HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-10-31, Page 8. . I — . I I : . . . __ ­ . - . - . . . I . . -, . - I I I - I - I . I . , 11 t I . I . I I I , . . . - I I . . - . . I r I . ; . . . I .. . . I I I . . I . I I ­ . . . - I .. - . . . - I . I ___ . I - . 1, I . I . , I I - I I . . I . . t I __ 1. ­ . . - - 11 --.-% ­ ­ -­ .. . . - . . I. - - -, - - ­ , . . T ­ ., - - . -, . - ­ .,w- - ­ _._____--,,,,i,_ , . I i I I I . I . . i . . , , _ __ . - ____ _ __ I I I I . , - ­ . -, , - I ­ I . . . . . I . I . 4 . I atl 0 . , Z. "W 'r . - . . I . ., . , .. . , , . I . f - , . . . IL . . . 7 . ." . I - . . I I :#-., . . N 4 - - r_ 9 . . . I . .il. ­- i . I , , . t I - 1. ­ . I Jsi, . . i . . f — I I - . - . . ; I Ali" I _. I . . ; . - 777" 7 . . i . - J - . . I . f I I . . . .1 . . : . I . . . I- - I . . -- ­ T I . . . - I t . , I r . . I . . i! T"O. 0 . . I . . . - . I I " - . 4 i .- I Z I- — i % r. . - I a 8. I-- ! - . THE HURON A;WO..jt.,r RV - i 00T01= 31,187rk , I 1- . 11 - . - :7 - ___ . __ 00 . - - ___ -1 ___ — . - . —1 I -_ U - . - _ _. . _____..._.., I I — Numnaftft I . . - r I . I . - _ ___Z__ - I . 11 I - *1 ' after which the audience vert, let to R. ]Kennedy, on Zetlaud ,_ f you; Ion % *UT04 tX1 h 'I 00 it or,* —We regret -to learn that Rev. Mr. wasi to Mr. '31arris cannot fall short of counci room i i or of the Methodist se'ry , e in the profession; and from thal $1,000. There was no insurance on the assembled in' rr I-1 I S -WIMMX. I L . Graham, past . a the hall,when addresses side road, #21 finish6d; also, job'of . I I . - . ­ . Church, has been confined to his house circltrnstanc alone vou are always in a barn or contents. There AB, not the were delivered by the following rever- gravelling let to Wn .. dendenning, on . 1 , - - __ . ­ -­ - , —.,--. _____ from illness for several days. He was poBi u-0 unaersta aana sympathize slightest doubt that -the fire was the end gentlemen: Brown, of Wrox eter; 25th side rbad, concession 11, .$44, 1 `01 . - . ; - _ . unable to preach on' Sunday last, but is . in t4p difficulties that surround the po- work of an incendiary, &a Jub person Cameron and Murray, of Kineardine - -finished; and 47 to W. E. Mitchell for I F . DISTRT-OT MATTFRRS. * , ' . — I .- 'now 1 , . 11 - nearly recovered.—Thurnday next, sitio of , the Public School Teacher. had been liv'ng,dn the place Bince the Harris, of *BrusBels'; McDonald' of Sea- spreading- gravel.. Mr. Henning re- . . i I . 0 - - . ­ %vorn I forth; Musgrave,- of Mc]Killop;,Jor `1 letting , . . ==- '-----"----' I ---'-'— -_ -_ November 6th, is Th k ivi Day., Und r the present system of .education previous Tuesday. I Los portec a job of repairing Jobb's r, -1 : - I I all 11 _ t -_ . and R -ussels. The choir of , '. I PUBLISHERS -NOTICE. appointed by the Dominitu inthisProTince the Inspeotorisoueof oBs, of Bi bridge to Chris. Jobb, .$10.15, finis4ed; .- . 1. the " ost important ofricials, and upon I Melville Church sang a -number of an- also, job of repairing hadie's bridge, to . 1 I .. . I ment.. We suppose the stores unil Hay. . . I ' c , We will supply THE ENPOSITOR,and other business places in town will b his. .administrative, tact and ability Rkyisiox COURT.—At the Court for thems during the evening, which were John Leitbead, 42, finish,64; also, let a A. Go M -.00MALL R., Pn I I ': - V 4 . - closed on that day. largely depends the success of our the correction and revision of the voters' well rendered. Professor Ray pr . Us Toronto 11'eekly Globe for 1880 for 11,%3. ,esided job of drain and culvert to JOB. Ander- ; ! , . ", . I I. scha4s, and the efficiency- and satisfac- list for Hayj held by Judge Squierg on at the organ. The whole affair passed son, concessions 6 and 7, lob 10, $3.50, . I i We will supply TnE EXPoslior. and COUNCIL Doix".—At a special meet tory -ouditiou of the institutions tinder the 20th inst., there were three Reform, off very pleasantly. finished; also, let jobs of three cul- i ­ , London Western AdrertLqer for* 1880 for ing of council held on Monday evening your Za-rge, axe the best e idences that votes added.to -the. list and one Con- - _.— verts on gravel- road, Turnberry and a . I . . I 1 $2.75. . last, Councilor - James Beattie gave you assess the qualities n to servative voter struck off. Tuckersmith. \ Howick, to A. McMichael,. 6-26.75, 1 1 - * - Have Opened Out their New 1. notice that he would at next -meeting of I cam and success. We can only hope FOR THF. OLD COUNTRY.—MA T'. D. finished; also, two jobs of culverts, let . i We -will supply Tim ExPOSITOR for - - , I - I I . , council bring in a motion to amerid the I that!you may long be spared in health Wingham. Mo,retou left last week for a visit to his to Mr. Gemmill, on concession C, $4 1 I . I I I . market by-law, s6 as tc and Aiength to assist in carrying on in finished. Mr. Whiteford, Morris' I . 1880 for $1.50. ) prohibit - AGAIN VICTORIOUS. — In the quoit friends in England. He expect s to be I . I . The balaince of 1879 given to new sub- fresh meats being sold in small quanti- I -the fylture the same noble work 1wth mat6h here on Tuesday between Chas. -gone about six weeks o' r two onths. gravel, U.60. Th4 s I . i - ties in any Place outside the public ma,r- ' whic4 Walkinshaw champion quoit pitcher Cyrus T rner re. I acribers. I ' , you have been so honorably con- RETURN),Fb.—Mr. were ordered to be.paid. Moved by R. 1 .. I ' ket. A*petitl ­'_Wig__n d by Win. Badk r, nec4d in the past. It is not for their of C Id turned fr " Miller, seconded by J.' Henning, that 1 1 Terms for Glolie and Advertiser, cash on I Is , oc , of London, am -Manitoba on Fri4ay last. I -r-'s I I I . * I ' I WINTER OLO.1 III' and others asking the'couna-11 to have 4,, intii6ic -value that we ask your accept- the former. 'Came out victorious by a Mr. Turner thinks well of the 1 cO'u ntry. the Engineer is hereb, instructed to ex- . I I . g I . y I N G11 I it advance. box placed in'the dradn at Ament's fac- ! anceliof the watc*h an& chain herewith score of 62 to 28. A. good deal of He has taken up land and intends re. &mine McKenzie and' Hughes' drain, as . - : I I I I . . McLE.kN, BROTimus.. tory was received and the street cam- presjnted you, but as a tangible evi- --money changed hands. The match turningill the Spring to take tip his soon. as they reportthe job finished to. 1 . . . - I I . - ' I -' . . mittee werwinstructed to have the work I denc of the sincerity of the' sentiments& was for $100 a side. abode permanently it the, Prairie. the Reeve or Clerk.