The Huron Expositor, 1879-10-17, Page 22
enapaers I.
" What that man said is
lord; that child I carried. I a
the docter, Brown, of Bean(
and as the murmur of approv
rang through the court was
checked, the. one who had
pushed his way to the witness
then, by his lordship's permiss
into it; and all eyes were t
him. :
He was a short, Stout, rasa
• hag men, la a.ppearance fifty, b
age was fifty-seven ; aud he ha
frank. florid face and dark gi.
Coolly purveying tho crowded.
front of him, lie took the oath
meved hie gloves, tea auswere
name ; and then, as unembarr
manner as though he had in
simplest etatoment possible, b
'his Laud through his brown h
looked. at his lordship.
eThat's the man, sir," said
oner to his ceunsel; "and he
"‘Sileace l'' cried the judge,
in coast approved, and the N
rattled as the dust rose 'up nee
dust from the crowded street
hundreds wad teal.
It was a blowing gusty dav,
Tho. f;th of March, the sedond da
Lent assizes-, and the spacious c
the county town vase complete'
with people, townsfolk and 0
men, who, in spite of dose paLcki
increased discomfort, had kep
places. there for imuly hours,
for the conelusion of the• trials in
the majority of those there were
intereated—the trial of Ralph
the poacher, and against wham
hill had- been returned for the
murder of Robert White, the ke
keeper to Sir. Normam D-igby, of
ton Hall—who, a few months pr
ly, had beeu found in tile Home
-shot through the chest.
The evideuce that entstee-71)
epeeist the prisoner was purely c
stantial ; but it seemed. eon o I osiv
he was committe4, to jail, to ewe
pried ou the full charge. Butirt a
time he escaped, by the eouniva
it was thought, of one of his: jai
man who was known to hire; L
was only within a week of the
men:cement of the assizes that lx
- been retaken. lie was a 'lithe,
dark -complexioned mane thirty ye
age, and_. by trade a blecksnrsith
althoughe'his pottelliug.propmAities
• well known to all, his trade: stu
• him., for he was not ouly the best
for miles round his own ueighbor
and shod all the hunting horses, b
was a Jack of all trades, and clev
most things, from leeks and aloe
brass' work, bells and bakes; an.
the latter, no matter what they
eseful or fanciful, no basket -m
could beat him. Hence, being ab
tura his hand to so many pursuit
servicea were much sought after
whatever was needed ia the men
liae, Ralph,. ``the handy Diann" was
man seat fen
He was a good mole -man, too,
useful to the farmers; a crack fi
man, and of 'Service to the villager
lemons runner, and, hence great
the houads.
It was this latter quality -which
tributed so much to his-popelarity
those whose horses he shod, Lind
the huntsmen generally; for, as he
always present during the seaso
every meet within distance, had i
huut kuowledge, and kept \veil
the hounds, his riuging "Gone aw
which made the woodlands echo as
fox broke cover, Was alwa,yslisteued
for it woe ever reliable; "Ralph
Runner" being an old haud at w
craft, and so well versed in vulpine
tics, that, unless the fox went oub
one end as the hounds caruo in at
other; Ralph was the man to see h
and as he never gave tongue till
varmint was won away, and the hon
on a line with him, each man then
gripped his reins as he heard, him,
gallopped hie haadest.
Such a voice as Ralph had for a
shoat—lond, clear and riuging--few
en had: it was a piercer, like the
ice of the balled Tom Moody • sand ap
ost of the woods in that part' of , the
country—West Worcestershire were
thick, douse and. tangled, when he was
. out it was a (fain for the lost ones, many
of whom woubld frequently have missed
the hounds altegether had uot his rat-
tling "Gone away !" which could be
heard from oue end of tho wood' to the
other, proclaimed. "a view" and piloted
them into the open.
He was a pleasant, merry fellow—
ever cheery and always evil; ready to
help _those who came to grief, and
willing to aid the distressed ones; for
ne matter what was the form it took, or
what wag the special difficulty—
whether the catching of horses, the lift-
ingofof heavers, the pulling out ot stakes,
or the clippine of puzele-locks—were
Ralph but at bled, it was done with ;
and though many a coiu was thrown to
hina, he never waited. for it; his work
once over, his place was with the
• hounds, and as he could run aud leap
better than most men, he was never far
behind them.
He was a very useful man, too,
amongst the cattle, and also amongst
the horses, as heunderstood their ail-
ments and was np - to doctoring them,
and he a -aa clever as a breaker with
young horses, as he had a good seat,
good hands, firm nerves, and plenty of
patience, so he soon made them fit and
handy. With the people of his hamlet
—the hamlet of Beck -tom— he was a
great favorite, and. at the wakes and
diab walks, village feasts and festivals,
Ralph was the main mau there, for he
- had a fiddle, anti could play it well,
and he was strong in jigs and dances;
and. his various feats. amongst the Far -
Foresters, in jumping, running, quoit -
pitching and wrestling were known for
miles round. ' Ie wrestling be was
espeeially good, as he knew a Cornish
man, and was up to "chips"—the hypes
and heaves, and hanks kid inside -click
—so °cella throw most men ; and it was
the ability to do so that made him so
daring whee poaching, and that caused
him to care so little for the keepers.
