HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1879-10-03, Page 7LY. LE K t• -t: Dealer ,nite.tre as in R N of a -F1 tG - NI PT- E-171.s.e CR re's r.st ittuhr- AERN. RE •'RERS & • VVA }e -CT arrantei. a7Z.Ct OX Till WDS. _ N TON 111 Le " iFf frti sea arid re-. e may be hly pet. ...el not he :e rauntha 6,n Ilia. Ln.';`frections, . t'•ight ez-; ‘r:ri.:, and all other ; powerful ‘14timeny, :.in. FU package, 12 ceati Mar; To'mirth:ere, hills by kArn 2 4 OCTOBEI?. 3, 1879. Farm Houses. One common 'mistake in building is in setting the house too low, and this is especially important on flat, level land, where drainage is difficult. In such lo- eatiOnS a cellar 'should not be (lug deep -two and a half or three feet . is suffi- cient -and then by grading up outside the water will be carried from the house, and. can be kept out of the cel- lar; besides. the difficulty and expense of drainage is reduced materially - sometimes one-half or two-thirds. Then it is cheaper, looks better, and. is far better -in a sanitary point of Another important matter often over- ‘• looked, is to have a large, well -venti- lated family bed -room. This room should be as large as any other room in the house. The practice, so universal, cf making the bed -rooms just large ed in, with per - hapto stand the b haps a washstand. or some other ar- ticle of furniture, is fast disappearing, ! and it ought to. These little, close, poorly ventilated bed -rooms have been thep-rimary cause of a vast amount of siekuess and death, to say nothing of the discomfort and inconveuieuce they Occasion. Health, comfort and eon- venienee alt demand that a room where ." two adults, and. often one or more chil- dren sleep, should be large, airy, cheer- ful and well ventilated. There should be -am outside door to it, or windows ex- tending to the floor, sash hung ou pul- leys; and both upper and. lower 'sash - made to raise and lower with ease. The family sitting -room should have a southern exposure, as this makes it light and cheerful iri -winter, when it is most used. No sittine-room is consid- • ered complete now, in°first-elass houses,. ; without a bay window. It not only 0 0 adds to the cheerfulness and beauty of 000 the room inside, but it gives the outside an ornamental appearance, which adds to the value of a building more than it.. cots. No house'should be built in this climate' ‘vithout building paper .or • felt UO R under the weather -bearding. It makes the house very much warmer, -a.nd costs but little. While a flight of a few steps at the front is not objectionable, the grading at the rear should be such that wood and water, and other things out- side, can be reached by stepping down not naore than one easy step. The eel- - • larstairs should always be made with broad •steps and easy grade, as the housekeeper will make a. countless num- ber of journeys up and down them. - Tpere should be a dumb waiter, . or small elevator, from cellar to pantry or kitchen, ou which articles could be raised and lowered without running clown and up every time. A friend of the writer's- has a small one for butter, milk and. other tuticles that heat will' injure, f;Actd. these are lowered into the cellar after every meal, and remain on the shelf until wanted again, when they are elevated -no running to the cellar at all. After building two houses, we would - advise that the job be let by contract; the contractor to -furnish inaterial„ and theu you will know just what vend house will cost you. Be deliberate in adopting the plan, so that the original contract need not be broken in upon by changes, but if any change is Inade af- ter the work is begun. let it be done by regular contract, as at first. After the • plan is settled upon, get estimates irom a number of builders, and you will in' this way get the job done at -the lowest price. A.bill of particulars should be ramie out, definitely specifying the kind - of material to be used. in every part of the houee, the manner Of construction, ete„ and then personally inspect the work from day to day, to see that it is built according to contract. Nearly every one who builds a, house by day's work, is badly disappointed. in the cost, • but if yon contract 'with responsible 'builders there is uo reason why you should not know to a dollar what the house will cost before it is corn- • menced. A house is a permanent thing, and FRENCH TROUSERING. one that can not be changed. materially, after being built, without costing many times more than it would if the im- provement had been made in the build- . _J 0 LiJ F- I) FrIP04 • cr:4 A • tc4b4,,....2-,-- i ..