- Carried. Mr. 1 1 . . WILSON & YOUNG have just received a desired I erformod. The waterworks we hbrein express towards you, and 'in . . Province. ! Thomas Powell petitioned the Council i I vtry large lot of Now Season Tens, which they cam i I r . ' 1 The Lairgest, Finest auaCh,eapoBt I , In ttee were instructed to complete conclusion wish that, in every relation I bon,ght before the recent advance, and mill offer . Stanley. , - PruSONAL.—Mr. John F. Londesbor- to brave a culvert ptit across the road - , . them for s, (4hort tifne at olkl prices. To li)arties the purchase of a lot at Silver Creek for of We, home and f delhas, may every ough, eldest son of Mr. Robertl Landes- opposite his lot to ca-rry away the I , — At the Judges' I Lot of clothing - REVISION COURT. 0 1 I buying in quantities antl paying the cash, we waterworks purposes from the Gouin- blesalng attend you. Court for the revision of the voters' borqugh, of Tuckersmitb,is no v water from a drain h'e . has been m,ak- .. guarwitei, satiqf auiOn or,V%U refunch' the money. ' SEA-iORTH, October, 18779. . - . . I putting . Xr. Henni ' lock state at- as low a price as -possible. list, for this township, four Causer - in a session at the Agricultural College, Ing. ng, was instructed to . - I TnE Cr,19-Twa, GRocF_Ry is the spot to AfW ffatsing a number of accounts the Tb -- following is Mr. Dewar's reply: , ter. Mr. Richard . - '\o adva , ' tives were added to the list. Jud ent Guelph. He spaeks in tbpl highest attend to the mat . —i. 3 ace on old prices, council adjourned to meet at the call of - - buy Teas aud Sugg=i Fellow Teaqter8: It sometimes hap I : notwithstanding the recent rise in the wholesale was reserved in one case, and 'a few terms of the institution, and he man- Porter, Collector, gave a bond, with . - : market, L11DLAW & FAIRLEY. 621-2 thob Mayor. . . pens 1that one finds it a difficult matter .. . . . to express in words what he thinks and -typographical errors rectifig . The . ner,in which it is conducted,'and says satisfactory security, for the due per- I - . I _* 8 gii eia to t that the students have to ly very formance, of bi s duty. Moved by J. WE RAVE EVER SHO, . I I - FAiit ,Fy- are sole agents DR. M CLICLLAN's LrsCTURE. — Dr. what, be feels. Just so I find myse he stic, Henning, seconded by C. Griffin, that ; I . . ft LAIDLA,W & If at Reform list of appeals wa I consequently hard.- Mr. Londesborogh is the first . . for the sale of Bell's Jqfttra Faraily nionx-the McLellan, Senior High School Inspect- ' Clerk too late and was 'Rousewift 's ddight. Seaforth, October 30th, 1879. . the Present, moment. To say that I ruled out. - who -has attended the A-ricult'a'ral Col- the Clerk- notify A-re6sre. McKenzie & I l -Lktt,,r, tiv & F.4auLF,y. 621-2 . tor, delivered. . a lecture in Calrdno's , sincerely and hearbil thank you for I - . M y * ' ! _­ . logo from this township, but we hope. Brueetohave the drain A deepened I - Tim, LARGEST and Finest Selected Hall,'under the auspices of the - North I your 4 ostly and handsome gift and for - : Dublin. . - - his'example will be fall I from the outlet to the junction of drain I . I . owed b , many of . Stock of Crockery arid Glassware is at L.kwlraw it- Huron Teachers' Association, on Fri- ' the el pr ssion .of kindly good will to- B, according to profile, otherwise the ' I Blimps.—Mr. PendergaWs large brick .,dur y9ung farmers. Time and money I FAxRT,Ey's Central Grrocaiy,.'Seaforbh. 521-2 day evening last. The attendance was I wardlit myself in your address, is to con- cy. could not be more profitably 'invested. Council will have the: work done at READYMADE PANTS, from $,1.50 to . - L.A.DIEs' GLOT11—F or Dolmans, . Ul. laxge, the ball beiu-, well filled., and the vey to you very imperfectly indeed in . y hotel wil soon -be ready for occupan I I 1 $4.00. . I t' . —Mr. P. I McConnell has opened a bar- I . I their expense. .Carried. -Moved by G. ` . . I . aters, and Mantles, in all the new ,shades, very audience was composed of ,many be- I appreciation of both. Your valuable -. y chcap, at Sm,Tit & NVEWs. 620 sides theteachers. - In fact it is a very I gift, a nd it must have been a costly one, ness shop in Carroll's block.—Several B ' rucefi6lcL ! , Griffin i, second d b J. Henning, that I . ' YA,ni)s-.--- A public meeting i 66 be paid Mrsf Hamilton for keeping ,N Do,LLA.it SUITS.—Tho Beat Suit of rare thing for a lecturer to draw Bo I will a lwa'ys be highly prized by me for i child up to 30th October.—Carried. TF re leaving here for Michigan.. Tiir,. GnAvTi, , _. 'tertwielsh I them success'.—A dressmaker has-been called tobe held at1laiser's * T*eed ever shown in Seaforth for ,$10, at SAu'r'K large an audience in this town, but the I its in riusio worth, but more especially - . I READYMADE VESTS, from 41.00 to I & WEST'S"t 620 - . Doctor's fa,me, as a public lecturer had I will i be prized for its being the gift of has opened a shop next door to How- Hall, Brucefield, on Friday, 7th No- I Mr. Elijah Higgins petitioned- the ' $2AO. - TnF, Pitr.--cEs of Groceries are right at ' 0 ard's tailor shop.—Mr. J. KiddIs brick vember, for the purpose of t4in.g the J Council to hav4 the jam -of drif twooa in I : . L,,uDrL.kw it. Mur,LEY's. 6:11-2 - preceded him, and we are sure that he the tE achers of East Huron. You will blocks are progressing favorably. The necessary steps to have tho buryil]g.) the _liew water -course on lot 7, ponces- ! . . I i sion 6, taken away. Moved by J. Lit- ' I did not disappoint his hearers. The pardon -me, however, if I -say that the block oil ,tile east pide of the s - treet will grounds in that village draifi,ed an , . . . chair was ta,ken by Mayor Beattie, who expre,,sion of goodwill and the generous ' 0. Griffin, that Mr. ' . ENTr..kN.--E EXANLINATION'.—Intending . soon' be re,ady for the roof. otherwisei improved. There !are two ! tle, Beconded by . in a few happy remarks introduced the comp. iment paid to my labors among . OATS, from . . . . candidates' should be careful to make I graveyards in Brucefield,,ancl althouall ' Henning examine said jam amd have READYMADE.0 , 4&00 to I lecturer. Mr. McLellan took as -his you daring the past eight years in that I . 