HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-10-17, Page 6Sowiols Fall Show. The fall show, under the auspices of the Howiek agricultural society, was held in Gerrie, on Monday and Tuesday of lad week. The weather was all that could be desired, and. in consequence, the attendance at the show was very good. The Made show was held. inthe drill shed, and some very good speci- mens a the ler-ballets of the farm were on exhibition, especially in roots was this noticeable. The ladies of Howick do not appear to take the interest in their department that they should, and in consequence the display was not large. In stain Thos. Gibson, M. P, P. was a large exhibitor, and succeeded in carrying off several prizes. Fruit was not largely represented, perhaps on ac- count of the small number of prizes of- fered in this class. Mr. P. P. Aylsworth shows some of the best pears that we have seen this year, which are well worthy of "honorable mention." Mr. jaanes Haddock makes a good display of stoves, itc. which -added greatly to the attraoions of the inside de- partment. Messrs. Williams sve Watts also exhibited several tine specimens of furniture, and Mr. J. D. Smithhad two of the celebrated Wanzer Sewing Machines" on show: The exhibit of horses was large, and some very super- ior animals were shown. Mr. A. Wilkin- son, of Minto, succeeded in carrying off first and secend for general purpose teams, a feat that he has accomplished ; at a number of shows this fall. In eat - tie, both throughbred and grade; S. johnson captured the lieu's share of .the prizes. In sheep, the show was large ; John Johnson, 0. Wilson, P. P. Ayls- worth, and R. McDonald, were the principal exhibitors, and all succeeded in carrying -off prizes. The show of pigs and poultry was not as large as it should have been, but a, few fine speci- mens were shown, Mr. P. P. Ayls- worth, was the largest prize taker at the show, carrying off prizes in near- ly all the departraelltS. PBIZL LIST. HORS4.5.—General. purpose team, lst and 2d. A. Wilkinson. Breed mare, lst A. Wilkinson, 2d James Fraser. Foal, 1st Jas. McLaughlin, Sr., al James Frazer, General purpose -filly or 'geld- ing, 2 years old, 1st B. Day, 2d. Captain Kaino. Roadster, filly or gelding, • 2 years old, lst J. McGill, 2d J. Croskey. Heavy draught, filly ar gelding, 2 years old. 1st Bradnoch, 2d. Wm. Strong: G-eneral purpose, filly or gelding, 1 year old1st J R Stepheason 2d. Robert J. Johnston, 2d Mrs. I'. Aylsworth. Socks, Geo. How ett, 2d H. Burrows. :. 1 Mitts, 1st Mrs. . P. Aylsworth, 2d Mrs. J. Johnston. Gloves, P. P. Ayls- irt, .1st and 2d A. hirt, 1st Geo. How- l). Aylsworth. Log rs. P. P. Aylsworth, Patched quilt, lst and. R. Stevenson. 'worth. Fine s Smith.. Flannel lett, 2d, Mrs. P cabin quilt, lst 2d A. Crawford Jas. Perkins, 2d Coverlet, home-made, lst Mrs. P. P. Aylsworth, 2d- JAS. Croskery. Crochet work, in wool, lst Mrs. E. W. Leech, 2d. Mrs. E. J. Pat. Crochet work, in cottonelst Mrs. E. J. Pett, 2d Miss A. J. Robinson. ' Embroidery in cotton, 1st Thos. Nash, 2d Jas. Leech. Em- broidery in silk, lst A. J. Croskery, 2d Jas. Leeeh. Ber4n. wool work, raised, lst Miss McKee, 2d A. J; Croskery. Berlin wool work, fiat, lst Miss E. W. Leech, 2d Jas,, Leech. Berlin wool flowers, lst Miss Stevenson,. 2d Miss Croskery. Wax flowers, Mrs. P. P. Aylsworth.‘e Wat fruit, lst Mrs'. P. Aylsworth, /2d Miss Croskery. Moss work, lst tilos. Nash, 2d Miss Craw- ford. Hair wor , lst Miss McKee, 2d Miss Croskery. Cone work, lst H. Burrows, 2d. Thos. Nash. Leather work, lst Mrs. ,P. P. Aylsworth, 2d Miss E. W. Leebh. Straw work, lst Jas. Leech, 2d. J. and R. Stevenson. Fancy knitting, Miss McKee. Braid- ing, lst Mrs. P. P. Aylsworth,_ 2d Miss Hogg. Rag mat', lst Mrs. P. P. ,Ayls- worth, 2d Miss Hogg. Hanging basket, Miss Crawford. Cardboard work, .1st E. James, 2d Jas- Croskery. FINE ARTS.—Orayon drawing, lst and 2d E. James. Photographs, F. Hogg. Boy's penmanship, A'elson Mc- Laughlin. jUDGES.—Horses and. poultryL-W. G. jllingston, BrusseLs ; Wm. !Fergu- son, Wallace, and Wm. Hastings, Wing - ham. Cattle, sheep, pigs and imple- ments—Seth Doan, Wallace; A. ThOmpson, Tnrnberry, : and. John Breadfoot, Brussels. Dairy produce, grain, roots, &c.—A. M. Morrow, Lis- toSvelts D. Scott, Brussels, and John Farrow, Bluevale. Ladies' work, fine arts, &c.—Mrs. John Parker, Brussels; Mrs. W. Ferguson, Howick. T ubetry. Demos IN COUNCTI!.—At the last meet- ing of Turnbeary Council, Mr. Black re- ported that he hail inspected the job of drain let to Messrs. McKersie aridHughes, and foiand work done to the amount of $45, being third estimate. Mes.srs. Black and Miller reported let- ting a job of making a culvert on cols - cession line between Concessions 2 and 3, to Lasvrence Lovel, for $4; also, ex- , • . , Ferguson. Roadster, filly or gelding, 1 year old, Wm. Ferguson. Heavy draught, filly or geldiug, 1 year 'olds lst It Roe 2d jas McLaughlin jr Car- - • , • , • a_mittecl A. MeMiehael's job of drain, nage horses, it A. EVELUS, 2d. Samuel McLellanBuggy horse, lst SGreer, concessions 1 and A, and reported the . . 