Be was the best whistler, too, in the
whole district, and as few could beat
him at a comic song, he was the very
life and soul of all the parties, when vil-
lage Iads and lasses got together, or old
folks congregated.
His apprehension, therefore, on such i
a charge bad been a great grief to the I
villagers and a loss and an annoyance I
to his neighborhood; and as those who !
employed him considered his only fault
was poaching, and from which no re- I
true, my
na Brown
easfield ;"
al which
-box, and
ion, went
Tuned to
sit whose
d a good,
•ey eyes.
court in,
as he re-
d to his
assed UI
ado the
e passed
air and
the pris-
-rode a
as those
, where
y of the
ourt in
y- filled
ng and
t their
a time
e. and
it his
nee, as
tucl it
e had.
ars -of
; and
cls to
nt he
er at
Ics to
d Est
le to
s, his
; for
s a
con -
n at
monstrance e ild wean him, they, as
their presence in court duly testified,
were one aud 11 considerably interest-
ed in his tria , which, commenced on
the previous day, was now about to ter-
minate and a they feared, temunate
badly. '
Tne eviden ; as we have said, was
circumstantial and his defense was an.
alibi ; but it w a an alibi without proof
—being entire y unsupported by the
slightest testiinony—it was felt by all
there that • the ' verdict would be
"uilty"; and leven if he escaped with
his life that the sentence would be a
heavy one, for he was too old a poacher
not to be madelan example of.
As for Perkshimeelf, black as things
looked against him, he still hohl his,
head up, just a though he were wholly
counted on an acquit -
his," said he, "is on
y lord; I was nailes
innocent and h
"No blood o
these hands,
away, toe."
But the tale he told, to streegthen
what he said, sounded more strange
than true, and f w believed it.
Briefly, the e idenee was this:
the nigh in question—Monday
ntght, the 23rcl of November—Walter
White, the kee • er, the man who was
said to have bee murdered, turned out
with three of tlie watchers -to go through
the covers—the Iome Wood, Fox Hill,
and the Lockett —hoping to meet with
Perks, of whoSe ntention to visit them
that night they had received intima-
tion ; and they ere determined to cap-
ture him if they ould, as a few nights
previously he h d threatened White
that the u'ext tinie he interfered with
hlin he should luive "something for his
An old grievanee, it was stated, had
existed between them, and they had
been at enmity for a long time; and it
was ie no wise lessened by the feet of
hite's wife beink Ralph's old .sweet-
heart, a pretty
she had promised
keeper's cottage
shop. It was al o shown that when
llage who, after
Perks, preferred the
to the blacksmith's
the two men wer lads, and at school
together, they sere at enmity even
then, for Perks -co ld throw and thrash
him with the gre test ease,- and did so
frequently, as he had clone so since,
they having had any a bout together
during • the past our years, wheu, Sir
Norman having engaged White as
keeper, they - foul them.selves settled
down et last in th same parish.
For many years a inveterate poacher,
lint never taken, Ralphi Perks, after
White's marriage, ecame more daring
than ever; and whenever he was on
the drink at ,the illage ale house, or
boozing at the cid. r shop, he used to
boast how little he cared for the keeper,
for, big as he was e weld "turn Mai
over in two minutlas and thrash hini
handsomely ;" whie White, on his
part, used to cha ter about the time
when he would ve Perks "safe in
jail." There was, the •efore, no love
lost between them,- and ma.ny had pre-
dicted that some day it -Would end bad-
ly to one or both of them, '6e they were
alike equally deterMined and unforgiv-
few nights before the .murder—for
murder it was presumed to bee=
theY had.met in. Fox Hill e but as Ralph
was in a ride, a public path, and .had
then neither erten nor stick, visible to
him at least, threats only had 'passed
between. thern.
When White and the watchers had en-
tered the Home Wood, hoping to meet
with Perks, they went On bp the lhe
• with elm together to where the rides di -
ay !Jr verged, and them a algae" having been
the agreed upon if either wanted help, they
for, separated, the keeper taking the ruiddle
the ride, Clarke the outer one, and Crump
eed_ I and Kirby the inner one, as the cover
tae_ there was unusually thick and. strong
; from dense scrub and brush; besides
the which, as a foot -path led from there
; across the fields and so to the village,
the escape was usually made in that direc-
ads tion.
eat The night was foggy, and before the
and men had 'reached the end of their beat
a shot was heard from the middle ride;
and though the signal -whistle was not
given, they at once turned right and
left and went towards it.-- "
- As the three men met at the bottom
of a glade, where the middle ride ter-
mineted, they found White down and
groaning, his gun beside him. On rais-
ing him upo
"Take Perks," said he; -"I'm done
He then fell back and. died.
- They brought the body home, then
went for Perks. He . was out; they
waited. At four o'clock — two hours
from the time that shot was; fired—he
came back to his cottage. .His clothes
were Weedy, and his head was ent, and
-ono barrel of his gun bad been dis-
• charged, aud that quite recently, and
his coat MO torn and. had nand on it.
He was quite lame, too, and hobbling.