0 same remo KOO. . Walton. they both belon a to, certain r ' ved as soon as possible—Car- . application to Mr. Clarkson or to Mr. subject '-,Canada's Elements of Na- handE omel framed address is even ' r2 . Dewar at once. T hose received after ti y - ' ri ed. Moved by J. Little, seconded -by I ITICRIMT SOCIETY.—A meeting . eh'iOubaede onal Power." The subject -was most more qgTatif ing. As in teaebing, so in I TnN L nominations, they .have always e I Novei-ber 5th will be too -late. . y of this society was held in Smith's open to all classes and denominations 1 J. Henning, that Mr. Griffin be em.- I - * . 0 1 intelligently and exhaustively. treated inspeating, a groat deal of prudence, L cul- I - ! The various elements bf our nati ' . Hall on the evening of October 21st. for - interments, free of chargb .' This J powered to let a job of building f Tim FIRST Gux.—We anderstarid that onal judryinent, and consideration is re- * ' ) . READYMADE ULSTERS, - power were. ly and forcibly 0 Mr. D. Johnston was elected Chairman. being the case, it is riot reasoiable to vert across Mary street, Wingbam, frOX35-00, - q ed to avoid doiva even the right I The evening was pleasantly passed with expect that the congregations whose , the lwaterworks committee have cam- t uir 0 i -where the drain crosses. — Carried. I to $9.00. 1 pointed out, and a great future for our hing in the wrong way, and if I have . .pleted the purchase of a. lot -on which to - 0 readings, recitations, singing, &-c The propert they in reality are sb uld in- Moved by J. Henning, seconded by J. I . It - . country ver confidently -predicted. The y . . _' . . y happily escaped transgressiing seriously fo . erect the necessary building for a , win our the expense of keeping tbeln in re- I Little, that the Collector of taxes com- . DoGtor'is a fluent, forcible ai,)d eloquent in that way, it, is owing largely to. the Ilo P a are those who took * part : I - 0 ; . . waterworks. The Jot is on Coleman . - " Dick- pair. It is expe mence to collect on the 15th November. i Messrs. Robt. Henderson, Chris. oted, therefore, that all i - , I speaker, and on this occasion succeeded open rankne8s and good sense I have . . , - Street, adjacent to the mill property, . . . 'eting the attention of his audi-_ met with among the tpachers .son, Jas. Fulton, H. Bemish, F. Smith who have an interest in either of the . _Carried. Council ad-journed until- I 11.154 ADYMADE OVER -7-COATS., from and takes in a portion of Silver Gr I 0 generally, the 17th November, then tq, m, eet at. 1 $4.50 to 48.00.. " i - - It is admirably adapted for the .purpose once upon his'utterances for over an and i you have profited in any measure and John .KcMillan. The. subject for burial places will attend this ineeting I I . - r ans to be addpte - Porter's Hall, Tees -water Rottd. required. It was pure.hased" from the . I - labors, I have'learned more than . — . . . hou and tL half. At the conclusion of by in: the next debate is : I I Has the in ven Lion to devise the best me ­_ .. - . I I . - Gouinlock estate foi $160.: It contains the lecture a hearty vote of thanIfs was a -litfle from my association 'with you of gunpowder been a benefit to man ?" to make them what they should be, in 1 i Blyth. - --- - I - 1. . one-fifth p . I tendered him, to -which lie made a from time to time. - It is a pleasure for Afrirmalive—Wm. Smillie (leader), and appearance at lea+ - . ­ - I . . . John MoINlillan, L. McMillan, Chris. W1 ,f an acre. I 1 ,:IGH SCALES.—The corpor9tion has ' _", , ' . I I short but effective reply. The, lecture, * an inspeotor.to think that be has se- Di6kson and Goo. .Sage. Negative— I ., Woodh; m- . I erected weigh scales on th rner of Boys' and Children's Cloth - 7 . as well as the mode Of its delivery, was , cured the goodwiil and hearty co-oper- ,w Ii)r —The London Adver- - . . - . A Ni; ,x. I , -universally' admired by all Who heai d it. atioA of young teachers, but it is doubly Robt. Henderson (leader), and J &B , JOX HoGG.—This perlson, who is no-w ; Queen and Dinsley streets, to . be let by ing Very Cheap. 0, . u ,,,,, tiser has inaue-urated a -new idea in . _. I Fulton, A. Morrison, D. Jbhiist .L I servina a term in Goderich jail for car -1. tender. . . jou-r-na,lis, m, Zich we think cannot fail so in the case of the uccessful and - ; I I I veterans of the -professio, - t:1 I IU MOVED. — Mr. Stevens, hairaess- i to became popular. Each- mouth a A NARRow EscAP.B.—The" buildings esbablishec n. R. H. Pattison. This debate will take -rylncr E"L revolver, as soon, as he. is re- 1 ived I pi -I — - . on Main street had a narrow escape From. them I have invariably rece I mak , place on Tuesday evening, November leased will be again -nabbed on Bus , 1 er has removed to- Mr. Thos. subject will be &nuoim.3-ed on which e : 4th, at 7 p. m. A full attendance is re- i1ou of firing Ford's wa,gon shopli, which' I Nich'o-isows shop, adjoining Kelly's . . correBpondelits are asked to write, - from d straction by' fire on Thursday tbe- -utmost courtesy and the readiest . i : . . a couple of weeks p ago in : brick -store. . I p&rodying some well-known piece of morning of last week. Shortly -before'. co-operation, an unanswerable rofuta- querited. *_ . . I : F the alarm of the fire at the salt blocks I _Zdbam. I 1 PERSGNAL. ',Nlr. R. J. Cook, of the . . verse. The first subject is the recant . tion Ao- the remark sometimes made McKillop. 1, Central Hotel, who has been in Al- - -was given, Mi. Maelise, who has rooms that i;- . Tim Tw. h -q AxE.—It -was' on the - - Conservative dinner at Quebec, and. the. . . e&chers are apt . to inaiuge a . 0_&T_1JT__J JE_&]PVTJy P in Cardno's blo o -k, bad -occasion to go to little in alousy. t dare say that You FARM SOLD.—M r. Isaac Graham has 2841a of boboberjn the Canada Metho- ' goma, for the past 'two weeks, retu.rnvd . I result to be a parody on "Hiawatha." the pump adjoining Cardno's bake _je I disposed of his farm on the 12th con- disb Parsonage, S b. 'Mary s, when the ! bome, on Tuesday looking heirty. . . . . For the best parody an elegant copy of house, iminediately in rear of Ctirdno's have iometirnes met with the state- cession, of; MoKillop, to Mr. Alex-. Bar Rev. Mr. Sheppard offi,liated. Mi. James 11 . . 0 , .. NE,w Gitoczit-y.