HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-10-17, Page 7____1879, r & BOX: &O. DED Ti cOTHR. SHROU:DS 'I AND. 1Z. II 1 IZ EXTRACT wBERRy. ell Auxunter , oiarrhoa, Dy- ticsterft. *la alera intaratam. Soar eniu-t. an1 al de- = 1. 4 . caused: by fling aw veaetandes,„ it, bad sialiTh, intr. ,14414,te ol. water, ..I *roc. No mat -tor , •f t f,,f al ystu are alai,. ‘...lairstst, Dr. 4 k1 Ntrawberry titre will be tiff -ytern. It is W lit Strawberry tu Ai other loiar- .•.,- all dear, at I. L; BY & PEARSONI• 617 C;Du MILL, LIND FACTORY ▪ a his nunterotX -..t.ontoze er.t ended to • in S. it fortL,And \VLt.h ft l• an -MUM it11 1t'1.1.”.li to give 4, to keep on hand a M01.71.I.11.1*.C“.8, ETC. tee:;to those- ttlgt ,&B aone t t Planing .... • tar k4 hi4namerous • other:. tor their 7 ye:In:, lad tt to ' and t tide in t1rt ht prate- t:rt to p.xy ASH °RICEr . • Fgg th-livered. iStEAFORTH. tons • f go•. -1 thy 1). \VI Ls(1N. ‘ it,7,1EltS AND i4 et htiidi if tili, these ,t4t.r is tl•t,-inlined to • eh ii• utioek, "not tt:4- f. !li,v.ir.r: rates: •r tn(I ; 11 foot ; 1* -TA ft% er 4,000 tlt;1 :it•tk data wLI bd charged • :•uirleoom custom:1oz t sq*.-14.4ta uutina- TN "I'llomps)N, Idealkiop. he ladit 4 of Sea ti kind au,' liberal ; • / Wet that she Istne.s to the -room& hop;:a to secure •,.•-• in the p lat. t.L All arc invited, Mown...41I Tele. -s-epttft,:ietN wartt- 616x4 RKETS. mmentti for • ;-.in:l4• of good clean aLiti, Nippon for to letwalc.• any The highest frau, rly cleaned. it it well. A 1NNAlL Ecu-cru.te E' Xrt WI:WHT her t- it is used. It is: doAecare.s cured brou- eared an c.1.1soud- ,.• ; ca.tarala. ft,$tiltaitt 'h iu eared crick III iity Woe intek of El are extracts from t have been. received 441a, which, we thirkk,, wow., eikeptical: S. !=.744,-.17lendinc 6 dozen st,lit all I had, from t"rtr, are trnly won- '.1.Franklin,, writes, art,4 lik a charm- 41.:4q,itid new." a__ forward (I dozen nearly out, nothing those who, onue.iville, writes, Eclectric t. 1 nevi r t.1461( *1,1 satisfac- • .virites,'"Sertel I • »old entirely !hal: • (111 is getting is daily called for. tit i14-lay."Letaorrie, 1.11t.;s,"end u8 We find it to: take th,tilete. Price 25. ; Li es, N Y. And Ont., Sole ;.t -1,1i.:•;.-aforth by •and 521 ig Ito:4- 1 ji.ftl and Lt tit • exe,41.8 and re - If .ly eur..! may be Anita& ▪ f r; tis(' inuitthly pa - 1 • sht.tild not be three inonthit at: to. bring on 'Nfia- th, y n.: It it1 ..ktreCtian.at Litt 1..'t Slight eX- :. ,a: t, and u ett14 811 otkes • ti.f.tigh powe.rful eul(ini-1, ant izeony, c...:Istitatinn. Fall Licit packages - Job r.; • 1 WI and 121.- canto Lyman, To - for the 'Dominion, otrr50 pilla by trh av Hickson & 127 • • .00TOBER, 17, 1879 ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Irow- the Country Se• ems to a. New York - Tenement -House Child. • jo thiacountry onewould not ex- t to find any city so environod that ha of the fields and woods t is eafamiliar to; the most s poverty- tricken of its inhabitant. Every city has its parks and squares, with ioliage• and flowers ; the migratory, and those who are stay-at-homes have innumer- able excursions within their reach. But the life of the very poor falls iu grove, out of which their feet do not often stray. Unless the parks are in theirown neighborhood, they do not - isit thein the. least costly of excur- &es, providcd. by managers in search of profit, are too costly 4: theme and i.all large cities there is an increasing class hnprisoned in alleys and tene- ments., to whom there an unknown region dimly characterized • as "the country." The ideas of whet the country is, pee: seesed by the children taken to it through the benefieence •-of charitable -peop:e, Wottlj be amusing,. were it not for their pathos. "I've been - to the country before. -M-yeee, took nae to Jer- sey City," said a little girl, as she was 011 the point of -leaving New York. "So have I," mid another, with a burst - of pride; and when she was asked what country, she ails Wered, probably from the fact that she had heard it sleeken of .by her parents as "the old country." -Oune beyond the • the fields and hills, city, and among their interest . and wonderment were unbounded. "How nicely the