‘ - og,:te.:A-•- --- •071' • • • ;3 tt 02.............. .....,. ., tiaigaitanith t1(1001.1°31`" ' KA____1(11.,4_114:01150.N. . A K A A • K A A KK ' .• AA AAA K • K A A K K 4 THE HURON ,E)11-40SLIPR. r NOSH3CINIV .H.11:10.dV3S II H 4. __ L L El H AA L L HH HH AA L • L 1-f H A A Aa. A. L L H El A A LLLLL LLLLL STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS Is now Complete in all Departments. Our Stock is not only one of the Largest, but is also one of the Most Complete and Best Assorted ever Imported by us, and we have every confidence in inviting you to examine it before purchasing else- where. We Call Your Particular Attention to the Follo-vving Departments. SCOTCH SUITINGS. CANADIAN SUITINGS. WORSTED We have a Large Variety -over Two Hundred Pieces to choose from - at prices from to From 513 to W. SUITINGS. mg. Therefore, do not count a few SCOTCH AND ENGLISH dollars spent in securing a proper panl as lost. Where the means of the owner TROUSERINGS. admit and a. good house is to be built, a competent architect- should be employed. The size, form, arrange- ment, etc., must be left to individual taste and means. But always remem- ber that a house eau be made beautiful and convenient just as well as to have it ung-ainly, ill -proportioned and incon- venient, and with little or no additional cost. -Practical Farmer. T -Tumor in the Family. Good, humor is richly reckoned a most valuable aid. to happy home life. An equally good and useful faculty is a sense of humor, or a capacity to have a little fun along with the humdrum cares and work of life. 'We all know how it brighteus up thing.s generally to have a lively, witty companion, who sees the ridiculous points of things, and. can turn an annoyance into an occasion for laughter. It is a great 'deal better to laugh over some domestic mishaps than to cry or scold. over them. Many hornes and lives are dull because they are al- lowed to become too deeply impressed 'with a sense of the cares and responsi- bilities of -lite to recognize its bright and especially its naiathful side. Into such a household, good but dull, the advent of a witty, humorous friend is like sun- shine ou a cloudy day. While. it is al- ways oppressive to *hear persons con- stantly striving to say witty or funny thin•gs, it is comfortable to see what a brightener a little fun is -to make ail effort 'to have some at home. It is well to turn off an impatient question some- times, and to regard. it from a humor- ous point of view, instead of becoming irritated about it. "'Wife, what is the reason I can never find a clean shirt ?" exclaimed a good but rather impatient husband, after rumaging all through the wrong drawers. His wife looked at him steadily for a montent, half in- clined to be provoked, then, with a comical look, she said "I never 'could guess conundrums ; I give it up." Then he laughed, and they both laughed, and she went and got his shirt, and he felt ashamed of himself and kissed her, and be felt happy ; so, what might have been an occasion for hard words and unkind. feeling became just the con- trary, all through the little vein of humor that cropped out to the surface. Some children have a faculty -for giving a humorous turn to things when they are reproved. Itdoes just as well of- tentimes to laugh things off as to scold them off. Laughter is better than tears. Leb us have a little more of it at nonae. CANADIAN TROUSER- INGS. 4 7 NO BLOW BUT REAL FACTS.1 FOR THE SEASON OF 187 9 INTCD1=31=)1-1'.3 CHILLED PLOWS Proved and A cknowledged- to - ite the ,atandarcl Plow of America. FOR EASE OF DRAUHT,I QUALITY OF MATERIAL, - STRENGTH, LIGHT- NESS, AND FINISH, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Material used in the construc- tion of these Plows, or Smoothness of Face and 'Toughness, is superior to Cast Steel, and MANUFACTTRED by ME, only in Canada. GANG PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, SCUFFLERS, &C., In- this Department our Stock is Larger than ever, ranging in price..frons $18 to •fe35. The • Oita 4.e.; lea; ler OWED BY qls....tn:rPr.ti STAUB CmiTENtifn - COsetaisS1011 CENTENNIAL AN SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER SEAFORTH Are again to the fore this seasonwith their Agricultural Implements. They are still manufacturing the satne Plows as were awarded Special Distinction .at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They dehile to direct special attention to their NEW -GENERAL PURPOSE PLOW, PloWS that has 0 ever been introduced into this part of the It has been thoi °uglily tested, and has given general satisfaction to all This is one of the best Always !on hand, made of Improved who have us( d. it. It is no Ya.nkee invention, got up fur sale only, and. dependent 1 Patterns, and warranted (A.. 1). t on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. • COluinns, Castings, School, Church, Garden and Lawn ,Seats, and Cast Iron Fencing a Specialty. All Kinds of Repairing done and Good Work Guaranteed. JOHN NOPPER, Seaforth Foundry. itiOLLOWAY'S PILLS] ALL THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. 