—Mr. Thorne, of Ex- . Sha,kespeare's works is Offered, and for - ment- that our schools are not as good 7 I eter, opens up on Saturday a stock of the second a choice of a handsomely- block, for a drink of water. He noticed as they were twenty- years ag I a. With ron,,of tl e same town,31aip,-for. $2,100. Hetn, of Usborne, and Miss : Eli -lily, , Ana Examine 'the Goods and see the a, - The farm contains 50 acres. Mr. Gra- third daughter of Win. Gunnin , Esq., . groceries in Mr. Chas. Floody's shop,on - . 9 Extraordinary Low Piice at whicIL -bound edition of a.ny of the standard -bright light in the bake house. On this statement I have -no sympathy. So ham is se Llida off" his farm stock and Blanisbard, being the persons partiou- : Queen street. We wish him success. I . lookinc, in he discovered a pile of light Ion- ELs I know, and in friend, - Mr. in . poets. . We hope some, of our local 0 ,. ;0 0 y personal effedts by auction, and intends larly interested in the hymenia-11 rites. : LEFT TowN.—Mr. M. L. Aldrich left wood on the floor oli fire. Being un- Turnt ull, and Dr. McLellan can testify, . ' I . - . poets will go in and win the prize. able to Min a,u entrance to the build- alld t1lOse of you who have taught from going with the crowd -to Manitoba. , TEACHERS' ENG.A.G33-11EINTS.—Mt. Geo. town on Mouday,to accept the situa- - . . . - I n GOOD ORSEs.—Mr. Wm. Dickson, i1olinau has been re-engaged for -School ! tion of local editor of the Goderich Star. . . ina, he went to Mr. Cardno's resi- ; fifteer to twenty years know -full well q L.Abic ov CARS.—The- millers and n 1 of this township, sold to Mr. Eby, an Section No. 4, Usborne I - We wish him success in his new boine. A RIRST-GLASS PAII.-It Of PANT -1 . dence to acquaint him of tbo- danger. that our youne . , for the 'ensuing -1 grain buyers of Wing mplain I American" buyer from Pennsylvania ar, at a salary. of $500. A. Hooper EXTERTAINVENT.—A musical enter - ,ham co i men and Women enter . , a. ye When he returned to the scene of the . the profesgio'n better . qualified as I . vety much of not being able to get cars fire, it liad gained such headway that scholars than were the majority of span of heavy draught horiies for the atid R. H. Morrish, teachers , III Us.!' tainment, given by the children of St. - I from. the Great Western Railway to snug little sum of $400. These horses borne, School Sections Nos. 7 a;na 12, ,'Andrew's Sunday .School, on Wednes- . ship their flour and grain. The mi . 11 the -whole interior of the building was teachers who bad spent half a lifetime - A Coat, or a Vest, -or an Overooat, cm . were shown at'five of the principal fall rospectivqly, bavd not eugaged for the _ day evening.,.'in aid pfli the Sunday . . . owners have decided to have their flour filled with fla,mes and smolre. For- in teadhing at the time referred to. At shows this year ald took five first coqj ng ye P'as'e' atitendinc, - Sch6ol Library, proved I a grand suc be had at the 'Ies to the Toronto, I prizes . 0 ceiss. Amount realized, $18.75. . teamed four ini I tunately there was an abundant sup! that time it would be difficult to find . , ar, as they pur .- I water convenient, ' , namely, first wherever shown. the N ormal School -next session lu t. p! y of and the fire so large a body of intelligent teachers I . Grey sad Bruce Railway for ship on . I This team is pronounced by competent ' M m, SHooTiN.G RmioR.—The`i all, goal PIGS Poiso_Nirn).—Mr. obt. Somers, Similar complaints come from" every was extinguished before serious dam- met together for inutual improve- judges to, be one of the best heavy muide of a man b ; -1 e st W ' anosh. haa our large hogs - I a so; gather in- I . r pg e, on age was done. It is appalling to .think ment. Continue to d y- James Nh - , of Ea aw station along the Great Western, and draught class. which has ever left Sea. his bwn premises, near Woodh rn, asl poisoned last Sunday niAt. Previous those on this section of' the Grand what the- result would have been, bad formadon from every. available source; forth ; . t OLOTHING DEPARTMENT. this fire not been discovered iff - its in- make that information thoroughly . . . not , been officially inquired ii1to yet. I i to leaving home for churoh, Mr. SomeTs . I your : ----. . Trunk are not more highly favored. I I I Tlid'report was first St own fed thern, and on I going to feed . them, - . - I There are now over one hundred car cipiency. The bake house, although ' own; app y it wisely and well, and you Hibbert. - I arted by his I . f Z5 . . - I .. . , fouu them dead. - . I oanstructed of brick, is joined to a chil4reri at school, and is n Q w the Monday morningi loads of freight at this station wait"19 need have- -no fear but those of your S.Now.—The first snow of the season topi6 of the lo I calit Tb6y were valuecV- at $43 . -Or A. G. MCDOUGALL & Go. . - , . shipment. Kuck of 'the , stable and a whole labyrinth of other pupilS -who give you a reasonable share . y. The general i grain here fell on Thursday and, Friday of last opinion of his neighbors is that Q re -7 Nr,-kRL-Y A FiRi I . irooden buildings. The tvind, also, was -.-- Mr. 1J. E-migh of' - has been sold week Of tliEIr time will be better educated 1 1 9 . S ago. but cars" can .1 week, which made the farmers look portis entirely false, and t lill the Revere 11ouse, came pear having a 0 . , owing strongly from the west, so that than tl hey urge hi . he pupils of the times referred to ­ . had the fire gained head:way, no human aye, aud know arithmetic, too. I hope, I I - . not -be got to remove it, aud now Same ,; rather anxiously. towards their root to 6mand an official investigation, so -fire last Satur4ay It apoears the fire of the purchasers.have- cancelled their crops. A number have commenced pull- as 0' stop the mouth of "Dame. Gas- caualit from the bar flue,lran along, be- - orders, -thus causing vex, ,,, . are, .Ji tw IV 0 1 1 1 1 1 -v'aroat loss and- agency could have saved Ca,rdno's -ladies and gentlemen, that yo -u may . ing tbeft e,6,rrQ'l`,5 aad turnips, which sip . een the lath and floor ntil it reach- . inconvenione6to dealers. , It is evident -block and perhaps the whole liusiness long njoy the best of all temporal . I . that so,methinc, musbbe'done to fQr(;e part of the town. In .view of these blessir c,s, that you may be abundantly y air crp, ,. I I ,' ed the wall, then ran up as far as the a - . EDUCATIO-NIL.