hills go up said one boy. "Who's been. wet- ting this grass ?” -asked another, -as he felt the morning dew. '"Is it real ?" said a• third, as he' felt a lawn; and when. he Wati convinced of, its gennine- eess, he threw himself upon it, and rolled over it and over it again. Every object had freshness and interest -to them. Occasionally tut inaident. be- , Cane laughable, despite the pitiable ignorance that led to it. Several chil- dren at a village in New York asked for permission to 'play With the. chicken- coops-, and, although the attraction of the chicken coops could not be understood by the farmer, the • desired consent was given. The playfellows .caree bark in a little while, and it was evident that chicken -coops as a source of pleasure had fallen vastly iii their es timation. When a reason as sought, • , one of the children explained that the flies "bit, too hard„" and.on .a further in- vestigation it was discovered that the chicken-doops were the :beeThives, the inmates of which had. severely opposed the experithents reads upon them. - • _ Cetewayo, a; Savage Thorobred. Cetewayo is au eXceptionally fine specimen of the noble savage, big, black, tift2e years of age, nearly six feet high„ well proportioned., good. natured, broad, open face of -the I-;ctiltype. The Premier of the Cape Government had an interview with him, and. he said.: Was a child of the British Government ; my father, the English, Came to -.chas- tise me for wrong doing j I. caught .the stick with which hc wished to beat me and broke it ; I am no longer king ; the English are great paeple ; they will SCOTCH SUITINGS. not kill those who fought with thein; I hope the great Queen Will pardon me and allow me to -return to my country and give one a place 4t allow me to • build. a kraal." ' • His :\faiesty was dreSsed in a new CANADIAIN SUITINGS. 0) 0 0 z 0 0 000 A O 0 AA O 0 AA O 0 A. A kt A - 000 A A K ..K K K • KK K K K K r `NOSLIECINV -HILladV3S ,.m.manomm; H H A L 11 c'H AA L HLIHH A. A L 111 AAAAA L -1.1 11 A A LLLLL OUR STOCK OF FALL L L L LL LLL AND WINTER GOODS Is now Complete in all Departments. • Our Stock is not only on& of the. Largest, but is also one of the Most CompThte and Best Assorted ever Imported by us, and we have every confidence in inviting you to examine it before purchasing else- where. We Call Your Particular Attention to the Following Departments. suit of European el the, which, it was - evident from his action:, he found much less comfortable than ins native dress. - He was act:tit:ppm:lied hy four of his Wives, fur of his iolleWers and one lit- tle girl„ all of whom reTriled -with great astonishment,' 7the nov 1 tuni strange WORSTEID SUiTINGS. was immediately he risn-led. under • scenes about them• Tie captive King strung guard iu the cdetle. When in- formed that the Government of Her Majesty the Queen desired. to treat hire with unuanal leniency and consideration in view of his extraordinary valor m war,- Ceiewayo, in a haughty manner, demanded that ten inere of his wives, be :vent for al once_ Ho said he -had been acetietomed. to their society and would feel lonely without their presence.. He was told that the English autbori- FREN91-1 SCOTCH TRO ROUSER I NG. ND ENGLISH I SERINGS. , - Lies would consider his re.auest, but ; would. probably not grant it- The de- CANADIAN TROUSER- , -throned monarch is a marvellous eater, , and sulks like a child unless he is INGS. promised that an entire ox will -be roasted for his particular benefit daily. Wheu asked. what he thought of Cape . . , Town and English civilization, he in a SCOTCH , satirical manner expressed his wonder at thin about hirn, holding !up his UNDE RCLOTHING: hands deprecatingly and. saying I was only born yesterday. I am a *ere boy. I never should have .fought against sueli good. men as the English, who ini:eed to take away my country. They shut us to make us Christiana, and I am sorry for shooting back at them." Cetewayo will be confined in Cape Town until the final decision has beenittrrived at as to the proper posal of his person. - How Charles Reade Looks and Lives. A London correspondent describes Charles Reach as a " big, manly -looking fellow, not fat, but large -framed and muscular. He is vary fond of physical ex.ereise, such as rowing, riding, cricket, swimming, and, notwithstanding his hair is grizzled, his stalwart body shows no signs of weakness or decay. He is neat though careless in dress, and re- sembles, with his ruddy face, easy gait and unconventional manner, a' prospers ens farmer. He likes congenial cam - Pally, but not formal sodiety, which, as &rule, he taktis pains to avoid.. He is in the best sense of the word. a Bohe- mian, and enjoys himself vastly with a lot of good fellows and lively actresses over pipes and a bowl of punch. He is not diseipated nor sensual. He is. a bachelor, but has a spacious, pleasaut house in the suburbs of the city, with any quantity of bric-a-brac, pictures, engravings, floNfers and comfortable things about him. Reade is a very methodical worker, usually spending from four t: seven hours- daily in his three or Lair ef these at his desk, pen. in hand. Ho writes rapidly, but generally goes very carefully over his manuscript, erasing, addiug, and frequently throwiAg away sheet after sheet." • Buckien's Arnica, Salve. • The best salve in the -world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, 'Ulcers, Salt Ithaum, Tet ter, Chapped Rawls, Chilblains, Corns. anal all kinds of Skin - Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to gine per- fect satisfaction in twery case or money refunded. &Ice 25 cents per box. For sale by Hickson bleasdell,Seeforth. 566-8m CANADIAN UNDERCLOTHING. We have a Large Variety -over Two Hundred Pieces to choose from at prices. from 515 to !30. From 513 to 518. In this Department our Stock is Larger than ever, ranging in price from $18 to 35. In Endless Variety, from $6,50 to $10. Froin $4.50 to $9. From $3 to G. • In all sizes -S. Men's, Men's, O. S. Men's, Extra 0. , S. Men's and Double Eztra 0. S. Men's, at pld prices. Very Ohieap, 35c., 40c., 50c., flOc., 75e., 871c., and $1. FELT HATS. Oui Stock will be found, as usual, with all the Latest Novelties as they appear. •-• FU CAPS. . I Tn this Department we. have a. very - large assortment in S. S. Seal, Persian Lathb, Mink, and Otter, Full Lines in Imitation oods. Also Scotch Alma, WhitPetersham, and other Fancy Cloths. GLOVES ANO IVIITTS. Men's Kid Gloves and Mitts, Wool Lined • Dog Skin, Castor, Buck and Kid, Unlined. - GENTS' FURNISHINGS. This Department will be found very complete. HALLY & ANDERSON, SEAFORTH. P. S. -The reputation we have obtained throughout the country justifies us in concluding that the great superiority of our G-oods, Cut, and the exceeding' Neatness with which every Garment isifinisbedahas-been -Silly appreciated, and we assure -our friends and the.publicof our determination to sustain the distinc- tive character of every article made ;by. employing -none but the best and most reliable workmen, and by finishing every garment with the greatest possible care from the lowest price upwards. -H. & A. • NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS. CHILLED PLOWS Proved and Acknowledged. to be the btandmq Plow of America. FOR EASE OF DRAUGHT, -QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STRENGTH, LIGHT- NESS, AND FINISH , IT HAS. NO EQUAL. • The Material used in the construc- tion of these Plows, for Smoothness of Face' and Toughness-, is superior to Cast Steel, and is MANUFACTTRED by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, - LAND ROLLERS,. SGUFFLERS, &C., • Always .on hand, made of Irnproyed • Patterns, and. warranted (A. 1). aoluntns, Castings, School, Church, • Garden and Lawn Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing a Specialty. All. Kinds • _of Repairing ,done and Good Work Guaranteed. JOHN NOPPER, Seaforth Foundry. This Great nensehold Medicine ranks amongst the leaaint necessaries of life, Three famous purify the BLOOD, and act most 1*ml:tinny, yat suottnupy ou the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys, end PONVFLS. riNing tot e. enel try, end vigor to these great, MLIN 'SPRINGS OF LIFE. They RIO :coradtt 1ly recommended s s a never failirg re/111(IY jn 01 em-t4:4bit t (be constitution front w hatevr (IIti e. lets It r. ;to in.'