2d Wm. Strong. Saddle horse, lst drain finished, according - to contract' Wm Hastie, 2d WmStrong there being five and a half rods extra. .. work done, amounting to - $16.16, and Der:met CATTLI:.--2-kged. bull, lst S. recommended that the balance be paid, Johnson, 2d Win. Strong. Bull, 1 year amounting to F,3202.56 ; also, examined old, J. Hunter. Cow, lst S. Johnson, the job of drain let to Adam Cleghorn, 2d Wm. Hays: Heifer, 2 years old, concessien 1, andl report work done to Wm. Hays. Heifer, 1 year old, 1st J. Huuter, 2a S. Johnson. Bull calf, lst the amount of $70. Moved. by J. Hen- ning, seconded by J. Little, that deben- 1855 syas so heavily interested_ in Erie that be guaranteed the company's ac- ceptance for a million and a half. He joined Vanderbilt in the Harlem ,direc- torate and other enterprises, and, through subsequent clashing with him, lost a fortune.. In 1863 Mr. Drew gave Fisk lis support, and was afterward re -'paid by Fisk's joining Jay Gould and well nigh ruining Drew. InErie trans- actimis 'Mr. Drew still held tothe street, but was badly beaten in the panic of 1873, and in 1875 withdrew from Wail street since which time he has been unenga.ged in business. He became a baukrupt in 1875, with liabilities of over a million, and an unprovided bal- ance of three hundred and forty odd thousand. As a Methodist Mr. Drew will be re- membered by the The—Ologica-1 Seminary founded at Madison, N. J., and many liberal donations. The Spelling Reformers. The continuous but mild activities of the shelling reformers are mentioned by the London Saturday Review. Mr. Pitman- " still publishes the Fonetic .Nuz."1, Mr. Ellis, who signs himself "Alecb Caander Jon Elis," sees on discus- sing "very learnedly and drearily about dhi faurti feiv kaisez of kombeind soundz,' which are to form the basis of the new glosik speling.' " Mr. Fleay "writes delicious lyrics about dead stone-brea,kers, beginning 'Buri him noubl. in the trodden wei !' " But the reforrhers are unable t� agree arnong themselves.. Mr. Sweet and Mr. Sayce "have buried Mr. Fleay nobly. in the trodden way, and have passed on to fresh warlike pastimes." Hs Ellis " has angered. Mr. Sweet by venturing to priut Goo faa rciher, fa -o. dher, and. laud dhi Lass•rd,' by which we may in- form th,e astonished reader that he means go farther, father, and laud the Lord ;' " while Mr. Sweet himself "desires UP to spell the sentence in this pleasing fashion: ‘Goa -w faa faaedbuir. lasrd. dhu Laird.'" Everybody can judge for himself wheth- er or not combinations as absurd as these are an improvement on the ac- cepted system. _ . For the year ending the 30th cif Sept- ember, 1879,there were 125 prisoners committed to Goderich Gaol, of these, 11 were females. Three were under 16 years. Of the tetal number corn - rafted 79 were sentenced, of these 68 re- mained in Goderich Goal till the ex- piration of -sentence. One died while undergoing sentence. Number of days custody of government prisoners fore year, 1.734; of municipal prisoners, 2,- 662. Number of prisoners who could neither read nor write, 19; reported temperate; 50; intemperate, 75. The sum of $1,081 was paid for repairs, and $1,220 for salaries; total expenditure for the year, $2,301. Cash receipts for prison labor, $120. The causes which led to committal. were : larceny, 22 ; vagrancy, 17; drunk and disorderly, 15; a,ssault, 14, etc. The largest number 5 Johnson2d WmHaHeifer calf incarcerated are classed as laborers and , . ys. , tures be granted for the following farmers, 29 of the latter and 22 of the J. Belden. arnouuts McKersie dr, Hughes, $35 ; former. Among the trades we find. 9 GRADE.—CONV, lst all(' 2d S. Johnson, Heifer, 2 years old, It SJohnson, 2d A. McMichael, $202.56 ; A. Cleghorn tailors and 8 caxpenters. , . ed. il: P. I'. Aylssvorth. Yearling heifer, S. „570—CarriMessrs. Black and M Johnson. Heifer calf, lst and d ler also reported a, culvert let to A. Mc- EPPS'S C000A.—G-rateful and comfort- 2 S, Johnson.. Herd. milk cowsi S. John- son. LEICESTER SITEEP.—Aged ram, lst John Johnston, 2d Robert McDonald. Ram Iamb, lst David Wilson, 2d. John Johnston. Aged estes, lst John John- ston, 2d Robert McDonald. Shearling ram, P. P. Ayleswortin Ewe lambs, lst John Johnston, 3d David Wilson. hearling ewes, 1st John Johnston, 2d - David Wilson. G -RIDE SHEEP.—Rarn. lamb, lst and. 2d. John Johnston. Aged ewes, lst James Sanderson, 2d John Johnston. 'Shearling ewes, lst James Sanderson, 2d John Johuston. Ewe lambs, 1st P. P. Aylesworth, 2d John Johnston. Swixso—Berkshire boar, uud.er one year, F. M. Lement. Aged Suffolk boar, lst S. McLellan, 2d. Wm. Hastie. Brood sow, Suffolk, S. McLellan. Spring pigs, Suffolk, S. McLellan. I3IPLEsrENTs.