face with her nails to euch an ex ent that the - poor man wee, bleedin and much disfigured. Abernethy thought this an opportunity' not to be lost for a,dinonishing the offend- er, !and said, " Madam, are you not ashamed of youreelf to treat your hus- band thus—the husband who is the head of all— our. head in fact ?" "Well do tor," fiercely demanded the virago, "land may I not scratch my own head?" , A gentlem n once asked. Abernethy if lje thought the moderate use of snuff woeld. "injuie the brain." . "No, sir," was the doctor's .prompt reply ; "for no man with a single ounce of brains wotild ever think of taking smiff." . Patients o erasies the According t the earl, having orderedi John into his _Friend Lanman was one of the presence, addessed him. very- coolly in wealthiest men in the county, e,nd these term.... "John, you know that I president of the L ' Valley Rail - have a regard for you, and as long as road. The boy had Come to see if lie you behave well you shall 'always be - could obtain a situation on the road. taken care of in my fanaily. My lady He said he wes an orphan—his mother ells me you are taken ill, and indeed. I had been dead only two months, and he see that you can hardly stand, go to was now a homeless wa,nderer. But bed, and I will take care that you have the lad was too small for the filling of proper ad -vice." any place within the Quaker'sgift, and _ John, being thus dism'ssed, was car- ried.to bed, where, by his lordship's order, a lave blister w s put on his head, another between his shoulders, and sixteen ounces of bloed taken from his arra. John found himself next morning in a woful condition; and was th soon acquainted with the whole pro- cess and e reasons on which it was made. He had no remedy but to sub- • mit, for he would rather have endured • ten blisters than lose his place. His • lordship sent very formally twice a day to know how he did, anda_frequeritly congratulated his lady upon John's re- covery -whom he directed to be fed only ten amuse by their idosyn- edical men they consult. Dean Ra,msay Dr. Gregory —" of immortal mixture memory"— used to tell a story of an old Highland chieftain, intending to show how such Celtic potentates were once held to be superior to all the usual considerations which affect ordinaxy mortals. The *dodo; aftei due examination. had in hie usual decided and blunt manner prenounced. the liver of the Highlander to be at fault, and to be the cause of hie ill health. His patient who could nOt but consider this as taking a great liberty with a Highland chieftain, roar- ed. out : '"Aud-what business is it of yeur's whether I have a liver or not ?" We also are indebted. to the dean's Reminiscences for the two following stbries : •I An old lady about seventy years of tele sent for her medical attendant to 0 , consult him about a aore throat, which had troubled her for several days. The doctor decked out with the now prevail- ing fashion, a moustache and u ilowing beard, was ushered into her room. The ad lady— fter exchanging the usual ciVilitiee, described her conaplaint to the Worthy son of _Esculapius. . " Well," aid he," do you know, Mrs. he was forced ,to deny him. Still he McFarla,nes I used to be much troubled liked the lookSOf the bey, told said to with the yery same kind of sore throat; him: but ever since I allowed my mustache , “Thee stop in ray house to -night, and and beard •56 grow, I have never been on the morrow I will give thee the troubled with it." names of two or three good men in " A-weel, a-weel," said the old lady Philadelphia, to whom thee may ap- dryly, " tl4t may be the case; but .ye ply, with assurance to a kind reception ma,un preseribe some other method for at least. I am Sorry that I have 40 me to quit o' the sair throat ; for ye ken, empioyment for thee." • doctor, 1 canna adopt that cure." Later in the evening the old Quaker . "A servant of an old Maiden lady, a went the rounds of hie spacious man- r'alicnt of Dr. Pool, formerly of Edin- sion, lantern in hand, as was his wont, burgh, was under orders to go to the to see' if all was safe before retiring for doctor every morning to report the state the night. As he passed the door of of her heaith, how she had slept, etc., the•little ehamber where the poor wan- with strict injunctions always to pre- withev". ater-gruel, and to have no cona- derer had been placed to Sleep, he fix " with her compliments." At length • pans, but an old. woman who acted as heard a voice. He stopped and die- one merniiig the girl brought • this ex - bis nurse. • traordinary message ; "Miss 5--'s . In about a week, John having con- Complimeuts, and she died last night at sta.ntly sent word that he was well, his eight o'clock." ' lordship thought fit to understand the • i We will,bring our gossip to an end messenger, and said. he was extremely with a story illustrating the varying de - glad to hear the fever had quite left grees of feeling, regulated by the state of hina. When John came in, "Well, his healthi wigh which a patient may be John," says his lordship,I hope this said to reaard his niedical adviser. It e bout is aver."