- irect or weaken- ed. '11:yy ttreAs (aide' folly fro. aeiotni in all ail - in cot/. itit-ith btu! i o fi lotto a of all ages : and as a GEERAL FAMILY are u.nsnr- passed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT1 Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS', 1 al breasts, Old. WOunds, Scres and Ulcers, it is an infellible row tly. If ffectually rubbed on t he n, ck ane, chest, to, salt into meat, it Cures 8011E 3 Pl.( lsYi , Protichitis. Coughs, ColgsTend even A5.1 1-1111 - 1?wr G1aaiular Swellings, Abscesses,.P41t Fig( ulas: Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEA.SE, it has never Leen known to foil - The Pills and Ointment ars Mono (actin al only at 533, OXFORD STREE r, LON DON, and are suld by a`.1 N't ;alma; of throughout the Wrald ; with dirta:tions for use ju al most every language, The Trade mat -s of ILt Madit-ines are regis- tered in Ot tarn. Magee. any otie thtoughout the British Possession., ;who 1103- keep the Ameri- can Counterfeits 1tsale, ' 01 1,, plosecuted. Prirchat-ets should lot k to the Label on Pots ft Boxer,. If the add' et,s is not 133, Ox - tot d St) ei , London, they are sprtrionn. SAVER THRESHES, 7 ailanneCerleattana" FOR THE SEASON OF 1879. CENTENNIAL AND SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. MALCOLM MONROE I& L',420111EBy SEAFORTH, Are again to the fore this season with their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the same PI•ows as were awarded Special Distinction at the Centenni41 and, Sydney Exhibitions. They-desbe fo di) eet special attention to their NEW GENERAL aa •-_;13 .-0 .ta • o•1 0 0 <4.4 PURPOSE PLOW, Ta - 0 0 1 This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the oouutry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given general satisfaction to all l who have us( d it. It is no Yankee invention, pit up for sale only, and dependent on the blowing merits.of agents to commend it to favorable notice. HARDWARE•. HARDWARE. „ ""it:A4it SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW. ALL THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL.• It is warranted to clan in any ground. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug. •.}-11 WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS The old and well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent im- provements, is better SCUITLERS, ROA:ARDSON'S 2 .1 • HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, ! than ever. Also a One Horse PLOW, Suitable, for Plowing thrdens. AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. 1 "!..1••• •-•1. S 1.• .1 , ........,..,,, ..„_...I. it f I3 . 11.!..1 P '''. N., i ' 'I .. • '2"---ets. -....., -- . •, -34'.5.>•)s.--,z1iei.,,..41..e...,,.6`...,.Z.1.: .-,-,...:4'.L...-,a.t.a.4.,.m.ftt-ae..4-,-.1t-4r.X„.--,--•-.-',,....'....-- --., ,...",s„. .,\, '.,•. -•,. ,r -'a 4,-.,..3 " -. .;,...., •,s.Iazt!:-.r;4:-_ --f.± -. •N:"- Wh..---z ._ 1-4,,z-..,g,.„ -‘0,4-at4-.....:X4-11,h ""r-rK,_;,_%..,- .4a.:? -7V47;•- St11;11 VE 4. ..,--/-- 44-e4.- - ..s.- : • This Plow is universally admitted to be _the best Oang Plow now in Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. A]) these implements arc manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and are better and more durable than 'those got up hy laige establishments for catch sales. Every implement war ranted to -give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any respectable establishment that turns (=tit a good article. Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand, and can beseen at shop at any time. r (5. 11 m 2 z L.) use, and 25NiosaTaaozr vrrnoluo HMI JO NOIR - - .., , 3.,... T 1...1 )•••.... ! 1.....• „.... - • C 0 0 T-. ...• , 1....1 ...-•,..., fr.',"-_, f• ." t..... rm... ....... 0 • ...' 14 loso... Z..4 ,...... • 0 at ..--4 i.......' .. .1:„.„...... ......... ei t,---. t...:.....,.., 0 11 C .O - 1.....t ,..,•,.../ -°'-i' r: r , ...., , .... . ...... co . •olcivaup Odom ..trj 2 ' 13 1-s their IROX IIARROWS-TIIIif-S.COTCH DIAMOND HARROWS KEPT! . COSS TA A.V TLY 0 ..Nr IIA.117 D. Repairs for all kinds of Mews kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the S'.hop, - oppesite Weir's Hotel, Main-st., Seaforth. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER. MALCOLM MONROE. ALEXANDER MONROE. SAVE YOUR HAIR BY USING PETROLINE HAIR RESTORAL A Preparatien of Canadian Petrol- eum, deodorized and highly - Perfumed. • KEEPS- THE HAIR GLOSSY AND FLEXIBLE. Prevonts Prematut Grey Hairs, and Renews it if bald. Price, 12,!-,c., 35e. and 40e. per bottle_ For sale at , J. S. ROBERTS' DUO STORE. 1 LEA t 0 --s/ • THE fil(AVy 74/10t0/--- (44-7-70 .11.. /91 BUJ 1ER. BUTTER. I The Highest Market Price in Cash paid for Good Fall Packed • Butter, in Tenriets and Crocks, at Hickson & Bleasdell's Drug Store, Seaforth. W. S. ROBERTSON. LL MOM. 11300.! ALZ:VGACIFIWROP••••••.,,A AA 0.0,...111.01. iaPV.11-61AVINE, • - • .1;7- 4.; 4. . *1- • ri,e I 0 'CD " ONTARIO PIER' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN & SON 1 o P , 1-' M 0 -NT -MI) I m z Cor. Bay and Wellington Streets. td BRADLEY HARVESTERS, 1 A WAIIDED Medals at the. World's Fair Phil• -1-1" adelpbia. U. S., 1b7e : Sydney, stralia„1 1877 ; Franco, ; Gold end Silver i Medals. 1•1 nron atesper Ttiel. 1s77, and Gold 11 edit' EI net r eeessfUl. Sold by D. 1Jogsn NV. 1'. G,ieve, Sesfol th ; Robert Aneerson, Kipp -i.; Archibald McCully, . Bract field, 301ni Varna :. L. Elliott, Gude' icb ; Dal id Halstead, WinLadni; T. Eng- lish,:Brusse3g. Order early. Satisfaction gnarantced. Re- pairs can iv: had of too tLe Agenta. L. D. SAWYER & 074, l3uniiiton, Manufacturers. GEO. STEWAL'i , Clinton, Gentral Agent.. •MRS. C. .11:DUNLOP'S Fall Term in Music will open. on Sept. 16th. Pupils should give in their names previous to the opening of the class. Those not hay- ; ing Instruments can be accommodated with use of Piano or orgnn at,very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, :3 ept. 7,1878. C61 LUMBER, FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, - All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. The Sabicriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 1 479 • THOMAS DOWNEY 591 • THE CHEAPEST GOODS. G IT 1_, , IS NOW RECEIVING A. A -Very Large Stock of all kinds of I Groceries and Provisions. - A Fresh Lot of Canned Fruits, and Honey and Jellies. A Fresh Lot of those, very &w -it: Teas in Black, Green, and Japan. All Grades of Sitgars, ,6yraps and Afolasses. Currants, Raisins, Prane,s, Dried Apples, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Pot Barley, Flour, Shorts, best of Ilams and All kinds of Fresh Garden Seeds, Top Onions, Potato Onions and Set Onions and Potatoes. • Cream CTOC s, .t; CMS, OV C9 Pots, &c. Lard, Btter, Eggs, and a good va- riety of Soaps. HAVE TO THEIR NEW" PREMISES, BOOTS 1 BOOTS 1ij 1 Suitable for the Season and at Prices to iiit the Times, at THOMAS COVNTRY'S'. cr-111 1 24 1 am, just openiog my Fall and Winter Stock, comprising the 1w thiferent lines. CD hare a lorge glow lily of Men's and Boy's Riveted Boots, which are anguestionahly the best Fac- tory work made. )-$ 0 I )••••Pd Hy/ 'asiom, Work of all kindsj. the Pi) /4,8t Milt 7)1811, and money can prodc,ce. Repairing neatly done.; So, to all wit° want good value in Roots, I say come eitlor trith lt r.r a good rerord for prompt payinfl-slow pger.; are -curse fro trifle. .4 Liberal Dicount to rash buyers. Sods Biscuits in 3 ptiund boxes, at 23c. 8.nd pure ground Coffee. Celebrated Euglib Also Cali With thanks for past ptronage, I am Exceisior Ho: se and Cattle Food. All are invited to coin( and get waiting all • reasonable commands to some of the Cheapest Gods in the Dominion . execute. Don't forget the place: THOMAS COVENTRY, Sign of the Mammoth Boot, Stark's Block, Mai Street, Seafdrth. A. G. ATJLT'S GROCERY, Main St: eet, SEAFORTH pu.8 tXPEd a, • 0 SP >ZS Cin 5:0 r --t- CD 04 w )--,- )--, 41 ‘ us 1.. 0 w w )-1 11 o td 0 i 1 0 , cb (1) PI to_ ; t c• - i 0 1 P E • Pv" FT1 •Pj . .)-1- m 0 SD ?-1 .. > ).... o D> Z 51) ' --I 0 : 0) t--( .... ,. 0 i 0 Ci) rn 03 CD C) > td r -i- )---, c-4- tD NOS ‘883H1.08EI 38VMCIEIVH R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTII, 'Wholesale and 'Retail Deer iu LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Decription. one but the Very Beat Stock kept. Terms •I moderate. A Trial Solicited. AI1 orders by Instil or otbervive promptly 4,25%. R. N. BIlETT • • • 41