— Lumber wagon, John Stinson.. Buggy, lst and 2d R. Ross. Iron harrows, R. Ross. POULTItY.—Geese, lst Capt, Keine, 2.d. Wm, Strong. Ducks, James filloWade, Light bra -lime, fowls. lst James Mc - Wade, 2d. P. P. AYleswoetle. Black Spanish fowls, James Leech. Speckled Homburgs, ist Capt. Keine; 2d Thomas Nash. Leghorn fowl, Capt.' Keine. GRAIN.—Fall wheat, . white,. W. Ev- ans. Fall wheat, treadwell, lst John. Johnston, 2d James Sanderson.Fall Wheats seneca, ist Thomas Gibson, 2d W. Evans. Fall wheat, Clawson; T. Gibson. . Spring wheat, fife, lst • Thos. Gibson, 2r1 , S. Warnock.- Any other kind of Wheat, George Hawbitt. Bar - 'leer, it W. Evans, 2elJairies Sanderson.. Oats, ist Thomae Gibson;arrock, 2d G-eorge HowlettPeas, lst S 2x. the Consolidated Bank, askiug the tea- . . IrV Geo. .Howlett. Beaus, P. . P. Ayls- son why money cannot begot out of the worth. Indian corn,. E- James. Bank which has been .deposited by this DAIRY PRODUCTS.—Packed butter, P. P. Aylsworth. Fresh butter, lst H. Burrows, 2d P. tr. Ayisworth. ROOTS,- FEL -IT, &C.—Early rose Tota- toes,Ist P. P. Avlsworth, 2d, S. Greer. Chili potatoes, S. Warrock. Swede tarnipe, lst James Fraser,2d. E. James. Mange' wurtzels, 1st S. Warrock, 2d Michael' on boundary line, between Turnberry and Morris, amount $20. Turnberry to pay one half, job to be finished on or before 15th October net. Mr. Little reported inspecting a job let to John Thorcipson, between Gravel - road and. cemetery, amount of Turn - berry share $18.75; also a job of grad- ing let to Alex. Calder. same road, ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the, natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition., and by a careful application of the fineproper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps - has provided our breakfast tables with a • delicately flavored beverage, which naay save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe of such articles 3.50; job fiuished e also, that lie had of diet that a Constitution may be (Trade let a job of cutting down hill on boun- dary line between Turnberry and Cui- rass, lot 5, concession 12, to Thomas O'Melia,, amounting to $20, job finished. Moved by J. Henning, seconded by T. Little, that the sum of $20 be expend- ed in gravelling the road. north of Wright's corner, and that Mr. Miller in- spect the job—Carried. Mr. Wallace made applicatiou to the Council for a cUfvert through the road opposite his let on concession 11, as he wants an outlet for a drain he is now making. Moved. by R. Miller, seconded. by J. Little, that Mr. Wallace be granted the sum of $2 to make a culvert and put in a box across th.e road allowance oppo- site lots 18, concessions 10 and. 11— ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Him- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. - We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished: franae."—Civik Ser- vice .Gazette. Sold. only in packets label. led—" James Epps it Co., Homceopaths ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 190, PiccadillysLondon." 482-52 Stop That dough. 11 yOu are suffering with a cough, Cold, Asthrea, Bronchitio, llay.Fever, Constimption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection -of tlie Throat or limes mnse Dr. Kings New Discoaery for . i Consumption. This s the great remedy that is. Carried. A by-law for raising money -causing SO ranch .exeitement by its wonderful railway aud eures, curing thousands of hopelese. eases. Over for county, township, . school rates was tea,d. and passed. Mov- ed one million bottles of Dr.King's New Discovery ed by R. Miller, 'seconded by J. Little, that Mrs. Hamilton be paid $6 'for keep- ing child until 20th September—Car- ried. Account from Henry Carter, for keeping John Cunningham, who had his collar bone broken, $7.50, laid over. Moved by J. Henning, seconded by R. Miller, that the clerk be authorized to get some clothes for Mrs. May—Carried. Moved by J. Henning, seconded by J. Little, that the Clerk be .and is hereby instructed to write to the President of corporation, the CORD cil being badly in need of it—Carried. Moved by J. Hen- thiageseconded by 3. Little, that Mr. R. Porter be reappoiuted collector for the current yearat a salary of 450, bonds to be signed- at next meeting—Carried. Council then adjourned until 20th of October, then to ineet at • Churchill's • James Leech. Belgian carrots, lst Hall, Bleevale; James Leech, 2d S. -Warrock. Early - Daniel Drew.. - horn carrots, Geo. Howlett.. • fLong or- , ange carrots, lst C. Wilson2d George !. Daniel Drew, the well known fina,n- Eau-lett. Potato - onions, lst John cier and railroad speculator, died. suds Johnston, 2d, James McWade. Seed denly at his home on Tuesday last. Mr. onions, iste*I._Janses, 2d Jas. McWade. '.Drew was tbe sou of a farmer in humble Top onientsi Gee. Howlett. • Parsnips 1st circumsiances in Putnam county, N. Y.,' and 2d S. Warrock. Putimkm,. lst J and was born on the 24th of jnly, 1797 Leech, 2d P. P. Aylsworth. ,Squash, The death of his father in 1812' threw ist S. Warrock, -2c1 J.?! P. AylsWorthhim entirely on his own resources, and Citrons, lst E. Dav, 2c1 S. Warrocktaking passage on a Hudson River sloop • - Blood beets. lst S. Warrock, 2a James e came to New York, and hired out as i McWade. Totnatoes, it P. P. \. 