That day they took him. -
At the inquest and before the niiigie:-
trates things looked dead against him,
a,nd although his solicitor brought far -
ward all be could in his favor, it Was
felt, when he was committed for trial,
that it would go hard with him. '
For the defence an alibi was set up,
and the keeper's death accounted for by
the accidental clischaree of his own
gun, one barrel of whichhadbeen fired;
but as White had been up in the Wood
prior to going with the watchers, and
might then have had a shot at souse
poaching doe or lurcher, little could be
made of it. • As to the whrds, "Take
Perks ; I'm done for," it was strongly
urged by the prisoner's counsel, • when
the trial commenced, that they were,
in fact, only the weeds of a- man strong
in his daty, and who was bent on par-
rying:, out that for which they Were a: -
"He felt," said the counsel, "that he
was dono. for, shot by his -own gun
i him."
I mug a fall or stumble It was, .
therefore, of no use hinderiniwith him.
Perks was out; let them go and take
Bat such a solution. of the difficulty
.1 cwoas not credited for an instant, and the
unsel for the prosecution had it all
his own way.
; "The long-standing enmity, the pre
! vions threat, the intimation 'they had.
had that he would be there that night,
the condition of himself and his clothes
an his gun when the watchers met
I him, and his total inability to substan-
tiate his own etatementeand, above and
I beyond all, the keeper's Mut words --
his last words, as he ielt.them then to
be—all tended," he said, "to show that
Ralph Perks, and Perks only, was the
man who fixed the shot—the ecian who
was guilty of the wilful murder of Wal-
ter White"
gain didethe prisoner maintain his
inn canoe, and again did he assert that
at t e time sworn to as the time the
sho was fired -two o'clock -he was
mils away from the covers. Ho said
he ertainly went out that night with
the intention of poaching in the Home
Wo • d, but hearing a chance word as he
call:d in at the cider shop, he thought
-if it aid come to a tussle -that four
nii t be too many for him, and he, ,
the efore, decided to go further afield
and in an opposite direction, and he J -
ma e for the New Wood, five 'miles
aw from there, a wood of Major Mur-
ray' • ; and he then repeated that which
he had WO before—that in ooming
dow the hill for a short cut Ito ,the
cov r, he caught his foot in the gorse
as e got near the road, and fell down
into it, his gun going off in the fall, and
his ead getting cut open ; and that as
he 1 y there in the ditch, half stunned
and leeding, the clock over the water
_stru k two.
s lordship, in commenting the
fact hat persisting in such a statkrnent
wo d net avail himunless it were cor-
robe ated, said:
' aye you really, no means to prov
it ? Did nothing occur, as you wen
or r turned, by which the jury might
infer that what you.say is true—no on
you et or spoke to ?"
, nothing," said Perks. "No on
ver, my lord."
r when you lay there in the -Itch
: la
1 I
AGENT WANTED.—An experienced. Fire In.
en ranee Agent wanted for this neighborhood.
Addreee Grand River Muttial ,Firo Insurance
Company, Galt. 616
Seaforth, for the Great Sierra Nevada Smok-
ing Compound, a positivieenre for Catarrh, and
is equally efficacious in all Bronchial Affect ions.
The worst (seeps of Asthma, Filth* and all
Diseases of the Lungs yield readily to this treat-
ment. M. L. SMITH, Arkona, Ont., General
Agent. For sale by all druggists. Price, 75
cents a box. 001-52
MONEY TO LEND—Ou tenets more ativan-
-"et- tageous than ever before offered. A. J. Me-
COLL, Solicitor, Boitsels. 501-52
WHO WANTS MONEY 7--A. few thonsand
" dollars, private fundsefor immediate inveet-
ment et 8 per cent. hiterest. Apply to 'JAMES
H. BEN SON S el ici tor, S forth. •
_ ,
ti 1040 $1 000
, hivesteu in Wall -St.,
Stecks makes fortunes
(eery month. Boas sent iree explaining every-
thing, Ado ress BAXTER & Co:, L'ankers, 17
Wall -street, New York. • 587-55
ONEY 'n0 LEN'IL—I have any amount of
e -see set:nest° Lend OD good improved farms only,
4, at per cent. Olierges very small. Sum uo
object if becurity ample. I don't lend. for any
u ComPany. *TORN S. PORTER, Seaforth. 579
as yo say, half stunned and bleedi g?"
ell, yes, my lord," was the reply;
an on horseback, and at .baby
with ha! What, a two o'clock bn a
Neve ber morning—cold, damp, and
foggy! Do yott seriously assert that?"
"Ye:,• my lord, I do ; for I heard it
"Yo did ?" .
"1 • d, my lord, and I heard him
speak o it."
"Au pray what did you hear him
say ?" sked his lordship, who seemed
to clou t the story told him, as did all
"He said, my -lord, 'Poor little wretch!
But it is a chance if we can do it.'
"And ben," said Perks, "he put his
horse i to a gallop and was off."
t was the matt like?" said _the
dge, fter a pause, in which ' incredu-
lity wemarked on every face in eourts
ould you see enough of him to -make
that out, eh ?"