• d, is relateof Bouvart, a French .phy- aeh- ,` my lord," says John, "I humbly sician, that one merniug as he entered. ask your 'lordship's pardon, and I the chamber of a certain marquis whorci promise never to commit the sem° he had attended through a very danger - fault again." ous illness, he was addressed by his - "Ay, ay," replied rcty lord, "you say noble patient thus: "Good. day to you • and if you ehoiald be ill, again, John, I and thin Mr. Bouvart. I feel quite in spirits, k my fever has left me." right; nobody can prevent sickness, not complain ; and I promise you that T " I am sure it has," replied Bou art shall see it, though perhaps you would to his employer !" was his concluding re- dryly. you shall have always the same advice fieetien. "'The very first expression you and the same attendance that you have When the morning Caine the Quaker used convinced me of it." had. now , ".Pray explain . yourself," said the had changed his mind concerning: his answer to the boy's application. marquis. , • I hope there will be n need." "-Who taught thee to pray ?" asked reply. • " Nothing is easier," was the doctor's "Thank your lordsla.p," says John," i 800TS 1 BOOTS 1 uitable for the Season and at Pricus to Suit the Times, at HOM AS COVENTRY'S. am, just opening ?my Fall and • Winter Stock, comprising all .the different lines. have a large quantity of Men's and Boy's Riveted Boots, which are unquestionably the best Fac- tory work made. My Custom Work of all kinds is the best that men and ',money can produce. 1?epairing neatly done. ' • So to all who want good value in Boots, I say come either with cad?, or a good record for prompt paying—slow payers are a c'urse to trade. A Liberal Discount to cash, buyers. ; 3 1879 With thanks for past patronage, I am waiting all reasonable commands to • execute. THOMAS COVENTRY, tinguished the tones of an easeaest, simple prayer. He bent his ear nearer, and heard these words from the lips of the boy. , "0 Good Father in Heaven I help me to help myself. Watch over me as I watch over my own conduct. Bless the good man in whose house I am shelter- ed, and spare him long that he may continue his bounty to other suffering and needy ones. Amen.", And the Quaker responded another amen as he moved. on ; and as he went on his way he rne iitated. The boy had a true idea of t .a dutiee of life, and possessed a war u, grateful heart. "I verily think the •ed, vvill be a treasttre Sign of the Mammoth Boot, Stark's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. long as you perform -your duty to nee, „le ny mother, sir," was the soft reply, " In the first days of your illness, "So do I," sa.ys t e earl ; but as 4 friend Lanman. • whet' your life was in clanger, I was John, I will do mine to you, never and the rich brown eyes grew moist. fear." "And thee will not forget thy your " dearest friend ;" as you began to , - get bettee, I was your" good Bouvart ;" John then withdrewand so dreadmother's counsels" and now I am "Mr Bouvart" De- ed the discipline he c had undergone , di • I cannot, for I know that my suc- . .. that he never was known to be drukk • • - pend upon it you are quite recovered." "My boy, thou mayest stay here in . He Wasn't Afraid. my house, a,nd very soou I • will take Nerve and Humor in ilattle. Some few yeaxs ago, toward. the end breakfast." of Trafalgax,„while serving at his gun 0 PATRONIZE HOME Why go abroad for your Furnikre when you can get as Good Value for your money in Hensall as in any other Town in Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN Has now on hand a Splendid Stook of IT 'T OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, _ Wlaiceh he N5rill sell at Prices to 4---• Suit the Times. • UNDERTAKING IN ALL 1TS -BRANCHES PROMPT- , LY ATTENDED TO. _ Also a First -Class Hearse cess life is dependent upon them." :—/larpee's Weekly. thee to my office. Go now and get thy A brave Enalish sailor, at the battle ocuroi3R,_ 1870 AUCTION .SALE OP VALUABLE . to • FARM MIDI HOTEL PROPERTY. DUNCAN $(. DUNCAN, SEAFORTH, P. MINE lias been instructed by the , . ! .4-T-1- 1.xecutors e the late Robert A. Hays, to — sell by Public Auction, at CARBOL'S HOTEL, • SRAFORTH, on . • WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR SECOND IMPORTATION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TII, 18791 INDUSTRIES. For this Season, per Steamer Polyn'e6ian, consisting of S r) S C31- 