1-: a subrstitute for a c aft soldier. He worth, 2d H. Burrows. Cabbage, lst t served his time wit the arniy, then W. Strong, 24 P. P. Aylsworth. Fall : took to the occupatio of a drover, soon apples, 1st C. -Wilson, 2d D. Bradnock. • becoming widely skubwn as a trust - Winter apples, lst E. Dav, 2d S. War- . worthy man, and one of the keenest rock. Pears, lst P. P. Aylsworth, 2d judges of cattle in the trade. His sue - have been used within the last ye0-, and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. We can :unhesitatingly saa that this is really the only sure euro for throat and lung affections, and can eheerfully recommend it to • all. Call and get a bottle free ef cost or a regular size for $.1. For sale -by Messrs. Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 3 , • . Enjoy Life. What a truly beahtiftil world we live in! 'Na- ture gives us grandeur of mountains,. gime and _ oceans, and thousands of means for enjoyment.' We can desire -no better when in -perfect health; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and wor- ried out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, tts every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower will make thene as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver. Complaint is the direct canoe of seventy -fire per cent. of such maladies as Bil- iousness, Indigestion Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, of the Heed, Pal- pitation of the Heart, and other distressing symp- toms. Three doses of August Flower will prove, its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents.' Try it. CROCKEP.Y. — T -here are Bargains in. Crockery at WILSON S: tOUNG'S. 616 Great Western Railway. . . Trains leave Brussels station, north and south as ander :. GOING- NORTH. GOING SOUTR. 10:25 A M. .162:1.155AA..Mm. Aireicxoeidu........9:08 P. M. Accom .2;58 P. M. Mixed. ..... 7:35 P. DI • Grand Trunk Railway. Trains los,va Seaforth and Clinon Stations as follows : CLINTON. GOING WEST— SEAFORTE. 8:30 P. M. Express 8:10 P. M. Express 8 55 P. M. 9:15 P. M. Mixed Train8:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. Mixed Train 1.05 P. M. . 1:45 P. M. Goma EAST— SEAFORTII. CT,INTON• Express . 8-00 A. M. - 7:36 A. M. Express Train1:05 P. M. 12:19 P. M. Mixed Train. 4.15 P. M. 3:30 P. M. blixed Train....,7:35 .P. 5:55 P. M. I James Hunter. Water melons, 1st S. lished himself in New York as a cattle ,London, Huron and Bruce. W. Strong. Phuns. C. Wilson. Grapes, cess was so great that in 1829 he estab- • • • . Warrock, 2d. P. P. Aylsworth. Cucuma • dealer. He soon began to launch out, I affirms NORTH— Mail; Mixed. Express. hers, ist J. and R- Stinson, 2d James : and purchased the first laree drove of P. M. A. M. P. M. 215 555 615 • McWade, cattle that crossed the Xlleghepies. London, depart DOMESTIC AND °SHER MANUFACTURES, By this and similar operations. Mr. entseal 1 &g..—Fuli cloth, homemade, P. P. Drew became the leading cattle dealer Kippen - Brucefield R. Baird.. Yarn, lst H. Burrows, 2d In 1831 he began his career as it Clinton worth. Drugget, John johnston,2a m New York. Geo. Howlett. Calf boots, pegged, Jas. steamboat man. In 1839, in conjune- Croskerv. CoarSO boots, pegged, James tion with Isaac Newton s he .established Croekerv. Cabinet -ware, Williams & the celebrated People's Line to Albany, Watts. -Tinware, F. McDougall. Home- • he himself becomins the largest stock - made bread, ist H. McIntosh, d 3. & holder. Mr. Drew °drifted into stock 2 R. Stevenson. Maple Sugar, William speculation at about the same time with Strong. - his steamboat investments. Then he _Lsoies' Wens.—Stockings, lst Mrs. reached out for railroad control, and in Blyth Wingham, arrive ....5 25 11. 80 9 25 GOING Sourir— Mail. Mixed. Express. ..M. £-M - P. M. Whigham, depart....10 55 7 00 6 15 Blyth 12 15 7 85 6 55 Clinton 1 10 8 01 Y 24 Drucefield. 1 40 8 18 7 43 Kippen 1 57 8 28 7 58 Hensel 2 05 8 34 8 04 . Exeter. . 1... 2 50 8 49. 8 gt og 3$b 805 78 52 884 751 358 544-Y58 406 900 808 425 945 825 458 1082 852 efiUR ON ,EXPOSITOR. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Why go abroad for your ,Furniture when. you can get as Good Value for your money in Hensall a8 in any other Town in Canada. SYDNEY FAIRBAIRN Has now on hand a Splendid Stock of 15 N I 'I' 17 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which he will sell at Prices to Suit the Tunes. UNDERTAKING IN ALL 1TS BRANCFI ES PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO. Also a First- Class Hear se Which he will farnish for FUNERALS On res. . sonable terms. 