—Mr. Douglas M cTav- . Turnberry. . plate. Tbefire was cQked by cutting ALSO JUST ARIUVED, the railway companies to ,grve such ac- jimrow escta,peq, tbe sooner our water- succes 2f ul in, your labora, and that these- 0 i . . iBh, who has taught in school section P1110WING MATCH. — The Turnberry - tbefloor up and tearing the will down. ' . commodation as the country -requires. works are in operation the better for labors may be appreciated by those for No. 6 during the past four years, has plo-v6ng match, whi . ch ivas .. 'held on Mr. Emigh's loss is B" Ih compared I . . 11 . the comfort and peace of mind of our whose benefit you are devoting your been engaged to teach the Mount Pleas- Tue,9day of last week, on* the farm, of, w it is also said that most of the cars' sent . : ith -what it might have been. A Few Bales of here for grain axe so'dirty o.nd rickety citizens and the safety of tile town. energies. I can only add that ag*ain I ant school, at a salary of $500. While Mr. Ir. Henderson, Bluevale -Ro'd, near! . __ 0- --I— ____. . . 4L as to be almost unfit for use. heartily thank you for your goodwill : I . . - I I we regret losing the services of Mr. Mc- 'VVinaliam, was very successful.. Thel, - L-umleyl, ; I - . .___1 . =F_ . - PRESPNTATION.—At the close of Dr., for your generosity, and for the hono-r' . T I . 0 . McLellan's lecture on Friday eve i Tavish, we congratulate the people of day was fine and thet land -in gooa order I EXCII.ANGED.—The boy who caught the -- A PECULIAR Accii)E.'_M On Thurs "Ing you have done me to-nigbt. Mount Pleasant and vicinity in securing for Plowing—if anything a little too! * w te, hen on the Aux " days I - . - last, a very pleasant affair took place. , . . a r H1 DSON BAY BUEFAt0 ROBES, day evenilig at last week, as a team of -1 ' ri ! Sauble a few _U . horses belonging to Mi. Thot-iias Goveu- Mr. Archib - ald Dewar, Inspector of pub- CON11"InUTION, SERvicB.s.—The con- a man of Mr. McTavish's ability to con- dry. There were in all sixteen 1en bries, , : ago has exchanged it for a pocket knife. I lie schools for the eastern division of fLrmation services held In St. James' duct their school. MI r. D. Hay, a young and some excellent w'okk was done. A! - CIDIER MiLL.—Mr. J. lftechman'B older lock were beinu -didvea alona the street inan* just. entering the profession, has large concourse of people was on the I I mill is now runining in full blast, It is " 0 . Huron, was presented with an address, , Roman Catholic Church,. Seaforth, on n . ; ! 1. ' . And som:e 113 eautif al Linea past the English ChurGh,,oue of the . been enaaged as Mr. McTavish's sue- field during the day It was the',, said to be one of the best in the county. - horses Suddenly stopped, having lost all accompaniecT by a gold watch and chain Sunday last, were largely altended the ­ V3 for himself, and a large and ba,ndsome edifice being filled to the Ioor at b cessor, at 400 per aurtum. I opini6n of the judges that tjie best il - By all appearance he is getting A good - I power of one of its hind legs. On-, ex- a,lbum for Mrs. Dewar.: The addrg . . oth . ' work was done by Wm. McKer her, of . run of business. . . &mination it was found that,' ' - . s morni d iing services. High - . t the bone was engrossed on pai Varna. Hawick, who plowed in the !second 1, SNow S,Tan-m.—On Friday last the . . was broken above the hoGk joint. - At xchment, artistical- Mass was celebrated- by Rev. Dean - I . . . . - ly illuminated and encased in a beauti- Murply, of Irishtown, at the close TLAcHrats'IN.STITUTE.—The next regu- class, The following is the prize list: i' snow fell to the deptli of six inches. _W(DJ1AF 1R0JB1_:'S_ - the time of the occurrence the horses ful gilt frame' of 1. . , ' I were bein.- driven at a n ordi alt, . The' presents, we be-' which His Lordship Bishop Walsh, of lar meeting of the Varna' -Teachers' In- F irst-class, open to all. -1st prize, WIn. i The boys - word -out with 'their hand- . " I n 8.ry 9 lieve, cost $160, and were the sponta,u.e- I ond ,delivered a powerful aiud"con- stitute will be held in thel.EAool-house Hays, Turnberry; plow u6ed, "Tean-.'. sleighs enjoying 'tbemselves splendidly, and, there was ho ,obstruction on the . . at Varna, on Saturday Nov. 8,. cam- dle," manufactured at Stratford., - ous gifts of the teachers in Mr. Dewar's vincing sermon, Which was listened to . 2a, , and even some of the older people made street or a.ny visible cause far the acci- . - u T inspectorale. The address was encin a at 10 o'clock A. M. Teachers Robert Miller, Turnberry ; plow, by ' good use of the sleiging while it lasted. All of which W w 0 , r at ver dent. ' The team was returniva, from read by very attentively throughout. .At its -113 0 e ill ff e Y, sm.su . n - Mr. Taylat', Secretary of the Association, conclu. 5ion, he administered the sacra_ and friends of education are cordially I Davidson, Wroxeter. 3d. Peter Mej BzE TRF,z.—Mr. ] . Greenwood, of . the salt works, ' ' vhere it had been . . profits to clear. - attend. Dougall, Goderich township; plow, by , Lumley, ctiscovered i6 bee tree in his 1. witha load of wood. It is supposed and the presentations 'were made by ment of - confirmation to about 70 chil- invited to — , . I . - that while tu . rining in t1io yard the ani- Mr*. John Shaw, Principal of Brussels dren and adults, at the s&me time ad- AzziOTHRn BEREAVEMENT. - We regret Miller, of Clinton. 4th, Thom4s Gib- : bush, somne- time last summer, and keep - I tb death of a daughter of son, Howick ; plow, "Grey Imp!roved,",, ing it well watched until the weather - public school. These valuable and dressing a few words to the recipients to liot'c, 6 ( I ; I _. I naal's le- had como aga,inst the tongue .. W. Plunkett, Esq.,township clerk. She by R1 M. Robinson, Wingliam. k econd- otoold enough for taking the honey, 11 , 0 spontaneous offerings testify .in the tberea 'concerning the obligations they . . 9 - I . Of the wagon. and the bone had thus I I . I I I been cracked, and- that the action of most striking manner the high esteem wete about undertaking. He also gave. was a fine promising girt of two years, clagsi open to men from 18 to 2'. yearsI, went out last Friday and, felling the Am Go MGDOUGALL.&-_00., * in which Mr. Dewar is hold by those the plidge to the boys to abstain from and her death- is a Bad bereavemelA, to of age'.—lst, Wm.. McKereher owich; ` tree, got two laree tin Pails full Of travelling had caused it to sepaxate.: - . a . . 