00 All Wool, in Seal Brown and Greys. Costume Cloth, cuite new, all wool and new colors. , • Fancy Brocaded Press Goods, Silk Warp for Trimming—allnew shades Stripe and Brocaded Velvets and Velveteens. Silk Fringes and. Wool Fringes, all colors. • 'WINCEY, DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURE'RS. 1 500 pieces, all shades, and at pricesneverbefore shown in this County, from 5 cent e up. Fancy Plaid., Check, Stripe and. Snowflake Winceys. of December, all Moscow was startled Friend Lanman,hved to see the boy bY the rumor—the first vague and he had adopted rise, step by step, until doubtful then. more and more distinct he finally assumed the responsible of - on the main -deck, was struck by a shot coming in at the port, which took his lea off below the knee.- As he sank self nightly just outside of one of the hold no longer.—Selected: • : down upon a shot -box and saw the ---of a hideous figure which showed rt- fice which the failing guarcha,n c ld on principal barriers of the city, terrifying • section of limb clean he muttered.: gone, all beholders with the veritable sem- A•necdotes of Doctors. "Alt ; its only a shilling affair, _that. Mance of a demon—hores, tail, fiery , eyes and allA good story is told of Sir Richard 1 Had it gene a few inches Ihigher I'd After time, however, it was whis- . i ed been ' Jebb, who was once paid -Weise guineas got my eighteen pence for it." U. by &nobleman from whom he had. a right He alluded to the seale of pensions, as terviewed" by this disagreeable prom- pered that every one who li"in- to •expect five. The doctor dropped the graded by the severity of the wound enader had ended by . finding himself :coins on the carpet,when a servant pick: Afterwards, while one of his mates minus his watch, purse, or other ad them up ' and restored them.! But was carrying bleu dchvii to the cockpit ables—a feet which aroused suspicione , , vela - Sir Richard instead of walking off, ttpn.- he suddenly cried out tinmed his search on the carpet. • " Ho 11 Jaekl when you go back, be only some daring thief, requiring the " Are all the guineas foun• d ?" asked sure and take a look at my leg, and save that the pretended. demon was, after all, exorcisms of the police rather than his lordship, looking round. I • me the silver buckle on the shoe. I'll you if the Lord spares "There must be two still - on the- Cl° muoll for Such at least was the view. taken in floor." Was Sir Richard's a,nswer, "for me 1" those of the clergy. I have only three." Here is another good reply from a brave Briton—this time a, captain. It the bureau of police itself, •when the The hint of course was takan, and the matter was being discussed one night richt sum made u was what Admiral Lord St. Vincent's Which he will furnish for FUNERALS on sonable term. 13T.73:103IINTC1-_ rea At 2 o'clock P. M., the following valuable Real 1 li state : A Venn consisting of south half of Lot 12, Third Concession of Morris, containing 100 acres ; 75 eleared and in a good state of eultivs- idon; well termed ; new frame barn 40x60 ; small frame house; four utiles from Brussels, on -s, good road. At the same time and place will be offered the Valuable Hotel in Seaforth, known as " Canol's Hotel ; le.rge stabling; buildings all new and in god order, centrally located and enjoying good business.Will be sold subject to three years' lease of present occupant. TERMS—Win be made known on appiliug to either of the Executors, or to Jones R. Bernie/2a Esq., their Solicitor. Seafoth. • T. E. HAYS and JOSEPH LAIRD, Executors. , J. P. BRINE, AuctiOneer. ) -FARM FOR SALE • BY AUCTION. J. P. BRINE has *ceived instructions -1-"L from Mr. JOHN BOWIE to sell by Pul3lie Auction, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MIA - FORTH, on MANTLES, A; LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1879; At 2 -o'clock P. M., Contracts for Buildings ofl every deseription taken on moot reasonable tern's. Material far- niated if &aired. • I Remember tbe Hansen Frdniture and under - taking Establishnient. 576 S. FAIRBAIRN. by eome dozen members of the force, le Another physician, who had been ac fleet fleet ys hearing down. upon the fleet of popular rumor of their own lively fancy custemed to receive a three -guinea fee the enemy—the Spaniards—that the with the addition of such details as suggested. from an old lady -patient, received one chaplah.f of a frigate rasked the com- day„only two, and had recourse to one mender who was all alive with excite - Suddenly a young Cossack, recently peat of Sir Richard's edifice, and assum- ment, aid eager in the work : - -enrolled, who had sat .perfectly silent ing that the third., guinea had been " Cap -ain, have yen reckoned the durin, the whole conversation, arose 1 . Choice Mantles, All New and. Stylish. Mantle Cloth in iBeavers, Naps and Ulsterings, cut free of charge. Full Range Of B tank Silk, from 60 cents up to12. Colored Silks, a1 the Shades of Slates, 13rovens, Blues, Drabs, &c. 1 -, LINEN, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY, IN BELFAST, IRELAND. 