33T53 -.1.4I) IN G.. Contracts for Buildings of every description taken on moet reasonable terms. Material fur- nished if desired. Remember the Heu‘all Furniture and under - taking Establishment. 576 S. FAIRBAIRN. KIDD'S HARDWARE: RECEIVED - DIRECT FROM .MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every 'Description Cheap. EAVE 'TROUGHS A.ND CONDUCT- ' ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special luducementi to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. MEDICAL. G. SCOTT, M.D. Scc., Physician, Surgeon and " - • Accouchenr, Seaforth, Ont. ;, Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 1342 AATINI. HANOVER, 11.D., C. M., Graduate. of MeGI1117nivetsity, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seafarth. Ont. Office and residence, first door south of the Catholic Onuich. '496 r.1" L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician , Sur - La' • goon etc., Coroner for the County of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. McNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gratin • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Sea forth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Calls promptly attended to, night or . day. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand Charges reasonable. Horses examined este sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 _TAMES W. ELDER, V.. S.,.. Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at hie residence east of W. DI. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to soundness and certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 -res- DERBYSHIRE. L. D. 8., -1-4-• Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the loyal College of Dental S urg eons of Ontario. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.. ROOMS in _. Mrs Whitney's new brick • block, Ma ill Street, .Seaforth. LEGAL. A J. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office '1"4" • in Leekie's new brick building. 504-52 CiAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, X-1 Solicitors in Chancery, Goderich, Ont. 51.0. Cameron, Q; C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 \W ILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and COMMit- eioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reaeonable terms. 360 MALCOMSON, Barrister, and Attorney at - • Law, Notary Public Conveyancer'Brussels. Mr. Carey, late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron's office, will be in charge of the office, and Mr. Malcomson will be in Bruseels every Tues- day. 609 — QATiROW & MEYER) Barristers, Attorneys - at -Law, Solicitors, in Chancery, Notaries Pu b- lic, end Conyeyencers. Money to Loan, private funds, at 8' per cent. Offices—Goderich and Wingham. H. W. C. Meyer, Kent's Block, Wing - ham, Solicitor Consolidated Bank. 581 BENSONA DIETER, Banisters and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Ins olaency Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Offices—Sea. forth and Brussel e $23,000 of Private Funds investat once, at Eight rfercent. Interest,payabri yearly. 59 JAS. IL BENSON. • R.W. C. METER. The above firm has thisday been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due_ the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. DIETER. MCCAUCHEY & HOLMESTED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. p,OLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce iiSaeraf°artnlia. FmTown and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se- curities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the best mortgage securitiee, without any expense to the lender. S. G. MeCATJG HEY, DI. A. F. HOLMESTED. A_It13 DS. CA.MPTIF.LL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt ly attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. MARRIAGE LICENSES OR CERTIFICCATE8, (Under the new Act,)issued at the -EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. SOAPENA ; OR LADIES' FRIEND. THE GREAT LABOR SAVER It is preferable to Soap for all purposes. It will wash in hard or soft water. For cleaning house walls, floors, oil cloths, tinarare, greasy pots, cans, and for all kitchen utensils, it is superior to soap. Will prevent the fulling of flannels. Will preserve the color of coes. Try a package and you will never be without it. For Sale by D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER, ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good morning Jones, where are you going to ?" JONES.—" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new furniture, yon see mine is getting played out and I want to get some first rate furniture at very low priees. Oar baby wants a new eradle, and they say that he has the very best and cheapest in the county." &D ID 17?) EJ 88- q0 the Free and Independent People of Huron : M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the premises lab* oeenpiediby Mr. John Kidd, as a Hardware store'and that he is now prepared to furnish everything in thepirniture line at remarkably low prices. Intending purehaeers wilt tind it greatly to their advanta.qe to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice. Picture framing a specialty. AA work guaranteed, ?arm produce, feathers, wood and lumber taken in cxehanke. HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is, as formerly, under hie own supervision, and will be conducted with the greatest care and atten- tion. His stock of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds'&ti , will be found complete, and ab the very lowest rate, Funerals attended in the country. A Hoarse for hire. Remember the plate. M. ROBERTSON, SEAFORTH. DIAMOND DUST POLISH. FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING GOLD SILVER ANT) GLASS. MAN- UFACTURED BY G. W. CLARKE & CO. M. R. COUNTER, WHOLE- SALE AND RETAIL AGENT, SEAFORTH. • M. R. COUNTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. A Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Spec- tacles and Fancy Goods, which will be sold Cheap for Cash,. REMEMBER THE PLA.CE—Directly Opposite Mr. J. S. Porter's Furniture Store, Main Street. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH. AT HIS POST AS OF OLD. J0 I—I 1\T W.A. 12. D. . 1=ZT 11, While returning thanks to his many customers for their patronage ty, the past, also to those who so liberally patronized itis late sale, he begs to inform them and as 9n,a,ny new ones as will fovor him that he WILL STILL BE FOUND IN HIS OLD. STAND As ready and willing to serve them as before: HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS ON HAND AS -USUAL. ALSO HARNESS MADE TO ORDER, AND RE- PAIRING PRONITTLY ATTENDED TO: JOHN WARD, - - 'SEAFORTH. HAY AND OATS TA.KEN IN EXCHANGE FOR HARNESS. IRON BOUND SCHOOL BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED, A FULL STOCK OF THE SCHOOL READERS, IN IRON BINDING, Also all Books now in nee in Public and High Schools at _Lowest Cash Prices. FOOLSCAP, SLATES, PENS, INK, AND ALL ARTICLES REQUIRED FOR SCHOOL USE. - SEE hilt SCRIBBLING BOOKS AT 5c. AND 10c. EACH. C. W. PAPST, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. TO THE FARMERS. REAPERS AND CTOBER 17, OCTOEBR 17, 1879. 'WM BROADFOOT & BON, SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &C. FUNERALS ATTENDED UN Till? SIIORTET woncE. COFFINS AND _SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE, 1)R. FOVVLER'S EXTRACT WILD STRAWBERRY. , A Specific Rem.edy for ell etummer Ct'omplainte such aahotiara17.11Zhallnerier- M Inorbus, Cholera Intannun, Sour no p_iionitatb, Griping Paine, and ellite. '11° Irangements of the bowels. caused by Ming hi !improper food, such as raw wegetahleso liglelliurriePee°•artseorli,ireeir:leiratiebigaedenlitkellaitere, changes of the seasons, expoente. No matter from wharcanse or in what form yonarestb- ject to the above complaints,Dr. Vow. gic fries Extract of Wild Strawby will relieve you and a speedy -cure will be effeeted without injury to the system. It le • manufactured from the wid strawberry Phent, and free from opium and other injur- ious dings.. For -sale by all dealers, LO 1111d.-, or Bbottles for $.1, PREPARED By 'MILBURN/ BENTLEY 41 PEARSON, TORONTO, ONT.. to SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH,DOORAND. BLIND FACTORY oipth aesis:i:elatebnediwniigite rplIE subscribe -I -begs leave to thank histenneroa -.1-cuStomers for the liberalpatronage extended/a him all -Ce eommeneing husiness in See,f4tInend trusts bathe may be favored with a continence ootutiiintWeonld do weto keep on ll to giband ive himaretnea large stock.of allkinds el DRY PINE LUMBER, MASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, -SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Hefeelsconfident of givingsstisfactiontothan who may f avour him witla tb.eir patronage,as none but first-elaesworknien are employed. Particular attention paid to Cuetem Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. EGG EMPORIUM. THE Snbscilber hereby thanks his 3IIIMCIOU &stonier's (merchants and ()there) for their liberelpatronage anrin, the past 7 years, and hopes by strict integeity and close attention to business to math their tonfidence and trade in the future. Having greatlj enlarged his prem- ises during the winter, he is new prepared telly THE HIGHEST,OASH PRIOE Fer any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, deliverea at the Egg Emporium., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, Wanted by the sabscribee, 25 tons of good atg clean wheat straw. D. 1). WILSON. 