1 It is warranted to clan in any ground. We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yaukee humbug. • p WE ALSO MANUFACTURE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, c 12;4,D I HARDWARE. HARDWARE. SICHOF THE CIRCULAR SAW. 0 > ,L:-7) p 1 r- ......, ?......• c-t- CfQ FD;" ! ;C:i 0 w w c-r- PW 1 .,..., i rn ,-- CD , ... ,-, :: , ).._.... en ,-.....1 R' 1 . 0 0 9 1 r r;.1)...., -1-••• ),-......4 Tr.; O ED , ..... I /-•-• 4......• .--- ' ' ---)-. ZS; c:t,- i 0 ,...... 0 re; e-•• ci- ., 0 ". . ct- t". ; E0 0.4 , JI 1 ! 1 6 ,---"'• r-1- .,......, C , it.:-..) ' • .....1 -‹ ra C t -t - •'MI i 0 . ' r--. 1...; c•r- ."---::..,•'-' ,.._ . e•-) et , i--•-• ' C ,...., 1--1 ,-...., 0 - . :=1 ::n fp ; , tef.1 The old and well-known IThistle Cuttei- Plow, which, with ieceut im- provements, is better This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. These famous pills purify the BLOOD, and act most powerfully, ye,t toothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and BOWELS. rivirg tor e, energy, aud vigor to these great MLIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are co:Adeptly recommended as a never failing remedy in all casts where the constitution from whatever Critie-C•. hos mcin.paired or weaken- ed. They are a (nide; fully efficacious in all ail - m er.tIl it cielental to fl males Mtn]] ages : and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsur- passed. • [HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENt Its Searching and Healing- Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of I3AD I.EG S, Iad. breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infsPiblert 'city. If effectually rubbed on the tuck i.d lu•st, as salt into meat., it Cures SORE 111 ROM. , e.i.ehit is. Coughs, Colds, hs, and even AS1_ IIMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fit vitas. Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only In Endless Variety, from $6.50 to $10. at 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and are sold by all 'Valters of ...)ictelic.ibes throughout the Civilized World ; with directions for - uso in a1- . most every language. The Trude marls of these Medicines are reps- Lered 10 Otta-wa. Ileum any role throughout the From 4.50 to f39. British POgEefilii0L1H. who nett3 1:em the Ameri- can Connie) felts for sale, will be pi °scented. Purchase's •horild look to the Label on Pots and Boxes. If the addreEs is not 533, Ox- ford Sticet,•Loudon, they are spurious. From $3 to $G. SCOTCH UNDERCLOTHING. CANADIAN UNDERCLOTHING. In all sizes -S. Men's, Men's, 0. S. Men's, Extra 0. S. Men's and Double Eztra 0. S. Men's, at old prices. Very Cheap, 35c., 40c., 50c., 60c., 75c., 87ic., and $1. FELT HATS. Our Stock will be found, as usual, with all the Latest Novelties as they appear. FUR CAPS. In this Department we have a very large assortment in S. S. Seal, Persian Lamb, Mink, and. Otter. Full Lines in Imitation Goods. Also Scotch Alma, Whitney, Petersham, and other Fancy Cloths. GL G VES AND MITTS. Mao's Kid Gloves and Mitts, Wool Lined ; Dog Skin, Castor, Buck and Kid, Unlined. NTS' FURNISHINGS. This Department will be found very complete. • H LLY & ANDERSON, SEAFORTH. P. S. -The reputation we have obtained throughout the country justifies us in conc1uding that the great sup8riority of our Goods, Cut, and the exceeding Ne tness with which every Garment is finished, has been fully appreciated, and we assure our friends and the public of our determination to sustain the distinc- tiv character of every article made by employing none but the best and most reliable workmen, and by finishing every garment with the greatest possible care from the lowest price upwards. -11.. & A. C') CC Lea LaJ C/3 CC LU act ‘SH3MOIA1 MO HOU BRADLEY HARVESTERS, tz - -,than ever. Also la 1 trj b ., One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowing0 Gardens.1 0) . (° (... 0 em .