200 dozen' Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs ; 100 dozen Gents' White Linen Hand- , kerchiefs. ' Table Napkins, Towel, and Towellings ; Table Linen in Bleached and Browns; Hollands, Diaper S and. Shirt -Linens. These Goods are fie= 20 to 25 per cent. less than can be sold in the regular way —see them. and. said, quietly but firmly. "It s against orders to let Satan go and walk ed about on the floor for it. The result however, was rather disappointing about. I'll go and tackle him." 0. dropped, through his carelessness, look- iaumber of the enemy?" chief. ' We can do that more readily after th6y are ours!" , Here another of a different oast, but its humor is not to be denied , " No, no—not yet,' replied the brave So saying the adventurous lad went "Nay, Nay," said the old lady with' forth, saddled his horse and set off in a senile; "you are not 'in fault. It is I seareh of the pocket -picking d,ein,on„ who 'dropped it." ces of large sums being received by doe - tors for successful treatment of their patients, it is rarely that they reap sub - Th eakine with him no weaoia save his e the Though there are numerous install- ine P "arkru"—a, short lasso—as formida,ble in Cossack hands as in those of the American "Gaucho." It was dark long before he reached.j stantial benefit, beyond their ordinary the barrier, but a faint gleam of moon- r fees, in cases of a failure; instances, light showed him a ghastly figure, however, are 'known. which seemed to rise out of the earth A story is told of a French lady who put herself into the hands of a surgeon to be bled, the operator used his lance so clumsily that instead of a vein he cut an artery. This mishap eventually caused the death of thelady. With a mixture of humanity and irony, she made a, will •in which she bequeathed a life -annuity of eight hundred livres to the surgeon on condition" that he never again bled any- body as long as. he lived." A Polish princess, about a hundred yeaxa ago, who lost her life in similar circumstances; had the following clause utterly regardless of the aries of aston- inserted.in her will: "Convinced of the ishraent that followed. his course, and injury that my unfortunate accident the crowd that gathered at his heels will cause to the unhappy- surgeon who like a snowball. • is the cause of my death, I bequeath to Meanwhile, the chief of police, hahim a life annuity of two hundred ing gone to bed earlier' than usualeshad , ducats, secured by my estate, and for - just fallen. asleep, -wheia he VIM aroused give him his . mistake from my heart. at his a,pproa,ch, and. said, m a hollow voice : "Halloo, there 1. I want you I Come down with rae to the kingdom below." This sinister summons was barely uttered, when the noose settled around. the speaker's neck, and the half -throt- tled demon found himself jerked. from his feet and flung violently to , the ground. The Cossack bound him hand. and foot, trussed him up behind the saddle, and started. back to town at full gallop, reuch, at Wagram, were mak- first onset of battle, when a sergeant of infantry, who was holding his company in line, upon the extreme right of his regiment, was set upon a yelping. snarling cur, belonging to the. colonel. The ad. soldier could not tamely bear this, and witb a movement like light- ning, he charged bayonet upon the dog, and ran him through, probably to the I heart. The colonel saw, and being near ; the spot he rode up. • "Look you, my man, could you not have jut as well made at my dog With the butt of your musket?" " Parbleu I I'd have done it, colonel. if the brute had only made at me in the same way!" The inost perilous hour of a person's life is when he is tempted to despond. No one should despond—not even 1 the young man who is enfeebled, both men- tally and physically, by habits of eaely indiscretion, as Victoria Buchu and Uva Ursi will cure the most distressing case of kidney disease, etc. For sale by all dealers at 51 per bottle. 