1\TQr..rIC TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. A S THEY occupy the attention of all, time -LA- hard times, the subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good inch Hemlock, "not usually sold for ineh," at the following ratea: 12 foot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand ; 14 toot Fencing, at $7 50, for Cash. All orders ever 4,001 5 per cent. discount Cali and see if you don't get what is represented. Book Accounts bver 3 months will be charge. 8 per dent. The subscriber thanks his numerous cu.stenteni for their liberal support, and solitits a contina• ance of their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. 488 Steam Saw Mille, MoKlEop. MISS FORBES. TN RETURNING thanks to the ladies of Seo- -L forth and vicinity, for the kind and liberal patronage of the past, begs -..to annonnee thet she has changed her place of busineem to the Toone over Mr. Dent's store, where she hopes to ware as lib. ral a patronage as in the past. Entire satisfaction guaranteed,All are invited ll to give a ca ; entrance between Montreal Tele- graph office and Dent's Store. Apprentices wade ed immediately. 61.6r4 'GRAIN MARKETS. THE subseriber has made arrangements for buying and shipping all kinds ol good clean merchantable grain at Heiman and Kippenfor another season, and is piepared to handle any quantity that 331ILy be offered. The Melee price f,iven for bright, heavy, properly cleaned berley. It will pay you to clean it well, 614 IJAVID MeLEN1AN- FLEcTRierrY1 THZMAs' EXcEISIoItECLECTEIC OII.—WORTli TES Trmss rrs WEIGHT IN Gonn.—Paineamopt stand where it is used. Itis the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose -Want common sore throat. One bottle has cured bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has -cu-red--an old stead- ing cough. It positively eures 'catarrh; asthma, and croup. Fifty cents' worth has toyed crickbe the back, and the same quantity lame back of S years' -standing. The following are extracts frets a few of the many letters that have been received from different pe.rts of Canada, whieb, we think, WERSREPAIRED should suffieiently satisfy the most skeptical.Ccillard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Seaulmag dozen • Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011,have sold all I had.fron you, and want more new; its cares are tmlywea. derfnl." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, have Bolden the agent left, it acts like a them— it Was slow at first, but takes splendid now,?' Z. Cole, of Iona, writes, " Please forward 6 dome SUIT Thomas' E electric Oil, I am newsy out, nothing equals it. It is highly recornmendedby thesewhe have usedit." J. Bedford, Thamesville, writes, " Send' me at once a further supply of Bolan:it: Oil, I have only one bottleIeft, 1 noversaw any- thing sell so well and give such general satisfae- tion. J. Thompson Woodward, writes,(18end AT THE HITRON FOUNDRY, • SEAFORTH. A GOOD JOB GUARANTEED, AND AT PRICES TO THE TIMES. TERMS CASH: J. S. RUNOIMAN, ▪ PROPRIETOR. GREAT REDUCTION IN BOOTS AND SHOES T BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF SEA -FORTH AND VI- CINITY THAT 1 HAVE REDUCED ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM SHOEMAKING To Lowest Remunerative,Prices. I USE NOTHING BUT THE BEST MATERIAL Therefore I can Guarantee GOod Satisfaetion to those who wish to favor me with a call. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Remember the Place: Opposite the Foundry. ELLIOTT GRIEVE SEAFORTH. 1TOTICEJ All Accounts due the Goclerich, Foundry and .11lanufacturiug Com- pany, Limited, must be promptly settled to avoid costs. Ho person' s are authorized to receive payments or make settlements on behalf o/ the Company except the 'undersigned. HORACE HORTON, President. JOHN CH_RISTIAB, Secretary, GODERICH, June 13th, 1879. ane some more EeleCtric Oil, I have sold entirely out. Nothing takeslike it." Miller & Reed,P1- verton, P. Q., write, The Edeetrie Oil isgetting a great renutation here, and is daily ensiled for. Send us a further supply -without delay."Lemeriet Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., writes,'"8e5d0i one gross of Ealectric Oil. We find it to take well" Sold by all x:eedieine dealers. Price 25 Cents. S. N. THOIVIAS, PEELPs, N Y. And NORTHROP LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Bole Agents for the Dominion. Nors.—Eclectrite- Selected and Electrized. Sold in Seaforth by Rieksen- & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts and Te; Ltrusdet -521. THE GREAT FEMALE 11EDIEDY.