0 1 i - . . This theory i strengthened by the fact under him, and also prove very condlu- the use of intoxicating liquors until - . her parents. This bereavement also, Plow, by McArthur, Paisley. Pd, An- ; combs and honey. . . I t l sively his efficiene v for the 'important they ere 21 years of age, remarking to will be ali thi more severely felt by Mr. drew Watson, Culross ; plo,,V, b , Gillies'! - RUNMILWAY.—Oue day last weekJohn . ths-t the injured limb was next the I We may a:. r . . I - I position he holds. [so state i *them that he felt,sure if they persever- and Mrs Plunkett in so much as it is & Mirtin, Teeswater. 3d, Tho'O. For- '- -Cama, son of Mr. Robert Cann, of Us- Importers of and Dealers in DRY I tongrue and the fiacture was precipely that it is not theteac the I ,hers alone who ap- " ed in tbe aths of sob- second in the family within a short sytb, h1orris ; plow, by Monro4e. Sea- , borne, was. working a span of young .. opposite it; The animal was attended . - I -P riety until that . . to b3- Mr.] AoNELught, vetarin preciate Mr.- Dewar's services a,nd his -, - .ao doubt but that period,tb6y having lost anotberdaugb- forth, 4th, J9mes Fowler Morris; horses attacbed.to a cart,whenoneof GOODS, Only. a e, he li they . I ___ &ry.. Sur- efficiency, but the entire people of his ' ter,four years of age, on the 13th of Sep- Afaloy plow, Gillies - & Martin' Tees- the lines got hitched in one of the rings w I do so the rest of their life. At I geon, who, at the request Qf the owner, oulc S ___ . - - , inspectorate will coincide with the sen- 4 o'clook in the afternoon Solemn Ves- tember. The Rympathy of the cam- i water. Third class, boys under 18 1 on the harness, and ,Mr. Cann walked the Judges It could not possibly, be bound the fractured limb with aplhitB, , 'O . timents of the -address presente I munity will be heartily extended to the years,—Ist, Alex. McKercher, 11owiell-if, the tongue between the horses to r plowmen as they maintain,vaelt but it had to be killed oii the followin d him, 1 pers took place, after which Rev. Father I I I up : .! on 9 He has p6veu himself a laborious, care- - O'Mahoney, of Lo- ed an- bereaved parents. - Davidson plow, Wroxeter.' 2d,' Allan I iaufasten it, when they started on a run, day to relieve it from suffering. - i . ndon, deliver —,..--.-- I . one severally for himself, that his work, ; . . ful and judicious . able a6d eloquent sermon on th Adams, Ho'wick; Davidson Plow.', Wrox- i throwing him down between them, an d was the best on the field. 18114t it a e sub- * . I ,, : . ssels. efer.' 3d,. Alex. Miller, Howick;'Daj I as the carb passed over him a bolt or shame that people can't get justioet LoCAL BRu..Fs.—Is it not time to be its the esteem in which the is held by 7 ject of -1 Prayer." Th * on the . Bru ' - . I thinking about reviving the Lit I I 0 siMng C. R. Coopr,-R, Brussels, Conveyancer vidson plow, Wroxeter. 4th, Yr. Wat. gaing - erary all. _. He has succeeded in haviDa the i occasion -was not up to for er efforts, and Insuranpe Agent, will, on and after Thursday i something caught his clothes, drag always. . requiremen son, Culross Malay plow, by Gi llies & I him a few rods, when his garment ' Societv ?—The cow s of the law fulfilled,' wt'hich ! the chbir evidently suffering from an I gave IMPROVE UVXTS.—Onr Street and Side- bv-law takes effect . next the Oth 1 ovember, be at Tuck's Hntel, Cran N1 artin, TeeBwater. ExtrasJ ist 1 way, T,V-bich saved his 3ife. The horses walk Committee a -ad School Boua e- first of Nover ber. Af ar that was'n . 0 F - I — , on th I itself not a- lialit task, and he ' overpliis of members, some of whose. brooi, every Thursday, from 10 A. X - to 2 P. M. I I ' '. - . - . ' -se will Jbc ..t . .. L vocal exertions were not calb4lated to' Momy to Loan. 621 plow, were caught before aoiDg much damage. t9gether, have succeeded in 11"_ all bovines running, at larg has by his skill and courtesy done this 1 Robt, Young, 'Wawanosh ; Malo pu I I - - In ohs ' .-in-the Pound. -11-1r. Dunlop is ,% most in a manner -which has left all -,vitbout I improve the standard of music- in the F. 1L.L SUPPER. — Oil Monday Gillies & Martin, Teeswater, 3. 2d, I theaspectof things around the sc&6I i . . I welcome visitor to our Git.izous , cause for offence, either with himself or ! estima,iontof an observant public. The evening last A. J. McColl baxrister, I Peter Fowler, Hill's patent pDI w, Gil- " Wroxeter". house considerably for -the better, and just- i . . I now. He is collecting taxes. — The ! many was apparent through- whois8 W , Martin, TeeswaterJ2 . Judges.— '. AIXOTnrim Hinr.—Slidliter Bros. & Co., judging. from the present ' with tlf6lamr lie was -called upon to ad- want a ' bar . t) . Aut leaving Brusseis for in ! lies & appearsuw " minister. The following is.the a . zilpeg, wah; entertained at the Tecu-m- 1, Win. Anderson, West Wa-,v,anosh; : sawmillers, Wroxeter, cc busted." Sor- there will be a nice pond on the rwnt Mitchell Advocate sliould*be more. caxe- ddress I out, especially at the evening service, . I fill in its report of Sea,forbh in 3t presented.- . sell house- by a large number of friends. I Tbos i Lynn, E ast Wawanosh; Wm. i rowing friends will have a chance to 1 playground next spring for theb arke s. . , impres iing one with the .- idea that as , i OyB ana . . I i 0 It has, unro tell tionall .- no (10.111).t, given To A. Dewar, . Eifl., Inspecto . r of publie. far as i 2usic was concerned it was one Fifty gelemen sat -down to supper, I Watson, Ashfield. ' 1 condolte -with one.another at the meet- ducks to s*im in. . . . 0 - . I of the lost arts, which had been -wbich wa gotten up in Mr. Campbell's i Don,os IN COUX.CIL.—At the last i ing of creditors. . . quotatious too -low for the past two . Schools. . . - over- I I - % i i - looked especially for'this occasion, to . Council,'which ' A Gooi) MovE.—The Mechanics, OAK HALL.—Ywir attantion is dirwt- # I ­ . . weeks.—Rev. _711r. Lochead, of LODd(_1S- D1,111 Sir,: It is with feelings of the ! usual good style, and after ample jus ! meeting of Turnberry borouLth Rev. Mr. Miisgrave, of I tice bad een done to the good tbinLy was held at Bluevale, the Reeve re-. 1 Institu lie proposes establishing a course ed to the new and fashionable fu -r 09PS - n Ir-rcUil- most ' illustratetothe people of the present ! 