1 • -s SUNBEAM ART GALLERY. AFTER }-4 ; -VCTA_ THE BATTLE, The Battle is now otith-, and Peace is restored. in our quiet town. THE LUNERY DEPARTMENT. This Departmen is now full -with all the Novelties in French, English, and Auderican Millinery, nd is kept fully supplied with new goods every week by express. . . This Department is under the management of a First -Class Milliner, and we ask an examination of our styles and prices before purchasing. READYMA E CLOTHING. ORDERED CLOTHING. A La4ge Stock of Tweeds, Cloths, and Overcoatings. Hats, Caps, FurS, &c., in all the Newest Shapes and in the different qualities. Boots and Shoes -4 full stock of Men's, Wonaen's and Children's. Fresh Groceries a dye weekly—the cheapest geode% town in this department. The 'Valuable rm on the teenttseuth -Conces- sion of McKillon, being East Half -of Northilitlf of Lot NO. -9, and North Half of Lot No. 10, Cputaining 131 acres. There are 40 aereseleared and in-gooll cultivation; 5 aeres in 1411 wheat; the bush . is good timber--4tardevood„ black ash tf.0 :and line, frame house 80x20, with good:cellar; frame barn 40a6). ; -frame stable lot three span of horses. The farm is well lent a; and iis '9 ' miles from Brussale, 4 from 'Wel. u, 18 from Seaforth, . and -convenient to churches and 'ilebT°E6Rigell. 8- .—Ten per cent of the pnechase -money will be required on :day ef sale; the unuainder, .to rhe amount of hall, within 80 days ; the bile - ante in instalments to ,suit pure:M.8er, secured by mortgage, at 8 per cent. •• - I., P. minx, Au.ToOtiHoNneBZWIE, Proprietor. 420 ID TT 1\1- 0 A IT az , D TT 1\T 0 .A. 1\T. MAIN STREET, SE4ORTH. ADDRESS TO, THE ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good morking Jones, where are you going to ?" . , JONES..—" I am goingdown to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new 1 furniture, you see mine s getting playekout and I want to get some first rate franitureet very low prices. Our baby wants . new cradle, and they say that he has the very beat and cheapest in the county." S St. THE OpMNIERCIAL LIVERY SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES, IIKVLN13- purchased the Stock OM Tiede of the Commercial Livery, Sealorth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carryhig -on the businees in the old stand,end has added sei er el valuable horses and veh icles t o the formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good Reliable Horses Wiii be Kept. Covered and Open 13uggies ana carr'ageP, and Double and Single Wagons always r eady foruse. Special Arrangements Made With -Com. rnereicti Men. Orders left at, the stables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. go the Free and Independent People of Huron : M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the promises letely occupied by Mr. John Kidd, as a Hardware store and that he is now prepared to furnish everything in the Furniture line at remarkably low prices. 'Intending purehasers will find it greatly to thi3ir adventage to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice. Picture framing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Farm produce, feathers, wood and lcunber taken in exchange. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is, as formerly, under his own eupervision, and will be cenducted with the greatest care and atten ftl- tion. His stock of Caskets, Coes, Shrouds ite , will be found complete, and at the very lowest rate. Funerals attended in the country. A'Hearse for hire. Remember the place. M. ROBERTSON, SEAFORTIL OHARLES MOORE is to the front to salute his many patrons, His Galleu is on the ground floor, and he has now every accessory to make it among the : finest galleries in Ontario , whieh is a credit to the Town of &Mortar. HIS ARTISTIC WORK And highly finished Photographs enable hitn to gain vietory after victory. Remember he is now making four Ambrotypes for 50 cents. Pictures and Picturing cheaper than ever. • CHARLES MOORE, Photographer, Pieture and Picture Frame D eater Whitney's Block, Seaforth. THE EGNIONDVILLE MILLS • 0 THE undersigned hiving purchased the Eg- mondville and having secured the ser- vices Of an experienced and couipatont zuuiler, are now prepared to do GRISTING, CHOPPING, And all other work in the Milling line. Parties bringing Grists can have then Ground the same da,y as lett Chopping can be done any day, as there is a rut of stones kept for thet special purpose. FLOUR. FLOUR. FLOUR. Flour of tbe very choicest quality will he sold at Wholesale or retail, and will be delivered in Egmondville or Seaforth free of chargei The Mill is • being fitted up specially for Cus- tom Grinding, so that every farmer will be sure to get tbe flour made from his own wheat. Thell tMill is one of the best in the County, har- ing all newest and most improved machinery, and parties favoring us with their patronage may rely upon getting satisfaction. Thebusiness will be under the personal super- vision of the proprietors, who will always be on hand to receive and attend to ouetomers. A Trial is solicited. JAMES FORSYTHE. 