—Job DAM Periodleal Pills—Thie invaluable metiicinele unfailing in the ure of all those pailful awl dangerous disetiees to whieb the female tionstitu- tionbsubject. It moderates' ell exteasand re- moves all obtructions, ana a speedy eureiaay be relied on. To ma‘riedladies, it is peculiailysuitat It will, in a short time, bring on the inenthlyre riod -with regularita . These pills should not). taken by Females during the first three menthe of Pregraney, as they are sure to bring on Ms - carriage, but at any other time they are WObi all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affect/00J pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on cchten- ertioia, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, And whites, these pills Will effect a. cure when. ell etkir means have failed; and, although A, powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, saitimenh or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fkill directions in the pamphletaround each package/ which should be carefully preserved. job Mosael New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12f tante for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To. ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dompleve will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills 11 return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson * S. Roberts, and R. Luinsdenfl - the Coni' Nev. York Teri In - la this country one red tofirta any eitY- so the aspect of the Be is unfamiliar to the striaen of its inhabita Ji -as its parks Wad %liar sed.fibwers ; the migra who ate stay-at-hemes able eenrsionswitbm - the We of the very groove, out of whieh t often stray„ Unless tlu their own neighborho -visit them ; the least eious, provided by Matt of profit, are toe teskly in all large cities there class imprisoned ha at ments, to whom there region dinaiy eharact vountry," The ideas of what thti sessea by the tinkle -el through the beneficenc people, would bo atuush for their pathos. "Ps% country before. My ins: say City," said a little gi on. the point of leaving tav.e I,' said another, w pride; and when she v country, she answer prObably from the fact heard it :spoken of by I -"the eld country." 7013 city, and among tbe fi their interest ana woa unbounded. ''-flow,nie( up 1" said one boy,' ting this grass ?" aekedi felt the morning dew. said a third, as he Mt • when he was COleVilleed liess, he threw himself xolled over it and ever it object hael freshness e them. Occasionally an -came laughable, despit ignorance that led to dr -en at in New permission to play will coops, and; although 01 the chicken coops understood by the forrt consent ,was given: --T reale baek in a little wh evident that chiekeze-coe ef pleasure bad fallen va Emotion. • When a reas one of the cliilltken expb flies “bit too lockl,"ana, vestigation 'it was disco! chicken -coops were the; ileMat,e8 ef which had si the experiments made • Cetewayo, Sa,VaV, CoteWayo is an -exn specimen of the nobl black, fifty years of age high, well proportioned.; broad, open face of the Premier of the Cape an interview with him, was a child of the Britisl Inv father, the English., I tise rne for wrong doing stick with which he wisl and brok it, I ant 1.3 tbe English are great, pe net kill those who fough4 hope the great Queen es and. allow me to return; and give me a place an build a kraal." His Majesty was Aree suit of European clothes: evident from his sotionesi lese comfortable than hi.E. He was ,accompanied wives, four of his fellowe tie girl, all of whom rega -astonishment the nOveI scenes about them. Thi was immediately imp strong gut.rd in the east formed that tbe Geyer Majesty the Queen elesir4 with unusual leniency an in view of his extraord war,- Cetewayo, in a ha demanded that ten men be sent for at once. been accustomed to the would feel lonely witbolr. He was told that the Ei ties would consider hi would probably not grae throned menarch is a mi and sulks like a Child promised that an enth roasted for his particula Wheeasked. what he tl Town and English eivil satirical manner ex.pre.-3 at things about him, kande deprecatingly ais. I was onlY born yes* mere boy. I never against such ,,,i0ea men who iniended to take They bot US to mako and I afti sorry for sh there." Cetewayo will Vape Town until the been arrived at as to i posal of his person,. A London correspon Charles Reade as a" big fellow, not fat, but lar 3snwuisncal:Irg. , liaend„il IS veryin0:wf l' 1 exercises such as rowing hair is grizzled, his stab no signs of weakness or neat though careless in- sembles, vith his rudd and unconventional ma 4 34 3111raoi rule, eie°1 isete et:tthwhYrif 1 tgdate°:., bl, ao, :psi 1°1 iruiee:,teclha best dissipated. aa'aeta kusensel al. 'nttaalii Ine°11. asfl 18 IY8:l 361sboal:R1 :hif a:Nlei semsitia I des: 17:1°::*j 1 ' 1 kit:f:::haelzeu:vursbsfaled quantityidianiot:h: ei n iwrfke:b8r,r Bi et lia-' from four to seven hour library, three or four o -4buestkienPeenrarlyligaoneas. N.-enl'V' 1113 Urge:thiltylse,thrreiPwkingerat 13110M:en% Arni 8 oTr eh es_ , b oxtateesezeslaintthRehavettorl 114alrau:teonTlibTlftaii"s1;as'CroernissgUal. Ian feet Eatiefetti011in every ease, eed25ell,e41Setsafoperth.r b". r'm