08 . t) I sincere regard and unillixib'd Pleas'--" , day how it used to be rendered by the ,,a very . leasant evening was spent I " lop, and Rev. 'Ur - I ported having lef a job of gravelling on of evening classes in connection with just received. at the Oak Hall Clothing , . Thomqon, of Bruce- ure tha,t we, th e- teaplers or, your in 'toasts, - speeches and son4s being t I si ancients before it passed through th f field, as istecl at the t,acramental ."r- spectorate, present you on this e ,jb I bouudaiy of Turnberry and Morris, in the Institute this winter,'to commence Establishment, consisting of Sea gesli, occasio-:-' I vices in cA)n I ,bands af the great masters to receive the , der.. -All present paia very high connection with - Morris, to Thos. & about the first of Deleembdr. Persian Lamb, Mink and Otter, with nection Nvith the Presby- With this address as an evidence of our ' -, Crmpliments to Mr. McColl I at 96 cents . THE ROARIN G,vuE.—The all -absorb- and without peaks. Full Rues in terian Chii-rch. The former preached high regard and a token of our best finishing touches. To particularize in- I and wished, Win. Henderson, 30J rods ' dividually, would only be to detract him every success in his new,home. 1 perrod. Also, that the job of cfilvert ivg topic of the dky in Wroxeter now is imitation Seal and Coney. Also;`& -fuR . ou Friday, -Mr. '.LNIusgrave on Sunday wishes. The office of School In,spector, I . evenin-g, and ably filled durilig the ' from the general good done by the speni I Mr. Thomwin on Monday. which van have so' other The part l brche up at two O'clock, after '-on boundary between Turnberry and curling stones. -The new rink is about range in boys goods in imitation., Seal, — `members, and in deference to the _hDg h, very pleasant evening. N Morris, let to A. McMichael, was finish- completed, and the: members think, Lamb, Colie-Y, Hair Seals, The tine web-ther seem' to have I f t4,, past eii C I S -feel- I Plush au(I ,lit years, is one surrounded by I ings 01 -all concerned, we will charitably INDUCTibx Sumvicris. — On Tu I ed ac6ordina to contract, amount 013. ' some of them at least, that it is time Grey Lamb. Also a very large variOtT far the -present, and has boen iucceeded. no ordinary difficulties, and 1 . esday 0 i . I xe bear ,, C q ; bY.0old aild wat—The first snow of the, willincl testimony to the zeal -and ability 6st over th6ptoceeaing I s the. mantel of atternoon Ilast a large congregation as- ' ' 'Kr. Little reported having let a job of I for them to replace their wooden Stones of men -s Hair Seals in- all.styles with Or season fell on Thursday.night last. 0 .' oblivion.—Co.3r. I sembled in Melville Cbur6h tr, witness ditching on side line 10 and 11, canoes- -with something more effective, --but ' without peaks. The above goods Am, ' n with -%vliich you'bave ever discharged - —,--.--- - I Fridav moruin.g the gar . . the induction of the Rev. J. Ross. Rev sion 12, to A.'McMichael, $40 ,, fiiiished. I the price, there's the rub. 1 first class and. neec only to be seen to be Cr in . I I ound was cov ed the duties of that iinportant and re- , —The fra e barn of Mr. Wm. Har- Air. MeN ucjhton conducted the se ' Mr.'Miller reported inspecting the job —The I ciated. Gentlemen about tO with a white coating to the depth of spon,gil)lc;, " . r) I rvice, I . fnll,y appre POSibi-013. In their relations * ris, I . -Lake. Road, township of Hay, was and Rev. S. Jones the Induction se'r- i let to Mr. Palmer of making culvert on week beforb las." some of our noted I invest should not fail to inspect about an inch, but itc.) soon disappeared, with .)-on the teachers of El ast Huron, des broy'ed byhre on Friday night- of ' . I them before the cbeen* I C last vices. RE v. Messrs. Brown and, Cam- gravel road and clearing on B line, $11, I plowmen attended the plowing match i before purchasing elsewhere. RALLY -1-t tic, rm s of - old Sol - "—'- -can truly say, that the)!, have e' ? - r, " . ver found week. The barn Contained six tons of eron ajddr6sse.d. the new pastor and peo- I fiDished; also, let- a job of gravelling I at ornear Wiughani and carried every- I ANDERSOI . The town clock has a( -$-,Lin lie ' 'afio v - you tl , I . N -_ . . k , on ic e ergetic_aud ii Ppartial Iuspec- old hay, forty-two acres of new hay, ple, respictively. In the evening a road -north of Wright's Corners, to A. i thir,g before th.em, almost. Last week' - to go to sleep. It will nist this time, tor, the sibcere friend', and in difficulty thirty-two acres of second crop clover, tea meeting was held in the Tow McMichael, $20; f[inished. Mr.Griffiu the same parties went to Molesworth I StE OAIC -HALL'S Overcoats, n1taile t* the Couilcil C , 11()t C"111, . I chesp 43ule- It is a pity tliat Mr. Cardno an4 the able alld Willilla counsellor. We ', for seed, eight acres of * oats, a quantity Hall- by the ladies of the Melvilin b let to Mitchell, Uggiria I and succeeded in bringing home wbat i order, for$12. These are ver . an 0 to some " can also truly say r' t yo " .a I reported the jo " y I I tba ur elevation 0 tern" bywhich it cotil(i " ' of fall wheat, a wagon, two seug, of --bar- Chn'Ech congregation. A sumptuous , drain on 25th side road, coucessiont"', 10, 1 Paddy left in the whiskey jar. Some- I and should be seen to be fully4precial- . - . I)e kept going j-1 to the office you now so worthily hold ' I— - - I i . I ness and a lot of farm tools. The lo! t su p'ly of pr " i " amount 1$5, finished; also, job I f cul- body blundered- plows or I Cd. HALLY & AN_-mmso,x - - - - . - . p ovisions was served in the 0 1 , either the I . - . -1 - . I I . . . ,, I . . I . . i . : - I I . : ; - . . I - . . I I I . I - - . , . .. I . . I . I , i .. - - . . - t . 11 / . r A I% 1, 4q.v - . : . - __ . . . /1 . J / .."V. " . I - . / / I : I - , , ,4/ "., -- . / I , , \ - . . . '. - - . - , ­ . I , , , . : - -, _ , I I , 4P,11 0 d uBero, . d a fe . Tl I I I I , I I I I , I I I I I I y' 6 , , ! I I I : ' c ' - __ e le' _ I'a ne , , , ; , MR . 0- k, . - 11- - - . . . . i k A - 44, -1 I I , 1. . . . . 1, ,e %.,:-. ) _, v.. I-- . ; I i . - . 11 z I I . 1 , . I—, -. .­ . . . . . - . . I . . . I .. . I - : . I . __ . I , . - , . . I . - - - . . , . . . . . . I . I . - . I . i . I" . I . I I - i - - ­­­ ... I .- I . I I _. -1_1_ ____ ------- _ -.- --- ",-.-. --., - . .-"- --- ..... . _..