"Per ly, my lord, partly,", was the
prompt reply, "for the rest of the hill
dips do vn, aud :as I lay there in the
ditch, la showed against the sky, and.
they we •e a pair of 'ern—a short, thick
man an a short, thick horse."
was a man passed then, cer-
whom do vou refer ? Did you
him ?"
id not; I don't know who he
•y lord; but be was a man on
ack, and he had a baby with
he s
tieat statement was too wild to be
clited, -and all there.felt that for any
it wne euld be to him it iniglit as well
e be4n left unsaid. In summieg up,
.evex, the judge briefly alluded to
"ex reordinary statement" by the
oner of the man and the baby; hut
hout repeating the worth heard or
asse tion that the clock struck, and
aid. hat it would be for the jury
thei es to decide whether- or not.
such an assertion, unsupported by the
slightest evsdeuce, was worthy- of cre-
dence. •
at this particular point ;in ehis
address that Dr. Brown cine
t and startled all there by his
that Meal said is true, my
t childl carried. I am Broskru,
r; Brown, of Beacionsfield."
It was
into con
• "What
lord ; th
the doet
STRAY PIG.—Strayed into the enclotsure of
-2-'t the subseriber, Lot 28, Con, 15, Grey, about
• e ea of August last, one Sow Pig. The
owner is requestel to prove property, pay charges
and take her ta Wily. HARTWELL SPEIRAN,
Grey. 617x4
S fRAY 00Wee-S11rayed from -Seaforth on the
-1--J 2nd of Septernber, n small heifer two years
old Rpotted fed and white, giving milk. Infor-
mation es to her e het eabouts will be gladly re-
ceived, and expensee paid by WM. HILL, Sea -
forth. • 614
• - - --
STRAY HEIFER.—Came into the premiees
f e
a-ujbo t 1 nefi.doefarIPligned' Lot 26, Con. 8, Diaborne,
ay, -a red and white Heifer, 2
pt °party .and paying
years old. The owner may have her by proviug
FARLANE, Lum joy 1'. 0.
pepses. Mrs JOHN Mo -
p 0021S TO • LET.—Six rooms to let over A.
-1-`' G. A ult's Grocely store, Fuittabld for dress-
making apartments or for dwelling -rooms, with
front aud roar entrance. Apply to A. G. AULT.
Proprietor. _ •590
voli SALE OR TO RENT.—The Seuforth
Mill, known as the Red Mill; 4 run of stones;
steam power; with siding from Grand Triink
Railway; posse ssion about the let or lrth of
September. Ap ply to W. IfiNGSLEY, Strat-
ford. 094
p ARE CFIANCE.—Photomeph Domes to Let
" on first lloor in Scote's Brick Block, Seaforth,
position central. . Also, three or four Rooms on
the flat ebove, suitable for a dwelling. Posees-
eion lst January, 1879. Apply to F. HOLM -F:-
81'ED; barrieter, on the pinmisee, or to ROBT.
SCOTT, Aleritillop. 573.f•
CA UTI ON.—Th e pu blie are hereby cautioned
. against giving credit to Ernest Houghten, iu
myena me, without my written order or consent,
as _ will not hereafter be responsible for any
debts be may -contract. GEO. A. HOUGHTON.
Seaforth, October 1st, lea. 617x4
let OTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—Natice is here -
.' by given that the partnership heretofore sub-
eistiog between us the undersigoed, as Butchers
in the Villages of us,
h es been this day cgs -
solved by mutual consent. All debts owing to
,the aid parenerehip are to be paid to 'Michael
Zolier, at the Villae of Zurich, aforesaid, and all •
claims agninet the sent partnership Pie to be
p.esented to tho said Michael Zeller (ou or be- Fnll Liues in all the Departments. Tee Sets in abundance. Tea and Dinner
fore theist day of December, 1879,) by whom the Wes'tern Sets Toilet Sets. Glassware, any quantity. We hold one of the best stocks ,
same will be paid. Dated et Zurie.h tide Seven-
teenth Day of October A. 31). 1879. Sig,neti— -
a stern Ontario. Call and be convinced. The Goods speak for themselves. 1
OCTORER 17, 1879.
Consisting of the Following Kinds:
A Pull Stock or' Straw Cutters, Horse _Rakes, Grain
Crushers, Root Cutters., and all Implements
belonging to the Buszness.
The Florence, Wanzer Si', Raymond, Royal Singer, and other
Sewing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work
Oils, Needles and Attachments always on hand,
0. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth.
TEAS in Black, Green an4 Japan'. Prtoes Low to -N4 R. ioniN BULLARD hate been inetrneted by
-11/4921,i the Vines. Mr. ISAAC GEM-Lel& to sell by Public
Auction, at Mr- THOS. STEPHENS' QUEEV14
_Yam, .stock and lniplements.
MR. JAMES HaUSON has been instaileteti by
es -a- Mr. SA A tEL AlcLEAN to eel] by Public
Auction, on Lot V, Coneeseion 12, Stanley, on
• MONDAY, OCTOBER 2,hb, the following -vane
able property, vie.: Five cows, euppoecd le be
eau; 2 heifers, rieing three neane old; bull,
rising 3 yens old; I yoke of ateers, rising 2
yea's old; 5 rpring eeives; theep ; 1 long
sleigh ; 1 land roller; 1 gene plow; 3 plows; 3.
wheelbarrow ; 1 hay rack; LO tons of hay, too
bushels of corn, in cob ; a, lot of Jurnbentem-
lock and ash; bushels ot potatoes; carrots,
mangolde, &c.; 1 crok 8:ove; 1 box stove; cap -
boards, tables, rbtairA, barrels, n quantity of
crockery, mad numerous ether articles.