--, SCUITLERS, AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS, C.) 73 1 P rn 2 Zi Q 0 12 • 0 Ct w cc (ILL- - 1 kJ " A WARDED Medalsst the World's Fair Phil adelpbia. U. S., 1.7€ ; Sydney, Auart.lia, 1877 ; Paris, France, 11"73; Gold and Silver Medals, Huron reaper Tiii1, W17, and Gold Everywhere suacessful. - Sold bv P. flognn end 'W. J. Grieve, Serforth ; Robert Ander•on, hippen ; Archibald MCnUy, Bruce -field John Roltinrem, Vnna: Godetieb ; David Halstead, Wingham ; T. Eng- lish, Brussels. Order early. Satisfaction guaranteed. Re- pairs can be had of am of the Agents. , L. D. SA.WYER Hamilton, Manufacturers. GEO. STEWAhl ,Genual Agent. C. M. DUNLOP'S Fall Tenn in Music will open on Eept. 16th. Pupils thould give in their names previous to the opening of the class. Those not hav- ing Instruments can lie accommodated. with use of Piano or organ at very mod- erate rates. Seaforth, S ept. 7, 1878. 661 This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in u -se, and Farmers should give it a trial before 'purchasing any other. • cl ..0 these implements are manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, te. and are better and more durable than those got up by large establishments. for 1 catch sales. Every implement warranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as ! those of any respectable establishment that tures out a good article. Plows of all the above kinds- kept constantly on hand, and can beseen at their I shop:at any time. IRON IIA.R,ROWS-TILE SCOTCII DIAMOND IIARRO WS KEPT Repairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make Repaired. Remember the hop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main-st., Seaforth. CO_VSTANTLY 0.N HAND. MALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER'. MALCOLM MONROE. CD10 c -f-(1) 1 X-4_ C.; M 0 • CO 1 C131 12-4 BUTTER. BUTTER. The Highest Market Price In Cash paid. for Good Fall Packed Butter, in Tennets and Crocks, I at Hickson & Bleasdelrs Drug atore, Seaforth. ALEXANDER 'MONROE. W. S. ROBERTSON. .imem•IMM)1011=111111.1011,1..... SAVE YOUR HAIR 1:.10001.7 PLUG BY USING PETROLINE HAIR RESTORAL .A. Preparatien of Canadian Petrol- eum, deodorized. and highly Perfumed. LUMBER FOR SALE. KEEPS THE HAIR GLOSSY AND FLEXIBLE. C:=A2f )) 1,1 17,4" \ 874k/eta, j, / N OIL Prevents Premature Grey Hairs, . / and. Renews it if bald. Price, 12Ac., Vre -_- -N44-77 35c. aud 40c. per bottle. For sale at se, J. S. ROBERTS' DRUG STORE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, AR Length, from 10 to 60 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKIL.LOP. The Subscriber bas also a LUMBER YARD ,1N SEAFORTH Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. THOMAS DOWNEY 11.11•1•1•••11....1.1....2•••••••14,1111MPIM! (1) ONTARIO PRINTERS' EMPORIUM. GWATKIN &- SON -\T H D 1C), TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, Cor. Bay and Wellington Streets. 0 THE CHEAPEST GOODS. A.. G.. & TT , IS NOW EEI)EI\ t SG A A Very Large Stock of all kinds of Groceries and A Fresh- _Lot of Canned Fruits, and Honey and -Ttillir;. A Fresh _Lot of those very. choice Teas in Black, Green and Japan. All Grades of 'Sugars, Syrups and Molasses. Currants, Raisins, Primes, Dried Apples, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Poi Barley, Elour, Shorts, best of Hams and _Bacon. All kinds of Fresh Garden, Seeds, Top Onions, Potato Onions and Set Onions and Potatoes. Cream Crocks, Milk Pans, Flower Pots, &c. I Lard, B -utter, Eggs, and a good va- riety of Soaps. Soda ,Bidcuito in 3 pound boxes, at 25c. and. pure grind Coffee. Also that Celebrated English Excelsior Hot se and Cattle Fond. All are invited to come and. get, sortie cf the Cheapest Goods in the Dominion . Don't forget the place :- A. G. AULT'S GROCERY, BOOTS I BOOTS II r*T-ii Suitable for the Season andl. at Prices to Suit the Times, at THOMAS COVENTRY'S. t 601 Main Street, SEAFOBTH 1 am, just opening my and Winter .Stock, comprisiity all the • different lines. I hare a large quantity of Men's and Boy's Riveted Boots, which are unquestionably the best Fa - tory work made. 111.11 Custom. Work, of all kinds is the bestthat. Melt, and money can produce. Repairing -neatly done. So, to all who want f:itn.ni value in Boots, I say come eithPr with c6:3t or a good roord ‘for prompt paging -slow pagers are a curse to tra:le. .1 Liberal Disconnt to ca,h buyers, With thanks for past patronage, I am waiting all reasonable commands to execute. THOMAS COVENTRY, Sign of tbe Mammoth Boot, Stark's moat Main Street, Seaforth. 0 ‘sioAotis 1 4 c:4) 1 0 ' '1 1 > Z CD ; i 17-1 O - i , Si) 041 . - P.) 0 CO M (..n 71 CD 2;1.) ti 1, 0 s -ss (1) -. e-4- 7; o 1-4 )-1 11.4 l' 04 i tgi I . 0 R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and. Retail Dealer in LEATHER and- SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None brit the Very Beet Stock kept. Term* moderate. A. Trial Solicited. All orders; by mil or otherwice promptly tilled. sit: II. X, BRETT