__,____!,_____1_. ---, l----. -. - -'-,---.----- ,--Z---L---- . .--. ,----,,------ ------,----- ,- ----,-- .--- - I ­— __ . I.. - ------- TWEI,FTH YJ WHODE NU I _____ - _ , ­ — rXAL, L'STATE, F01 , ,– I'tARE CHANCE -Twenty -A A-,Oajh), (,use and barn for isalia I . _ Z ,j%s 1,ro.pejty isi well sit"ted Toy I oses. Title indif-pul : eu PurP . - I . BUT URF4= . I - I ' . -For sale & fint ZU .Ueaiay new and. in good . FOR BALE' 61; a in- the Aoutishing TOW 7 - Ow, Wobe ,,W1,d ,clie,ap. Terms iew _RD 'S A AC COSSFIN - 0.1 IGIAP __ -------- '. ,Xz Von SALE. -Lot 20, C . oontai_ , ning 160 weres; 80 scre) " wheA t, - two and a half mues I I . . , , .Wn,lrenieut to schonls aud chor . L AA ,,emises,or to TORN AU1' 4he . , . tote. . _____.­ . - 7_ __ _.-- WAR & AND TOWN' PROPEELI JV pRIcES TO SUIT THE T ,W:t,he I,it . li cowessi6n, XtRillol L - I WS,, -Building lots ba Afflerel I *0m of Seaferthi pumbasers,car, I I L I . re ,of - STMent ' at a percent.. ;f iv , M. . . ­­­ _- ­ ­­ - , ITALUABLE FARX VIOU &I V t1te east k%lf -of Lot'No. 4, ( I SnakeroMith, oonnt,y * L , . , f 1111 I - . ron, A I I ,eves,'ai,mailer, Irom Qie Town I ,movenient -ta ,sc,' L,00l. T -he linu UA quality- For further PUTti _ZA]"s pXCXA,RD, opposite the I - I 1 . ggmiondTBle P. O. . I I ,, ­­ ­_- ­­­_ ­ - V,&BX AND TOVNT PROPER1 X CHEAP.-Lot.)9o,2e4 Cou"r eff - north haff Lot aw 3, -SOL, Con. 1 sem; northhalfyf north hall XeWnop, 25 ozies; residence 0 jgaeolmson on 40ninlock Sui building lots ou Jarvis'land F- G- 1 ,V,ya. Appl1V to ,GUAY,T-TOTINM ; I izsfottl - , . ---. - ____ __ - w - -VA I RM FOR SALE.-Fbr 8&1,41 V r,ot i, ro. 1,,Con. 17, Gren cont 35 of which ateeleared, well 161101 ' Ot good cultivation. Tberels4LV Wsod oreliard. aoa .plenty 'of wAte I - oad JeAffilrg tL0 13 . .0mv.d.z.. . , . _ ratSelf; al "wus a ,ohnTclu and sohool, I . _. E e 0 L _Irnil I f4e vills,ge -01 walb I es or to Walton Post On I P B,c i -! WHIE, - ___ PAM FOR SALE. -For sale I I I ; Tucker-swith, ,,eo)itainin .11 8&,deared, the balance -well tiinibd - . ,16oue house and gooa trame. barm' adand nnde d ed. -Themis -i . arabAr & ltisabour,sew)2mileg aaa,jo'ar front .Heilsa% ana i w1woL Two 19ood weUs soll W9. L ny -t tl #venata . tbne. Appiy 4 , . elfte, Seaforth. I I I . . . - AKE , YOUR FORTUNE, ' L .M . . . - - Aollars In eash, and *6W , gurahaaer-witlk interest at. 7 pe JD0 .atres of ,good. farming land in -W Screo cleiCr , _ed_,Und IL good -hol L JVw - withiii 11 miles iof va matl . 11 ­ ; ' , st"=Uat lambog, witUn b4f , . ,Xftd- and *'AUin jone )nile -'Of 4 1 vZ;:;1 hense on(I post ,o-mce. 4, . WILLIAMS, Constance P.O. z - - _­ - I - . F,A . , X VOR SALE-1&; wa-;ale, . L . .Lot SL$, 00 [t, ., 014 con ,a,wrA0'o1'Q4rh aie,cleared ana I Tkere isa.goodframe bam, logb4 The Sojl Lis . -]Ie L iW . A ,q 41A y fit 'or r i W91X6 1:-L lusituated within four i vt Sealorth.' For further psltk6 ,Vwvrietor Poole E 0 -, Vr Apply, I usideuoe ,I-thi), one And a half 01 vlaw- a 1. I y,at%tion. GEOUGE D10) ­ ...... I PROMRTY YOU SALt_ -Vlqi , , : . I , ` -con 1.43 ar*y - NWB,t half of, I I I J wit-h'theeed factory -complete-, Sua iyotth half ,of Lots 1-6 and 11 ' Wd,p of 3forris ,- L -o t 22, 4.0.0n B,: A IL . . . S township,of 11owick, -a)l goo(I I "Aher w'K)i tsaverAll% UCTO Tai Morris, suit house,A s id lotf, all - tke vilingeof 133mE*e1s. .Prices- -1i and ti*116 goodw A plTto JOWN 11 . AWE. - , z . . - L . A M FO:11 SALE.-Foraftle Tj- F 4 St ailey, 100 acres, 80 tlea and in a good ,state of culfivati< man ,tira-bered ,wIth ,maple. FrA A,ndtheds- : Fiveacres of good -b and two nevextairing vals, U4 toad. vtitbin 2 xgRes,of Varna, 6 rq Ada station, Uireot Weatern, Riall ftom seaforuftwad C-inton. 'For 1 -- Iwo apply o the gro-pretor,ou t1i L VWUS J?.,O J,OAIN REDHO NA ' . I I - I 'A "'OUS)' AND LOT YOU $ . -rd.6,ed. wW sell !% nef 4 -aaA 14 _. *will Egmandville'situated-- Jar-"O; thereuagoonot,cei other oonvanieuebs; easy terMs sat sold it Vill 1wreuted, vith 1, Aa.&iso offers for sale the buU& . ,wpied by I Mr; Jacob XcGee, I a9mmodious ttora, with dwaWf I aftacheal IftnAW , 'St .1 vu X46in. - inA rent- low. AppV U A Agent, - Sestorth- I . . AUX TOR SALE. -For SRI( I - F H. it. 13., rpoutwitbg 100 U, in a first-class State zf cultiva toinggood.hardwooa bush; 19.4 Asalar and-er'', -and well finw) . - 2&&60 V.,th L _ _ ling ..0 - __ _ -8tone f4ab , - Imn , _;g,orAa, ,(I t , I . _ a 3 good w4t] 4dnLmh, 6c4wol and post office; ;4 from Sedforth -and 5 1-rom 'b gmyel,roaa. For furt'her Partic - Vmp-detor on the prarnise& < . Qilselhimt P.O. JOHN 0. t -1 . -----,- -_ - ,_ ___ : - IFI %RX FOR SALE. -For tak Grey and Part Of Lot 1, --CC Ai an iii -actr 8, -"out V 0 of W, - . !and under good tA1tivaU0n._ , Vill boZe ,una4fmme baras, shede -4 I Is agood. rkearin - g orchtrd and alluvied oij A ,goo4ravel r,oad 1 .. , Aye Miles I At Wulton ,village; I Ithe Gr ,-&tW-Ost ,-r-nRtt,i,WA.Y; AM SeaftAb 6nt-heiGrand Tin-nk ,&010e,o?n1."k,et8. Forturmler to -thepro L ggVtorion thoprenAs P. OL. Jff0?"Z'EA_N1- . I . -- - ­­­­ ­­­ - FARM FOR 6 -ALE. -F01 S -1a Townakp ol Tne)cersmitb, I Ling 100 acireB, &boat 7LO lof wbilo, , . - In IL g0oa gts,te of 10111tivation ; t L ­ 1. . - ; d J)mh; ,good. fr-Awe lmk d . -1 .. fts,ble - exr,611ent wat&r 012 "a .. &U, ed I 4g"A Toang orcharil, a ) I - 4kuae,ap,pe%ta4n1". -to IL fam- - if adl s from SnuorT,ii, 2J from R Zrucefield, ,O)i the I-And,014,1 lA. I turtherpardmiars applY to t1W . L 2 ses or I if by litter to . -ds& - halm if;= -L - _ .. - - _ , ---.-- -_ Fin FOUSALY,=Xorth U_ I ve Line (TAke shore ito . maii I W acreas clearea itud in g*od tW good bush; ,9 aepes fall wheat; 4d; tbree.quqw,tera *f a mile ft land =f1r$w1asa land; -con- IlIna . ; brick house, 2W well Anished, inth good eellaar , ' . Inc ,stream of Mmung Watet aplan&d orellsTd of ) esriugl tre, miv& to sia, purchaserf%, if U10 for cash a good bargain WRI be 'the tam or to Nr-,Lsox XOLI I P. O, __ ____ I IFAJ x IN MeRILLOP FOR 11 the North part Of lats 8 XWop, -ContlLining In SCre-13; tl_ 44ared, well fenced, underdk'Ain State, of oulti r'stion, the balgneA Vith harftood; good dwielling barn 66x-757, with stabling u d ant,baflaings, a1w a goo& TIQ ty c1f Watoer . 10.10 Miles' frol I idton,and 12L from SeAlbrib, 10148 to each pl&sel; WnvPuif fthools ; win be sola aaa vhol,E Or*M be ex,obanged fat a SMUT' V*hon P. 0. or to the pXopiiet( : WILLIAX DYNES. .