At the eame tinie end piece will be offered for
sale that exec tient farm, Lot .22, CUD 12, Stan.
ley, Containing 100 00108, With frame barn, log
house, and a very eupelior orchard ; 85 acres
cleared ; ll'acres Ian wheat sown; 20 acree fell
plewing done; ane in a good titete of cultiva-
tion- AS the proprietor is going to Manitoba
the whole will be sold with' meerve. :We toi
commence at 1 o'elook P. el. sharp. '
TERMS.—For Stock and Implements: AR
sums of 85 and under meta ; over that amount le
menthe' credit be -given on furniehing
pi overt joint note re A discount of 8 per cent. for
• cash will be allowed on all credit• anaolints.
Terms on hum made known on (ley of atthe
SAMUEL MeLEAN, Proprietor.
JAMES HOUS'ON, Auctioneer. 61812
Farm Stock and Implements.
mR ‘m. .Pic.BNItvILNEERhtaossbeen instructed by lift
ell by Public Anetion,
OD Lot 19, Con. I, Tuekerernith, B. IL S., on
FBIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1879, the follovring
valualtie property, viz: Two span of working
hotees ; 1 epee ot matched mares, one rising
the other 43 care old, both from huported horses;
1 pith of brood mares, both in foal to imported
horses ; 1 thoroughbred Dutton bull, 2 years
old; 4 yoeng sows; 1 threshing ntacbiee,
tater and horse power, Clinton melte, all complete
with trueles peel everything; 1 lumber wagon- 2
reapees—one No. 3 'Kirby and one Woods -134h
in (toed working order; 1 mower, Sprague?*
make ; 4 plows; ape everiety of other articlon
Selo 110 MIMI:bee St 12-o'c1ock noon.
Surns of $10 and under caeb;
o ver the t ern onn t 14 nom he' credit will lite given
o n furnithing approred joint notes. A. discatint
of 10 cc nal en the dollar will be allowed for caash
on all credit amounts.
J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer.
1 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21sr, 1879,
4 A Valuable Fenn in the :Townthip of MeXillOp,
- being west half of Leet 81, Concession 12, M-0-
- there is -a geed log hense, else a young oreherd
Rillop, containing 50 -antes, 40 of which Ire -
c'eareeletwen fenced and in excellent emiditione
. -connnenciug -to hear, and abundence of weter ;
_ it is within halt a milt of a good greed toed, itn4
is eonv eui, nt to _cinnehesetsehool and post -office:.
Is within 9 miles -01 Staforth and an egos' die.
tance from 13ruesels. Sale will commence at 2
ow'icTIlloElicRkeMr%1Tuli.ITeed.1.3an time ,of reel -e; the, eernaleder
per cent. of the purchas.e money
in two months after.
• Quality and Price are Right,
Flour, Feed. and Provisions Always in Stock.
C C) :-P4 -"cr .A. 1NT -1-) C-1-TSSWA_IR
ness -n HENRY
FOR SALE —Two colts, one rising three 3 ears
old and the ether two, both loan in Apply
to DAVID,D01,1nVISCE, Sr., -Lot 29 Con. let
(30LT FOR SALE.—For Salo, a yearling colt,
Riried by the imported " Lord Haddo." Ap-
ply to the undereigned on Lot 38, Con 8 TleR
• ., 1 nckexsinitie or to Rateetield P. O. THUS
(7'o be Continued.) D. MORTON. 615
Freig ters •of the Northwest. OLTS • FOR SALE.—For Sale, three Good
•-•/ \Vol king emits, two coming 3 and one comi
Our la t evening in Winnipeg w
_spent in visiting the freighters who h
just . come in from the west. Th
start fro different places beh,veen 7
end.1,000 -miles west of Winnipeg, a
arrive at the city generally about t
first of June. One who has never se
there can ,hardly believe that such a
number of 'eartloads , of buffalo robes
could be premixed on the plains in a
pin,gle seaspn. When travelling over
the plaius west .of the city, ponies, carts,
tents, dogs and half breeds could be
SeOn elf clirectioes as far as the esAe
could reach. • The principal food of
thee° people seems to be raw buffalo
.meat arid pemmican. The beef is gea-
erally cut up into thin layers and into
lunches, that would weigh. about thirty
or forty pounds. When a group of
them sit down to a meal, a _package of
this stuff -is placed on the ground or. on
a cart, and each one marches up, en
off a piece, sits down. again and gnaw
at it with A gneat- deal of satisfaction
and it seems to agree with them vet
wen, as all' that .we saw seem to be very
.healthy and hearty and they looked as
if they did not know much about hard
times. Hundreds and perhaps • thou-
sands of -their ponies could be seen at a
glance and they were a very hard -look-
. e
ine lot of animals. They were of near-
ly all eolore except • blue, some wery
2 years old. Apply to the nntiersigned,
9,S Road, pea r the old toll gate, Tuckersmith. GOR -
ad DoN MeADASAL 618
- --
00 —The sebscriber has for sale Four 'Young
ee D nrham Cows, i n calf to a thoroughbred bull,
nc Yetirling Durham Bnll and One Dnrham
he awl Calf—both the bulls have good p edierees.
en. JA. S. BRAITHWA 11E, Londeeboro P. 0. 618-3
on- the llth concession, Mcliillop; price $40 per
acre; Building lots in different parts of the
to wn of Seaforth; pm:chasers can make their own
terms of payment, at 8 per cent. interest. JAS.