614-8 'ABIDES KYLE. AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. EGG EMPORIUM. TBE Subscriber hereby thanks bie numerous -I- -customers (merchants and others) for their liberta patronage anthr,ethe past 7 years, and hopes by -strict integrity and close attention to their confidence and basinessto merit trade in the future. Having gree.t14 enlarged his prem- ises during the winter, he is now prepared telpay THE'HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of Good -Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Wanted by the subscriber, 25.toras of good ay clean wheat straw. JOHN W.A. TZ nth S4FQR,TII. While returning thanks to his many customers' jor their patronage zet the past, also to those who so liberally patronized his ?late sale, he begs to inform them and as 9is'any new ones as will fovor him that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN -TITS OLD STAND As ready and willing to serve them as before. D. D. WILSON, TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. • S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, 'WAS much pleasure in calling particulax atten. tion to his airtight BUTTER FIRKIN. • This Ferkin is warranted air light, and wilJ consequently keep the butter much purer and sweeter than any other tub made on the old principle, saving more than the price of the tub in enhanced value of batter. Samples always on. hand. Tubs on haul. as usual. For par- tioulars call at Factory or address S. TROTT, Sesforth. N.B.—Coopering and repairing as nirual. 600 HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND • AS USUAL ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- PAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN WARD, - - - - SEAFORTH HAY AND OATS TAKEN IN EXCHA.NGE FOR HARNESS - DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER AND GLASS, MAN- UFACTUREIIII BY Ge W. CLARKE, & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL AGENT, SEAFORTH. •SOMETHIN NEW IN SEAFORTH. • FLO UR AND FEED. M. R. COUNTER„ PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. FINE WATOHES A SPECIALTY. . ALL WORK WARRANTED, 4 Complete Stock of Watches, Clock., Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Spec- tacles and, Fancy Goods, which will be sold Cheap for Cash. REMEMBER 'T. HE -PLACE -,:-Directly Opposite Mr. J. S. Porter's Furniture Store, Main Street. M. R COUNTER, SEAFORTH. G. R. MONKIVIAN 11AS OPENED a Pull Stock -of Flout and Feed. of every description, in STAB'S'S BLOCK-, adjoining MegareY's Bakery. \ Parties wanting FLOUR or MEAL of all kinds, or. GRAIN of all kinds) ear( make motley by purchasing from me. Cash paid for Potatoes, Appies,Bacon, B utter, Eggs, and all kinds of produce. •• Goods Delivered in Town Free of Charge. Remember the Place — Starks Block, Mein Street, Seaforth. 610 MONBMAN. THE SEAFORTH PORK FACTORY. 1-1,„ TR -03313, WHILE thanking Ids nnmeronapstrons for v/ the liberal patronage bestowed upon him. during past years, begs to intimate that he ler again prepared to furnish his -patrons and the public generally with AS good an talkie {if not better) this season as In the past. All kinds of Cured Meats, Rork Cuttings, Sausages Bologna, constantly on nand. H: BOBB. N. B.—The higheet price paid,for hogs, dress- ed or alive. GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES. I BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEAFORTH AND VI- CINITY THAT I HAVE REDUCED ALL. KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lo'w'est RemuneratiVe_Prioes, I USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST MATERIAL Therefore I can Guarantee Good Satisfaction to those who wish to favor me with a call. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place: Opposite the Foundry. ELLIOTT GRIEVE, SEAFORTH. PAINTING. "T WN BEGS to inform his friends • . • and the public in general that be his commenced bueiness II Painter and Glazier on his own account, and is prepared to execute all ordere entrusted to him in the most satisfactory manner and MI reasonable terms. Orders left at the eters of Messrs. John- son Brothers will receive prompt attention. 588-4 II. TOWN, Seafortb. N.B.—Whitewashing and papering a specialty. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ae R. W. J. SHANNON, Seetetary and Treas. urer of the above Company, will attend at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, f3EAFO1ITR, on Satur- day of each week, from 2 to 5 o'clock P 24., Ser the pnrpose of traosacting the business of tbe Company.. All interested will pleasetake r.setiee and govern themselves accordingly. JAMES NEER, President W. 3. -SHANNON, Secretary. 585 IVIELLVILLES ' MULLETT. T MITE `muchpleasure in infonn*E thepulgie -2- generally that I have commencing tbe sodlinf busine.sa in what is known as MELVILLE% linllett, and hope by strict attention to business and fairdealing, to merit a stare of public patronage. Oristing and cheppirsfatune. • 611 ‘WILLIAK JAMIESON a