BEATTIE. . 591
• lencliM-FOR SALE —For sale, the west half of
-t-• Lot 83, Con. 5, McKillop, containing 51 acres,
over 40 of which ale cleared end free from stumps.
There iSa good 'mine baru, kg house and orchard.
The soil is henry clay fit for raising all kinds of
crops. It is aitunted within four and a half miles
of Seaforth. For further particulars address the
proprietor,Poole I. 0., or apply personally at his
te reeiden cc within one and a half miles of Afilverton
railway station. GEORCtE DICKSON. • 618 8
, VARM TOR SALE.—For Hale, a - been contain -
y - ing 50 acres, belonging to Mrs. Illarr An
Derry, on Concession 4, Township of Hay, 'being
south half of Lot 24; 35 acres of said farm are
cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; the
haute() in bushes well timbered; a good frame
dwelling honse and stable; a good spring well at
the door; the farm is situated 2 milee from the
black, others were white, a good- man
were brown, vvhile others were speckled.
or ppatted. Although they were a mis
ereble looking,collection of quadrupeds,
yet they seem to lee exactly fitted for
the couutry and the work, as they will
not elitt oats and they never require
combing or stabling, and they are so pa-
tient and forbearing that they can stand
alienist any amount of whipping, and
swearing at them never seems to shock
theria in the least, and when they get
stuck in a mud -hole they do not get ex-
cited and break things, but they lay
down quietly and. rest themselves until
assistance arrives.—Strataroy Aye.
HORSES SIN-ED.—The lives of . thou-
sands of horses have been saved during
the past year, and the credit is due to
"Darley's Conditn Powders and
Arabian Heave Remedy." This pre-
paration is being- extensively usedeand
exacts from an. the highest praifte.
Nothing of the kind has ever before
been half as successful or given such
universal . satisfaction ; it cannot be
equalled. We can confidently recom-
• mend it, and would advise all who own
horses to keep a supply of it on hand—
it may save your • horse's life.
.Remember the name, and see that the
signature of Hurd . Co. is on each
package. s• Northrop & Lyman, Toroetto,
Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by
all medicine dealers.
SEE TErE SOAP, 25 bars for $1.- at ROSE'S.
Grocery. See that my fine tea at 50 Cents, worth
60 cents, and those cheap Raisins and.Currants at
ROSE'S Grocery. eta
thriving village of • Hensall. For terms apply to
MRS. MARY AN BERRY, on the place. 018x8
t--/ that fine farm, the property of David Fergu-
son, being Lot 1, Con. 9, 11. R. S., Tuckersmith,
containing 100 acres, 75 of which are cleared and
in the very best order • is all well fenced and
linde• ine , tho timbered pothon is beech
and maple; there is a new frame house, frame
barnseistables, sheds and outbuildings; an ex-
tellent rchard of beating trees and Needy of
good timing 'water; is within 7 miles of Seaforth,
on tho Grand Trunk Railway, and the same dis-
tance from Heneall, on tho Great Western, with
gravel roads leading to each place • as •
ISAAC GBATIA DI, Proprietor.
JOHN BULLARD. A uctioneer. 61811
AVING Iniebneed the businees canied
-kJ-- by Mr. J., E. BRIGGS for so Many years, ate
now prepare e to
01 E very Desriiption cet the shortest lattice and
most reasonable terms.
gebey wii uee eething but the very best
tee Catisfaction.
terial, and es to lit and workenenehip they gtUir•
By strict ,t teetion to liminess, giving a good
article, and fair and re esonable prices, they hope
• to meiat and receive a, liberal share of public
TFIE GR.E.A.T SA_LE patronage.
heir Shop will be mund in Rettenburry's
I bulldog, b. Mclutoslea Teterinetty 011ice, one •
,, door south of the post (like.
I Give us a, trial. jOEL BRIGGS.
617 ti -E0- 'W. BRIGGS.
Piles of Dry Goods still left at _Rogers'.
Bargains' in Every Department at Rogers'.
The Whole Stock to be Cleared Out at Rogers'.
Dress Goods, Dress Goods, see the prices, at .Rogers'.
I - . - •
A DI REn SED a lei ge number of his conttitn-
4-1- cuts in Canteens Hall on Tuesday -evening
last on the important questions ef the day. But,
the Hongentleman not having touched npon the
all inmortarn, subjeet of Photography, Calder
wauld beg to addrees Sir Richard's constituents
and the people of Huron generally on that point.
He is to the n Ont, as usual), supplying his pat-
rons with Photographs and Ambrorspes, well
team) and of beautiful finish. Old Pictures copied
and (mita ged to perfection, Childrenta Picturee
taken in a =trim- that will make mothers smile
with del t. Give the "People's P-opular Galt
key 'e a trial and be happy- No "cheap truth"
tinned out. , Prices as low as good work can
be done for. A11DBEW CALDER, Seaferth.
Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, price them, at Rogers'. GLASGOW (via LonclonderiY) and LONDON
• `-/ Every ;Saturday fi can NEW 'YORK lima
I:UT-Yet-KB. TS for •Livenpool, Londonderry, Gies -
All Buyers of Dry Goods Made Happy at Rogers'. anv other firenelass line.
pow, and all putts of Europe. Fares as low as
'Prepaid Paesage Certifice ten issued to persons
1 wishing to bring out their friends.
• The Peet en ger ecconimodation of _Anchor Line
:1 Steamers are uneurpeseee ler elegance and mem-
I fort. Apply tos. macsoN,
W. N. W .A_ T S 0 N
INSURANCE. -Mr. 'Watson is agent for the fon/wing first-class Insurance Companies:
FlItE.—Phcenix and Northern, of London England; Scottish Impeiial, oft:Glasgow, Scotland;
lieyal Comedian and National, of Montreal; London,
America, of Toronto; Canada Fire and Marine,
of Hamilton ; Gore Dietrict of Galt. LIFE AND ACC1DENT.—Traveller1s, of Hartford.
runs through the foam. Apply; if by letter to 1 MONEY TO LOAM-Mr:Watson is appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan and
FSEerGruthsoPN..0,, or on the premises to DA6101) Savings Company,
advanced on all kinds of Real Eete e
of Toronto. The oldest and best Loan SocietY in the Dominion, Money
McMulkin -will give inttructions
-1-Y-L in instrumental musie to a fe•,v penile. Use
of pier° given for practice if desired. Residence
east of Victoria Square, Seaforth. , 614
. _
f) A. McLEOD, Licented Auctioneer for the
• County of Huron. All orders left at James
McBride's will receive prompt attention. If by
letter address Seaforth P.(1. 558
. _
3P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the
• county of Huron: Sales attended in all
parts of the County. All orders left,at the Ex -
',emote Office will be prornptlyattended to.-
THEHDIVISION COURT.—The office of the
Second Division Court will be open daily
from half.patt one to lour &dace se M. Office
in ray Block, over the store of Johnston Brns.
L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Seaforth. 562
-1-• LAND AGENT.--Speadal attention given to
sale of landed property, fainting and thorough-
bred stock. Cattle selected for the English mar-
ket. Office and And ion ROOM?, Acheson's new
Block, Goderich, Ont. Terms moderate 615
_TOHN LECRIE, General Loan and Real Estate
ti Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mer-
chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or
country', at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges
moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. tM attired
mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers.
Farrus and vintage property for sale. Office—
Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 615
SEWING MACHINES. -The fallowing manufacturing and family sewing machines
kept constantly on hand: Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Osborne A and the White. Machine oil,
needles and ail kinds of attachments on hand.- Machines of all kinds repaired.
Ble. 'Watt on is agent for the Franz° & Pope knitting machines. The best family knitting
machine manufactured, capable of doing ell kinds of cotton and woolen work.
Mr. Watson is agent for the State Line of Steamships, sailing bewteen New York and all points
in Europe.
Office, Main Street, Seaforth, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel.
JN AN EsaG the Indies of Seaforth and
Vicinit y for the liberal pateonege she has re-
-caved during her shart time hem, withes to that elle has removed her place of busi-
ness to the r ocans over Mr. Kidd's Dry Goods
Store, where she be found ready to receive
and Execute all orders entrueted to her care in
the most . satiefactoiy manner. A trial respett-
f ully solicited. Entrance, same hall as Mee,hen-
THE undersigned having entered into co -parte
nership, are prepared to meet the wants a
the Merchants of Seafeeth and -othere who may
require their seie-ices as carriers to and from qe
Railway freight sheds and elsewhere on most
reasoriable terms. Orders May be left at Joseph
Brownell's Grocery store, and will receive prompt
and careful attention.
ics Inetitute.
See nth, Aug. 30, 1878.
IONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks tomy nupterons customers for their kind .
patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing been:less anionget thenl, and kin-dly
solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Large and Well Selected k
Str"k of DRY GOODS of ell detcriptions. Also elevens on hand a fuel assortment of
AGRLaOrgiCe sEtolickaBOOTS and SHOE lES th
—TEAS a Speeialty—whieh, for quelity and price, are e bestinisw
ngtahree,CLoLlitptes- 1
s-McPherson's inal:e. Crockery, G
and Coalegil, Hardware, Paints a ed Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- '
thing required in a general store. Ask for what you want if you cron't see it. Cash or farm produce
taken in exchange: I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, :
to come and settle by cash or note before the end of this moiath, or thic accounts will be put into
other hands for collection. No further notice -will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS.
—I ani also valuator for the Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies
in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on good farm secnrity for a ternt of from three to
twenty years, on the meet favorable conditione. • LIFE INSURANCE. -11 you want your life insured
give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In-
surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for-
get to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Teleoreph Office in con-
nection. Clover, Tinacthy, Turnip and -other seeds on hand.
MISS MACDONALD would intimate to the
la ei es of Se elm th and 'vicinity, that she has
opened or.t a stock of Berlin and zephyr -woo*
Stigennee yarn, slipper patterns, needles, card-
board, &c., one door south of Mr. McGareyts
conle.ctioecry store, where she will do her utmost
to su pply the worsts of thceefa.vorieg her with.*
call. Alert phein eetving, stemping and hair
dressing done at reasonable rates.
/IRS. BEAVENe (formerly Miss Oldfield,) "-- now prepare@ to attend to Dressmaking,
in all its beanphee. Good fit and good work
guaranteed. Sbe is _Mee prepaied to -give les-
sons in Madam. Briggnor thenewly inveritedand
much inaproved Chart of Mr. IL Howell. Rooms
next dace to Canada Methodist Church, &Worth.
Apprentices wanted, 817
Attla Scoto,
yaws gie ITia.seete.b.
For a' the dainty baps. j see
lough twa eeore years em it
It's aye the same as new to
I lent it lecke the randy charm
Thitt eNinkles in a foppish el
But, 0, it aeses me tight and wall
Ana while I sive ale him %se
Sta -been anoreforter for aes,1...,,
To nay ausa Wife as weers to
n &fay on her ehouldere
And wrapp'd the bairns wh
liew -they are 1-1' to manhood. grse
And hardly elaiels as se Inas
4:), may thy one through life be
A. eredit to the plaid send me
Auld Scotia to leer clansmen sal
_ When first their teaks elle
Lot besets that beat beneath th
Be ever ge!otrous, brave an`41
Tour backs neva- turn on friend
The peaoefui etranger
ut {Tailor knave and. eoward ki
The law that gloms below t
TherYli something in. the Scott
Moir than tentend free weet
• aright inenunies that ne'er shal
It still en.dears to young an
worehipreoneeetated fiells—
Okbluidy heathand )mart
In mystic elognenee it tells,
And of a Walken and a B
Wad ilka nation don the plaid, .
And wear it as it ehouia. be
aseaspersesaa be feekless =die
Bairns et' he independent
Anoielansra.,en bolve the world
Ilk serrate impulse trample
Aud. homage .oease free eliote
Sae to the Chief whit mice
0, t1ierI1Spbtasure in the plain
3. tome of elassie hero lore
"And 'teas, ere court eesturnes
The Mini Vat young Free"
Anil though it lacks the gently.
That ekinkles in a foppish
It keeps tidy,, tight and AN
And Nvlaile live hap
Dscomes of Phys
A New:York letter th
says : "I large number
pastors are very wealth:
-almost always true of th
has been true a nearly .
pastors Dr Spring se
man., lima in an old age
_wealthy tent:MAU for a
Tyng is a millionaire
Adams has aiwaye been
has been in New Yerk
-of Trinity' Church has a
gatioa tiesday. A. large
clergy ate poor. Two
denominatiea are rieh
successful doctor has et
the -same with eminen
timers. When the m'
as he does at the last
lawyer ' and the deeto
When he outlives hie
does when he becomes
becomes a judge, and t
lessor'. I asked an ems
the other day, *Why 18
plied .11t results from.
gm. Nearly every pr
mid lawyer- at the start
his lame to get and hie
Ile eperids y -ears in lay
tion of his fame. Be
and rigidly Iooke out
He isn't required teen
and nobody expects h
-the style of a. success
rich lawyer. He tra
• earns liis Money before
-minister takes his posi
The yoUnger he is the
is. He takes a rank
mercheat and doctor
is flush in funds,
bright day will ales
money tbat he shoal
waning hours he spe
Europe, and visits .the
and culture. When I
to the summit and
westeri dope, he has
inst itS the doctor ant
foundations of their
• fame and usefulness
There is not a professi
in which it is so easy
petenee for the future'
one. The average p
any other profession.
• Harvest in Sot.
A fi6a4 stretching a
miles, without a hedg
&try stone to relieve
'by what seems to be
waving eorn, tinged
lions of poppies.
this glorious crop, all
time to Sniff the bre
ing gently from the
30 vests off; then Is
der complacently do
up 'whicb a long pre
es,rts is toiling. The-
,ehant from Odessa,'
• crops,before him as
years, ago from a, nob'
ties 1 and he is pleas
those; carts, beoause
he will be able to ge
forta.bly to Odessa bi.
• -her rains set in.
Southern Thissi' 1811
but tO get it shipped
- Benjuelas was hag&
kine, the straitenea;
mentioned, about th
harvest for three ye
mention that it wo
than a hundred oart
to Ossa, and -that
might be some troub-
barn. in which to ste
it conld be slsipped-
scribed. the purchas
quite a gambling ep
often is. Big not to,
inds$. He never ha
without being quit
--carte, his barn-, his s
eras for„ behold! eve
veying that noble fiel
nig on a promising s
alred or so -of Prime
onae slouching out
• with soythes and sie
aitaat group, conai
castle, appear pusbi
grand steam movvin
Vokine„ like all R
invests largely in a
cry, as a child NVO
the money; and it
ludas' contract
Princes Machines
one of the Russian
them; but Benjud
a -couple ef s
• stokers who know
more or less, and w
fire under the -engin
er snorting, movieg
•ently this big mach
eons around it as
ah a ship's keel sli
it out in foam;
peasants, marvellin
rest idly on their se
clamations of del'
lilts both his audm